the carolina times (durham, n.c.) 1972-11-18 [p 4b]€¦ · 18/11/1972  · -the carolina times...

-THE CAROLINA TIMES Sat., Nov. 18, 1972 PREGNANCY PLANNING AND HEALTH by Mr*. Gloria Rifpbet Dear Mrs. Riggsbee: In 1958 I had surgery in which my tubes and my right ovary wen» removed. I was 18 years old at the time and it was an operation which was necessary because of a bad infection. I still have my left ovary. What 1 want to know is this: Some friends of mine have told me that they have read of doctors inserting plastic tubes in women so that they could then have a baby. My husband and 1 want a baby very much. I thought that before I got my hopes up I would find out for sure if this could be done. Can you tell me? Hopeful you are not careful; any gen- eral soreness in the genital re- gion; an urge to urinate often. Syphilis will first manifest itself as an open sore or le6ion about the size of a fingernail in the genital area -specifically on the penis in the male or on the labia in the female. The sore appears at the point of entry of the bacteria and us- ually is evident ten days after contact. It will "go away" even if not treated, but this does NOT mean that you are rid of the disease at all. You are still infected and can still infect others. Here are some very good reasons why you should worry if you think you have a vene- real disease and are i't being treated by a doctor. Because venereal cause sterility, as in "Hope- ful's letter. Dear Hopeful: I'm sorry to tell you that experiments with plastic tubes have not been successful. Please do not pin your hopes on this. Doctors have found no way yet to help women in your situation have a baby. I'm afraid your only answer is to consider adoption. Because pregnant women infected with V.D. often give birth to diseased babies. Because syphilis in its later stages can cause damage to es- sential body systems and may result in death. Nervous sys- tems are often so diseased that serious mental and physical impairments results. Because if you have V.D. you can easily give it to some- one else, which is no way at all to show affection. I am glad that you took the time to write, however, be- cause I hope that your unfor- tunate situation will at least serve to warn other readers of the dangers of untreated vene- real di r ease?in your case, gonorrhea, which is one of the biggest destroyers of female tubes. Anyone who thinks he might have gonorrhea or sy- philis should check with a doctor immediately before these gonorrhea or syphilis should check with a doctor immediately before these di- seases have progressed very far. Venereal diseases are easily cured by doctors in the early stages. However, doctors can- not "un-do" damage already caused by the disease. V.D. is passed exclusively by person -to-person contact. Washing the sexual organs with soap *nd water, either before or after cpmtact. pffers NO protection whatsoever. The only way to avoid V.D. is to avoid having sexual rela- tions with persons you sus- pect might have the disease. Gonorrhea manifests itself as pain in the urethra, parti- cularly pain during urination; a milky or watery discharge from the urethral opening. This discharge is highly in- fectious and can carry infec- tion to the eyes, or throat if Small Steering Wheel Aid Safety & Room George Coggin, president of Coggin Pontiac, has announced the arrival of Volvo's 1973 line-up at his dealership. Ac- cording to Coggin, the new Volvos stress safety, comfort, engine performance, and de- sign. He also pointed out that this year, all models feature fuel injection. The Swedish manufacturer has made its most prominent changes in areas designed to improve driver and passenger safety. Among the safety fea- tures are child-proof rear door lovks, heavier high-impact bum- pers mounted on hydraulic shock absorbers, a steering wheel with a special column- collapsing device, cpmpletely new safety dashboard and fire- resistant upholstery. Coggin also pointed out that the smaller steering wheel with its enlarged center hub and added padding provides not only easier steering and safety but more knee room as well. The steering column anchorage can now displace on impact to align the wheel with driver's body in an accident. The new telescoping bum- pers are designed to absorb im- pacts up to five ftfues per hour in the front and two and a half miles per hour in the rear. For additional body strength, boxed steel pillars are located at every corner of the passenger compartment plus another on each side for sedans and two on each side for the Volvo 145 wagon. All model roofs are reinforced with steel crash sup- ports. Coggin spokesmen express- ed pleasure that Volvo's con- cern for reduced exhaust emis- sions is reflected in the new models' fuel injection engines. The cumpter-monitored system provides more thorough fuel eom bust ion and thus cleaner exhausts by precisely regula- ting the air/fuel mixture under varying conditions. When asked about Volvo's acceptance by car-buyers in the Durham-Chapeil Hill area, Cog- gin said, "We were very pleased with our Volvo sales figures