the cross and the divine will - city, feb....

1 The Cross "Christianity is a person, a person raised on the Cross, a person who annihilated himself to save us; was made sin."

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Page 1: The Cross and the Divine Will - CITY, FEB. 10, 2008 . Taking up one's cross and following Christ is part Taking up one's cross


The Cross

"Christianity is a person, a person raised on the Cross, a person who annihilated himself to save us; was made sin."

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Online Studies

Secular Order of Jesus Mary and Joseph

Diane Jakes, JMJ, Director

Roland Kent Lee, JMJ Director Emeritus & Author

Lynne Bauer JMJ Advisor

The purpose of the email school is to help members to grow in the knowledge of the

Divine Will. It is extremely important that the fruit of this program give glory to

the Father. Students need to have personal copies of the Book of Heaven, the Holy

Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church for reference.

The test for completion is eternity with Our Lady of Sorrows, Patron of

the Order and the Holy Trinity.

“The Holy Spirit wants to give Christians a ‘new and divine holiness’

at the Dawn of the Third Millennium” - Pope John Paul II

How do you receive a course? Email to [email protected] Ask for it.

You will receive it by email. Yes, questions can be answered or statements clarified

by same method. Ask and you shall receive.

The Cross and the Divine Will

Excerpts from writings of Luisa Piccarreta on the Cross; Some translations

unknown. Official version will be available in the future. Study does not include all

references to the Cross, the Passion or reparation and atonement. I suggest you find

them and add them to your study in your own handwriting. You will remember it

better. Do not publish the writings of the Book Of Heaven. You are

being provided this as a student for personal use and reflection.

Feed back is solicited.

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“Everything that Christ lived Enables us to live it

in Him and that He live it in us” Catechism 521

Compiled by Ron Lee, JMJ

Secular Order of Jesus Mary and Joseph

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 10, 2008 . Taking up one's cross and following Christ is part

of entering into Lent, and the only path in life that leads to the victory of love and

peace over hatred and violence, says Benedict XVI.

Note: Keep reflecting in this homily as you study. How will you change your life to

walk, build and witness. If you are not doing this, what is the road block to


The Pope Benedict XVI said in an address to the thousands gathered in St. Peter's

Square to pray the midday Angelus, in which he reflected on what it means to live

the liturgical season of Lent.

Entering into Lent, he said, "means to enter into a time of particular commitment in

the spiritual combat that opposes us to the evil present in the world, in each one of

us and around us. It means to look evil in the face and dispose oneself to fight

against its effects, above all against its causes, right up to its ultimate cause, Satan.

"It means not unloading the problem of evil onto others, onto society, onto God, but

recognizing one's own responsibility and consciously taking it upon oneself."

The Holy Father said that it's also a time to take up one's cross and follow Christ.

The cross, he added, is the "opportunity to follow Christ and in this way acquire

strength in the battle against sin and evil."

The Pontiff concluded: "Entering into Lent therefore means renewing the personal

and communal decision to face evil together with Christ. The way of the cross is in

fact the only way that leads to the victory of love over hate, of sharing over egoism,

of peace over violence.

"Seen in this way, Lent is truly an occasion for determined ascetic and spiritual

commitment founded upon the grace of Christ."

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Print 2013-09-14 Vatican Radio (Vatican Radio) At the Mass for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Pope Francis said the mystery of the Cross is a great mystery for mankind, a mystery that can only be approached in prayer and in tears. In his homily, the Pope said that it is in the mystery of the Cross that we find the story of mankind and the story of God, synthesised by the Fathers of the Church in the comparison between the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in Paradise, and the tree of the Cross: “The one tree has wrought so much evil, the other tree has

brought us to salvation, to health. This is the course of the humanity’s story: a journey to find Jesus Christ the Redeemer, who gives His life for love. God, in fact, has not sent the Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. This tree of the Cross save us, all of us, from the consequences of that other tree, where self-sufficiency, arrogance, the pride of us wanting to know all things according to our own mentality, according to our own criteria, and also according to that presumption of being and becoming the only judges of the world. This is the story of mankind: from one tree to the other.” In the Cross there is the “story of God,” the Pope continued, because we can say that God has a story.” In fact, “He has chosen to take up our story and to journey with us,” becoming man, assuming the condition of a slave and making Himself obedient even to death on a Cross: “God takes this course for love! There’s no other explanation: love alone does this. Today we look upon the Cross, the story of mankind and the story of God. We look upon this Cross, where you can try that honey of aloe, that bitter honey, that bitter sweetness of the sacrifice of Jesus. But this mystery is so great, and we cannot by ourselves look well upon this mystery, not so much to understand – yes, to understand – but to feel deeply the salvation of this mystery. First of all the mystery of the Cross. It can only be understood, a little bit, by kneeling, in prayer, but also through tears: they are the tears that bring us close to this mystery.” “Without weeping, heartfelt weeping,” Pope Francis emphasized, we can never understand this mystery. It is “the cry of the penitent, the cry of the brother and the sister who are looking upon so much human misery” and looking on Jesus, but “kneeling and weeping” and “never alone, never alone!” “In order to enter into this mystery, which is not a labyrinth but resembles one a little bit, we need the Mother, the mother’s hand. That she, Mary, will

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make us understand how great and humble this mystery is; how sweet as honey and how bitter as aloe. That she will be the one who accompanies us on this journey, which no one can take if not ourselves. Each one of us must take it! With the mother, weeping and on our knees.”

Holy Father with Youth in Brazil.

Address of Pope Francis to Young Pilgrims at the World Youth Day Way of the Cross on

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, July 26, 2013

Dear Young Friends,

We have come here today to accompany Jesus on his journey of sorrow and love, the Way

of the Cross, which is one of the most intense moments of World Youth Day. At the end of

the Holy Year of Redemption, Blessed John Paul II chose to entrust the Cross to you, young

people, asking you “to carry it throughout the world as a symbol of Christ’s love for

humanity, and announce to everyone that only in the death and resurrection of Christ can

we find salvation and redemption” (Address to Young People, 22 April 1984). Since then,

the World Youth Day Cross has travelled to every continent and through a variety of

human situations. It is, as it were, almost “steeped” in the life experiences of the countless

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young people who have seen it and carried it. No one can approach and touch the Cross of

Jesus without leaving something of himself or herself there, and without bringing something

of the Cross of Jesus into his or her own life. I have three questions that I hope will echo in

your hearts this evening as you walk beside Jesus: What have you left on the Cross, dear

young people of Brazil, during these two years that it has been crisscrossing your great

country? What has the Cross of Jesus left for you, in each one of you? Finally, what does

this Cross teach us?

1. According to an ancient Roman tradition, while fleeing the city during the persecutions of

Nero, Saint Peter saw Jesus who was travelling in the opposite direction, that is, toward the

city, and asked him in amazement: “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus’ response was: “I

am going to Rome to be crucified again.” At that moment, Peter understood that he had to

follow the Lord with courage, to the very end. But he also realized that he would never be

alone on the journey; Jesus, who had loved him even unto death on the Cross, would always

be with him. Jesus, with his Cross, walks with us and takes upon himself our fears, our

problems, and our sufferings, even those which are deepest and most painful. With the

Cross, Jesus unites himself to the silence of the victims of violence, those who can no longer

cry out, especially the innocent and the defenseless; with the Cross, he is united to families

in trouble, those who mourn the loss of their children, or who suffer when they see them fall

victim to false paradises, such as that offered by drugs. On the Cross, Jesus is united with

every person who suffers from hunger in a world where tons of food are thrown out each

day; on the Cross, Jesus is united with those who are persecuted for their religion, for their

beliefs or simply for the color of their skin; on the Cross, Jesus is united with so many

young people who have lost faith in political institutions, because they see in them only

selfishness and corruption; he unites himself with those young people who have lost faith in

the Church, or even in God because of the counter-witness of Christians and ministers of

the Gospel. The Cross of Christ bears the suffering and the sin of mankind, including our

own. Jesus accepts all this with open arms, bearing on his shoulders our crosses and saying

to us: “Have courage! You do not carry your cross alone! I carry it with you. I have

overcome death and I have come to give you hope, to give you life” (cf. Jn 3:16).

2. And so we can answer the second question: What has the Cross given to those who have

gazed upon it or touched it? What has it left in each one of us? It gives us a treasure that no

one else can give: the certainty of the unshakable love which God has for us. A love so great

that it enters into our sin and forgives it, enters into our suffering and gives us the strength

to bear it. It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and to save us. The Cross of

Christ contains all the love of God, his immeasurable mercy. This is a love in which we can

place all our trust, in which we can believe. Dear young people, let us entrust ourselves to

Jesus, let us give ourselves over entirely to him (cf. Lumen Fidei, 16)! Only in Christ

crucified and risen can we find salvation and redemption. With him, evil, suffering, and

death do not have the last word, because he gives us hope and life: he has transformed the

Cross from an instrument of hate, defeat and death into a sign of love, victory and life.

The first name given to Brazil was “The Land of the Holy Cross”. The Cross of Christ was

planted five centuries ago not only on the shores of this country, but also in the history, the

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hearts and the lives of the people of Brazil and elsewhere. The suffering Christ is keenly felt

here, as one of us who shares our journey even to the end. There is no cross, big or small, in

our life which the Lord does not share with us.

3. But the Cross of Christ invites us also to allow ourselves to be smitten by his love,

teaching us always to always look upon others with mercy and tenderness, especially those

who suffer, who are in need of help, who need a word or a concrete action which requires us

to step outside ourselves to meet them and to extend a hand to them. How many people

were with Jesus on the way to Calvary: Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, Mary, the women…

Sometimes we can be like Pilate, who did not have the courage to go against the tide to save

Jesus’ life, and instead washed his hands. Dear friends, the Cross of Christ teaches us to be

like Simon of Cyrene, who helped Jesus to carry that heavy wood; it teaches us to be like

Mary and the other women, who were not afraid to accompany Jesus all the way to the end,

with love and tenderness. And you? Who are you like? Like Pilate? Like Simon? Like


Dear friends, let us bring to Christ’s Cross our joys, our sufferings and our failures. There

we will find a Heart that is open to us and understands us, forgives us, loves us and calls us

to bear this love in our lives, to love each person, each brother and sister, with the same

love. Amen!

VATICAN CITY, April 08, 2014 ( - "Christianity does not exist without a

Cross," noted Pope Francis during his morning Mass today in Casa Santa Marta. "There is no

possibility to exit from our sins ourselves." The Holy Father reiterated that the "cross is not an

ornament to be put on an altar." Rather, he emphasized it is the mystery of the love of God.

The Holy Father reflected on today's Gospel reading from the book of John, which recalls when

Jesus put the Pharisees on guard, saying to them: "You will die in your sins," if "you do not

believe that I am."

Still discussing the Gospel, the Pope added that Jesus continued to say, "When you lift up the

Son of Man, then you will realize that I am."

Pope Francis noted the significance of Jesus discussing in the Gospel how he would be lifted up

and Jesus subsequently being raised up on the cross.

Pope Francis made a reference to the Apostle Paul's words. Paul said, "It is His [God's] Son, who

took upon Himself all of our sins, our arrogance, our security, our vanity, our desires to become

like God."

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He emphasized that it is impossible to have Christianity without the cross and the cross without

Jesus Christ.

The Holy Father pointed out, "Christianity is not a philosophical doctrine, it is not a program for

life to survive, to be educated, to make peace. These are consequences."

He clarified, "Christianity is a person, a person raised on the Cross, a person who annihilated

himself to save us; was made sin."

Francis said that the mystery of the cross is the recognition that our wounds, those due to sin,

could only be healed by Jesus' wounds when he was made man and died on the cross for us.

Regarding the cross, the Pope reminded the faithful: "It is not an ornament, that we must always

put in the churches, the altar there. It is a symbol that distinguishes us from others. The cross is

the mystery, the mystery of God, who humbles himself."

Finally, regarding sin, Pope Francis asked the faithful at the Mass: "Where is your sin ?" He joked

that their response would be: "'But I do not know, I have so many here.'"

The Holy Father decided to help those present by answering for them: "No, your sin is there, on

the cross." He continued, "Jump to search for it there, in the wounds of the Lord, and thy sin shall

be healed, your wounds will be healed, your sins will be forgiven."

Concluding his homily, the Pope underscored that "the forgiveness that God gives us does not

delete an account that we have with Him." Rather, "the forgiveness that God gives us is the

wounds of his Son on the Cross, lifted up on the Cross. He draws us to Him, so that we may


Many of us who are studying the Divine will do not advance rapidly; although the

light and truth is there to transform us. The Cross is the negative! God states very

clearly that the Cross is the means to die to self. Not part, but all must die.

Nothing of the old Adam can pass beyond the boundaries of the Cross of Jesus

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Christ. Adam chose self life instead of living at the expense of God. Our nature with

original sin is a self life and God must do away with it. It costs you everything.

Jesus paid the price of everything so you have the easier road to Calvary and

beyond. We are commanded to be co-crucified with Him. Jesus could have come

down off the cross, since He is the authority of all things, but He did not. If we come

off the cross, the old self returns immediately. There is no way to put the old man to

death apart from dying with Christ and giving your will to His Will. (Gal. 2:20) St.

Paul also said “I die daily” (1 Cor. 15:31). In the Divine Will it is all the time. We

can start with the desire and God will begin the journey to Eternity with you. I have

heard some say, I want it and nothing happens. There is a reason! It is our

responsibility to take the step of exercising our faith to take hold of the inheritance

and beginning to except it as ours in Him. Fact is God’s work, and Faith is in what

God is doing.

We begin the journey that God pre-ordained by consecration. We call it the

Consecration to the Divine Will. My suggestion is you consecrate your self to Mary,

the Victorious Queen and she will keep you safe in this endeavor of self death. She

was with Jesus through it all and with all the Saints. She will never abandon you

since she is your mother. Others say, I am doing this and that for God. The truth is

that nothing from the natural life pleases God unless it is within His Will. Some

consecrate with self in mind. God will immediately begin to strip this soul of

everything that is dear to him and is and has been and obstacle between them.

Faith allows the soul to begin the process and experience is the consequence of your

faith and actions. God is calling you to serve in the inner cloister of the Holy

Trinity. You may be in the dark and lonely place with the veil, but your faith and

trust will allow the veil to be stripped away and light flood your soul.

If God allows a cross in your life it is because it has a spiritual mission. Uniting

whatever it is to Him and Our Lady will bring Glory to all and your Lord and

Savior. He does not make us stronger, but weaker and weaker. He does not want us

to do it, but be obedient and constant in the present moment. He wants to do it.

You can join in if He tells you. Many times our circumstance of life is God at work

and we do not like it since we are not in control. Live in the present moment and be

thankful that God is in control. God requires the nothingness as in creation. The

abyss provided space for the Holy Spirit to “hover” and create with the Word.

Become nothing and He will create not only within you, but without.

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I have heard others state they were afraid of the evil and loss of identity. Number

one – the devil hates and is afraid of the Divine Will. The devil has no way to touch

you since he is darkness and you are light. If God allows spiritual warfare in your

life, it is to bring victory for whoever you are in the process of bringing the blood of

Jesus to victory. Number two, you have a new identity in Him. You are a son or

daughter of the Most Holy Will. You have become a living host and your body is

the tabernacle. No power in the spiritual life means you are living in self life and

have not went to the other side of the cross – resurrection life in the Divine Will. If

you have not experienced death, you can not experience spiritual life.

Luisa’s life was the third link to bring about the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Our

job is to follow the path that Jesus, Our Lady and Luisa made for us to the seas of

the Eternal Will in time and Eternity. Just begin! It is all about acts. Acts! Acts!

The Wisdom of the Cross. Volume One - 1 Jesus speaking to Luisa: “My beloved, the Cross, properly followed and ardently desired,

distinguishes between the predestined and the reprobate who is stubbornly opposed to

any suffering. Know that on the Universal Day of Judgment, the faithful and persevering

will feel the caress of the Cross and will be ecstatic when they see it appear, whereas the

reprobate will be seized and assailed by a horrible fear. Even now, my beloved, one can

without doubt assert if this one or that one will be saved or eternally lost to Me.

For instance, if, when the Cross appears, one embraces it with resignation and patience,

kisses it from time to time, thanks Him who sent it, and follows Me, it is an evident and

almost certain sign that that one will be among those saved. If, on the other hand, when

the Cross presents itself to the contrary ones, and they become irritated, scorn it, and try

to escape from it at any cost, then it can be considered to be a sure sign that they are

walking on the road to hell. Therefore, if during a reprobate's life he offends Me when he

looks at the Cross, then on Judgment Day he will curse Me, since seeing the Cross will

incite eternal terror for him.

Besides, my child, the Cross is the mark of the true Christian. Like an open book it says

it all. It distinguishes clearly and without deception, the saint from the sinner, the perfect

from the imperfect, and the fervent from the lukewarm. It bestows light on the well-

disposed, distinguishes the good from the bad, and reveals, more or less, who should be

in Heaven and who must occupy a prominent place there. In addition, all the virtues

become modestly humble and reverent before the excellence of the Cross. And do you

know when they acquire more brilliance and splendor? When they are well-grafted onto

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the Cross how can words describe the magnitude of the flames of love for the Cross that

Jesus infused into my heart by his words.

Prayer. Lord God, my sins are enormous and the sins of omission cry out also. My

confessions in the Sacrament are a brief litany of what I remember even with an

examination of conscience, Draw me closer to the Cross and the suffering you did and

still are paying for my darkness of mind and soul. I seek the cross with trembling for I

have always taken care of myself and at the expense of others at times. Let Your Light

shine in the darkness of my being and remove it so I am a holy mirror of you. Amen.

(Ron Lee JMJ)

1 Corinthians, 1: 23. Paul says, "...but we preach Christ crucified..."

Why does Paul preach Christ crucified? verse 24, Christ crucified is the "power of God". It is the

crucified Christ that the bonds of sin and death and broken. 1 Cor. 2:2, "For I decided to know

nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

Paul preaches Christ crucified because an empty cross has no power. The cross with the

corpus shows the bruised and bone exposed , battered, and bloodied body of Jesus Christ,

however, that cross is the "power of God". Catholics "keep Jesus on the cross," because

each of us , too are told to preach Christ crucified. The Crucifix reminds us not only of

God's power, but also His love for us - giving His only begotten Son up for suffering and

death. The devil understands the power of the Cross and tries to keep it as jewelry and

other no power ornaments.

The resurrected life comes through the cross, death to self and life in Jesus Christ.

Suffering is the power of the cross in our life. Count it all joy and praise God in all


Luke 9:23: we must die with Christ in order to live with Him as Romans 6:8 tells us.

Where did Christ die? On the cross. The Crucifix serves to remind us of these things.

Even in Galatians, Paul exhorts them to know that Christ was publically crucified.

Where? ” On the cross. Keep a crucified cross in your home and when temptation comes

use it. To remind you that you died with Him and you can overcome the world and the

devil with it. I use when temptation comes of any type – Jesus and Mary I commend my

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soul to you. That is exactly what Jesus did on the cross! It works….. Stay close to the

cross and He will bring you to life on the other side. Mary is there with you, watching

you and praying. She is the Victorious Queen of the World. The Cross is the banner of

the Kingdom of God and She is your Queen and Jersus is your King. Be a warrior, first

class, by following the cross where God takes you in battle.

This arrow will help you to know a particular truth in your heart, but each

letter in the book of heaven are letters of GOLD.

This course is in three general sections of study. It takes its cue from Volume 3 –

December 22, 1899.

How God draws us to love Him in three ways, and how He manifests Himself to the

soul in three ways: Benefits, sympathies and persuasions and power, news and love.

This morning my adorable Jesus was not coming. After much waiting and waiting He

made Himself just barely seen several times, like a lightning that flashes by. But I seemed

to see a light rather than Jesus, and in this light, a voice which, the first time it came, said:

“I draw you to love Me in three ways: by dint of benefits, by dint of sympathies,

and by dint of persuasions.”

Who can say how many things I comprehended in these three words? It seemed to me

that in order to attract my love and also that of the other creatures, blessed Jesus makes

benefits rain down for our good, and in seeing that this rain of benefits does not reach

the point of gaining our love, He reaches the point of rendering Himself sympathetic.

And what is this sympathy? It is His pains suffered for love of us, to the point of dying,

deluging blood upon a cross, where He rendered Himself so sympathetic as to enamor of

Himself His very executioners and His fiercest enemies. Even more, in order to attract us

more and render our love stronger and more stable, He left us the light of His most holy

examples, united to His celestial doctrine, which, like light, dispel for us the darkness of

this life and lead us to eternal salvation. The second time it came, it said to me: “I

manifest Myself to the soul in three different ways: by power, by news and by

love. The power is the Father, the news is the Word, the love is the Holy

Spirit.” Oh, how many more things I comprehended! But too little is that which I am

able to manifest. It seemed to me that God manifests Himself to the soul, by power, in

the whole of creation; from the first to the last being is the omnipotence of God

manifested. The heavens, the stars and all the other beings speak to us, though in a mute

language, of a Supreme Being, of an Uncreated Being, of His omnipotence. In fact, the

most learned man, with all of his science, cannot arrive at creating the most wretched

mosquito, and this says that there must be a most powerful uncreated Being who created

everything, and gives life and preservation to all beings. Oh, how the whole universe, in

clear notes and with indelible characters, speaks to us of God and of His omnipotence!

Therefore, one who does not see Him is voluntarily blind! By news: it seemed to me that

blessed Jesus, in descending from Heaven, came upon earth in person to give us news of

what is invisible to us; and in how many ways did He not manifest Himself? I believe

that everyone can comprehend the rest by himself, therefore I will not go on speaking.

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CONSTANT IN YOUR STUDYING. (You can even write on the margins

which manifestation God is using to you at that moment of your life. I have found,

He uses all of them with me at different stages of my life on the cross.)






June 14, 1900

The effects of the Cross in the soul.

As I was a little in suffering, on coming, my adorable Jesus compassionated me and said

to me: “My daughter, what is it - that you are suffering so much? Let me relieve you a

little.” So (though Jesus was suffering more than I was) He gave me a kiss, and since He

was crucified, He drew me outside of myself and placed my hands in His, my feet in His,

while my head was leaning on His head, and His on mine. How content I was, being in

that position! Though the nails and the thorns of Jesus gave me pains, yet, they were

pains that gave me joy, because they were suffered for my beloved Good. Indeed, I would

have wanted them to increase more. Jesus too seemed to be content with me, keeping me

in that way, drawn to Himself. It seemed to me that Jesus was refreshing me, and that I

was of refreshment for Him. Then, we went out in that position, and having found the

confessor, immediately I prayed to Him for his needs, and I asked the Lord to deign to

allow the confessor to hear how sweet and gentle His voice is. To make me content,

Jesus turned to him and spoke of the cross, saying: “The cross absorbs the Divinity

into the soul, renders her similar to my Humanity, and reproduces my own works in


Afterwards, we continued to go around for a little while, and – oh, how many sorrowful

sights, such as to pierce the soul through!: the grave iniquities of men, who do not lower

themselves even before Justice - on the contrary, they hurl themselves with greater fury,

almost wanting to render double wounds for wounds; and the great misery that they are

preparing for themselves. Then, to our greatest sorrow, we withdrew. Jesus disappeared,

and I withdrew inside myself

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June 18, 1900

All of Creation points out the love of God; the wounded Body of Jesus points out the

love of neighbor.

As He continued not to come, I tried to apply myself to considering the mystery of the

scourging. While I was doing this, I just barely saw blessed Jesus, all wounded and

dripping Blood, who told me: “My daughter, the heavens along with all Creation point

out the love of God; my wounded Body points out the love of neighbor, so much so, that

with my Humanity, united to my Divinity, from two natures I formed one and I rendered

them inseparable, because I not only satisfied divine Justice, but I operated the salvation

of men. And so that everyone assumed this obligation of loving God and one’s neighbor,

I not only made them one, but I reached the point of making of it a divine precept.

So, my wounds and my Blood are many tongues that teach everyone the way to love

one another and the obligation that all have to care for the salvation of others.”

Afterwards, assuming a more afflicted appearance, He added: “What a ruthless tyrant

love is for Me, as I not only employed the course of my mortal life in continuous

sacrifices, to the point of dying, bled dry on a cross, but I left Myself as perennial victim

in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

And not only this, but I keep all of my favorite members as victims living in continuous

sufferings, employed for the salvation of men; just as among many I have chosen you, to

keep you sacrificed for love of Me and for men. Ah, yes! My Heart finds no respite nor

rest if It does not find man. And man…man…how does he requite Me? With most

enormous ingratitudes!” Having said this, He disappeared.

June 24, 1900

The cross is the nourishment of humility.

After going through a few days of privation - at the most, a few shadows and flashes – I

felt all of my powers asleep, in such a way that I myself could not understand what was

happening in my interior.

In this sleepiness, only one pain was awake in my interior, and it was the fact that it

seemed it had happened to me as to one who, while sleeping, loses his sight or is

deprived of all his riches. The miserable one can neither grieve, nor defend himself, nor

use some means to free himself of his misfortunes. Poor one, in what a pitiful state he

finds himself! But what is the cause of it? His sleep.

Because if he had been awake, he would certainly have known how to defend himself

well from his misfortunes. Such is my miserable state; it is not given to me even to let out

a moan, a sigh, or to shed one tear, because I have lost sight of the One who is all my

love, all my good, and who forms all my contentment. It seems that in order not to make

me grieve from His privation, He made me fall asleep and left me. Ah, Lord, wake me up

Yourself, that I may see my miseries, and know at least of what I am being deprived!

Now, while I was in this state, from within my interior I heard blessed Jesus moaning


Those moans wounded my hearing, and waking up a little bit, I said: ‘My sole and only

Good, from your moans I perceive the too painful state You are in. This happens because

You want to suffer alone and do not want to let me share in your pains; even more, so as

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not to have me in your company You made me fall asleep and You left me without letting

me understand anything any more.

I understand where all this comes from: it is so that You may be more free in chastising.

But, O please! - have compassion on me, for I am blind without You; and on Yourself,

for it is always good in all circumstances to have someone who would keep You

company, relieve You, and somehow break your fury. In fact, now You are determined

and You send chastisements, but when You see your images perish from misery, You

will let out more moans than now, and maybe You will say to me: “Ah, if you had tried

harder to placate Me, if you had taken the pains of creatures upon yourself, I would not

see my own members so tormented!” Isn’t it true, my most patient Jesus? O please,

relieve Yourself a little bit, and let me suffer in your place!’

While I was saying this, He moaned continuously, almost in the act of wanting to be

compassionated and relieved; but He wanted this relief to be snatched almost by force.

So, after my importunity, He stretched out His nailed hands and feet in my interior and

shared a little bit of His pains with me.

After this, giving a little respite to His moans, He told me: “My daughter, it is these sad

times that force Me to this, because men have grown so bold and proud, that everyone

thinks he is the god of himself; and if I do not lay hand to scourges, I would do harm to

their souls, because the cross alone is the nourishment of humility. So, if I did not do it,

I Myself would cause them to lack the means to be humiliated and to surrender from their

strange madness, even though the majority of them offends Me more. But I do this like a

father who breaks the bread for all to be nourished - a bread which some of his children

do not want to take; even more, they use it to throw it in their father’s face. What has the

poor father done wrong? So I am. Therefore, compassionate Me in my afflictions.”

Having said this, He disappeared, leaving me half-awake and half-asleep, not knowing,

myself, whether I have to wake up completely, or go back to sleep.

June 27, 1900

The soul must recognize herself in Jesus, not in herself.

I continue to be sleepy. This morning, for a few minutes I found myself awake and I

comprehended my miserable state; I felt the bitterness of the privation of my highest and

only Good. I was able only to shed a few tears, saying to Him: ‘My always good Jesus,

how is it that You are not coming?

These are not things to do: to wound a soul and then leave her! And what is more, so as

not to let her know what You are doing, You leave her prey to sleep. O please! come, do

not make me wait so much!’

While I was saying this and yet more nonsense, in one instant He came and transported

me outside of myself; and since I wanted to tell Him about my poor state, imposing

silence on me, Jesus told me: “My daughter, what I want from you is that you no longer

recognize yourself in yourself, but that you recognize yourself only in Me. So you will no

longer remember yourself, nor will you ever again have recognition of yourself, but you

will remember Me, and un-recognizing yourself, you will acquire the recognition of Me


According to how much you will forget and destroy yourself, so will you advance

in the knowledge of Me and will recognize yourself only in Me. Once you have done

all this, you will no longer think with your mind, but with mine; you will not look

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with your eyes, you will no longer speak with your mouth, nor will you palpitate

with your heart, work with your hands, or walk with your feet, but will do

everything with mine. In fact, in order to recognize herself only in God, the soul

needs to go to her origin and to return to her beginning – God, from whom she came

- and to conform all of herself to her Creator. And anything which she keeps of

herself and which is not conformed to her beginning, she must undo and reduce to

nothing. Only in this way, naked, undone, can she return to her origin, recognize

herself only in God, and operate according to the purpose for which she was

created. This is why in order to conform to Me completely, the soul must render

herself indivisible with Me.”

While He was saying this, I could see the terrible chastisement of plants withered, and

how it must advance further. I could only say: ‘Ah, Lord, how will the poor people go

on?’ And He, so as not to listen to me, escaped me like a flash and disappeared. Who can

say the bitterness of my soul in finding myself inside myself, not having been able to

speak to Him even one word for myself and for my neighbor; and for my tendency to

sleep with which I was again left?

July 21, 1900

God allowed thorns and weeds to grow together so some would be saved. Necessity of

purification. Reason for chastisement is to remove evil so good can grow.

After spending one day being dozy and so sleepy that I could not understand myself,

having received Communion, I felt I was going outside of myself, but I could not find my

highest and only Good, so I began to go round and round in a delirium. While doing this,

I felt there was someone in my arms, completely veiled, in such a way that I could not see

who he was. So, unable to refrain any longer, I tore that veil and I saw my longed-for All.

On seeing Him, I felt I wanted to burst into complaints and nonsense, but in order to

break my impatience and my delirium, Jesus gave me a kiss. That kiss infused in me life,

calm, and broke my impatience, so much so, that I was unable to say anything any

more. Then, forgetting all my miseries - and I have many - I remembered the poor

people, and I said to Jesus: ‘PlacateYourself, spare so many peoples torments so cruel.

