the churches pcc annual report for 2016.pdfthe churches of...

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178 1 The Churches of St Mary, St Michael, St Paul, The Parish of Hellesdon The Diocese of Norwich Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Parochial Church Council for the Year Ending 31 December 2016 Incumbent: Revd Anne-Louise Alder Bankers: Barclays Bank Plc. School Road, Drayton, Norwich, NR8 6DN and Central Board of Finance, Church of England, London. Independent Examiner: L A Inglis 4 English Road, Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7RL Correspondence address: The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG Treasurer: Mr Andrew Alder The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG PCC Secretary: Debbie Cronk c/o The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG

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Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


The Churches of St Mary, St Michael, St Paul,

The Parish of Hellesdon The Diocese of Norwich

Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Parochial Church Council

for the Year Ending 31 December 2016

Incumbent: Revd Anne-Louise Alder

Bankers: Barclays Bank Plc. School Road, Drayton, Norwich, NR8 6DN and Central Board of Finance, Church of England, London.

Independent Examiner: L A Inglis 4 English Road, Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7RL

Correspondence address: The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG Treasurer: Mr Andrew Alder The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG PCC Secretary: Debbie Cronk c/o The Vicarage, Broom Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 6LG

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Annual Vestry Meeting

To be held at St Paul’s Church, Hellesdon

on Tuesday 4th April 2017 at 7.00pm Agenda: Opening prayers Item 1 Appointment of clerk to record the minutes of the meetings Item 2 Apologies Item 3 Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting 19th April 2016 Item 4 Election of Churchwardens

Annual Church Meeting to be held at St Paul’s Church, Hellesdon

on Tuesday 4th April 2017, following the Annual Vestry Meeting Agenda: Item 1 Minutes of the Vestry Meeting and Annual Church Meeting held

19th April 2016 Item 2 Matters arising Item 3 Adoption of Electoral Roll Item 4 Presentation of Accounts for 2016 Item 5 Adoption of Reports Item 6 Election of Deanery Synod members Item 7 Election of Parochial Church Council members Item 8 Election of Independent Examiner Item 9 Vicar’s report Item 10 Any other business Item 11 Date of first meeting of the new Church Council Closing prayers

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


The Churches of St Mary, and St Michael and St Paul Hellesdon

Minutes of the Annual Vestry meeting held on 19 April 2016

at St Paul’s Church, Hawthorne Avenue, Hellesdon at 7.00pm. Present: Reverend Louise Alder (Chair), Andrew Alder, Margaret Abbott, Milee Brambleby, John Bridge, Marie Bridge, Rachel Bridge, Beverley Cleland, Brian Cleland, Paul Corder, Alf Cossey, Angela Cossey, Andrew Cossey, Kate de Vries, Dolly Fordham, Rachael Graham, Michael Harrington, Monica Harrington, Ron Harvey, Gloria Hawes, Barbara Hewitt, Ray Hewitt, Frances Hofgartner, Fred Hofgartner, Neville Jones, Freda Lane, Carole Mighell, Gavin Moon, Jayne Moon, Roy Murton, Trevor Nickerson, Kevin O’Grady, Doreen Piloni, Bobby Smith, Ginny Smith, Coryn Stanforth, Christine Stebbing, Freda Wilkins-Jones and Debbie Cronk (minutes) Apologies: Ruth Alder, Maggie Bloom, Phil Bloom, Bramwell Chapman, Felicity Chapman, Tina Corder, Martin Graham, Denys Holmes, Jo Holmes, Margaret Murton, Linda Nickerson and Lou O’Grady. Reverend Louise welcomed everyone and explained the running order for the meetings. She then opened the meeting with a prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer. 1. Appointment of clerk to record the minutes All were in favour of Debbie Cronk taking the minutes of the meeting and LA thanked her for all she does for the parish. 2. The apologies are recorded above. 3. Minutes of the Annual Vestry meeting Ginny Smith proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st April 2015 be adopted, Paul Corder seconded and all were in favour, except three people who abstained as they did not attend. There were no matters arising. 4. Election of Churchwardens Reverend Louise thanked Ginny Smith and Margaret Abbott for keeping things in order at St Mary’s and St Paul’s and for all the extra things they do. She also thanked Milee Brambleby and Paul Corder for acting as assistant wardens. She feels that this new regime has worked well and would like it to continue. Ginny Smith is standing down this year after 10 years as Churchwarden. Reverend Louise gave her a gift in thanks for her years of service. Reverend Louise then read out the nominations for Churchwardens for this year as follows: Melissa Jane (Milee) Brambleby nominated for St Mary’s by Ginny Smith and seconded by Jane Houseago Margaret Abbott nominated for St Paul’s by Roy Murton and seconded by Paul Corder. All were in favour of both being elected.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Assistant wardens will be appointed at the first PCC meeting. Ginny Smith expressed thanks to Reverend Louise for all that she does for the parish, so much of which goes unseen by most of us. She said that we are also very blessed to have Coryn Stanforth working as a Reader in Hellesdon. She then gave them each a gift of an orchid to show our thanks. She also thanked Andrew Alder for all he does to support Louise and as PCC Treasurer and gave him a thank you gift of a bottle of wine. Before closing the Vestry meeting Reverend Louise thanked Beverley Cleland for the beautiful wall hanging she has made for St Paul’s. The meeting closed at 7.16pm