for the '72 models. .And with the imporvements and modifica- tions on the new ones, I think we're going to be seeing lots of Volvos on the streets around hers." Another Volvo feature that Coggin pointed out is place- According to the World Health Organization the Irish rank high on the list of well- fed peoples. This is probably due to the large agricultural population and the plain but wholesome and cheerful food the Irish prepare so well. Irish soda bread, heather honey and stew are well known all over the world. And so is Irish Coffee, with a jig- ger of fine Irish Whiskey in it. Irish whiskey is made from the same grains as Scotch but is fuller-bodied and without a smokey flavor, a good heart- warmer for a cold Fall day. T. M. Coleman, director of Paddy's Irish Whiskey which is distilled and bottled in the Republic of Ireland, describes his product as "smooth to the tongue, down-to-earth whiskey for down-to-earth people." Coleman has an unusual family recipe for Irish coffee passed down for generations and a marvelous Irish chicken dish flamed in whiskey, fine for company. Serve the chicken with Colcannon, a delectable mixture the Irish make with buttered green potatoes. COCK O' THE NORTH 3 lbs. cut up chicken with giblets Juice of 1 lemon Z2 cup flour, salt and pepper added / t cup butter ?4 lb. bacon, diced 3 small onions, sliced >/ 2 cup water Z 2 cup Paddy's Irish Whiskey 1 clove garlic / 4 tup. allspice Z2 cup dry red wine Zt cup water 1 egg yolk 1 tbls. light cream Dip chicken in lemon Juice, coat with 3 tbls. flour mixed with salt and pepper. Brown in butter in a skillet. Add bacon and onions, sprinkle with 1 tbls. flour and brown until onions turn golden. Plame the chicken with the Irish whiskey wanned first in a ladle, lit, and then poured over chicken. Add salt, pepper, 'ecirtes From Ireland garlic, allspice. Cover with wine and water, simmer gen- tly for 45-60 minutes. Make a broth from three cups of water and the chicken giblets, neck and feet. Re- move poultry. Strain cookinn juices from browned chicken and add to broth. Reduce in half by rapid boiling. Thicken with egg yolk and cream. Pour sauce over chicken, re- serving some for separate serving. Garnish chicken with pearl onions and mushrooms. Makes 4-5 servings. IRISH COFFEE 4 strips each of orange peel, lemon peel 16 whole cloves 5 oi. Paddy's Irish Whiskey Hearty Food And Drink 4k A family or company dinner, Cock o' the North, and coffee with a dram of Paddy's Irish Whiskey and a dollop of whip cream are Irish delights to frace our tables. Served with Col cannon vegetable dish it takes the cold sting out of winter. 2 tsp. superfine sugar Za cup whipped cream 1 stick cinnamon V/ 2 cups strong, hot coffee 14 cup confectioners sugar Stud peel strips with 2 cloves each, place in skillet Over moderate heat with stick cinnamon and the 2 tsps. of superfine sugar, stirring with wooden spoon until sugar melts. Pour Irish Whiskey in- to pan and flame. Pour in hot coffee, simmer three minutes and remove from heat. Rub cut edge of lemon peel around inside of cup, dip cup into dish of confectioner's sugar to make a rim. Pour in strained coffee carefully, top each sen- ing with whipped cream. ment of all important opera- ting controls on the steering column. "This design" , he said, "makes it possible for the driver to operate the wind- shield Wiper and washers, direc- tional signals, high beams, horn and overdrive without taking his eyes off the road or his hands off the wheeL." In summing up Volvo's changes for '73, Coggin con- cluded, "The changes they've made and the standard equip- ment features they've added on all models are designed to provide greater safety, comfort, convenience and engine per- formance in the medium-sized, medium-priced cars." The next great ice age will be upon us in about 10,OM years. Certain inconveniences will be balanced by sharply slashed sales prices on air-conditioners. feeautyCulturists Announce Fall Program MIAMI, Fla.? When the Na- tional Beauty Culturists' League Inc., held its annual convention in Miami, Florida, July 1-6, at the Dupont Plaza Hotel, many departments were functioning for the len-day stay. Among the activities were the institute of cosmetology, an in-service training «chool leading to bachelor, master and doctor degrees in cosmetology; a trade show with exhibits by many top beauty products com- panies, a style show, a trip to Nassau in the Bahamas, and business sessions of parent body. The program for the Nation- al Beauticians Sorority, Theta Nu Sigma, as announced by Soror Ruth J. Furgeson of Philadelphia, National Basileus is as follows: July 31, orienta- tion and pledging; August 2 through 5, workshops develop- ing programs for locals over the nation; August 3, midnight initiation of new memers; Au- gust 6, early morning annual \ W Imm EDUCATIONAL CHAT -- Dr. Charles A. Lyons, Jr., FSU Chancellor, welcomes Dr. J. P Freeman of the State Depart- ment of Public Instruclion, who delivered the keynote address at the Fayetteville State Uni- versity campus recently in a meeting for the North Carolina