the candidate. - candidate 2018.pdf · student unions have a proud history of...

The Candidate. The official publication of the 2018 Annual Curtin Student Guild Elections.

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Page 1: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action

TheCandidate.The official publication of the 2018 Annual Curtin Student Guild Elections.

Page 2: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action


The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.


ACTIVITIES VICE-PRESIDENT.David Jorritsma - elected unopposed.

GENERAL SECRETARY.Chris Hall - elected unopposed.

BUSINESS SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE.Sandra Rios - elected unopposed.


No photo provided.

I’m not entirely sure what’s happening but there is some guy wearing a knights outfit who was talking about a return to Feudalism. I wasn’t sold really but he said something about cabbage and beans, and well who can turn that deal down? I don’t exactly remember nominating and I don’t think I did, but that doesn’t mean I can turn down the offer of some of that sweet cabbage. Also, the cost of parking my mule at Curtin has been getting way to expensive and I think it should be way cheaper. Especially when my mule is bringing delicious cabbage and its brother bouncy beans to share with my friends. Not to mention, the fact that Angazi still doesn’t sell some of those glorious golden balls of green that we call cabbage. It grows in the ground, it’s a type of diamond that tastes like a salad. I had my first bite as a child, and how it was a glorious bite of the glistening green vegetable. I felt tears coming from my eyes as I experienced an energy that was so great it could not be stopped. Now, every day I need these balls of wonder to throw my mighty tantrums. I may not have nominated, and you may not support Feudalism, but please think of these pillows of joy that we can enjoy for such a small price. In fact I am no fan of student politics, and I never intended to run, but please think of the child, dreaming of days of cabbage past wishing for endless farms of wonder. But that child is dead, alone, muttering its final cry. Will you answer the call? So, regardless of whether you want a return to Feudalism or just can’t wait to get your lips around the juicy

PRESIDENT.Finlay Nolan - elected unopposed.



Hi, my name is Lydia, I’m a third year Anthropology and Screen Arts student, and I have had the pleasure to serve as the Curtin Women’s officer this year. I’m super excited to be running for Education Vice President and National Union of Students delegate as part of an all-star Illuminate team this election. I’m a passionate student activist and have been involved with a range of campaigns and organisations for human rights over the past four years. This year as Women’s Officer I have delivered exactly what I had promised, and with your help, we have a Women’s Department that is even more accessible, progressive and vibrant than ever. As your Women’s Officer this year I have organised heaps of successful and fun events, I have developed an ally guide for the department to assist women and non-binary students in the equity space, and worked with the Engineering women to generate funding for their special interests competitive projects. After the release of the Human Rights Commission Survey on Sexual Assault and Harassment on campus, I have been involved with

the development of a strategic plan to increase campus safety. As part of our We Will Not Be Silent campaign to end sexual violence on campus, the department held a Q&A seminar, held information stalls and attended monthly strategic committee meetings in order to increase safety. If I’m elected as your Education Vice President, I will build upon the hard work of my predecessor. As you may know, Nicola has commanded the development of Australia’s first University Respect Module. The initiative was created in conjunction with the equity departments and Curtin students in an attempt to educate and inspire respect for all people regardless of gender, race, religion, abilities and sexuality. As many of you know, Illuminate has worked tirelessly on our colourful “Stop the Trimonster” campaign, and have made major strides in protecting student interests. This year we have seen some of the biggest attacks on student rights in decade; we have seen $2.2 billion slashed from university funding, the lowering of the HECS threshold to $45,000 a year, the introduction of a new $104,440 HECS caps and more. You need an Education Vice President that has demonstrated that they can effectively push back against these attacks! As your Education Vice President I will carry on the hard work of Illuminate to make the respect module compulsory, and I will carry on the fight against attacks on our right to quality education. Next year I will continue my hard work to support women in STEM, to create an inclusive environment and to build a better and stronger union. Vote [1] Lydia Berhan for Education Vice President and NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate

fruit of enlightenment, better known as cabbage. Vote David Bleakley for Education Vice-President Vote Feudalists Alternative for Curtin Student Guild



Page 3: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action

The official publication of the 2018 Curtin Student Guild Elections.




Hi friends! My name is Hana and I’m a third year Chemistry student. I’ve been working as your Science and Engineering Faculty Representative over the past year, and I would be honoured to be able to continue my work into 2019. After my first year in the Guild, I’ve come to realise that I also want to start representing students on a national level, and so I’ve nominated myself to be a NUS delegate! You might’ve seen me running around the campus this year with my laptop bag and notebook on the way to various meetings, or perhaps handing you a free hot dog, or maybe embarrassing myself doing my speech for orientation. Whatever it was, you can be certain that I was loving every (embarrassing) second, so much so that I’m signing myself up for round two. I’ve met so many people from across the faculty which has greatly strengthened my resolve to make sure my peers are being well represented. During my term I have chosen to get involved in Guild movements as the ‘Trimonster’ campaign, fighting the changes to the assessment design policy, as well as working on the upcoming consent module. I’ve also

worked hard to make improvements within the faculty. For example, I’ve been able to successfully negotiate the complete refurbishment of the computing building so that the computing students have a safe and encouraging space to learn. As your faculty representative, my main goal has always been to be someone you feel you can talk to. I believe that improving communication between the student body and the faculty is key in making strides for our university experience. None of this great work would have come to pass were it not for Illuminate. Illuminate during my time at University has been the most crucial part of making sure our rights are defended, there’s fun on our campus and that our Guild survives. I intend to continue the strong relationship between the Illuminate Guild and the Science and Engineering faculty. I’m looking forward to being a part of an increasingly vibrant and approachable Illuminate team in 2019 with your support. Vote [1] Hana Arai for Science and Engineering Faculty Representative and NUS delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi! I’m Angus McFarlane, and I’m an Environmental Biology student. I’m a socialist, an avid birdwatcher, and I love clouds. This year I’m running for Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative. We are at an age where environmental issues have reached a boiling

point. Inland Australia’s eastern states have been hit with one of the most severe droughts in living memory, with the region being warned about the “hellish summer” ahead. The Earth’s permafrost is thawing; previously inactive and potentially dangerous microbes are now beginning to spread, and long-frozen carbon, methane and other gases are being released into our atmosphere - further compounding the global climate problems we face. Indigenous people are being systematically denied access to their land, and remote communities are being shut down, making way for mining companies to come in, destroy the environment and create pollution. One example of this is the development of the Adani Carmichael coal mine which when up and running will produce more emissions than New Zealand. The coal mine is not only an affront to the traditional landowners of Australia, but the entire globe. A Federal court decision has found the opposition of the local Wangan and Jagalingou people to have “no merit”, despite the consequences the supermine’s development will have on their land. This ruling takes the Federal courts another step closer to scrapping the native title over the mine site. We have all the technology and resources available to us for the development of clean and renewable energy, yet our government invariably favours the short-term financial windfall of coal mining over future global climate security. Furthermore, it is also funnelling billions of dollars annually into defence – that is, the perpetuation of imperialism and the death toll that Australia brings not only to foreign shores but also to the people desperately seeking refuge on our own. This is not just someone else’s struggle, this is our struggle too – we won’t remain complicit with frank abuse of human rights and the creation of a world that is unlivable for all our descendants. Left Action has been involved in a number of environmental campaigns including against climate change, Roe 8, Adani Coal Mine, and against war with the Books not Bombs campaign. We run in elections to bring this activism to student politics. It is

important that Curtin’s Guild takes these issues seriously, and actively involves itself in the organisation and support of political campaigns. Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action wants to see an active and fighting activist Guild, and we wish to continue amplifying students’ voices and rally for the rights of the downtrodden. Vote [1] for Left Action for people and our future.

HEALTH SCIENCE FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE.Georgia McGrath - elected unopposed.



Hello! My name is Michael Farrell, I am a first year Mass Communications student and I am running for the position of Humanities Representative and NUS Delegate for Illuminate in

Page 4: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action

the 2018 student elections. If you are reading this, I thank you for getting involved with Curtin student politics. It shows that you care about your university and who is representing you. I too have great love and respect for Curtin, specifically the faculty of Humanities, and what the university offers students now and later in our careers. For a several months last year, I worked as a campaign officer in the Labor party, representing WA’s YES campaign for marriage equality. I was able to meet hundreds of people around both Perth and Australia and I was also lucky enough to go to Canberra to watch the federal parliament put it through into law. It was an amazing experience fighting for a cause that I and millions of others believed in. This year, alongside studying at Curtin, I have taken to being involved in Curtin Guild and Illuminate 2018. While there has been excellent progress in the last few years due to Guild and Illuminate policy, ensuring this policy is upheld is not easy. My position in Illuminate and as Humanities Representative will ensure that high education standards will be constantly fought for. Illuminate will always fight against cost cutting measures like flipped classrooms, online only lectures and intentionally relying on people not attending class. Studies have shown that large class sizes have a negative impact on the ability of students to learn and properly communicate with staff and peers. I have experienced this and will ensure myself and members of Illuminate continue to work to reduce class sizes. Inclusion of international Humanities students is a personal interest of mine that I wish to pursue in this role. I have spoken to and witnessed students who are eager to get involved and make friends in a new environment like Curtin and Australia but struggle. I will ensure activities welcome students of all backgrounds, including a wide range of interests that support both domestic and international students! The unit outline review is conducted every two years by Illuminate. It involves reviewing as many outlines as possible,


reviewed by all members and a report is produced that highlights noncompliance with Curtin’s assessment policy. Continuing this bi-annual unit outline is a high priority of mine, especially keeping an eye on Humanities units. Last year, massive positive impact was made possible due to this procedure as its goal is to further improve education quality and functionality of units. It would be an amazing opportunity and honour to represent Humanities students at Curtin and NUS. Committing myself to this role would allow me to draw upon skills I learnt last year as well as develop and support the Curtin Guild and Illuminate Representative body! Vote [1] Michael Farrell for Faculty of Humanities Representative & NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1]


