the chattanooga daily rebel. (chattanooga, tenn. and ... · kay,diaa. npoa ara roaamtiooa or ine...

i & af". V WB"Br. X. BBJ & A aw r 1 . AiraAa4awaewBr'r?Ha-i- i SX TaaMasTOOKetlaS, 1;3,.64. ' fifs.1. ,,i.rt,UMM4 ranch (iNeHoi tier of the ff1l,r" -- .) ta of lb aveet pt-tee- o ynm4 tota wf to be paid to tbt Oore n- - J?.VS!rf U-p- rart Rates of Anwlca ?Ji.; df. ace. and carrv on the A priitaeatyarrth. eighteen handirda. d slxty-r- h w ee TTqairoo nvat,a aad patera to pay cr.e.tnlb ot ,rw pr aet r i0thf p4a at' 0', be to a arid d V, prrdera at swet potatoes in tbe year t'.sb ta boadred aad atxty-thrre- . to c ak c m . ovtiot by payment of tb av.ney raloe of Lbe tirb ib.fio to. tie. d I fymat la km, at rtet t.. b fixed by the Caouetoi!fa aaOar ta Imprenimo- -t act. Aapruvtd, iXc. 71 18C3. . (X .71 J Aa Act Mlherlxie; tbe tax Id kind a Mcoo to be by eoliectoaof aa.t u;nk a an .oVr- - aWnt. The CMmi of the CcBtVderate htt-- a of '.ravM to mart , Ibat anM( t JnrteTmt4er ard -h- -t - agTBttetif aged i tbo Ct'lKCtiOJ ol ix io ti l nvr aaaitaot s l. ar ordt -- a an-- ) rrlai.'na in)r til Burretary of War. t. d a.acd am m MB'atk'H for Uclii ia kind n bao.-.a- a tqqi.;er t tke.tfrr jo tatt rok ' JpprCTad.Dce. IS. 1661. , , J J la let U prat tbs arll-tme- nt or cnrolm-n- t of oV s la tko ull.Ury aerrica of iba K'alen. Tko Ccrrnm et tb Coo'ederatr Hi'm cf Ani'r ci do eeact. That ao peraua lia-M- to m.iita y a kali barofter bo D?raittad or aMowed i far-- 1 h ffr voucUkdla for arb aerrica aer abail ny ml ai :e?e b- - J rrca rrd . f al td or carolled le tbc ki'.lairr acirii c J or tko CoafMrra'o Ktat. Apor too1, Ic 2S, 1863. Jolat RooataUoa Vm rslatkm to tbe Tub-i- rtir Mr-- - Xaaolred. kr tba Coare of tbe O oiedrra'e Sttei f A aer tea. ibat la lira of tba com,t-ii- :' br bar u too pallia priater. k h;i ten .rv . ail othonrav provided, f. ail print nc r tra u it kr Boa o Ca rae aa b Cfcrpo-- !i aa the Jett Caaasirtf o oa Pilntiog of roa tw IIuoil oatanaia to to rqariaMa. ApprTr4.Jaa.alM4. rwTe) Aa AH to Mt aa 0d to the rxearpt'oo fr-- mi Hi-- a.rrico of Iht wb bar berotofore faruUtaeU jt atitatco. Vf kcreoo la too art era' cir!0t3pce of the conn try.lirrfaboa tba aid of all U are tb!et bear ran: Tbo Coecrraa of tba Confedenta sutt -- f m-ri- r:. do enoot. Taat aa pe ana abail b rx.-- ed r ra mil itory o-- rriuo by rooaoaa A kla bavioy 5uraiabcd a :b atttata; bat tkao act abail act bo a co.jtrciJ a i- - aSaoi poraaaa o, lb- - a?h act liaMe to tetter m li-- aerrica. b&to. aerrrtbclena uU:.iu t ApatOTtA.Jaa. a, 1U tyo i Aa Act proeMlrg f r f lilnf raraidea of Dele am r Oaagrraa la eertoia Indian na'io. . Tho Corrmocf too Cob ft derate m-i- . daeaaet Ibas vbeaerer. by any cante, a rai-a-r- kallorcar 'af rrprraiitMUn oi any In on ratltkd to adelef.ta la tbe Onfrdera e Oorxjnr-- , Ue oBo ahatl be l.lar byapecUl tWtton, all.r tni(y da; a' a tiro of oaM oietioa . to to bW and rrn. - .areottliag to tbe prmf ra rf an tt of oir w atrtledMAa Act to prorido Ctrtnia gaia-io- i a 'or boldlt-- r ctoctloaa lor e!eftea to the (.nT.;r.a ( Ftatpa la cer'ata Ind.aa o.tii a ' in Crcd ay 1 18:;aaid t br riven by tf tr prlacipal ctief if aavb utiai tc-- i id;: . ta tko aaaai aacdo .f firlw; Botice b ce j ration . , aatioaa. toe. I. Taoitblat taka effect aad be la f jM from aad aftar Ita paaare. Ayprored, Jaa. , 184. tHo77j Aa Act to eeatiaco la force aa a t rnt-Mr- "in Act U rn-Tid- a fat tko eoKprrtaM-- cf 'cetAlo ia ihrria aaaM' apirr.U May lh firat, e.Meji kaadredaod lxty-(hre- Tba Coorreaa of too CoafeHtra'a Pta'ea cf t ra' r- - a 'eaar, iaattaoaat aatltled Am ctti pr i. e -- jt tbo i cm parrot! ao of crrtala tT-v- , v r ein iKCd." aiprared .) tbe lira', elKhtre l.i.rd ad I'e own liti a-- i a. od fxpbt oa tbo Irat cf Jasary.o 'te a ba--e- ) ad ardlbaa a h r'wcnira n Ixcotatll tbe Brat of Jaanary, eJghto.a aB( aicty-fla- . Pkrored, Jaa. , UK. (JfaTa") 4 a Ait ta aatkorlao tae af a Third diovr of tbo It aaary. Ike Coot: rera of tbe rraderaU Btatearr fra-rf- c dteaact, laat tberaabal: be apixiuUd by tl,e lr-s- . d'oi. by and wh tbo arlc ai d fbo e n n? of it.,. ftt.aU aa ad4r of tboTiraoarr 'or Ibe P. vtffio.-IV- . partntBt,aoaba 1 1 atyled t Thrd adf- - r. J wbo at ail be eWrf rd o-it- h all the du'W-- a c Hb tea PoiUfEco leya'tmetit orm-- h Uk-Flr- aadrtar ia tecned le perlnn, ah. I. rtceiie kr bat aervieaa a rainy af tbrra ihcu! di Ura per oanfai. Apprcrad,.' aa. , A. ) Jeltt Itraolaticaa rf TLtrka to Gearral VAA. F. ! axd to tbo oBcara aLtSdira ander bli c mr.nci. Wberraja, Tke eaatpalaa of tbo brare a 4 g ant aiaa1a eorerlrf tba capital of tho Confederate S'i ariaa- - tbo tro accraive yert o' eijc leea l.auflrtd a ad aixty-tar- o aad ev'eu lacdrod and ait'y tirvr raster tbo laadvrabtp aad airland f (waetal rorri K. Lea. tart btea crcvaetl with clr o-- a rftul'i grea;iy ta o.-to- r P.a?ed tyire rpero; tar tbo cor oueat t4. tkeae Httra. ra,i i g- h lnrat-- ; vit.. taBiBaa kera . aad tic t BLtfrrro tba nattl-eM- o Inoa carava o aatry to tfat f thr e..-m- j: ad. wtcna. th mMr!y ar.d ir' ri"ca kcbirrm: oti. - rcaartLg (i trrtr BMnvvranie. h- - i 'a o tbo- - 1'ajr ot r t toitlea, mU- - b ia.'e j tbr e f ft c! taoi d. ia ajell aatkoa l Cedar I on, rccbd a an-aa- a, Haat' Pery, Bo nkb-jro', h' arp-tor- Fiederick-barg- . mceirr ieity(err aad CboaoaUoraril, c mm rd tke m rshti- - n ad grattvda of raw ooary: And. lKaj. Ufaa aad other liiatrb arrti w rer dertdby t. i ab e rca-nuo- cr ateco laa con m actmeot ot or arr of ind peaoerco.barorapeoaljy aoea-t- d hm to the r.a 'a tf kla ccaa'tyaes ai.d tare tnp red a Vi eir-- a datyuf (lriag rxrresaf a to their :eeiiot. laarettra. Beoorrcd. by Iba Cobcttm of the Confederate State-o- l AsMrtca. ikattbe tkabka cf rCtrt rr du-a- xd ate teaderv tu Gerrrml Fobert r . Leo ar.d t tko calecra tad aoldlera or tbe vnfi d-- rtr ara ft ua an iicawio tor mo ftrat tad aictai r.rt I n-- v ty aaoa area m tae a-- t i ta' rf tke wfta nrt for too toaatBHabio ooTicra thy hare rai-de-e- d ia d . faaet of too Hborty aad lad-- p ateora f t nun y. . t Boat-rre- d that tbo bo nqa nd v c tBiu-aKat- o tfceeo rcaolat-on- U G i.erat rtobert K. I.ce a a . to tbo oflcora aad aold.eta bcrtia litaisKalfd. ApprHT4f Jaa. SJSSi. iKo. 16.1 Aa Act l- - aatkortao tho caareilation of rerta'a f'c fet erato rtllea Bosda.aed tLa 'B ot ith-.- r rorUam. 1 aa vowftraa or too icarrdrate Ftatta or Amrrra do eraet. That tbo of tl a Tte-f-n- ry b , and bo aoratiy aettori d epon the rec i t of tail f ' ry t oaea, taoa ogntper crBinaa t o :da. taurj r: Diaa. npoa ara roaamtiooa or ine Brreiarr i t r Kay, datod October tbo lgl and ienfy-H-.- r ta4h. atakaoaa baadud aad aixtr-ta- a. lar ane ani!ltn of dafaro,eoeh bare bea cancel ed abn ad, to nb atltato a4 aUrer to tbo rf tLa Nary an C;nal aaaaa r of feoada rf like cbarct.r Appmod Jaaaary 9. 1864. IKa. 11. Aa Act ta acaUaao la frrco tbo omrlai iaa a.' ai Aet uKiaia aaroea Tbo Ctarrraaa af too OoafaSerate Sta ea rf A Taaa tto m h aa at aa Art e itd - Aa Act ho tactaaao tke ray ol reriala r .B tra nod era ployoeo af iba katcoirro aad lrgi'atire Iepan aaoata." arpraiod Ootober tblrteoout. eihta be died aad autjrtvo, be aad tbo aaoaeatro bertiiy eta tiaood ta taroo aall o bet tree ordered by Concrtai. Approaod, Jaaaoxy lXtrC. Ho. IS. X a 1 rl to arevtda tor WUI UiiUiia fi trrKHii tailTtr la tbo tT. rraaoT Oa CtntedetaU Ua.ea amoa tbo Btate of Uiaoeort. II II II 11 TT . II n I I I V I I I I f u 1 1 I ll 1 1 II llll it .. 'Mlil r nii Th Ct Bjrren f the Coal rfeal Auto of Ai rkr That ettKw for rrprea'Ha'fToa I tt C axroa of 1ro t' ttf d rto hiala tbt r htare of Viaana. i at y . io a mnoaa o-i- inn urgtm naro of aatd 8 att tall q benri e diroet : TfeV ratJi ootrroH:I be a -- I .w d to oto i ticket. tho a ara .f rve pta'r tor ont-- cue of tlia r-- a ct,?pa-rior- l Prate and a roooiotna: t another of a frt-- o terre eaUMr dU tieta rbt.11 be emmbaioitod aa rNirea'a attrea bt ti. Oo rrBor of aJ4 Sta;e. KacTiojf I. nch n ahVfl bahtlt apoa -y lo 1 at arst. and ap a the aano day tl ach toooJ T r t:ter .f'er ourlnj tbo rif 3 Such r e'ko be I to 1 brt'-- o 3 rr aotrlg d, or p :rotia avto bti r.r i.y tbe la-- i of .ri Sii f f.:r th pa-"- - of so eke i--n a. ar d -- h.. h- - rooii -- ed ac-firr- liT ft tii. in-id- prea-ribet- t by tlio I ra I a .tj 8 ata txceptM. lar a U t -- aaK ae in . J.Bsd ay tbi act. Rctit)! 4. in at eh lcct!f.B, any fit'x of tV ft-- a a ah. atil: b o,UApfJd to ,v f. r a Demhrr f the m ar i:umer oa trar T Mi. LjtA-.tnrr- . of rnirt Mti v snail b eattt'ei t rotr at the p ac or l era I s-.- t. at whic . be oroi.' 00 o- - tl led tn ta ia aa ek-cM-- .n ti an - r.e ciero d a atjro s.ctioi5 Bat It .ch rl- - i a ab.l! it ia tbe rri!-t- y -- erriv rf tie (r.:tdfr.: Statra or in Com-- e : b- - driri tfji i,, ii,,t:i .y th. cv n .a'".n c-- c ontrr y i:- - i,oh:-- e roeujr, r bv ta moreateai 01 tte rnrtny' triji, o ti Cie h areti r.atRr' b be-- a i.'ia n n t p r of ho rant. I.j raoa of t"K r t awa--- o- m-- r. t t frta aarl ci x n bl? le a::- - w i r . e t mr p j s of r .t. in i.l .fe o 1'. t.e CAinpt ib ai.t.r.ft bereia-s- f rr d .1 Pctjo 6. Snr1. . eirt'on for ropreata'iTra. whr h d in of ar y vh'l be roB. oct ' a fo'..-r- a : In . vny Wr-- cp' , dia!- - . t c.i f i, fach ffin nr. - tir 'herofn er u. c n:-- m ud f .r.y lr-- . drn r!e: ,e ol rice f i . t r j da" e? rlrk to ipJi ani b i.d uct el tio-- i i. bol l th'-m- and r.n; t.-- p. II b-- r,t -t- i-1 n:t:irt cd ribr a. a :a.e ard r.-- r i at op i,t fic"c;h, a 1 the Mt;e aer? p d aod b-- 'd at il.o aait! pia.ea of h .Miag t - tn in i ? S .U-. aaj ak..ii aIUa all peraoai eutiUeM 7. Te rtor9 of oc.? e'.-r- tl na Irj ramp ahi i. t. r .roed & th aeverai crtu!. ini: : fc' os h ia tc a.-- l e'erk 44 fr .d lu tbe .till' at .flicer in r d- - aal th aeaiorof if.e ifraot-Wr- a. I .ut , .,r w i h r e a its? h.-i- j iu b en-c- n i .ni o wny, in rai b the ne haM, a--b i it La!l I. . i i,tiY t- - fi.rrarrl th r ri:(r t,f th- - M-t,- -i t.-- ram : ay iy if ttvi c r r: 1c. ', to. w r i-- i by aa.fc rvjo.randio)r t.fflcar d r---- n, '!!. r m r. Kcti n 8 li. ae t b if i fea of tha pah'ie a?r T c- - jrr r-i- it t':o 0 Ail g ,J the factious in a etn,' oat t! i- - t at tie time r r4J d by Ur, t:e ao. day e . .;) : a' !ny im- - WilMa t'a y ft. r tb p..-tpo- c.u-- r in .r crae te tint. jr b iMi;.g th loli fiv d i.y Jhr .fficcr aah .ria.- - d tj appoiu trie od. "Q cl. km. hkLT.ois y u: n fS'-- er a?! all b larbo.-fae- t t j.d ml ..trr t it; p r oath to the judge a-.