Association of Educators. breakfast and evening ball in the Dupont Plaza Hotel, head- quarters for the convention. More than 1,200 of the 50,000 member organizations are expected to be present at some time during the ten-day stay at the hotel. Convention Chairman Mrs. Cathlean B. Ross of Tampa been awarded a Senior Ful- bright-Hays Professorship to lecture at the University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. The lectureship will be in the area of parasitology and micro- biology and will begin in Sep- OUR HEALTH By C. H. Tracy, M.D While visiting my sister-in- law's new-born baby, I no- ticed an egg-shaped swelling on the baby's bead. Is this normal? The egg-shaped swelling that you mention does occur fre- quently with new borns. It's usually caused ing no after- Dr. Tracy effects, since it does not extend into the skull or involve the brain in any way. You might have noticed that most newborn babies are born with a peculiar shaped head, Which... will usually: re- turn to normal shape in one to three weeks, or sometimes longer. The reason for an elongated or irregular shaped head is "Molding" which also takes place during the birth of the baby. With summer over, I dread losing the tan I've worked so hard to get. I've purchased a sunlamp on the recommenda- tion of a friend and wondered what the benefits are? Will it really help me keep my tan? There are no physical bene- fits derived from a sunlamp, however, using one to keep or produce a tan can give a per- son a sense of improved health merely because of the sun- tanned skin. Sunlamps can be extremely harmful to the skin and eyes unless used carefully. It's recommended that you al- ways wear goggles to cover your eyes, never look directly into the light, and only ex- pose your skin to the lamp for 3 minutes at a time. It's also a good idea to turn your face constantly when using the lamp. Regular use of the sunlamp will keep your tan longer, however, you will notice that a tan, whether acquired by the sun or by sunlamp, will fade if not attended to al- most dally. Also the tan you get from a sunlamp tends to have an artificial look. It'i necessary for me to shave my legs every day. Some people have told me the rea- son for this is that I started shaving at a fairly young age, and now the hair on my legs grows in faster and heavier. Is there any truth to this? Al- so; rily legs get very itchy after shaving. What can be done about this? What your friends have told you about leg-shaving is mere- ly an old wile's tale, and there's absolutely no truth to it. Hair does not grow any faster or thicker just because you've shaved it. It always grows at the same rate. As for the itchiness you may experience, my suggestion is to use a body lotion before you begin shaving. Keri Lotion works better than soap and water, or shaving cream. Rub on a generous supply, to soften and moisturize the skin. When you're through shaving, remove excess cream with a towel or cloth. Keri Lotion leaves a protective film that will help keep your legs smooth and free from irritat- ing itch. and D. A. Julius of Miami say that all other departments have outlined programs of great in- terese and variety. Dr. Joseph Jones, Jr., vice president for academic affairs and professor of biology at Saint Augustine's College has \ THE HOUSE OF KLEIN \ \ ONE HOUK CLEANING \ \ MtthrtttwflUSL \ \ A Dry Cleaning Specials 3 Pair PANTS 1.50 Plain SKIRTS 1.50 DRESSES. Plate.... 2.00 5U1T5...55.55...2.00 4 Skirts laundarad 1.00 Tlmm Mcm Om4>w IDay Stntm Qafef,. m . « i M I AldW^^teOlJv yiy t?T »^ Color 800-800 Pond TEL AVIV - An Amer- ican chemist is investigating whether Israel'! blue and whit# national colors might be a his- torical mistake. Dr. Sidney Edelstein, who lives In Israel most of the year, maintains the ancient Hebrews used purple dye for their traditional arti- cles, not the sky blue chosen by the Israelis, seeking a tie with their beginnings. \u25a0 Satellite Launched MOSCOW - Hie Soviet Union announced on Tuesday the launch of Cosmos 527, the latest in its series of unmanned apace probes. H VAkgUHA ! SHAGS ! from $6 - 95 P or yd- INSTALLED! including \u25a0 ? Walloverlngs ? Blgelow Edgar omp , # Hoover Cleaners ? Fleldcreat Nlto 644-1469 ? Armstrong Vinyl 30 other Brand or 644-1676 Names I "We Offer Quality and Service" nf P/liit Free Estimates In Your Home Of Rolls and Immediate Inatallatlona Remnants ttrtJNLIMrTEI^ FILMS ... INTERVIEWS*.. SPECIAL EVENTS ~. WITH YOUR HOSTESS, WANftA GARRETT. FRANK DISCUS- SION OF BLACK EVENTS IN THE DURHAM AREA* S>TUBWY» W SIX OM TVELEVEMIII | BtMgfhDurham JfM iKveKtiouse SCOTCH /fuflTIN \ t ,tfV£R I I Tenths tember. Dr. Jones was one of four Black Americans selected for the African program by competition with applicants from -throughout the United States. Dr. Jones is married to the former Etta Mitchell, and they have taro daughters. Mrs. Jones who is an assistant professor at Saint Augustine's College, will accompany her husband to Ghana. 11m ultimate international crisis will be if General Motors recalls the Cadillac President Nixon gave Brezhnev. 4B