I’m Lutece, a humanities student and socialist who enjoys the company of dogs and sci-fi movies. This year I’m running to be the Faculty of Humanities Representative. The state of our universities has been in decline for decades. Thanks to the corporate-driven model of our uni administrations, we’ve suffered years of cutbacks, staff losses, shoddy equipment not getting replaced, and a push to lower quality online learning. And now we’re facing the ludicrous degree factory that is the trimester system! The humanities have been hit the hardest. The number of humanities courses on offer is around half of what there was ten years ago. Forums for adequate discussion

and debate of ideas are severely limited, and staff are lucky to have any form of permanency. At heart, the arts are seen as less profitable and are therefore undervalued. This is at a time when the need to understand history and critique society is more important than ever. Yet there’s plenty of money for our Vice Chancellor to make almost $900,000 a year and to splurge on new advertisements about “making tomorrow better”. Meanwhile, Curtin has teamed up with international weapons manufacturers Lockheed Martin and Thales to help expand the mass killing industry, making tomorrow much worse for a significant section of the world population. The idea that universities are places that encourage critique of the status quo is nothing more than a myth. In reality, they are huge corporations that prioritise their profit margins above all else. Left Action sees our Guild as the key body that can turn this dismal situation around. It should be pushing back whenever the university wants to make cutbacks by mobilising students to put real pressure on the university administration, as we did last month in opposition to trimesters. Just this year when the university threatened to cut three arts majors and almost 40 humanities units, it was Left Action councillors who ran a public pressure campaign and drew the issue to the Guild’s attention. While we won that fight, it is highly likely that more arts courses will be under threat down the line. We should be demanding a greater variety of arts courses, more face to face time with tutors, and better staff conditions for better learning conditions. Left Actions stands for this vision of university life, and we’re the only ones willing to fight for it. Vote [1] Left Action


POSTGRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEE.Romana Begicevic - elected unopposed.

QUEER DEPARTMENT OFFICER.Tariq Alardah & Bridge Truell - elected unopposed.

WOMENS DEPARTMENT OFFICER.Kate Le Roux - elected unopposed.




The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

Page 5: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action


No photo provided.

Hi, my name is Fabian Yarran. I have Bachelor of Commerce (Legal Studies) and Master of Accounting and Master of Commerce (CPA) Advanced Accounting. This year I am running for 2019 Indigenous Officer and Guild Councillor and NUS delegate. I believe I am the best able to understand and represent the diversity of lndigenous students through the university and the issues Indigenous students face. The Federal Government have cut 60% from the education budget this year will affect academic support to Indigenous students. Most of our Indigenous students come from block release, from all over Australia, the Indigenous students on campus for intensive study mode and I know what issues facing at university. The academic support is been cut and this affect the Indigenous students and their ability to work in the university to support financially making poverty a very real issue and academically. The number has not improved and Indigenous transition, retention and completion rates of Indigenous students have not improved. I am also committed to social justice and supporting social events for Indigenous student’s non Indigenous students to work alongside with Non Indigenous students - university can’t be all academics after all. I come from small country town Mount Barker where I was born and lived in Mount Barker Indigenous Reserve. This Indigenous Reserve housed indigenous people from the mainstream society. I was often subject to racial discrimination based on race, not personality and




Hey! I’m Cody, and I’m studying Human Resources and Management. I’m super excited to have the opportunity to run with Illuminate in the 2018 Guild elections for Indigenous Officer. Being a student from the Curtin’s Aboriginal Centre I have had the pleasure to study alongside and work with some wonderful people, my values are directly correlated with my Aboriginal ties and being a family orientated person I feel like I’d bring that value to the role of the Indigenous Officer position. Being passionate in helping out the Indigenous community is the reason why I’m studying at Curtin and this role will give me the experience and aid me in developing in my chosen career. I understand this role is a great responsibility and needs to be handled with care and hopefully I get that chance. To best understand the needs of student’s we will develop a student committee which will allow Indigenous students to have their say on crucial issues, such as boycotting Australia Day and having your say in how Curtin deals with Indigenous affairs across campus. Vote [1] Cody Robinson for Indigenous Officer! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

when people get to know me I am a good person. For some time I feel into the trick of “Indigenous people and culture was not inferior, and second class citizens and accepted this this was okay because the norm of the mainstream society. Indigenous Students face discrimination on a daily basis at university and at home and seek employment, accommodation, and the cuts to Indigenous funding of 60% from the Australian Government, and the start of scholarship, academic support which makes their life harder than what is should be to attend university. This year I hope to elected as Indigenous Officer I can improve Indigenous transition, retention and completion rates of lndigenous students, create good space for Indigenous and Non Indigenous students to come to support Indigenous issues at university, and for any Indigenous students who felt the pressure of racial discrimination to continue to take the moral high road. I am approachable and open minded with a genuine concern for Indigenous student’s welfare. In the current climate of funding cuts and fee hikes I feel it is of the upmost importance for students the elect a candidate who is dedicated to the idea that if we are charged so much for our education then we are entitle to demand that it be of the Been in the campaign for education cuts, want to the education conference. For a Curtin guilds stand up for indigenous rights.

STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES OFFICER.Imogen Charles - elected unopposed.



Hi guys! I’m Zuhra Abshir, I’m a third year Creative Writing student. I’m so happy and appreciative to have this opportunity to run for the position of Guild Councilor with Illuminate. My time at university has been greatly shaped by Guild, the staff members and various departments at the Guild Equity space. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have meet such wonderful and close friends here on campus. I have been lucky enough to have these friends push me in ways that I know I would not have been able to do so alone. It is because of their support that I have been able to be published on various occasions on different publications on campus, print and online. Without my friends I’ve found through university, I doubt I could have achieved such feats. I would love to extend that sort of support to the students of Curtin by representing them at Guild. Illuminate has been incredibly helpful to me over the years and I know from my own personal experiences what a wonderful team they are, and how committed they are to delivering the best results for the student body. Vote [1] Zahura Abshir for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

The official publication of the 2018 Curtin Student Guild Elections.

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Hi! My name is Timothy Adams, but you can call me Tim. I’m a first-year engineering student and I am putting my hand up for all students to run for a Guild Councillor position in the 2018 student elections. Coming from the country, I understand that all too familiar situation of being a university student and struggles of “UNI” living. Want to have a beer at the Tav? Mi Goreng for the next week it is. Whether its going home or working so we can survive the next semester, most students rely on the semester breaks. This is one reason why myself and the other Illuminate candidates are the only ticket that you should trust to defeat the trimester proposals. Curtin University is an innovative and amazing place, with its students being the reason this is true. I am a firm believer that you get out what you put in. That is why as a Guild Councillor, I feel that I can get something for all of Curtin’s students: I will fight alongside Illuminate for an improved blackboard and ilecture system, improved safety on campus, expanding affordable and healthy food options and continued free membership. Vote [1] Tim Adams for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hey guys! My name is Mia and I am studying Psychology and Human Resource Management at Curtin. This year, I am running for election as a Guild Councillor to help represent Curtin students in 2019. During my first year at Curtin, I got involved with the Guild by representing Health Science students as a member of the First Year Committee. I am honoured to now be a member of the current leading, progressive, and active ticket in the Curtin Guild - Illuminate. Although I have little experience in the Guild, I am eager to do more for our student cohort and continue to enhance the student experience. This includes advocacy for student welfare, accessibility, and rights (boo Trimesters!). I am passionate about creating a bright and lively university experience for all Curtin students and aim to increase transparency within the university so that students are aware of what’s going on within their university. I want to make sure that the university is aware of what students want. Most importantly, I want to make myself accessible for all Health Science students and be a voice for our cohort to help facilitate the changes that you, the students, want to see in your university. I am confident that I will be able to achieve this goal alongside the other experienced, determined, and passionate Illuminate candidates. Vote [1] Mia Arai for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


My name is Kaizan Balm, I’m a fourth year Mechatronic Engineering student, and this year I’m running for re-election in the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate. Last year, I was lucky enough to spend two weeks studying at The University of Fiji in Nadi, Fiji. The time I spent there gave me a broader outlook on the student experience not only at another university, but in another country. This experience gave me a deeper understanding of the things in which a university need to focus on and prioritize to ensure the wellbeing and desires of their students are always at the forefront of decision making. I hope to be able to encourage other students to do the same and make the most of the time they have at university. Engineering is a large and diverse faculty that deserves strong representation in the Guild, and as someone who has been part of this faculty for a good amount time I believe I have the experience to work with our incredible Science and Engineering Representative Hana Arai to ensure that Engineering students feel included in and represented by the Guild. This year I served as an Illuminate Guild Councillor seeing all the great work that Illuminate does carried out, the free snags, great parties and the fight against trimesters. After all, the life and culture of a university is its students and with Illuminate you can be sure that above all else, it’s our fellow students that will always come first. Vote [1] Kaizan Balm for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi! My name is Elly Bijlsma, I am a Human Biology preclinical student and running for the position of Guild Councillor. After being your Women’s Officer at the Guild in 2017 as well as a returning Councillor in 2018, I want to continue my service to the students of Curtin as a Guild Councillor with Illuminate. I’ve had the privilege of representing female and female identifying students on campus and through my time, I have helped build the Curtin Women’s Collective and continued the Guild’s push to create an egalitarian work and study environment in my role as councillor. I am running for Guild Councillor with Illuminate because I believe that they are our best chance of ensuring that the Guild continues to provide excellent student representation, successful social events as well as a maintaining the active club culture. An Illuminate Guild is a strong and stable Guild, and the best way to help you get the most out of your student experience. Vote [1] Elly Bijlsma for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

