the charleston daily news.(charleston, s.c.)...

THE DAILY NEWS. BT KDMTJMD CLARENCE BTEDMAN. A newsboy omi n peanut girl Like little FaunB began (o caper; His hair vr»s all in tangled curl, Her ta«ny leg« were baro and taper; And HUH the gatherluK larger grew. And gare ita p nee and crowded nigher, While aye ibeshopberJ-inlnetrel blew dUs pipe and struck the gamut higher. O heart of Nature, beating still With throbs her vernal passion taught her,- Sven here, as on tbe vine-olad hill, Or Ly the A re thu water I New forms may fold the speech, new lands Arise wi hm these ocean portals, But Music waves eternal wands. Enchantress of tbe souls of mortals t 'OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Postónico at Charleo ton, for the week ending APRIL 1, 1869, »nd printed officially in TUB DAII.V NBWS, as tho newspaper having the largest circulation in the City .f Charleston. j&y Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should «tats that they are "Advertised." far Office hours from b A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sun¬ days, from 6 to 6 P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN uifcrr. Adderson, Miss E L Addison, Miss B F Aimar, Mary T Armstrong, Mrs L Ashley, Mrs L L Armstrong, Ann Barney, Moley Beard. Mrs H M Bte, Mary Berry, Mrs H E Bordeaux. Susan Brodie, Mrs S Broughton, Miss Brandt, Mrs L Butler, Betty Bythewood, Rose BrooD, Mary S Brown, Mra J Brown, Annie Canada, Mi*s E Capers, Mrs B Caral. Mrs F Carey, Mrs J Chapman, Miss 8 Christie, Mrs O -Clarie, Mrs T Cowan, käTSh A Cooke, Ada Danerson, /tun Daisey. Mary A Bart, fusas H Beal, Fannie Bismnkes, Miss £ Ferguson, Mrs E Fenno. Mrs J B Fraaher, Sarah Ann Geodnany, Mrs 0 J A Grant, Miss L K Guy, Mrs O Harris, Mra D Harrico an, Kate B Hall, Mrs J B Hatcher.Harriett Harriman, Kate 8 Heidt, Mrs E M Hadley, Miss E Hogarth, Ella M Howard. Sarah Holli e, Mrs R Jackson, Miss A J.i mes, Mrs J Jackson, Sarah Jobtonno, Mary A Johnstone, Telia Johnson, Miss M A Johnson, Mary Jane Jones, Mary E Kerr, Mrs M A Eeenean, Mrs D Eelsery, Miss H Ri niau, Miss P Ki loton, i rantin Magiitha Kenney. Mrs B Lauronce, Anna Lehe, Wilbemiue' V Long, Janie C Lockwood, lire 1 3 Lowndes, Caro¬ line Lowry, Ida Lynes, Mrs M M Mackey, Ellen B Maresiine, Mis« Mayorris, Mrs O Mean, Miss M Mitchell, Mrs M Miligan, Mrs G Middleton, Mrs N Mosoly, Mrs R Moore, Ella Murphy, Mrs E Marun, Janie Millar, Mary H Millar, Virginia McDexett, Miss M McGowan?Miss E McGee, M i si- B McPherson, Su¬ san H Mcöweeny, Mary A Nowell, Miss C Nicholos, hallie Oxclado, Emily Pearson, Mrs J Pearce, Mrs A G Phillips, Jennie L Poncer, Sarah Powers, Miss M Prootor, Mrs J Prince, Mary E Raney, Sarah Keals, Amie Reckles.Jeaulian B Riddock, Maggie Roach, Mrs E Robinson, Mra S 3 [Rutledge, Sarah 'Sanders, Mrs O ¡neath, Mary R poncer. Catty Stawlon, Ella Stone, Mrs HL Handers, Mrs J Thayer, MISB E V Thomas, Belia taylor, Mrs T B Wuitney, Mary E Whitcoskey, Ma¬ ry Williamson, Miss J Wrede, Miss B Wright, Mrs E W .mer, Nellie Warner, Miss J Wright, Kate Washington, Mi s ti Williams, Amelia Young, Emms MEK'S LIST. Adams, Thos Green, J J McPherson, Jno Adorns, 3 D Green, Stephen Newbe&in, E G Alston, Manuel Green, Hen j mun Nelson, W (col'd) Green, William Norman, JJ Alison, John Grover, Wm Paul, Charles Anderson, Mese Graham, Rev Pat torso , Mr Arne, William John t'oshau, Charles Aveilhe, J W Hamilton, Paul, Prioleau, James Baker, Kev Archi- Jr Proctor, Nat bald Harcourt, O Randal. Capt H Ball, Capt F A Hawkins, Henry Reynolds, W B & Bearce, HM E Co Bomford, Benja- Harley. Jaris Reilly, Edward min B (col'd) Ripley, R W Boylan, Mathew Hastedt, Her- itc ber-on, John Bonitta, William mann Rubens, Morris Breaker, Lieut C Harlson, J K Sawyer. Capt W Hartmann, J H oald H Brown, Geo W A Bayward, Wm M «aid, Nicholas Co Hey ward, John Schroor, John Burk, Christo- Hills, A B J Scheper, F Pher Hickey, Patrick Schroder, John Bussell, Br John Hucks. Henry K Fred Buck, W 3 Howlett, William Seel, Louis Burrage, Wm Howard, Willi un Simmons, G Burbour, DM Isaao Sim.Thomas Calhoun, Wm A Howe, Doudn & simons, J A Campbell, Jas Co Hm i tu, Elihu R Carr, À H Horton, William smith, franklin Campbell, Henry Huggins, J a Smith, Elbert Charion, John Jauson, John F (col'd) Cheeseborough, Jeffers, H L A Sari h, J M Hy (col'd) co sohl. Peter Conley, Frank Jones, Paul Sperry, O A Cordes, Her- Joseph, S Arthur stanton, John mann, S Johnson, H B stauck, Charles Cochran, Daniel June, Samuel Stalze, Master Connor, Daniel Kent, Henry A Louis Cross Soipeo E mmey, James swan. Henry Davis, Mosas B Simons, J, No 471 Davis, J A Kidder, Ed A King-street Bayis, F A Sons Taylor, H D Darlington, HB Kimmey1, Franois Tt rasher, Seward Davis. Gibb M B Denning, Dr Wil- Klein, J Thompson, G W liam Kruse, John G C tyler, Ignatius Doyle, James LaRoaoh, Lanie! Vaden, Oapt W A Donuelly,Patrick Laton, John Vaulandingham, Dobbens, Henry Lawrence, P H Manly Drew, Edward Labsurt, Preston Waring, Horatio Dunlap. WH T P Edward, John or Lilienthal A Os- Waehington.Bos- Alex terhall torr Emile, Joshua B Lorens, Otto Welton. Ard Rrkmart, B Love, J H Weathers, Wil- Farrow. N af Look, Frederick liam (ool'd) Fergslon, H enay B Wlnningham, H Fleming, Rich- Lutten, Luder White, Jake ard Mansfield, John Wnitaer, Rix Ford, P J N (col'd) Feater. J G Moldau, George Witzel, An Don Fréter. Benjamin Morgan, Thomas Herrn Ludwig Franois, GM O Witzel, O Gardner. E Montague, Mor- Wiokman, Henry Gillard, Jones tison D wilie. Henry Girard, Henri Murry, John Willson, F K Ose, John B Mernobles, John Wit techen, Jo- Gatnine er, Goo Murray, J M bann Garald. David Meyer. Luis Williams, Jud- Oibbes, J Reeves Meyer. Anton aon Glaze, Pompey McKinlay, John Wool m an, H E Gerda», Henry .Wright, Hon J J Stir Persons depositing letters in the Postorhee wm please place the stamp near the upper tight hand corner of the envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the a tamp s letter cannot be mailed, but wUl be sent to the Dead Letter Office._ April a Consignees per sont u c avion nu Railroad April 1. 4M bales Cotton. 115 b les Domestics, 1 car Lum¬ bar, 7 ears Wood, a cars Stock. To Railroad Agent, Falser, Rodgers A oo. Johnston, Crews A Co, Frost A Adfer, Mowry A Co. G W Williams A Co. A B Mul¬ ligan, Kirkpatrick A Witts. J R pringle, W K Ryan, W 0 Courtney A Co, G H Walte r A Co, W W Smith, Greaser A »raith, Cleghorn, Herring A Co, B O'Neill, Cl W Steffens, H Baiwinkle A Co, and S R Marshau. Consignees per Northeastern Knllroavd April l* ss balsa Cotton, 92 bbl» Naval «tores, 13S bushels Btes, Lumber, Mdse. Ac. To WK Byan, 3 A Quarte- ambush, Walter A Co Bart A Wlrtu, A B Mulligan, G W Williams A Co, Mowry A Co, « aldwell A Hons, O Passengers* Per steamship J W Everman, for Philadelphia- A King and wife, sud P F Mau. aw ¿tlMT OF VK<iülti,f, UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR TD7IS POhi . FOREIGN SaVBHFOOL. Ship R O Winthrop, Stewart, cleared,.M »roh 8 The Boyal Charil?, Anderson, sailed.M ireh 8 Bark Helen Sands, Otis, railed..March 18 MATANZAS. ' British sehr Lion, MoLellan, up...March 5 DOMESTIC BORTON. Brig Wm Robertson, Bead, np.March é Sehr Marsh a Hammond, Wylie, up.March 10 Sehr P M Bonney, amati, cleared.March aa Sehr Stephen Mortis, «am,n, cleared.March 30 PCBTLAWD, ME. Sehr Martha Maria, Dean, cleared.March Vt ssw roar. Steanuhlp James Adger, Lockwood, cid... .March 80 iichr Ida BSet.ardft>», Bedell, up.March 20 £obr Gebada,-. up.March 25 Behr David Faust, Lord, cleared...Marok 23 Bohr Col Cook. Aearse cleared... .Msrch io Sehr Yankee Blade. --. up..,.March 16 Sehr N W t-raith, Tooker, cleared.March 29 Bohr Jessie 8 Clark,-, up.Man¡fe IT Eohr Wataoga,Lawrence, up.....March 01 Behr Hannah Little, Godirey, cleared.M ireh 20 Sehr W B Young, Young, oleared.March ag max/KKoax. * Sehr Ml finie, Smith, clearad....March ao ltoaro&s, VA. Sour 3 P Auen, Alles, sailed.March 80 /tnannal aub Commercial.^ n< Cnarleston Money Market. THURSDAY, April 1, 1889. Witta tho exception of city stocke, there were no transactions during the week upon which to base quotations, and those given below aro morely nomi¬ nal. Bills of the different State banks have still an upward tendency, and the quotations aro a shade higher than those of tho week previous. The im- pression that the city would pay Its interest In money caused a considerable advance in c:ty sixes, largo sales of which were effected, and they are now quoted at CA to 60, ex interest. City bills oro held at par with nono offering. South Carolina treasury notes have advanced to 90. No other changes of note have occurred, SOUTHERN BANK BILLS. Current Batea Bank of Camden.70 @00 Bank of Charleston.-.84 @00 Bank of Chester.ll ®00 Bank of Georgetown.10 OOO Bank of Hamburg. 7 @00 Bank of Newberry.63 @00 Bank of South Carolina.15 <&00 Bank of State of S Carolina, prior to 1861.46 @00 Bank of Stateof S. Carolina,after 1st Jan., 1861.12 ®00 Gommarclal Bank. Columbia.2 ($00 Exchango Bank, Columbia.ll @00 Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston..0 @00 Merchant's Bank, Oheraw.9 ©CG People's Bank, Charleston.70 (¡£00 Planter's Bank of Fairfield.6 @00 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank,Charleston 00 (gi00 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston, (old).-66 @00 southwestern Bailroad Bank, Charleston, (new).48 @00 State Bank, Charleston. 6 ($00 Union Bank, Charleston.93 ($00 City of Charleston Change Bills.96 @00 State S. Carolina Treasury Notes.90 ($00 BONDS. STOCKS AND COUPONS. City of Columbia Bonds. 70@00 City of Columbia Coupons.76 @00 South Carolina Bailroad and Bank Stock .whole shares).4S>¿@44 South Carolina Bailroad (half shares).21 @2l>6 8. C. Bailroad Six Per Cent. Bonds.75 @00 S. C. lt. ll. Seven Per Cent. B'ds.83 ($00 S. C. Bailroad Certificate cr Indebtedness.65 fui 00 City of Charleston Six Per Ot. Stock.64 «66 City of Charleston Fire Loan Bonds.70 @00 State of South Carolina Bonds (old).71 (»72 State of South Carolina Bonds (new issue. of January 1,1867).69 @70 State of Mouth Carolina Stock.65 @66 State of Bon Hi Carolina Coupons.66 (a, 00 People's National Bank Stock.par. coi02 First National Bank Stock.rar. @108 Greenville and Columbia Railroad State guaranteed bonds.56 @ 00 Greenville and Columbia 1st Mortgage Bonds.71 (2(75 Northeastern R. lt. 1st Mortgage Bonds.82 (jg00 Northeastern R.B. 1st Coupons (past due).60 @uo Northeastern R.B. Certificates ol Indebted¬ ness.60 @00 Charleston Gas Company Stock..2B%@00 Charleston City Railway Stock.52 (fe, 00 Charleston and Savannah Railroad Bonds (State guarantee).45 @00 Charleston and Savannah Bailroad S took. 00 @00 City of Havannah Bonds.91 @92 City of Savannah Coupons (due previous to 1st June, 1866).95 @00 City of Savannah Coupons (due after 1st June, 1866).96 @C0 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Stock. .44 @46 Memphis and Charleston Railroad BondB.90 ®80 Memphis and Charleston R. R. Coupons. .93 @00 Bxports for tbe Week ending THursday April 1. TOBKION. LIVERPOOL-Per British nark Borneo-95 bags Sea Island Cotton, 1882 bales Upland Cotton, 314 bbls Rosin, 200 tons and 25 bags Phosphate, 9 tierces Cotton Seed. MATANZAS-Per sehr Ella M Pennell-125,079 feet Lumber. BARACOA-Per sehr Azelda & Laura-38,000 feet Lumber, 10 bbls Potatoes. DO1CX8TI0. NEW YORK-Per eteamsblp Charleston-258 tierces Rice, 361 bales Upland cotton. 77 bales Yarn, 66 phgs Sundries... Fer steamship Champion-264 bales Upland Cotton. 160 tes Hice, 82 bales Yarn, 50 empty Barrels, 32 b >gs Phosphate, 84 pack¬ ages Sundries.Per sehr I) C Hülse-80,000 feet Bewn Timber, 65,000 feet Plank. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship J W Evorman- 170 bales Upland Cotton, 108 bales Yarn 14 tieroes Rice, 9 sacks Dried Fruit, 65 casks Clay, 84 empty Barrels. 