- tin La or h-- j may - d. rn. r lav tan to a h ther h ctimh Jo rj.pra p rKott c-a'-- e n'd ba!d-- g am li tire i . id aa-- t to npi' tt ( oaa (if t ..a f,Vri'i: n.iin r: d t- - d.a-- r? bi dii' Lodin rsch t lection, fiitafuiiy vd imva-t:Ir- f. provce.J-.r.a- a y 1?, l?t 11. J-- io rcoluti'-- H relation Va Ira trar. f: y the Ci.ti. reis o: tVa t'e:lr'e ?ta-o- t Aoieii a, 1 na th p rvn'. la tm i I Blnr ocr.f 'cat. rfiTnins lhepe-- o th- - opf-d-rM- e Sfa'ri tr- -t ibry a r- - ed iu a t'ngt;-- !or lb" preerra i i b of Mb ; r.:"J . r! ion .n thit n c tltio f l.lf o' l:!:aie cm Ik tooevfr ra v e r-- q aie t t u c a tht'.' Ire a:4 tbe-- nt-r- i t? ti t.J j meiit f ifcei" !r.n,-,-.r- e . ..- - b! a'l : a.d a:ro tt hmure irn th?r'. in t- - e jjismeat of t: r irjii'a, 1C s ike toontr-- . i rf. O: nl with e-- f try Lu- - r.n !d I.V .. a; d ii'.ied nh lid. 1 1- -. tir m t k3 t ap( ort thr'm .: ptO TfiUd wr eiifh cr 'e nr r'a. ry to wr;.- - ?f.r i xif.-e- i enrs ; mil f' tx- - oil tha-- bv er y dr:a' ion abich tan t 1 .'i w rrrrm. Vtd j a rio-- a 'oa lu.'pnatitnnu rnrrt d r t,f l- p.-- r n-- ! a:d psrt'. f o!a ; to an id inin of er-- erh-- i lif t r.f oji UrO'Pr. tu t-- tersr qar ertr 'o ...t-- r' r p't xt K !iay Im nu !u oa .n r-- . hranrl-.- ol tbe ia l ir.fii .a.-- -i xrr ci e t Ihiir c . 114I oar ri ; t d to t- at hr m oinus and tinvulll'ti a-.- pa'n-- c C-- e. cra'i n rli ob ctn Atone Imp rt It our - hn! th irreai.tiue i?iCtl arhitb pr ui l omnnited u cl aieri-l-9iitif- ! aiH I it i:' dr ti n to the pabho tttal. Ap; lorvd, Jrjjk 7 ri. Ifo. 4 Aa Actio the pfico'h.f. fid Ok aa.t s't'itij of w;ra'rt- to rruoi tkj array af tke i'ocf aiB Staler, 1 lid t. r otrer . The f oarrrra of the Coa.d-r.- " S'aVoof . t:ir' lorn ct. Tk-- . rery prr a a-- eti j-- et to tin mi ard atxl. a f at.r "bo rhall j rcrar or entioa a aol-dtr- cr p'N fi-It- d !araerrire in tho aim-- , o t Con fed rate M.-t- e t dert or who thaT a d or at nay derrfer frtn tve a my of M.y pe... t i.r lled rrur toeaOeh ir p.p-'- r c. mmai drs or to pre t'ct Ibe.r arrwt tt be rt'.or.-i- f d o tho rarri e; r b:l k'towionc n.-ei r.f h;r or a-- o b ri- - rt-r, or a'l 1 archas ?r m any a Ktior : a o ra-- o ld fr eTioe a y cf ba aaK.tqa'p&eo a.rA'l-- a or cMhirg ot a? j :o-. 1 y le: aro t thr Vb5.1 erate tra'ea. or ay B..r or mld erot the Conh d' rjte i-i- e en.i o:-o- ctusTu-tio- n in iitr t rcrt.f be ( if-o- . rtMa Statia hrir.a Jnra .i of tho c be fir. d iot ex.t-- r jirg ' tr iki o 111.: dl:arB.aod .e i .pria cctcxcettag tw. e.ra Approtca Jaa a.? 23 1 t4 3fTl5. An Ac aajprprhtief rrr httprtJ th-nB- ad do!l rr tne nae ano of tn- - ' neroKe a Whrreaa br tbr frtr fiiib sttlc'e of th tre be tween tbo Cmf Aer te of irri a and thr Crrr ree Nat a, tt.e afd Cot.frdrrato 8tatea a to ara ray ove it xin t hero:- - ntba th. anrual at'-r;- t n- - vo Vhe aererA! atjra of nt-m- in- vented t;y raid aatioa. ial ks of certain .:a a- - "f the CorT'd trto h'a'a.: aad where:", by rear a ! rr.t :th the l'ni?e.i troik oc tii"ii ; a- - d tereaa thr-- e la r oI rraaoa I . !- :niit .: r. ra it tr. r.a ot are g.eaf.y I- red nf tbr nt tha . d 1 ih-m- : 1 hrraf-- - o. T ''caerca Il e' Stat ?-- Areert ji do a.-t- , T.'t tie im . f on- - jfnlrd th'-ll- d lol Urate. an the carr.e i- - b'rb atprnpiiat d ot of o-- . mo y ii th Tn-artr- rot otkarwHe pT r prlat d I r th r - ;! rn -- Ct ..f be "be k at-- , a. rc J" Th aid .u t f-- n nr aV.II he f ar Vd ll. Ot ly br t be Kurca f InlSo 'fftira to tb- - t r pi B-- t,t. ,1 tr, ( hi r ke Naliia. Kirr 3 't'-ber- el y xnrr!r nrd-Tt(vi- thU 5d o- - e knidr d h an-- u d :la:a ' to .. itnr.e "r.y tv-- i '.hr k Ra 'd ahe c ha'l b'. t fl-- r r 1 r-- n tr lTalti ad t rt' rs'e Vatr. r t. a h id Co; fr ti Sla aa a be fttaha: f d out t.f rst na raid t c wl ic5 Ray tben tr tin- - aad co'. Wt.d. Appr r;d. J sun .ry 11. IfiSt. No T. Aa Act artbT xinsr civli-- ia ctrUla caret, to 'raw icrajrt r or. borae. Tho Pod rra rf th Cor fera'o 'aiea of A tnerira That Cb-o'ai- a tba armr In actual aer. rxo lo tr.a field. ha t drir f..rnr lor ,r tiorae 1 f rati :ud, Tbe Chala.a baa a ho-a- o in tij o-- A proreJ, Jrcntry 53,18:4. ' Ko. 17. Aa Act to nth.r!ii the app-iDta- of aa agt of the ira-- y iMpartmect wett or too Hiaaippi. Tbe Cccgrra or tka Coafedfraai! Btatoa of Am-ric- a do la t the PfrlOeot ahll. by an I wltbthoa-'ri- e aod 1 r tr.e ennto t aa age .t ar too Trea-o- r 1 pr"rj nt. wboo- - duty it a U bo to rrpirte w ii or the Mia-i-wip- pi at aucti p'a-e- , tra 10 ao-- h da tin. as Khali froa tlraa to tirsa bo aJe;oe-- i bi-- 0 by Hi fen-:ay- of tho Treaaory wnb a-a- 'y ot twre ttooaini a-u- ara per payaot rjaar trl- In adra-.t- 9 sue t. Tbo of tbo Tr aaary ahafl baTr p aer to gire c!i'ec:k-- to tbe aavd are at to dbchirnf any do'y or loncttoa on tba rtneridoof thatiaa a:3;i wblrb ra the raid BecreUry io t di. harro and ahall bare rower to tathoriao of asch clerko. trd t prraeribc aocl rg o'ailra to- - the g f fw;h agrnt aod clrtk . frr.n tira t tlraa. tbe rad fio-rtar- y raar era rrrp"r : Tr rd1. That ocb clrrka aba I rrcelra the aalatira pr-rirfe-d by .aw r aetTioaa ia id Tmain Ponarraeat. i That thia act rkaTl exp'ro oa tbo day fib iiflraiion of a treat r of roaoo ht twoea tba rata S'A'ea and tbe United Btatoa of Aroorlca. ApproreJ January 27, 14. No Mw Joint reoolotioa of tbaaka ta IfaJ- - Too Borck. rrberran. a)ar Horoo Voa Bore. M Prnaabt. Aaja-la- at aad Iaapector oaral of tbo C'troky Oorpa of tha Irat of H orthrra. Virrinfi. barlaf teft hie own . ro aarwt la arcorttig tbi Inderondsooo of oara, i aad. by bia perron al gAOaary Li Tb Sold, bating woa TUESDAY MORItftfifG too ad at hoi ton of hi oowadoo.aa won aa that of Ma cooiat. ad ng graeral, aH rf bna deeply -- yrapatkHe wiw pun ira ata aroaaai oaaanaga iroaa w;aaaa raetua d ia ba tUt ; Tbere'ore. . Bofrrd by tho fafT9aa of t CorfK'erat ftatbr f fiaw.Soa. Thm ibo tbaolra cf ara dao aa tho oawo ara Wrcby Wod'.rod to Ma , To- - B web for bio aalf-acH- fl inadraoil a to ear CJotf--i rrr - bia diatiagrtiahod aarrlcoo la aaswartof Ita oaooa fUemUni. That a aasr nf llu ffnrevntnv eaarlntLw. b trman,l:ted to Mat r Vi. ck. 1 v tha 1ifit of tho Oanf?iraro Htoloo. . Approve. Jaaaary 34, 1SU If Tt. J 4 vt Rraolntloa la rclatla- - to tko ' alarVa of tbe -- Ct f the Dt-tii- ct Cmrfa of tbo hratoa for tbo ttota of Tlralola. Rea .tredl by tho Co-otT- fue of tbo ConrVtleraU Stat : Am rica Tkal order the e,-..- atct on rf tbo o"t f the Prnltio-t- al Congrcaa 01. tit led "or act toratab-rta- h thi Jdttiiol ouarto of too fnf h ate-- , t wtnar ca.''. appTorerl Ucb lCh. 1861. tbe Judgraof 'ho d h'tt '.rn cftBita of Ike Conlodeiaia krafta f..r th ai 01 Yirrt-t- a ire eacued to each a aaiary f Cre ttu-4?u- t dol&rp-- r ttt rb srorUinoa of aa act of tto Menaral Asm mb!y of Vir cl.ra ic ol 00 act pnridior; a .tioa for nemoeroi trrai.eoerai Ata ra t y, J .dr-r.a- od tbe IBoari c- tho ".Trfaitat, t Ilea of tia ror. pen- - 'a B:W a!L;wed Or la nawaed I).imh rltttk ' ' 1WI - AjKptored, Jasauy 2, lUt. Na 'ii. Joint f( aa!toi of thanka to North Carolina Troo; a Tba Citifrre-- a of the Con Irdr rats Rt tea brlr p !o .rne tbr. ogb the public jr.-e- a. of tb ro eultjora ..t ..r - i ii mr Oitfao in tr-- tr-so- Tt Nirth.rn Virgiaii arriag atidcr Uca-r- al R u -- it U J.jiaH'Mtt the e:o$i. t;ea !red. br fbo V;gr. of tho CoatJr-l- ! R at f tra -- rica. Tat tbo pa'ii-:n- i ai! -- plrtt tf tte North Carolios troora. erinc d by ih-- lr pif '.npt d r- - U.aof lUma-h- M afreah to the a rri it th cojetry. ar tryoud all praia, tud itc tbe abnn e4 f ratitoie t th c a .try. Approrad Ft , 18w4. N 30. Jolat ReatlMtloa r.f tackt la-th- e Tr?op frora tba .4 Uaiina ia lLo ara-.- y of Tcont-aaea- . br tke Conreaa of tba Cocic?ra'e State f - "rerica. that tba tk-tcb- of i'orrrv aro t'i ir.- - I lotLe fa'taat trooiia I 'ira "tb- - r-- of lunula ' io he array ,f Ter:t.e who haro. with ilgoal ua n'rui-- rl-.rteere- tb::r ct rricea i:r tb- - war H cti..i 3. R.r..ived. That lha lol y aad -i- cri-B- in rp rit x bi'ed by tfc.a noble art &aiI wi I ncct r, (he coTomeadati-i- j :.nd gratltudo of ov- er) true patriot. 8bctio3 teotred. T at tho thaa&a cf Crr-re- ar- - qja'!y doe. aid ars U the pari itic and lf--a rieeio tronpa tba coraare w lont ot ibi- - ;.Urad ih-- te.rkta at tbe dtapoial of ite.r caotjy h mt or lira t aa to tirao. Ifeb.d. Ic64. NTTt J .Ir.t r?elail na of thankt to tbo Alabama Trcrfip: ah a ara ce. alireJ fx tb.' war. Wh' A 'abiata remot'e y tbo bri Je rxMnji-.nd- rd by r.r gada r Citit ral C'Ultn A Btt.-- , ru tho Nrrayof Nor.bera Virginia, r jl inter rd n Cie eerice o iht C)iito.l rat Stm, la t'icea'ly oar ol tl e year 181 . npon tha fi-- st tell for tr.opa f r tt e defence f y rNin a. hara prtciad in er-r- s tattl f apbt l.y ibt a , im tb of S r.n Mnr o i t of Ce'tjalufg. alaays wiani-- g, by tho r sa':iitry aol dr-;- n. praixf, and bo cr. h vow. af;r ridar cr f..r ar.-rt- y t!irr yeaia thr a dahit-- atJ danrera i.t rn.l.ti.. r afitir- - hare rc n laled Uit tbe w-- ; h rfi-e- . - Re -- hired, by thi'rt tha O mfeorit S!j! .f An t ea. 1 b .t lib) t inia o( Cod ( e . ara dan and are hereby m orally lead ltd b tbe ithx-n- tro . wb by in ir t.. 1 fer ot tbr IrrviTK-- a to i,c rouct'y for the w r io Jra-- e Vjf arvf a" 1 on n. r ahr.wa i apir t on JaonUrd. a teric detrimi-- tin tt batlo erer. octlt tbo indt 'uire of th ir canity .a eta:-lihed- . '.ad a couaovr - '.oa to can e : litx-r'- r worthy or tnr. ration br u.eir cataradea. I taa Tat. Tha Prraid n bo n cu-'- a : 1 1 . om-nn-.- l ctte a copy of tr.o-- o reaolutv n t Utc rorcmender a-- . d trw-- ai MH tHfftda a aa m-- n e rf th-- t $ rate.'ul -- pt- la'l'-.- a ly C.b .r.aa tf ihr-;- r Ur'i'.nd- - tnd Vera i ra diir.B- - the tnaia ?n ?ar (trra cf pa t teirii:.- - aod f tfjiir lata art f pr.tri. IUr. tke f ilth a; d re.auiirg lb h. pe of the patriot. ApprvTca rtt. a. j64 Ko. 33. Rrfo'ntlTB of thaukr to crrtaln Florida trocpi Rra lr-- d That tba t'l.t k of Cnnrcn are da- -, ar.d bero-- y tTdered. to the e Fi.v-rr- . nd men of th" tcco d rrgiofBt, a tr a i:rrice nf cariftg r teariy t.irre yrarr did r the a a.troa. at a m.rth.g b. Id Zfc&rTX T(v Appr J Fab , 1844. No. 3. J 'at a of I'atikatotbo Dir-aio- rornnsaad I by Major Geaettl Rb'-d- . a. TVe,trr of tho Ccof-dera- to Sfa'et of America barra V a-- d 'b tt th rjir aiia f lf"j roa.cia-d- - d ty at J Uuaoral hhoda re eaiia.ed fwr tir. war do It ao're. That tbo thanks of Cvorra are doa. and ire lere'ay tendered, to t -- e a and trxps com id8 .J ty Maj T ea-r- al r.B aea f the xhf d br total l. for the w.r. aa we.l a : the aailaotry tby hre alwaya 'ityd no the ta'd of battle; aad tbr aa aarrA that tbvir ooo-i- t r j will a a V-a- r ta gra'efol rere-'rrbrtne- the aob'e naoner io whlcb they have eorao t her aaaui;a jcalu the h'-a- r af bar noad. i-- or d lanb r. That tbo Preald at bo rreolnd t? oorawncb-at- o t heat- - reao'ati- - n toUeseal Rhode a aod ibe a- - d tro p- ander bia commaad. Appto t B 184. Joint Rtrolotlir. of tbaok to I?rafiir Ceoe-a- l R. D. Haraaeor a Brrada of Nartv. Carolina Trotp.lor iotiOrtog ueir aerrtcer .r use war. Pro rrrA by tbo VigraB of tho Oonfer'era'e PUter of Aaa-r- lc 1 h-- 1 lie ibanka f Congreaa aro dae and heroby e rdiaiir to tba railaot britale cf St .atoMn t roaura .odd br Briaad wai 8- l. ftJira.tor ia tk Amy c-- f Norihrrn Vi a io ta, for tbetr dT.4-- patrtrti rn in n na'.y.flr- - ng tneir raio nto crrio a to tea att tor tnr er alter b. riar ahea- - y aiena!ixed ibeir ratrl tic xcal and raW ca at tny Bdt vf battle and in raacy acrre trial Approved ro. a, taoa. Kt. 58. An Ac t prohibit dcallag in tbe yrrrr corrency of the enerar. Tbe Cong rere cf Ibi Ca.