Page 7: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action


Ye endless green plains of our land of Lord Curtin. In accord of protection and sustenance from our knights and noblemen, we pay a mighty yelde to the bailiff of Sir. Hecs We must fighten to protect our meede and homeland from the conquest of gastly county Crawley. Doth not be fooled, ese serfs and vassals seek only to take our mighty fief and return it to eir overlords. Scolers, baronage, and lowly peasants, doth not be a tenterbelly and listenen to the fadoodle of thou who wish to bane with daggere and mighte. We art most safe under the protection of our Kingdom of Lord Liam O’Neill Esquire, who works for the esement of serfs and doth pay our pittance. We must show oath of fealty to our defendours and fighten for the durst to move whither thou heart desiren. Ye calls of solas and sentence: Fortify the border of our manour with catapult and wigas; Mule trains and palfrey horses to be given sheltron to park for little costen; Astore Merchants assortment of cabbage and beans, plenty for all; Eschaunge filthe waterways with largesse of ale, mead and cider; Set forth pilgrimage to finden the Holy Grail The Feudalist Alternative shall maken all table only a round table and shall petition our Lord Liam first name of his name, defendour of Curtin at the royal court of Beldinge 106f to achieve this. We shall forther abolish this constitutional monarchy and restore an absolute monarch such that Emperor Liam and his eyre and successors shall regne over us anointed by the most gracious Catholic to goder hele,


forthern all protestants scel be banished as the reformation an ache and accidentem. Have it be known this eleccioun thou have a choice; disareyen of fools and order under a system scolerous town-folk proclaim Feudalism. Aplien aoure pagyne to cast forth blisse, for I am Knight Botica, protector with mighte. Endenten 1 for Dylan Botica to sit as Councillor for Guild on the Round Table of Sir O’Neill’s Manour Endenten 1 Feudalist Alternative


Hi, I am Ethan Calleja and I am running for a Guild Councillor position for 2019. I study Commerce - majoring in Management and Economics - and I absolutely believe Curtin is the place to be! Although I am still only a first year, I have loved my experiences so far and I want to be involved in as much as possible. I know how intimidating it can be not knowing what to do, how to find help or even who to find, and I want to help make that easier as a Guild Councillor. I am passionate about making changes for the better in the Curtin community, and I am always determined to help students in any way I can. I love building networks, meeting new people and seeing people from all walks of life, which has led me to be involved with clubs such as the Curtin Commerce Club, Enactus, Women in Business and a First year Representative for the Curtin Student Guild. I have been involved with high level sports for many years, which has taught me determination and how to truly balance work, study and sport all together and I believe this

will help me in a Guild Councillor position. I truly understand how important positive relationships are, especially when it comes to the Guild and the university, and if I am elected, this will be a major focus to bring about change for the better. I also understand the significant importance of positive mental health, and through my work with an organisation called Zero2Hero I know especially how important it is to students like us. I want Curtin to be a community where we support each other and truly express how we are feeling and provide an avenue for student to directly access the support they need. I know that through your support, we can make this university the best it can be!! Vote [1] Ethan Calleja for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hey! I’m Katelyn, I’m a third year International Relations and Japanese student, and I am running for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate in the 2018 student elections. I believe in making this University an enjoyable and safe environment for everyone on campus. Advocating for issues that matter to the people on campus, such as, but not limited to: The improved quality of education and staff conditions, fighting the proposals of the trimester, and privatisation of sectors in the university such as on-campus housing. I’ll encourage quality of life changes and most importantly, I will listen to you - so I can make informed decisions in the future of this University.

Illuminate has worked hard to make Curtin a more sociable, respectful, safe, and accessible place, and made significant improvements in the representation of students within the universities decisions. Similarly, to many students, I have had to extend my time at Curtin due to outside of education factors. The support that I’ve received on campus for this, and other issues, from students and academics alike is something that has reinforced my belief in Curtin being the university for me. And I want everyone to feel like Curtin is right for them. Throughout my university life I’ve volunteered on behalf of causes that matter for me, and I feel this has given me some experience to handle being Guild Councillor. I’d love the opportunity to be a part of making this university live up to your expectations!! Vote [1] Katelyn Colson for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President!Vote [1] Illuminate!


My name is Kearyn Cox and I am running for Guild Councillor at the 2018 Curtin Student Guild election with Illuminate. I am a 20 year old proud Indigenous Australian and my parents descend from the Noongar and Kaneang people of the south of Western Australia. I love to write and I am a sports journalist in my spare time. In the last couple of years Illuminate has ushered in a new era of Indigenous student representatives at the Curtin Guild and my predecessors have brought you awesome events such as Yokai, Djeran and Indigenous welcomes

The official publication of the 2018 Curtin Student Guild Elections.

Page 8: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action


Hi! My name is Micha Gartz, I’m a second year Economics and International Relations running for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate in 2018. I know it’s not always easy to start at university - especially if you’ve taken time away from university - so it’s important to recognise and work to improve student mental health. As part of Illuminate I will ensure that the university continues to provide and improve counselling and disability support services. In line with this, I aim to promote a stronger sense of belonging and engagement with students by drawing on my experience as part of the Wall Street Club and International Relations Society committees to develop better relationships between Guild, the university, industry and clubs/societies. This will provide greater opportunities for social activities, professional development workshops and make it easier to start new clubs. I believe that as a Guild Councillor I can help students get the most out of their time at Curtin while supporting the Guild to protect students’ rights. Personally I see it as vital that Guild membership remains free and accessible to all students, and that a strong sense of community is fostered through the promotion of engaging clubs, events and activities. Together, we can keep Guild great!Vote [1] Micha Gartz for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!




Hey! My name is De-anne Foley, call me De. I am a third year commerce student (wow oh so original) and I’m running for Guild Councilor with Illuminate in the 2018 elections. I understand that as a student in this generation we have many responsibilities and obligations to balance that may impact certain aspects of our lives, such as our mental health. It’s not easy, and this is why more than ever we need the university to work with us and not against us. So of course we need students to help fellow students, because who else would understand our predicament better than, well… ourselves? Curtin University is the most culturally diverse collection of talent in my honest opinion, and I believe that as a Guild Councilor I can help work towards improving the student experience in Curtin. From the constant and seemingly never ending battle with trimesters, advocating for paid internships (so that we aren’t exploited and basically slaves in the desperate hope that internships result in a paid job…eventually), equity departments that fight for various marginalized groups and provide a safe space and promotion of mental health services in the university itself. These are the things we fight for so as cliché as it sounds help us help you and vote! Vote [1] De-anne for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Alanah for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

as well as fostering a strong relationship with Curtin’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies. It’s an honour this year to be able to build on the work of Sarah, our 2017 Indigenous representative. I‘m standing as a Guild Councillor candidate this year to support my good mate Cody Robinson to succeed me as Indigenous Officer. He’s a great Indigenous mentor currently and he will no doubt make for a great Indigenous Officer to succeed me and continue the great work of the department. The Illuminate run Indigenous Department in recent years has seen better outcomes, more student engagement and greater student satisfaction than ever before, and I hope you’ll lend Cody your support to continue this tradition. Vote [1] Kearyn Cox for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Cody Robinson for Indigenous Officer! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi, my name is Caitlin and I’m running with Left Action for the position of ordinary guild councillor. I am currently studying Environmental Biology. I love cats, and 80’s music and my favourite movie is Pride. I am a left-wing activist and over the years have been involved in a number of campaigns. These include, for marriage equality, for refugee rights, for indigenous rights and against the arts cuts, against trimesters and against cuts to higher education from the Liberal government. This year I have been a guild councillor with Left Action where we have argued

for the guild to actively take up and involve students in the fight for education and social justice issues. Left action campaigners have also been involved in a public campaign opposing the undemocratic regulation changes to the guild. This year the Illuminate run guild brought in a series of undemocratic new regulation changes to the guild. These include: Two year terms for guild councillors, limiting students’ ability to decide who runs their Guild; The returning officer (who runs the guild elections) will be appointed by a guild staff member, opening up numerous possibilities for bias; More power to the returning officer to censor campaign material and ban campaigners and tickets; The group that takes office will have the power to dissolve guild council and go to a new election, undermining the decision of the students who elected those councillors The real kicker is that the changes will come into effect AFTER the elections. This means 2 guild councillors and 6 ordinary representation board members will be appointed by the ticket who gets the majority of votes, rather than who students want to represent them! Illuminate tried to pass these changes without even consulting students. Left Action went out and told as many students as possible and got 400 signatures against the regulation changes in just 4 days. Illuminate’s actions this year are nothing new. This group has been restricting and banning opposition for years. They would rather see the guild run as a cliquey one party dictatorship, something which can boost their careers after uni. Left Action believe the elections should be as fair as possible and involve as many students as possible. This is why we introduced face to face voting and the Western Australian Electoral Commission (the same organisation that runs the state election) to run the guild elections in the first place! We need Left Action in the guild to hold Illuminate to account, and to argue for campaigns which involves students in the fight for education and social justice issues. Vote [1] Left action

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for Curtin students and the thing we hold dear. At NUS National Conference I want to work to ensure that the NUS works for you. The NUS is mired in toxic factionalism and only an Illuminate Guild will send progressive, truly independent representatives to NUS that work for YOU, not for vested political interests like some of our opponents. Finally I want to shout out Chris Hall, the person who I’m supporting to succeed me as General Secretary next year. There is no one as hardworking, as dedicated and as well placed to take on the role than Chris and I wish him all the best. Make sure you get him elected for me would you? While you’re at it: Vote [1] Chris Hall for General Secretary! Vote [1] Dylan Heywood for Guild Councillor & NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi all! My name is Christine Howells and I’m currently in my third year studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education and am running for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate. If I get elected my main priorities will be based around providing support and opportunities for students, so that every student is able to have a valuable experience at Curtin. I believe that university offers a unique experience, and I endeavour to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate in student life to the fullest. If you vote for me I will do my best to be your voice in the guild, to ensure that you

get the most out of your university experience. I will strive to fight for the implementation of: The Respect. Now. Always and End Rape on Campus campaigns! Illuminate will continue to put pressure on the university to commit to creating a safer campus. This will also be done through a collaboration process with the University to highlight the safer community teams services to the Curtin Community! I want to deliver successful results that will benefit the student experience! Illuminate, under the perspective of Finlay Nolan is the only ticket and presidential candidate you can trust to bring about these changes! Vote [1] Christine Howells for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi! My name is Katie Hutchings, I am a second year Anthropology and Geography student and I am so excited to have the opportunity to run for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate in the 2018 elections. Although I am new to Illuminate this year, I can clearly see the hard work Illuminate has already done, and the work they continue to do for the benefit of students at Curtin University. This includes ensuring free guild memberships, quality education for all students, a huge array of exciting social events and recently the change to environmentally sustainable packaging at guild outlets. I have a huge a passion for providing a holistic university experience. With the help of Illuminate I will continually advocate for quality