87 Packages ai d sundries... .Fer sehr Beta-130,000 feet Lumber, 4 bio ks Marble. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Sea 'iull-185 bales Upland Cotton. 20 bales Bags, 28 % tierces Rice, 60 sacks salt, 3 bales Leather. 61 bois Rosin, 3 cases Cigars. 40,009 feet Lumber, 7 bags Fruit, and sundry Packaged.Per sehr C S Grove- 160 tous Phosphate Rock, 110,000 feet Lumber. THE CHARL« KS TO* MtUKKT. [FOB THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY, APRIL l.J COTTON.-The unusual steidiness which has been shown by the American holders of this article, ana willen nae uxurouea a tenacity on tne pan ot the grower not heretofore displayed, promises to maintain prices at about the present figures, if they do not secure an advance. The market for the fibre was quiet early in the week lu consequence of the holidays, but during part of the period since con¬ siderable activity prevailed at stiffer prices, but to¬ wards the close tho staple had again become dull. Prices, at Liverpool, wbioh opened at 12)¿d, im¬ proved to lS%d, and receded to 12J¿d ; at New York they have moved up trom 28%@29e to 29>¿c, and declined to 28>¿c; at thia port middling uplands, which commenced at 27jjc, hardened to 28c, but dosed yesterday dull and nominal. Telegrams from Liverpool and New York report the following transactions and prices for the week: At the former, on Frid ty, March 26th, there was no business done; at the latter thc article was quiet, sales 960 bales at 28%@20o. On Saturday, at tbe former, there was no market; at the latter the staple was unchanged, sales 1000 bales at 26?¿@29c. On Monday at the former, the holidays still prevailed; at the latter the article Wan steady, salen 1809 bales at28^@29c. On Tuesday the formed was active, sales 20,000 bales, uplands 12>¿d; the latter was >¿c. better and active, eales 6000 bales at 29>¿e. On Wed¬ nesday the former was unclimbed, sales 12,000 bales uplands at 12%d ; the latter was less active and a shade easier, sales 1200 bales at 29c. Yesterday the former waa flat, sales 8000 baloa uplands at 12>^d; the latter was quiet and weak at 2894*0. Tbe following la a statement of the supply of cot¬ ton in sight at the latest dates : STATISTICAL POSITION- 1869. 1888. Stock in Liverpool. 268 000 891.630 Afloat from India. 197,000 178,000 Afloat from America. 160,000 230.000 Stock in London. 89 760 71,620 Afloat for London. 60.003 83,000 Stock in Havre. 67 2)4 88,269 A float for Havre. 17,7 «O 80.663 Stock in Bremen.. 6.323 11,047 Afloat for Bremen. 4,961 7,146 Stock in United States port*. 418.213 818,635 8took in the interior towns. 81.018 49,606 Total. ....1,850,099 1,849.808 Increase in visible supply... 79) Stock of cotton held by Manchester spinners at the milla now 70,000 bales, same time 1888, 300,000 bales. Middling uplands, now 12^d@i2>¿d, then 10*d. The arrivals at this point for the week have been light, say t 30 baga of sea Islande and Floridas, and 3418 bales of uplands; against 10 baas of sea islands and Floridas, and 8152 bales of uplands the week before, and 84 bags ot s°a islands and Flori¬ das, and 3443 balea uplands for the corresponding period last year. The receipts have been from the following sources, say: Of uplands per soulh Carolina Bailroad, 3289; per Northeastern Bailroad, 169; Georgetown, 8 O, 9: Florida, 3; of sea islands from Beaufort, Ac, 9; Northeastern Railroad, ö; Florida, 8; Savannah, 5. The movements in this market for the week just closed have been as follows: On Friday, March 38, the day Iv lng Good Friday, the business done was unimportant. On (saturday there waa a steady and rather good inquiry; eales 760 balea, ordinary to good ordinary being quoted at 33K@27j low middling 37j^a37>¿, middling 27 Jf. and striet middling 380. On Monday the demand a as light and market weak during the Ant part oi the day, but afterwards there was a better inquiry ¡it firmer rates; sales near 1000 bales, ordinary to good ordinary being quoted at 38J4627; low middling 27>¿; middling 27?¿o « B». On Tuesday the art'ole was active and advanced Xe fl lb; salee 1800 bales, ordinary to good ordinary being quoted at 23>i@27J£; low middling 37KQ97*«'; middling 38c fl lb. On Wednesday the staple was quiet, but prices were unchanged; sales about 300 bales; quotations as above. Yesterday the article was flat, with an easier ten¬ dency in prices; sales n ar 800 bales, of which 100 were sold tho afternoon before but not reporte*, viz: 16 at 33)4"; 10 at 3«; 80 at 36% ; 10 at 28%; 186 at 37; 16 at 27%, and 38 on private terms. Quotations are quito nominal, sty: uvnnroox.. CMSSISTUATIOX, Ordinary to wood ordinary.,.26%<#27 Low middling.27y,<&- Middling ..TT..* §- By New York classification we quote: Low middling.. .98 9_ SEA ISLAND Corros-Tue arrivals of this ciaos of the obro hate been unimportant, amounting to about '20 bago for the week; against 10 the week before, and C4 lor tho same week last year. The mar&ctfor this article has been dull and nominal, with an entire absonco of transactions, purchasers seeking to operate at lower figures, while fe tors show an unwillingness to make important conces¬ sions. No reliable quotations can be given. BICE.-There have been no arrivals of Carolina rough worthy of mention. There has been a fair and steady inquiry for the grain during the week, prices continuing without Important change, factors generally holding ll rmi >. Tho Bales were cbout 600 tlercsB or clean Ca-ol i na, say 75 tierces at 8 8-16; 40 at 8% ; 349 at 8%c ty lb. Yesterd ay there was a good demand at steady prices; sales 248 tiero*? of Coan Carolina, viz: 60 at 8%; 68 at 8%; 20 at 8 5-10, and 180 al 8%c ty lb. V?o quote common to fair clean Carolina at 7%@8%; good 8 6-16@8%o ty lb. NAVAL STORES-The arrivals have been quite light, say about 225 barred. Spirits turpentine was sold at 4l@4Ge ty gallon. Pale rosin was disposed of at $6® 8, and No. 2 do. at SI 90. HAY.-There have been only light receipts of this arl ide, say about 200 bales Eastern. A lot of East¬ ern previously received, changed hands at $1 37% ty hundr d. The only transactions ot North Biver kindB aro in a retail way. CORN.-The arrivals or this grain for the week have boon only in a very limited way. Wc note cs lea of 13.0CO bushels New Orleans, mixed, st 90c ty bushel, bulk, weight Maryland and Virginia white, in jobbing parcels, seU st $1 10®l 12 ty bushel, weight, sacks included, lhere is a good demaud for plantation consumption. FLOUR.-'! he market has a good and well assort¬ ed stock of Northern and Western brands, and there is a fair inquiry both for city and country consump¬ tion. Prices, during the week, have been without alteration, and we renew onr quotations ot the week before, say $C CO ty bbl for Ano; $6 75@7 25 for su¬ rer; Í8 60@9 for family, and 810 50@11 ty bbl for choice. Southern brands are in light supply, and may be quoted at $8 60@9 ty bbl for super; $9 50® 10 for extra, and $10 50@11 tor family. Campsen City Mills are selling at 89 ty bbl for super; $10 for extra, and $12 ty bbl for choice family. BACON.-The demand for this artiole has been only in a limited way, and prices have bad rather an easier tendency. We quote prime shoulders,smoked, atl5%o ty lb; prime clear rib sides at 18%c; bulk shoulder* may be quoted at 14 %, and bulk sides at 17%c ty lb. 8UGAR AND MOLASSES.-Two cargoes were offered during the week and partly sold. The first from Matanzas brought from 13@13%c for grocery sugars; clayed molasses in hhds 49c ty gallon, lu tierces 60c, and Muscovado in t orces 56o ty gallon. A cargo from Porto Rico was disposed of, the sugar selling at lo%<a>14c, and molasses in hods at 71%@ 73o. There is a steady but not very activo inq dry for these articles; fair to good grocery sugars may be quoted at 13%@18%; clayed molasses, new crop Cuba, at 65Q66; Cuba Musoovado do, at 67%@6$c. SALT.-There have been no arrivals of this article during the week. Lots in store are held at $2@2 10 ty Back. BUTTER.-Primo Goshen, of which there is a moderate stock, may be quoted at 60@55c ty Vi. Western and other low grades Bell at 30@40c ty lb, as in quality. INDIA BAGGING.-The market for this article has been quiet Gunny cloth 45 % inches wide and 2% tts to the yard, is held at 23%@24c. Dandee bagging, 44 inches, 1% tts. for tho yard,is held at 30@35c Sea island bagging, 45 inches wide, 2 lbs. for the yard, is held at 45c. ROPE.-Tho demand for rope is moderate, and prices are somewhat nominal at quotations. We quote hemp at - cents ty lb. ; greenleaf at 10 cents, and jute at 8%<5>9 cents ty pound. IRON BANDS AND TIES for cotton, of the most approved patterns, are offered on the market, at 7 a8c ty lb. TIMBER AND LUMBER_There is only a small si ock ol this article in the market and receipts light. Timber, for milling purposes, may be quot¬ ed at Gty%S ty M feet. Shipping timber at $12 ty M and upwards ; 5-4,<i 4-4 flooring scarce and would command $16 ty M. Bright lumber, good mer¬ chantable, cut to size, from 22 $25 by the cargo. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, we quote ¿¿d on uplands, and %d on sea island; by sail, %d on uplands,%®X on tea islands. Havre nominal. To tue West Indios, Cuban port s north aide, on lumber, $9 00 in gold, and $10 south side. &«»..»-*-- «-. >-» «team Xo ty lb on uplands, and lc. on sea islands, $1 60 ft tiers* on rice; by sail, - ty bale on up¬ lands, and-ty tierce on rice; on boards $7 50@ 8 ty M, on rosa wed lumber $10 ty M., oa timber -. To Boston, by steam, via Baltimore, lc ty ib on cotton and - ty tierce on rice; by sail 8-16® %c ty rb on cotton, $12 00 ty M. on resawed lumber and $13 00 ty M. on timber. To Philadelphia, - fi lb on upland cotton by steam and -o. ty lb by sail; en flooring boards $8 ty M.; on re- sawed lumber, $10; on timber, $10 SO ty M. To Baltimore, by steam, cotton %c. on upland, and through to Philadelphia, via Baltimore, %o; $160 ty tierce on rice; phosphates, ty 2000 lbs., $4 in packages, in bunt as per agreement; lumber ty M $8®10, as in size; wheat ty bushel 12c, in sacks. By this Una to Philadelphia on cotton, %e. ; rice ty tierce $2 OC ; phosphate per ton, $6 in packages. To Louisville. Ky., on rice, 75c. ty hundred. To Cincinnati eec. To St Louis 86c, By sail on boards and scantling, henee to Baltimore, $8; on lumber $10; phosphates $5. EXCHANGE-Starling Bills-The rate yesterday was 140®140% for sixty day bills. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purchasing sight cheeks on New York par; 6 days % discount They are selling sight checks at % prom. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 82, t.nd selling at 88. AI arkeeta toy Telegraph. FonaiaN MARKETS. LONDON. April 1-Noon.-Consols 98. Bonds'83%. Turpentine 81s 3d. Two P. M.--Bonds 83%. The Bank of England has advanced tbe rate of discount 3 to 4 ty cent. LIVERPOOL, April 1-Noon.-Cotton opened quiet; uplands 12 %d ; Orle ins 12%d ; sales 6000 bales. New corn 80s 3d. Two P. M.-Cotton flat; uplands I2%d; Orleans 12%d. Lard 74s 6d. 1 allow 45a Od. Evening.-Cotton closed dull; uplands 12%d; Or¬ leans 12%d ; sales 8000 bales. Breadstuff* and pro. visions quiet DOMESTIC MARKETS. Nsw YORE, April 1-Noon.-Market strong but dull. Monev active at 7. Gold 31%. Cotton lower; middling uplands 28% to ago. Turpentine dull at 60%c. Rosin steady at $2 60*2 66 for strained. Evening-Cotton % lower. Sales 2100 bales at 28%c. Floor declining. Superfine State, $6 85*6 20. Common to fair, extra Southern $6 77%.