the “boussole” buoy—a new transparent-to-swell taut

The “BOUSSOLE” Buoy—A New Transparent-to-Swell Taut Mooring Dedicated to Marine Optics: Design, Tests, and Performance at Sea DAVID ANTOINE Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France PIERRE GUEVEL AND JEAN-FRANÇOIS DESTÉ ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France GUISLAIN BÉCU* Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, and ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France FRANCIS LOUIS AND ALEC J. SCOTT Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France PHILIPPE BARDEY ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France (Manuscript received 28 March 2007, in final form 24 October 2007) ABSTRACT A new concept of oceanographic data buoy is described, which couples a taut mooring and a “transpar- ent-to-swell” superstructure, and is specifically designed for the collection of radiometric quantities in offshore environments. The design of the thin superstructure addresses two major requirements: stabilizing the instruments in the water column and avoiding shading them. The development of the buoy is described, starting with the theoretical assessment and then describing the various stages of development leading to the latest version of the mooring and buoy. Its performance at sea is also analyzed. This new platform has been deployed in the deep waters (2400 m) of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea for about 4 yr (since September 2003) and provides a quasi-continuous record of optical properties at this site. The data are used for bio-optics research and for calibration and validation operations of several European and U.S. ocean color satellite missions. The plan is to continue the deployment to build a decadal time series of optical properties. The instrument suite that is installed on this buoy is also briefly described, and sample results are shown to demonstrate the ability of this new system to collect the data at the desired frequency and quality. 1. Introduction Optical remote sensing of the ocean, generally re- ferred to as “ocean color remote sensing,” has greatly developed in the past decades since the proof-of- concept “Coastal Zone Color Scanner” (CZCS) was launched in November 1978 by the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration (NASA; Hovis et al. 1980). The constellation of ocean color sensors that now exists thanks to the launch of various satellites by several space agencies provides a virtually daily cover- * Current affiliation: GEMS Survey, Ltd., Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Current affiliation: Fugro GEOS, Ltd., Wallingford, Oxford- shire, United Kingdom. Corresponding author address: D. Antoine, LOV, Caserne Nicolas, BP 8, 06238 Villefranche sur mer, France. E-mail: [email protected] 968 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 25 DOI: 10.1175/2007JTECHO563.1 © 2008 American Meteorological Society

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Page 1: The “BOUSSOLE” Buoy—A New Transparent-to-Swell Taut

The “BOUSSOLE” Buoy—A New Transparent-to-Swell Taut Mooring Dedicated toMarine Optics: Design, Tests, and Performance at Sea


Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France


ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France


Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,and ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France


Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France


ACRI-IN, Sophia Antipolis, France

(Manuscript received 28 March 2007, in final form 24 October 2007)


A new concept of oceanographic data buoy is described, which couples a taut mooring and a “transpar-ent-to-swell” superstructure, and is specifically designed for the collection of radiometric quantities inoffshore environments. The design of the thin superstructure addresses two major requirements: stabilizingthe instruments in the water column and avoiding shading them. The development of the buoy is described,starting with the theoretical assessment and then describing the various stages of development leading to thelatest version of the mooring and buoy. Its performance at sea is also analyzed. This new platform has beendeployed in the deep waters (�2400 m) of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea for about 4 yr (sinceSeptember 2003) and provides a quasi-continuous record of optical properties at this site. The data are usedfor bio-optics research and for calibration and validation operations of several European and U.S. oceancolor satellite missions. The plan is to continue the deployment to build a decadal time series of opticalproperties. The instrument suite that is installed on this buoy is also briefly described, and sample resultsare shown to demonstrate the ability of this new system to collect the data at the desired frequency andquality.

1. Introduction

Optical remote sensing of the ocean, generally re-ferred to as “ocean color remote sensing,” has greatlydeveloped in the past decades since the proof-of-concept “Coastal Zone Color Scanner” (CZCS) waslaunched in November 1978 by the National Aeronau-tics and Space Administration (NASA; Hovis et al.1980). The constellation of ocean color sensors thatnow exists thanks to the launch of various satellites byseveral space agencies provides a virtually daily cover-

* Current affiliation: GEMS Survey, Ltd., Devizes, Wiltshire,United Kingdom.

� Current affiliation: Fugro GEOS, Ltd., Wallingford, Oxford-shire, United Kingdom.

Corresponding author address: D. Antoine, LOV, CaserneNicolas, BP 8, 06238 Villefranche sur mer, France.E-mail: [email protected]

968 J O U R N A L O F A T M O S P H E R I C A N D O C E A N I C T E C H N O L O G Y VOLUME 25

DOI: 10.1175/2007JTECHO563.1

© 2008 American Meteorological Society


Page 2: The “BOUSSOLE” Buoy—A New Transparent-to-Swell Taut

age of the ocean surface (Yoder 1999). The data pro-vided by these sensors are useful for scientific researchand a variety of operational applications, such as globalcarbon cycle research (McClain et al. 2006), assimila-tion into global circulation models (e.g., Natvik andEvensen 2003), fisheries regulation, and coastal zonemonitoring and management (Sathyendranath 2000).

Before they become useful for such areas of applica-tion, the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) observations fromthese satellite sensors (i.e., the radiance backscatteredby the earth’s surface and atmosphere recorded in sev-eral finite spectral bands) have to be properly cali-brated. Then the geophysical parameters that are sub-sequently derived from these TOA observationsthrough a series of algorithms have to be validatedagainst so-called sea truth data. The validation of datafrom several sensors against a unique set of in situ datais also a mandatory step before they can be merged,which is nowadays one of the major goals of the inter-national ocean color community (e.g., Antoine 2004;Gregg 2007).

These two processes, calibration and validation, mustbe pursued throughout the life of an ocean color mis-sion to permanently maintain the quality of the derivedproducts at the desired level (e.g., Hooker and McClain2000). An intensive field work is therefore needed forthe collection of the relevant data. These data includein particular the water-leaving radiance, noted Lw,which is the primary quantity derived from the TOAsatellite observations after the atmospheric effects areremoved, and on which the derivation of all other quan-tities rely through various “bio-optical” algorithms(e.g., O’Reilly et al. 1998; Morel and Maritorena 2001).Water-leaving radiances must therefore be collected atsea, and stringent requirements are attached to the ac-curacy of such measurements (McClain et al. 1998).

Nowadays, a common way to collect these data is touse in-water profiling radiometers, commercially avail-able from several companies. These instruments haveslightly negative buoyancy and are equipped with sta-bilizing fins, so that they can freely and vertically sinkwithin the water column, provided that the cable thatphysically connects them to the ship is kept loose. Theinstrument can also be deployed far enough from theship so it is out of the ship-shaded area. Irradiance andradiance profiles are therefore obtained with a tilt angleusually �5°. The water-leaving radiance is then deter-mined through extrapolation of the top meters’ mea-surements (see Hooker et al. 2001). In spite of theirnumerous advantages (simplicity of use, low tilt, lowshading), such ship-based deployments inevitably endup with a very small number of good-quality in situmeasurements collocated with clear-sky satellite obser-

vations. The reason for this is the long list of criteriathat must be respected for a comparison point to beuseful for validation purposes (e.g., Bailey and Werdell2006). Circumventing this limitation needs a denser ac-quisition scenario, which is possible thanks to autono-mous measurement platforms such as a fleet of autono-mous underwater vehicles (e.g., Argo floats for physicalinformation; Argo Science Team 1998), coastal plat-forms in shallow waters (e.g., Zibordi et al. 2002,2006a), or moorings when the offshore environment isconcerned. The technical realization that is developedin this paper corresponds to the second option.