Hi, my name is Nicola, and I am the current Education Vice President. I’ve just started a Secondary Education degree, which I will hopefully finish before I turn 80, and I am running for Guild Councillor and NUS delegate because I want to give more to the students at Curtin, and continue to add to their university experience. I had an absolute blast as the 2018 Education Vice President, and during this time I have represented students on many different forums, fought against the Trimesters, and worked with the university to create a Respect Module. The Respect Module is a first for Universities Australia wide, and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t extremely proud of all the hard work that was put in by our Guild representatives, and proud to have my name associated with it. I am also extremely proud of my successor Lydia Berhan, who has been working with me on this project, and will be running as a candidate for Education Vice President for 2019. She is a dedicated activist who will continue to fight for students rights and make Curtin University better for all students. Along with cooking a mean sausage sizzle nearly every week, I have had the opportunity to work on campaigns for student welfare, organise events and fight for student’s rights. This is why I am running for both Guild Councillor and NUS Delegate. I have the experience under my belt to hit the ground running in these positions, and make a difference for students at Curtin, and students Australia wide. It is important to me that the NUS does not overlook

WA students, and doesn’t get tied up in factional wars. As an NUS Delegate, my priorities would be Curtin students, not representing a political party. Illuminate is the only ticket fully invested in the best outcomes for students, which is why I am running with Illuminate. I want to continue fighting for students on campus, and making their university experience better, so please: Vote [1] Nicola Gulvin for Guild Councillor and NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi I’m Dylan, your current General Secretary and perpetual psychology student. In my sixth year of University, I’m completing my honours thesis and I’m standing one last time in the Guild elections for Guild Councillor and NUS Delegate. Curtin campus culture has been what my life has revolved around in my time at uni and I want to give one more year of service to the student body that has given me such amazing experiences. This year I have been the NUS West Education Vice President, responsible for rolling out the campaigns in the State from our National Union. As General Secretary I’ve been responsible for carrying out the strong and effective campaign against the trimesters with the current team. This is why I’m standing for NUS Delegate. Having had a key role in these campaigns and in the Guild over my time at Curtin I believe I am well placed to go back to NUS National Conference for a second time to make an independent stand

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of the Guild. Vote [1] Lachlan Lee for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi, my name is Tess MacGregor and I am in my second year of my Professional Writing & Publishing and Cultural & Literary Studies double major. I am running for the position of Guild Councillor for Illuminate in 2018. I believe that University should be a place that everyone can feel excited and comfortable to attend, a place that reflects a culture we can all be proud of. I would like to see those who attend Curtin University to be given a fair go, to be supported as students and valued as individuals. Having been at Curtin University for over a year now, I feel that I can say that this University is taking many steps to embody a multicultural, equal and accessible campus culture; but, together, we can do more. After the Australian Human Rights Commission released their survey last year on sexual assault and harassment on campus, I knew that we must take action. In order to create a safer campus for all students, we must begin open conversations on how to change the damning results that the survey revealed. I am a passionate advocate for human rights, which is why I feel that, as a Guild Councillor, I could use my voice to generate change. Not only to demand action in regard to the sexual assault statistics at this University, but also to improve equality and accessibility for all students at Curtin. I am proud to




Hi, my name is Lachlan Lee and I am running for the position of Guild Councillor in the 2018 student elections. In the last year I have had the pleasure to serve as a Guild Councillor, doing small things like cooking snags at the Guild run barbeques and handing out wristbands at events. I’ve also done some big things, like being a part of Guild Council, and sitting on committees within the Curtin Student Guild. Throughout that time i’ve had a great opportunity to see how the Guild is run, how I can contribute to changes in the university, and most importantly how the Guild can benefit students. I’m running with Illuminate again because I resonate strongly with the beliefs we hold, like running an environmentally sustainable campus, we are always pushing for newer, better ways for our campus to become greener, such as biodegradable cutlery and reducing plastic in the Guild. We’re always pushing for a better, fairer relationship between the university and students, without compromising our values and our stance on issues that affect students. The most important Illuminate policy I stand by is the commitment Illuminate has made, since 2014, to keeping membership to the Guild free for all Curtin students. Free membership to the Guild is a huge deal, it ensures that all students have easy access to all facets of their student union, regardless of their circumstances. I believe in the message Illuminate promotes, I believe in the policies we stand for, and I believe in the way we take care

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

education, in the form of opposing trimesters, promoting fairer assessment ratings, including eliminating exams where possible, as well as providing more outside of class learning opportunities, such as the Uni-pass program. Equally as an important is the campus culture; we want Curtin to be a place where students want to come, meaning that with Illuminate and as a Guild Councillor, I will endeavour to assist the Student Guild in continuing to provide a huge range of exciting activities, events and services, such as free barbeques, tavern parties, therapy animals on campus and much much more! Side by side with this, I want to create a campus culture that is environmentally sustainable. Illuminate will continue to examine sustainability practices and create and environmental sustainability plan for the Guild to ensure its practices remain to a high standard. I believe that as a Guild Councillor and with the support from Illuminate, I can be a strong student voice on campus and can help students have a holistic, empowering, unique and exciting university experience. Curtin University has some of the most capable, progressive, intellectual and lively students on campus, so it is vital they have a strong student representation that shares these characteristics. To ensure this happens, vote for experience, leadership, quality, sustainability and a great campus culture! Vote [1] Katie Hutchings for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


My name is Nick Latella and I am in my third year of Secondary Education. I have had the privilege to be involved in numerous initiatives on campus including the New to Curtin mentoring program and I am actively involved on campus as a member of many clubs and societies. These experiences have helped me become determined to bring positive energy and creativity towards university, especially for those who are new or feeling left out on campus. As a Guild councillor, I want to make sure that the Guild is in tune with all situations, especially to those who are new Curtin students and are struggling to find their way. This goes hand in hand with our commitment to a free Guild that is accessible to all students, and a Guild which all students will feel comfortable contacting. I will represent students who may not feel comfortable speaking up or do not feel as though their voice will be heard. It is my pleasure to be running with the Illuminate team this year and I hope that when you vote you’ll choose the team with the experience, passion and commitment for student representation to get the job done. Vote [1] Nick Latella for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!




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attend Curtin University, where I am surrounded by friendly peers and compassionate staff, which is why I would like to join Illuminate in their continual endeavor to support students. With the help of Illuminate, I would like to work with the University to ensure that the campus is well lit at night, reduce parking fees and offer more microwaves. Illuminate works with the Guild to ensure your life at University is as enjoyable as possible and, with your votes, we can continue to ensure that all students’ voices are heard! Vote [1] Tess MacGregor for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi! Hello! Hey! My name is Connie Martelli and I am an arts and commerce Double Degree student studying International Relations and International Business. I am also running for the position of Guild Councillor. Coming up to the elections, I’ve pondered about what the perfect university would be like… The warm feeling of welcome and home as you walk onto campus? The empowering feeling that you can achieve everything you desire? Or maybe it’s free sausage sizzles, mental health services and fun activities on campus? It takes great dedication, work, and passion from guild representatives to make sure that Curtin University is the vibrant, welcoming and peaceful place it is today. I remember receiving an email about the opportunity to be a part of the First Year Committee. I was excited but also anxiety ridden

over if I was going to fit into Guild culture. Those feelings quickly subsided after meeting the amazing and supportive Guild leaders. I was even lucky enough to be elected! I felt extremely welcomed and now have an effective platform to speak on behalf of all first-year students. I now understand how the Guild operates and the importance of efficient and effective student representation. The role I uphold is essential in ensuring that students needs are heard and met by the University leadership team and are not taken lightly. From going to our monthly meetings to getting feedback from students, I know that being part of the Guild is something that I am passionate about, something I enjoy and something I want to continue. I am also a newly approved AIME mentee and I am super excited to start making a positive difference next year. As Guild Councillor, I would make sure our university remains full of spirit, harmony and happiness. I would make sure students have access to affordable cafés and student discounts. I would contribute to making Curtin a place where all feel equal and valuable. I want to see happy faces of those from close to home but also from afar and I would like to keep striving towards a green and eco-friendly campus. Without helpful, friendly and productive Guild Councillors the university wouldn’t be the beautiful, diverse community that it is today, making it important that you choose candidates who are enthusiastic about giving back to the student body. If you just need a friend, some advice or an ear to listen, I am always happy to be that person you can come to. I would be absolutely honored if you considered me to be one of your Guild Councillors for 2019 and I look forward to meeting you all! Vote [1] Connie Martelli for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate


Hi! My name is Jesse Naylor Zambrano, I’m a first year Screen Arts student and I’m running to be a Guild Councillor with Illuminate in the 2018 student elections. I am committed to supporting Illuminate in continuing to build a vibrant campus culture and strengthening community between students. I think that the most valuable experiences, memories and relationships created at University come about in the space between the lectures and tutorials. Whether catching up with old friends on the beanbag hill, making new friends over shared interests at Curtin clubs, or rolling up to a Tav party to celebrate the new semester; Illuminate is involved in making sure that these opportunities and facilities are there for us to enjoy. I want to help Illuminate to continue to improve in this regard. This involves improving the visibility and accessibility of clubs by making it easier for students to find and join the clubs they’re interested through online means. I’m excited to get involved in planning Guild events that students want to attend, helping to make them more accessible, and ensuring the diversity of entertainment bookings. I am the president of the Curtin Film Club, and a member of many other clubs, and I’m proud and profoundly grateful for the diverse and welcoming communities that spring up around them and their events. Building this club from the ground up has given me valuable experience in conceptualising, organising and hosting events, as well as insight into how we can further facilitate

club activities. I want to streamline the Event Management Planning and Room Booking systems, which are a common source of confusion for club committees, in order to make it easier to plan and host events. Illuminate works hard to ensure that all aspects of our student experience are delivered to the highest possible standard. Whether we’re defending your right to good educational standards fending off the Trimonster, speaking up for the causes important to you, or bringing campus to life with awesome events, I believe that as a Guild Councillor I can help make sure your time at Curtin is the best it can possibly be! Vote [1] Jesse Naylor Zambrano for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Ola! My name is Beatrice A Panganiban. I’m a first year Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (Molgen for short) student and I am running for the position of Guild Councillor in the 2018 student elections. Since joining Curtin at the start of the year, I’ve had the opportunity to become involved with the Guild, through the First Year Committee, and have discovered a real passion for representing the student body. I’ve realised that, as students, we have the right to make the most of our time at uni and an essential part of this is that our voices are heard. I believe that we should have access to the best possible tools to take care of both our mental health and our environment, and want to ensure