* Wheat dull and 2a3o lower. Cora la2o lower. Meas pork $8160. Lard quiet. Kettle I9al9%. Whiskey nom¬ inal. Rico quiet. Sugar heavy. Coffee dull, Mo¬ lasses finn. Turpentine 60*50%. Rosin $2 4Ca8. Freights lower. Governments dull, hut steady. Sixty-two's, 17%. Southern bonds weak. The money stringency ls very severe, on oall 7 percent and up to % commission. Gold strong et 81%. Sterling 73tf. Stocks excited and unsettled. AUG c STA, April 1.-Cotton dull sud lower; saleo 116 bales; receipts 285. Middlings 27 cents. Cotton planting has commenced. Com is up and doing well. Weather favorable. SAVANTS »H, April 1 -Cotton dull; sales 457 bales. Middlings nominally 28 cents. Bec« ipts 1188 bales. Exports, foreign, 43"4 bales; coastwise 850. BALTIMORE, April 1.-Cotton quiet at 28 cents. Flour, small business. Wheat firmer; good to prime red $2 10. Corn scarce; white 85a86 ; yellow un¬ changed. Oats dull at 00*85. Pork firm. Bacon quiet Whiskey 03. CINOTNI ATI, April 1.-Whiskey unobanged. Pro¬ visions quiet; little done. Lard 18. ST, LOUIS, April 1.-Whiskey 89. Perk quiet and unchanged. Bacon dull; shoulders 18% ; alear sides' IT. Lomsvnuua, April 1.-Mes* pork $82. Lard 18%. Shoulders i»; olear aides 16% Whiskey ftl. WILMINGTON, April L-Spirits turpentine weak st 46, Rosin active at #170al 75. Cruds turpentine steady. Tar active at ts 20. Cotton wsaker. MOBILE, April 1.-Cotton quiet; sales 800 bales; middlings r>7. Receipts 45«; exports 8A& NEW ORLEANS, April 1-cotton nominal and un. se tied; mid..Hugs 28%; sales 800 bales. Receipts 1888; exporto 8843. Gold 82%. Sterling dull. 41%; commercial bills 39%a41M; Hew York sight ex¬ change %a% premium, rugar dull; common ll; prime 14. Molasses easy; prime 72%. H -i-'-f'1 SUMTER. March 80.-About 120 bales sold dur. lng the week at 36%*96%e. Interior Cotton Narketi. H ULM A, March 29 -Salea 36 balea; middlings 20.'a to 20%c; market quiet. MACON, rch 30 -There was an active demi nd to-day, the u-arset closing Arm at 26%c. Bocelpts t -day 98 hales; shipments 260 bales; sales 208 bales. Nashville Market. NASHVILLE, March 20. -COTTON.-Tho market continued steady to-day. as follows: Oidinury 20a2t; good ordinary 24; low mddltug 25. About the close of the day, however, favorable advices wore received from Liverpool, and there was considerable anima¬ tion. We looa for the market to open buoyant in the meruing. COTTON fc'TATEMENI. Stock on hind September 1,1868 .60 Received to-day. 127 Received previously.44.836-44,462 Total. 44,622 Shipped to-dav. 128 Shipped previously.38,011-38,i:>9 Stock on hand.6.3H8 COBN.-The market is steady at 60c buying and 76c sacked and delivered in do; ot. We heard f the sale ot 1000 bushels yellow on tho wharf, to-day, a 62c sacks Included. This, however, was an irregular cale. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, Mareh 31--SPIRITS TTJBPENTTNE- The mark¿t closed quiet, and Bale» for tbe dav roach 693 casks 47c 100 c teks delivered hy April 2')th, seller's option at40%c, und 100 casks, delivered by May 1st, BC ler's option at 4-3o. ItosiN-Was in good demand, with sties of 1300 bbls. tree on board, freight 40o, at $1 95 for No, 2, 661 bbls at $1 82%. $l-85al 90 tor strained, $2 tor extra No. 2, and 6 bbls window glnss at $10. CBUDE IUIU'KKTINE.-No sale9 to-day-last quota¬ tions »3 for bott ai d tl 86 tor baid. TAB -Sides 300 bbls at 82 70 per bbl. COTTON.-Sales of 85 baes at 2<3>¿c for low mid¬ dling. - From Finlay. Campbell di Co.'i Bombay Circular. BOMBAY, February 13, 869 -COTTON.-Tho tele¬ grams received from England during the week hav¬ ing advised a further advance in the value of cotton, this market has again become very firm, and large purchases are reported at prices tully six rupees per candy above those ruling at the date o' our lust cir¬ cular. Tho following are ti-day's quotations: Broach, row, on the spot. 9 62d; lor future de¬ livery, 9.46d par pound. Dhollera, old, on ther-pot, 8 60d ; new, for future delivery, 9 06J. Omrawuttoe, new, on the bpot, 9.09d; tor future delivery, 9 C8d. Dhurwar (tinned, old, on the spot, 8.95d. Compta, old, on the spot, 8.13. 'Jhe clearances for pot since the 6th instant, amount to 37,588% bales, consisting of 29.463% bales by sailing v> sse! and 4171 by steamer to Liverpool, and 1686 bales by sailing vessel und 2386 bale? by mean,or to the continent. The following are the comparative exports of cot on to Europe for the past nine years from tbe 1st Januarv to date: 1861. 152.842 biles; 1862, 109,457 b iles; 1863. 98 - 964% bales; 1864. 103,063% bates; 1866 99.861 bales; 1866. 23 ,667 bale«; 1867, 107,503 bales; 1868, 106,850 bales; 1869, 99.7J6. The exports to Great Britain alone are 82,018 bales, against 101 821 bales in 1868. Charleston Wholesale Prices. ARTICLES. BAGGING, ft, yard- Dundee. 80 (gt 45 Gunny Cloth. (§> - BALE ROPE, a lb-Manilla. - @ - Western. . 8 @ 12% Ju e. 8%@ 9 COTTON, fl lb- Ordinary to Good Ordinary. 26 %@ 27 Low Middling. 27%@ - Middling to Strict Middling. 28 @ 28% Good Middling. - ca - Sealsland. 76 «1.30 COFFEE, fi lb-Rio.I 20 @ 28 Laguayra. 28 «n - Java. 35 ® 40 FERTILIZERS- Wando Fertilizer. 60.00 - Double Refined Poudrette....... 30.00 (à) - Niles' Phosphate. 68.00 ® - Peruvian Guano, fi 2240 lbs. 95.00 ICQ - Pacific Guana, V 2000 lbs.«6.00 @ - Pheonix Guano. 66.00 (u> - Baugh's Phosphate, f) 2000lbs... 60.00 (td - Rhodes' Phosphate, * 2000 lbs...|65.00 (gt - Rhodes' Stand; Manure-$65 time j 57.60 (di - Orchilla Guano-.$40 time 85 00 (co - Laud Plaster. 24.60 @ Mapea'SuperPhosphate,« 2000 lb 00 @ - Zell's Raw Bone Phosphate.60.>>0 @ - Zell's Super Phosphate of Limo.. HO. (JO <<y - Woolston'a Phosphate of Limo..-. ¡15.00 (<0 - Woolston's Vegetate, fl 20C0 lbs 66.00 @ - Croasdale'a Geh. Supcr-Phos. net 60.00 (<u - Bowers' Complete Manure, net... 60.00 (sn - Bardy's Phospho Peruvian, cash. 66.00 @ Sardy's Pacific Guano, cash. 60.00 (g> Patapsco Guano.,|65.00 tu> - FLOOR, ft bbl-Super. 6.75 (<$ 7.26 Northern and Western Extra. 7.60 @ 8.00 Baltimore Extra. - @ - Southern-Super. 9.00 @ - Extra.10.00 (ft - Family.ll .CO ©12.00 GRAIN-Maryland Oats, f* hue bel.. 86 0 90 »*rMvrV:r^ So 1x5 BA Y, fi cwL-North River.| - «a Eastern.| 1.37%<d - L UMBER, fl M. leen- I Clear White Pine, 1st quality.¡50.00 @65.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ©40.00 Yellow Pine. 20.00 (&25.00 Boards, fi M. feet-Rough.112.00 (£16.00 Grooved and Tongued.... ¡28.00 @32.00 MOLASSh'S, 1* gallon-Cuba.| 63 @ 66 Muscovado. 57% (gi 60 Sugar House. 60 0 1.00 New Orleans... - tia - NA VAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar.... - (oj - Pitch. - (a) - Rosin, Pale. 6.00 @ 7.00 Rosin, No. 1.1 3.00 @ 4.00 Rosin, No. 2.1 1.86 (a) 2.00 Resin, No. 8. 1.75 (a) - Spirits Turpentine, fi gallo*.....;I 44 @ 46 Oaaum. W IB.. | IC isl NAILS-American, 4@20d, tn keg.. 6.60 @ 7.00 PO WDER-Dupont's, F.F. F. g.... 6.70 @ Dupont's, F.F.F. 6.60 fd) . Dupont's, Blasting. 4.26 @ PROVISIONS-fl lb- Bacon, Hams, fl lb.... - (a) Bacon, Sides. 17% rm 18% Bacon. Shoulders. 14%S 15% Bacon. Strips. 19%<4 - Lard, in keg. - &. - Butter. 35 fei 65 <;. Cheese. 16 (cg 80 Potatoes, fi bbl. - <# _ Onions.?. ¿1 _ Apples. - 2 - RICE- Carolina, fl lb. 8 0 9 Bast India. _ 2 - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, ç\ sack.. 2.00 2 3.10 Liverpool, fine. (ca SUGAR, fi lb-Raw.I - @ - Porto Rico. 13%<a u Mnscova«1' . L§8 JP- sss xas* Ml . : SS : : a . 5*. CA cn 35 13 Sss Comparative Risparte or Cotton, from tue Port OS Charleston. ?UPOaTkTOTO Liverpool.. Other British Ports. .Total to Great Britain... Barre. Other t rench Ports. Total to France.. North of Barops. Total North of Europe. i- outh Of Europe. Wost Indies, «o.. Total Foreign Porte,.... Boston. rihode Island, ~c. New York... Philadelphia.... BalUmora and Nor ilk- Other United States Ports. Total io Oow-iwiee Porta. en«« TetaJ.......... SBA ISLAND. 2,689 3,689 2,689 "ii 2,348 4,032 Bales. 32.857 83,867 3,104 84.981 8.90« 1,784 88,899 6,368 14.478 99 114.268 140,214 Stocks of Cotton In the Interior Tow ns not included tn the Iteeelpts. Augusta and Hamburg.March 20 Macon, Geo.March 29 Columbus, Ceo.,.. .March 76 Montgomery, Ala.March 27 Selma, Ala.Mai ch 26 Mcmphi», Tenn.March 27 Nashville, Tenn.March 27 Total. 1669. 16,307 7,370 lt.486 0.H86 5.985 25,101) <v 84 82,018 H H oo EE s- ex; p. S: Ml? f iii i . . P : . . !" : . r «aw>ci: ; : : : . ; M'S. .-.'S. . . : : . . * 2. g* cn * * . . B-o sa . . ; ; c^ : . : . ; Pu p. . ; . . KS'iS cs p to ts p 8 3 g. 3¿ cr tr o-D" D* e gags; 5 555 ti o. o oo o cr tr tr tr ca¬ to ta to io to CH 0*1010» V, h-1 CO CTi *-* . H* "O -lot?- i-« oo i-> cn cn -IM to <S . o M IO 1- cj; I-' ^ IOHO- to O tO ' -ï«*01 l3 h-> M MM to OO Co CO Ç> §S S c#> _5>Ot 85» «S 5 i-. to if- co cn cn to ifc. co «- o> to to jo O»--C0Çi**H-t-»--^000l SÇ)OO>VO§COSO^2 K/ï-CIJIwO>-t-ÔOltp3-J « g SP !* .O o S - B tr? 3 s's S* «* ft D a « I CL 0 (S 8? 'S -a bo S lair B a î. * cr» S B 3 " S. -S ' 2 as -a -a to I-» o co Ë8 oi . co -j co ; to to ao o> cn . to to i-ico*-; i- co SSS: 88833: h S : f: : : !ts: : : *? : h-* ' co to ' I-» to jtv ccej-; fOjKj-' cn to J o -J cn ço . C5 io o> SP 1-1 * SS" tp M w * pp cr» cn o -3 . Ot cn Oto»-" <S -ooogo» i-c : : SëtoS-VSgSXS . . »-* o co to oo cn o ro Tl 3 1.3 Hf lS tr 5 o o Ogg a. ts. e. Iff cn CD ¿I Bio .toto, 2§5 -i co KS S _*»© cojS. o otto "ooo'--.-J to 0O-3 is a : «Ci jo ow ; oto 3 cn -J S (3 . co S o go »? O Qi ; BB ; SS | j-» So ; ; ; to ; ont.; £ £ S""* S"3' * ? 8" 18' 80S toto. . «_co ._cn cn . cn 00 : ss sis- §£ coe:*-; ¿t. cn co co co J-*J» "r^S- SS S So o _ co ên Seo I-* te to to »e CB CO to -3 *- fr> tO o: OD '. . ts io 0 bi nb» 9 i> <o M ScngoaooatO*-i»-»iOQ OeK-itOOOtO-'l-'lO *¿ í-i co ; M |-í to Sa S; ¿»SS §t-* Vj. obVoo. W cn -IOS' -1 IO IO H 1J . OOO to - - Ik- 00 -3 >-* to - I" iff S a a 3.3. e. '!"* St--S toj- >gC0g»^^o-Mocn"to jcSocorfi'tJo^j^itoto il cc n .Sw I § ?^Overland to manufacturers. NOTE.-We have deducted from New Orleans 24,512 bales Upland, from Mobile 8885 bales, from Savannah 3141 bags Sea Island and 227 bales Up¬ land -and from Charleston 2510 bags Sea Island and 170 haloa Upland, iba qnamHtiaa renoived at thoso ports from Mobile. Florida, Texas and Savannah. Uxports of Klee, Naval Stores and ia wa¬ tter from the Port ot* Charleston, from September 1 to April 1,1869 Boston. New York. Philadelphia. ..... Baltimore. ... New Orleans., Mobile. Providence, RI... Other U. 8. Ports.. Total Coastwise Barcelona. Majorca ti a Market West Indies. Halifax. NS. St Johns, N B. London. Bristol. Eng. Liverpool. Havre. Montevideo. Oreit Britain. Total Foreign.. Grand Total. Tierces. 1,735 10,874 1,121 6.293 177 103 '¿¿8 20,793 70 70 20,863 N. STOttKS.I LUMBER. Barrels. 11,196 1,116 600 1,738 17,680 2,716 "¿ii 7,282 6,M7 16,766 81,116 Feet. 601.000 3 344,89<? 1,193,380 2,048,000 1.381,263 108.000 «5*76,536 810,000 1,228,634 288,728 1.867.362 10,833,898 JBatittr Hems. Fort of Charleston, Aj>rdl St. PHASES Of THC MOON. Last Quarter, Sd, 8 hours, 28 minutes, evening. New Moon, nth, 8 hours, 27 minutes, evening. K'lrst Quarter, 19th, 0 hours, 46 minutes, mornin g. FuU Moon, 27th, 1 hour, 1 minute, morning. aroa * AP'U.' BULKS. orrs. MOON BI3X0. HIGH WAXKB. 29 Monday....; 5 .S3 80 Tuesday.... S..61 81 (Wednesday.j 6..CO 1 Thursday...; 0..10 3|Frlday. 6..47 3 Saturday.,, 5..40 llBunday.....! 6..45 6..17 , 8..85 C.. 18 0..41 6..18 10..44 6..19 I ll..41 6..20 i Morn. 6..21 I 12..80 6.. 21 I T..28 8..45 9. .32 10.. 20 ll.. 8 13.. 2 1.. 4 0.. 8 Arrived Yesterday. Bohr Damon, Johnson, Booton--ia days. Joe. To Risley At Creighton, and the Tudor loe Co. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship J W Evorman, Snyder, Philadelphia-Jno 4 lhao Getty Behr Azelda 4 Laura» Melnfiosí, Bar icc«-Bart tt Wirth. Sehr Mary A Holt, noli, an Easters Port via B uolts ville, S C-Riah-y tt Civijhtnu. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship J WEvennan, Snyder, Philadelphia. Brig J A Devereux, darb. Havana. Sehr Azelda tt Laura, Mclndoo, Baracoa. Sehr M A Holt, Heit, BuoksvlUe, S C. From this Port. Steamship Golden Horn, B'aeklin, Liverpool, March 17. