the champion

The Champion One day a man named John entered the tour de France. John is a really good bike rider and has won gold at the Olympics. This will be his first time riding this race. He is the current world no1 and is the most feared competitor in the world.

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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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story of a man who overcame obstacles to compete for glory


Page 1: The Champion

The Champion

One day a man named John entered the tour de France. John is a

really good bike rider and has won gold at the Olympics.

This will be his first time riding this race. He is the current world no1

and is the most feared competitor in the world.

Page 2: The Champion

The whole tournament he had been riding really well. He had been

coming 1st and 2nd the whole time.

On the last day he went into the race coming first overall by a minute

and 20 seconds.

Page 3: The Champion

Coming into the race he didn’t feel confident for some reason. He

felt like he was going to fail miserable. But anyway he kept on

fighting and pushing on with the race.

Page 4: The Champion


And off they went like ferocious cheetahs hunting a gazelle.

John got a great start out of the blocks and was in the lead. John’s

gameplay was to start quick and finish quick and always stay in front

of the pack.

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John is literally flying, he is like a jet souring through the air, but he’s

on the ground riding his bike. At one stage it looked like he was going

too fast for anyone to see him, the only thing was; quick is not quick

enough for John.

Page 6: The Champion

At one stage after the hill named “The Killer”, John could hear

breathing just behind him. John , with no energy, decided to turn

around and unexpectedly that breath belonged to the former champ,

Greg Fret, who was coming second overall prior to this leg of the


You’ll never guess what happens next?

Page 7: The Champion

Riding down “The Killer”, John felt like something was nudging his

back wheel (but when you’re travelling 80kph you can’t turn around

and have a look behind, you just have to keep focused)

and suddenly when the hill had finished Greg Fret used his wheel to

knock John and his bike over.

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John came crashing down like a ton of bricks. You could see the pain

in his face it was like someone had just cut his whole body open,

that’s how many cuts he had on his body.

His body was bloodied, broken and bruised from head to toe. You

could see that John had broken a couple of bones including his good

muscly right leg, this was going to make finishing this race very


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John got up and decided to walk but after a while his leg got sore so

he thought to use his phone to call his car to pick him up, but when

he tried to get his phone out he’s phone wouldn’t turn on it was

broken from the hit that he took when he fell to the ground.

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Even though he was in so much pain he decided to finish the race off

using one leg to pedal and his bruised leg was hanging out the side.

The thing that made him keep pushing was that when he finished he

could go straight to a hospital.

Even though he was trying his hardest he started to drop back places

in the field and eventually he was coming last but he didn’t stop he

didn’t quit he fought through the pain.

Page 11: The Champion

Page 11

He finished the race coming last by a mile. Greg Fret won the race

and most importantly won the tour de’ France. Tom Let won the hills

climber award and Fred Thomas won the sprinters award