the behaviour of l-valves with granular powders

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  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders


    Powder Technology 67 (1991) 163-174


    The behaviour of L-valves with granular powders

    D Geldart


    P J ones

    School of Powder T echnology, Departmen of Chemical E ngineeri ng, Universiw of Bradford, Bradf ord, West Yorkshire

    BD7 IDP (UK)

    (Received July 19, 1990; in revised form February 4, 1991)


    An extensive experimental program was carried out on three sands, all group B powders, in L-valves

    of diameter 40, 70 and 100

    mm. The radius of the elbow, the number of aeration points and the

    inclination of the horizontal section influence the solids flow rate. In a system in which both the feed

    hopper and the discharging solids are at atmospheric pressure, the maximum solids fluxes achievable

    can be calculated from hopper discharge correlations and are in the range 600- 1200 kg/(m*.s). The

    minimum aeration gas requirement is determined by the incipient fluidization velocity of the powder.

    Correlations are given from which the aeration gas flow rate and the pressure drop across the L-valve

    can be calculated for any solids flux, and a design procedure is

    given for systems using group




    L-valves belong to a class of devices for controlling

    the flow of granular materials with injected gas alone.

    These non-mechanical devices also include J- and

    V-valves, and because there are no moving parts in

    contact with the solids, they are therefore particularly

    suitable for use in environments which are hostile

    to materials of construction, such as high temper-

    atures, abrasive particles and corrosive gases. They

    are cheap to construct, do not seize up, and can be

    easily replaced.

    In this study, carried out under cold conditions,

    the objectives were to study the influence of pipe

    diameter and type of solids on the operability of

    the L-valve system, to understand the parameters

    which influence its behaviour and to devise a strategy

    for design and scale-up.


    The basic solids circulation system is shown in

    Fig. 1. It consists of a mechanical conveyor, a large

    hopper, an L-valve and an inclined chute. Both the

    top of the feed hopper and the discharge end of

    the L-valve are vented to atmosphere. The tubular

    chute, of diameter 150 mm, is inclined downwards

    to give free flow of solids into the elevator feed

    hopper and has a segment cut out of its upper surface

    half way down its length. Rotation of the chute




    Fig. 1. Solids circulating system.

    through 180 on its axis allows the solids to be

    diverted into a container for a time, so that mass

    flow rates of the solids can be measured. Some early

    experiments were done using an air slide instead of

    the chute.

    0032-5910/91/ 3.50 0 1991 - Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    The arrangement of the various L-valves is shown

    in Fig. 2. The aeration point (AP) is in every



    or 100 mm above the centre line of the horizontal

    section. The pressure tappings contain a small wad

    of cotton wool to prevent ingress of particles and

    are connected to water manometers by rubber tubing.

    In most cases, there are four tappings around the

    circumference at each of the lower levels. With one

    exception, all the L-valves are made of Perspex to

    permit visual observation of the flow. The pipes are

    40, 70 and 100 mm internal diameter, have 555mm

    long horizontal sections and 3..52- or 3.81-m long

    vertical standpipes. In addition, two 40-mm internal

    diameter steel pipes were used, one being fitted with

    a flexible elbow to allow the horizontal section to

    be inclined downwards at various angles. A limited

    number of tests was carried out in which a 280-mm

    long horizontal section of 20-mm bore Perspex tube

    replaced the same length of 40-mm bore pipe, thus

    providing a constriction in the discharge end of the


    The feed hopper consists of a 600-mm diameter

    cylinder with a lower conical section having a half-

    angle of 30. For the powders used, this acted as a

    mass flow hopper. Smaller conical sections could be





    Steel L-Vdv. wtth

    bolted to the bottom flange of the main cone to

    match up with the different sizes of downcomer.

    This general arrangement has several advantages

    over the more usual method involving return of solids

    to the feed hopper by pneumatic conveying.

    - Solids mass flow rates can be measured directly,

    eliminating the need to use calibrations or mea-

    surement of particle velocities at the wall, both of

    which can be unreliable.