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York, March 30. Spanish ship redro Plandolet, Amengua!, Liverpool, March 18, Cleared xor this Port. Steamship ^amea Adger, Lc cawood, at New York, Sehr N W Smith. Tooker, at New York, March SO. Sailed for this Port. Btrk Helen Sands, Otis, from Liverpool. March 18. Bohr J ? Allen, Alien, from Norfolk, Va, March 80. Sbtpnewg hy .Telegraph. WrxKWoroK, April 1-Sailed, (teamer Rebecca Clyde for New York. SAVANNAH, April 1-Cleared, steamships General Barnes fur New York; Vannie for Baltimore; shlpa Kbrinor forCronstadt; Bmma for Barre; -ours Arme¬ nia, Bartlett, for New ti aven; M B Bramhall tor New York. Weather warm. Wind SW. i«iBV okTMiaippiMa IM th* Port of Charleston, April 1. naasra xnatmm 100 TOMS, AND STSAHUSS COASTING WITHIN THU STATS EXCEÏTÂD. STEAMSHIPS. Camilla (Br), 788 tons, Peace, at Bovoe ic Co's wharf, flor Ltvemoei, loading-& Mute a Co. Manhattan, 1337 tons. Woodhull, at Adger's wharf for New York, loading-Jamea Adger h Co. Maryland, - ton*. Johnson, st Union wharf, for Bal¬ timore, loading- 'ourtSBAy * Tronholm. Samfossa, 77Stoas, Ryder, at Vaoderhorst's wharf, for New York, ready-navenel m Co. SHIPS. Muscongus (Br), 7*1 tons, Grovee. at Boyce'« wharf, from liverpool, waiting-u Mure à Oo. Amelia, 688 ton*. Horsham, at Aiiantio wharf, for Liv¬ erpool, waitiog-Patlereon « Stock. Pacific. C85 tonn, FO?B, at N R Railroad wharf, tor Liverpool, loading-W B Smith ti t o. Utcbard Ht, 985 tone, Wood, at Boyce it Co'« whorl, from Llvor|>ool. wailing-Master. u... BARKS. W O Putnam (British), 700 ton« Rickard, at Atlantic wharf, for Liverpool, loading-Willi« A Ohlsolm. Agra (Bri ish), 039 tone, Fullinoro, al Vaudeihorst's wharf, from Liverpool, waiting-Kavenel & Co. The Queen (Br), 698 tous. Cook, in the stream, from Stranraer, Scotland, walting-U Muro & Co. Harriet F Hu-sey, 681 tous, Ulmor, at Atlantic wharf, for Liverpool, loading-W Boich & Co. Dalkeith (Br). 848 tona, Andereon, in the stream, from Loudon, waiting-lt Mure .v Co. David Mc Nutt (Hr), 602 tons. McElhonny, at Brown At Co's wharf, from Livorpool, waiting-lt Mure & Co. BRIGS. Florenclta (Spau) 140 tons, Font, at Palmetto wharf, from Havana, to be ropaired-J A Knslow & Co. Teresina (Br), 24"5 tons. Ellis, at Mawball'H wharf, lor Queenstown aud a Market, loading- R Mure ti Co. Cecilia (Br), 202 tons, Bi-drup, at Boyce A- Co's wharf, for Cronstadt, loading-B T Walker. Courier (Br), 209 tons. Jenkins, at Marshall's wharf, from Port Talbot, discharging-R T Walker. Manzanillo. 153 tons, Maguue, lu Asbloy River, for a Northern Port, loading-Olnoy it Co. SCHOONERS. BN Hawkins, 390 tous, Wya't, at Adger's wharf, for Boston, loading-W Roach ii Co. Edith, 665 tons, Wheeler, at ! niou wharf, for Sa- Ulla Hiver, Ga, rt ody-lt Muro & Co. E H Nayler, Ï&O tonp, Alorechtsen, in Ashley Biver, loi li eton, loading-H F Baker & Co. Charles F, Ra\nvmd, 309 tons, Higgin.-, ut Brown & Co'« whait", lor Boston, loading-M Goldsmith ii Sen. S S Bickmore, 224 tons. Barter, in Ashley l iver, lor Philadelphia, loading-Unley & Creigh on. Roben caldwell, 466 tons. Mccormack, tit Adger's wharf, tor Now York, watting-W Roach & Co. LiUy, 412 ton», Francia, at N E Railroad wharf, for Now York, loading-W Hooch it Co Annie Ainsdon, 256 tons. Bunga, lu Ashley Uiver, for a Nor'hern Port, loadlr?-.1 A Kuslow ii Co. Moonlight, 262 tons. Briggs, at P i'nietta wharl, for New York, loading-J A Knslow ii Co. H N Squire, 307 tons, Fiske, in Ashley River, ior Philadelphia, loading-W Roach ii Co. Francos Hatch, 97 tons, Gregory, In Ashley River, for New Yoik, loading-J A E « ow & Co. Hattie Coombs, K.8 tons, Jamason, in Ashley River, for Now York, loading-J A Kuslow A- Co. N W Megee, 241 tons. Ketchnm, in Ashley River, for Providence, loading-H F Baker & Co. Mary Ella. 155 tons, Thomas, in Ashley River, for Philadelphia, loading-Bialey & Creighton. Dexter Was-hburne. 279 tons, at Accommodation wharf, from NewOrleans, discharging-A J Salin is A E Glover, 298 tons, Terry, at Brown At Co's wharf, for Boston, lording-I '1 upper ii sons. Ranger, 96 tone, Gooding, in nBhley River, for Now York, loading-J A Enslow & co. Magellan, 100 tons, Gnthn, at Accommodation wharf, from stockton, Me, waiting-Risley & Creighton. Wan at a, 229 tons, Hawkins, at Atlantic whatf, for Georgetown, S C, ready-Utsley ii Creight in, W B Mann, 226 tons, Rod gers, at Central wharf, from Philadelphia, waiting-H F Bnk r it Co. Sarah Cullen, 254 tons. Avis, at Central whait, frc m Boston, discharging-H F Baker A Co. Emma, 99 tons, Anthony, at Accommodation wharf, fi om Barbadoos, discharging-Risley & Creigh¬ ton. Ella ai at the wes. 208 tons, Mc El woe, at Central wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging-H I Baker ti Co. Damon, - tons, Johna in, at cential wharl, from Boston, discharging Risley & creighton. SOUTH CAROLINA UAILHUAH. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHARLESTON. S. C., February 13, 1869. I ON AND AFTER SUIT DAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, the PASSENGER TRAINS of the South Caro- lint Railroad will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.80 A. V. Arrive at Augutta.5.10 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis NashvUle and New Orleans, via Montgomery our Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.5.45 P. M Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester K til road, aun Camden train. VOlt CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.8.00 A. M Arrive at Charleston.5.00 P. Kl Leave Columbia.7 45 A. M Arrive at Charleston.6. IK) P. M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (SUNDAYS KXCi ITlilJ.I Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M, Arrive at Augusta.6.30 A. M Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4.10 P. M Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.6.05 P. M Arrive at Columbia.4.45 A. Sri Connecting (sundays excepted) with Greenville an<* Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.80 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. ii, Kl MM EU VI I, CK THAIN. Leave Charleston.3.00 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 4.20 P. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M Arrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, Leave Ringville.4.20 P. M, ArrUc at Camden.7.00 P. M. Leave Camden.6.35 A. M. Arrive at KingvUle.9.20 A. M, (Signed) H. T. PEAEE, February 16 General Superintendent. LATEST NEW YORK NEWS. LADIES!! Look: Out ! ! Look: Out ! ! Look Out ! ! Look Out ! ! '?Beautifies tbe Complexion." "Gives a Rosy Glow to the cheeks." "A Ruby Tinge to the Lips." "Removes ell Blotches and Freckles. "The Best In the World." 33 IB ATJT IFIE 33. 1 THE Bitter-sweet and Orange Blossoms. tar One Bottle, $1-Three for $2. 1000 Bott'.es sold in one day in New York City. SsW all Druggists in CHARLESTON sell it. "COSTAE'S " STANDARD PREPARATIONS ABS "Coetar's" Hat, Roach, ¿te,, Kxtermin tu¬ tors. "Co»tar's'' Bsd Bog (exterminators, ..Coetar'a" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedied known." "18 years estaollahed in New Xork." "2000 Boxes and Kiaora manufhotured dally. " '.I 11 Beware 11 of spuriou* imitations." "All Druggists in CHARLESTON seU them. " Address COS PAR," So. IO Crosbjr-rt., I». Y. Or JOHN V. BENBY (successor to ) DBVAS BARNES « Co., 31 Park Bow, N. Y. Sold in CHAltL5i.ilON by GOOUHICH, WTNKMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. March 23 " PAP_ lyr ROS AD ALIS Purities tjie Blood. 'per Sals by Drsisrgiate Kverywheri. July 28 uso li r M P O R TK RS OV TEAS. WINE«. BRANDIES, ftc., And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. . 90ÏP pf STREET N. Y. WM. B. CORWIN At 00. garGoods deMvirod to all parts of the City. October 24 T O BU SIN R ft S MEN. THE SUMTER NEWS, PUBLISHED AT r> JJMT KR, S. <?., OSE OV THE BB4T- PAPERS IN THE UP COU NT KY; has a large circulation, end affords su¬ perior sd vantages as sn advertising medium. Terme low. Addrss BABB li OTHSN, February «9 Proprietors. F frttgs, QLI)ciKifal0, (Ctr. O U T 56 * H CELEBRATED Horse and i 'attie Powders. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ incidentto this ani mal, such as LUNG FEVER, O Ii ANDERS, YEL H PAVES' * T E R' játe*fev Founder, Lois of EfmK^ Appetite Vital IB ^^^^^ the Wind, iiiero.iH- /j^^&r ifllr^^Hal K'VI'H a Smooth ^ ÍT « JJT«L Isl and transforms the '* !'^S.>*t«,^« ^fin y^^^^mm misorablo skeletons -^-ír^r^^-^ríiá^^^Hp into aflnc looking and spirited Horse. §| TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS I REPARAT I < Hg In rattening catt lo. i. gives th" m an appetite, oi)e^H their hides and makes them th.ive much faster. ? IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCHAS COUOHl ULCERS IN THE LUNGS, LIVER, &e.. this articleacts as a spe- ciflc. Uy putting ( from one-half to a paper in a barrel of swill tho ab ve diseases will bo eradicated or en¬ tirely prevented. If given in limo, a certain pre Uve and cure for tho Hog Cholera. PBEPARED BY DAVID IS. FOU TA, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOl No. 110 Frankhn-strert, Baltimore, Md. FOR SAJUE BY BOWIE & MOISE, WHOLESALE DRUG HOÜ8 No. 151 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, March 31 15 S A A ('SUN'S S Util E P O P t FOR DESTROY!* Rata. Mice, Ac., Ac without, the unpleasai effects arising fr o i their dying in thal holes. A PHOSPHORll PASTE, hermetical!! Bcaleo, and warranted to keep fresh for all times. The greatest disoovoiy of its kind in tho ag we live in. No person need bo 'troubled with Rat Mice, Bed Bugs or noach a, for Mr. Iswcsen's des tractive remedy ia wit in the reach of all, préparée only hy himself from ^e and valuable oompoun.ii it* cheapness is ns wonderful as its efficacy-han drcd8 0f testimonials have bom received from at parts oj the UDjrod Mates a* to na value aud satiefac tory operative power, from which, tor want of space, we simply solect tho following. WlIJUkBD'8 Ho tSX, V> ASHINOTON, D. C., 1 October 1st, 18fi8. MK. ISAACSEN-Dear Sir: Itni'-os nie great pleas uro to testily to th gratifying result obtained at thi Hotel througU using your Phosphoric Piste; it ii now two yearB since I Are*, beard ot your remedy,anc determined to give it a tair irial; that trial proved s< successful that not a trace ot Rats or Roaches hav< since been discovered, although previous to tha time we were completely overrun. Wishing von evei success in the useful career you bavo chosen, I remain, yours res ectfully, JOHN WOLFE, Engineer. For pale by DOWIE & MOISE, Wholesale Drugcists, No. 160 MeeUng-átreeet, corner Hascl, Charleston, S. C., January 13 wfm48 Aérente <oi- Northern State sj _ SüñsT~ MARVIN' PATEX3T Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOx SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR S AF ES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS* EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOOKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN <& GO, (oldest safe manufacturers) 17 . . ? (205 Broadway, New Yor Warehouses V21 Chestnut St., Phils. Warehouses ( log Saûk gt., Cleveland, And for sale by oar agents in principal cities throughout the United States. FOB SALK BY WM. M. BIRD & CO No. £03 EAST BAY CHAKL.KBTON. December 30 lyr P ROM « TO horse power, including oeiooratej Corliss Cu Engines, »lido Valve tiouarv Engines, Pc Engines, &c. Also. Ci ar Muiay and Gang Mills. Sujrar Cane - ha ung Pulleys, Ac, and .shingle Mills. Wh and Oom Mills, Ctrcru awe Bellin«, ko. tor descriptive Cumiar Frico List. WOOD k MANN STEAM KNOfNXOO.. February lg «mos Utica, New York

