the correlation between vocabulary mastery and listening achievement

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  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement





    YEAR 2014/2015


  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement





    1. Background

    In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language and it has been taught to the

    students from the first year of secondary school up to university. Also, English

    language is more difficult to learn as a second language, because the students can not

    acquire the language from social environment especially in Indonesia. They can not

    communicate even when they want to speak English, they must find appropriate word


    It is different in the countries that use English as a second language.

    According to Beck and McKeown (1991:482), five to six years old have a working

    vocabulary of 2,500 to 5,000 words. It means that before the learners have a school in

    order to get more knowledge including vocabulary, the learners have a habit that

    force them to ha e ocab lar s ch as speak and listen each other b t this habit ill

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    understood when students have vocabulary. No matter how clever the students in

    grammar, if they are lack in vocabulary, the students still can not master English itself

    that makes the students can not communicate using English well. The statement also

    tells us that one of the language components, which are very important in

    communication, is vocabulary.

    Realizing the importance of vocabulary in language learning, Education and

    Culture Department (1994:33) states that the purpose of teaching vocabulary is to

    give the students knowledge concerning the meaning and the usage of word in

    sentence pattern they have already studied. It means that in order to make the students

    can communicate using English well, the teaching of vocabulary must be

    accompanied with knowing the meaning of words itself. Also, the class of words

    must be known in order to make easier in using it in the sentences with the correct

    grammar that they learn before or after they learn about the vocabulary. After these

    elements can be mastered by students, as a matter of fact it will be easier for them in

    communicating using English.

    M e e L (1988:22) t te th t d b l i l t f

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    Forming habit of listening can improve our pronunciation, sharpen our

    memory, enlarge vocabulary, and develop speaking ability. Even though the students

    can use English for communication by studying English, someone who does not

    study English can make language learning effective through imitation in listening.

    For example, in certain places, the person does not need to study English formally,

    he/she just needs to learn by listening to tourist.

    Logically, there is a significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and

    listening ability. According to Wise (2007:50), expressive vocabulary knowledge and

    listening comprehension skills were found to be independently related to word

    identification abilities. It means that there is a linkage between vocabulary mastery

    and listening ability in order to know the word in its usage, meaning and class. It can

    be noticed when people are listening to an English song, they can absolutely

    understand about the words said by the singer if they have a good skill of vocabulary


    Based on the background above, the writer will observe the correlation

    b t b l t d li t i hi t Th titl f hi h i

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    listening achievement at the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Rantau Panjang in

    academic year 2013/2014.

    4. The Significance of the Study

    The significance of the study is based on the result of investigation. It is hoped to

    get the following benefits: first, to give some contribution to the development of

    English teaching and learning in vocabulary and listening, second, to make the

    teachers know the students skill in vocabularyand listening, and third, to know the

    correlation between vocabulary mastery and listening achievement at the tenth grade

    students of SMA N 1 Rantau Panjang.

    5. Hypotheses

    The writer proposes two hypotheses in this research, they are: Null hypothesis

    (Ho) and Alternative hypothesis (Ha) as stated below:

    (Ho) : There is no significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and

    li t i hi t t th t th d t d t f SMA N 1 R t

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    6.1 Concept of Vocabulary

    In mastering English, vocabulary becomes an important thing. Jackson and

    Amvela (2000:180) state that the vocabulary of a language is essentially dynamic and

    well-integrated system of lexemes structure by relationship of meaning. It is clear that

    vocabulary may help students to communicate using English easier because

    vocabulary is directly integrated with the meaning of the word and the usage of the

    word in the sentences can be understood because the class of word itself is known.

    Vocabulary is also one of the linguistic aspects of language. It means that

    vocabulary plays a very important role in learning a foreign language because it

    would facilitate students in production stage of the language learning, e.g. reading

    comprehension. Al Kufaisi (1998:42) states that vocabulary is a vehicle of thought

    self expression, interpretation, and communication. It can be said that the students

    should posses a large number of vocabulary items to succeed in educational,

    intellectual, and professional fields.