    - The pressure balance around the loop depends

    only on the L-valve operation and not on pressure

    drops in the return loop.

    - Attrition of the solids is negligible.

    Solids used

    The full experimental programme involved four

    sands, vermiculite, and a fine coal char. However,

    the behaviour of the group A powders (one of the

    sands, the vermiculite and the char) wasvery different

    from that of the group B solids and will be discussed

    in a separate paper. The properties of the three

    sands discussed in this paper are summarized in

    Table 1.

    The mean sieve sizes are calculated from






    -a 2

    Q i

    -AP o-


    ---- -


    70 and 1OOmm

    Perspex L-valves







    L-Valva with Fixad 9OElbow

    Flexlbl. Elbow Dbn nmlons In mm

    Fig. 2. Dimensions and positions of pressure tappings in 40-, 70- and loo-mm diameter valves.

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    TABLE 1. Properties of the powders used



    Sl s3 s4

    Mean sieve size ci, (pm) 280 500 790

    Surface-volume diameter 2, (em) 243 435 650

    Particle density pr (kg/m3)

    2645 2604 2661

    Bulk densities:

    Loosely packed paLp (kg/m3) 1562 1.527 1534

    Tapped IJ~T (kg/m3)

    1668 1685 1687



    0.409 0.413 0.423


    0.369 0.353 0.366

    Minimum fluidization

    velocity U,, (cm/s)

    6.4 20.4 40


    dp= -


    and the mean surface-volume diameter 8, was ob-

    tained by measuring


    pressure drop across a fixed

    bed of the powder and back-calculating d,, using

    the Ergun equation. The minimum fluidization ve-

    locities U,r and the tapped and loosely packed


    voidages were also separately measured.

    Experimental procedure

    After filling the system with the chosen solids, the

    aeration gas flow rate was set at a value which gave

    a high solids circulation rate, and the rig was run

    for a few minutes. It was then shut down and restarted

    at a low air flow so that solids just began to trickle

    from the discharge. Invariably, after a short time,

    the solids flow stopped and the air had to be increased

    until a condition of minimum continuous discharge

    prevailed. The solids flow rate was measured five

    times and an average taken, the air flow rate noted,

    and the pressures up the standpipe recorded. The

    aeration rate was increased by stages until a maximum

    was reached. No hysteresis was observed on de-

    creasing the air flow. In the 40- and 70-mm diameter

    pipes, the maximum mass flow was heralded by the

    disappearance of the moving bed in the upper part

    of the standpipe, and its replacement with streaming

    solids flow. In the lOO-mm diameter valves, the

    maximum was limited by the capacity of the me-

    chanical conveyor, which was about 3 kg/s. Another

    constraint on the solids flow rate was that with the

    coarsest sand, in the 70- and lOO-mm diameter pipes,

    sonic velocity was reached in a single aeration nozzle,

    thus limiting the air flow. Because it was not prac-

    ticable to increase the diameter of the nozzle, we

    used three nozzles at the same level.


    General observations


    the whole, our visual observations agree with

    those made in the pioneering work of Knowlton and

    Hirsan [l] and are illustrated in Fig. 3. At very low

    flow rates (Fig. 3(a)), there is a narrow, fast-moving

    stream of solids at the top of the horizontal pipe

    and virtually no movement detectable in the stand-

    pipe. The width of the channel increases as the size

    of the sand in the rig is increased. However, there

    is significant segregation by size in the horizontal

    section, with the smallest particles in the size dis-

    tribution predominating at the top of the pipe.

    At medium solids flows, dunes or ripples move

    across the top of the pipe at a frequency of about

    4 per second and cause fluctuations both in the

    solids discharge rate and also in the pressures mea-

    sured just above the aeration position.

    At high solids rates, the dune frequency falls to

    about 1 per second. When the maximum solids flow

    is reached, accompanied by streaming and flow fluc-

    tuations, any further increase in gas injection causes

    a sharp reduction in solids flow. Knowlton and Hirsan

    [l] attributed this to the fluidization which occurred

    in their downcomer when the pressure gradient in





    l b)








    Fig. 3. Mode of solids discharge from L-valves.

