the canary islands. general information 1956


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Why a vis i t to the Canary Is lands is Worthwhile .

A side t r ip to the Is land of L an za ro te

Passpor t s .


C ustom s ' . '. . .

B ringiná your ca r o rM o to rc y c le o r B icyc le .

Garages and Service Stat ions

T ra ve l A g en cie s . . .

H otels , Pe ns ion s and-R estaura nts ; faath and M edicinal

Waters 5

Po stage R ates 7

A irw ays an d Shipping L ines . . . . . . . 8 |

Interis land T ran spo rtat ion 9 s

B uses ' . . . . l l i

Taríffs for Baggage P o r te rs 12 i

Intq rpre ter-G uid es, Taxis , Tou ris t C ars . 12

Inte restin g to ur s of the Isla nd 13 |

D is ta nc es an d H eights . ' 1 8 |

C a le n d a r of E v en ts . . . . . .18 ^

Ty pical food an d W íne s 19 |

T rad ifiona l sp or ts . . • 20 |

. • . • ^ - 3

LoE alTndusí r ies and Fo lklo re . 20 |

T h ea íre á'a n d C in em as . . . ' 21 **

H osp itals an d Clinics 21

S c h o o ls . . ' . . 21

Banks. 21

Pub lic offices '. . , • 22

Consulates 22

Clubs 23

M isce l lane ou s Inform ation ' . • 23

B eac hes and Swimm ing Po ols 23

Climate . J ^ N ^ 25

DON C IÓN   J ^ ^ K I

Carlos Morón ^ ^ ^ ^ P «

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Th ere are seve n principal island s in the group : G rand Ca nary,

Teneriffe, Fu ertev entu ra, La nza rote, La Pa lm a, G om era and H ierro.

The two largest, Teneriffe (30 by 60 m iles) and G ran d Can ary (30 by 40

miles) hold three-quarters of the 800,000 population. The -group lies in

the Atlantic O ce an , les s than a hu nd red m iles of the African co as t

and about 700 miles south of Gibraltar.

This is a fortúnate situation . W arm ed by the Gulf Stre am in

winter and cooled by the Trade Winds in summer the Canarias enjoy

a year-round cUmate that wo uld delight a lazy w e ath er forecaster.

Som eíim es the re 's no rain for m onths   on  end, and, when rain does

com e it doe s no tla st long. Total ann ual rainfall for La s P alm as , cap ital

of Grand Canary, for instance, is only seven inches.. . about one-sixth

of the average in London or N ew York. D aytime tem pe ratu res stay

betw een 60 to 75 in w inter and 70 to 85 in su m m er. The air is gen era lly

crisp. The nights are one-blank et cool. §

Ifs nOt surprising that the C an arie s hav e bee n known since í

anc ient time a s «The F or tún ate Isles», the «Elysius», the «G arden of |

H esperide s» th e never-nev er-Iand of the class ics. It is the pu rp os e of |

this booklet to help you make your stay come as cióse as possible to 5

th es e utopian dr ea m s of fhe an cien ts. |

Grand Canary Island offers within its shores the contrasts of a i

continent. Twenty minutes from the time you are stroiling down Tria- g

na, the m odern shopping street of cosm opolitan Las P alm as you can   b

drive to the sub-tropical Ango stura Valley w he re the Canary farm er,  s

with the soul of an arch itect an d th e facility of an ac rob at, ha s on f

display the w indo w -box es of his cultivation. i

In forty m inutes you can stan d ato p the mountain of  ñrucas |

surveying a m am m oth textu red carp et of ba nan a tree s, its fringe the |

foam of fhe angry sea . In two h ou rs you can b e in a D an te sq u e Hel , I

surró und ed by the m onstrously unreal and con torted m onoliths of s

Tejada. You could easily imagine them a s a colony of onc e-anim ated   i

roc ks that hav e be en su dd en ly petrified at th e heig ht of their frenzy. I

Or head south from the city fo the towering dunes of Maspalo- --

mas,  a slice of the Sa ha ra with an oasis and swimm ing bea ch thrown í

in for good m ea su re . |

And who ev er he ard of a farm flourishing in the crá ter of a •

volcano. Robert Ripley, for one. He featured the intrepid farmer who e

lives at the botto m of 1000-fot d ee p B and am a crá ter. Believe it or

not. If you do n't, com e se e for yourself and sip tea at the Inn high on

the cr ate r's rim while you wa tch this farm er till an d irrígate the pul-

verized lava on the inside-out of his upside-down mountain.

G ran d C an ary is fuK of w on de rs such a s thes e, and n ot a ¡ a re

outs ide the cap ital. La s Palm as itself offers you econ om ical living

that ranges from the superb luxury of a toprung hostelry to the simple

rigours of a family pe ns ión . Its san dy C an te ra s bea ch is favored by a

natural reef which pro tects sw im m ers and sailboa t skip pe rs from a

pummeling by the  surf And at the A lcarav ane ras beach on the othe r

side of the isthmu s the bath er is protected by the m an-m ade break-

water of the po rt. Both of th es e be ac h es , as w.ell as the bea ch at

M aspa lom as, ar e pu ré sand a rarity on ' volcanic island s. Even in

midw inter it is not unu sual to se e ba the rs ut the se bea ch es , though

naturally not  every  day is a swimming day.

Fo r the follower of history th er e are sights ga lore. Co lum bus ,

on his sev era l trips to the new W oríd, (eft his m ark on La s P al m as .

The hermitage where he prayed for a safe crossing. The Palace of the

G ove rnors w here he dined and siept. The port w here he repa ired the

Pinta's broken rudder. All are here to stir your imagination.

P ho en ec ian s visited the island s, but left no rec ord . H om er, in

his Odyssey, mentions a discovery by Sesostris far beyond the PiUaru

of H ercu les. The Ro m ans learn ed of the islands from M au reta nia 's

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derived from «canis», latin word for dog. C anary b ird s, na tives of th e

islands, were later named after them. Carthaginians, Arabs, Portugese

and G en oe se sa ilors all explo red the islands, but is w as not until the

Sp anish carne in the Fifteenth Ce ntury that a co nq ues t of the G uan-

che nativ es was actually ac co m plis he d. Th en civih'zation daw ned in

the Canary Islands.

The Guanches, primitive as they were by European standards,

ne ve rth el es s had skills and a cu ltu re of their ow n. The artistry of

their mummifying rivaled the Egyptians. They sewed beautifully with

bone needles. They ieft inscriptions in the caves of Balo-Agüimesand

Sa n Lucia de Tirajana etc. They pio ne ere d an art of po ttery making

which is followed to th is day. Relie s of the ir life an d tinnes, tog eth er

with their caves and temples, are ail here for you to see.

Today 's Can ar ios com bine the industr iousness and directness

of the Gu an ch es with the dignity, ind ep en de nc es , chivalry and h ospi-

tality of the Spanish. They are people you will enjoy meeting.

And the perfect side,-írip,from Grand Canary.

M any natives of G ran d Ca nary sp en d their vac ations on Lan-

za rote . Why is this a good ex am ple to follow? Bec aus e La nza rote, as

th e m ost volcan ic islan ds in the Atlantic, is a neve'r-never land tha l

will give you ye ar 's wo rth of dinn er-table con versa tion back ho m e.

Here 's a sketchy sample:

O h th e «M ountains of Fire» of Timanfaya and Tin ech eide you

can actually coo k yo ur food in a hola in the grou nd Dig four inc he s

down an d reach 140 de gr ee s Fa hre nh eit. At two feet you r natu ral

oven is alm ost hot enoug h to m elt the shov eí — 460 de gr ee s

D rive to the crá ter of extinct vo lcan o «El Golfo» an d you'll

find a se re n e lake w he re on ce grea t stre am s of lava sp ew ed forth.

Bring yo ur fishing ge ar an d cas t of th e roc ks o r troll from a

ren ted boat. Fro m L anz arote 's sapp hire-clear w ate rs you' pulí so

man y bonita, sam a, m erlunga — m ayb e even tuna  that you'l hav e

to give so m e away to yo ur guid e. The isíand is spa rsely settled and

you have very little competition.

You can rent or buy underwater fishing gear in Las Palmas and

take it to Lanzarote for the best in this fascinating sport.

Best season is April through November.

See fruit trees and vinyards growing in soil completely covered

with volca nic as h es . This is th e Islan d's he ritag e from the 1730 eru p-

tion' which las ted for six con secu tive y ea rs .

Hov to  get fhere.—By air from Grand Canary every day. Flight

takes 68 minutes. Each plañe re tu rn st o G rand Canary almost imme-

diately. Fare: 250 pesetas.

By ships of Co m pañía Tra nsm editerrá nea on M onday or Thurs-

day. O n M onday , ship sa üs at 6 P. M. from Las P alm as and arrives

in Arrecife, L an zar ote , at 7,30 A. M . on Tu esd ay. O n Thu rsday, ship

sails at 8 P. M. from Las P alm as , and arr ives in Arrecife, La nzaro te,

at 4 P . M. Friday , after brief sto ps at Pue rto de Cafaras and G ran

Taraja on the Island of Fu erte ve ntu ra.

Fares :  prív ate cabin 215,85 pe se ta s; pre ferr ed first class 193,35

pe se ta s; ordin ary first clas s 166,70 pe se ta s; se co nd class 109,25

'pese tas .

