the city of sodom

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  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom


    The City Of Sodom


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



    Dear Ellen;

    This small compilation of comments is not intended to frighten our children, but rather

    intended to be used along the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in helping them tounderstand why we as parents are take a particular attitude to the society in which we

    live, to help them to understand why we are very careful of the type of relationships we

    keep and what we do

    !e as parents understand that it is normal, natural and healthy for our children to seek to

    e"plore the world in which they live, it is normal, natural and healthy for them to seek to

    develop relationships with even those individuals who we would have preferred them not

    to , it is normal, natural and healthy for them to seek to eat of the fruits of the world, yeteven in recogni#ing the natural urges of the young among us, it is our duty to prepare

    them in to navigate their surroundings and their world and return in one piece and able tolive purposeful and useful lives This small compilation is intended to assist us in that


    $inally, there are many among us %organs, %anakers and $letchers, who like myself

    have e"plored this our world but do not know how to put their e"perience in worlds

    which may be of use of their children; by putting together this compilation of comments,

    & hope that they might be able to see of their e"perience in my e"periences and in doingthat are able to use it, this compilation, in preparing their children

    !hile this publication is primarily intended for the use of our families, the %anakers, the$letchers and the %organs, & would hope that our close friends, David, Ester, Debra and

    others not mentioned here will find it a useful tool in the preparation of their children, in

    that way we would have played a small role in using our own e"periences and tools inhelping those who are close to us

    'ere it is important to point out, that the (ity of )odom, as described in the )criptures

    was a lawless and violent place; a city in which anything and everything could happenThe homophobic tendency among us over the centuries, have refused to acknowledge

    that )odom was far more than homose"uality and reflected a state of lawlessness and

    anarchy &n more ways than one, this city is alive and well with us today, and it is thise"isting (ity of )odom to which & refer to here

    !ith love,Basil $letcher


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom


    The City of Sodom

    1 +&dleness is the name written on the first sign post in the (ity of )odom

    * Those who have accomplished the least, boast of lifting straws

    - Time idled away is rewarded by regrets and lost opportunities, which will neverreturn

    . 'e who craves the taste of dead flesh has become a beast; avoid those who seek

    good by sacrificing flesh

    / The bodies of all dead is e0ually unclean; only a fool look at envy at the meat

    being eaten by another &t is not what is eaten that is important, but rather how it is eaten &ngratitude and

    greed makes all food forbidden2 The depressed, those with broken spirits and those in grief should not handle

    uncooked meat

    3 Those with free minds are not afraid to prove their worth Those in bondage seekrefuge in crowds

    4 To come last in a race with those who are faster and stronger than you are, is no

    disgrace once you have done your best

    15 'e who labours under the weight of debt is but a shadow of himself11 &f a community fails to lead itself within the laws of the land, it invites the state to

    provide leadership and ends up at the mercy of others &f a family fails to leaditself within the laws, it will be led by others

    1* 6oshua taught the importance of optimism and the importance of seeing the wider

    possibilities; David taught the importance of selecting the right technology to

    accomplish the task at hand and the importance of mastering the selectedtechnology 7ll these are attributes of a good education

    1- &f a person is too young to die in wars for the king, without the king8s consent, he

    or she is too young to get married %arriage is possible only with the approval ofthe state

    1. %oses choose 6oshua, 6oshua did not chose %oses 9awlessness defined the (ity

    of )odom, and strong men ruled

    1/ !here wealth, opportunity and idleness meet, evil is conceived1 The destruction, violence and wasted spawned by idleness, put even a storm to


    12 !here there is time, there is hope; even the old and dying is blessed with the giftof life

    13 9ot8s daughters were educated and sociali#ed as )odomites, thus indicating that

    incest was seen as being normal


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom


    14 The )odomites in the first instance a lawless people and secondly they had no

    defined leadership, at a time when leadership would have come through the

    religious institutions*5 &n )odom aged men take on to themselves as wives their grand daughters and

    aged women take on to themselves their grandsons as husbands and the respect

    for the aged is destroyed*1 !here a community operates within an environment characteri#ed by restrictive

    agreements, rewards based on merit is not recogni#ed 7 good family recogni#es

    both the talents and efforts of their children** The second street sign in the (ity of )odom is +:uin and Disrepair

    *- Economic development or the lack there of, is a reflection of internal and e"ternal

    agreements The primary agreements are internal )o it is with communities and

    families, agreements, written or unwritten, entered into determines the state of thefamily and or the community and determines its future

    *. &f the eyes of the public, shifts ever so slightly, thousands of acts of kindness

    come to a sudden end

    */ The twists and turns of life carry a person back to the point which is mostimportant to him

    * 7n army of ants drives away all beasts in its path*2 To understand the lion is to understand kingship, to understand the ant is to learn

    how to lead in construction 7 wise man studies both

    *3 &n the city of )odom, compromise and corruption, render empty the words of

    pastors, priests and rabbis*4 The disabilities of blindness and deafness rule supreme in the (ity of )odom

    -5 $ear is a constant companion in the (ity of )odom

    -1 &n the city of )odom the rules of prey and predator govern all, creating unendingchains of victimi#ation and abuse

    -* &n the (ity of )odom, the individual moves forward on the backs of others, so do

    families there in, move forward in societyriding on the backs of others-- $amily unity in the (ity of )odom, come into being not as a result of desire but as

    a result of need

    -. To be a $letcher, %anaker or %organ, demands personal determination and thehighest level of personal organi#ation

    -/ +9itter and nderhand is the fifth street sign in the (ity of )odom


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom


    . 'ere & have written, where & have been and what & have seen, so that young

    $letchers, %anakers and %organs will know where they are and how not to walk

    the road of life/ They who shuns the (ity of )odom, earns a place of respect and honour in the

    eyes of the king and reap of the fruits of his kingdom; those who do not are taken

    as prey by his strong men


  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom



  • 8/12/2019 The City of Sodom