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    it reached bMF*g. These large pressure gradients

    could occur in their rig because the L-valves dis-

    charged into a vertical pneumatic conveying line

    across which the pressure drop increased with the

    solids discharge rate.

    In our rig, the discharge end of the L-valves was

    always at atmospheric pressure and we believe that,

    under these circumstances, it is the size of the hopper

    outlet which limits the solids discharge rate. If the

    L-valve delivers a greater solids flow to the discharge

    end than is fed to it by the hopper outlet, the

    standpipe starts to empty and a bed level appears

    at the top of the standpipe and moves downwards

    with streaming solids above it. The resistance to gas

    flow above the aeration point is reduced and some

    of the aeration gas passes up the standpipe, leaving

    less available to transport the solids through the

    horizontal section and causing the discharge rate to

    fall momentarily. The level, and the resistance to

    flow above the aeration point, then increase, and

    more injection gas passes downwards. Thus, the

    system starts to operate like an automatic L-valve

    [2], but with flow instability. Further increase in

    aeration gas flow then starts to choke off the flow

    from the hopper outlet (injecting air just below a

    hopper outlet has been used successfully as a method

    of controlling solids egress [3]).

    To check the validity of this hypothesis, we cal-

    culated the maximum flow rates out of a hopper

    using the Carleton [4] equation.


    4V. sin p + 15p1cL2/3VS4B

    D ,a;~


    V, =


    The results are shown in Table 2A together with

    the maximum fluxes achieved in the various L-valves

    using the three sands. In addition, a separate test

    was carried out in which the 40-mm diameter down-

    comer was removed and the flow rate of sand Sl

    measured as it flowed freely out of the hopper. It

    can be seen that where comparisons are possible,

    the maximum L-valve throughput is between 84 and

    97 of the maximum flows predicted by the Carleton


    In Table 2B, the highest solids fluxes quoted in

    Knowlton and Hirsans paper for four different valve

    sizes are compared with values calculated from

    Carletons equation. Their equipment layout diagram

    shows a ball valve of unspecified diameter below the

    hopper outlet, and this may have reduced the max-

    imum solids flux attainable; with the exception of

    the 6-in valve, the maximum solids fluxes attained

    were between 47 and 80 of the predicted values.

    There are, therefore, reasonable grounds for be-

    lieving that when the L-valve discharges at atmos-

    pheric pressure the maximum solids flux capable of

    passing through it is determined by the size of the

    hopper outlet, or of any other restricting orifice,

    such as a ball or slide valve, below it.

    If, however, the L-valve has to feed against an

    appreciable back pressure, such as a fluidized bed

    or a pneumatic conveying line, a lower maximum

    operating flux will be reached when the pressure

    gradient in the downcomer approaches that of the

    fluidized solids.

    Effect of L-valve geometry

    Elbow construction

    In all fluid-particle operations, visual observation

    is very helpful in bringing about an understanding

    of the hydrodynamics, and it is for this reason that

    most of our L-valves are made of Perspex. The

    method of construction used, two tubes cut at 45

    and cemented together, resulted in sharp 90 elbows.

    In commercial applications, equipment has to be

    made of steel, or some other robust material, and

    the elbow may not be sharp, especially if the pipes

    are lined with insulating bricks or cement. We there-

    fore replaced the entire 40-mm diameter Perspex

    system by 40-mm diameter smooth-walled steel tubing

    and used a standard small-radius cast iron 90 elbow

    to connect the standpipe to the horizontal section.

    Because we also wanted to investigate the effect of

    using a sloping horizontal section, we subsequently

    replaced the cast elbow by a piece of wire-reinforced

    flexible plastic pipe which, in effect, gave a large

    radius elbow.