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Hi! My name is Julien Ranguetat, I am in my second year of majoring in Anthropology & Sociology and I am running for Guild Councillor in 2019. While I am now passionately involved in class and on campus, as a 27 year old student, I am intimately familiar with how hard it can be to stay invested in education. Through high school I lost all my faith in the system that was supposed to be supporting and preparing us for our future lives. After years of working crummy jobs though, I eventually made up my mind that I wouldn’t accept that learning had to be uninspiring and unmotivating. Even before I decided to get more involved with the Curtin Guild, I have tried to speak up when I see the university failing to live up to its obligations or students getting left behind throughout the semester. I have always tried to listen to the experiences of other students and use my own voice to raise these issues when I see them go unnoticed, there’s so much each of us can do as students. I’m hoping that as a Guild Councillor I can do more to ensure that students feel they can easily reach out to the Guild and be confident that their voices are heard and represented by the people they voted for. I especially want to focus on making sure the Guild continues to build on the progress it has already made on accountability, transparency and accessibility to all students. I know this has already improved since I first came to Curtin, but I think there’s still room to improve in fighting for what students want and need, whether it be resisting the Trimester program,




Hi! My name is Michael Perry, I’m a first year Psychology student and I am running for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate in the 2018 student elections. As a student straight out of high school I would consider myself new to the Curtin Student Guild, however I am in no way new to leadership and representation of my peers. For 4 years of high school I represented my peers as a student councillor and in my final year I was Deputy Head Boy. During this time, I was in a role that required courage and empathy and I would say that this role requires the same traits and many more. This year I want the chance to give students a voice once more and fight for what is best for them. I would love to represent you, and your opinions, on the Guild Council for the remainder for 2018 through to the end of 2019, and I will if I get your support. Curtin University is one of the best universities in Australia, and obviously has some of the best students in Australia. It is only rational that these students, you, have the best Guild as well so that you can get the most out of university experience, no matter who you are. I want our Guild to provide us with not only excellent academic support and student assistance, but also run amazing events that cater for everyone no matter their interests. If you also want these things from our Guild then vote for Michael Perry and vote Illuminate. Vote [1] Michael Perry for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

that each and every one of us can find the balance between the two. I’ve seen the connection between these essential aspects of our lives by taking part in and volunteering with Zero2Hero, a youth program that promotes a greater understanding of mental health amongst the forests of Dwellingup. As a Guild Councillor I will strive to ensure that any changes Curtin implements have our interests at heart, and to keep the uni we now know; a place to learn, socialise and find our place in the world. Vote [1] Beatrice A Panganiban for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


G’day I’m Adam, your Activities Vice President and I’m running for Guild Councillor with the absolutely excellent team Illuminate. I’m so proud to be able to stand with the Illuminate team who have done so much during my time at University to make our experience the best it can be. I’m really proud to support David Jorritsma as the candidate for Illuminate to replace me as Activities Vice President. As a former Curtin Engineering Club and Curtin Chemistry Club President, David comes equipped with the experience needed to continue Illuminates transformation of club culture at Curtin. Empowering clubs to be at their best has been such a key reform of Illuminate, we’ve massively increased grants, built a Clubs HQ and even now work is underway to open the new clubs HQ at the end of semester. Events are just as important to Illuminate and

over the time Illuminate has been in power you’ve seen small things like free BBQ’s and and Wednesday events to the big things like Tav Parties, O-Day and Pasar Malam all expand beyond anything they were before. Illuminate is the only group with a strong track record on the student experience and the only group that has demonstrated that it cares about uni life. So: Vote [1] Adam Parsons for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] David Jorritsma for Activities Vice President! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi I’m Mel, I’m an International Relations and Asian Studies student, I’m passionate about Education and I’m standing with Illuminate as a candidate for Guild Councillor. Our education has been under constant attack, by both the Federal Government and our University. The Federal Government has cut millions of dollars from our University and forced us to pay back our debt sooner. Our University tried to pull a fast one and introduce trimesters during the University Break, thanks to Liam O’Neill and Illuminate we’ve been saved from that one. Illuminate is the only group that has consistently fought for and won battles to improve the quality of our education at this University and they’re the ones that I trust to keep fighting. Vote [1] Melinda Perks for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

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My name is Ethan Ryan, I’m a second year environmental biology student running for the position of Guild Councillor in 2018. Having spent 5 years at Curtin over two degrees, I’ve spent a lot of time getting to know this campus, though there’s a lot more to be discovered. Along the way, I’ve met people from all walks of life and I approach the position of Councillor with the intention of serving the interests of these students, and all others, by helping to bring their voices to the Guild. My primary goal is to ensure that Curtin University remains a place of learning by always striving to improve university conditions; whether you’re staff or student, post-graduate or first year, it’s my intention to deliver you the best academic experience possible through expanding unipass programs, advocating for paid internships and constantly fighting for a properly funded education system. I will especially be interested in defeating the proposed shift to a trimester academic calendar. This is my first foray into the Curtin Student Guild. You can call that inexperience, but I‘d like to think I’m helping to bring the perspectives of the broader student body into the Guild. I want to see our university remain equitable and safe for all, constantly striving to improve student opportunities. I would also like to work towards making our clubs more visible and continue hosting great events. We could also probably use more kettles around campus because I can never find any. If you want to help me help you: Vote [1] Ethan Ryan for Guild

keeping Curtin affordable or making sure coursework is clear and reasonable. I am sure that we can keep making life better for students on and off campus, and I am passionate to work with the rest of the Illuminate team to get it done! Vote [1] Julien Ranguetat for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


I’m Shaun, I’m an International Relations student, and we need to talk about what’s happening in student housing. I’m the President of the brand new Residential Student Union which I formed with Mel Perks and Liam O’Neill to help stand up for housing students. Our university is privatising student housing, and this privatisation will see students pay 15% more for what is already substandard housing. No air conditioning in summer, a utilitarian look and cramped rooms - it’s no wonder people would rather flat in the suburbs than stay in Curtin housing. Through the efforts of Illuminate’s current President - Liam O’Neill - the fight for better and more affordable student housing is already underway, and we are beginning to see the university listening to us more and more. This fight needs to continue next year and only I have faith that with the leadership of Finlay Nolan, Illuminate is only the group with the experience, dedication, and strong track record to guarantee that this will happen. Vote [1] Shaun Reynolds for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hey, I’m Erin! I’m a socialist, cat owner and opera lover. This year I’m running with Left Action to be your guild councillor and NUS delegate. Left Action believes that students need fighting organisations that will do everything it takes to defend their interests. Our student unions should fight our government and universities whenever they go after our rights. They should take the democratic rights of students seriously rather than being run as the personal fiefdom of a few individuals. Students have been suffering for decades now: exorbitant fees, declining education quality, never-ending funding cuts, and unliveable welfare - forcing students into the stressful plight of balancing work and study. This year our government added insult to injury by cutting $2 billion from higher education and forcing people to pay back their HECS debt on a lower income. Meanwhile, there’s plenty in the state coffers for war, with $3.8bn being handed to arms exporters, $35bn for new war ships and a promise to increase military spending to $200bn over the next decade. We need to turn this sordid situation around. Left Action stands for free, fully funded universities and liveable student welfare. But our only hope to make this a reality is to rebuild a fighting student movement. This is what the National Union of Students is for; mobilising students whenever the government goes after us. This year, under the direction of left wing activists, it was NUS that organised resistance to the government’s $2bn funding cut and is currently

running a Books Not Bombs campaign on campuses across the country. It should also fight for all oppressed groups suffering under a government that wants to keep everyone down, not just students. It was socialists who argued for NUS to play a leading role in the successful marriage equality campaign last year, and to fight this year for the rights of refugees being tortured in offshore detention camps. With the far right on the rise globally, now more than ever we need fighting, anti-racist unions. Yet it is not a guarantee that NUS will continue this important work. By voting for Left Action, there will be more left wing activists arguing for this way forwards for NUS, instead of student politicians who are only in it for their careers. Our own university administration is not immune from the neo-liberal agenda. They too want to see Curtin run as a degree factory by cutting staff and courses, churning out more students per year with trimesters and seeking investments from international weapons manufacturers. Only Left Action is willing to stand up to our administration by mobilising students to fight as we did last month to oppose trimesters. Only Left Action sees students’ democratic rights as a principle. That’s why we called out this year’s Guild administration when they tried to limit student control over student affairs. For a fighting, democratic Guild, vote Left Action. Vote [1] Erin Russell for Guild Councillor Vote [1] Erin Russell for NUS Delegate


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Hi everyone! My name is Fatma Sehic. I’m a first year Actuarial Science student and I’m really excited to be running for the position of Guild Councillor with Illuminate in 2018! I came to Curtin fresh out of high school and a lot has happened since then. Through their clubs, events, programs and initiatives, the Student Guild has made my life at Curtin a whole lot more interesting. There’s so many opportunities to explore new interests and be a part of all these fun events outside your study, and that’s something that I love about Curtin. It’s also something that I want to maintain and build upon, so that all other students can enjoy them too. There’s also the flip side. When things go wrong and people try to take advantage of our students, I want be a pillar of support. I’ll get upset and fight on your behalf, so that you can continue to enjoy your peaceful life at Curtin. I’m about to hit you with the most cliché line in history but hear me out: I love helping people. If you have something that you’re not happy about with Curtin, I want to change it. If you’re having issues with any aspect of life at Curtin, I want to fix it. If you just want to have a chat about something that could make Curtin better, I want to hear it. Most of us are going to be here for a while – and regardless of how long, that time is incredibly valuable. That’s why I want to turn these years of our lives into meaningful experiences that we can look back on with fondness. Vote [1] Fatma Sehic for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



against trimesters. Students need to take a stand around all issues facing international students. Electing left wing activists to the Guild is the only way to ensure this happens. Socialists in NUS have been at the front of the fightback against misogyny, homophobia and racism. The campaigns run through NUS Against Racism and the NUS LGBTI department have been great examples of how student activists can impact society and how Left Action candidates across the country are dedicated to fighting for social justice. We’ve organised protests for refugee rights, for marriage equality, and against fascism. It’s important for student activists to campaign around these issues, because the same government that locks up refugees and perpetuates racist scaremongering is also attacking our education and slashing our welfare services. We need to continue to build a united fightback! Only Left Action will continue to push the Guild and NUS to fight for social justice. I’m particularly excited to help organise the Books Not Bombs campaign, continuing the student tradition of anti-war activism by forcing universities to cut ties with arms manufacturers. Here at Curtin, that means getting the university to ditch international arms manufacturers Thales and Lockheed Martin. I also look forward to continue the fight against the far right and their racism, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia. The normalisation of these ideas should be taken seriously and resisted at every opportunity. Our student unions can be a powerful force in this fightback. For an activist Guild that fights for social justice, vote Left Action.