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Page 1: The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-11-18 [p 4B]€¦ · 18/11/1972  · -THE CAROLINA TIMES Sat., Nov. 18, 1972 PREGNANCY PLANNING AND HEALTH by Mr*.Gloria Rifpbet Dear Mrs. Riggsbee:

-THE CAROLINA TIMES Sat., Nov. 18, 1972


by Mr*. Gloria Rifpbet

Dear Mrs. Riggsbee: In 1958I had surgery in which mytubes and my right ovarywen» removed. I was 18 yearsold at the time and it was anoperation which was necessarybecause of a bad infection.I still have my left ovary.What 1 want to know is this:

Some friends of mine havetold me that they have readof doctors inserting plastictubes in women so that theycould then have a baby. Myhusband and 1 want a babyvery much. I thought thatbefore I got my hopes up Iwould find out for sure if thiscould be done. Can you tellme? Hopeful

you are not careful; any gen-

eral soreness in the genital re-

gion; an urge to urinate often.

Syphilis will first manifestitself as an open sore or le6ionabout the size of a fingernailin the genital area -specificallyon the penis in the male or onthe labia in the female. Thesore appears at the point of

entry of the bacteria and us-ually is evident ten days aftercontact. It will "go away"even if not treated, but thisdoes NOT mean that you arerid of the disease at all. You

are still infected and can stillinfect others.

Here are some very goodreasons why you should worryif you think you have a vene-real disease and are i't beingtreated by a doctor.

Because venerealcause sterility, as in "Hope-ful's letter.

Dear Hopeful: I'm sorry totell you that experiments withplastic tubes have not been

successful. Please do not pinyour hopes on this. Doctorshave found no way yet tohelp women in your situationhave a baby. I'm afraid your

only answer is to consideradoption.

Because pregnant womeninfected with V.D. often givebirth to diseased babies.

Because syphilis in its laterstages can cause damage to es-sential body systems and mayresult in death. Nervous sys-tems are often so diseased that

serious mental and physicalimpairments results.

Because if you have can easily give it to some-one else, which is no way at

all to show affection.

I am glad that you tookthe time to write, however, be-

cause I hope that your unfor-tunate situation will at leastserve to warn other readers ofthe dangers of untreated vene-real dir ease?in your case,gonorrhea, which is one of thebiggest destroyers of femaletubes.