¡Vhere to sfay  on  Lanzarote.—The National Parador, supervised

by the G ou ve rm m en t Tou rist Office, is a Firs t cla ss hotel situated

ne ar the main pier in Arrecife. Pr ice for room and all m eá is: 125

pe se tas per pe rso n per day . Also in Arrecife is Pe nsió n La Vasca, in

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Excarsions.— Arrecife-San Bartolom é-Tinajo-Mou ntains of Fire -

Hilario-Yaiza-Uga-La Geria-Mosaga-San Bartolomé-Arrecife. Round

trip 65 kilometers (40 miles).

Arrecife-Teguisa-Haría-EI Rfo-Jameo del Agua-Arrieta-Guatiza-

Tahiche-and back to A rrecife. R ou nd trip. 80 kilom eters (50 m iles).

Taxi fare is 3 p es eta s a kilom eter and 15 pe se tas an ho ur for

waiting, ov er and abo ve on e free hour pro vide d on any grand circuit


The m ost famous at traction h er e is incom parab le un derw ater

fishing. The water is so clear and the fish so plentiful that the rankest

am ateu r can enjoy suc cess . The be ac he s of Ajui and Ja n di a at tract

visitors, as does a leisurely tour inland. Because of its closeness to

the Saharan part of África, Fuerteventura is very Atrican in character.

Its m any subtle colorings and the unique cos tum es of the country

pe op le ar e part icularly appealing to the artist or ph oto grap her in

search of something different.

The Pensión Fuerteventura in Puerto Cabras offers comfortable

lodgings and central base for your explorations. It is easily reached

from G ran d Ca nary by daily air or twice-weekly steam ship serv ices .

/isr€n ñ

Foreigners visiting the Canary*lslands must have a valid paí>s-

po rt visaed by a Spa nish C ón sul. This visa is valid for ninety da ys ,

ex te nd ab le for further nine ty days . Visitors leaving the Island s within

this period do not need an exit permit.

Citizens of the U. S. A. do not need a visa.

¿xckxvn e

A visitor m ay bring up to 10 000 p es et as in Spa nish curre ncy

and unlimited amounts of other forreign currency. Only 2.000 pesetas

may be taken out on departure, plus the same amount or less of the

foreing currencies brought in. Only Travel Agencies, principal Hotels

and Banks are authorised to change foreing currency. Current rates

of exchange are:

French francs (100)

1 American Doüar

1 Canadian Dollar

1 Sterl ing Pound

Swiss francs (100)

1 Swedish Crown

Portugese escudos (100)

Belgian francs (100)

1 Danish Crown

1 Norwegian Crown

1 Germ án M ark

Liras (100).

10,85 pesetas

38 95







5 63


9 26

6 27

• Th ese ra te s are fixed m onthly by the Sp anish Institute of Fo reign

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There is no bágáage inspection for visitors entering or leaving

the Islands.

On ieaving, a visitor may take purchases up to a válue of 25.000

pesetas without applying for an export l icense.



a) Triptych or C arnet de P ass ag es en D ou an es issued by a

recogntsed Automobile Club and valid for Spaín; otherwise a Pass of

the Series B-26 or B-27.

b) international Registration Certifícate and Tags.

c) Interna tional D rive r's Lice nse.


For cars up to 1.000 kilograms weight and of the foílowing iengths.

To Las Palmas from:

3,50 m e te rs 4,00 4,50 5,00 5,50

Cádiz 504.00 fia 665.00ni». 7-49.00pt». 883.00pt« 1 0 4 1 . 0 0 ^ . §

Seviüe 560.00 „ 728.00 „ 812.00 „ 896.00 „  1 120 00  „

Mediterranean |

Por ís an d Norffi |

o fS pai n . . 588.00 „ 749.00 „ .83 3.0 0,,  1 001 00  „  1 251 00  „ |

Other Canary  |

Isíands 259.00 „ 336.00 „ 420.00 „ 504.00 „ 630.00 „ i

Fo r ca rs weighing m ore than 1.000 kilogram s, 20 % of the ap pr o  i

píate ch arg e sh ould be ad de d for each additional 500 kilograms or |

par t  thereof Add 50 to 150 ptas. each for loading and unloading §

cha rges, dep end ing on ship and port. 5

To La s Pa lm as from:

Cádiz  . . . .

Sevilíe  . . . .

Mediterranean Porfs

and Nort of Spain

íníer-/s/and . .

M Sán «tA sMi»

490.00 ptas.

553.00 „

581.00 „

245.00 „

l ñte

357.00 ptas

392.00 '„

. 413.00 „

175.00 „


As roa ds in the C ana ries are very m ontainou s, bicycles ar e

recommended only for the hardy.

m m i  m  m w i i m m

Gasoline 2,95 pesetas per liter for 68 octane

3,95 » » » » 80 »

Garage hire per day . 6 pesetas


Garage París

Garage  Kuhner •

Garage Cebrián

Garage I/eguefa.

Garage Nacional


Perojo , 43 5237

P er do m o, 8 6349

Cebrián, 66

Ven tura R am írez, 12 6771

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Garage To rres .

Garage Moraies.

Garage He rederos   de Rodríguez

Garage   Svárez  Quintana .

Garage Guerra .

Garage   Central Exprés

Bravo MuriUo, 17

General Franco, 40

Genera l Franco , í l

Pérez del Toro,  31

Nuez de la Peña, 4

Le ón y Ca stillo, 295


Garage Lavado Mecánico .

Garage Galván Soíís .

Garage Calderón

Garage Guanarfeme .

Garage Mart ínez de Escobar



Manuel M orales (G arag e) .

Antonio  ñrbons  (París Garage)

Garage C entral  Exprés

Nicolás Ualido (G arage ) .

Bosch M iliares . . . .

Sargento Llagas, 2é

29 de Abril, 52

Alfredo Calderón, 4

Rafael Almeida, 12

Martínez de Escobar 37-59

León y Casti l lo

G enera l Fran co, 40

Perojo, 43

León y Castillo, 295

Sargento Llagas, 26














Fernando Guanar teme ( in the Por t )



Agencia I ter P . del Cm dte. Fra nco , 5

C an aria s E xp ré s Le ón y Ca stillo, 287-289

Co m pañías H am bur gue sas . . Albareda, 47

Viajes B ak um ar León y Ca stillo, 438

Viajes Blandy M uelle de Santa Catalina

Viajes C yrasa . . . . . . . . B ravo M urillo, 8

Viajes I. C. A.


 S. A A lbared a, 10

Viajes M ar san s , Leó n y Casti l lo, 14


1627 i

7200 í

1545 I

1861 1

2455 =

8267 I

1816 i

5938 °

Ñ A M E  A N D T O W N


H ote l San ta Ca talina, .

Hotel G ran Pa rq ue . .

Hotel M etr op ole . . .

Ho tel M ono pol . . .

H ote l A tlántico . . .

H otel C aira sco . . .

H otel Los An geles . .

H otel M adrid . . . .

H otel O c é a n o . . . .

Hotel Playa

H otel C entra . . . .

Pens ión 'Ciudad Jardín .

P ensión P ar ís . . . .

Pens ión Alcaravaneras

Pen sión Pa cíf ico . . .

Pe nsió n Bellamar . .

P en sió n Ca stillo . . .

Pen sión Co ntinental .

Pe ns ión Ibe ria. . . .

Pe nsió n Regina . . .

Pens ión Co lme nares .

Pen sión J . G onz ález .

P en sió n Espafla . . .

Pe nsió n P a r í s . . .<




I s t Á

Is tA













































P a r q u e  D o r a m a s

P a r q u e  S a n T e l m o

( u n d e r  r e c o n s t r u c U o n )

R e m e d i o s ,  1

Dr.  p a r c i a C a s t r i l l o 18-20.

A l a m e d a  de Co lon

Pi  y Morgal l , 42

P l a z a  C a i r a s c o

C a n t e r a s  B e a c h

C a n t e r a s  B e a c h

P a r q u e  S a n t a C a t a l i n a

L e ó n  y C as t i l lo , 257

J a i m e  B a l m e s , 4

Alf redo  C a l d e r ó n , 4

S a r á e n t o  Lla gas , 10

P a s e o  M a r í t i m o L a s C a n t e r a s , 4 0

Alf redo  L .  J o n e s ,  29

B u e n o s  Aires 49

Ripoc í i e  10

Ripoc í ie  9 '

C o l m e n a r e s ,  5

G e n e r a l  B r a v o ,  24

D o m i n g o  J. Navarrcf, 32

J a i m e  B a l m e s , 4






















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{5 m i les SW of L as Pa lm as)

H otel Le ntiscal . . .

Ho tel Los Fra iles . .


(6 m i les SW of L as Pa lm as )

H otel Sa nta Brígida. .,

Pe nsió n M onte . . .


{22 m i le s SW of L as Pa lm as )

Pa rad or N ational. . .


(35 miles W   of Las Palmas

Ho tel G uaya rmin a . .


(20 m i les W of La s Pa lm as )

P en sió n El Pilar . . .


(13 m i les W of La s Pa lm as ) .

F on da El P in o . . . .

