the consumption capital asset pricing model · capm and ccapm ccapm: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t u0(~c...

The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model Instructor: Dmytro Hryshko 1 / 30

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Page 1: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The Consumption Capital AssetPricing Model

Instructor: Dmytro Hryshko

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Page 2: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |


Danthine, J. P., Donaldson, J. B. (2005), IntermediateFinancial Theory, 2nd Edition, Elsevier AcademicPress. Chapter 9.

Mehra and Prescott (2003), The Equity Premium inRetrospect, Handbook of the Economics of Finance,Elsevier. Chapter 14.

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Page 3: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The Representative Agent Hypothesis and its Notion ofEquilibrium

An infinitely-lived Representative Agent–Helps avoid terminal period problem–Equivalence with finite lives if operative bequestmotive–In complete markets, representative agent is the onewhose utility function is a weighted average of theutilities of all the economy’s participants

No Trade Equilibrium–Positive net supply: the representative agent willinglyholds total supply–Zero net supply: at the prevailing price, supply =demand =0

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Page 4: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

An Exchange (Endowment) Economy. Lucas 1978

Recursive trading: many periods (one period inCAPM); investment decisions are made one period at atime, taking due account of their impact on the futurestate of the world

One perfectly divisible share

Dividend = economy’s total output, Yt

Output arises exogenously and stochastically (fruittree) and is perishable

Stationary stochastic process for Yt

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Page 5: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Transition probability matrix (TPM)

E.g., the 3-state TPM

T =

π11 π12 π13π21 π22 π23π31 π32 π33

with πij-th element denoting Prob(Yt+1 = Y j|Yt = Y i), andY j is output in state j.

Lucas fruit tree

Rational expectations economy: knowledge of theeconomy’s structure and the stochastic process

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Page 6: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The problem





)s.t. ct + ptzt+1 ≤ ztYt + ptzt

zt ≤ 1, all t


U ′(ct)pt = δEtU′(ct+1)(pt+1 + Yt+1) or

U ′(ct(Yi))pt(Y

i)︸ ︷︷ ︸utility loss

frompurchasing 1unit of sec.

at t

= δ∑j



j) + Yt+1(Yj)]

︸ ︷︷ ︸expected utility gain att+ 1 from liquidating theproceeeds and consuming

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Page 7: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Definition of an equilibrium. U ′(ct)pt = δEtU′(ct+1)(pt+1 + Yt+1)

For the entire economy to be in equilibrium, it must,therefore, be true that:

1 zt = zt+1 = zt+2 = . . . = 1—the representative agentowns the entire security

2 ct = Yt—ownership of the entire security entitles theagent to all the economy’s output

3 FOC is satisfied—the agents’ holdings of the securityare optimal given the prevailing prices

(1)–(3) imply

U ′(Yt)pt = δEtU′(Yt+1)(pt+1 + Yt+1) (*)

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Page 8: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

ExampleAssume utility is U(c) = log c, δ = 0.96, the 3-state economy,(Y 1, Y 2, Y 3) = (3/2, 1, 1/2). The TPM is

T =

1/2 1/4 1/41/4 1/2 1/41/4 1/4 1/2

Denote p(Y i) = p(i), then


3︸︷︷︸=U ′[c(Y 1)]

p(1) = 0.96(1





4︸ ︷︷ ︸=∑j π1jU

′[c(j)]Y (j)

) + 0.96


3p(1) +


4p(2) +


2p(3)︸ ︷︷ ︸

=∑j π1jU


1p(2) = 0.96 + 0.96


6p(1) +


2p(2) +



]2p(3) = 0.96 + 0.96


6p(1) +


4p(2) + 1p(3)

]Solving the system yields p(1) = 36, p(2) = 24, p(3) = 12.

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Page 9: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Equilibrium pricing

U ′(Yt)pt = δEtU′(Yt+1)(pt+1 + Yt+1)

Et[U′(Yt+1)pt+1] = Et


′(Yt+2)Yt+2 + Et+1δU′(Yt+2)pt+2

]︸ ︷︷ ︸=EtδU

′(Yt+2)Yt+2 + EtδU′(Yt+2)pt+2

by law of iterated expectations

EtδU′(Yt+1)pt+1 = Etδ

2U ′(Yt+2)Yt+2 + Etδ2U ′(Yt+2)pt+2

U ′(Yt)pt = EtδU′(Yt+1)Yt+1 + Etδ

2U ′(Yt+2)Yt+2 + Etδ2U ′(Yt+2)pt+2


U ′(Yt)pt = Et


δjU ′(Yt+j)Yt+j + Et limk→∞

δkU ′(Yt+k)pt+k︸ ︷︷ ︸must be=0

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Page 10: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Equilibrium pricing

pt = Et


δjU ′(Yt+j)

U ′(Yt)Yt+j

asset price is the sum of all expected discounted futuredividends (on the RHS, summing starts at t+ 1)

discounting is at the intertemporal marginal rate ofsubstitution (IMRS) of the representative agent!