    In addition, White, Graves and Slater (1990:281) state that the influence of

    t i b l ill h th hild i th b tt th t f th t

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    6.2 The Importance of Vocabulary

    Vocabulary is one of English components or sub-skill that must be taught to

    the learners, because vocabulary has the primary role for all languages. No matter

    how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of

    second language just can not happen in any meaningful way (Schmitt and McCarthy,

    2000:140). This statement shows us how important vocabulary in communication. It

    is not only for English, but also for the other languages all over the world.

    Communication happens if the speaker and listener understand what they tell and

    they hear. In order to get meaningful communication, the knowledge about the

    meaning of the word must be mastered and before master in the meaning of the word

    itself, the vocabulary knowledge will be the first ability that must be mastered. The

    knowledge of it is also really useful in helping students to master the four language

    skills in order to reach the communicative competence.

    According to Langan (1988:22) states that a good vocabulary is an oral part

    of effective communication, a command of many words will make you better in

    iti ki li t i d di It th t t f b l i

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    From the views above, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery is

    essential in helping somebody to learn the four language skills better, and it is also an

    essential factor in creating an effective communication in the target language.

    6.3 Categories of Vocabulary

    Donoughue (1990:70) states that there are four categories of vocabulary,

    namely; listening vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and writing


    1. Listening Vocabulary

    Listening vocabulary refers to all the words that children recognize and

    understand when they hear them in oral context. It is first vocabulary to develop

    during the language acquisition stage and it is also the one that continues to grow

    most rapidly during elementary school years.

    2. Speaking Vocabulary

    Speaking vocabulary includes all the words that children use in everyday

    h It f th b i f d l t f th di d iti b l d

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    6.4 Concept of Listening

    In the process of learning as a foreign language the students are taught the

    four skills. One of the skills is listening. Listening is an interactive process. This

    refers to the process of receiving sound waves through the ear and transmitting to the

    brain. According to Brown (1992:235), the first step of listening comprehension is the

    psychomotor process of receiving sound waves through the ear and transmitting to

    the brain. Listening is also a skill that makes people understand about what the other

    people say. As stated by Saleh (1993:33), that listening is a receptive skill in

    understanding the spoken language. In line with this, Morley (1984:7) says that

    listening refers to the ability to understand how particular sentence relates to what

    else has been said and its function in the communication. At this stage, the listener

    selects what is relevant to his/her purpose and rejects what is irrelevant.

    In addition, Rost (1991:3-4), states that when people listen to spoken

    language, they do some component skills in listening, such as; discriminating

    between sounds, recognizing words, identifying grammatical grouping of words, and

    ti it i d t f tt hi h f ti h l it t

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    It also involves interpretation. It means that listening is process in order to distinguish

    sounds, understanding messages, assist speaker, and dismantle problems, comprehend

    and evaluate what one hears, and enjoy, appreciate and response emotionally.

    Furthermore, the definition of comprehension is the process of reader or

    listener interaction with printed or oral material. Block (1993:78) defines that

    comprehension is a complex process, which involves between mind of reader or

    listener on language of the text, which is read or listened in a particular situational

    and social context. Comprehension requires the students engagement, use of scheme

    and interpretation of speakers messages it relates to their experiences. In addition,

    Finnoochiaro (1989:95) states that comprehension is also an activity in decoding of

    the stream of spoken language, which involves continual mental processing,

    concentrated, and memory because its utterance requires perception of the sounds,

    recognition, and identification of the segments, understanding of the communicative

    expression and syntactic structures, and interpretation of the messages.

    Moreover, Bromley (1992:120) defines that listening comprehension is an

    ti iti b t h d th l i i t t hi h

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    Agustina (1998:3) states that the learners can not study any other language skills

    without listening first. For example a child can speak a word after listening to the

    word several times. A child begins to use language by learning the spoken form. In

    other words, they learn by listening, understanding repetition.

    In vocabulary mastery, listening helps to enlarge students vocabulary. It is

    through listening that students learn many expression they will eventually see in

    print. Listening takes place all the time. In the classroom, the students listen to the

    teachers explanation about the meaning of words, phrases, and expression.

    Furthermore, listening is the important skill in order to get some information

    and remember it including the information about the material given by the teacher.

    Iwankovitsch (2001:5) cited that the importance of listening goes beyond our ability

    to recall information. It is clear that listening is very important in learning language

    especially English.