    As shown in Fig. 4 for the 90 elbows (curves 1,

    2, 3) at a given aeration rate, the solids discharge

    rate increases as the elbow geometry changes from

    sharp to gradual. Conversely, slightly less gas is

    required to transport the same solids rate when the

    bend is gradual. The gradual bend also improved

    sensitivity of control near the minimum discharge

    rate condition. It was observed that at high solids

    discharge rates, considerable electrostatic charging

    occurred when using the Perspex L-valves. However,

    it seems unlikely that this was the cause of the

    difference between the sharp (Perspex) bend and

    the more gradual (steel) bends, since the biggest

    differences in solids flow occurred when the elec-

    trostatics were least evident.

    I ncli ned elbows

    Sloping the horizontal section downwards (curves

    4, 5 and 6 in Fig. 4) increases the solids flow rate

    at any given aeration rate and gives greater flow

    stability and control at low discharge rates. However,

    both with the 280-pm (Fig. 4) and the SOO-pm sand

    (Fig. S), at an angle of 106, flow becomes uncon-

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    TABLE 2. Comparison of maximum solids flow rate from Gvalves with maximum flow rate from a hopper calculated

    using Carletons equation

    A This work

    Diameter of L-valve (mm)




    Mean sieve size of sand (pm) 280 500 790 280 500 790 280 500 790

    Max. solids flux from


    637 - 706 792

    > 792 > 381

    L-valve (measured)

    =3 kg/s

    kg/(m* .s)

    Maximum flow out Predicted

    (eqn. (2)) 652

    660 676 839 86.5

    899 980 1026 1069

    of hopper


    780 _ _ _ _ _ _

    - -


    Limited by capacity of conveyor.

    B Knowllon and Hirsan [l]

    Diameter of L-valve (in)

    Mean sieve size of powder (pm)

    Largest solids flux from

    Lvalve quoted in paper

    kg/(m* .


    Maximum flow out of

    hopper predicted by

    Carleton equation

    kg/(m* .s>


    2 3

    6 3

    260-pm sand

    188~pm siderite


    324 553

    196 875


    684 833

    1071 1100






    Aeration rate (cms/sl

    Aeration rate (cm 3/s1

    Fig. 4. Discharge rates of 280-pm sand from 40-mm L-

    valves with various elbow configurations.

    Fig. 5. Discharge rates of 500~pm sand from 40-mm steel

    L-valve with various elbow configurations and one aeration


    trollable at about two-thirds of the maximum solids

    flow rate and no further increase is possible. The

    angles of repose of unaerated sands are shown on

    Fig. 6, but in practice the angles of partly-aerated

    Elbow angle

    0 goo

    e g4o

    sands will be lower. This, and visual observation,

    leads us to believe that the inability of the 106 valve

    to deliver the maximum solids rate is caused by

    extensive bypassing of gas along the top of the tube.

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    500~m5ANO [----I ,4.26


    DI AGRAM : A B C 0

    ELBOWANGLE : 90 94 98 106

    Fig. 6. Fraction of L-valve discharge section occupied by solids at various elbow angles.

    Constr ucti on of horizontal secti on

    In a limited number of tests using sand Sl, the

    final 280 mm of the horizontal section of the 40-

    mm diameter Perspex L-valve was replaced by an

    equal length of 20-mm diameter tube positioned

    concentrically. The effect is shown in Fig. 7. The

    ability to control finely the solids flow rate was much

    improved, particularly at low aeration rates. Thus,

    a steady minimum discharge of 6 g/s was possible

    with the constriction in place compared with 35

    g/s in the basic valve. However, the maximum dis-

    charge rate achievable was much reduced. In contrast,

    Knowlton and Hirsan [l] reduced the diameter of

    Wlthout constriction

    q With constriction

    to 20 mm I . D.



    p \





    Aeration rate Icm3/d

    Fig. 7. Discharge rates of 280-pm sand from 40-mm Perspex

    Lvalve showing effect of constriction on horizontal section.

    their entire horizontal section and found that it had

    little effect upon the discharge rate for a given

    aeration rate.