Let us go together where such things are happening, that we may comfort and console

those poor Christians who are in such a sad state.’ And He: “My daughter, I do not want

to take you, for your heart would not bear seeing such a harrowing slaughter.” And I:

‘Ah, Lord, how is it that You have permitted this?’ And He: “It is necessary, absolutely,

for the sake of purgation in every place, because in the field sowed by Me weeds and

thorns have grown so much as to become trees. And these thorny trees do nothing but

inundate my field with poisonous and pestilent waters, to the point that if some ear of

grain remains intact, it receives nothing but punctures and stench, so much so, that it is

impossible for more ears to germinate – first, because they lack the ground, which is

occupied by so many noxious plants; second, because of the continuous punctures they

receive, which give them no peace.

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So, behold the necessity of the slaughter – to root out so many bad plants; and

of shedding of blood – to purge my field of those poisonous and pestilent waters.

Therefore, do not want to grow sad at this beginning, because not only there where I have

sent chastisements, but in all other places is purgation needed.”

Who can say the consternation of my heart in hearing this speaking of Jesus? So, again, I

insisted that I wanted to go see, but Jesus, not listening to me, disappeared. Left alone, I

took my way to go there, but I found now an Angel, who would make me go back, and

now purging souls, to the point that I was forced to return into myself.

She is praying for you.

March 19-October 1903 (Vol. 5) Selections from this period only)

June 16, 1903

The Soul Who Participates in Jesus' Sufferings Gives Jesus a Drink of Reparation

Which Restores Him.

I was continuing in my usual state, when I left my body. I saw the infant Jesus. He was

holding a cup full of sufferings and a stick. He said to me,

"Do you see, my daughter, how the world makes Me drink continuously from this cup of


I replied, "Lord, let me have some of it, and then You will not have to suffer alone."

He gave me a drop of that bitter drink. Then, using the stick He was holding, He touched

my heart, forming a hole from which flowed a tiny stream of the bitter drink which I

consumed. But it changed into sweet milk, which flowed into the Baby Jesus' mouth,

soothing and refreshing Him.

Then, He said to me,

"My daughter, when I give the soul bitterness and tribulations, if the soul unites

herself with my Will, she is pleasing to Me. If she thanks Me for her sufferings,

making of them a present and offering them to Me, though for the soul they remain

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sufferings and bitterness, for Me they are changed into sweetness and refreshment.

What refreshes and pleases Me most, however, is seeing a soul that, whether working or

suffering, is completely intent on pleasing Me alone, without any other purpose or desire

for compensation. What makes the soul most dear, most beautiful, most lovable and

most intimate with the Divine Being, is perseverance in this way of behaving, which

makes the soul immutable with the immutability of God. If, instead, she says 'yes' one

minute but 'no' the next; if she seeks a particular end this time but another next time; if

today she seeks to please God but tomorrow creatures, then the soul is like someone who

is a queen one day but a vile servant the next, or like someone who today dines on

exquisite food and tomorrow upon scraps." (Student can also take a course on Food of Life the

Divine Will)

Then He disappeared; but soon afterwards He returned, adding,

"The sun exists for the benefit of all, but not everyone enjoys its beneficial effects.

Likewise, the Divine Sun bestows its light upon everyone, but who enjoys its beneficial

effects? Who keeps his eyes open to the light of Truth? Most remain in the dark. Only

those who are totally intent on pleasing Me alone enjoy and receive the fullness of this


October 12, 1903

Jesus Speaks about the Crowning with Thorns and How Peace and Happiness Come

through the Precious Thorns of Mortification.

This morning, I saw my adorable Jesus inside me, crowned with thorns. Seeing Him like

that, I said to Him,

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"My sweet Lord, why did your Head so envy your scourged Body, which had suffered so

much and shed so much Blood, and wish not to be less honored by the badge of suffering,

that You instigated your enemies to crown You with a crown of thorns so painful and


Jesus replied,

"My daughter, the Crowning with Thorns contains many meanings. Despite however

much is said, there still remains more to be said. The fact that my Head wanted to be

honored by having its own distinct and special, not general, portion of both suffering and

the shedding of Blood, almost in competition with my Body, is something almost

incomprehensible to the created mind.

"The reason is that it's the head which unites the body and the soul, such that the body

without the head is nothing. Although it's possible to live without other members of the

body, it's impossible to live without the head since it is the essential part of the entire

man; so much so, that if the body sins or does good, it's the head that's doing the directing

and the rest of the body is nothing more than an instrument.

"My Head had to restore my rule and my lordship, to obtain the merit so that new

heavens of Grace and new worlds of Truth might enter human minds, and to fight back

new hells of sin and vile passions. Since I want to crown the entire human family with

glory, honor and dignity, I wanted first, therefore, to crown and honor my Humanity,

though with a painful crown of thorns, which is a symbol of the crown of immortality

that I restored to creatures which had been lost on account of sin. Besides that, the

Crowning with Thorns means that there is no glory and honor without thorns. The

passions can never be controlled, nor can virtue be acquired, without the piercing of both

flesh and spirit. True power lies in the giving of self, with the wounds of mortification

and of sacrifice.

"Finally, the crown of thorns means that I am the one true King, and that whoever

makes Me, alone, King of their heart will enjoy peace and happiness; and I will make

such a person Queen of my Kingdom. So, all those streams of Blood that flowed down

from my Head flooded human minds with knowledge of my Kingship over them."

How can I express what I felt? I lack the words; indeed, the little I've said seems

disjointed. I think that this is how it has to be when we try to talk about the things of

God: since He is uncreated and we are his creatures, we cannot speak about Him except

by stuttering.

June 6, 1903

Jesus teaches her how she must behave in the state of abandonment and of sufferings.

After going through bitter days of privations and of sufferings, this morning I found

myself outside of myself with Baby Jesus in my arms. As soon as I saw Him, I said: ‘Ah,

dear Jesus, how could You leave me alone? At least teach me how I must behave in this

state of abandonment and of sufferings.’

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And He: “My daughter, offer everything you suffer in your arms, in your legs and in

your heart together with the sufferings of my members by reciting five Glory be’s; and

offer it to divine Justice to satisfy for the works, the steps and the bad desires of the

hearts which creatures commit continuously. Unite it, then, to my sufferings caused by

the thorns and to those of my shoulders, with the recitation of three Glory be’s, and offer

it for the satisfaction of the three powers of man, which are so disfigured that I can no

longer recognize my image in them; and try to keep your will always united to Me and in

continuous attitude of loving Me. Let your memory be the bell that rings continuously

within you, and reminds you of what I have done and suffered for you, and of how many

graces I have given to your soul, so as to thank Me and be grateful to Me, since gratitude

is the key that opens the divine treasures. Let your intellect think of nothing, and occupy

itself with nothing but God. If you do this, I will find again my image in you, and I will

take the satisfaction which I cannot receive from the other creatures. And you must do

this continuously, because if the offense is continuous, continuous must be the


Then I added: ‘Ah, Lord, how bad I have made myself – I have become even greedy.’

And He: “My daughter, do not fear, when a soul does everything for Me, everything she

takes, even refreshments themselves, I receive as if she were refreshing my suffering

body; and those who give them to her I consider as if they were giving them to Me; so

much so, that if they did not give them, I would feel pain. But in order for you to remove

any doubt, every time they give you some refreshment and you feel the necessity to take

it, you will not only do it for me, but will add: ‘Lord, I intend to refresh your suffering

body within mine.’ While saying this, little by little He withdrew into my interior, and

I could no longer see Him and talk to Him. I felt such pain, that because of the sorrow I

would have torn myself to pieces to be able to find Him again. So I began to tear the part

of my interior in which He had enclosed Himself; and so I found Him, and with highest

sorrow I said: ‘Ah, Lord, how can You leave me? Are You perhaps not my life, such that

without You, not only the soul, but also the body is completely shattered and cannot bear

the intensity of the pain of your privation? So much so, that it seems to me that I am

going to die right here and now; my only and sole comfort – death.’ But as I was saying

this, Jesus blessed me and withdrew into my interior again. He disappeared, and

I found myself inside myself.

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December 17, 1903

The adoration that the Most Holy Virgin did when

She encountered Jesus carrying the Cross. The true spirit of adoration.

Continuing in my usual state, for a few instants I saw blessed Jesus with the Cross on His

shoulders, in the act of encountering His Most Holy Mother; and I said to Him: ‘Lord,

what did your Mother do in this most sorrowful encounter?’

And He: “My daughter, She did nothing but a most profound and simple act of adoration.

And since the simpler the act, the more easily it unites with God, Most Simple Spirit, in

this act She infused Herself in Me and continued what I Myself was doing in my interior.

This was immensely pleasing to Me, more than if She had done any other greater thing.

In fact, the true spirit of adoration consists in this: the creature dissolves herself and

finds herself in the divine sphere; she adores all that God does, and she unites with

Him. Do you think that when the mouth adores but the mind is somewhere else, it is

true adoration? That is, the mind adores but the will is far away from Me? Or, one

power adores Me, and the others are all disordered? No, I want everything for Myself,

and everything I have given her, in Me. This is the greatest act of cult, of adoration, that

the creature can do for Me.” December 21, 1903

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View from the Cross - Tissot

Effects of the Sorrows of the

Celestial Mama. The glory She enjoys in Heaven.

This morning I found myself outside of myself, and looking into the vault of the heavens

I saw seven most refulgent suns – but their shape was different from the sun which we

see. It started with the shape of a cross and it ended with a point, and this point was

inside a heart. At first it could not be seen clearly, because the light of these suns was so

great as to not allow one to see who was inside; but the nearer I drew, the more clearly it

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appeared that the Queen Mama was inside. In my interior I kept saying: ‘How I would

like to ask Her whether She wants me to try to go out of this state without waiting for the

priest.’ In the meantime, I found myself near Her and I told Her; and She answered a curt

“No”. I was left mortified by this answer, and the Most Holy Virgin turned to a multitude

of people who surrounded Her, and said to them: “Listen to what she wants to do….”

And everyone said: “No, no….”

Then, drawing near me, all goodness, She told me: “My daughter, courage along the way

of sorrow.

See, these seven suns which come out from within my Heart are my Seven Sorrows which

produced much glory and splendor for Me. These suns, the fruits of my sorrows, dart

continuously through the throne of the Most Holy Trinity which, feeling wounded, sends

Me seven channels of grace continuously, making Me their owner; and I dispense them

for the glory of all Heaven, for the relief of purging souls, and for the benefit of pilgrim

souls.” While saying this, She disappeared, and I found myself inside myself.

December 22, 1903

The cross forms the incarnation of Jesus in the womb of souls, and the incarnation of

the soul in God.

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came as crucified, and after He shared

His pains with me, while I was suffering, He told me: “My daughter, in the Creation I

gave my image to the soul; in the Incarnation I gave my Divinity, divinizing humanity.

And since in the very act, in the very instant, in which the Divinity incarnated Itself in

humanity, It incarnated Itself in the cross, in such a way that from the moment I was

conceived, I was conceived united with the cross – it can be said that just as my cross

was united with Me in the Incarnation which I did in the womb of my Mother, so does

my cross form as many other incarnations of mine in the wombs of souls.

And just as the cross forms my incarnation in souls, the cross is the incarnation of the

soul in God, destroying in her everything that gives of nature, and filling her with the

Divinity so much, as to form a sort of incarnation – God in the soul, and the soul in God.”

I remained as though enchanted on hearing that the cross is the incarnation of the soul in

God, and He repeated: “I am not saying union, but incarnation, because the cross

penetrates so much into her nature as to make her nature itself become suffering, and

where there is suffering there is God, as God and suffering cannot be apart. And the

cross, forming this incarnation, renders this union more stable, and the separation of God

from the soul almost as difficult as is separating suffering from nature. On the other hand,

through union, the separation can easily occur. It is understood, always, that this is not

the Incarnation, but a simile of the Incarnation.”

Having said this, He disappeared, but after a little while He came back in the act of His

Passion when He was covered with opprobriums, with ignominies, with spit - and I said

to Him: ‘Lord, teach me what I could do to move these opprobriums away from You, and

give You back honors, praises and adorations.’ And He said to me: “My daughter, around

my throne there is a void, and this void must be filled with the glory that Creation owes

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Me. So, one who sees Me despised by the other creatures, and honors Me, not only for

herself, but for others, makes honors for Me arise again in this void.

When she sees Me unloved, and loves Me, she makes love for Me arise again. When she

sees that I fill creatures with benefits, while they are not grateful to Me and do not even

thank Me, and she is grateful to Me as if those benefits were given to her, and she thanks

Me, she makes the flower of gratitude and of thanksgiving arise again for Me in this

void; and so with all the rest that Creation owes Me, but denies to Me with awful

ingratitude. Now, since all this is an overflow of the charity of the soul, who gives Me not

only what she herself owes Me and what overflows from herself, but she does it for

others - since this glory and these flowers that she sends to Me into this void around my

throne are the fruit of charity, they receive a more beautiful shade, which is pleasing to


January 28, 1905

The cross is seed of virtue.

As I was feeling in suffering more than usual, my adorable Jesus came for just a little and

told me: “My daughter, the cross is seed of virtue, and just as one who sows harvests for

ten, twenty, thirty, and even one hundred - in the same way, the cross, being seed,

multiplies virtues and perfections, and it embellishes them in an admirable way. So, the

more crosses thicken around you, the more seeds of virtue are sown into your soul.

Therefore, instead of afflicting yourself when a new cross comes to you, you should

rejoice, thinking that you are acquiring another seed, with which you can enrich, and

even complete, your crown.”

Write out what you are afraid of to take the cross? Read

this answer later.

February 8, 1905

The characteristics of the children of God: love for the cross, love for the glory of God,

and love for the glory of the Church.

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Continuing in my poor state of privation and of unspeakable bitterness – at the most, He

makes Himself seen in silence – this morning He told me: “My daughter, the

characteristics of my children are: love for the cross, love for the glory of God, and love

for the glory of the Church - to the point of laying down their lives. One who does not

have these characteristics, in vain calls himself my son; one who dares to say it, is a liar

and a traitor who betrays God and himself. Take a look into yourself, to see whether you

have them.” And He disappeared (Test yourself with these words – if not, ask for

forgiveness and make it your current desire)

March 5, 1905

Definitions of the cross.

As I was in suffering a little more than usual, blessed Jesus came for a little and told me:

“My daughter, the cross is support of the weak, it is strength of the strong, it is seed and

custody of virginity.” Having said this, He disappeared

May 30, 1904

The Passion serves as garment for man. Pride transforms the images of God into


Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about and offering the Passion of Our

Lord, especially the crown of thorns, and I was praying that He would give light to so

many blinded minds, and that he would make Himself known, because ‘it is impossible to

know You and not to love You.’ While I was saying this, my adorable Jesus came out

from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, how much ruin pride causes in

souls! It is enough to tell you that it forms a wall of division between the creature and

God, and from images of Me it transforms them into demons. And then, if the fact

that creatures are so blinded that they themselves do not understand

nor see the abyss they are in, grieves you and saddens you so much, and

you take so much to heart that I help them, my Passion serves as

garment for man, which covers his greatest miseries, embellishes him

and gives back to him all the good of which he had deprived himself and

had lost because of sin. So I give it to you as gift, that you may use it for

yourself and for whomever you want.” On hearing this, a great fear came to me

in seeing the greatness of the gift, fearing that I might not be capable of using this gift

and therefore I might displease the Giver. So I said: ‘Lord, I do not feel the strength to

accept such a gift - I am too unworthy of such a favor. It is better if You keep it, for You

are everything and know everything, and You know to whom it is necessary and

appropriate to apply this garment so precious and of immense value. But I, poor one,

what can I know? And if it is necessary to apply it to someone and I do not do it, what

strict account would You not ask of me?’ And Jesus: “Do not fear, for the Giver Himself

will give you the grace not to keep the gift He has given you as useless. Can you believe

that I would give you a gift to do you harm? Never.” I did not know what to answer, but I

remained frightened and suspended, intending to hear what lady obedience thought about

it. It is understood, however, that this garment wants to signify nothing other than all that

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Our Lord operated, earned and suffered, in which the creature finds the garment to cover

her nakedness stripped of virtues, and riches with which to enrich herself, beauties to

render herself beautiful and to embellish herself, and the remedy for all her evils.

Then, as I told this to obedience, told me that I should accept.

June 3, 1904

The cross destroys three evil kingdoms and constitutes three good Kingdoms in the


This morning, since blessed Jesus was not coming, I felt all oppressed and tired. Then,

when He came, He told me: “My daughter, do not want to become tired in suffering, but

rather, act as if at each hour you were just beginning to suffer.

In fact, if the soul lets herself be dominated by the cross, the cross destroys three

evil kingdoms in her, which are the world, the devil and the

flesh, and it constitutes in her three more good Kingdoms: the

Spiritual, the Divine and the Eternal Kingdom.” And He


August 14, 1904

The more the blows of the cross knock the soul down, the more light she acquires.

As I was a little in suffering, blessed Jesus, on coming, said to me: “My beloved

daughter, the more the iron is beaten, the more light it acquires; and even if the iron did

not have rust, the blows serve to keep it shiny and free of dust. So, whoever comes close

to that iron, can easily reflect himself in it as if it were a mirror. The same for the soul:

the more the blows of the cross knock her down, the more light she acquires, and she

maintains herself dusted of any slightest thing, in such a way that whoever comes close to

her can reflect himself in her as if she were a mirror. And, naturally, being a mirror,

she performs its office – to show whether faces are stained or clean, whether they are

beautiful or ugly. Not only this, but I Myself delight in going to reflect Myself in her; and

finding in her no dust or any other thing that may prevent Me from reflecting my Image

in her, I love her more and more.”

NOTE/ACTION: This is your meditation time. Think of how you have come this far in

the spiritual life. Tribulation, crosses and all discomforts are the tools that God was using

to prune you, chisel you into a beautiful mirror and reflection of Jesus. He suffered at

the hands of the Father for you in the Passion garden. All terrible sorrows were so you

would be able to enter in and become fresh with new life.

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Write what you want to remember for focus prayer later.








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December 15, 1905

Jesus wanted to be crucified and lifted up on the cross, so that, if they want Him, souls

may find Him.

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of blessed Jesus; and He,

making Himself seen crucified, shared with me a little bit of His pains, telling me: “My

daughter, I wanted to be crucified and lifted up on the Cross, so that, if they want Me,

souls may find Me. So, someone wants Me as Teacher for he feels the necessity to be

instructed, and I lower Myself to teach him both the small things and the highest and

most sublime, such as to make of him the most learned. Another moans in abandonment,

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in oblivion; he would like to find a father, he comes to the foot of my Cross, and I make

Myself Father, giving him a home in my wounds, my Blood as drink, my Flesh as food,

and my very Kingdom as inheritance. Another one is infirm, and he finds Me as Doctor

who, not only heals him, but gives him the sure remedies in order not to fall again into

infirmities. Another one is oppressed by calumnies, by scorns, and at the foot of my

Cross he finds his Defender, to the point of rendering calumnies and scorns back to him

as divine honors; and so with all the rest. So, whoever wants Me as Judge finds Me as

Judge; whoever wants Me as Friend, as Spouse, as Advocate, as Priest… such do they

find Me. This is why I wanted to be nailed, hands and feet: to oppose nothing of what

they want - to make Myself as they want Me. But woe to those who, seeing that I am

unable to move even one finger, dare to offend Me.” While He was saying this, I said:

‘Lord, who are those that offend You the most?’ And He added: “Those who

make Me suffer the most are the religious who, living in my

Humanity, torment and lacerate my flesh within my very

Humanity; while one who lives outside of my Humanity lacerates

Me from afar.”

Volume 7 - February 23, 1906

How Jesus was nailed to the Cross in the Will of the Father.

This morning I was thinking of Our Lord in the act in which they were nailing Him to the

cross; I was compassionating all of Him, and blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, not

only my hands and feet were nailed to the cross, but all the particles of my Humanity,

soul and Divinity were all nailed in the Will of the Father. In fact, the crucifixion was

the Will of the Father, therefore I was nailed and transmuted completely in His

Will. This was necessary because, what is sin but withdrawing from the Will of God,

from everything that is good and holy which God has given us, believing to be

something of one’s own, and offending the Creator? And I, in order to repair for this

audacity and for this self idol which the creature makes of herself, wanted to dissolve my

will completely and live from the Will of the Father at the cost of great sacrifice.”

February 28, 1906

The greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine Will in

everything. The way in which Grace communicates Itself.

This morning blessed Jesus made Himself seen for just a little, and told me: “My

daughter, the greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine

Will in everything; and the Creator, in seeing that the creature fulfills her duty of creature

toward the Creator, communicates His Grace to her.” And while He was saying this, a

light came out of blessed Jesus, which made me comprehend the way in which He

communicates Grace.

I understood it in this way. For example, the soul feels within herself the annihilation of

herself; she sees her nothingness, her misery, her inability to do a shadow of good. Now,

while she feels this way, God communicates His Grace, and the Grace of truth, in such a

way that the soul can see the truth in everything without deceit, without darkness. And

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here is how, what God is by nature – eternal Truth which cannot deceive nor be deceived

– the soul becomes by Grace. That is to say, the soul feels detachment from the things

of the earth, she sees their fleetingness, their instability, how everything is false,

everything is rot, which deserves to be abhorred rather than loved. While the soul

feels this state, God communicates His Grace, and the Grace of true love and of eternal

love; He communicates His beauty, in such a way as to make the loving soul go mad, and

the soul remains filled with the love and the beauty of God. And here is how, what God is

by nature – love and eternal beauty – the soul becomes by Grace; and so with all the other

divine virtues, such that if I wanted to say everything, I would be too long. I only add that

Grace anticipates the soul, It excites her, but only when the soul masticates those truths,

and swallows them like food into her bosom, then It communicates Itself and enters to

take possession of her. This is why not everyone receives the effects

described above – because they let them escape from their minds like

lightnings, and do not make a place for them.

June 20, 1906

Everything must be reduced to one single point: everything must become a flame.

Feeling very much in suffering, soul and body, and having spent the night with a flaming

fever, I felt I was burning and being consumed. My strengths were exhausted, I felt I was

dying, and added to that, He was not coming – truly I could take no more. Then, after a

long time, I felt I was going outside of myself, and I saw Our Lord within an immense

light, and myself completely nailed, even the tiniest particles of my members. It was not

just my hands and feet, like other times, but each of my bones had its nail driven into it.

Oh, how many bitter pains I felt! At each slightest motion I felt lacerated by those nails

and I fainted; I felt I was about to die, but I was resigned and immersed in the Divine

Volition, which seemed to me to be the key that would open divine treasures, from which

I would draw strength to be sustained in that state of sufferings, to the point of making

me content and happy. However, I was burning; those nails seemed to produce fire, and I

was all immersed in it. Blessed Jesus was looking at me, and seemed to be pleased; then

He told me: “My daughter, everything must be reduced to one single point –

that is, everything must become a flame; and from this flame, filtered, pressed, beaten,

a most pure light comes out – not like the light of fire, but of sun, fully similar to the

light that surrounds Me. The soul who has become light cannot be away from the

divine light; rather, my light absorbs her into itself and transports her into Heaven.


courage, this is the complete crucifixion of soul and body. Don’t you see how your light

is already about to take off from the flame, and my light awaits it in order to absorb it?”

While He was saying this, I looked at myself, and I saw a great flame inside of me; a tiny

little flame of light came out of it, which was about to detach itself and take flight. Who

can describe my contentment? At the thought of dying, at the thought of being always

with my only and highest good, with my life, with my center, I felt paradise in advance.

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July 12, 1906

Everything that serves as sufferings to the creature touches God.

Having struggled very much in waiting for my blessed Jesus, I was feeling tired and

exhausted. Then, coming almost in passing, He told me: “My daughter, everything that

serves as sufferings or as pricking to the creature, on one hand pricks the creature, on the

other touches God. And God, feeling touched, at each touch He feels, gives always

something divine to the creature.” And He disappeared.

July 21, 1906

The upright intention purges the action.

Having come for a little, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, all human actions, even

holy, done without a special intention for Me, come out of the soul full of darkness,

while if they are done with an upright and special intention to please Me, they come out

full of light, because the intention is the purge of the action.”

July 27, 1906

In the Cross, Jesus dowered souls and espoused them to Himself.

This morning, as my adorable Jesus made Himself seen embracing the Cross, I thought

in my interior: ‘What were His thoughts in receiving the Cross?’ And He said to me:

“My daughter, when I received the Cross, I embraced It as my dearest treasure, because

in the Cross I dowered souls and espoused them to Myself. Now, upon looking at the

Cross – at Its length and breadth – I rejoiced, because I saw in It sufficient dowries for all

my spouses, and none of them could fear not being able to marry Me, because I held in

my own hands – in the Cross – the price of their dowry. But with this condition alone:

that if the soul accepts the little gifts I send to her - which are the crosses - as the pledge

of her acceptance of Me as her Spouse, the marriage is formed and I give her the gift of

the dowry. If then she does not accept the gifts – that is, if she is not resigned to my Will

– everything is undone, and even if I want to dower her, I cannot, because in order to

form a marriage, it always takes the will of both sides; and since the soul does not accept

my gifts, it means that she does not want to accept the marriage.”

August 11, 1906

The cross is a treasure.

Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus with a cross in His hand, all

full of white pearls. Giving it to me as gift, He placed it on my breast, and it sank into my

heart as inside a room.

Then He told me: “My daughter, the cross is a treasure, and the safest place in which

to keep this valuable treasure is one’s own soul. Or rather, it is a safe place when the soul

is disposed to receive this treasure with patience, with resignation and with the other

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virtues, because the virtues are as many keys that secure it, so as not to spoil it or expose

it to thieves. But if it does not find especially the gold key of patience, this treasure will

find many thieves, who will steal it and spoil it.”

October 2, 1906

How our sufferings can relieve Jesus.

Having received Communion, I felt I was outside of myself and I saw a person who was

very oppressed by various crosses, and blessed Jesus was saying: “Tell her that in the act

in which she feels as though dogged by persecutions, by punctures, by sufferings, she

should think that I am present with her, and that whatever she suffers she can use to heal

and medicate my wounds. So, her sufferings will serve to medicate now my side, now my

head, now my hands and feet, which are too much in pain and embittered by the grave

offenses that creatures give Me. This is a great honor that I give her, by giving her,

Myself, the medicine to medicate my wounds, and by also giving her the merit of charity

for having medicated Me.” While He was saying this, I saw many purging souls who, on

hearing this, all amazed, said: “Fortunate are all of you to receive so many sublime

teachings – that you acquire the merits to medicate a God, which surpass all other merits

in merit - and your glory will be distinct from the others, as is Heaven from the earth.

Oh, if only we had received these teachings - that our sufferings could serve to

medicate a God - how many riches we would acquire

October 8, 1906

The cross is to man as the rein to the horse.

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: “My daughter,

the cross is to the creature as the rein to the horse. What would happen to the horse if

man did not use the rein? It would be untamed, unrestrained, and would but go from

precipice to precipice, to the point of becoming fierce and noxious to man and to itself.

On the other hand, with the rein it can be conducted, it becomes tame, walks straight,

serves the needs of man as a faithful friend, and stays safe from any precipice, because

man keeps it and protects it. Such is the cross to man. The cross tames him, restrains

him, arrests the course of his hurling himself along the paths of passions which he feels

within himself, and which devour him like fire. So, instead of raging against God and

hurting himself, the cross dampens his passions, softens him, conducts him, and serves

the glory of God and his own salvation. Oh, if it wasn’t for the cross which, by Its mercy,

Divine Providence holds as a rein in order to restrain man – oh, amid how many more


October 25, 1906

For one who receives It, Grace is light; for one who does not, It is fire.

Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and there seemed to be

people who wanted to crucify me. While they were laying me on the cross, I saw Our

Lord within me, and as I laid myself, He laid Himself too. So, in my hands there were His

hands, and the nail was piercing my hands and His; whatever I suffered, He would suffer

too. The pain that those nails without a point gave us was such that I felt I was dying –

but, how sweet to die together with Jesus! I only feared that I would not die.

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Now, as they were about to crucify my feet, Jesus escaped me from within, and was now

in front of me; my sufferings took as though shapes of light, and placed themselves

before the Lord as though in act of adoration. After this, He told me: “My daughter, for

one who receives It, Grace is light, It is way, It is nourishment, It is strength, It is relief;

but for one who does not receive It, in addition to the fact that he finds no light and feels

the ground missing under his feet, remaining on an empty stomach and without strength,

Grace converts into fire and chastisement.” While He was saying this, a torrent of light

came out of His hand, which descended upon the creatures; this light remained light

for some, and for some it turned into fire.

October 31, 1906

How for each suffering, the soul acquires one more kingdom within herself.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came in passing, and told me only this: “My

daughter, each suffering that the soul suffers is one more dominion that she

acquires over herself. In fact, patience in suffering is regime, and by ruling herself,

the more she suffers, the more dominion she acquires. She does nothing but expand and

enlarge her kingdom of Heaven, acquiring immense riches for eternal life. So, for each

additional pain you suffer, consider that you acquire one more kingdom in your soul – a

kingdom of grace, which corresponds to a kingdom of virtue and of glory.”

November 6, 1906

The Faith and the Hope of the soul who lives in the Divine Will.

I was praying according to my usual way – that whatever I do, I do it as if I were doing it

with Our Lord and with His own intentions. So, I was reciting the Creed, and without

realizing it myself, I was saying that I intended to have the faith of Jesus Christ to repair

for so many unbeliefs, and to impetrate the gift of faith for all. At that moment, He

moved in my interior, and told me: “You are wrong, I had neither faith nor hope, nor

could I have them, because I was God Himself – I was only love.”

On hearing ‘love’, I liked so much being able to be only love that, not paying attention, I

spoke some more nonsense, which was: ‘My Lord, I too would like to be like You – all

love, and nothing else.’ And He added: “This is my goal, and this is why I often speak to

you about perfect resignation, because by living in my Will, the soul acquires the most

heroic love, and reaches the point of loving Me with my own love. She becomes all love,

and becoming all love, she is in continuous contact with Me. So, she is with Me, in Me,

and for Me she does everything I want; nor does she move or desire anything but my

Will, in which all the love of the Eternal One is enclosed, and in which she herself

remains enclosed. By living in this way, the soul almost comes to the point of dissolving

faith and hope, because as she comes to live of Divine Will, the soul no longer feels in

contact with faith and hope. Since she lives of the Will of God, what does she have to

believe if she has found It and made of It her food? And what does she have to hope for,

if she already possesses It by living, not outside of God, but in God?

Therefore, true and perfect resignation is the mark of sure predestination, and the sure

possession that the soul has of God. Have you understood? Think it over carefully.”