    From the explanation above, it can be concluded that listening has a

    fundamental function in order to understand about what the information said by

    k Li t i i l i t t t t i f ti th ll it i d t

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    This case can be seen when students have already known by rote a song lyric, they

    will easily sing that song while the song is being played. It can also be said that when

    people master in a listening then they must also master in vocabulary.

    In listening to a foreign language, the students have been on an experience of

    thinking that the language is a spoken abnormally fast. They may be able to identify

    a single word or phrase, but by the time they have the impression of having blanked

    out. Sometimes they missed the words. So, when people listen to something they

    must concentrate of what the speaker said. However, they are able to listen to exactly

    the same data again; they quickly identify those words or phrases, which have been

    isolated in the previous hearing. They also are able to build their vocabulary quickly.

    Besides that, listening enriches their vocabulary because by listening they can get

    new words and spelling. From the description above, it can be said that more

    vocabulary people have, better they master the language.

    6.7 Related Previous Study

    In relation to this study, there are several pieces of research that dealt with the

    it t d I thi t d th it di l f th hi h i

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    7. Method of the Study

    Method is a style of conducting a research work which is determined by the

    nature of the problem (Singh, 2008:163). In this study, the writer will use descriptive

    method especially the correlational study because the writer presents the fact and the

    calculation systematically based on the data obtained from the test. According to Best

    (1993:17), a descriptive study describes and interprets what it is. It concerns with

    conditions or relations that exist, opinions that are held, processes that are going on,

    effects that are evident or trends that are developing. It is primarily concerned with

    present although as they are related to current condition. The study is based on the

    conditions that existed.

    8. Variables of the Study

    Variables are characteristics or conditions that change or have different values

    for different individuals (Neelankavil, 2007:18). A variable function as an

    independent variable and dependent variable. Independent variable is a variable that

    i d t h i th i bl D d t i bl i d t
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    9. Operational Definitions

    The title of this study is The Correlation between Listening Achievement and

    Vocabulary Mastery at Ten Grade Students of SMA N 1 Rantau Panjang in

    Academic Year 2013/2014 .To avoid misinterpretation, some terms used in the title

    are operationally defined. Those are correlation, listening, listening achievement, and


    Correlation refers to the two things or more that have a mutual relationship

    and influencing each other. The correlation in this study refers to find whether one

    variable has a mutual relationship to the other variable or no.

    Listening is a way for getting information such as a word, a sentence, and

    phrase from other people orally in order to make people can communicate each other


    Listening Achievement in this study refers to the students knowledge of

    determining the word from context (what has already been said).

    Vocabularyrefers to the total number of words in a language.

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    Source : Document of SMA N 1 Rantau Panjang in 2013-2014 academic year


    Sample is the group of subject in which information is obtained. It is selected

    in such away that it represents the larger group (population) from which it is obtained

    (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1991:340). In this study, sample will be taken by using non

    random sampling. Manuel (2000:2) describe that non random sampling is a sampling

    method which is not based on a random mechanism in the selection of the study

    sample. Since the population consists of 73 students, as stated by Arikunto

    (2006:130), if the population is less than 100 students, all of the population can be

    taken as a sample. Therefore, all of the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Rantau

    Panjang in academic year 2013/2014 will be sample. The distribution of the sample isshown in Table 2.

    Table 2

    Sample of Study

    No Subpopulation Students Total number of students

    M l F l

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    students scores in vocabulary. The students will be asked to answer the multiple

    choice question that consist of 50 questions. The test will be presented in appendix B.

    However, before giving the test to the sample, the test will be tried out to the

    students of another school but still in the same level with the sample. The writer will

    give the same test with try out to the participant and sample.

    Furthermore, questionnaire will also be given to the students in order to get

    some information about the relationship between vocabulary mastery and listening

    achievement. A questionnaire is a trial to collect information using some written-

    question that must be answered in written form (Nawawi, 1995:177). Johnson and

    Christinsen (2000:127) state that questionnaire is a self-report data-collection

    instrument that each research participant fills out as part of research study. Moore

    (1992:24) says that questionnaire is a means of collecting the data in which the

    researcher call on students to examine themselves and react to a series of statement

    about their attitudes, feeling and opinions.

