the book of leidecker[1]

Constitution Party Affilate Congressional Candidate Jerry L. Leidecker Tells you what’s really going on in America, What, is being hidden from you, and Gives You Information You Need to Fix It. AND Announces the formation of the “American Resistance Movement Against the New World Order” No matter what Congressional district you live in This is information every American should see. 1

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Constitution Party Affilate

Congressional CandidateJerry L. Leidecker

Tells you what’s really going on in America,

What, is being hidden from you, andGives You Information You Need to Fix It.

AND Announces the formation of the “American

Resistance Movement Against the New World Order”

No matter what Congressional district you live in

This is information every American should see.

Albert Einstein once said “Rejection, Without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance!



Introduction to Jerry L. Leidecker, A Candidate for the United States Congress for Representative of District # 3.

I am the father of 8, children and 19, grandchildren so far. I am very concerned as are many Americans today about our future, and the future of our great country. I want to widen the debate to include issues that are not properly discussed. I have answers for our troubled times.

In my older teenage years I began a quest for knowledge. I have read many books over the years pertaining to my interests. I have found my self-education much more enlightening than my education I received in school. I did achieve an Associates of Science degree and I attended night law school while working days. I am often acknowledged for my intellectual insight. I’m a philosopher of religion and a proponent of Americana, especially Constitutional Government. I love the wisdom of our American Founding Fathers. America has a divine destiny, if we are willing to full-fill it.

I retired after 40 years in the Mechanical trades. For 9 years, I operated my own business, growing it to 50 employees. So I understand the struggles of business. I am an accomplished Industrial Artist. I worked 10 years at Electro-Mechanical Troubleshooting and Repair earning top wages. My troubleshooting and management skills are transferable towards fixing the problems in our government.

I am Pro Military, but Anti Undeclared Wars that promote corporate interests. I am Pro the National Guard remaining under the control of our State Governors not the Federal Government. I am Pro States Rights and Local Control.

I am Pro Nationalism, and Anti Neo-Con Communist Internationalism. I am not an isolationist, I believe in trade and engaging the world. I am Anti NAFTA, and WTO, and similar “New World Order” Trade Agreements. I am Pro Secure Borders.

I am Anti Income Tax, and Pro Restoring a Tariff Based Tax, along with both direct and indirect taxes apportioned equally as intended by America’s founders. I am Anti Federal Reserve, and Pro Restoring Constitutional Money.

I am Pro Rebuilding our Manufacturing Industry, and Anti Reckless Spending, including some Foreign Aid.

I am Pro a Viable form of Social Security. I am Pro Life, Traditional Marriage and Family. I am Pro Gun Ownership. I am Pro Educational Standards, including more local control, and I am Pro Private and

Home Schooling. I am Pro Domestic Oil Production and Alternative Fuels, and I am not in favor of

Nuclear, unless absolutely necessary. I am Pro God.




You have been hoodwinked………………………………………………………….…..4

The new world order……………………………………………………………………..…5

The knights of the golden circle……………………………………………….…..8

What Happened to the Conservative Movement……………………….…11 Sarah palin / john

mccain……………………………………………………………...18 Tea

partiers……………………………………………………………………………….….. 18

Term limits……………………………………………………………………………………... .21

Organized crime…........................................................................................22

The British crown……………………………………………………………………….……24

The U. S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)…………………………………26 The AmericaN Media how free is

it?........................................................27 Skull & bones………………………………………………………………………….

…….…31 Left, verses right and Health Care…..……………………………….………..33 Dr. carroll Quigley………..…………………………………………………..…..35

& 37 Our enemy today, the money changers………………………………….….

….38 Slavery by debt……………………………………………………………………….

……..39 The Obama administration……………………………………………………….

…....42 Socialism…………………………………………………………………………………

…...…..42 The people of Greece and European Union………..……………………...…

43 Communism……………………………………………………………………………

……………46 The first part of solving a problem is understanding it……….....47 the love of money being the root of all evil and The truth .....47 What about the current financial melt-down?................................53 Immigration……………………………………………………………………………

…….…..54 Nafta…..




…..57 9/11………………………………………………………………………………………

……….…..57 Food


Modern day witch doctors……………………………………………………….….…61

The ten steps to dictatorship……..…………………………………………….….62


Lets restore our constitution…………………………………………………..…..65


What should we value ……………………… ………………………………………..…66

if there is no God……………………………………………………………………………..67

The power to tax is the power to destroy……………………………….….67 American manifest

destiny……………………………………………………….70-76 Solutions…………………………………………………………………………………

………..77 Regarding donations to my campaign, and what motivates me?..80

Have you ever wondered Why No Matter Who gets Elected You Keep Getting the Same Bad Government? Is it possible you have been Hoodwinked again, and again, and again? In what follows, I tell you much of what the other Pastel Politicians do not.

In Mathew 24:24, we read about how the deceit of the last days shall be so great that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect of God.

Today’s problems, and solutions, are expressed by wise-men, not exclusively but mostly of your own country.

It has been said that an understanding of the forces that have shaped the events of the twentieth century is predicated not on facts to be learned, but upon secrets to be




Sir Winston Churchill-once said, “All the great secrets are revealed in history.”

Conspiracy, mention the word, and people’s propaganda conditioning, and disinformation causes them to laugh, snicker, and mock on cue; and they will often dismiss further discussion. However it was a conspiracy of Brutus to murder Julius Cesar. It was a conspiracy of John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. It was a conspiracy to blow up the World Trade Center. It is well established the conspiracy of various empires and numerous kings to rule the world. Yet suddenly in our modern world we have been convinced human nature no longer conspires. This is the logic of propaganda. When you get a better understanding of history you will see the conspiratorial view of history, is in fact the correct view of history.

Woodrow Wilson, former President said, “ Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath in condemnation of it. J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the F.B.I. May 10, 1924 to May 2, 1972“The individual is handicapped by the coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.” What could he possibly be referring to? Yes, he was referring to the communists, but who controls them? Please read on.

THE NEW WORLD ORDER, is really the OLD WORLD ORDER where we are ruled by KINGS and TYRANTS. Don’t believe it? Read on…….

James Paul Warburg, is the actual man characterized as “Daddy Warbucks” in the famous Broadway play “Little Orphan Annie.” Speaking before the United States Senate on Feb. 17, 1950 Paul Warburg stated; “ We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

Who was James Paul Warburg? 1896- 1967 son of Paul Mority Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg, and Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn Loeb & Co.(wall street bankers) who poured millions into the Russian Bolshevik revolution through James brother



Max, banker to the German government, and Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations.

The phrase “New World Order” although used by Adolf Hitler is actually much older in origin. To begin to understand the “New World Order” I think it is instructive to see who Ben Franklin identified as our original enemies. This paper will show you that they have always been our enemy and are still today our most serious foe. With thought you will be able to determine who the truly mega serial killers of our society are and why they have never been brought to justice. I also show you what many other wise-men said regarding them, also some obscure history to reveal the origins of today’s problems.

Benjamin Franklin: “The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the Colonies their money, which created unemployment, and dissatisfaction. The ability of the Colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the International Bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.“

James Madison: “History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”

Thomas Jefferson: “I sincerely believe that the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money; first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Gouv Morris, one of the signers of our Constitution: “The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did; they always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere if we do not, by power of government keep them in their proper spheres.”

Alexander Hamilton: He was the Rothschild Banking Dynasty agent in George Washington’s administration, and was responsible for persuading him to begin the First Central Bank of the United States in 1791. He was vehemently opposed by Jefferson, and Madison. Jefferson thought him a diabolical schemer,



and a British stooge tainted with corruption and sympathy for the monarchy. Their disagreements are what began our two party political system. Our founders had not wanted a party system. From the beginning the bank was modeled after the “Bank of England” and was manipulated by British financial interests. When Congress had decided not to renew the banks charter, the Rothschild’s threatened America that if we did not, we would find ourselves in a devastating war. Congress refused and thus begun the war of 1812. By 1816, we had renewed the charter, and the war had ended, although no doubt aided by England’s occupation with Napoleon.

William Findley, 1787 Pennsylvania House Assembly,- Anti-Federalist, He helped lead the fight to ratify the Constitution, and in 1785 led the fight to kill the first American central bank. He said,“The institution having no principle but that of avarice, will never be varied in its object to engross all the wealth, power and influence of the state.”

Peter Buell Porter: Congressman, Senator, Secretary of War. & General of the war of 1812, attacked the central bank from the floor of the congress saying, “if the banks charter was renewed; congress will have planted in the bosom of this constitution a viper, which one day or another will sting the liberties of this country to the heart.”

President Andrew Jackson: identified an attempted assassination on his life in 1835, as having come from the Second Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson had run his successful election campaign on one issue; keeping the central bankers out of our country. President Jackson’s most controversial act was depositing federal funds in so called pet banks, those directed by democratic bankers rather than the bank of the United States. He was thwarting the Rothschild Banking Dynasty.

Abraham Lincoln: The term Greenbacks comes from Lincoln having issued U.S. currency distinguished by its back side being green. The purpose was to compete with the central bankers. Lincoln was assassinated, and there is evidence of a wide conspiracy originating, with the High Financial Powers.

Lincoln stated: “The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working



upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed.” (Lincoln’s unnerving crisis; is today our reality.)

In a statement to Congress, Lincoln said; “I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institution in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe.”

Carl Sandburg III: wrote that Lincoln said;“I am worse off than St. Paul. He was in a straight between two. I am in a straight betwixt twenty, and they are bankers and financiers.”

The London Times, an editorial directed against President Lincoln’s debt free Greenbacks said it all. “If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late war in that country, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

Otto Von Bismarck: 1815-1898 Imperial Chancellor of Germany united the many Prussian factions changing the balance of power in Europe. He was a contemporary of the Civil War, and certainly in a position to know when, He stated, “The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War, by the High Financial powers of Europe.”

THE KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, is another secret organization, which accomplished the division of the United States. In the book by Robert Gaylon, “The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, & MLK” on page 27, Dr. Stuart Crane said the (KGC) were financed by the Rothschild’s. On page 13, it is written they had a membership that included, President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis, and his entire cabinet; Lincoln’s entire cabinet, with the exception of Lincoln, and one other, also a member, was John Wilkes Booth. Following the Civil war, membership included William Quantrill, famous for his raiders, whom many, like Jesse James and Cole Younger were also members; others members include The Dalton Brothers and many more who were less famous. Following this era of robbers emerged the ”Great Robber Barons” of the 20 th century. In our day the sons and grandsons of

these “Robber Barons” are trying to complete plans laid long ago. It is



called the “New World Order”

The “Civil War” brought an end to “States rights,” and began Federalism (BIG GOVERNMENT) as wanted by Alexander Hamilton. Federalism was British Mercantilism, and sought to accomplish three things. One, a very powerful central government; two, that taxes could be levied everywhere; and three, that those taxes then were able to be doled out for works of improvement, like bridges, roads, dams etc. but the contracts always went to the family, friends, and political cronies of the politicians. This is just like what we see in Iraq today; Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton, is egregiously over-charging and providing very poor quality, and sometimes criminal service and products for our troops. They get just about all the contracts and without even submitting to a bid process. This was, and is, a system for personal power, and personal gain. I also suggest reading, “ The Real Lincoln” by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, and John Chandler Griffin’s, book “Abraham Lincoln’s Execution” published in 2006. Also “The great Escape of John Wilkes Booth” from Life & Liberty publishing, 2010, and a must read is “Red Republicans Marxism in the Civil War and Lincolns Marxists” by the Southern Historians Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, J r.

Napoleon Bonaparte: “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism, and without decency; their sole object is gain.”

President James Garfield, was shot 7/21, 1881 and, died 9/19, 1881 Perhaps one of the causes of his death was his statement made a couple of weeks before he was assassinated. He said,“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

Perhaps another possible cause of his death may have been the statement made in his inaugural address made March 4, 1881 where he said:

“The refunding of the national debt at a lower rate of interest should be accomplished without compelling the withdrawal of the national bank notes, and thus disturbing the business of the country, I venture to refer to the position I have occupied on financial questions during a long service in Congress, and to say that



time and experience have strengthened the opinions I have so often expressed on these subjects. The finances of the Government shall suffer no detriment which it may be possible for my administration to prevent.”

Representative Charles Lindburg SR. Republican Min. 1913: said,“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is privately conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.This new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation.”

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the brain-child of Col. Edward Mandell House, top advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. He wrote in his own 1912 book “Philip Dru Administrator“ that he was working towards socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx. History records he had a cult like power over President Wilson. In his book you find the strategy of pressure from above and pressure from below. Crisis upon crisis is created as the pressure from above and through various groups the only solutions offered are the solutions your leaders want you to hear and accept. This has been documented as being practiced extensively during the 1960’s against the American Peace movement and most other groups of that political era. This was exposed in the Senator Church hearings in the 1970’s if you want to read more about it, (and an excellent book about it, is “The Judas Goats” by Michael Collins Piper.) It is called controlled opposition, where groups on both sides of an issue are financed by the C.I.A. or another government outlet for funding and both groups are then manipulated to bring the people around. You can find this operational today in Tea party groups. He later founded the Council on Foreign Relations after the Senate had said no to “The League of Nations,” that he and Woodrow Wilson had tried to promote. They were a continuation of the Progressive Party, as begun by Theodore Roosevelt. The purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations was to persuade the American people to want World Government. The League of Nations was submitted later as the “United Nations.”

President Woodrow Wilson: Was a strong advocate for the Federal Reserve Act. After signing it into law he made the following statement.“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation therefore and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world no longer



a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Rep. Louis T. McFadden Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee during the Great Depression, said, “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the Moneyed Vultures who control it.”

On June 10, 1932 he also said, ” Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions, they are not, they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It makes and breaks governments at will. Credible evidence is presented of a world power elite intent on gaining absolute control over the planet and its natural resources, including its subservient human resources or human capital.

Because of McFadden’s stand for honest money three assassination attempts were made on his life. The first were bullets, followed by two poisonings the third attempt succeeded and ended the life of this great patriot.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Nov. 23, 1933, in a letter to Colonel Edward Mandell House, said “ The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.

John F. Kennedy about conspiracy: said, “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published, its mistakes are buried not headlined, its dissenters are silenced not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no, secret is revealed. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and



open society and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings.”

Not only was Kennedy going to reduce war profits to the “International Corporations” by pulling us out of Viet Nam; just ten days after issuing Executive order 11110 directing the U.S. Treasury to issue its own silver certificates, the President was assassinated. There is evidence that the high financial powers ordered him, his brother, and Martin Luther King to be killed and that the highest people in our government carried this out. Unfortunately, this is what it looks like, when real power kills. We have already discussed the secret society of “The Knights of the Golden Circle” As you read on I will discuss more secret societies Kennedy probably was referring to. For more information on the murder of John F. Kennedy, watch the DVD called, “They Killed ‘em: JFK Jr. & JFK” available from, also, read the book “The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK & MLK,” by Robert Gaylon. Also “JFK Murder Solved“, available at also the book Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper and the DVD called “Spooks, Hoods, and the Hidden Elite.” It is a confession before his death by CIA operative and mob associate Chauncey Holt.

What happened to the “Conservative Movement” In what follows I have provided a lot of information on this subject because it is so critical that the American people understand what has happened!

Barry Goldwater: five time United States Senator from Arizona, said, “Most Americans have no real understanding of the International Money Lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.”

Barry Goldwater was a huge political icon in the early 1960s. Having won the 1964 GOP nomination for President, his nemesis and opponent for the Republican Presidential nomination was the liberal internationalist banker Nelson Rockefeller. Barry was an America first politician, like Senator Robert Taft before him whose nickname was Mr. Republican. Taft was a strong advocate for traditional conservatism. Most people don’t know that Barry Goldwater wrote a book titled “The Conscience of a Conservative,” this book became the basis and bible for the original conservative movement. Ronald Reagan was a supporter and campaigner for Barry Goldwater. The term “Conservative,” when used today, refers to many definitions; for example, a Traditional-Values-Conservative, a Constitutional-Conservative, a Social-Conservative, an Economic, or Fiscal-



Conservative, a knee-jerk-Conservative, or a Neo-Conservative. Don’t be Neo-Conned as the classifications are indicative of often very different ideas. NEO-CONNS for example, are linked to the liberal Rockefeller republicans and “Zionist Trotskyism” and they seek an imperial domination of the world. More on this later but please research the “Project for a New American Century.” The Neo Conn’s have wars planned for the next 100 years. Peace through continuous war is not peace, nor will it lead to peace. How many of our sons and daughters must we sacrifice at the alter, of the never ending wars?

Our military and even our “National Guard Units” are chasing phantoms and ghosts often created by our C.I.A. and fighting a foreign war of dubious origin and corporate interests. The rules of engagement remind me of Viet Nam, another war where profits ruled and our military had one hand tied behind their back because it was never intended that we win. Since the “United Nations: came into being all wars are now to be police actions of the international elite. Recently I even saw a Special Forces Commander in charge of Tora Bora on television telling us the mission was a fraud and they were sent to fail having been set up every step of the way. When our military fights foreign wars it costs money and lives neither of which we can afford. Also they are not here to protect our homeland that is now being overrun; not only increasingly with violence on our “Southern Border,” but, by a much more sinister enemy within that has subverted our entire system of Constitutional Government.

Ronald Reagan: I think a discussion of him important because he was the transitional figure that brought us the liberal Rockefeller republicans known as the NEO- CONNS. They now own the “Republican Party” lock stock and barrel. Reagan’s popularity grew as he emerged from activity in the Barry Goldwater Campaign. Reagan is perhaps the best known person to carry the title conservative. Before his death in 1998, Barry Goldwater, was asked what he thought of Ronald Reagan? His answer was; “I think he is a damn good democrat!”