The Churches of St Mary, and St Michael and St Paul Hellesdon

Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church meeting held on 19th April 2016 at St Paul’s Church, Hawthorne Avenue, Hellesdon at 7.32pm.

Present: Reverend Louise Alder (Chair), Andrew Alder, Margaret Abbott, Milee Brambleby, John Bridge, Marie Bridge, Rachel Bridge, Beverley Cleland, Brian Cleland, Paul Corder, Alf Cossey, Angela Cossey, Andrew Cossey, Kate de Vries, Dolly Fordham, Rachael Graham, Michael Harrington, Monica Harrington, Ron Harvey, Gloria Hawes, Barbara Hewitt, Ray Hewitt, Frances Hofgartner, Fred Hofgartner, Joyce Jolly, Neville Jones, Freda Lane, Carole Mighell, Gavin Moon, Jayne Moon, Roy Murton, Trevor Nickerson, Kevin O’Grady, Doreen Piloni, Bobby Smith, Ginny Smith, Coryn Stanforth, Christine Stebbing, Freda Wilkins-Jones and Debbie Cronk (minutes) Apologies: Ruth Alder, Maggie Bloom, Phil Bloom, Bramwell Chapman, Felicity Chapman, Tina Corder, Martin Graham, Denys Holmes, Jo Holmes, Margaret Murton, Linda Nickerson and Lou O’Grady. Before the meeting started, Reverend Louise pointed out two corrections for the Annual Report, as follows:

Page 17, line four; the total number attending services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day should be 197 and not 19

Page 18; Milee Brambleby was PCC Vice Chair and not Ginny Smith. 1. Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church meeting 21st April 2015 Fred Hofgartner proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st April 2015 be adopted as a true record and Freda Lane seconded. Two people who were not at that meeting abstained and all others were in favour. Reverend Louise then signed them. 2. Matters arising There were no matters rising from the minutes.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


3. Adoption of Electoral Register Reverend Louise referred to the item called Church Membership on page 7 of the Annual Report and reported that two further names have since been added to the Electoral Register making the final number 124. Ginny Smith proposed that the Electoral Register is adopted, seconded by Kevin O’Grady and all were in favour. 4. Presentation of Accounts for 2015 Andrew Alder introduced the Annual Accounts on pages 9-13 of the Annual Report and expressed his thanks to Les Inglis who had once again independently examined the accounts and it had cost us just the price of a meal for Les and his wife. Andrew went on to say the accounts do balance and highlighted the following points:

The General Fund ended the year with a higher balance than the previous year

Receipts were broadly up a little bit on the previous year

Expenditure is where he would like it to be

Insurances now show as a specific item in the accounts. Premiums have reduced this year following a review of the policies

There has been a problem with the electricity bill for St Paul’s but this has now been addressed

Charitable giving has now been included in the report and shows that as a parish we are not far short of tithing

The Endowment Funds (page 11) were not included in last year’s accounts as Andrew hadn’t been aware of their existence (he had only recently taken over the accounts)

