the beacon november 2006 · house each week to meet his friends for a cup of tea ... 1 oct jean...

50p THE BEACON The Parish Magazine of All Saints’ Sedgley & St Andrew’s The Straits 50p November 2012

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    November 2006

    The Parish Magazine of

    All Saints’ Sedgley & St Andrew’s The Straits


    November 2012


    The Parish Magazine of

    All Saints’ Sedgley & St Andrew’s The Straits


    November 2012

  • 2

    “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”

    Albert Einstein For over 100 years you have been helping local people with sight loss

    This year you helped Anne-Marie to ride a bike on her own for the first time, you helped Frank leave his house each week to meet his friends for a cup of tea and a chat and you helped William receive the care and support he needs every day.

    Making a gift to us in your will can make a big difference for people like Anne-Marie, Frank, and William.

    Make your last gift really count

    Live for today but be their hope for tomorrow

    Call Jo Ellis on 01902 880111

    Charity Registration No 216092

  • 3

    ALL SAINTS’, SEDGLEY Sunday Services

    8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Parish Communion (First Sunday: All-Age Worship) 6.30 p.m. Evensong (BCP)

    Weekday Services

    Monday 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Holy Communion (1st Wednesday: Healing Service)

    ST ANDREW’S, THE STRAITS Sunday Service 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (1st Sunday: Morning Prayer)

    Weekday Service

    Wednesday 7.00 p.m. Holy Communion

    THE STRAITS CHURCH Sunday Services 9.30 a.m. Prayer & Communion

    11.00 a.m. Family Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer

    (When there is a fifth Sunday in the month the three churches in the Team Ministry meet for a united service at either 9.30 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. depending on the venue.)

    Baptisms & Weddings Arrangements for baptisms and weddings at All Saints’ and St Andrew’s can be made at the Vestry Hour at All Saints’, which is held on Wednesdays at 8.00 p.m. in All Saints’.

    Baptisms are generally held on the fourth Sunday of the month at 4.00 p.m. at All Saints’, and on the second Sunday of the month at 3.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s. Baptisms can also take place during the Sunday morning service at All Saints’

    or St Andrew’s by arrangement.

  • 4



    Team Rector The Revd Stephen Buckley 01902 883255

    (Day off Friday) Team Vicar The Revd Andy Stand 883467 (Day off Monday) Asst Curate The Revd Rob Parker-McGee (Day off Friday) 01384 860525

    Reader Jan Humphries 01902 661275

    Authorised Lay Minister Suzanne Bradley 880055

    PCC Secretary Chris Williams 672880


    Parish Wardens Rob Lavender 01902 661325

    Derrick Turner 895066 DCC Secretary Pam Hunt 670787 Treasurer Derrick Turner 895066 Electoral Roll Liz Williams 672880 Verger Len Millard 676339

    Organist Mel Jones 0121 550 1604 Bell Ringers Keith Williams 01902 672585 Servers Len Millard 676339 Junior Church Barbara Price 676591

    Youth Group Laura Price " "

    Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler Group Linda Edwards 672556

    Hall Bookings The Vicarage 883255 Hall Caretaker Joan Moon 682902

    Social Club John Dillworth 670156

    Magazine Editor Christine Buckley 883255 Distribution Rob Lavender 661325 Advertising " " " "

  • 5

    Mothers’ Union Liz Williams 672880 Ladies’ Society Geraldine Baker 674608 Men’s Society Roger Berry 881374

    Uniformed Organisations Rainbows Liz Naylor 01902 885517 Brownies Heather Churm 07530 977090

    ST ANDREW’S Church Warden Margaret Probin 01902 883163 DCC Secretary Rosemary Reed Treasurer Gordon Betteley 882777

    Sacristan May Smith Little Angels Mums & Toddlers Sarah Parker-McGee 01384 860525

    THE STRAITS COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Maurice Powell 01902 885402



    PARISH FUNERALS 1 Oct Jean Jukes, aged 81

    2 Oct Bernard Iddles, aged 82 18 Oct Florence Evans, aged 95 29 Oct Eileen Southhall, aged 81 31 Oct Gordon Alfred Harvatt, aged 89

  • 6


    Articles for the November magazine should be sent to the Vicarage by Sunday

    18 November. They may also be sent by e-mail to [email protected].


    If you are interested in having the magazine delivered to your home on a

    regular basis, please contact Rob Lavender: tel. 01902 661325. The Beacon is

    published ten times a year and the cost for the year is £5.

