the coptic encyclopedia vol ii


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The Coptic Encyclopedia Vol II


PietTe du Bourguet, S.J. Louvre Museum, Paris
Rene-George>;; Coquin College de Frana, Paris
W. H. C. Frend Glasgow University
Mirril Baulcos Ghali SQCiely of Coptic Ardlaeology, Cairo
Bishop Gregorios Higher Institute of Coptic Sll<dies, Cairo
Peter Grossmann German I"'titute of Archaeology, Cairo
Antoine Guillaumont ColN:ge de France. Paris
RodoJphe Kasset U"jversily of Geneva
Mart;n Krause Westfalische Wilhelms·Unfwrsiriil. Munster
Sul:>hi Y. Labib Kid University
Tito Orlandi V"ivusity of Rome
Marian Robenson Utah State University
Kbtlil Sam;r Ppntffical Oriurtal InstilUte, Rome
J. M. Robinson h15!ilute of Antiquit)" and ChriSTianity, ClaremOnl, California
Magdi Wahba Cairo University
Polytechnic of CenrraI London
Volume 2
Collier Macmillan Canada TORONID
Maxwell Macmillan International NEW 'lURK· OXFORD· S1NGAPCRE· SYDNEY
Cop)Tight C 1991 by Macmillan Publishing Comp.,")' A Division of Macmillan, Inc.
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TIle Coptic encyclopedia. I A!iz S. Ati)... editor·in·dud". p. cm.
Includes bibliographical rderences and index. ISBN ~2.897025-X (set) I. CoptiC Church-Diclionaries. 2. Copts-Dictionaries.
I. A.tiya, A.ziz S., 1393­ BX130.5.c66 1991 231'.7'03-----<1c20
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The preparation of this volume was made poossible in pan by a gram from the National Endowment for the Humaniti..s, an indepcnd..nt federal agency.
PhOlographs on pages 567, 736, 754, 755, 790, 791, 876-878,1284, UII. and 2168 are reproduced courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Photography by the Egyptian Expedition.
BABb, Arabi<; name of an ECYPlian town in LM province of GN.rbiyyah now known lOll Abblj. It liu In the western Del", about 5 mile. (II km) north­ _$1 of Kafr aJ-ZaYr-it. Muslim authon of the Mid· die Ages menlione<l the town often. IaN l:l~WOI\L.
writinl in the lenth century, said there were many churc:hes and a m05<jue then:. The existence of "many churches" in the tenth century JU"eSU thlol the pia« mUll: have had gru' importa~e for Christians in earlier centunes.
from KeU.. aJ·MuIU tMre i£ ~WII the grave­ .....,e 01 .. rnonk named Goutinos. the son of NIa· min, from Pebldj. The stone is probably 10 be ..If<! CO Ibe slluh or !le\'enlb century and ""'y have Tel""· enee to Ihe Babij lhal is now Abblj. II is pouible that this town is abo the BabIj given ill a colophon .. !he.bode 01 th" scribe <:L .. manuscrip daled CO 1255 (Vatio;an IJbrary. Arabic no. LX. 101. 12h).
nrnm. s. Dfl cIuisllkJt.l:DptiM:& At/plUf /" ..,.". INschu Zdl. Vol I, pp. 274-7.5.W~n, 1984.
.. RA.'oiDolU. SnwAAT
BAIlLUHIYVAM. See Tan'is..
• •
buill by the 8abylonlara of ~tamia. Mou probably. however, the ""me loes t:-ck to the Old Egyptian P,·h'pj·n·Jwnw ("Nile houlle of Heliopo­ lis·'), which .ounded like "Babylon" to the Gr...,k.< (Gardiner, 1947, p. 143).
In late antiquity "Babylon" designated the settled country between Heliopoli, and the Roman fOl1ress situated to the south. Today it n!~" to what is left of the Roman fol1res5 itself. Tk Arabs; named this 10M~ ALStI.UI' (PaiKe of Candles), a designalion diffic:ull to explain. In the Roman period one of the three lePo~ conlrolli", EcJpt was _ioned in the Iort. which was the IDOSl imporuonl buoon in the counlry. FroID hn-e as late as the K>~nth CftlI11l'Y ..... a>ndueted the deds;"~ Inl1k apins.1he Anlbs, inlo whose hands il feU on 9 April 641 aft<-,- a 1le>'eO..nonth $ieee- " bishop 01 BahylOll called Cy­ .... is mmtioned in the m. half of the fifth cCIllUry. His ra>dence, bowner. liu thai of his immedia."" MKN'WC!fS aDd of «IIU'Ile all OI~r n:maininl ci,il­ iaos, ..............t.... ouuide the fonn:ss.