I remained as though enchanted, and I said to myself: ‘Really, one can reach this?!’ And I

almost doubted, saying: ‘Maybe He wanted to tempt me to see what I would do, to give

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me the field to speak more nonsense, and to show me where my pride reaches. However,

it is good to speak some nonsense; at least one pushes Him to say something, and

receives the good of hearing His voice, which restores one from death to life’; and I kept

thinking of what other nonsense I could say.... At that moment, He moved again and

added: “It is you who want to tempt Me, not I you. And besides, stop doubting about my

truths.” And He kept silent. I felt confused, and I kept thinking of what He had told me;

but who can say everything? These are things that cannot be expressed.

November 9, 1906

Effects of meditating continuously on the Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of Our Lord; and

while I was doing this, He came and told me: “My daughter, one who meditates

continuously on my Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me

so much that I feel as though comforted for all that I suffered in the course of my Passion;

and by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food. In this

food there are many different spices and flavors, which form different effects. So, if in

the course of my Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases

Me and gives Me freedom. They despised Me, spat on Me, and dishonored Me; she

appreciates Me, cleans Me of that spittle, and honors Me. They stripped Me and scourged

Me; she heals Me and clothes Me. They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as king,

embittered my mouth with bile, and crucified Me; while the soul, meditating on all my

pains, crowns Me with glory and honors Me as her king, fills my mouth with sweetness,

giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of my own works; and unnailing

Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart. And every time she does so, I

give her a new life of grace as recompense. She is my food, and I become her continuous


So, the thing that pleases Me the most is meditating continuously on my Passion.”

November 12, 1906

The soul gives Jesus a dwelling in time, and He gives it to the soul in eternity.

Continuing in my usual state, I was saying to blessed Jesus: ‘Oh, how I wish to love You,

to be loved more by You!’ And He, in my interior, told me: “I love you so much that I

never leave you, and I dwell in you continuously.” And I: ‘Thank You for your benignity

in dwelling in me, but I am not so content; I would be more content and would feel safer

if I could dwell in You.’ And He: “Ah, my daughter, in time you give a dwelling to Me,

and in eternity I will give it to you; and be well content and sure that the One who dwells

in you has the power to maintain your dwelling fortified and free of any danger.”

November 14, 1906

The cross expands the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Oh, how I struggled and suffered because of His privation! Then, after a long time, He

made Himself seen, just in passing, and told me: “My daughter, if perfect resignation is

the certain and sure sign of predestination, the cross expands the boundaries of the

Kingdom of Heaven.” And He disappeared like a flash.

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November 18, 1906

The works without interior spirit and upright intention bloat the soul.

As I was in my usual state, I saw only a shadow of blessed Jesus, and He told me only:

“My daughter, if a food could be separated from its substance and someone ate it, it

would be of no use, or rather, it would serve to bloat his stomach. Such are the works

without interior spirit and without upright intention: being emptied of divine substance,

they are of no use, and serve only to bloat the person; therefore he receives more harm

than good.”

January 20, 1907

The greatest sanctity is to live in the Divine Will.

Having read the lives of two female Saints – one who aspired so much to suffering, and

the other who aspired so much to be little – I was thinking in my interior about which one

of the two it would be better to imitate, and unable to make up my mind, I felt as though

hampered. So, in order to be free and to think only about loving Him, I said to myself: ‘I

want to aspire to nothing but to love Him and to fulfill His Holy Will perfectly.’

At that moment, the Lord told me in my interior: “And it is here that I want you – in my

Will. Until the grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies completely, it cannot rise

again to new life and multiply itself, giving life to other grains. In the same way, until the

soul is buried in my Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of her will

within Mine, she cannot rise again to new Divine Life through the rising of all the virtues

of Christ, which contain true Sanctity. Therefore, let my Will be the seal which seals

your interior and exterior; and once my Will has risen completely within you, you will

find true love – and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.

March 2, 1907

There is nothing that equals suffering willingly.

Continuing in my usual state, and having learned that almost the entire town was with the

influenza, and that in other places people were dying, I was praying Our Lord that He

would be so benign as to spare so many victims, and that He would make me suffer to

spare them, since nowadays I suffer little or nothing, for He has taken this also away from

me. While I was saying this, He told me in my interior: “My daughter, it was said about

Me ‘that it was necessary that one would die to save the whole people’. It was a truth, but

at that time it was not understood. In the same way, in all times it is necessary that there

be one who suffers to spare the others, and this one, in order to be accepted must

offer himself voluntarily, and only for love of God and of his neighbor, to suffer himself

in order to spare all others. And the suffering of this one cannot be equaled by the

suffering of all the others put together; there is no value that matches it. Do you think that

the void of your suffering is nothing? Yet, it is not a complete void; and if I suspend you

completely, where will the peoples end up? Woe, woe – things do not end here.”

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October 4, 1907

The exaltation of the cross. The cross grafts Divinity to humanity.

Continuing in my usual state of privation, and therefore with little suffering, I was saying

to myself: ‘Not only of Jesus am I deprived, but also the good of suffering is taken away

from me. Oh, God!

You want to put me to fire and the sword, and touch the things which are most dear to

me, and which form my very life: Jesus and the cross. If I am abominable to Jesus

because of my ingratitude, He is right in not coming; but you, O cross – what have I done

to you, that you left me so barbarously?

Ah, did I perhaps not welcome you when you came? Did I not treat you as my faithful


Ah, I remember that I loved you so much that I could not be without you, and sometimes

I even preferred you to Jesus. I didn’t know what you had done to me, that I could not be

without you.

Yet, you left me! It is true that you have done much good to me; you were the way, the

door, the room, the secret, the light in which I could find Jesus. This is why I loved

you so much. And now, everything is over for me.’

While I was thinking of this, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: “Daughter,

the cross is part of one’s life, and only one who does not love his own life, does not love

the cross, because it was with the Cross alone that I grafted the Divinity to lost humanity.

Only the cross continues Redemption in the world, grafting anyone who receives it

into the Divinity; and if one does not love it, it means he knows nothing of virtues, of

perfection, of love of God, and of true life. It happens as to a rich man who has lost his

riches, and is presented with the means to reacquire them again - and maybe even more.

How much does he not love this means? Does he perhaps not put his own life into this

means in order to find life again in his riches? Such is the cross. Man had become so very

poor, and the cross is the means not only to save him from misery, but to enrich him

with all goods. Therefore, the cross is the richness of the soul.” And He disappeared,

while I remained more embittered, thinking of what I had lost.

December 1907

In all of her acts, the soul must have the intention of encountering Jesus.

As I was in my usual state, I found myself with the thought of when blessed Jesus met

His blessed Mother on the way to Calvary; and while I was compassionating both one

and the other, sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, my Mother went out on the day of my

Passion only to be able meet and relieve Her Son. In the same way, for a true loving soul,

her intention in all of her actions is only that of encountering her beloved, and of

relieving Him from the weight of His cross. And since human life is a continuous attitude

of actions, both external and internal, the soul does nothing but meet her beloved

continuously. And will she just meet Him? No, no; she will greet Him, she will embrace

Him. She kisses Him, she consoles Him, she loves Him, be it even with a little word said

in passing; and He will be satisfied and content. And since the action always contains a

sacrifice, if the action is done to encounter the sacrifice contained in it, it will serve to

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relieve Me from the weight of my cross. What will be the happiness of this soul who, in

her actions, is always in contact with Me?

How my Love will grow ever more at each additional encounter she has by means of her

acting with Me! But, how few are those who make use of it to find the shortest way in

their actions to come to Me, cling to Me, and relieve Me from the many afflictions that

creatures give Me!”

February 7, 1908

Life is a weight that will turn into a treasure.

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the enormous weight that blessed

Jesus felt in carrying the cross, and I said to myself: ‘Lord, life too is a weight – but what

a weight, especially because You, my highest Good, are far away. At that moment, He

came and told me: “My daughter, it is true that life is a weight, but when this weight is

carried with Me, and one finds out that at the end of his life he can unload this weight

within Me, he will find this weight changed into a treasure, in which he will find gems,

precious stones, diamonds and all riches, such as to make him happy for eternity.”

February 16, 1908

How the cross is the surest sign to know whether we love the Lord.

As I was in my usual state, I was thinking about why it is the cross alone that makes us

know whether we really love the Lord, while there are many other things, like the virtues,

prayer, the Sacraments, which could make us know whether we love the Lord. While I

was thinking of this, blessed Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, it is really so, the

cross alone is that which makes one know whether he really loves the Lord - but a cross

carried with patience and resignation, because where there is patience and resignation

in crosses, there is divine life. Since nature is so reluctant to suffering, if there is

patience, it cannot be something natural, but divine, and the soul no longer loves the Lord

with her love alone, but united with the love of the divine life. So, what doubt can she

have whether she loves or not, if she arrives at loving Him with His own love?


On the other hand, in the other things, and even in the very Sacraments, there also may be

someone who loves, who contains this divine life within himself, but these things cannot

give the certainty of the cross. It may be there, or it may not, because of lack of

dispositions. One can very well go to Confession, but if he lacks the dispositions, it

certainly cannot be said that he loves and that he has received this divine life within

himself. Another may receive Communion; indeed he receives the divine life, but he can

only say that this divine life remains within him if he had the true dispositions.

In fact, it can be seen how some receive Communion or go to Confession, but as

occasions arise, the patience of divine life cannot be seen in them; and if patience is

missing, love is missing because love is recognized only through sacrifice. And so here

are the doubts; while the cross, patience, resignation, are fruits produced only by Grace

and by love.”

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September 6, 1908

Jesus wanted to suffer in order to reunite everything to Himself.

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the mystery of the scourging; and as

Jesus came, pressing His hand on my shoulders, I heard Him say in my interior: “My

daughter, I wanted my flesh to be scattered in pieces, and my Blood to be shed from my

whole Humanity, so as to reunite all of dispersed humanity. In fact, of all that was torn

from my Humanity – flesh, blood, hair – nothing was dispersed in my Resurrection, but

everything was reunited again to my Humanity. By this, I incorporated all creatures

within Me. So, after this, if one wanders away from Me, it is out of his obstinate will that

he tears himself from Me to go out and be lost.”

November 20, 1909

Human and divine views of the cross.

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus came for just a little, and told me: “My

daughter, one who takes the cross according to human views finds it muddy, and

therefore heavier and more bitter.

On the other hand, one who takes the cross according to divine views finds it full of

light, light and sweet. In fact, the human views are without grace, strength and light,

therefore she has the boldness to say: ‘Why did that person do that wrong to me? Why

did this one cause me this displeasure, this calumny?’ And the soul fills herself with

indignation, with anger, with revenge, and so the cross becomes muddy, dark, heavy and

bitter. On the other hand, the divine views are full of grace, of strength and of light,

therefore she does not have the boldness to say: ‘Lord, why did you do this to me?’ On

the contrary, she humbles herself, she resigns herself, and the cross becomes light and

brings her light and sweetness.”

November 25, 1909

Both in Jesus and in souls, the first crafting is done by Love.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the agony of Jesus in the

Garden; and blessed Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me: “My daughter,

men did nothing but work the skin of my Humanity, while the eternal Love worked all

of my interior. So, in my agony, the eternal Love, the immense Love, the incalculable

Love, the hidden Love - not men - opened large wounds in Me, pierced Me with flaming

nails, crowned Me with burning thorns, made Me drink boiling gall.

And my Humanity, unable to contain so many different martyrdoms at the same time,

poured out large streams of Blood; It writhed, and reached the point of saying: ‘Father, if

it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, not my will, but Yours be done’ - which

It did not say in the rest of the Passion. Everything I suffered during the course of the

Passion, I suffered all together in the agony – but in a more intense, more painful, more

intimate way, because Love penetrated deep into the marrow of my bones and into the

most intimate fibers of my Heart, which creatures could never reach. But Love reaches

everything; there is nothing that can resist It. So, my first executioner was Love. This is

why in the course of my Passion there was not even a reproachful glance in Me toward

those who acted as my executioners – because I had a more cruel, more active

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executioner in Me: Love. And where the external executioners could not reach, or a little

part of Me was spared, Love would continue Its work and spare Me nothing.

This happens in all souls: the first work is done by Love, and once Love has worked her

and filled her with Itself, what appears on the outside is nothing but the outpouring of the

crafting that Love has performed inside.”

December 22, 1909

The reason for the states of abandonments in holy souls before their death.

Having received Communion, I was lamenting to blessed Jesus because of His privations,

for if He comes, it is almost always like a flash, or He remains all silent. And Jesus told

me: “My daughter, in almost all souls to whom I have communicated Myself in an

extraordinary way, I have allowed these states of abandonments at the end of their lives.

This, not only because of certain other purposes of mine, but also in order to be

honored and glorified in all of my conduct. In fact, many say: ‘Of course these souls were

to reach such a high point of sanctity, and they loved Him so much!

With so many favors, with so many graces and charisms, they would have to be really

ungrateful not to reach that level. If we had received them, we too would have reached it

– more than them.’ So, in order to justify my conduct, I will manifest to them the

abandonments, the privations in which I put these souls, which is a living purgatory for

them; and also their faithfulness, the heroism of their virtues, and how it is easier to suffer

poverty when one does not know riches, than to be born rich, getting used to living as a

rich person, and then lose the riches and live like a poor one. More so, since the

supernatural riches are not like the material ones, which serve the body and, at most,

diffuse on the outside. The supernatural riches penetrate deep into one’s marrow, into the

most intimate fibers, into the noblest part of the intelligence. It is enough to say that it is

more than martyrdom. I Myself am moved to pity so much, that my Heart almost breaks

with tenderness; and I am forced to feel it break so very often that I cannot resist - also to

give them the strength to fulfill their consummation. All Angels and Saints keep their

gazes fixed on them, and they watch over them for Me, so that they may not succumb,

knowing the crude martyrdom they suffer. My daughter, courage, you are right; but

know that everything is Love in Me.”

And as He was saying this, He seemed to be moving farther away. I felt my very nature

being consumed and melted into nothingness. Those seeds of strength, of light, of

knowledge which I seemed to feel – everything turned into nothing. I felt I was dying;

yet, I live. In the meantime He came back, and taking me in his arms, He seemed to

sustain this nothingness of mine, telling me: “Do you see, my daughter, how, as the little

seed of your strength, the little lamp of your light, the little knowledge of Me that you

have, and all of your other little qualities dissolve, my strength, my light, my wisdom, my

beauty and all of my other qualities take over and fill this nothingness of yours?

Aren’t you happy?”

And I said to Him: ‘Listen, Jesus, if you continue in this way, You will lose taste for

keeping me on earth.’ And I repeated this various times. And Jesus, not wanting to listen

to my words, answered: “Listen, my daughter, I will never lose taste for you - if I keep

you on earth, I will have my taste on earth; if I take you to Heaven, I will have my taste

in Heaven. Do you know, rather, who will lose taste? Your confessor.”

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November 2, 1909

One should never look at the past, but at the present.

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about my things of the past, and blessed

Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me: “My daughter, do not look at the

past, because the past is already in Me and can be of distraction for you, and it can

make you mistake that little bit of path that is left for you to cover. In fact, your turning to

the past makes you slow your pace on the present journey, and so you lose time and do

not advance on your way. On the other hand, by looking only at the present, you will

have more courage, you will remain more closely united with Me, you will advance more

on your path, and there will be no danger of your being mistaken.

November 9, 1909

Amusement of Jesus when the soul operates together with Him.

As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see Our Lord extending His arms within me, and

playing, with His hands, a little sonata with an organ while being inside of me. Jesus

amused Himself in playing.

I said to Him: ‘Oh, how well You amuse Yourself!’ And Jesus: “Yes, I do. You must

know that since you have done your things together with Me – that is, you have loved Me

with my love, you have adored Me with my adorations, you have repaired Me with my

own reparations, and so with all the rest – things are immense in you, just as my own, and

this union in operating has formed this organ. However, every time you suffer something

more, you add one more key, and I immediately come to play my little sonata, to see

what sound this new key produces; and I enjoy one more amusement. Therefore, the

more you suffer, the more harmony you add to my organ, and I amuse Myself more.”

November 25, 1909

Both in Jesus and in souls, the first crafting is done by Love.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the agony of Jesus in the Garden;

and blessed Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me: “My daughter, men did

nothing but work the skin of my Humanity, while the eternal Love worked all of my

interior. So, in my agony, the eternal Love, the immense Love, the incalculable Love, the

hidden Love - not men - opened large wounds in Me, pierced Me with flaming nails,

crowned Me with burning thorns, made Me drink boiling gall.

And my Humanity, unable to contain so many different martyrdoms at the same time,

poured out large streams of Blood; It writhed, and reached the point of saying: ‘Father, if

it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, not my will, but Yours be done’ - which

It did not say in the rest of the Passion. Everything I suffered during the course of the

Passion, I suffered all together in the agony – but in a more intense, more painful, more

intimate way, because Love penetrated deep into the marrow of my bones and into the

most intimate fibers of my Heart, which creatures could never reach. But Love reaches

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everything; there is nothing that can resist It. So, my first executioner was Love. This is

why in the course of my Passion there was not even a reproachful glance in Me toward

those who acted as my executioners – because I had a more cruel, more active

executioner in Me: Love. And where the external executioners could not reach, or a little

part of Me was spared, Love would continue Its work and spare Me nothing.

This happens in all souls: the first work is done by Love, and once Love has worked her

and filled her with Itself, what appears on the outside is nothing but the outpouring of the

crafting that Love has performed inside.”

February 26, 1910

Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.

My usual state of privation continues – and perhaps it is even worse. Oh God! What a

descent I have made. I could never imagine I would reach such an end; but at least I hope

I will never, never go out of the circle of His Most Holy Will - this is everything for me. I

would like to cry over my heart-rending state, and sometimes I do; but Jesus reproaches

me, telling me: “You want to be always a little girl? It shows that I am dealing with a

little girl – I cannot trust you; I was hoping to find in you the heroism of sacrifice for Me,

but instead I find the tears of a little girl who wants no sacrifice.”

And so, if I cry, He shows Himself harder, and He does one of His bravados by not

coming at all for that day. Therefore, I have to pluck up courage to keep crying away

from me, and I say to Jesus: “You say that You deprive me of Yourself out of love, and

for love of You I accept your privation; for love of You I will not cry.’ And if I manage

it, He shows Himself a little bit more indulgent; otherwise He penalizes me more with

His privation - dying continuously, though living. Then, after spending a day like this, as

much as I tried, I could not hold back my tears. Jesus made me pay for it as I deserved,

but late at night, having compassion for me, as if just a window of light had opened in my

mind, He made Himself seen and told me: “Don’t you want to understand that before

dying you must die to everything – to suffering, to desires, to favors, to everything; and

that everything must die in my Will and in my Love? That which enters eternity in

Heaven is my Will and Love – all other virtues end: patience, obedience, suffering,

desires… Only my Will and Love never end.

Therefore, you must die in advance in my Will and in Love.

This is for all of my saints; and I Myself did not want to spare Myself being abandoned

by the Father, so as to die completely in the Will and in the Love of the Father. Oh! how I

would have wanted to suffer more! Oh! how much more did I yearn to do for souls! But

all this died in the Will and Love of the Father, and so also have the souls done who have

really loved Me. And you don’t want to understand this.”

March 16, 1910

The narrow path to salvation.

In speaking with the confessor, he told me that it is difficult to be saved, for Jesus Christ

Himself said it: “The door is narrow; you must strive to enter.” Then, after I received

Communion, Jesus told me: “Poor Me, how stingy they consider Me. Tell the confessor:

from their stinginess they judge mine.

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They do not hold Me as the great, immense, interminable, powerful Being, infinite in all

of my perfections, who can make great crowds of people pass through narrowness, more

than through wideness itself.”

And as He was saying this, I seemed to see a very narrow pathway, which led to a little

door, narrow, but jam-packed with people, who were competing with one another to see

who could advance more and enter into it. Jesus added: “See, my daughter, what a great

crowd is pushing forward; and they compete to see who arrives first. In a competition

there is much gaining, while if the pathway were wide no one would bother hastening,

knowing that there is room for them to walk on whenever they want. But while they are

taking their time, death may come, and not finding themselves walking on the narrow

pathway, they would find themselves at the threshold of the wide door of hell.

Oh, how much good this narrowness does! This happens also among yourselves: if there

is a feast or a service, and it is known that the place is small, many hurry up, and there

will be more spectators enjoying that feast or service. But if it is known that the place is

large, nobody bothers hastening and there will be less spectators; because, knowing that

there is room for everyone, everyone takes his time, and some arrive in the middle of it,

some at the end, and some find everything finished, enjoying nothing. This is what would

have happened if the pathway to salvation were wide – few would bother hastening, and

the feast of Heaven would have been for few.”

Volume 9 - June 2, 1910

The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.

As I was feeling very bad and as if everything was over, I was lamenting to Jesus about

this total abandonment by Him, and Jesus told me: “My daughter, these are divine ways –

to die and to rise again continuously. See, nature itself is subject to these deaths and to

these risings: the flower is born and dies - but to rise again more beautiful; while if it

never died, it would grow old, it would lose the liveliness of its complexion, the fragrance

of its scent… And here is also the simile with my Being, which is ever old and ever new.

The seed is sowed under the earth, as though buried so as to make it die; and in fact it

dies, to the point of being pulverized, but then it rises again, more beautiful – even

more, multiplied; and so with all the rest. If this happens in the natural order, much more

in the spiritual order must the soul be subject to these deaths and to these risings, such

that while it seems that she has triumphed over everything and abounds in fervor, in

graces, in union with Me, in virtues, and that she has acquired as many new lives in

everything, I hide Myself and it seems that everything dies around her. I give strokes of a

true master, helping to make everything die for her; and when it appears to Me that

everything has died for her, like sun, I come out – I unveil Myself, and with Me

everything rises again, more beautiful, more vigorous, more faithful, more grateful, more

humble, in such a way that, if there was anything human, death has destroyed it, making

everything rise again to new life.”

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July 4, 1910

The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on

the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.

Continuing in my usual state full of privations and of bitterness, I was thinking about the

agony of Our Lord, and the Lord told me: “My daughter, in a special way I wanted to

suffer the agony in the Garden, in order to help all of the dying to die well. Look well at

how my agony is combined with the agony of Christians: tediums, sadnesses, anguishes,

the sweat of blood – I felt the death of all and of each one, as if I were really dying for

each one in particular; so I felt the tediums, the sadnesses, the anguishes of each one

within Me, and with my own I offered help, comfort and hope to all, so that, as I felt their

deaths in Me, they all might receive the grace to die in Me, as though in one single breath

- with my breath, and to be beatified immediately by my Divinity.

If the agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the agony on the Cross

was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. They are both agonies, but one is

different from the other: the agony in the Garden, full of sadnesses, of fears, of anxieties,

of frights; the agony on the Cross, full of peace, of imperturbable calm. And if I cried out

‘I thirst!’, it was the insatiable thirst that all might breathe their last in my last breath; and

in seeing that many would go out of my last breath, out of grief I cried out ‘Sitio!’ [‘I

thirst!’], and this ‘sitio’ still continues to cry out to all and to each one

like a bell at the door of each heart: ‘I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of

Me, but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me!’

So, six are the hours of my Passion which I gave to men in order to die well: the three

in the Garden were for help in the agony; the three on the Cross for help at the very last

sigh before death. After this, who could not look at death with a smile? More so for one

who loves Me, for one who tries to sacrifice himself on my very cross. Do you see how

beautiful death is, and how things are changed?

In life I was despised; the very miracles did not produce the effects of my death; even up

to the Cross there were insults… But as soon as I breathed my last, death had the power

to change things: all beat their breasts, confessing Me the true Son of God; my very

disciples plucked up courage, and even those who were hidden became brave and asked

for my body, giving Me honorable burial. Heaven and earth, in full voice, confessed Me

the Son of God.

Death is something great, something sublime; and this happens also for my own

children: in life they are despised, oppressed; those very virtues which, like light, should

make those who are around them start, remain half-veiled; their heroisms in suffering,

their abnegations, their zeal for souls, cast lights and doubts in those who surround them;

and I Myself permit these veils, so as to preserve with more safety the virtue of my dear

children. But as soon as they die, I withdraw these veils since they are no longer

necessary, and the doubts become certainties, the light becomes clear, and this light

makes others appreciate their heroism - they pay esteem to everything, even to the

smallest things. Therefore, what cannot be done in life, is made up for by death. This, as

for what happens down here. That which happens up there, then, is truly surprising and

enviable to all mortals.”

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July 8, 1910

For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.

Being very afflicted because of the privation of my highest Good, and having received

Communion, in receiving the holy host, it stopped in my throat, and as I suckled it in

order to push it down, I suckled a sweet and delicious humor. Then, after suckling very

much, it went down, and I could see the host changed into a baby, who said: “Your body

is my Tabernacle, your soul is the pyx that contains Me; the beating of your heart is like

the host that serves Me in order to transform Myself into you, as if within a host; with

this difference: that in the host, as it is consumed, I am subject to continuous deaths;

while the beating of your heart, symbolizing your love, is not subject to being consumed,

and so my Life is continuous. Therefore, why so much affliction about my privations?

If you don’t see Me, you feel Me; if you don’t feel Me, you touch Me… and now with

the fragrance of my perfumes which diffuse around you; now with the light with which

you feel invested; now by making a liqueur that cannot be found on earth descend into

you; now by just touching you; and the many other ways which are invisible to you.”

Now, in order to obey, I will write these things that Jesus says happen to me often, and

also while being fully awake. These fragrances - I myself am unable to tell what kind

they are – I call ‘the fragrance of love’; and I feel it at Communion, if I pray, if I work,

especially if I have not seen Him, and I say to myself: ‘Today He has not come. Don’t

You know, O Jesus, that without You I cannot be, nor do I want to be?’ And

immediately, and almost suddenly, I feel as though invested by that fragrance. Other

times, as I move, or if I move the bed sheets, I feel that fragrance coming out, and in my

interior I hear Him say: “I am here”. Other times, while I am all afflicted, as I go about

raising my eyes, a ray of light comes before my sight. However, these things I take into

no account, nor do they satisfy me. That which, alone, makes me happy is Jesus; all the

rest I receive with certain indifference. I wrote this only to obey.

July 29, 1910

The two pillars on which the soul must lean.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt I was so very bad - and even more, I felt troubled

because even the confessor says that I have very much fallen out of my early state,

otherwise Jesus would come.

So, having received Communion, I lamented to blessed Jesus about His privations, asking

Him to have the goodness of telling me what is the evil I do, for I would gladly give my

life rather than displease Him: ‘How many times have I told You: if You see that I am

about to offend You, even slightly, make me die’. And Jesus told me: “My daughter, do

not trouble yourself. Have I not said years ago that in order to chastise the world I would

not come so often to relieve Myself with you, and as a consequence, I would not come

too often, though I would never leave you; and in order to make up for my frequent

coming and going, I would permit Mass and Communion every day, so that you might

draw the strength which you used to draw from my continuous visits; so much so, that I

reached the point of threatening the confessor if he would not offer to do it? Yet, who

does not know the chastisements that have happened in the meantime? Entire cities

destroyed, rebellions, the withdrawal of grace from the evil, and also from the very

religious who are evil, so that those poisons, those wounds which they had inside, might

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come out… Ah! I can take no more, the sacrileges are enormous; yet, this is still nothing

compared to the chastisements that will come! Had I not said this before, you would have

some reason to become alarmed.

You, however, must lean on two pillars to be able to live with

full confidence. One is my Will. In my Will there cannot be sins;

my Will smashes all passions and sins to pieces – even more, It

pulverizes them, to the point of destroying their roots. If you lean

on the pillar of my Will, darkness will convert into light, doubts

into certainty, hopes into possession. The second pillar on which

you must lean is the firm will and continuous attention not to

offend Me, even slightly; disposing one’s own will to suffer

everything, to face everything, to be submitted to everyone,

rather than displease Me. When the soul sees that she is leaning

continuously on these pillars, which form more than her very life,

she can live with greater confidence than if she lived with my

continuous favors. More so, since I permit this state also to

dispose you to departing from this earth.”

February, 1912

Offering of a victim.

Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen crucified, with a soul

near Him, who was offering herself to Jesus as victim. And Jesus said to her: “My

daughter, I accept you as victim of pain. Everything you may suffer, you will suffer as if

you were with Me on the Cross, and with your sufferings you will relieve Me. Many

times, this relieving of Me with your sufferings escapes you; know, however, that I was a

peaceful Victim and Host. You too - I don’t want you an oppressed victim, but peaceful

and joyful. You will be like a docile little lamb, and your bleating - that is, your prayers,

sufferings and works - will serve to soothe my embittered wounds.”

March 13, 1912

The baptism of victim is baptism by fire, and has effects superior to the baptism by


Jesus continues to speak about the state of victim, telling me: “My daughter, the baptism

at birth is by water, therefore it has the virtue of purifying, but not of removing

tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the baptism of victim is baptism by

fire, therefore it has not only the virtue of purifying, but of consuming any passion and

evil tendency. Even more, I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: my thought baptizes the

thought of the soul; my heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; my desire her desire, and so on.

However, this baptism is carried out between Myself and the soul, according

to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she has given Me.

This is why, my daughter, you do not feel evil tendencies and the like. It comes from

your state of victim, and I tell you this for your consolation. So, tell Father G. to be well

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attentive, for this is the mission of missions - the apostolate of apostolates. I want him

always with Me, and all intent within Me.”

March 15, 1912

The Divine Will is the Sanctity of sanctities. The souls who live in the Divine Will

are true living hosts.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt a great desire to do the Most Holy Will of blessed

Jesus; and He, on coming, told me: “My daughter, my Will is the Sanctity of sanctities.

The soul who does my Will, however small, ignorant, unknown, leaves the other Saints

behind in spite of their prodigies, sensational conversions and miracles. Rather, in

comparison, the souls who do my Will are queens, and it is as if all the others were at

their service.

It seems that the souls who do my Will do nothing, while they do everything, because,

being in my Will, they act in a divine manner, in a hidden and surprising way. So, they

are light that illuminates, they are winds that purify, they are fire that burns, they are

miracles that make others do miracles.

Those who do miracles are channels; but in these souls resides the power. Therefore, they

are the foot of the missionary, the tongue of the preachers, the strength of the weak, the

patience of the sick, the regime of the superiors, the obedience of the subjects, the

tolerance of the slandered, the firmness in dangers, the heroism of the heroes, the courage

of the martyrs, the sanctity in the saints, and so with all the rest. Being in my Will, they

concur with all the good that can exist both in Heaven and on earth.