A general difficulty in using radiometric data col-lected near the surface (i.e., depths shallower thanabout 20 m) comes from the fluctuations of radianceand irradiance generated by wave focusing (Fig. 1).These fluctuations exist as soon as capillary waves cre-ate some roughness, even without the presence of

FIG. 1. Downward irradiance at 442 nm as a function of depthas measured at the deployment site at 1435 UTC 4 Jun 2004. Theradiometer has a descent rate of about 0.8 m s�1 with a 6-Hzacquisition frequency.

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swells (e.g., Dera and Gordon 1968; Stramska andDickey 1998). The presence of swells adds variations oflonger wavelengths that, combined with the fast small-scale fluctuations, create horizontal gradients in radi-ance and irradiance that are larger than the verticalchange created by the logarithmic attenuation of radia-tion with depth. This contradicts the assumption of ahorizontally homogeneous ocean, on which most of theapproximations of radiative transfer are derived. Athorough review of the statistics of the light field varia-tions caused by surface waves can be found in Walker(1994), and issues more specific to the measurement ofradiance and irradiance in the context of ocean opticswere recently analyzed in Zaneveld et al. (2001). Thereare several solutions to overcome this second limita-tion. The first one would be to average thousands ofsimultaneous measurements taken over “suitably largeareas” (Zaneveld et al. 2001), which is obviously im-practicable. Infinitely increasing the sampling rate anddecreasing the drop rate would also reconcile theunique realization of a single irradiance profile with thelarge-scale irradiance profile; approaching this theoret-ical solution with slow drop rates is feasible, and hasbeen experimentally investigated in coastal waters (Zi-bordi et al. 2004). The third solution is to continuouslymeasure at a fixed depth with respect to ground duringseveral of the typical time scales of the light field fluc-tuations, and then to apply some statistical treatment tothe data (averaging, taking the median, filtering, etc.) toget the value that would be measured in the absence ofsuch fluctuations. This third solution has been adoptedhere.

A successful example of a buoy dedicated to optics isthe Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY; Clark et al. 1997,2003) jointly developed by the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA inview of providing a mission lifetime record of the wa-ter-leaving radiance for the NASA Sea Viewing WideField of View Sensor aboard the Orbital Science Cor-poration (OSC) Orbview-II satellite (SeaWiFS mission;Hooker and Esaias 1993) and for the NASA ModerateResolution Imaging Spectrometer aboard the NASAAqua satellite (MODIS-A; Salomonson et al. 1992).This buoy has been operationally deployed since 1994in the vicinity of Lanaï Island in the Hawaiian archi-pelago and has been the central element of the calibra-tion and validation plan for these two missions. TheMOBY design is adapted to an area protected fromlarge swells and relatively easily reachable (15 n mifrom coast), which is not the case in the present pro-gram (see later). Another example was the Plymbodybuoy deployed during several months in the EnglishChannel (Pinkerton and Aiken 1999). Other moorings

have hosted radiometers or active optical sensors (e.g.,fluorometers), such as the Bermuda Test Bed Mooring(Dickey et al. 1998), but were not necessarily dedicatedto providing data for validation purposes over the longterm.

In the frame of the calibration and validation activi-ties of the European Space Agency (ESA) Environ-mental Satellite (Envisat), a project was set up with theobjective of establishing a time series of optical prop-erties in oceanic waters to support the calibration andvalidation of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spec-trometer (MERIS; Rast et al. 1999) ocean color sensor.The panorama of existing solutions showed a limitednumber of dedicated platforms and programs. It be-came obvious that a specific development was inescap-able, because platforms (buoys) developed for variousoceanographic purposes are rarely adapted to the de-ployment of radiometers at sea. Recording the lightfield within the ocean interior is difficult because of thereasons previously exposed. The instruments them-selves and, more dramatically, the platforms on whichthey are installed, inevitably introduce perturbations(shadowing in particular). Other difficulties originatefrom the need to keep the instruments as horizontal aspossible, because horizontal plane irradiance (cosinesensors) and radiance in a given direction (generallynadir) are the required measurements. The actual mea-surement depth is also difficult to accurately assess, be-cause rapid vertical displacements of the instrumentssometimes occur, which prevent any precise estimationof pressure.

Therefore, the present paper describes the variousstages of development of a new oceanographic databuoy—the BOUSSOLE buoy—the design of which hasbeen optimized for measurement of radiometric quan-tities at sea. The name is actually that of the overallproject within which the buoy was developed, literallytranslated from French as the “buoy for the acquisitionof a long-term optical time series” (“boussole” is theFrench word for “compass”). This activity is composedof three basic and complementary elements: (i) amonthly cruise program, (ii) a permanent optics moor-ing, and (iii) a coastal Aerosol Robotic Network(AERONET; Holben et al. 1998) station. Each of thesethree segments is designed to provide specific measure-ments of various parameters at different and comple-mentary spatial and temporal scales. When combinedtogether, they provide a comprehensive time series ofnear-surface (0–200 m) ocean and atmosphere inherentoptical properties (IOPs) and apparent optical proper-ties (AOPs) needed to accomplish in particular thecalibration/validation objectives mentioned above(Antoine et al. 2006, 2008; Hooker et al. 2007).

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The present paper is focused on the new buoy. Itdescribes the overall process starting from the theoret-ical calculations and ending up with the final and op-erational version. The instrument suite that is presentlyinstalled on the buoy is briefly presented, and sampledata are also shown to demonstrate the capability of thenew platform.

The organization of the paper deliberately followsthe chronology of the various steps that were needed toreach the final design and construction, which now al-lows a quasi-permanent data collection at the selectedsite in the Mediterranean Sea. Writing along these linesillustrates the successive steps, tests, and optimizations,also including the unavoidable difficulties and failuresthat pave the way of technological development.

2. Constraints to be taken into account

The data to be measured are the upward and down-ward plane irradiances, Eu and Ed, as well as the radi-ance upwelling from nadir L at several depths in thewater column near the surface. Besides the accuratecharacterization of the instrument field of view, the im-portant point here is to aim at the correct direction (i.e.,nadir). When the downward irradiance is measured justabove the sea surface, the symbol Es is used. This valueis used as a reference, allowing the changes in the in-water irradiances that are only due to changes in theincoming solar radiation to be corrected.