Reverend Louise thanked Andrew for producing the Annual Accounts and for managing the parish’s finances week by week. She said that that we have paid all the Parish Share we were asked to pay for 2015 but this is still not the full Parish Share sum. Andrew Cossey proposed that the accounts are adopted, seconded by Milee Brambleby and all were in favour. Brian Cleland asked if the changes to the insurance cover was decided by PCC, and it was confirmed that it was. Neville Jones said that members of our congregations also give charitable donations individually which isn’t shown in the Church accounts. Reverend Louise responded to say that the sums donated to Christian Aid, Children’s Society and Leprosy Mission are reflected in the appendix reports but it is impossible to reflect personal charitable giving in the accounts. Andrew finished by saying that he is always willing to answer any questions about the parish finances as it is important to be open and transparent. 5. Adoption of reports Reverend Louise referred to the reports which are on pages 6-18 of the main report and in the appendix.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Roy Murton referred to Page 7 Objectives and activities and asked about the state of the car park at St Paul’s. Reverend Louise said that she will address this under any other business. Ginny Smith proposed the adoption of the Annual Report, seconded by Brian Cleland and all were in agreement. Andrew Cossey proposed the adoption of the Appendix report, seconded by Kate de Vries and all were in agreement. There were no questions about either parts of the report. 6. Election of Parochial Church Council members PCC members Page 18 of the report shows those who served as PCC members in 2015. Those who are standing down this year because their term of service has come to an end are Christine Kinrade, Kevin Payne, Kevin O’Grady and Freda Wilkins-Jones. After they have taken a year out they can then stand for election again if they wish. Reverend Louise gave each of them a gift of thanks. Four nominations for new members of PCC have been received for 2016 as below and Reverend Louise suggested that they are voted in en bloc: Gavin Moon and Jayne Moon have been proposed by Ginny smith and seconded by Monica Harrington; Ray Hewitt has been proposed by Roy Murton and seconded by Paul Corder; Rachel Bridge has been proposed by Andrew Cossey and seconded by Kate de Vries. All were in favour of all four being elected as PCC members. Reverend Louise welcomed them to serve until 2019. Deanery Synod representatives Andrew Alder, Milee Brambleby and Paul Corder will continue as Deanery Synod representatives but Kate de Vries wishes to stand down. Michael Harrington is willing to stand; he has been nominated by Fred Hofgartner and seconded by Ginny Smith. All were in favour. 7. Election of Independent Examiner Reverend Louise reported that Les Inglis, who examined our Annual Accounts last year and this year, is willing to continue. Andrew Alder proposed that Les Inglis is elected as independent examiner, seconded by Paul Corder and all were in favour. 8. Vicar’s Report Reverend Louise presented her report as below, copies of which were available after the meeting:

2015 has been a busy year as you can see from the Annual Report. There have been opportunities for us to get to know each other better and to grow in our faith and discipleship, through social events, learning together and sharing in worship and I want to thank each one of you for the part you have played in making these opportunities possible.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


It has been a delight and privilege to welcome Coryn in ministry amongst us this year. I have valued her support and I know many of you have been encouraged by her presence here with us. In terms of my wider ministry I continued throughout last year to serve the work of the Diocese as a member of the Children and Families Task Force and as of the beginning of this year have been appointed as the Convener of the Task Force. This ministry has involved me in the Royal Norfolk Show and supporting training events, for example leading the worship for the Mothers Union training day – Sacred Times. Our ministry and visibility within the local community has increased over the last year. In terms of schools work, Heather Avenue Infant school reception class visit us 3 times a year instead of once. I now take half’ termly full school assembles in Kinsale Junior and termly festival assemblies in Kinsale Infant school as well as some class work with them. I sit on the Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel and have been spending time with the clerk and chair of the Parish council, looking at how we support each other. The tragic incident of the explosion in Harford paint shop with the death of 2 workers brought the parish church and the invitation to myself to represent the church and speak on the role of the church speaking for the community into both local press and TV news coverage last summer. All of this work is supported within our Mission Strategy plan which has been a considerable part of the focus of the work which you have all had an opportunity to be involved in. We have carefully reviewed what we do, the resources we have and how best we can serve the community that God calls us to engage with in his name.

On a personal level I have been encouraged by the commitment of each one of you in God’s service, to each other and to me, and I would like to thank you for your support. I have also felt my ministry challenged and have been saddened by those who have chosen to leave St Paul’s to worship elsewhere, because they are unhappy about my leadership and the direction the church here is taking. It is always hard when committed members of a congregation feel this way and no matter what people say it does hurt at a personal level, and so I want at this point to thank those of you who have supported and encouraged me through the difficult times. I want to focus the final part of my report looking forward to the coming year and on “The story behind the figures”, - How far does the ministry of the church extend in terms of the people? Let’s look at page 16 in the main report. In terms of Sunday's collectively we are 90, not too bad for a Sunday congregation. The attendance figures rise for the festival Sundays due to family visiting, occasional attenders and those from other churches looking for a traditional style of service.

