the calling forth of the damned: the zombie resurrection … · 2012. 5. 31. · the post continues...

1 THE CALLING FORTH OF THE DAMNED: The Zombie Resurrection and THE DAY OF THE LORD Part One Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! To what end is it for you? The day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. Amos 5:18

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Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! To what end is it for you? The day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. Amos 5:18

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Any record or explanation of ancient history lacking the inclusion of spiritual

examination is premised upon the inaccurate. THE GLORIFICATION OF GORE There is little doubt that the Vampires Rule but Zombies Drool, theme has struck a resonant chord in pop culture and has become the premier au current topic in entertainment and media. Because of this, the concept itself requires linguistic clarification and thorough multi-contextual investigation. Are zombies a ‘safe’ fantasy? The response for this is simple: yes. And if so, why? Media has saturated a generation and a culture obsessed with death. In itself, this speaks to the overarching and ultimate spiritual truth:

Mankind is, by its fallen nature, spiritually dead, and unless this is remedied, we become the very gods we worship, hence by definition, mankind is ‘dead men walking,’ mankind without redemption is the very essence of zombism.

The flip-side of this question is, are ‘zombies’ real? And if so, how is it possible? What are the spiritual implications of this, and more importantly, are we nearing ‘the appointed time,’ when ‘knowledge shall be increased,’ and revelatory prophecy unsealed?

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Hab 2: 1-3

Two of the most enigmatic chapters in Scripture are Joel 2 and Revelation 9, the strange demonic ‘locust’ hoards, the Incarnation of Hunger, ascending from the Bottomless Pit: God’s armies at the Day of the Lord, unleashed with the full fury of the ultimate judgment. Additionally, Joel 2 is intrinsically linked to Peter’s discourse on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:17-21:

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

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And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:’ And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Blessedly, there is a literal remedy and the assurance of full protection for His own during this time. These will be sealed, in like-manner as the pitch in the ark in the Days of Noah: the coming five months of torment of Rev. 9, when men will seek death, but not find it, corresponding to the five months of rising flood waters in Genesis. These prophecies and promises will be thoroughly examined in Part Two of this two-part series. With the recent unprecedented escalation in the number of geologic, hydrologic, astronomic, radiologic, man-made and geo-political events, one might consider a page at the Centers for Disease Control’s website describing a zombie invasion a welcome respite and flight into fancy. But just imagine if it is not. Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse begins:

There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.

The post continues with “A Brief History of Zombies:”

We’ve all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident Evil), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much? The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like The Walking Dead were born.

Potential epidemic catalysts for a Zombie Apocalypse are then presented: Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome caused by an infectious agent, radiation induced processes and potential mutagenic diseases, including Mad Cow Disease, rabies and measles are among them. Just before the practical “Better Safe than Sorry” emergency preparedness list (which has nothing specifically zombie oriented), the entry concludes:

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The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. In such a scenario zombies would take over entire countries, roaming city streets eating anything living that got in their way. The proliferation of this idea has led many people to wonder, “How do I prepare for a zombie apocalypse?”

Andrea Wood, a post doctoral fellow at The Georgia Institute of Technology, writes extensively on the subject of cultural trends and the public’s fascination with them. Dr. Wood has graciously published her course, Apocalyptic Nightmares of the Living Dead: The Cultural Politics of Zombies in Popular Media, (Spring 2009), and is available online. In October, 2009, CNN’s John Blake wrote a provocative essay, Why we love those rotting hungry, putrid zombies. He begins,

They smell bad, can't talk and generally possess a single-minded hunger for human flesh.

So why, exactly, do we love zombies so much?

According to experts -- and, yes, there are zombie experts -- it's because for all their limitations, the brain-rotted, animated corpses are so darned versatile -- helping reflect whatever our greatest fears happen to be at the time.

In December, 2010, Blake followed up with, ‘The 'zombie theology' behind the walking dead,’ using a premise which begins in a Contagion-like scenario:

An airborne virus is rapidly turning people into zombies. Two-thirds of humanity has been wiped out. Scientists desperately look for a cure, even as their own brains deteriorate and the disease robs them of what we consider life. Relax, it's only fiction -- at least, for now. This apocalyptic scenario frames the new novel "The Zombie Autopsies" by Dr. Steven Schlozman, a child psychiatrist who holds positions at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Program in Child Psychiatry. You might not expect someone with those credentials to take zombies seriously, but it turns out the undead are a great way to explore real-world health issues: why certain nasty diseases can destroy the brain, how global pandemics create chaos and fear, and what should be done about people infected with a highly contagious and incurable lethal illness. "One of the things zombie novels do is they bring up all these existential concerns that happen in medicine all the time: How do you define what's

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alive?" says Schlozman, who has been known to bounce between zombie fan conventions and academic meetings.

A nearly endless (actually, 253,000,000 Google results) availability of information on the Internet can (and does) require extensive investigation. Websites dedicated to zombie lore and zombie potential slowly reveal themselves for what they are: entertainment – sophisticated and convincing, but still, entertainment. If a real-life possibility of an event so bizarre does exist, a strict clarification of the nature of ‘true’ zombies is foundational. “Zombies” as understood within 21st century culture are either the ‘undead,’ affected with some type of neuro-degenerative pathogen or, within a religious/spiritual context, demonized. The actualization of all or any of these carry the direst implications imaginable, but it is precisely the integration of these possibilities that bring us to the dividing precipice of all cosmic history. It is the foundational concept of Christianity, the entire theme of Scripture, the apex of creation itself: it is the resurrection.

"Mankind in Amnesia” has to do not only with the past, like my other books -- primarily it has to do with the future, a future not removed by thousands or tens of thousands of years, but the imminent future, on whose threshold we now stand

Immanuel Velikovsky on Collective Amnesia HISTORICAL EVIDENCE The Ancient Elders Most ancient civilizations have spoken of a Golden Age, a time of deep mystery, hidden kingdoms, cosmic destiny and abundant life and fertility. This Edenic existence, Platonic perfection, universally describes the descent of a “celestial race” of the Hyperborea, the land beyond the aurora, the North Winds, the polar, “ice regions” of the planet, a race of colossal beings engaging in projects of massive scale.

The primordial ancestors of Helena Blavatsky’s “root race” philosophy maintains that four races that inhabited the Earth before our current epoch, the “Ancient High Civilizations” dating back hundreds of thousands of years. It was during the time of the Third Root Race, the Lemurian epoch, according to Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy (1888), that “gods walked the earth and mixed freely with the mortals” before being destroyed by a cataclysm that made it uninhabitable.

More recently, in Nazisme et Sociétés Secrètes (1974), Jean-Claude Frère suggests the pristine survivors of enormous cataclysm migrated to a region now covered by the Gobi Desert and founded a new seat, Agartha, the “center of the world.” Frère believes this remnant race continues to dwell in multiple subterranean levels of chambers, dispatching

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orders to selected “initiates” such as Solomon, Pythagoras, Apollonius of Tyana, and Jesus. The prevalence and consistency of mythologic similarity has stimulated investigation of Earth’s earliest records. Unexplained radioactive ash has been found in the area of the Thar Desert of the Indus Valley. The Mahabharata speaks of “single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe,” incandescent columns of smoke and “flame as bright as a thousands suns” rising, “iron thunderbolts” and a “gigantic messenger of death.” Areas of anomalous vitirification are found not only in Mesopotamian regions but throughout the planet. England, Ireland and Scotland as well as continental Europe, Hungary, Turkey and North and South America. There is however comparatively little in the ancient record which explains the reason for the massive catastrophism. Contemporary research suggests strong evidence of ancient cosmic battles between warring celestial bodies, ancient physical entities and decisive judgment. Author Steve Quayle untangles the threads of historical reality in Angel Wars, No Flesh Left Alive

Some of these myths are comprised of post Genesis 1 events, but others are very likely describing the destruction of the Earth that occurred before the planet was wiped clean to make it “without form and void.” This assumption explains the catastrophic nature and judgment contained within many of these stories. Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Shamballah, and Shangri-La — all are legendary great civilizations that are undoubtedly based on events in pre-Adamic time. These civilizations all display advanced design, technology, and/or health and medical advances only now seen in our modern age. And each tale contains an unbelievable day of reckoning which fell upon them because of their wickedness.

I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.

I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger. Jeremiah 4:23-26

In 2003, German archaeologists, using magnetic technology to differentiate the composition within layers of sediment and soils, cautiously announced the discovery of an ancient tomb beneath the Euphrates River, believed to be that of King agamesh of Uruk, approx. 148 miles from present day Baghdad.

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Among the oldest pre-classical accounts of these ancient battles is the The Epic of Gilgamesh, believed to be dated to the 4th Century BC, but chronicles an earlier history of the of ancient civilizations. Tablet VI records an exchange between the Princess Ishtar and her father, Anu, the Sumerian sky-god. Having been spurned on Earth by King Gilgamesh, Ishtar implores her father for the Bull of Heaven, the sacred bull. It is here that the earliest reference to mass cannibalism and zombification is noted:

If you do not give me the Bull of Heaven, I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the doorposts, and leave the doors flat down And will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living.

Log books of the early explorers, from Vespucci, Sir Frances Drake, De Soto, Coronado and Magellan record encounters with giants. OOPARTS, Out Of Place Artifacts and practices are confirming the suggestion of ancient giant civilizations participating in global commerce, ritualistic practices and grizzly cannibalism. While much of academia maintains a long-standing refusal to acknowledge ancient high tech weapons – and the intelligences associated with them, dramatic breakthroughs through international collaborative efforts are charging the ivory towers. Programs like Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, CCRMA, are now studying the subharmonic properties and the psychoacoustic effects of ancient ritual conch shells in underground tunnel systems in Peru. Examining the use of psycho-active drugs and resonance by ancient priests in Chavin, Peru, consulting professor Jonathan Abel describes the exploration:

Archaeology, anthropology, electrical engineering, signal processing, acoustics, mechanical engineering, physics, music, art – it all comes together... It's completely fascinating. I'm learning a little bit about culture, and a lot about acoustics, actually…We have evidence of the manipulation of light; we have acoustic spaces where it seems that they were playing around with sound.

Nearly all legends have begun with truths, modified culturally but notably similar. What in the ancient history of the Earth was so heinous, so dreadful and so abominable that it took entire mountains to restrain it? Places such as Untersberg, Mt. Shasta, Chitzen Itza, Bosegi Mts. Romania, S. Pacific, Easter Island, and Serpent Mounds? What is prophesied to awaken from ancient stasis and when will be the cosmic moment which will rally these ancients?

