the country mouse and the city mouse 6ºb


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The contry mouse and the city mouse. 6ºB. semana del teatro en inglés. CEP Virgen de la Villa (Martos, Jaén).


Page 1: The country mouse and the city mouse 6ºb

The country mouse and the city mouse

Narrator 1 (Carlos): Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who

lived in the country.

Narrator 2 (María): He invited his cousin who lived in the city to visit


Country mouse (Pablo): How are you, dear cousin? I’m glad to see you

again. Now, I will show you the country life. How was your trip?

City mouse (Jose): The trip was not so bad, but I’m hungry and thirsty!

Country mouse: Ok, come with me then. We will eat outside.

City mouse: Oh no! It’s too hot outside!

Country mouse: Don’t worry! There is a big tree in the garden and it’s a

beautiful day!

Tree: Dear city mouse, welcome to the country!

Narrator 3 (Andrea): The mice went outside and sat in a table full of


City mouse: Ah, the air is so fresh and these flowers are so beautiful!

Flowers: Thank you city mouse!

Flower 1 (Judith): Life in the country is great!

Flower 2 (Luna): It’s amazing!

Flower 3: (Maite): It’s amusing!

Country mouse: And listen to the birds singing! They are lovely!

Birds: Pio pio pio!! Thank you country mouse!

Bird 1 (Alan): Life in the country is healthy!

Bird 2 (Cristina): It’s fun and beautiful!

Bird 3 (Juanjo): Yes! It’s a party!

(The mice start to eat…)

Page 2: The country mouse and the city mouse 6ºb

City mouse: Argjjj… What’s this green stuff?

Country mouse: Those are fresh peas and some barley.

City mouse: Oh it is terrible! We don’t eat these things in the city.

Come with me. I will show you my way of life!

Country mouse: I accept. Wait a moment. I will grab my luggage.

Narrator 4 (Rafa): The country mouse said goodbye to his friends and

went to the city.

Country mouse: Bye my dear friends! I’m so excited! I’m going to visit

the city!

Butterfly 1 (Lourdes): Have a nice time country mouse! And take care!

Butterfly 2 (Nerea): Yes! The city is huge! You could get lost!

Country mouse: Don’t worry! I will come back soon! Byeee

Narrator 5 (Noelia): When they arrived at the city, the country mouse

was scared.

(In the city there is a policeman who is controlling the traffic)

Policeman (blowing his wistle) (Antonio): Stop! Come on!, Go to the


Car drivers (Julián y Adrián): (honking their horn) Hurry up! I'm late

to work!

Country mouse: There is too much noise and traffic in the city. I can’t

hear the birds singing!

City mouse: Don’t worry about birds… In the city there are lots of

things to do. Look! These are my friends! I will introduce you to them.

Mouse 1 (Fátima): Hi! How are you?

City mouse: Fine, thank you! I’m glad to see you! Look, this is my cousin,

the country mouse.

Mouse 1: Oh, nice to meet you! Arrrg, your clothes are so strange!

Mouse 2 (Zahira Torres): Oh yes! I think you should go shopping!

Jajajaja!! Bye!!!

Page 3: The country mouse and the city mouse 6ºb

Country mouse (to the city mouse): Really? I think they are perfect!

City mouse: Don’t worry country mouse!

(They continue walking and see a snack bar).

City mouse: Hey! Do you want something to eat? Hamburgers and pizza

are delicious!!

Country mouse: Ok, I'm hungry!

Mouse in the snack bar (Zaira Olmo): Can I help you?

City mouse: Yes, I will have a coke and a hamburger.

Country mouse: The same for me please.

Mouse in the snack bar: Here you are.

City mouse and country mouse: Thank you!

(They start to eat)

City mouse: Ummm, It's wonderful!

Country mouse: Well… It's not so bad. Uffff, my stomach aches! This

food is not good for me!

(They continue walking when a car is about to run them over)

Country mouse: Oh my God! Cars drive really fast in the city! It's really


(A businessman and a businesswoman are walking in the street when

they see both mice).

Businessman (Cristian): Uffff, I’m so busy.

Businesswoman (Sandra): Yes… Life is so stressful!

Businessman: Look, two horrible mice! Puaaaj!

Businesswoman: Oh my God! I’m so scared. I hate mice. Heeeelp!!! (She

runs and shouts)

Country mouse: Hey you! What’s wrong with us?

City mouse: Don’t worry dear cousin. These types of things are typical in

the city. People don’t like mice!

Page 4: The country mouse and the city mouse 6ºb

(A big dog is barking and running towards the mice).

Country mouse: Hey, what’s that noise?

City mouse: Oh oh! We are in trouble. I think a dog wants to eat us for

dinner! Come on! Let’s hide!

(They hide behind the snack bar)

Dog (Carlos Javier): Guau guau! Where are you, mice? You will be my

delicious dinner! I will find you!

(After a while, the mice appear again. The country mouse is shaking

with fear).

City mouse: Wow, life in the city is exciting, isn’t it?

Country mouse: Yes. In fact, I think I had enough… I miss my life in the


City mouse: But…

Country mouse: No my dear cousin. I don’t like this life. I don’t want to

feel frightened and scared, to run and hide. I prefer to eat fresh food

in my garden and play with my friends in the country. Thanks, but now I

will go home.

Narrator 1 (Carlos): So the Little Country Mouse went back home and

stayed there for the rest of his life.