    In this study, the writer uses a close direct questionnaire with the

    i i ill i f 20 i Th i ill h hi i i i

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    sufficiently measurement skills or behavior it set out to measure. The test item of

    each test will be devised in accordance with the table of specification in order to

    make the test have a high degree of content validity. The table of test specification for

    vocabulary and listening tests can be seen in Appendix D. Moreover, the tests will be

    related to the syllabus (see Appendix E). Then, index of difficulty formula (IDIF) will

    be used to check the difficulty level of each item in the vocabulary test. The formula

    of IDIF can be seen below.

    = 100%

    Where :

    P = Indeks of difficulty

    B = Total of students with the correct answer

    Js = Total of students

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    Moreover, the internal consistency of reliability will be used in this study and

    estimated by Kuder-Richardson 21, or KR21. This formula will be done toward both

    tests (Vocabulary and Listening). Fraenkel and Wallen (1990:136) state that for

    researcher purposes, a useful rule is that reliability should be at least 0.70 and

    preferably higher. Formula of Kuder-Richardson 21 is as follows and it will be

    estimated manually:







    KR-21 = Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficient

    K = Number of Items in the Test

    M = Means of the Test Score

    SD = Standard Deviation of the Set of the Test Score

    In which :

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    = 100%

    Where :

    TS = Test ScoreNc = Total number of the test which is answered correctly

    Nt = Total number of the test

    Meanwhile, Likert Scale Type by Wiersma will be used in order to score the

    questionnaire. In scoring the questionnaire, the following rule is used:

    1) For the positive items 2) For the negative items

    Option a is scored 4 Option a is scored 1

    Option b is scored 3 Option b is scored 2

    Option c is scored 2 Option c is scored 3

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    The following table shows the degree of correlation (Sugiyono, 2011:231)

    Table 3

    The Degree of Correlation

    Coefficient Interval Degree of Correlation







    Very Weak




    Very Strong

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement



    Arikunto. (1993). Prosedur penelitian: suatu pendekatan praktek. Jakarta: PT.

    Rineka Cipta.

    Arikunto. (1998). Prosedur penelitian: suatu pendekatan praktek. Jakarta: PT.

    Rineka Cipta.

    Arikunto. (2006). Prosedur penelitian: suatu pendekatan praktek. Jakarta: PT.

    Rineka Cipta.

    Alkufaisi. (1998).A vocabulary building is a necessity not a luxury english.Teaching

    Forum, 26 (2). 42-43.

    Best & James. (1993).Research and education. Massachusetts: A division of Simon

    and Schucster, Inc.

    Christensen & Johnson. (2010). Educational research: quantitative, qualitative, andmixed approaches.California: Sage Publication Inc.

    Daryanto. (2001).Evaluasi pendidikan. Cetakan II. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

    Donoghue. (1990). The child and the english language and arts.Los Angeles, CA:

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement




    Johnson & Christensen. (2000). Educational research: quantitative and qualitativeapproach. USA: A Pearson Educational Company.

    Langan. (1988). English skill with readings. New York: McGraw-Hill Book


    Manuel. (2000). Teknik Sampling. Retrieved on April 22, 2014 from

    Mason & Bramble. (1997).Research in education and behavioral sciences: concepts

    and methods. London: Brown and Benchmark publisher.

    Margono. (2004).Metodologi penelitian pendidikan. Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta.

    McKeown. (1991). Language arts. Social studies texts are hard to understand:mediating some of the difficulties. 68. 482-490.

    Morley. (1984). Listening and language learning in ESL: developing self-studyactivities comprehension.New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. Nation. 2002.

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    Wiersma. (2000). Research method in education : an introduction. Boston:

    University of Toledo.

    Wise. (2007). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The relationship

    among receptive and expressive vocabulary, listening comprehension, pre-

    reading skills, word identification skills, and reading comprehension by

    children with reading disabilities. Vol.50 Retrieved on November 20, 2013from
  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement



    Listening Test

    Name :

    Class :

    Time : 1 x 45 minutes

    A. The Story of Snow White
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    The dwarf said : "What is your name ?Snow White said , "My name is Snow

    White." One dwarf said. If you want , you can stay here with us.Snow White tells

    all about her story . Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living

    happily ever (...........)10


    B. The Origin of Surabaya City

    Once (...........)11

    a time , there were two (............)12

    , Sura and Baya name.