Anyone who thinks hemight have gonorrhea or sy-philis should check with adoctor immediately beforethese gonorrhea or syphilisshould check with a doctorimmediately before these di-seases have progressed very far.

Venereal diseases are easilycured by doctors in the earlystages. However, doctors can-not "un-do" damage alreadycaused by the disease.

V.D. is passed exclusivelyby person -to-person contact.

Washing the sexual organswith soap *nd water, eitherbefore or after cpmtact. pffersNO protection whatsoever.The only way to avoid to avoid having sexual rela-tions with persons you sus-pect might have the disease.

Gonorrhea manifests itself

as pain in the urethra, parti-cularly pain during urination;a milky or watery dischargefrom the urethral opening.This discharge is highly in-fectious and can carry infec-tion to the eyes, or throat if

Small Steering

Wheel AidSafety & Room

George Coggin, president ofCoggin Pontiac, has announcedthe arrival of Volvo's 1973line-up at his dealership. Ac-cording to Coggin, the newVolvos stress safety, comfort,engine performance, and de-sign. He also pointed out thatthis year, all models featurefuel injection.

The Swedish manufacturerhas made its most prominentchanges in areas designed to

improve driver and passengersafety. Among the safety fea-tures are child-proof rear doorlovks, heavier high-impact bum-pers mounted on hydraulicshock absorbers, a steeringwheel with a special column-collapsing device, cpmpletelynew safety dashboard and fire-resistant upholstery.

Coggin also pointed out thatthe smaller steering wheel with

its enlarged center hub andadded padding provides notonly easier steering and safetybut more knee room as well.

The steering column anchoragecan now displace on impact toalign the wheel with driver'sbody in an accident.

The new telescoping bum-pers are designed to absorb im-pacts up to five ftfues per hourin the front and two and ahalf miles per hour in the rear.

For additional body strength,boxed steel pillars are locatedat every corner of the passengercompartment plus another oneach side for sedans and two oneach side for the Volvo 145wagon. All model roofs arereinforced with steel crash sup-ports.

Coggin spokesmen express-ed pleasure that Volvo's con-cern for reduced exhaust emis-sions is reflected in the newmodels' fuel injection engines.The cumpter-monitored systemprovides more thorough fueleom bust ion and thus cleaner

exhausts by precisely regula-ting the air/fuel mixture undervarying conditions.

When asked about Volvo'sacceptance by car-buyers in theDurham-Chapeil Hill area, Cog-gin said, "We were very pleasedwith our Volvo sales figures forthe '72 models. .And with theimporvements and modifica-tions on the new ones, I thinkwe're going to be seeing lots ofVolvos on the streets aroundhers."

Another Volvo feature thatCoggin pointed out is place-

According to the WorldHealth Organization the Irishrank high on the list of well-fed peoples. This is probablydue to the large agriculturalpopulation and the plain butwholesome and cheerful foodthe Irish prepare so well.Irish soda bread, heatherhoney and stew are wellknown all over the world. Andso is Irish Coffee, with a jig-ger of fine Irish Whiskey in it.

Irish whiskey is made fromthe same grains as Scotch butis fuller-bodied and without asmokey flavor, a good heart-warmer for a cold Fall day.

T. M. Coleman, director ofPaddy's Irish Whiskey whichis distilled and bottled in theRepublic of Ireland, describeshis product as "smooth to thetongue, down-to-earth whiskey

for down-to-earth people."Coleman has an unusual familyrecipe for Irish coffee passeddown for generations and amarvelous Irish chicken dishflamed in whiskey, fine forcompany. Serve the chickenwith Colcannon, a delectablemixture the Irish make withbuttered green potatoes.


3 lbs. cut up chicken withgibletsJuice of 1 lemon

Z2 cup flour, salt and pepperadded

/t cup butter?4 lb. bacon, diced

3 small onions, sliced>/ 2 cup waterZ2 cup Paddy's Irish Whiskey

1 clove garlic/4 tup. allspice

Z2 cup dry red wineZt cup water

1 egg yolk1 tbls. light cream

Dip chicken in lemon Juice,coat with 3 tbls. flour mixedwith salt and pepper. Brownin butter in a skillet. Addbacon and onions, sprinkle

with 1 tbls. flour and brownuntil onions turn golden.Plame the chicken with theIrish whiskey wanned first ina ladle, lit, and then poured

over chicken. Add salt, pepper,

'ecirtes From Ireland

garlic, allspice. Cover withwine and water, simmer gen-tly for 45-60 minutes.