    Number of aerati on point s

    Most of the experiments were done using only

    one aeration point positioned on the outside of the

    elbow. However, when using coarse sand S3 in the

    larger valves, high air flow rates were required, and

    sonic velocity was approached in the injection nozzle.

    Since the supply pressure was limited to 5 bar, this

    restricted the air flow rate to less than about 1.5

    l/s. With the thin-walled Perspex standpipes, it was

    not practicable to use larger nozzles, so we resorted

    to splitting the air supply between three injection

    nozzles with that on the inside of the elbow not

    being used. Some of the results are shown in Fig.

    8. Because of the sonic velocity limitation described

    above, as expected, higher maximum air and solids

    rates were achieved with three nozzles than with

    Fig. 8. Discharge rates of 280-,

    500- and 790-pm sand

    from 70-mm

    L-valve showing effect of number of aeration


  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders



    only one. What is surprising though is that at any

    given aeration rate the solids rates were somewhat

    lower when using three aeration points. It is con-

    jectured that the air from the two nozzles at 90 to

    the single nozzle was bypassing the inside of the

    elbow. Thus, although all the injected air is used in

    dense phase transport in the horizontal section, much

    less is available to assist solids flow at the inside of

    the elbow.

    Effect of pi pe diamet er and part i cle si ze

    Knowlton and Hirsan [l] noted that more aeration

    gas is required to achieve a given solid flow rate as

    particle size and pipe diameter increase. This is

    confirmed by our data shown in Figs. 8 and 9,

    respectively. As Knowlton [2] pointed out, the total

    gas flow through the valve, Qt, is larger than that

    injected because in almost all cases a gas flow, Q,,,

    is entrained downwards in the void spaces between

    the particles so that

    Qt =

    QDC Qeti


    Knowlton and Hirsan [l] showed how Qnc may be

    calculated from the pressure gradient in the down-

    comer, and we shall address that question later in

    the paper. Until now, however, there has been no

    way of correlating Qext with solids flow rate.

    The data for the 280-pm sand are replotted in

    Fig. 10 as solids mass flux G, versus the superficial

    velocity V,, of the aeration gas. The form of the








    ; 2000








    00 0

    Aeration rate cm3/s1

    Fig. 9. Discharge rate of 280-wrn sand VS. aeration rate

    for 40-, 70- and lOO-mm Perspex L-valves with one aeration


    1000 -

    800 -

    70mm 9



    Fig. 10. Solids discharge flux for 280-pm sand vs. aeration

    rate expressed as superficial gas velocity in the L-valve.

    curves in Fig. 10 suggested that the data might lie

    on one curve if


    were plotted instead of G,

    and, indeed, the use of


    for the correlation of

    both dilute and dense phase pneumatic conveying

    data has a sound theoretical basis [5]. When data

    for the other sizes of sands were plotted in this way,

    it was noticed that the minimum superficial aeration

    velocities were similar to the minimum fluidization

    velocities for the respective sands, and this gave the

    idea of plotting GJD against U,,lU,,,,. The results

    are shown on Fig. 11 for all the sharp 90 elbows.

    The least-squares fitted equation is


    - =3354+ -2965




    The results of Knowlton and Hirsan [l] were not

    included in calculating the correlation, but they are

    shown on Fig. 12 compared with eqn. (4). Apart

    from the data for their finest sand, the agreement

    is quite good. It follows from earlier comments that

    eqn. (4) gives minimum values for


    since having

    elbows rounded at the inside, or horizontal sections

    which slope downwards, give higher discharge rates

    for a given aeration rate.

    Pressure pr ofi l es and gas J?OW n t he downcomer

    The maximum pressure in the rig occurs at the

    aeration point, and for all three sands it decreases

    linearly with increasing vertical height (Fig. 13).

    Because the profiles are linear, the pressure gradients

    can be calculated and cross-plotted against aeration

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders






    2 3 4 5


    hxt /bF

    Fig. 11.

    G lD vs. U llJ

    for sharp 90 elbows - this














    500 1000

    Pressure fmmWGl

    Fig. 13. Pressure profiles with 280-pm sand in 40-mm

    diameter Perspex L-valve (one aeration point).