The FIKtra.s
The pn:unl fOl'1JUS (Bulkr, 1914: Toy, 1937, pp. 52-78), which c"",~nlionallydales from lhe period of lhe emperor Trapn in the .second century, is, Kconling '0 Ihe 5(lI.Irces. a r«OlI51ruclion of a Ior­ In:ss mat goes back to the Penian period (Josq>hus 2.15. I). Of Ih", l>owever. tllen is no certain lmo" ..I. edge.
Although the Romllll (o"ress was ulled as a quar­ ry down to the end of the nineteenth century, it be regarded ;OS one of the best-pre.erved for­ Ire" .tructures from lhe period. Cel1ainty on~ can still r~cognit~ lhe course of the cumin wall with its numerous half-rounded baslions and
foregruund, Fan of Bah,'lon (Old Cairol, Museum. CourtU' Arab Rep"blie of E,ypi
ftichlS of",au-s. On lbt wnI sidf', "'~~ Ihe k>n~ .... b<>nJt,rtd ,mmedialclv br !he ri,«, lhe~ "'.,.,. a ri.-..r laIc flanked by lWO remarkablv Slro"t!, full" cireular 10V0'''''.• rare f""lun:' in lhe Iayuul of Ro­ man fonre$S<$. A """,o"d lI"lC faced loulh "'ilh a door bet",,,e,, I"'IJ half-rounded 10"'...... op;;"ing 001
in traditional fashion from an i"ncr coon and func· lioning as II l.nd ptc. Alm_ een.ainl~ lhere "a.s al
least • oecond land ptc on lhe ""nh "!k of ,,'" bnress. Ruin. 01 the botldinp "iUrin lh" fonress .n:' nol 'il.ibk.
Ahn- lbt conqu<:s< of the k>nrcu. tt>e 'icloriottl Anab :>rmy c-~aled Ih.. n('''' city of al·FIISl~1 10 Ih.. nonh of Ihhylon around lhe mosque, named aher lhe commandcr·in·chlef 'Ar"," ibn al·'A~, Tile na(h'e. mood. ChriSlian population, who had prohably 10<1 mOSl of !heir hooses, scHled in the rued fonrcss. ... here theY had alreadY laken up qua".... during rhr siege.
Churches Within the Forlress
""'" oldelt ch"",h .......ilhin the fo"<as al... !>C. ;ong 10 Ihil A ....b period. The oldt'5' found.~'ion that Is known 11 the Church of Saint SCrgius (AbO Sar­
jah), which .... '"S 10 lhis day (BUller, 1884, PI' l'lff,; Middlelon. 1885. PI' 397lf.). II is tM q>i"",o­ pal ehun:-h In ,he ci,y and "'10< built .1 the lum of
Backgrwnd; ..nlrance 10 the Wpli<
the ~-e,"h to 'he riahlh centu') in lhe ""nod of 'Abd ai·MaI,k under the palliardat.. of JOtI' ltl 11 is • basilica ""Ih a pll,,')' built 0\-rT columns ""IIh • wL"S,ern re,urn ai.te and lripanil.. s;r.n~tuar.,., which was pr"'I""'abl.,- ""par,lIed from the naw hy a nar ro.... mulll nOw nO longer in exi"ence
Th".., is a <"pi bO"nealh 'he $.aneWa... with w,,11 nichell arranged CroM...ise. Al a laler da'e it ",as li,...n II lhrcc-aisle form "', the tns<'nion of 1...·0
rows of columno. Btcause of its """"Iural con"",,· lion ... i,h !he UPJ"'l" (hun;h. th" col" could h..... been buill ontv af,cr lhe conSll"UCtion of ,he chun:'h. Since the la'cr Middle Ages. lhe l"I"nd has d...,ula,,,d (hat lhe Hoi. Famny found sheller in lhis c')l" during the flight", Egypt. A;'M,\QMlzl, wriling in the fifteenth centul')', is the first seriou~ hi.torian 10 gi.·e an accounl of ;1. Earli.., rd"renee.< ar.. found in I<lntC rtpOrts of pilgrim, from the ....,.. (lisl.-.:l ;n Coquin. 19i4, P. 97). bu' tbcsc IImph' rene"'le !he ,",,(ounlS of I!>e local d,..omans-. N~..",helos, lhe cnpl of Sain. Sc'll;US is .....-er menlioned in dcs..riplltlll5 of lhe 'lInous 510J'" of Ihe Hoi. Famil~ in the la'1le htllorical ....orb of Ihe Coptic church.