We have been thinking at our mission and ministry team meetings and at PCC about how we can enhance our ministry to those who we have contact with through what are known as the occasional offices, baptisms, wedding and funerals. Page 17 of our report tells us that 85 such services where conducted in 2015, so if we take average attendances of 40 at baptisms, 70 at weddings and 40 at funerals then we are having contact with approximately 3,550 people a year.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


We want to ensure that we work together extending God’s love and an opportunity to know something of his saving grace to each of these people in ways that are caring, welcoming and supportive. We have been looking at new material produced by the Church of England, and ways in which we can use them. We would like to have support couples for those getting married in our church, who will attend the marriage preparation and be there for the banns reading, support at Baptism services offering the welcome and leading the prayers and bereavement visitors. Over the next few weeks there will be more information about the support we are looking for and how to offer your help. I look forward to the rest of this year and into the years ahead as we continue together to engage in God’s Mission where ever that may lead us. After reading her report, Reverend Louise added that Coryn Stanforth has been accepted for a selection conference for ordained ministry on 16th May. Carole Mighell said that she is pleased to see that the names of Godparents are mentioned in Baptism service sheets. Joyce Jolly said that about 30 years ago we had a bereavement committee to support the bereaved which was found to be helpful. 9. Any other business Assistant Wardens The Assistant Churchwardens will be Monica Harrington for St Mary’s and Ray Hewitt for St Mary’s. The next Wardens meeting will be on Thursday 28th May. St Paul’s car park Reverend Louise explained that there are some bad potholes on the car park which are worse in winter. After a claim was made by someone who had a fall on the car park, our insurance company has stipulated that we must regularly inspect and monitor its condition. The holes will be filled with shingle in the next few weeks. We are not in a position to do anything more than that at present. Comment from Neville Jones Neville said that we need to be aware of and, where possible, involved in the development at the site of Norwich Golf Club which is to have homes built on it as it will have an impact on our churches. Comment from Alf Cossey Alf said it has been 8 years since his late wife Ann passed away and he wanted to say how much he appreciates the love and support of his family and people at Church since she died. 10. Date of first meeting of the new Church council Thursday 19th May 7.30pm at St Mary’s Community Room. Reverend Louise thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed with the saying of Grace.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


The Parochial Church Council Structure, governance and management The Parochial Church Council is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure. The PCC is now a registered charity, having registered with the Charity Commissioners in November 2011. The registration number is 1144178, and this number should be quoted on all official letters. PCC members are now trustees. The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. All church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to PCC. Specialist training is encouraged for PCC and lay members alike. Previous treasurers have benefited from workshops organised by Diocesan House. Child Protection training is, of course, mandatory for all those working with young people. The PCC adhere to the Diocesan Guidelines in regard to CRB checks and Enhanced Disclosures for all those engaged in working with children and young people. Monies have also been found to allow individuals to attend specialist training sessions. Objectives and activities The Parochial Church Council has the responsibility of co-operating with the Incumbent in promoting within the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social, and ecumenical. It also has to maintain the church buildings of St Mary’s, Low Road, Hellesdon, St Paul’s, Hawthorn Avenue, Hellesdon, the Coronation Hall, Hawthorn Avenue, as well as the grounds for these properties. St Mary’s Church and St Paul’s Church have adopted a mission strategy based upon the five Marks of Mission. Church Membership The Parish Electoral Roll for 2017 stands at 117 after 1 addition to and 8 deletions from the roll for 2016. Angela Cossey, Electoral Roll Officer Annual report of the proceedings of the PCC The PCC met six times during 2016.The Standing Committee which has the power to transact business of the Church Council between meetings, subject to any directions given to it by the Council, was not required to meet during 2016. However, Churchwardens meetings also took place regularly and they can constitute a Standing Committee should the need arise. Notes from the Churchwardens meetings were received by PCC as appropriate. M&M met three times during the year, and their discussions, based on various aspects of the Parish vision work, were reported back to PCC.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