    .260 jlnl



    188 urn slderlte


    . /

    H Equation 4





    /_, , , ,



    2 3 4 5 6


    Uext h4F

    Fig. 12.

    G D vs. Ue lUMF

    Knowlton and Hirsan [l] data

    compared with eqn. (4).

    rate, thus permitting a convenient summary of most

    of the data on two graphs (Figs. 14, 15). It should

    be noted that even at the maximum aeration rates,

    which, on the 40- and 70-mm diameter valves cor-

    respond to the maximum solids rates permitted by

    the hopper outlet, the maximum pressure gradients

    are generally below 2 000 N/m2 per metre. This

    should be compared with the values which would

    be achieved if the downcomer were to be fluidized,

    and which can be calculated from

    = / MFg = f LPg

    \ J-DC



    c 1500




















    Aeration rate km3/sI

    Fig. 14. Pressure gradients VS. aeration rates for 280~pm

    sand in Perspex L-valves of various diameters.

    Assuming &MF is equal to the loosely packed densities

    of 1562 and 1527 kg/m3 for the 280- and 500-pm

    sands, respectively, the fluidized bed pressure gra-

    dients would be 15 323 and 14 980 N/m2 per metre,

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders




    v,= G,







    40 mm Isteel. 900)




    70 mm

    f 2000







    100 mm


    4 1000





    IO1 , , )





    Aeration rate Icm3/s)

    Fig. 15. Pressure gradients vs. aeration rates for SO&pm

    sand in Gvalves of various diameters.

    respectively, factors of about 7 higher than the highest

    values measured. Clearly then, the solids are far

    from being in a fluidized condition in the downcomer

    even at the highest solids rate.

    At first sight, the form of the pressure profiles

    seems to imply that there is a flow of gas up the

    downcomer. However, as shown by Knowlton [2], a

    decrease in pressure from bottom to top of the

    downcomer will also be obtained if the velocity of

    the gas

    relat ive to

    the particles (often called the slip

    velocity) is upwards. In the general case, the relative

    velocity between gas and particles is


    . h




    and lJ, is the superficial velocity of gas in the standpipe

    relative to the wall.

    Consider case (a) in Fig. 16, in which the downward

    direction is positive; because there is a net flow of

    gas upwards relative to the wall (-


    to an observer

    travelling with the particles the gas velocity relative

    to the particles

    Iv,1 K - (- V,)



    In case (b), the gas is travelling downwards relative

    to the wall (in the same direction as the particles)

    at a velocity


    but because it is moving more slowly

    than the particles, its velocity relative to an observer


    I-IV, Down is

    the positive






    l+ Vs







    -_ --


    Fig. 16. Relative gas velocities in a downcomer. (a) Gas

    travels upwards relative to wall; (b) gas travels downwards

    relative to wall.

    on the particles is again upwards and is given by



    In both the cases shown, because the gas is moving

    upwards relative to the particles, the pressure de-

    creases from bottom to top, and may be calculated

    from the Ergun equation. It should be noted that

    IV ,1

    s an interstitial velocity, whereas the Ergun

    equation is normally written in terms of the superficial

    velocity U,, where V, = U ,/E. Written in terms of V,,

    and assuming that the voidage in the downcomer is

    equal to the loosely packed voidage eLp, we have

    If we know the pressure gradient AP LDC, I V ,1 an

    be calculated from eqn. (10). If AP decreases from

    bottom to top, then the gas is moving upwards relative

    to the particles. However, the absolute direction and

    magnitude of the gas (relative to the wall) must be

    found by calculating V, from eqn. (6) and inserting

    it in eqn. (ll), which is obtained by rearranging eqn.


    i .e.,

    vg=K- lK l 11)

    If V, is negative, then some of the aeration gas

    passes upwards from the aeration position whilst the

    rest moves downwards through the valve. If



    positive, then all the aeration gas, Q_.., passes down-

    wards together with a flow Qno entrained by the

    solids, where

    QDC = Vd ELP


    Absolute interstitial gas velocities


    have been cal-

    culated for the 280-pm and 790-pm sands using

    experimental data and are shown on Fig. 17. For

    the 280-pm sand the procedure was as follows:

    - From Fig. 14, find the aeration rate Q,, cor-

    responding to a chosen pressure gradient

    AP,,,IL,, .