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HELL FROM BELOW IS MOVED to MEET THEE AT THY COMING: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth;

it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. Isaiah 14:9

The cultural popularity of the zombie theme has led to hundreds of websites, ‘experts,’ pseudoscience and legends. Among the more relevant historical records are from a series featured in Archaeology Online, The “Zombie Research Society,” and the “Federal Vampire and Zombie Research Agency.” While some of the material presented is understandably questionable, the breadth and variety demonstrates both the universality and historical spectrum. The Science Channel has recently produced a series of presentations featuring instances of “science gone too far,” and “twisted science.” Dark Matters, Twisted But True examines “the most unusual research ever conducted, including attempts to crossbreed humans and apes, actual zombie investigations and head transplantation studies. Cutting-edge CGI recreations enable viewers to witness the pivotal moments when brilliant minds face controversy or ethical crossroads on the fringes of science.” From: Archaeology Online: A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

Zombie Attack at Hierakonpolis, Egypt While the history of the Hierakonpolis outbreak (or outbreaks) is certainly educational, it provides us with enough information to know that the potential exists for another one. Great care must be taken during any tomb excavation and when dealing with human remains.

This is worthy advice:

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Cor 6:18

This nondescript tomb (center) may be the location where

the first historical evidence of a zombie attack was discovered.

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(Courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition)

Easter Island Recent scholarship suggests the Easter Island statues memorialize a prehistoric zombie outbreak. Undeciphered Rongorongo script of Easter Island which has characters that are clearly inspired by the undead.

Recent scholarship suggests the Easter Island statues memorialize a prehistoric zombie outbreak.

Clues include the as yet undeciphered Rongorongo script of Easter Island, which has characters that are clearly inspired by the undead.

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Lascaux, France

The figure in the so-called "Shaft of the Dead Man" in France's Lascaux cave is one of the most puzzling figures in Paleolithic art. It's likely the "man" is actually a zombie.

Though this interpretation does not explain the equally puzzling "duck on the stick," an astute observer suggests the possibility that the duck is, in fact, a lure.

1490 by Kadavar Devouravich (book) A highly controversial book which postulates that the living dead got to the New World before Columbus, and were responsible for the annihilation of several indigenous American societies. According to its author, infected sailors from Europe were "thrown overboard by their crew, only to be washed ashore along the coast of The New World."

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From: The Lost Colony, American’s Beginning

photo from

The Lost Colony, America’s Beginning

From: National Geographic, America’s Lost Colony

More than four centuries ago, English colonists hoped to carve out a new life—and substantial profits—in the wild and strange land of North America. One group of colonists gave up and returned to England. A second colony, in what is now North Carolina, vanished in the 1580s and became immortalized in history as the "Lost Colony."

From: The Zombie Research Society: Lost Colony at Roanoke 1587

ZRS Researcher, Andre Freeman, suggests that it may have been the work of zombies.

Freeman considered the findings of noted Harvard Archeologist, Lawrence

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Stager, who unearthed evidence of mass cannibalism at the Roanoke site. He also points to reports from local tribes stating that the colonists died in a great war within their own ranks. who unearthed evidence of mass cannibalism at the Roanoke site. He also points to reports from local tribes stating that the colonists died in a great war within their own ranks: “A sudden undead plague sweeping through the unprepared colony would quickly become a horrific, violent feast, leaving not a single man, woman or child alive.” He goes on to suggest that the relative isolation of the settlement, and time elapsed before the return of the supply ship, would allow for the remaining colonial zombies to rot back into the earth. Without any humans left to feed on, so no way to spread the infection, the zombie outbreak would have simply died off.

If Freeman is correct, there could be something sinister still in the ground on Roanoke Island, waiting to be released into a modern population that is more advanced, more connected, but just as unprepared as ever.


FVZA, The Federal Vampire and Zombie Research Agency

The Top Three Zombie Outbreaks in U.S. History

Like vampires, zombies are great opportunists. So it comes as no surprise that zombie outbreaks often happen in the wake of natural disasters. Combine disasters with warm climates and you truly have a recipe for a major outbreak, as the following stories prove.

KEY WEST, September 2, 1935

Following a major hurricane in the Florida Keys, infected rats began roaming the island, and by morning, the first of the zombies appeared. Many islanders mistook the zombies for dazed hurricane survivors and the plague spread across the island like wildfire. The islanders had no way to escape. Scores of people drowned when they chose to leap into the choppy surf rather than face the voracious zombies. It took 3 weeks to secure the island: 3,500 people were infected.

VICKSBURG, Mississippi, 1863

Following the battle, city residents spotted the first zombie, and within days, dozens were wandering about. This development hardly worried the 30,000 Confederate troops protecting the city; they entertained themselves by conducting target practice on the zombies. But with their supply lines cut off, the Confederate troops soon ran out of ammunition, and the zombies kept coming.

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Southerners claim that the Union let the zombie plague continue out of pure malice. In any case, when Union forces entered the city on July 3, hundreds of zombies were roaming the streets, many in Confederate Army uniforms with flagpoles in hand. In the end, an estimated 2000 people were infected and destroyed at Vicksburg, almost as many as were killed in the Battle of Bull Run.

HAWAII, 1892

Queen Lili'uokalani ascended to the throne in 1891 and promptly enacted a series of measures designed to weaken the influence of the sugar growers. August of 1892, a zombie plague that had begun among Chinese laborers in the sugar cane fields of Oahu spread to Honolulu. Wave after wave of zombies came staggering out of the jungle, forcing desperate islanders to board outrigger canoes and flee to neighboring islands. There has long been suspicion that the sugar growers let the plague go in order to destabilize the queen, a suspicion strengthened by the fact that the top growers left Hawaii shortly after the outbreak began. Hawaii's 1893 zombie outbreak killed just under 2000 people, making it the third-worst in U.S. history.

“[The mouth] was viewed as the main portal for the soul to leave the body upon death. Sometimes, the soul could come back to the body and re-animate it or else an evil spirit

could enter the body through the mouth and bring it back to life.” From: Discovery News, September 16, 2011

Archaeologists in Ireland have unearthed two 8th-century skeletons buried with stones stuck into their mouths. They believe this could have been a way to ensure the dead did not rise up like zombies. Bodies identified as revenants or the "walking dead" tended to be people who had lived as outsiders. The "deviant burials" were comprised of two men who were buried there at different times in the 700s. One of the men was between 40 and 60 years old, and the other was a young adult, probably between 20 and 30 years old. The two men were laid side by side and each had a baseball-sized rock shoved in his mouth.

"One of them was lying with his head looking straight up. A large black stone had been deliberately thrust into his mouth," Chris Read, head of Applied Archaeology at IT Sligo, said. "The other had his head turned to the side and had an even larger stone wedged quite violently into his mouth so that his jaws were almost dislocated," he added.

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Initially, Read and colleagues thought they had found a Black Death-related burial ground. Remains of individuals buried at the end of the Middle Ages with stones stuck in their mouths have hinted at vampire-slaying rituals. Two early medieval skeletons were unearthed recently in Ireland with large stones wedged into their mouths -- evidence, archaeologists say, that it was feared the individuals would rise from their graves like zombies.

Discovery, September, 2011 Did Zombies Roam Medieval Ireland?

Discovery News, Huffington Post, 9.21.2011

Knowledge of Earth’s ancient past has been remarkably ‘imaginative’ in the entertainment industry’s presentation of incredible technologies, characters and scenarios. They have also been uncannily successful in the ability to ‘sense’ and prefigure future events and the comparatively rapid uptake in the interest of zombies.

It is of note to realize that there is little reference to the human race in the mythic forecasts of a future battle. Scripture asserts that the days will have need of shortening for the preservation of flesh. Will those prepared for battle at har Megiddo, representing the forces of earth, be a gathering of otherworldly creatures, the spawn and products of laboratories, the “imaginings of men?”

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Prophecy looks ahead to a time when unprecedented cataclysmic events all but extinguish much of animal and plant life and nearly the human race entirely. Might there be Scriptural evidence which, when viewed from a perspective which includes the reality of ancient malevolent beings, directs us to re-examine the Word of God itself for the possibility that among the long-sealed prophecies, being understood only as the flame of history flickers, are hints of a coming horror far more extreme than anything the human mind can comprehend?

It is from within the Earth itself from which ruins and sinister presences emerge, having smoldered for millennia and finally summoned for a long awaited destiny. They have indeed been patient: a final rest before their “finest hour.”

Norse legends ominously echo the Biblical prophets as well as narratives and other ancient text, but the descriptions of graphic horror depicted in the Nordic sagas ‘flesh out’ the increasingly realistic panorama. Science has brought us to the shores of Nordic myth: places at once thought past, now circling to and entering in to the future in a chilling resurrection:

RAGNAROK: Doom of the Powers: Where ‘Powers’ means ‘gods’ (and they’re on their way).

The battle will be preceded by conflict on a personal level as families and morality disintegrate and the forces of darkness are loosed. Paraphrased for brevity, Micha Lindemans of Encyclopedia Mythica describes the sequence and the details of the graphic horror to be unleashed with the onset of Ragnarök:

The sun and the moon will be darkened, the stars will vanish and there will be the sound of three rooster crows:

The first to summon the giants, the second to awake the gods, and the third to raise the dead.



With every breath, this serpent will stain the soil and the sky with his poison, and the waves caused by the serpent’s emerging will set free the ship of giant: the giant who will sail towards the battlefield.

From the realm of the dead a second ship will set sail, and this ship carries the inhabitants of hell.

The fire giants from the south will set sail to join in battle led by another powerful giant, who carries a blazing sword which will scorch the earth itself.

The watchman will sound his horn BECKONING ANCIENT battlefield

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An enormous four-eyed wolf with a chest soaked in blood will engage in the battle of ancient enemies culminating in the destruction of the planet by fire and subsequent submersion into the sea.

[unless otherwise stated, all emphases, smb]

Sue Bradley, September, 2011 [email protected]; [email protected] © 2011 Sue Bradley, Steve Quayle

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or cited wihout direct link to originating source. Very special thanks to Kim Poulos and Sabine Vlaming.

PART TWO: The experts speak, The First Woe; The Army of the Lord and The Incarnation of Hunger

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Graphic courtesy of Andrea Sparacio/Hugo Perez

NOTE: Because the subject of zombie-ism is typically met with lighthearted skepticism, it is comparatively difficult to corroborate authentic scientific research through multiple and/or independent sources. Extensive (though not necessarily exhaustive) documentation is thus presented and not intended as ‘overkill.’

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In Oct. 29 2007, authors TE Sloth and David Wong published 5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen. With over 11 million views, the article lists five possible catalysts, their proximity to established conditions and the probability of each.