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President!Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi, I’m Caroline Sabater and I’m standing with Guild Councillor with Illuminate. I’m studying International Relations and I’m passionate about women’s issues and so is Illuminate. Sexual assault and harassment at Universities is unacceptable, just as it is in any aspect of our society. Illuminate is the ticket I trust to work to address these issues. The development and implementation of the respect module is crucial to achieving this. I am so proud to be on the same ticket as the people behind developing this module like Nicola Gulvin and Lydia Berhan. But it is not just sexual assault and harassment that we need to confront but the broader issues of sexism within our University and society. Illuminate is the group that introduced affirmative action to the Guild and this for me demonstrates the genuine commitment of Illuminate to gender equality. Only Illuminate will stand up for the issues of women in our Guild and place gender equality front and centre in our Guild Vote [1] Caroline Sabater for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi, I’m Scott! I’m a musician, journalist and international student. This year I’m running with Left Action to be a Guild Councillor and NUS delegate. There’s no doubt that the current state of the world is looking dire; the far right is on the rise, Trump is in the Whitehouse, Australian politicians call for a ‘final solution’ to immigration, and international fascists are giving speaking tours across the country. Now more than ever, student unions should be standing up for social justice issues and organising the fightback. This year on Guild Council, I’ve pushed for the Guild to endorse the Invasion Day protest in support of Aboriginal rights, campaign for refugee rights, and oppose Trump’s visit to Australia. Our Guild should take racism seriously because it has a direct impact on students - just this year we saw a racist attack on international student Abdullah Qaiser at the University of Newcastle. International students are consistently screwed over by our government and universities as well. In the face of exorbitant fees, strict limitations on working hours and a lack of affordable housing it’s no wonder international students are being grossly underpaid and exploited at work and crammed into shoddy rental properties. If Curtin introduces trimesters it will be a nightmare for international students who will have to fork out more for their degree per year and have less time to work over the Summer period. Unfortunately, it was Left Action candidates alone who organised the student protest

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Hi! My name is Charlotte Wooldridge, I am a third year Journalism student and I am running with Illuminate for the position of Guild Councillor in the 2018 student election. As a student who has spent a fair bit of time on Curtin, in and around campus, I am pretty familiar with the issues that a lot of students face. This is what I believe gives me the insight into what is important to Curtin students, and I am passionate to represent that to the best of my ability as Guild Councillor. During my degree, I have tried to fully immerse myself in the university culture we have at Curtin, and while many aspects of this has been incredible, it is important we keep fighting to ensure that Curtin continues to be a fair and safe campus for all students. One of the many ways Illuminate can make this happen is by being the only ticket that has a clear plan to defeat the trimester proposal; to prevent the degradation of student experience and wellbeing at Curtin. Although I am new to Illuminate, my passion about ensuring a positive student experience for every student is what will make me a great Guild Councillor, alongside the other amazing members of Illuminate! Vote [1] Charlotte Wooldridge for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi Everyone, I’m Vishal, a third-year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in International Business, and I will be standing for the position of the Guild Councillor with Illuminate! When I started at Curtin, I was studying at Curtin Singapore, the second offshore campus of Curtin University. I was actively involved in the Curtin Singapore Student Committee for one Trimester which gave me a lot of valuable insights into student representation. I have also developed strong personal and professional working relationships with the Curtin Business School Support Staff and Faculty at both the Singapore and Bentley Campus in my current role as Curtin Business School Representative. These very relationships have given me a broad insight as to what students require and also the necessary skills to be successful for the position of the Curtin Business School Faculty Representative. I am standing with Illuminate to support the person I want to succeed me, Sandra Rios. Sandra has been so involved in so much in our University and with our Faculty. Her role in the Curtin Student Law Society put her in great stead to step up and take the lead in supporting and advocating for Business and Law Students. Vote [1] Vishal Thirumalaisami for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Sandra Rios for Curtin Business School Representative!Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hi, Caitlin Skamp here. I am a first year Commerce student and I am running for Guild Councillor with Illuminate in 2018. I have been involved in the political sphere for as long as I can remember. My first union rally was when I was 2 and from then I have been staffing election booths with my mum for most of my childhood. This exposure to the political system at a young age has created this passion and fire in me for strong social and economic policy so that all Australians have the ability to flourish. The biggest problem facing youth today is their disengagement with the political system. I believe it is important that young people understand how important policy is and how it actually DOES affect them. I think universities have a responsibility to encourage students to participate actively and appreciate the ability they have to create change. It is important to me that everyone no matter their race, gender or sexual orientation that they have the access to quality education. It is the single most powerful thing that anyone can hold and it opens so many doors. My participation in the Labor party over the years has shown my passion for affordable education. I believe my commitment to politics and change makes me a perfect candidate to represent my fellow peers. I will fight for our right to affordable education and help others that feel disempowered to feel they have a voice. Vote [1] Caitlin Skamp for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President!Vote [1] Illuminate!


Hello everyone, my name is Luke Sutherland and I will be running for Guild Councillor with Illuminate in the upcoming student election. Being a student at Curtin studying a Commerce Degree majoring in Information Systems, has inspired me to help students in ways that I would have not thought possible before coming here and now I have this great opportunity as your potential Guild Councillor to help students have the best Curtin experience they can. If you vote for me in this election I will be the voice that listens to students and is determined to work hard and find ways to continuously improve the way the Guild can benefit students at Curtin. I look forward to hearing from fellow students and would be delighted to represent everyone as a Guild Councillor next year, so I can help continue the great work Illuminate does standing up for equality and staying in touch with students at every opportunity. Vote [1] Luke Sutherland for Guild Councillor! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

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also want to make sure the events run by the Guild are the best yet! Ensuring that they are accessible, inclusive, and fun! The Illuminate team and I will be focusing on safety and sustainability of the events to reduce waste and ensure the wellbeing of all that attend. Now that I’ve got readings to do, I’ll leave you with one last message: the people in the Illuminate team are the best people for the job, they care about students and they are dedicated in improving students’ experiences. They are willing to fight when needed to stop adverse changes that would degrade the university experience. Illuminate are really the most experienced and passionate group of students around and are really worth supporting in the upcoming 2018 Curtin Student Guild elections. Vote [1] David Jorritsma for Activities Vice President!Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate



Hello again! My name is Chris Hall and I am running for General Secretary and NUS Delegate for 2019. I am currently completing my studies in multidisciplinary science, majoring in Fashion and Environmental Biology. Quite a combination I know, but it keeps my university experience exciting and one of a kind. As well as my studies I have had the opportunity, after being elected as a guild councilor in 2017, to step up into the Queer Officer (QO) position. Over the past year I have strived to engage with





Hello, my name is David Jorritsma and I’m running for the position of Activities Vice President (AVP) with Illuminate for 2018. After completing my Bachelor’s in Chemistry, I decided to do a spectacular hairpin turn into the social sciences by starting my postgraduate studies in International Relations and National Security, with eventual hopes of pursuing a PhD later, much later. Here at Curtin, I’ve been involved with many clubs and societies for pretty much my entire time here. I was the Secretary and later President of the Curtin Engineers Club, President of the Curtin Chemistry Club, and dabbled in a little politics as the Treasurer and now current President of the Curtin University Australian Republic Club. With my wealth of experience managing and running clubs, my goal for AVP is to make sure every club can run the biggest, boldest, and best events and activities they can on and off campus. We can achieve this by building on Illuminate’s solid track record of providing quality professional development to committees, minimising and streamlining the administration required for great events, and supporting committees with materials and funding where possible. With the dedication, experience, and drive of myself and the Illuminate team, we can ensure the lifeblood of campus, our clubs and societies, can continue running fantastic events with ease that don’t distract you from your studies too much. As AVP, I

The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.




