the city of ember vocabulary list 1. endeavor a conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest...

The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1

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Plummet To fall straight down; plunge; nose-dive; crash down; tumble Page 20 - He pulled himself upward, pushed again-he was higher now than Lina had been-but suddenly his hands slid and he came plummeting down.


Page 1: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

The City of EmberVocabulary List 1

Page 2: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Endeavor• A conscientious  effort toward an end; an

earnest attempt; try; effort

• Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor is certain. There may be no one left in the city by then or no safe place for them to come back to."

Page 3: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Plummet• To fall straight down; plunge; nose-dive; crash

down; tumble

• Page 20 - He pulled himself upward, pushed again-he was higher now than Lina had been-but suddenly his hands slid and he came plummeting down.

Page 4: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Hoist• To raise or haul up with or as if with the help of

a mechanical apparatus; heave; lift

• Page 23 - Lina laughed, hoisted her up, and danced with her around the shop.

Page 5: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Methodically• Characterized by ordered and systematic

habits or behavior; logically; carefully; precisely; meticulously

• page 58 - Every day a team of people methodically sorted through the trash heaps in search of anything that might be at all useful.

Page 6: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Flank• The right or left side of a military formation

• Page 86 - The door of the Gathering Hall opened, and the mayor came out, flanked by two guards.

Page 7: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Vague• Indistinctly felt, perceived, understood, or

recalled; hazy; unclear; fuzzy

• Page 112 - She vaguely recalled the incident of the light pole.

Page 8: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Strewn• To spread here and there; scatter

• Page 122 - On the wall, clothes hung from hooks, and more clothes were strewn untidily on the floor.

Page 9: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Lurk• To move furtively; sneak; lie in wait; hang

about; creep around

• Page 132 - She had frightening dreams in which something dangerous was lurking in the darkness.

Page 10: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Egress• A path or opening for going out; an exit; door;


Page 11: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Convoluted• Having numerous overlapping coils or folds;

complex; elaborate; intricate

• Page 181 - He ran a finger over their convoluted surface.

Page 12: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Vicious• Spiteful; malicious; nasty; cruel; mean; spiteful

• Page 200 - "Spreading vicious rumors," was the answer.

Page 13: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Kiosk• A small structure, often open on one or more sides, used

as a newsstand or booth. • A cylindrical structure on which advertisements are posted.

• Pages 31-32 – The Gathering Hall occupied one entire side of Harken Square, which was the city’s central plaza. The square was paved with stone. It had a few benches bolted to the ground here and there, as well as a couple of kiosks for notices.

Page 14: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

The City of EmberVocab List 2

Page 15: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Refugees• One who flees in search of refuge, as in times

of war, political oppression, or religious persecution; person in exile

Page 16: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Catastrophe• A sudden violent change in the earth's surface;

a cataclysm; calamity; devastation; ruin; disaster

• Page 261 -What kind of place can this be, safe from earthly catastrophes?

Page 17: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Inhabited• to occupy as a place of settled residence or

habitat; to live somewhere

• Example: The people inhabited the city for 200 years.

Page 18: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Weary • Exhausted

• Example: Julie was weary from her long journey through the desert.

Page 19: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Solemnly • Somber, seriously, gloomy, or awe-inspiring in manner

• Example: John solemnly walked through the memorial in New York where the victims of 9/11 were honored.

Page 20: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Lumbered • To move around in a clumsy way

• Example: The heavy, clumsy elephant lumbered through the African savanna.

Page 21: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Labyrinth • a place constructed of or full of intricate

passageways and blind alleys

• Example: The castle hallways were like a maze, or labyrinth, with twists and turns that made it easy to get lost.

Page 22: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Raucous • Disagreeably harsh; disorderly in a loud way

• Example: The raucous middle school students stomped and yelled through the hallways.

Page 23: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Reverberating • To continue as if in a series of echoes

• Example: When Jill yelled at the top of her lungs, she heard her voice reverberating down the hallway.

Page 24: The City of Ember Vocabulary List 1. Endeavor A conscientious effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; try; effort Page 2 - Nothing about this endeavor

Enmeshed • To catch or entangle in

• Example: Travis struggled, but his foot, enmeshed in the net, prevented him from escaping.