#5 Brain Parasites #4 Neurotoxins #3 The Real “Rage Virus” #2 Neurogenesis #1 Nanobots

Preparedness 101, Zombie Apocalypse “Never Fear – CDC is Ready” That warm and fuzzy feeling.

If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including insolation and quarantine). It’s likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas (I will be volunteering the young nameless disease detectives for the field work).

THE EXPERTS ADDRESS ZOMBIE “RAGE VIRUS” So, what could actually be the cause, and is there even hope for a cure? Weeks before the May, 2011 CDC’s publication of Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, CNN’s Elizabeth Landau explored the reality of a zombie-type event with Steven Scholzman, MD, a child psychiatrist with positions at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Program in Child Psychiatry. Published in early 2011, Dr. Scholzman’s novel, The Zombie Autopsies discusses the apocalyptic physical and social effects of global pandemic associated with ataxic neurodegenerative satiety deficiency syndrome (ANSD) though the recognition the effects of multiple pathogens on specific regions of the brain which result in behavioral traits commonly associated with zombie-ism. The title of Ms. Landau’s article, Inside zombie brains: Sci-fi teaches science, may well be

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more truth than the science of fiction. Dr. Scholzman’s novel begins with the scenario recently popularized by the movie, Contagion: an airborne virus causing a global pandemic claiming two-thirds of the population of the planet.

The virus has several brain-destroying components, one of which is a "prion," meaning a protein like the one that causes mad cow disease. In real life, prions twist when they are in an acidic environment and become dangerous, Schlozman said. How our own environment has changed to make prions infectious -- getting from the soil to the cows in mad cow disease, for instance -- is still a mystery….

Like mad cow disease, the zombie disease Schlozman describes also progresses in acidic environments. In the book, a major corporation doles out implantable meters that infuse the body with chemicals to artificially lower acidity when it gets too high. But, sadly, when acidity is too low, that also induces symptoms that mimic the zombie virus, so it's not a longterm solution. Everyone who gets exposed eventually succumbs, Schlozman said. The zombies in this book are stumbling, shambling, hungry as hell," Schlozman said. "Basically they're like drunk crocodiles; they're not smart, they don't know who you are or what you are."

How we'd fight back: And how do you kill a zombie? Much of zombie fiction knocks out zombies through shots to the head. That, Schlozman said, is because the brain stem governs the most basic functioning: breathing and heartbeat. A zombie-apocalypse disease like the one he describes probably wouldn't evolve on its own in the real world, he said. But, as we've seen, individual symptoms of zombies do correspond to real ailments. And if they all came together, the disease would be creepily efficient at claiming bodies, Schlozman said.

The article continues with mathematical projections for pandemic status and mortality: A mathematician at the University of Ottawa named Robert Smith? (who uses the question mark to distinguish himself from other Robert Smiths, of course), has calculated that if one zombie were introduced to a city of 500,000 people, after about seven days, every human would either be dead or a zombie.

The article concludes by addressing the reason for the current popularity of zombie genre material and reveals a perhaps even more immediate concern:

And as to why people like reading about zombies and watching zombies so much, Schlozman points to the impersonal nature of things in our society, from waiting in line in the DMV to being placed on hold on a call with a health insurance company. Think about all the situations in daily life where you sense a general lack of respect for humanity, and zombies make a little more sense.

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"The zombies themselves represent a kind of commentary on modernity," Schlozman says. "We're increasingly disconnected. That might be the current appeal."

The 2008 movie, 28 Days Later (2003) (and subsequent 28 Weeks Later, 2007) provides a full course for zombie enthusiasts with an appetite for a realistic presentation of a “Rage Virus” whilst enjoying the safety and coziness of science ‘fiction.’ A longer term 28 Months Later is scheduled for released in 2013. Tom Flanagan’s Solanum Outbreak Contingency Plan provides a brief overview of the solanum virus. While solanum does not reanimate the already dead, it kills living and reanimates. The effects of the are similar to previously discussed neurodegenerative diseases. Solanum is fast and efficient: first creating a zombie by eating away the frontal lobe of the brain for replication, thus destroying it. The virus then mutates the brain and allows the brain to remain alive but dormant and without the need for oxygen. Once the mutation is complete (approx 23 hrs from initial infection) search for living human flesh, infection spreads.

As of mid-September, 2011, the global population estimates are approaching 7 billion. Two-thirds would put the count at 466,666,666 billion, leaving 233,333,333 billion [gotta love these numbers] to deal with what could only be considered as hell on Earth under the best circumstances. This brings to mind the World Health Organization's Pandemic Guidelines for humanitarian agencies from April, 2006: Instruction Point number 6.6.6: Management of dead bodies.

In mainstream media, CNN seems to be taking the lead in zombie education, including the possible outcome of the spiritual aspects: John Blake’s December, 2010 article, The 'zombie theology' behind the walking dead correctly asserts that the current interest in zombie-ism is spiritually based. Blake questions David Murphy, author of Zombies for Zombies: Advice and Etiquette for the Living Dead.:

Some people find faith in churches. David Murphy finds it in zombies…Our zombie fascination has a religious root. Zombies are humans who have “lost track of their souls,” Murphy says. “Our higher spirit prevents us from doing stupid and violent things like, say, eating a neighbor,” Murphy says. “When we are devoid of such spiritual ‘guidance,’ we become little more than walking bags of flesh, acting out like soccer moms on a bender.”

David Murphy’s response reflects the fatal naivety that has dominated the spiritual climate of Western civilization for the past 50 years. “Guidance” carries the implication of ethereal authority, but all authorities are not equal, and the research of Harvard ethnobotanist Wade Davis presents the darker side.

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CULTURAL SPIRITISM: The Dark Side The etymology for ZOMBIE traces to ZUMBI, the name of the African Kikongo snake god. In the book, The Serpent and the Rainbow (1985), Harvard ethnobotanist and researcher Wade Davis. He documents the relationship Haitian Vodoun culture and the process of zombification via ritual, plant and animal toxins and spiritism. Bokor voodoo sorcerers use powder derived from fish toxins (fugu, puffer fish; Japanese Blowfish) or extract from the burundanga plant, scopolamine. By examining historical evidence, disease patterns and similar neuro-toxins, scientists are finding strong links to toxins, virus and specifically scopolamine, an active agent of the burundanga plant. Scopolamine has been used for centuries for ritual magic as well as criminal activity in the Western Hemisphere. (National Institutes for Health, 1985).

Angel’s Trumpet

Photo © Lisa Hallett Taylor

Brugmansia is a genus of flowering plants native to the southern hemisphere. They are known as ANGEL'S TRUMPETS. The association with the Trumpet Judgments of Revelation is obvious. ABC Science describes the processes of ‘zombification:’

[Within Haitian culture,] zombies are a person who has been almost-killed, and then later raised from the almost-dead by a voodoo priest, to be used as slave labour for the rest of their miserable life. Zombies can move, eat, hear and speak, but they have no memory and no insight into their condition. There have been legends about zombies for centuries, but it was only in 1980 that a real-life case was documented.

Under Haiti's Penal Code, article 249: "Turning people into zombies constitutes pre-meditated murder.”

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A SINGLE GENE: Comparing Locusts and Zombies

Zombie Caterpillars Rain Death From Trees, Sept. 8, 2011

Note the small egg shaped ‘things’ within the liquid. A single gene in a caterpillar virus sends its victims running for the treetops, where they die and their bodies liquefy, sending an ooze of virus particles on their brothers and sisters below.

In September, 2011, Entomologist Kelli Hoover theorized that the caterpillars' behavior might have had a genetic connection:

The gene egt codes for an enzyme, EGT, that inactivates the hormone in these caterpillars that triggers molting. Because caterpillars usually descend from the treetops to molt on the ground, the researchers reasoned that the bugs were staying high in the trees to die because EGT was blocking the molting hormone.

An evaluation of Hoover’s work was published by Gabriele Sorci, a member of the Faculty of 1000:

This is a fascinating article which identifies a viral gene as the determinant of a caterpillar behavior that enhances the transmission of the virus to other hosts.

The locust swarm transformation involves a four-staged progression process: color, physiology, metabolism and behavior The American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS, identifies elevated seratonin levels as the triggers in the swarming behavior of locusts:

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Researchers have linked the radical transformation of desert locusts—from harmless, solitary creatures to gregarious, swarm-forming insects—to the common brain chemical serotonin.

In How A Brain Chemical Changes Locusts From Harmless Grasshoppers To Swarming Pests, Dr. Michael Anstey, of the University of Oxford, discusses the Jekyll Hyde style transformation of locusts:

Locusts belong to the grasshopper family but unlike their harmless relatives they have the unusual ability to live in either a solitary or a gregarious state, with the genetic instructions for both packaged within a single genome. The question of how locusts transform their behaviour in this way has puzzled scientists for almost 90 years, now we finally have the evidence to provide an answer.

‘On the Zombie Within,’ an article published in the June 2001 issue of Nature, Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner and father of modern genetics. 1953), proposes a nearly identical single-gene premise:

Could mutation of a single gene turn a conscious animal into a zombie? If so, what test would show that they are unconscious? Tracking down the neuronal correlates of consciousness in humans, monkeys and mice should illuminate the central mystery of how neural activity in specific feedback circuits gives rise to subjective states.

21st Century science has arrogantly crossed the line in the sand that was drawn by the very finger of God. Leviticus 19:19:

Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

How then, might zombies present themselves? One can only imagine, but the possibilities are virtually endless. Stem-cell and other neurogenesis re-animation research programs have been successful in the regeneration of dead cells. The revival of brain cells has lead to optimism in patients in cryostasis, and enthusiasts of immortality. Military science, private and governmental programs for NBC experimentation and warfare, electromagnetic devices as well as transgenic and cloning research. More exotic methods might include off-planet cosmic involvement including the potent Zero-G pathogens (artificial or natural).


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In Exodus to Arthur: Catastrophic Encounters with Comets (1999), Mike Baille presents extraordinary evidence of the interconnecting cosmic influences as related to terrestrial events, including geologic, environmental and organic:

Droughts, floods, earthquakes, locusts, subterranean thunder, unheard of tempests, lightning, sheets of fire, hail stones of marvelous size, fire from heaven, stinking smoke, corrupted atmosphere, a vast rain of fire, masses of smoke.

This alarmingly specific roster of events sounds very much like the prophesied judgments of the Day of the Lord as referenced in both the Old and New Testaments. Prof. Baille’s New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection, similarly describes massive cosmic upheaval prior to the onset of the Black Plague in 1348:

… heavy mists and clouds, falling stars, blasts of hot wind, a column of fire, a ball of fire, a violent earth tremor, in Italy a crescendo of calamity involving earthquakes, following which, the plague arrived.