    FLOWER ROTA 4 Nov Ladies Society – Jenny Lavender

    11 Nov British Legion – Bob Hill, Liz Williams, Keith & Brenda Tomlinson

    18 Nov In memory of Mr & Mrs Saddler

    28 Oct Advent (No flowers)


    Friday mornings from 10.30am to 12.30pm

    The church is open for quiet prayer & coffee and a chat.

    We will be pleased to see you

    All Saints’ Church Hall

    The hall is available for hire by groups on a weekly basis, or for one-off events.

    (No private parties)

    For further information please contact: All Saints’ Vicarage Tel. 01902 883255

    E mail: [email protected]

  • 7


    A number of years ago Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear, presented a documentary, ‘The

    Victoria Cross: For Valour’. This told the stories of some VC heroes, including his own

    father-in-law, who he never knew. Moved by these stories, Clarkson went on to ask,

    ‘How can we call the likes of David Beckham a hero for scoring a goal? I wonder who

    your heroes are today?’

    In this season of remembrance we think especially of those who have sacrificed

    their lives in war. However, Jesus calls us all to a radical and supernatural heroism

    when he says, ‘You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate

    your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute

    you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.’ (Matt 5:43-45).

    God calls us to love even those we regard as our enemies. It’s easy to love

    those we get on with or find attractive. The love of which Jesus speaks, as

    throughout the New Testament, is agape love. This quality of love seeks and

    works only for the good of the other person. When we can pray for someone

    we don’t get on with, God begins to answer your prayer by softening our

    attitude toward them. We love them because they are individuals created in the

    image of God and in need of God’s forgiveness and grace, just like us.

    This month marks the 25th anniversary of the Enniskillen bombing in Northern

    Ireland on 8th November 1987. An IRA bomb exploded during a Remembrance Day

    service, resulting in 11 people being killed and 63 injured. What is remembered most

    from this day is the interview Gordon Wilson gave only hours after the bombing. It

    brought him to international prominence, as he described the conversation with his

    dying daughter Marie, as they lay buried in rubble.

    To the astonishment of listeners, Wilson went on to say, ‘But I bear no ill

    will. I bear no grudge… She's in heaven and we shall meet again. I will pray

    for these men tonight and every night.’ The impact of his words lay in his

    willingness to forgive the bombers, and as a result Wilson went on to dedicate

    his life as a campaigner for peace and reconciliation. He perfectly models Jesus

    words for us. ‘No words in more than twenty-five years of violence in Northern

    Ireland had such a powerful, emotional impact.’


    Much to my surprise Bishop John has appointed me an Honorary Canon of

    Worcester Cathedral. I shall be installed in the Cathedral during Evensong on

    Wednesday 28th November. The service begins at 5.30 pm, and you are all

    welcome to attend.

    Stephen Buckley

  • 8


    Dear Friends,

    October saw a number of initiatives taking place designed to encourage and

    nurture people in their faith. Whether young, old, relatively new to church

    life or old hands, a number of opportunities have been taking place

    designed to deepen people’s spiritual confidence. One such initiative saw

    us take a group of young people to a monastery for a weekend. Unsure of

    what they would find or what would be in store for them, they were all,

    without exception, pleasantly surprised.

    Over a period of 48 hours we witnessed young, enthusiastic Christians

    grow immensely as they simply began to understand what it was to allow

    God to take the lead and not be afraid of what a deeper relationship with

    Him may mean.

    Central to this, of course, is prayer and contemplative liturgy and worship.

    Through our daily and weekly offerings, our central purpose should be to move

    into a closer relationship with our Creator God who loves us unconditionally

    and, in the words of St Gregory of Nyssa created humanity in order that it may

    ‘participate in the divine goodness’.

    It is this divine goodness that we should, if it is done well, manage to get

    fleeting glimpses of through our liturgical offerings. Space, silence and gentle

    rhythm are all key to this, but so too is an understanding from within each and

    every worshipper that moving closer to the divine nature and participating in

    the ultimate goodness of God are longings that are ingrained parts of our very

    being, planted within us from our very creation. In our prayer and worship we

    are allowing these longings to be nourished and grow.

    Essential to all of this, of course, is prayer. If we really do accept that we all

    have a built in longing for divine goodness then we must start to deepen our

    relationship with the very essence of that goodness. Just as when we develop a

    friendship with another person we have to communicate with them and we

    have a real longing to learn about them, so is the case with God. The more we

    talk to Him, the more we pray; the more we learn about Him, the closer we

    move towards His divine goodness.