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Page 11: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Interpreting the Exchange EquilibriumDefine the period t to t+ 1 return for security j as

1 + rjt+1 =pjt+1 + Yjt+1


Using equation (*),

1 = δEt

[U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)(1 + rjt+1)

]Let qbt denote the t-period price of a one-period riskless discountbond paying 1 unit of consumption at t+ 1 in every state.

qbt = δEt

[U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)· 1]

Since the riskfree rate is defined from qbt (1 + rft+1) = 1,


1 + rft+1= δEt

[U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)

]Under risk-neutrality, U(ct) is linear, rft+1 is constant. Linkbetween discount factor and risk-free rate in a risk neutralworld. 11 / 30

Page 12: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Interpreting the Exchange Equilibrium

1 = δEt

[U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)(1 + rjt+1)


1 = δEt

[U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)

]︸ ︷︷ ︸


Et[1 + rjt+1] + δcovt

(U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct), rjt+1


(since cov(X,Y ) = E[XY ]− E[X]E[Y ]. Define Et[1 + rjt+1] = 1 + rjt+1.)

1 + rjt+1

1 + rft+1

= 1− δcovt

(U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct), rjt+1


rjt+1 − rft+1 = −δ(1 + rft+1)covt

(U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct), rjt+1


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Page 13: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |


CCAPM: rjt+1 − rft+1 = −covt

(U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct), rjt+1

)δ(1 + rft+1)

CAPM: rjt+1 − rft+1 =cov(rm, rj)

var(rm)︸ ︷︷ ︸=βj

(rmt+1 − rft+1),

CCAPM: asset j pays high on average, relative to theriskfree rate, if the covariance between U ′(ct+1) and thereturn on asset j is negative and large—i.e. consumption islow (= U ′(ct+1) is high) when the return is low. Such anasset will have low price pt, and high expected return

CAPM: asset j pays high on average if asset pays low whenmarket pays low (i.e. asset is risky).

CCAPM: Key to an asset’s value is its covariation with themarginal utility of consumption! Consumption-smoothingperspective

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Page 14: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Towards a CAPM equation in the CCAPM frameworkLet U(ct) = act − b

2c2t , a, b > 0, a− bct > 0 for all ct.

rjt+1 − rft+1 = −δ(1 + rft+1)covt

(a− bct+1

a− bct, rjt+1


rjt+1 − rft+1 = −δ(1 + rft+1)−b

a− bctcovt (ct+1, rjt+1)

rjt+1 − rft+1 =δb(1 + rft+1)

a− bct︸ ︷︷ ︸>0

covt (ct+1, rjt+1)

Asset j has a high return on average if it pays low whenconsumption is low, i.e. when covt (ct+1, rjt+1) > 0.

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Page 15: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The Formal Consumption CAPM

rct+1 − rft+1 =δb(1 + rft+1)

a− bctcovt (ct+1, rct+1)

“c” denotes portfolio most correlated with consumption

rjt+1 − rft+1

rct+1 − rft+1

=covt (ct+1, rjt+1) /vart(ct+1)

covt (ct+1, rct+1) /vart(ct+1)=βj,ctβc,ct

rjt+1 − rft+1 = βj,ct (rct+1 − rft+1) if βc,ct = 1

Compare this to the CAPM equation:

rjt+1 − rft+1 = βj,m (rmt+1 − rft+1)

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Page 16: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Testing the Consumption CAPM: The Equity PremiumPuzzle

mean, % s.d., %

r 6.98 16.54rf 0.80 5.67r − rf 6.18 16.67

Source: Data from Mehra and Prescott (1985): 1889–1978.

A reasonably parameterized CCAPM is unable to explainr − rf (=the equity premium), the difference in ex-postreturn on a diversified portfolio of U.S. stocks (S&P 500),and the return on one-year T-bills.

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Page 17: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Equity premium, annual time seriesCh 14: The Equity Premium in Retrospect




a'n U


Fig 1 Realized equity risk premium per year, 1926-2000 Source: Ibbotson ( 2001).






20-Year Period Ending

Fig 2 Equity risk premium over 20-year periods, 1926-2000 Source: Ibbotson ( 2001).

2.4 Variation in the equity premium over time

The equity premium has varied considerably over time, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.Furthermore, the variation depends on the time horizon over which it is measured.There have even been periods when the equity premium has been negative.


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Equity premium, 20-year average

Ch 14: The Equity Premium in Retrospect




a'n U


Fig 1 Realized equity risk premium per year, 1926-2000 Source: Ibbotson ( 2001).






20-Year Period Ending

Fig 2 Equity risk premium over 20-year periods, 1926-2000 Source: Ibbotson ( 2001).