Despite his popularity within the Republican party, Ronald Reagan, talked the talk, but he didn’t often walk the walk. Like most people I liked his rhetoric, and his wittiness which was often not his own but came from others like Will Rogers. Most of what you think Reagan did; he didn’t; you have had the public relations version of Reagan. He really did mostly the opposite of what he promised. Don’t forget he was a Founding Member of the Fabian Socialist-controlled “AMERICANS for DEMOCRATIC ACTION”, and a 13 year member of the UNITED WORLD FEDERALISTS, and was a three time President of the left-of-center, SCREEN ACTORS GUILD. Reagan was not the anti-communist you thought he was. Lou



Cannon, in his book called ”Reagan” reports that during the time Reagan was President of the guild he was called to testify before the “House UN-American Activities Committee” regarding communist writers and actors in his union. Reagan is said to have stated that Communists formed a political party and he would be hesitant to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology. This was the typical party line position of that time. The California Senate Committee on UN-American Activities had identified the National Advisory Committee of the American Veterans as a Communist front organization in 1952, but Reagan became a member of it in 1958. He was also involved with the “California League for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy, a group linked to and who followed the lead of the Communist dominated “ Institute of Pacific Relations” in its drive to work against American allies and bring Mao Tse-tung in as dictator of China. Pat Shannan, in his book “Everything They Ever Told Me Was A Lie,” points out that we would have not had the Korean or Vietnam wars if Mao had not become dictator of China and that Reagan was a willing and active cheerleader in all of this. Reagan has also been accused of collaborating with the Anti-Defamation League at that time, with the likes of James Roosevelt and Dore Schary, president of the league. In 1950 he campaigned for Helen G. Douglas a notorious leftist from that era. Let’s not forget he sent the Soviets our grain to feed the Russian army.

In 1954 Reagan was hired by General Electric Corporation as a TV spokesperson and PR man. He was hired by long time GE president Gerard Swope, the author of FDR’s National Recovery Administration plan, which became the blueprint for corporate socialism in America. This was the beginning of Reagan’s transition from liberal to conservative, at least in the publics eye, and he found his “hat-switch” from cowboy to bankster’s homeboy to be very lucrative. Many of the referenced facts are to be found in Pat Shannan’s book,

Reagan as Governor of California on July 28, 1967 signed the Mulford Gun Act, the first move toward firearms control in California, and it was the most sweeping and repressive gun control legislation passed in the United States to that date. As if that was not bad enough he set up and arranged financing for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and the State Office of Criminal Justice Planning they had a large staff and were charged with the task of prohibiting the private possession of handguns by January 1983. When what he had done was discovered and he was confronted by a committee of California patriots, he lied and claimed no knowledge of it. Faced with irrefutable facts he continued to lie about it.

Reagan also gave California the largest tax increase in the history of any state of



the union at that time. He promised to hold the line on spending and then reversed his position and doubled the debt after only two months in office. He cut the educational bureaucracy then 6 months into his first term restored the cuts and increased faculty and employee salaries across the board. He kept the tuition plan but removed its tax relief basis.

As Governor he dumped the conservatives who got him elected and brought in Nelson Rockefeller’s staff of radicals to run his administration in Sacramento. Pat Shannan, say’s Reagan was a spendthrift- a “tax and spend” Keynesian with no regard for the constitutionally protected rights or economic needs of the electorate. He increased the state budget from $4.6 billion in 1967 to $10.3 billion in 1974. He increased the sales tax 248%, the personal income tax 404% the corporate tax 160% and gasoline taxes 40%, while property taxes doubled, and during the Reagan tenure welfare was up 43%.

Congressional candidate Gary Arnold accused Reagan of driving the conservatives out of government with his tax hikes. He said, “You know exactly what you were doing, Mr. President. You know exactly what it is all about. Why else would you propose a $99- billion tax increase just three months prior to the elections- if not to crucify every conservative congressional candidate with this, “ Contrived Catastrophe.”

The following statement is from Congressional Candidate Gary Arnold he is addressing President Ronald Reagan. This statement could just as easily been spoken about the Republican Nation Committee today.“It is fraud for the Republican National Committee to collect millions upon millions in cash contributions from working men and women conservatives, who support free enterprise and a free America for conservative candidates and then proceed to cut off all contributions to those very candidates because they won’t line up like little Lemmings and leap into the Sea of Socialism; and then use those funds only for those who go along with your Global Government Group.” Reagan by his own admission had said he would cut off the cash contributions made by conservatives for conservative candidates who did not line up behind his tax hikes.

While campaigning for the presidency Reagan promised America a balanced budget instead they got the biggest tax hike and deficit in our history to that date.

Gary also accused Reagan of abandoning Taiwan one of our allies when he refused to sell them planes to keep China at bay. He called Reagan a chameleon conservative who changed his colors from right to red. He said Reagan thinks in



global terms about a worldwide government instead of being concerned primarily about the welfare of his own country. Reagan also bailed out the Rockefeller banks for making bad loans to Communist Poland and Mexico. He also authorized arms sales and technology transfers to communist China. He financed Communist Romania’s purchase of two nuclear steam turbine generators.

Take another look at the other Ronald Reagan! Research California Congressional Candidate Gary Arnold. Gary was told to shut-up by then President Ronald Reagan in public, and on camera. You see Gary was doing a good job making his case about how Ronald Reagan does the opposite of about 90% of what he say’s. Gary was doing such a good job exposing him, the President insisted he shut-up. Gary was often referred to as “old shut-up” after that. Reagan had vowed not to let the CFR and Trilateral Commission dominate his administration. Gary Arnold called him on that saying “ You have turned the administration over to a Small, elite rich group… after criticizing Carter for appointing 19 members of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission you, Reagan have appointed 83.” Since 1927, the CFR makes it goals clear,“NOTHING LESS than to CREATE a WORLD SYSTEM of FINANCIAL CONTROL, IN PRIVATE HANDS ABLE to DOMINATE the POLITICAL STRUCTURE of each COUNTRY and the ECONOMY as a WHOLE. The imposition of this world government is to be upon the ashes of America’s sovereignty.

Reagan’s conservative rhetoric was so good he also championed the cause of reversing abortion and after 8 years of his term he had surpassed all 39 of his predecessors in spending on abortion, and the Christian pro-life conservatives loved him. Oh” did you know his Vice Presidential choice George H. Bush when he was Ambassador to China during the Nixon administration advised the Red Communist nation on setting up its abortion and one child only policies?

I could tell you much more, about Reagan as Governor of California, but don’t just believe me; do the research. Get the books I list. There is also a rare, out of print, and difficult to get book called, “Here’s The Rest Of Him,” by Kent Steffgen, published in1968 by Forsight Books. Get and read the book. The book shows Reagan’s real record of being a liberal and divisive politician, and how his rhetoric was very different than the policy his administration produced.

After campaigning as a conservative Reagan quickly made his way into the very liberal Rockefeller branch of the Republican Party. Reagan stated on Oct. 16, 1967 during the Virgin Islands Governors Conference that he saw no barrier to a platform consisting of Nelson Rockefeller and himself. From this association with



“Rockefeller Republicans” is where he would pick up George Bush as his Vice President. Lyndon Johnson rode into the “White House” on John Kennedy’s popularity, so did George Bush ride on Reagan’s neither of them could have gotten there without the popularity of those whose backs they rode on. George Bush would go on to drive all the traditional conservatives out of the Republican Party and replace them with Neo Conservatives, who would have a very different philosophy of international free trade, with open borders that is embodied in Trotskyite communism.

I think it worth mentioning that from the administrations beginning there was a constant power struggle within it. Ronald Reagan though he tried to play ball with them, he was not a Bonesman. George Bush and Rockefeller were. They were members of the infamous Skull and Bones Society where secret blood oaths are sworn to the society above all else and packs are made with the devil. Some say Bush really had three terms as president as a result of the attempted assassination of Reagan, approximately 2 months after he was elected. Bush would have been President if the planchet had not stopped 1/4 inch from Reagan’s aorta. Yeah you probably haven’t heard of the planchet. A planchet is a gas propelled projectile used by the C.I.A. Reagan said he thought the secret service agent’s gun had discharged when he jumped on top of him pushing him into the car. Let’s also remember that John Hinckley the accused mad gunman shooting in the crowd (a possible distraction) and would be assassin was the son of an oil company chairman who was a friend and associate of the Bush family. They even had dinner plans following the assassination attempt, which they then thought proper to cancel. Also very interesting is how Press Secretary James Brady also shot, got to the hospital 15 minutes earlier than Reagan even though Reagans car left for the hospital first about 15 minutes before the Brady car did. The excuse given was the secret service got lost. Do you believe that? The secret service carry out very extensive planning and this is so unlikely that it’s almost an impossibility. It has been suggested instead that they were driving around stalling waiting for Reagan to expire, but when he didn’t they could not stall any longer. Watch the very enlightening and fact filled DVD called “Bo Gritz Straight Talk” by Gavegin Video Production. Bo Gritz is the most decorated Special Forces Green Beret, and was Commander of Special Forces in Viet Nam. You really don’t want to miss his discussion of world events as he is a very informed Intelligence Officer.

Anyway, it was the Reagan Presidential administration that headed the drive for free trade, open borders, unlimited imports, debt financing, and deregulation. We see the result of these policies now. In the short run, we got lots of cheap goods from foreign nations, while in the long run our industry and jobs got shipped



overseas. We were told to work in the service sector (although we were not told that meant taking care of grandma, flipping burgers, or janitoring,) millions of illegal aliens flooded our streets, trillions of dollars in trade deficits accrued, deregulated oil and utility companies gouged and scammed us, and decades of banking scandals ended in a looted and plundered nation.

Princely titles are forbidden to public office holders by our constitution.Upon leaving the Presidency, President Reagan knelt down before the Queen of England; The Queen put her sword on his shoulder and dubbed him “Sir Ronald Reagan, Knight of the British Empire”. President George Bush Senior also upon leaving the presidency did the same kneeling before the Queen. Do you think, George Washington, or any of our Founding Fathers, would have approved of that? Do you think that was a proper example for the heirs of the Sons of Liberty?

Pat Shannan’s book summary of Reagan is he was not the great conservative hero we are supposed to believe he was. It is the offspring of this deluded group that today still believes that the Bush family is Christian, Conservative, and for the advancement of American ideals. None of that is true either.

I liked Reagan too, but truth, is truth. I think most people remember and liked him best for his smile, optimism, fatherly appearance, plaid pants and his ability to make people feel good about themselves and not what he actually did.

Also look at Reagan’s rise to power through mob connections at his talent agency called Music Corporation of America (MCA.) Also read the books “Dark Victory” by Dan E. Molden, and “Supermob” by Gus Russo, and “The King Maker” by Henry Denker.

Sarah Palin / John McCainReagan’s deceptive rhetoric would be the model to continue selling bad government to the people through succeeding administrations, effectively co-opting the original conservative movement, by NEO- CONNS; and it is active today while the power elite use Sarah Palin, and others to co-opt the “Tea Party Movement”. Refreshing and apparently a wholesome young lady what’s unfortunate is Sarah appears to have bought the “Neo Conn” philosophy. The power behind and molding Sarah Palin should raise your eyebrows. Palin’s protege John McCain married the daughter of Jim Hensley, the owner of the largest beer distribution business in Arizona. He was also a highly placed figure in the Arizona



branch of the “National Organized Crime Syndicate” and henchman for mob boss Kemper Marley. Kemper Marley was the Arizona point man for infamous mob chief Meyer Lansky and his powerful partners-in-crime, the Bronfman family of Montreal Canada. The Bronfman’s are one of the Billionaire Gang of Four, (consisting of Rothschild, Bronfman, Oppenhimer and Rupert Murdoch.) Marley, now deceased was undisputed political boss of Arizona. Joe Lieberman is reportedly now the well connected advisor of both McCain and Palin. Palin’s rise to prominence through media coverage and Fox network support is also from The Billionaire Gang of Four, specifically through Neo-Con propaganda journalist William Kristol son of ex-Trotskyite Irving Kristol. It has been said that William Krostol invented Palin. For more on this read “ The Power Behind Sarah Palin special American free press report” available from “American Free Press” phone # 1-888 699-6397, also watch the you-tube video on Sarah Palin by Alex Jones called, “Neo-Con Palin’s Tea Party Takeover,” at

Tea Partiers, Think about this! Let me point out to you what’s happening. We have been (notice I say we, I am there with you) whipped into a mild hysteria using our legitimate grievances that we have complained about to our government and have not had satisfactory recourse for. We are led to believe were going to get rascals in political office out, we will clean house and elect our people, we‘ll kick the bums out, we will show em. Then we organize a Tea Party group, and remember I’m there with you. We are given the agenda, lower taxes, limited government and free trade. We are told we should focus on these issues, and not take a stand on things like abortion, or 9/11 truth, Obama’s birth certificate etc. We are told in the leadership meetings in Sacramento that we should not allow politicians to co-opt our groups, so we should not allow any of them to speak at our individual groups. The Tea Party is going to hold fire to their feet and we are told they must prove a long track record of working for and standing shoulder to shoulder with the Tea party and have fealty with it. Then, when spoken to about the issues were only given generalities, few details, or real truth is allowed to enter the rhetoric, only vague generalities. I call this (“information depleted rhetoric.”) Also we are told the Tea Party is not partisan, that we don’t recognize any political party, we are told we are a diverse group of all parties. Then after the candidate’s are official we are sent out lists of the candidates selected by the Tea Party leadership that we now should encourage to speak at our groups meetings. No party affiliation is attached to the names on the list, but if you do research you find they are all Republican. Not just Republican but all are like they had been cut from the same cloth with a cookie cutter. They are all NEO-CON, they all speak in the generalities of “information depleted rhetoric,” never bringing much real detail or



truth to their audiences, and most are either already party trained and tested, or are young and not able to think outside what they have been mentored to do or think. I think the greater number of them don’t have the capacity to speak outside of the

general rhetoric. So the end result, if we allow this, is going to be a continuation of exactly the same government we have been getting and don’t like. This is what is called controlled opposition groups. Tea Party groups are not the only groups being controlled. This type of control is being practiced in various groups all over the country. Understand that agents have been sent in among you to co-opt your outrage and direct it back to the same old status quo. All you need do is listen to the republican leadership they admit they are doing this. If you want a better understanding of it I suggest you read “The Judas Goats” by Michael Collins Piper.

Post 2010 Election Comments to the Tea PartySo how did it work for you my fellow Tea Partiers? Answer; you got “HOODWINKED AGAIN” you got redirected just like I said you would and now your again stuck with the same old game they have played against Americans for a long time now. The status quo has maintained their grip on political power and your still frustrated and wondering what to do. The “Republican National Committee” did everything it could to defeat any Tea Party candidates and co-opt all others. They pulled out the dirty tricks and you got nothing substantial enough to make any difference. Same old same old. Ron Paul was denied the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee for 20 years; now the new Majority Whip John Boehner who states he is now listening to you the Tea Party has recently discussed how to deny the chairmanship again or at least how to keep a tight leash on Ron Paul. Yeah their listening alright, but money speaks louder than you do. When are you going to recognize what’s going on? The TEA PARTY EXPRESS the only openly admitted Republican Tea Party is now pleased to announce that it has agreed to partner with the very liberal CNN to host the first-ever Tea Party Presidential Debate for GOP candidates for president. “Notice” it’s only for Republicans! They can’t have any possibility of a real debate because they know a third party challenge will blow them away, “REPUBLICANS ONLY”

The democrats are Marxist heavy, the republicans are only a little lighter in the Marxist doctrine, and lean more towards a Trotskyism version. Personally as Marxist, as the Democratic National Leadership is, I think the democrats are more



honest about their positions and plans than the Republican National Leadership is.

Did you ever think the Republican Party left you and wonder where they went wrong, and went left? They didn’t go wrong! It was rotten from the start! It was never anything but Red. Why do you think they call Republican States Red States? From the day it was founded the Republican Party has worked without deviation for bigger, more imperial government, for higher taxes, more wars, and more totalitarianism.

You want the real skinny on the Republican Party? The Republican Party has been Red from the Start! Have you ever wondered like I have how the Yankee army could have brutalized their fellow Americans the way they did? You may have read about General Sherman’s scorched earth march to the Sea, but did you ever read in school about the 400 women in Georgia who were penned in the town square in the summer heat for a week without toilet facilities. The killing and raping; and the two thousand women and children that were shipped North too labor as slaves? Emancipation was an excuse introduced late to cloak the real war intentions and acted as propaganda from then on. The “Proclamation of Emancipation” was a fraud it never freed a single slave. All this and much more you will read about, as well as how many of the Union Army, and Republican Party leadership were Marxist that had fled a failed 1848 communist revolution in Europe and yes their names are revealed

in this book. Yes those Rich Republicans who got Lincoln elected and used him were Marxists. A must read if you want to

understand How your being Hoodwinked! Remember to the victors goes the writing and teaching of history. Read the book “Red Republicans Marxism in the Civil War and Lincolns Marxists” by the Southern historians Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr. Pat shannan puts it this way, about the only folks who feel good now are the international bankers of the world, who are in the process of conducting what may prove to be one of the largest raids on the real wealth of this nation… our labor and real property ever witnessed.

Term Limits, as the Tea Party progressed I started hearing this idea of term limits touted about.

America’s founders were intelligent enough, to have put this into our law if they thought it had merit. When you realize, how easily our government is controlled, you can then see how this idea only strengthens the hand of false men, who design



to remove our freedom.

There are two round-table groups the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations from which persons are selected for nearly all important bureaucratic posts of government. Both groups were started and are sponsored by The Rockefeller Banksters.

Bureaucrats run the everyday activities of government not politicians. To become a member of these groups, you are screened, trained, and indoctrinated in the New World Order propaganda. Political correctness towards this ideology becomes prerequisite to advancement and selection for key government posts.

If an honest and sincere person gets elected to office in spite of all the New World Order impediments to this. Then the bureau chiefs are the next impediments and will stone wall and obfuscate. They bide their time until the next election, when the “New World Order”elites will work overtime to elect another in their place.

If the person is a really strong populist and is re-elected they will eventually figure out how the system is gamed. Their experience will allow them varying degrees of success. With term limits, by the time they learn how to become effective you replace them. That works very nicely for our enemies, but not so good for us. If they stay beyond their passion to do good; they need you to vote them goodbye. That requires the educated, and vigilant electorate our founders said you would need to be. Elect the very best, but then be sure to watch them like hawks and see that they follow our constitution. This was our Founders advice.

This was easier to do through our State legislators when they had a vote and leash on who goes to Washington as a federal legislator.