This is why I can surely say that they are my true hosts - but living hosts, not dead

ones. In fact, the accidents that form the host are not full of life, nor do they influence my

life; but the soul is full of life, and by doing my Will, she influences and concurs with all

that I do. This is why these hosts consecrated by my Will are more dear to Me than the

very sacramental hosts, and if I have reason to exist in the sacramental hosts, it is to form

the sacramental hosts of my Will.

My daughter, I take such delight in my Will, that in simply hearing one speak about It, I

feel overjoyed and I call the whole of Heaven to make feast. Imagine, yourself, what will

become of those souls who do It: in them I find all the contentments, and to them I give

all the contentments; their life is the life of the Blessed. Two things only do they cherish,

desire and yearn: my Will and Love.

They have little to do, while indeed they do everything. The virtues themselves remain

absorbed in my Will and in Love, and so they have nothing to do with them any more,

since my Will contains, possesses and absorbs everything - but in a way which is divine,

immense and endless. This is the life of the Blessed.”

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April 23, 1912

How in all things Jesus proves His love for the creature. True sanctity is in doing the

Divine Will, and in reordering all things in Jesus. Even on the Cross and all

sufferings in the world.

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for a little, and told me: “My daughter,

sometimes I allow fault in a soul who loves me in order to clasp her more tightly to

Myself, and to oblige her to do greater things for my glory. In fact, the more I give to her,

permitting even fault in order to be moved to greater compassion for her miseries and to

love her more, filling her with my charisms, the more I compel her to do great things for

Me. These are the excesses of my love.

My daughter, my love for the creature is great. Do you see how the light of the sun

invades the earth? If you could make many atoms out of that light, in those atoms of light

you would hear my melodious voice and, one after the other, they would repeat to you: ‘I

love you, I love you, I love you…’, in such a way as to give you no time to count them.

You would remain drowned inside love.

And indeed, I ‘I love you, I love you, I love you…’ in the light that fills your eyes; ‘I love

you’ in the air that you breathe; ‘I love you’ in the whistling of the wind that touches your

hearing; ‘I love you’ in the warmth and in the cold felt by your touch; ‘I love you’ in the

blood that flows in your veins.

My heartbeat says ‘I love you’ in the beating of your heart. I repeat to you ‘I love you’ in

each thought of your mind; ‘I love you’ in each action of your hands; ‘I love you’ in each

step of your feet; ‘I love you’ in each word… because nothing happens inside or outside

of you without the concurrence of an act of my love toward you. So, one ‘I love you’ of

mine does not wait for another.

And your ‘I love you’s’? How many are for Me?”

I remained confused. I felt deafened inside and out, full chorus, by the ‘I love you’s’ of

my sweet Jesus, while my ‘I love you’s’ were so scarce, so limited, that I said: ‘Oh! my

lover Jesus, who can ever match You?’ But with what I have said, it seems that I have

said nothing of all that Jesus made me understand. Then He added: “True sanctity is in

doing my Will, and in reordering all things in Me. Just as I keep everything in order

for the creature, so should the creature order all things for Me and in Me. My Will

keeps all things in order.”

June 9, 1912

For the soul who does the Divine Will and lives in It there is no death and no

judgment. The cross helps one die to all and live for all

As I was feeling a little in suffering, I was saying to my always lovable Jesus: ‘When will

You take me with You? O please! hurry, O Jesus; let death cut this life of mine and unite

me with You in Heaven.’

And Jesus: “My daughter, for the soul who does my Will and lives of my Volition there

is no death. Death is for one who does not do my Will, because she has to die to many

things: to herself, to passions, to the earth. But one who does my Will has nothing to die

to; she is already used to living in Heaven. For her, it is nothing other than laying down

her remains, like one who would lay down the clothes of a poor one to wear the garments

of a queen, in order to leave exile and take possession of the Fatherland. The soul who

does my Will is not subject to death, she receives no judgment; her living is eternal. That

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which death was supposed to do, love has done in advance, and my Will has reordered

her completely in Me, in such a way that I have nothing for which to judge her.

Therefore, remain in my Will and, when you least expect it, you will find yourself in my

Will in Heaven.”

Volume 11 - September 6, 1913

The Hours of the Passion are the very prayers of Jesus.

I was thinking about the Hours of the Passion, which have now been written, and how

they are without any indulgence. So, those who do them gain nothing, while there are

many prayers enriched with many indulgences. While I was thinking of this, my always

lovable Jesus, all kindness, told me: “My daughter, through the prayers with indulgences

one gains something, but the Hours of my Passion, which are my very prayers, my

reparations, and all love, have come out of the very depth of my Heart. Have you

perhaps forgotten how many times I have united Myself with you to do them

together, and I have changed chastisements into graces over the whole earth? So, my

satisfaction is such and so great, that instead of the indulgence, I give the soul a handful

of love, which contains incalculable prices of infinite value. And besides, when things are

done out of pure love, my love finds its outpouring, and it is not insignificant that the

creature gives relief and outpouring to the love of the Creator.”

Volume 11 - November 18, 1913

When the human will and the Divine Will are opposed, one forms the cross of the

other. The cross can do as much good insofar as it is connected with the Will of God.

I was thinking about my poor state, and how even the cross has been banished from me;

and in my interior Jesus told me: “My daughter, when two wills are opposed to each

other, one forms the cross of the other. So it is between Me and the creatures: when their

wills are opposed to Mine, I form their cross and they form Mine; I am the long bar of

the cross, while they are the short one, and crossing each other, they form the cross.

Now, when the will of the soul unites with Mine, the bars are no longer crossed, but

united, and therefore the cross is no longer a cross. Have you understood?

And besides, I sanctified the cross; it was not the cross that sanctified Me. It is not

the cross that sanctifies - it is the resignation to my Will that sanctifies the cross;

therefore, even the cross can do as much good insofar as it is connected with my Will.

Not only this; the cross sanctifies and crucifies part of the person, while my Will does not

spare anything; it sanctifies everything, and crucifies thoughts, desires, will, affections,

heart - everything. And since my Will is light, It shows to the soul the necessity of this

sanctification and complete crucifixion, in such a way that she herself incites Me to

accomplish the crafting of my Will upon her. Therefore, the cross and the other virtues

are content as long as they get something; and if they can pierce the creature with three

nails, they boast of their triumph. On the other hand, my Will, which does not know how

to do incomplete works, is not content with just three nails, but with as many nails for as

many acts of my Will which I dispose for the creature.”

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September 25, 1914

Effects of the prayers done in the Divine Will.

I was offering my poor prayers to blessed Jesus, and I was thinking to myself to whom it

would be better for blessed Jesus to apply them. And He, benignly, said to me: “My

daughter, the prayers done with Me and with my very Will can be given to all, without

excluding anyone. All receive their part and their effects, as if those prayers had been

offered for one alone. However, they operate according to the dispositions of the

creatures, just like Communion, or my Passion: I give It to all and to each one, but the

effects are produced according to their dispositions; and if ten people receive

It, the fruit is not inferior to the case in which five had received It. Such is the prayer

done together with Me and from my Will.”

October 1914

Value and effects of the Hours of the Passion, and recompense that Jesus will give to

those who do them.

I was writing the Hours of the Passion, and I thought to myself: ‘How many sacrifices in

order to write these blessed Hours of the Passion, especially to put on paper certain

interior acts which had passed only between me and Jesus. What will be the recompense

that He will give to me?’ And Jesus, letting me hear His tender and sweet voice, told me:

“My daughter, as recompense for having written the Hours of my Passion, for each

word you have written I will give you a kiss - a soul.” And I: ‘My love, this is for me;

and what will You give to those who will do them?’ And Jesus: “If they do them together

with Me and with my own Will, I will also give them a soul for each word they will

recite, because the greater or lesser effectiveness of these Hours of my Passion is in the

greater or lesser union that they have with Me. By doing them with my Will, the creature

hides within my Volition, and since it is my Volition that acts, I can produce all the goods

I want, even through one word alone; and this, for each time you will do them.”

Another time I was lamenting to Jesus, because after so many sacrifices to write these

Hours of the Passion, very few were the souls who were doing them. And He: “My

daughter, do not lament - even if there were only one, you should be content. Would I not

have suffered my whole Passion even if one soul alone were to be saved? The same for

you. One should never omit good because few avail themselves of it; all the harm is for

those who do not take advantage of it. And just as my Passion made my Humanity

acquire the merit as if all were saved, even though not all are saved, because my Will was

to save everyone, and I received merit according to what I wanted, not according to the

profit which creatures would draw; the same for you: you will be rewarded depending on

whether your will was identified with my Will in wanting to do good to all. All the harm

is for those who, though being able to, do not do them.

These Hours are the most precious of all, because they are nothing less than the

repetition of what I did in the course of my mortal life, and what I continue to do in the

Most Holy Sacrament. When I hear these Hours of my Passion, I hear my own voice, my

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own prayers. In that soul I see my Will - that is, wanting the good of all and repairing for

all - and I feel drawn to dwell in her, to be able to do what she herself does within her.

Oh, how I would love that even one single soul for each town did these Hours of my

Passion! I would hear Myself in each town, and my Justice, greatly indignant during

these times, would be placated in part.”

I add that one day I was doing the Hour in which the Celestial Mama gave burial to Jesus,

and I followed Her to keep Her company in Her bitter desolation, to compassionate Her. I

did not usually do this Hour all the times - only sometimes. Now, I was undecided about

whether I should do it or not, and blessed Jesus, all love, and as though praying me, told

me: “My daughter, I do not want you to omit it. You will do it for love of Me, in

honor of my Mama. Know that every time you do it, my Mama feels as if She were on

earth in person, repeating Her life, and therefore She receives that glory and love

which She gave Me while on earth; and I feel as if my Mama were on earth again –

Her maternal tenderness, Her love and all the glory that She gave Me. So, I will

consider you as a mother.” Then, as He embraced me, I heard Him say to me, very

softly: “My mama, mama”; and He whispered to me all that sweet Mama did and

suffered in this Hour - and I followed Her. From that time on, helped by His grace, I

have never omitted it again.

November 4, 1914

The satisfaction of Jesus because of the Hours of the Passion.

I was doing the Hours of the Passion and Jesus, all pleased, told me: “My daughter, if

you knew what great satisfaction I feel in seeing you repeating these Hours of my

Passion - always repeating them, over and over again - you would be happy. It is true

that my Saints have meditated on my Passion and have comprehended how much I

suffered, melting in tears of compassion, so much so, as to feel consumed for love of my

pains; but not in such a continuous way, and repeated many times in this order. Therefore

I can say that you are the first one to give Me this pleasure, so great and special, as you

keep fragmenting within you - hour by hour - my life and what I suffered. And I feel so

drawn that, hour by hour, I give you this food and I eat the same food with you, doing

what you do together with you. Know, however, that I will reward you abundantly with

new light and new graces; and even after your death, each time souls on earth will do

these Hours of my Passion, in Heaven I will clothe you with ever new light and glory.”

November 6, 1914

The soul who does the Hours of the Passion makes the life of Jesus her own, and does

His same office.

As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter,

the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my immensity

envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, from their contact I am forced to

receive nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spit and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion

- and still more. Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel

the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spit taken away. I

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feel I am repaid in good for the evil that others do to Me, and in feeling that their contact

does no harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them.”

In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus

said: “My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and

makes them her own; she takes my reparations, prayers, desires, affections, and even my

most intimate fibers, and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth,

she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me

[Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all, and impetrate good for


November 20, 1914

Necessity of writing about the chastisements. The Divine Will and love form the life

and the Passion of Jesus in the soul.

I was feeling very afflicted because of the privations of blessed Jesus, and much more so

because of the scourges which are currently pouring down upon earth, and about which

many times Jesus had spoken to me many years before. It really seems to me that during

so many years in which He has kept me in bed we would share the weight of the world,

suffering and working together for the good of all creatures. It seems to me that the state

of victim in which lovable Jesus had placed me, bound all creatures together, between

Him and me. There was nothing that Jesus would do, nor chastisement He would send,

without letting me know. And I would plead so much before Him, that He would either

reduce the chastisement by half, or not send it at all. Oh! how I grieve at the thought that

Jesus might have withdrawn all the weight of creatures upon Himself, leaving me aside,

as unworthy to work together with Him. But there are yet more afflictions: in the darting

little visits that Jesus makes, He keeps telling me that the wars and the scourges which

are happening now, are still nothing, while it seems that they are too much; that other

nations will go to war - and not only this, but that, in time, they will wage wars against

the Church, attack sacred people and kill them.

How many churches will be profaned!

In truth, for about two years I have omitted writing about the chastisements which very

often Jesus manifested to me; partly because they are repetitions, and partly because

writing about chastisements hurts me so much that I just cannot continue. However, one

evening, while I was writing what He had told me about His Most Holy Will, and having

skipped what He had told me about the chastisements, reproaching me sweetly, Jesus told

me: “Why did you not write everything?” And I: ‘My Love, it did not seem necessary

to me. And besides, You know how much I suffer.’ And Jesus: “My daughter, if it were

not necessary, I would not have told you. And besides, since your state of victim is linked

with the events that my Providence disposes over creatures, and since this link

between you, Myself and creatures, as well as your sufferings in order to prevent

chastisements, appear from your writings, this gap would be noticed and things would

appear as clashing and incomplete - and I do not know how to do clashing and

incomplete things.” Shrugging my shoulders, I said: ‘It is too hard for me to do it; and

besides, who is going to remember everything?’ And Jesus, smiling, added: “And if after

your death I put a pen of fire in your hands, in Purgatory, what will you say?” So, that’s

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why I made up my mind to mention the chastisements. I hope that Jesus will forgive my

omission, and I promise to be more diligent in the future.

Now I go back to say that, as I was very afflicted, on coming, Jesus took me in His arms

to cheer me, and told me: “My daughter, be cheered. One who does my Will is never

apart from Me; rather, she is together with Me in the works that I do, in my desires, in my

love - she is together with Me in everything and everywhere. Even more, I can say that

since I want everything for Myself - affections, desires, etc. of all creatures – but I do not

have them, I remain around the creatures with the attitude of making a conquest. Now, as

I find the satisfaction of my desires in one who does my Will, my desire rests in her, my

love takes rest in her love, and so with all the rest.” Then He added: “I have given you

two very great things which, one can say, formed my very life. My life was enclosed in

these two points: Divine Will and love; and this Will carried out my life in Me, and

accomplished my Passion. I want nothing else from you but that my Will be your life,

your rule, and that in not one thing, whether small or big, you escape from It. This Will

will carry out my Passion in you; and the closer you remain to my Will, the more you

will feel my Passion within you. If you let my Will flow as life within you, my Will will

make my Passion flow within you. So, you will feel It flowing in each one of your

thoughts, in your mouth - you will feel your tongue soaked in It, and your word will

come out warm with my Blood, and you will speak eloquently about my pains. Your

heart will be filled with my pains, and in each of its outpourings, it will bring the mark of

my Passion to your whole being; and I will keep repeating to you, always: ‘Here is my

life, here is my life.’ I will delight in giving you surprises, narrating to you now one pain,

now another, which you have not yet heard or understood. Aren’t you happy?”

December 21, 1914

To have company in His pains is the greatest relief for Jesus.

I was in my usual state, and blessed Jesus, coming all afflicted, told me: “My daughter, I

can take the world no more. You, relieve Me for all - let Me palpitate in your heart, so

that in feeling the heartbeats of all through your heart, sins may not reach Me directly, but

indirectly - through your heart. Otherwise my Justice will put out all the chastisements

that have never occurred before.” And in the act of saying this, He identified His Heart

with mine, and made me feel His heartbeat. But who can say what I could feel? Sins, like

arrows, wounded that Heart; and as I shared in it, Jesus would find relief. Then, feeling

all identified with Him, I seemed to be enclosing His intelligence, His hands, His feet,

and all the rest; and I shared in all the offenses of each of the senses of creatures. But who

can say how this was happening? Then Jesus added: “To have company in my pains is

the greatest relief for Me. This is why my Divine Father was not so inexorable after my

Incarnation, but milder – because He no longer received offenses directly, but indirectly -

that is, through my Humanity which acted as a continuous shield for Him. In the same

way, I keep searching for souls who would place themselves between Me and the

creatures; otherwise I will make of the world a heap of ruins.” (Can God stop

searching with you?)

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April 24, 1915

That which Jesus suffered in the crowning of thorns is incomprehensible to the created

mind. Much more painfully than by those thorns, His mind was pierced by all the evil

thoughts of creatures.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking of how much blessed Jesus suffered in

being crowned with thorns, and, making Himself seen, Jesus told me: “My daughter, the

pains which I suffered were incomprehensible to the created mind. Much more painfully

than by those thorns, my mind was pierced by all the evil thoughts of creatures, in such a

way that none of these thoughts could escape Me - I felt them all inside Me. So, I felt not

only the thorns, but also the disgust of the sins which those thorns inflicted on Me.”

I looked at my lovable Jesus and I could see His most holy head surrounded by spokes of

thorns which came out from inside Him. All the thoughts of the creatures were in Jesus;

they went from Jesus into them, and from them to Jesus, remaining as though linked

together. Oh, how Jesus suffered!

Then He added: “My daughter, only the souls who live in my Will can give Me true

reparations and soothe Me from thorns so sharp. In fact, since they live in my Will,

and since my Will is everywhere, they find themselves in Me and in everyone, they

descend into creatures and rise up to Me, they bring Me all reparations, they soothe

Me - and in creatures’ minds they turn darkness into light.”

May 2, 1915

Pains of Jesus because of the chastisements. The souls who live in the Divine Will are

the closest to the Humanity of Jesus; they live in Him and in all creatures, and

impetrate good for all.

My days are more and more so very bitter. This morning my sweet Jesus came in such a

state of suffering that it cannot be described. On seeing Him suffer so much, I would have

wanted to give Him relief at any cost. Not knowing what to do, I pressed Him to my

heart, and drawing near His mouth, with mine I tried to suckle part of His interior

bitternesses. But – nothing! No matter how hard I tried to suckle, nothing would come

out. I returned to my efforts, but it was all in vain. Jesus was crying, and I too was crying

in seeing that I could not alleviate His pains in any way. What a cruel torment! Jesus was

crying because He wanted to pour [His bitternesses into me], but His Justice prevented

Him from doing it; I was crying in seeing Him cry, and because I could not help Him.

These are pains which no words can describe. Then, sobbing, Jesus told me: “My

daughter, sins snatch scourges and wars from my hands. I am forced to allow them, and

at the same time I cry and suffer with the creature.”

I felt I was dying for the pain, and Jesus, wanting to distract me, added: “My daughter, do

not lose heart. This too is in my Will, because only the souls who live in my Will can

confront my Justice.

Only those who live in my Volition have free access to share in the divine decrees

and plead for their brothers. Those who dwell in my Will are the ones who possess all

the fruits of my Humanity, because my Humanity had Its limits, while my Will has no

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limits, and my Humanity lived in my Will – immersed in It, inside and out. Now, the

souls who live in my Will are the closest to my Humanity.

Making my Humanity their own - because I gave It to them - they can present themselves

before the Divinity as invested with It, like another Me, and they can disarm Divine

Justice and impetrate scripts of forgiveness for the perverted creatures. Since they live in

my Will, they live in Me; and since I live in everyone, they also live in everyone and for

the good of all. They live hovering in the air like sun, and their prayers, acts, reparations

and everything they do, are like rays which descend from them for the good of all.”

June 17, 1915

Everything must end in the Divine Will.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was lamenting to Jesus, saying to Him: ‘My Life,

Jesus, everything is ended. There is nothing left for me but your flashes and shadows at

the most.’ And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, told me: “My daughter, everything must

end in my Will. Once the soul has reached this, she has done everything; and if she had

done much but had not enclosed it in my Will, one can say that she has done nothing. In

fact, I take into account all that ends in my Will, because in It alone is my very Life

present, as though bound, and so it is right that I take into account even the littlest things,

and even trifles, as my own things, because in each little act that the creature does united

with my Will, I feel that she first takes it from Me, and then she operates. So, her little

act comprises the whole of my sanctity, my power, wisdom, love and all that I am, and in

that act done united with my Will, I feel my life, my works, my word, my thought and so

on, being repeated.

So, if your things have ended in my Will, what else would you want? All things have

only one final point. The sun has only one point - that its light may invade all the earth.

The farmer sows, hoes, works the earth, he suffers from cold and heat; but this is not his

final point – no; his point is to reap [the fruits] to make of them his food. The same for

many other things which, many as they are, resolve into one single point - and this

constitutes the life of man. In the same way, the soul must make everything end in the

single point of my Will, and my Will will constitute her life, and I will make of it my


Then He added: “In these sad times, you and I will go through a very painful period -

things will rage more. But know that if I take my cross of wood away from you, I give

you the cross of my Will, which has no length and no width - it is interminable. A more

noble cross I could not give you; it is not made of wood, but of light; and in this light,

burning more than any fire, we will suffer together in each creature and in their agonies

and tortures; and we will try to be life of all.”

August 14 1915

Everything that Jesus did and suffered is act, and serves as prop on which souls can

lean so as not to fall into sin and be saved.

Continuing in my usual state, Jesus came for just a little. He was so tired, exhausted, that

He Himself called me to kiss His wounds and dry His Blood, which was flowing from

every part of His Most Holy Humanity. So, after I went over all His members making

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various adorations and reparations, my sweet Jesus, relieved and leaning on me, told me:

“My daughter, my Passion, my wounds, my Blood, everything I did and suffered,

are in continuous act in the midst of souls, as if I were operating and suffering at this very

moment. They serve Me as props on which I can lean, and as props on which souls can

lean so as not to fall into sin, and be saved. Now, during these times of scourges,

I am like someone who lives up in the air, with no ground underneath, and amid

continuous blows: Justice knocks Me from Heaven, and creatures, through sin, from the


Now, the more the soul remains around Me, kissing my wounds, repairing Me, offering

my Blood - in a word, re-doing, herself, what I did during the course of my Life and

Passion - the more props she forms so that I can lean on them and not fall, and the larger

the circle becomes in which souls find support so as not to fall into sin, and be saved. Do

not get tired, my daughter, of being around Me, and of going over my wounds, over and

over again. I Myself will administer to you the thoughts, the affections, the words, so that

you may remain around Me. Be faithful to Me – times are short, Justice wants to unfold

Its fury, and creatures irritate It. It is necessary that these props multiply more; therefore,

do not fail the work.”

December 10, 1915

The soul must make the prayers, the works and the sufferings of Jesus her own, so as

to have in her power all the good that they produced.

I was feeling so very afflicted because my sweet Jesus, my Life, my All, did not make

Himself seen. I was lamenting: ‘If I could, I would deafen Heaven and earth with my

laments so as to move Him to compassion for my poor state. What a great misfortune - to

know Him, to love Him, and to remain without Him! Can there ever be a graver

misfortune?’ But while I was lamenting, blessed Jesus, making Himself seen in my

interior, told me with a severe look: “My daughter, do not tempt Me. Why this? I told you

everything so as to let you be tranquil; I told you that when I abstain from coming, it is

because I have to tighten stronger chastisements, because my Justice wants it so; and

I even told you the reasons. Before, you would not believe that it was in order to chastise

that I was not coming as usual - because you did not hear that great chastisements were

happening in the world.

Now you hear them, and in spite of this you still doubt. Is this not tempting Me?”

I was shaking in seeing and hearing Jesus so severe, and in order to calm me down

He changed His look and, all kindness, added: “My daughter, courage. I do not leave you,

I am inside of you, although you do not always see Me. And you - unite yourself always

with Me; if you pray, let your prayer flow in mine, and make it your own. In this way, all

that I did with my prayers - the glory I gave to the Father, the good I impetrated for all -

you will do as well. If you work, let your work flow in mine, and make it your own. In

this way, you will have in your power all the good that my Humanity did, which

sanctified and divinized everything. If you suffer, let your suffering flow in mine, and

make it your own; and in this way you will have in your power all the good that I did in

Redemption. By this, you will take the three essential points of my Life; and as you do

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so, immense seas of graces will come out of you, which will pour out for the good of all,

and I will look at your life, not as your own, but as Mine.”

April 23, 1916

At each thought about the Passion of Jesus, the soul draws light from His Humanity.

Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen all surrounded with

light, which came out from within His Most Holy Humanity, and embellished Him in

such a way as to form an enchanting and enrapturing sight. I remained surprised, and He

told me: “My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer,

word, action, step, etc., produced a light within my Humanity, which embellished Me in

such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul

has about my Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other

than draw light from my Humanity, and be embellished in my likeness. So, each

additional thought about my Passion will be one more light which will bring her eternal


May 3, 1916 (Learn to pray in the divine Will here)

In the Divine Will the soul prays like Jesus; she satisfies the Father and repairs for all,

as He did.

While I was praying, my lovable Jesus placed Himself close to me, and I could hear that

He too was praying. So I began to listen to Him, and Jesus told me: “My daughter,

pray, but pray as I pray – that is, pour all of yourself into my Will,

and in It you will find God and all creatures; and making all things

of creatures your own, you will give them to God as if all were

one single creature, because the Divine Volition is the owner of

all. Then you will place at the feet of the Divinity the good acts in

order to give honor to It, and the bad ones in order to repair for

them through the sanctity, power and immensity of the Divine

Will, from which nothing can escape. This was the life of my

Humanity upon earth. As holy as It was, I still needed this Divine

Volition in order to give complete satisfaction to the Father, and

to redeem the human generations. In fact, only in this Divine

Volition could I find all generations, past, present and future, and

all of their acts, thoughts, words, etc., as though in act.

And in this Holy Will, letting nothing escape Me, I took all thoughts into my mind, and

for each of them in particular I brought Myself before the Supreme Majesty, and I

repaired for them. And in this same Will, I descended into each mind of creature, giving

them the good which I had impetrated for their intelligences. In my gazes I took the eyes

of all creatures, their words in my voice, their movements in my movements, their works

in my hands, their affections and desires in my Heart, their feet in my steps; and making

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them my own, in this Divine Volition my Humanity satisfied the Father, and I placed the

poor creatures in safety. And the Divine Father was satisfied, nor could He reject

Me, He Himself being the Holy Will. Would He perhaps reject Himself? Certainly not.

More so, since in these acts He found perfect sanctity, unreachable and enrapturing

beauty, highest love, immense and eternal acts, invincible power. This was the whole life

of my Humanity upon earth, from the first instant of my conception up to my last breath,

to continue it in Heaven and in the Most Holy Sacrament.

Now, why can you not do this as well? For one who loves Me everything is possible.

United with Me, in my Will, take and bring the thoughts of all before the Divine Majesty

within your thoughts; the gazes of all in your eyes; in your words, movements, affections

and desires, those of your brothers, in order to repair for them and impetrate for them

light, grace and love. In my Will you will find yourself in Me and in all, you will live my

life, you will pray with Me. The Divine Father will be happy, and the whole of Heaven

will say: ‘Who is calling us from the earth? Who is it that wants to compress this Holy

Will within herself, enclosing all of us together?’ And how much good can the earth

obtain by making Heaven descend upon earth!”

June 15, 1916

In the Divine Will everything is complete. The most powerful prayers over the Heart of

Jesus, and those which move Him the most, are to clothe oneself with all that He

Himself did and suffered.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, He transformed me

completely in Him, and then He told me: “Daughter, pour yourself into my Will to make

complete reparations for Me.

My love feels an irresistible need for them; after so many offenses of creatures, it wants

one at least who, placing herself between Me and them, would give Me complete

reparations, love for all, and would snatch from Me graces for all. But you can do this

only in my Will, in which you will find Me and all creatures. Oh! with what yearnings

am I waiting for you to enter into my Will, to be able to find in you the satisfactions and

the reparations of all. Only in my Will will you find all things in act, because I am

engine, actor and spectator of everything.” Now, while He was saying this, I poured

myself into His Will – but who can say what I saw? I was in contact with every thought

of creature, the life of which came from God; and I, in His Will, multiplied myself in

each thought, and with the sanctity of His Will I repaired everything, I had a ‘thank You’

for all, a love for all. Then I multiplied myself in the gazes, in the words and in

everything else – but who can say what was happening? I lack the terms, and maybe the

very angelic tongues would stammer; therefore I stop here.

So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then I felt the Queen Mama near me,

and She told me: “My daughter, pray.” And I: ‘My Mama, let us pray together, for by

myself I don’t know how to pray.’ And She added: “The most powerful prayers over

the Heart of my Son, and those which move Him the most, are for the creature to

clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave

everything as gift to the creature. Therefore, my daughter, surround your head with

the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue with His

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bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His wounds, pierce

your hands and feet with His nails, and like another Christ present yourself before

His Divine Majesty. This sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able

to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His own insignia. But – oh! how

little do creatures know how to make use of the gifts which my Son gave them!

These were my prayers upon earth, and these are my prayers in Heaven.” So,

together we clothed ourselves with the insignia of Jesus, and together we presented

ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and

remained as though surprised. I thanked Mama, and I found myself inside myself.

August 3, 1916

Each act the creature does is one more paradise she acquires in Heaven.

As I continue in my usual state, my lovable Jesus makes Himself seen in passing, or He

says a few words and then He runs away, or He hides in my interior. I remember that one

day He told me: “My daughter, I am the center, and all Creation receives life from this

center. So, I am life of every thought, of every word, of every action - of everything; but

creatures make use of this life I give them to take the occasion to offend Me. I give life,

and if they could, they would give Me death.” I also remember that as I prayed Him to

hold back the scourges, He told me: “Daughter, do you think I am the one who

wants to scourge them? Ah, no! On the contrary, my love is so great that I consumed

my whole life in redoing what man was obliged to do for the Supreme Majesty; and since

my acts were divine, I multiplied them into so many as to redo them for all and for each

one, in such a way as to fill Heaven and earth, and to keep man defended so that Justice

might not strike him. But man, with sin, breaks this defense, and once the defense is

broken, the scourges strike man.” But who can say all the little things He told me? Then,

this morning, I was praying and lamenting to Jesus for He was not answering me,

especially because He does not stop chastising, and I said to Him: ‘Why pray if You do

not want to answer me? On the contrary, You tell me that the evils will get worse.’ And

He: “My daughter, good is always good.

