the blue sack

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 The Blue Sack



    I was at a vantage point. My sister entered my room and to my great surprise, her boyfriend

    was with her. They had some books with them; maybe they reasoned out to my parents that

    they were just to do their thesis, and my parents, well they were not too stern. Initially theytalked about their friends until I noticed that my sisters boyfriend was fondling with my sisters

    hair. She giggled impishly and the in a sudden, she brushed her lips against her boyfriends. I

    was outraged! I knew what would happen next so I went out of my room.

    Down at the kitchen, my parents were discussing something important-something that

    must be kept clandestine because they were in hushed voices.

    She needs that money for her final defense, said mom, and we still have to pay for

    her graduation.

    We must keep investigating, said dad in an insisting tone. Two passbooks were on the


    Its been seven months! said mom in a rather loud voice, Weve been talking about

    this for a million times! Isnt it the right time to let everything go?

    My dad didnt say anything. I couldnt blame him for hiring a private investigator

    although it was clear that we are losing our fortune. Saddened by their conversation, I went out

    of the house and sat under a streetlamp which was just five meters away from our house. It

    was already twilight. From my place I could see Gabriel, one of the nine million angels whowere guarding me and one of the twenty five angels who I actually knew from that nine million,

    coming to me.

    They will be all right. You wait, he said, sitting down beside me.

    Yeah, I know. I replied in a monotonous and disinterested voice.

    A familiar silence grew between us. It was just broken when an unexpected voice

    suddenly cried out.


    My mouth fell open and my heart leaped for this unexpected instant. It was Nina, one of

    my closest friends. I couldnt believe that she could see me. I stood staring at her. She ran

    towards me and when I sensed that she would hug me, I moved back to avoid her. I noticed

    that she was crying.

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    Where have you been? she asked frantically. We all thought you were missing!

    I couldnt speak, my mouth remained open. It was clear that she couldnt see Gabriel.

    Gabriel just stood up, went towards her and to my shock, kissed her lips. I wonder what Ninas

    reaction would have been if she happened to know that shed been kissed by an ethereally

    handsome angel. I admit it; Gabriel was too good-looking to be a human.

    Gabriel immediately let go of Ninas lips. Dont get me wrong. That kiss is meant to

    make her forget everything shed seen.

    I looked at Nina. She already seemed perplexed because she must have realized that she

    was alone under the street lamp. I looked at her while she paced away.

    Do you also do that to men?

    Nope, said Gabriel coolly.

    How come shed seen me?

    Its because you share this same emotional attachment to each other, said Gabriel

    simply. Anyone who has a strong attachment to you will see you. If you ask, Leon, your best

    friend had seen you while he visited your parents; your sister saw you sitting at the kitchen

    while she was washing the dishes; your mother had seen you in the garden, but she had

    accepted everything. The night before yester night, your father had found you lying in the

    sitting room sofa - thats why hes so determined to find you. He was convincing himselfthat

    what hed seen was not an illusion, like how your mother thought of it, because hes hoping greatly hoping that youre still alive.

    I restrained my tears from falling while listening intently to Gabriel.

    Its been seven months, continued Gabriel. Nows the right time to find your

    murderer and your body before I call Peter. Youve already spent enough time with them. You

    already know that youll remain attached to this world if you dont.

    You know Gabriel, I said, even though I wanted to remain with them, I know I cant

    I must not.

    Gabriel smiled. Glad you have that thought.

    But I just dont know where to start. I am assuming before that ypu actually know

    where my murderer is. He alone has the knowledge where my body is. OR perhaps you know


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    Yes I know everything

    Can you now tell me?

    Alexander its not that simple. Ever since, your death was none of my business; it was

    a business from above. Now it is your own business to find your murderer and your body andIm sorry to tell you that I am not to intervene with it.


    This business ofyours will help you realize one thinga thing that frees a man.

    I just nodded but deep inside, I could feel the intricacy of his words. I honestly couldnt

    understand him. I bowed my head, contemplating what to say. I then looked at him. With eyes

    closed and hands together, Gabriel seemed to pray. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes,

    turned at me and smilingly said, There will be a few changes. I am now allowed to tell you

    where your murderer is. But from there, youll have to deal with everything on your own. Dont

    worry, I will be with you. Always.

    The moment you enter this door,explained Gabriel, you will be already seen

    How about you?

    He will not see me, dont worry

    We were at my murderers house which was an expensive condo unitat Laguna. I didnt

    know if I was ready to meet him after seven months. I assumed that the door was locked, but

    Gabriel effortlessly opened it for me.

    The hallway was dark but I could see that it was lined with photographs of exotic

    beaches. As we reached the sitting room, a lamp in a corner was open, providing a trivial light

    on the rooms vastness. I noticed that there was a photograph of a family hanging on the sitting

    wall there he was, my murderer, sitting with his daughter and his wife. There was nomistaking that square face and that beard.

    This way, Gabriel pointed me to a door which was slightly opened on my right side.