Getting accurate values of Es and of Eu, Ed, and Lu

(nadir) at several depths in the water column requiresthat a first category of constraints is respected. The firstone is that the platform has to minimize shading of theinstruments because we measure the light field in theocean. Then, because we aim at plane irradiances or atradiance from nadir, the platform has to be as verticaland stable as possible. The tilt with respect to the localvertical and the orientation with respect to the sun mustbe known. The measurement of Es has to be performedsufficiently far above the sea surface as to be out ofinfluence of sea spray.

Then, environmental constraints specific to the de-ployment site are also to be considered (i.e., the waterdepth at the deployment site is 2440 m, with no signif-icant changes due to tides). Swells there can be up to 8m but are usually lower than 5 m, and currents areusually low (�10 cm s�1). This last peculiarity is due tothe selected position being in the central area of thecyclonic circulation that characterizes the Ligurian Sea(Millot 1999). The northern branch of this circulation isthe Ligurian Current, which manifests as a jet flowingclose to the shore in the southwesterly direction, andthat, in turn, establishes a front whose position varies

seasonally. The southern branch of the circulation is anortheasterly current north of the island of Corsica; theeastern part of the circulation is essentially imposed bythe geometry of the basin. A map is shown in Fig. 2 toshow that the deployment site is typical of a deep-oceanoffshore (60 km from the coast) mooring site.

The knowledge of the wave characteristics was im-portant in the design of the BOUSSOLE buoy. Theinformation was taken from the data collected by theFrench weather forecast agency (Météo-France), whichdeployed an Oceanographic Data Acquisition System(ODAS)-type meteorological buoy 2 n mi from theBOUSSOLE site. The distribution of swell heights andswell periods is displayed in Fig. 3a, and the density plotof the wave characteristics (i.e., significant height ver-sus period) is displayed in Fig. 3b. These characteristicsallowed determination of the vertical attenuation pro-file of the effect of swells in order to select the appro-priate depth for the main buoyancy of the platform.

3. The solution adopted: Principle, theoreticalassessment, preliminary tests, and operationaldeployments

a. General concept

The principle of the adopted solution is that of a“reversed pendulum,” with Archimedes thrust replac-ing gravity. A large sphere is stabilized at a depth out ofthe effect of most swells, at the end of a neutrally buoy-ant cable extending down to the sea floor. This spherecreates the main buoyancy of the system. A rigid andtubular structure is fixed above the sphere, which hoststhe instrumentation. The resulting thrust ensures thestability of the system, which is subject to very limitedforces from the so-called transparent-to-swell super-structure. The idea is that the buoy should be as fixed aspossible with respect to ground, and has minimum re-sistance to waves and currents passing through. Theinstruments should not follow the surface elevationsbut rather remain at a constant depth with respect tothe average surface.

This is a taut mooring, definitely different from whatis usually referred to as spar buoys (e.g., Graber et al.2000), and with a much larger tension on the cable thanother types of taut moorings, such as the standardATLAS mooring used in the TOA array (Milburn et al.1996). The dynamic changes in the tension on themooring cable are very small.

The principle is sketched on Fig. 4. With no wavesand currents, the platform is vertical and positioned ata given depth. A drag is generated when waves andcurrents pass through the structure, with the effect oftilting the buoy. This drag has to be minimized, while

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the lift (righting torque) that will counterbalance thedrag force has to be maximized. This equilibrium isobtained by minimization of the platform cross sectionand by an optimized repartition of weights and buoy-ancies. In terms of dynamics, motions are strongly re-duced by viscous damping.

With such a design, there is no large body at thesurface generating shade, and the underwater buoyancysphere is far enough from the instruments that its effecton the underwater light field is negligible. With thefinal design (section 3e), the center of this sphere (di-ameter of approximately 2 m) is 8 m below the deepestradiometer (itself at 9 m), so that it only occupies about0.05 sr within the upward hemisphere (i.e., about1.5%). The impact on the measurement of the upwardirradiance is therefore negligible. This sphere is out ofsight of the radiance meters (half-angle is 10°), so thatthe measurement of the upwelling radiance is not af-fected either. The stability of the instruments is theother key characteristic of this new platform; it is war-

ranted even for quite large swells, and the possibilityexists to accurately measure the water level above theinstruments. Maintaining radiometers at a fixed depthand recording the light field during several minutes al-lows filtering of the fluctuations due to surface waves.

b. Theoretical assessment

Theoretical calculations were performed by specify-ing an initial and preliminary design and material forthe construction (steel), and a swell of height 5 m and aperiod of 7 s, typical of the deployment site. The maincharacteristics of the initial and simplified design were,starting from the sea floor,

• a dead weight on the seafloor at 2350 m;• a mooring cable of 2330 m, made of Kevlar (15-mm

diameter, Young modulus 1.2 � 1011 N m�2 or Pa,0.22 m of elongation under a load of 1000 N);

• a lower tubular part, attached to the Kevlar cable;• an empty sphere of diameter 1.6 m, placed at a depth

of 18 m;

FIG. 2. The area of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea showing the southern coast ofFrance and the island of Corsica plus the work area in the Ligurian Sea (black circle) for theBOUSSOLE activities. Gray arrows symbolize the main current branches.

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• an upper tubular part, made of four tubes of 9-mheight and 0.1-m diameter, connected at their termi-nation by a plate (the total weight of all the elementsdescribed above is 380 kg); and

• an upper superstructure of total height 12 m (with 3m above the surface) and total weight 80 kg (with10 kg on top to symbolize the aerial instrumentpackage), made of four tubes of diameter 0.05 m,and connected to the plate of the lower tubularpart.

Using these characteristics, the buoyancies (21 000 Nfor the whole system), inertia, righting torque, and gen-eralized masses were determined. Then the natural re-sponse frequencies were calculated, as well as the pe-riod and amplitude of the oscillations and displace-ments due to swell and currents. These computationswere following the simplified Froude–Krilov methodand included the estimation of the viscous dampingforces.

The natural response frequencies were found to be92 s for surge, 2.6 s for heave, and 7.9 s for pitch. Themagnitudes of oscillations were found to be �0.6 m forsurge, �0.13 m for heave, and �1.9° of tilt.

The system was also found to be quite sensitive tocurrents, with a tilt angle (in degrees) equal to 22 V2


and a horizontal displacement (in meters) of 92 V20, V0

being the current speed at the sea surface (expressed in

meters per second), linearly decreasing to zero at thedepth of the center of the buoyancy sphere.

Although the preliminary design was quite far fromthe final one, particularly regarding masses, these re-sults were extremely encouraging in terms of tilt andoscillation, and demonstrated that the sensitivity to cur-rents would require improvements. Among the possiblesolutions were increasing the diameter of the sphere,increasing the distance between the sphere and the at-tachment point to the cable, and minimizing the dragcoefficient of the upper superstructure. Several seriesof calculations were performed with slightly differentdesigns and with more realistic weights.