    One of the monks on the weekend away told the youngsters that he sometimes

    found two things difficult; prayer and the other monks. Relationships are not

    always easy, and sometimes they take time and perseverance. Often, if a

    relationship is to become anything more than just superficial, one has to long for

    something more and become intrigued about what it is that makes the other person

    what they are: seeking to delve ever deeper into the essence of the other person’s

    being; removing the layers that can obscure the real person within as they go. This

    is exactly what prayer is all about.

  • 9

    Of course it is important that we pray for the big things in our world, places

    experiencing natural disasters, those caught up in conflict, people who are in

    the grips of sickness. ‘But what’, many people ask me, ‘do we do when we

    simply can’t focus on these more detached concerns?’ ‘We know that to be a

    good Christian we should pray for these things, but can’t stop ourselves getting

    distracted,’ they say. Herbert McCabe OP, the highly respected philosopher and

    theologian, suggests that the reason we sometimes can’t concentrate on these

    things is simply because there are more pressing personal concerns on our

    minds. They may be serious or things we think are trivial, but whether it is a

    personal illness that is dominating our thoughts or that new Xbox we

    desperately want for Christmas, we should not be shy to offer it up to God.

    God may well grant our prayer, or he may use it as an opportunity to teach us

    something new, either way it will not fall on deaf ears and He will respond.

    As we mentioned earlier, God is drawing us into deeper personal relationship with

    Him and we all feel the deep longing to become ever more enfolded in His divine

    goodness (even if we don’t yet recognise it). This requires real and deep friendship and

    this in turn requires us to share all that we are. God was so concerned with our well

    being that He came among us in the form of His son. Christ was fully human and as

    such He was not only concerned with the highfaluting grand problems of the world, but

    with the messy and dirty business of daily life. He was as concerned with the immediate

    and ‘trivial’ as he was the detached and the political. In Christ we are shown that our

    God is a caring God, one whose essence is goodness and whose care is with each and

    every one of us as individuals.

    Fr Rob


    Held on Saturday 6th October

    Our Autumn Fayre, held just a few weeks ago, was very successful. Not only

    did we raise £ 1,387.70 for the Society but it seemed more successful than ever

    as a social occasion. Maybe it was the lovely sunshine that made the people

    who attended so cheerful. We also had the pleasure of welcoming the Choir of

    the Alder Coppice School who sang a number of very cheerful songs

    beautifully enhancing the enjoyment of the occasion for everyone.

    It only remains for me to thank not only our organising Committee but also people

    who donated prizes for the stalls, bought raffle tickets and helped on the day,

    including the stall holders, kitchen staff and the heavy mob that put out the tables.

    Anne Hart

  • 10


    Everyone enjoyed our Bring and Share Harvest Lunch at the beginning of

    October. Members provided a lovely selection of food and the games of Beetle

    which followed made for a very pleasurable afternoon of fellowship.

    Maureen and John Harper are known to many of us for their work, over the

    years, with the Children’s Society but they were wearing different hats when

    they came to our evening meeting in October. Maureen is a keen photographer

    and in ‘What a Wonderful World’ she used the well-known Louis Armstrong

    song as a backing for her slides at the beginning and end of the evening. We

    visited six counties in the middle section of the presentation, without leaving

    our seats, and with a little help from John we were able to identify most of the

    places we saw, and he told us many interesting facts about them. It was a

    pleasant and relaxing evening which reminded us of the many lovely places

    there are to visit in this country and how lucky we are to have so many of them

    on our doorstep. It was disappointing that more members were not present to

    enjoy the presentation.

    A Sorbus ‘Autumn Spire’ tree, a form of ‘Joseph Rock’, has been planted in

    the church garden in memory of past Mothers’ Union members. We are having

    a plaque made and when that is done Stephen will bless the tree. When a time

    has been arranged to do this I will let you know.

    Congratulations to Alice Bradley who will be celebrating her 90th Birthday at

    the end of November.