Fon da Ro yal . . . .

i S l N D   O F  L N Z R O I E

N ational P ara do r. . .

Pe nsió n Vasca. . . .

l U N D   O F  F U E R T E Y E N T U R

Pensión Fuer teventura



I s tA


I s tB





I s t B












Carre te ra de Taf i ra , 60

Tafíra Alta

M o n t e C o e l l o

Monte Coe lJo





Cruz de Te jeda

Los Be r r aza l e s

A v e n i d a G e n e r a l M o i a

G e n e r a l í s i m o F r a n c o , 1 6

P a s e o G o n z á l e z D í a z



P u e r t o C a b r a s





T e l


L ido M e tr op ole . . . . L eó n y C astillo , 342 7578

Co sta Bella C an ter as , (Beach) 3 2998

Las Cu eva s C an tera s, (Beach) 17 2433

C asa d e G alicia . . . . C a n te ra s, (B each) 11 2892

El G ua nc he P ar qu e de Santa Catalina 1952

La Peñ a » » » 1934

Ca sino M altese s, 2 6907

Frontón P ed ro d e V er aS y León y Casti llo 5 8150

Los C ata lan es M olinos de Viento, 26 7369

Fab elo • . . B ravo M urillo, 6 6054

Club N áutico M uelle San ta Catalina 1653

Ju an P ére z Pru den cio M orales, 25 1929


Bentayga M on te Co ello 245

M onte. » » .53


P a r a d o r N a c i o n a l d e T u r i sm o C r u z d e T e j e d a S . M a t e o 4


Gu ayarm ina Los Berrazales 09


O WDO   A irport. of G an do 09

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R est. M unicipal . . . .


El Pilar


Bar-Mirador de Bandama


Parador Nacional de Turismo

Santa Erigida


Top of Banda



In al l hotels and pensions and restauranfs, except the National

Paradors, there is a service charge of 15% added to the bil í to replace

the t ipping system. Full pensión includes breakfast , lunch, dinner and

be d room.

All hotels, pensions and restaurants wil l serve some of Grand

Canary 's remarkable mineral and medicinal waters on request .

FIRG AS w ater is i ron-bearing and acidulous. SAN R O Q U E is

rich in ca rb on ate s of sulfur, often pr esc ríb ed fot digestive distu rb an ce s.

At th e BATHS of BER RA ZALES , ne ar A gaete, the wa ter is i ron- „

bearing, acidulous and thermal, as well as a diurectic. It is often 8

p re sc ríb ed for slcin infeotions, scrofula, arth ritis, rh eu m ati sm , fem inine f

hy gien e and sluggish liver or digestión. You can visit th es e, and oth er |

ex cellen tnatu ral sprin gs, on so m e of the tou rs des cribe d in this folder. |

^\ i

To U. K. Fr en ch N or th África a nd all Eu ro pe ex cep t Sp ain, |

Portug al and G ibra ltar. |

Letters up to 20 gr am s 3,00 P ta s. I

eac h ad de d 20 gr am s or fraction. . . . 2,00 » I

P ostc ar ds single 2,00 > i

» do ub le 4,00 »   i

Pr inte d m atte r up to 50 gr am s. . . . ' . 0,70 » I

> » each ad d e 50 gr am s. . . 0,70 » g

Pa rce l po st up to 200 gra m s 6,00 » a

» » eac h ad de d 50 g ra m s. . . 1,50  • > 

R egis tration Certificate 5,00 • 3

R egu lar M ail to U . S. A. (up to 20 gram s). . 3,00 » 5

» to Sp ain (up to 20 gra m s). . . 0,80 » g

To Un ited K ingdo m , Fr enc h N orth África and all E ur op e

except Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar.

Le tters up to 5 gr am s 3,00 Pt as

20 gr am s 5,00 »

each ad d e 20 gra m s 4,00 »

Po stcar ds up to 5 gra m s 2,00 »

each ad de 5 gr am s 4,00 •

A erog ram a or A irletters 4,00 »

R egistration Certificate 5  O  »

Air Mail to U. S. A.

Letters up to 5 gram s. .


  4,80 »

each ad de d 5 gram s 4,00 »

Air Mail to Sp ain (up to 20 gram s) . . . 1,40 »

» : i t « ^ (each a dd itio na l 20 « t g ^ ^ j i r J J O »



quila fíirways Ltd.—One  Gr eat C um berland Place, London W . I. '

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conn ections to Las Pa lm as, arriving Las P alm as every Saturday

and returning the following day.

Fa re Southam pton-Las Palmas; t57.10.0; M adeira-Las Palm as


Su m m er excu rsión fare: S ham ton-Las Pa lm as L. 69.10.0 retu rn.

iberia (Spanisíi ñírlines).— Rambla de C ataluña 10, B arcelo na.

Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo 4, Madrid-

4-engine DC-4 plan es to C aña rles.

M adrid-Canaries 4 services per week.

M adrid-Tetuán-Las Pa lm as 1 flight pe r w eek .

Las Palm as-V illa Bens-S idi ¡fni-Madrid . . 1

Tariff (one way)

Las Palmas-Barcelona

Las Palmas-Madrid

Las Palmas- Tetuén

Las Palmas-Villa Bens

La^ Pa lm as-S idi ifni

2.320 pesetas

. 1.770

. 1.700



/aviación y  Comercio S. ñ.— Alcalá, 42 (Edificio Bellas A rtes). M ad rid .

M allorca, 277. B arcelo na.- Sa n F er n an d o , 35. Sev ille. 4-engin6o

Bloch-161 pla ne s). i

Barcelon a-M adrid-Ca sablanca-C anaries . . 2 f lights per w ee k j

Tariff:  i

M adrid -Ca sablan ca. . . 1.450 pe set as 

Ca sablan ca-L as P alm as . . 1.525 „ i

Barcelon e-M adrid-Seville-Las Palmas-Teneriffe and retu rn. g

W eekly service, arrives Satu rday s leav es M on day s. |

. Las Pa lm as-B arce lon a . . . 2.320 P es et as |

L as Pa lm as -M ad rid . . . -1.770 „ 1

L as Pa lm as-S ev üle. 1.710

Compañía Transmediterránea.— Via Layetana, 21 . Barcelon a. 3

Barcelona-Cádiz-Canarias (weekly). Motor-vessels of 9.500 tonsa

«Ciudad de  Cádiz'- and «Ernesto A nastasio». I

A R R I V A L T i m e ^ A I L I W a T I M E

B arc elo na . . . . noon Saturday

Cádiz 7 a. m. M on day . , 3 p. m. M ond ay

La s P alm as (or Teneriffe). 4 p. m . W .ednesday m idnight Th ursd ay

Teneriffe (or La s Palm as). 7 a. m . Frid ay . . m idnight F riday

C ád iz. . . . . 9 a. m. Mon day . . 11 a. m. M ond ay

Barcelona . . . . 9 a . m. W edn esday

Tarifí Single CobÍR l i t cl g» l5t cle«

2nd cfai f

Ba rcelona-Las P al m as . 2.336,40 pta s.

Cádiz-Las Pa lm as. .  1.443 20  „

1.938 75  p tas .   1.593 65  ptas:

1.183 60  „ 932,30 „

Seville-Canaries.(weekly) Motor-vessels of 3.O0O  ton s «Ciudaa

de Alicante» and «Ciudad de Valencia».




Las Palmas

Teneriffe .

La Pa lm a .

Teneriffe .

Las Palmas



Thuersday . . .

6 a . m. F ri d ay . .

6 a. m. Saturday .

6 p. m: Saturday .

Wednesday. . .

» A I L I N T I M e


midnight Wednesday

10 p. m. Thursday

midnight Friday

2 p . m. Saturd ay

midnight Saturday

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J^ l .


l i t - d o u  CaUn

Znd clflff té-<íatt

Seviíle to Las P alm as

Teneriffe or La Paima  1.223 80  pt as . 952,90 pta s. 548,10 p ta s.

B arc elo na -C an arie s (fortnightly serv ice) M oto r-ve sse ls of 2,500tons «Ciudad de Salamanca» and «Ciudad de Alcira».








Ceuta .

Las Pa lmas

. Wednesday

. Thursday

. Friday

. Sunday

. Monday

. Tuesday

. Wednesday

. Thursday

. Monday

Teneriífe .

La Pa lm a .

Teneriffe .

Las Pa lmas




Barcelona .


Singla ist-cíaij cgfain  2n¿'s\ass

. Tuesday

. Wednesday

. Thursday

. Friday

. Tuesday

. Thursday

. Friday

. Saturday


Ba rcelo na-L as P alm as 2.067,50 pt as . 1627,65 pt as . l.C06,45 pt as .


fíIR:  IBERÍfí.—Calle   de Muro, Las Palmas.

Tw o-motored D C-4 S from G an d o , Airport, to Teneriffe an d

return thre e t im es a day. Also from G an do Airport to La nza rote

every day except Sunday.

F a r e :  to Teneriffe 150 P ta s .

» to L an za rote 250 »

f lUmCO.—León   y Castillo 438, Las P al m as .

Fo ur-m otore d Bloch 161 S from G an do A irport to Teneriffe a nd

return. Twice a week.

F a r e :  . . . . 1 5 0 P t as .

SEA-  rmNSMEDITEmflNEfí.—Muelle   de San ta Ca talina.