Th" Church of $;" BarbSr~h (Monnerel de Vi]
lard and A. ralricolo, 1922) is a sisH" buildiog of Ihe Church of SainI Se,.,iw.. II com... from the oame period and likvo"lSe "'"3:1 dn',ncd as a ba.s1Iica
with pllerion. although il is subwonlially I"", well prne:~. ElI<!ll$iI,e .-.:stomoon -.n. was ~anifil
OUI ~I Ihe begillr>in. of the lworntinh cenUlIY. llnd .. <he ",me lime I.... opponunily ".!Pen to dpl <he buildin. 10 Ihe demands 01. modC'rn wonbip. which llbo-... aU rf'quired more altar rooms. M • ,""II, the Wnu. ori&;inally situated in fronl of t ....
$OIlK'\GI'Y...... sacrificed.. 'The dde c",1 on !.he .'xllh sldoe may bel~ at 1..- in outli..... 10 lhe qM1 buHdin&, bul !he row of ~hapels atlaChed to
the nonh.side was lirs. built .t lhe beginninll of !he N'allieth ~""twy_ The roon'IS origlnolly oiIualed in lhis Uc:J. had. quite II diff"""nt
'The Church of Sitl ~m (....Ad!n'). called "'.Mu';aI\aqllh (u", Sttspended One). _ lor .. lime the chum. 01. the -patrian::luue In u", city (BulleT. Int. Vol. I. pp. lO6fl".). II is cOllJlrut::led oYer the pie 01. lbe Roman ionn::sa and conoequenll)' an only Iu."" been buill after the Anb ~ooquesc. II is lirst mftltioned. in IilenlUR in the period of !he
"o '" o '.
, t'Lf"
Plan of Int crypt beneatn In. sanctuaryQflht Ch\lrch of Salm Strgius. Coun~sy Pelrr GY(lJ.m~nn.
ninlh·c"nl\lry palriarch YUsA8 I in a repQ" doaling wilh tht dtW\Jction of tbt plkry. In II. original outli~. tht church appe;'lI"$ 10 h.o~t bun a col· umned Sll'\lCtu.......ith a naVe! .00 two aisles buill In lhe lradillonal manner with a nanhex and I,;panit" Anct....ry. Altached to if was an additional chaptl COflSlt\lCltd o--tr the loQO.It/w:_ IOWC!t" of the Roman font'C!SS and conOft:~ 10 the actual btiilica by a colonnade. once open. In the laIC lenth c",nw.,.. MI· Dua IV Ulcnded the uppn- Boor of thil Jide chap­ "I in order 10 prarid" accommodation fw th" patri. ,"",N. D.rring the Iasl 1Ul0ration. It was C!tT'OnC!OU5Iy wm..d into an acldilional chapel. Whal is left of. tbe Church of Sill Maryam in iU original _" ia con/i....d 10 the an::a of. UIis side chapel. ThC! basilica iUe!f. bo"".tr. ",as inapenly r_orK! in thr nin_nth e~twy....""""'br a chun:h with a 1UI~ and lour aisles camo;into 00.... and in the proc_ the pi....,. "'"25 Rmow:d.
The <;......1; Churd> of Saint GeoI"JC, which like its p.-..dec_ was buill over. the noo1h IQIOitr of the former river piC of the ROlRan fonrel. was rebuilt after a devastating lire on 4 Augusl 11Il),). In its struclu",l outline, il comprises a doubl,,·.btllW 1'0"
longer be IISCCnained from dle present sIMe 01 the building. n... church """y be reprdcd u old. eventhou'" mentioot of It ill the _n:cs docs not go back very far. n... earliest mention is by Ibn Duqndq in the inurt«oth century. Al tIat time the c,,",rch was c"""''"''t~ with • nunnery.