Federal legislators had fewer constituents before the checks and balances on government erected by our founders were changed with the 17th amendment. This worked to disenfranchise many by restricting their access to elected officials. It also made it very expensive to run for elected office, effectively changing our Senate into a House of Lords. We should repeal the 17th amendment and bring

back States rights. This would be some effective campaign reform, and a better idea than “Term Limits.” Other amendments also need repealed, but I can‘t discuss everything in this paper.

Organized Crime



No discussion of American politics would be complete without mentioning organized crime. The media would have you believe that with the arrest of John Gotti the mafia was finally brought down in America. Nothing could be further from the truth. Gotti was small potatoes not much more than just a street level gangster. Organized crime for a very long time has been a major power controlling much and many from behind the scenes in every State of America; politics, industry, entertainment, social organizations you name it, their in it .

Lucky Luciano was known as the godfather of all godfathers. He killed off all the traditional old “Mustache Pete” type Italian godfathers and then announced the new organization was not about Italian ethnicity but that it was about money. He then brought in the Irish, Jewish, Anglo, and eventually many others to form the greatest crime syndicate the world has ever known. Although this is accepted generally what is less talked about was that Meyer Lansky was his childhood friend and the brains behind the organization. Not only did this crime syndicate go nationally but it went internationally and Meyer Lansky was a key player in this. You see although it became the worlds most powerful crime syndicate there was another, both older and more powerful. Lansky was a direct tie to it. It was the Rothschild world-wide network. There are many well known organizations in America that are fronts for this organized crime network, far too many for me to list here.

You think Al Capone was a Racketeer? “War is a Rackett,”U.S. Marine Major General Smedley Darlington Butler-1881to1940, he was known as the “Fighting Quaker.” Google his name and watch his speech on Utube.

He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1914. He got a second Congressional Medal of Honor in 1917. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1919. He was awarded the Brevette Medal in the Boxer Rebellion in China. In 1932 a coup to take over the United States by right winged industrialists

and install a fascist government was thwarted by Butler when he was ask to lead the “New Government” and 500,000 troops. See his testimony before the U.S. Senate.

Here are a few paraphrased highlights from his speech! Please view the rest on Utube.“War is a racket it always has been, 33 years and 4 months as a marine I was a high class muscleman for Bankers, and Wall Street. I have often thought of tips I could have given Al Capone, who operated 3 districts in Chicago, while I operated on 3 continents. All during that time a handful took all the profits and transferred all the costs to the American people. These leaders never took



up arms themselves instead they exploited the soldier. They made it a matter of honor and the “Medal of Honor” made conscription easier.” Throughout his distinguished career Butler demonstrated that true Patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree.

My Opinion of War! Unfortunately wars are going to be fought! They are never desirable, but are sometimes necessary. I would certainly fight a war to defend myself, my family, friends, community or country. I think war is too often a racket. I think the Constitution makes it clear that wars are to be declared by Congress; not fought as a police action in some global “New World Order” design, to socially engineer the world. Congress has not declared war since World War II. This is the first problem I have with our wars. Another problem is the reasons we go to war are often proven to be lies. The Gulf of Tokin Incident that committed us to Viet Nam is just one example of many. It is admitted by our government that they lied. It never really happened yet it got us into a terrible war. War is a terrible thing to be involved in; it is also something false leaders often involve us in. We must go to war for the right reasons, and this is seldom done. Too many times it is for money, control, and New World Order global tyranny. I also have a major problem with the rules of engagement imposed on our military that make winning a war impossible and puts our soldiers in harms-way not even able to sometimes defend themselves.

I want to also point out that our enemies are always the best our U.S. tax dollars can buy. Whether Germany in World War II, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, China or others our tax dollars always built them into the dangerous enemies they became. Should we think a little harder about that????

Rep. Wright Patman:- Democrat from Texas in 1968, said, “In the United States today we have in effect two governments. We have the duly constituted government. Then we have an independent, uncontrolled, and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve.” Rep. Patman, was implying that he had no influence over the Federal Reserve and he had no power to control what they were doing. He said, they are an independent government.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild head of the European Banking Dynasty, stated, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”Nathan Rothschild one of the five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he controlled the Bank of England. Not long after the battle of Waterloo he declared, “ I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls



the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

David Rockefeller, head of the United States branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty states in his own book copyrighted in 2002, called Memoirs, Page 405, “Some believe we are part of a “Secret Cabal” working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as Internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure- “One World “ if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

President Thomas Jefferson: Speaking about banking institutions stated, “ Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.” This eventually grew into what President Dwight Eisenhower, warned us about, he called it the “Military Industrial Complex.” This is a broad term to describe what should include banking, corporations, oligarchs, organizations, secret societies, George Washington’s foes the Tories, their descendants and more. People understand the definition of military, and industrial, but most could use some defining help on the word complex. Complex is defined as a whole, made up of many smaller, detailed, often very complicated inter-related parts. The more you understand this, you will see how so many different, often seemingly unrelated events, issues, people, organizations, and history are actually often very connected. To better understand this, and the nemesis of our American freedom the following highlights a few of the many broad topics worthy of discussion.

The British Crown: when people think of the “Crown” most people often associate it with, or as the King, or Queen, of England. It is however a MONOPOLISTIC CORPORATION, now called “The Corporation Of London.” I think one needs to understand how a “Holding Corporation;” owns, or controls many other corporations. This is how money and policy is distributed in society by those who own the holding corporations. It provides layers of cover to deceive the public about where directives for society come from and how politicians are often owned through diverse corporate donations. Even before 1215 A.D. when the Lords, and Barons, of King John, put their swords to his throat and made him sign the Magna Carta; the rich were in control. Actually the King could have never run things without them, its just that upon rewarding them for their service to the King, he often later, often many years later, would take back those rewards or privileges. The Lords, and Barons, decided to change this problem they had, and that’s how we got the “Magna Carta“ a forerunner to our United States Constitution.



We read in the book “The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, & MLK,” by Robert Gaylon, on page18. “The Crown” is a committee of 12 to 14, men who rule the Independent Sovereign State known as London, or “The City.” “The City” is not part of England. It is not subject to the Sovereign. It is not under the rule of the British Parliament. Like the Vatican in Rome, it is a separate independent state. It is the Vatican of the commercial world. The Lord Mayor, who is elected for a one year stint, is the monarch in “The City” The Lord Mayor is today answerable to the international banking cabal, or the Rothschild’s. “The City” is just over one square mile in size, its constitution was rooted in the ancient rights and privileges enjoyed by citizens before the Norman Conquest in 1066. “The City” is where you will find, The Bank of England, Lloyds of London, N.M. Rothschild (who set the worldwide price of gold each morning), the London Stock Exchange, many insurance companies, and banks including 555, foreign banks. It has its own police force, of 2,000, who protect about 9,000 residents. Also read the book “The Secret Empire part II” by, Cushman Cunningham.

What England failed to take from George Washington by military force, has since been taken with stealth, by corporations. While perfecting control, they built railroads, elected the Progressives, bought other politicians, and changed our laws, and Constitution. One example would be the 17th Amendment, which it made our Senate like a House of Lords.

Furthermore the 16th Amendment gave us the Income Tax and IRS, which came right off the desk of “Communist Manifesto” writer Karl Marx. Still the perversion continues. When criminals come to power, the first thing they do is pervert the law. However this is nothing new. The Oligarchs of Rome did it by pushing Hellenism on resistant Jews. Why were they resistant? Hellenism involved much to do with Polytheism and Homosexuality. Again nothing new here, our oligarchs are descendants from, or allies with the families of Roman oligarchs, who became the Kings of Europe.

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency: The “Agency” has “Black Ops” teams specializing in assassinations. Each U.S. Embassy has a member of this team, or has access to one from other Embassy‘s, or CIA headquarters. U.S. intelligence is a refinement of the intelligence operations originated by the Rothschild’s, who were, and are, the most informed family on earth, starting from the period beginning around 1750 to the present. My point here who controls the CIA? I am kicking myself, because I can’t remember my source on this but when I do I shall re-edit this to provide the info. Anyway I have read where a head of German intelligence made the statement that the German government has no idea who controls German



intelligence. He said the same people who control it also control British and American intelligence. He who controls the information is in a position to control the decisions of the people and their leaders.

There are many levels of security above the level the President of the United States has. This is demonstrated by the historical evidence of President Jimmy Carter having promised to reveal to the public information regarding UFO’s and his statements regarding his attempt to do this. President Carter publicly stated that CIA Chief George H. Bush had denied him the file telling him that the information was on a need to know basis and that he didn’t need to know. Don’t believe it? Then research it yourself.

The pyramid structure seems to be the basis upon which the CIA and indeed the entire societies and governments of the world are controlled. For example the CIA employees are all on a need to know basis in their duties. It starts with compartmentalizing of individuals or groups at the base of the pyramid structure. These employee’s are all working to accomplish their limited goals as outlined by their managers and few know what their counterparts are doing. Their managers know only what is necessary to manage those individuals and they do not know what the managers who manage them are privy to know. And thus the pyramid is built layer upon layer each not knowing what is going on or the directives and goals of the layer above them. At the top of the pyramid of course sits ever smaller groups and ultimately one person at the pinnacle who knows all of what is going on in the organization.

You must now enlarge your vision to see that there is a pyramid for not just the CIA but one for nearly everything that can be managed; the Dept. of Defense, another for banking, political parties, the environmental movement, the media, another for industry, agriculture, Medical, business of all types, and of course there are interlocking pyramids and pyramids within pyramids for instance each corporation is a pyramid structure and holding companies are a pyramid over many corporations. Then what you find is that the individuals at the top of the pyramids sit on top of many other pyramids. only to ultimately have managers and persons of smaller denomination who sit on top of a pyramid above them; and ultimately you have the same few persons who sit on top of it all.

Now what you also have are interlocking rings that can also be managed by these pyramids and they are pyramids themselves. For example you have crime rings of all sorts, pornography rings, child abuse rings, homosexual organizations, drug rings, mafia or motorcycle crime rings, gangs, satanic cult organization rings these



have hierarchy and structure also. There are too many rings to try and list them all. Not every group must be part of the ring of organization but people within each of the rings usually have an idea of who else is practicing what they do. Birds of a feather flock together and word travels of who’s who and doing what within each ring. So it is not necessary for the controllers or Kings of this world to be directly connected to a ring but they always have a person or persons operating within each to keep them informed and able to apply a leash to them or use and benefit from each rings capacity to contribute towards goals as directed from above. The CIA is in the position of being able to manipulate all of these, as is demonstrated by their repeated and chronicled history of using the mob. Think it don’t happen this way? Think again your being naïve. Watch the DVD called “Endgame” by Alex Jones, also a DVD “The Calling, The Awakening” available from also the book, “Inside the CIA” by Ronald Kessler, and “Confessions of an Economic Hit man” by John Perkins

Let’s not forget we went to war in Iraq, on what was later blamed on poor or faulty intelligence. Was it really? The facts seem to indicate otherwise.

Gutle Schnapper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds matriarch of the Rothschild family, reportedly the most powerful family in the world, once stated,“If my sons did not want wars; there would be none.” Reference, page 12 “The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, & MLK” by Robert Gaylon.

The American Media, How Free IS IT? Monopoly of media should be a violation of our first amendment right because it strangles freedom of speech. (Another part of this same first amendment is also being strangled when you consider the effect of insurance and permit requirements to have an assembly.) Of 150 countries around the world with populations in excess of one million; World Audit .org has ranked them pertaining to how free is their press. It ranks the United States, #14 in terms of having a free press. If you control and suppress information you can control the debates and the decisions. In the United States all the major television and radio stations are owned by just six men. All newspapers, news magazines, radio and television in the entire world get there world news from the only two wire services; the Associated Press, and Reuters. Reuters has been owned outright since the late 1800’s by the Rothschild’s, who later purchased and now owns the Associated Press.

Consider the words of New York Times editor, John Swinton, said before a



meeting of the (“American Press Association”) “ There is no such thing as an independent press in America, if we except that of small town newspapers. You know this and I know it. No man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know before hand that it would never appear in print. We are fools and the vassals of the rich behind the scenes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our capacities are all the property of these men. We are intellectual prostitutes.

I recommend learning what a “Judas Goat” is by reading “The Judas Goats the enemy within” by Michael Collins Piper, and “Bias” by Bernard Goldberg.

Hey, are you starting to see the 800 pound gorilla in the living room with you yet? If not read on, there’s also an 800 pound propaganda gorilla talking to you.

I think we should consider who edits our news. Joseph Stalin was the editor of the propaganda newspaper Pravda before Vladimir Lenin died and Stalin rose to rule communist Russia. In the 1960s many Americans began to detect a deliberate undermining of American values and a liberal bias of the major networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and that a small group of families owned them. By the 1980s Americans wanted change (sound familiar?) Ronald Reagan, promised a new conservatism so Reagan was elected and thus started the “Neo Conservatives;” we also got the Fox News network. Is Fox different? Well they do exclusively support the “Neo Conservative Agenda.” The word neo means new; be sure you understand the difference between the neo and the original conservative, because it’s a 180 degree difference that most Americans have missed. It’s the difference between America-first- Americanism, and International-Trotskyite-Communism. Yes this should be a revelation to most folks because most of us have not understood that we have been Neo-Conned, by the new change.

The Fox News Channel has become A major player and power in the “Neo Conservative movement.” I would ask you to count the number of Fox News Contributors that are also members of the Council of Foreign Relations. The “Council of Foreign Relations” is the sister of “Chatham House” also known as “The British Royal Institute of International Affairs.” Both are round table groups of the Rothschild’s. Do you really believe your entering the no spin zone on Fox News? “Controlled Opposition” is a widely used technique for turning the sheep in a nation the direction leaders want them to go. There are even writings from Roman Senator’s, and Cesar’s describing ways of doing this in their conquered nations where they had installed puppet leaders. Our C.I.A. and F.B.I. even funded both sides of the Viet Nam war movement controlling and orchestrating the



opposition in an attempt to direct and co-opt the movement. Read about “Controlled Opposition” the Soviet model for infiltration and manipulation in Michael Collins Piper’s book “The Judas Goats” Don’t think this is not going on within the Tea Party Movement; I guarantee you it is.

In the book “The Judas Goats” it states that Rupert Murdoch, already an established media power in Australia received loans and sponsorship as a front man for The Rothschild’s of Europe, the Bronfman’s of Canada, and the Oppenheimer’s of South Africa to expand his media empire into Britain, and around the planet. These four are often referred to as the “Billionaire Gang of Four.“ Murdoch now owns the vast media organization of Fox News and it constitutes, The Weekly Standard magazine, run for Rupert Murdoch, by “neo conservative” William Kristol, who is a member of the powerful Bilderberg group, another round table group of the Rothschild’s. He is also the son of “ex-Trotskyite” neo-conservative godfather, Irving Kristol. This magazine is the virtual foreign policy bible of the Bush administration. Rupert Murdoch also owns 175 different newspapers including “News of the World,” “The Sun,” “The Sunday Times,” “The Times,” published in Britain, and most notably the “New York Times.” He also owns “Twentieth Century Fox” motion picture studios; “Fox Television” stations in 22 major metropolitan markets; Direct broadcast satellite television, spanning five continents-notably “Foxtel;” also “Fox News” (cable) Channel and other cable outlets, reaching 300 million subscribers; also Major publishing houses such as “HarperCollins,” “William Morrow & Company,” “Avon Books,” “Amistad Press,” “Fourth Estate,” “Regan Books,” and “Zondervan.”

The Dumbing Down of Americans, I’ m not going to say much about this now, but consider this one example of how the reporting on Kent State National Guard shootings in the 1960s contributes to the dumbing down of America about what’s really going on in the bigger picture. You were shown pictures repeatedly on television of the student crowd pressing forward on the National Guard. What you didn’t see and wasn’t reported was the outside agitator’s who had formed a line behind the student crowd and had joined their hands together to make a human fence and were driving forward the students into a clash with the National Guard, while they themselves were protected by the masses in front of them. This was not a student rebellion, but a manipulated event by ideology Marxists; and again who controls the communists and funds them? The Bankers, and their tax free foundations, and even C.I.A. & F.B.I.& A.D.L. and S.P. L.C. Don’t believe it? Read the Senator Church report from the 1970s Senate hearings on this very subject, and the other sources I have quoted throughout this paper.



Baphomet the occultic symbol of the goat headed figure used in Satanic rituals is also known as the “Judas Goat.” The name is obviously derived from Judas Iscariot, the Apostle who betrayed Christ. Where the sheep were slaughtered in slaughter yards of the past there was often a Judas Goat employed. You see sheep will follow a goat. The Judas Goat is trained to lead the sheep a group at a time to the point of their demise and then return and lead another group of sheep to that point. This goes on again and again and again in the slaughter yard until all the sheep have been successfully herded to their slaughter. Another Judas Goat is used by hunters, it is often painted red, fitted with electronics and then turned loose to find wild goats. The hunters then follow the electronic signal and shoot their trophies. People often acting like sheep follow “False Teachers” and persons that may not always have their best interests in mind. This is why Michael Collins Piper, has applied the term “Judas Goat” to some in the media, and other leaders of the people.

David Rockefeller, said in an address to the Trilateral Commission meeting in 1991. “We are grateful to the “Washington Post,” the “New York Times,” “Time Magazine” and other great publishers whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

If you are wondering why you haven’t heard a lot of the history in this paper

before? Don’t forget the famous quote from Winston Churchill, “The victors get to write the history.” In our case the victors have chosen what history to teach. Also we often hear these days about revisionist history; because they are in fact trying to purge our books of what does not fit the agenda of “The New World Order”. If you want examples you will find massive amounts of this revisionist history in our children’s school books. I would add that to the victors goes the spreading of propaganda, and through litigious law suits they do burn books in America. Two authors who recently had their books censored by removal of chapters before they were allowed to publish are Michael Collins Piper and Jim Marrs. The chapter from Jim Marrs dealt with our lack of free press ironically.

Skull & Bones: is a very secretive and very powerful Society.Since its inception the (C.I.A.) has predominantly been dominated by Skull &



Bones members, who affectionately refer to themselves as spooks. Also oddly enough, this name is used to refer to a CIA agent. Recent famous members of Skull & Bones, are Prescott Bush, of “Brown Brothers Harriman Banking,” (Grandfather to George W. Bush,) who after world war II was criminally investigated for war crimes as was his bank, for massive involvement in Hitler’s Third Reich, including illegally bringing many top Nazi’s to the America’s, and hiding Nazi assets. Also members are George H. Bush, father of George W. Bush, and John Kerry, cousin to George W. Bush and George W. Bush’s opposition Democratic Presidential Candidate.