It was nevertheless decided to first build a reduced-scale model to perform tests in an engineering pool,with the aim of confirming the theoretical predictionsand easily testing any modification of the design.

c. Tests of a reduced-scale model

A reduced-scale model (scale 1/10; see Fig. 5a) wasbuilt for the purpose of the verification of the theoret-ical predictions. The main floatation was representedby an empty sphere with walls made of synthetic foam,and all the tubular superstructures made of carbon fibercomposite. Small brass masses were appropriately po-sitioned to mimic the sizes and weights of the real in-strumentation.

FIG. 3. (a) Histograms of the significant wave height (H1/3; scale on the bottom axis; thick line) and of the wave period (scale on thetop axis; thin line). Data are from 5 yr of measurements collected by the meteorological buoy deployed nearby the BOUSSOLE siteby the French weather forecast agency (Météo France). (b) Significant wave height as a function of the wave period [same data as in(a)]. Note that an H1/3 of 4 m, e.g., means a possibility of waves up to 6–8 m.

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The model was tested in an engineering pool of di-mensions 24 m � 16 m � 3 m with a 10-m central shaft(diameter of 5 m). The installation is shown in Fig. 5b.The mooring cable was simulated by a steel cable (di-ameter of 2 mm) terminated by an elastic, whose crosssection was chosen so as to produce a stretch of 8.15 �10�3 m when applying a force of 1 N. This assembly wasmimicking the anticipated small elasticity of the Kevlarcable. The base of this pseudomooring was equipped

with a strain gauge, and the head of the reduced-scalemodel was equipped with four LED markers observedby a specific camera system. This system was able todescribe motions and speeds in all directions. Mono-chromatic or random swells were applied, up to a 5-mreal scale, and current was added in some cases.

The most significant results of these tests are shownin Fig. 6. They fully confirmed the theoretical predic-tions that were previously carried out, in terms of hori-

FIG. 4. Schematic of the basic principle of the BOUSSOLE buoy showing the main elementsand driving forces. The buoy tilt and the angle of the mooring cable are exaggerated ascompared to what they are in reality, just for the sake of clarity. In particular, the angle � isusually close to zero. The approximate positions of the center of gravity (CG) and of thecenter of buoyancy (CB) are also indicated by the two stars (see also Fig. 9).

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zontal and vertical displacements (the latter are ex-tremely low), as well as in terms of angular deviationsfrom the vertical. For instance, the mean tilt of the buoyis �4° (with ��4° of pitching) for a 4.6-m swell ofperiod 5.2 s (i.e., at the limit before breaking occurs).

These tests also confirmed that no “hidden defect”(barely discernible via calculations only) was compro-mising the feasibility of the system. They also con-firmed a significant sensitivity to currents, which are,however, low at the deployment site.

The tests fully supported the use of the adopted de-

sign, and led to the decision of building a first full-scaleversion of the buoy to perform a qualification deploy-ment, which is described in the following section.

d. Version 1: Qualification deployment

The full-scale version 1 of the buoy was built inspring 2000. To minimize its weight, it was built of alu-minum. It was made of two parts, the lower one that isfrom –20 to –9 m below the surface and consists of thesphere and a simple tubular structure, and the upperone that goes from –9 m below the surface to �4.5 m

FIG. 5. (a) Sketch of the reduced-scale (1/10) model used for tests in the Oceanide BGO First engineering pool. (b) Generalorganization of the reduced-scale model installation within the basin.

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above the surface, and hosts the instrumentation. Thedetails of the construction are not given here because itwould be somewhat out of scope and because the sub-sequent versions of the buoy have been built differently(the nonoptimal characteristics of the construction ofversion 1 having been subsequently identified). It wasnot the purpose of this first version to make long-termdeployments.

This version 1 was deployed on site during 3 months(20 July–20 October 2000), which allowed exposure toa variety of meteorological situations. The buoy wasequipped with two inclinometers, a pressure sensor, anArgos beacon, and a flashing light. The goal of thisdeployment was to qualify the new concept of the buoyas well as to identify possible problems requiring modi-fications. A full day was required for the completion ofthe deployment operations, which were also totally newwith respect to more classical oceanographic moorings.The details of these operations are provided in the ap-pendix, along with the design of the complete mooringline in its final version.

The results of this deployment are shown in Figs. 7and 8. Without entering into out-of-scope details, thefollowing comments can be made (refer to the figurelegends):

• The weather conditions during the 3 months are rela-tively stable, with slightly increased winds and wavesin the last third of the record.

• Until mid-September, the periods where the buoywas tilted at angles larger than 5° were short, whichmeans that version 1 already satisfied the require-ments for meteorological conditions from calm tomoderate.

• The behavior of the buoy progressively deterioratedafter day 50 (Fig. 8), the reason being most certainly

higher current speeds (no measurement available,however), more frequent high wind speeds, and, fi-nally, maybe some physical deterioration of the buoyitself.

• Oscillations were observed, which match the inertialperiod of the ocean at the latitude of the site [12/sin(), expressed in hours], due to relaxation of thewind stress.

• A dramatic change of the buoy behavior startedaround day 63, which was not totally understoodbecause the weather conditions were not so differentbefore and after, except for the windstorm on days64–65. When this record was retrospectively analyzedfollowing the failure of the subsequent deployment(not detailed here), it was suspected that a leak-age problem in the main buoyancy sphere actuallystarted during the last phase of the qualification de-ployment.

In summary, the results of the qualification deploy-ment were conclusive as to the feasibility of the newconcept, but showed also a certain lack of rightingtorque, with consequences on the behavior of the buoywhen the swell became greater than about 2 m. Al-though not dramatic, this behavior was not totally sat-isfactory. Therefore, some modifications in the designand construction of the buoy were introduced to im-prove the percentage of time that the inclination re-quirements would be satisfied. Several versions and de-ployments were needed to reach a satisfactory solution(including the loss of the buoy at deployment 2 becauseof a failure of the main buoyancy). Two additional andindependent engineering studies were also performedwith the aim of improving confidence in the design ofthe buoy and providing advice for better construction.They were conducted by the Institut Français de Re-cherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER;LeBoulluec et al. 2002) and a Norwegian company spe-cializing in offshore technology (MARINTEK; Hellanet al. 2002). Using their own tools, they made a criticalassessment of what was done before, including the the-oretical calculations and the implementations. The twostudies eventually confirmed the feasibility and perti-nence of the new concept. They also recommended us-ing either foams or steel for the construction of themain buoyancy compartment. The second option wasretained and a special design was prepared, which isnow described.

e. The latest design

The main characteristics of the latest design (Fig. 9)are 1) the lower superstructure is made of steel (total

FIG. 6. Buoy pitch, expressed in degrees per meter of swell, asa function of the swell period. The black diamonds are for regularswells up to 4.6 m at full scale, the stars are for irregular waves upto 2.6 m at full scale. The open diamonds are for a regular swellwith a period of 6.2 s plus a current of 0.5 m s�1.