    13 14
  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    C. Pinocchio and the Wicked Witch

    In a large pine forest in the country Italy, lonely. He always dreamed


    having a child. Every day , he went to cut wood for the city people. One

    day, an (............)22

    illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, that he would


    the name of Pinocchio . He made the doll and at night, the puppet


    to life! One year of happiness and thriller passed, on sunday (...........)25


    Gepetto told Pinocchio: it's my birthday soon , my little (...........)26

    ! I hope you do not
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    Pinocchio was terrified . When the guards came and (............)37

    him out of the

    cage, he immediately ran very fast and he managed to escape. At the same time, the


    wizard, summoned all his troops with him, ran after him and he pulled out

    his wand. Evil devil (............)39

    the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake! When

    he returned home, he told the whole story to his father and they went to find a fairy

    god. After a long journey, they finally found the fairy (............)40 and they had a

    magic potion for Pinocchio, Pinocchio to treat the poor.

    D. Finding Farmers Magic Box
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    the box. His father worked (............)47

    , took the gold coins out of the box. When he

    was told that he was very tired and wanted to rest, the farmer yelled to him, Why

    are you so (............)48

    Why can not you work harder old man said nothing and

    continued to work long Suddenly?. Man fell into the box, he died.

    As well as gold coins began to (.............)49

    and the box is filled with the dead.

    The former should be pulled out and buried. To do this, farmers have to spend all the


    that had been collected earlier. When he had spent all his money, broke

    box. farmer was ugly as before, terrible ending.

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    The answer key of listening test :





































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    Vocabulary Test

    Name :

    Class :

    Time : 1 x 45 minutes

    1. The ... of the examination depends on how many subjects you take.a. Ticket c. Coast

    b. Fee d. Salary

    2. Microsoft is a huge, international ....a. Competitor c. Conference

    b. Corporation d. Companion

    3. Most cars are fitted with a ... for locking the steering-wheel to prevent theft.a. Cable c. Device

    b. Tool d. Window

    4. Remember this ... - Think Before You Speak.

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    b. Who d. Which

    9. From this story, we can conclude ......... Cristiano Ronaldo is a great football

    player.a. That c. Of

    b. If d. For


    Rizty : hey, where have you been?Sary has been looking ...... you for a couple hours ago.

    Tita : Really?

    Im Sorry. There was a traffic jam when I was on the way tohere.a. For c. At

    b. To d. On

    11.Riya was reading novel ......... Rina called her.

    a. While c. Whereb. When d. If

    12.The police shot the boy ........ has robbed a woman at the shop.a. If c. With

    b. That d. Who

    13.Shintas home is far from her house. She always go to school ....... bike.a. By c. If

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    17.As Moeslim, we should maintain ...... deeds like as the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

    did.a. Our c. Us

    b. We d. My

    18.Every people have to have a vision including women. For example R.A Kartini,

    because of ....... vision the modern women in Indonesia can still feel the woman

    emancipation.a. Her c. Theirb. She d. Our

    19.Marko : May I borrow this book?Peter : I am Sorry. This book belongs to Harry.

    He entrusts to me and he will take ...... book soon.a. Them c. His

    b. Her d. Him

    20.The weather is so hot, Reza ........ to cancel his plan for going to his grandfathers

    house.a. Lies c. Is

    b. Decides d. Goes

    21.Tomorrow is my friends birthday party, I have to ........ to his party.

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    a. Experimented c. Experiencedb. Exploited d. Explored

    27.Please dont pass this information on to anyone else. Its ....a. Confidential c. Confident

    b. Secretion d. Believable

    28.Please send that letter by express. Its very ....a. Urgent c. Great

    b. Earnest d. Hurried

    29.The girl is diligent so she becomes a ....... girl.a. Clever c. Lazy

    b. Dumb d. Beautiful

    30.Ari loves Har because Har is a ....... girl.a. Taller c. Stinky

    b. Tall d. More tall

    31.Shid : Why did you leave her?