The “Skull & Bones” has long been recognized as a representation, or symbol of pirates. Vikings are an example of ancient pirates who pillaged both at sea, and on land for example they eventually conquered Britain. Pirates of a more recent past as shown by history, mostly began their careers in the military of their respective kings of Europe. These kings would often grant a license to them to be privateers, to anonymously take booty, plunder, and pillage the kings enemies on the high seas, or anywhere they found them in the world. In return for this license and protection granted by their king they were required to share a percentage of the booty with their king. I think it appropriate that we should consider the “Fraternal Order of Skull and Bones” true “Land Pirates” on American soil.

Skull & Bones was founded as a fraternity at Yale University in 1833 by General William Huntington Russell. The family business of the “General,” was The “Russell Trading Company,” which was the sponsoring and founding corporation of Skull & Bones, and is its operative corporation to this day. The “Russell Trading Company,” was in the opium trade and has strong ties to the “British East India Company”, which had been given sole rights by “Queen Elizabeth I”, to deal opium; they also had owned the ships originally sacked by the Boston Tea Party. The Russell Trading Company pushed opium in China and was the operative company responsible for draining China of all its gold and silver reserves for England starting around 1764. Does any of this stir your memories of accusations of government, and CIA involvement in the drug trade? It should.

Retired General Bo Gritz, (Green Beret and Delta Force Commander during the Viet Nam war) said, “I interviewed Viet Cong soldiers at the end of the war and they told him that George Bush, and Richard Armatoge were at the head of an opium trading gang during the war.” Since our first invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, opium production there escalated and with the second invasion dramatically escalated. Also don’t forget the infamous Iran Contra scandal. Watch the DVD “American Drug War” by Kevin Booth, also read, “George Bush the



Unauthorized Biography” by Webster G. Tarpley, also “America’s Secret Establishment an introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony Sutton. Also read, “Secrets of the Tomb” by Alexandra Robbins. Also if entertainment is what you want, Universal Studios, has produced a fictional movie based on some truth about the fraternity, it is called “Skulls” starring Joshua Jackson, and Paul Walker.

Regarding the Origins of Secret Societies, f rom the book of Ether chapter 8: 9 & 15-16, &24-25, we read, 9. Now the daughter of Jared was exceedingly fair. And it came to pass that she did

talk with her father, and said unto him; whereby hath my father so much sorrow? HATH HE NOT READ THE RECORD WHICH OUR FAHERS BROUGHT ACROSS THE GREAT DEEP? Behold is there not an account concerning them of old, that they by their secret plans did obtain kingdoms and great glory?

15. And it came to pass that thus they did agree with Akish, and akish did administer unto them the oaths which were given by them of old who also sought power, which had been handed down even from Cain, who was a murderer from the beginning.

16. And they were kept up by the power of the devil to administer these oaths unto the people, to keep them in darkness, to help such as sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms.

24. Wherefore, the Lord comandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up. 25. For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

LEFT verses RIGHT:- often used to explain democrat verses republican. There are other paradigms, but if we use Far Left as representing Communism, and Far Right as representing Fascism, what we have are



two camps of the same “New World Order polices.” Version “A” verses Version “B,” yet they only differ in nuances. An example would be the nuances between Health Care Proposals of the Democrats and Republicans. So let me digress to health care for a moment. For those elites directing the universal health care agenda it is a congressional overstepping of constitutional limits; but it is more importantly their Trojan Horse for people control camouflaged as health care for people.

Both political parties are advancing a different version of the same people control agenda behind health care. Evidence of this agenda is exposed in a statement found in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1972 book “Between Two Ages.” Zbigniew Brezinski, an elitist is former National Security Advisor to president Jimmy Carter and founder of the “Trilateral Commission“ and currently an advisor to President Obama. He states in his book, “The capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up to date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior on every citizen in addition to the more customary data. Those files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information.”

The republican versions of health care also accomplish the people control agenda, but play to a different crowds concerns. They in my opinion are disguised better, and may “delay” a one payer plan, but if republican’s give you a choice between any of several of the cabal insurance companies what’s the choice? After accomplishing the main objective of a universal (“control based”) health plan other differences would simply be worked out later by amendments and continued manipulation of the health crisis and public thought about it. This is an example of pressure from above and pressure from below as written about by advisor to President Wilson, Col. Edward Mandel House is his book Philip Drew Administrator.

Now back to what pertains to “left verses right” the principal of how all



this works today can be taken from Hitler’s statement that, “National Socialism will use its own revolution, for establishing a New World Order.” You see by the 1930’s Socialists had split into two camps, the Fabians and the Fascists. Who were the Fabians? A famous quote says Fabianism feeds on Capitalism, but excretes Communism. Well some prominent Fabians were Lord Milner, Leopold Amery, (he wrote the Balfour Declaration that created Israel) H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, John Maynard Keynes and more. The Fabians sought a “New World Order” through stealth. They hung on to power primarily in England, France, Russia, and America, although not exclusively as demonstrated by the King of England having to abdicate because of his support for Hitler. America had strong Nazi ties; most major corporations on Wall Street financed Hitler.

There was even an attempted American coup in the 1930s. For more on this read the testimony given to congress by Medal of Honor winner Major General Smedley Dartingon Butler. He testified that the richest people in America tried to hire him to overthrow the American government and install a fascist government.

The Fascists favored establishing ”The New World Order” by military conquest. Their power was in Germany, Japan, Italy, and Arabia. The stage was set by these two ideologies to dominate the world theater. The two branches of the same cause took over ideological thought, pushing any third philosophy like Jeffersonian Americanism eventually to the sidelines. Similarly, our congress has two horns of this same beast. If it pushes with its right horn or its left horn it’s the same beast doing the pushing. Many useful idiots and ideologs jockey for power, while some reasonable persons exist in the center and are regularly marginalized by the controlled press. Current examples of reasonable persons in the center would be Ron Paul, Right of center, and Dennis Kucinich, left of center. Statics show there are actually about 10-15% of legislators committed ideologically on the left, and 10-15% ideologically committed on the right, the other 70% are just committed to getting reelected.

Professor Dr. Carroll QuigleyFor proof of this I refer you to Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, mentor to President William Jefferson Clinton, recognized and known as an



insider of the elites since writing his famous 1966 book “Tragedy and Hope.” In that book we read on page 73, that the elites expected “They would be able to control both political parties equally. Indeed some of them intended to contribute to both and to allow an alternation of the two parties in public life in order to conceal their own influence, inhibit any exhibition of independence by politicians, and allow the electorate to believe that they were exercising their own free choice. On pages 1247 &1248 , he tells you how the goal of the elites was that both parties were to appear different but were to be deceptively the same. ”the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method: we must remain strong, continue to function as a great world power in cooperation with other powers, avoid high-level war, keep the economy moving without significant slump, help other countries do the same, provide the basic social necessities for all our citizens, open up opportunities for social shifts for those willing to work to achieve them, and defend the basic Western outlook of diversity, pluralism, cooperation, and the rest of it , as already described. These things any national American party hoping to win a presidential election must accept. But either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, un-enterprising, and vigor-less. Then it should be possible to replace it , every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will

still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” How’s that for a rigged game folks! Please read the rest of the book! Unfortunately the original 1 st half of the book is no longer available. This supposedly causes the rest of the conspiracy to be poorly understood. The publishing house was purchased and the books printing plates destroyed, or stolen, no-one can find out which. With the copyright sold, Quigley could not get the book reprinted in its entirety. But you can buy what is available at

Understanding Fabian socialism, verses Fascist socialism is relevant because these two camps compete to keep us focused on socialism instead of Americanism. The difference between the two, is nuances. Under Fabian socialism, which tends towards communism, the State owns everything, including you, and tells you what to do. “Benito Mussolini”the world war II leader of Fascist Italy had a definition for Fascism.“ It’s when the interests of the corporation take completely over from all other interests and that’s Fascism.” He said “it should probably be called “Corporatism.” It is the perfect blend of business and




Under Fascism you are allowed to own property, and business, but you have little control of either. You are taught to think you’re in a free economy but through government regulators and taxes, the carrot on a stick is continually moved a little further from you to keep you producing and controlled. The only control you have is what your regulators allow you. America is more Fascist than Socialist, and some would say that it is communism almost perfected.

What you see in politics today is a fight between these two camps and you focus on the battle without realizing that you, as an American, lose either way. The division between these two camps of the same philosophy usually comes down to the difference between Stalinism verses Trotskyism.

The difference between Stalinist communism and Leon Trotsky’s communism is Trotskyism has the added element of Zionism. This is where the phrase “New World Order” is discovered having been conceptualized during Babylonian exile. It can be traced even further back in history to the Tower of Babel and going back further to the antediluvian period where a “New World Order,” had over thrown the then established order of the world and established a world government. This “New World Order” government they called it Atlantis. It brought about the destructions of the great flood. Maybe this will help you understand the fixation of Adolf Hitler, and many other “Occultists” on Atlantis. Read “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” by Ignatius Donnally, and “New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies,” by William T. Still. I write more on this topic later.

Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky were close associates. Funded by British, German and New York bankers, they left New York, picked up 500 convicts smuggled them through Germany on trains with the help of high ranking German officials and created the Bolshevik Communist Revolution in Russia. After Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin grasping for



power exiled Leon Trotsky and later sent henchmen to murder him in Mexico which was a haven for political intrigue and intelligence operations. Stalin purged his politburo of the 10% of Trotskyites in it, and began a purge throughout the country of Russia. Stalin was then murdered and many say it was because he turned on Trotskyism. When Trotsky was exiled, Trotskyites in America started a down with Stalin campaign. This ultimately led many of them to be active in the American anti-communist movement which for them was really anti-Marxist-Stalinism. They were not anti-Trotsky-communism. I know this is a revelation for many people but Ex-Trotskyites would go on to be the driving force of the Neo Conn’s.

Stalinism, Fascism and Trotskyism are all plutocratic and all three want a “New World Order.” The differences are in who is going to make up the little group at the top that rules. Watch the DVD “America Freedom To Fascism” by Aaron Russo. Also read the books, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” by Antony C. Sutton, “Judas Goats” by Michael Collins Piper, also” The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen, read Tragedy and Hope by Dr. Carroll Quigley, ”History of the Fabian Society, the Origins of English Socialism” by Edward R. Pease.

Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his 1966 book “Tragedy & Hope,” speaks about a secret society comprised of the world’s financial elite and their plan to create a world-wide feudalistic system under their control.Page 324, Talks about how the banks are going to work to create a feudalistic system through-out the world.Page 325, Talks about how banks create money out of nothing.Page 866, The plan, is to control elections. How they will control who gets elected. And how they are going to number every-one of us at birth, follow us through life, and totally control you.Page 950, how right wingers thought communists were in the government.Pages 1200&1201, he tells you that wars are not fought to be won anymore we only seek to further our own interests and the enemy government is always left intact so we will have something to negotiate with. Wars are fought for the limited aims of our elite.

Hitler, most people including myself think Hitler was a monster. It is however



instructive to look at what even monsters have said. Hitler stated that both international finance, and international communism, are Jewish tricks to weaken the national spirit.

Ariel Sharon: Israeli Prime Minister, stated to the Israeli people, on Kol Yisrael, public radio October 3rd 2001 in response to the Israeli’s concern of America’s pressuring of Israeli policies, “We the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” Please review the DVD, or book called “Rep. Paul Findly, Dares to Speak-Out Again”

Israel, what I think! I favor the peaceful existence of Israel and both want to see the temple rebuilt, and Israel’s territory enlarged to the biblical specifications outlined. I would like to see this done in a peaceful humanitarian way with considerate accommodation of the people of the region now occupying these lands. I think America should be a friend to Israel, but not be controlled by her. I am opposed to any who would seek to destroy the State of Israel, but I am concerned about abuse on both sides of this issue.

Our Enemy Today, The Money Changers - An ancient evil. The money changers are antecedents of today’s bankers. History records that the only time Jesus Christ ever became violent was towards the money changers. It is recorded that he overturned their tables spilling all their coins and then with a whip drove them out of the temple grounds stating that they had made his Father’s House into a “Den of Vipers.” The money changers had monopolized the coin called a shekel. The shekel was the only coin acceptable to the Jews for paying their temple tax, because it was of a pure weight of silver and was the only coin of that era that did not bear the imprint of a Pagan Roman Emperors image. The moneychangers had bought up a majority of these coins and had set up shop at the temple selling them to pious Jews wanting to pay their temple tax and they were charging whatever the market would bear. See any similarities in some of our Wall Street bankers profit scams? Like our Federal Reserve Bankers today have done, the moneychangers had monopolized the medium of exchange.

SLAVERY BY DEBT.President John Adams : before he died in1826 said, “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt.” Our debt has been treasonously escalating for a long time now but the recent run



up of debt under the Bush, and Obama administrations is unprecedented and has been on a lot of American minds lately. As stated by John Adams, debt brings enslavement to that debt. It should be on everyone’s mind for reasons I now will expand upon. Please read on!

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832:- “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Author and Pastor, Sheldon Emry, said “conquest by the sword has the disadvantage that the conquered are likely to rebel. Continual force is required to keep them at bay. Conquest by debt can occur so silently and insidiously that the conquered don’t even realize they have new masters. On the surface nothing has changed. The country is merely under “New Management,” Tribute is collected in the form of debts and taxes, which the people believe they are paying for their own good. Their captors become their benefactors and protectors. Without realizing it they are conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer their wealth to their captors and make the conquest complete. I raise the question to you; does this sound, like what is happening today in America?

Leo Tolstoy Money is a new form of slavery, and is distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave.

Slavery, in America Consider this! During the era of America being a slave nation, slaves, both black, and white slaves (and originally about 30% of the slaves in America were white) they had a birth certificate assigned to their owners which had to be signed off on if a slave was to be set free. In our day, your birth certificate is used in a similar but more surreptitious fashion. Once your certificate of birth is issued by the Health Department, a copy is sent to the Commerce Department. Now why would it be sent there of all places? A Webster’s dictionary definition of commerce is “the buying and selling of commodities on a large scale.” That’s right! you are considered a commodity, (human capital! What do you think backed by the faith and good will of the American people means?) Your birth certificate is on file with the Department of Commerce, and you are pledged as collateral for the government debt. You are given a value based your estimated future labor. This becomes the basis of your membership in the great U.S. Corporation.

You see the reality is that the issue of freeing the slaves was only a way to cloak



the CIVIL WAR with a benevolent issue for people to be distracted with; while it’s real purpose was the division of the United States into two equal forces by the high financial powers of the world. It was simply the old divide and conquer, and we were gullible enough to buy the propaganda and disinformation. During the Civil War is when the government given to us by our founders was fundamentally changed. For example this is where States lost their rights, and the process of conquest has continued methodically ever since, slowly laws have been enacted, or changed, or ignored to create more concentration of power, taxation and control over we the people, (the New Slavery.)

No Other Nation Fought a War to End Slavery. Slavery in America would have ended without a war; for the same reason that during the Civil War era slavery was being phased out in all the slave colonies, and a more efficient form of slavery was being implemented. The old slavery was very inefficient. If you owned slaves you had to feed, cloth, house, give health care etc. Slaves resisted work, doing only minimally what they could get away with, slave owners had to employ task masters, brutality etc. There was always the very real threat of slaves rising up breaking their chains and killing the masters. The new much more efficient, much more productive slavery was called tax the entire nation. The I.R.S. is born! Under this system, a carrot of prosperity and possessions is dangled in front of people. Of course the carrot of promise must have some reality but that reality must also be kept within controllable limits by regulation and taxation (you know like a “bee keeper” raiding the honey from his honey bees.) Under this system the chains and shackles are removed from arms and legs and placed on the mind by means of indoctrination into a system with the facade of freedom. If the chains are not visible the slaves never rebel. They keep chasing that carrot with such ambition that the profits are astronomical compared to the old slavery. Limited happiness exists, but then people start getting a little too educated and want to work less and they start to see the chains. Can’t allow this! That’s where we are today.

Hans Schicht, “The Death of Banking,” Feb. 2005 Through a network of anonymous financial spider webbing only a handful of global King Bankers own and control it all and everybody, people, enterprise, State and foreign countries, all have become slaves chained to the Bankers credit ropes. Their aim he said was nothing less than to create a world system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

I like Thomas Jeffersons system better. He was an advocate that a man need only work the equivalent of four hours per week in order to provide all the basic necessities of life for both himself and his family. Of course he advocated also that



work should continue far beyond four hours but this time should be spent in cultural pursuits, personal development, exploration, invention etc. The technology we have especially makes this a very possible reality. I remember many futuristic advertising and television programs from the 1950’s that showed how technology would make the burdens of life surreal with ease. Greed, subversion, and moral degeneracy are mostly responsible for our not creating the visionary Jeffersonian cultural society. We could achieve so much more towards being the shining city on a hill, If we only CARED enough to want to create such wonder, for the lives of our posterity.

CARE! Care is often possessed in degree. I think this can be expressed for sake of simplicity in three degrees. While many people can be indifferent, and apathetic, which I would like to point out, that these people usually don’t realize it but this is actually very cruel. Then there are those who have a degree of care. That would be degree #1 where they care about what goes on in society, while degree #2 others care enough to try and do something about what goes on in society, and degree #3 still others care enough to try and make a difference in what goes on in society. In scripture charity is referred to as the perfection of love. Charity is really just caring, and is perhaps best observed in society while viewing a “good” mother( and I emphasize the word good) who while holding a new baby in her arms gazes lovingly upon that child and you know she would do anything, up to and including giving her life for the protection of that babe. The scripture say charity is the love of Christ, and admonishes us that we would do well to be full of it.

