the british broadcasting corporation microcomputer z80...

‘S ‘S The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer Z80 Second Processor

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Page 1: The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer Z80 · The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer



The British Broadcasting Corporation MicrocomputerZ80 Second Processor

Page 2: The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer Z80 · The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer

The British Broadcasting Corporation MicrocomputerZ80 Second Processor

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The Z8O~’ Second Processor is anextension unit which converts yourBritish Broadcasting CorporationMicrocomputer into a very powerful•business tool. Supplied complete with acomprehensive package of businesssoftware, the Z80 Second Processor(when linked to your BBC*Microcomputer) offers computing powerto rival that provided by machinescosting twice as much.The BBC Microcomputer was designedto allow for second processors byincorporating Acorn’s unique Tubeinterface. This provides a high speeddata channel for the addition of a secondprocessor. So connecting the Z80 SecondProcessor is simplicity itself.

Complementary softwareEach purchaser will receive a collectionof complementary software in addition tothe Z80 Second Processor itself. Theprograms have been specially selectedto suit a wide range of applications,andwill appeal particularly to businessusers, business educationalists,‘professional’ home users (for examplesecretaries of golf clubs, housingassociations, etc) and students ofbusiness studies.The software package includes:o A powerful word processor —

MemoP1an~o A personal database — FilePlan~ Thiscan be combined with MemoPlan toprovide automated mailing facilities.o A spreadsheet modelling programwith integrated graphics - GraphPlan~o An integrated accounting system —


o A system generator which will helpyou to develop your own software —

Nucleus, winner of the 1984 RITASoftware Product of the Year Award.o A selection of additional programminglanguages — BBC BASIC, a completeprogram development system;Professional BASIC, an interpretiveBASIC to allow access to a wide range ofexisting CP/M° programs; and CISCOBOL,~ the leading microcomputerversion of COBOL. Our CIS COBOLcomes complete with ANIMATOR - adebugging tool, and FORMS2 - an aidto writing interactive programs in CISCOBOL.

Access to business softwareStyled to be neatly positioned alongsidethe BBC Microcomputer, the Z80 SecondProcessor allows you to load a differentoperating system — CP/M 2.2. This isprobably the most commonly usedoperating system for business micros inthe world, so the library of software isvast. There are already something like6,000 titles and the number is growing allthe time.All the usual CP/M utilities are includedin the Z80 Second Processor package andvirtually any CP/M software will run onthe Z80 Second Processor. If you areinterested in a specific CP/M softwarepackage, ask your dealer to check that itis suitable for use with the Z80 SecondProcessor.Converting to CP/M will not in any waylead to a reduction in the facilities offeredby your BBC Microcomputer.

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Page 3: The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer Z80 · The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer

You will need a Model B BBCMicrocomputer with disc interface, aversion 1.2 machine operating system, acolour or monochrome monitor ortelevision set, a dual, 80 track disc drive,a suitable printer and connecting lead. Ifnecessary, the version 1.2 MOS will befitted to the BBC Microcomputer, free ofcharge, when the Z80 Second Processoris purchased.Each purchaser will receive a set of userguides, an additional ROM for the BBCMicrocomputer, and instructions on howto fit it. This ROM will also update theexisting disc filing system and Econet®filing system. Your local dealer will fit theROM if required.The unit measures approximately205mm X 345mm and has its own mainspower supply.

For further details ask your nearest dealeror write to:Acorn Computers LimitedFulbourn RoadCherry HintonCambridge CB1 4JN

The BBC Microcomputer System is designed, produced anddistributed in the UK by Acorn Computers Limited This descriptionand specification is subject to change without notice*British f3roadcasting Corporation is abbreviated to BBC throughoutthe textZ80 isa registered trademark of ZilogCP/M and GSX are registered trademarks of Digital Research IncMemoPlan. FilePlan and GraphPlan are trademarks of ChangLaboratories Inc.CIS COBOL. ANIMATOR and FORMS2 are trademarks of Micro FocusLimited.Econet isa registered trademark of Acorn Computers Limited.

The British Broadcasting Corporation MicrocomputerZ80 Second Processor

AMP 06 January 1984