Hi! My name is Finlay Nolan, and I’m a 3rd year Secondary Education student who has had the privilege of being part of Illuminate and the Guild since 2016. This year, I’m running for Guild President with the support of an amazing team of Illuminate candidates. The leadership of Illuminate has established our Guild as one of the strongest and most successful student organisations in the country. Illuminate secured 50% of the SSAF, led the fight against trimesters, made Guild membership free, delivered the biggest and best events Curtin has ever seen, and is leading initiatives on environmental sustainability, among many more successes over the last few years.Illuminate is the only group committed to working towards a university that is safe and supportive. In 2018, we have begun our “Respect Module” project, which will educate students on consent, discrimination, and acceptable behaviour. In 2019, we will continue our efforts to make the campus a safer and more supportive place by: Ensuring the Respect Module is implemented; Pushing for well-lit spaces and CCTV; Work with the university towards the further

provision of accessible and gender neutral bathrooms, and; Advocate for more resources to go towards Disability and Counselling services. In 2019, Illuminate will fight back against the university’s increasingly neoliberal, money-driven agenda. We will: Fight cost-cutting measures like flipped classrooms, online-only lectures, and increased class sizes resulting in less class options on your timetable; Advocate for paid internships to ensure that students don’t have to jeopardize their financial stability; Ensure that the Guild continues to receive 50% of the SSAF, and; Oppose academic and support staff cuts and the overuse of sessional staff. The university has recently unveiled its plans to privatise housing and increase fees by 15%; the Guild has already begun working towards not only having these decisions revised, but also to improve what is currently a substandard housing situation for people who are spending far too much money. In my time as Guild Councillor and Humanities Representative I believe I have demonstrated my absolute dedication to this Guild and the students of Curtin. I was able to negotiate with the Faculty to prevent the discontinuation of over 30 units from the Bachelor of Arts; I have been a strong voice in the Trimester negotiations; in 2017, I reviewed almost every unit in the Faculty of Humanities which led to significant positive changes, bringing unit outlines in line with assessment policy; and I have been active in the fight for marriage equality, climate justice, refugee rights, anti-racism, justice for our First Nations people, and a fully funded and accessible education system. This year, I have built a team of activists, advocates, leaders in clubs and experience-focussed students from all walks of life, who all have one thing in common: they are committed to making this campus the most inclusive, vibrant, and student-friendly it can be. You deserve the kind of Guild that Illuminate will deliver in 2019. Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

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that the orientation experience for Health Sciences students is engaging, and makes all the new students feel really excited for their first year of university! I would want to be a representative who assists new students in their transition from high school to university, and ensures they feel welcome and motivated. I would also work hard to ensure that the experiences and opinions of students are heard and considered by the university, in both decision making and to benefit future students. Vote [1] Georgia McGrath for Faculty of Health Sciences Representative. Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hey! My name is Abhinav Gupta, I am a first year Master of Business Student at Curtin and I am running for the position of International Student Committee President with Illuminate in the 2018 Guild Election. Let me introduce myself: I completed my Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Electronics Engineering. After completing my degree, I worked as a Product and Operations lead at an IT firm in India. My role focused mainly on customer experience and support functions. I also held the position as a team leader, where I learnt the skills of team and time management. Such skills will definitely come in handy on the next journey, serving as the ISC president, if elected. The year I’ve spent in Perth has exposed me to the issues faced by international

campus learning experiences are as strong as they can be.Vote [1] Sandra Rios for Faculty of Business & Law Representative! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hiya! My name is Georgia McGrath and I am very excited to be running for the position of Faculty of Health Sciences Representative with Illuminate for 2019. I am a second-year Pharmacy student and have been actively involved in many aspects of campus culture over the last year. I am currently a second-year representative for Pharmacy students in the WAPSA (West Australian Pharmacy Students Association) committee. I am also a member of the EMAS (Electronic Music Appreciation Society) committee. The Student Guild has been an integral part of my experience so far at Curtin, and I am super excited to become more involved with the university and the Guild. Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to form some great relationships with current members of the Guild, students and staff. Through my involvement with WAPSA, I have had the opportunity to speak on behalf of my peers and provide feedback on our course to both tutors and senior university staff. I would be honoured to represent Health Science Students over the next year and to assist in creating a positive and memorable university experience for all students. If elected, I would ensure

the experience, the track record and the passion to fight for what is right for students and get it done without jeopardizing the student experience or the Guild’s relationship with the university. We are with you, we are for you. Vote [1] Chris Hall for General Secretary and NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hello! My name is Sandra, I am a third year Finance and Law student and I am running for the position of Student Representative for the Business & Law Faculty in the 2018 student elections.Although I am new to Illuminate, I have been very involved with helping students for the last three years. I have been a representative on the Student Discipline Panel for the last year, a student mentor for 5 semesters and a regular volunteer around campus. I have also recently been elected as the Treasurer of the Curtin Student Law Society for the 2019 Committee. I believe I am very familiar with student needs and the difficulties that new and existing students face on a day-to-day basis and that’s why I am very passionate about making the student experience a great one! Over the last 4 years Illuminate has been doing an amazing job at fighting for student representation and I believe we can continue making it even better. I am really excited to start working towards the introduction of more UniPass programs, the reduction of class sizes and ensuring that on-

students in the Queer Department, as well as many of the guilds events, such as; The Queer Disco, Roll-A-Rama, Ice-A-Rama, Stressless week, Rad - Sex and Consent week, Meet & Greets, International day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) and many of your O’day activities! After going to the NUS national conference last year in Melbourne and Queer Collaborations in Brisbane, my drive and passion for fighting for equality, equity and justice for students has grown exponentially! These conferences have also given me the opportunity to develop strong cross-campus connections in not only Western Australia, but across the nation. Taking part in the NUS campaigns have lead me to increase inclusivity and diversity within the student guild and fight for the rights of those who need to be heard. I take it upon myself to always represent myself and my department in the best interest for students, I have also been working with the Education Vice President and my fellow Equity Officers to build upon the content that is being developed for the Respect Module and the completion of the Ally handbook and safe space agreement. Although being queer plays a part in my identity, I would first and foremost consider myself as an advocate for all students. For 2019; I want to work with the University to develop simpler procedure for changing names and gender identity on the University’s records. I want to fight cost cutting measures like flipped classrooms, online only lectures and intentionally relying on people not attending class. I want a financially sustainable Guild to ensure current and future students can enjoy a great and effective Guild. I want to further highlight the importance of environmental sustainability and will work with the university to ensure that it maintains and improves on its high standard of sustainability. I am asking you to vote me, Chris Hall, as your General Secretary and vote 1 for Illuminate. As Illuminate is the only ticket you can trust to deliver a Guild that will represent Curtin Students and not any vested interests. Illuminate has

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outcomes despite difficult circumstances. Additionally, as someone who has experienced first-hand the hardships faced by LGBTQIA+ students, I believe I am the perfect candidate to address them. My extensive knowledge of the law will also undoubtedly be useful in the implementation of policies, such as, for example: those that will tackle offensive or discriminatory language within coursework. As such, my focus will cover social, political, educational and also personal issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community. Myself and Illuminate aim to implement changes that will benefit students and allow them to make the most out of their university experience. Such changes will include making events more accessible, providing healthier and diverse food options at cafes and creating a safer campus. Additionally, Illuminate is the only ticket that has a clear plan to defeat the trimester proposal and a strong track record of continuing success. As Queer Department Officer, I will work tirelessly to ensure the implementation of gender neutral and accessible bathrooms around campus and provide a safe space for students who feel unsafe as a result of discrimination or just need someone to talk to. A priority of mine will be to improve the communication between students and academics in an effort to ensure all perspectives, no matter how diverse, are actively heard. If I am elected, I will have the means to continue the work Illuminate has been conducting over the past years which has made the Curtin Student Guild the exceptional representative body you see today. If you want a diverse, representative, and continuously progressive Guild comprised of students who are passionate and dedicated to ensuring your voice is heard, then: Vote [1] Tariq Alardah & Bridge Truell for Queer Officer! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

at the University and as member of several senior committees I have a good grasp of the University’s governance and how it can be used to achieve academic and research excellence and future success. Illuminate has a vision of a fulfilling university experience as well as a measured approach to protect your livelihood and student experience. It would be my absolute honor to represent you, again, in 2019, so that together we can achieve great things. Vote [1] Romana Begicevic for Postgraduate Students Committee President! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hi! My name is Tariq Alardah. I am a fourth year Law and International Relations student. Giving back to the community has been the motivation behind every endeavour I undertake, and thus I am running for the positions of Queer Department Officer (along with my co-nominee Bridge Truell) for Illuminate in 2019. I believe that as Queer Department Officer I can help ensure that Curtin University is a welcoming and accommodating environment for everyone, and that the needs of all LGBTQIA+ students are effectively catered to. My experience volunteering for not for profit organisations such as the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre and Legal Aid WA has given me the skills to efficiently raise awareness on significant issues affecting minorities in the community and achieve desirable

students at Curtin University. Awareness of scholarships, communication gap, and Visa queries are just some issues faced by international students. ISC will aim to work on such matters by working collaboratively with the Curtin Student Guild wherever needed. I want the ISC to be more student friendly, anyone should be able to just walk-in or email anytime and get the support they need. If elected, I will work on making ISC to be a core part of international students daily campus life at Curtin; be it through providing basic assistance on adjustment issues, events and meetups, and semester-kick off. I am looking forward to making the ISC a key point of contact in regards to the international student experience. Let’s all come together and spread the joy of being the most multicultural community at Curtin. Vote [1] Abhinav Gupta for International Student Committee President! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hi I’m Romana, I’m a PhD student in the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and I’m running for the position of President of the Postgraduate Students Committee in the 2018 student elections, with Illuminate. From Bachelor’s to PhD, I have studied at Curtin University since 2012 and I have experienced first hand what it means to be a student at all levels of study. I am the current PSC President and hope to continue

my role in 2019 and continue to do that by supporting the structure implemented by the Illuminate to the postgraduate arm of the Guild. During my time at Curtin University, I’ve thrown my hand up to help mentor young individuals of the community; through the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience, I have represented undergraduate students; as Student Council Representative, Postgraduate students; as Vice President of the PSC by research and as current President of the PSC; W.A President for the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations and PG member of University Council. In my current role as PSC President, I have worked hard to deliver: Strong student representation across faculties, including WASM; Better career outcomes for PG’s especially HDR students; Improved and accessible Counseling services for PG’s especially HDR; More scholarships and funding opportunities;Quality education and research conditions; Social and networking opportunities within the PG/research community. In 2019, as President of the Postgraduate Student Committee, I will continue to build on our current work and in addition, aspire to: Improve PG/HDR students experience; Create a research community of collaboration and support; Ensure that the implementation of the Milestones has a strong focus on student/supervisor relationships and student support and that the policy and procedures are fair and in the best interest of the students; Continue to to deliver more programs, training and opportunities to ensure PG/HDR students’ research and academic excellence and future success. In my role as PSC President I am committed to the postgraduate students academic and research excellence, wellbeing and career success. As President of the PSC, W.A President for CAPA and postgraduate student member of University Council, I am well aware of the issues postgraduates face, at the University and National level. Being a student at Curtin since 2012, I know what it is like to be a student going through the notions of success



The Curtin Student Guild Elections 2018 is authorised by Kay Heron - Returning OfficerAll views expressed are those of the candidates and not of the editorial staff of any Curtin Student Guild publication or of the Curtin Student Guild.