LAWYERS, some people say they run our country and to some extent the world. I would point out the “GOLDEN RULE.” He who has the gold makes the rules, the lawyers simply work within the rules and we all work ultimately for the BANKERS, and they are tied too and allied with the KINGS of this WORLD. Not only do most people not understand the things I have been trying to explain, but many people don’t want to face this reality; especially those who have succeeded in amassing a nice retirement or a fiefdom, they simply want to enjoy what they have often with indifference to others. The fact that the new generation will have less than their parents bothers them, but they are too busy eating, drinking, and being merry to really want to do much about the plight of others, even their own posterity. The biblical description of the last days is seen here for sure. II Timothy 3:1-7 “ Know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves. and without natural affection.” The Obama Administration



Is controlled, and staffed with more “WALL STREET BANKERS,” than any administration in the history of the United States. He calls himself a Progressive, which is the same as a Socialist. Socialists are known by many different names but are identified by their principals, like for example wanting centralization of power.

In the beginning of the 20th century the Progressive’s came to power as reformers with big policies for government. People like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt, to name a few who were the leaders of the progressive movement. Their administrations would be the launching point for modern liberalism. I recommend the book, “American Progressivism” by Ronald J. Pestritto, and William J. Atto. The following statement is on page 1. The welfare-state politics of the twentieth and twenty-first century are built upon a direct and conscious rejection of the original principles of the American Constitution. Please also watch the DVD called “The Obama Deception” by Alex Jones.

Socialism, before they could make us socialists they first had to convince us we were a democracy. The words democratic or democracy cannot be found anywhere in any of the founding documents. From the Greek, democracy means rule by man.

James Madison in the 10th essay of the Federalist Papers wrote “ Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Socialism is the stepping stone to communism which reverts us back to a feudal state where King George; had us to begin with. It does this by breaking down society creating chaos and anarchy. When this occurs the people call for change; waiting for them is totalitarian change. As a capitalist, grows up they realize its power they crave, not just money. Communism is total power, and that’s why the super-rich buy into it. Most do not understand Plato’s socialist utopia was a dictatorship of the rich elite. Most of you have seen or heard of the communist killing fields. Well don’t think they won’t bring them here; just look to our Southern border, that’s what’s coming if we don’t stop it.

Don’t believe me? Research and look at some of the signs being shown on the internet that your news media won’t show you, those that are being carried by illegal immigrant protestors. Signs like, “We are going to kill all of you, we want your social security and we want it all. Kill the police, the border crossed us, you owe us. America is ours; you stole it, go back to Europe. We are going to out-breed



you and kill your babies. I’m a socialist, but I’m bringing communism to you. Give us free health care, jobs, house, food, you owe us America! We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get Free! This is our Continent not yours. Today we march, tomorrow we vote! If you think I’m illegal because I’m a Mexican learn the true history because I’m in my HOMELAND.”

Useful idiots and ideologists think they can create with socialism their own, version of utopia. Socialism is said to be a sincere benevolent idealistic theory; but it does not work without force. Utopian Idealists often over-look the fact that there is evil in the world. Please read what I wrote under the topic of Immigration; “THE MEXICAN AND AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD UNITE AGAINST OUR COMMON ENEMY THE BANKERS WHO ARE DRIVING US TO FIGHT EACH OTHER.”

Margaret Thatcher, said the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

The people of Greece and the European Union have woken up to the nightmare reality that they have been lied to and cheated. Socialism has brought them the yoke of slavery. Their riots are not a joke these people are now feeling the oppression of a State run system of corruption. Temporary stimulus in the form of foreign loans has been given them to buy a little more time for the tightening of the controls grid worldwide.

What you see in these countries is coming to America. I was recently at an event where the social democrats and socialists present were clamoring for revolution, and militant action because they are waking up like the people of Greece and the EU to the fact that they are not going to get their pie in the sky socialist utopian dream of the lower class that they had hoped Obama would bring them. Now feeling cheated they still want to pursue a failed idea thinking they just need to put enough of the right people in elected office. They now want to put on strikes, do militant takeovers and more until they get their way. This is what the people of Greece and the EU have been doing. To listen to them it is apparent to me they have not thought deeply enough to understand the choices they have made. They really don’t have their stuff together. They are fuzzy minded thinkers and too lethargic to fix the problem. They just don’t get it. Eventually they will die trying or they will have to come to realize what a useful idiot is, and that this term refers



to them.

Violence and mob action will only play into the hands of the totalitarians plan by providing an excuse to invoke marshal law.

The dream of a socialist utopia is a fraud, a counterfeit, a lie. Socialism will bring everyone under the control of the rich. They will do it by buying and selling politicians. They have done it in England, and they have done it in America. Karl Marx talked about the dictatorship of the proletariat. It was a “dictatorship;” by which the common people would be controlled and that’s what they and our elites are planning on. Vladimir Lenin, said socialized medicine is the keystone in the arch of the socialist state. Congressman John Dingell sat at the desk while President Obama signed health care into law. He is quoted as having said on a radio interview that “the law will control the people.” Totalitarians of the twentieth century were able to use socialized medicine to subjugate their people. From Lenin, to Hitler, to Castro this is true.

The great French nobleman Alexis de Tocqueville who came to study America once noted that “Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”

Does the following sound like it could be our tomorrow? This was written by George Washington in a 1776 letter to James Madison, describing the effects of fiat paper money inflation was having on America in the pre-constitutional colonial days.

“Blood running in the streets. Mobs of rioters and demonstrators threatening the banks and legislatures. Looting of shop and home . Strikes and unemployment. Trade and distribution paralyzed. Shortages of food. Bankruptcies everywhere. Court dockets overloaded. Kidnappings for heavy ransom. Sexual perversion, drunkenness, lawlessness rampant. The wheels of government are clogged, and we are descending into the vale of confusion and darkness. No day was ever more clouded than the present. We are fast verging on anarchy and confusion.”

Something you need to learn is that all roads of corruption have a trail of blood leading right to the Federal Reserve and its ELITE BANKERS.

A Socialist utopia has never been, and will never be. Socialism has been around from the beginning of time under various names, and is best summed up in the words of Proverbs: 16: 25, “There is a way that seemeth right unto man; but the



end thereof, are the ways of death.”

The late Adrian Rogers said, “you, cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

An economics professor recently made the statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. He said okay, we will have an experiment in the class on Obama’s plan. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was F. The scores never increased and the bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

I suppose if the teacher had made a lot of rules and conned people to go along with them he could have brought in police and military if need be and forced the students under threat of death to produce, but then that would have been communism. He could just go back to capitalism and let the working students keep the fruit of their labor and give them A‘s, but all the other students who benefited from getting the A students grade averaged to them were now rebelling at the thought of not being entitled to the A students work. The truth is our advanced technology can provide much more for all of us if we are willing to fight the false philosophies and corruption that exist. The abomination of desolation awaits us if we don’t, we must change course.

Again I mention Vladimir Lenin, stated, “Socialized medicine is the keystone in the arch of the socialist state.” Totalitarians like Lenin, Hitler, and Castro all used socialized medicine to control their people. The law mandates a structure to run our lives, it creates (estimates are as low as 150 to a high of 350) new agencies to do that.

Communism- All communists are socialists. Most people think communism is



an atheistic form of philosophy and that Karl Marx was an atheist. He talked about religion being the opiate of the masses. Most people are incredibly naïve, Karl Marx was a Satanist. Read the book “Marx & Satan” by Richard Wurmbrand. The three leading socialists of Marx time were Satanists and they embraced socialism as a means of destroying Christian civilization. Also look at Heggelism. Hegel was the professor attributed to Marx interest in communism. Marx is said to have been a scribe that was hired by a secret society called the Illuminate, to write the communist manifesto. He was actually so unimportant that his name didn’t even appear on the manifesto for the first 20 years of its existence. Fredrick Engels, was Marx closest associate, and was said to have provided the money to Marx for his work. Engels was said to be a very rich capitalist. There is approximately 130 volumes supposedly written by Karl Marx; only 13 are known to have been released to the world, the rest are said to be locked up and kept in Moscow. Marxist-Leninist is often heard in the same sentence. The difference being Marx supplied the doctrine, so if you subscribe to the doctrine you are a Marxist. Lenin supplied the strategy to conquer the Western world and indeed the entire world. The strategy is lengthy but condensed it is that a country can not have communism imposed on it from outside its borders. You must infiltrate a country and all of its centers of power, for example unions, Chambers of Commerce, churches, legislatures, media, business, law system etc. You do this by any and all means, example you lie, cheat, extort, murder, pretend to be one of the group etc. Then from within you impose communism on the host country. You make anarchy and chaos by strikes, by deepening divisions of all natural prejudices, imposition of laws governing everything and make efficiency impossible. You must always lie and cover-up what you are really doing until the country is too weak to resist your will. If you subscribe to the strategy then you are also a Leninist.

Founding Father Samuel Adams said, “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors; they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”

Arnold Toynbee, before he died in 1975, wrote the acclaimed 12 volume work “A Study of History.” He once declared of the 22 civilizations that have appeared



in history, 19 of them collapsed when they reached the moral state America is in today.

The First Part of Solving a Problem, is Understanding It.

Where money comes from, is not taught in our schools. Why is that?John Adams, founding father “All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”

The love of Money is the Root of all Evil, I Timothy 6:10, Mammon- Matthew 7:24, (it is the power of this world system.)

The Truth is there has never been a recession, or a depression without there having first been a restriction, or contraction of the money supply. This shortage of money is the direct result of the “Federal Reserve Bank” restricting credit and the amount of money it allows to circulate. This shortage of money has come to be known as the down side, or low point, of the business cycle. The business cycle is simply the “Federal Reserve Bank“ increasing or decreasing the money supply. When the money supply is decreased, it causes unemployment, bankruptcy, and foreclosure. Although the people feel the hurt, most of them do not understand that the fruits of their labor have just been plundered again by the high financial interests of the world.

Until we understand the enemy within and that our monetary policies are more dangerous than all the armies of the world arrayed against us we will never understand the demise of our liberty and our country, until as warned by Thomas Jefferson we shall all one day wake-up poor, and homeless, on the land of our inheritance. The Constitution of the United States clearly states how we should be directing our monetary policy. When we abide by its precepts, we prosper.

We must stop wasteful spending, and we must stop letting others set the value of our currency. Only Congress is given the right to coin and value our money, including that our money should be tied to tangible, redeemable wealth.

John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist . “The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.”



Graham F. Towers, Governor Bank of Canada, 1934-1954 “Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created- new deposits- brand new money.”

People should be appalled by learning the scam of fractional reserve banking, how bankers create money from nothing but paper; and print the amount they want and it is not backed by wealth. Currently, it is backed only by your willingness to pay your debt to them and the reality that government will force you to pay, or force taxpayers to pay, through labor to ultimately give the bankers something for nothing.

Under the fractional banking system a bank upon receiving one dollar from you is then able to create at least 10 dollars in loans. Our politicians are often under fire for creating debt. The fact is they can-not pay off the “National Debt” because our distribution system is now based on that debt. If they paid it off there would be no money in circulation.

Originally our economic system was based on wealth, not debt like it is now. It was based on the first of its kind in history, an economic study by Adam Smith, called “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.” In this Adam Smith teaches that the wealth of a nation will be in direct proportion to the number of people employed in a productive capacity, (i.e. creating tangible wealth like autos, houses, and other manufactured goods) verses, the number employed, in a non-productive capacity (i.e. creating no tangible wealth, like those employed in gambling, bureaucrats, social workers, etc.) This being a natural governing law of economics I think helps you to understand how when we export our manufacturing to other countries, our only possible outcome is that we become a “Debtor Nation.” Our founders did not completely accept Adam Smith’s, ideas for example that market forces would regulate themselves in a free market. They rejected the notion of laissez-faire (a hands off approach) and instead protected our industries with fair and honest credit, plus tariff taxes on imports, and exports. They thought our leaders should oversee the economy and gave rules and regulations to prevent market monopoly that if left unrestrained would bring us under the control of our enemies and destroy our freedom. They understood the importance of having our own means of production and finance, and this was the American system which they gave us. It was in contrast and opposition to the British system that advocated free trade, because they knew this would lead to monopoly, and exploitation through dog eat dog competition, (one man’s gain, occurring through another man’s loss.) Our founders believed in the common good and that the market should lift the common wealth of the entire people. To do



this they additionally promoted culture, learning, science, production, and trade as part of our General Welfare and status of all persons. I believe our current controllers know exactly what they are doing to us.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director, Bank of England 1928-1941, reported to be the 2nd richest man in England at the time. “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of slight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.

Understanding our Money is Critical.In the following explanation I borrow heavily from Pat Shannan’s book called “Everything They Ever Told Me was A Lie” I hope you buy his book for yourself. It is not my intention to give extensive detail and intricacies but to keep things as simple as possible to provide basic understanding of how our money system is stealing all we have.

The fraud of modern economics is that “money” isn’t actually money… and they don’t want you to know it isn’t! In 1975 the renowned Harvard economics professor John Galbraith in his book called “Money: Whence it Came, Where It Went” wrote, “The study of money, above all other fields in economics is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled.”

Bankers replaced money with credit and debt in order to profit by the indebting of others. It’s why bankers are now so rich. It is also why others are so poor. The greatest bank heist in history went on in plain sight right before our eyes. Recently however a larger number of people are waking up thanks in part to Ron Paul’s 2008 very educational presidential campaign.

On December 23, 1913 when congress surreptitiously passed the Federal Reserve Act nearly all had gone home for Christmas except a few hand- picked Congressmen remained for to vote for the greatest theft in history. This un-constitutional act took the constitutional right of Congress to coin, and regulate our



money out of the hands of our congress and put it into the hands of thieving private bankers. This was the biggest bank heist in history a crime and a tragedy we are now seeing and reaping the results of.

Those of you born after 1970 have been brainwashed into dealing with gold and silver as a commodity, but it used to actually function as our money. Those in charge, those entrusted to look after your financial freedom, lied and cheated and stole from you before you were born. What used to be the wealth of the American people is now debt to the banking elite. Money had intrinsic value when it was precious metal, then it was wealth and it maintained its value as wealth. When money was turned to worthless paper it became debt as I will attempt to explain.

In a debt and credit based monetary system which we are now in, Pat shannan in his book tells the following story; it is an exaggeration of what actually occurs. The exaggeration I think is necessary to make it more understandable. “Times are bad, a depression is raging. In a small tourist town suddenly a rich tourist comes to town. Whoo boy! Everybody says to themselves when they spot the limousine. How long can we keep this rich guy in town? The limo stops the door opens the rich tourist enters the only hotel in town. He drops a 100-dollar bill on the reception counter, and asks to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one he might like. The moment the elevator closes taking the new customer upstairs, the hotel proprietor takes the 100-dollar bill and sprints four doors down the sidewalk to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the 100-dollar bill and runs out back to pay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the 100-dollar bill, and hurries to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel. The supplier of feed and fuel takes the 100-dollar bill and hurries to pay his debt to the town’s prostitute that in these hard times, gave her services on credit. The hooker runs to the hotel, and pays off her debt with the 100-dollar bill to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there. It all happened in less than 10 minutes, and the hotel proprietor promptly placed the 100-dollar bill back on the counter so that the rich tourist would not suspect anything. And it was just in time too, because only a moment later, the rich tourist came down after inspecting the rooms, picked up his 100-dollar bill, remarked that he did not like any of the rooms, and left town. No one earned anything. However the whole town was suddenly without debt, and was looking to the future with a lot of optimism.” And now you have seen a quick snapshot of how the federal government via the handy Federal Reserve credit machine, operates in our society. It’s been going on



that way for nearly a century now. The rich tourist would represent the government creating money and putting it into the economy. A key point here is that they don’t create any wealth just printed paper. The way this is done is Congress is coerced or bribed into raising the debt ceiling. Then the Treasury Department prints government bonds which are a promise to pay principle plus interest backed by the good faith and labor of the American people and the coercive power of government to make the American people pay. Our government treasury then sells these bonds. Often it’s the case that no domestic or foreign buyers are found, most of these bonds then will be traded to the Federal Reserve Bank (Which is not as the name implies part of the Federal Government but is a private bank run for profit by the International bankers.) The Federal Reserve then is not required to provide anything of wealth for these bonds they simply send an order to the treasury to print them some Federal Reserve notes (our paper dollar bills) these are then spent from the treasury on government work, then later taxed back from the private working class in order to repay principal and interest to the Federal Reserve (who created nothing of wealth and now get paid for that nothing.) The Federal Reserve is also allowed to lend Federal Reserve notes through a mired maze of banking institutions. With the fractional reserve banking system the banks are then allowed to lend 10 dollars some times more for each 1 dollar Federal Reserve note they receive. It is then required to be returned to the government in the form of taxes to pay the principle and interest on the bonds given to the Federal Reserve bankers. Now if all the debt were to be repaid there would not be enough money in circulation among the people to operate the system. Of course the government can’t leave the people with no money there would be a revolution and heads would be chopped off. So the politicians can never pay off the debt like we keep expecting and we are continually demanding that they reduce spending. But if they did the people would have no money at all because all the real money was already stolen. What you need to zero in on, is that the first entity (the Bankers) got something for nothing. They were able to lend money at interest on nothing and reap profits from nothing that they could then spend to get your possessions and labor. The last entity to wind up with the Federal Reserve note will also have nothing. Also zero in on there was not and never is enough money printed to pay both the principle and interest on the bonds so after all taxes are collected and returned to pay off the bonds, we are left owing. So our government must now borrow more to pay the interest and of course since all the paper money that was printed was taken back in taxes now the people need more so the process starts again and each time we owe a little more and don’t forget that for each Federal Reserve note a bank got they created an additional 10 dollars of debt in the form of loans; there was not enough Federal Reserve notes printed and circulated for the repayment of



all the loans plus interest. This is the creation of debt. So as Federal Reserve notes are used to service our debt payments to the bankers and government spending is kept low restricting the printing of more money, money gets scarce as we all compete for fewer and fewer dollars and we have a recession and labor and prices fall. Now those with money and hum, who would that be? Of course the bankers to whom we paid all that principal and interest. Now they are able to get at bargain prices our possessions and labor. Lucky them! And that’s why they own everything including you, because you don’t have any real money. Also consider how things like funding war, the welfare state entitlements, crime, illegal immigrants sending the already scarce Federal Reserve notes to another country and more can exponentially create debt. We must then be taxed ever more onerously to pay the bankers for what the bankers got for nothing. Is it any wonder we are all being foreclosed on. They now claim to own it all including you.