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weight about 1300 kg), 2) the main buoyancy includes acylindrical part, so that it is no longer a sphere but hassome ovoid shape (to compensate for a larger weight),3) the main buoyancy is segmented into seven pressure-

resistant and watertight compartments (see also Fig.10) to minimize the risk of rapidly losing a large part ofthe buoyancy if a leakage was to occur, 4) the uppersuperstructure is made of aluminum (total weight about

FIG. 7. The results of the qualification deployment (20 Jul–20 Oct 2000) showing the time series of (a) the depthof the buoy CTD (was nominally at 8.3 m when the buoy was motionless and the sea surface perfectly flat;interruption of the data stream is due to the failure of the battery), (b) the buoy tilt, (c) the swell height (theone-third most significant waves), (d) the swell period, and (e) the wind speed.

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200 kg), and 5) the distance between the center of thesphere and the cable is increased to 2.8 m.

In addition, a strain gauge was installed at the base ofthe buoy, just at the start of the mooring cable. Becausethe tension in the cable that is recorded by the gauge is,by definition, equal to the buoyancy of the entire moor-ing, any change in this buoyancy can be immediatelydetected.

This new buoy was deployed on 6 September 2003,and the upper instrumented part was recovered 3months later on 6 December 2003. This recovery datewas scheduled to avoid exposure of the buoy to themost hazardous weather season.

The behavior of the buoy was as expected, and thedata collection was continuously operating during the 3months. Images of the various stages of the deploy-ment, and of the buoy itself taken from above and be-low water, are displayed in Fig. 10 to provide somepractical feeling for what the complete system lookslike.

During this deployment period, we experienced sev-eral storms, one with 45 kt of established wind speedand gusts up to 60 kt; maximum waves were about 7 m(this never occurred in the previous 5 yr). In such con-ditions, the strong wind-driven surface current pushesthe buoy, which starts to tilt and simultaneously deep-ens because the Kevlar mooring cable cannot elongate.Therefore, after several hours of strong wind, the buoysimply becomes totally submerged, with the buoy headreaching maximum depths of about 8 or 10 m. Thissituation is not risky for the instrumentation, which isdesigned to go even deeper, and in some respects, itprovides a good protection for the buoy from breakingwaves, which are actually the only potential source ofmajor damage to such a system. After the wind and the

current stop, the buoy quite rapidly goes back to itsnominal position. This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 11,where a 7-day record of meteorological conditions andbuoy tilt and depth is shown. The maximum tilt anddeepening of the buoy occur about 1 day after the maxi-mum wind and waves, and come back to equilibriumvalue after about 2 days. Besides such extreme situa-tions, more “nominal storms” would not push the buoyhead below water, and the equilibrium depth and tiltwould be recovered within less than 12 h.

Another important characteristic of the BOUSSOLEmooring is the very small dynamic change in the tensionof the cable, which guarantees its longevity by prevent-ing it from suffering the abrupt application of largeforces (“jerking”). This stability is the result of combin-ing a large static tension (�28 000 N for the latest ver-sion) with a low forcing from the superstructure. Anexample is shown in Fig. 12, where the strain of themooring cable is displayed along with the significantwave height and buoy depth. The strain record shownhere is short and does not cover all the weather condi-tions that the mooring has experienced. The example ofFig. 12, nevertheless, includes a maximum significantwave height of 1.7 m, which corresponds to maximumwaves of up to about 3 m. The changes in the tension ofthe cable during this 16-day record are of about 400 Npeak to peak (i.e., less than 2% of the average statictension) and they do not show any significant increasewhen the larger waves are passing through the super-structure (10 June). The time lag between peaks is ap-proximately corresponding to the inertial period at thelatitude of BOUSSOLE.

After the initial 3-month deployment, the upper su-perstructure was reinstalled on 4 March 2004, and sincethen a mooring has been permanently on site collectingdata. To ensure this quasi-permanent data acquisition,two entire mooring lines, buoys, and instrument suiteshave been built and assembled, allowing rotations onsite to be performed about every 6 months. Replace-ment of the full mooring line, which is dictated by theneed for replacing the Kevlar cable, is only performedabout every 2 yr.

During the 3 yr of deployment between September2003 and September 2006, the behavior of the buoy wasin agreement with the theoretical calculations in termsof the relationship between the buoy tilt and depth (Fig.13a). The cumulative histogram in Fig. 13b shows that85% of the buoy tilts are �10°. Considering the angularstructure of the upward light field (e.g., Morel and Gen-tili 1993), a 10° tilt represents an uncertainty of lessthan 3% in the measurement of the upwelling nadirradiance, whatever the wavelength, except in the clear-est waters (Chl �0.05 mg m�3) when the difference

FIG. 8. The percentage of the tilt measurements that were lessthan 5° as computed over successive 10-day periods of the quali-fication deployment (conditions shown in Fig. 7).

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between the sun and the viewing azimuths is larger than�130° or lower than �50° (slightly depending on thesolar zenith angle and the wavelength). In those condi-tions, the uncertainty can reach 5%. Conversely, buoy

tilts lower than 5° induce a less than 2% uncertainty onthe measurement of the upwelling nadir radiance. Asmall bias of about 2° is observed in Fig. 13. It is actu-ally due to an imperfect mass repartition in the lower

FIG. 9. Perspective “artist view” of the latest version of the BOUSSOLE buoy, showing themain dimensions and the location of instrumentation, as well as the position of the center ofgravity (CG) and of the center of buoyancy (CB).

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buoy superstructure, which ends up with a small 2° tiltwhen no forces are applied to the buoy.

4. Instrumentation and sample results

a. Sensors and data collection scenario

The buoy instrument suite is described in Table 1.These simultaneously collect data every 15 min. Eachof the measurement sequence lasts 1 min, during whicheach instrument collects data at its own acquisition fre-quency.

The central recording component of the buoy is theData Acquisition and Control Network (DACNet)unit, which houses the primary computer: a PC104 CoolRoadRunner II 200 MHz 6 � 86 with 32 MB of random

access memory (RAM) and the serial data acquisitionequipment (recording to a 2-GB disk drive). Thesecomponents are used in the collection, storage, anddownloading of the data obtained from the instru-ments. Most of the time the system is inactive, and theDACNet unit is unpowered. A small internal microcon-troller is responsible for the power supervision and con-trol and a precision clock.

Optimization of the power budget is an importantelement, because of the restricted power available fromthe 12-Vdc 105-Ah underwater battery, which is re-charged using three 40-W solar panels. The power man-agement functions can be summarized as follows: 1) anaccurate real-time clock, 2) an alarm clock for poweringup the system for the programmed schedule, 3) a watch-dog timer that protects against draining the battery in

FIG. 10. Pictures taken on site at various stages of deployment of the buoy (note that this figure includes pictures taken from differentversions of the buoy). (a) Drop of the dead weight after the entire mooring line has been laid at the sea surface; (b) progressive loweringof the main buoyancy sphere (ballast not yet installed on this picture); (c) deployment of the upper superstructure, hosting theinstrumentation; (d) the buoy as it looks after deployment is achieved; (e) below-water image taken from the base of the buoy at 20-mdepth, when the water was exceptionally clear (15 Mar 2006); the small dive boat is seen at the surface; (f) a zoom on the threeradiometers installed at the end of the 9-m arm; and (g) layout of the seven pressure-resistant and watertight compartments within themain buoyancy sphere.