-ifcdra- State- - of Am-rt- ca d react bat no br-krr- . tavker, or dralri er par-o- o -- ore rrred a tra4c aa larrc'.'ant. r raider cf BEcrchardtoa - aoy cia-npn- - or aay at'ier pera a, ith a tle !W- - of Ibe enemy, xhall ray. aril, take ol ct'ate or ia any natnner in tay oa.per carrtrcry of tb' United Stat: Prvvld-- d, Ibal tOe rorcbaae of pot-g- - atmpa t ill aotbo con- sidered a riolatior o' thia B'-t- . tCT ore 1 T'-- a? any rlolairg th- - pror libera ?f th s ct ahi ta : jei t to tBdictm-a- l an : prcc o ci a :n tbo C .nt-'le- -a eCo t boldeo f t the d .tncl aith'B which fie o Vac comrai ted raosb-- l . or.on e irictioo, forleit tbe imrnint oa bought, so'd. ei.-c- .trd or tiard. nr a mm rquxl thereto; aad er ell br. m renret . aobl-- ct to a Ann t n t m re fban twea- - l'f tbooaar d doiU 0 nor tea than Ore hundred, and b rrnprt-'.ne- hi t" tna tnree naantna. oor mors inaa three yearn, at tto fl' le-ti'- n of aaid c. nrt, r,d bo tho tfaty of tbo Jndifea of the aerer 1 C nfsd-- e ato ' ri to git, thia act upeclaMy in cba-g- o to the grand jory. v. rru 3. That tbi ret abalt aot bo const med to rpp'y t any penw aeticg In behalf of-U- " ss. nHit tbeConfed rt'iaia, bv autb rity frcnt tbe Praident cr aayf tbo bead or rpattuiaMt Approrad Fen. B. 1864 No 3 Aa Acttt anthorisi ccjn?a-ac- 7r cf rrrrs tad f) rartaieBta o detail (le d offic re aa members of mili tary ooarts onder ertla errrBrn'aac a Tbo CoosrB of the Cna federate Rtatrt of AT'rira do enact. That connrard r of r rt and depac rarnt bo aid they ara hereby autr-crise- to d tail fl Id flJ- rrrsat BarBber ot mliPary conrta wber.r rer n f tba Jnooea of atd eoorra abail bo tiaqnatin'-i- i i y ron aaogolnfty or affinity, or Biaeto fmni rr wna44ab1 raaa- - to attend aaid conrta. Apprarad, Pabroary . 1844, NoTo. Jolat of thas'ta to Colon ?1 TVnns CU La raar and tho - fficers an 1 aiea oegaged in tbo Waeolred 4 TJtra-ofb.ronadaratrT- R.t. -- MARCH . 1861. tad too -- Ocra and oa 01 e! In tbe fill, a aad atercuco ot Brreai.7ivi;io afrt ithafrrrav j ruM.rir iininoMe or ire em my a laa BjcitObU any ot joo. fifniwt hotflrm aud aixty tww ' Apprvtad, February B, lt. Mo 41, Jolat foaftatloa of loanka to Canfala Odium. . ftt.f tai Ltoariins:, and 1- -0 turn acoar Uiorr ottBtnanrl Rea-irr- That tho tha.-,k- a of CoTJB-.OMa- am!n.. 1y doe.aoa ato borehy cordially girto, to CVpu a Od ry.) i.ibi l. tear nant 1 ivnara novung. ana in rtnyone Ma eoaipci:rf tbe Darla (J nid ctider their c rn- - sua- -, tor tw ir oaring, gau.-.n- t and toccea-M- I ! froce .fh.b'a Paro.Trxat, agtiaat tba altaok Baxbib ., (bs CDOtoy. on tho eighth of -- eptember laat.wilba 11 are goDtioau an 1 rwaty two atenra la. ra:rying a land I. rco of fifteen tbcxMtud rnei. Kraotrro, ittat tms flHfiic, na ttii g, tindor tl ProTtdeaco ol U4 in tkn dif-at- of theirerar. tlw. ded captaretf two gn b a'a with more than three lmr.. lira prior nara tar hiding tb o mwandsr o) tbs ft ret.; 100 crppntf 1 a I'.ita ca,tDo of tlx tranos-jfti- , and pr-ron- tl- f 'he irrlon of Ti:xa, oori iKtna. a tne o;jiioti 01 u njr'.t. not or tuc noi '.riiriart her lo acb'ern.i-n- t ia tbo Mtrory of the war, and tha Dnvia (aarU U tbe Kratitudo a-- d ' m;tn cf their c iun:ry. - u aai-- Bj mat ina rie-we- te rrqtiawj a. cor .nbicaiott hteg ing ni ioi.a to 'Idlust f.te:.t rjant ';towl tbo men aodtr their rm '43HD1. . I. J. ApprriTl, Faoraary 8, 1SI4. Jint a if Ion of tbfttikvtoO n'-ra- l s-- J, ar toe ai d o l rto c n ni.tod, la.! their d - t Charleatoa, fioith CurnLna . by tho Cor rrea of te C nVdctatr State- - of ori',a. a hat the th nka of f Vncnaa ant c mli.ei.t Ir doe, ir& are beivhy r n ia 'j tr r d'trd 'i; tieta ra '. f. It".uirva-J- , and tbe ffi era and nr. not bi -- oTiroan.i, lor thir gllau tu t mi c 'ul t any C.'iarira oa t nrh Carolina dt'i" e wM b ktll, i.rro. u acd trntcry ed bv the ti'lendci J: nr aa a'tatk )ai;J:f ia Wtifr - n t:etber ti.e p r tiut tT.-Uo- t in one i xy r bia n'.m it re-irr- c 11 th nit i n prored aad J. rtni able aril d the tchA DC-r- .-l i' ajtimaaf war bitbcroi k 1 to -- i jastly . 1 1 tl- - d to a- -. pron'-onc- i d. ( br mi hirt sir r.nd ai g .tii.ti r- flio rJ. Ihixt lh- - rrvM.-r- t be rrqt'tid to Cjin ooni-Hi- a tha faiornc 5j.r .u tolit-n-- I Bear -- rar-1 and tr.icfll era i.i.--l n o.' ba c..u,iu.-.c- AyprcteJ . Januaiy 0 11. 4. No 43 Joint rnr.lntlon of t auk a to k'ajr C ner-- Patrick to it t m.Tee .10 tacTrtr r- - cd men aid rLI 4 c rr.nij d, lor ii.-t-l jt tl.-i- re-- e- - at Cnirg-'-U- ! titp, 11 ino Mile ti-nii(- tr 27, 13.3 Ibti'T'd T'althetht-k- a 1 1 Ct tr;-- -f ate .liie'aid tro bare'..- - Und-rd- . tt UaJ r -- ftr l l'.Uri k R Cii of '.ur-ie- . and C8ce avo.l men h a co-- - n:. or t'i-ri- c ory obtai ed ry t!.e-- n o er fnpii-.- f .rirt of tbo at hincv":d.(t p.iu the fate if t;.rrK'u oor a th? 7.h uy ol N rrrbr, 'K.JI ly whlc- - t'.o t rao e tf w.a irutcJr-l.oo- r wf;on rtn ltd mr.'t ol r.rtiiiery a .el, nJ a ligo n jf tie enemy ki ed tl uoded. l:''i.rJi, l hat tse. ptei leut be rrqate j to com tinticate tb f -e ieao!u ia to taj-- r Ceuerj! tic a.'id hi cnaaiod. Ap. r.rl F'bru ry '. Fi.snt the M act.a Co a frU rate ; THK tir THE lRf St, The wrilcr rivi I'j rem nca sro.-.- i a tn nth nioco th- - wa C 'ni ?ionc;"f in a ao-liot- -o cotiftrT rrffirJol by bo lt pjrt to ax van ral Cjf jnn.l, l.ttt Ibo inba'-- i a:i a iltereaf a o! ho tro. (tret cc:6'ion prncliTim-a- . Tt j iixd o!'u bien toaob-- d by Ibo 1 u I? It r.d ! lor war b'-- d.!B-l- a i w nd 1' u nicjr b.lel lht Itrd at il nn t!ar.unc:ai"n (rom on U;tih Lao bo n i iTuv-- d aa n-i- t it. It wn o:ico tba iioot) 01 tho b'h-f- it typo of roin, bat thru tho railra1, te'egraph, u.a'N, ani noair of asricultora' hai-lirrxf- t h l b-r- i of 01 u phrd in r.n-- i commoo rcio ia tba ro.-ir- x f blA id aar. , .. Sj c 'injr'ieteJy rn fV.o rqvir;bn"um '-- f oc5- - crn y broken up that the e.ii wo.o in a eUto nf nnxtefy n:jJ alarm : aKmn k;n iled and kep- - a ire t-- tho c ncanf and oa.t yJicn oo 0 orico ol the tiovctntsn'a of ilu a do my. Erry I .ne lravo.l.r lhat a.el lb road was dailcd wiiboot coromony and cIcMb'j qioaiit.ed a;. m tho novo. Ever? ot.o ia aomcrthiri new to t!l, and i n two of il em i.d tho o.-m- a a'o'y to rolao, hat gurally they all Lai t.edradal eu.-n- adrvtun., ons ct .O.ho; ro TWaophad rtiUopapf:. vft th'ao ttonea, lop cff tbo auafl aud kmc tkom the plain trerh. It is trao a ntray cpy of an aa rlato or- - Wd get ioti tho neign . . 1 1 . r 1 . 1 . 1 f. D! n cu, an 1 wirn iiprntrn, luoiergnoors would eo-irc- trjithor for 11 1 or. aronnd, ar.d jjot borao 00 of tb ir t utib-- r to cQ.m-uo- o a' h- - bcgiatiir-- and read ercry lino m it. II woi.l ot:rn roan?crfal!y rena-fe- d t rt...'' a rnoof to atticlea ihrro or ton- - t iBs, ia or. by dor th-- tt a perfect a.uderataiiUirg m jht bo ar-riro- d t. It aa remrktblo that no oat hd oio word of abna for tho popor, received that which warn at at 0.1 aarnrntro an.l report fr i; whil wat ota'rd, and oefcr' lacsiiouad that jrhiek II wit rat down aaact. Tbia na'.cral, for they Lad been w't .'. barers bi !onr that they had ihoroirhlr harji ed their raii9in had Itaroori the tl (T. riuca between alorira pr.-a- d fr jea one nuan to an othr, and t'ia printed tuatter in U10 ClarLBi cf a ion na . Tlioy a rnoko tl ether day. wh-- n the mail bronht the daiiy prota 10 thtr ffi-- o erory day, and how I til they tboa aa dotatood a d apt rectate i ita ra;aaion. It was ao insiruo iro ch.tor lo na. ana we learned to think more highly of lb ara than ovor. Any not.b arhool dt-prir- of it weald S be in ti.e tamo way. Wr have ..tue:i in a w a'lrd t'ant the pre so eoull avory where ba Btia.-e- n ioI foraoirgl th rooa'h, in order that tho people, tboeo h il rca i'as el aa read it not, woold all 'e-- at u kn.w the g-e- character it mac ed i.i th- - iraroa of li'e. It wou'd bo like withdrawn;., one of tbe e rntial elements o- - natoio, r I ki hr alirif tho aua in gt.jooa, and loanajm. . grpn tbeir way in dark none. Fmx aud Stmpt.-m- . Rnnaors of rccogn-- i liot ly France- - failtir,a and Ju it'ori of the atiemy in Mioeioippi, Nontiern Flor t';i ida, Mob'l and Charleston the advance o! Yankee gold o 170 tho retttrn of Yauk-- e trr-on- a to their liome siwprnaion of th do rjfa'i tbe di.traoe of Mvado tbe trrmliling na tltinde ot WaH a rent -- the oppoaiticn of Er Derby to the Sl'niatry, and in cmaatOA itaa'i nci of the English people diappoiitoaeot at tho Nt rib Ia of cmhu-denc- e and mnm-ntar- y of a financial panic tnd rovidat on tnta-- t r am ol thamns nf the times ac 'os a the border, wbtoh bid no kovn bemrt ard h pe on. 11 iw aland wo at bom 9? Tho foarth year of tbe war Iras ben maiuura'e'l w.lti a aenca f snocese. 0K arroic ae etroug aid in hia 6gbiifi trim; barg ge h.i g ne tr the rear and raen aro e'ripptd f--r battle; a bnoj a-t- t of lirs every whore prevails; 1 uoo in en canso growe sa,ic, and Conf dir.a'e enrrctcy bfgiuo to wear it- - rrjivrna-r- apect; g-d- ir going down; apecnla i'n hs halted tor a tune; prices cf atocka ard bxu:drare turab irg; and, in abort, we ab .w tjttt -- wmririni rcan on tt" botore which the New York Timet ataod J . R i ikn ti a haincn between th- - two ooaa and taxe caraire. O i ibe ne hai.d.l tn. weakn-'oa- , rl.'b, and int mal,,,. "r,J given na the vict -- y 'hat webavo t few mo naere and it btb hereby toadrrod ta CoJoaal Th.maa CkLaaar.'aa oar own. South LnrottnUin. 1 ISM ' LwOTaatlt Bottrry le- - twr tke War. , lCortrotfiead6 cf tba tny Bbt'. Camp xkab Dratorou8."AL4 , 1 March 13 b, 18C4. f At a mee'ticg; cf (he members of tLo LKk iut Cattery, (commanded by Copt. U. L. Dar. March IS h, 1864, tte company fcaring wiih tnach rntRBtiMm reenlraled for ths war, ho fallowing prrambhy and reaolntiona wera 3Gs.nmoua!y adopted, t ril: Wiikrcah, Tha bomoa of oar fathers and tba and t.f our birth hae been rob-e- 7 iHa byho mercenary aoldinry of a despotic aTorornraont, th:ch I ar, with deuooutao i'tit uro, in tho laco ol Looaarjity and enHLtened eutiment, sanctioned - the ontrngo of oor fair iaag liters the tclrj-cti- on of car follnw-- c lizms to a moat wantoa oruelty, and a rin-llctiv- e gorort raont has h-.