Make a broth from threecups of water and the chickengiblets, neck and feet. Re-move poultry. Strain cookinnjuices from browned chickenand add to broth. Reduce inhalf by rapid boiling. Thickenwith egg yolk and cream.

Pour sauce over chicken, re-serving some for separateserving. Garnish chicken withpearl onions and mushrooms.Makes 4-5 servings.

IRISH COFFEE4 strips each of orange

peel, lemon peel16 whole cloves5 oi. Paddy's Irish Whiskey

Hearty Food And Drink

4kA family or company dinner, Cock o' the North, and coffee

with a dram of Paddy's Irish Whiskey and a dollop of whip

cream are Irish delights to frace our tables. Served with Colcannon vegetable dish it takes the cold sting out of winter.

2 tsp. superfine sugarZa cup whipped cream1 stick cinnamon

V/ 2 cups strong, hot coffee14 cup confectioners sugar

Stud peel strips with 2cloves each, place in skilletOver moderate heat withstick cinnamon and the 2 tsps.of superfine sugar, stirringwith wooden spoon until sugarmelts. Pour Irish Whiskey in-to pan and flame. Pour in hotcoffee, simmer three minutesand remove from heat. Rubcut edge of lemon peel aroundinside of cup, dip cup intodish of confectioner's sugar tomake a rim. Pour in strainedcoffee carefully, top each sen-ing with whipped cream.

ment of all important opera-ting controls on the steeringcolumn. "This design" , he

said, "makes it possible for the

driver to operate the wind-shield Wiper and washers, direc-tional signals, high beams, horn

and overdrive without takinghis eyes off the road or hishands off the wheeL."

In summing up Volvo'schanges for '73, Coggin con-cluded, "The changes they'vemade and the standard equip-ment features they've addedon all models are designed toprovide greater safety, comfort,convenience and engine per-formance in the medium-sized,medium-priced cars."

The next great ice age will beupon us in about 10,OM years.Certain inconveniences will bebalanced by sharply slashedsales prices on air-conditioners.

feeautyCulturistsAnnounceFall Program

MIAMI, Fla.? When the Na-tional Beauty Culturists' LeagueInc., held its annual conventionin Miami, Florida, July 1-6, atthe Dupont Plaza Hotel, manydepartments were functioningfor the len-day stay.

Among the activities werethe institute of cosmetology,an in-service training «choolleading to bachelor, master anddoctor degrees in cosmetology;a trade show with exhibits bymany top beauty products com-panies, a style show, a trip toNassau in the Bahamas, andbusiness sessions of parentbody.

The program for the Nation-al Beauticians Sorority, ThetaNu Sigma, as announced bySoror Ruth J. Furgeson ofPhiladelphia, National Basileusis as follows: July 31, orienta-tion and pledging; August 2through 5, workshops develop-ing programs for locals overthe nation; August 3, midnightinitiation of new memers; Au-gust 6, early morning annual

\ W ImmEDUCATIONAL CHAT -- Dr.Charles A. Lyons, Jr., FSUChancellor, welcomes Dr. J. PFreeman of the State Depart-

ment of Public Instruclion, whodelivered the keynote addressat the Fayetteville State Uni-

versity campus recently in a

meeting for the North CarolinaAssociation of Educators.

breakfast and evening ball inthe Dupont Plaza Hotel, head-quarters for the convention.

More than 1,200 of the50,000 member organizationsare expected to be present atsome time during the ten-daystay at the hotel.

Convention Chairman Mrs.Cathlean B. Ross of Tampa

been awarded a Senior Ful-bright-Hays Professorship to

lecture at the University ofScience and Technology inKumasi, Ghana, West Africa.The lectureship will be in the

area of parasitology and micro-biology and will begin in Sep-


While visiting my sister-in-law's new-born baby, I no-ticed an egg-shaped swellingon the baby's bead. Is thisnormal?