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the event of a computer malfunction, and 4) a power-fail shutdown to prevent computer startup if the batterypower is too low.

The DACNet operating system runs on Red HatLinux 6.2-kernel v2.2.19, which accommodates custom-made Java software: the Satlantic Telemetry Acquisi-tion Manager (STAM) and the Satlantic Node Man-ager. These programs provide the operational, configu-ration, and interface requirements for the buoy to runautonomously and enable communication of files withthe user.

A third piece of software, Satlantic Base Manager,runs on a personal computer (PC) equipped with theWindows operating system and provides the operator

with administrative tools—each with a graphical userinterface (GUI). These tools enable the user to config-ure the Node Manager, transfer data and files, updatethe internal clock of the acquisition node, view datafrom specified instruments in real time, and completelyshutdown the acquisition node for maintenance.

The complete data stream can be downloadedthrough a wireless Ethernet link established betweenthe buoy and the ship. This link functions with the shippositioned a few hundred meters from the buoy. Theconnection is driven by the buoy, with a wakeup se-quence each hour of the day. This hierarchy wasadopted, rather than establishing the communicationfrom the ship, to minimize the time during which the

FIG. 12. Sixteen-day record of the strain of the mooring cable (thick solid curve), of the significantwave height (thin solid curve), and of the buoy depth, i.e., the pressure measured by a sensor nominallyinstalled at 8.7 m when the buoy is at equilibrium (dashed curve).

FIG. 11. Seven-day record of the buoy tilt (thick solid curve), buoy depth (dotted curve), wind speed(dashed curve), and wave height (thin solid curve) from 6 to 13 Oct 2003.

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buoy communication hardware is awake and consum-ing energy.

Data retrieval from the buoy is performed from theDACNet via a Cisco Aironet 340 series wireless bridge

manufactured by Cisco Systems (San Jose, California)and is stored directly on a PC. The data are retrieved ina binary format and consist of one daily log file for eachof the following seven groups: 1) the instruments con-

TABLE 1. Buoy instrument suite (December 2006).

Instrument typeMeasured

parameter(s) Manufacturer Model Band set Depth

Radiometers Ed, Eu, and Lu

at nadirSatlantic Inc. (Halifax,

Canada)200 series OCR and

OCI radiometers412, 443, 490, 510, 560,

670, and 681nm(alternatively 412 isreplaced by 555)

4 and 9 m

Radiometers Above-surface Es As above 200 series MVDS As above �4.5 mCompass and

magnetometerTwo-axis tilt and

compassAdvanced Orientation

Systems,Inc. (Linden, NewJersey)


N/A 9 m

CTD Conductivity,temperature,pressure

Sea-BirdElectronics (Bellevue,Washington)

37-SI CTD N/A 9 m

Fluorometers Phytoplanktonchlorophyllfluorescence

Chelsea (Surrey,United Kingdom)

MINItracka Mk II N/A 4 and 9 m

Transmissometers Beam attenuationcoefficient

WesternEnvironmentalTechnologyLaboratory (WETLabs)Inc. (Philomath,Oregon)

C-star 660 nm 4 and 9 m

Backscattering meter Total volumescatteringfunction at140°

Hydro-Optics, Biology,and InstrumentationLaboratories (HOBILaboratories),Inc. (Tucson,Arizona)

Hydroscat-II 442 and 560 nm 9 m

FIG. 13. (a) Buoy depth (i.e., depth of the pressure sensor, nominally at 8 m) as a function of the buoy tilt. The points are from themeasurements collected from September 2003 to September 2006, and the curve is the theoretical prediction. (b) Histogram (left scale)and distribution function (right scale) of the buoy tilt, from the measurements shown in (a). The percentages of tilt values lower than5° and 10° are indicated.

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nected to the DATA-100 at 4 m (radiometers and fluo-rometers); 2) the instruments connected to the dataacquisition module (DATA-100) at 9 m (radiometers,fluorometers, transmissometers); 3) the CTD; 4) theHydroscat-II; 5) the strain gauge; 6) the MultichannelVisible Detector System (MVDS); and 7) the two-axistilt sensor and compass. The daily file is closed oncecommunication through the Cisco system occurs. Inthis case, a new file is created starting from the nextmeasurement taken by the DACNet system untilmidnight or until a subsequent linkup via the Ciscosystem is performed. Storage space on the hard disk ofthe DACNet has the capacity to store up to approxi-mately six months of data.

Part of the data stream is transmitted via theArgos system and is used for surveying the functioningof the system. The sample data include the tilt anddepth of the buoy; the strain of the mooring cable, thebattery voltag;, the disk space; the spectrum of theabove-water irradiance; and instrument health param-eters, which indicate whether or not instruments andthe acquisition system function nominally.

b. The parameters derived from the measurementsand sample results

The set of parameters directly derived from the buoyabove- and in-water measurements are as follows (7denotes the 7-channel spectral band set for the AOPsensors): 1) Es(7); 2) Ed(7), Eu(7), Lu(7), c(660),and chlorophyll fluorescence at 4 m; and 3) Ed(7),Eu(7), Lu(7), chlorophyll fluorescence, c(660),bb(443), and bb(560), conductivity, temperature, pres-sure, and two-axis tilt and compass heading at 9 m. Thewavelengths for the AOP measurements are 412, 443,490, 510, 560, 665, and 683 nm (a spare set of sensorshas the 412-nm channel replaced with 555 nm).

From these measurements, various AOPs or IOPsare derived: the diffuse attenuation coefficients for up-ward and downward irradiance Ku and Kd, the attenu-ation coefficient for upwelling radiance KL, the diffusereflectance just below the sea surface R, the nadir Qfactor Eu/Lu, and the attenuation and backscatteringcoefficients c and bb. Radiometry measurements arecorrected for instrument self-shading as per Gordonand Ding (1992). The parameters entering into this cor-rection are the instrument radius, which is 4.5 cm (com-mon to all Satlantic 200-series radiometers), the totalabsorption coefficient, which is computed followingMorel and Maritorena (2001) using the chlorophyllconcentration, and the ratio between the direct-sun anddiffuse-sky irradiances, which is computed followingGregg and Carder (1990) for a standard atmosphere[atmospheric pressure of 1013.25 hPa, ozone content of

350 DU, and a Shettle and Fenn (1979) maritime aero-sol with an optical thickness of 0.2 at 550 nm]. There isno correction for possible residual shading by the buoyitself.