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A newsboy omi n peanut girlLike little FaunB began (o caper;

His hair vr»s all in tangled curl,Her ta«ny leg« were baro and taper;

And HUH the gatherluK larger grew.And gare ita p nee and crowded nigher,

While aye ibeshopberJ-inlnetrel blewdUs pipe and struck the gamut higher.O heart of Nature, beating stillWith throbs her vernal passion taught her,-

Sven here, as on tbe vine-olad hill,Or Ly the A rethu water I

Newforms may fold the speech, new landsArise wi hm these ocean portals,

But Music waves eternal wands.Enchantress of tbe souls of mortals t


LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Postónico at

Charleoton, for the week ending APRIL 1, 1869,»nd printed officially in TUB DAII.V NBWS, as thonewspaper having the largest circulation in the City.f Charleston.j&yPersons calling for Letters Advertised, should

«tats that they are "Advertised."far Office hours from b A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sun¬

days, from 6 to 6 P. M.STANLEY G. TROTT. Postmaster.

WOMEN 'Ö uifcrr.

Adderson, MissEL

Addison, Miss BF

Aimar, Mary TArmstrong, MrsL

Ashley, Mrs L LArmstrong, AnnBarney, MoleyBeard. Mrs H MBte, MaryBerry, Mrs H EBordeaux. SusanBrodie, Mrs SBroughton, Miss

Brandt, Mrs LButler, BettyBythewood, RoseBrooD, Mary SBrown, Mra JBrown, AnnieCanada, Mi*s ECapers, Mrs BCaral. Mrs FCarey, Mrs JChapman, Miss 8Christie, Mrs O-Clarie, Mrs TCowan, käTSh ACooke, AdaDanerson, /tunDaisey. Mary ABart, fusas HBeal, FannieBismnkes, Miss£

Ferguson, Mrs EFenno. Mrs J BFraaher, SarahAnn

Geodnany, Mrs 0J A

Grant, Miss L KGuy, Mrs OHarris, Mra DHarricoan, KateB

Hall, Mrs J BHatcher.Harriett

Harriman, Kate8

Heidt, Mrs E MHadley, Miss EHogarth, Ella MHoward. SarahHolli e, Mrs RJackson, Miss AJ.i mes, Mrs JJackson, SarahJobtonno, MaryA

Johnstone, TeliaJohnson, Miss MA

Johnson, MaryJane

Jones, Mary EKerr, Mrs M AEeenean, Mrs DEelsery, Miss HRiniau, Miss PKi loton, i rantinMagiitha

Kenney. Mrs BLauronce, AnnaLehe, Wilbemiue'V

Long, Janie CLockwood, lire1 3

Lowndes, Caro¬line

Lowry, IdaLynes, Mrs M MMackey, Ellen BMaresiine, Mis«Mayorris, Mrs OMean, MissMMitchell, Mrs MMiligan, Mrs GMiddleton, MrsN

Mosoly, Mrs RMoore, EllaMurphy, Mrs EMarun, JanieMillar, Mary HMillar, VirginiaMcDexett, MissM


McGee, M i si- BMcPherson, Su¬san H

Mcöweeny, MaryA

Nowell, Miss CNicholos, hallieOxclado, EmilyPearson, Mrs JPearce, Mrs A GPhillips, JennieL

Poncer, SarahPowers, Miss MProotor, Mrs JPrince, Mary ERaney, SarahKeals, AmieReckles.JeaulianB

Riddock, MaggieRoach, Mrs ERobinson, Mra S3

[Rutledge, Sarah'Sanders, Mrs O

¡neath, MaryRponcer. Catty

Stawlon, EllaStone, Mrs H LHanders, Mrs JThayer, MISB EV

Thomas, Beliataylor, Mrs T BWuitney, MaryE

Whitcoskey, Ma¬ry

Williamson, MissJ

Wrede, Miss BWright, Mrs EW .mer, NellieWarner, Miss JWright, KateWashington,Mi s ti

Williams, AmeliaYoung, Emms


Adams, Thos Green, J J McPherson, JnoAdorns, 3 D Green, Stephen Newbe&in, E GAlston, Manuel Green, Henj mun Nelson, W

(col'd) Green, William Norman, J JAlison, John Grover, Wm Paul, CharlesAnderson, Mese Graham, Rev Pat torso , MrArne, William John t'oshau, CharlesAveilhe, J W Hamilton, Paul, Prioleau, JamesBaker, Kev Archi- Jr Proctor, Natbald Harcourt, O Randal. Capt HBall, Capt F A Hawkins, Henry Reynolds, W B &

Bearce, HM ECoBomford, Benja- Harley. Jaris Reilly, Edwardmin B (col'd) Ripley, R W

Boylan, Mathew Hastedt, Her- itc ber-on, JohnBonitta, William mann Rubens, MorrisBreaker, Lieut C Harlson, J K Sawyer. CaptW Hartmann, J H oald HBrown, Geo W A Bayward, Wm M «aid, Nicholas

Co Heyward, John Schroor, JohnBurk, Christo- Hills, A B J Scheper, FPher Hickey, Patrick Schroder, JohnBussell, Br John Hucks. Henry K FredBuck, W 3 Howlett, William Seel, LouisBurrage, Wm Howard, Willi un Simmons, GBurbour, DM Isaao Sim.ThomasCalhoun, Wm A Howe, Doudn & simons, J ACampbell, Jas Co Hm i tu, Elihu RCarr, À H Horton, William smith, franklinCampbell, Henry Huggins, J a Smith, ElbertCharion, John Jauson, John F (col'd)Cheeseborough, Jeffers, H L A Sari h, J MHy (col'd) co sohl. Peter

Conley, Frank Jones, Paul Sperry, O ACordes, Her- Joseph, S Arthur stanton, Johnmann, S Johnson, H B stauck, Charles

Cochran, Daniel June, Samuel Stalze, MasterConnor, Daniel Kent, Henry A LouisCross Soipeo E mmey, James swan. HenryDavis, Mosas B Simons, J, No 471Davis, J A Kidder, Ed A King-streetBayis, F A Sons Taylor, H DDarlington, HB Kimmey1, Franois Tt rasher,SewardDavis. Gibb MBDenning, Dr Wil- Klein, J Thompson, G Wliam Kruse, John G C tyler, IgnatiusDoyle, James LaRoaoh, Lanie! Vaden, Oapt W A

Donuelly,Patrick Laton, John Vaulandingham,Dobbens, Henry Lawrence, P H ManlyDrew, Edward Labsurt, Preston Waring, HoratioDunlap. WH T PEdward, John or Lilienthal A Os- Waehington.Bos-Alex terhall torr

Emile, Joshua B Lorens, Otto Welton. ArdRrkmart, B Love, JH Weathers, Wil-Farrow. N af Look, Frederick liam (ool'd)Fergslon, Henay B Wlnningham, HFleming, Rich- Lutten, Luder White, Jakeard Mansfield, John Wnitaer, Rix

Ford, P J N (col'd)Feater. J G Moldau, George Witzel, An DonFréter.Benjamin Morgan, Thomas Herrn LudwigFranois, GM O Witzel, OGardner. E Montague, Mor- Wiokman, HenryGillard, Jones tison D wilie. HenryGirard, Henri Murry, John Willson, F KOse, John B Mernobles, John Wittechen, Jo-Gatnineer, Goo Murray, J M bannGarald. David Meyer. Luis Williams, Jud-Oibbes, J Reeves Meyer. Anton aonGlaze, Pompey McKinlay, John Woolman, H EGerda», Henry .Wright, Hon J J

Stir Persons depositing letters in the Postorheewm please place the stamp near the upper tighthand corner of the envelope, and they will alsoplease to remember that without the atamp s lettercannot be mailed, but wUl be sent to the Dead Letter

Office._AprilaConsignees per sontu c avionnu Railroad

April 1.4M bales Cotton. 115 b les Domestics, 1 car Lum¬

bar, 7 ears Wood, a cars Stock. To Railroad Agent,Falser, Rodgers A oo. Johnston, Crews A Co, FrostA Adfer, Mowry A Co. G W Williams A Co. A B Mul¬ligan, Kirkpatrick A Witts. J R pringle, W K Ryan,W 0 Courtney A Co, G H Walte r A Co, W W Smith,Greaser A »raith, Cleghorn, Herring A Co, B O'Neill,Cl W Steffens, H Baiwinkle A Co, and S R Marshau.

Consignees per Northeastern KnllroavdApril l*

ss balsa Cotton, 92 bbl» Naval «tores, 13S bushelsBtes, Lumber, Mdse. Ac. To WK Byan, 3 A Quarte-ambush, Walter A Co Bart A Wlrtu, A B Mulligan, GW Williams A Co, Mowry A Co, « aldwell A Hons, O

Passengers*Per steamship J W Everman, for Philadelphia-

A King and wife, sud P F Mau. aw



Ship R O Winthrop, Stewart, cleared,.M »roh 8The Boyal Charil?, Anderson, sailed.M ireh 8Bark Helen Sands, Otis, railed..March 18

MATANZAS.' British sehr Lion, MoLellan,up...March 5


Brig Wm Robertson, Bead, np.March éSehr Marsh a Hammond, Wylie, up.March 10Sehr P M Bonney, amati, cleared.March aaSehr Stephen Mortis, «am,n, cleared.March 30


Sehr Martha Maria, Dean, cleared.March Vtssw roar.

Steanuhlp James Adger, Lockwood, cid... .March 80iichr Ida BSet.ardft>», Bedell, up.March 20£obr S » Gebada,-.up.March 25Behr David Faust, Lord, cleared...Marok 23Bohr Col Cook. Aearse cleared... .Msrch ioSehr Yankee Blade. --. up..,.March 16Sehr N W t-raith, Tooker, cleared.March 29Bohr Jessie 8 Clark,-,up.Man¡fe IT

Eohr Wataoga,Lawrence, up.....March 01Behr Hannah Little, Godirey, cleared.M ireh 20Sehr W B Young, Young, oleared.March ag

max/KKoax. *

Sehr Ml finie, Smith, clearad....March aoltoaro&s, VA.

Sour 3 P Auen, Alles,sailed.March 80

/tnannal aub Commercial.^'» n< Cnarleston Money Market.