• Las P alm as to Santa C ruz de Teneriffe every d ay.

Las Pa lm as to Santa Cruz de Teneriffe to G om era to H ierro

every week.

Las Palmas to Teneriffe to La Palma three times a week.

Las Palmas to Fuerteventura to Lanzarote twice a week.


Flota Argentina de Navegación dé Ultramar.-

  Avenida Corrien

tes 389, B ue no s A ires.

South America-Las Palmas-Mediterranean Por ts and Northern

Europe. m. s. «Corrientes» «Salta» «Córdoba».

Flota Mercante del Estado.—Buenos Aires.

Argent ine-Las Palm as-M ediferranean-Po rts-No rthern Europe

and return. M. s. «Rio Belén» «Rio Belgrano» «Rio Bermejo» «Rio Chi

co «Rio C uarto».


Cié. Maritime Beíge S.  /?.—61 R em pa rt S te. Cafherine, An twerp.

Antwerp-Las Palmas-Belgian Congo and return direct to Ham-

burg -Antw erp. M. s^ «Lum bujnbashi» «Alex Van Opstal»Lumbumbashi»

«President Catt ier» «Gouverneur Galopin».




Blue Star Line Ltd.—3 Lower Regent Street, London S. W. 1.

South American Por ts-Las Palmas-Madeira-Lisbon-London. M.

s. «Uruguay Star» «Argentina Star» «Paraguay Star» etc.

Blue Funneí  Line.—India Building, Liverpool 2.

Eng land-Cap etow n-Au stralia via La s Pa lm as. M . s. «Jason »

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Eider Dempster Lines Lid.—India Bu ildings, W ater St. Liv erpo ol 2

Liverpool-Las Palmas-Freetown-Takoradi-Lagos etc. and return.

M. s. «Aureol» «Apapa» «Accra».

Booth Line.—Cunard Building, Liverpool 3.

Braz i l -Las Palm as-M adeira-L isbon-L iverpo ol . M . s . «Hi lde-

brand» «Hilary».

Eüerman and Bucítnail Ltd.—107 Leadenhall Street, London E.C.3

London-Las Palmas-South África. M. s, «City of York» «City of

P .  Elisabeth» «City of Exeter» «City of Durban» City of Paris».

Roya Mail Lines.—L eadenhall S treet, Lo nd on E. C 3.

Southampton-Cherbourg-Vigo-Lisbon-Las Pa lmas -Argent ine

and return. M. s. «Andes» «Alcántara» «Highland Brigade» «Highland

Princess» «Highland Chieftain».

Shaw Savil and fílbion  Co.—88 Lea den hall Street, Lond on E .C. 3.

London-Las Palmas-South Africa-Austraiia and return. M. s.

«Dominion Monarch» «Corinthic» «Gothic» «Athenic» «Ceramic».

Union Castie M ail Steamship Co Ltd —3 Fench urch Street , Lon

don E. C.

Express service Southampton-Las Palmas-South and Eas t -

African Po rts . Also Round-Afrjca cruis es retu rnin g throug h M edite-

rranean. M. s. «Pretoria Castie» «Edinburgh Castie» «Capetown Castie»

«Athlone Castie» «Stírling Castie» «Carnarvon Castie» «Winchester

Castie» «Arundel Castie» «Bloemfontein Castie» etc.

yeoward Line —33 Victoria Street, Liverpool  1

Liverpool-Lisbon-Madeira-Canaries and return. M. s. «Alca»

«Verna Clausen».

South ñmerican Saint Line Ltd

—Saint Line House,



Regula r Se rv ice -England-Cont inen t -Las Pa lmas and South

A m eric an P o rt s. M . s. «St. Jo h n » «St. Thom as» St. Essylt» «St. ÍMerriel»

Lamport and Hoif Line Ltd.—Royal Liver Building, Liverpool 3.

England-Continent-Las Palmas and South American Ports and

re tu rn . M . s. «Romney» «Raphael» «Raeburn» «Delius» «Delane»

«Debrett» «Devis» «Dryden».


Det Florenade  Damídsb-Seísfcab.—Copenhagen.

Co penh agen-L as Palmas-Ten erife-M adeira-Copehhag en. M. s.

«Bangsbo» «Bygholm» «Birkholm».


C/iargeurs J?eunís.—Boulevard Malesherbes 3.

Argentine-Brazi l-Las Palmas-Lisbon-Le Havre-Antwerp-Ham-

burg. M. s. «Lavoisier» «Laen ec» «Claude Bernard» «Louis Lum iére»

«Charles Tellier».

Cié.  Fafare et Fraissinet.—15 Revue Beauva, Marseilles.

Takoradi-Dakar-Las Palmas-Casablanca-Tangiers -Merse i l les .

M. s. «Canadá» «Banfora».

Cié Paquet —Boulevard des Dames, Marsei l les .

Ma rs e i l l e s -Ca s a b la nc a -L a s P a lma s -Da ka r -L a s P a lma s Ca s a -

blanca-Tangiers-Marseilles. M. s. «Lyautey» «Djenne» «Koutoubia».


Deufsclie   Ñírika  Line.—Hamburg-Altona, Palmaille 53-55.

¡Uoermann  Line.—Hamburg-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Lisbon-Las P6l-

mas -Monrovia -Takorad i -Apapa-Nata l -Cape town. M. s . «Kamerun»

«Nigeria» «Transvaal» «Atlantik» «Pazifik» «Tanga».

Deuíscíie Ost


  Line.—Hamburg-Altona, Palmaille 53-55.

Hamburg-Bremen-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Las Palmas-Walvis Bay-

Cap etow n-Port Elisabeth-Durban-L ourenco M arq ue s. M. s . «Natal»

«Windhuk» «Tanganjica».

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Soath ñírikan Line.—P. O.  B. 2334, Capetown.

Hamburá-Bremen-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Las Palmas-Walvis Bay

Capetown-Port EHsabeth-Durban-Lourenco Marques. M.s. «Kaapland»

«Anunciada» «La Hacienda».

Hamburg   Suedamerifcanische Dam pfschifffahrtsgeselischaft.—

Ho lzbruecke 8, Ham burg 11.

H am burg -Bre m en-A m sterdam -A ntw erp - Las Pa lm as - Brazil-

Uruguay-Argentine. M. s. «Santa Úrsula» «Santa Elena» «Santa Isabel»

«Santa C atha rina » «Santa Inés» .«Sania T eresa» «Santa Rita» «Santa

Rosa» «Belgrano» «Babitonga» «Burg Sparrenberg» «Belmonte» Blu-

menau» Bonanza» «G ustav Pistor» «Cap Blanco» «Cap Frió» «Gap

No rte» C a p Vilano».

Hanseatischer Ñírika-Dienst.— Neuer   Jun gfern stieg 7-8, H am -

burg 36.

Hamburg-Bremen-Antwerp-Bordeaux-Las Palmas-Dakar-Mon-

rovia-Lagos-Do uala-Libtevitle-Point No ire-Luanda-L obito. M. s. Hilde-

gard Z. Nimtz «Hans Erich J. Nimtz» «Marianne J. Nimtz».

Norddeuíscfier Líoyd.—Gustav Detjen-Allee 2-6, Bremen.

Hamburg-Canaries. M. s. «Liebenstein» «Lichtenstein».

Oldenburg Portu^iesische Dampfschifís-Rederei.—Alstertor 23,


Hamburg-Antwerp-Rot terdam-Casablanca-Canaries . M. s . «Ta-i

zacorte» «Tánger» «Las Palmas» «Tenerife» «Melilla» «Rabat» «Lisboa»¿

«Bilbao» «O ldenbu rg» «D uisburg». |


(Services between Italy and South and Central American ports, i

via Ca nary Islands) ¡


  Lauro.— Via D ep rite s 102, N ap ias . g

«Joaq uín» «Angelina Lauro» «G ercole» . =

Oiacomo  Costa.—V ia G abriel D A nnu nzio 2, G en oa . |

«A ndrea C» «Anna C» «G iovanna C». I

/ta/naví.—Via D . Eia sella 1, G eno a. |

«Sises» «Sesíriere» |

Síímar.—Via Vensa 1, G en oa. °

«Castel Verde» «C astel Felice» «C astel Blanco». I


Fred Olsen   Une.—Oslo {Fred Dessen and Co., Bevis Marks i

H ouse , E. C. 3.) |

(Weekly fruit service ). Lo nd on -C ana ries-L on do n. «Bruno» «B e- e

tancuria» «Bajamar» «Bañaderos» etc.


Johnson   Line.—Stureplan 3, Stockholm.

South Am erica-Las P a lm as -A n tw er p - Ham burg-Gothenburg .

«Nordstjernan» «Argentina» «Chile».

Gorthon Line.— Jnervaegsgatan 1, H elsin gb org .

G othen bu rg - Ca np ries - G othe nb urg . «Ingrid Gorthon» «Inga

Gorthon» «Jho. Gorthon» «Nils Gorthon» «Ada Gorthon».

Jíoderia/ííiebo/aget Transaí/anfic—Gothenburg.

W est and South Afrika-Dakar-Las Palm as-G othe nb urg . «Gull-

maren» «Hjelmaren» «Klipparen» «Sunnaren».

