the bridge english competenceabstract this research aims to investigate whether or not the language...


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Page 1: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible
Page 2: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible
Page 3: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible







Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Obtaining the

Undergraduate Degree in English Education






Page 4: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible
Page 5: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible
Page 6: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


With love, this thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Father and Mother , for earning an honest

living for me and for supporting and encouraging me to

believe in myself.

My Beloved Husband “Pak PYD”, no words can

represent how gratefull I am to be your wife!

My Beloved Son and Daughter “Harsya&Meuthia”,

no words can represent how lucky I am to be your


My Best Friends “ED UNS 2008”


Page 7: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The

Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible with indicators in language skills of

School based Curriculum and investigate whether or not the exercises in “The Bridge

English Competence 2” textbook are communicative. The writer used a descriptive method.

In collecting the data, she used document as data source. The data were analyzed by these

steps: (1) Finding out the kinds of skill and communicative exercise available on the

textbook, (2) Classifying them, (3) Analyzing them, (4) Counting and adding them, (5) Giving

percentage from the total number, (6) Judging whether or not the data are appropriate with

the indicators in School-based Curriculum or not, and (7) Drawing conclusion and

proposing suggestions. The result of the analysis shows that the percentage of the

appropriateness of the skills developed in the textbook “The Bridge English Competence 2”

is 56.57% (listening: 57.60%; speaking: 60%; reading: 37.50%; writing: 87.50%). It means

that the textbook is compatible with the School-based Curriculum in developing listening,

speaking, reading, and writing skills. The textbook is a good textbook to support the complete

material in English teaching-learning process for the students of junior high schools.

Meanwhile, the percentage in developing the communicative exercises is 62.5%, meaning

that it is good.

Key Words: content analysis, English textbook “the bridge english competence”


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah materi kemampuan bahasa di

dalam buku “The Bridge English Competence 2” cocok dengan indikator kemampuan

bahasa di dalam KTSP dan menganalisis apakah tugas-tugas di dalam buku “The Bridge

English Competence 2” itu komunikatif. Penulis menggunakan metode deskripsi. Di dalam

mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan dokumen sebagai sumber. Data dianalisis

dengan beberapa langkah: (1) menemukan macam-macam kemampuan bahasa dan tugas

komunikatif yang tersedia di dalam bahasa, (2) mengklasifikasikan, (3) menganalisis, (4)

menghitung dan menambahkan, (5) memberikan persen dari jumlah angka tersebut, (6)

menilai apakah data tersebut cocok dengan indicator di dalam KTSP atau tidak, (7) menarik

kesimpulan dan memberikan saran. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa persen dari

kecocokan kemampuan bahasa yang ada di dalambuku“The Bridge English Competence 2”

adalah 56.57% (Kemampuan mendegarkan: 57.60%; kemampuan berbicara: 60%;

kemampuan membaca: 37.50%; kemampuan menulis: 87.50%). Ini berarti bahwa buku

tersebut cocok dengan KTSP dalam pengembangan kemampuan mendengarkan, berbicara,

membaca, dan menulis. Buku ini adala hbuku yang bagus untuk mendukung materi di dalam

proses belajar-mengajar untuk murid-murid SMP. Sementara itu, persen di dalam

pengembangan tugas-tugas yang komunikatif adalah 62.5%, ini berarti bahwa ini bagus.

Kata kunci: Analisis buku, buku “The Bridge English Competence 2”.

Page 8: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise be to Allah SWT who has given her blessing to

the writer so that she can complete the writing of this thesis. In this occasion, the writer

would like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following.

1. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, for his advice and his approval of this thesis.

2. Teguh Sarosa, SS, M.Hum., the Head of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty, for their advice and their approval of this thesis.

3. Drs. A. Handoko Pudjobroto. the first consultant, and Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd,

M.Pd., the second consultant, for their priceless guidance, advice, suggestion,

encouragement and patience.

4. Her greatest parents, for their supports, caring, prayer, and helps.

5. Her beloved husband thanks for his caring, everlasting and greatest love.

6. Her beloved son and daughter for the everlasting love

7. Her friends, Intan, Ichie, Tika, Tetes, Hari, Bagas, Lista, Ratih, Mahda for helps and


8. Her friends in English Department of year 2008, who cannot be

mentioned one by one, for their lasting friendship.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She hopes and

accepts every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the readers.

Sukoharjo, 2016

Yuriarti Inggit Utami

Page 9: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


TITLE .............................................................................................................................. i

PRONOUNCEMENT .................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... iii

BOARD OF EXAMINERS............................................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... v

MOTTO ........................................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................ xi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................................. 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ..................................................... 3

C. The Limitation of the Problem .......................................................... 3

D. Problem Statements ........................................................................... 4

E. The Aim of the Study ........................................................................ 4

F. The Benefit of the Study ................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW .................................................................... 6

A. Textbook ............................................................................................. 6

1. Definition of English Textbook ................................................... 6

2. The Function of Texbook ............................................................. 6

B. Curriculum .................................................. ........................................ 7

1. Meaning of Curriculum ……….. ................................................. 7

2. Function of Curriculum ................ .............................................. 8

C. School – based Curriculum ................................. ................................ 8

1. The Definition of School-based Curriculum.................................. 8

2. Charracteristics of School-based Curriculum.................................. 9

3. Principles in the Development of School-based Curriculum........... 10

4. Components of School-based Curriculum...................................... 11

5. Content Standard and Graduates Competency.............................. 13

Page 10: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible

6. Content Standard and Graduates Competency Standard.............. 13

D. Communicative Lnguage Teaching................................................... 14

E. Communicative Exercises.................................................................. 16

F. Content Analysis................................................................................ 19

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METODOLOGY........................................................... 21

A. Method of The Research.................................................................... 21

B. Focus of The Research....................................................................... 21

C. Data and Data Source........................................................................ 21

D. Method of Collecting Data................................................................ 22

E. Technique of Analyzing Data............................................................ 23

CHAPTER VI RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION..................................... 27

A. Description......................................................................................... 27

B. Data Analysis..................................................................................... 28

1. Description of Language Skill...................................................... 28

2. Description of Communicative Exercises..................................... 69

C. Discussion........................................................................................... 72

D. Discussion of thr Research Finding.................................................... 74

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION................................................. 75

A. Conclusion........................................................................................... 75

B. Suggestions.......................................................................................... 75

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................ 77

Page 11: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


Appendix 1: Syllabus

Appendix 2: Content of the textbook “The Bridge English Cempetence 2”

Page 12: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


U : Unit

TB : The title of the textbook analyzed “Thhe Bridge English Competence 2”

Pa : Page

Ts : Task

IDT : Indicators Developed in the Textbook

IDSBC : Indicators Demand by School-Based Curriculum

Page 13: THE BRIDGE ENGLISH COMPETENCEABSTRACT This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible


Tabel 3.1: Percentage and Compatibility Classification .................................. 26

Tabel 4.1: The Description of the Book ........................................................... 27

Tabel 4.2: The Compatibility of Listening Materials ....................................... 40

Tabel 4.3: The Compatibility of Speaking Materials ........................................ 51

Tabel 4.4: The Compatibility of Reading Materials ......................................... 61

Tabel 4.5: The Compatibility of Writing Materials .......................................... 67

Tabel 4.6: The Percentage of the Compatibility of Language Materials .......... 73