    6 Nov 2.30pm Oberammergau Revd. Heather Humphrey

    10 Nov 9.30am MU Council Bromsgrove

    20 Nov 7.30pm Corners of a Foreign Field, Barbara Price

    27 Nov 12.30pm for 1.00pm: Christmas Meal, Thornescroft

    Liz Williams


    Rainbows caters for girls between 5 and 11, and we meet in All Saints’ Church

    Hall in Vicar Street on Mondays between 5.15 and 6.30 pm. There is a whole

    range of activities for the children to join in, and we have a lot of fun. If you

    are interested in bringing children along, or would like more information please

    contact Lizzie on 07821 612378.

  • 11

    St Andrew’s – The Straits Christmas Fayre

    Saturday 17th November

    11 am onwards











  • 12

    Kevin Weston Decorating

    Special rates for Senior Citizens

    Local Authority approved

    Advanced City & Guilds

    23 years’ experience

    Free quotations

    Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

    12 Himley Lane, Swindon DY3 4PW

    01384 401859 07981 596109


    Independent, Professional Eye care

    Contact Lens Centre Glaucoma Screening

    8 Dudley Street Sedgley Dudley

    West Midlands DY3 1SB

    Tel. 01902 883260



    35 Dudley Street Sedgley

    Tel. 01902 674200

    Newspapers, Confection-ary,

    Magazines, Tobacco,

    Stationery, Greeting Cards,

    Payzone/Mobile Top Up

    Gas/Electricity payments


    Tel 01902 883255 E mail: [email protected]

    Rates for 12 months

    Quarter page £25 Half page £40 Full page £70

    The magazine is distributed to 350 households in the

    Sedgley area

  • 13

    Sarah Powell Foot Health Practitioner RGN Dip, CFHP, MPSP (FHP)

    Friendly Home visiting services in this area

    Foot health check

    Nails trimmed

    Corns and calluses treated

    Problem nails treated

    Foot massage to finish

    After-care advice given

    Discount given for initial treatment

    For more information or to make an Appointment please ’phone 01902 671824

  • 14

    Arthur's Jewellery

    Hand made gold & silver jewellery

    Repairs, remounts

    Antique jewellery repaired & restored

    The Craft Centre Halfpenny Green Vineyard

    Tel: 01384 221567 Mob: 07856 898558




    For low cost motor insurance Household insurance Personal accident &

    travel insurance

    Payment by instalments available Written details on request For a free quotation call:

    01902 880044

    K G J

    07837 767344

    01902 881361

    [email protected]

    Block Booking Discounts Pass plus Tuition

    Free Theory Test Guidance First Lesson: 2 hours for price of 1

  • 15


    KITCHEN Speciality Caterers

    Evening & lunchtime

    catering to suit

    all occasions

    Full waitress service

    (Ask for details)

    Tel: 01384 400733



    Stephen L Rees B.D.S. U. Birm MFGDP (UK)


    01902 670080

    The Surgery

    Sedgley Hall Avenue



    DY3 3TA


    Independent Estate

    Agents & Valuers

    For a friendly &

    personal service

    2A Dudley Street



    West Midlands DY3 1SB

    Tel. 01902 880888

    Fax 01902 665075

    www. Taylors–

    Sandyfields Home improvements

    Andy Barnfield

    Painting & Decorating

    Flooring & Fencing

    Jet Washing & Gardening

    45 Sandyfields Road Sedgley Dudley

    West Midlands DY3 3LB

    Tel: 01902 884807 Mob: 07852 435060

  • 16

    Painting & Decorating Services

    Papering - Painting

    Property Maintenance

    Houses - Shops - Offices

    Residential & Commercial

    Member of Dudley Age Concern Fix a Home Scheme

    Worth Sides

    Turf Specialist Quality Lawn Maintenance

    Mowing & Edging Turf Installation

    Hedge Trimming Light Hauling

    Wood Chip Mulching

    Pressure Washing

    Mobile 07816 250387 Home 01902 881206

    Phil Orton

    For an estimate:

    Tel: 01902 894830 Mob: 07974 281894




    From changing a Light Fitting to a Consumer Board

    From a Dripping Tap to a complete Bathroom Suite

    No job too small No job too big

    Call Phil: 01902 673 419 Mob. 07836 770135

    Alderbrook Close, Sedgley




    New Memorials Additional Inscriptions


    Unit 1D High Street, Sedgley

    DY3 1RP

    Tel/Fax 01902 882466

  • 17

    ANDREW NICHOLLS Heating & Plumbing

    3 Northway, Sedgley Tel 01902 683586

    (Gas Safe)