Even more, you must know that each prayer, each reparation, each act of love, any

holy thing that the creature does, is one more paradise that she acquires. So, the

simplest holy act will be one more paradise; one act less, a paradise less. In fact, every

good act comes from God, and therefore in every good act the soul takes God; and since

God contains infinite, innumerable, eternal, immense joys - so many that the very Blessed

will not arrive at enjoying them all throughout all eternity - it is no wonder, then, that

since each good act acquires God, God is almost bound to substitute them with as many

contentments. So, if the soul suffers even distractions for love of Me, in Heaven her

intelligence will have more light and will enjoy as many more paradises for as many

times as she has sacrificed her intelligence; and so much more

will she comprehend God. If she suffers coldness for love of Me, so many paradises will

she enjoy of the variety of contentments which are present in my love; if darkness, so

many more contentments in my inaccessible light; and so with all the rest. This is what

one prayer more or one less means.”

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October 13, 1916

How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion. These Hours

are sweet little sips that souls give to Jesus.

I was doing the Hours of the Passion, and blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, in the

course of my mortal life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of my

Humanity, gathering everything I did – my steps, my works, my words, and even my

sighs, my pains, the drops of my Blood – in sum, everything. They were the Angels in

charge of my custody, and of paying Me honor; obedient to my every wish, they would

rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. Now these

Angels have a special office, and as the soul remembers my Life, my Passion, my

Blood, my wounds, my prayers, they come around this soul and gather her words,

her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite

them to mine, and they bring them before my Majesty to renew for Me the glory of

my own Life. The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the

soul says, and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul

do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her what she

says.” Then He added: “After the so many bitternesses that creatures give Me, these

Hours are sweet little sips that souls give Me; but for the many bitter sips I receive, the

sweet ones are too few. Therefore, more diffusion, more diffusion!”

December 9, 1916

Jesus wants to find Himself and what He did in the soul. With this intention the soul

must do the Hours of the Passion and every action.

I was afflicted because of the privations of my sweet Jesus; and if He comes, while I

breathe a little bit of life, I am left more afflicted in seeing Him more afflicted than I am.

He does not want to hear about placating Himself, because creatures force Him, and

snatch more scourges from Him. But while He scourges, He cries over the lot of man,

and He hides deep inside my heart, almost not to see what man suffers. It seems that one

can no longer live in these sad times; yet, it seems that this is only the beginning. Then,

as I was worried about my hard and sad lot of having to be so very often without Him,

my sweet Jesus came, and throwing one arm around my neck, told me: “My daughter, do

not increase my pains by worrying – they are already too many. I do not expect this from

you; on the contrary, I want you to make my pains, my prayers and all of Myself your

own, in such a way that I may find in you another Me. In these times I want great

satisfactions, and only one who makes Me his own can give them to Me. That which the

Father found in Me – glory, delight, love, satisfactions whole and perfect, and for the

good of all – I want to find in these souls, like as many other Jesuses that match Me.

These intentions you must repeat in each Hour of the Passion that you do, in each action

in everything. If I do not find my satisfactions – ah, it is over for the world! The scourges

will pour down in torrents. Ah, my daughter! Ah, my daughter!” And He disappeared.

February 2, 1917

The world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of the Passion.

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As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I found my always

lovable Jesus, all dripping with blood, with a horrible crown of thorns, looking at me with

difficulty through the thorns. He told me: “My daughter, the world has become

unbalanced because it has lost the thought of my Passion. In darkness, it has not found

the light of my Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it my

love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it;

and the light of my Passion, guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In

weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would sustain it. In

impatience, it has not found the mirror of my patience which would infuse in it calm and

resignation; and in the face of my patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to

dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the comfort of the pains of a God which,

sustaining its pains, would infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found my

sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would infuse in it hate of sin. Ah! man has

made an abuse of everything, because in everything he has moved away from the One

who could help him. This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child

who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his

master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen

to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror

and sorrow of society. Such has man become – terror and sorrow; but a sorrow without

pity. Ah! man is getting worse and worse, and I cry over him with tears of blood!”

March, 18 1917

Effects of fusing oneself in Jesus.

I was praying, fusing all of myself in Jesus, and I wanted each thought of Jesus in my

power in order to have life in each thought of creature, and to repair with the same

thought of Jesus; and so with all the rest. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My

daughter, my Humanity on earth did nothing but connect each

thought of creature with my own. So, each thought of creature

was reflected in my mind, each word in my voice, each heartbeat

in my heart, each action in my hands, each step in my feet, and

so with all the rest. With this, I offered divine reparations to the

Father. Now, all that I did upon earth,

I continue in Heaven, and as the creatures think, their thoughts

pour into my mind; as they look, I feel their glances in mine.

Therefore, a continuous electricity flows between Me and them,

just as the members are in continuous communication with the

head. And I say to the Father: ‘My Father, I am not the only one

who is praying, repairing, satisfying, appeasing You, but there

are other creatures who do within Me whatever I do. Even more,

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with their suffering, they make up for my Humanity, which is

glorious and incapable of suffering.’

By fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did, and continue to do. What will

be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with

Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven? They will

continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their

thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds, and they will continue the reparations

which they did on earth. They will be, together with Me, the sentries of honor before the

Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth will offend Me, they will do opposite acts in

Heaven. They will guard my throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the

ones who will comprehend Me the most - the most glorious. Their glory will be

completely fused in mine, and mine in theirs.

Therefore, may your life on earth be completely fused in mine. Do not do any act

without making it pass into Me; and every time you will fuse yourself in Me, I will pour

new graces and new light in you, and I will become the vigilant sentry of your heart in

order to keep any shadow of sin far away from you. I will guard you as my own

Humanity, and I will command the Angels to surround you like a crown, that you may be

sheltered from everything and everyone.”

April 18, 1917

Pouring oneself into the Divine Will and fusing oneself in Jesus, form beneficial dew

over all creatures.

I was fusing myself in my sweet Jesus in order to diffuse myself in all creatures, and fuse

them all in Jesus. So I kept flinging myself between the creatures and Jesus, to prevent

my beloved Jesus from being offended, and to prevent creatures from offending Him.

Now, as I was doing this, He told me: “My daughter, as you pour yourself into my

Will and fuse yourself in Me, a sun is formed in you. As you keep thinking, loving,

repairing, etc., the rays are formed; and my Will, as background, becomes the crown of

these rays. So the sun is formed which, rising up in the air, melts into beneficial dew

upon all creatures. Therefore, the more you fuse yourself in Me, the more suns you keep


Oh, how beautiful it is to see these suns which, rising and rising, remain circumfused

within my own sun, and pour beneficial dew upon all! How many graces do creatures not

receive! I am so taken by this, that as they fuse themselves, I pour abundant dew of all

kinds of graces upon them, so that they may form greater suns, and may be able to pour

the beneficial dew more abundantly over all.” And as I was fusing myself, I could feel

light, love, graces, being poured upon my head.

May 2, 1917

How Jesus died little by little.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus because of His

privations, telling Him: ‘My Love, who could ever imagine that your privation had to

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cost me so much? I feel I am dying, little by little. Each one of my acts is a death that I

feel, because I cannot find the life. But dying and continuing to live is even more cruel -

it is double death.’

My lovable Jesus came flashing by and told me: “My daughter, courage and firmness in

everything. And then, don’t you want to imitate Me? I too died little by little. As the

creatures offended Me in my steps, I felt a tearing in my feet, but with such bitterness of

spasm as to be capable of giving Me death. And while I felt like I was dying, yet, I would

not die. As they offended Me with their works, I felt death in my hands, and at the cruel

torment, I agonized, I felt faint; but the Will of the Father sustained Me. I died, and I did

not die. As the evil voices and the horrendous blasphemies of creatures were reflected in

my voice, I felt like suffocating, my word being choked, poisoned; I felt death in my

voice, but I did not die. And my tortured Heart? As It palpitated, I felt the evil lives in my

heartbeat, souls being ripped from Me; and my Heart was continuously torn and

lacerated. I agonized and died continuously in each creature, in each offense; yet, Love,

the Divine Will, forced Me to live. This is the reason for your dying little by little. I want

you together with Me - I want your company in my deaths. Aren’t you happy?”

May 16, 1917

Effects of the Hours of the Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I

poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all. And my

lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, every time the creature fuses herself in Me, she

gives the influence of Divine Life to all creatures; and according to their own needs, the

creatures obtain their effects: those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate

in sin, receive light; those who suffer, receive comfort; and so with all the rest.”

Then, I found myself outside of myself. I was in the midst of many souls - they seemed to

be purging souls and Saints - who were speaking to me and mentioning one person

known to me, who died not too long ago. And they said to me: ‘He feels happy in

seeing that there is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the

mark of the Hours of the Passion. Surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and

helped by them, the souls take a safe place. And there is not a soul who flies into Heaven,

without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion. These Hours make a

continuous dew pour down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’

On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He

had given - that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - is

allowing that there be not a saved soul who does not benefit from these Hours.’

Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether

that was true. And He: “These Hours are the order of the Universe; they put Heaven and

earth in harmony, and restrain Me from sending the world to ruin. I feel my Blood, my

wounds, my love and all I did, being placed in circulation; and they flow over all to save

all. As souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my anxieties

to save souls, being put in motion, and I feel my own Life being repeated. How could

creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours? Why do you doubt? This thing

is not yours, but mine. You have been the strained and weak instrument.

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July 7, 1917

For one who does the Divine Will, everything is present.

I was fusing myself in my sweet Jesus, but I saw myself as so miserable that I didn’t

know what to tell Him. And my always lovable Jesus, to console me, told me: “My

daughter, neither past nor future exist for one who does my Will, but everything is in a

present act. Everything I did and suffered is in a present act, in such a way that, if I want

to give satisfaction to the Father, or do good to the creatures, I can do it, as if I were in

the very act of suffering and operating. In the same way, all that the creature can suffer

and do in my Will is already identified with my pains and works, and they become one.

So, when the soul wants to give Me a proof of love with her pains, she can take

the pains suffered at other times, which are in act, and give them to Me, in order to

replicate her love, her satisfactions for Me. And in seeing the industriousness of the

creature who places her acts as if on a counter in order to multiply them and collect the

interest, to give Me love and satisfactions, I give her my pains and my works multiplied,

so as to enrich her and not to be outdone in love, to love her and to be loved.”

August 14, 1917

Jesus did nothing other than give Himself prey to the Will of the Father. Difference

between living resigned to the Will of God, and living in His Will.

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus just barely came, passing by, and told me:

“My daughter, I did nothing other than give Myself prey to the Will of the Father.

Therefore, if I thought, I thought in the mind of the Father; if I spoke, I spoke in the

mouth and with the tongue of the Father; if I worked, I worked in the hands of the Father.

I even breathed my breathing in Him, and everything I did was ordered the way He

wanted. Therefore, I could say that I carried out my Life in the Father, and that I was the

bearer of the Father, because I enclosed everything in His Will and I did nothing by

Myself. My main point was the Will of the Father, because I did not care about Myself,

nor did I interrupt my course because of the offenses I received; rather, I kept flying more

and more toward my center. Only then did my natural Life end, when I fulfilled the Will

of the Father in everything.

The same for you, my daughter. If you give yourself prey to my Will, you will no longer

have concerns for anything. The very privation of Me, which torments you and consumes

you so much, flowing in my Will, will find support, my hidden kisses, my Life in you,

clothed with you. In your very heartbeat you will feel mine - burning and sorrowful; and

if you don’t see Me, you feel Me; my arms hold you tightly. How many times you feel

my motion, my refreshing breath, which refreshes your ardors! You do feel all this; and

when you try to see who squeezed you, who breathes on you, and you do not see Me, I

smile at you, I kiss you with the kisses of my Will, and I hide more within you, in order

to surprise you again, and let you jump once more into my Will. Therefore, do not sadden

Me by afflicting yourself - but let Me do. May the flight of my Volition never cease in

you; otherwise you would hinder my Life within you. On the other hand, as you live in

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my Will, I do not find any hindrance, and I make my Life grow, and I carry out my Life

as I want.”

Now, out of obedience, I want to say a few words on the difference between living

resigned to the Divine Will, and living in the Divine Will. First: living resigned.

According to my poor opinion, this means to be resigned to the Divine Will in

everything, both in prosperous and in adverse circumstances, seeing in everything the

Divine Will, the order of the divine dispositions which the Divine Will has over all

creatures, such that not even one hair can fall from our head if the Lord does not want it

so. It seems to me like a good son, who goes wherever his Father wants, and suffers

whatever his Father wants. Poor or rich, it is indifferent to him; he is happy just being

what his Father wants. If he receives or asks for an order to go somewhere to carry out

some business, he goes only because his Father wanted it so. But in the meantime, he has

to take some refreshment, stop to rest, have some food, deal with people; therefore he has

to put much from his own will, even though he goes because his Father wanted it.

However, in many things he finds himself in the circumstance of doing them by himself;

so it may happen that he is far away from his Father for days, for months, without

receiving specification of the Will of his Father in all things.

Therefore, for one who lives resigned to the Divine Will, it is almost impossible not to

mix his own will with It. He will be a good son; however, he will not have the thoughts,

the words and the life of his Father fully portrayed within himself, in everything. In fact,

since he has to go, return, follow and deal with people, love is already broken - because

only a continuous union makes love grow, and it never breaks - and the current of the

Will of the Father is not in continuous communication with the current of the will of the

son. During those intervals the son may get used to doing his own will. However, I

believe that this is the first step toward sanctity.

Second: living in the Divine Will. I would like the hand of my Jesus to write this. Ah, He

alone could say all the beauty, the goodness and the sanctity of living in the Divine Will!

I am not capable; I have many concepts in my mind, but I lack the words. My Jesus, pour

Yourself into my word, and I will say what I can.

Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself, because in

the face of the Divine Will one feels incapable of anything. He does not ask for orders,

nor does he receive them, because he feels incapable of going by himself. So he says: ‘If

You want me to do this, let us do it together, and if You want me to go, let us go

together.’ Therefore, he does all that his Father does. If the Father thinks, he makes the

thoughts of the Father his own, and does not add one thought to those of his Father. If the

Father looks, if He speaks, if He works, if He walks, if He suffers, if He loves, he too

looks at what the Father is looking at; he repeats the words of the Father; he works with

the hands of the Father; he walks with the feet of the Father; he suffers the same pains of

the Father, and he loves with the love of the Father. He lives inside his Father, not outside

of Him; therefore, he is the reflection and the perfect portrait of his Father - which is not,

for the one who lives only resigned. It is impossible to find this son without his Father,

nor the Father without him; and not only externally, but all his interior is as though

interwoven with the interior of the Father - transformed, dissolved completely,

completely, in God.

Oh, the rapid and sublime flights of this child in the Divine Will! This Divine Will is

immense; in every instant It circulates within everyone; It gives life and order to

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everything. And the soul, wandering within this immensity, flies to all, helps all, loves

all, but as Jesus Himself helps and loves - which cannot be done by one who lives only


Therefore, one who lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to do things by himself;

even more, he feels nausea for his human works, though holy, because in the Divine Will

all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look. They acquire nobility,

splendor, divine sanctity, divine power and beauty; they multiply to infinity, and in one

instant one does everything. And after he has done everything, he says: ‘I have done

nothing - Jesus did. And this is all my contentment: that, miserable as I am, Jesus gave

me the honor to keep me in the Divine Will, to let me do what He Himself has done.’

Therefore, the enemy cannot bother this child - whether he has done well or badly, little

or much - because Jesus Himself did everything, and he together with Jesus. He is the

most peaceful one; he is not subject to anxiety; he loves no one and loves everyone - but

divinely. One can say that he is the repeater of the Life of Jesus, the organ of His voice,

the heartbeat of His Heart, the sea of His graces.

True Sanctity, I believe, consists only in this. All other things are shadows, larvae,

specters of sanctity.

In the Divine Will, virtues take their place in the divine order; while, outside of It, in the

human order, they are subject to self-esteem, to vainglory, to passions. Oh! how many

good works, how many attended Sacraments are to be cried over before God, and to be

repaired, because they are empty of Divine Will, and therefore without fruits. Heaven

willing that all would understand true sanctity.

Oh! how all other things would disappear.

So, many find themselves on the false way of sanctity. Many place it in the pious

practices of piety - and woe to those who move them! Oh, how they deceive themselves!

If their wills are not united with Jesus and transformed in Him - which is the continuous

prayer - with all of their pious practices their sanctity is false. And it shows how these

souls pass very easily from pious practices to defects, to amusements, to the sowing of

discord, and other things. Oh, how dishonoring this kind of sanctity is! Others place it in

going to church, in attending all the services, but their will is far from Jesus.

And it shows how these souls have little care for their own duties; and if they are

hindered, they get angry, they cry that their sanctity goes up in the air. They complain,

they disobey, they are the wounds of families. Oh! what a fake sanctity. Others place it in

frequent confessions, in scrupulous spiritual directions, in having scruples for everything;

but they do not have any scruple if their will does not run together with the Will of Jesus

- and woe to those who contradict them! These souls are like inflated balloons: a little

hole is enough for the air to come out, and their sanctity goes up in smoke, and falls to

the ground. These poor balloons always have something to say; they are mostly inclined

to sadness. They live always in doubt, and therefore would like to have a director for

themselves, who would advise them, give them peace and console them in every little

thing. But they are soon more agitated than before. Poor sanctity, how forged it is.

I would like the tears of my Jesus in order to cry together with Him over these false

sanctities, and make everyone know how true sanctity is in doing the Divine Will and in

living in the Divine Volition.

This sanctity puts its roots so deeply that there is no danger that it may oscillate, because

it fills Heaven and earth, and finds its support everywhere. This soul is firm, not subject

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to inconstancies or voluntary defects. She is attentive to her duties; she is the most

sacrificed and detached from everyone and everything, even from spiritual directions

themselves; and since her roots are deep, she rises up so high that the flowers and fruits

bloom in Heaven. She is so hidden in God that the earth sees little or nothing of this soul.

The Divine Will keeps her absorbed within Itself; only Jesus is the author, the life, the

form of the sanctity of this enviable creature. She has nothing of her own, but everything

is in common with Jesus. Her passion is the Divine Will; her characteristic is the Will of

her Jesus, and ‘Fiat’ is her continuous motto. On the other hand, the poor and false

sanctity of the balloons is subject to continuous inconstancies, and while it appears that

the balloons of their sanctity swell up so much as to seem to be flying in the air at a

certain height, to the point that many, and even their directors, are amazed - soon they are

disillusioned. One humiliation, one favor of the directors toward someone else, is enough

to deflate these balloons, because they see this as a theft against them, considering

themselves the neediest. So, while having scruples for silly things, they then reach the

point of disobeying. Jealousy is the woodworm of these balloons, which, consuming the

good they do, keeps sucking air from them, and the poor balloon deflates and falls to the

ground, reaching the point of dirtying itself with earth. Then the sanctity that was in the

balloon appears. And what can one find in it? Love of self, resentment, passions, hidden

under the aspect of good, almost to have occasion to say: they have become the

amusement of the devil; so, of all their sanctity, nothing was found but a mass of defects,

apparently disguised as virtues. But then, who can say everything? Only Jesus knows the

worst evils of this fake sanctity, of this devout life without foundation, because it leans on

false piety. These fake sanctities are spiritual vines without fruit - sterile, and cause of

who knows how much crying for my lovable Jesus. They are the ill feeling of society, the

worry of the very directors, and of families. One can say that they bring with themselves

a noxious air that harms everyone.

Oh! how so very different is the sanctity of the soul who lives in the Divine Will! These

souls are the smile of Jesus. They are far away from everyone, even from the very

directors. Only Jesus is everything for them; therefore, nobody worries for them. The

beneficial air which they possess embalms everyone; they are the order and the harmony

of everyone. Jesus, jealous of these souls, becomes actor and spectator of whatever they

do – there is not one heartbeat, breath, or thought which He does not regulate and

dominate. Jesus keeps this soul so absorbed in the Divine Will that she can hardly

remember that she is living in exile.

September 18, 1917

Effects of constancy in good.

Continuing in my usual state, I was in the midst of pains; more so, since my Celestial

Mama had made herself seen, crying. And as I asked her: ‘My Mama, why are you

crying?’; She told me: “My daughter, how could I not cry, since the fire of Divine Justice

would want to devour everything? The fire of sins devours all the good of souls, and the

fire of Justice wants to destroy all that belongs to the creatures. And in seeing the fire

running, I cry. Therefore, pray, pray.”

Then, I was lamenting to Jesus about His privations. It seemed to me that, without Him, I

could take no more. Moved to compassion for my poor soul, my lovable Jesus came, and

transforming me within Himself, told me: “My daughter, patience. Constancy in good

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puts everything in a safe place. Even more, I tell you that when you are deprived of Me,

fighting between life and death for the pain of being without your Jesus, and in spite of

this you remain constant in good and you neglect nothing, you do nothing other then

squeeze yourself. And in squeezing, love of self, natural satisfactions, come out; your

nature remains as though undone, and what is left is a juice so pure and so sweet that I

take it with great delight - and I soften, looking at you with so much love and tenderness

that I feel your pains as if they were mine. So, if you are cold, dry and the like, but you

remain constant, you give as many squeezes to yourself, and you form more juice for my

embittered Heart.

It happens as with a prickly fruit with a hard skin, but which contains a sweet and useful

substance inside. If the person is constant in removing the prickles, in squeezing that

fruit, he will extract all of its substance, and will enjoy the best of that fruit. So, the poor

fruit is emptied of the good which it contained; even more, the prickles and the skin have

been thrown away. The same for the soul: in coldness, in aridities, she casts natural

satisfactions to the ground, she empties herself of herself, and through constancy, she

squeezes herself. So, the soul remains with the pure fruit of good, and I enjoy the

sweetness of it. Therefore, if you are constant, everything will serve you as good, and I

will place my graces with confidence.”

June 4, 1918

Repetition of the reparations of Jesus.

Continuing in my usual state, I was saying to my beloved Jesus: “Do not disdain my

prayers. It is your own words that I am repeating, your own intentions - souls that I want,

just as You want them, and with your own Will.’ And blessed Jesus told me: “My

daughter, when I hear you repeat my words, my prayers, wanting as I want, I feel drawn

toward you, as though from many magnets. And as I hear you repeat my words, my Heart

feels many distinct joys, and I can say that it is a feast for Me. And while I enjoy it, I feel

debilitated by the love of your soul, and I have no strength to strike the creatures. I feel in

you the same chains which I put on the Father in order to reconcile mankind.

Ah! yes, repeat what I did - repeat it always, if you want that your Jesus, in the midst of

so many bitternesses, may find one joy from the creatures.”

Then He added: “If you want to be safe, repair always, and repair together with Me.

Identify yourself with Me so much, as to form one single echo of reparations between Me

and you. Wherever there is reparation, the soul is as though in shelter, where she is

protected from cold, from hail and from everything. On the other hand, where there is not

reparation, it is like being out in the middle of the street, exposed to lightnings, to hail

and to all evils. Times are most sad, and if the circle of reparations is not enlarged, there

is the danger that those who remain uncovered may be struck by the thunderbolts of

Divine Justice.”

July 12, 1918

Effects of the Passion of Jesus.

I was praying for a dying soul with a certain fear and anxiety, when my lovable

Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, why do you fear? Don’t you know that for

each word on my Passion, for each thought, compassion, reparation, memory of my

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pains - as many ways of electric communication open between Me and the soul, and

therefore the soul keeps adorning herself with as many different beauties? She has

done the Hours of my Passion, and I will receive her as daughter of my Passion,

clothed with my Blood and adorned with my wounds. This flower has grown inside

your heart, so I bless it and I receive it in my Heart, as a favorite flower.” And while He

was saying this, a flower came out of my heart, and took flight toward Jesus.

August 7, 1918

The consummation of Jesus in the soul.

I was lamenting to Jesus about His privation, and I said to myself: ‘Everything is over.

What bitter days. My Jesus has eclipsed Himself, He has withdrawn from me. How can I

continue to live?’ As I was saying this and other nonsense, my always lovable Jesus,

through an intellectual light which came to me from Him, told me: “My daughter, my

consummation on the Cross still continues in souls. When the soul is well disposed and

gives Me life within herself, I live again in her as if within my Humanity. The flames of

my love burn Me, and I fidget to prove it to the creatures and say: ‘Do you see how much

I love you? I am not content with having consumed Myself on the Cross for love

of you - I want to consume Myself for love of you in this soul who gave Me life within

herself.’ So I make the soul feel the consummation of my Life within her. The soul finds

herself as though in a tight corner; she suffers mortal agonies. No longer feeling the Life

of her Jesus within herself, she feels consumed. Feeling that my Life in her - with which

she was accustomed to living - is missing, she struggles and trembles, almost like my

Humanity on the Cross when my Divinity let It die, withdrawing strength from It.

This consummation of the soul is not human, but fully divine; and I feel satisfaction

as if another Divine Life of Mine had consumed Itself for love of Me. In fact, it was not

her life that was consumed, but Mine, which she can no longer feel or see, and it seems to

her that I am dead for her. And I renew the effects of my consummation for creatures,

while I redouble grace and glory for this soul. I feel the sweet enchantment, the

attractions of my Humanity, which allowed Me to do whatever I wanted. Therefore, you

too, let Me do whatever I want within you – let Me be free, and I will carry out my Life.”

Another day, I was lamenting again, telling Him: ‘How is it that You left me?’ And

Jesus, serious and imposing: “Be quiet, do not speak nonsense. I did not leave you - I am

in the depth of your soul; this is why you do not see Me. And when you see Me, it is

because I come to the surface of your soul. Do not get distracted. I want you all intent in

Me, so that I may keep you for the good of all.”

October 3, 1918

How Justice must be balanced.

I was praying blessed Jesus that He would placate Himself, and He came for just a little,

and I said to Him: ‘My Love, Jesus, how awful it is to live in these times. Everywhere,

one can hear tears and see pains. My heart is bleeding, and if your Holy Will did not

sustain me, I certainly would not be able to live any longer. But, oh, how much sweeter

death would be to me!’ And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, my Justice must be

balanced. Everything in Me is in balance. However, the scourge of death touches souls

with the mark of grace, so much so, that almost all of them ask for the last Sacraments.

Man has reached such a point that only when he sees his own skin being touched

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and feels he is being destroyed, he shakes himself; while the others, as long as they

remain untouched, live lightheartedly and continue their life of sin. It is necessary

that death harvest in order to take away many lives which do nothing other than make

thorns sprout beneath their steps; and this, in all classes - lay and religious. Ah! my

daughter, these are times of patience. Do not become alarmed, and pray that everything

may abound to my glory and to the good of all.”

December 4, 1918

Effects of the imprisonment of Jesus in the Passion.

I spent last night in prison with Jesus. I compassionated Him, I clung to His knees to

sustain Him; and Jesus told me: “My daughter, during my Passion I also wanted to suffer

imprisonment, in order to free the creature from the prison of sin. Oh, what a horrible

prison sin is for man! His passions chain him like a vile slave, while my imprisonment

and my chains released him and unbound him.

For loving souls, my imprisonment formed their prison of love, in which to remain

safe and sheltered from everyone and everything. And I released them to keep them as

living prisons and tabernacles which were to warm Me from the coldness of the

tabernacles of stone and, even more, from the coldness of the creatures who, imprisoning

Me within themselves, make Me die of cold and starvation. This is why many times I

leave the prisons of the tabernacles and I come into your heart, to be warmed and to

refresh Myself with your love. And when I see you going in search of Me in the

tabernacles of the churches, I say to you: “Are you not the true prison of love for Me?

Look for Me inside your heart, and love Me!”

January 27, 1919

The three mortal wounds of the Heart of Jesus.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, showed me His adorable

Heart, all full of wounds, from which rivers of blood gushed. All sorrowful, He told me:

“My daughter, among the many wounds that my Heart contains, there are three

wounds which give Me mortal pains and such bitterness of sorrow as to surpass all the

other wounds together. These are the pains of my loving souls. When I see a soul, all

mine, suffering because of Me, tortured, crushed, ready to suffer for Me even the most

painful death, I feel her pains as if they were mine - and maybe even more. Ah! love can

open the deepest gashes, to the extent of making one feel no other pains.

My dear Mama enters first into this first wound. Oh, how Her Heart, pierced because of

my pains, overflowed into Mine, and felt vividly all of Its piercings! In seeing Her dying,

without dying, because of my death, I felt the torment, the cruelness of Her martyrdom in

my Heart, and I felt the pains of my death which the Heart of my dear Mama felt, and my

Heart died together with Hers.

Therefore, all my pains, united with the pains of my Mama, surpassed everything. It

was right that my Celestial Mama had the first place in my Heart, both in sorrow and in

love, because each pain suffered for love of Me opened seas of graces and of love, which

poured into her pierced Heart. All the souls who suffer because of Me, and only out of

love, enter into this wound. You yourself enter into it; and even if all offended Me and

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nobody loved Me, I would find in you the love which can compensate Me for all.

Therefore, when creatures drive Me away and force Me to run away from them, I very

quickly come to take refuge in you as though in my hiding place; and finding my own

love, not their own, and a love suffering only for Me, I say: ‘I do not regret having

created Heaven and earth, and having suffered so much. A soul who loves Me and

who suffers for Me is all my contentment, my happiness, my reward for everything I

have done’. And as though putting all the rest aside, I delight and play with her.

However, while this wound of my Heart is the most painful, such as to surpass

everything, it contains two effects at the same time: it gives Me intense pain and highest

joy; unspeakable bitterness and indescribable sweetness; painful death and glorious life.

These are the excesses of my love - inconceivable to created mind. In fact, how many

contentments did my Heart not find in the sorrows of my pierced Mama?

The second mortal wound of my Heart is ingratitude. With ingratitude, the

creature closes my Heart; even more, she herself turns the key with double locks. My

Heart swells, wanting to pour out graces and love, but It cannot, because the creature has

closed It, and has sealed It with her ingratitude. And I become delirious - I agonize,

without hope that this wound of mine may be healed, because ingratitude keeps

embittering it more and more, giving Me mortal pain.

The third one is obstinacy. What a mortal wound for my Heart! Obstinacy is the

destruction of all the goods I have done for the creature; it is the signature that the

creature puts on her declaration that she no longer recognizes Me – that she no longer

belongs to Me. It is the key of hell into which the creature hurls herself. My Heart feels

this tearing; It is torn to pieces - and I feel one of these pieces being taken away from Me.

What a mortal wound obstinacy is!

My daughter, enter my Heart and take part in these wounds of mine. Compassionate my

tormented Heart. Let us suffer together, and let us pray.” I entered into His Heart. How

painful but beautiful it was to suffer and pray with Jesus.