THURSDAY, April 1, 1889.Witta tho exception of city stocke, there were no

transactions during the week upon which to base

quotations, and those given below aro morely nomi¬nal. Bills of the different State banks have still an

upward tendency, and the quotations aro a shade

higher than those of tho week previous. The im-

pression that the city would pay Its interest In

money caused a considerable advance in c:ty sixes,largo sales of which were effected, and they are now

quoted at CA to 60, ex interest. City bills oro held at

par with nono offering. South Carolina treasurynotes have advanced to 90. No other changes ofnote have occurred,


Bank of Camden.70 @00Bank of Charleston.-.84 @00Bank of Chester.ll ®00Bank of Georgetown.10 OOOBank of Hamburg. 7 @00Bank of Newberry.63 @00Bank of South Carolina.15 <&00Bank of State of S Carolina, prior to 1861.46 @00Bank of Stateof S. Carolina,after 1st Jan.,

1861.12 ®00Gommarclal Bank. Columbia.2 ($00Exchango Bank,Columbia.ll @00Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston..0 @00Merchant's Bank, Oheraw.9 ©CGPeople's Bank, Charleston.70 (¡£00Planter's Bank of Fairfield.6 @00Planters' and Mechanics' Bank,Charleston 00 (gi00Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston,(old).-66 @00

southwestern Bailroad Bank, Charleston,(new).48 @00

State Bank, Charleston. 6 ($00Union Bank, Charleston.93 ($00City of Charleston Change Bills.96 @00State S. Carolina TreasuryNotes.90 ($00

BONDS. STOCKS AND COUPONS.City of Columbia Bonds. 70@00City of ColumbiaCoupons.76 @00South Carolina Bailroad and Bank Stock

.wholeshares).4S>¿@44South Carolina Bailroad (half shares).21 @2l>68. C. Bailroad Six Per Cent. Bonds.75 @00S. C. lt. ll. Seven Per Cent. B'ds.83 ($00S. C. Bailroad Certificate cr Indebtedness.65 fui 00City of Charleston Six Per Ot. Stock.64 «66City of Charleston Fire Loan Bonds.70 @00State of South Carolina Bonds (old).71 (»72State of South Carolina Bonds (new issue.

of January 1,1867).69 @70State of Mouth Carolina Stock.65 @66State of BonHi CarolinaCoupons.66 (a, 00People's National Bank Stock.par. coi02First National Bank Stock.rar. @108Greenville and Columbia Railroad State

guaranteed bonds.56 @ 00Greenville and Columbia 1st Mortgage

Bonds.71 (2(75Northeastern R. lt. 1st Mortgage Bonds.82 (jg00Northeastern R.B. 1st Coupons (past due).60 @uoNortheastern R.B. Certificates ol Indebted¬

ness.60 @00Charleston Gas Company Stock..2B%@00Charleston City Railway Stock.52 (fe, 00Charleston and Savannah Railroad Bonds

(State guarantee).45 @00Charleston and Savannah Bailroad Stook. 00 @00City of Havannah Bonds.91 @92City of Savannah Coupons (due previous

to 1st June, 1866).95 @00City of Savannah Coupons (due after 1st

June, 1866).96 @C0Memphis and Charleston Railroad Stock. .44 @46Memphis and Charleston Railroad BondB.90 ®80Memphis and Charleston R. R. Coupons. .93 @00

Bxports for tbe Week ending THursdayApril 1.TOBKION.

LIVERPOOL-Per British nark Borneo-95 bags SeaIsland Cotton, 1882 bales Upland Cotton, 314bbls Rosin, 200 tons and 25 bags Phosphate, 9tierces Cotton Seed.

MATANZAS-Per sehr Ella M Pennell-125,079 feetLumber.

BARACOA-Per sehr Azelda & Laura-38,000 feetLumber, 10 bbls Potatoes.

DO1CX8TI0.NEW YORK-Per eteamsblp Charleston-258 tierces

Rice, 361 bales Upland cotton. 77 bales Yarn, 66phgs Sundries... Fer steamship Champion-264bales Upland Cotton. 160 tes Hice, 82 bales Yarn,50 empty Barrels, 32 b >gs Phosphate, 84 pack¬ages Sundries.Per sehr I) C Hülse-80,000feet Bewn Timber, 65,000 feet Plank.

PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship J W Evorman-170 bales Upland Cotton, 108 bales Yarn 14 tieroesRice, 9 sacks Dried Fruit, 65 casks Clay, 84empty Barrels. 87 Packages ai d sundries... .Fersehr Beta-130,000 feet Lumber, 4 bio ks Marble.

BALTIMORE-Per steamship Sea 'iull-185 balesUpland Cotton. 20 bales Bags, 28% tierces Rice,60 sacks salt, 3 bales Leather. 61 bois Rosin, 3cases Cigars. 40,009 feet Lumber, 7 bags Fruit,and sundry Packaged.Per sehr C S Grove-160 tous Phosphate Rock, 110,000 feet Lumber.


been shown by the American holders of this article,ana willen nae uxurouea a tenacity on tne pan otthe grower not heretofore displayed, promises tomaintain prices at about the present figures, if theydo not secure an advance. The market for the fibrewas quiet early in the week lu consequence of theholidays, but during part of the period since con¬siderable activity prevailed at stiffer prices, but to¬wards the close tho staple had again become dull.Prices, at Liverpool, wbioh opened at 12)¿d, im¬proved to lS%d, and receded to 12J¿d ; at New Yorkthey have moved up trom 28%@29e to 29>¿c, anddeclined to 28>¿c; at thia port middling uplands,which commenced at 27jjc, hardened to 28c, butdosed yesterday dull and nominal.Telegrams from Liverpool and New York report

the following transactions and prices for the week:At the former, on Frid ty, March 26th, there was nobusiness done; at the latter thc article was quiet,sales 960 bales at 28%@20o. On Saturday, at tbeformer, there was no market; at the latter the staplewas unchanged, sales 1000 bales at 26?¿@29c. OnMonday at the former, the holidays still prevailed;at the latter the article Wan steady, salen 1809 balesat28^@29c. On Tuesday the formed was active,sales 20,000 bales, uplands 12>¿d; the latter was >¿c.better and active, eales 6000 bales at 29>¿e. On Wed¬nesday the former was unclimbed, sales 12,000 balesuplands at 12%d ; the latter was less active and ashade easier, sales 1200 bales at 29c. Yesterday theformer waa flat, sales 8000 baloa uplands at 12>^d;the latter was quiet and weak at 2894*0.Tbe following la a statement of the supply of cot¬

ton in sight at the latest dates :

STATISTICAL POSITION- 1869. 1888.Stock in Liverpool. 268 000 891.630Afloat from India. 197,000 178,000Afloat from America. 160,000 230.000Stock in London. 89 760 71,620Afloat for London. 60.003 83,000Stock inHavre. 67 2)4 88,269A float for Havre. 17,7«O 80.663Stock in Bremen.. 6.323 11,047Afloat for Bremen. 4,961 7,146Stock in United States port*. 418.213 818,6358took in the interior towns. 81.018 49,606

Total. ....1,850,099 1,849.808Increase in visible supply... 79)

Stock of cotton held by Manchester spinners atthe milla now 70,000 bales, same time 1888, 300,000bales. Middling uplands, now 12^d@i2>¿d, then10*d.The arrivals at this point for the week have been

light, say t 30 baga of sea Islande and Floridas,and 3418 bales of uplands; against 10 baas of seaislands and Floridas, and 8152 bales of uplands theweek before, and 84 bags ot s°a islands and Flori¬das, and3443 balea uplands for the correspondingperiod last year.The receipts have been from the following sources,

say: Of uplands per soulh Carolina Bailroad, 3289;per Northeastern Bailroad, 169; Georgetown, 8 O, 9:Florida, 3; of sea islands from Beaufort, Ac, 9;Northeastern Railroad, ö; Florida, 8; Savannah, 5.The movements in this market for the week just

closed have been as follows:On Friday, March 38, the day Iv lng Good Friday,

the business done was unimportant.On (saturday there waa a steady and rather good

inquiry; eales 760 balea, ordinary to good ordinarybeing quoted at 33K@27j low middling 37j^a37>¿,middling 27Jf. and striet middling 380.On Monday the demand a as light and market weak

during the Ant part oi the day, but afterwardsthere was a better inquiry ¡it firmer rates; sales near1000 bales, ordinary to good ordinary being quotedat 38J4627; low middling 27>¿; middling 27?¿o« B».On Tuesday the art'ole was active and advanced

Xe fl lb; salee 1800 bales, ordinary to good ordinarybeing quoted at 23>i@27J£; low middling 37KQ97*«';middling 38c fl lb.On Wednesday the staple was quiet, but prices

were unchanged; sales about 300 bales; quotationsas above.Yesterday the article was flat, with an easier ten¬

dency in prices; sales n ar 800 bales, of which 100were sold tho afternoon before but not reporte*, viz:16 at 33)4"; 10 at 3«; 80 at 36% ; 10 at 28%; 186 at 37;16 at 27%, and 38 on private terms. Quotations arequito nominal, sty:

uvnnroox.. CMSSISTUATIOX,Ordinary to wood ordinary.,.26%<#27Lowmiddling.27y,<&-Middling ..TT..* §-

By New York classification we quote:Lowmiddling.. .98 9_

SEA ISLAND Corros-Tue arrivals of this ciaosof the obro hate been unimportant, amounting to

about '20 bago for the week; against 10 the weekbefore, and C4 lor tho same week last year. Themar&ctfor this article has been dull and nominal,with an entire absonco of transactions, purchasersseeking to operate at lower figures, while fe torsshow an unwillingness to make important conces¬sions. No reliable quotations can be given.BICE.-There have been no arrivals of Carolina

rough worthy of mention. There has been a fairand steady inquiry for the grain during the week,prices continuing without Important change, factorsgenerally holding ll rmi >. Tho Bales were cbout 600tlercsB or clean Ca-ol i na, say 75 tierces at 8 8-16; 40at 8% ; 349 at 8%c ty lb. Yesterd ay there was a gooddemand at steady prices; sales 248 tiero*? of CoanCarolina, viz: 60 at 8%; 68 at 8%; 20 at 8 5-10, and180 al 8%c ty lb. V?o quote common to fair cleanCarolina at 7%@8%; good 8 6-16@8%o ty lb.NAVAL STORES-The arrivals have been quite

light, say about 225 barred. Spirits turpentine wassold at 4l@4Ge ty gallon. Pale rosin was disposedofat $6® 8, and No. 2 do. at SI 90.HAY.-There have been only light receipts of this

arlide, say about 200 bales Eastern. A lot of East¬ern previously received, changed hands at $1 37% tyhundr d. The only transactions ot North BiverkindB aro in a retail way.CORN.-The arrivals or this grain for the week

have boon only in a very limited way. Wc note cs leaof 13.0CO bushels New Orleans, mixed, st 90c tybushel, bulk, weight Maryland and Virginia white,in jobbing parcels, seU st $1 10®l 12 ty bushel,weight, sacks included, lhere is a good demaud forplantation consumption.FLOUR.-'! he market has a good and well assort¬

ed stock of Northern and Western brands, and thereis a fair inquiry both for city and country consump¬tion. Prices, during the week, have been withoutalteration, and we renew onr quotations ot the weekbefore, say $C CO ty bbl for Ano; $6 75@7 25 for su¬

rer; Í8 60@9 for family, and 810 50@11 ty bbl forchoice. Southern brands are in light supply, andmay be quoted at $8 60@9 ty bbl for super; $9 50®10for extra, and $10 50@11 tor family. Campsen CityMills are selling at 89 ty bbl for super; $10 for extra,and $12 ty bbl for choice family.BACON.-The demand for this artiole has been

only in a limited way, and prices have bad rather aneasier tendency. We quote prime shoulders,smoked,atl5%o ty lb; prime clear rib sides at 18%c; bulkshoulder* may be quoted at 14 %, and bulk sides at17%c ty lb.8UGAR AND MOLASSES.-Two cargoes were

offered during the week and partly sold. The firstfrom Matanzas brought from 13@13%c for grocerysugars; clayed molasses in hhds 49c ty gallon, lutierces 60c, and Muscovado in t orces 56o ty gallon.A cargo from Porto Rico was disposed of, the sugarselling at lo%<a>14c, and molasses in hods at 71%@73o. There is a steady but not very activo inq dryfor these articles; fair to good grocery sugars maybe quoted at 13%@18%; clayed molasses, new cropCuba, at 65Q66; Cuba Musoovado do, at 67%@6$c.SALT.-There have been no arrivals of this article

during the week. Lots in store are held at $2@2 10ty Back.BUTTER.-Primo Goshen, of which there is a

moderate stock, may be quoted at 60@55c ty Vi.Western and other low grades Bell at 30@40c ty lb,as in quality.INDIA BAGGING.-The market for this article

has been quiet Gunny cloth 45% inches wide and2% tts to the yard, is held at 23%@24c. Dandeebagging, 44 inches, 1% tts. for tho yard,is heldat 30@35c Sea island bagging, 45 inches wide, 2lbs. for the yard, is held at 45c.ROPE.-Tho demand for rope is moderate, and

prices are somewhat nominal at quotations. Wequote hemp at - cents ty lb. ; greenleaf at 10 cents,and jute at 8%<5>9 cents ty pound.IRON BANDS AND TIES for cotton, of the most

approved patterns, are offered on the market, at 7a8c ty lb.TIMBER AND LUMBER_There is only a

small si ock ol this article in the market and receiptslight. Timber, for milling purposes, may be quot¬ed at Gty%S ty M feet. Shipping timber at $12 ty Mand upwards ; 5-4,<i 4-4 flooring scarce and wouldcommand $16 ty M. Bright lumber, good mer¬

chantable, cut to size, from 22 $25 by the cargo.FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, we

quote ¿¿d on uplands, and %d on sea island;by sail, %d on uplands,%®X on tea islands.Havre nominal. To tue West Indios, Cuban port snorth aide, on lumber, $9 00 in gold, and $10south side. &«»..»-*-- «-. >-» «teamXo ty lb on uplands, and lc. on sea islands,$1 60 ft tiers* on rice; by sail,- ty bale on up¬lands,and-ty tierce on rice; on boards $7 50@8 ty M, on rosawed lumber $10 ty M., oa timber-. To Boston, by steam, via Baltimore, lc ty ibon cotton and - ty tierce on rice; by sail 8-16®%c ty rb on cotton, $12 00 ty M. on resawed lumberand $13 00 ty M. on timber. To Philadelphia, -fi lb on upland cotton by steam and -o. tylb by sail; en flooring boards $8 ty M.; on re-

sawed lumber, $10; on timber, $10 SO ty M.To Baltimore, by steam, cotton %c. on upland, andthrough to Philadelphia, via Baltimore, %o; $160ty tierce on rice; phosphates, ty 2000 lbs., $4 inpackages, in bunt as per agreement; lumberty M $8®10, as in size; wheat ty bushel 12c, in sacks.By this Una to Philadelphia on cotton, %e. ;rice ty tierce $2 OC ; phosphate per ton, $6in packages. To Louisville. Ky., on rice, 75c. tyhundred. To Cincinnati eec. To St Louis 86c,By sail on boards and scantling, henee to Baltimore,$8; on lumber $10; phosphates $5.EXCHANGE-Starling Bills-The rate yesterday

was 140®140% for sixty day bills.DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purchasing

sight cheeks on New York par; 6 days % discountThey are selling sight checks at % prom.GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at

82, t.nd selling at 88.

