the catfish - avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

The Catfish Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: The Catfish - Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

The CatfishAvoiding a bad hire at

the workplace

Page 2: The Catfish - Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireIntroduction

• In the recruitment industry there are many challenges that we face but our most frustrating one is when we find out that the candidate we hired is not what he said he was and has falsified his credentials.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireIntroduction

• Unfortunately, there are candidates who tend to exaggerate or fake their background and experience in order to get a position with a company.

• They pretend to be someone they are not even to the point of presenting that they may be technically stronger in some areas than may be true so they would appear to be able to assist a company.

Page 4: The Catfish - Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireWhere does the ‘catfish’ come from?

• There is an MTV reality show named Catfish.

• It follows internet couples who have never met … It is all filmed in typical MTV reality format.

• The twist, of course, is that one of the people involved is fake, probably operating several Facebook accounts and generally being a massive conman.

Page 5: The Catfish - Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireWhere does the ‘catfish’ come from?

• Another possible reason, and perhaps more applicable origin for the term “catfish” could lie on the restaurant side of seafood.

• Some restaurants serve patrons a cheaper fish labeled as a different, more expensive species, and charge them for the fancier seafood serving instead catfish.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireDefinition

A catfish is someone who pretends to be a person they're not using even

social media to create false identities, impressions, and

professional experience in order to pursue create deceptive advantages.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireWhy do candidates show fake experience?

• The reason is simple as to why people falsify their curricula and history... they want to work at a higher position with higher salary even if they’re not qualified or capable for a job.

• These types of candidates always look only for shortcuts in life but almost always get caught in the end.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireMain features of a catfish candidate

Unfortunately, after you made the hire you

realized you made a big mistake.

What went wrong?

The resume looks good. (Remember...if it looks too good

to be probably isn’t.)

The candidate seemed to interview well, he said all the

right things.

The HR assessment is according to your company


His job interview test was ok.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireMain consequences

• Companies lose more than time, money and effort by hiring and training people who perhaps shouldn't have been considered in the first place.

• They must also deal with the havoc that the "wrong" employee can create: – a bad individual interaction with

customers , other employees and suppliers,

– extra costs when an employee needs to repeat procedures that were handled ineptly and

– pressures on other employees who will share poor department performance.

Bad apple

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hire.. How to spott a Fake candidate - Main red flags

Unexplained gaps in employment.

A reluctance to explain the reason for leaving the last job and desire

to not have their old boss contacted.

.Unusual periods of


Exaggerated educational history

Unfamiliar school names.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 01 – Profile your ideal candidate

• Often we start the recruitment process without truly understanding what we are looking for.

• Job descriptions are essential since they define job requirements, responsibilities, education, work experience and tasks that the new hire will be required to perform.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 02 – Know where the candidates are

• Successful fishermen know where and when the fish are biting.

• Ask yourself, if I'm looking for an engineer, where would I find a good one?

• The answers could be: your own company; your competitors; professional associations; engineering schools, etc.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 03 – Interview techniques

• Prepare for the interview with a set of questions.

• Formulate questions beforehand that explore ability, potential and fit.

• Ask behavioral-oriented questions, which are questions that require a response based on actual experience.

• Listen to what the candidate says and how he says it.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 04 – Resist the temptation to fill the job quickly

• Don't hire until you are sure you have the right one.

• Trust your gut. • Listen and watch for red flags

(those signs that tell you something is not right here).

• People hiring decisions are significant because they can affect the employee morale, culture and capacity of the organization.

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 05 – Always check references

• It is important to be aware and check all of the provided references since we can learn a lot from previous employers or even personal references.

• Listen to what is being said and how it is said to avoid any false information and “take notes”!

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The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hireStrategy 06 – Make your final evaluation

• Ask yourself: – Can he do the job? – Will he be accepted by

the other employees ? – Will he fit the corporate

climate and culture? – Is he interested in the job

or just looking? – Will outside factors or

their past interfere with his performance?

Page 17: The Catfish - Avoiding a bad hire at the workplace

• Appreciation for Editorial Assistance by William R.Z. Kush:– [email protected]

The Catfish – Avoiding a bad hire Our References

• The following are referenced in this presentation: – Team We Pow

avoid-a-bad-hire– Rick Dacri– MJ Helms

atlanta-editions/23686#.Uq4-__RDtK0– Scott Kleinberg


– Jonathan Rajewski

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