    New to the area, but with 30 years’ experience

    Central Heating Boilers

    Water Heaters, Cookers, Fires

    Full Installation Service Available

    Annual Services

    Landlord Safety Certificates

    All Kinds of Plumbing Work

  • 18


    Intruder Alarms, Maintenance Contracts

    Repairs & Upgrades, Annual Service

    Existing systems maintained & repaired

    Est. 15 years - Insurance Approved

    sahib registered installer

    68 Longmeadow Drive, Sedgley DY3 3QR

    Tel: 01902 883188

    The Shaggy Dog Pet Grooming Centre for Dogs and Cats

    For busy people we take bookings for Bank Holidays and Sundays

    17 Bilston St, Sedgley DY3 1JA

    Tel: 01902 661377

    Evenings: 01902 677869

    (As recommended by Maisie, the Vicarage Dog)

  • 19



    Walls & Floors




    & Conservatories

    12 Dudmaston Way Dudley DY1 GQ

    Tel. 01384 234323 Mob. 07595 879267


    For all your household needs Replacement locks/keys

    Lockouts, Servicing Repairs & security upgrades

    Motorcycle security, chains & padlocks Friendly service

    (Don’t forget to add the tel. no. to your mobile, you never know when you might need to use it!!)

    Tel: 07905882148 E-mail: [email protected]


    For all your home & office stationery

    supplies ring Richard, Maria,

    or Mel Bates on:

    01902 871682


  • 20


    House & Office Removals Fully Insured

    Clearances & Storage Free Estimates

    13 Robert Street Lower Gornal

    Dudley DY3 2AZ

    Tel. 01902 680081



    Old Fashioned & Traditional Sweets

    Pick and Mix Gifts and More

    Children’s Party Bags

    Has Gareth Malone inspired you to sing? Then come and join us!

    We are

    Coseley Male Voice Choir

    And we want more men to join us. Tenors particularly welcome.

    We practise on Monday evenings approximately 1 mile from Sedgley. If you are interested

    please urgently call Gordon on 01902 658402.

    We are also taking Concert Bookings for 2013 and if you would like the Choir to perform for you please speak to Sheila on 0121 520 0739.

  • 21

    Sedgley P o w e r w a s h S e r v i c e s

    Cleaning Specialists in:

    Blocked Paved Driveways Pathways Patios Garden wall & Stone Ornaments Oil Stain Removal Camera Guided Gutter Cleaning

    CONTACT PETE ON 07791 241952

    PENNY FARTHING COFFEE HOUSE Penny Farthing Arcade, High Street,

    Sedgley, DY3 1RW

    Telephone 07515 898038

    Come in and try our scrumptious cakes,

    our selections of delicious hot and cold drinks.

    Fancy some food? Warming soups, hot meal of the day, create your

    own fresh sandwich, panini, plus jacket potatoes and fillings.

    You’re guaranteed a warm and friendly welcome every visit.

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Outside catering also available

  • 22


    The Royal Hospital

    Poor Geraldine! Once again our designated speaker was unable to come, and

    once again one of our members, Pauline Turner, was able to fill the breach. We

    certainly have some talent in our group! I do however, as I’m sure all of my

    fellow members do, wish our intended speaker, Roy Stallard, a speedy

    recovery from his broken back. Perhaps we will see him another time?

    Pauline regaled us with her experiences as a nurse at the Royal Hospital. Her

    initial training was shared between the Royal and New Cross hospitals, but she

    really “belonged to” the Royal. Pauline told us of her initial training where she

    wore a bright yellow uniform and she and her colleagues were referred to as

    “The Daffodils”. I’m sorry Pauline, but somehow I can’t see you as a Daffodil!

    Pauline gained experience in the Diabetic Clinic, E.N.T. and Orthopaedic

    departments, and began her “Proper Training” in 1970. She began in Female

    Surgical but preferred the men’s ward – I wonder why? She had the job of

    swabbing the operating theatre after operations which on occasions with her

    colleagues developed into a “Water Fight”, to such an extent that water was

    running down the stairs and there was an enquiry about burst pipes!

    There were lots more anecdotes of a similar nature which made us all laugh.

    Pauline was quite sad when the Royal closed and everything (including Pauline)

    was transferred to New Cross. She is still happy though and I have been privileged

    to see her in action at work. She is obviously very efficient, but is still the same

    “Bubbly” Pauline that we all know. Pauline obviously loves her work and it is

    comforting to know that the NHS still has some caring personnel, refuting all the

    criticism that they seem to get these days. It will seem strange to see the Royal in

    its’new guise: a supermarket, a conference hall, and residential properties. At least

    they are keeping the Façade intact. Thank you very much Pauline, keep up the

    good work, with you the NHS is in safe hands!