One important step of the data processing is a datareduction, which aims at producing one representativevalue for each of the 1-min sequences of acquisition.During these sequences, the radiometers collect about360 measurements (acquisition rate of 6 Hz), whichmay include some outliers and are usually noisy be-cause of the fluctuations of the radiative field due to thewave-roughened air–sea interface. This is illustrated inFig. 14, where a sample acquisition sequence is repre-sented, as a plot of the upward and downward irradi-ances as a function of time. The above-water irradiancewas stable during this sequence, and the noise in theseries is entirely due to the wave focusing effects. Theseeffects are much larger for the downward flux than forthe upward flux. Taking the median of the 360 mea-surements collected by the stabilized radiometers hasbeen found to be a simple and robust way of filteringthe data to get the value that would have been mea-sured in the absence of perturbations from the inter-face. The design of the buoy, coupled to such a datafiltering, allows irradiances to be measured near thesurface.

Sample results are shown in Fig. 15 to illustrate thecapability of the BOUSSOLE buoy. The data displayedin this figure correspond to all buoy measurementstaken between 1000 and 1400 LT with a buoy tilt �10°and a buoy depth �11 m (black diamonds), onto whichthe MERIS-, SeaWiFS-, and MODIS-derived reflec-tances (red, blue, and green symbols, respectively) aresuperimposed. Interruptions of the in situ time seriesare due either to the absence of measurements or to theelimination of corrupted data (e.g., obvious instrumen-tal problems). As for the satellite data, only those hav-ing met some quality criteria are plotted (see Baileyand Werdell 2006).

This analysis shows that the seasonal changes arewell captured for all bands by the three sensors with nosystematic seasonal bias. The dispersion of the satellitevalues is increasing for decreasing wavelengths. This isconsistent with the known behavior of the atmosphericcorrection errors, which increase from the red to theblue (e.g., Gordon 1997).

When the satellite data are plotted against the buoydata, it is possible to evaluate the uncertainties andpossible biases of the former (“match-up analysis”). Atypical example is displayed in Fig. 16 for the MERISsensor, using the same data as Fig. 15 and the match-upcriteria proposed by Bailey and Werdell (2006). Theseresults allowed identification of a bias in the MERIS

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reflectance, in particular in the blue, as already pointedout by Zibordi et al. (2006b). Improvements of the at-mospheric corrections as well as the introduction of avicarious calibration were considered after this analysiswas performed, showing the usefulness of such data.

More quantitative and in-depth analyses are out ofscope here. The data shown here represent a uniquerecord of the ocean reflectance in the MediterraneanSea and, more generally, the product of a unique real-ization.

5. Conclusions

A new platform has been designed, which respects alist of requirements attached to the measurement of

radiometric quantities at sea. The final version of thisbuoy has been deployed for about 4 yr in the Medi-terranean Sea and was still collecting data at the timethis paper was written. The aim is to maintain a fullyoperational system throughout the coming years tobuild a decadal time series of optical properties at theBOUSSOLE site.

The data collected are now used for the calibrationand validation operations for the three satellite oceancolor sensors previously mentioned (i.e., the MERIS,SeaWiFS, MODIS-A, and also for the third Polariza-tion and Directionality of the Earth Reflectance(POLDER-3) sensor aboard the Polarization etAnisotropie des Ré f lec tances au sommet del’Atmosphère, couplées avec un Satellite d’Observation

FIG. 14. A sample record of (a) upward and (b) downward irradiances at the two measurement depths, i.e., 4 and 9 m (open circlesand black triangles, respectively), and for � 490 nm. The above-water downward irradiance is also displayed in (b) (thick black line).(c), (d) The corresponding histograms are shown. The arrows indicate the median values of the distributions.

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emportant un lidar (PARASOL) satellite, from theFrench Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES).The data collected in the coming years might servethese objectives for future missions such as the NOAA–

NASA National Polar-orbiting Operational Environ-mental Satellite System/Visible Infrared Imaging Radi-ometer (NPOESS/VIIRS; Murphy et al. 2006) or theESA Sentinel-3 (Drinkwater et al. 2005).

FIG. 16. (a), (b) An example of matchups between the water reflectances derived from the BOUSSOLE measurements and fromsatellite-borne ocean color observations (precisely from the European MERIS sensor here). All wavelengths are pooled together.Logarithmic scale for (a) is shown in (b) to magnify the low values in the red domain. The number of points and the coefficients of alinear regression are displayed in (a).

FIG. 15. Sample data collected by the BOUSSOLE buoy: (a) water-leaving reflectance, i.e., � times the ratio of the water-leavingradiance to the downward irradiance just above the sea surface at 443 nm [ w(443)]; (b) the same quantity at another wavelength (560nm); and (c) the ratio of w(443) to w(560), often used to determine the concentration of the phytoplankton chlorophyll-a in the upperlayers (e.g., O’Reilly et al. 1998; Morel and Maritorena 2001).

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Although the present design and implementation ba-sically fulfill the initial expectations, improvements arestill desirable. They would require some additional en-gineering studies, and they are all focused toward im-proving the behavior of the buoy (i.e., minimizing thetilt due to swells and current). The lines along whichimprovements can be obtained are in (i) the use oflighter materials, such as carbon composites; (ii) thereduction of the instrumentation weight; and (iii)changes in the design itself. More significant modifica-tions might be needed to adapt the design to otherenvironments, for instance where currents are larger, orwhere significant tidally driven changes of the sea leveloccur.

An important characteristic of the BOUSSOLE buoyis its stability, which actually can serve a variety of ap-plications that require a stable platform at sea. Theyinclude, for instance, measuring the atmospheric watervapor content using high-precision GPS systemscoupled with a precise determination of the buoy posi-tion and movements, measuring the water level alongthe structure (measures of swells and waves, validationof radar altimetry measurements), and acoustic mea-surements in connection with deep-sea beacons.


Mooring Line and Deployment Considerations

When the design of the BOUSSOLE buoy was ini-tially proposed, some concerns arose as to whether itwas reasonably feasible to deploy such a large structureover deep waters, having at the end the water levelexactly positioned. This essentially means that an accu-racy of a few tens of centimeters (less than 50 cm any-way) is needed on the total length of a mooring line thatis about 2400 m in length. Having the buoy positionedtoo deep would increase exposure of the aerial instru-mentation to sea spray and breaking waves. On thecontrary, having too much of the superstructure abovethe sea level would modify the equilibrium of the plat-form, would increase the interaction between swellsand the main buoyancy sphere, and could expose theupper arm to the risk of coming out of the water inharsh sea conditions (most certainly leading to break-age).

A specific deployment procedure was therefore setup. It includes two preliminary operations that are per-formed once and for all.

