the birmingham adoption · as a birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about...

Adoption PASSPORT The Birmingham A support guide for adopters

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Page 1: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help


The Birmingham

A support guide for adopters

Page 2: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

Introduction:We understand that children adopted from care can have additional or ongoing needs that may benefit from post adoption support. Birmingham Childrens’s Trust Adoption Service provides a wide range of support services for adopters and their children. As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help you and your family as you start your lifelong journey. Remember! No question you ask is wrong – so make sure you make the best use of the support available to you when you most need it.

What support is available for you?

Here are just some of the services available to you:

• Counselling, information and advice from our Duty Helpline Serviceon 0121 303 1010.

• Financial advice and support on adoption allowances and other benefits.

• Support and advice with letterbox and other contact between yourselvesand birth family.

• Weekly stay and play sessions for adopters and their children aged 0 - 4 years.

• Adoption UK Membership and access to their Parent Consultationsand Support Groups.

• After Adoption – Talk Adoption Programme - Children’s Groups and Camps.

• Psychological assessment and therapeutic support from our in houseClinical Psychologists.

• Assessment of therapeutic needs and access to timely and appropriatetherapeutic support via the Adoption Support Fund.

• Support and advice in accessing other statutory agencies or services.

• Help and support for all parties when an adoption breaks down.

• Annual Summer Event – for all Birmingham approved adopters to join usto celebrate adoption and to socialise with other adoptive families.

Page 3: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

Who can access services from the Birmingham Children's Trust Adoption Service?You can access our services if:

• Your child’s adoption was completed by the Birmingham Adoption Serviceand you are within 3 years of the Adoption Order being granted.


• You live in Birmingham and your child’s Adoption Order was granted morethan 3 years ago.

What support is there for your children in school?

Children adopted from local authority care have priority access to schools, which means that your child should be able to attend whichever school you think best meets their needs (

The schools are entitled to apply for pupil premium for every adopted child they have placed in their school to assist in making sure the child has the right support.


Page 4: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium provides extra funding to schools to help their sta� give extra support to those adopted from local authority care. There are other groups of children who also benefit from Pupil Premium. £1900 is available for each pupil. It is available for all children who have been adopted who are attending a school. To find out more visit:

Children who have been adopted are also entitled to free early education from theage of two or

What support is available for those adopting children?Every adopter is entitled to:

• Adoption leave and pay when your child is placed with you –

• A copy of your child’s permanence report, this will be provided by the child’s social worker.

• A summary of your child’s health from the Birmingham Adoption Service Medical Adviser.

• A life story book and later in life letter to help your child understand their early history as they get older.


Page 5: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

Where can you find out more?

You can call us on 0121 303 1010 – 9.30am to 3pm, Monday to Friday or visit our website at:

Adoptions Support Services Adviser:

Birmingham’s Adoption support services adviser is:

Theresa Kane, Head of Adoption & Fostering, Birmingham Adoption Service,Birmingham Children's Trust,P.O. Box 16262, BirminghamB2 2WX

Tel: 0121 303 1010Email: [email protected]

There are also a number of national organisation who provide advice and support, these are:

• Adoption UK: Are the leadingcharity providing support,awareness and understandingfor those parenting orsupporting children who cannotlive with their birth

• PAFCA: Parenting Advice for FosterCarers & Adopters. Subscriptionwebsite run by Dr Amber Elliott,Clinical Psychologist & Author of“Why Can’t My Child Behave?:Empathic parenting strategies thatwork for adoptive & foster families.Top tips, news articles, practicalstrategies, expert articles, usersforum, guides to diagnosis andmuch more.


Page 6: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

• The Adoption Social: Website run and written by adoptive parents to support other adopters. Lots of useful articles and blogs on a wide range of adoption related issues.

• The Potato Group: ‘Parents of Traumatised Adopted Teens Organisation’. This group of adoptive parents o�er support, training and various events to parents of adopted teens.

• First4Adoption: First4Adoption is the national information service for people interested in adopting. Whilst much of the information is geared around becoming adoptive parents, there is a useful section on the Adoption Support Fund and any new developments nationally.


Page 7: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help


Comments and Complaints

If you are unhappy with the support provided by us, or with the time taken to carry out an assessment, you can complain under our complaints procedure to:

Customer Relations Service,Birmingham Children's TrustP.O. Box 17342BirminghamB2 2DW

Tel: 0121 303

Page 8: The Birmingham Adoption · As a Birmingham adoptive family you are entitled to more advice about these services and an assessment of your adoption support needs. We are here to help

Adoption and FosteringPhone: 0121 303 1010

©2019 Birmingham Children's Trust