Stocfthoims   Redeña   /?/B.—(Fruit Line) SVEA.

Liverpool-Canaries-Liverpool. «Mimer» «Magne» «Munin». Du-

blin-Canaries-Dublin. «Wiril» «Wiros» «Werna».

mall bu ses called «guaguas» (waw as) run a regu lar service

between the port and the town every minute. The full fare Ptas. 0,70, a

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Daily buses go to all towns on the Island, operated by «Aicasa».

M ain Office an d Boo king Office, Bravo M urillo  S t . ,n . °3 .  Telephone


The following exc urs ion s can be arra ng ed using this service:

The N orth ern Road. «Las Palm as-Tam araceite-Arucas-B añade-

ros-Guía-Galdar-Agaete-Berrazales». Lunch at the Hotel Guayarmina.

D ep ar tu re s: 8 a. m. and 12,15 p . m. Re turn from B err aza les 12

a. m. and 5 p. m. F ar e per perso n Las Palm as-B erraz ales P tas . 24,50,

«Las Palm as-T am araceite-T eror-V allesecoj. D ep artu re at 8,30

a. m. R eturn from V alleseco to Teror 12,30 p. m . Lunch at the sm all

hotels 'El Pino» or «Royal». Fronn Teror to Las Palmas bus every two

hours .  Fare Las Paimas-Valleseco 12,75 pesetas.

The C en tral R oad . «Las Palm as-Tafira-Monte-San ta Brigida-San

Mateo-Lagunetas-Cruz de Tejeda». Lunch at the National Guest Hou-

se.  D ep art ur e 8 a. m. return 4,'30 p. m. Fa re Las Palm as-Cru z d e

Tejeda 15 pesetas.

To Santa Brígida there are buses every half hour.

Lunch at the «Hotel S anta Brígida» or R es tau ra nts «Bentayga»

and «Monte».

There is also passanger service in «piratas» (Toiirist cars wíth°

individual fares). ^  |

Point of departure for the Northern Road, Bravo Murillo St. 17.1

» » » » Cen tral Ro ad, Fu en tes St. by the 5

Guíniguada Barranco (River).  |

Poin t of de pa rtu re for the So uthe rn R oad , behind the Cath ed ral. a


Distínctive grey uniform and a number.  I

R ates per package up to 15 kilos . . . 4 pe se tas |

» " » » 30 . . . . 6 » 1

» 60 » . . . 8 » i


All m en wea r on the lapel of theír jackets a distíncive ci rc u la r

badg e saying «Dirección G en era l del Turismo» and a nu m ber . |

Rates for Cuides. 2-

60 pe seta s a day |

30-  » a half day |

20 » for a sh or ter perio d g

Tariffs  íor Güide-Interpreters

90 pesetas a day

50 » a half day

30  '  any pe riod less than half day


Tariffs for taxis within th e city of Las Pa lm as a re 2,40 p es e ta s

plus 30 cén tim os for each 100 m ete rs. Th us, after on e kilom eter, the

m eter whuld show 5,40 p es et as . It ís custo m ary to típ the drív er of a

m ete red taxi ab ou t 15"/„ if you a re satísfied with the servic e.

Tariffs for íourist c ar s ou tsid e th e city ar e 3,50 p es et as pe r

kilo m eter íf the car se at s six, 3 pes et as for four. If you take lunch on

the trip, you ar e ex pe cte d to pro víde for the driver' or give him 30

p es et as to buy hís ow n. If trip e x ce ed s 80 kilom eters, you pay no

extra for up to 2 hours stopping time, 15 pesetas for each hour above


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^ 13


To make the most of your time in Grand Canary.

T O U R N » 1

Exploring Las  Palmas.—Population 160.0C0

In th e Po rt is CASTILLO DE LA LU Z, 16 th.^C entury castle

built by th e Sp an iard s and defen ded successfúliy agalnst th e English

fleet under Drake and later attacks of. the Dutch under Vander Doez.

Can te ras  Beach — A sp ac iou s bea ch protec ted from north

w inds by th e M ountain on the Isleta, from sou th and ea st w inds by

the city, an d from heavy se a s on the w est by a natural  reef which

acts as a bre ak w ate r. A mile-long walk along this be ac h, on an inlaid

tile pro m en ad e, gives you a p an ora m ic view of the highet P ea ks of

the Island.

Canary UiUage—   An architectural group designed in the Canary

tradition by the n ote d local pain ter N ést or. F olklo re festivals a re c ele-brated here from time to time. Entry free.

Canary Museum — The w orld's m ost com plete collection of |

relies of the C ana ry aborigines, m um m ies, sculls, pottery and o ther -

eq uip m en t of the original inh ab itan ts. ¡

O pe n from 9 to 1 and 3 to 6. Entry: on e pe se ta. i

Santo  Domingo  Square.—A picturesque square in the oíd Ve- |

guata qu arte r w he re the last King of the G ua nc he s su rre nd ere d to jthe Spaniards ,

Hermifage of Sart  fíntonio fíbad —Little church built on the  b

foundations of the first church in the Island where Columbus worship- s

pe d during his stay in Las P alm as in rou te to disco rver th e N ew f

W ord in 1492. His ship «Pinta» was rep aire d i n t h e po rt her e, aft erlo s- i

i  a rud de r. i

Columbus H ouse.— Pa lace of th e first G over no rs of the Island |

an d ivhere th e Dis co ve rer lived during his sh ort stays on th re e of his l

ílv o y ag es of Disco very to the W est Ind ies. It is now a m useu m conta- s

J'ning a very interesting collection of oíd handicraft, sculpture, painting

and m em en tos of C olum bus. I

O p e n from 9 to 1 and 3 to 7 |-

Caíhedral.—Building begun in .1497, in go thic style. |

The treasury of the Cathedral contains, among other works of J

art, a magn ificent pyx attrib ute d to the Itálian Sculptor B envenu to g

Cellini, a silver Votiv lamp of the XVIII century, several sculptures by

the local artist Lujan Pérez, a portrait atributad to Goya, several cha-

lices of gre at valu é, the pe nn an t which was flown in 1483 o n t h e day

of the Island's capitulation. Entry free.

Pérez  Caldos Theatre — M agnificent foyer de dicated to S aint

Sa en s, autho r of «Sansón and Delilah», de co rate d by local p ain ter

Néstor. Wood carving and railing of exotic woods. Entry free.

Public Marlíef.—Sale of a vast variety of tropical and températe

fruits,  v eg etab les, f lowers, spices, h erb s, canary birds and imp orts

from the world over.

Triana.—T he m ain s tre et with specialty sh op s offering m any

local and im po rted Ítem s at favourable pric es.

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T O U R N o 2



25 m iles. This tour tak es 4 hou rs.

Five miles up the Central Road of the Island is the residential

quarter of «MONTE LENTISCAL». Once this was a desoíate lava bed

Convered by cacti and dragón trees. Now on its terreced slopes grow

flourishing vinyards whose grapas produce the best red Canaiy wine

and the famous Shakespearian Malvasias . Luxurious vi l las and color-

ful gardens show the Canarios instictive love of hardening and flowerculture. ,

CRÁTER O F B AN DA M A.— Just beshind M onte Lentiscal l ies  ,

th e C alde ra de Bandam,a, a vast bas in ove r a m iüe ac ro ss a nd 1000 ft. i

d e e p ,  one of the most perfect craters in the world. At the botton of j

this cráter a farmer calmly lives on what was once a boilrng cauldron. :

O n the pe ak of the Volcano, a To urist Pa ra d or offers res t and i

refreskments to the wanderer and a panorannic viewof the south part


of th e Island . •

Fó ur m iles ab ov e M onte Lentiscal l ies SANTA E RIGIDA , a 

picturesque vil lage on the brink of the deep Guiniguada barranco, the •

river-less ravine which divides the city of Las Palmas in  half Santa i

Brigida s narro w , w inding stre ets give the artist and ph oto gra ph er j

so m e deüghtfui nook s and vistas. i

AN GO STU RA V A L LE Y .-T he m ost fert ile soil in the Island  \

where in the space of only 3 or 4 miles a great variety of plant life can 1

be seen: oranges , lemon s , ban ana s , pota íoes , palm t rees , tom atoes ,



  e Jcalyptus, pine tre es , bougainvilla, gera nium s, cactus and 1

hundreds of others crowd this verdant vaüey. Pumphouses and pipe   \

l ines and small reservoirs, chartrause with algae, show the perceiving i

ey e how th e Ang ostura s farmers sup plem ent the is land s 7 inches of ¡

annual rainfall. At the lower end of the valley you can see oíd Guanche   ¡

dwellings which are still inhabited. And as the car is about to descend   í

the switchbacks below Taíira you get a sweeping view of Las Palmas, i

the po rt and the curiou s pen ínsula called Las Isletas. «

T O U R N o 3


MAS.  32 miles This tour ta ké s 4 h ou rs.