Other clIurches ..... DOl~ n.c Copcic Church of Saini ~. btlongi... cleariy 10 th., four-pi.llar typf: of building. wq I>wnecI clown in th., middIc of the llinc:en:nth cC!llCl.lty and was rchuilt wilhouI~ aI Ute end of the cenlUl')'. To tlte Ila/Ilf: camp btlonss • 06'a1 a1··lrdn (Wtdding House). a 11 paIae., of th" Mamluk period. Th., Church of the VlJlPn, Oattlyyal a1.RII).ln. mentioned in thc laic ninth cenrury, _ "ubst<lntially a lat... eighlCf:nth-century cotulruction and wilh its two
inner piUan comprised. to an ntent, a reduced form of the laIC medi• .,al fow'-pillar building in qypt. In tht 5pring of 1979 the church fell ,·iclim to a Ii..... The church of tht Coptic nuo....ry dedicat­ ed to Saini George (Dayr .l·lb.nitj origi~lly func· lioned as a Mamluk palace. The .ynagogu. of Bani Ezra wa. origin.lIy a Coplic church bul was sold in the nimh cenlury to th., Jewish community. who con~ened the building into a synagogue. Today the shape of the original church can no Ion~~ be .....n.
ChU«:Ma Outald. the Fonreu
The praenoe.l pans of the Church of Mir Mini go bKk to lis foundaJlon in the 6rs1 half 01 lhe eilhth co:ntury. II was precede<! by • small chapel of unlmown dale lhsol was desl,.."..,d in 72.'i. 'Ibis ei&hth-cenauy ....~ding was ..........ably a basil.... wid> a na"", and two .aWes ...,th p11erieo in the tno<litioIuol mattnn. Of this only sections of the IIZ>ctuItY of~ depth, logc:eher with tbc southern ou~ wall, haw: IUm>'ed. III the elcVC!rlth or e2rly IWCIfth cenlucy. the d1urch ...- fumr.hcd with a JHJnJdcJ.,sion. bul ill tlte presenl sUole of roo­ buildinit. only Karcdy identifiable ....mai... on the south side ha,,, ...rvived. Judci... by its presoen. shape. II would appear that we arc dcaling ..."ith an oblong c....rch ..·lth cupolas characteristic: of Upper "",.
Churche. In Dayr Abo Sayrayn
The most important church In Dayr Abii Sayfayn and the largest anclenl church in the 8....a of an· cient Babylon;" dtdicaled 10 Saini Mercuriw (Mar­ quriyU.). Of the original buildin,. Ihe fOl1nda.lion waU•. a part of Ihe ouler wall. and the eastern section of lhe! IlInctuary are besI presen'ed.
l1>ey Iioe a picture: of a wide church of ,eMrous proponions witll a northern anncll.-.,...-haps UMd as • b;tptisttf)'-on the level 01 the sanctuary. In this ronn. the church .. p<"rhaps the 00l1y church build­ i.,. )eft Mandi,. !hat goa back 10 • pre-Mus!im foundation. A.l ... unknowrI poi," in lime. the c:hu~h _ ~~N and subM:qo.Ieooy sea>­
lariKd. In the laic lCnUt century huiardI Abraham had !be church rebuilt. makina: ntenlin uN: 01 the el<islinl buiJdina:. In thou buiidinl Ihc am of the kltl'ono Is ckwly proved 10 be • Iat..... inslaIbtio... The wi~ In Ihc """Ut -'I and the rows of pilbn on both sides 01 the nave oti:a:inate &om the rime of A.bBlutm. The dome O\"CT tbe l1lun.. 10ft ba<:k 10. r«onsIruclion aft..... a cOOlftacnolion in the
second half 01 the twelfth centuI}"....-ben only !be chapel of Saini Gco'1le mUllIN III the east end 01 the south gall.,.,. is ,ocporte'd to havc rcmai"cd in--In the nonhea51 c:orroeT. lhe church has twO e>tra
c:hapds. ...-hkh "''Cfe pnXlably added in the !'Oo-etfth CftltuIJ. The ODe situated dOf'Cl" ID the church (01­
lows the of. rc<b;ed fou.....,oIumn COOlSUUC­ tion. Its spatial tnqulariliel rcsuIt &om its archi· lCClUr.III fusion with dle mnatru of the DOfIh anne< of the original conwuclion,.
