the collapse of communism

The Collapse of Communism in Europe

Upload: chang-zhang

Post on 01-Sep-2015




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The Collapse of CommunismHistoryNotesRussia


  • The Collapse of Communism
    in Europe

  • Some points to note

    The Soviet Union from 1953 to 1985Problems faced by Mikhail GorbachevGlasnost and PerestroikaReasons for Gorbachevs failureThe end of the Soviet empire
  • The Soviet Union from 1953 to 1985

    Leadership after Joseph Stalin:Nikita KhrushchevLeonid BrehznevYuri AndropovKonstantin ChernenkoMikhail Gorbachev
  • Joseph Stalins Legacy

    Soviet Union was modernisedAgriculture and industry in line with the western powersGreat cost: 20 million deadFew consumer goods
  • Nikita Khrushchev

    Relaxed the tight control of the government over the peopleTried to introduce reforms to improve food production but failedTried to give people more say in how agriculture and industry should be run
  • Nikita Khrushchev

    Efforts came to naught as his reforms were not supported by Communist Party membersSacked and replaced by Leonid Brehznev in 1964
  • Leonid Brehznev

    Hard-line communist who reversed Khrushchevs reformsHis efforts also came to naughtAn interesting blame tactic
  • Brehznevs Blame Tactic

    lack of skilled labour, alcoholism, absenteeism, and lack of effort on the part of civil servants who man the vast organization which tries to plan the economy

    - What is Brehznev trying to say?

  • Yuri Andropov

    Head of the KGBEffectively ran the country while Brehznev was illBecame leader in 1982Died in 1984 after falling ill
  • Konstantin Chernenko

    Succeeded Yuri Andropov in 1984Died in 1985 after falling ill
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    Became the leader of a state that had seen little effective government in almost a decadeRussia was seriously
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    The Problems facing Gorby:The Soviet system of governmentThe lack of consumer goods The burden of Eastern EuropeBlack MarketFailure of Khrushchevs agricultural reformsMismanaged finances
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    The Soviet system of governmentBelief in equality and fairnessLoss of faith by the peopleCorruption in the governmentDouble standards
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    The lack of consumer goods Comparison with the WestLack of western-style consumer goodsDemand for western-style consumer goodsCost of consumer goods
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    The burden of Eastern EuropeHead of the Warsaw PactDuty towards the Eastern European Communist nationsDrained USSRs financesLost confidence of the Russian people
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    Black MarketHigh price of consumer goodsIn 1985, the black markets value was estimated to be at 7 billion roublesThis meant that the Soviet government was losing 7 billion roubles in revenue
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    Failure of Khrushchevs agricultural reformsKhrushchev introduced new systems to grow more grainHowever, transport infrastructure was not up to mark and many crops rotted before they could arrive in citiesRussia had to import grain to feed its people
  • The Situation for Gorbachev

    Mismanaged financesNot wealthy enough to play superpowerSpent too much money competing with the USAArms race, space raceSupport to Cuba, Eastern EuropeAfghanistan WarGoods were not up to mark for export
  • Gorbachevs Slogans

    PerestroikaChanging the economy of the Soviet UnionGlasnostHaving more openness in the Soviet economy
  • Gorbachevs Slogans

    PerestroikaEnd command economy and replace it with demand economyEnd state monopolies and introduce competition1987 measures introduced to allow market forces to become part of the states economic policies
  • Gorbachevs Slogans

    PerestroikaEnd state monopolies and subsidized pricesReduction on arms spendingDisarmament treaty in 1987 with the USAIn 1988, EE communist governments were responsible for their own policiesCut Red Army help to the EE countries
  • Gorbachevs Slogans

    GlasnostMore openness to allow people to have faith in the governmentEnd corruptionInform Soviets about decisions made by the governmentFree elections held in 1990 for the first time
  • Gorbachevs Slogans

    GlasnostDissidents (people who criticize the government) were not persecuted The KGBs powers were restricted and eventually abolishedThe Lubyanka prison was closed Western ideas and music were allowed1st McDonalds opened in Russia Restrictions lifted on the Russian Orthodox Church