ARUCAS.—Capital of the banana zone, is the second largest

town in the Island. The biack basaltic stone cathedral is worth a stop,

but m ore im po rtan t is a visit ta a ba na na plantation. Your guide or

driver will recó m end on e no te particularly, the unique system of

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distribüting w ater. From the to p of th e Aru cas M ountain, a mille away,

you can se e m iles a nd m iles of ba na na plan tation s reach ing all the

way to the sea. Sugar cañe and cochineai-bugs for dye are also raised


TER OR .— Isa typical rur al village of th e Islánd . Its oíd house s

give it a prim itive but gay aspe ct. A view from e n e of the m ountain

roads above is delightful. Many visitors enjoy seeing the Sanctuary of

ou r Lady of the P ine , na m ed after the sac red im age found e

branches of a pine in 1481.

A trea su ry co nta ins richa nd v aulable objects broug ht by pilgrims.

Th ere is also a coliection of fiturgical ro b es an d em br oid ere d

capes .

Visit to the trea su ry : 5 p es eta s.

TAMARACEITE.—Here you cau visit oíd windmills used for

pumping irrigation water. A good view of Las Palmas and the harbour

can be seen on the descent.

Í Q S   P a l m o s

T O U R N o 4 I


PALM AS. 27 m iles. This tour take s 5 h o u rs . |

JINAM AR.— Is a vil lage built am id des oíate surro un ding s of


íava and black c/nders. Here you can see some huge clumps of


Euphorbia Canariensis , the famous candelabra cactus; and the

«tabayba» cactu s w ho se sticky, milky sap was used to em balm

mummies of the primitive inhabitants of the Island.


of the Four Doors)- This sacred mountain of the aborigénes was partly

occup ied by the em ba ím ers of the dea d, partly occup ied by the

«Faycans» or priests who conducted the funeral ceremony, partly by

the con secr ated virgins or harim agu ada s, who w ere kept in thestrictest

seclusion afid devoted to the cult of their God who was called Álcorac.

The offerings to Alcorac were made in a semicircular place of worship

hewn in rock an top of the hill.

TELDE.—W ith its oíd Co urt of the G ua nc he s Kings, is a ra the r

M oorish. style town an d formerly w as the Versailles of G ra n d C ana ry,

w he re the no ble families of the Island on ce lived in their ma no r ho us es

with grilled balconies and flowery patios.

The chu rch of San J u a n is w orth a visit to se e th e wonderful

Flemish reredos on the high altar, the most valuable sacred work of

art in the Islands. Interest ing too, is the image of Christ on the same

altar, m ad e ou t pf the co re of m aize staiks and bro ugh t he re from

México at the cióse of the sixteenth century.

ATALAYA.—Also know n as The W atch Tower, is a cav e dwelling

village and ho m e of pottery m ak er s. They fashion th e local clay into

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  TouR N o s i

LA S P A L M A S - A R U C A S - M O Y A - G U I A - G A L D A R - A G A E T E |

BERRA ZALES AN RET URN . 75 miles, by the N orth ern Ro ad. This |

tou r includ es pa rt of TO UR n.° 3, tak es 6 ho urs. g

Lunch at H ote l Guayarníiina. a

AR UC AS.— See tour n.° 3. ' g


GUIA Looks rath er M oorish be ca us e of i ts cong lom eration of í

wh ite, blue, pínk and green hq us es, brillant flowers an d tangle of stre ets . J

Before rea ch ing Guia an d on the «Cuesta de Silva», the winding(£i

co ast road , l ies the « CE NO BIO DE VA LERON», a grou p of caves |

ex cav ated by th e G ua nc h e nativ es in t he safe she lter of a big rock. |

This w as a plac e of wo rship and a w atch trow er for the primitive |

inhabitants. i

GALDAR.—A bout thre e m iles béyond Gu ia the road passe s |

throu gh GA LDA R, a town strongly African in ch ara cte r. It is im po rtant 3

in th e history of the C an ar ios, an d the font ins ide the chu rch is the -_

on e in which the surviving G ua nc he s are satd to hav e be en bapiized |

by the Sp an iard s inme diately after the con qu est. |

Fór a long tim e, GALD AR was the ancien t G ua nc he capital , ?

and the <;guanartemes> or feings üved in the paíac e th e re . StiSI in e

existance are the caves w he re a her oin e of G ua nc he history, the

beautiful Princess Andamana, is said to have lived.

AGAETE.—Beyond G aldar the roa d turn s south to AG AETE. a

ple asa nt ag ricultural village, and th e tinyfishing porf of LAS NIEV ES.

VALLEY O F BERR AZA LES.— Is the hom e of m iraculous

medicinal water springs and is noted for its exuberant tropical vege-

tation. Paw-paw, coffee, plants, avocado pears, mangos and other

tropical fruits interm ingle with th e fruit t re es of m ore tem pé ra te



N. 6




56 miles, by tHe Ce ntra l Roa d. This tou r includ es pa rt of TO U R

N.° 2, takes 6 hours.

Lunch at Goverment Inn at Cruz de Tejeda.

Fro m th e village of SAN MA TEO at a 5700 foot altitude in a

su pe rb lócation rich in pin es, ch estn uts and w alnu ts, th e road twists

and climbs through the mou ntains until it re ac h es the Pa rad or of the

Cross of Tejeda (4756 feet). This is a guest house run by the. Tourist

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D ep artm en t, set in a sacldle betw een two vas t mountain ra ng es .

Rising bey on d its ter rac e ar e the monoiith of «R oque Nublo» and

«El Fraile».and an eno rm ou s am ph ithea tre of moun tains, de sc rib ed .

as the «petrifíed storm ». In the bac kgro und the m ajestic  Í2 000 foQt

peak of TEIDE and the outline of the ísland of Teperiffe.

The Parador is a d.elighful place, furnished in authentic Canario

styie with carved and tüed fíreplaces. The food has drawn much prai-

se from visitors.

Returning from the Pa rad or the re are two alternatives: one

through Valleseco -and Te ror to La s Pa lm as, one continuing through

•C uev a Corcho» to th e troglo dite village of ARTENARA and visiting

the wooded plateau of TAMADABA, a íorest of Canary Pines. This is

one of the most marvellous landscapes on the ísland. From here you

can refurn to L as Palm as by w ay of the C ro ss of Tejeda. This devia-"

tion ad ds 20 m iles (30 kilom eters) of se co nd cla ss road to th e trip .

SH OR T TRIPS: Las P almas-T am araceite-San Lorenzo-Tafira-

M arzagan-Las Pa lm as. 34 kilom eters (21 miles) .

Las Palmas-Santa Brigida-San Mateo-Teniguada-Valsequillo-

Telde-Las Pa mas.-60 kilometers (36 miles).

Las Palmas-Tamaraceite-Teror-Utiaca-San Mateo-Santa Brigida-

Tafira-Las Palmas. 50 kilometers (36 miles).

M on te (Hotel San ta Brígida) to Ba ndam a C ráte r an d retu rn. 10 „

kilom eters (6 m iles). •  s

A níc as to top of M ountain of A rúca s and retu rn. 3 kilo m eter s ¡

(2 m iles). I

T O U R N » 7



75 m iles by th e So uth ern R oa d. This tou r includ'es pa rí of |

TO U R N.° 4, tak es 6 hours'. |

Picnic lunch m ust be ord ere d in adv ace from your hotel or ship. °

Beyond the 'MO NT AN A DE CUA TRO PUERTAS (Mountain |

of the Fo ur Doors) the road curves inland through A G U IM ES /wh ere I

you can se e a nu m be r of cav es once used a s Cana rio dwellings. M any |

of the well pre serv ed m um m ies in Ihe Can ary M useum w er e disco- S

ve red on this site . |

N ea r Ag üimes and in the B arran co de Balos, are the «Letre- g

ros»,  rock s inscribed víith a n um be r of ancient HIE RO G LY PH ICS of'

unee rtain im port and not yet deci ph ere d. From Agüim es the road

lea ds to ING EN IO, an oíd village which existed before the con qu est

of the ísland , and a cen ter of suga r produ ction. Th e ña m e in Sp anish

for «sugar ca ñe mili». N ow Ingenio is the cente r of em bro ide ry ha n-

dicraft, basket and palm leaf weaving, homespun and other fraditional


The coast road rapidily takes you into a desoíate land of strong

Africancharacterist ics.

The be au ty of this fial, straigh t, lonely roa d lies in its view of

distant golden hills, its atter isolation, the tremendous sea which

glistens and gleams.

At MASPALOMAS is a firm beach of golden sand and towering

dunas ,  the br oa de st an d w ildest on the ísland. The surrou nding

. ¡andscap e is compJeteiy Sa ha ran in charac ter . Tom atoes are grown

in this Zone. An oasis of palm trees, glitters against the sand.

It is a lan ds ca pe which reve áis itself even to the ba res t bo ne s:

noíhing is con cea led by artífice or th e outw ard clothing of cha rm .

Swimm ing is exc ellent he re , practically any day in the year, but as

thei-e are no bath houses changing is left to your own ingenuity.

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V I L L A G £ S

rii*  Copifal

in milcf

Hcisht abovc

ca Uval

in fcat



Arguine^uin .


A ruc as . . .

Berrazales Baths).

Cru z de Tejeda Parad or)

Fataga . . . .

F irgas . . . .

Fontana les

G áldar . . . .

G an d o . . . .

G uía . . . .

Ingenio . . . .

J a rd ín de  Corho .

Maspalomas .

M ogán . . . .

M oya . .

San Bartolorhe

San Mateo

San Nicholas .

Santa Brígida.