A fiat money system of the sort we have and are watching collapse creates a false world of false feelings of well-being and elevated lifestyles. During the expansion phase of such a system those living under it spend or borrow more than should. They think they can afford to pay to end poverty everywhere, give entitlements to people who don’t contribute to the common wealth like illegals being given welfare, medical etc. This is all very nice to do but they reject the economic realities that eventually cause society to collapse. About the only folks who feel good now are the international bankers of the world who are in the process of conducting what may prove to be one of the largest raids on the real wealth of this nation ) ever witnessed ( our labor and real property.)

NOW THEY SELL US THE LIE that for the sake of our own, and our children’s future we need to cut entitlements, impose austerity and tighten our belts. You need to understand that if there was absolutely NO SPENDING, NO GOVERNMENT, NO WELFARE STATE, NO MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX; if there were none of these things, our ruling elite would still be getting richer at the expense of impoverishing us who do not own the private money supply. Why? Because government debt must be created for private Federal Reserve Notes (green paper) to reach our hands.

In every nation in the history of the world, has it not always ended up a war between the ruling class and the people? The king wants more and more and the people continually settle for less and less. In 20th –century America, the bureaucracy reversed the roles of master and servant by absconding with the wealth (lawful money) and silently became that ruling class.



What about the current financial meltdown? It’s really not very complicated when you see beyond the deliberate obfuscation. The money crisis is designed to bring America in line with the rest of the powerless third world nations and blend us into a one world dictatorship of the “Banksters.” I will remind you the sun still comes up every day, the rain still falls from the sky, the birds sing and the crops grow, but someone has cooked the books. Its an accounting of debits and credits that has changed. Un-cook the books. Its really that simple. Put the power to create and coin money back in the hands of congress where the constitution originally put it. Start our own central “Bank of California” with a currency that competes with the private Federal Reserve and end the Fed. Stop over spending and put our people to work producing wealth. All we need is the political will to do it and it will take courage; because the devil in the current banking system will fight us tooth and nail. Could it be that Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations has deliberately designed a depression so that the Fed can foreclose on America? Read the wonderful book “The Web of Debt” by Ellen Brown, Watch the DVD “End The Fed.” Available at OneDollarDVDProject. Com. Also “The Money Masters” available at Also the DVD “Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed” by Alex Jones, available at Also read, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by, G Edward Griffen, and “Money” by Kirk MacKenzie.

Comprehensive Financial Reports DVD, is a must watch. It is produced by Alex Jones. It shows some of the farce of government budget deficits, and accounting. The governments keep two sets of books. Governments make investments, own utilities, and other corporations but never reflect the profits of those investments and corporations in the budget. They just keep going to you for more taxes to make up the deficits shown in their deceitful accounting. Insurance companies in like manner report expenses but not earnings. An insurance company is really an investment company. They take your premiums and invest them and reap enormous profits, but they are only required to report premiums taken in, verses losses paid out. They then are always crying the blues that they are losing money therefore saying they must increase your rates. It’s pure Pelosi! I hope no explanation for that expletive is needed. They have a government enforced monopoly and customers forced to purchase from the global insurance cartel. They also get special tax loop holes. For instance if you get a million dollar award from them, they are likely to use their leverage to persuade you to accept payment over a ten year period. They however are allowed to write the entire amount of the award off their tax bill immediately and completely the first year. They then proceed for



ten years to continue making profits for themselves investing your award money. So you see the books are cooked.

The following issues are a result of the money powers manipulations.Immigration: Benjamin Franklin was concerned about the number of Germans flooding into Pennsylvania. He said that we needed to slow down immigration; so that we can Anglicize them before they Germanize us. Herein is the problem of immigration. People come here now without the intention of being American. Furthermore, it is a fact that if a people are allowed to vote who are not beholding to American ideals, our countrymen have an impossible task to preserve our way of life. The new immigrants mostly fit the elite’s agenda to change and control America. It is often the ”NEW WORLD ORDER” bank, that causes the destitution of third world peoples, making them desperate to sneak into the U.S. The Bank makes loans, usually for infrastructure projects. The money is usually then funneled to U. S. corporations operating within that country, and the blue bloods get their share, little usually goes to common people. When the country can’t repay the loan, and it is assumed from the beginning that they won’t be able to, the bank then say’s to the countries leaders that they can renegotiate payment if certain internal changes are made. These changes often involve i.e. privatization of utility companies to accommodate foreign purchase of them. See the Bolivian water revolution 2006 to see how utilities are then used to gouge the people. Also common is land policy reform so that mega farms can be created for mass food production to export. To accomplish this, the food sufficient people occupying the land must be deprived of it. They then find their way into shanty towns looking for employment and wind up impoverished and would do anything to get work. This often leads them to legal, or illegal, immigration into the United States. Our controllers know all of this. Let’s not forget the “International Banksters” manipulated for years and then in 1994 devalued the pesos of Mexico. This caused a lot of impoverishment and desperation among the common people of Mexico and hatred towards our federal reserve chairman, and the United States. We and the Mexican people share a common enemy (the International Bankers.) The Banksters are causing our two countries to collide. Instead of us fighting each other we should be recognizing and uniting against the common enemy the International Bankers.

Railroad Baron Jay Guild, mentor to Rockefeller, once said “I don’t give a damn about the common man, because I know I can always pay half of them to kill the other half.” If you need an example of the common man being paid to fight the common man read on! Does this principle work by funding La Raza?



The National Council of La Raza, is the largest Mexican political action organization in the United States. Its stated goal is to retake the South Western United States and set up the “New Aztlan Empire“ Its former president is quoted as having said there would not even be a Mexican or Latino movement if organizations were not funded like La Raza is funded by the Ford Foundation. For more on this watch the John Birch DVD titled ”Constitution Si! Amnesty NO!”

William F. Jasper Editor of the New American Magazine, There are a huge number of advocacy groups now set up in the United Stated whose principal purpose is to stir-up and agitate these new immigrant populations into anti American activities; not to assimilate, but to create groups to agitate for more and more government programs, more and more civic turmoil.

Carlos Loret de Mola, is a Mexican commentator who as early as 1982 wrote in the Mexican Magazine “Excelsior” an article called “ The Great Invasion, Mexico

recovers Its Own.” He stated “ a peaceful mass of people carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable invasion, the most important in human history, it seems to be slowly returning the southwestern United States to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation.

12 million illegal entrants constitutes an invasion.

Mexican Occupied Territory inside the United States, there is a strip of land the size of Connecticut, in Arizona, now posted with signs warning Americans of danger and to stay out. It is occupied territory, occupied by Mexico. This area is so dangerous our police will not, and are unable to enter, or control it. It is open territory for passage from Mexico into the United States, and it is American soil.

It is further evidence of government collusion and how failure to secure our borders shows the disingenuousness of the war on terror. We now have more members of the Mexican Mafia Gang called MS13 within our borders than we have police officers in the entire country. Fidel Castro was supported by President Eisenhower, he Che Guevara, and others have since the 1950s been trying to bring to our border what you are now seeing. I think I should point out that historically communist movements have simply always been gangsters, street criminals, and thugs, while they had just a few ideologue communists in the back ground



directing them and most of those being directed never knew they were or why. These gangs are setting up networks within the United States and don’t think that does not include storing weapons for future use.

Currently as election time approaches you see people like John McCain try to come back to political center. In trouble for his liberal immigration policies among other things, now in the face of escalating border violence he is calling for National Guard on the border. Although late, I hope we do guard this border with troops. McCain however is so hypocritical, previously he has turned a deaf ear towards the border violence. He has stood in the way of real border control especially with his Comprehensive Amnesty I mean immigration bills, ha ha. Anytime you hear the word comprehensive from them, know that this is their code word for amnesty.

Warning to all illegals seeking Amnesty understand the reason the establishment elites want military service as your way to U.S. citizenship as part of their comprehensive amnesty plans. It’s not that they give a hoot about you they want your babies to bleed and die in their wars of social organization of the “New World Order.”

Any logical attempt to stop illegal immigration should include policies that help and allow Mexicans to prosper in their country; then why would they want to come here. These policies would require banking and political ideology reform like we also need. We should also prosecute those organizations funding advocate groups that want to overthrow the United States. We have a common problem driving us to fight each other, and it is no accident this is happening. We must learn the wisdom that allows us to live together in peace. Since this paper is already longer than I wanted it to be I’ll save further discussion on this subject. Read the book “Confessions of An Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins, also “The Web of Debt” by Ellen Brown. Also watch the documentary called “Border” a Chris Burgard Film and see just how bad things on our border are. Available at www.

NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Association) What a misnomer this is. Again our controllers know exactly what they are doing; as demonstrated by Henry Kissinger, in a statement printed in the L.A. Times, July 18, 1993, “NAFTA, is not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a New International System“ (i.e. NEW WORLD ORDER.) The Washington Post Nov. 14, 1993 said, ”NAFTA creates a variety of continental



institutions that are in aggregate an embryonic NAFTA Government” again part of a “NEW WORLD ORDER” Dec. 8th 1993 Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law anyway. We are already far down the road to losing our country most people just aren’t aware of it yet. NAFTA tribunals already over-rule our own Supreme Court. See New York Times April 18, 2004 article titled NAFTA Tribunals Stir U.S. Worries.

With trade agreements like The European free trade agreement, the Old Roman Empire has been reunited by stealth to form the European Union; something tyrants like Hitler and Napoleon failed to do through military conquest. To facilitate NAFTA the Trans Texas Corridor is being built and its network of toll roads with foreign ownership throughout the U.S. and from Mexico to Canada. Think about the implications for the NAFTA agenda behind California Assembly Joint Resolution 24, North American Marine Emission Control Area. It passed on the floor of the assembly 62 to 6, on 1/27/10. It would, along with Canada, ban most ships from docking or traveling within 200 miles of the North American coast. So where would they dock? Mexico. The Trans Texas Corridor will create control zones in America that coupled with the national identity card being pushed could facilitate suppression and travel of the American people. We could be seeing the construction of a totalitarian police state.BEWARE TRADE AGREEMENTS ARE NOT WHAT YOUR LED TO BELIEVE THEY ARE. These are some of the foreign entanglements George Washington warned us to steer clear of. Watch the DVD “Pretext for the North American Union” available from www.One Dollar Also “Masters Of Terror” and ”Terror Storm” and “Endgame” all three DVDs are produced by Alex Jones and are available at his website

9/11:Please, look into the 9/11 truth movement. There are hundreds, of facts that show a very different story than the official government version of what actually happened. Facts don’t lie, governments do. It is very important we get this right since it is the basis for not only the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; but we are being told we have to give up, or they need to destroy, our rights in order to protect our rights with instruments like “The Patriot Act”, “The Military Commissions Act of 2006”, “The Defense Authorization Act” “The 2007 Protect America Act,” “Home-Land Security”, and others. How is it logical to give up our rights, so government can then protect our rights?

What the 9/11 Truth Movement wants and is reasonable to ask for, is an



independent honest investigation of all the facts, because it is widely believed we did not get this.Below are only a few of hundreds of very damning facts showing another very different story of what really happened on 9/11.1. Senator Max Cleland-Former member of the 9/11 Commission, who resigned in Dec, 2003 saying, “I as a member of the 9/11 Commission, cannot look any American in the eye… it’s a national scandal… this White House wants to cover (9/11) up. 2. There are over 1000, architects and engineers who have signed a demand for a real investigation by Congress of the inconsistencies of science and the known facts. Google, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth to read more.3. Paul Roberts- President Reagan’ Assistant Treasury Secretary questions the explanation of 9/11.4. Ray McGovern, a 27 year CIA analyst and former Chairman of National Intelligence Estimates. He speaks out about the 9/11 government explanation.5. Many police and firemen testify of hearing or seeing multiple explosions conducive with planned demolition.6. All debris was quickly hauled overseas under armed guard without a crime scene investigation which is normally standard procedure. Thermite particles a highly militarized explosive was found in a test of soil samples. 7. Physics Professor Steven Jones of BYU said it is impossible for jet fuel to melt the steel, yet we saw it flowing from the buildings like you would see flowing steel in a foundry. He said that is only possible with the use of thermite. Office fires burn at low temperatures of 600-800 dF. Steel melts at 2750 dF. Jet fuel is an ordinary hydrocarbon, its maximal burning temperature is 1200 dF. in open air. Neither jet fuel nor the burning contents of the buildings could have caused the towers steel structure to buckle or fail. Architects and engineers say the buildings were designed to withstand two collisions with jetliners and that collapse is impossible from a crash, or fire.8. No steel framed building before or since 9/11 has ever collapsed due to fire. 9. No official agency (FAA, FBI, or the airlines) has ever released a list of the 9/11 passengers, but within hours, the FBI released a list of the alleged hijackers.10. Tests have shown that cell- phone calls for help by passengers could not have been successfully made from the jetliners, due to the altitude of the planes at the time calls were allegedly made.11. On Sept. 11th, 2001 the FAA successfully grounded all aircraft- an unprecedented operation. Yet it could not successfully scramble any jet fighters that day- a normal procedure occurring over 100 times a year.12. We were told no one had ever thought of this type of attack, yet that very day the pentagon was conducting exercises of jetliners attacking those same buildings.



13. Building 7, a 47 story skyscraper and part of the World Trade Center complex, was not struck by a plane but collapsed in 6.5 seconds in the exact manner of a controlled demolition.14. The brother of President Bush had the security contract of these buildings. In the weeks preceding 9/11 people had seen strange workers in the buildings even causing several evacuations. 15. There was no visible airplane debris where Flight 93 supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania- only a smoking hole in the ground much like a bomb crater.16. Enormous profits were made by insiders on plummeting stock prices of the two airlines involved in 9/11- Federal law protects their identities.17. Larry Silverstein owner of the buildings got paid billions from insurance policies. He gave telling evidence on TV of the decision to pull the buildings. Pull is a word used by demolition experts to order ignition of explosives. Larry later changed his story. Larry is rumored to be mob connected. He had just bought the buildings, and he only had them a very short time, time enough to get insurance policies specifically for terrorist attack. The buildings were almost useless because of asbestos problems and it had already been determined that the only practical thing to do was tear them down.18. Talk about motive, building 7, housed the C.I.A. and is where all the files on the enormous white collar insider banking swindlers and scandals of the last decades were stored, and of course they were all destroyed.

Marshall McLuhan - media guru. “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by the public incredulity.

Hitler, put it this way, he said, “The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies.” Hitler burned Germany’s parliament building “The Reichstag” and blamed it on the communists in order to institute national security laws creating a police state leading to his ultimate dictatorship. This deceitful type of violence is known as a False Flag Operation and is very common throughout history including American history.Please watch the following DVD documentaries.“9/11 The Myth and the Reality” by David Ray Griffen.“9/11 Press for Truth” by Patty Casazza, and the families of 9/11 victims.“The Masters of Terror” by Alex Jones“Terror Storm” by Alex Jones



“9/11 Mysteries” available at

FOOD SUPPLY: California’s Central Valley supplies about 60% of our Nation’s food. Regarding Delta Smelt being endangered, it is the height of arrogance to think of allowing any species to be destroyed. But only morons, or terrorists, would allow a peoples food supply to be destroyed; that is exactly the issue with the endangered smelt. There are ways of preserving both smelt, and food supply. The problem is too many people think we can just ship more foreign food into the country through Mexico. We already have staggering debt from not producing our own manufactured goods. Now they want us to be food dependent on other countries. Environmental protection is important but if you study the endangered species act and other environmental acts and organizations you will find they are more about effecting “New World Order” social engineering and political change than protecting our environment. I smell “NEW WORLD ORDER” policy again. They want everyone dependent on the NWO for their very existence. Food is a weapon, just read history for examples. Watch the DVD “Codex Alimentarius” about genetically modified foods to see how food is being planned to be used as a weapon of the” NEW WORLD ORDER” available at Also see senate bill S425 and House bill HR875. The ultimate goal is to ban gardens in your own yard on the basis of food-borne illnesses. Update they passed FDA FOOD SAFTEY S510 Modernization Act.