-- r le- - jtnna upon ua fur the avowed pttrpoea cf aab-- j!gliou Bud the cQapiirg of puri- tanic fatatiiiain, the coiiim,tn'in c-- f v.h'ch will ""I'Ytrr Ifnt ifTrrrril-1!!- ! nif 1 a. laaraa lonorod ir.s itvitians and tbo rrriurtion of our brave at, 1 free poopio to m at !era..l'!t g aiate tf .,a'ae Alihonglt wo deprecate a cor.titiUation cf hostilttico, are will'ig a and all tinna lu accat an h b peace the ta is of ecparAto and indepouden' itio: a!-ty- . a. ill o aro nn willing to yio.d an ct of teihturj, or Kacnfico a airglo lioi.or-t- b . Tl:..t the govorcmcut of tin Ubtt'.l S att.-- 8 coi iKtcfcd 1'ie prcaet.f dnholy etniilo, which s!.e hai ind need . in ac c.trda'-c- a with (ho t..age oi ciTilizv w-fr- c, aud ha.t aot ccrupt?d to use tie" m t b.irliar-o- ut mcanB 'or the aceoniplifchniM.t ot h r mickcJ lrs'i0i of rpoliation and degrdation a grout Ai d fruo poopio. D-- - ii ItwAced, Tliat we bavir g unite J on d?-- 1 nr wlt'-- i tiat of the Southern cA'J.e in the riutrt-- l tho 'trai, from tno'.ives or pttriotltita til cue. aud rui-t- y of U4 hiving well trgh served unt timrj cf without the f j'l accoru-plit-harj- tf the purposes and ohjo'j for ivliigji wV cnl'.red tho rtertrice, ("iftt h.iu inde-pct.dnc- wo J. . Iborofuro plodge oataolrcs 1 to fofk our atandarda iu llio presont cri-i- o, and drea.w our Jo.-;a- pl.-dc- s ro mil i in i ho aervico of tho Cjcfdarato tor, aud durin, t::e term of tha war. IxtaJreJ. Taat wo hava a eympathy ia cjm mo-- . wi:h our brolhr Tennos-reeius- , a-i- d .t.h err, who are exiled fo:n their Iioinrj and ttp- - aratod fr-rs- tLe r families, and bjtemnlii.o the example of ihesohlicra I rota tha proud vc.ut S.a'io in thia act of reocnliat.'ij, an I with Iht-- renew car pledgea of CJsljiy, arid rwear icror lo lay low.i oar armi until wo wientb from the bonds of oor deepoljc oppressors tho bon of freed via aod the petccful enjoymttit oar homes and tho eiciety. ol oar families. Resolved, That wo believe every tiuoSvU:h- - man s'ioa d 'battle with ebergctic vigor vinl enr inahenablo righto bhall have beeu secured, aad wo can trausait to poetority, na- - bletn'tihud, the hori!asi of a goodly land. IZtsoloed. That ac-jp- y of the fjiooin pre--ttiib- lo and rtadutiona be forwa-d- d to thr hlnoxrills atd Atlanta Hcgiater, Cl:at ancoga nd Mine t It -- tel. and the Knuw YLiid (Jtuci vjr, and tbt aame bo placed upon lecoid tho c m;iiiy book. Liini. R L Watkiks, Icst. rp't Jonx H. I'arskr, Sco'y. A T. Ilack.t'. A. L Jataagui, J. M. G ay, C. Andctsou, E. G. Crawford, Commi t.. Spractt f Vlra rrraldcnt Steptiena. A correapO'idiU of tho Macoti lel'tjrnph xprak-- t thus of tho speech rectm ly dvivtrcd iC4 l rosmcnt fc. phonsat MiiloJ javiUo. Mitxr.raKViLLt:, March 16, 18C4. P M. Hjd. A li. (Slephoua delircioJ an address to-i- i '', to a vc y crowd 3-- 1, enm-pofl- 3d of meinho.o of the v and la dit-- and geotlcmswof the citynnl vicini'y. tHko wo houro and fa ir minates, in t caloi rovit wof tba eatidiiioa aod proiipecia ot tbo cou .t y, f-- d the lato aca ot 0'nioti. lla expo-- u confidence la oar ab Itty to aq cmpita'a our i'.idepend see, and on aofltd hrtpefutiieRB and peraiatou.e. lit titrjicd much enre to t!i aospenaion of tha writ ol habeas c rpo. ilo adiujited it atMpetiaio.-i- n a ptopor way t- - bo oonatii attunal, t ut ai tiu laitiod ibat tho bid aa pacoxd Conicrn-d- , ad n gercuo and iroproper power,-a- s it dipnsni! with the oath uuder which arrests thcu d be aile, and left it to the. power of tiio rroMiJcm, creiary cf War, and conraandant d lcpriuieait,aud their iRnr, anest ci" z wimou; ajy ep c ng cau3 o' iho aria. h it ti t !a tt o d with the Prtfiil nt or otlu-- r ollic- - ta o: lWhom this exiraoul tary pawor . ia c:ifoeti hat ab ,a-- a ot ii tn i:'i; bo ii -- ca-J wrJiom th-- i r kvow''g9. Tll3 inain oi-jr- of the bid evideiit'y waa ta k ep tho prmci ialt g subaMiu'eit, Iroui ) po.linx 'O th. cuttr 8. Ho rovi-to- d ti.e ci-tc- y ol ibe vrit of and it-- lj nr. 1 1 wan to pu- led cit z lit from the g:w cf arbitrary po e wnh .ut a boaiitig He t'id appreciate eeie-ftii- y f'r ua bo p miiun, bat adjiit-tir.- ; it obe r.cci' was in away tf fit-s- i ro arid daiKtraua to freotnen I an 1 it wo lift protect against it. il maylo frt-n- d on aa the pobey ol ibe gorenrnta'. I i pr. testing aainnt it, we aro not p.mlrg .h Govertmii', meraly rx-.rcii- n,i a r;ghi and prnner or.l'Citode for individual 1 1 1. alindet! brii fly to the Carrency and Mdita-- y biita, llo tboilit tho currei crbill and aevrre. Ilo thoBht tho ildi'ary x cTed. wiB d le f'a because tt wutiU di- - rumirh tle producing chsea to f uuh i t ni as to in:'ifjro wzh iho n c na-- y sop-plie- n er fiod. These were the. c'ref inpici of Thoagh io IroMo h-- a h, he ti Inbred t ward the close of his epe ch. mnch tin eld tve n1 tl qtorcj lor which li is li.urgu ahed. -- o . majik Forms. The l!ni h Tt-- ol tho 'eo U.ii' a qa. tit'S 'ho CmM ra b G .) to i3it pese after v ry vie o.-- y a-.- ve y u her favorablo occati m, on the piiu-ctpl- rs of 177C Now, a we tbi h-j- e f r fro-- q tct-- t vic-otie- and fivjrablo ocov-ina- , if le eminent cd-it- s the euffo.ttcia. wo tvro tb lojrihl it nm furnish blank frmt to c norroad into anch a weatinora of war, aa to ho'd out the hope ed final y wh-p- ,. ng n, into s'rite; and on the ether, 're-- h c arage,sre wrtt ng We aro aa anx oco f or p ne aa strength, fat h and unity of pu po e. It uvjany man in the world, bnt there n-- i polity to tl a cont'aet cheriiig, and should w not lo be eh-rv- ed in making even a pri fJir of peace, tbat overmlieg power whtch ha ro- As afftirn atand. vrv one we matte will be cle.tu stid and bat Number .87. TELEGRAPHIC. Reports of Ihc Press Assedallta Entertd acewdtBg to tbe act of Coniiaan nt tl0) rear 1M3. bv J. S Tnittsnxw. la Uo Cierk'a caBce at the DiatrlctOHirt'rribeCotdrderate State lor Uw Nonbertt Dlatrtct ol Oaorgl c Georgia Logtalatraro. MiLitDocviixrt, Mach 19 Tha UottwB foA ooasidered tho Tate an the postage of tL Banu Linton Stephens' regulation, on th aetioei of Cong reus anependieg tbe writ of haboaa oorpna by the casting vat of the opakor becoxd dispatcb MiM.rDGicvii.Lx. March 19 Tb aotsrioti af the LegUla'.are will be prolonged till to-nl- Bt. From the Sortta. Richjcihd, Marc' 19. Tbo New York IIr-- a' 1, f the 14ih iott , has bon-roeeivs- d. It contains rotbirg of special import no. -- G jv.JJrAOiblytte, of Kentucky, f lmeaitrai-- l ar;aitit tho entiat'uont of a'avoa In that Staktj and baa notiQad Lincola that ha will tttttl the Uwb of Kentucky against all who iittwaipt' ta take frjta their owqotb without tblr cornant. Gen Grant will re'orn toTVfathiegto, It Li announced, in the Courso of tro ot thr week 4. Gold cn tl. 13 !, ICO. . Analbtr Arrival of Priaowara. rtieiiM ,kd, March 19 Th steamer WBJ Yo k haa atriv 1 at City Point, with save hnortd priva'oi, sixty officers, and fa :ltl C. I Ira daya tattr front iba Wortbi -- A atM ttraft nittartd by l.tntai. Hiciim nd. March 20. tTuited States papers t 'hi 17 h i utaut wore received thia morm ijg nt Ci'y Point, The Washii'on diepa'clioa atate poa it! rely hat Mialo will 1 snnetcedod next weat His erccesnor is not named. L nt ln has ordered another draft lor Cwtf hn-jdro- thousand men, to take plaoa oa tn 15 h April, ty provide an adeqaat teoerr force for all contingencies. It was believed io Now York thai tha Itali fn f!i:p Regulaatnm fcnndard at a aa tk 7b intt , with 4 CO men cn board. Tho bill authorixiig the sal of gobi paaaod both brAnchfH.of Cot grefB. Gold closed at I CL 03 the afternoon of tho same day, lh ifitk in New York. Eiroean advice 3 at late as th 6 lb ceatitia nothii g coLSina'ory of the recegnitiaa rnaters. rrxc-pt- a stat jmeut that Mason has return- - ta L tiion, it ia rtippoasd in connection wita th ategod rccegaitiau for reconciliations. 1ec:xd bldPATCa. Hiciim-ind- , March 20. Gen. W. P. Smllk, of tho Federal army, la reported aaaigwo4 a t'io command of tbe army of the Potoaaa at iho rcqnest r.f Grant. The New York World denounce Ilatlet as a mil c'.cus human bru!e. A dangerous of feeling Is growirg ap at the West. Ti.e Democrats ar orgajaisias; in f ecret lo protect themtotves agaiaaC tk tai diois, ho are ccmmUtiog outrages w ita oat. from the military authoritisau 'aa Chicago Tit:icy ud vires armed resistance line! re'ulia'.fon A Jetter from Tallacdixhtiss gls s milaf couiiel to the Daxiocrats. The smallpox is spreading in th West. AI Cincinnati it ptara la to a grater xtoat tkaf waa cvor koowa b8fo-e- . At Clsvolan 1 twalv huudrrd cares are reported. Ficicont supercedes Gilmore lo Fiona1 a. Xira. Deauregard s funeral took plane oa tba 31 it st., and was attended by over six tktK rand persons. , Maximilian arrived at Paris oft th (ilk last.; and it bt reported Le wi l embark for VfsiJoO ontho 25tli. Oj t!u 17-- h geld advaaced ia New Totk. at 163 (J aut formally fakes command of th Fed era! rtm'e. wifu beafqnarters for tbi pvatia4 with tho army of tho Potomac The rett rned prirtera arrived tbi alter-no- r n. Thnre aa an tm-pan- coeeoaras of po':le at the aharfsndoa Capitol aqtar. and tho rr c"ption was characterizing tkrottgk-iu- ; by the nio?t m.boa-ide- enthosiaiaa thio oisriTcii. fii.Ltnnxv.t.c Mach 19. Both brai-- k . . . a . 'a o' ti'Hirtria U9gt-iatnr- e nave auopiea I ton. .ton S ephenn resolutions, oa tb tormi by tilrch thooM 1h nonzht by tbo Confod- - r.rato G 'venxne it, and on tba actiea of Cob. gr-- s f nipnd ng th wilt of habeas corpus. Ti-e- hav aluiadoptol a resolntina tataiag nv-- r to tho C in'trdora'o service all.poraarts ir th 8'ato between the agea of esvottUoa ea4 e;gh.en, and forty-fiv- a ad fifty. ANn, nnaniranus'y. resolutions exprocioias; in tho Prid n, aad tkaakir; tk Geotia troop for re enheticr The L"gisla'ure lias ajonrnod, aia di. Tlie chronicle of t month' vrorrtvt mf the rebd odtcn Iran it extremely iiitertiag. I vr tm pt'-- o I m tbo tnarkit aboat tb 1st arf Mtrcb 1 ef3 nt fmr nr five per cert. ptoaf. n-- o nu tho 90 pa d vfor each 10(1 aba. Dnrit-- c April and May th l aa aont dewa t four ner cent. Jicubt Tb victortoe f Jlr eCbt it down o sine or ten. Tb rap tar f ot Chat-anong- a reduced It below thirty pr rytit. di-cou- nt. Tlie battle of Itaicteaaeagrr CMi-- eJ it tora lr, but failed t lift it abwv iix The succss of Ca. Ooaat -- beat i down to fifty, where it has skrwrw. settled away to thirty-sev- en A4a-vf- fr TTPB NRrAL FOR SA1.1B. OAfl !,BS. OLD tTPEatCTl.or oat. iwrry tar tj r ' r or oddites FkaC at. PTU, marl tf BcbeComoo. lUriaiaa, wv ft RRVT A ?antt Oottare. ee-xpk- tely ed. for rent. A, p y to AIK at. t,JLia.Ln. raart-- 1 w. CctaJ-ae- nt Oaatpv