    Should I enter? I whispered, my legs shaking. Gabriel nodded. Although I knew that I

    couldnt be killed anymore, I couldnt help feeling this fear.

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    I peered nervously through the space between the door and the doorway. The bedroom

    light provided enough light that bared my murderer before my eyes. He was kneeling; his eyes

    were closed and his hands were held together. I heard him whispering but I couldnt determine

    what he was saying. I perfectly knew what he was doing.

    When he was done praying, I entered his room. He didnt notice my presence at first but

    when he finally did, he suddenly screamed, Youre dead! Youre already dead! I noticed that

    there was a gun on his bed. He grabbed it but could not aim at me. I could see immense fear

    and horror in his face.

    Dont be afraid, I said, trying to dissipate his panic. I will not hurt you.

    He squeezed his gun tightly, but still couldnt aim at me. I was afraid that he might think

    he was already going insane and would suddenly put that gun against his head. I was not


    Dont do that! I bellowed.

    He closed his eyes and started to cry quietly.

    Put that gun down, I said calmly.

    Someone has touched my murderers hand and controlled him to put his gun down. It

    was a young man who looked as ethereal as Gabriel. An angel. My murderers angel, perhaps.

    I am so sorry, started my murderer, crying endlessly. I am so sorry.

    Hearing those words took all the fear and anger I felt at him in an instant. I knew he was

    being sincere.

    I was just compelled to do that job to kill that woman.

    I remembered how I witnessed that incident. He ran after me just to make sure hed

    done a clean job.

    I promised myself not to kill anymore. But that time my daughter.

    I just wanted to know where my body is, I told him directly. Whered you put it?

    He is actually planning to kill himself tonight. Said my murderers angel. I knew that

    my murderer wouldnt hear him. He had killed twenty people including you, Alexander. He

    couldnt carry the burden of killing anymore. Her wife died two years ago because of leukemia

    and her daughter last month the same disease. He is now alone. But I guess, hes not yet

    meant for death although he already planned it.

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    I then realized the purpose of his praying and that he was not actually to point his gun at

    me. My murderer spoke quietly.

    Your body it is in a rice field the only rice field in this area. I dismembered it so it

    can fit inside a small sack I didnt know what I was doing.

    Can you come with me? I asked, never minding what he did to my body.

    He hesitated. I dont know. I couldnt take what Id done to you. Id killed many people

    and I regret it I regret it every day of my life. The forgiveness from those people I killed will be

    enough to free me from this burden and regret. But I know it is impossible.

    It is possible. I suddenly said. I am forgiving you.

    My murderers cry was louder than ever, but underneath his distorted voice, I could

    clearly hear him say, Thank you, whoever you are. He coughed three times before he finally

    said, Your body is buried under the tree ... the only tree that is in the center of the rice field.

    I shall go and find my body, I told Gabriel.

    I guess you already understand that you have to go there alone, said Gabriel.

    I nodded.

    Very well, said Gabriel, The moment you reach the rice field, youll be given the

    chance to be tangible to have a body temporarily so that you could dig up that spot. Go now,

    Ill just talk to Michael.

    With that, I knew he was referring to my murderers angel. Before I finally went on, I

    thanked my murderer.

    While digging up the spot that my murderer told me, I was starting to understand what Gabriel

    had said to me that on this business finding my murderer and my body I would realize a

    certain thing that could free a man. Forgiveness. I freed my murderer.

    It was there. After digging up a ditch that was four feet deep, I finally found a medium

    sized blue sack where my dismembered body must be. Sweating, I went up and sat under the

    tree. I stared at the sack for a moment and then touched it, feeling my bones.

    I then felt the blood drain out of my face because I heard someone suddenly speak.

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    I looked up and saw a man wearing a black coat and shades. I could see him smile under

    his moustache. And who on earth is William?

    Who are you?

    William is the name of the person youve just forgiven, said the man, not answering

    my question. Will you close your eyes?


    Just close your eyes.

    I didnt know what made me follow him, but the moment I closed my eyes, there was a

    blinding light and then I saw my family in a rice field in this place with some policemen.

    Mom was crying. Then the image changed suddenly. I saw William praying, this time, not in his

    apartment, but in a prison. Another blinding light and the next images flashed as though they

    were pages in a book that were being flipped: I saw my sister marrying his boyfriend, my friends

    graduating college, my best friend Leon becoming an environmental advocate, my parents

    ageing happily, Nina marrying Leon they were all moving on. They were letting me go.

    When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was in tears.

    I guess you already have the idea, said the man,

    I nodded. The last images were quite painful.

    You will do the same. Youll have to let them go.

    I shook my head, restraining myself from weeping hard.

    Alexander, said Gabriel. I didnt notice that he was already here. This is Peter, he

    patted the mans back. Peter waved both hands jocularly. Still in tears, I smiled at him.

    Peter sat down in front of me and painstakingly touched my shoulders. You are no

    longer a part of this world, son.

    That was when I started to cry loud louder than William. I embraced Peter while I


    Come on, said Peter softly. Its time to go.