2.4 Variation in the equity premium over time

The equity premium has varied considerably over time, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.Furthermore, the variation depends on the time horizon over which it is measured.There have even been periods when the equity premium has been negative.


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Page 19: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Ch 14: The Equity Premium in Retrospect

Table 2Equity premium in different countriesa

Country % real return on % real return % equity premiuma market index (mean) on a relatively riskless (mean)

security (mean)

UK 1947-1999 5 7 1 1 4 6

Japan 1970-1999 4 7 1 4 3 3

Germany 1978-1997 9 8 3 2 6 6

France 1973-1998 9 0 2 7 6 3

a Source: UK from Siegel ( 1998), the rest are from Campbell ( 2001).

Table 3Terminal value of $ 1 invested in stocks and bondsa

Investment period Stocks T-billsReal Nominal Real Nominal

1802-1997 $ 558,945 $ 7,470,000 $ 276 $ 3,679

1926-2000 $ 266 47 $ 2,586 52 $ 1 71 $ 16 56

a Source: Ibbotson ( 2001) and Siegel ( 1998).

The annual return on the British stock market was 5 7 % over the post-war period,an impressive 4 6 % premium over the average bond return of 1 1 % Similar statisticaldifferentials are documented for France, Germany and Japan Table 2 illustrates theequity premium in the post-war period for these countries.

The dramatic investment implications of this differential rate of return can be seenin Table 3, which maps the capital appreciation of $ 1 invested in different assets from1802 to 1997 and from 1926 to 2000.

As Table 3 illustrates, $ 1 invested in a diversified stock index yields an ending wealthof $ 558,945 versus a value of $ 276, in real terms, for $ 1 invested in a portfolio ofT-bills for the period 1802-1997 The corresponding values for the 75-year period,1926-2000, are $ 266 47 and $ 1 71 We assume that all payments to the underlyingasset, such as dividend payments to stock and interest payments to bonds are reinvestedand that there are no taxes paid.

This long-term perspective underscores the remarkable wealth building potential ofthe equity premium It should come as no surprise therefore, that the equity premium isof central importance in portfolio allocation decisions, estimates of the cost of capitaland is front and center in the current debate about the advantages of investing SocialSecurity funds in the stock market.

In Table 4 we report the premium for some interesting sub-periods: 1889-1933,when the USA was on a gold standard; 1934-2000, when it was off the gold standard;


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Page 20: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Ch 14: The Equity Premium in Retrospect

Table 2Equity premium in different countriesa

Country % real return on % real return % equity premiuma market index (mean) on a relatively riskless (mean)

security (mean)

UK 1947-1999 5 7 1 1 4 6

Japan 1970-1999 4 7 1 4 3 3

Germany 1978-1997 9 8 3 2 6 6

France 1973-1998 9 0 2 7 6 3

a Source: UK from Siegel ( 1998), the rest are from Campbell ( 2001).

Table 3Terminal value of $ 1 invested in stocks and bondsa

Investment period Stocks T-billsReal Nominal Real Nominal

1802-1997 $ 558,945 $ 7,470,000 $ 276 $ 3,679

1926-2000 $ 266 47 $ 2,586 52 $ 1 71 $ 16 56

a Source: Ibbotson ( 2001) and Siegel ( 1998).

The annual return on the British stock market was 5 7 % over the post-war period,an impressive 4 6 % premium over the average bond return of 1 1 % Similar statisticaldifferentials are documented for France, Germany and Japan Table 2 illustrates theequity premium in the post-war period for these countries.

The dramatic investment implications of this differential rate of return can be seenin Table 3, which maps the capital appreciation of $ 1 invested in different assets from1802 to 1997 and from 1926 to 2000.

As Table 3 illustrates, $ 1 invested in a diversified stock index yields an ending wealthof $ 558,945 versus a value of $ 276, in real terms, for $ 1 invested in a portfolio ofT-bills for the period 1802-1997 The corresponding values for the 75-year period,1926-2000, are $ 266 47 and $ 1 71 We assume that all payments to the underlyingasset, such as dividend payments to stock and interest payments to bonds are reinvestedand that there are no taxes paid.

This long-term perspective underscores the remarkable wealth building potential ofthe equity premium It should come as no surprise therefore, that the equity premium isof central importance in portfolio allocation decisions, estimates of the cost of capitaland is front and center in the current debate about the advantages of investing SocialSecurity funds in the stock market.

In Table 4 we report the premium for some interesting sub-periods: 1889-1933,when the USA was on a gold standard; 1934-2000, when it was off the gold standard;


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Page 21: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The equity premium puzzle

U(c) =c1−γ

1− γAssume xt+1 ≡ ct+1

ct∼ iid lognormal(1.0183, 0.03572), and

so log xt+1 ∼ iidN(µx, σ2x). Then,

1.0183 = exp(µx +1


0.03572 = exp(2µx + σ2x)[exp(σ2

x − 1)]

Solving, µx = 0.01752, σ2x = 0.00123.