Sa nta Lucia . . .

TafiraAlta .

Tamadaba Pine Fores t . .

Tamaraceite .

Tejeda . . . .

T eror . . . .

T elde . . . .


Valsequillo .



































4 364























3 773

1 886




^uknda t  cf


^i jtecüU óve^

Holy ¡Veek  is celeb rated with great po m p and splend or . The

proc ession on G oo d F riday is particularly outstand ing, with ladies

wearing their most prized mantillas.

f lpril 29 is the co m m em ora tion of the U nion of G ran d Ca nary

with th e Sp anish c row n. Th ere is a civic and religious cerem on y an d

procession displaying the Flag of the Conquest, as well as exhibitions

of fruit , f lowers and birds, Canary wrestiing matches, country dances,

concerts and special compefitions. Celebrations begin on the eve oí

the feast.

J u n e . C orp us C hristi is cele brate d w ith gread solemn ity in every

principital town. The s tree ts through which the procession pa sse s a re

ad o rn ed with m agnificent des ign s w oven willi f lower petá is. Th ese

delicate carp ets ar e pla nn ed , an d execution begun , many w eek s in


Juíy 25. The F ea st of San tiago is ce leb rated in San B artolom é

de Tirajana or Tunte, an d in G ald ar. Main features ar e a pilgrimage

and a cattle fair.

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September 6 7 8.—The F ea st of our Lady of the P in e Tr ee (the

patr ón Saint of G ra nd Ca nary ) is ce leb rate d in the village of Teror,

at t ractiná thou san ds of pi lgrims who walk day an d night to reac h the

Shrine. On the 7th, the Drocession fo the Pine Tree hegins.

This is the dramatic moment when people arrive from all

corners of the Isiand with decorated cars, cámels or donkeys. Other

grou ps of foik singers and da nc ers . The re ar e song s and music. and

dancing in th e village stre ets , and an offering is m ad e to th e Virgin

from the Island s rich ha rve st from land and se a.

oe ptem ber í l , is t he t*east of C ha rco . It is ce leb rat ed in Sa n

Nich olas. T he peopfe go in proc ession to the se as ho re. The M ayor

ord ers a cann on to be fired, w he rep on all thé pe op le throw them sel-

ve s into th e w ater of the «Charco», fishing for ee ls and sa rd in as

which ha ve be en bre edin g th er e since the lasf feast.

October 12, th e Nav al Fe ast, is ce leb rat ed in the Cap ital. It is a

picfuresque pilgrimage, dedicated to the Virgin of La Luz from

whom the Po rt gets i ts ñ am e. Th ere is also a m aritim e pro cess ion,

with many boats taking part.

V arious villages ha ve the ir own spec ial fiestas, from tim e to

t ime,  and the re ar e also International ma tches in tenn is,  golf under-

water fishing, sailing and swimming.

^u/ííer// früd a^d wúfef

G O FI O , is the basic food of the country pe op le. It is toa ste a

{ m aize flour which tas tes very much like packag ed dry cere al wh en

ser ve d w ith suga r and miík. It can a ls o be m ixed with so up, spre ad a s

a past e on br ea d, us ed in frying in pla ce of flour, in fact its u se s a re

many and delightful.

EL M O J O , is a sau ce of hot spic es, salt, olive oil and vinega r.

•*- It is an in dis pe ns ab le se aso ning for m any C an ario dis he s.

SAN CO CH O and CALD O DE PE SCA DO are ho t mixed

dish es of fish, po tato es an d gofio, carefully se as ón ed .

C H U R R O S, a re strip cru llers fried in de ep , boilling oil, roUed

in sugar and served with coffee while still hot.

PU C H E R O , is a tasty dis h of beef stewed in veg etab les and

sauces .

TURRONES, are sweets made of gofio and molasses.

RA PA DU RA S, are sw eets m ade of honey and alm ond s.

FRANGOLLO, is chopped maise with milk.

HUEVOS MOLES, are a creamy mixture of almonds and eggs.

BIENMESABE, are also a mixture of almonds and eggs.

OTHER FAVORITES are fried bananas, artichoke hearts, fish

cooked in oil and garlic and many other specialties of European and

South American cookery.

CANA RY WINE S, w er e first imp ortad in the Fifteenth Ce n-

fury by Prin ce H enr y of Portug al. The M alvasias of C rete ha ve con-

tinued to be eno rm ously pop ular to this day; and the M uscatels of

M onte , with their high alcoh olic con tent du e to th e volcanic soil, ar e

serv ed in the be st ho m es and re sta ur an ts on the Isiand. The white,

dry wines of Lanzarote are favorites with many fish conoisseurs. And

in the rum départment, Grand Canary stars with Guindillas and other

rums made from local sugar cañe.

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ioi r

CANARY WRESTLING (called «Lucha Canaria»)  is a  special

kiHd of wrestiing of  ancient origin which pufs  an  enorm ous premium

on fhe  coatestanf 's strength  and  endurance . Usual ly tbere  aro two

t e a m s  of  twelve men  each, each  man  wrestüng ag ainst one  opponent .

There  are  traditional hoíds  and  e iabora te  technique,  but the  basíc

idea  is to  «throw teh other  man to the ground. The first  to  touch  the

ground with  any  parí- of his  body other than  his feet is fhe  loser.

Matches  ar* held, usually  on Sundays , at the C am po España  on  Caüe




COCK FIGHTING, goes on  from February  to M ay, inclusive,

in the Circo G allera  on  Calle Viera y Clavíjo. There is  intense compe-

tition between  two  rival clubs which bread and  train their ovín fighters.

Béttinf permiíted,

FOOTBALL, is the top  modern specta tor spor t in  Grand Cana-

ry . Games  are  he ld abouf forfníghfly from Sep fem be r thro ug h Way

in the  Estadio Insular in the  Ciudad Jardín of Las Palmas .

G R E Y H O U N D R A C Í N G ,



  in the

  Campo España


Calle León  y  Castillo.

B OXING. is held in the  Circo Gallera  on C alle Viera y  Clavijo.

YACHT RACING,  in the Port ,  and be tewen  the  is lands, takes

place dur inj  the  summer .

RAM FIGHTING  and  STfCK FIGHTING, spectacies  are a so

sfaged from time  to t ime during  the  year.

BASQUE HALL, games, fastest

 in the






y Castillo N.° 5.

índii áSue f

Of particular interest

  to the

  souvenir hunter


  Canary handc

crafts such  as  BASKET-MAKING with palm leaves, bambeo  and

wicker. Grand Canary also famous  for  exquisi te embroidery  and

drawn thread work.

In the world  of  wood, hand -carve d bo xe s, trays, jewel c he sts,

picture t rames  and  decorat ive doors are  made from pine  or  cedar.

For little girls, there  are  Can ary «tipico. D O LL S, with delicate

cos tumes







Canary KNIVES  are  widely known  for  fheir inJaid handles,  no

two alike.

And in the m oun tain villages, POTTERY -MAK ERS fashion clay

into artistic pots  of  many shapes, using a  round s tone  in the  same

primitive way as the  ancient Ca nario s .

For those particularly interested, tbere  are  impor tan m odern

industries  of cigarette-ma king with Cana ry  and  Cuban tobáceos, toma



  ba na na packing,



 and the

 ex tracting


  C OC Hl -

NEAL dye from  the  Island's prickly pe ar cactu s before  it is  sen t  to

Persia  to  provide  the  brilliant  red for  luxurious oriental carpets.

CANARY FOLKLORE, f inds  its express ion  in the  waitz-time

MUSIC sung by  folk choruses, and in the  typical DANCES  and  C O S

TUM ES. Favo ri te song s  are  «Isas»,  and the  «folias», «malagueñas»

and «seguidillas», usually accompanied  by s tringed instrum ents . From

time  to  t ime you can see the  s ingers and  dancers  in  the'ir co stu m es ,

at the  theatre, in the C ana ry V iliage or  welcoming ships on the  Grand

Mole . Note


 white woolen head squ are ,





flexible  hat, or  «cachorra»;  or on the  s treet  the  beautiful black or

white mantil las. In the South of fhe  Island, and  especially on  Lanzaro-

te,  women shelter their faces from  sun and wind with la rje ha ts held

down  by  kerchiefs.

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The M unicípaí Th eatre «Pé rez G áldos» is on Calle Lentini in

Las Pa lm as and shows op era s in April , co nce rts in sum m er and au-

tumn, piays the year round .

Th e «Hernfianós M illares» th ea tre ís at the nort he rn end of the

C an teras Beach and farings som e of the abo ve produc tions to the

Port área. At other t imes i t shows motion pictures.

Som e o ther Cinemas a re :  fístoria,  Fernando Guanar teme, 40;

ílvelíaneda,  Calle Herrer ía;  Avenida,  G en era l Fran co, 18;  Capítol,

Tomás Morales ,  11;  Cuyas, Viera y Clavijo, l l ;G oy a, Ingeniero M anu el

B ec erra , 15; Royaí, Leó n y C astillo, 42; San i?oque R am ón y Cajal, 1;

Triana, Triana, 62; í/egueía. P a d re J . So sa, 22; W cforía, P rin ce sa

Guayarmina, 56; JVood Tafira Alta.

a/te/ cMétü:/

In La s Pa lm as the re ar e over two hun dred doc tors , including

spec ialists of every k ind. M any of the m sp ea k sev eral langu age s,

particuiariy Engiish.