AIarkeeta toy Telegraph.FonaiaN MARKETS.

LONDON. April 1-Noon.-Consols 98. Bonds'83%.Turpentine 81s 3d.Two P. M.--Bonds 83%. The Bank of England

has advanced tbe rate of discount 3 to 4 ty cent.LIVERPOOL, April 1-Noon.-Cotton opened quiet;

uplands 12%d ; Orleins 12%d ; sales 6000 bales. Newcorn 80s 3d.Two P. M.-Cotton flat; uplands I2%d; Orleans

12%d. Lard 74s 6d. 1 allow 45a Od.Evening.-Cotton closed dull; uplands 12%d; Or¬

leans 12%d ; sales 8000 bales. Breadstuff* and pro.visions quiet

DOMESTIC MARKETS.Nsw YORE, April 1-Noon.-Market strong but

dull. Monev active at 7. Gold 31%. Cotton lower;middling uplands 28% to ago. Turpentine dull at60%c. Rosin steady at $2 60*2 66 for strained.Evening-Cotton % lower. Sales 2100 bales at

28%c. Floor declining. Superfine State, $6 85*6 20.Common to fair, extra Southern $6 77%.* Wheatdull and 2a3o lower. Cora la2o lower. Meas pork$8160. Lard quiet. Kettle I9al9%. Whiskey nom¬inal. Rico quiet. Sugar heavy. Coffee dull, Mo¬lasses finn. Turpentine 60*50%. Rosin $2 4Ca8.Freights lower. Governments dull, hut steady.Sixty-two's, 17%. Southern bonds weak. The moneystringency ls very severe, on oall 7 percent and upto % commission. Gold strong et 81%. Sterling73tf. Stocks excited and unsettled.AUG cSTA, April 1.-Cotton dull sud lower; saleo

116 bales; receipts 285. Middlings 27 cents. Cottonplanting has commenced. Com is up and doingwell. Weather favorable.SAVANTS »H, April 1 -Cotton dull; sales 457 bales.

Middlings nominally 28 cents. Bec« ipts 1188 bales.Exports, foreign, 43"4 bales; coastwise 850.BALTIMORE, April 1.-Cotton quiet at 28 cents.

Flour, small business. Wheat firmer; good to primered $2 10. Corn scarce; white 85a86 ; yellow un¬changed. Oats dull at 00*85. Pork firm. Baconquiet Whiskey 03.CINOTNI ATI, April 1.-Whiskey unobanged. Pro¬

visions quiet; little done. Lard 18.ST, LOUIS, April 1.-Whiskey 89. Perk quiet and

unchanged. Bacon dull; shoulders 18% ; alearsides' IT.Lomsvnuua, April 1.-Mes* pork $82. Lard 18%.

Shoulders i»; olear aides 16% Whiskey ftl.WILMINGTON, April L-Spirits turpentine weak st

46, Rosin active at #170al 75. Cruds turpentinesteady. Tar active at ts 20. Cotton wsaker.MOBILE, April 1.-Cotton quiet; sales 800 bales;

middlings r>7. Receipts 45«; exports 8A&NEW ORLEANS, April 1-cotton nominal and un.

se tied; mid..Hugs 28%; sales 800 bales. Receipts1888; exporto 8843. Gold 82%. Sterling dull. 41%;commercial bills 39%a41M; Hew York sight ex¬

change %a% premium, rugar dull; common ll;prime 14. Molasses easy; prime 72%.

H -i-'-f'1SUMTER. March 80.-About 120 bales sold dur.

lng the week at 36%*96%e.

Interior Cotton Narketi.HULM A, March 29 -Salea 36 balea; middlings

20.'a to 20%c; market quiet.MACON, rch 30 -There was an active demi nd

to-day, the u-arset closing Arm at 26%c. Bocelptst -day 98 hales; shipments 260 bales; sales 208bales.

Nashville Market.NASHVILLE, March 20. -COTTON.-Tho market

continued steady to-day. as follows: Oidinury 20a2t;good ordinary 24; low mddltug 25. About the closeof the day, however, favorable advices wore receivedfrom Liverpool, and there was considerable anima¬tion. We looa for the market to open buoyant inthe meruing.

COTTON fc'TATEMENI.Stock on hind September 1,1868 .60Received to-day. 127Received previously.44.836-44,462

Total. 44,622Shipped to-dav. 128Shipped previously.38,011-38,i:>9

Stock on hand.6.3H8COBN.-The market is steady at 60c buying and

76c sacked and delivered in do; ot. We heard f thesale ot 1000 bushels yellow on tho wharf, to-day, a62c sacks Included. This, however, was an irregularcale.


The mark¿t closed quiet, and Bale» for tbe dav roach693 casks a» 47c 100 c teks delivered hy April 2')th,seller's option at40%c, und 100 casks, delivered byMay 1st, BC ler's option at 4-3o.ItosiN-Was in good demand, with sties of 1300

bbls. tree on board, freight 40o, at $1 95 for No, 2, 661bbls at $1 82%. $l-85al 90 tor strained, $2 tor extraNo. 2, and 6 bbls window glnss at $10.CBUDE IUIU'KKTINE.-No sale9 to-day-last quota¬tions »3 for bott ai d tl 86 tor baid.TAB -Sides 300 bbls at 82 70 per bbl.COTTON.-Sales of 85 baes at 2<3>¿c for low mid¬

dling. -

From Finlay. Campbell di Co.'i BombayCircular.

BOMBAY, February 13, 869 -COTTON.-Tho tele¬grams received from England during the week hav¬ing advised a further advance in the value of cotton,this market has again become very firm, and largepurchases are reported at prices tully six rupees percandy above those ruling at the date o' our lust cir¬cular. Tho following are ti-day's quotations:

Broach, row, on the spot. 9 62d; lor future de¬livery, 9.46d par pound. Dhollera, old, on ther-pot,8 60d ; new, for future delivery, 9 06J. Omrawuttoe,new, on the bpot, 9.09d; tor future delivery, 9 C8d.Dhurwar (tinned, old, on the spot, 8.95d. Compta,old, on the spot, 8.13.

'Jhe clearances for pot since the 6th instant,amount to 37,588% bales, consisting of 29.463% balesby sailing v> sse! and 4171 by steamer to Liverpool,and 1686 bales by sailing vessel und 2386 bale? bymean,or to the continent. The following are thecomparative exports of cot on to Europe for the pastnine years from tbe 1st Januarv to date:

1861. 152.842 biles; 1862, 109,457 b iles; 1863. 98 -

964% bales; 1864. 103,063% bates; 1866 99.861 bales;1866. 23 ,667 bale«; 1867, 107,503 bales; 1868, 106,850bales; 1869, 99.7J6.The exports to Great Britain alone are 82,018bales, against 101 821 bales in 1868.

Charleston Wholesale Prices.


BAGGING, ft, yard-Dundee. 80 (gt 45Gunny Cloth. (§> -

BALE ROPE, a lb-Manilla. - @ -

Western. . 8 @ 12%Ju e. 8%@ 9COTTON, fl lb-Ordinary to Good Ordinary. 26%@ 27Low Middling. 27%@ -

Middling to Strict Middling. 28 @ 28%Good Middling. - ca -

Sealsland. 76 «1.30COFFEE, fi lb-Rio.I 20 @ 28Laguayra. 28 «n -

Java. 35 ® 40FERTILIZERS-Wando Fertilizer. 60.00 (« -

Double Refined Poudrette....... 30.00 (à) -

Niles' Phosphate. 68.00 ® -

Peruvian Guano, fi 2240 lbs. 95.00 ICQ -

Pacific Guana, V 2000 lbs.«6.00 @ -

Pheonix Guano. 66.00 (u> -

Baugh's Phosphate, f) 2000lbs... 60.00 (td -

Rhodes' Phosphate, * 2000 lbs...|65.00 (gt -

Rhodes' Stand;Manure-$65 time j57.60 (di -

OrchillaGuano-.$40 time 85 00 (co -

Laud Plaster. 24.60 @Mapea'SuperPhosphate,« 2000 lb 00 @ -

Zell's Raw Bone Phosphate.60.>>0 @ -

Zell's Super Phosphate of Limo.. HO. (JO <<y -

Woolston'a Phosphate of Limo..-. ¡15.00 (<0 -

Woolston's Vegetate, fl 20C0 lbs 66.00 @ -

Croasdale'a Geh. Supcr-Phos. net 60.00 (<u -

Bowers' Complete Manure, net... 60.00 (sn -

Bardy's Phospho Peruvian, cash. 66.00 @Sardy's Pacific Guano, cash. 60.00 (g>PatapscoGuano.,|65.00 tu> -

FLOOR, ft bbl-Super. 6.75 (<$ 7.26Northern and Western Extra. 7.60 @ 8.00Baltimore Extra. - @ -

Southern-Super. 9.00 @ -

Extra.10.00 (ft -

Family.ll .CO ©12.00GRAIN-Maryland Oats, f* huebel.. 86 0 90»*rMvrV:r^ So 1x5

BA Y, fi cwL-North River.| - «aEastern.| 1.37%<d -

L UMBER, fl M. leen- IClear White Pine, 1st quality.¡50.00 @65.00White Pine, good run. 38.00 ©40.00YellowPine. 20.00 (&25.00Boards, fi M. feet-Rough.112.00 (£16.00

Grooved and Tongued.... ¡28.00 @32.00MOLASSh'S, 1* gallon-Cuba.| 63 @ 66Muscovado. 57% (gi 60SugarHouse. 60 0 1.00New Orleans... - tia-

NA VAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar.... - (oj -

Pitch. - (a) -

Rosin,Pale. 6.00 @ 7.00Rosin, No.1.1 3.00 @ 4.00Rosin, No.2.1 1.86 (a) 2.00Resin, No.8. 1.75 (a) -

Spirits Turpentine, fi gallo*.....;I 44 @ 46Oaaum. W IB.. | IC isl

NAILS-American, 4@20d, tn keg.. 6.60 @ 7.00POWDER-Dupont's, F.F.F. g.... 6.70 @Dupont's, F.F.F. 6.60 fd) .

Dupont's, Blasting. 4.26 @PROVISIONS-fl lb-Bacon, Hams, fl lb.... - (a)Bacon, Sides. 17% rm 18%Bacon. Shoulders. 14%S 15%Bacon. Strips. 19%<4-Lard, in keg. - &. -

Butter. 35 fei 65<;. Cheese. 16 (cg80

Potatoes, fi bbl. - <# _

Onions.?. ¿1 _

Apples. - 2 -

RICE-Carolina, fl lb. 8 0 9Bast India. _ 2 -

SALT-Liverpool, coarse, ç\ sack.. 2.00 2 3.10Liverpool, fine. (ca

SUGAR, fi lb-Raw.I - @ -

PortoRico. 13%<a uMnscova«1' . (®


JP- ?»sss



. : SS

: : a

. 5*.

CA cn


13 SssComparative Risparte or Cotton, from

tue Port OS Charleston.


Liverpool..Other British Ports.

.Total to Great Britain...

Barre.Other trench Ports.Total to France..

North ofBarops.Total North of Europe.

i- outh Of Europe.Wost Indies, «o..Total Foreign Porte,....

Boston.rihode Island, ~c.New York...Philadelphia....BalUmora and Nor ilk-Other United States Ports.

Total io Oow-iwiee Porta.

en«« TetaJ..........

















Stocks of Cotton In the Interior Tow nsnot included tn the Iteeelpts.

Augusta and Hamburg.March 20Macon,Geo.March 29Columbus, Ceo.,.. .March 76Montgomery, Ala.March 27Selma, Ala.Mai ch 26Mcmphi»,Tenn.March 27Nashville, Tenn.March 27





25,101)<v 84


H Ho o


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-i co KS S_*»© cojS. o otto"ooo'--.-J to 0O-3 is a

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'!"* St--S toj->gC0g»^^o-Mocn"tojcSocorfi'tJo^j^itoto

ilcc nE§.SwI §

?^Overland to manufacturers.

NOTE.-We have deducted from New Orleans

24,512 bales Upland, from Mobile 8885 bales, from

Savannah 3141 bags Sea Island and 227 bales Up¬land-and from Charleston 2510 bags Sea Island and170 haloa Upland, iba qnamHtiaa renoived at thoso

ports from Mobile. Florida, Texas and Savannah.

Uxports of Klee, Naval Stores and ia wa¬tter from the Port ot* Charleston, fromSeptember 1 to April 1,1869

Boston.New York.Philadelphia. .....

Baltimore. ...

New Orleans.,Mobile.Providence, RI...Other U. 8. Ports..

Total Coastwise

Barcelona.Majorca ti a MarketWest Indies.Halifax. NS.St Johns, N B.London.Bristol. Eng.Liverpool.Havre.Montevideo.Oreit Britain.

Total Foreign..Grand Total.















601.0003 344,89<?1,193,3802,048,000







JBatittr Hems.Fort of Charleston, Aj>rdl St.

PHASES Of THC MOON.Last Quarter, Sd, 8 hours, 28 minutes, evening.New Moon, nth, 8 hours, 27 minutes, evening.K'lrst Quarter, 19th, 0 hours, 46 minutes, mornin g.FuU Moon, 27th, 1 hour, 1 minute, morning.

aroa * AP'U.' BULKS. orrs.MOONBI3X0.