In an eerie juxtaposition, an M6-Class Flash was recorded on August 3, 2011 at 13:48 UT.

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Image courtesy Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Triumph of Death, Pieter Bruegel

In a Book Review, Laura Knight-Jadczyk examines a plausible scenario:

It is entirely reasonable to state that such an impact, taking place anywhere on the planet, would collapse our current civilization and return the survivors, metaphorically speaking, to the Dark Ages (it is believed that in such an event globalised institutions, such as the financial and insurance markets would collapse, bringing down the entire interconnected monetary, trade and transport systems).

In a 1999 article, Comets may have caused Earth's great empires to fall, Robert S. Boyd presents evidence of a comet in Gaul in 540-541 AD so vast that the whole sky seemed on fire, and that according to legend, “King Arthur died around this time … Celtic myths associated with Arthur hinted at bright sky Gods and bolts of fire.”

According to Robert A. Freitas, Sunspots and Disease (1984), six of the major influenza epidemics going back at least to 1917 were synchronized with the sunspot cycle (or solar cycle). In most cases, the flu virus was able to develop a new coat of protein in an “antigenic shift” making it resistant to the immunities that the population had built up. This coat may have developed due to “penetrating radiation” which was enhanced during periods of high solar activity.

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Solar Cycle 24 and The California/Nevada Winter Storms? Jan. 2008 A July - Aug. 1984 article, Sunspots and disease published by Science-Frontiers notes that six of the major influenza epidemics, at least as far back as 1917, were synchronized with the sunspot cycle.

In Climactic and Demographic Consequences of the Massive Volcanic Eruption of 1258, Richard B Strothers of the Institute for Space Studies, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, discusses volcanism as associated with major events other than geologic. (Climate Change, Vol. 45, Number 2, May, 2000.)

Writing in The Holocene, a peer reviewed research journal, Amdt Schimmelmann of the Department of Geological Sciences at Indiana University examines the correlation of climactic and other apparent extraneous events: Palaeoclimatic and archaeological evidence for a 200-yr recurrence of floods and droughts linking California, Mesoamerica and South America over the past 2000 years.

In 1998, Mitch Batros of Earth Changes Media published an equation which follows the long term effects of solar activity:

Sunspots => Solar Flares (charged particles) => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption

Numerous experiments performed by NASA in space confirm the increase in strength, size and vigor of organic and inorganic material grown in a low gravity environment. Bacteria in Zero-G produce antibiotics make up to three times more of it in space than they do on Earth.

Writing in Extraordinary Biology, physicist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden specifically addresses life on primal Earth in the distant past, when volcanism, massive solar eruptions, ‘frienzied oceans’ and and enormous atmospheric continuous storms, “commonplace and nearly continuous.” The continuous communication between Bearden’s ‘virtual state organisms’ (vacuum) “critters,” and mass (observable):

Under those conditions, many types of "critters" were highly active. Most of the critters, for example, lived in and worked on the atomic nuclei of matter… An atomic nucleus is like an island in the "virtual state ocean", and the flux interchange is like waves breaking onto the island and then washing back to sea.

In those primal days, many of the present great mineral deposits of the earth were created due to the transmutation activities of the critters. One kind, for example, lived in copper. In an "energetics" sense, this critter "ate" copper and "excreted" gold, so-to-speak. Much of the gold that occurs in great copper deposits today was formed this way in the old days under primal conditions.

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When conditions on earth changed, these little "copper critters" ceased their incessant activity and became dormant, just as viruses can do. But the critters are still there in the copper ore, waiting to be activated…

And activate them you can!

When these virtual state organisms are subjected to similar primal conditons, volcanism, extreme lightning, and intense intense solar activity, Bearden’s “critters” are “revived:”

… place these special crystals on some copper (and add another thing or two), and restore them to a similar primal environment as of old. That is, heat them in an electric furnace. Blast them with terrible electrical bolts. Bathe them in intense ultraviolet light. That's just a nice, refreshing spring day for the critters! That stimulates them and revives them.

They wake up after a long sleep - and they're immediately "hungry ." So they go right to work on the copper. Boom!....

I don't know whether or not biological systems, in their Kervran-transmutations at weak energy, deliberately manipulate similar "critters." I suspect, however, that they do, at least to some extent.

In the DVD presentation, Tom Talks Tesla, Col. Bearden also describes the profound significance of electromagnetism and scalar implications when used in the disease process:

Looking at it along the lines of scalar interferometry, and dealing with something [that] can [have] some rather astounding weapons effects, we can see...

...Those radiators [scalar] could conceivably create within a mass population, the instantaneous spread of mass diseases of all kinds. They would be anomalous, you could be dying, for example, of bubonic plague and you wouldn't have the organism...... But if that part is true, it represents a biological weapon of incredible implications for population warfare....Now, what does that imply?... I hope to God I'm wrong. . . but I don't think I am."

ANOMALOUS EVENTS: The resurgence of aberrant diseases. Shortly after the May 22, 2011 Joplin, MO tornado the CDC issued a public health statement to address an “unusual germ” that was infecting residents of Joplin. Tornado Survivors Battle Deadly Fungus in Joplin, Missouri.

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By August, 2011, 3 people had died from the rare, brain-eating parasite, identified by the CDC as Naegleria Fowleri. Interestingly, the ameoba has as strong linguistic association with the “snare of the fowler” spoken of by Psalm 91. These recent cases represent the tip of a medical and environmental iceberg: the apparently small and infrequent “orphan diseases” are very much on the rise. THE INCARNATION OF HUNGER: …this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel, Acts 2:17-21

The First Six Trumpet Judgments

© Pat Marvenko Smith, 1992. BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION! The second chapter of Joel contains one of the most enigmatic events recorded in Scripture. Joel’s earlier description of a devastating locust plague moves to the future, and to terrifying and unprecedented judgments associated with Day of the Lord. The plague described by Joel

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is unquestionably the 5th Trumpet Judgment of Rev. 9: the opening of the abyssos, the Bottomless Pit. Locusts have been described as the Incarnation of Hunger, consuming and making all in their path exhaustively desolate. Although witnessed earlier as instruments of Divine judgment, the locusts that comprise the armies of Joel and Revelation are quickly reckoned as supernaturally and execrably abhorrent. The destruction which follows the opening of abysso and the release of the invading hoard is without parallel in history and never to be repeated. The army of Joel 2 is unique in appearance, structure, movement and apparent invulnerability. Efforts to assign a physical identity to this army often result in depictions of the most current military body armor. A careful reading of Joel’s narrative could easily suggest that this “nation” is a nation of supernaturally charged, demonically energized and primal, driven zombie-like beings. Consider the unusual ‘single gene’ swarm mutation of locusts and identified specifically with zombie-like states (as established by Francis Crick, father of modern genetics).

2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.

4 The appearance of them is AS the appearance of horses; and AS horsemen, so shall they run.

5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.

6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.

7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:

8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.

10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.

Within this context, consider history and the forewarnings urged by the prophets:

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Isa 26:20

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past.

Isaiah 28: 18-19

Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the grave will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. As often as it comes, it will carry you away; morning after morning, by day and by night, it will sweep through.

Isaiah 14:9

Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

Zec 11:9

Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.

Deu 32:24

They shall be BURNT with hunger and devoured with burning heat and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them with the poison [burning rage] of serpents of the dust.

Zechariah 14:12, 13

And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. [note: the details of this consumption strongly resembles the effects of an enhanced radiation weapon or neutron bomb.]

And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.

Lamentations 4:10

With their own hands, compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.

Ezekiel 5:10

Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their

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fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee, and the whole remnant of thee will I scatter into all the winds.

Ezekiel 36: 13, 14

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say unto you, Thou land devourest up men, and hast bereaved thy nations: Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, neither bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord GOD.

2 Kings 6:26-29

She answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."

Psalm 91: 5-8

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Lev 26:32 And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therin shall be astonished at it.

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I believe that the trigger for the Black Awakening is primarily the collective planetary release of extremely powerful demons who will, with great dark power and energy, fall upon those 'predisposed' and enraged them. These energies are literally the fuel which is both in them and upon them. That dark power will be unprecedented, unequaled and will seem to hang in the air like at a direct blood ritual site.

These powers summoned, assigned and released will be like the type with the Moabite King who did blood sacrifice so powers would come down on his soldiers....the powers fell on them and the were 'enraged' energized and victorious against Israel at that time. 'thus the weaponization of direct satanic powers.

Russ Dizdar, Shatter the Darkness

If we cannot understand, what kind of stewards are we?

[unless otherwise stated, all emphases, smb]

Sue Bradley, September, 2011 Inklings of Other Worlds [email protected]; [email protected] © 2011 Sue Bradley, Steve Quayle No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or cited wihout direct link to originating source.

Very special thanks to Kim Poulos and Sabine Vlaming. PART THREE: The First Woe, Final Fulfillment: a counterfeit pentecost and The Blessed Assurance: Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High. For further study: A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology Colombian Devil's Breath - Zombie Drug - Scopolamine Use of scopolamine, Wall Street Journal Article, July 3, 1995 Wade Davis: Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie The Serpent and the Rainbow ZOMBIES IN CULTURE (selected) Literature: The Shape of Things to Come, H.G. Wells, 1933 Hollywood: Night of the Living Dead 1968)

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! "!

ZA Part 3: IT’S ALIVE! The Physics of the Sun

NOTE: because of the horrific recent events in late May, 2012, this essay has been updated. This is incorproated in the section, THE UNSEALED PREY - The Ultimate Cookout: Rare, Medium or Raw? below. And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Daniel 12:9, 10

It is only reasonable to ask if universal memories—memories blatantly defying natural experience today—conceal a historic fact we have overlooked. Thunderbolts of the Gods

“Living Plasma”

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ZA Part 3: IT’S ALIVE! The Physics of the Sun

NOTE: because of the horrific recent events in late May, 2012, this essay has been updated. This is incorproated in the section, THE UNSEALED PREY - The Ultimate Cookout: Rare, Medium or Raw? below. And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Daniel 12:9, 10

It is only reasonable to ask if universal memories—memories blatantly defying natural experience today—conceal a historic fact we have overlooked. Thunderbolts of the Gods

“Living Plasma”

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A NEW SPIN ON OLD PHYSICS “Weird Life On Other Worlds” Are plasma crystals alive? DNA-shaped dust © 2012, Steve Quayle; Raiders NewsNetwork; Sue Bradley

In July 2007, a group of American scientists, in association with the National Research Council, issued a report recommending that scientists search for so-called weird life on other worlds, in space and even on Earth. But even more bizarre, the report was titled, “Could alien life exist in the form of DNA-shaped dust?“ asking:

Could alien life exist in the form of dancing specks of dust? According to a new simulation, electrically charged dust can organise itself into DNA-like double helixes that behave in many ways like living organisms, reproducing and passing on information to one another.