A r..w steps south of Ibe ChW'Ch of Mercurius lies the Church of Soint SinuthNs (A.nbI Shini:idab), which is men.ioAN as euly as dle middle of the CiBhlh cenrury and cenainly had ... CJF.istenc:e be-
.. -- ---.- --••-•.....•, •. -··l ,.. ,_.,., .,.----' .~-.-.. . ,
Plan of the Church of Mil" Mini. Co.-TMS1 Pltlltr Gmss"'Dnn.
o •
Plan of th~ chur<:h compl~x dedicated to Saint MercUl;us. Courte,)' Peter Grossmann.
fore that time. In its p1\s~nt form th~ chur<:h is a basilica with an often reconstructed gallery and a subsequ~ntly ~xt~nd~d. sanctuary and a later khurus. It is no long~r p""sibl~ to delennine exact· Iy th~ original shape of th~_ sanctuary. but it se~m,
that it had th~ cOn\'~ntional tripartit~ di,·ision. In the Middle Age, the entrane~ lay on th~ south .ide of the church. wh~re today the epiphany tank and the remains of a column~d portico are preserved_ In modern times the entrance was shifted back to the west sick.
The third church in Da)T Sayfayn is dedicat· ed to the Virgin Mary, called al·Damshiriyyah. It is mentioned by ai-Kind; in the tenth e~ntury among
the new building. torn down by 'Ali ibn Sulaym~n
al-'AbMs:i in th~ ~ighth c~ntury. Whether there are vestiges of the eighth century in the present Slruc· ture remains doubtful, although 00 account of the irregularities of its ,hape, the possibility cannot lJ.,
ruled out absolutely. It give< the appearanc~ of a sturdily recoosuucted basilica with ,e,'eral ,""used
columns. Th~ sanctuary has the usual tripartite di,'i­ ,ion. Th~ ap:s~ sid~ chamher on the north was transformed in mo,"" ,""c~nt times into a BAH AL-NtsA' (area for women to receiv~ communion).
The al··...dhri' church in l:IARJT WWAyUtH was m~ntioned in the early twelfth century when it was us~d to consecrate a bishop. In the second half of
!he 1~lfth cenllllY lhe church ...... appaunlly Iak· tn owr by !he Anntnian$. Todoy it bdolllS 10 a "'Omtn's con~enl.
'Iht bulldi". i!St1f ha. been \"try badly r,..,or>'" JlNCled. and """'" of the walls ~$ 10 be older than dw: n,hlt<"flth ctnrury. ~r, ........... of Ihe iMOrporallion of the oldto- foundaliom, _ can l'ttOplu rt:lU£hIy some of lhe ""tline. of iIll oriIi· ..... JlNClure. They stlgesl !hat !he ""&ina! build· ina had Ihe ""dint oJ. a teansq>I baWio:;a. In com· pari!.on with other l<Urnpln oftllis typt, 1M size of litis buildi.., is renurbbly...wl. despUe lhe multi· aisJed Inn5lepl. An oril':in in the early Chris!u.n peri. od hal lItou dearly 10 be odudr:d. 'Iht ~Iu;ary cerutinly had a central semicircular apst, and il apptaI'S Ih.. only lhis apst had a klt.."u in fronl of It. One cilJlnot recognize the original appeannce of Iht sKle rooms from their pt"eM'nl SUle. Only re· used columns were ulilized as suppons,
Churches In Ihe MonasteritS Soulh of the Fortre..
Tltt Church of Ihe Virgin in Babylon al-Daraj I. iiI'${ mentioned under lhe ~Imreh l.A.CIUJI,lU in the elewnlh eemury, and sinee lhe lale devtnth cenlury considered 10 be one of Ihe $il" where Iht Holy Family stopped during lhe f1ighl 10 Egypt. ArchlleClurally il ... basilica. ",f>oso: naVt al pres­ enl It. eowred by • band roof. Apan from this, lbe only orisi"'" dements are plC5Crved in Ihe west
pan of the church with the ",-.lied-in columns of the ~em row of suppons.