    Lud : Its not your business!Al : Yes, as we know together that she is a .......... woman.

    a. Dumb c. Beautifulb. More beautiful d. Lazy

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    37.Which is closest in meaning to "refuse"?a. Reject c. Diffuse

    b. Fresh d. Confuse

    38.Which is the antonym of long?a. Far c. Shoot

    b. Soon d. Short


    Which is the antonym of "pure"?a. Empty c. Impure

    b. True d. Push

    40.Which is the antonym of "rapid"?a. Hit c. Slow

    b. Smart d. Jump


    Which is the antonym of "extreme"?a. Extra c. Moderate

    b. Terrible d. Horrific

    42.Which is the antonym of "false"?a. True c. Wrong

    b. Rises d. Gentle

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    45.Where is the position of the shoe?

    a. Behind the chair c. On the chair

    b. Under the chair d. Next the chair

    46.The eggs exist ...... the refrigerator.

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    a. In front of c. Amongb. Between d. In

    48.Where is the position of the Eiffel Tower?

    a. Between the man c. At the manb. Behind the man d. On the man

    49.Where is the position of the moon?

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    The answer key of vocabulary test :

    1.b. Fee

    2.b. Corporation

    3.c. Device


    b. Proverb

    5.c. Analysis

    6.b. Exploitation

    7.d. Blasts


    d. Which

    9.a. That


    a. For

    11.b. When

    12.d. Who

    13.a. By

    14.c. My

    15.c. Your

    26.c. Experienced

    27.a. Confidential

    28.a. Urgent


    a. Clever

    30.b. Tall

    31.c. Beautiful

    32.c. Soiled


    a. Beat

    34.a. Fatal


    a. Chance

    36.a. Keep

    37.a. Reject

    38.d. Short

    39.c. Impure

    40.c. Slow

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    Name :

    Class :


    Do you like English subject?

    a. Very Like c. Little

    b. Like d. Do not like

    2. When do you start to know English subject?

    a. Junior High School c. Senior High Schoolb. Elementary School d. Play Group

    3. Do you join an English course?

    a. Yes c. Rarely

    b. Often d. No

  • 7/21/2019 The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Achievement


    a. Yes c. Little

    b. Sometimes d. No

    8. Are you always bored with the English subject?

    a. Yes c. Little

    b. Sometimes d. No

    9. Arrange these skills begin from the most difficult for you: speaking, l istening,

    reading, and writi ng.

    a. Speaking, listening,

    reading, and writing.

    c. Reading, speaking,

    listening, and writing.

    b. Listening, speaking,

    reading, and writing.

    d. Writing, speaking,

    listening, and reading.

    10.Arrange these aspects begin from the most difficult for you: Pronunciation,

    grammar, and vocabulary.

    a. Grammar, vocabulary, c. Pronunciation, grammar,

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    b. Sometimes d. No

    14.Do you always read the English book or magazine or newspaper?

    a. Yes c. Little

    b. Sometimes d. No

    15.Do you ever listen an English song?

    a. Yes c. Little

    b. Sometimes d. No

    16.Can you know the lyrics of an English song only by listening?

    a. Yes c. Little

    b. Sometimes d. No

    17.Do you open your dictionary when you face the difficult word from the English

    song you are listening?

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    a. Yes c. No

    b. May be d. Do not know

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    The Specification of the Test

    a.Vocabulary Test

    Materials Indicator Type of


    Number of Items








    To find out certain



    Choice. 1-7







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    Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Rantau PanjangMata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas : XSemester : ii

    Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi DasarMateri Pembelajaran Nilai Budaya &

    Karakter BangsaKewirausahaan/Ekono

    mi KreatifKegiatan Pembelajaran

    Indikator Penca-paianKompetensi



    8 Memahami maknadalam teks fungsionalpendek dan monologyang berbentuknarrative, descriptive,

    dannews itemsederhana dalamkonteks kehidupansehari-hari

    8.1 Merespon maknayang terdapatdalam teks lisanfungsional pendeksederhana(misalnyapengumuman,iklan, undangandll.) resmi dan takresmi secaraakurat, lancar danberterima dalam

    berbagai kontekskehidupan sehari-hari

    respond to

    narrative texts.