Weird life is believed to be far different from life forms we’re used to seeing. Weird life may be organisms that don’t depend on water or that don’t have DNA at all.

Some people even believe that weird life existed on Earth in the ancient past and that it may still exist on this planet. In reality, scientists don’t know what weird life is, but its presence has many reexamining notions of what alien life may be and where it might be found.

Whether or not the plasma crystals are an example of weird life is difficult to determine. Some of the questions regarding these potential organisms come back to the debate about what life is. For example, on Earth, we consider life to be carbon-based and dependent on the presence of water. Life forms also perform certain basic functions, like reproducing, evolving and metabolizing. But even using those functions as a classification can be tricky. David Grier, a physics professor at New York University, told New Scientist that “there is no mathematically rigorous definition of life,” which makes it difficult to call these crystals “alive”

Gregor Morfill, one of the experiment’s participants, said that while the crystals contain a lot of the “hallmarks” of life, they’re still “just a special form of plasma crystal.”

Another of the researchers, V.N. Tsytovich, said that the clusters have “all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter.”

The researchers also stated that while they’re not ready to confidently state that these structures represent a new form of life, their study should add to the discussion of how scientists define life,

If the plasma crystals do exist in their simulated form, they live and develop at a pace at least a hundred thousand times slower than Earth’s biological organisms. The question is then raised: given their fragility and slow pace of development, can they become intelligent or sentient?

If they are considered life, it may mean that these organisms are the most common life form in the universe, given the prevalence of plasma and massive interstellar dust clouds. There has also been some suggestion that these inorganic life forms somehow spurred development of organic life on Earth.

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CERN’s Symmetry Magazine, 2010 implies not only the science but graphically punctuates the ancient agenda soon to be fulfilled.

Dancing with Physicists

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In a 2005 essay, What’s Going On? Resurrection Auroras, author Steve Santini offers a compelling presentation of dynamics of solar events and their electrical properties surrounding the time period of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, His resurrection and the events that followed through Pentecost:

The gospels record that at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion the whole land was darkening from the sixth hour until the ninth hour. The Greek word for land in these verses means the whole earth. Of these records, Luke testifies that the darkness continued.

And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. (Luke 23:44,45) KJV

(The word was in the first sentence is the Greek aorist tense of the word become meaning that it should be translated became. The noun darkness and the verb darkened have a root; skoto that is one of 233 Greek words translated dark. Its meaning is shadow or shadowed and is consistent with the radiant appearance of the sun darkened by hyper sunspot activity.).

It seems that God the Father, chose to vividly mark out this time period from Jesus’ crucifixion, through his resurrection and ascension unto Pentecost with hyper solar activity and the ensuing results. The whole world did pay attention. Pliny the Elder, a contemporary secular Latin writer of the first century, wrote, from over a thousand miles distant in Italy, of a year when there had been “portentous and protracted eclipses of the sun … caused almost a whole year’s continuous gloom,” yet, there are no computer simulated astronomical records of a year in that area or span when multiple eclipses could be observed.

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16th Century German mathematician Christoph Scheiner was the first to publish research regarding solar activity and sunspots and their effects both organic and inorganic material as described both in religious literature and artwork. Santini continues his examination of Scriptural accounts:

About fifty days later than Passover as this same sunspot group was again making its way across the face of the sun and Peter was declaring that the darkening of the sun and reddening of the moon was what Joel had prophesied centuries earlier, two more events consistent with the effects of the sunspot, solar plasma, aurora scenario had occurred.

Plasma Discharge, Sprites

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Pentecost Iconography; Teotihuacan

There are multiple historical accounts of great cosmic and geologic disturbances during the time of the Crucifixion and Pentecost. Descriptions of sudden and deep darkness as well as quaking and the fracturing of mountains are detailed in All Shall Hide, by Taylor A Cisco, Jr. and Taylor A Cisco:

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Calculated dates for the crucifixion fell within the solar activity period known as the Roman Maximum (BC 20 to AD 80). This suggests solar magnetic storms may be conductive to sudden solar blackout.

Pentecost, from “Acts of the Apostles”

© 1996, Biblica

“Mighty wind,” blalos, is a ‘violent, forcible’ wind. Jay Alfred, author of Dark Plasma Theory: Our Invisible Bodies, describes this wind within the context of plasma physics:

Was this “violent wind” an electric wind that was caused by the presence of a plasma formation (which is represented by a dove in many illustrations of the Pentecost event)? In some accounts a single fire overhead separates into tongues of fire which rested above the heads of the apostles.

Plasma is affected and can be directed by magnetic fields. Tendrils of plasma that resemble “tongues of fire” can fly-out when a magnet is brought near a plasma source. Plasma objects will also tend to dart towards objects of different potential. They may be attracted towards areas where electrostatic charges may have become polarized. When charged plasma approaches a conducting object, a plasma discharge may occur which is normally accompanied by an “electric wind” which, in laboratory conditions, can be shown to exceed two meters per second. Human bodies can act as conducting object.

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From: Catastrophism: Man, Myths and Mayhem in Ancient History and the Sciences:

Such “sound” would be omnidirectional; when “heard” it would seem to come from everywhere. It apparently filled any closed structure in which the hearer found himself. In a more passive aspect, humans can be biologically … overridden. In particular, “extremely low frequency (ELF) fields have the capacity to penetrate buildings and living tissue and hence are potential biological stimuli.

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And when this happens, our perceptions can falter and our reactions and response times might prove beyond our control.

Such stimuli might have many unpredictable effects upon man- but certain rooms or areas were more quiet for them an electrical field null point?

Complex plasmas may naturally self-organize themselves into stable interacting helical structures that exhibit features normally attributed to organic living matter. The self-organization is based on non-trivial physical mechanisms of plasma interactions involving over-screening of plasma polarization.

As a result, each helical string composed of solid microparticles is topologically and dynamically controlled by plasma fluxes leading to particle charging and over-screening, the latter providing attraction even among helical strings of the same charge sign. These interacting complex structures exhibit thermodynamic and evolutionary features thought to be peculiar only to living matter such as bifurcations that serve as ‘memory marks’, self-duplication, metabolic rates in a thermodynamically open system, and non-Hamiltonian dynamics.

We examine the salient features of this new complex ‘state of soft matter’ in light of the autonomy, evolution, progenity and autopoiesis principles used to define life. It is concluded that complex self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter that may exist in space provided certain conditions allow them to evolve naturally.

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Has Hollywood once again preempted theologians by presenting benevolent “light-beings” consistent with the attributes of “living plasma?” The 2009 movie, Knowing, nominated for the 2010 Saturn Award for the Best Science Fiction Film and the 2010 VES for the Best Single Visual Effect of the Year suggests a strong knowledge of the properties of plasma.

Theatrical poster for Knowing

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But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:14-21

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Chapter 6: They Call Them ‘Satellite Anomalies’

About one in ten avionics errors are ‘unconfirmed’ which means that on obvious hardware or software problem could have caused them. One important source of information on these particles is cardiac pacemakers. Millions of these are installed in people, many of whom take trips on jet planes. They record any irregularities in the rate at which they trigger their pulses, and this information can be examined when they return to ground. These errors, among airline staff, do correlate with solar activity levels.

There is also another ‘down to earth’ problem with these solar storm particles. Whenever computers crash for no apparent reason, some new studies suggest that these energetic particles are to blame. With more components crammed onto smaller chips, the sizes of these components has shrunk to the point that designers are now paying close attention to energetic particles from solar flares…

The reason for this is that the particles most effective in producing SEUs are the ENERGETIC PROTONS WITH ENERGIES ABOVE 40 MILLION VOLTS. When these enter spacecraft shielding, THEY COLLIDE WITH ATOMS IN THE SHIELDING TO SPAWN* SHOWERS OF STILL MORE PARTICLES. …

SPAWN*: From Etymology Online:

To spread out, to POUR out. The notion is of a “spreading out” of fish eggs released in water. The meaning “to engender, give rise to…

This is the primary research activity in particle physics facilities such as Fermilab, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and in 2010’s CASTOR experiment. Currently, there are over 35 particle accelerators in Europe, nearly 40 in North America, and approximately 15 in Africa, Asia and Australia. Source: ELSA Electron Stretcher and Accelerator, Physics Institute, Bonn University, Germany.

Nanosecond, high-intensity pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in human cells. FASEB J. 2003 Aug;17(11):1493-5. Epub 2003 Jun 17.

Nanosecond pulse power technology generates pulses with high-intensity electric fields, but with such short durations that the charging time of the plasma membrane is not reached, but intracellular membranes are affected.

The results suggest that with decreasing pulse durations, nsPEF modulate cell signaling from the plasma membrane to intracellular structures and functions. NsPEF technology provides a unique, high-power, energy-independent tool to recruit plasma membrane and/or intracellular signaling mechanisms that can delete aberrant cells by apoptosis.*

*Apoptosis or programmed cell death, is a normal component of the development and health of multicellular organisms. Cells die in response to a variety of stimuli and during apoptosis they do

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so in a controlled, regulated fashion. This makes apoptosis distinct from another form of cell death called necrosis in which uncontrolled cell death leads to lysis of cells, inflammatory responses and, potentially, to serious health problems. Apoptosis, by contrast, is a process in which cells play an active role in their own death (which is why apoptosis is often referred to as cell suicide).

Upon receiving specific signals instructing the cells to undergo apoptosis a number of distinctive changes occur in the cell. A family of proteins known as caspases are typically activated in the early stages of apoptosis…. The caspases can also activate other degradative enzymes such as DNases, which begin to cleave the DNA in the nucleus. Apoptotic cells display distinctive morphology during the apoptotic process.

We learn about the response of organic systems to electromagnetic from the Journal of Biomedicine and biotechnology, J Biomed Biotechnol. 2005; 2005(4): 297–300. Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields: A New Stimulus to Activate Intracellular Signaling Stephen J. Beebe and Karl H. Schoenbach:

So what is “Bioelectrics”? It is the application of ultrashort pulsed electric fields to biological cells, tissues, and organs. More specifically, it is the analysis of how these biological systems respond to high electric fields (10–100s of kV/cm) when applied with nanosecond (1–300) durations.

Compressing electrical energy by means of pulsed power techniques allows the generation of ultrashort (billionth of a second) electrical pulses [1]. Because the pulses are so short the energy density is quite low and therefore nonthermal. However, the power is extremely high generating billions of watts. This can be compared to a coal power plant, which generates less than billion watts, but does it continuously.

