the conspirators

The Conspirators

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Page 1: The Conspirators

The Conspirators

Page 2: The Conspirators

CassiusBrother-in-law of Brutus; organizes the conspiracyagainst Caesar and recruits Brutus by passionate argument and by deviously placed, forged letters.

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Marcus Brutus (Brutus)widely admired for his noble nature; joins the conspiracy because he fears that Caesar will become a tyrant, but his idealism causes him to make several poor judgements; defeats Ocatavius’ forces in the first battle at Philippi, but loses the second battle and commits suicide rather than be taken prisoner.

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Cinnaurges Cassius to bring "noble" Brutus into the conspiracy; places some of Cassius' forged letters where Brutus will discover them.

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CascaInforms Cassius and Brutus of Caesar's attempts to manipulate the people of Rome into offering him the crown;joins the conspiracy the night before the assassination and is the first conspirator to stab Caesar.

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Cicerosenator and a famous orator of Rome; meets Casca the night proceeding the day of the assassination. The triumvirs have him put to death.

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Flavius and MarullusTribunes who wish to protect the plebians from Caesar's tyranny; condemn the plebeians for cheering Caesar, when once they cheered for Caesar’s enemy Pompey; punished for removing the decorations from Caesar’s statues during his triumphal parade.

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Julius CaesarA successful military leader; becomes easily flattered and overly ambitious. He is assassinated midway through the play; later, his spirit appears to Brutus at Sardis and also at Philippi.

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Calphurnia wife of Julius Caesar; urges him to stay at home on the day of the assassination because her prophetic dream in which Caesar's body is a fountain of blood.

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Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony)devoted to Caesar and offers him a crown;is militarily accomplished, politically aware, and skilled at oration; dupes Brutus into allowing him to speak at Caesar's funeral and excites the crowd to rebellion; one of the triumvirs; defeats Brutus and Cassius at Philippi.

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The soothsayerwarns Caesar during the feast of Lupercal to "Beware the ides of March” and again warns Caesar as he enters the Senate House.

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Portia wife of Brutus and daughter of Marcus Cato; argues that those relationships make her strong enough to conceal Brutus’ secrets; commits suicide on the morning of the assassination when she realizes that her husband's fortunes are doomed.

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Artemidorusgives Caesar a letter warning him of the plot to kill him as he enters the Capitol, but Caesar does not read it.

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Popilius Lenawishes Cassius well in his "enterprise" as Caesar enters the Senate House; causes Cassius and Brutus to fear that they have been betrayed.

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Octavius Caesaradopted son and heir of Caesar; one of the triumvirs who rule following the death of Caesar. He and Antony lead the army that defeats Cassius and Brutus at Philippi.

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M. Aemilius Lepidusjoins Antony and Octavius to form the 2nd Triumvirate following the assassination of Caesar;is weak and used to run errands.

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Young Catoson of Marcus Cato; brother of Portia; brother-in-law of Brutus; soldier in the army commanded by Brutus and Cassius; dies during the second battle at Philippi while trying to inspire the army.