1) The first one consists of accurately measuring thewater depth on the selected mooring site to deter-mine the required length of all elements of themooring line, all of them but the main Kevlar cable

being of predetermined dimensions (buoy, chains,acoustic releases, etc.). A margin is to be kept, sothat the upper extremity of the Kevlar cable, afterthe cable has been elongated under the desiredthrust, is at some depth greater than 20 m (i.e., thebase of the buoy) but still reachable by divers usingstandard diving equipment. If the cable is too long,then the full procedure must be aborted becausethe cable cannot be shortened on site. If the depthis accurately known, the only remaining uncer-tainty is the number of meters the cable willstretch. An echo sounder survey was therefore con-ducted on the mooring site to provide the generaltopography of the sea bottom. The soundings werethen calibrated into exact water depths thanks toseveral deep CTD casts, from which the measure-ment of the pressure (translated into depth usingthe simultaneous observations of temperature andsalinity) was added to the measurement of an al-timeter mounted on the CTD rosette (the CTDwas stopped about 10 m before the bottom wasreached). The water column thickness was, there-fore, determined with accuracy �1 m.

2) The second critical and preliminary step consists ofdetermining the cable length and its elongation un-der the tension of about 3 tons. The principle is firstto weigh a sample of cable of a precisely knownlength (minimum of 20 m) with a high-precisionbalance, and then to adjust the length of the fullmooring cable as a function of its total weight. Thisprocedure proved to be robust, and is mandatorybecause the length counter used during the produc-tion of the cable is not accurate enough. The cablelength must be computed so that it is at the desiredlength when under tension; the latter is estimatedusing a sample of the cable under production andthe appropriate test bed for tension measurements.

3) Then, the course of the main operations for thedeployment of the full mooring line (Fig. A1),which necessitates perfectly calm weather and aship equipped with a dynamic positioning system,is as follow in numbers 4–12.

4) The mooring cable is uncoiled at the surface, start-ing from its “upper extremity” (the one that will befinally just below the buoy), while the ship heads tothe mooring point at reduced speed. The cable isequipped at its extremity with a temporary lengthof rope terminated by a foam float.

5) The cable is fully deployed a few hundred metersbefore the ship reaches the mooring point, whichreserves some time to deploy the next part of themooring line (floatation spheres and acoustic re-

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leases). Then, the only remaining part is the deadweight.

6) The dead weight is simply dropped in the water atabout 100 m upstream of the mooring point, so that

it reaches this point when arriving at the sea floorafter a rapid sink following a curved trajectory be-cause of the drag of the cable.

7) The temporary foam float is then recovered aboardthe ship and the cable is progressively put underthe desired tension (i.e., about 3 tons) using awinch equipped with a strain gauge.

8) The lower buoy structure (the one with the sphere)is then lowered into the water by ballasting it withthe appropriate weight, predetermined before de-parture on site. Once it is at the desired depth,divers connect it to the chain previously connectedat the end of the cable. Two winches are neededduring this step, where the dynamic positioning isalso mandatory.

9) The tension applied to the cable by the winch isprogressively released, simultaneously to the bal-last being brought back aboard the ship. The buoyis therefore taking over from the winch to apply the3-ton tension to the mooring cable. After this stepis completed, the lower buoy structure is installedand ready to receive the upper superstructure.

10) The upper superstructure is laid down into the wa-ter. It is equipped with floats that are placed so thatthe buoy is vertical in the water, at about 1 m aboveits nominal water level.

11) Divers bring the section vertically above the lowerpart, and the connection is progressively obtainedby trimming the buoyancy with underwater liftbags. The two parts are attached with simple stain-less steel nuts and bolts. Note that all aluminum tosteel contacts are isolated using appropriatelyshaped black Delrin pieces.

12) If needed, a final trim is performed either bylengthening or shortening the chain below thebuoy. This can be done either by using a hoist or byreattaching some ballast to the buoy to slacken thecable. This operation might have to be repeatedsome time after the deployment, if current flowduring the operation was pushing the buoy downand preventing the equilibrium water level frombeing reached.

The ideal sequence described above is usually per-turbed by some unexpected event (change in weather,faulty parts, etc.), which is seemingly the rule whenworking at sea. Such anomalies occurred from time totime, but have never prevented the buoy from eventu-ally and successfully being deployed.

Besides the full deployment procedure describedabove, a rotation of the upper superstructure is per-formed about every 6 months (twin buoys and instru-ment suites have been built), using a diving boat on site

Figure A1. Simplified drawing of the mooring line; not to scale.The main elements are numbered as follows: 1) dead weight (5tons in seawater, made of a pyramidal steel structure filled with amixture of concrete and various steel scraps), 2) a pair of coupledacoustic releases (5-ton release load), 3) twelve Vitrovex floata-tion glass spheres protected in plastic shells (total buoyancy 3120N), 4) 2330 m of neutrally buoyant Kevlar cable (diameter 14 mm;breaking point 12 tons), made of parallel Kevlar fibers coated intoa polyurethane envelope, and equipped at each extremity with agalvanized steel termination, and 5) the buoy lower superstruc-ture. Elements symbolized by dashed lines are segments of chain(also galvanized steel), the length of the one just below the buoybeing adjusted during deployment while the other ones are pre-determined before installation.

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and a helicopter for transportation of the superstruc-ture from an onshore location to the offshore site andvice versa.

Acknowledgments. The BOUSSOLE project was es-tablished thanks to the work of numerous individuals,as well as the support and funding of several agenciesand academic or governmental institutions. Specifically,the following contracts are acknowledged: the FrenchSpace Agency (CNES) provided funds after the projectwas evaluated by the Terre Océan Surfaces Continen-tales et Atmosphère (TOSCA) scientific committee,the European Space Agency (ESA) through the Euro-pean Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC)Contract 14393/00/NL/DC, the European Space Re-search Institute (ESRIN) through Contract 17286/03/I-OL, and the U.S. National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA) through a Letter of Agree-ment with the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.Stanford B. Hooker is specifically and warmly thankedfor his help in establishing this agreement and for hisunremitting support. The Institut National des Sciencesde l’Univers (INSU) provides ship time for the monthlycruises. The cost of renting the engineering pool wastaken by the Conseil Général du Var.

The crews and captains of the following ships are alsowarmly thanked for their help at sea: the Castor-02from the Fosevel Marine company (buoy and mooringoperations), the INSU R/V Tethys-II (monthly servic-ing cruises), and the GG-IX from the Samar company(on-demand short operations on site). Pilots of the Hé-licoptères de France helicopter company are alsothanked for the survey missions above the BOUSSOLEsite and transportation of the buoy upper superstruc-ture to the mooring site.

Marc LeBoulluec, Yannick Aoustin, and Bernard Bi-gourdan, from the French institute IFREMER, andØyvind Hellan, Bernt Leira, Rolf Barrholm, Svein Er-ling Heggelund, and Halvor Lie from the Norwegiancompany MARINTEK are also thanked for the engi-neering studies they performed in spring of 2002. AlphaCamara, from the Avance Conceptuelle Company, pro-vided the final engineering design.

The data that are collected for several years near theBOUSSOLE site by the French weather forecastagency, Météo France, and are provided in near–realtime on the Internet, have been of great help in thedesign and the analysis of the buoy behavior.

This paper is dedicated to the memory of one of ourcoauthors, Pierre Guevel, who died on 9 October 2007.He was a colleague and friend for over 20 years. He wasthe designer of the BOUSSOLE buoy and brought aninvaluable contribution to the project.


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