Because the pulses are so short the energy density is quite low and therefore nonthermal. However, the power is extremely high generating billions of watts.

WEAPONIZATION: Motivations, Activation, Implications and WHAT might be behind it all Evidence of Ancient Star Wars suggests what many world-class researchers have recently been given understanding of abilities, technologies and, most terrifying of all, that we are poised at a precipice of time, never understood until now. Would any have thought that Daniel’s prophecy would be so literally – and fearfully – come to pass?

In cases where equipment or room shield is not desired or practical, HS installs specialized equipment (including power generators) that has been specifically “hardened” to withstand EMP.

The following graphic represents the requirement for “Military-Grade” EMP hardening. This profile was

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developed from extensive research into EMP effects of nuclear weapons, and known vulnerabilities of equipment, electronics, and infrastructure. In a typical “military-grade” EMP shield, an additional “de-rating” margin is added which allows for the facility to degrade over time and still meet this minimum EMP profile.

Chapter 6: They Call Them ‘Satellite Anomalies’

About one in ten avionics errors are ‘unconfirmed’ which means that on obvious hardware or software problem could have caused them. One important source of information on these particles is cardiac pacemakers. Millions of these are installed in people, many of whom take trips on jet planes. They record any irregularities in the rate at which they trigger their pulses, and this information can be examined when they return to ground. These errors, among airline staff, do correlate with solar activity levels.

There is also another ‘down to earth’ problem with these solar storm particles. Whenever computers crash for no apparent reason, some new studies suggest that these energetic particles are to blame. With more components crammed onto smaller chips, the sizes of these components has shrunk to the point that designers are now paying close attention to energetic particles from solar flares…

The reason for this is that the particles most effective in producing SEUs are the ENERGETIC PROTONS WITH ENERGIES ABOVE 40 MILLION VOLTS. When these enter spacecraft shielding, THEY COLLIDE WITH ATOMS IN THE SHIELDING TO SPAWN* SHOWERS OF STILL MORE PARTICLES. …

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The great outpouring of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost was heretofore unprecedented, an event so extraordinary that Peter recognized the unmistakable likeness to Joel, Chapter 2’s Day of the Lord.

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

While Peter recognized Joel’s great and terrible day of the Lord, he did not include the early verses of Joel 2. If the great outpouring of the Spirit took place “afterward,” what had preceded it and why did Amos exclaim, Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! The short answer carries the implication that anyone ‘desiring the day of the Lord’ must not understand the devastation that it brings.

Dr. John Phillips describes “three great eruptions of demonic activity” which are contained within the historical narrative of Scripture as well as a fourth eruption yet to come. Our common understanding of an “eruption” is typically associated with volcanic activity on Earth. This too has been changing as astrophysicists explore the history of our Solar System through which future solar events can be determined: CMEs, solar storms, and solar eruptions are now common and increasing as their 11 year cycles advance.

Consider the backward modeling of historical solar evidence and the correlation of the timing of the eruptions Dr. Philips outlines these events in Exploring the Pastoral Epistles:

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volcanic earthquake and gas recordings - giving scientists a chance to save thousands of lives before it’s too late.

Crystals start to build up a year prior to eruptions and peak just before an explosion happens, the team reports online today in Science. Crystals with magnesium-rich rims and iron-rich cores, which signify heating from the intrusion of new magma, were associated with deep earthquakes. A spike in these magnesium-rimmed crystals also occurred just prior to the massive 18 May eruption, indicating that pulses of new magma preceded the blast. Crystals with iron-rich rims and magnesium-rich cores, which form when the magma is degassing and cooling, corresponded with peaks in sulfur dioxide gas release. These crystals peaked prior to later eruptions at Mount St. Helens.

Zechariah Blackburn of Sacred Sound, Sounding the Codes describes the science associated with crystals:

What many do not know is that many ancient cultures anchored or stored their wisdom through vibrational frequencies in the stones of their ancient temples.

It is the resonant frequencies of the stone, in attunement with one’s own consciousness, which create the vehicle to anchor or store these energies or information in the stone. Or vice versa, it is one’s resonant frequency, or state of consciousness, in attunement with the frequency of the stone, which allows one to move, store or access information within the body of the stone.

It is not mere co-incidence many of the ancient stone temples of the world were made with crystalline embedded stones, such as granite, which are known for their properties to pass or store energy. It is no longer a mythical metaphorical approximation to speak of the ‘symphony’ of the cosmos.

And thou shalt become an astonishment 8047, a proverb 4912, and a byword* 8148, among all nations 5971 whither the LORD 3068 shall lead 5090 thee. Deut. 28:37:

shammah 1) waste, horror, appalment a) a waste (of land, city, etc) b) appalment, horror 1) to be desolated, be deflowered, be deserted, be appalled 2) to be appalled, be awestruck b) (Niphal) 1) to be desolated, be made desolate

2) to be appalled c) (Polel) 1) to be stunned 2) appalling, causing horror (participle) a) horror-causer, appaller (subst) d) (Hiphil) 1) to devastate, ravage, make desolated 2) to appal, show horror 1) sharp word, sharp (cutting) word, taunt, gibe

OKIE DOKIE: The Darker Side of Light

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Jude 1:6, speaks identifies this fourth and final release, the grotesque militant swarms described by Joel and John.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill are among the growing community of scientists and theologians who acknowledge the vast amount of evidence that high spin plasma physics easily explains both the history and contemporary implications of these ‘otherworldly’ manifestations:

The nightmares and prophecies of antiquity arose from trauma, from memories of world-altering events, of deluge, and falling fire and stone. It can now be shown that the causes lay in an electrically unstable solar system.

The archetypes that once dominated human consciousness are, in fact, out of this world. So long as you believe that the ancient sky looked like our sky today, not a single mythic theme will make sense. Thunderbolts of the Gods, 2005

Images of Planetary Magnetospheres

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Ancient STAR Wars?

Might the “locusts” described by Joel and John be sub-atomic planetary or particulate magnetospheric energies responding to solar plasma discharges?

21 But thou, O Lord, Lord, deal mercifully with me, for thy name’s sake: for thy mercy is good. 22 Deliver me, for I am poor and needy; and my heart is troubled within me. 23 I am removed as a shadow in its going down: I am tossed up and down like locusts. 24 My knees are weakened through fasting, and my flesh is changed by reason of the want of oil. 25 I became also a reproach to them: when they saw me they shook their heads. 26 Help me, O Lord my God; and save me according to thy mercy. 27 And let them know that this is thy hand; and that thou, Lord, hast wrought it. 28 Let them curse, but thou shalt bless: let them that rise up against me be ashamed, but let thy servant rejoice. 29 Let those that falsely accuse me be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their shame as with a mantle. 30 I will give thanks to the Lord abundantly with my mouth; and in the midst of many I will praise him. 31 For he stood on the right hand of the poor, to save me from them that persecute my soul. Psalms 109:21, 22

I believe that the trigger for the Black Awakening is primarily the collective planetary release of extremely powerful demons who will, with great dark power and energy, fall upon those ‘predisposed’ and enraged them. These energies are literally the fuel that is both in them and upon them.

That dark power will be unprecedented, unequaled and will hang in the air like at a direct blood ritual site. Russ Dizdar, Shatter the Darkness

BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION: The Army of the Lord – is often His enemies. In the past year planet Earth has experienced solar and cosmic activity. The connections between solar cycles, plasma discharge, volcanism, tectonic activity and pandemics has been repeatedly documented. While the magnitude and frequency of these storms is without recently recorded precedent, these have not yet reached the level that was recorded during the years of the earlier Roman Maximum.

But Joel 2 describes the onset of a period of cataclysm with language identical to Acts 2, but with the amplitude of unprecedented catastrophe. Notable in both accounts are the time of day (morning) and

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suddenness, followed by darkness, stars falling, the earth quaking….before them: is this in front of or ahead of?

The locusts entities released from the Abysso of Rev. 9 are given the power to torment for 5 months. Again, drawing from established structures of the Days of Noah judgment patterns, a five month duration would parallel the 150 days of rising waters (concurrent with the 40 days of rain) until the fullness of judgment had been carried out.

Jeremiah confirms both the nature and the duration of this judgment: it will conclude when God’s purpose is complete:

Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth writheth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.

The voice of the trumpet: it begins with a sound from deep space:

In November, 2011, The Omega Letter featured an explanation of cosmic interactions by microbiologist Wendy Whippel. Describing the effects of an Earth bound asteroid, she details the catastrophics effects:

A devastating chain reaction will ensue: photosynthesis drops, oxygen levels decline as carbon dioxide levels soar, and suddenly food is in short supply. Much of the earth is covered in what seems to be an eternal twilight.

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A blood red moon will hang over the devastated horizon; the abundance of airborne particulate matter scattering the shorter wavelengths of light (violet, blue and yellow), leaving only the orange and red to reach surviving eyes. (“blood moons” occur regularly after volcanic eruptions.)

In the oceans, populations of microscopic algae, in response to falling oxygen levels in the polluted water, explode in a phenomenon called red tide. Large patches of the ocean’s surface turn blood red as well.

Superheating of the atmosphere produces chemical alterations: nitrogen and oxygen (at higher temperatures) react with atmospheric water.

N2 + O2 produces NO, then NO + O2 produces NO2. The skies produce nitrous and nitric acid, which fall to earth as acid rain.

Fresh water sources are then polluted as well. Scientists predict that acid rain caused by meteor impact could last for as long as year.

A dire scenario, indeed. Who will survive? Fun ask. This chain of events is described in starting detail in the book of Revelation, starting in Chapter 6. Remember that John is describing, as best he can, what he is being shown in a vision.

With the sixth seal [would come]:

• a great earthquake; • the sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair (presumably as asteroid passes in front of it) • the moon becomes “like blood”. • ”stars” fall to earth “as a fig tree drops its late figs when shaken by a mighty wind.) (the meteor shower ahead of impact) • the sky recedes as a scroll when s rolled up, (just as the Tunguska survivor describes • mountains and islands moved (The earthquake produced by the asteroid’s gravitation pull is estimated to be 12.5 on the Richter scale.) • men try to find somewhere to hide.

And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! Rev. 8:13

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Seals, Trumpets and Vials?

Russ Dizdar expands on the attendant spiritual implications:

Very soon, simultaneously coordinated [even] by location and time zone, major rituals will be done and a ‘collective of new dark power’ joining the existing presence powers will be released.

This first planetary wave of dark power will be like the Hoover Dam breaking….the flood or rushing dark spirits will trigger, energize and with massive fury, unleash the chosen ones.

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Millennia of chemical/bio/weapon/pharmakon processing will be the Black Awakening event that thrusts the world into chaos, anarchy and slaughter. The Red Horse will emerge at breakneck speed. Peace will suddenly be taken from the earth….