Genetically Modified Foods, Information Resources:Please visit the National Health Federation at www.thenhf.comThe following are available at (, (Info.Wars.Com), and (www. “CODEX ALIMENTARIUS” can also be purchased at THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO- this is a DVD about the biotech giant Monsanto, from AGENT ORANGE to GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS, produced by Marie Monique Robin.FOOD, INC..- this is a DVD that lifts the veil on the food industry. You’ll never look at dinner the same way again, produced by Robert KennerTHE GMO TRILOGY- is a three DVD set that includes,Unnatural Selection,Hidden Dangers in Kids meals, andYou’re Eating What?THE FUTURE OF FOOD - this is a DVD about market, and political forces seeking to control the World’s food system, produced by Deborah Koons GarciaSWEET MISERY, A Poisoned World- this is a DVD produced by Cori Brackett about artificial sweeteners.BAD SEED the truth about our food- this is a DVD produced by UFOTVALL JACKED UP- this is a DVD by Mike Adams about teenagers obsessive, addictive, and emotion-fueled eating habitsTHE CORPORATION- this is a DVD about how only profit matters and the dangers of the food being produced, by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, & Joel Bakan.A SILENT FOREST- this is a DVD about the threat of genetically engineered trees, produced by Dr. David SuzukiEVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT DANGEROUS GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS- this is a DVD produced by Responsible



YOUR MILK ON DRUGS, JUST SAY NO - this is a DVD about the dangerous of buying BHG or BST milk and FDA manipulation, produced by Jeffery M. SmithSEEDS OF DECEPTION- (book) by Jeffrey SmithGENETIC ROULETTE- (book) by Jeffery SmithCODEX ALIMENTARIUS, definition; (food rules), this is a DVD produced by DR. Laibow MD, about the UNITED NATIONS plan to eradicate ORGANIC FARMING, including YOUR RIGHT TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD and DESTROY THE NATURAL HEALTH INDUSTRY.GOOGLE, HOUSE BILL- HR 875, and SENATE BILL S425, these bills are part of harmonizing with Codex AlimentariusTHE SLOW POISING OF AMERICA- (book) by T. Michelle ErbHEALTH AND NUTRITION SECRETS- (book) by Russel L. BlaylockEATING BETWEEN THE LINES- the supermarket shoppers guide to the truth behind food labels- (book) by Kimberly Lord StewartNO MSG FOR ME COOKBOOK- by Lisa Kramer (mono sodium glutamate)BATTLING THE MSG MYTH-(book) by Deborah L. Anglesey (mono sodium glutamate)A CONSUMERS DICTIONARY OF FOOD ADDITIVES, A CONSUMERS DICTIONARY OF COSMETIC INGREDIENTS.-(both books) by Ruth WinterFOOD ADITIVES A SHOPPERS GUIDE TO WHATS SAFE AND WHATS NOT- (book) by Christine Hoza FarlowWHATS IN YOUR FOOD? THE TRUTH ABOUT ADDITIVES FROM ASPARTAME TO XANTHAN GUM- (book) by Bill StathamTHE CRAZY MAKERS: HOW THE FOOD INDUSTRY IS DESTROYING OUR BRAINS AND HARMING OUR CHILDREN- (book) by Carol N. SimontacchiEXCITOTOXINS: THE TASE THAT KILLS- (book) by Russell L. BaylockTHE HINDRED YEAR LIE: HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE CHEMICALS THAT ARE DESTROYING YOUR HEALTH - (book) by Randall Fitzgerald

Psychiatry and an Industry of Modern Day Witch Doctors. Take a look at the untold stories of how they roll the bones to decide why, and what; too drug you with, and the damage they do. There is no definitive clinical tests you can do to diagnose a mental disorder, it’s purely subjective, un-like a medical doctor who has objective clinical tests to diagnose physical illness. If you go back in history you don’t find psychiatrists until the socialist, communist secular collectivists wanted to create a “New World Order.” Now you find them everywhere trying to redesign and socially engineer man into collectivist controlled societies. Never before in the history of the world only in recent history has an invasion of Psychiatry and mental health workers entered into every sector of society. They have overwhelmingly taken over by design of the elites and their success is because of the default of our traditional pastors and priests. I would be quick to point out that the father of modern witch doctors Freud, was not only a nut, he was atheist in his approach. This led to the development of secular humanism, the adopted religion of totalitarians. In the United States Over 25% of all adults are now on some form of anti-depression drug. Our children are now the prime targets, and new market for drug pushers wanting to make their wallets fatter, and the teachers job easier by pushing attention deficit disorder and other diagnosis’s that they can then prescribe drugs for. The schools are being given increasing authority to overrule parents in the decisions made for the children, and



they increasingly want to drug them. This is not a system to solve our unhappiness, or depression, it is a way to control us, and drug us into loving our slavery and new masters “The socialists.” The new health care plan of Obama will have massive new mental health workers invading every aspect of our personal lives, and they will have power to regulate us increasingly. This is not what I signed up for. The contract that binds us together is the Constitution of the United States. If government breaks that contract then there is no contract. Psychiatry is pseudo-science at best. The diagnosis is often arbitrary. If this drug doesn’t work and the diagnosis doesn’t fit then they roll the bones again to get a new diagnosis and drug you into submission. They are insane to practice such hoodoo and call it science. Some people are quasi helped, but please look at the practice as shown in the following DVDs, you may then want to re-think psychiatry. Don’t believe me? That’s why I’m providing you with the movies listed below so you can see just what kind of idiot’s, drug and council us. The only proper response of the still sane members of society is to rebel and reject this system of totalitarian control being put in place to control all of us. Watch the movies before you reject this view. Albert Einstein, once said it is the height of ignorance to reject without investigation.

The Marketing of Madness- the untold story of psychotropic drugging.. DVD by Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus Dr. Thomas Szasz. Presented by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.Industry of Death - a documentary DVD, Presented by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.


THE FLORIDE DECEPTION -(book) by Christopher Bryson (Its poison, and was used but the communists and Hitler in the gulags to keep the prisoners complacent and controllable.)

The Ten Steps to Dictatorship, are defined by Naomi Wolf, in her book, “THE END OF AMERICA.” She lists ten things every dictatorship does. They are as follows:1. Make changes to the laws, we have too many to list, but let us look at a few Executive Orders #10999 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation. #11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. # 11921 provides that the President can declare a state of emergency that is not defined, and congress cannot review the action for six months. Senate bill # 1873 allows the government to vaccinate you with untested vaccines against your will. Furthermore studies show intentional insertion of mercury and chemicals in vaccines meant to destroy certain brain receptors that would effectively dumb down a person given these. Watch Congressman Dr. Gary Null discuss vaccines at



Congressman Sensenbrenner’s bill HR1528 requires you to spy on your neighbors, including wearing a wire. Refusal would be punishable by a mandatory prison sentence of at least two years.2. Invoke an external and internal threat (terrorism). 3. Establish secret prisons (we have many; rumor is some are underground so you really disappear, and we have proof of government contracts to build more). 4. Develop a paramilitary force, (like our Blackwater). 5. The surveillance of ordinary citizens, (Patriot Act, others I list under my discussion of 9/11) 6. Infiltrate citizens groups. There is too much to list on this, but look into The Anti- Defamation League spying and links to the Mossad as a foreign intelligence service and how they have often done for the F.B.I. or C.I.A. what they legally used to be prevented from doing. Also see Senator Church hearings. Read the book Judas Goats by Michael Collins Piper.7. Arbitrarily detain and release citizens, (We have this also.) 8. Target key Individuals,(Congressman Jim Traficant, among others.) 9. Restrict the press. A study done by World Audit .org ranks America, # 14 out of 150 countries in terms of freedom of the press. 10. Cast criticism as espionage, and dissent as treason,(too much to list here, but just listen to President Bush or Janet Napolitano for starters.)

Joseph Stalin - Russian dictator said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

Election fraud is proven to be going on and electronic voter machines are proven to have been rigged and there is no way to protect against this. The only safe way to conduct an election is to demand a paper ballot and that they be hand counted and insist on a paper trail. Get the DVD called Election Fraud also American Blackout.

Greece and the European Union have been rioting? Because they have finally woke-up to the fact they have been lied to, cheated, and hoodwinked. Now that they are reduced to a subsistence existence with all of their excess money being paid as tribute to the bankers for interest on their debt; they are beginning to realize the nature of the prison planet and slavery awaiting them.

When are you going to wake up? When they knock down your door and drag you off to the gulags?



With all that I have told you perhaps you can imagine the abomination of desolation that’s awaits us if we continue on our current path.

Oath Keepers, Guardians of the Republic. (www.oathkeepers .org) Consider joining and promoting this organization, and especially encourage all our police and military to join them. They are an organization of current and ex-police and military personnel that have drawn a line which they will not cross. They promise to honor the oath of allegiance they took; that they do solemnly swear (or affirm) that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that they will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California ; that they take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that they will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which they are about to enter. Listed below is the delineation of the line they will not cross, it is articulated as 10 individually listed orders they will not obey.

1. We will not obey any order to disarm American people.2. We will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American

people, their homes vehicles, papers or effects, such as warrantless house to house searches for people or weapons.

3. We will not obey any order to detain American citizens as unlawful enemy combatants or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

4. We will not obey any order to impose martial law or a state of emergency on a State, or enter with force into a State, without the States express consent and invitation of that States legislature and Governor.

5. We will not obey any orders to invade and subjugate any State that asserts its sovereignty.

6. We will not obey any orders to blockade any American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.

7. We will not obey any orders to force any American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.

8. We will not obey any orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to keep the peace or to maintain control.

9. We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies .

10. We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.



Let’s Restore our United States Constitution.The United States Constitution; many would have you believe is a living evolving document to be changed as society evolves, and or that it is archaic saying that it was written for a people that could not have envisioned our advanced society. Both statements could not be further from the truth. The Constitution was not based on any agrarian or technological society it was based on human nature and although many things have changed human nature remains the same. Man being of a duel nature having both the capacity to do great good, or great evil, the Constitution was meant to chain the evil or dark nature of man by dividing up the powers so no one man or group, or political party could exercise too much power to oppress others while at the same time giving ultimate freedom to the noble and creative side of man to pursue invention, human development and personal happiness.

Capitalism Of all the economic systems capitalism is the fairest until we as men develop a higher conscience. An economic system is simply a distribution system; the way we get the goods and services we want or need. Fascism, socialism, or communism always has a little group that decides who gets what, and how much they get, and this little group always gets more than anyone else. That little group usually is, or becomes a plutocracy. The reason capitalism is more fair is because anyone willing to work can buy themselves some of the goods of society without having to beg a plutocracy for the crumbs from their table. The difficulty with capitalism, is human nature lacking higher conscience and having an element of greed, it must be kept in check. Cartels always form to eliminate competition through “Trade Agreements” this is one way they monopolize markets. That is why this country has anti-trust laws and the people are supposed to elect wise and just men to the government to administer them. These laws have not been enforced. Leftists have good reason to rail against ”American Capitalism, but they err, because only a semblance of a free market actually exists today. Cartels have passed laws and tax codes to squeeze out all competition, and it’s the little guy getting squeezed. True American capitalism or pure capitalism does not exist. In order for there to be monopolies there must be a move away from competition and therefore away from capitalism. The fact is monopolies represent and practice socialism. Greed wants an escape from competition. Here is an example, there is the famous statement by oil, banking, and railroad Robber Baron David Rockefeller, “competition is a sin.” He wanted monopoly, and got it. He believed in cartel cooperation and took that to the extreme. We must now deal with this problem because the collectivists, view us as



human capital to be bought and sold at the elite “International Banker” level of markets. Cartels were formed to eliminate competition through trade agreements, and tax free foundations. All international corporations now move as one across the globe when trying to accomplish something. They have been nit together with trade agreements that fix prices, monopolize markets and throw capitalism into the graveyard, and let the little guy be damned. There is only the semblance of a free market not the reality. Cartels pass laws, and raise taxes with ease, with their bought and paid for politicians. The little guy is squeezed out and only the little guys compete; against a rigged game! Our oligarch’s have treasonously subverted the laws and the government of this once free people, seeking instead to build their “New World Order” plutocracy, where they will rule over all of mankind. Sound far-fetched? Read history for yourself and find the truth. I have given you many references to do that, here is another listen to the excellent CD by G. Edward Griffen, called “The Myth and Meaning of Monopoly Capitalism”

William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada who nationalized the Bank of Canada. “Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile. Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury once in control will wreck any nation.

What should we value. The constitution is what stands between us and the total power of government. It acts as a buffer to protect us from government abuse. The American Founding Fathers stated that this Constitution was entirely inadequate for any people save they be a moral and a religious people. Unlike today where a “masters of business degree” is enshrined; the culture of the founders thought business a rather dirty affair to be dealt with quickly out of necessity so one could then get back to more cultural pursuits. We have created a New Babylon where everything is for sale. Our moral decline is in line with Lenin’s strategy of our conquest. First he said they would morally corrupt us, then economically bankrupt us, then militarily surround us and then take us with our own people without firing a shot.

In 1944, Will Durant wrote in his book Caesar and Christ.“ A great civilization is not conqured from without until it has destroyed itself within. The essential causes of the Roman decline lay in her people, her morals, her class struggles and failing trade, her bureaucratic despotism, her stifling taxes and consuming wars.”



The United States Supreme Court, declared this to be a “Christian Nation.” Supreme Court Decision 1892 “Church of The Holy Trinity V. United States.” There are far too many references to list that prove the fact that from its beginning America was a “Christian Nation”; any honest research on this subject proves it beyond any doubt. That does not mean we have lived up to that exalted status. The sorry truth is often we have not.

The Great Alexis de Tocqueville wrote“America is great because America is good; and when America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

If there is no God there can be no absolute rights. This is but one of the big reasons our enemies attack Christianity.The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, said “The power to tax is the power to destroy”

It was taxes that finally split the Ancient Kingdom of Israel. Is history repeating itself in America? America’s founders called us the New Israel.

The following is only a Partial List of the taxes Americans are forced to pay. You will find this list in the Aaron Russo DVD titled “American Freedom to Fascism.” I think George Washington had something besides this in mind. I think this is proof we got the “British Mercantile System.”Accounts Receivable tax Auto Registration taxBuilding Permit tax Capital Gains taxCDL License tax Cigarette taxCorporate Income tax Court Fines (indirect tax)Dog License tax Estate taxFederal Unemployment tax (FUTA) Fishing License taxFood License tax Fuel Permit taxGasoline tax (per gallon .42 cents) Hunting License taxInheritance tax Interest expense (tax on money)Inventory tax Liquor taxIRS Interest charges (tax on top of tax) Luxury taxIRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) Medicare taxLocal Income tax Parking Meters Marriage License tax Property tax



Real Estate tax Septic Permit taxService Charge taxes Social Security taxRoad usage taxes (truckers) Sales taxesRecreational Vehicle tax Road Toll Booth taxesSchool tax State Income taxState Unemployment tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise taxTelephone Federal Universal Service Fee tax Toll Bridge taxesTelephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge tax. Toll Tunnel taxes Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge taxes Traffic FinesTelephone Recurring and non-recurring Charges tax Utility taxesTelephone State and Local tax Trailer Registration taxVehicle License Registration tax Vehicle Sales taxWatercraft Registration tax Well Permit taxTire disposal fee taxNow House bill HR 3590 passed and it will add the value of your health insurance to your gross income and you will be taxed at the higher rate. Imagine what that is going raise your taxes too? Yeah, a lot for most people.

AND THEN THERE IS THE Federal Income Tax and THE Alternative Minimum Tax. Read the book “Perfectly Legal” by David Cay Johnson, and learn about the covert campaign to rig our tax system to benefit the SUPER-RICH and CHEAT EVERYBODY ELSE. Think this is bad just wait until we get the carbon tax. Let’s not forget the most insidious tax of all inflation. This is the hidden tax our government creates and collects by printing money they want but don’t have.


First Wave Expiration of 2001 & 2003 Tax Relief. Personal income tax will rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase

out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates.

Higher taxes on marriage and family. The return of the Death Tax. Higher tax rates on savers and investors.

Second Wave



OBAMACARE- There are over TWENTY NEW OR HIGHER TAXES in Obamacare.

The Medicine Cabinet Tax. The Special Needs Kids Tax. The Health Savings Account Withdrawal Tax Hike.

Third Wave The Alternative Minimum Tax and Employer Tax Hikes. Small business expensing will be slashed and 50% expensing

will disappear. Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses. Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching are Reduced. Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed. Your Health Insurance will become income on your W2’s.

If we had kept the government George Washington fought for do you think one of the most plentiful advertisements on television and radio would be a TAX ATTORNEY OFFERING TO HELP REDUCE YOUR I.R.S. TAX BILL?The Perfect Tax Solution, listen to the CD by G. Edward Griffen, called “The Perfect Tax a Lost Formula Rediscovered” here you will learn about the wisdom of the Constitutional tax allowed by our founders.

Why is there so much Crime, suicide, Despair, Drugs, Murder? “Where There Is No Vision, the People Perish” Proverbs, 29:18

What is the vision of America? What are we building?

American Manifest Destiny, is and was Duplicitus. In the beginnings of America we find a belief among the Mayflower pilgrims, and colonialists that America had a divine destiny but this was not defined for posterity except that America was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and that it should be free. No king, but King Jesus was the coined phrase. There were those of our founding fathers that believed America was the “New Israel.” Here we have again a divine destiny but little definition of what that meant. The Puritan belief was that the New World was to be a city set upon a hill and a light to the world. But they gave us no name for the city. Well if the founders believed we are the “New Israel,” then unbelievable as it might sound it stands to reason that the city on a



hill; a light to the entire world; could reasonably lead us to contemplate the idea of building a city and calling it the New Jerusalem. What would that mean?

On the foundation laid by our founders it would appear that someone else may have had a different city in mind. 1839, is the first reported time the phrase “Manifest Destiny” appeared in print. The Democrats used it to promote war and the expansion of the United States from the Atlantic shore to the Pacific Ocean. Still this vision of manifest or divine destiny of America was only vague in definition. It went on to be defined that America should be an empire and a world power. The empire was still vague at best in definition. What did that mean?

Well as it turns out there were others from the “Old World” with very different designs for America. One such prominent person in the development of history was Sir Frances Bacon, 1561 to 1626 a graduate of Cambridge, a barrister, a member of parliament and a suitor for higher office. He was also a member of some of the many occult secret societies of Europe, among others a Rosicrucian. He was one of many who belonged to the occult secret societies that believed the “New World “should be the “New Atlantis.” Some others of the new enlightenment were Sir Isaac Newton, also a Rosicrucian and member of the Royal Society, John Maynard Keynes, Adam Weishaupt, Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Madame Blavatsky, and there were many more with this world view that America should be the New Atlantis. Cecil Rhode is a central figure in the development of modern civilization. He was very into the occult as are most all the elites. All the occultists will tell you we are moving towards a new age, a new spirituality. Though not associated with the occult, history classes teach the 18 century, began the “age of enlightenment”

Going backward in history Homer, the epic writer of Greek mythology often spoke of Atlantis. Plato talked about his uncle Solon the Athenian lawgiver in the 6th century B.C. being in Egypt and meeting with Egyptian priests from whom he brought back to Europe tales of Atlantis.

It is said that Western civilization including America has sprung from and in many ways is modeled from ancient Greek civilization. From Greece we learn about the gods of Olympus. Some say the development of civilization fell to the Greek decedents of Israel because of the failure of ancient Israel and its peoples to fulfill their destiny. There is strong evidence of Israelites inhabiting the region of Greece.

So what does this have to do with Atlantis, and America’s divine destiny? Well why is it that most occult practitioners have such an interest in Atlantis? Adolf Hitler was obsessed with Atlantis and the occult. He believed Arians were



descended from Atlantis. Edgar Cayce another occultist often spoke of Atlantis.

You can trace the “New World Order” all the way back to Nimrods, Babylon and even further back to Atlantis. If you study the occultist’s vision of the manifest destiny of the new world it is very much in keeping with the idea of a collectivist’s utopia. A utopia based on science, reason, and pragmatism; devoid of religion, and ruled by the elites. An autocracy as envisioned by Plato, a dictatorship of the rich. This is “very” similar also to what Nimrod tried to create.