January 29, 1919

God will accomplish the third renewal of humanity by manifesting what His

Divinity did within His Humanity.

I was doing the adoration of the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the

Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will in which there are all the

acts of creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should

do, but did not, because of negligence or wickedness. And I was saying: ‘My Jesus, my

Love, I enter your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo and repair all the acts of

faith which the creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the lacks of adoration

which is due to God as Creator.…’

While I was saying this and other things, I felt my intelligence being dissolved in the

Divine Will, and a light investing all my intellect, in which I could see my sweet Jesus.

This light spoke and spoke…. But who can say everything? I will say it confusedly; and

then, I feel such repugnance that if obedience were not so severe, but more indulgent, it

would not force me into such sacrifices. But You, my Life, give me the strength, and do

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not leave this poor little ignorant one on her own. Now, it seemed that He was saying to

me: “My beloved daughter, I want to let you know the order of my Providence. Every

two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it

with the Deluge; in the second two thousand I renewed it with my coming upon

earth when I manifested my Humanity, from which, as if from many fissures, my

Divinity shone forth.

The good ones and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived from

the fruits of my Humanity and, in drops, they have enjoyed my Divinity.

Now we are around the third two thousand years, and there will be a third

renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion: it is nothing other than the

preparation of the third renewal. If in the second renewal I manifested what my Humanity

did and suffered, and very little of what my Divinity was operating, now, in this

third renewal, after the earth will be purged and a great part of the current

generation destroyed, I will be even more generous with creatures, and I will

accomplish the renewal by manifesting what my Divinity did within my Humanity;

how my Divine Will acted with my human will; how everything remained linked

within Me; how I did and redid everything, and how even each thought of each

creature was redone by Me, and sealed with my Divine Volition.

My love wants to pour itself out; it wants to make known the excesses which my Divinity

operated in my Humanity for the creatures - excesses which greatly surpass the excesses

that my Humanity operated externally. This is also why I often speak to you about living

in my Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now. At the most, they have

known the shadow of my Will, the grace and the sweetness of doing It. But to penetrate

inside of It, to embrace immensity, to be multiplied with Me and - even while being on

earth - penetrate everywhere, both into Heaven and into the hearts, laying down the

human ways and acting in divine ways - this is not yet known; so much so that not to a

few will this appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds opened to the light of

the Truth will not understand a thing. But little by little I will make my way, manifesting

now one truth, now another, about this living in my Will, so that they will end up


Now, the first link which connected the true living in my Will was my Humanity. My

Humanity, identified with my Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing all

the acts of creatures in order to make them Its own, to give to the Father a divine glory on

the part of creatures, and to bring the value, the love, the kiss of the Eternal Volition to all

the acts of creatures. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could see all the acts of

creatures - those which could be done and were not done, and also the good acts done

badly - and I did those which had not been done, and redid those done badly. Now, these

acts which were not done, except by Me alone, are all suspended in my Will, and I await

the creatures to come to live in my Volition, and repeat in my Will that which I did.

This is why I chose you as the second link of connection with my Humanity, a link

which becomes one with mine, as you live in my Volition and repeat my own acts.

Otherwise, on this side my love would remain without its outpouring, without glory from

the creatures for all that my Divinity operated within my Humanity, and without the

perfect purpose of Creation, which must be enclosed and perfected in my Will. It would

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be as if I had shed all my Blood and suffered so much, and nobody had known it. Who

would have loved Me? Which heart would have been shaken? No one; and therefore in

no one would I have had my fruits - the glory of Redemption.”

Interrupting Jesus’ speaking, I said: ‘My Love, if there is so much good in this living in

the Divine Will, why did You not manifest it before?’ And He: “My daughter, first I had

to make known what my Humanity did and suffered externally, to be able to dispose

souls to knowing what my Divinity did inside. The creature is incapable of understanding

my work all together; therefore I keep manifesting Myself little by little.

Then, from your link of connection with Me, the links of other souls will be connected,

and I will have a cohort of souls who, living in my Volition, will redo all the acts of the

creatures. I will receive the glory of the many suspended acts done only by Me, also from

the creatures - and these, from all classes: virgins, priests, lay people, according to their

office. They will no longer operate humanly; but rather, as they penetrate into my Will,

their acts will multiply for all in a way which is fully divine.

I will receive from creatures the divine glory of many Sacraments administered and

received in a human way, of others which have been profaned, of others sullied with

interest, and of many good works in which I remain more dishonored than honored. I

yearn so much for this time; and you, pray and yearn for it together with Me, and do not

move your link of connection with Mine, but start – as the first one.”

February 4, 1919

The interior Passion which the Divinity made the Humanity of Jesus suffer

during the course of His whole Life.

Continuing in my usual state, for about three days I felt I was dissolved in God. Many

times good Jesus drew Me inside His Most Holy Humanity, and I swam in the immense

sea of the Divinity. Oh, how many things one could see! How clearly one could see all

that the Divinity operated in His Humanity! Very often my Jesus interrupted my

surprises, telling me: “Do you see, my daughter, with what excess of love I loved the

creature? My Divinity was too jealous to entrust to the creature the task of Redemption,

and so It made Me suffer the Passion. The creature had no power to make Me die as

many times for as many creatures which had come, and were to come to the light of

Creation, and for as many mortal sins as they would have the disgrace to commit. The

Divinity wanted life for each life of creature, and life for each death which she gave

herself through mortal sin. Who could be so powerful over Me as to give Me so many

deaths, if not my own Divinity? Who would have had the strength, the love, the

constancy to watch Me dying so many times, if not my own Divinity? The creature would

have grown tired, and would have given up. And do not think that this crafting of my

Divinity started late, but as soon as my conception was accomplished, even in the womb

of my Mama, who many times was aware of my pains, and was martyred, feeling death

along with Me. Therefore, even from the maternal womb, my Divinity took on the

commitment of loving executioner – but, because loving, more demanding and inflexible;

so much so, that my groaning Humanity was spared not even one thorn - not one nail. But

not like the thorns, the nails, the scourges I suffered in the Passion which creatures gave

Me, and which did not multiply - as many as they inflicted, so many remained. Rather,

those of my Divinity multiplied at each offense - as many thorns for as many evil

thoughts; as many nails for as many unworthy works; as many blows for as many

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pleasures; as many pains for as many different offenses. They were seas of pains, thorns,

nails, and innumerable blows. In the face of the Passion which my Divinity gave Me, the

Passion which the creatures gave Me on the last of my days was nothing but the shadow

– the image of what my Divinity made Me suffer during the course of my Life. This is

why I love souls so much: they are lives that they cost Me - they are pains inconceivable

to created mind. Therefore, enter into my Divinity, and see and touch with your own hand

all that I suffered.”

I don’t know how - I found myself inside the divine immensity, which was raising

thrones of Justice for each creature, to which sweet Jesus had to respond for each one of

their acts - suffering their pains and death, paying the penalty for everything. And Jesus,

like a sweet little lamb, was killed by divine hands, to rise again and to suffer more

deaths. Oh God! Oh God, what harrowing pains! Dying to rise again - and rising again to

suffer a yet more excruciating death!

I felt I was dying in seeing my sweet Jesus being killed. Many times I would have wanted

to spare just one death for the One who loves me so much. Oh, how well I understood

that only the Divinity could make my sweet Jesus suffer so much, and could claim the

merit of having loved men to folly and excess, with unheard-of pains and with infinite

love. Neither Angel nor man had this power in hand: being able to love us with such

heroism of sacrifice - like a God. But who can tell everything?

My poor mind was swimming in that immense sea of light, of love and of pains; and I

remained as though drowned, unable to come out. If my lovable Jesus had not drawn me

into the little sea of His Most Holy Humanity, in which the mind is not so submerged -

unable to see any boundary, I could have said nothing.

Then, after this, my sweet Jesus added: “Beloved daughter, newborn of my Life,

come into my Will - come and see how much there is to substitute for, for my many acts,

still suspended, not yet substituted for by creatures. My Will must be within you as the

primary gear of a clock: if it moves, all the other gears move, and the clock signals the

hours and the minutes. So, all the accord is in the motion of this primary wheel; and if

this first wheel has no motion, the clock is stopped. In the same way, the first wheel

within you must be my Will, which must give motion to your thoughts, to your

heart, to your desires - to everything. And since my Will is the central wheel of my

Being, of Creation and of all things, your motion, coming out from that center, will come

to substitute for as many acts of creatures. Multiplying in the motions of all as central

motion, it will come to place before my throne, on their behalf, the acts of the creatures,

and will substitute for everything.

Therefore, be attentive - your mission is great and fully divine.”

As I was very afflicted about certain things, which it is not licit here to say, lovable Jesus,

wanting to relieve me from my affliction, came with an appearance all new. He seemed

to be dressed in pale blue, all adorned with tiny little bells of gold which, in touching

one another, resounded with a sound never before heard. At the appearance of Jesus and

at that gracious sound, I felt enchanted and relieved in my affliction, which departed from

me like smoke. I would have remained there in silence, so much did I feel the powers of

my soul enchanted and stunned, if blessed Jesus had not broken my silence, saying to me:

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“My beloved daughter, all these little bells are many voices that speak to you of my

love, and call you to love Me. Now, let me see how many little bells you have that speak

to Me of your love and call Me to love you.”

And I, all full of blushing, said to Him: ‘But, Lord, what are You saying? I have nothing;

I have nothing but defects.’ And Jesus, compassionating my misery, continued: “You

have nothing, it is true. Well then, I want to adorn you with my own little bells, so that

you may have many voices to call Me and to show Me your love.” So it seemed that He

surrounded my waist with a belt adorned with these little bells.

After this, I remained in silence, and He added: “Today I take pleasure in spending time

with you.

Tell Me something.” And I: ‘You know that all my contentment is in being with You, and

in having You, I have everything. So, in possessing You, it seems I have nothing else to

desire, or to say.’

And Jesus: “Let Me hear your voice that cheers my hearing. Let us converse together a

little; I have spoken to you many times about the Cross; today, let Me hear you speak of

the Cross.”

I felt all confused; I did not know what to say. But as He sent me a ray of intellectual

light, to make Him content I began to say: ‘My Beloved, who can say to You what the

Cross is? Your mouth alone can speak worthily of the sublimity of the Cross; but since

You want me to speak, I will do it.

The Cross, suffered by You, freed me from the slavery of the devil, and espoused me

to the Divinity with an indissoluble bond. The Cross is fecund and gives birth to Grace in

me. The Cross is Light, It disillusions me of what is temporal, and reveals to me what is

eternal. The Cross is fire, and reduces to ashes all that is not of God, to the point of

emptying my heart of the tiniest blade of grass that might be in it. The Cross is coin of

inestimable value, and if I have, O Holy Spouse, the fortune of possessing it, I will be

enriched with eternal coins, to the point of becoming the richest in Paradise, because the

currency that circulates in Heaven is the Cross suffered on earth. The Cross, then, makes

me know myself; not only this, but It gives me the knowledge of God. The Cross grafts

all virtues into me. The Cross is the noble pulpit of the uncreated Wisdom, that teaches

me the highest, the finest and most sublime doctrines. So, only the Cross will reveal to

me the most hidden mysteries, the most secret things, the most perfect perfection, hidden

to the most erudite and learned of the world. The Cross is like beneficent water that

purifies me; not only this, but It administers to me the nourishment for the virtues, It

makes them grow, and only then does It leave me, when It brings me back to Eternal

Life. The Cross is like celestial dew, which preserves and embellishes for me the

beautiful lily of purity. The Cross is the nourishment of Hope. The Cross is the beacon

of operating Faith. The Cross is like hard wood, which preserves the fire of Charity,

keeping it always lit. The Cross is like dry wood, which dispels and puts to flight all the

smokes of pride and of vainglory, producing the humble violet of humility in the soul.

The Cross is the most powerful weapon that offends the demons, and defends me from

all of their claws. Therefore, the soul who possesses the Cross is the envy and admiration

of the very Angels and Saints, and the rage and indignation of the demons. The Cross is

my Paradise on earth, in such a way that if the Paradise of the Blessed up there, is of

delights, the Paradise down here is of sufferings. The Cross is the chain of most pure

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gold that connects me to You, my Highest Good, and forms the most intimate union

which can possibly be given, to the point of making my being disappear. And It

transforms me in You, my Beloved, to the point that I feel lost within You, and I live

from your very Life.’

After I said this (I don’t know whether it is nonsense), my lovable Jesus was all delighted

in listening to me, and taken by enthusiasm of love, kissed me all over, and said to me:

“Brava, brava, my beloved - you spoke well! My Love is fire, but not like the terrestrial

fire which, wherever it penetrates, renders things sterile and reduces everything to ashes.

My fire is fecund, and it renders sterile only that which is not virtue. To all the rest it

gives life, it makes beautiful flowers bloom, it makes the most delicious fruits mature,

and forms the most delightful celestial garden.

The Cross is so powerful, and I communicated so much grace to It, as to render It more

effective than the very Sacraments; and this, because in receiving the Sacrament of my

Body, the dispositions and free concourse of the soul are needed in order to receive my

graces, and many times these may be lacking; while the Cross has the virtue of disposing

the soul to grace.”

This morning my adorable Jesus did not come. After having waited much, He

showed himself several times, but scarcely, almost as a fleeting lightning. But I

seemed to see rather a light, than Jesus, and I heard a voice in this light that said

(the first time that He came): “I draw you to love Me in three ways. By the force of

benefits, by the force of sympathies, and by the force of persuasions.”

Who could say how many things I understood in these three words? It seemed to

me that blessed Jesus, in order to attract my love (and also that of the other

creatures) makes a rain of benefits for our good. And seeing that this beneficent

rain does not reach the point of winning our love, He goes so far as to render

Himself sympathetic.

And what are these sympathies? They are His pains, suffered for our love, unto

dying upon a Cross, deluging Blood, where He became so sympathetic that He made

His very executioners and His most fierce enemies fall in love with Him.

What is more, to attract us more and to render our love stronger and more stable,

He has left us the light of His most Holy examples, united to His celestial Doctrine

which, as light, send away the darkness of this life, and conduct us to eternal


The second time that He came He said to me: “I manifest Myself to the soul in

three ways. With Power, with News, and with Love. The Power is the Father. The

News is the Word. The Love is the Holy Spirit.”

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Volume 3 – December 22, 1899

How God draws us to love Him in three ways, and how He manifests Himself to the

soul in three ways.

This morning my adorable Jesus was not coming. After much waiting and waiting He

made Himself just barely seen several times, like a lightning that flashes by. But I seemed

to see a light rather than Jesus, and in this light, a voice which, the first time it came, said:

“I draw you to love Me in three ways: by dint of benefits, by dint of sympathies, and

by dint of persuasions.”

Who can say how many things I comprehended in these three words? It seemed to me

that in order to attract my love and also that of the other creatures, blessed Jesus makes

benefits rain down for our good, and in seeing that this rain of benefits does not reach the

point of gaining our love, He reaches the point of rendering Himself sympathetic. And

what is this sympathy? It is His pains suffered for love of us, to the point of dying,

deluging blood upon a cross, where He rendered Himself so sympathetic as to enamor of

Himself His very executioners and His fiercest enemies. Even more, in order to attract us

more and render our love stronger and more stable, He left us the light of His most holy

examples, united to His celestial doctrine, which, like light, dispel for us the darkness of

this life and lead us to eternal salvation.

The second time it came, it said to me: “I manifest Myself to the soul in three

different ways: by power, by news and by love. The power is the Father, the news is the

Word, the love is the Holy Spirit.” Oh, how many more things I comprehended! But too

little is that which I am able to manifest. It seemed to me that God manifests Himself to

the soul, by power, in the whole of creation; from the first to the last being is the

omnipotence of God manifested. The heavens, the stars and all the other beings speak to

us, though in a mute language, of a Supreme Being, of an Uncreated Being, of His

omnipotence. In fact, the most learned man, with all of his science, cannot arrive at

creating the most wretched mosquito, and this says that there must be a most powerful

uncreated Being who created everything, and gives life and preservation to all beings.

Oh, how the whole universe, in clear notes and with indelible characters, speaks to us of

God and of His omnipotence! Therefore, one who does not see Him is voluntarily blind!

By news: it seemed to me that blessed Jesus, in descending from Heaven, came upon

earth in person to give us news of what is invisible to us; and in how many ways did He

not manifest Himself? I believe that everyone can comprehend the rest by himself,

therefore I will not go on speaking.

Volume 14 - February 24, 1922

The cross that is suffered in the Will of God becomes similar to the Cross of Jesus.

As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus made Himself seen in the act of

taking up the Cross and placing It on His most holy shoulders; and He told me: “My

daughter, when I received the Cross, I looked at It from top to bottom, to see the place

that each soul would take in my Cross. And, among many, I looked with more love and I

placed a more special attention for those who would be resigned and would live life in

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my Will. I looked at them, and I saw their cross, long and large just as Mine, because my

Will made up for what their cross lacked, making it longer and larger like Mine.

Oh! how your long cross stood out - long from so many years of bed, suffered only to

fulfill my Will. My Cross was there only to fulfill the Will of my Celestial Father; and

yours, to fulfill my Will. One gave honor to the other, and since both of them had the

same measure, they blended together. Now, my Will has the virtue of softening hardness,

of sweetening bitterness, of extending and enlarging short things. So, when I felt the

Cross upon my shoulders, I felt the softness, the sweetness, of the cross of the souls who

would suffer in my Will. Ah! my Heart heaved a sigh of relief, and the softness of the

crosses of these souls made the Cross adapt to my shoulders, sinking so deep as to give

Me a deep wound; and although it gave Me sharp pain, I also felt the softness and the

sweetness of the souls who would suffer in my Will. And since my Will is eternal, their

suffering, their reparations, their acts, ran within each drop of my Blood, in each wound,

in each offense. My Will made them be as though present at the offenses of the past,

from the moment the first man sinned, at the present and at the future offenses. They

were the ones who returned to Me the rights of my Will; and I, for love of them, decreed

Redemption; and if others enter into It, it is because of these souls that they partake in It.

There is no good that I concede, either in Heaven or on earth, which is not because of


Prayer of Jesus in the Hours of the Passion.

“My love, dear cross, my precious bed. You were my martyrdom in life, and now

you are my rest. O cross, receive me quickly in your arms. I am waiting anxiously.

Holy cross, in you I will give fulfillment to everything. Hurry, O cross, and fulfill

the ardent desires that are consuming me, to give life to souls. You, O cross, will be

seal of these lives. No, don’t delay any longer! I am anxiously waiting to extend

myself on you, to open heaven to all my children and to close hell.

O cross, though you are my struggle, you are my victory and my complete triumph

as well; in you I will give abundant inheritances, victories, triumphs and crowns to

my children.” (Hours of the Passion of Jesus Christ – the Crucifixion by Luisa


“My child, you have guessed what my love wants, this is my will: that all those who love

me be crucified with me. Yes, please, by all means, come to extend yourself with me on

the cross. I will make you become life of my life. I will keep you as the beloved of my


“Holy Father, here I am burdened with all the sins of the world.

There is no sin which does not lay upon Me. Therefore, no longer pour

out chastisements of your Divine Justice upon men, but upon Me, your

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Son. Oh Father, permit me to bind all souls to this Cross and implore

forgiveness for them with the voices of my Blood and of my wounds. Oh

Father, do you not see how I am reduced? By this Cross and in virtue of

these pains, grant true conversion, peace, pardon and sanctity to everyone.

Have mercy, my Father! I was the most beautiful of all and now I am so

disfigured that I no longer recognize Myself. I have become the

abjectionof everyone. Therefore, at any cost I want the poor creature

saved!” (Recommend this prayer be said frequently – daily)

Volume 3 - 20th April, 1900 Cross is a mirroe.

My loveable Jesus continues to come when it is scarcely dark. And when He comes, He

does not say anything. This morning, after He had renewed the sufferings of the Cross in

me twice, looking at me with tenderness, while I was suffering the pains from the

piercing of the nails, He said to me: “The Cross is a mirror where the soul looks at the

Divinity, and then looking at itself, it compares its own features as to their

resemblance or close similarity to God. One must not only love and desire the Cross but

also honor and glory in that same Cross. This is to work as God and to become like God

through participation, because I only gloried in the Cross and I honored Myself in Its

suffering and I loved It so much that in My whole life I did not want to be a moment

without the Cross.”

Who can say what I understood about the Cross and about these words from Blessed

Jesus? But I feel speechless to express it in words. Oh, Lord, I beg You to keep me

always nailed to the Cross so that, always having this Divine mirror before me, I can

clean all my sins and always grow more beautiful in Your likeness!

Volume 3 - June 6, 1903 After having endured the past days in privations and sufferings, this morning I found

myself outside of my body and with Baby Jesus in my arms. As soon as I saw Him, I

said, "Ah, dear Jesus, since You have left me alone, at least teach me how I should

act in this state of abandonment and of suffering."

He replied, "My daughter, all that you suffer in your arms, your legs and in your heart,

offer it together with the sufferings of my own Body, with the recitation of five Gloria

Patri's. Offer everything to Divine Justice, in satisfaction for the bad works and bad

desires that creatures continually commit, in union with what I suffered from the crown

of thorns and the swords. Offer this with the recitation of three Gloria Patri's; offer

everything in satisfaction of the three faculties of man which have become so disfigured

that my image within them can no longer be recognized. Seek always to maintain your

will in union with Mine, and seek to love Me at every moment. Let your memory be like

a bell that rings continuously within you, reminding you of all that I have done and

suffered for you, and of the many graces I have bestowed upon your soul. Thank Me and

be grateful: gratitude is the key that opens up the divine treasures. Allow your intellect

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to think of nothing else; concern yourself only with God. If you do this, I will find my

image within you, and I will receive the satisfaction that I cannot receive from other

creatures. And this you must do continuously, because if the offense is continuous, then

the satisfaction must be continuous."

I then added, "Ah, Lord! How bad I have been. I have even become selfish."

He replied, "My daughter, do not fear. When a soul does everything for Me, I accept all

that she does, even the comfort and consolations that she receives, as if these were giving

comfort to my own suffering Body. In fact, I would experience pain without them. So as

to free yourself from all doubt, each time that you receive comfort and you feel the need

to take it, do it not only for Me but add, 'Lord, I intend to comfort your suffering Body

within mine.'"

While He was saying this, He slowly withdrew within me until I could no longer see Him

nor speak with Him. Such was my pain that I almost went to pieces. To find Him again,

I broke into the hidden place where He was enclosed. Having found Him, with great

sorrow I said to Him,

"Ah, Lord! Why have You left me? Are You not my life? Without You, not only my

soul but also my body is too weak to bear the pain of being deprived of You. So much

so, I feel as though I am dying, and that death is my only consolation."

But while I was saying this, Jesus blessed me and, once again, withdrew within me and

disappeared. I then returned to normal.

Volume 3 - 21st April, 1900

Finding myself in the same state, even with a little fear for some personal thing, my

sweet Jesus, when He came, said to me: “They are the sacred vessels and it is

necessary to clean them from time to time. Your bodies are so many sacred vessels in

which I make My dwelling .Therefore it is necessary for Me to dust them from time to

time, that is, to visit them with some tribulations to make Me always live with greater

decorum. Therefore, be calm.”

After that, after I had received Holy Communion, and He had renewed the sufferings of

the crucifixion in me, He added; “My daughter, how precious the Cross is! Look at It

a little.

The Sacrament of My Body, on giving Itself to the soul, unites it with Me, transforms

it to the point of becoming one same thing with Me. But with the consuming of

the species, the union which was really contracted is dissolved, but not the Cross. God

takes It and unites It with the soul forever and, with greater security, He

establishes Himself as a seal. Thus God seals the Cross in the soul so that there is never

a separation between God and the crucified soul.”

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Volume 3 - 27th April, 1900

This morning, after I had received Holy Communion, it seemed to me that the Confessor

intended to make me suffer the crucifixion and immediately I saw my guardian angel

who was stretching me on the cross to make me suffer it. After that I saw my sweet Jesus

Who sympathized with me completely and said to me: “I am your comfort; My comfort

is your suffering.”

And He showed an unspeakable joy over my suffering and the confessor who through

obedience had given me to suffer, had provided Him that comfort. Then He added:

“Since the Sacrament of the Eucharist is fruit of the Cross, for this reason I feel more

willing to grant you suffering when you receive My body, because when I see you

suffering, it seems to Me that My Passion continues in you, not mystically but

really, for the benefit of souls, and this is, for Me, a great relief because I gather the true

fruit of My Cross and of the Eucharist.”

After that He said: “Till now it has been Obedience that has made you suffer. Do you

want Me to amuse Myself a little with the renewal in you again of the Crucifixion

with My Own Hand?”

And although I felt much suffering as the pains of the Cross were still fresh: “Renew in

me, Lord”, I said, “I am in Your Hands; do with me what You will.”

Volume 3 - May 1, 1900

After I had received Holy Communion, my sweet Jesus showed Himself with kindness,

and since it seemed that the confessor intended the crucifixion, my nature felt almost a

repugnance to subject itself to it. My sweet Jesus, in order to encourage me, said to me:

“My daughter, if the Eucharist is a pledge of future glory, the Cross is a

disbursement with which to buy it. If the Eucharist is the seed which prevents corruption,

and is like those aromatic herbs which, when the corpses are anointed, keep them from

becoming corrupt, and, if it gives immortality to the soul and the body, then the Cross

beautifies the soul, and is so powerful that if there is a contraction of debts, It is a

guarantee for them. With greatest security does it pay back the ‘note’ of a contracted

debt, and after it has satisfied every debt, It creates for the soul the most

radiant throne of future glory. Oh, yes, the Cross and the Eucharist alternate, and one

relies more powerfully on the other.”

Then He added: “The Cross is My flowery bed, not because I did not suffer terrible

pains, but because through the Cross I delivered so many souls to Grace. I saw so many

beautiful flowers rise which produced so many Heavenly fruits. Then when I saw so

much good, I regarded that bed of suffering as My delight and I delighted in the

Cross and in suffering.

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“You too, my daughter, accept the sufferings as delights, and delight in being crucified

on My Cross. No, no, I do not want you to fear suffering, as if you wanted to work like a

lazy person. Cheer up ! Work like a courageous person and prepare yourself to suffer.”

While He was speaking thus, I saw that my good guardian angel was ready to crucify me;

and I, on my own, stretched my arms on it, and the angel crucified me. Good

Jesus was enjoying my suffering, and as much as I, a very miserable soul, was happy

about it, since I was able to give Jesus delight. It seemed to me that it was a great

honor for me to suffer for His love

Volume 3 - May 3, 1900

This morning I found myself outside of myself, and I saw the entire Heaven strewn with

crosses: some small, some large, some average size; a larger one gave more

brightness. It was a very sweet delight to see so many crosses, more resplendent than the

sun, which adorned the Heavens. After that, it seemed that the Heavens opened and

one saw and heard the feast which was prepared by the Blessed to the Cross. He who

had suffered most, was most celebrated on this day. Those who distinguished themselves

in a special way were the martyrs as well as those who had suffered secretly (“victim”

souls). Oh, in that beautiful stay, the Cross and He who had suffered most were

esteemed. While I was seeing this, a voice resounded throughout all of the highest

Heaven which said:

“If the Lord did not send crosses to the earth, He would be like that father who has no

love for his own children, who instead of wanting to see them honored and

rich, wants to see them poor and dishonored.” The rest of what I saw of this feast, I do

not have words to express. I feel it within me but I do not know how to express it

externally. That is why I remain silent.

“All nature invites to rest, but what is the true rest? It is interior rest, the silence of

everything that is not God. You see the twinkling stars of moderate light, not dazzling

like the sun, sleep, the silence of all nature, of mankind and, finally, of animals... for all

are looking for a place, a cave where to be in silence and in rest from the fatigue of life.

If that is necessary for the body, so much more for the soul. It is necessary to

rest in one’s own center which is God. But to be able to rest in God, inner silence is

necessary, just as for the body, external silence is necessary in order to be able to

peacefully lull to sleep. But what is this inner silence?

It is to silence our own passions by holding them in check; to impose silence on desires,

inclinations and sentiments; in summary, on everything which does not call God. Now

what is the means to unite man to this?

The only and absolutely necessary means is to undo one’s own being

according to nature, reduce it to nothing; as it was nothing before it was created, and

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when you have reduced your being to nothing, take it up again in God. My

daughter, all things have a beginning in nothing; even this very machine of the universe

which you are looking at which has so much order.

“If before it was created, it would have been filled with other things, I would not have

been able to put in My creative Hand to make it with such mastery and make it so

splendid and adorned. At the most I would have had to undo everything which could be

and then do it again as it pleased Me. But we are always there, for all My works have

a beginning in nothing and when there is a mixture of other things, it is not proper for My

Majesty to come down and work on the soul. But when the soul is reduced to

nothing and ascends to Me again and it takes up its being in Mine, then I work from the

God that I am and the soul finds there true rest. Here is where you are, for all the virtues

of humility and annihilation of one’s self have a beginning.”

Who can say how much I understood about what Blessed Jesus was telling me? Oh!

How happy my soul would be if it could come to undo my poor being in order to be able

to receive from my God His Divine Essence! Oh! How I would distinguish myself, how

I would be sanctified! But what foolishness of mine! Where is my brain that I have not

done it yet? What human misery there is which instead of looking for its True Good and

of flying high, is happy to crawl on earth and to live in filth and corruption!...

After that, my beloved Jesus carried me inside a garden where there were many people

who were preparing to attend a party, but only those who received a uniform could attend

it. And those who received this uniform were few. A great desire to receive it came to

me, and I did so much that I obtained my purpose. Wherefore, having come to the point

where I was to receive this uniform, a venerable matron first dressed me in white; then

she put on me a Heavenly Cross belt from which hung a medal impressed with the Face

of Jesus. While it was a Face, it was at the same time a mirror which, when one looked

into it, one noticed the smallest sins which the soul, with the help of a light

which came from within that Face, could easily remove. It seemed to me that that medal

contained a mysterious meaning. Then she took a mantle of very fine gold and

covered me completely. It seemed to me that all dressed up thus, I could compete with

all the virgins of the community.

While this was occurring, Jesus said to me: “My daughter, this suffices for you to be

dressed. When the feast will take place, then I will take you to attend. Let us return to see

what mankind does.”

Thus, after having moved about a little, He brought me to my place.

And Jesus: “Today, hail, which should cause great harm, is prepared. You are in the

suffering of the Cross; go out of yourself in the form of one crucified. Go to the

area and put to flight the devils from over Corato, for they will not be able to stand the

crucified form and will go elsewhere.”