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Hello! My name is Imogen Charles and I am a second year International Relations student running with Illuminate for the position of Students with Disabilities Officer in the 2018 student elections. I have decided to run for this position as I would like to continue to improve and maintain Curtin’s support for students with disabilities; within their courses, during events and just around Curtin in general. As someone who has benefited greatly from the measures that are already in place to support students with disabilities, I believe that I will make an ideal representative as someone who will go above and beyond to keep Curtin disability friendly, no matter how visible your disability is. I would also like to work alongside our activities team to continue to ensure that all events are accessible, as I am passionate about ensuring that all students are able to enjoy their university experience. As well as advocating for the rights of students with disabilities, I would also work to maintain Illuminate’s vision for a student first Guild. Keeping Guild membership free, working towards stopping enforced trimesters and running many more great events are just some of the ways we intend to do this. I am passionate about representing students to keep everyone’s Curtin experience safe, transparent and fun! I believe that I am the ideal candidate for this role, and look forward to being able to prove it! Vote [1] Imogen Charles for Students with Disabilities Officer!Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

only group committed to keeping membership free. They have also fought extensively against unfair changes to higher education at a federal level including, fee deregulation, cuts of HEPPP funding and the lowering of the HECS repayment threshold. They have also introduced environmentally friendly and biodegradable packaging and cutlery in all Guild cafes, just to name a few of their achievements. As a student at Curtin I am aware how lucky we are to have such an amazing and diverse student body and as a part of Illuminate we promise to make the voices of all students heard. A few of our campaign promises include; Illuminate will work with our equity representatives to examine developing equity committees for our equity portfolios; Illuminate will continue to put pressure on the university to commit to creating a safer campus in response to the feedback from our Respect. Now. Always campaign; Illuminate will work with academics to revise curriculum content to include diverse views and perspectives; Illuminate will work with the University to expand the provision of gender neutral and fully accessible bathrooms; Illuminate will introduce a Respect Module for staff and students that has been created in collaboration between the Guild and University to help ensure respectful relationships in the Curtin community; Illuminate will work with the University to develop simpler procedure for changing names and gender identity on the University’s records; Illuminate will also continue to bring therapy animals onto campus. To hear more about our campaign promises and what we have accomplished so far do not hesitate to contact me, and if you like what you’ve heard so far then… Vote [1] Kate le Roux for Women’s Officer Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!

for all students (regardless of their orientation, identity or presentation) and a wider variety of inclusive & accessible events for the Queer Department. With the amazing Illuminate 2018 team behind me, we can achieve this by advocating for more gender neutral and fully accessible bathrooms on campus, collaborating with faculty heads to challenge any discriminatory content or language in our coursework, and improving the process for changing name and gender with the university, along with continuing the Illuminate traditions of free Guild membership, free parking during exam week, and most importantly, supporting and elevating the voices of our fellow students on the issues that matter most to them. Vote [1] Bridge Truell for Queer Officer and NUS Delegate! Vote [1] Finlay Nolan for Guild President! Vote [1] Illuminate!



Hey guys, my name is Kate and I am a first year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in Economics and International Relations at Curtin. I absolutely love being a student at Curtin and I am extremely grateful for all of the help and opportunities I have been provided by the university. However, I believe that there are some improvements that can be made in order to improve our overall student experience. This term I will be running for Women’s Officer under the group Illuminate. For those of you that aren’t aware of this group, Illuminate introduced free Guild membership and is the

Hi! My name is Bridge Truell and I use they/them or he/him pronouns. I’m a third-year psychology student, with a particular interest in gender, sexuality and relationship counselling. I am running for the position of Queer Officer (along with my co-nominee Tariq Alardah) and NUS delegate for Illuminate in 2018. As a Curtin student who has heavily relied on their Queer Department for support in the past, I feel it’s important to give something back and care deeply about making not only the equity departments, but our entire Student Guild as inclusive, accessible, and supportive as possible. If I’m elected as your new Queer Officer, my goals will include improving the university experience for LGBTQIA+ students, promoting diversity within the Student Guild, and increasing representation and awareness of the issues experienced by members of our Queer Department who exist in the intersections of other marginalised communities (such as queer people of colour (QPOC), queer people with disabilities & neurodivergent queer people, queer international students, and rural & regional queer students). I have previous experience as one of the 2017 Rural & Regional Officers for the Australian Queer Student Network (AQSN), 2017 Leader of the Rural and Regional Alliance of Queer Students (RARAQS) and have been active in peer support and education roles at Queer Collaborations (our national LGBTIQ+ student conference) for the last two years. I love my Queer Department, I love my Student Guild, I love my university, and I want to help you love them too! I hope to bring you a safer and more tolerant campus

19The official publication of the 2018 Curtin Student Guild Elections.

Page 20: The Candidate. - Candidate 2018.pdf · Student unions have a proud history of standing up for societal issues and are powerful bodies in wider society. Left Action


Hi, I’m Alexis and I’m running this year to be an NUS delegate. I am a PhD candidate in the Curtin Business School, writing about trade unionism in the Pilbara. I am a long-standing social justice activist, and have been active in many campaigns including against racism and Islamophobia, for refugee rights, for marriage equality, and in support of Palestinian human rights. This is both the experience I would bring to the position of NUS delegate, and the policy positions I support the national union. I have long been a strong believer in both trade unionism and student unionism. Students are stronger standing together. No student can fight attacks from the university alone. In the same way, no student guild can fight government attacks alone. That’s why the Curtin Guild, alongside dozens of other student organisations in Australia, is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS). We need a strong National Union of Students that is prepared to stand up to the government, whichever party is in power. Students are currently paying more for less. Billions of dollars in cuts to education funding over many years – by both Liberal and Labor – has meant a drastic decline in the quality of education. We see larger class sizes, cuts to staff, cuts to courses and so on. The proposal for trimesters is only the latest example. The context for these on-campus issues is the neo-liberalisation of education in Australia. That’s why we need a two-pronged approach to fight for our education: a strong student guild that stands up to the university, and a strong National Union to pressure the Government. We need a National Union which will organise students to fight for our rights, and organise protest campaigns. We need a national union that stands up for the rights of international students, of which Curtin has one of the highest proportions in Australia. International students are treated as “cash cows,” facing work restrictions and high fees. Exploitation of international students continues in the

to call out Illuminate’s attempts to compromise with university management, and to argue that the Guild should organise the sort of fightback that can actually win. Left Action activists have campaigned against the university’s proposal since it was announced – you may have seen us making announcements before your lectures, talking to students on stalls, and promoting the student protest against the changes. We’ve also fought against the Liberal government’s cuts to education funding and attacks on students by organising and promoting protests as part of the National Union of Students education campaign. The only reason NUS has organised student protests across Australia to defend their education is because left wing activists have argued for this strategy. I want to be an NUS delegate to argue within our national union that it is important to draw as many students into protests and action as possible to defend their education. This is the best weapon students have to protect their right to affordable, well funded education as seen in the successful 2014 campaign against $100,000 degrees. NUS needs to continue to pursue this strategy and the only way to ensure this happens is to put more socialists like myself into the union. Vote [1] Left Action

MICHAEL FARRELL - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)

NICOLA GULVIN - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)

CHRIS HALL - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)

DYLAN HEYWOOD - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)

ERIN RUSSELL - LEFT ACTION(see previous statement)

SCOTT SANDON - LEFT ACTION(see previous statement)

BRIDGE TRUELL– ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)


HANA ARAI - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)

LYDIA BERHAN - ILLUMINATE(see previous statement)


Hi, I’m Richard. I’m a mature age student in my second year of studying Occupational Therapy. I’m a current Guild councillor, a socialist, and an education activist. Over the past two years I’ve been involved with other Left Action candidates in fighting against cuts to education on campus and at a national level. This year I’m running to be an NUS delegate. One of the biggest threats facing Curtin students at the moment is the university’s plan to introduce a trimester study system. This essentially means adding a third semester to the end of the year, allowing the university to push students through their degrees faster. This will place an immense burden on both students and staff who are already over stretched. At every university where this model has been rolled out – disaster has followed. 8,000 students signed a petition against any changes to the academic calendar. Despite this, university management has made it clear they’re resisting calls to abandon their plan. This means that the Guild can’t rely on sucking up to the university in closed door meetings, but should be involving as many students as possible in a vibrant campaign against the trimesters. Unfortunately, the Illuminate Guild has taken a different approach to the trimester system. Instead of rejecting any changes to the academic calendar they’ve sought to compromise with the university by proposing a 9-week study period over the summer. If Illuminate’s study proposal is introduced it will just make it easier for the university to fully implement trimesters further down the line. We can’t compromise on our education! We need left wing activists in the Guild

workplace. Left Action will fight for a national union that will stand up for the rights of international students both inside and outside of the university gates and tackle the other issues they may face such as racism and Islamophobia. We also support the Books Not Bombs campaign, calling for universities to divest from investments with arm manufacturers. Student guilds and the national union have a long proud history of standing up for all of their members. They also have campaigned against war, for refugee rights and for many other causes. Student organisations should have a social conscience, stand up for the rights of the oppressed, and be on the right side of history. Vote for a national union comprised of committed activists, not student politicians and careerists. Vote Alexis Vassiley for NUS delegate Vote [1] Left Action!

FABIAN YARRAN(see previous statement)


Greetings fellow human beings.I have bravely decided to stick my hand up to be one of the NUS Delegates for the Curtin Student Guild. I am doing this because I want to travel to Melbourne at your expense. I don't really care for student politics, and I would be lying if I said the NUS was an organisation I held in high regard, but the fact remains that we send delegates and cash to them every year for NUS NatCon, and I want to get involved. I will attend the conference, vote on a number of motions however I see fit, and look around what used to be the world's most livable city. Make no mistake, I am only doing this because I want the free trip to Melbourne. Vote for me and we can make this happen. Plus I'd quite like some Frequent Flyer points. If you have any questions regarding my candidacy, or would like me to send you some photos from the trip you paid for through your SSAF, please email [email protected].