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders





    10 -


    5 -

    Fig. 17. Gas

    and particle velocities in 70-mm diameter

    downcomer for

    280~pm and 790~pm sands.

    - From Fig. 8, find the solids mass flow rate

    corresponding to this value of Qea and express it

    as a mass flux G,.

    - Use eqn. (6) to calculate V,, which is always


    - Insert


    into eqn. (10) and calculate IV,].

    - Calculate VP from eqn. (11). If V, is positive, the

    net flow of gas above the aeration point in the

    downcomer is in the same direction as the solids,


    downwards and appears on Fig. 17 below the

    x-axis. Conversely, if V, is negative, then, relative to

    the wall, gas is travelling upwards.

    As Fig. 17 shows, there are critical fluxes G,r and

    Gsz above which gas is carried downwards from the

    hopper. The influence of particle size is quite marked:

    for the smaller sand, G,r =20 kg/(m.s) and for the

    larger GsZ.= 165 kg/(m.s). At a flux of 340 kg/(m*.s),

    the gas entrained by the 280-pm sand constitutes

    46 of the external aeration air, whilst in the 790-

    pm sand it is less than 3 . In order to confirm that

    the gas flow directions were indeed as calculated in

    Fig. 17, it was decided to inject CO2 as a tracer gas

    into the 280-pm sand (i) at the top of the downcomer

    and (ii) mixed with the aeration gas at the bottom.

    The experimental set up and details of the tests are

    described in detail elsewhere [6]. Briefly, a cylinder

    of pure CO2 was used to provide an injection mixture

    of 4 000 ppm CO2 in compressed air. Initially, the

    CO2 was injected through pressure tapping 7 (see

    Fig, 2) situated flush with the wall, and gas samples

    were taken at various heights and peripheral positions

    around the tube. However, it was found that at high

    solids flows the CO2 did not disperse radially, since

    none was detected at the opposite wall, even at the

    bottom of the downcomer. Subsequently, when in-

    jecting CO2 at the top, an injection tube was inserted

    to a position beyond the pipe centre line, and good

    radial dispersion was achieved. When CO2 was in-

    jected at the top of the downcomer and samples

    taken at position 1, CO2 concentrations above back-

    ground were undetectable up to 13 kg/(m**s), but

    were -3 500 ppm at 26 kg/(m*.s) and higher. Con-

    versely, when injecting CO2 at the aeration point

    and sampling at position 4, CO2 concentrations were

    -4 000 ppm when the solids fluxes were less than

    13 kg/(m**s) or higher. Thus, the experiments were

    broadly in agreement with the predicted critical flux

    value of 20 kg/(m*.s).

    Correlation of pressure drop

    The data for pressure drops AP, between the

    aeration point and the solids discharge were com-

    pared with the Wen and Simons [7] correlation.

    However, because their predicted values were much

    too low, we correlated our data against valve diameter,

    mean sieve size and mass flux of the solids. The

    densities of the sands were so similar that inclusion

    of 4 in the correlation could not be justified. The

    best fit was obtained from

    216G . 1

    2 (N/m3) = s Y

    ~0. 63 d 0. 15



    where LN is the length of the horizontal section of

    the valve measured from the injection point in the

    downcomer. However,


    was not varied, so all our

    data refer to a length of 0.55 m.

    Knowlton and Hirsans [l] data are of limited use

    for comparative purposes, because they are expressed

    in terms of pressure drop per unit length of down-

    comer, and the system included a vertical lift line

    followed by a bend and a horizontal pipe section

    in addition to the horizontal L-valve section. Thus,

    the pressure gradient in the downcomer in their

    system would change not only in response to changes

    in A? across the L-valve elbow and horizontal section,

    but also because of changes in AP across the lift

    line and upper bend. Nevertheless, the qualitative

    dependencies of eqn. (13) are in agreement with

    their work, which found that the effects on APu of

    mass flux and particle size were small and propor-

    tional to (G&J, where m is small.