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Page 22: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

The equity premium puzzleAssume

pt = vYt

The stock price at t is proportional to the dividend paid att.Verify that it qualifies for a solution:

vYt = δEt

[(vYt+1 + Yt+1)

U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)


v = δEt

(v + 1)Yt+1

Yt︸︷︷︸=xt+1: Lucas tree


v =


1− E[x1−γ]indeed a constant

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The equity premium puzzle

Rt+1 = 1 + rt+1 =pt+1 + Yt+1


=v + 1



Yt=v + 1


EtRt+1 =v + 1

vEtxt+1 =



Rft+1 =1



U ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)










exp(µx + 0.5σ2x) exp(−γµx + 0.5γ2σ2


exp((1− γ)µx + 0.5(1− γ)2σ2x)

= exp(γσ2x)

log(E[R])− log(Rf ) ≈ r − rf = γσ2x

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The equity premium puzzle

r − rf = γσ2x

γ =r − rfσ2x

=0.0698− 0.008

0.03572≈ 50

If a more realistic γ = 2 is assumed, r − rf ≈ 0.2%.

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Page 25: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Is γ = 50 realistic?

Assume current wealth 50, 000, utility function u(W ) = W 1−γ

1−γand a chance to play the gamble (0,1/2; 50000,1/2). What isthe certainty equivalent (CE) of the gamble? (Π is themaximum willing to pay to avoid playing the gamble(–25000,1/2; 25000,1/2) with the current wealth of 75,000.)

γ CE Π

0 25,000 01 20,711 4,2893 13,246 11,7545 8,566 16,43410 3,991 21,00920 1,858 23,14230 1,209 23,79150 712 24,288

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The risk-free rate puzzleSimilarly, if γ = 2,

δ =1



1.008 exp(−γµx + 0.5γ2σ2x)≈ 1.02

The difficulty in explaining the low rate of return on theriskfree asset is called the risk-free rate puzzle.

Rft+1 =1



δ exp(−γµx + 0.5γ2σ2x)

log(Rft+1) = − log(δ)︸ ︷︷ ︸impatience term

+ γµx︸︷︷︸consumption


under certainty

− 0.5γ2σ2x︸ ︷︷ ︸

demand for



If γ = 3 and δ = 0.99, rft+1 ≈ 6%.26 / 30

Page 27: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Testing the Consumption CAPM: Hansen-JagannathanBounds

1 = Et

δU ′(ct+1)

U ′(ct)︸ ︷︷ ︸≡mt+1

(1 + rjt+1)

1 = Et


]Should hold unconditionally:

1 = E[mt+1Rt+1

]m is called the equilibrium pricing kernel, or the stochasticdiscount factor.

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Page 28: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Hansen-Jagannathan bounds


]= 1


m(Ri − Rj︸ ︷︷ ︸≡Ri−j


= 0

E[m]E[Ri−j] + cov(m, Ri−j) = 0


σRi−j= −ρ(m, Ri−j)



= |ρ(m, Ri−j)|σmE[m]

≤ σmE[m]


≥ |E(Ri−j)|σRi−j

ρ(m, Ri−j) is the correlation between the pricing kernel and

Ri−j. 28 / 30

Page 29: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Hansen-Jagannathan bounds

Set i to m(arket) and j to f (riskfree asset) to obtain


≥ |E(rm − rf )|σrm−rf


0.167≈ 0.37

Assuming δ = 0.99 and γ = 2

E[m] = δx−γ = δ exp(−γµx + 0.5γ2σ2x) ≈ 0.96

Therefore, the lowest value for σm ≈ 0.36.

Using the chosen parameters, however, σm = 0.002, anorder of magnitude lower!

29 / 30

Page 30: The Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model · CAPM and CCAPM CCAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov t U0(~c t+1) U0(c t);~r jt+1 (1 + r ft+1) CAPM: r jt+1 r ft+1 = cov(~r m;r~ j) var(~r m) |

Solutions?Habit formation—makes IMRS, the pricing kernel inthe CCAPM, more volatileHeterogeneity—if markets are incomplete, income riskis persistent, and the variance of consumption growthis countercyclical (higher in recessions than in normaltimes), the model-implied equity premium will behigher—“. . . the risk premium is highest in a recession since equities

are a poor hedge against the potential loss of employment. . . even

though per capita consumption growth is poorly correlated with

stocks returns, investors require a hefty premium to hold stocks

over short-term bonds because stocks perform poorly in

recessions, when an investor is more likely to be laid off.” Mehra

& Prescott (2003).

Limited stock-market participation—the relevantstochastic discount factor is IMRS of stockholderswhose consumption growth is more volatile 30 / 30