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Page 1: The Chattanooga daily rebel. (Chattanooga, Tenn. and ... · Kay,Diaa. npoa ara roaamtiooa or ine Brreiarr i t r datod October tbo lgl and ienfy-H-.-r ta4h. atakaoaa baadud aad aixtr-ta-a


& af". V WB"Br. X. BBJ & A aw r

1 .AiraAa4awaewBr'r?Ha-i- i SX

TaaMasTOOKetlaS, 1;3,.64.' fifs.1.

,,i.rt,UMM4 ranch (iNeHoi tier of theff1l,r" -- .)t a of lb aveet pt-tee- oynm4 tota wf to be paid to tbt Oore n--

J?.VS!rf U-p- rart Rates of Anwlca

?Ji.; df. ace. and carrv on theA priitaeatyarrth. eighteen handirda. d slxty-r- h wee TTqairoo nvat,a aad patera to pay cr.e.tnlb ot,rw pr aet r i0thfp4a at' 0', be to a arid d V,

prrdera at swet potatoes in tbe year t'.sbta boadred aad atxty-thrre- . to c ak c m . ovtiotby payment of tb av.ney raloe of Lbe tirb ib.fioto. tie. d I fymat la km, at rtet t.. b fixed by theCaouetoi!fa aaOar ta Imprenimo- -t act.Aapruvtd, iXc. 71 18C3. .(X .71 J

Aa Act Mlherlxie; tbe tax Id kind a Mcoo to beby eoliectoaof aa.t u;nk a an .oVr- -aWnt.The CMmi of the CcBtVderate htt-- a of '.ravMto mart , Ibat anM( t JnrteTmt4er ard -h- -t

- agTBttetif aged i tbo Ct'lKCtiOJ ol ix io ti l nvraaaitaot s l. ar ordt -- a an-- ) rrlai.'na in)rtil Burretary of War. t. d a.acd am mMB'atk'H for Uclii ia kind n bao.-.a- a tqqi.;er ttke.tfrr jo tatt rok 'JpprCTad.Dce. IS. 1661. , ,


la let U prat tbs arll-tme- nt or cnrolm-n- t of oVs la tko ull.Ury aerrica of iba

K'alen.Tko Ccrrnm et tb Coo'ederatr Hi'm cf Ani'r cido eeact. That ao peraua lia-M- to m.iita y

a kali barofter bo D?raittad or aMowed i far-- 1 hffr voucUkdla for arb aerrica aer abail ny ml ai :e?e b- - J

rrca rrd . fal td or carolled le tbc ki'.lairr acirii c J

or tko CoafMrra'o Ktat.Apor too1, Ic 2S, 1863.

Jolat RooataUoa Vm rslatkm to tbe Tub-i- rtir Mr-- -

Xaaolred. kr tba Coare of tbe O oiedrra'e Stteif A aer tea. ibat la lira of tba com,t-ii- :'

br bar u too pallia priater. k h;i ten .rv .

ail othonrav provided, f. ail print nc r tra uit kr Boa o Ca rae aa b Cfcrpo--!i aa theJett Caaasirtf o oa Pilntiog of roa tw IIuoiloatanaia to to rqariaMa.ApprTr4.Jaa.alM4.

rwTe)Aa AH to Mt aa 0d to the rxearpt'oo fr-- mi Hi--

a.rrico of Iht wb bar berotofore faruUtaeU jtatitatco.Vf kcreoo la too art era' cir!0t3pce of the conn

try.lirrfaboa tba aid of all U are tb!et bearran:Tbo Coecrraa of tba Confedenta sutt --f m-ri- r:.

do enoot. Taat aa pe ana abail b rx.-- ed r ra militory o-- rriuo by rooaoaa A kla bavioy 5uraiabcd a :batttata; bat tkao act abail act bo a co.jtrciJ a i- -aSaoi poraaaa o, lb- - a?h act liaMe to tetter m li--

aerrica. b&to. aerrrtbclena uU:.iu tApatOTtA.Jaa. a, 1U

tyo iAa Act proeMlrg f r f lilnf raraidea of Dele a m r

Oaagrraa la eertoia Indian na'io. .Tho Corrmocf too Cob ft derate m-i- .

daeaaet Ibas vbeaerer. by any cante, a rai-a-r-

kallorcar 'af rrprraiitMUn oi any In onratltkd to adelef.ta la tbe Onfrdera e Oorxjnr-- , UeoBo ahatl be l.lar byapecUl tWtton, all.r tni(yda; a' a tiro of oaM oietioa . to to bW and rrn. -

.areottliag to tbe prmf ra rf an tt of oir watrtledMAa Act to prorido Ctrtnia gaia-io- i a 'or

boldlt-- r ctoctloaa lor e!eftea to the (.nT.;r.a (Ftatpa la cer'ata Ind.aa o.tii a ' in

Crcd ay 1 18:;aaid t br riven by t ftr prlacipal ctief if aavb utiai tc-- i id;: .

ta tko aaaai aacdo .f firlw; Botice b ce j ration . ,

aatioaa.toe. I. Taoitblat taka effect aad be la f jM

from aad aftar Ita paaare.Ayprored, Jaa. , 184.

tHo77jAa Act to eeatiaco la force aa a t rnt-Mr- "in Act U

rn-Tid-a fat tko eoKprrtaM-- cf 'cetAlo iaihrria aaaM' apirr.U May lh firat, e.Mejikaadredaod lxty-(hre-

Tba Coorreaa of too CoafeHtra'a Pta'ea cf t ra' r- - a'eaar, iaattaoaat aatltled Am ctti pr i. e--jt tbo i cm parrot! ao of crrtala tT-v- , v r einiKCd." aiprared .) tbe lira', elKhtre l.i.rdad I'e own liti a-- i a. o d

fxpbt oa tbo Irat cf Jasary.o 'te a ba--e- ) ardlbaa a h r'wcnira nIxcotatll tbe Brat of Jaanary, eJghto.a aB(

aicty-fla- .

Pkrored, Jaa. , UK.(JfaTa")

4 a Ait ta aatkorlao tae af a Thirddiovr of tbo It aaary.

Ike Coot: rera of tbe rraderaU Btatearr fra-rf- cdteaact, laat tberaabal: be apixiuUd by tl,e lr-s- .

d'oi. by and wh tbo arlc ai d fbo e n n? of it.,.ftt.aU aa ad4r of tboTiraoarr 'or Ibe P. vtffio.-IV- .partntBt,aoaba 1 1 atyled t Thrd adf- - r. Jwbo at ail be eWrf rd o-it-h all the du'W-- a c

Hb tea PoiUfEco leya'tmetit orm--h Uk-Flr-

aadrtar ia tecned le perlnn, ah. I.rtceiie kr bat aervieaa a rainy af tbrra ihcu! diUra per oanfai.

Apprcrad,.' aa. , A.

)Jeltt Itraolaticaa rf TLtrka to Gearral VAA. F. !

axd to tbo oBcara aLtSdira ander bli c mr.nci.Wberraja, Tke eaatpalaa of tbo brare a 4 g ant

aiaa1a eorerlrf tba capital of tho Confederate S'iariaa-- tbo tro accraive yert o' eijc leea l.auflrtd

a ad aixty-tar- o aad ev'eu lacdrod and ait'y tirvrraster tbo laadvrabtp aad airland f (waetal rorriK. Lea. tart btea crcvaetl with clr o-- a rftul'i

grea;iy ta o.-to-r P.a?ed tyire rpero;tar tbo cor oueat t4. tkeae Httra. ra,i i g- h lnrat-- ;

vit.. taBiBaa kera . aad tic t BLtfrrro tba nattl-eM- o

Inoa carava o aatry to tfat f thr e..-m- j:

ad. wtcna. th mMr!y ar.d ir' ri"ca kcbirrm: oti.- rcaartLg (i trrtr BMnvvranie. h- - i 'a o tbo- -

1'ajr ot r t toitlea, mU- - b ia.'e j tbr e f ft c!taoi d. ia ajell aatkoa l Cedar I on, rccbd a an-aa- a,

Haat' Pery, Bo nkb-jro', h' arp-tor-

Fiederick-barg- . mceirr ieity(erraad CboaoaUoraril, c mm rd tke m rshti- - n adgrattvda of raw ooary: And. lKaj. Ufaa aadother liiatrb arrti w rer dertdby t. i ab e rca-nuo- cr

ateco laa con m actmeot ot or arr of indpeaoerco.barorapeoaljy aoea-t- d hm to the r.a 'atf kla ccaa'tyaes ai.d tare tnp red a Vi eir-- a

datyuf (lriag rxrresaf a to their :eeiiot.laarettra.

Beoorrcd. by Iba Cobcttm of the Confederate State-o- lAsMrtca. ikattbe tkabka cf rCtrt rr du-a- xd

ate teaderv tu Gerrrml Fobert r . Leo ar.d ttko calecra tad aoldlera or tbe vnfi d-- rtr ara ft uaan iicawio tor mo ftrat tad aictai r.rt I n-- vty aaoa area m tae a-- t i ta' rf tke wfta nrtfor too toaatBHabio ooTicra thy hare rai-de-e-d ia d

. faaet of too Hborty aad lad-- p ateora f t nun y.. t Boat-rre- d that tbo bo nqa nd v c tBiu-aKat- o

tfceeo rcaolat-on- U G i.erat rtobert K. I.ce a a .

to tbo oflcora aad aold.eta bcrtia litaisKalfd.ApprHT4f Jaa. SJSSi.

iKo. 16.1Aa Act l-- aatkortao tho caareilation of rerta'a f'c

fet erato rtllea Bosda.aed tLa 'B ot ith-.- r

rorUam.1 aa vowftraa or too icarrdrate Ftatta or Amrrra

do eraet. That tbo of tl a Tte-f-n- ry b , andbo aoratiy aettori d epon the rec i t of tail f 'ry t oaea, taoa ogntper crBinaa t o :da. taurj r:Diaa. npoa ara roaamtiooa or ine Brreiarr i t rKay, datod October tbo lgl and ienfy-H-.- rta4h. atakaoaa baadud aad aixtr-ta- a. lar ane ani!ltnof dafaro,eoeh bare bea cancel ed abn ad, to nbatltato a4 aUrer to tbo rf tLa Nary an

C;nal aaaaa r of feoada rf like cbarct.rAppmod Jaaaary 9. 1864.

IKa. 11.

Aa Act ta acaUaao la frrco tbo omrlai iaa a.' ai AetuKiaia aaroea

Tbo Ctarrraaa af too OoafaSerate Sta ea rf A

Taaa tto m h aa at aa Art e itd - AaAct ho tactaaao tke ray ol reriala r .B tra nod eraployoeo af iba katcoirro aad lrgi'atire Iepanaaoata." arpraiod Ootober tblrteoout. eihta bedied aad autjrtvo, be aad tbo aaoaeatro bertiiy etatiaood ta taroo aall o bet tree ordered by Concrtai.

Approaod, Jaaaoxy lXtrC.Ho. IS.

X a 1 rl to arevtda tor WUI UiiUiia fi trrKHiitailTtr la tbo tT. rraaoT Oa CtntedetaU Ua.eaamoa tbo Btate of Uiaoeort.

II II II 1 1 TT . I I n I I I V I I I I f u 1 1 I ll 1 1 I I llll it .. 'Mlil r nii

Th Ct Bjrren f the Coal rfeal Auto of Ai rkr

That ettKw for rrprea'Ha'fToa I tt C axroa of1ro t' ttf d rto hiala tbtr htare of Viaana. i at y .

io a mnoaa o-i- inn urgtm naro of aatd 8 atttall q benri e diroet : TfeV ratJi ootrroH:I be a --I .w d to oto i ticket. tho a ara .f rvepta'r tor ont-- cue of tlia r-- a ct,?pa-rior- l

Prate and a roooiotna: t

another of a frt--o terre eaUMr dUtieta rbt.11 be emmbaioitod aa rNirea'a attrea bt ti.

Oo rrBor of aJ4 Sta;e.KacTiojf I. nch n ahVfl bahtlt apoa -y

lo 1 at arst. and ap a the aano day tlach toooJ T r t:ter .f'er ourlnj tbo 3 Such r e'ko be I to 1 brt'--o 3rr aotrlg d, or p :rotia avto bti r.r i.ytbe la--i of .ri Sii f f.:r th pa-"- - of soeke i--n a. ar d -- h.. h-- rooii -- ed ac-firr- liT ft prea-ribet- t by tlio I ra I a .tj 8 ata txceptM.lar a U t -- aaK a e in . J.Bsd ay tbi act.Rctit)! 4. in at eh lcct!f.B, any fit'x of tV

ft-- a a ah. atil: b o,UApfJd to ,v f. ra Demhrr f the m ar i:umer oa trar T Mi.LjtA-.tnrr- . of rnirt Mti v snail b eattt'ei t rotr atthe p ac or l era I s-.- t. at whic . be oroi.'00 o- - tl led tn ta ia aa ek-cM--.n ti an - r.e ciero

da atjros.ctioi5 Bat It .ch rl- - i a ab.l! it ia tbe

rri!-t- y --erriv rf tie (r.:tdfr.: Statra or in Com--

e : b-- driri tfji i,, ii,,t:i .y th. cv n .a'".n c--

c ontrr y i:- - i,oh:-- e roeujr, r bv ta moreateai01 tte rnrtny' triji, o ti Cie h areti r.atRr'b be-- a i.'ia n n t p r of ho rant. I.jraoa of t"K r t awa--- o- m-- r. t t frta aarlci x n bl? le a::- - w i r . e t mr p j s of r i.l .fe o 1'. t.e CAinpt ib ai.t.r.ft bereia-s- frr d .1

Pctjo 6. Snr1. . eirt'on for ropreata'iTra. whrh d in of ar y vh'l be roB. oct ' afo'..-r- a : In . vny Wr-- cp' , dia!-- . t c.i f i,fach ffin nr. - tir 'herofn er u. c n:-- m

ud f .r.y lr-- . drn r!e: ,e ol rice f i .

t r j da" e? rlrk to ipJi ani b i.d uctel tio-- i i. bol l th'-m- and r.n; t.--

p. II b-- r,t -t- i-1 n:t:irt cd ribr a. a :a.e ard r.--r

i at op i,t fic"c;h, a 1 the Mt;e aer?p d aod b-- 'd at il.o aait! pia.ea of h .Miag t -

tn in i ? S .U-. aaj ak..ii aIUa all peraoai eutiUeM

7. Te rtor9 of oc.? e'.-r- tl na Irj rampahi i. t. r .roed & th aeverai crtu!. ini:: fc' os h ia tc a.--l e'erk 44 fr .d lu tbe

.till' at .flicer in r d- - aal th aeaiorof if.e ifraot-Wr-a. I .ut , .,r w i h r e a its? h.-i- j iu b en-c- n

i .ni o wny, in rai b the ne haM, a--b

i it La!l I. . i i,tiY t- - fi.rrarrl thr ri:(r t,f th- - M-t,- -i t.-- ram : ay iy if ttvic r r: 1c. ', to. w r i-- i by aa.fc rvjo.randio)r t.fflcar d

r---- n, '!!. r m r.Kcti n 8 li. ae t b if i fea of tha pah'ie a?r

T c-- jrr r-i- it t':o 0 Ail g ,J the factious in a etn,'oat t! i- - t at tie time r r4J d by Ur, t:e e . .;) : a' !ny im-- WilMa t'a y ft. r tb p..-tpo-

c.u-- r in .r crae te tint. jr b iMi;.g thloli fiv d i.y Jhr .fficcr aah .ria.- - d tj appoiu

trie od. "Q cl. km.hkLT.ois y u: n fS'--er a?! all b larbo.-fae-t t j.d

ml ..trr t it; p r oath to the judge a-.- tin La orh-- j may - d. rn. r lav tan to a h therh ctimh Jo rj.pra p rKott c-a'-- e n'd ba!d-- g

am li tire i . id aa-- t to npi' tt ( oaa(if t ..a f,Vri'i: n.iin r: d t- - d.a-- r? bi

dii' Lodin rsch t lection, fiitafuiiy vd imva-t:Ir- f.

provce.J-.r.a- a y 1?, l?t11.