29 Monday....; 5 .S380 Tuesday.... S..6181(Wednesday.j 6..CO1 Thursday...; 0..103|Frlday. 6..473 Saturday.,, 5..40llBunday.....! 6..45

6..17 , 8..85C.. 18 0..416..18 10..446..19 I ll..416..20 i Morn.6..21 I 12..806.. 21 I T..28

8..459. .32

10.. 20ll.. 813.. 21.. 40.. 8

Arrived Yesterday.Bohr Damon, Johnson, Booton--ia days. Joe. To

Risley At Creighton, and the Tudor loe Co.Cleared Yesterday.

Steamship J W Evorman, Snyder, Philadelphia-Jno4 lhao Getty

Behr Azelda 4 Laura» Melnfiosí, Bar icc«-Bart ttWirth.

Sehr Mary A Holt, noli, an Easters Port via B uoltsville, S C-Riah-y tt Civijhtnu.

Sailed Yesterday.Steamship J WEvennan, Snyder, Philadelphia.Brig J A Devereux, darb. Havana.Sehr Azelda tt Laura, Mclndoo, Baracoa.Sehr M A Holt, Heit, BuoksvlUe, S C.

From this Port.Steamship Golden Horn, B'aeklin, Liverpool, March

17.Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York, March

30.Spanish ship redro Plandolet, Amengua!, Liverpool,March 18,

Cleared xor this Port.Steamship ^amea Adger, Lc cawood, at New York,Sehr N W Smith. Tooker, at New York, March SO.

Sailed for this Port.Btrk Helen Sands, Otis, from Liverpool. March 18.Bohr J ? Allen, Alien, from Norfolk, Va, March 80.

Sbtpnewg hy .Telegraph.WrxKWoroK, April 1-Sailed, (teamer Rebecca

Clyde for New York.SAVANNAH, April 1-Cleared, steamships GeneralBarnes fur New York; Vannie for Baltimore; shlpaKbrinor forCronstadt; Bmma for Barre; -ours Arme¬

nia, Bartlett, for New ti aven; M B Bramhall tor NewYork.Weather warm. Wind SW.

i«iBV okTMiaippiMaIM th* Port of Charleston, April 1.


STEAMSHIPS.Camilla (Br), 788 tons, Peace, at Bovoe ic Co's wharf,

flor Ltvemoei, loading-& Mute a Co.Manhattan, 1337 tons. Woodhull, at Adger's wharf

for New York, loading-Jamea Adger h Co.Maryland,- ton*. Johnson, st Union wharf, for Bal¬

timore, loading- 'ourtSBAy * Tronholm.Samfossa, 77Stoas, Ryder, at Vaoderhorst's wharf,for New York, ready-navenel m Co.

SHIPS.Muscongus (Br), 7*1 tons, Grovee. at Boyce'« wharf,from liverpool, waiting-u Mure à Oo.Amelia, 688 ton*. Horsham, at Aiiantio wharf, for Liv¬

erpool, waitiog-Patlereon « Stock.

Pacific. C85 tonn, FO?B, at N R Railroad wharf, torLiverpool, loading-W B Smith ti t o.Utcbard Ht, 985 tone, Wood, at Boyce it Co'«

whorl, from Llvor|>ool. wailing-Master. u...BARKS.

W O Putnam (British), 700 ton« Rickard, at Atlanticwharf, for Liverpool, loading-Willi« A Ohlsolm.

Agra (Bri ish), 039 tone, Fullinoro, al Vaudeihorst'swharf, from Liverpool, waiting-Kavenel & Co.

The Queen (Br), 698 tous. Cook, in the stream, fromStranraer, Scotland, walting-U Muro & Co.

Harriet F Hu-sey, 681 tous, Ulmor, at Atlanticwharf, for Liverpool, loading-W Boich & Co.

Dalkeith (Br). 848 tona, Andereon, in the stream, fromLoudon, waiting-lt Mure .v Co.David Mc Nutt (Hr), 602 tons. McElhonny, at Brown

At Co's wharf, from Livorpool, waiting-lt Mure& Co.BRIGS.

Florenclta (Spau) 140 tons, Font, at Palmetto wharf,from Havana, to be ropaired-J A Knslow & Co.

Teresina (Br), 24"5 tons. Ellis, at Mawball'H wharf, lorQueenstown aud a Market, loading-R Mure tiCo.

Cecilia (Br), 202 tons, Bi-drup, at Boyce A- Co's wharf,for Cronstadt, loading-B T Walker.

Courier (Br), 209 tons. Jenkins, at Marshall's wharf,from Port Talbot, discharging-R T Walker.

Manzanillo. 153 tons, Maguue, lu Asbloy River, fora Northern Port, loading-Olnoy it Co.

SCHOONERS.BN Hawkins, 390 tous, Wya't, at Adger's wharf,

for Boston, loading-W Roach ii Co.Edith, 665 tons, Wheeler, at ! niou wharf, for Sa-

Ulla Hiver, Ga, rt ody-lt Muro & Co.E H Nayler, Ï&O tonp, Alorechtsen, in Ashley Biver,

loi li eton, loading-H F Baker & Co.Charles F, Ra\nvmd, 309 tons, Higgin.-, ut Brown

& Co'« whait", lor Boston, loading-M Goldsmithii Sen.

S S Bickmore, 224 tons. Barter, in Ashley l iver, lorPhiladelphia, loading-Unley & Creigh on.

Roben caldwell, 466 tons. Mccormack, tit Adger'swharf, tor Now York, watting-W Roach & Co.

LiUy, 412 ton», Francia, at N E Railroad wharf, forNow York, loading-W Hooch it Co

Annie Ainsdon, 256 tons. Bunga, lu Ashley Uiver,for a Nor'hern Port, loadlr?-.1 A Kuslow ii Co.

Moonlight, 262 tons. Briggs, at P i'nietta wharl, forNew York, loading-J A Knslow ii Co.

H N Squire, 307 tons, Fiske, in Ashley River, iorPhiladelphia, loading-W Roach ii Co.

Francos Hatch, 97 tons, Gregory, In Ashley River,for New Yoik, loading-J A E « ow & Co.

Hattie Coombs, K.8 tons, Jamason, in Ashley River,for Now York, loading-J A Kuslow A- Co.

N W Megee, 241 tons. Ketchnm, in Ashley River,for Providence, loading-H F Baker & Co.

Mary Ella. 155 tons, Thomas, in Ashley River, forPhiladelphia, loading-Bialey & Creighton.

Dexter Was-hburne. 279 tons, at Accommodationwharf, from NewOrleans, discharging-A J Salin is

A E Glover, 298 tons, Terry, at Brown At Co's wharf,for Boston, lording-I '1 upper ii sons.

Ranger, 96 tone, Gooding, in nBhley River, for NowYork, loading-J A Enslow & co.

Magellan, 100 tons, Gnthn, at Accommodation wharf,from stockton, Me, waiting-Risley & Creighton.

Wan at a, 229 tons, Hawkins, at Atlantic whatf, forGeorgetown, S C, ready-Utsley ii Creight in,

W B Mann, 226 tons, Rod gers, at Central wharf,from Philadelphia, waiting-H F Bnk r it Co.

Sarah Cullen, 254 tons. Avis, at Central whait, frcmBoston, discharging-H F Baker A Co.

Emma, 99 tons, Anthony, at Accommodation wharf,fi om Barbadoos, discharging-Risley & Creigh¬ton.

Ella ai at thewes. 208 tons, McEl woe, at Central wharf,from Philadelphia, discharging-H I Baker ti Co.

Damon, - tons, Johna in, at cential wharl, fromBoston, discharging Risley & creighton.




lint Railroad will run as follows :FOR AUGUSTA.

Leave Charleston.8.80 A. V.Arrive at Augutta.5.10 P. M.Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis

NashvUle and New Orleans, via Montgomery ourGrand Junction.

FOR COLUMBIA.Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M.Arrive at Columbia.5.45 P. MConnecting with Wilmington and Manchester K til

road, aun Camden train.VOlt CHARLESTON.

Leave Augusta.8.00 A. MArrive at Charleston.5.00 P. KlLeave Columbia.7 45 A. MArrive at Charleston.6. IK) P. M


Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M,Arrive at Augusta.6.30 A. MConnecting with trains for Memphis, Nashville

and New Orleans, via Grand Junction.leave Augusta.4.10 P. MArrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M


Leave Charleston.6.05 P. MArrive at Columbia.4.45 A. SriConnecting (sundays excepted) with Greenville an<*

Columbia Railroad.Leave Columbia.5.80 P. M.Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. ii,

Kl MM EUVI I, CK THAIN.Leave Charleston.3.00 P. M.Arrive at Summerville. 4.20 P. M.Leave Summerville.7.10 A. MArrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M

CAMDEN BRANCH.On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays,

Leave Ringville.4.20 P. M,ArrUc at Camden.7.00 P. M.LeaveCamden.6.35 A. M.Arrive at KingvUle.9.20 A. M,

(Signed) H. T. PEAEE,February 16 General Superintendent.


Look: Out ! ! Look: Out ! !Look Out ! ! Look Out ! !

'?Beautifies tbe Complexion.""Gives a Rosy Glow to the cheeks.""A Ruby Tinge to the Lips.""Removes ell Blotches and Freckles."The Best In the World."


Bitter-sweet and Orange Blossoms.tar One Bottle, $1-Three for $2.1000 Bott'.es sold in one day in New York City.SsW all Druggists in CHARLESTON sell it.



"Coetar's" Hat, Roach, ¿te,, Kxtermin tu¬tors.

"Co»tar's'' Bsd Bog (exterminators,..Coetar'a" (only pure) Insect Powder.

"Only Infallible Remedied known.""18 years estaollahed in New Xork.""2000 Boxes and Kiaora manufhotured dally. "'.I 11 Beware 11 of spuriou* imitations.""All Druggists in CHARLESTON seU them. "

AddressCOS PAR," So. IO Crosbjr-rt., I». Y.

Or JOHN V. BENBY (successor to )DBVAS BARNES « Co., 31 Park Bow, N. Y.

Sold in CHAltL5i.ilON byGOOUHICH, WTNKMAN & CO.,


ROS AD ALISPurities tjie Blood.

'per Sals by Drsisrgiate Kverywheri.July 28 usoli r


TEAS. WINE«. BRANDIES, ftc.,And Dealers in



WM. B. CORWIN At 00.garGoods deMvirod to all parts of the City.October 24



COUNTKY; has a large circulation, end affords su¬perior sdvantages as sn advertising medium. Termelow. Addrss BABB li OTHSN,February«9 Proprietors.

Ffrttgs, QLI)ciKifal0, (Ctr.

O U T 56 * H


Horse and i 'attie Powders.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ incidentto this animal, such as LUNG FEVER, O IiANDERS, YELHPAVES' * T E R' játe*fevFounder, Lois of EfmK^Appetite Vital IB ^^^^^the Wind, iiiero.iH- /j^^&r ifllr^^HalK'VI'H a Smooth ^ ÍT « JJT«L Island transforms the '* !'^S.>*t«,^«^finy^^^^mmmisorablo skeletons -^-ír^r^^-^ríiá^^^Hpinto aflnc looking and spirited Horse. §|TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS I REPARAT I <Hg

In rattening catt lo. i. gives th" m an appetite, oi)e^Htheir hides and makes them th.ive much faster. ?

IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCHAS COUOHlULCERS INTHE LUNGS,LIVER, &e.. thisarticleacts as a spe-ciflc. Uy putting (from one-half toa paper in a barrelof swill tho ab vediseases will boeradicated or en¬tirely prevented. If given in limo, a certain preUve and cure for tho Hog Cholera.



No. 110 Frankhn-strert, Baltimore, Md.




S A A ('SUN'S S Util E P O P t

FOR DESTROY!*Rata. Mice, Ac., Acwithout, the unpleasaieffects arising f r o itheir dying in thalholes.A PHOSPHORllPASTE, hermetical!!Bcaleo, and warrantedto keep fresh for all

times. The greatest disoovoiy of its kind in tho agwe live in. No person need bo 'troubled with RatMice, Bed Bugs or noach a, for Mr. Iswcsen's destractive remedy ia wit in the reach of all, préparéeonly hy himself from ^e and valuable oompoun.iiit* cheapness is ns wonderful as its efficacy-handrcd8 0f testimonials have bom received from atparts oj the UDjrod Mates a* to na value aud satiefactory operative power, from which, tor want of space,we simply solect tho following.

WlIJUkBD'8 Ho tSX, V> ASHINOTON, D. C., 1October 1st, 18fi8.

MK. ISAACSEN-Dear Sir: Itni'-os nie great pleasuro to testily to th gratifying result obtained at thiHotel througU using your Phosphoric Piste; it iinow two yearB since I Are*, beard ot your remedy,ancdetermined to give it a tair irial; that trial proved s<successful that not a trace ot Rats or Roaches hav<since been discovered, although previous to thatime we were completely overrun. Wishing von eveisuccess in the useful career you bavo chosen,

I remain, yours res ectfully,JOHN WOLFE, Engineer.

For pale by DOWIE & MOISE,Wholesale Drugcists,

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January 13 wfm48 Aérente <oi- Northern State sj



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CHAKL.KBTON.December 30 lyr

P ROM « TOhorse power, includingoeiooratej Corliss CuEngines, »lido Valvetiouarv Engines, PcEngines, &c. Also. Ciar Muiay and GangMills. Sujrar Cane- ha ung Pulleys, Ac,and .shingle Mills. Whand Oom Mills, Ctrcruawe Bellin«, ko.

tor descriptive CumiarFrico List.

WOOD k MANN STEAM KNOfNXOO..February lg «mos Utica, New York