    Just two days after our meeting, quite a few of our members were at the Mill

    Theatre to see a performance of “Whistle Down the Wind”, as usual from our

    various local amateur societies, this production was very good and well received by

    the whole audience. Our thanks go once again to Barbara who organised this outing

    for us.

    I hope to see you all ladies on November 5 for a talk and demonstration of

    Party Jewellery.

    Molly Taft

  • 23


    We will be holding a Christmas Tree Festival in church from Friday 7 December to

    Sunday 9 December and Friday 14 December to Sunday 16 December. The theme

    this year is ‘Tell me a Story’. Admission will be free, light refreshments will be

    available and any donations during the weekends will be for the Biblelands Charity.

    We look forward to seeing you and your family and friends.



    The Mothers’ Union Choir


    The City of Wolverhampton Brass Band Saturday 8 December


    Tickets: £6 (including light supper)

  • 24


    1st All Saints

    2nd All Souls

    3rd Martin of Porres

    4th The Gornal & Sedgley Team

    5th Peace in the Middle East

    6th William Temple, Archbishop

    7th Diocese of Morogoro

    8th The hungry & thirsty of this world

    9th Saints & Martyrs of England

    10th Kingswinford Deanery

    11th Remembrance Sunday

    12th Our work with the young in the parish

    13th Charles Simeon, Priest

    14th The Persecuted Church

    15th Salvation Army

    16th Margaret of Scotland

    17th Hugh, Bishop

    18th Bishops John & David

    19th Hilda of Whitby, Abbess

    20th Edmund, King & Martyr

    21st The Homeless

    22nd Cecilia, Martyr

    23rd Clement, Bishop & Martyr

    24th The Homeless

    25th Christ the King

    26th The work of SSAFA

    27th The Bereaved

    28th Beacon Centre for the Blind and Partially Sighted

    29th The Missionary Work of our Church

    30th Andrew the Apostle

  • 25

    AROUND THE PARISH Happy birthday and congratulations to Joan Blackmore, who celebrated her

    90th birthday with her family at the Red Lion at Bobbington on 10th October.

    A few weeks ago Joan fell and broke her wrist but I’m glad to say she has fully

    recovered and was able to join us at church on Friday for coffee and biscuits.

    A quote from “Thoughts for Every Day”. As days go by we live and learn and

    with the years grow wise. We sift the false things from the true and see with

    clearer eyes. As each birthday comes along we find that we can say, that time

    has left a trail of blessings all along the way.

    More special birthdays next month.

    Silver wedding congratulations to Michael and Val Stanley of Wall-under-

    Heywood, Shropshire, son and daughter-in-law of Margaret Stanley, who were

    married at All Saints on 24 October 1987. No final plans at the moment but we

    wish them a lovely day.

    The Salvation Army Rally was once again a joyful happy day. Many people

    joined from churches around Sedgley. Rousing hymns were sung and prayers

    were said. The address was given by Rev Stephen Buckley. We were also

    entertained by two solo violinists. The meeting ended with tea and cakes.

    The Macmillan coffee morning was well attended. It was good to see so many

    people supporting a good cause.

    Junior church presented a short play for the harvest festival on Sunday 7

    October at the 10:30 service; it was well received. Congratulations to all the

    children and teachers.

    Sad news. Trevor Genge died on Friday 5 October after a long illness. He has

    left a legacy of books full of knowledge and pictures. He will never be

    forgotten as he lectured at many organisations and clubs; his knowledge was

    incredible. I never saw anything written down during his “talks”. We send

    condolences to all members of his family and hope in the fullness of time that

    happy memories will help to ease the sorrow they are now feeling.

    Dorothy Inett

  • 26


    A view on life When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day

    are not enough, remember the pint glass and two beers.

    A professor stood before his philosophy class, on their first day of term on the table

    in front of him he had some items. When the class began, without speaking he

    picked up a very large and empty pint glass he proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

    He then asked the students if the beer glass was full. They all agreed that it was.

    The professor then picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the

    glass shaking it slightly. The pebbles slipped into the open areas between the

    golf balls. He then asked the students again if the glass was full. They all said

    that it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the

    glass. Of course, the sand filled up all those little small gaps between the golf

    balls and the pebbles. Again he asked if the pint glass was full. The students

    responded with a unanimous yes!!!