J-- io rcoluti'-- H relation Va Ira trar.f: y the Ci.ti. reis o: tVa t'e:lr'e ?ta-o- tAoieii a, 1 na th p rvn'. la tm i I Blnr ocr.f'cat. rfiTnins lhepe--o th- - opf-d-rM- e Sfa'ri

tr- -t ibry a r- - ed iu a t'ngt;-- !or lb" preerrai i b of Mb ; r.:"J . r! ion .n thit n c

tltio f l.lf o' l:!:aie cm Ik tooevfr ra ve r-- q aie t t u c a tht'.' Ire a:4 tbe-- nt-r- i

t? ti t.J j meiit f ifcei" !r.n,-,-.r- e . ..- - b! a'l :

a.d a:ro tt hmure irn th?r'. in t- - e jjismeat of t: rirjii'a, 1C s ike toontr-- . i rf. O: nlwith e-- f try Lu- - r.n !d I.V .. a; d ii'.ied nhlid. 1 1- -. tir m t k3 t ap( ort thr'm .:ptO TfiUd wr eiifh cr 'e nr r'a. ry to wr;.- - ?f.r

i xif.-e- i enrs ; mil f' tx- - oil tha-- bv er ydr:a' ion abich tan t 1 .'i w rrrrm. Vtd j a rio-- a

'oa lu.'pnatitnnu rnrrt d r t,f l- p.-- r n-- ! a:d psrt'.f o!a ; to an id inin of er-- erh-- i lif t oji UrO'Pr. tu t-- tersr qar ertr 'o ...t-- r' rp't xt K !iay Im nu !u oa .n r-- .

hranrl-.- ol tbe ia l ir.fii .a.-- -i xrrci e t Ihiir c . 114I oar ri ; t d to t- at hrm oinus and tinvulll'ti a-.- pa'n-- c C-- e. cra'i nrli ob ctn Atone Imp rt It our - hn! th irreai.tiue

i?iCtl arhitb pr ui l omnnited u cl aieri-l-9iitif- !

aiH I it i:' dr ti n to the pabho tttal.Ap; lorvd, Jrjjk 7 ri.

Ifo. 4

Aa Actio the pfico'h.f. fid Ok aa.t s't'itijof w;ra'rt- to rruoi tkj array af tke i'ocf aiBStaler, 1 lid t. r otrer .The f oarrrra of the Coa.d-r.- " S'aVoof . t:ir'lorn ct. Tk-- . rery prr a a-- eti j-- et to tin mi

ard atxl. a f at.r "bo rhall j rcrar or entioa a aol-dtr- cr

p'N fi-It- d !araerrire in tho aim-- , o tCon fed rate M.-t- e t dert or who thaT a d or atnay derrfer frtn tve a my of M.y pe... t i.r lled

rrur toeaOeh ir p.p-'-r c. mmai drs or to pret'ct Ibe.r arrwt tt be rt'.or.-i- f d o tho rarri e ; rb:l k'towionc n.-ei r.f h;r or a-- o b ri- - rt-r, ora'l 1 archas ?r m any a Ktior : a o ra-- o ld fr

eTioe a y cf ba aaK.tqa'p&eo a.rA'l-- a

or cMhirg ot a? j :o-. 1 y le: aro t thr Vb5.1erate tra'ea. or ay B..r or mld erot the Conh d'rjte i-i- e en.i o:-o- ctusTu-tio- n in iitr trcrt.f be ( if-o-. rtMa Statia hrir.a Jnra .i

of tho c be fir. d iot ex.t-- r jirg ' tr iki o 111.:dl:arB.aod .e i .pria cctcxcettag tw. e.ra

Approtca Jaa a.? 23 1 t43fTl5.

An Ac aajprprhtief rrr httprtJ th-nB- ad do!lrr tne nae ano of tn- - ' neroKe a

Whrreaa br tbr frtr fiiib sttlc'e of th tre between tbo Cmf Aer te of irri a and thrCrrr ree Nat a, tt.e afd Cot.frdrrato 8tateaa to ara ray ove it xin t hero:- - ntba th.

anrual at'-r;- t n- - vo Vhe aererA! atjra of nt-m- in-vented t;y raid aatioa. ial ks of certain .:a a- - "f theCorT'd trto h'a'a.: aad where:", by rear a ! rr.t

:th the l'ni?e.i troikoc tii"ii ; a- - d tereaa thr-- e la r oI rraaoa I .

!- :niit .: r. ra it tr. r.a ot are g.eaf.y I-

red nf tbr nt tha . d 1 ih-m- : 1 hrraf-- - o.T ''caerca I l e' Stat ?-- Areert ji

do a.-t-, T.'t tie im . f on- - jfnlrd th'-ll- d lol

Urate. an the carr.e i- - b'rb atprnpiiat d ot ofo-- . m o y ii th Tn-artr- rot otkarwHe pT r prlatd I r th r - ;! rn -- Ct ..f be "be k at-- , a.

rc J" Th aid .u t f-- n nr aV.II he f ar Vdll. Ot ly br t be Kurca f InlSo 'fftira to tb- -

t r pi B--t,t. ,1 tr, ( hi r ke Naliia.Kirr 3 't'-ber- el y xnrr!r nrd-Tt(vi- thU 5d

o- - e knidr d h an-- u d :la:a ' to .. itnr.e "r.y tv--

i '.hr k Ra 'd ahe c ha'l b'. t fl-- r r1 r-- n tr lTalti ad t rt' rs'e Vatr. r t. a h

id Co; fr ti Sla a a a be fttaha: f d out t.f rst

na raid t c wl ic5 Ray tben tr tin- - aad co'.Wt.d.

Appr r;d. J sun .ry 11. IfiSt.

No T.Aa Act artbT xinsr civli-- ia ctrUla caret, to

'raw icrajrt r or. borae.Tho Pod rra rf th Cor fera'o 'aiea of A tnerira

That Cb-o'ai- a tba armr In actual aer.rxo lo tr.a field. ha t drir f..rnr lor,r tiorae 1 frati :ud, Tbe Chala.a baa a ho-a- o intij o--

A proreJ, Jrcntry 53,18:4.

' Ko. 17.Aa Act to nth.r!ii the app-iDta- of aa agt of

the ira-- y iMpartmect wett or too Hiaaippi.Tbe Cccgrra or tka Coafedfraai! Btatoa of Am-ric- a

dola t the PfrlOeot ahll. by an I wltbthoa-'ri- e aod

1 r tr.e ennto t aa age .t ar too Trea-o- r1 pr"rj nt. wboo-- duty it a U bo to rrpirte w ii

or the Mia-i-wip- pi at aucti p'a-e-, tra 10

ao-- h da tin. as Khali froa tlraa to tirsa bo aJe;oe-- i

bi-- 0 by Hi fen-:ay- of tho Treaaory wnb a-a- 'y

ot twre ttooaini a-u- ara per payaot rjaartrl- In adra-.t- 9

sue t. Tbo of tbo Tr aaary ahafl baTrp aer to gire c!i'ec:k-- to tbe aavd are at to dbchirnfany do'y or loncttoa on tba rtneridoof thatiaaa:3;i wblrb ra the raid BecreUry io tdi. harro and ahall bare rower to tathoriao

of asch clerko. trd t prraeribc aocl rgo'ailra to- - the g f fw;h agrnt aod clrtk. frr.n tira t tlraa. tbe rad fio-rtar- y raar erarrrp"r : Tr rd1. That ocb clrrka aba I rrcelra theaalatira pr-rirfe-d by .aw r aetTioaa ia idTmain Ponarraeat.i That thia act rkaTl exp'ro oa tbo day fib

iiflraiion of a treat r of roaoo ht twoea tbarata S'A'ea and tbe United Btatoa of Aroorlca.

ApproreJ January 27, 14.No Mw

Joint reoolotioa of tbaaka ta IfaJ- - Too Borck.rrberran. a)ar Horoo Voa Bore. M Prnaabt. Aaja-la-at

aad Iaapector oaral of tbo C'troky Oorpa oftha Irat of H orthrra. Virrinfi. barlaf teft hie own

. ro aarwt la arcorttig tbi Inderondsooo of oara,i aad. by bia perron al gAOaary Li Tb Sold, bating woa

TUESDAY MORItftfifGtoo adat hoi ton of hi oowadoo.aa won aa that of Macooiat. ad ng graeral, aH rf bna deeply --yrapatkHewiw pun ira ata aroaaai oaaanaga iroaa w;aaaa raetuad ia ba tUt ; Tbere'ore. .

Bofrrd by tho fafT9aa of t CorfK'erat ftatbrf fiaw.Soa. Thm ibo tbaolra cf ara daoaa tho oawo ara Wrcby Wod'.rod to Ma , To-- B web

for bio aalf-acH- fl inadraoil a to ear CJotf--i rrr- bia diatiagrtiahod aarrlcoo la aaswartof Ita

oaooafUemUni. That a aasr nf llu ffnrevntnv eaarlntLw.

b trman,l:ted to Mat r Vi. ck. 1 v tha 1ifitof tho Oanf?iraro Htoloo. .Approve. Jaaaary 34, 1SU

If Tt.J 4 vt Rraolntloa la rclatla- - to tko ' alarVa of tbe

-- Ct f the Dt-tii- ct Cmrfa of tbohratoa for tbo ttota of Tlralola.Rea .tredl by tho Co-otT- fue of tbo ConrVtleraU Stat

: Am rica Tkal order the e,-..- atct on rf tbo o"tf the Prnltio-t-al Congrcaa 01. tit led "or act toratab-rta-h

thi Jdttiiol ouarto of too fnf h ate-- , t

wtnar ca.''. appTorerl Ucb lCh. 1861. tbe Judgraof'ho d h'tt '.rn cftBita of Ike Conlodeiaia krafta f..r th

ai 01 Yirrt-t- a ire eacued to each a aaiaryf Cre ttu-4?u- t dol&rp-- r ttt rb

srorUinoa of aa act of tto Menaral Asm mb!y of Vircl.ra ic ol 00 act pnridior; a .tioa fornemoeroi trrai.eoerai Ata ra t y, J .dr-r.a- od tbeIBoari c- tho ".Trfaitat, t Ilea of tia ror. pen- -

'a B:W a!L;wed Or la nawaed I).imh rltttk' '1WI -AjKptored, Jasauy 2, lUt.

Na 'ii.Joint f( aa!toi of thanka to North Carolina Troo; a

Tba Citifrre-- a of the Con Irdr rats Rt tea brlr p!o .rne tbr. ogb the public jr.-e-a. of tb ro eultjora ..t..r - i ii mr Oitfao in tr-- tr-so- Tt

Nirth.rn Virgiaii arriag atidcr Uca-r- al R u-- it U J.jiaH'Mtt the e:o$i.

t;ea !red. br fbo V;gr. of tho CoatJr-l- ! R atf tra -- rica. Tat tbo pa'ii-:n- i ai! -- plrtt tf tte

North Carolios troora. erinc d by ih-- lr pif '.nptd r- - U.aof lUma-h- M afreah to the a rriit th cojetry. ar tryoud all praia, tud itc tbeabnn e4 f ratitoie t th c a .try.

Approrad Ft , 18w4.

N 30.Jolat ReatlMtloa r.f tackt la-th- e Tr?op frora .4 Uaiina ia lLo ara-.-y of Tcont-aaea- .

br tke Conreaa of tba Cocic?ra'e Statef - "rerica. that tba tk-tcb- of i'orrrv aro t'iir.-- I lotLe fa'taat trooiia I 'ira "tb- -r-- of lunula

' io he array ,f Ter:t.e who haro. with ilgoalua n'rui-- rl-.rteere- tb::r ct rricea i:r tb- - war

H cti..i 3. R.r..ived. That lha lol y aad -i- cri-B-in rp rit x bi'ed by tfc.a noble art &aiI

wi I ncct r, (he coTomeadati-i- j :.nd gratltudo of ov-er) true patriot.

8bctio3 teotred. T at tho thaa&a cf Crr-re-

ar- - qja'!y doe. aid ars U the pari itic andlf--a rieeio tronpa tba coraare w lont ot

ibi- - ;.Urad ih-- te.rkta at tbe dtapoial of ite.rcaotjy h mt or lira t aa to Ifeb.d. Ic64.

NTTtJ .Ir.t r?elail na of thankt to tbo Alabama Trcrfip:

ah a ara ce. alireJ fx tb.' war.Wh' A 'abiata remot'e y tbo briJe rxMnji-.nd- rd by r.r gada r Citit ral C'Ultn A

Btt.-- , ru tho Nrrayof Nor.bera Virginia, r jl inter rdn Cie eerice o iht C)iito.l rat Stm, la t'icea'lyoar ol tl e year 181 . npon tha fi-- st tell for tr.opa f rtt e defence f y rNin a. hara prtciad in er-r- stattl f apbt l.y ibt a , im tb of S r.nMnr o i t of Ce'tjalufg. alaays wiani-- g, by tho rsa':iitry aol dr-;- n. praixf, and bo cr.

h vow. af;r ridar cr f..r ar.-rt-y t!irr yeaia thra dahit-- atJ danrera i.t rn.l.ti.. r afitir- -

hare rc n laled Uit tbe w-- ; h rfi-e- .

- Re --hired, by thi'rt tha O mfeorit S!j!.f An t ea. 1 b .t lib) t inia o( Cod ( e . ara dan andare hereby m orally lead ltd b tbe ithx-n- tro .wb by in ir t.. 1 fer ot tbr IrrviTK-- a to i,crouct'y for the w r io Jra-- e Vjf arvf a"1 on n. r ahr.wa i apir t on JaonUrd. a teric detrimi--

tin tt batlo erer. octlt tbo indt 'uire of th ircanity .a eta:-lihed- . '.ad a couaovr - '.oa to can e

: litx-r'- r worthy or tnr. ration br u.eir cataradea.I taa Tat. Tha Prraid n bo n cu-'- a : 1 1 . om-nn-.- l

ctte a copy of tr.o-- o reaolutv n t Utc rorcmender a-- . dtrw-- ai MH tHfftda a aa m-- n e rf th-- t $ rate.'ul

-- pt- la'l'-.- a ly C.b .r.aa tf ihr-;- r Ur'i'.nd- - tnd Verai ra diir.B- - the tnaia ?n ?ar (trra cf pa t teirii:.- -

aod f tfjiir lata art f pr.tri. IUr. tkef ilth a; d re.auiirg lb h. pe of the patriot.