When power like that falls will be like a counterfeit Pentecost: an inverted satanic pentecost. I believe that many rituals done today on a multi national level are being released into the ‘air’ as a build up. [Eph. 2]

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THE UNSEALED PREY - The Ultimate Cookout: Rare, Medium or Raw?

Dr. Buryl Payne, author of 4 books on magnetism and its effects on living organisms, one on physics and consciousness, and one on biofeedback and hypnosis, not only recognizes the physical mechanisms of electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields but associates them with disruption of brain waves and hormone changes, “apparently leading to aggressive behavior (mostly in males):”

It is clear that the Sun’s activity and the positions of the planets both affect the geomagnetic field. Laboratory studies have found that magnetic fields can affect brain waves as well as glandular activity, although precise correlation’s between brain wave patterns and the geomagnetic field have not yet been discovered, it seems a strong working hypothesis.

This is not the sole influence on human behavior, perhaps only about 15% on the average. Yet, there are a few exceptions, when the influence of the geomagnetic fields increases to as much as 90% and sometimes decreases to practically 0. Not only human behavior, but all life is influenced by the solar-planetary-geomagnetic field network.

Could the Wayne Carter’s May 27, 2012 incident in Hackensack, NJ be associated with such electromagnetic solar events?

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A man who stabbed himself and threw pieces of his skin and intestines at police officers

trying to subdue him was hospitalized in critical condition on Monday, authorities said.

Two officers kicked in the door and saw Carter in a corner, holding a knife in his hand, police said. Carter, ignoring the officers’ orders to drop the knife, stood up and stabbed himself in the abdomen, legs and neck, they said.

Carter yelled at the officers and took an aggressive stance, and the officers used pepper spray in a bid to subdue him, but it had no effect….”

Image Credit, Darksiders 2 © 2012

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Photo credit, “Nazi Zombies” ©

In October, 2010, National Geographic News published an article, "Zombie Virus" Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid?

In the zombie flicks 28 Days Later and I Am Legend, an unstoppable viral plague sweeps across humanity, transforming people into mindless monsters with cannibalistic tendencies.

Though dead humans can't come back to life, certain viruses can induce such aggressive, zombie-like behavior, scientists say….

For instance, rabies - a viral disease that infects the central nervous system—can drive people to be violently mad, according to Samita Andreansky, a virologist at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine in Florida who also appears in the documentary.

Combine rabies with the ability of a flu virus to spread quickly through the air, and you might have the makings of a zombie apocalypse.

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Rabies Virus Mutation Possible?

Unlike movie zombies, which become reanimated almost immediately after infection, the first signs a human has rabies—such as anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, and paralysis—don't typically appear for ten days to a year, as the virus incubates inside the body.

Once rabies sets in, though, it's fatal within a week if left untreated.

If the genetic code of the rabies virus experienced enough changes, or mutations, its incubation time could be reduced dramatically, scientists say.

Many viruses have naturally high mutation rates and constantly change as a means of evading or bypassing the defenses of their hosts.

There are various ways viral mutations can occur, for example through copying mistakes during gene replication or damage from ultraviolet light.

"If a rabies virus can mutate fast enough, it could cause infection within an hour or a few hours. That's entirely plausible," Andreansky said.

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Airborne Rabies Would Create "Rage Virus"

But for the rabies virus to trigger a zombie pandemic like in the movies, it would also have to be much more contagious.

Humans typically catch rabies after being bitten by an infected animal, usually a dog—and the infection usually stops there.

Thanks to pet vaccinations, people rarely contract rabies in the United States today, and even fewer people die from the disease. For example, in 2008 only two cases of human rabies infection were reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A faster mode of transmission would be through the air, which is how the influenza virus spreads.

"All rabies has to do is go airborne, and you have the rage virus" like in 28 Days Later, Max Mogk, head of the Zombie Research Society, says in the documentary. The international nonprofit is devoted to "raising the level of zombie scholarship in the Arts and Sciences," according to their website.

To be transmitted by air, rabies would have to "borrow" traits from another virus, such as influenza.

Different forms, or strains, of the same virus can swap pieces of genetic code through processes called reassortment or recombination, said Elankumaran Subbiah, a virologist at Virginia Tech who was not involved in the documentary.

But unrelated viruses simply do not hybridize in nature, Subbiah told National Geographic News.

Likewise, it's scientifically unheard of for two radically different viruses such as rabies and influenza to borrow traits, he said.

"They're too different. They cannot share genetic information. Viruses assemble only parts that belong to them, and they don't mix and match from different families."

Engineered Zombie Virus Possible?

It's theoretically possible—though extremely difficult—to create a hybrid rabies-influenza virus using modern genetic-engineering techniques, the University of Miami's Andreansky said.

"Sure, I could imagine a scenario where you mix rabies with a flu virus to get airborne transmission, a measles virus to get personality changes, the encephalitis virus to cook your brain with fever"—and thus increase aggression even further—"and throw in the ebola virus to cause you to bleed from your guts. Combine all these things, and you'll [get] something like a zombie virus," she said.

"But [nature] doesn't allow all of these things to happen at the same time. ... You'd most likely get a dead virus."

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A NEW TYPE OF ‘ED:’ They Call it “EXCITED DELIRIUM:” From January 1997 to present, there have been 63 reports of Excited Delirium in the US and Canada.

“While excited delirium is best characterized in cocaine users, medical examiners and forensic scientists have noted a similarity in psychiatric presentation between sudden unexplained deaths in custody and psychiatric states associated with or without drug abuse. This seminal work was first described by Dr. Charles Wetli and his collaborator David Fishbain in the mid 1980s, when the “crack” cocaine epidemic first hit the streets of Miami, Florida (Wetli and Fishbain, 1985). But this disorder was known more than a decade earlier.

In 1849, Dr. Luther Bell first described a “disease” resembling some advanced stage of mania and fever, distinguished as an overlooked and often unrecorded malady (Bell, 1849). This “exhaustive mania” was described in 40 cases by Dr. Bell where “exhaustion due to mental excitement” caused three quarters of these patients to die……

“Over the past decade, increased attention has been paid to the sudden and seemingly inexplicable deaths of some highly agitated subjects being held in police custody. In most of these cases, the force required to restrain or incapacitate the suspect was not sufficient to cause death. The symptoms of excited delirium include bizarre and/or aggressive behavior, shouting, paranoia, panic, violence towards other people, unexpected physical strength, and hyperthermia.

Throughout the United States and Canada, these cases are frequently associated with psychostimulant abuse, representing the extreme end of a psychiatric continuum of drug abuse effects. However, reports of acute exhaustive mania, physical restraint, Pepper Spray or TASER and sudden death also have been reported that are not related to abused drugs, suggesting further that an underlying central nervous system disorder was the precipitating cause of lethality….

Such victims of excited delirium have provoked allegations of police misconduct, unnecessary force and improper TASER deployment.

In 2007, NPR published a two part report on a little known – and controversial diagnosis: Death by Excited Delirium: Diagnosis or Coverup?

You may not have heard of it, but police departments and medical examiners are using a new term to explain why some people suddenly die in police custody. It’s a controversial diagnosis called excited delirium. But the question for many civil liberties groups is, does it really exist?

Zombie Virus Now Called Excited Delirium is an 8 minute YouTube video produced just after the May 26 incident in Florida. Other blogs and news sources are asking the same: Is This How The Zombie Apocalypse Starts?

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Map from Zombie Virus Now Called Excited Delirium

As we relax within our comfortable mindsets and enjoy fantasized debauchery and bloodlust designed to frighten us to our very core (this includes the May 26, 2012 Zombie Crawl Through Brooklyn), events on planet Earth continue unravel and and unfold. Consider Nicodemus’ query on the nature of miracles and the response given by Jesus:

“Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

And yet, are we not, until the time of personal salvation, ourselves dead men walking?

In one of the most familiar quotes of our time, Chicago Sun Times journalist, Sydney J. Harris, remarked,

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem, but the perpetual human predicament is that the answer soon poses its own problems.

When the scope of these words is analyzed, it becomes horrifically actualized. On May 20, 2012, a chilling incident played out in Florida:

In the early hours of May 20, an anesthesiologist, Zachard Bird, was pulled over by the Florida Highway Patrol. Perceiving that the police offers were stealing cash from his person and car, the handcuffed doctor repeatedly slammed his head against the plexiglass partition of the police cruiser. Upon his removal from the vehicle, Bird then began to spit blood into the eyes of one of the arresting officers.

This grisly incident was dwarfted by an 18 minute event which took place less than one week later, also in Florida: Questions regarding the brutal attack remain unanswered.

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Police said it all began about 2 p.m. Saturday when a Road Ranger spotted the men and shouted on his loudspeaker for the attacker to back away. Meanwhile, a woman also saw what was happening flagged down an officer. One witness, Larry Vega, told WSVN-Fox  7 he saw a man tearing off pieces of the victim’s flesh with his mouth. “I told him to get off,” Vega told the station, “and the guy just kept eating the other guy away.” Vega said he found a police officer, who approached and told the attacker to get off the man. “The guy just stood, his head up like that, with pieces of flesh in his mouth,” Vega said. “And he growled.” The officer fired, striking the attacker, but the man kept chewing, Vega said. The officer fired again, hitting him several more times, eventually killing him. After that, Vega said, all he saw was blood. “It’s one of the most gruesome things I’ve ever seen in my life in person,” he told the station.

One news source reporting on these incidents postulated, “Is it something in the water?” In reality, this may be. Consider the tons of chemicals released into the Caribbean with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 which, combined with the highly toxic chemical Corexit, devastated the seafloor coral. Discovery News reported in April, 2012 that this deadly cocktail, not seen under normal lighting conditions is brilliantly evident under UV lighting and is absorbed by human skin. Earlier in the month, mutant crabs were turning up in the once beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Psalm 23:

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

The locusts entities released from the Abysso of Rev. 9 are given the power to torment for 5 months. Again, drawing from established structures of the Days of Noah judgment patterns, a five month duration would parallel the 150 days of rising waters (concurrent with the 40 days of rain) until the fullness of judgment had

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been carried out.

Jeremiah confirms both the nature and the duration of this judgment: it will conclude when God’s purpose is complete:

Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth writheth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.