    The professor then produced two bottles of beer from under the table and

    proceeded to pour the entire contents into the glass effectively being absorbed

    by or filling any empty spaces between the sand. The students laughed.

    “Now”, said the professor once the laughter had subsided, “I want you to recognize

    that in this pint glass the golf balls are your life, your family, your children, your

    health, your friends and your favourite pastimes - and if everything else is lost and

    only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things in

    your life that matter your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else - the

    little things in life.”

    “If you put the sand into the beer glass first,” he continued, “there is no room for the

    pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy

    on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important for you. Pay

    attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children.

    Spend time with your parents. Visit grandparents, grandchildren. Take your wife or

    husband out to dinner. Play another 18. there will always be time to clean the house, or

    mow the lawn. Take care of the golf balls first - the things that really matter. Set your

    priorities. The rest is just sand.”

    One of the students raised her hand and enquired what the beers had represented.

    The professor smiled and said,” I’m glad you asked. The beer shows that no matter

    how full your life appears, there will always be room for the odd couple of beers

    with friends from time to time.” Author anon.

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    Life is much too short to be living someone else's dream.

    Strength doesn't come from what you can do it comes from overcoming the things

    you once thought you couldn’t.

    Peace will come when we replace the love of power with the power of love.

    Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you no one would believe it.

    Yes, you can. However you have absolutely got to really want to.

    Life’s tragedy is that for some people they get old too soon and wise too late.

    Life may not be exactly the party you hoped for, but while you are there you

    might as well dance.

    Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

    If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to

    learn, no one can stop you.

    Compiled by David Melhuish


    SATURDAY 1st DECEMBER 11.00 a.m.









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    ‘Tell me a Story’

    All Saints’ Church, Sedgley

    Friday 7 - Sunday 9 December &

    Friday 14 - Sunday 16 December

    Friday & Saturday - 10am - 4pm Sundays - 1pm - 4pm

    Admission: Free

    Light Refreshments available Donations to Bible Lands

  • 29

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    Sunday and weekday services at All Saints’, St Andrew’s and The Straits Community Church

    are advertised on page 2 of this magazine. Any alteration to this pattern is shown below.

    All Saints’

    Sun 4 Nov 6.30 pm All Souls Communion Service

    Mon 5 Nov 7.30 pm Ladies Society meets in the church hall

    Tues 6 Nov 2.30 pm MU meets in the church hall

    “ 7.30 pm The DCC meets in the social club

    Sun 11 Nov 10.30 am Service of Remembrance

    “ 6.30 pm Annual Memorial Service

    Mon 19 Nov 7.45 pm Men’s Society meets in the social club

    Tues 20 Nov 7.30 pm MU meets in church

    Sat 24 Nov 12.00 noon Wedding

    “ 2.00 pm Wedding

    Tues 27 Nov 7.30 pm Baptism meeting in the social club

    ‘Noah’s Ark” Mums & Toddlers meets in the hall on Tuesdays at 9.30 am in term time.

    St Andrew’s Tues 19 7.30 pm DCC meets in church

    ‘Little Angels’ Mums & Toddlers meets in the hall on Mondays at 9.30 am in term time.

    St Andrew’s ‘Silver Threads’ (over 60s) meet each Wednesday from 10.30 am to

    12.30 pm in the church hall.

    Diocesan, Deanery & Parish Events

    Sun 4 Nov 10.30 am All Saints’ Patronal Festival – Team Service

    Mon 12 Nov 7.00pm Diocesan Synod

    Tues 13 Nov 7.30 pm Deanery Synod meets in Wordsley Church Hall

    Fri 16 Nov 3.30 pm ‘Friday Fun’ a St Andrew’s

    Sat 17 Nov 9.30 am ‘Dad’s Breakfast’ at All Saints’

    “ 11.00 am St Andrew’s Church Fair

    “Living the Life”

    Mon 12 Nov 7.30 pm Group 1 meets at 9a Turls Hill Rd

    Tues 13 Nov 2.30 pm Group 2 meets in the social club

    “ 4.00 pm Group 3 meets in St Andrew’s church hall

    Mon 26 Nov 7.30 pm Group 1 meets – venue to be arranged

    Tues 27 Nov 2.30 pm Group 2 meets in the social club

    “ 4.00 pm Group 3 meets in St Andrew’s church hall

  • 31


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