ApprvTca rtt. a. j64Ko. 33. Rrfo'ntlTB of thaukr to crrtaln Florida trocpiRra lr-- d That tba t'l.t k of Cnnrcn are da- -, ar.d

bero-- y tTdered. to the e Fi.v-rr- . nd men of th" tcco drrgiofBt, a tr a i:rrice nf cariftg r teariy t.irre yrarrdid r the a a.troa. at a m.rth.g b. Id

Zfc&rTXT(vAppr J Fab , 1844.

No. 3.J 'at a of I'atikatotbo Dir-aio- rornnsaad

I by Major Geaettl Rb'-d- . a.TVe,trr of tho Ccof-dera- to Sfa'et of America

barra V a-- d 'b tt th rjir aiia f lf"j roa.cia-d- -d ty at J Uuaoral hhoda re eaiia.ed fwr tir.

war doIt ao're. That tbo thanks of Cvorra are doa. and

ire lere'ay tendered, to t --e a and trxps comid8 .J ty Maj T ea-r- al r.B aea f thexhf d br total l. for the w.r. aa we.l a

: the aailaotry tby hre alwaya 'ityd no theta'd of battle; aad tbr aa aarrA that tbvir ooo-i- t r jwill a a V-a- r ta gra'efol rere-'rrbrtne- the aob'enaoner io whlcb they have eorao t her aaaui;a jcaluthe h'-a- r af bar noad.

i-- or d lanb r. That tbo Preald at bo rreolnd t?oorawncb-at- o t heat- - reao'ati- - n toUeseal Rhode a aodibe a- - d tro p- ander bia commaad.

Appto t B 184.

Joint Rtrolotlir. of tbaok to I?rafiir Ceoe-a- l R. D.Haraaeor a Brrada of Nartv. Carolina Trotp.loriotiOrtog ueir aerrtcer .r use war.Pro rrrA by tbo VigraB of tho Oonfer'era'e PUter

of Aaa-r- lc 1 h-- 1 lie ibanka f Congreaa aro dae andheroby e rdiaiir to tba railaot britale cfSt .atoMn t roaura .odd br Briaadwai 8- l. ftJira.tor ia tk Amy c--f Norihrrn Vi a iota, for tbetr dT.4-- patrtrti rn in n na'.y.flr- -ng tneir raio nto crrio a to tea att tor tnrer alter b. riar ahea- - y aiena!ixed ibeir ratrl tic

xcal and raW ca at tny Bdt vf battle andin raacy acrre trial

Approved ro. a, taoa.

Kt. 58.An Ac t prohibit dcallag in tbe yrrrr corrency of

the enerar.Tbe Cong rere cf Ibi Ca.-ifcdra- State- - of Am-rt- ca

d react bat no br-krr- . tavker, or dralrier par-o- o --ore rrred a tra4c aa larrc'.'ant.

r raider cf BEcrchardtoa - aoy cia-npn- - or aayat'ier pera a, ith a tle !W- - of Ibe enemy,xhall ray. aril, take ol ct'ate or ia any natnnerin tay oa.per carrtrcry of tb' United Stat: Prvvld-- d,

Ibal tOe rorcbaae of pot-g- - atmpa t ill aotbo con-sidered a riolatior o' thia B'-t-


tCT ore 1 T'--a? any rlolairg th- - pror libera?f th s ct ahi ta : jei t to tBdictm-a- l an : prcc oci a :n tbo C .nt-'le- -a e C o t boldeo f t the d .tnclaith'B which fie o Vac comrai ted raosb-- l .

or.on e irictioo, forleit tbe imrnint oa bought, so'd.ei.-c- .trd or tiard. nr a mm rquxl thereto; aad er ellbr. m renret . aobl-- ct to a Ann t n t m re fban twea--

l'f tbooaar d doiU 0 nor tea than Ore hundred, and brrnprt-'.ne- hi t" tna tnree naantna. oor mors inaathree yearn, at tto fl' le-ti'-

n of aaid c. nrt, r,dbo tho tfaty of tbo Jndifea of the aerer 1 C nfsd-- e

ato ' ri to git, thia act upeclaMy in cba-g- o to thegrand jory.

v. rru 3. That tbi ret abalt aot bo const med torpp'y t any penw aeticg In behalf of-U- "

ss. nHit tbeConfed rt'iaia, bv autb rityfrcnt tbe Praident cr aayf tbo bead or rpattuiaMt

Approrad Fen. B. 1864

No 3

Aa Acttt anthorisi ccjn?a-ac- 7r cf rrrrs tad f)rartaieBta o detail (le d offic re aa members of military ooarts onder ertla errrBrn'aac aTbo CoosrB of the Cna federate Rtatrt of AT'rira

do enact. That connrard r of r rt and depac rarntbo aid they ara hereby autr-crise- to d tail fl Id flJ-

rrrsat BarBber ot mliPary conrta wber.r rer n ftba Jnooea of atd eoorra abail bo tiaqnatin'-i- i i y ronaaogolnfty or affinity, or Biaeto fmnirr wna44ab1 raaa-- to attend aaid conrta.

Apprarad, Pabroary . 1844,

NoTo.Jolat of thas'ta to Colon ?1 TVnns CU La

raar and tho - fficers an 1 aiea oegaged in tbo



--MARCH . 1861.

tad too -- Ocra and oa 01 e! In tbe fill, a aadatercuco ot Brreai.7ivi;io afrt ithafrrravj ruM.rir iininoMe or ire em my a laa BjcitObU

any ot joo. fifniwt hotflrm aud aixty tww' Apprvtad, February B, lt.Mo 41,

Jolat foaftatloa of loanka to Canfala Odium. . ftt.ftai Ltoariins:, and 1- -0 turn acoar Uiorr ottBtnanrl

Rea-irr- That tho tha.-,k-a of CoTJB-.OMa- am!n..1y doe.aoa ato borehy cordially girto, to CVpu a Od ry.)i.ibi l.tear nant 1 ivnara novung. ana in rtnyoneMa eoaipci:rf tbe Darla (J nid ctider their c rn--sua- -, tor tw ir oaring, gau.-.n- t and toccea-M- I ! froce.fh.b'a Paro.Trxat, agtiaat tba altaok Baxbib .,(bs CDOtoy. on tho eighth of -- eptember laat.wilba

11 are goDtioau an 1 rwaty two atenrala. ra:rying a land I. rco of fifteen tbcxMtud rnei.

Kraotrro, ittat tms flHfiic, na ttii g, tindor tlProTtdeaco ol U4 in tkn dif-at- of theirerar. tlw. dedcaptaretf two gn b a'a with more than three lmr..lira prior nara tar hiding tb o mwandsr o) tbs ft ret.;100 crppntf 1 a I'.ita ca,tDo of tlxtranos-jfti- , and pr-ron- tl- f 'he irrlon of Ti:xa, ooriiKtna. a tne o;jiioti 01 u njr'.t. not or tuc noi

'.riiriart her lo acb'ern.i-n-t ia tbo Mtrory of thewar, and tha Dnvia (aarU U tbe Kratitudoa-- d ' m;tn cf their c iun:ry.

- u aai-- Bj mat ina rie-we- te rrqtiawj a. cor.nbicaiott hteg ing ni ioi.a to 'Idlust

f.te:.t rjant ';towl tbo men aodtr their rm'43HD1. . I. J.

ApprriTl, Faoraary 8, 1SI4.

Jint a if Ion of tbfttikvtoO n'-ra- l s-- J, artoe ai d o l rto c n ni.tod, la.! their d -

t Charleatoa, fioith CurnLna .

by tho Cor rrea of te C nVdctatr State--

of ori',a. a hat the th nka of f Vncnaa ant c mli.ei.tIr doe, ir& are beivhy r n ia 'j tr r d'trd 'i; tieta ra'. f. It".uirva-J- , and tbe ffi era and nr. not bi--oTiroan.i, lor thir gllau tu t mi c 'ul anyC.'iarira oa t nrh Carolina dt'i" e wM bktll, i.rro. u acd trntcry ed bv the ti'lendciJ: nr aa a'tatk )ai;J:f ia Wtifr - nt:etber ti.e p r tiut tT.-Uo- t in one ixy r bia n'.m it re-irr- c 11 th nit i n

prored aad J. rtni able aril d the tchA DC-r- .-l i'ajtimaaf war bitbcroi k 1 to -- i jastly . 1 1 tl- - d to

a- -. pron'-onc- i d. ( br mi hirt sir r.nd g .tii.ti r-

flio rJ. Ihixt lh- - rrvM.-r- t be rrqt'tid to Cjinooni-Hi- a tha faiornc 5j.r .u tolit-n-- I Bear --

rar-1 and tr.icfll era i.i.--l n o.' b a c..u,iu.-.c-AyprcteJ . Januaiy 0 11. 4.

No 43Joint rnr.lntlon of t auk a to k'ajr C ner-- Patrick toit t m.Tee .10 tacTrtr r- - cd men aid rLI 4

c rr.nij d, lor ii.-t-l jt tl.-i- re-- e- - at Cnirg-'-U- !

titp, 11 ino Mile ti-nii(- tr 27, 13.3Ibti'T'd T'althetht-k- a 1 1 Ct tr;-- -f ate .liie'aid

tro bare'..- - Und-rd- . tt UaJ r -- ftr l l'.Uri k R Cii of'.ur-ie- . and C8ce avo.l men h a co-- - n:.or t'i-ri- c ory obtai ed ry t!.e-- n o er fnpii-.- f .rirtof tbo at hincv":d.(t p.iu the fate if t;.rrK'u oora th? 7.h uy ol N rrrbr, 'K.JI ly whlc- - t'.o t

rao e tf w.a irutcJr-l.oo- r wf;on rtnltd mr.'t ol r.rtiiiery a .el, nJ a ligo njf tie enemy ki ed tl uoded.

l:''i.rJi, l hat tse. ptei leut be rrqate j to comtinticate tb f -e ieao!u ia to taj-- r Ceuerj! tic

a.'id hi cnaaiod.Ap. r.rl F'bru ry '.

Fi.snt the M act.a Coa frU rate; THK tir THE lRf St,

The wrilcr rivi I'j rem nca sro.-.- i

a tn nth nioco th- - wa C 'ni ?ionc;"f in a ao-liot- -o

cotiftrT rrffirJol by bo lt pjrt to ax van ralCjf jnn.l, l.ttt Ibo inba'-- i a:i a iltereaf a o!ho tro. (tret cc:6'ion prncliTim-a- . Tt j

iixd o!'u bien toaob-- d by Ibo 1 u I? It r.d !

lorwar b'-- d.!B-l- a i w nd 1' u nicjr b.lel lhtItrd at il nn t!ar.unc:ai"n (rom on U;tih Laobo n i iTuv-- d aa n-i- t it. It wn o:ico tbaiioot) 01 tho b'h-f- it typo of roin, bat thrutho railra1, te'egraph, u.a'N, ani noair

of asricultora' hai-lirrxf- t h l b-r- i

of01 u phrd in r.n-- i commoo rcio ia tba ro.-ir- x

f blA id aar. , ..Sj c 'injr'ieteJy rn fV.o rqvir;bn"um '-- f oc5- - crn

y broken up that the e.ii wo.o in aeUto nf nnxtefy n:jJ alarm : aKmn k;n

iled and kep- - a ire t-- tho c ncanf and oa.tyJicn oo 0 orico ol the tiovctntsn'a of ilua do my. Erry I .ne lravo.l.r lhat a.el lbroad was dailcd wiiboot coromony and cIcMb'jqioaiit.ed a;. m tho novo. Ever? ot.o iaaomcrthiri new to t!l, and i n two of il em i.dtho o.-m- a a'o'y to rolao, hat gurally they allLai t.edradal eu.-n- adrvtun., ons ct

.O.ho; ro TWaophad rtiUopapf:. vft

th'ao ttonea, lop cff tbo auafl aud kmctkom the plain trerh. It is trao a ntray cpyof an a a rlato or- - Wd get ioti tho neign

. . 1 1 . r 1 . 1 . 1 f.D! n cu, an 1 wirn iiprntrn, luoiergnoorswould eo-irc- trjithor for 11 1 or. aronnd, ar.djjot borao 00 of tb ir t utib-- r to cQ.m-uo- o a'

h- - bcgiatiir-- and read ercry lino m it. IIwoi.l ot:rn roan?crfal!y rena-fe- d t rt...''a rnoof to atticlea ihrro or ton- - t iBs, ia or. bydor th-- tt a perfect a.uderataiiUirg m jht bo ar-riro- d

t.It aa remrktblo that no oat hd oio word

of abna for tho popor, received that whichwarn at at 0.1 aarnrntro an.l report fr i; whilwat ota'rd, and oefcr' lacsiiouad that jrhiek IIwit rat down aaact.

Tbia na'.cral, for they Lad been w't .'.barers bi !onr that they had ihoroirhlr harjied their raii9in had Itaroori the tl (T. riucabetween alorira pr.-a- d fr jea one nuan to anothr, and t'ia printed tuatter in U10 ClarLBi cfa ion na . Tlioy a rnoko tl ether day.wh-- n the mail bronht the daiiy prota 10 thtr

ffi-- o erory day, and how I til they tboa aadotatood a d apt rectate i ita ra;aaion.

It was ao insiruo iro ch.tor lo na. ana welearned to think more highly of lb ara thanovor. Any not.b arhool dt-prir- of it weald Sbe in ti.e tamo way.

Wr have ..tue:i in a w a'lrd t'ant the pre soeoull avory where ba Btia.-e- n ioI foraoirgl throoa'h, in order that tho people, tboeo h ilrca i'as el aa read it not, woold all 'e-- at ukn.w the g-e- character it mac ed i.i th- -

iraroa of li'e. It wou'd bo like withdrawn;.,one of tbe e rntial elements o- - natoio, r I kihr alirif tho aua in gt.jooa, and loanajm. .

grpn tbeir way in dark none.

Fmx aud Stmpt.-m- . Rnnaors of rccogn-- iliot ly France- - failtir,a and Ju it'ori of theatiemy in Mioeioippi, Nontiern Flor t';i

ida, Mob'l and Charleston the advance o!Yankee gold o 170 tho retttrn of Yauk-- e

trr-on- a to their liome siwprnaion of th dorjfa'i tbe di.traoe of Mvado tbe trrmliling natltinde ot WaH a rent -- the oppoaiticn of

Er Derby to the Sl'niatry, and incmaatOA itaa'i nci of the English peoplediappoiitoaeot at tho Nt rib Ia of cmhu-denc- e

and mnm-ntar- y of a financial panictnd rovidat on tnta-- t r a m ol thamns nfthe times ac 'os a the border, wbtoh bid nokovn bemrt ard h pe on.

11 iw aland wo at bom 9? Tho foarth yearof tbe war Iras ben maiuura'e'l w.lti a aenca

f snocese. 0K arroic a e etroug aid in hia6gbiifi trim; barg ge h.i g ne tr the rearand raen aro e'ripptd f--r battle; a bnoj a-t- t oflirs every whore prevails; 1 uoo in en

canso growe sa,ic, and Conf dir.a'e enrrctcybfgiuo to wear it-- rrjivrna-r- apect; g-d- irgoing down; apecnla i'n hs halted tor atune; prices cf atocka ard bxu:drare turab irg;and, in abort, we ab .w tjttt -- wmririni rcan ontt" botore which the New York Timet ataodJ . R i ikn ti a haincn between th- - two

ooaa and taxe caraire. O i ibe ne hai.d.ltn. weakn-'oa- , rl.'b, and int mal,,,.