    Design procedure

    We are now in a position to set out a stepwise

    procedure for the design of an L-valve for any

    particular configuration, mass flow rate and group

    B solid.

  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders














    Identify the mean sieve size and particle density

    of the solids to be controlled. Check that they

    belong to Geldarts Group B 181.

    Specify the maximum mass flow rate to be

    controlled by the L-valve, M, ,,,=, and the hor-

    izontal length of the valve,


    Calculate from eqn. (2) the size of the outlet


    from the storage hopper situated at the top

    of the downcomer using a value of M, = 2M, ,,,-.

    Calculate the minimum controllable solids mass

    flow rate from eqn. (4) using U&J,,= 1. If this

    is too high, consider sloping the horizontal section

    of the value downwards to 5. Alternatively,

    recalculate D in step 3 using MS= lSM, ,,.,=.

    Calculate Umr for the solids at the prevailing

    conditions of temperature and pressure in the

    L-valve using, for example, the Wen-Yu equation

    (see Geldart [9]).

    Using D calculated in steps 3 and 4, calculate

    the maximum operating mass flux G, ,,,=, and

    from eqn. (4) calculate the maximum value of

    u .

    TlZ maximum volumetric flow of aeration gas


    Q,, = U,, rrD=/4.

    From eqn. (13), calculate APH.

    Taking into account the system as a whole,

    calculate the absolute pressure at the end of

    the horizontal section of the L-valve, PL.

    Calculate or specify the absolute pressure at the

    top of the downcomer, Pr The pressure drop

    which needs to be generated across the down-

    comer is then



    If there is restricted height available such that


    is virtually specified, calculate the pressure

    gradient and check that



  • 7/21/2019 The Behaviour of L-Valves With Granular Powders





    Q exf


    u cxt

    volumetric flow rate of gas in downcomer,


    volumetric flow rate of injected aeration gas,


    total flow rate of gas leaving L-valve, m3/s

    superficial velocity of injected aeration gas

    based on diameter of horizontal section,


    minimum fluidization velocity of powder

    transported, m/s

    superficial velocity of gas in downcomer,


    absolute velocity of gas in downcomer,


    numerical value of relative velocity between

    gas and particles in downcomer, m/s

    absolute velocity of particles in downcomer,


    weight fraction of particles having a size dpi

    Greek symbols


    half-angle of hopper cone section


    pressure drop between aeration point and

    top of downcomer, N/m2


    pressure drop between aeration point and

    end of horizontal section of L-valve, N/m2







    voidage of loosely packed bed of powder,


    gas viscosity, N



    density of gas surrounding particles, kg/m3

    bulk density of powder at minimum flui-

    dization conditions, kg/m3

    bulk density of powder in loosely packed

    condition, kg/m3

    particle density (including all open and

    closed pores), kg/m3


    1 T. M. Knowlton and I. Hirsan,

    Hydrocarbon Proc., 57



    2 T. M. Knowlton, in D. Geldart (ed.), Gas Fluidizution

    Technology, Wiley, Chichester, 1986, p. 406.

    3 Y. Yuasa and H. Kuno,

    Powder Technol., 6 (1972) 97.


    A. J. Carleton,

    Powder Techno/., 6 (1972)


    5 D. Geldart and S. J. Ling, Powder TechnoL, 62 (1990)



    P. Jones, M.

    Phil . Di ssertati on,

    Univ. Bradford (1988).

    7 C. Y. Wen and H. P. Simons, AIChE J., 5 (1959) 263.

    8 D. Geldart, Powder Technol ., 7 (1973) 285.

    9 D. Geldart, in D. Geldart (ed.), Gas Fluidimtion Tech-


    Wiley, Chichester, 1986, p. 24.