    Listen to the tapeand complete thefollowing story.

    The Little Girl andthe Wolf

    James Thurber

    One afternoon, a bigwolf the dark forest fora little girl to comealong carrying hergrandmother.Finally, the little girlcame along and shewas carrying abasket of food. "Areyou carryingthat basket to yourgrandmother?"3 ..........the wolf. Thelittle girl saidyes she was. So thewolf asked herwhere hergrandmother livedand thelittle girl told himand he 4............ intothe woods.

    Religius, jujur,toleransi, disiplin,kerja keras, mandiri,demokratis, rasaingin tahu, semangatkebangsaan, cintatanah air,menghargai prestasi,bersahabat, cintadamai, gemarmembaca, pedulilingkungan, peduli

    sosial, tanggungjawab

    Percaya diri(keteguhan hati,optimis).

    Berorientasi padatugas (bermotivasi,tekun/tabah,bertekad, enerjik).

    Pengambil resiko(suka tantangan,mampu memimpin)

    Orientasi ke masadepan (punyaperspektif untukmasa depan)

    Mengidentifikasibeberapa iklan lisandi tempat umumsecara berkelompok.

    Mendengarkan iklanmelalui tape secaraklasikal.

    Mendiskusikan isi danbentuk bahasa yangdigunakan secarakelompok

    Mengidentifikasi topiksebuah pengumumanlisan

    Mengidentifikasiinformasi tertentu dariundangan lisan

    Mengidentifikasi tujuandari pengumuman yangdidengar.


    Ulangan tertulis


    1 x 45

    1 x 45


    for Grade XSenior HighSchool(SMA/MA)






    Foto/ Poster





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    When the little girl 5...........thedoor of her grandmother's house, shesaw there wassomebody in bedwitha nightcap and 6.......... She hadapproached no

    nearer than twenty-fivefeet from the bedwhen she7..................... itwas not hergrandmother but thewolf,for even in anightcap a wolfdoesn'tlook anymore likeyour grandmotherthan 8.............. lionlooks like Calvin

    Coolidge. So the little

    girl took an automaticout of her basket andshotthe wolf dead.

    8.2 Merespon maknadalam teksmonologsederhana yangmenggunakanragam bahasalisan secaraakurat, lancar danberterima dalamkonteks kehidupansehari-hari dalamteks berbentuk;

    narrative,descriptive, dannews item

    respond to

    narrative texts.

    Study the followingexplanation. Then,listen to yourteacher readinganother story andcomplete the table

    Different writers

    organise their stories indifferent ways.

    However, theyusually give theirinformation about:

    the setting (the place,time)

    the characters (the

    Religius, jujur,toleransi, disiplin,kerja keras, mandiri,demokratis, rasaingin tahu, semangatkebangsaan, cintatanah air,menghargai prestasi,bersahabat, cintadamai, gemarmembaca, pedulilingkungan, peduli

    sosial, tanggungjawab

    Percaya diri(keteguhan hati,optimis).

    Berorientasi padatugas (bermotivasi,tekun/tabah,bertekad, enerjik).

    Pengambil resiko(suka tantangan,mampu memimpin)

    Orientasi ke masa

    depan (punyaperspektif untukmasa depan)

    Mendengarkanberita/deskri psi/naratif untukmenemukan berbagaiinformasi secaraklasikal melalui kaset.

    Mendiskusikanpembedakanpenggunaan bahasasecara lisan dantertulis secaraberkelompok

    Mengidentifikasimainidea dari teks yangdidengar

    Mengidentifikasi tokohdari cerita yangdidengar

    Mengidentifikasikejadian dalam teksyang didengar

    Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciridari benda/orang yang

    dideskripsikan Mengidentifikasi inti

    berita yang didengar

    Mengidentifikasi sumberberita yang didengar


    Ulangan tertulis


    1 x 45

    1 x 45


    for Grade XSenior HighSchool(SMA/MA)







    Foto/ Poster



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    Rantau Panjang, Juli 2012Mengetahui,

    Kepala Sekolah,

    Syaiful Bahri, S.Pd.Pembina.

    NIP 19640820 198804 1 001

    people in the story)

    the events (theconflict in the story)

    the outcome (whathappened in the end)



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