Dayr a1·Amlr Tidnis ronlains I..... churcIIes lhal ~ a...-anged 0fI lhe ""... .oda of an inner 0ClUI'1.
The one on !he toUth side, dedicaled 10 Saini Theo­ OoNll (ndnu). ill first mentioned in lhe.second I>aIf of the eltYenIh Ctntuly and still contaillS remains of a u'nU1lliud building ""til an ambulMoty orici' ....n)' constructed around ~r corner pillan. Othe..... wisoe its prtSe111 construction is subsuonlU.Uy from the eialtlunth ctntury. Chanoclerimic an Iht larat semien-Ollar $IInetuanes and tho: absa>ce of a 1:1111"'"
The clturch 011 Ihe JIOnh s""" is dedlclled 10 Saint Cyna and SainI John, and its earliest. mention ill by Ibn DuqmAq in the founeemlt cenlury. Inside are prc:M! .....l!d the remains of a powerful kh~",s
dividing wall. On the outside the elturch has been completely recon.trucled so that il Is nO longer possible to recogni,e its original fonn.
The Chur<:h of Saim Michael i. lite m<l$1 ~outher'
Iy of the Babylon churches and, according 10 a nott
in the Hi$lrJ'J Df Ihll P"'ritJrchs, "'"lIS built al the beginning of the elewnth cenlul')'. Indeed, all lhal survives of lhe ~nal layout eli the church are a coupJe eli pillars concealed in the lile surrounding wall and also pOl$ibty a f""", seclions of the original OIIli1r ",'alb. They indicale that lite build:iD& "''as
once a """'ilia. Today the church sl'-vs all the sip of reconsln.>clioos with n<m>erous al­ terations and addilions on all Mde!..
Bulkr. It... J. Thll "lICk"l Co,mc Clrurches of Egypl, Vol. I. Oxford. 18&1.
:c--C- Babylon of EfYPI, Oxfurd, 1914. Coquin. C. us I:difices .;h,bitllS d.. Yieu.r C..ire.
Bibliodlcque d'itudes coplQ II. Caim. 1974. Cardin,.,.. A, H. ,4'Kienl Etypl'a.. Orwm"slic.., Vol.
2. London. 1947. Crossmann, P. ''Zur chri.llielltn Baukunsl in Aml­
en."' £n.;holia 8 (1978)'141. plale 16b. __ Mille/alter/khe Ltmghau,kuppe/ki,chen uud
VerWtmd,c Type>! in Obe,dOPte". Ghickstadt, 1982.
Middlelon. J. H. "On Ihe Coptic Churches of Old Cairo."' A,cltato/aria 46 (1865):397fF.
Monneret de Villard, U. "Nole sloriehe sulle chiest di al·Fus!4!." RenJko>!ti adl" Reo/e "ccaJem'" Nooo..ale Jei l.ince' 5, ser. 6 (1929):2116lf.
Monne.-et de Villard, u.. and M. A. Palricolo. u. chinD ili S. &rlM",. ~ce. 1922.
Palricolo, M. A. "Uonuments copies." Compus 'e"· Jus du Comili de comen'..,,,,n dl'> "'on""'....ts de ran ..r..he 32 {1915-1919):I91lJ.
Toy. S. "Babylon oJ. f&ypt." JoII"''''' rJ{ the 8rilis1t "rclureologic../ Auociarioot 3, st>". 1 {19J7):52-78.
I'nu <;aO$SMANN
BACHAny. CHARLES (1909-1957). secre­ tary of the 5OCIE:TY or corne AlIClWlU.OGT from lis establishmen, in 1934 unlil hit. death. He laid the ro..ndatiom fur lilt 5OCieIy'S procnun of activily and for il. libraI}'. He abo desi",ed its main sen... of publicalions. In 1944 Itt orp,.,iud al Cairo • successful exhibilion of Coplk an. w~ich "''as prob­ ably the nrsl anywhere in lhe world. In IY43 and 19<49 he di....~led the sodely's excavalions al DAn APA 1'IJ00BMlMON in lJpper Eml.