At the January meeting, PCC had its first discussion about the refurbishments needed to the porch at St Mary’s and it was reported that the painting of the inside of St Paul’s was due to be completed before the Bishop’s Visitation on 14th February. In March PCC passed a formal resolution agreeing to support the ongoing ministry and development of Ruth Alder, Phil Bloom, Milee Brambleby, Andrew Cossey, Ginny Smith and Kate de Vries and asking the Bishop to formally approve them as Authorised Worship Assistants. Following the process of annual rotation Christine Kinrade, Kevin O’Grady, Kevin Payne and Freda Wilkins-Jones ended their term of office as PCC members at the APCM and four new members were welcomed: Rachel Bridge, Gavin and Jane Moon and Ray Hewitt. Also Ginny Smith will no longer be a PCC member as she has stood down as Church Warden. At the May meeting Milee Brambleby stood down as PCC Lay Chair and Andrew Cossey agreed to take on the role. Matters discussed included holding a parish service of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and the trees in St Mary’s Churchyard which were causing a problem for our neighbours in Braeford Close. At the July meeting, PCC discussed and agreed which contractor would be engaged to carry out the renovation of the porch at St Mary’s. In September, PCC discussed the condition of Coronation Hall and agreed that we take no more occasional lets due to the state of the building and look to moving regular bookings to St Paul’s. In November, PCC agreed that Coronation Hall be closed as from 1st January 2017 due to its rapidly deteriorating condition. Other issues discussed included the difficulty some people experience accessing the New Burial Ground. During the course of the year the PCC has also dealt with issues around building and ground maintenance, faculties and general items of correspondence. The reports of general activities that have taken place in the parish during 2016 are to be found in the appendix. Debbie Cronk, Parish Administrator and PCC secretary Financial Report and presentation of Annual Accounts for the year ended 31.12.2016 Andrew Alder reported that the annual accounts, as follows, have been prepared under a receipts and payments basis, balance, have been Independently Examined and presented to the PCC prior to this Annual General Meeting. They form the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2016. These accounts have again been independently examined by Mr Les Ingles, who examines the accounts of St Catherine’s Mile Cross. I wish to express mine and the PCC’s thanks to him for

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


undertaking this task for us. A full audit was not required as the ‘gross income’ through the accounts has reduced below the threshold for this need (£500k under the Charity Commission guidance). This was confirmed with the Diocese. Turning to the accounts I would highlight on the receipts side that the general giving has reduced due to a number of changes to the memberships of both congregations over the past 18 months. This has also affected the gift aid receipts. The net position looking at the first 5 lines is to see a reduction of £12730. On the plus side the Coronation Hall income has increased and with the move of most of the lettings to St Paul’s church following the hall closure, this income into the future will go into the general fund. You will also see on the receipts side the ‘profit’ from the Traidcraft activity which continues to grow, some donations to offset the cost of St Paul’s redecoration, a sizeable rebate from British.Gas which relates to St Mary’s church electricity(part over read meter and part wrong VAT rate charged),income re Family activity morning at St Paul’s (being donations and quiz evening), Donations for the Porch fund and bank interest – which this year I have fully apportioned to the general fund rather than adding pennies across all the various funds. Also worth noting is the Marlpit Choir activity which brought in £880.90 in donations (within Donations/sundry NB1) against the rental cost of Valley Primary School of £864.25 and Butterflies & Caterpillars activity which brought in £131 donations (within Donations/sundry NB1) against the rental cost of Marlpit Community centre of £956.25 and setting up costs for new play equipment, craft and training of £267.99 On the expenditure front we have contributed more in Parish share this year to last £48000 although less than that which was asked. Clergy expenses have risen but bear in mind we also have a Reader with us now. The parish expenses and upkeep of services should be viewed together and all other lines are not majorly different to previous year’s figures. Our charitable giving this year has seen gifts made to Mother’s Union £124, Leprosy Mission £57.48, Dementia UK £55, Christian Aid £70, Syrian Refugee appeal £1000, Macmillan Cancer support £67, Evangelical Alliance £50, Self Help Africa £420, Royal British Legion £150, Cpt Graham Nunn £500 (Total £2975) together with the annual Christian Aid week in May and of course people’s personal giving – a truly remarkable achievement. The Christmas service cash collections of £530 were also sent to Medicins Sans Frontieres to assist them with the crisis in Syria but was not sent until January. The overall position therefore is that the General fund is now technically overdrawn by £809 but our Designated and Restricted funds hold £21,016 & £39,581 respectively. (We are currently borrowing our own money for day to day running). Overall the church holds £59,788 in funds - £8,933 on Barclays current a/c £50,801 on CCLA deposit a/c and £54 in petty cash. The church also has 2 endowment funds administered by the Diocese as noted on the Trial Balance sheet totalling £27,432.61 Andrew Alder, Treasurer

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Hellesdon Parochial Church Council