"r,J given na the vict -- y 'hat webavo tfew mo naere and it

btb hereby toadrrod ta CoJoaal Th.maa CkLaaar.'aa oar own. South LnrottnUin.

1 ISM '

LwOTaatlt Bottrry le- - twr tke War., lCortrotfiead6 cf tba tny Bbt'.

Camp xkab Dratorou8."AL4 , 1

March 13 b, 18C4. fAt a mee'ticg; cf (he members of tLo LKk

iut Cattery, (commanded by Copt. U. L. Dar.March IS h, 1864, tte company fcaring

wiih tnach rntRBtiMm reenlraled for ths war,ho fallowing prrambhy and reaolntiona wera3Gs.nmoua!y adopted, t ril:

Wiikrcah, Tha bomoa of oar fathers and tbaand t.f our birth hae been rob-e- 7 iHa

byho mercenary aoldinry of a despoticaTorornraont, th:ch I ar, with deuooutao i'tituro, in tho laco ol Looaarjity and enHLtenedeutiment, sanctioned - the ontrngo of oor fair

iaag liters the tclrj-cti- on of car follnw-- c

lizms to a moat wantoa oruelty, and a rin-llctiv- e

gorort raont has h-.-- r le- -

jtnna upon ua fur the avowed pttrpoea cf aab--j!gliou Bud the cQapiirg of puri-tanic fatatiiiain, the coiiim,tn'in c-- f v.h'chwill ""I'Ytrr Ifnt ifTrrrril-1!!- ! nif 1 a. laaraa

lonorod ir.s itvitians and tbo rrriurtion of ourbrave at, 1 free poopio to m at !era..l'!t gaiate tf .,a'ae Alihonglt wo deprecate acor.titiUation cf hostilttico, are will'ig a

and all tinna lu accat an h b the ta is of ecparAto and indepouden'

itio: a!-ty- . a. ill o aro nn willing to yio.d anct of teihturj, or Kacnfico a airglo lioi.or-t- b Tl:..t the govorcmcut of tin

Ubtt'.l S att.-- 8 coi iKtcfcd 1'ie prcaet.fdnholy etniilo, which s!.e hai ind need . in acc.trda'-c-a with (ho t..age oi ciTilizv w-fr-


aud ha.t aot ccrupt?d to use tie" m t b.irliar-o- ut

mcanB 'or the aceoniplifchniM.t ot h rmickcJ lrs'i0i of rpoliation and degrdation

a grout Ai d fruo poopio. D-- - iiItwAced, Tliat we bavir g unite J on d?-- 1 nr

wlt'--i tiat of the Southern cA'J.e in the riutrt-- l

tho 'trai, from tno'.ives or pttriotltita til cue.aud rui-t- y of U4 hiving well trgh served unt

timrj cf without the f j'l accoru-plit-harj-

tf the purposes and ohjo'j forivliigji wV cnl'.red tho rtertrice, ("iftt h.iu inde-pct.dnc-

wo J. . Iborofuro plodge oataolrcs1 to fofk our atandarda iu llio presont

cri-i- o, and drea.w our Jo.-;a- pl.-dc- s romil i in i ho aervico of tho Cjcfdaratotor, aud durin, t::e term of tha war.

IxtaJreJ. Taat wo hava a eympathy ia cjmmo-- . wi:h our brolhr Tennos-reeius- ,

a-i- d .t.h

err, who are exiled fo:n their Iioinrj and ttp- -

aratod fr-rs- tLe r families, and bjtemnlii.o theexample of ihesohlicra I rota tha proud vc.ut

S.a'io in thia act of reocnliat.'ij, an I withIht-- renew car pledgea of CJsljiy, arid rwearicror lo lay low.i oar armi until wo wientb

from the bonds of oor deepoljc oppressors thobon of freed via aod the petccful enjoymttit

oar homes and tho eiciety. ol oar families.Resolved, That wo believe every tiuoSvU:h- -

man s'ioa d 'battle with ebergctic vigorvinl enr inahenablo righto bhall have beeusecured, aad wo can trausait to poetority, na- -bletn'tihud, the hori!asi of a goodly land.

IZtsoloed. That ac-jp- y of the fjiooin pre--ttiib- lo

and rtadutiona be forwa-d- d to thrhlnoxrills atd Atlanta Hcgiater, Cl:at ancogand Mine t It -- tel. and the Knuw YLiid

(Jtuci vjr, and tbt aame bo placed upon lecoidtho c m;iiiy book.

Liini. R L Watkiks, Icst.rp't Jonx H. I'arskr, Sco'y.

A T. Ilack.t'. A. L Jataagui, J. M. G ay,C. Andctsou, E. G. Crawford, Commi t..

Spractt f Vlra rrraldcnt Steptiena.A correapO'idiU of tho Macoti lel'tjrnph

xprak-- t thus of tho speech rectm ly dvivtrcdiC4 l rosmcnt fc. phonsat MiiloJ javiUo.Mitxr.raKViLLt:, March 16, 18C4. P M.

Hjd. A li. (Slephoua delircioJ an addressto-i- i '', to a vc y crowd 3-- 1, enm-pofl- 3d

of meinho.o of the v and ladit-- and geotlcmswof the citynnl vicini'y.

tHko wo houro and fa ir minates, in tcaloi rovit wof tba eatidiiioa aod proiipecia ottbo cou .t y, f--

d the lato aca ot 0'nioti.lla expo-- u confidence la oar ab Itty to aqcmpita'a our i'.idepend see, and on aofltdhrtpefutiieRB and peraiatou.e. lit titrjicdmuch enre to t!i aospenaion of tha writ olhabeas c rpo. ilo adiujited it atMpetiaio.-i- n

a ptopor way t- - bo oonatii attunal, t ut ai tiulaitiod ibat tho bid aa pacoxd Conicrn-d- , a d ngercuo and iroproper power,-a- s it dipnsni!with the oath uuder which arrests thcu d beaile, and left it to the. power of tiio rroMiJcm,

creiary cf War, and conraandant dlcpriuieait,aud their iRnr,

anest ci" z wimou; ajy ep c ngcau3 o' iho aria. h it ti t !a tt o

d with the Prtfiil nt or otlu--r ollic- - ta o:lWhom this exiraoul tary pawor

. ia c:ifoetihat ab ,a-- a ot ii tn i:'i; bo ii -- ca-J wrJiomth-- i r kvow''g9. Tll3 inain oi-jr- of the bidevideiit'y waa ta k ep tho prmci ialt gsubaMiu'eit, Iroui ) po.linx 'O th. cuttr 8.

Ho rovi-to- d ti.e ci-tc- y ol ibe vrit ofand it-- lj nr. 1 1 wan to pu-

led cit z lit from the g:w cf arbitrary poe wnh .ut a boaiitig He t'id appreciate

eeie-ftii- y f'r ua bo p miiun, bat adjiit-tir.- ;

it obe r.cci' was in away tffit-s- i ro arid daiKtraua to freotnen I an 1 it wo

lift protect against it. il maylo frt-n- d onaa the pobey ol ibe gorenrnta'. I i pr.

testing aainnt it, we aro not p.mlrg .hGovertmii', meraly rx-.rcii- n,i a r;ghi andprnner or.l'Citode for individual 1 1 1.alindet! brii fly to the Carrency and Mdita-- y

biita, llo tboilit tho currei crbill aevrre. Ilo thoBht tho ildi'ary

x cTed. wiB d le f'a because tt wutiU di- -

rumirh tle producing chsea to f uuh i t ni

as to in:'ifjro wzh iho n c na-- ysop-plie- n

er fiod. These were the. c'ref inpici ofThoagh io IroMo h-- a h, he ti

Inbred t ward the close of his epe ch. mnchtin eld tve n1 tl qtorcj lor which li is

li.urgu ahed.-- o .

majik Forms. The l!ni h Tt-- ol tho'eo U.ii' a qa. tit'S 'ho CmM ra b G .)

to i3it pese after v ry vie o.--y a-.-

ve y u her favorablo occati m, on the piiu-ctpl- rs

of 177C Now, a we tbi h-j- e f r fro-- q

tct-- tvic-otie- and fivjrablo ocov-ina- , if leeminent cd-it- s the euffo.ttcia. wo tvro

tb lojrihl it nm furnish blank frmt to

c norroad into anch a weatinora of war, aa toho'd out the hope ed final y wh-p- ,. ng n, into

s'rite; and on the ether, 're-- h c arage,sre wrtt ng We aro aa anx oco f or p ne aastrength, fat h and unity of pu po e. It uvjany man in the world, bnt there n-- i polity totl a cont'aet cheriiig, and should w not lo be eh-rv- ed in making even a pri fJir of peace,

tbat overmlieg power whtch ha ro- As afftirn atand. vrv one we matte will be cle.tu




Number .87.

TELEGRAPHIC.Reports of Ihc Press Assedallta

Entertd acewdtBg to tbe act of Coniiaan nt tl0)rear 1M3. bv J. S Tnittsnxw. la Uo Cierk'a caBce atthe DiatrlctOHirt'rribeCotdrderate State lor UwNonbertt Dlatrtct ol Oaorgl c

Georgia Logtalatraro.MiLitDocviixrt, Mach 19 Tha UottwB foA

ooasidered tho Tate an the postage of tL BanuLinton Stephens' regulation, on th aetioei ofCong reus anependieg tbe writ of haboaa oorpnaby the casting vat of the opakor

becoxd dispatcbMiM.rDGicvii.Lx. March 19 Tb aotsrioti af

the LegUla'.are will be prolonged till to-nl- Bt.

From the Sortta.Richjcihd, Marc' 19. Tbo New York IIr-- a'

1, f the 14ih iott , has bon-roeeivs- d. Itcontains rotbirg of special import no.-- G jv.JJrAOiblytte, of Kentucky, f lmeaitrai-- l

ar;aitit tho entiat'uont of a'avoa In that Staktjand baa notiQad Lincola that ha will tttttlthe Uwb of Kentucky against all who iittwaipt'ta take frjta their owqotb without tblrcornant.

Gen Grant will re'orn toTVfathiegto, It Li

announced, in the Courso of tro ot thrweek 4.

Gold cn tl. 13 !, ICO.

. Analbtr Arrival of Priaowara.rtieiiM ,kd, March 19 Th steamer WBJ

Yo k haa atriv 1 at City Point, with savehnortd priva'oi, sixty officers, and fa:ltl C.

I Ira daya tattr front iba Wortbi -- A atM

ttraft nittartd by l.tntai.Hiciim nd. March 20. tTuited States papers

t 'hi 17 h i utaut wore received thia morm

ijg nt Ci'y Point,The Washii'on diepa'clioa atate poa it! rely

hat Mialo will 1 snnetcedod next weatHis erccesnor is not named.

L nt ln has ordered another draft lor Cwtfhn-jdro- thousand men, to take plaoa oa tn15 h April, ty provide an adeqaat teoerrforce for all contingencies.

It was believed io Now York thai tha Italifn f!i:p Regulaatnm fcnndard at a aa tk7 b intt , with 4 CO men cn board.

Tho bill authorixiig the sal of gobi paaaodboth brAnchfH.of Cot grefB. Gold closed atI CL 03 the afternoon of tho same day, lh ifitkin New York.

Eiroean advice 3 at late as th 6 lb ceatitianothii g coLSina'ory of the recegnitiaa rnaters.rrxc-pt- a stat jmeut that Mason has return-- taL tiion, it ia rtippoasd in connection wita thategod rccegaitiau for reconciliations.

1ec:xd bldPATCa.Hiciim-ind- , March 20. Gen. W. P. Smllk,

of tho Federal army, la reported aaaigwo4 at'io command of tbe army of the Potoaaa atiho rcqnest r.f Grant.

The New York World denounce Ilatlet asa mil c'.cus human bru!e.

A dangerous of feeling Is growirg apat the West. Ti.e Democrats ar orgajaisias;in f ecret lo protect themtotves agaiaaC tk taidiois, ho are ccmmUtiog outrages w from the military authoritisau 'aaChicago Tit:icy ud vires armed resistance line!

re'ulia'.fon A Jetter from Tallacdixhtiss glss milaf couiiel to the Daxiocrats.

The smallpox is spreading in th West. AICincinnati it ptara la to a grater xtoat tkafwaa cvor koowa b8fo-e- . At Clsvolan 1 twalvhuudrrd cares are reported.

Ficicont supercedes Gilmore lo Fiona1 a.Xira. Deauregard s funeral took plane oa tba

31 it st., and was attended by over six tktKrand persons. ,

Maximilian arrived at Paris oft th (ilk last.;and it bt reported Le wi l embark for VfsiJoO

ontho 25tli.Oj t!u 17-- h geld advaaced ia New Totk.

at 163(J aut formally fakes command of th Fed

era! rtm'e. wifu beafqnarters for tbi pvatia4with tho army of tho Potomac

The rett rned prirtera arrived tbi alter-no- r

n. Thnre aa an tm-pan- coeeoaras ofpo':le at the aharfsndoa Capitol aqtar.and tho rr c"ption was characterizing tkrottgk-iu- ;

by the nio?t m.boa-ide- enthosiaiaa

thio oisriTcii.fii.Ltnnxv.t.c Mach 19. Both brai-- k

. . . a . 'ao' ti'Hirtria U9gt-iatnr- e nave auopiea I ton..ton S ephenn resolutions, oa tb tormi by

tilrch thooM 1h nonzht by tbo Confod--r.rato G 'venxne it, and on tba actiea of s f nipnd ng th wilt of habeas corpus.

Ti-e- hav aluiadoptol a resolntina tataiagnv-- r to tho C in'trdora'o service all.poraarts irth 8'ato between the agea of esvottUoa ea4e;gh.en, and forty-fiv-a ad fifty.

ANn, nnaniranus'y. resolutions exprocioias;in tho Prid n, aad tkaakir; tk

Geotia troop for re enheticrThe L"gisla'ure lias ajonrnod, aia di.

Tlie chronicle of t month' vrorrtvt mfthe rebd odtcn Iran it extremely iiitertiag.I vr tm pt'-- o I m tbo tnarkit aboat tb 1st arfMtrcb 1 ef3 nt fmr nr five per cert. ptoaf.n-- o nu tho 90 pa d vfor each 10(1 aba.Dnrit-- c April and May th l aa aont dewa tfour ner cent. Jicubt Tb victortoe f JlreCbt it down o sine or ten. Tb rap tar fot Chat-anong- a reduced It below thirty prrytit. di-cou- nt. Tlie battle of ItaicteaaeagrrCMi-- eJ it tora lr, but failed t lift it abwviix The succss of Ca. Ooaat --

beat i down to fifty, where it has skrwrw.settled away to thirty-sev- en A4a-vf- fr


OAfl !,BS. OLD tTPEatCTl.or oat. iwrry tartj r ' r or oddites FkaC at. PTU,

marl tf BcbeComoo. lUriaiaa, wv

ft RRVT A ?antt Oottare. ee-xpk-tely

ed. for rent. A, p y toAIK at. t,JLia.Ln.

raart-- 1 w. CctaJ-ae- nt Oaatpv