Psalms 109:21, 22

21 But thou, O Lord, Lord, deal mercifully with me, for thy name’s sake: for thy mercy is good. 22 Deliver me, for I am poor and needy; and my heart is troubled within me. 23 I am removed as a shadow in its going down: I am tossed up and down like locusts. 24 My knees are weakened through fasting, and my flesh is changed by reason of the want of oil. 25 I became also a reproach to them: when they saw me they shook their heads. 26 Help me, O Lord my God; and save me according to thy mercy. 27 And let them know that this is thy hand; and that thou, Lord, hast wrought it. 28 Let them curse, but thou shalt bless: let them that rise up against me be ashamed, but let thy servant rejoice. 29 Let those that falsely accuse me be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their shame as with a mantle. 30 I will give thanks to the Lord abundantly with my mouth; and in the midst of many I will praise him. 31 For he stood on the right hand of the poor, to save me from them that persecute my soul.

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Bohemian Grove

Might not the “locusts” described by Joel and John be sub-atomic planetary or particulate magnetospheric energies responding to solar plasma discharges?

I believe that the trigger for the Black Awakening is primarily the collective planetary release of extremely powerful demons who will, with great dark power and energy, fall upon those ‘predisposed’ and enraged them.

These energies are literally the fuel that is both in them and upon them. That dark power will be unprecedented, unequaled and will hang in the air like at a direct blood ritual site.

I believe that the trigger for the Black Awakening is primarily the collective planetary release of extremely powerful demons who will, with great dark power and energy, fall upon those ‘predisposed’ and enraged them.

These energies are literally the fuel that is both in them and upon them. That dark power will be unprecedented, unequaled and will hang in the air like at a direct blood ritual site.

Russ Dizdar, Shatter the Darkness

Psalm 91:3-6 corroborates the concept of the sudden, auditory release of malevolent anthropomorphic creatures that walk and destroy within a darkened atmosphere:

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Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Within this context, verses 7 and 8 likewise demonstrate that many (implying those whom are sealed), will not only witness the massive carnage, but be in the midst of it:

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

ACTIVATION: “THERE’S A REASON CELL RHYMES WITH HELL” Strategic Electronic Weaponry: “The snare of the fowler”

Mobile phones deliver the apocalypse to millions of unsuspecting humans by wiping their brains of any humanity, leaving only aggressive and destructive impulses behind…

… What if cell phones didn’t cause cancer? What if they did something much worse? What if they turned the user into a zombie killing machine?

The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Everyone’s cell phone.

Cell, 2006 Stephen King

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The zombie-like people of Cell “flock” in the morning and are later found to be evolving, beginning to develop powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and shared-thinking.

“But what had the odds been on his finding Johnny in the first place? Of Johnny leaving the Kashwakamak FLOCK before the explosion, for that matter? One in a THOUSAND? In TEN THOUSAND?

Cell, 2006 Stephen King, p. 449

Strangely, Stephen King seems to echo with exquisite precision what Scripture had written 3,000 years ago:

A THOUSAND shall fall at thy side, and TEN THOUSAND at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Psalm 91:17




From: THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS, 2005 David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill

Suddenly, the ‘big picture’ has changed. For decades we believed that gravity alone rules the macrocosm. Then an avalanche of space age discoveries revealed one of the great surprises of the twentieth century–a universe driven by electric currents and punctuated by cosmic violence.

It’s easy to forget that, like bodies in space, ideas are connected. Every specialty in the theoretical sciences is susceptible to the “domino effect”. When a foundational principle collapses, watch out. Nothing will remain the same.

Only a few decades ago astronomers discovered that plasma, distinguished by the presence of freely moving charged particles, fills the space between planets, stars, and galaxies. Today, the study of electric discharge in plasma is transforming our understanding of cosmic evolution.

When gravitational theory came into prominence, the dynamics of plasma discharge was yet to be discovered. Now, we know there is not a corner of the universe that is free from electrical effects.

The best way to understand the behavior of plasma discharge is to study it in the laboratory. All of its forms are scalable. What we see in the laboratory is also seen in remote space.

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Plasma Phenomena in Ancient Times

The discovery of the “electric universe” does not just change our picture of the heavens today. It also changes what we see and hear in messages from the ancient world.

In simulations, plasma crystals sometimes assume the double-helix shape of DNA.

Image courtesy of U.S. Library of Medicine

The archetypes that once dominated human consciousness are, in fact, out of this world. So long as you believe that the ancient sky looked like our sky today, not a single mythic theme will make sense.

It is only reasonable to ask if universal memories—memories blatantly defying natural experience today—conceal a historic fact we have overlooked.

Origins of Mythology and Archaic Religions

One of the unique attributes of high-energy plasma discharge is that its formations appear alive. In such discharge formations, one phase evolves violently into another, many with structure that is eerily familiar to the student of the antique cultures. By direct comparison of discharge formations to anciently-drawn pictures of the sky, the question is answered: Who were the mythic gods?

Golden Age and Doomsday

Every ancient culture recalled a lost epoch of awe and wonder—the Golden Age, when peace and abundance reigned on earth and humanity lived in the presence of ‘the gods’.

Have you ever wondered how the deepest fears of humanity arose? Even now, the symbols of Doomsday anxiety clutter human consciousness, visiting us in nightmares, erupting as apocalyptic visions, or dancing by as the anachronisms of our holiday celebrations.

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If you really want to understand the ancient world, look to the two great motives shared by every culture: the yearning for a return to paradise (the Golden Age), and the fear that Doomsday will occur again. The fact that the two traditions are inseparably connected is a vital clue. Doomsday means the devastating conclusion of the Golden Age. The ideas are not random.

Could the evolution of the plasma environment have inspired the myth of a Golden Age giving way to cosmic catastrophe? The possibility is eminently testable through the tools of plasma science and cross-cultural comparison.

The discovery of the “electric universe” does not just change our picture of the heavens today. It also changes what we see and hear in messages from the ancient world.

Serpents, Dragons and Chaos Monsters

The transitional states of plasma discharge answer directly to the mythical metamorphosis or “shape-shifting” of archaic gods and monsters.

Plasma discharge formations are especially precise in explaining the most pervasive theme—the dragon. For thousands of years, humanity lived in the shadow of the dragon, fearing the return of the dragon-borne catastrophe recounted in their myths.

A ludicrous monster alien to all natural experience today, but given cosmic proportions, is indigenous to all cultures’ mythologies.

From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formations, a web of circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in space.


The universe is filled with massive clouds of dust. From past studies, scientists have learned that this cosmic dust can, in the presence of plasma, creates formations known as plasma crystals. An international team of researchers published a study in the Aug.14, 2007, issue of the New Journal of Physics* that indicates that these crystals may be more sophisticated than anyone realized. In simulations involving cosmic dust, the researchers witnessed the formation of plasma crystals displaying some of the elementary characteristics of life – DNA-like structure, autonomous behavior, reproduction and evolution.

Before we get into how it works, let’s talk about plasma. Plasma is the fourth state of matter. When gas is superheated, electrons are torn from atoms and become free floating. The gas then becomes ionized, carrying a positive charge. This superheated mix of ionized gas and free-floating electrons makes up plasma. Stars are mostly plasma, as is about 99 percent of the matter of the universe, though plasma is much less common on Earth, where we’re used to dealing with solids, liquids and gases. Besides being found in stars and in our sun, plasma is transported by solar winds and magnetic fields, often coming into contact with dust clouds like those the researchers studied.

In simulations, plasma crystals sometimes assume the double-helix shape of DNA.

When plasma comes into contact with a dust cloud, dust particles gather an electric charge by sucking

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up electrons from the surrounding plasma. This core of electrons in turn pulls in positively charged ions, forming plasma crystals. In the scientists’ simulations, which were performed on the International Space Station and in a zero-gravity environment at a German research facility, the plasma crystals sometimes developed into corkscrew shapes or even the double-helix shape of DNA. These helix-shaped crystals retain an electric charge and show what the researchers called a self-organizing ability.

Once in helix form, the crystals can reproduce by diving into two identical helixes, displaying “memory marks” on their structures.

The diameter of the helixes varies throughout the structure and the arrangement of these various sections is replicated in other crystals, passing on what could be called a form of genetic code.

They even seem to evolve. The formations become sturdier over time as weaker structures break down and disappear.

The researchers want to test whether dust clouds in a non-simulated environment, such as those in Saturn’s rings, form helixes and exhibit these behaviors. But the plasma crystals are fragile and difficult to test. They also require a consistent flow of plasma or else they “die.”

If they exist in the simulated form, the researchers believe that the crystal organisms could be found in the rings of Uranus and Saturn, which are made up of small grains of ice.

So they form DNA-like shapes, reproduce, pass on their structure or genetic code, “eat” plasma, evolve and die. …..

Mysterious electron acceleration explained

Computer simulation identifies source of aurora-causing high-speed electrons in space David L. Chandler, MIT News Office February 27, 2012

A mysterious phenomenon detected by space probes has finally been explained, thanks to a massive computer simulation that was able to precisely align with details of spacecraft observations. The finding could not only solve an astrophysical puzzle, but might also lead to a better ability to predict high-energy electron streams in space that could damage satellites.

Jan Egedal, an associate professor of physics at MIT and a researcher at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center, working with MIT graduate student Ari Le and with William Daughton of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), report on this solution to the space conundrum in a paper published Feb. 26 in the journal Nature Physics.

Egedal had initially proposed a theory to explain this large-scale acceleration of electrons in Earth’s magnetotail — a vast and intense magnetic field swept outward from Earth by the solar wind — but until the new data was obtained from the computer simulation, “it used to be people said this was a crazy idea,” Egedal says. Thanks to the new data, “I don’t get that anymore,” he says.

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The simulation shows that an active region in Earth’s magnetotail, where “reconnection” events take place in the magnetic field, is roughly 1,000 times larger than had been thought. This means a volume of space energized by these magnetic events is sufficient to explain the large numbers of high-speed electrons detected by a number of spacecraft missions, including the Cluster mission.

Solving the problem required a staggering amount of computer power from one of the world’s most advanced supercomputers, at the National Institute for Computational Science at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. The computer, called Kraken, has 112,000 processors working in parallel and consumes as much electricity as a small town.

The study used 25,000 of these processors for 11 days to follow the motions of 180 billion simulated particles in space over the course of a magnetic reconnection event, Egedal says. The processing time accumulated gradually, squeezed in during idle time between other tasks. The simulation was performed using a plasma-physics code developed at LANL that rigorously analyzes the evolution of magnetic reconnection.

Egedal explains that as the solar wind stretches Earth’s magnetic-field lines, the field stores energy like a rubber band being stretched. When the parallel field lines suddenly reconnect, they release that energy all at once — like releasing the rubber band. That release of energy is what propels electrons with great energy (tens of thousands of volts) back toward Earth, where they impact the upper atmosphere. This impact is thought, directly or indirectly, to generate the glowing upper-atmosphere plasma called the aurora, producing spectacular displays in the night sky.