An interesting thing is how all the super- rich have this common thread woven throughout their lives. The elite rulers of Rome, to the elite rulers of Europe, to our very own elite, they have this religion of the Roman and Greek gods. With our elite you find evidence of this prominently amongst them in their statuary of Zeus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Venus, Athena etc. to their occult divining of the spirits, to their disdain for the common people. Look for yourself at the many examples of which I will mention only a few, like the Winchester, house in San Jose, California it’s a testament to obsession and insanity with the occult. Commodore Vanderbilt once the most powerful man in America, stated that “the whole of my life he was absolutely obsessed with the making of money but that he never made any important decision without being directed by the spirits.” Come down a notch in wealth, and I will even point out that President Ronald Reagan consulted regularly an astrologer. Speaking of their love of the common man remember the famous quote from Jay Gould, railroad Barron and mentor to Rockefeller, he said, ”I don’t give a damn about the common man because I know I can always pay half of them to kill the other half. Rockefeller used to pay public relations film crews to photograph him handing out dimes to the poor and unemployed during the great depression, while he hired thugs to kill striking mine workers. Again you find all the statuary at the Rockefeller mansions. Vanderbilt when asked to schedule his trains to accommodate working people, said “to hell with the people.” There is much more that could be added to these examples of our elite’s love of fellow man. Take a look at the “Eugenics Movement” (forced sterilization and euthanasia) its history in the United States is an eye full of their love. The truth is, most of the rich and their philanthropic tax free foundations are purely self-serving, while they draw up their plans for a “New World Order,” dictatorship of the elite. Don’t believe me? Just research AGENDA 21, and see how they plan to deal with the common man by killing 85% of us. If men were not this evil then why would the Bible say that Christ will come and put an end to their evil. Read Psalms 2:2-7.

Again what does this have to do with Atlantis and the manifest destiny of America? We read in Luke, 17:26-28 of the bible “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be



also in the days of the Son of man.” One can deduce from this verse that what we see happening today is what happened also in the time of Noah. Therefore they also had a “New World Order.” If you know the rest of the story you know the civilization was destroyed by the deluge of a flood because it had become corrupt to the point of no return from evil. Their “New World Order “ had finally achieved its goal of rejecting God and religion and had over turned the “Old World Order” that had been set up by God. Their “New World Order” civilization was under the new enlightenment and direct influence of Satan, and again deducing from Luke 17:26 they also must have had a lot of occult, and secret societies activity. The anti- diluvian civilization was Atlantis. If Satan is the leader of the occult as traditionally taught, then is it any wonder that occultists would seek to resurrect his Atlantis and the “New World Order.” This is what Atlantis has to do with the Manifest Destiny of America. You see right from the beginning and ever-since we have had Two potential “Manifest Destinies” working themselves out side by side in America. The “Big Question is” which one are you going to choose?

Ancient Israel, was reluctantly given a King, by Samuel the Prophet. He told them they would be very sorry and they were; but they wanted the pomp and glory of the royal courts that their rival civilizations had; and so Samuel grievously complied with their desires. (I Samuel: 4-20) Reasonable religionists have thought that Samuel would probably rather, have given them a Constitutional government with freedom at its core since freedom has always been the centerpiece of Gods development of his family. Centerpiece because it builds personality and deepens character, teaches responsibility and independence, rather than being collectivist automatons. This free and Constitutional government would have no doubt been created that the people would reach the goal and level of righteousness of a previous civilization modeled by God “the City of Enoch.” This was by description truly a city on a hill and a light to the entire world, a city where there was no poor among the people. It is said the people advanced and developed their walk with God to the point that the entire city was taken from the earth to a higher sphere of existence. Also said is that many of the “City of Enoch” became ministering angels to those of us left on earth. One might ask where are these angel’s? The answer! Miracles and Angels, cease among the children of men when there is a lack of faith. You may say baloney and you don’t like or buy that. Well I can only say I don’t make the rules,



I’m only reporting them to you. Also there is much evidence of angelic activity in America; just because you don’t experience it yourself doesn’t mean others do not.

Why were the Prophets of ancient Israel always tearing down the secret groves setup by those who worshiped the gods of the Canaanites?

Perhaps for the Answer we should consider what goes on at our own

Bohemian Grove. The grove is located in the Redwood forest just a short distance North of San Francisco, California. As a young boy I used to often vacation near there and was always told it was exclusive for the rich and that others were not allowed in and that there was a lot of security to keep us out. Over the years, what has been learned about the grove, is that it is for the very rich, and that Kings and all the political leaders of the world regularly attend often yearly. The guest list would surprise you in that everyone who is anyone in leadership roles such as politics, media, industry or monarchy frequently visit the grove.

Mostly catering to male guests, the guests stroll or run naked through the forest where male sex workers service the guests. Other activities take place but worth noting is the “Cremation of Care Ceremony.” This takes place before a giant image of Moloch, the Babylonian & Canaanite god of Fire. The Canaanites used to burn children as an offering to Moloch. The guests all dressed in dark robes do in effigy burn a child in the arms of Moloch during their cremation of care. Rumors persist of live offerings, but no evidence I know of exists. There are some alarming and questionable pictures of persons tied up before Moloch. Many of these date back to the early 1900s. The grove has operated for over 100 years now I think.

The bibles I Timothy 4:2 you read about the conscience being seared as if by a hot iron. You see if you violate your conscience enough times it goes away and becomes seared as if by a hot iron. This is not a good thing for society. Society needs people to have a good conscience. God gave us a conscience to guide our lives. Society need make no law for men of good conscience. I Timothy 3:9

In the Cremation of Care Ceremony you see our world leaders purposefully trying to sear their conscience. Why? Well consider this answer. If you can get rid of conscience it is considered by some to be liberating, to be totally free to walk the earth and rule as gods with no remorse. You are above all, and can take pleasure



where you want or see fit, and you would allow others of your society privileges to do likewise. Rule by the will of man, and devoid of any fault in so doing.

For more on this I would recommend viewing the documentary DVD by Alex Jones, where he exposes the Bohemian Grove. It is called Dark Secrets Inside the Bohemian Grove.

Modern Occult,& Gods of the Canaanites.Modern occultism is rooted in the gods of the Canaanites, which come from ancient Egyptian, Samarian, Assyrian, Phoenician, and Philistine traditions, but all traces back to the goddess Cybele and Nimrod’s Babylon the first world system on earth after the flood of Noah. Nimrod was King of all people in a world system.

Post Nimrod, the book of revelations 2: 12-13, written in the 1st century A.D. we are told Pergamos was the seat or Throne of Satan, his dwelling place. From history we know that when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon in 457 B.C. he forced the Babylonian pagan priesthood to flee West-ward to Pergamos. Pergamos was once part of Troy, the Minoan, and later Mycenaean civilizations. It is now located in present day Turkey, and was part of Babylon.

This is relevant to understanding America because it is often said Western civilization developed from Greek civilization. What archeologists unearthed at Pergamos was the Temple of Athena, and a large statue of Zeus. Zeus was long ago carried away into Russia. Of greater significance is the main root discovered there of ancient and modern occultism. The goddess Cybele, the mother of all the gods was unearthed. Cybele the great mother goddess was taken from Pergamos, to Rome in 204 B.C. where Roman “Pontifex Maximus” welcomed her, and she became the “holy” Mother of Rome and the protectoress of the Roman Empire. Vatican City is now built over the Temple of Cybele. Cybele is also known as one of the Titans, Rhea, the mother of Zeus, and Aphrodite. She is also known as the fertility goddess, Mother Earth goddess, and mother of all the gods. In Babylon she was the Queen of Heaven, mother and also wife of Nimrod. Babylonians also knew her as Ishtar, Mithra, and “Feronia the goddess of Liberty.” She has had too many additional names to list, Diana, Minerva, Ashtoreth, Astarte, the pagan Madonna are a few. Each conquering people gave the gods new names.

It is said the oracles of Delphi from whom Alexander the Great sought council and guidance were priestesses of Cybele.



My intention and reason I include all this history is to get you to understand what you are really dealing with; by trying to show the origins of the secret societies and occult that affect America. How most if not all of them are traced through the occult enlightenment secret societies of Europe and America to the “Roman Cybele” (mother of all the gods) to the false gods of the Canaanites, and from there to Nimrod’s Babylon, to Egyptus, mother of Egypt (wife of Ham, a son of Noah,) to Atlantis. Why the prophets of Israel were always against them, and why we should be also. So from Skull & Bones Illuminate, to divining spirits, to Rosicrucian’s, to Voodoo, and all the rest of them, building the “New Atlantis” is the fruit they will produce.

The Statute of Liberty. Often Cybele, (known in Babylon as Feronia, the goddess of Liberty) is depicted draped in a white flowing robe and on her head sits a crown depicting the crumbled Tower of Babel once destroyed by God, or a crown of light rays. Robe style, facial features, and crown of light rays look very similar to our Statue of Liberty sent to us in 1876, by the French “Illuminate” Freemasons. Thirty third degree mason and recognized authority of Masonry, Manley P. Hall states the torch represents the occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light of which truth is made visible. The crown also has occult meaning regarding points of light. The Greek Colossus, once one of the 7 wonders of the world had the same crown. It once stood on the Greek Island of Rhodes in greeting fashion like our Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island. More could be said, but suffice it to say that the Statute of Liberty is significant to the secret societies plotting the “New World Order.” From Atlantis, to Babylon, and Egypt to Pergamos, to Europe, to America through Cybele flow’s the occult and the roots of all the mystery religions of the world, and the “New World Order.”

I think it important because of the extreme distastefulness to only briefly mention the culture Cybele creates. Worshipers of Cybele were said to be so filthy and vile that during some periods of Rome, Roman citizens were forbidden to participate, eventually her worship was driven into secret societies. The male priests of Cybele are said to work themselves into a mad frenzy, and then castrate themselves, dawn women’s cloths and adorn themselves thereafter as women.

The festivities of Cybele are of a gay nature both dance and music; similar perhaps to some of what goes on at our own Mardi Gras of New Orleans, and some parades of other large cities. Insanity is said to follow many of the worshipers of Cybele. Octavian for example who became Cesar Augustus is said to have worshiped in the temple and secret societies of Cybele. Augustus is known to have been a monster, a very brutal pedophile. Many of Rome’s royalty were involved in occult worship of



the gods. Oligarchs of Rome would go on to become many of the Kings of Europe.

America is at a Major Crossroad which way do we go? It is an interesting parallel, perhaps some may say irrelevant to America that Atlantis had stories of creatures half human and half animal, of super-humans, warfare and evil, of suffering and a civilization out of control, destroying its self. What would you expect if Satan were in charge? America now with its DNA decoding of life, its advanced technology and ability to put computer chips into peoples brains to both control or enhance their performance; our ability to cross DNA species into each other; our continuous war with the potential to destroy our civilization. We in reality have the ability to create such a world as Atlantis was. Will we allow the rulers of this world to create the “New Atlantis, the New World Order” as envisioned by occultists and elites from Nimrod, to Plato, Cesar Augustus, to Hitler, Sir Frances Bacon, to Rockefeller? References, “Atlantis the Antediluvian World” by Ignatius Donnally,“The New Atlantis” by Francis Bacon, “The Secret Destiny of America” by Manly P. Hall, “New World Order the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies” by William T. Still, “The New World Order” by A. Ralph Epperson, “The Advancement of Learning and New Atlantis” by Francis Bacon, “Essays and New Atlantis” by Francis Bacon

SolutionsThere are solutions written throughout this paper!

Listed below are just a few. First Awake to a sense of your awful situation. Know that the future depends on your choices. Understand our problems. Wake others up! Give them a copy of this booklet. Eliminate your belief in false philosophies. Find the courage to change, and show that America is still the home of

the brave. Know that every person is of great importance, and treat them that way. Know that all life is special and it is very arrogant to destroy any life

form without just cause. Secure for ourselves and posterity a healthy food and water supply and

a clean environment. Stop hidden environmental agendas whose main purpose is to

deconstruct America. Support environmental policies that clean America and keep her people strong.



End the Federal Reserve. Put the creation of money power back under the control of a Constitutional Congress.

Repeal Constitutional amendments starting with 16, &17. Return the States rights and local government. Prevent government stopping the production of plasma reactor motors

and hydrogen cell carburetors, and produce them. Bring the jobs back by ending bad trade agreements and rebuilding our

manufacturing. Promote invention, science, learning and culture. When you synthesize

all the cultures, know that there are really only two; the culture of life, and the culture of death. Let us keep from each culture the good, reject the bad, and be a united people in this multicultural approach.

Choose a manifest destiny and culture befitting a great people. Character becomes destiny. Let our national character be glorious!

End wars of dubious origin. Promote virtue and honor in society by teaching it in homes and schools. Promote manners and civility. Prevent wasting anything especially human minds. Create beauty wherever possible and let our culture reflect that beauty. Reject and Shun Evil and all its manifestations in our society.

I hope you see by now I am trying to assist you to remain a free and prosperous people. May the God of our Fathers smile upon us as we try to do better. I know he will heal our land as we turn to him. The American Founders knew he was the source of their wisdom and that he had helped them found their new government. They gave ample testimony of this fact.

The Poet: Everet Hale wrote for our contemplation, I am only one. but I am one! I can not do everything; but I can do something. That which I can do, I ought to do, and that which I ought to do, by the grace of God I shall do.

Henry David Thoreau - There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to everyone striking at the root. I have shown you the roots, now let’s take the tree down.

President Andrew Jackson called the banking cartel a “hydra-headed monster eating the flesh of the common man.” I would add that freedom fighters must understand the reach of the tentacles of this monster if they would strike at it. They must understand that in the sea of the blind the one-eye is king. They must open their eyes and understand.



Solution as stated by Abraham Lincoln, “The government should create, issue and circulate all currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of consumers, by the adoption of these principles, the tax payer will be saved immense sums of interest. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the governments greatest creative opportunity.Professor Henry C.K. Liu, is an economist. He said there is a simple solution that could make the country solvent once again. It is not a new solution but dates back to the Constitution: the power to create money needs to be returned to the government and the people it represents. The federal debt could be paid, income taxes could be eliminated, and social programs could be expanded, and this could all be done without imposing austerity measures on the people or sparking runaway inflation. Utopian as that may sound, it represents the thinking of some of Americas brightest and best, historical and contemporary, including Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson , and Benjamin Franklin. Read the book “The Web of Debt” by Ellen Brown. So what can you do? Pay attention. Realize you are important; we can not fix things without you. Go home and look in the mirror, ask yourself how you might be contributing to the power of the enemy within? Are philosophies alien to America infecting your mind? Realize they have like a terrible virus infected our country. Do you fulfill your obligation to be part of an educated electorate? If your part of the problem, fix yourself and do your part well, and you will fix the nation. Read the United States Constitution. Learn the real history and philosophy of free America and start fulfilling your credo. Do not let any member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg group, or Skull & Bones hold any position of authority or power anywhere in our world. What is most lacking is the political will to exercise our God given right, for we the people to be in charge of our destiny. The movers and shakers are only the movers and shakers because you allow them to be. Please do your part, we need you! Also know that secret societies have always been about personal power and personal gain. They have always had their secret blood oaths, and every civilization known to man has had them. They always caused the downfall of those civilizations through the wars they created.Something you can do right away is, PLEASE DUPLICATE THIS MESSAGE AND PASS IT ON

TO OTHERS. I would also suggest you consider joining the American Independent Party or the



Constitution Party if you live outside California. The Constitution Party is our national affiliate, and was started by the American Independent party.

You probably don’t realize how massive of a message this sends to the establishment. It literally sends shock waves through the system; and that’s a good thing. If you join and contact myself we will help you organize and field candidates for every office in the land. Know that we must take our government back this way at every level by organizing and winning the hearts and minds of Americans. To all those of you who advocate a violent or armed revolution know that this type of action will spell the absolute end of America. Marshal law will follow and you will lose. The majority of the people must be brought to an understanding of our realities. That is why I am providing you with this paper; so get copies of it to your neighbors.

This can be accomplished at a copy center near you (i.e. Staples or Kinko’s) I was able to get copies for as little as $1.18 each by using the cheapest economy paper and coupons and quantity discounts

So if you like what you have read you need to do your part by copying and passing this information to others.

The Ostrich can be the most dangerous bird in the world once it gets it’s head out of the sand!

II Timothy 2: 13 Evil men and seducers will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Remember all corrupt roads have a very bloody trail that leads right to the door of the Federal Reserve and it’s Elite bankers. This is the way to the castle of Dracula.

Know that what will unite this country is the U.S.Constitution and the spiritual roots of the Christian Faith our culture was built upon. It has always been our strength.

Regarding donations to my campaign. The establishment Incumbent has raised over ONE MILLION DOLLARS I have raised Zero. When I began this campaign I was uneasy regarding donations. I had written my address if someone wanted to donate on some initial campaign papers, but I never ask for any donations. I did receive a few, and I have returned them. I returned them because I am now highly resolved that if there is wisdom in my



words that the American public will recognize it. Therefore send me not your money. I give you my work freely, if you find my writings worthy, I place the burden of government on your shoulders where it belongs. If my words bring an interest to your heart or mind then let them be repeated mouth to mouth and hand to hand. If they are the words of freedom let them be spoken from the rooftops to everyone who has ear to hear this American’s stand for liberty. Copy them, and hand them to your neighbors. I am trying to do my part, but please understand only when you get involved will the evils we face be defeated. Remember the great words “ United We Stand, or Divided We Fall. These are the last days we will have to change the course of history. We must stand together; or we will surely, stand alone. I leave it in your hands. As always, you will get and deserve the government you choose, by what you do or don’t do.

You may ask what motivates me? Simply this, I want to live, and I want my posterity to live, in a better society.

Can a Third Party Candidate Win?

In 1854 the Republican Party was a newly formed third party and it elected Abraham Lincoln. So look at the history. Yes; third party candidates can win and should.

People who keep doing the same thing over, and over, and over, hoping for a different result; isn’t that the definition of insanity?

If people keep voting the establishment candidate and they expect, or hope to get something different, they are truly throwing their vote away.

This booklet is about thinking outside the box designed to coral us.

There is more truth and wisdom in this booklet than most people Learn in their entire lives.

“ the truth shall make you free” John,8:31And if you continue in the truth you shall be free indeed.

Modern Day



Gadianton Robbers Have Overrun Our Land


ETHER, 9:24

JOIN THE BATTLE FOR FREEDOMJerry L. Leidecker, for CongressP.O. Box 235 Elverta, CA. 95626You can view my blog at or just google my name or that of the American Independent Party, or The Constitution Party and then look for my name; or Email me at, [email protected]