Thus I went out of myself crucified, and I saw the hail and the lightning which were

about to break out over Corato. Who can tell the fear of the devils, how they took

to their heels at the sight of my crucified form; how they bit their fingers out of rage.

And they went so far as to take it up against the confessor who this morning had given

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me the obedience to suffer the crucifixion; since they could not take it up against me and

before they were compelled to flee from me through the sign of redemption

which they perceived. Wherefore, after they had been put to flight, I withdrew to myself,

finding myself with a good dose of suffering. Let everything be for the glory of God.

While I was saying this and other things which I would spend a lot of time on if I wanted

to write them, Blessed Jesus was shaken and as if struck with a very sharp pain,

He uttered a very bitter cry, and sobbing, He said: “I too do not want to send

punishments, but It is Justice Which compels Me, and as if by force, but you with these

words want to irritate Me greatly. You touch on a matter which is very delicate for Me,

and which I love very much, so much so that I did not want any other honor, or any other

title than that of Obedient. And here it is... in order to make you see that it is not that I do

not care to make you obey with everything that Justice compels Me not to do, I

share with you, partially, the sufferings on the Cross.”

While He was doing this, He disappeared leaving me happy that He had made me obey,

and with a displeasure in my soul as if my words had been the cause of making the

Lord cry! Lord, I beg You to forgive Me.

Volume 3 - June 14, 1900

I found myself suffering much. My adorable Jesus, when He came, sympathized with

me completely, and said to me: “My daughter, what is it that you suffer so much? Let

Me comfort you a little.” But yet, Jesus was suffering more than I!

Thus He kissed my soul, and since He was the “Crucified One”, He drew me out of

myself and placed my hands in His, and my feet on His, my head rested on His,

and His on mine. How happy I was to find myself in this position! Although the nails

and thorns of Jesus gave me sufferings, on the contrary, I would have wanted for them

to increase more. These were sufferings which gave me joy because they were to suffer

for my Beloved Good. Jesus too seemed happy with me that He had me, and in that

manner had drawn me to Himself. It seemed to me that Jesus relieved me and I was a

comfort to Him. Wherefore, in this position, we went outside and having found the

confessor, immediately I prayed for his needs and I said to the Lord to be kind enough to

make the confessor feel how sweet and soft His voice is. Jesus, to please me, turned to

him and spoke of the Cross in saying: “The Cross absorbs My Divinity into the soul. It

resembles My Humanity and copies in Itself My very works.”

Then we continued to go about a little more, and oh, how many were the sorrowful

sights which pierced my soul through and through! We saw the grave iniquities of

men who do not even surrender themselves to Justice; on the contrary, they hurl

themselves against It with greater fury as if they wanted to be hurt twice as much,

and we saw the great misery which they themselves are preparing for themselves.

Wherefore, with our greatest sorrow, we withdrew.

Jesus disappeared and I withdrew to myself.

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Volume 3 - June 18, 1900

When today, Jesus persisted in not coming, I tried to devote myself to consider the

mystery of the scourging. While I was doing this, I saw Blessed Jesus completely

wounded and dripping Blood, and as soon as I saw Him He said to me: “My daughter,

Heaven, along with everything created, shows you the Love of God. My wounded Body

shows you the love of neighbor; so that My Humanity is united to My Divinity. From

two natures I made one single person and thus in Me both natures were made

inseparable, through which I not only satisfied Divine Justice, but also worked for the

salvation of mankind. And, in order to make everyone take up this obligation to love

God and neighbor, not only did I do each one but I came to make a Divine precept of it.

Therefore, My Wounds and My Blood are so many tongues that teach everyone the way

to love and the duty that all have to take care of the salvation of others.”

Then, taking on a more grieving appearance, He added: “What a ruthless tyrant Love is

for Me which, to satisfy It, I not only used the whole course of My mortal life in

continuous Sacrifices until death bleeding on a cross, but I left Myself as a perpetual

Victim in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

And not only this, but of all of My beloved members, I have used some as living victims

in continuous sufferings for the salvation of mankind; as I have chosen you among

many, to have you sacrificed for love of Me and for mankind. Oh, yes! My Heart does

not find peace, nor rest if It does not find man! And man... How does he respond? With

extreme ungratefulness!” Having said this, He disappeared.

Volume 4 - January 24, 1900

After this, giving a little rest to His complaints He said to me: “My daughter, these are

sad times which compel Me to this, because men have become so strong in their

arrogance that everyone believes that he is a god in himself. And if I do not use

punishments on them, I will harm their souls because only the Cross is the food of

humility. Wherefore, if I would not do this, I Myself would come to make them miss the

means to make them humble and to remove them from their strange madness, although

the majority of men get angry and offend Me. I do as a father who breaks bread for all to

feed themselves, but some children do not want to take it. On the contrary, they use it

only to throw it in the face of their father. How is it the poor father’s fault? I am that

way; therefore, pity Me in My afflictions.”

Having said this, He disappeared leaving me half awake and half asleep, not knowing

myself whether I should completely wake up or if I should go back to sleep again.

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Volume 3 - July 2, 1900

I continue to be sad and afflicted like a stupid person. This morning He did not come at

all. The confessor came and he suggested the crucifixion. First of all, Blessed Jesus did

not agree. Wherefore, after he had asked Him to be kind enough to make me obey, as

soon as He showed Himself to me, He said to me: “What do you want?

Why do you want to hurt Me by forcing Me to crucify you? I told you once that it is

necessary to punish the people.”

And I: “Lord, it is not I; it is Obedience Who desires it so.”

And He: “Well then, when it is Obedience, I want you to share in My crucifixion, and, in

the meanwhile, I want to rest a little.”

While He was saying this, He made me share in the sufferings of the Cross, and while I

was suffering, Jesus came close to me, and it appeared that He rested somewhat.

Now, while I was in this condition with Him, He made me see that a cloud in the area

was coming from one direction and that just seeing it infused terror and fear, and

everyone said: “This time we will die.” While everyone was frightened a radiant cross

was raised from between Jesus and me which, acting against that tempest, put it to flight

to a great extent (it seems that it was a storm accompanied by lightning which carried

factories away with it), so much so that it seemed that the people were becoming calm,

and the cross which made it flee seemed to me to be my little suffering which Jesus

shared with me. May the Lord be blessed and everything be for His Glory and Honor.

Volume 12 - April 12, 1917

Finding myself in my usual state my always amiable Jesus came and since I was

suffering He took me in His arms saying to me:

“My beloved daughter, rest in Me; what’s more, do not keep your pains with you, send

them to My cross so that they may court Mine and give Me consolation, and Mine

court yours and they sustain you, they burn in one same fire and are consumed together,

then I will see your pains as Mine, I will give them the same effects, the same value and

they will do the same office that I do on the cross before My Father and towards the

souls; what’s more, come yourself to the cross. Oh! how happy we will be being

together!- although suffering... because it’s not the suffering that makes the creature

unhappy, no, rather the suffering makes her victorious, glorious, rich, beautiful; the

creature makes herself unhappy when something is lacking to her love. You,

united with Me on the cross will be filled entirely in My love: your pains will be love,

your life will be love, all love, and because of this you will be happy.”

“My daughter, whoever lives in My Will remains with Me in the Tabernacle and takes

part in My Pains, in the coldness and the irreverences that I suffer from all

that those same souls do in My Sacramental Presence.

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Whoever lives in My Will has the supremacy over everything and always has reserved

the place of honor; therefore who receives more good: That who is in front

of Me or who is in Me? To whoever lives in My Will I do not even tolerate one step of

distance between Me and her, neither division of pains nor joys, even though I may have

her on the cross but always with Me.

Volume 12 - August 6, 1918

I lamented with Jesus for His privation and said concerning myself: Everything has

finished, what bitter days, my Jesus has eclipsed, has retired from me... how could I

continue living? While this and other things said; my Jesus with an intellectual light

that came from Him, said to me: “My daughter, My consummation in the Cross

continues even in the souls. When the soul is well disposed and it gives Me Life in her, I

revive in her as inside of My Humanity. The calls of My Love burn Me and I feel ardent

desires to bear witness to and I say to them: ‘Do you see how much I love you? I am not

content with having consumed Myself on the Cross, rather that I want to consummate

Myself in this soul that gave Me Life in her, for your love’ and that is why I make the

soul feel the consummation of My Life in her: she feels pressed, suffers mortal agonies

and not feeling anymore the Life of her Jesus in her she feels consummated; in feeling

that she lacks My Life in her, from the one that she was used to live; argues, fears, such

as My Humanity on the Cross when My Divinity taking away the strength let her die.

This consummation in the soul is not human rather all divine and I feel the satisfaction

as though another Divine Life of Mine should be consummated for My Love; and as it is

not her life that has been consummated, rather Mine, that which it no longer feels

anymore, that it no longer sees, and that it appears that I am dead for her, to the creatures

are renewed the effects of My Consummation and to the soul it duplicates the grace and

the glory; I feel the sweet enchantment and the attraction of My Humanity that made

Me do that which I wanted. That is why, let me be free and I will unfold My Life.”

Volume 12 - June 16, 1919

Oh, My daughter, there is no kind of sanctity without the cross, no virtue is acquired without the union with the sorrows!

But you should know that I will pay with interest all My privations and the same sorrows you wanted to suffer and do

not suffer.”

Volume 12 - May 15, 1920

I lamented with my sweet Jesus saying to Him: “Where are your promises? There are no

more crosses, no more similarity with You, everything has fled and only I

alone remain to cry over my dolorous end.”

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And Jesus moving in my interior said to me: “My daughter, my crucifixion was

complete you know why? Because it was done in the Eternal Will of My

Father. In this Will the Cross made itself so long and so wide to embrace all the

centuries, to penetrate in to every heart present, past, and future, in order that

It remained crucified in each heart of the creature.

This Divine Will put nails to all My interior: to my desires, to the affections, and my

heartbeats; I am able to say that I did not have My own life, rather the life of the Eternal

Will that enclosed in Me all the creatures and wanted that I respond for all. Never

would My crucifixion have been able to be complete and so extended to comprise all if

the Eternal Volition was not the actor. Also in you do I want that the

crucifixion be complete and extended in all: here the reason for the continuous calls that

I make to you in My Volition, and of the continuous impulses to bring all the human

family before the Supreme Majesty and in the name of all, to emit the acts that they do

not do.

“The forgetting of yourself and the lack of personal reflections are none other than nails

that My Will gives. My Will does not know how to do incomplete and small things and

making itself a crown around the soul It wants her in Itself and extending her in all the

ambient of Its Eternal Volition It puts the seal of Its fulfillment. My Volition

empties all that is human in the interior of the creature and puts all

the divine, and to be more certain, it goes sealing all the interior with so many nails for as many human acts able to have life from the

creature, substituting them for other so many divine acts, and this is how the true crucifixion is formed, and not for a time but for the entire


Volume 12 - January 18, 1921

I felt my poor mind submerged in the immense sea of the Divine Volition. I saw the seal

everywhere, the mark of the FIAT; I saw it in the sun and it appeared to me

that the echo of the FIAT in the sun brought me Divine Love that wounded me and fired

me with sudden love; and I, on the wings of the FIAT in the sun, rose up to Eternity and

took love in the name of all the human family, that fired the Supreme Majesty with

sudden love and that wounded It, and said: In Your FIAT you have given me all this love

and only in Your FIAT am I able to return it.” I looked at the stars and in them I saw

the FIAT and this FIAT in its sweet and gentle gleam brought me sweet love, hidden

love, love of compassion in the night of guilt, and I in the FIAT in the stars took before

the throne of Eternity, in the name of all, pacific love, to put peace between Heaven and

earth; the sweet love of loving souls, the hidden love of so many others, the love of

creatures when they return to God after sin. But who could say all that I understood

and did in so many FIAT's in which I saw all of creation absorbed? If I wanted to say it I

would take to long! Then my sweet Jesus took my hands between His and tightly pulling

them close said to me: “My daughter, the FIAT is all full of Life; what's

more, it is the same Life, and for that reason from within the FIAT all the lives and all the

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things come out; from My FIAT Creation came out, for this reason in every created thing

is seen the seal and the mark of the FIAT, of the it FIAT MIHI of My beloved Mama

said in My Volition and that had the same power as My creating FIAT the Redemption

came out; such that there is nothing in Redemption that does not contain the FIAT

MIHI of My Mama. All of My own Humanity, My steps, My works, My words, etc.

were sealed by Her FIAT MIHI. My Pains, My wounds, the thorns, the Cross, the

Blood... all had the seal of Her FIAT MIHI, because all things keep the seal and the mark

of the origin from where they came out. My origin in time was the FIAT MIHI of My

Immaculate Mama, for this reason all that I worked kept the sign of Her FIAT MIHI.

Such that in each Sacramental Host is Her FIAT MIHI if man rises from sin, if the

newborn is baptized, if Heaven opens to receive someone, it is the FIAT MIHI of My

Mama that seals, that marks, that follows everything and that provides everything. Oh,

Power of the FIAT! It rises each instant, it multiplies and makes life of all the


“Now I want to tell to you why I asked you for your ‘FIAT’, your “yes” in My

Volition: the prayer that I taught: the “FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA SICUT IN COELO ET

IN TERRA,” the prayer of so many centuries and of so many generations, I want that it

already have its fulfillment. Here is why I want another “yes” in My Volition, another

FIAT that contains the Creating Power, I want the FIAT that rises at each instant, that

multiplies itself in all, I want in a soul My own FIAT that comes up to My Throne and

with Its creating Power takes to earth the life in the FIAT on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Surprised and annihilated in hearing this, I said to Him: “Jesus, what do I say to You?

You know how bad and incapable I am for everything.”

And He: “My daughter, it is My custom to elect the smallest, incapable and poor

souls for My greatest works. My own Mama had nothing extraordinary in Her

exterior life, not one miracle, not one sign to distinguish Her from the other women, Her

only distinctive was Her perfect virtue that to few called the attention, and if to the other

saints I have given the distinctive of the miracles and to others I adorned

with My Wounds, to My Mama nothing, nothing, however it was She the portent of

portents, the miracle of miracles, the true and perfect crucified, not another,

not another like Her.

November 18, 1911

What constitutes the true Crucifixion

I was lamenting to Jesus about his privations, especially in these days, and that He did

not even let me see Him anymore. And Blessed Jesus said to me,

“My daughter, here I am in your heart. If; and if I do not let you see Me anymore, it is

because I have left the world to its own mercy and I, having withdrawn from

them, I have withdrawn you also, and therefore, you do not see what is happening these

days. But I am always attentive to you to see and listen to what you want.

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Have you perhaps asked something of Me? Have you had need of my teachings and I did

not pay heed? Actually, I am assisting you so much that I placed you in a

condition where you will not feel the need of anything.

Your only need is my Will and that the consummation of love be accomplished in you.

My Will is like a spring; the more a soul penetrates into my Will so much more

this spring of my Will enlarges, and the soul takes more part of all My goods. Therefore,

in this period of your life I want you all intent in forming your perfect consummation of


And I, “But, my sweet love, I am very fearful of my present state! My love, what a

change! And You know it! Even the suffering is gone; it seems that it is

afraid to come to me. Is not this not an ominous sign?”

And Jesus, “What you say is not true. If I did would not hold you as if bound, you would

get up. What do you mean by saying you cannot move by yourself? Do you To have

need of others in your things? Is it not because I keep you bound? Having released you

from the bonds of my Presence, my love uses other artifices Love uses other artifice for

holding you tied with Me. You, and you must know that the real crucifixion does not

consist in being nailed to the cross in the hands and feet, but in all the particles of the

soul and body; therefore, now I hold you more crucified than before.

February 23, 1906

This morning I was thinking of Our Lord in the act of being nailed to the cross. While I

was compassionating Him, Blessed Jesus said to me: “My daughter, not only my hands

and feet were nailed to the cross, but all the particles of my Humanity, of my Soul, and of

my Divinity. All were nailed in my Father’s Will, Volition, because the

Crucifixion was my Father’s Will. Moreover, this was necessary, because what is sin but

to withdraw from the Will of God, the withdrawal from God’s Will, from all

that is good and holy which is given by God, to believe oneself something, believing only

in oneself, and—in the process—to offend the Creator? So, in order to repair such

audacity and to tear down this idol that the creature builds of for himself, I wanted to lose

all of my Will Volition to live all in my Father’s Will—at the cost of a great sacrifice.

This cost Me a great sacrifice.”

June 20, 1906 – All has to be reduced to one point.

I felt very much pain, as much in my soul as in my body. I was very ill; my sickness was

not only spiritual, but physical as well. I felt consumed by a high fever that was burning

my flesh to the point of experiencing fainting spells, and I was ready to die because my

Blessed Jesus did would not come to see me.

Afterwards, I came out of myself. I was nailed to the cross. Not only by the hands and

feet, as like other times, but also each bone had its nail.

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Additionally, simultaneously, at the same time, I could see my Blessed Jesus within

inside a great light But, oh . . . how much pain I suffered . . . ! In At the

smallest movement I felt myself torn by the nails, and each moment instant I felt like I

was dying. I surrendered myself and was submerged in the Divine Will, which I felt was

the key that opened all the Divine treasures. That gave me strength not only to

sustain me in this state of suffering, but also to be content and happy. The nails seemed

to produce fire and I, all submerged immersed in this fire, also burned. My Blessed Jesus

saw me and pitied me. He was pleased. Then He said: Later, He said to me:

“My daughter, all has to be reduced to one sole point, that is, become one flame.

Moreover this flame, being purified, produces a pure light like as a sun and

equal similar to the one that you see surrounds Me. This way, the soul that is transformed

into light cannot be far from move away from the Divine Light.

What’s more, my own Light will absorb her in itself and take her to heaven. For this

reason, courage; it is the complete crucifixion of soul and body that you are suffering

now. Don’t you see that your light is ready to come out of the flame to go to my Light

which that is waiting to absorb yours it into in Mine . . . ?”

This morning, while seeing my adorable Jesus nailed to the Cross, I interiorly

questioned myself: “What were Jesus’ thoughts in receiving the Cross?”

Jesus then said: “My daughter, I embraced the Cross as if it were my most dear

treasure. This is because in the Cross I gave a dowry to souls; I have espoused them to

Me. Then, in looking at the Cross—observing its length and width—I took pleasure in it,

because I saw in it the sufficient dowries for all my spouses. Moreover, none of them

would be afraid could fear to marry Me, because in my own hands I had the Cross—and

the price of their the dowry.

“For this reason I marry wed the soul with only one condition: That if she accepts the

small gifts that I send to her, meaning the crosses, it is a sign that she the soul accepts Me

as her Husband. Spouse. The wedding is executed, and I make the donation of the

dowry to the soul.

“If, on the other hand, the soul does not accept these small gifts, which means she does

not resign herself to my Will, it all becomes annulled—and though I want to give her a

dowry, I cannot. This is since because in order to perform the wedding it is necessary

that both parties, the soul and I, God and the soul, be in agreement. So, if the soul does

not accept my gifts, it means signifies that she the soul does not want to accept my


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August 11, 1906 - Cross is a treasure.

Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus with a cross in his hand

which was full of white pearls. Further, giving it to me, He placed it on my

chest. The cross immediately penetrated my heart, and remained as if it were inside a


Jesus then said to me: My daughter, the cross is a treasure, and the most secure place to

keep this very precious treasure is in the soul. This place is safest when the soul is ready

with patience, with resignation, and with other virtues to receive this treasure. That

is because the virtues, especially patience, are locks which protect it from thieves.”

October 8, 1906 -Cross tames and frees.

Finding myself in my usual state, Jesus came and said:

“My daughter, the cross is to the creature as the reins are to the horse. What would the

horse be if man did not put reins on him? He would be untamable and

without bit. He would walk from precipice to precipice until becoming infuriated,

making himself harmful to man as well as to himself. On the other hand, with his

bridles he becomes tamed. He walks by secure paths, is safe from every precipice, and

serves the needs of man as a faithful friend.

“Such is the cross for man. The cross tames and frees him from throwing himself down

the path of the passions that he feels inside himself, and which—like fire—devour him.

The cross extinguishes the fire and, instead of allowing man to become infuriated against

God and against himself, tames him. The cross becomes a way for man’s own salvation,

and a way to give glory to God.

“Oh, if it were not for the cross—that Divine Providence in his Infinite Wisdom uses, to

put reins on man in order to curb him—how many evils would befall mankind . . . !”

October 25, 1906

Continuing in my usual state I found myself outside of myself, and it seemed that some a

few people wanted to crucify me. While they extended me over against the cross, I

could see Our Lord inside of me. At the same time while He extended in me, He also

extended together with close to me. Thus, in my hands were his Hands, and the nail

pierced my hands and his simultaneously. Additionally, all that I was suffering, He

suffered. These nails were so painful, that I felt I would die.

Those people continued now to nail my feet. Then, in that moment, I saw Jesus—not

with me, but in front of me. My sufferings took many forms of light, and

they knelt prostrated themselves before Our Lord as an act of adoration. Then He said to

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me: “My daughter, for the one who receives Grace it is Light, the Way, the nourishment,

the strength, and the consolation. Moreover, for the one who does not receive it, it is not

Light. Missing then the Way beneath his feet, he lacks strength, and—completely in

the dark—the Way is transformed into fire and chastisement.”

November 9, 1906

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking on the Passion of Our Lord.

Additionally, while I did that, He came and said to me:

“My daughter, the one who always meditates on my Passion feels it and pities

compassionates Me. This is always pleasing to Me, since I am rewarded for all that

I suffered in my Passion. The soul who always meditates on my Passion comes close to

forming a continuous food, in which there is a variety of seasonings and flavors, which

produce in her diverse effects.

“Therefore if, during my Passion, they gave Me chains and ropes to tie Me up, this soul

unties Me and gives Me freedom. For those who despised Me, spat on Me, and

dishonored Me, she appreciates Me, cleans Me of those spits, and honors Me. For those

who undressed Me and scourged Me, she cures Me and dresses Me.

“For those who crowned Me with thorns, treated Me as a mock King, embittered my

mouth with bile, and crucified Me, this soul—meditating on all my sorrows—crowns Me

with glory, and honors Me as her King. She removes my nails from the cross, and

resurrects Me in her heart.

“Every time the soul does all this, I, as recompense, give her a new life of Grace. This

way that soul is my food, and I make Myself her continuous nourishment. Moreover,

what I like most is that the soul continuously and always mediates on my Passion.

November 14, 1906

Oh, how much I have suffered for Jesus’ deprivation . . . ! After much waiting He

quickly made Himself seen, and said to me:

“My daughter, if perfect resignation is the certain and assured sign of predestination, the

cross is what widens expands the boundaries of the Reign Kingdom of


May 9, 1907

“My daughter, the cross is a fruit that is full of thorns and sharp from the outside.

However, take away the thorns and skin, within is found a precious and

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exquisite fruit that only whoever has the patience to support withstand the irritation

discomfort of the thorns can attain. Only they can discover the secret of this marvel, and

the taste of this fruit. Whoever has taken and discovered this secret will guard it with

love and covetousness, searching for this fruit without noticing the thorns. Furthermore,

all the rest look at this fruit with disdain, despising it.”

I said to Jesus: “My sweet Lord, what is this secret that is in the fruit of the cross?”

Then He: “The secret of the Eternal Beatitude in this fruit of the cross is found in the

many coins that serve to enter Heaven. The soul, with these coins, makes herself rich and

eternally blessed .”

The Divine Will is agonizing in the midst of creatures.

My always amiable Jesus, drawing me into his Adorable Will, made me see and feel the

dolorous conditions in which the ingratitude of creatures place Him; and, sighing with

sorrow, He said to me: "My daughter, the pains of the Divine Will are inconceivable and

unnarratable to the human creature. It lives in all creatures, but is under the

nightmare of a tremendous and heart-rending agony, because creatures, instead of giving

It dominion to let Its Life rise in them, they keep It repressed and deprived of the

liberty to be able to act, to breathe, to palpitate. In Its stead is the human will which acts,

breathes freely, palpitates as it wishes, while Mine is only to serve it, to concur in its acts

in which It lives but, as agonizing, suffocated in the dolorous state of a prolonged agony

of long centuries. It struggles in the creature with remorses of conscience, disillusions,

set-backs, crosses, weariness of life, and all that which can give annoyance to human

life. "These are the calls which It uses, so that the creature can reenter into herself and

give It a little rest from Its tortured agony.

"So dolorous is the agony that my Humanity, which wanted to suffer it in the Garden of

Gethsemane, reached to the point of seeking help from my very Apostles, help that

it did not even obtain, for which the pangs were so great that I sweat living blood. And

feeling Myself succumb under the enormous weight of the agony, so long and

tremendous, of my Divine Will, I invoked my Heavenly Father that He might help Me,

saying to Him: 'Father, if it be possible, let this Chalice pass from Me.' In suffering all

the other pains of my Passion, for however atrocious, I never said: 'If it is possible let

this pain pass from Me.' Rather, on the Cross, I cried: 'I thirst.' I thirsted for pains.

Instead, in this pain, I felt all the weight of an agony so long, all the torture of a Divine

Will that agonizes that suffers atrociously in the human generations. What sorrow, my

daughter. What torment! ...

"Now the Supreme Fiat is tired, and at whatever cost, wants to go out from this so

prolonged agony. The divine chastisements which pour down from Heaven are none

other than the accentuated struggles of Its prolonged agony, by which, not being able to

endure it longer, It wants to let the human family feel Its dolorous state; It wants to let

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souls feel Its existence in them; yet It no longer wants to be in a state of agony; It wants

liberty, dominion, It wants to develop Its Life in them. What disorder, my

daughter, in society because my Will does not reign!

"Souls have become as houses without order, all topsy-turvy: the stench of evil is terrible,

is horrible, more than that of putrefied cadavers; and my Will agonizes in the midst of so

many evils. And this in general is everywhere. In particular it is much more serious in so

many consecrated to the Lord. In them, my Will not only agonizes, but is even in a state

of lethargy, as if It really did not have life. Oh, how more dolorous is this

state because, in the agony my Will at least struggles, has a outlet, makes Its existence

felt in them, though agonizing. But, to agonize in a state of lethargy, oh, how

much more is It racked with pain, because It is constrained to suffer even total

immobility, the state of continuous death. Thus, the interior of these souls is drowsy, as

if light and good are not for them. And if they do something externally, it is void of

Divine Life, and disappears in the smoke of vainglory, of self esteem, and of pleasure,

while my Supreme Will, although It lives in them, remains stranger in their behavior.

Volume 21 - 14 April 1927

"Observe, my daughter, how, during my Passion, I also wanted to suffer the pain of

being stripped in the scourging, laid bare beside the Cross, stretched upon It among

unspeakable confusions and bitternesses! And all this I did to repair the damage brought

about by the human will, which had despoiled man of all his goods and, with

its noxious breath, had covered him with confusions and opprobriums so as to render him

object of horror and of mockery to his enemies.

"Daughter, if you want to know all the evils of which the human will was cause, study

attentively my Life; number one by one my pains. In It you will read, printed in dark

characters, the malefic story of the damages which the human will produced.

Prayer from the Hours of the Passion

O Jesus, I unite myself to you, and I embrace your cross; and taking all the

drops of your blood, I pour them into my heart. When I see your justice armed

against sinners, I will appease you by showing you this blood. When I want the

conversion of souls set in sin, I will show you this blood. And in virtue of it you will

not reject my prayer, because I have the token in my ands.”

Volume 11, April 10, 1913

“My daughter, the soul who always meditates on my Passion forms a spring within her

heart; and the more she meditates, the larger this spring becomes. And just as the waters

that spring up in the wild are public waters, in the same way, the spring of the Passion

formed in her heart will benefit everyone: both the soul and all other creatures giving Me

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great glory and honor. Luisa then asked: ‘Tell me, my Lord, what will You give as

recompense to those who mediate on the Hours of the Passion in the way that You taught


My daughter, I will look at this pious exercise of the HOURS as a work performed not by

them but by myself. I will give them all my merits, as if I were suffering the Passion at

that very moment. And they will receive all the benefits of my agony, according to the

dispositions of their souls. This is my reward while they are living on earth-and there

could be no greater gift this side of Heaven. But there is much more. In fact, in the

heavenly Fatherland, I will call these souls before Me, and I will pierce them with darts

of love aimed at Me-the number of these darts being equivalent to the number of hours

spent in meditation on the Hours of the Passion. What a sweet enchantment this will be

for all the Blessed!

Lord, you spoke to one about your passion, to another about your heart, to another about

your cross...who did you prefer? Do you know who was most preferred by me? The soul

to whom I manifested the wonders, the owner of my most Holy Will. All the other

things are parts of me, whereas, my Will is the center, the life and the ruler of all. So, my

Will has directed the passion, has given life to my heart, has exalted the cross. My will

embraces everything, grasps everything and gives effect to everything,. So, my Will is

more than everything. Consequently, the soul to whom I have spoken about my Will was

the most preferred, above all others. Oh, how it should thank me for having admitted it to

the secrets of my Will. Especially since the soul that is in my Will is in my passion, in

my heart; it is all the beauty of my cross and it is my same redemption. There are no

dissimilarities between this soul and me. So, I want you all in my Will, if you want to

take part in all my goods.

“Holy Father, here I am burdened with all the sins of the world. There is no sin

which does not lay upon Me. Therefore, no longer pour out the chastisements of your

Divine Justice upon men, but upon Me, your Son. Oh Father, permit Me to bind all souls

to this Cross and implore forgiveness for them with the voices of my Blood and of my

wounds. Oh Father, do You not see how I am reduced? By this Cross and in virtue of

these pains, grant true conversion, peace, pardon and sanctity to everyone..

Have mercy, my Father! I was the most beautiful of all and now I am so disfigured that I

no longer recognize Myself. I have become the abjection of everyone. Therefore, at any

cost I want the poor creature saved!. (Jesus to his Father in Heaven)

The student should pray the above prayer each day. It

is the prayer to disarm the justice of God.

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My daughter, I feel great comfort when someone meditates on my Passion with sorrow

and compassion for Me. I feel also recompensed for all that I suffered during my

Passion. By always meditating on it, the soul keeps preparing divine food. This food

contains many different spices, each of them enriching her dishes with distinctive flavors

and benefits. So, if in the course of my Passion my enemies tied Me with ropes and

chains, the compassionate soul releases Me and gives me freedom. If my enemies

despised, dishonored, and spat on Me, this soul cleans Me of that spittle, and honors Me.