Drugs and pharmaceuticals, including practically every modern

«miracle drug», are plentiful and inexpensive. Most are manufactured

in internationaily stan dard do sa ge s by Span ish sub sidiaries of Am e

rican and British firms.

Th e Q u e e n Victoria English H ospital at Saga sta, N.° 52 ín the

Port has an English-speaking  staff

O the rs are the Casa San J o s é on P ad re Cue to N . 28, San

R oq ue Cíinic on D olo res de la R ocha N . 5; Santa Catalina Clinic at

León y Castillo N.° 364. Th ese are privateiy-op erated. Th ere are oth er

state-owned hospitals and clinics.


There are no English-speaking schools in Grand Canary. Priva-

te schools conducted in the Spanish language are.

Fo r boy s: C oraz ón de M aría at Tom ás de Iriarte N .° 13; San

Ignacio de Loyo la at J u a n E. D or es te N .° 16; Viera y Clavijo at Luis

M illares N.° 5; and at Can tera s Beac h.

For girls: D om inicas on D r. R aph aei G on zále z N.° 5; Sa grad o

Corazón at Tafira Baja; and Teresiano in the Ciudad Jardín.













de Bilbao

de BiJbflo   (Brancb)


Central {Branch) .

del  Comercio

de   España .

Español de Crédito

Español de Crédito (Branch)

Exterior de  España

Exterior de Es aña Branch

Triana, 93

Albareda, 83

Triana, 95

Parque Sta. Catal ina

Luis Moróte, 12

León y Castillo, 4

Triana, 68

León y Castillo, 541

Viera y Clavijo, 33

Nicolás Estévanez, 2










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Hispan o /ame ricano .

Hispano Am ericano (Branch)

Hijos de Juan   Rodríguez S.  fí.

Popular Español .

Popular Español fBranch)

de Santander

de San tand er (Branchj

Uitalicio de   España

de  Vizcaya .

Plaza Hurtado   d e   Mendoza,   1   5700

Pa rq u e Sta. Ca talina 1806

.Triana, 19 5825

Viera y Clav ijo, 15 6404

P ar q u e Sta. Catalina 1725

Tr iana, 134 7007

Gral. Primo de Rivera 10 2545

Triana, 104

Triana, 103


v l Pólice Plaza d é l a Feria *^

Fro ntier Pólice . . . . • M uelle Sta. Ca talina

First-hid   H eadquarfers . . . . Bravo M urillo, 22

General Post Office . . . . Avda. G enera l F ranco

Tele^rams Avda. G ene ral Fra nco

Telephones . . . . . . . D om ingo J . N av arro 23

Cabildo Insular de   G ran Canary . . Bravo M urillo, 23

Civil Gove rnor Pla za de la Fer ia

Town-Hall . Plaza Sa nta An a

Port fldminisíraíion . . . . P arq ue Sta. Catalina

Toufisí office C on stanti no , 9

Tourisf office Inform ation etc . . . M ue lle Sta . Cata lina

ítalcafale P ar q u e Sta. Ca talina

Tr.ansradio Española  S. ñ. . . •  León y Castillo 537

» » . . . C onstan tino 9



6 8

T e l .   ;










2118 g

5093 °

1837 i

2023 I

2400 I

5020 8

Argen tina . . / . . . G en er al Prim o de Rivera, 46

Belgium . . . . . . . P é rez G aldós, 43 .

Brazil E du ar do Be not, 17 .

Costa Rica Re m edios, 1 (P. M onopol)

D enm ark Ed uardo Benot , 17 . .

Do m inican Re pub lic . . Las E sca len tas . . .

Finland M uelle San ta Catalina.

F rance . . . . . . . Secre tario A rtiles, 65 .

G rea t Britain M uelle Santa Catalina.

G re ec e Tafira Alta

Gu atem ada Arena, 4

Haiti P ér ez G ald ós, 43. . .

H on du ras Pé rez G aldós, 43 . .

Italy Fran cisco G on zález Díaz

Leb ano n Eusebio N ava rro, 37 .

Liberta . P ér ez G aldó s, 43. . .

Norw ay . G eneral Prim o de Rivera

Nicaragua Dom ingo J . N avarro , 2

Pa na m á Plazoleta de Perojo, 49

Ho lland . : Th om as M illar, 18 . .

P erú C analejas, 12 . . . .

Po rtug al Lord Byron, 15 . . .

Sw eden Se creta rio Artiles, 65 .

Sw itzerland Leó n y Ca stillo, 359. .

San Salvador . . . . . Suárez N aranjo , 26 . .

Urugu ay Las E sca len tas . . .

Ve nezu ela G en er al Vives, 42 . .

U . S .   A   W iite t a e r l c a g t a u l S e v ille S p i i i


T e l




59 3










7 61











24 5

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Alianza Fra nc esa Bu eno s A ires, 23

A ero Club • . Triana, 134

A utom obile Club . Triana, 134

Circulo M ercantil (Business) . . . San B ern ard o, 4

British Club Le ón y C astillo, 344

ClubN atacionMetropole(swim ming} Hotel M étropoie

Club Pala (Swimming, Boating) . . Playa de La s C an ter as

Club P es qu er o Ca nario (fishing) . . P as eo de Chil, 3

Club de P es ca d e Ca ña (fishing) . . Fra ncis co G urié , 11

G ab ine te Literario (Literary club) . Plaz a de C airasc o

Golf C lub d e L as P alm a s . . . . P am o ch am o so 28

Mesa de León 17

R eal Club N áutico (Yachting etc.) . M uelle San ta Catalina

Pe? ca Sub m arin a (underwater fishins) P laza de San ta Ana, 4

Club de Ten is Alfonso M usset (Ciudad Ja rdín )

Sociedad Filarmónica {Philharmonic


Plaz a de Stag no

Tiro de Pichón (Pigeon Shooting) . Ji ná m ar

So cied ad de Ca za do re s (jame shooting Torres 11

R eal C lub Victoria (yachting, fishing) C an te ras Beach 3

Electric power ¡s alternating current, 110 volts, 50 cycles. Many

of, the electrical app lian ce s familiar to E ngland and A m erica ar e

available here, though most of them are manufactured in Spain.

W hat cloth es should you bring? Well, i t de pe nd a partly upon

the time of ye ar and the altitud e of the p lace you ex pe ct to sta y.

.Although in La s P alm as the tem pe ratu re va ries very lit tle through

the seasons, i t is advisable to bring a light coat or jersey, warm socks,

I  etc. , for evenings and trips to higher altitudes where the temperatura

, and hum idity varies m ore wideiy. In La s Pa lm as and othe r tow ns

' ne ar the sea ho use s have no stov es or f ireplaces, as they are consi-

dered unnecessary .

\.  Th e purity of the drinking w a te r' v a ri e e from viílage to vülag e,

i but in Las P alm as the supply is r igorously controlled and tested to

• m aintain ab so lute ly safe cofljütion. f _j i


The spien did beach of LAS CAN TERAS, behind the Port, is

yellow sand backed by a two-mile ti led promenade and protected by a

natural reef which crosses the bay to seaward and makes it a naturally

pro tec ted poo l, quite calm the ye ar ro un d. At the end of Alíred L.

J o n e s Street is a m unicipal dressig room , and the re is an oth er in the

; Club Victoria at the ex trem e northe rn end of the beac h. The charge

I  for a cabin and fresh water shower is three pesetas for three hours.

I Picnicing is allow ed on the be ac h and the re is an atte nd an t to pollect

refuse, ir you leav e it ne atly co liected . M en 's «tights» or w om en 's

«Bikini» co stu m es ar e not perm itted on any public bea ch és in Spain.

The be ac h of ALCARAVA NERAS faces the Port, along the

i main st re et which ru ns from the Po rt to the C apital. It, too , is yellow

sand , and the w ater is calmed by the port m oles and protecting arm

of Las Isletas. Dressing tents can be rented here.

The beach of MASPALOMAS is the largest and wildest on the

Island. Bro ad str et ch es and tow ering du ne s of golden scind run for

se v er al -m ile s along the so'uthern tip of a uniq ue oas is. A lonely

iightho use sta nd s guard ov ér a fringe of pa lm s, a winding inland

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lagoon and the bright biue reaches of the sea. There are   K».  b«rti

houses here yet, but until these are installed visitors seem to   mmm^

w itho ut difficulty. i .

Other beaches for your inspection are La Laja, Melenar», Morro

del B esugo, Las B urras, C arpintera, M elon eras, Santa Águeda andSardinas etc.

Las Palmas has four fine swimming pools:

L ID O M ET RO PO LE , at León y Castillo N.° 342, is a sw imm ing

pool, res tau ra nt and da nc e floor all rolled into on e. Tea dancing in

the late afíernoon, night-clubbing still later.

SANTA CATALINA pool is exclusively for the guests of that

hotel and the Hotel Parque.

JULIO NAVARRO is a large municipal pool in the Parque de

Doramas behind the Santa Catal ina Hotel .

CIUDAD DEPORTIVA, Olympic-size, is on Barrio de San

C ristóba l - _

ULPGC Biblioteca Universitaria

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