Receipts and Payments Account for year ended 31 December 2016

Receipts 2016 2015 Payments 2016 2015

Planned Giving 41,220.33 49,686.34 Parish Share 48,000.00 46,500.00

Casual Giving (collections) 3,821.00 6,867.31 Clergy Expenses 1109.08 957.07

Community Room 485.00 605.00 Parish Expenses 4041.77 1873.49

Upkeep of Services 579.62 1,871.31

Gift Aid Tax Reclaimed 11,637.08 12,383.22

Donations/Sundry *NB 1 1,906.75 2,258.07 Insurance 2,213.83 2,131.78

Fund Raising 149.00 856.23 Admin& Secretarial 3,535.45 3,187.67

Fees (Wedding/Funeral) 11,224.00 11,503.00 Book Keeping & Accounts 650.00 738.63

Coronation Hall 5,889.77 5,079.24 Independant Examiner 40.00 35.00

Open Doors 1861.85 1624.96 St Mary's Total 9,504.78 8,983.26

Traidcraft 432.88 359.91 St Pauls's Total 5,511.44 3,515.37

St Paul's fabric/painting 220.00 Fresh Expressions 1,000.42 2,388.29

Utilities Rebate/sundry 1014.49 Open Doors 2001.94 1355.44

Family activity morning 814.87 370.00 Organists 1575.00 1820.00

porch 3897.55 Community Room 0.00

Bank Interest 205.88 0.00 Coronation Hall 3,774.96 3,040.60

Sub-Total 84,780.45 91,593.28 Family Activity morning 527.83 428.35

Caterpillers & Butterflies 1,088.07 225.11

Sundry *Nb 2 275.00 1,525.59

Sub Total 85,429.19 80,576.96

Legacies (usually restricted) 0.00

Restricted Funds 919.07 3,840.71 Restricted/Desig. Funds *Nb 3 8,914.63 8,159.41

Charity Collections 1,446.48 2,480.72 Charity Collections *Nb 4 2,975.48 2,362.72

Total 87,146.00 97,914.71 Total 97,319.30 91,099.09

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Trial Balance @ 31st Dec 2016

Unrestricted Gen Unrestricted Des Restricted Total


Opening Bal 4,676 18,957 45,373 69,006

fund tfr in 1,829

Income 76,313 10,667 1,121 86,851

Expenditure 83,627 7,779 5,913 97,319

fund tfr out 829 1,000

Balance 809- 21,016 39,581 59,788

Represented By


Current Account 8,933

Deposit Account 50,801

Open Doors Petty cash 54

Totals 59,788

Fees Account as at 31 12 2016 = £6,310.00 (to be apportioned in Jan 16 - disbursements, PCC & diocese)

The church also has 2 endowment funds held by The CBF Church of England Investment Fund.

These are administered by The Diocese, and the income is credited to St Mary's Churchyard & St Paul's

Major Repair fund respectively.

The fund balances as at 31.12.16 were:

for St Mary's Churchyard Fund £ 12555.90 11301.39(2015)

for St Paul's New church building £ 14876.71 13390.32(2015)

The capital can only be used in very limited circumstances due to the nature of the bequests.