The egg-shaped swelling thatyou mention does occur fre-quently with new borns. It's

usually caused

ing no after-Dr. Tracy effects, since it

does not extend into the skullor involve the brain in anyway. You might have noticedthat most newborn babies areborn with a peculiar shapedhead, Which... will usually: re-turn to normal shape in oneto three weeks, or sometimeslonger. The reason for anelongated or irregular shapedhead is "Molding" which alsotakes place during the birthof the baby.

With summer over, I dreadlosing the tan I've worked sohard to get. I've purchased asunlamp on the recommenda-tion of a friend and wonderedwhat the benefits are? Will itreally help me keep my tan?

There are no physical bene-fits derived from a sunlamp,however, using one to keep orproduce a tan can give a per-son a sense of improved healthmerely because of the sun-tanned skin. Sunlamps can beextremely harmful to the skinand eyes unless used carefully.It's recommended that you al-

ways wear goggles to coveryour eyes, never look directlyinto the light, and only ex-pose your skin to the lampfor 3 minutes at a time. It'salso a good idea to turn yourface constantly when usingthe lamp.

Regular use of the sunlampwill keep your tan longer,however, you will notice thata tan, whether acquired bythe sun or by sunlamp, willfade if not attended to al-most dally. Also the tan youget from a sunlamp tends tohave an artificial look.

It'i necessary for me toshave my legs every day. Somepeople have told me the rea-son for this is that I startedshaving at a fairly young age,and now the hair on my legsgrows in faster and heavier.Is there any truth to this? Al-so; rily legs get very itchyafter shaving. What can bedone about this?

What your friends have toldyou about leg-shaving is mere-ly an old wile's tale, andthere's absolutely no truth toit. Hair does not grow anyfaster or thicker just becauseyou've shaved it. It alwaysgrows at the same rate.

As for the itchiness you mayexperience, my suggestion isto use a body lotion beforeyou begin shaving. Keri Lotionworks better than soap andwater, or shaving cream. Rubon a generous supply, tosoften and moisturize theskin. When you're throughshaving, remove excess creamwith a towel or cloth. KeriLotion leaves a protective filmthat will help keep your legssmooth and free from irritat-ing itch.

and D. A. Julius of Miami saythat all other departments haveoutlined programs of great in-terese and variety.

Dr. Joseph Jones, Jr., vicepresident for academic affairsand professor of biology atSaint Augustine's College has


Dry Cleaning Specials

3Pair PANTS 1.50Plain SKIRTS 1.50DRESSES. Plate.... 2.005U1T5...55.55...2.00

4 Skirts laundarad 1.00

Tlmm Mcm Om4>w IDayStntm Qafef,.m . « i M I AldW^^teOlJv

yiy t?T»^

Color 800-800 PondTEL AVIV -An Amer-

ican chemist is investigatingwhether Israel'! blue and whit#national colors might be a his-torical mistake. Dr. SidneyEdelstein, who lives In Israelmost of the year, maintains theancient Hebrews used purpledye for their traditional arti-cles, not the sky blue chosen by

the Israelis, seeking a tie withtheir beginnings. \u25a0

Satellite LaunchedMOSCOW -Hie Soviet

Union announced on Tuesdaythe launch of Cosmos 527, thelatest in its series of unmannedapace probes.


! SHAGS ! from $6 - 95 P or yd-

INSTALLED! including

\u25a0 ? Walloverlngs ? BlgelowEdgar omp , # Hoover Cleaners ? Fleldcreat

Nlto 644-1469 ? Armstrong Vinyl 30 other Brandor 644-1676 Names

I "We Offer Quality and Service"

nf P/liit Free Estimates In Your HomeOf Rolls and

Immediate InatallatlonaRemnants


| BtMgfhDurham JfM


/fuflTIN \ t ,tfV£R



tember. Dr. Jones was one of

four Black Americans selectedfor the African program bycompetition with applicantsfrom -throughout the UnitedStates.

Dr. Jones is married to theformer Etta Mitchell, and theyhave taro daughters. Mrs. Joneswho is an assistant professor at

Saint Augustine's College, willaccompany her husband to


11m ultimate internationalcrisis will be if General Motorsrecalls the Cadillac PresidentNixon gave Brezhnev.