Hellesdon PCC

£ £ £

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Movement of Funds: Totals



01/01/16 Receipts Expenditure



K N Lines (St Mary's) 4,255.61 1,950.00 2,305.61

St Mary's Flower 545.34 253.45 291.89

St Mary porch 3,897.55 3,897.55

PCC Disaster Relief 1,048.40 1,048.40 - to close

Fresh Expressions 829.44 829.44 - to close

St Paul's Bursary 463.00 48.25 511.25

St Paul's Fabric 1,164.34 220.00 1,384.34


St Paul's Hall 10,348.47 5,889.77 3,774.96 12,463.28

St Paul's Open Doors 302.78 611.85 751.94 162.69

Total Designated 18,957.38 10,667.42 8,608.19 21,016.61


St Mary's Churchyard 2,082.94 485.73 1,112.28 1,456.39

St Mary's Fabric 5,835.75 5,835.75

St Mary's Webb 13,721.10 13,721.10

St Mary's Thompson 2,280.60 2,280.60

St Mary's Organ 1,053.00 132.00 921.00


St Paul's Fabric 3,322.60 201.50 3,524.10 - to close

St Paul's Major Repairs 1,355.44 433.34 75.90 1,712.88

St Paul's New Building 6,682.48 6,682.48

St Paul's Family 48.25 48.25 - to close

St Paul's Youth 8,991.00 2,020.00 6,971.00

Total Restricted 45,373.16 1,120.57 6,912.53 39,581.20

Total all Funds 64,330.54 11,787.99 15,520.72 60,597.81

New Legacies/Bequests

Hellesdon PCC

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


St Mary’s Church Annual Report With a largely 14th Century building it is easy enough to have an annual round up focussed on flint and limewash. 2016 has seen a concerted effort to identify and raise funds for the refurbishment of our porch. As I write it looks as though that work will be started in the spring. I hope that the porch will then reflect the warmth, care and love demonstrated by the real Church – the people within the building. Whilst stuff stops working and bits drop off from time to time I don’t plan to say any more about them in this report. We have seen changes this year in our pattern of worship, change is always a challenge and many of us have had Sundays when we can’t quite remember what Service is happening at what time. The “oddness” of a different pattern of Services is now beginning to wear off and I know that many of us enjoy coming together as a Parish more regularly than I can ever remember. We have welcomed Authorised Worship Assistants from across the Parish to lead our worship and deliver reflections to help us think more deeply. Thank you for the warmth and support you have all shown as our AWAs explore their ministry with us. First Saturday Coffee Mornings supported Dementia Fiends, Macmillan, Poppy Fund and others. We hosted another successful Harvest Pudding evening and continued to be home to Bake and Knit and Natter. We have experienced the sadness that the passing of time brings, some of us have been ill, some of us have been carers and some of us have lost those we hold most dear. It’s hard. We try to make it less hard by being there for each other, reflecting God’s warmth. As Warden, I remember all too keenly the mistakes - the missing gluten free wafers, the scramble to find the right reading. But, as I set down the role of Warden to focus more fully on my family life, what I really remember is that for the congregation at St Mary’s, none of them matters. What matters is being together in the sight of God, loving Him and each other and the world. May God bless us all. Milee Brambleby St Paul’s Church Annual Report We are still continuing to meet for communion as a Parish either at St Paul's or St Mary's on the first Sunday of the month encouraging a different service of worship, on occasions we have been able to welcome Charles Read to officiate, Cafe style services are still giving a different aspect to worship once a month. In January we held a Christingle service helping to ease the busy time of Advent leading up to Christmas, it also helped to explain the reason to the congregation the meaning of the Christingle this was an enjoyable time, we also welcomed back Captain Graham Nunn for a quiz show on the Saturday evening then leading the service Sunday morning. February 14th was the Bishop’s Visitation service followed by lunch in Coronation Hall where Bishop Graham was able to speak to us all during lunch. The squirrel and badger classes from Heather Ave school walked round and we shared Easter activities with them also again in December with Christmas activities this is always a busy morning but most enjoyed by teachers and helpers.

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


April was the APCM held in St Paul's, we welcomed Raymond Hewitt to join us as deputy church warden to work alongside me. June saw the celebrations of the Queen’s birthday with a community concert of songs through the decades on the Saturday evening at the community centre then a picnic on the Sunday followed by Songs of Praise. Harvest was celebrated in September asking people to bring goods for the food bank which we continue to support and thank you all who fill the box each week with goods. We were also asked by NYC if the launch of their new bus could be held on our grounds which we accepted so again another visit from Bishop Graham to officiate the launch followed by worship and BBQ. Then the Advent season was very busy with a Parish service held in Valley school, we used the readings and theme based on the Jesse Tree this followed each service up to Christmas with a Nativity Service and Carol Service celebrating Christmas Day in St Paul's. We sadly lost a member early in December and I am sure we all miss Neville Jones. We also held a remembrance service for a Hellesdon High School pupil and a packed church with family and friends for James. The upkeep to preserve the building is ongoing but changes need to be made, but please continue to fill the church with love and grace in this unique building. Margaret Abbott and Raymond Hewitt

Authorised Worship Assistants A particular focus of my ministry in the parish has been the training of our group of Authorised Worship Assistants. We have held sessions about the theology of worship and the practicalities of leading services, as well as preparing intercessions, creative prayer and different spiritual styles. Some also participated in diocesan training about lay people leading worship. The six AWAs have developed a most valuable ministry in the parish during the last year in leading services of the Word in both churches. We are now in the process of arranging annual reviews with the current group of AWAs as well as making plans to train others that God is calling to this ministry. Coryn Stanforth

Report of Reader/Lay Minister On a personal level I have been privileged to regularly lead worship and preach within the parish and have valued opportunities to lead study groups. Learning to take funerals has been a blessing and has added another dimension to my ministry. I have continued at a diocesan level to mentor Readers in training as well as some teaching of both ordinands and Readers in training. I am very blessed to be able to serve God in such a supportive parish and much appreciate this. I would also like to thank Louise for the many opportunities she has given me to share in ministry and to work collaboratively. Coryn Stanforth

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Pattern of Morning Worship in the Parish

The table below shows the pattern of Morning Services for each church:

Week / Church St Mary’s St Paul’s

Week1 10am Parish Communion at alternating Churches

Week 2 11am MW 8am BCP HC 9.30am Café Church

Week 3 11am BCP HC 9.30am CW HC

Week 4 8am CW HC 11am MW

9.30am MW

Week 5 10am Parish Communion/special service at alternating Churches

Key: BCP HC = Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion BCP MP = Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer/Praise CW HC = Common Worship Holy Communion MW = Morning Worship

Attendance at services Average Sunday attendance levels which are based on October figures and include St Mary’s Harvest Festival and Parish Holy Communion services on the 1st and 5th Sundays at St Mary’s are: St Mary’s Church - 62 St Paul’s Church - 40 Festival services Total attendance at services during Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday) for both Churches was 203. Attendance on Easter Sunday (Parish service at St Mary’s) was 86. The Remembrance Sunday Service was attended by 156. The total attendance at Christmas Services held at St Mary’s and St Paul’s was 334. (all figures above include both adults and children)

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


During 2016 the following services were held at St Mary’s Church:

8 Baptisms

2 Weddings

12 Funerals in Church

11 interments One Baptism was also held at St Paul’s.

In addition, other services were taken as follows:

51 funeral services were taken at a Crematorium

1 funeral service was taken at Colney Wood

1 funeral service was conducted elsewhere on behalf of the Parish

1 service of Thanksgiving was held at St Paul’s Report of Norwich North Deanery Synod The Synod met three times, in February, June and October. The February meeting was held at St Mary’s Church where synod members discussed in small groups what they wanted from deanery Synod. Responses included a greater degree of sharing, support and resources for lay ministry, topical and inspirational speakers. The Standing Committee has since taken this forward. The June meeting was a social evening at Sprowston Vicarage where synod members were able to get to know each other better, and partners were included. At the October meeting Bishop Graham spoke about the impact of Brexit on our society and the Christian community (a detailed report was included in the November Wosgowunon. Andrew Alder (synod member) Risk Review and major policies adopted

PCC continues to monitor its safeguarding policies for children and vulnerable adults

PCC continues to monitor its Health and Safety policy

PCC continues to monitor its Fire Protection policy

PCC continues to monitor its compliance with disability law

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Parish of Hellesdon 2016 Charity No: 1144178


Membership of the PCC as at 31st December 2016

Sidespersons This PCC has continued the policy of not electing Sidespersons. The Welcome Teams have continued to carry out the duty of Sidespersons throughout 2016. Church Mission and Ministry Teams Each Church is supported by a Mission and Ministry Team to promote the spiritual life and growth of each individual congregation. Joint meetings of the teams from each Church are held three times a year and discussions are reported back to the PCC.

PCC Member Role and Committees Attended Usual place of


Margaret Abbott Church Warden at St Paul’s St Paul’s

Andrew Alder PCC Treasurer Deanery Synod Representative

All Churches

Philip Bloom PCC member until April 2018 St Paul’s

Maggie Bloom PCC member until April 2017 St Paul’s

Milee Brambleby Church Warden at St Mary’s Deanery Synod Representative

St Mary’s

Rachel Bridge PCC member until April 2019 St Paul’s

Paul Corder Deanery Synod Representative St Paul’s

Andrew Cossey PCC member until April 2017 St Paul’s

Michael Harrington PCC member until April 2017 Deanery Synod Representative

St Mary’s

Monica Harrington Assistant Warden at St Mary’s PCC member until April 2017

St Mary’s

Ray Hewitt Assistant Warden at St Paul’s PCC member until April 2019

St Paul’s

Gavin Moon PCC member until April 2019 St Mary’s

Jayne Moon PCC member until April 2019 St Mary’s

Linda Nickerson PCC member until April 2018 St Mary’s

Trevor Nickerson PCC member until April 2018 St Mary’s

Coryn Stanforth Reader All Churches

Rebecca Toft PCC member until April 2018 St Michael’s