If they stripped me of my clothes and scourged Me, she clothes and cures Me. If they

crowned me with thorns, mocking Me as king, embittering my mouth with gall, and

crucifying Me, she crowns Me with glory, and honors Me as King, filling my mouth with

sweet and delicious food-the remembrance of my own works. Also, by meditating on all

my paints, this soul un-nails me from the cross, and makes Me rise again in her heart.

And every time she does so, I shall give her a new life of grace as recompense-she shall

become my food and I shall become her food. A continual meditation on my passion is

indeed the thing that please Me, the most. (Vol. 7, November 9, 1906)

Volume 7 - February 23, 1906

All of Jesus was Nailed in His Father’s Will, because the Crucifixion was His Father’s Will. How Jesus Wanted to Lose All His Will to Live Completely in His Father’s to Repair for and to Tear Down Creature’s Idols.

This morning I was thinking of Our Lord in the act of being nailed to the Cross. While I

was compassionating Him, blessed Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, not only my hands and feet were nailed to the cross but also all the

particles of my Humanity, of my Soul, and of my Divinity. All were nailed in my

Father’s Will, because the Crucifixion was my Father’s Will. Moreover, this was

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necessary because—what is sin but to withdraw from the Will of God, from all that is

good and holy which is given by God; and to believe oneself is something, and, in the

process, to offend the Creator? So, in order to repair such audacity and to tear down this

idol that the creature builds of himself, I wanted to lose my will entirely and to live by the

Will of the Father—at the cost of great sacrifice.”

Volume 8 - July 27, 1906

How the Cross is a Dowry Jesus Gives to the Soul. Who Accept Their Crosses Accept the Betrothal; Who Refuse Their Crosses Lose Both Dowry and Betrothal.

This morning, while seeing my adorable Jesus nailed to the Cross, I interiorly questioned

myself: “What were Jesus’ thoughts in receiving the Cross?”

Jesus then said: “My daughter, I embraced the Cross as if it were my most dear treasure.

This is because in the Cross I gave a dowry to souls; I espoused them to Me. Then, in

looking at the Cross—observing its length and width—I took pleasure in it, because I

saw in it the sufficient dowries for all my spouses. Moreover, none of them could fear to

marry Me, because in my own hands I had the Cross and the price of their dowry.

“For this reason I wed the soul with only one condition: That if she accepts the small gifts

that I send to her, meaning the crosses, it is a sign that she accepts Me as her Spouse. The

wedding is executed, and I make the donation of a dowry to the soul.

“If, on the other hand, the soul does not accept these small gifts, which means she does

not resign herself to my Will, it all becomes annulled; and though I want to give her a

dowry, I cannot. This is because in order to perform the wedding it is necessary that both

parties, the soul and I, be in agreement. So if the soul does not accept my gifts, it means

that she does not want to accept my betrothal.

Volume 7 - August 11, 1906

Jesus Explains that the Cross is a Precious Treasure.

Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus who held in his hand a cross

that was full of white pearls. Further, giving it to me, He placed it on my chest. The cross

immediately penetrated my heart and remained as if it were inside a sanctuary.

Jesus then said to me: My daughter, the cross is a treasure; and the most secure place to

keep this very precious treasure is in the soul. This place is safest when the soul is ready

with patience, with resignation, and with other virtues to receive this treasure. That is

because the virtues, especially patience, are locks which protect it from thieves

Volume 7 –

In the Divine Will Our Sufferings Can Alleviate and Cure Jesus’ Wounds. How Jesus Allows Such Souls the Merit of Charity, Though He Supplied the Healing Medicine.

Having received Holy Communion, I felt myself outside of myself. Additionally, I saw a

person who was very oppressed by many crosses; and my blessed Jesus said:

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“Tell her that in the act in which she is feeling like the target of persecutions—in the

moment that the pain and the sufferings are felt—she can make use of all her sufferings

to heal and cure my wounds. This way her sufferings would serve Me: now to cure my

side, now my Head, now my hands, and now my feet. All these wounds are painful and

irritated by the immense and great offenses that creatures give Me. Also tell her it is a

great honor that I give her. I Myself give the medicine to cure my wounds, and I also give

her the merit of charity for having cured Me.”

While Jesus said this to me I saw many purging souls who, hearing all of that, were

astonished. Furthermore, they said to me:

“Fortunate are all of you who receive such sublime teachings, and can acquire the merits

to alleviate and cure a God! These merits exceed all the others, and they will have a glory

which will surpass that of the rest for as much as Heaven surpasses the earth. Oh, if we

had received such teachings, and the knowledge that our sufferings could cure a God!

How much wealth and merits we would have acquired—of which we are now deprived!”

Volume 7 - October 8, 1906

The Cross is to Man as Reins are to a Horse.

Finding myself in my usual state, Jesus came and said:

“My daughter, the cross is to the creature as the reins are to the horse. What would

become of the horse if man did not put reins on him? Unbridled, he would be untamable

and would go from precipice to precipice, until becoming infuriated—doing harm to man

as well as to himself. On the other hand, with his bridles he becomes tamed. He walks by

secure paths, is safe from every precipice, and serves the needs of man as a faithful


“Such is the cross for man. The cross tames and frees him from throwing himself down

the path of the passions that he feels inside himself, and which—like fire—devour him.

The cross extinguishes the fire and, instead of allowing man to become infuriated against

God and against himself, it tames him. The cross becomes a way for man’s own

salvation, and a way to give glory to God.

“Oh, if it were not for the cross which Divine Providence in his Infinite Wisdom uses to

put reins on man in order to curb him, how many evils would befall mankind!”

Volume 7 - November 14, 1906

The Cross is What Expands the Boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Oh, how much I have suffered for Jesus’ deprivation! After much waiting He suddenly

made Himself seen, and said to me:

“My daughter, if perfect resignation is the certain and assured sign of predestination, the

cross is what expands the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Then as a lightning flash, He disappeared.

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Volume 8 - October 4, 1907

How the Cross is the Wealth of the Soul.

Continuing in my usual state of privation, having few sufferings I said to myself: “Not

only am I deprived of Jesus, but the good of sufferings has also been taken away from

me. Oh God! Therefore, I want to put on iron and fire to touch myself with the things

that are most dear to me, and which form my own life—Jesus and the Cross!

“If to Jesus I am abominable for my ingratitude, it is right that He doesn’t come…. But

you, oh Cross, what have I done to you that is so barbarous that you have left me?

Didn’t I treat you like my faithful companion?

“Oh, I remember that I loved you so much that I didn’t know how to be without you, and

that I sometimes preferred you to Jesus Himself. I didn’t know what you had done to me,

that I didn’t know how to be without you. Yet you have left me! It is true that you have

done many good things to me. You were the way, the door, the room, the secret, and the

light in which I found Jesus. Therefore, I loved you just as much. But now, everything is

finished for me!”

While I was thinking that, suddenly Blessed Jesus came and said to me: “My daughter,

the Cross is the door of Life, and he who doesn’t love it is he who doesn’t love his own

life. This is because only with the Cross is Divinity grafted into forlorn humanity. It is

only the Cross that continues Redemption in the world, grafting into the Divinity

whoever receives it. In addition, whoever does not love the Cross shows that he doesn’t

know anything of virtue, perfection, love of God, or true Life.

“It happens as to a rich man who, losing his wealth, salvages for himself half in order to

reacquire it—as well as possibly more. How much doesn’t he love this half? Moreover,

doesn’t he put his own life in this half, perhaps in order to find again the life of wealth?

Accordingly, it is the same with the Cross. Man had become poor, and the Cross is the

half not only to save him from poverty but to enrich him with every good. Therefore the

Cross is the wealth of the soul.”

Then He disappeared and I remained more embittered, thinking of the loss that I had


Volume 8 - December 1907

A Soul Who Truly Loves Jesus will, in All Its Works, have Only the Intention of Meeting Him and Lifting Him from His Cross.

Finding myself in my usual state, I found myself thinking about when blessed Jesus met

his blessed Mother on the way of Calvary. Then, while I pitied both one and the other,

sweet Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, my Mother went out on the day of my Passion only to meet and uplift her

Son. In all her work, as a soul who truly loves, her intention was only that of meeting her

dearly Beloved, and of lifting Him up from the weight of his Cross. Likewise, since

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human life is a continual act—with additional acts which are both internal and external—

so a soul who truly loves doesn’t do anything other than make continual encounters with

her Beloved.

“But will this soul only meet its Beloved? No, no! It will greet Him, embrace Him, kiss

Him, console Him, and love Him. Should a word escape that was spoken to it, its

Beloved will remain satisfied and contented by always keeping its act as a sacrifice. That

is, if its act serves to join my sacrifice, which is inside its act. Then it will serve to lift

Me from the weight of my Cross.

“What will be the happiness of this soul who, in its work, stays in continual contact with

Me? Just like my Love, this happiness will always increase more, in each of our

encounters, the more that the soul remains in continuous contact by means of its working

together with Me! But how few, if they serve, do so in order to find an easy way out in

their acts. Therefore, come to Me! Draw close and console Me because of the so many

afflictions that creatures give Me!”

Volume 8 - February 16, 1908

The Fruits of the Cross and Grace are Patience and Resignation, Which Produce Love and Make Us Know with Certainty if We Love Our Lord.

Finding myself in my usual state, I thought: “Why does the Cross alone make us know if

we really love the Lord, while there are so many other things—the virtues, prayer, the

Sacraments—that could let us know if we love Our Lord?”

While thinking this, blessed Jesus came and said to me: “My daughter, it is so. Only the

Cross is what makes one know if he truly loves the Lord—but a cross carried with

patience and resignation. This is because where there is patience and resignation in

crosses, there is the Divine Life. If there is patience, then it cannot be something natural

but Divine since nature is reluctant to suffer.

“Further, the soul doesn’t love the Lord with its own love anymore, but is united with the

Love from the Divine Life. Hence, should you doubt if you love or not, if you come to

love God with his same Love? While in other things, as well as the Sacraments

themselves, there could also be in the soul the love contained in this Divine Life; but they

could not give the certainty of the Cross. For want of dispositions, there may or may not

be this Love.

“One could make his Confession very well. However, if he were missing the disposition,

you could not tell for certain whether he loves or if he received this Divine Life within

himself. While another, upon receiving Communion, yes, does receive the Divine Life—

but can you tell for certain that this Life remains in him, if he didn’t contain the correct


“Therefore it can be seen that some receive Communion, or make their Confessions, yet

within these acts the patience of the Divine Life is not seen in them.

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Moreover if patience and love are lacking, then there is doubt—since love is known only

by sacrifice. Conversely, patience and resignation are fruits of the Cross and Grace; and

they produce love.”

Volume 24 – June 16, 1928. The fulfillment of the Divine Will.

I was thinking about what is written above, and blessed Jesus continued telling me: “My

daughter, it is really true that the Supreme Being established Its marriage with humanity

at the beginning of Creation; and it happened as when a groom is induced to separate in

court by his wicked bride. But in spite of this, the groom keeps an affection in his heart,

and he thinks and yearns that, if his chosen one should change, who knows... he may

once again be able to unite and bind himself with her with the bond of marriage. So, he

often lets news reach her ear through messengers that he loves her.

So God did: even though the marriage with humanity was unbound in the divine court,

He kept an affection for her and, though far away, he longed for the new bond of

marriage with humanity; so much so, that He did not destroy the palace which He had

formed with so much sumptuousness and magnificence, nor did He take away from her

the good of the Sun that formed the day, but He left everything, so that the one who had

offended Him might make use of it. Even more, He maintained the correspondence by

choosing, from the beginning of the world, now one of the good, now another,

who were like messengers. And like many postmen, some brought little letters, some

telegrams, some phone calls from Heaven in which it was announced that the far away

spouse had not forgotten her, that he loved her and that he wanted the return of the

ungrateful spouse.

So, in the Old Testament, the more I multiplied the good, the patriarchs and the prophets,

the more pressing were the invitations and the mail that ran between Heaven and earth,

with the news sent by God that He desired the new union. This is so true that, unable to

contain the ardor of His love any longer, and since decayed humanity was not yet

disposed, He made an exception, espousing the Virgin Queen and the humanity of the

Word with bond of true marriage, so that, by virtue of them, decayed humanity might be

lifted up again and He might form His marriage with the entire humanity.

Then, my Humanity formed the new engagement with her on the Cross, and everything I

did and suffered, up to dying on the Cross, were all preparations to carry out the desired

marriage in the Kingdom of my Divine Will. Now, after the engagement, there are

pledges and gifts left to be exchanged, and these are the knowledges about my Divine

Fiat. Through them, humanity is given back the great gift which man rejected in Eden the

eternal, infinite and interminable gift of my Will.

This gift will attract so much decayed humanity, that she will give Us the return of the

gift of her poor will, which will be the confirmation and the seal of the union of the

spouses, after such a long chain of correspondence, of faithfulness on the part of God,

and of inconstancy, ingratitude and coldness on the part of creatures.

My daughter, man degraded himself and lost all goods because he went out of my Divine


In order to ennoble himself, to reacquire everything and receive the rehabilitation of the

marriage with his Creator, he must enter once again the Divine Fiat from which he came.

There are no ways in the middle; not even my Redemption is enough to make man return

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to the beginning of the happy era of his creation. Redemption is means, way, light, help -

but not the end. The end is my Will, because my Will was the beginning, and by justice,

one who is the beginning must also be the end. Therefore, humanity must be enclosed in

my Divine Will to be given back her noble origin, her happiness, and to put the marriage

with her Creator in force once again.

This is why the great good that my Redemption did to man is not enough for Our Love,

but It yearns for more. True Love is never content; only then is It content, when It can

say: ‘I have nothing else to give him.’ And knowing that man can return to be happy,

victorious and glorious in the noble state in which he was created by God - and this, by

means of my Will reigning in their midst - this is why all the divine yearnings, the sighs,

the manifestations are directed toward making Our Will known to make It reign, so as to

be able to say to Our Love: ‘Calm Yourself, for Our beloved child has reached his

destiny. He is now in possession of Our inheritance that was given to him in Creation,

which is Our Fiat! And while he possesses what is Ours we possess him. Therefore the

marriage is established once again, the spouses have returned to their place of honor;

there is nothing left but to celebrate and enjoy a good so great, after such a long sorrow’.”

It is your turn! Have you missed the arrows? Start always

marking what you are focused on. When you return to it or share

it, new light comes forth.

Volume 12 – July 12, 1918

Fruits of the "Hours of the Passion."

I was praying with a certain fear and anxiety for a dying soul, and my amiable Jesus,

coming, said to me:

“My daughter, why are you afraid? Do you not know that for every word on my Passion-

for every thought, compassion, reparation, and memory of my pains so many ways like

electrical communications open themselves between Me and the soul; and therefore so

many various beauties adorn the soul? She did the Hours of my Passion; and I will

receive her as a daughter of my Passion, dressed with my Blood and adorned with my

wounds. This flower has been cultivated in your heart, and I bless it and receive it into

Mine as a predilect flower."

Then, while He said that, a flower went out from my heart and took flight toward Jesus.

March 18, 1919

In His conception, Jesus conceived all souls, their pains and their deaths.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, making Himself seen, drew me

into the immensity of His Most Holy Will, in which He was showing, as though in act,

His conception in the womb of the Celestial Mama. Oh God, what an abyss of love! My

sweet Jesus told me: “Daughter of my Will, come to take part in the first deaths and pains

that my little Humanity received from my Divinity in the act of my conception. As I was

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conceived, I conceived all souls with Me, past, present and future, as my own Life, and I

also conceived all the pains and deaths which I had to suffer for each one of them. I had

to incorporate everything within Me – souls, pains and deaths, that each one was to

suffer, in order to say to the Father: ‘My Father, look no longer at the creature, but only at

Me. In Me You will find everyone, and I will satisfy for all. As many pains as You want,

I will give them to You. Do You want Me to suffer death for each one? I will suffer it. I

accept everything, provided You give life to all.’ This is why a Divine Power and Will

were needed in order to give Me so many deaths and pains, and a Divine Power and Will

to make Me suffer. And since in my Will all souls and all things are in act – not in an

abstract way, or by intention, as some might think; rather, I kept all of them identified

with Me, in reality, and with Me they formed my very Life – in reality, I died for each

one, and suffered the pains of all. It is true that it took a miracle of my Omnipotence,

the prodigy of my immense Will – without my Will, my Humanity could not have found

and embraced all souls, nor could It die so many times.

So, as my little Humanity was conceived, It began to suffer alternating pains and deaths;

all souls were swimming in Me as if inside an immense sea, forming the members of my

members, the blood of my Blood, the heart of my Heart. How many times, taking the first

place in my Humanity, my Mama felt my pains and my deaths, and died together with

Me. How sweet it was for Me to find the echo of my love in the love of my Mama. These

are profound mysteries, in which the human intellect, unable to understand well, seems to

get lost. Therefore, come into my Will, and take part in the deaths and in the pains that I

suffered from the moment of my conception. From this, you will be able

to better understand what I tell you.”

I am unable to say how, but I found myself in the womb of my Queen Mama, where I

could see the tiny little Infant Jesus. But, though tiny, He contained everything. A dart of

light flashed from His Heart into mine, and as it penetrated into me, I felt it giving me

death; and as it came out, life came back to me. Each touch of that dart produced a most

sharp pain, such that I felt undone, and dying, in reality. Then, through the same touch, I

felt I was receiving life again. But I don’t have the right words to express myself,

therefore I stop here.

March 20, 1919

The deaths and the pains which the Divinity made the Humanity of Jesus suffer for

each soul, were not just an intention, but they were real. Luisa takes part in them.

I felt my poor mind immersed in the pains of my lovable Jesus; and since I had been told

that it seemed impossible that Jesus could suffer so many deaths and so many pains for

each one, as is said above, my Jesus told me: “My daughter, my Will contains the power

of everything. It was enough that my Will wanted it, for it to happen. And if it were not

so, my Will would have had a limit in Its power, while I am without limits and infinite in

all my things. Therefore, whatever I want, I do. Ah! how little I am understood by

creatures, and therefore I am not loved. Come into my Humanity, and

I will let you see and touch with your hand what I have told you.”

At that moment I found myself in Jesus, who was inseparable from the Divinity and from

the Eternal Volition. By just wanting it, this Volition created repeated deaths,

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innumerable pains, blows without scourges, the sharpest pricks without thorns, with such

an ease, just as when, with one “Fiat”, It created billions of stars. It did not take as many

“Fiats” for as many created stars - one was enough.

Yet, not just one star came out to the light, while the others remained in the Divine Mind

or in Its intention - rather, all of them, in reality, came out, and each one had its own light

to adorn our atmosphere. In the same way, it seemed that, in the Heaven of the Most Holy

Humanity of our Lord, with Its creative “Fiat”, the Divine Volition created life and death

as many times as It wanted. So, being in Jesus, I found myself at that point when Jesus

suffered the scourging from the divine hands. It was enough for the Eternal Will to want

it and, without blows, without lashes, the flesh of the Humanity of Jesus would fall off in

pieces; deep furrows were formed, but in a harrowing manner, and in His most intimate

parts. The obedience of Jesus to that Divine Volition was such that His

Humanity would melt by Itself, but in such a painful way that one can say that the

scourging which He received from the Jews was the image and the shadow of that which

He suffered from the Eternal Volition. Then, as the Divine Volition just wanted so, His

Humanity would recompose Itself.

This happened when He suffered deaths for each creature, and all the rest. I took part in

these pains of Jesus, and – oh! how vividly did I understand that the Divine Volition can

make us die as many times as It wants, and then give us life again. Oh! God, these are

unutterable things, excesses of love, profound mysteries, almost inconceivable to created

mind. I felt unable to return to life, to the use

of senses, to motion, after I suffered those pains; and my blessed Jesus told me:

“Daughter of my Will, my Volition gave you those pains, and my Volition gives back to

you life, motion, and everything. I will call you often in my Divinity to take part in the

many deaths and pains which, in reality, I suffered for each soul. It is not, as some

believe, that it was only in my Will, or that I just had the intention of giving life to each

one. False, false! They do not know the prodigy, the love and the power of my Will. You,

who have somehow known the reality of the many deaths suffered for all, do not put it in

doubt, but love Me, be grateful for all, and be ready when my Will calls you

June 4, 1919

In order for Redemption to be complete, Jesus was to suffer injustice, hatred,

mockeries; and since the Divinity was incapable of giving Him these pains, this is why

He suffered the Passion from the hands of creatures on the last of His mortal days.

I was thinking about the Passion of my always lovable Jesus, especially when He found

Himself under the storm of the scourges, and I thought to myself: ‘When did Jesus suffer

more – in the pains which the Divinity made Him suffer during the whole course of His

Life, or on the last day from the hands of the Jews?’ And my sweet Jesus, with a light

which He sent to my intellect, told me: “My daughter, the pains which the Divinity gave

Me surpass by far those which creatures gave Me, both in power and in intensity,

multiplicity and length of time. However, there was not injustice or hatred, but highest

love and accord on the part of all Three Divine Persons in the commitment which I had

taken upon Myself to save souls at the cost of suffering as many deaths for as many

creatures as would come out to the light of Creation, and which the Father had granted to

Me with highest love.

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Injustice and hatred do not exist in the Divinity, nor can exist. Therefore, It was unable to

make Me suffer these pains. But man, with sin, had committed highest injustice, hatred,

etc., and in order to glorify the Father completely, I was to suffer injustice, hatred,

mockeries, etc. This is why, on the last of my mortal days, I suffered the Passion on the

part of creatures, in which the injustices, the hatred, the mockeries, the revenges and the

humiliations that they used against Me were so many as to render my poor Humanity the

opprobrium of all, to the point that I did not look like a man. They disfigured Me so much

that they themselves were horrified in looking at Me. I was the abject and the refuse of

all. Therefore, I could call them two distinct Passions.

Creatures could not give Me as many deaths or pains, for as many creatures, and as many

sins as they would commit - they were incapable of it. Therefore the Divinity took on this

commitment, but with highest love and accord on both sides. However, the Divinity was

incapable of injustice, etc., and so creatures took over, and I completed the work of

Redemption in everything. How much souls cost

Me - this is why I love them so much!”

Another day I was thinking to myself: ‘My beloved Jesus has told me so many things;

and I – have I been attentive in doing all that He taught me? Oh! how meager I am in

pleasing Him; how incapable I feel of everything. So, His many teachings will be my

condemnation.’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, why

do you afflict yourself? The teachings of your Jesus will

never serve to condemn you. Even if you did only once what I have taught you, you

would still place a star in the heaven of your soul. In fact, just as I extended a heaven

over the human nature and my “Fiat” studded it with stars, in the same way, I extended a

heaven in the depth of the soul, and the “Fiat” of the good which she does - because any

good is a fruit of my Will - comes to embellish this heaven with stars. Therefore, if she

does ten goods, she places ten stars in it; if a thousand, one thousand stars. So, think

rather of repeating my teachings as much as you can, in order to stud the heaven of your

soul with stars, so that it will not be inferior to the heaven that shines upon your

horizon; and each star will carry the mark of the teaching of your Jesus. How much honor

you will give Me!”

June 16, 1919

There is no sanctity without the cross. No virtue can be acquired without union with


I was thinking in my interior: ‘Where are the pains that my sweet Jesus had told me He

would let me share in - while I am suffering almost nothing?’ And my always lovable

Jesus told me: “My daughter, how you deceive yourself! You calculate the physical

pains; I calculate physical and moral pains. Each time you have been without Me, it was a

death that you felt, and I felt I was being repaired for the many deaths which creatures

give themselves through sin - and you took part in the many deaths which I suffered.

When you were feeling cold - that was another little death you felt, and you shared in the

coldness of the creatures, who would want to cool my love. But my love, triumphant over

their coldness, absorbs it into Me, to feel the death of their coldness; and I give to them

more ardent love. And so with all your other pains: they were evils opposite to those of

the creatures; and like many little deaths, they made you share in my deaths.

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And then, don’t you know that my justice suspends your pains when it is forced by the

evil of peoples to pour out new chastisements? Evils will be so grave as to be horrifying.

I know that this is a pain for you, but I too had the same pain. I would have wanted to

free creatures from all pains, both in time and in eternity, but this was not granted to Me

by the wisdom of the Father, and I had to resign Myself. Would you perhaps want to

surpass my very Humanity? Ah! daughter, no kind of sanctity is without cross.

No virtue can be acquired without union with pains. However, know that I will

repay you at usurious interest for all my privations, and even for the pains that you would

want to suffer, and you don’t.”

September 3, 1919

Fusing oneself in Jesus balances the reparations.

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus about my poor state, and how I have remained like a

useless being who does no good. So, what is the purpose of my life? And my lovable

Jesus told me: “My daughter, the purpose of your life is known to Me, and it is not up to

you to investigate it. However, know that just fusing yourself in Me every day, and many

times a day, serves to maintain the balance of all the reparations, because only one who

enters into Me and takes from Me the origin of everything she does, can balance the

reparations of everyone and everything. She can balance the glory of the Father on the

part of creatures, because an eternal origin and an eternal Will are within Me, and

therefore I was able to balance everything: satisfaction, reparation and complete glory to

the Celestial Father on the part of all.

Therefore, as you enter into Me, you come to renew the balance of all the reparations and

of the glory of the Eternal Majesty. Do you think this is trivial? Don’t you yourself feel

that you cannot do without it, and that I do not leave you before I see you fusing yourself

in each one of my members, in order to receive from you the balance of all reparations, as

you substitute yourself in the name of the whole human family? Try to repair Me for

everything as much as you can. If you knew how much good the world receives when a

soul, without a shadow of personal interest, but only for love of Me, rises between

Heaven and earth and, united with Me, balances the reparations of all!”

April 15, 1920

Cause of the pains of Jesus: the love of souls.

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus about my sorrowful state, telling Him: ‘Tell me, my

Love, where are You? Which way did You take in going away, so that I can follow You?

Show me your footprints so that, step by step, I will be able to find You with certainty.

Ah! Jesus, I can no longer go on without You. But although You are far away, I send You

my kisses. I kiss that hand which no longer hugs me; I kiss that mouth which no longer

speaks to me; I kiss that Face which I no longer see; I kiss those feet which no longer

walk toward me, but turn their steps somewhere else. Ah! Jesus, how sad is my state;

what cruel end was awaiting me.’

While I was saying this and much more nonsense, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior

and told me: “My daughter, calm yourself; for one who lives in my Will, all points are

sure ways to find Me. My Will fills everything; whatever road one may take there is no

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fear that she may not be able to find Me. Ah! my daughter, I feel your sorrowful state in

my Heart. I feel the current of sorrow which passed between Me and my Mama being

repeated again. She was crucified because of my pains; I was crucified because of hers.

But what was the cause of all this? Love for souls. For love of them, my dear Mama bore

all my pains, and even my death; and for love of souls I bore all her pains, to the extent of

depriving Her of Me. Oh! how much it cost my love and her maternal love to deprive my

inseparable Mama of Me. But love for souls triumphed over all.

Now, it was for love of souls that you submitted to your state of victim; for love of them

you accepted all the pains that occurred in your life. Because of souls, and of the sad

times which are coming, my Divine Justice prevents Me from being with you in a

familiar way, in order to permit more favorable times to come, rather than warlike, and

keep you on earth. It is because of souls: if it wasn’t for the love of souls your exile

would be finished, and you would not have the pain of seeing yourself deprived of Me;

nor would I have the pain of seeing you so tortured because of my privation.

Therefore, patience - and let the love of souls triumph in you as well, to the end.”

May 15, 1920

The Divine Will forms the complete crucifixion in the soul.

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus, telling Him: ‘Where are your promises? No more

cross, no more likeness to You. Everything has vanished - there is nothing left for me but

to cry over my painful end.’ And Jesus, moving, told me in my interior: “My daughter,

my crucifixion was complete, and do you know why? Because It was done in the Eternal

Will of my Father. In this Will, the Cross became so long and so wide as to embrace all

centuries, and penetrate into every heart, past, present and future, in such a way that I

remained crucified in the heart of each creature. This Divine Will put nails through all of

my interior – into my desires, into my affections and into my heartbeats. I can say

that I did not have a life of my own, but the Life of the Eternal Will, which enclosed all

creatures within Me, and which wanted Me to answer for all. My crucifixion could never

have been complete and so extensive as to embrace all, if the Eternal Volition had not

been the Actor.

I want that in you also the crucifixion be complete and extended to all. This is the reason

for the continuous call into my Will, for pushing you to bring the whole human family

before the Supreme Majesty, and to emit, in the name of all, the acts which they do not

do. Oblivion of yourself and lack of self-reflections are nothing other than the nails put

by my Will. My Will does not know how to do small or incomplete things. Forming a

circle around the soul, It wants her within Itself; and spreading her within the whole

sphere of Its Eternal Volition, It puts the seal of Its completion upon her. My Will

empties the interior of the creature of all that is human, and places in her all that is divine.

And in order to be more sure, It keeps on sealing all of her interior with as many nails for

as many human acts as can have life in the creature, substituting them with as many

divine acts. In this way, It forms the true crucifixion in her - not for a time, but for her

entire life.”

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January 17, 1921

The ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Most Holy Virgin had the same power of the Creative Fiat. The

third Fiat will be the fulfillment and the completion of the prayer taught by Jesus: Fiat

Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in Terra.

I felt my poor mind immersed in the immense sea of the Divine Volition. I could see the

mark of the Fiat everywhere. I saw it in the sun, and it seemed to me that the echo of the

Fiat in the sun brought me Divine Love, which darted through me, wounded me and

flashed through me. And I, on the wings of the Fiat of the sun, went up to the Eternal One

bringing, in the name of the whole human family, the love which darted, wounded, and

flashed through the Supreme Majesty. And I said: ‘In Your Fiat You gave me all this

love, and only in the Fiat can I return it to You.’

I looked at the stars and I could see the Fiat in them; and in their sweet and meek

glittering, this Fiat brought me pacific love, sweet love, hidden love, compassionate love

in the very night of sin. And I, in the Fiat of the stars, in the name of all, brought to the

throne of the Eternal One pacific love in order to put peace between Heaven and earth,

the sweet love of the loving souls, the hidden love of many others, the love of the

creatures when, after sin, they come back to God. But who can say all that I understood

and did in the many Fiats which were scattered over all Creation? I would be too

long; so I stop here. Then, my sweet Jesus took my hands in His own, and squeezing

them tightly, told me: “My daughter, the Fiat is all full of Life - even more, It is Life

Itself, and this is why all lives and all things come from within the Fiat. Creation came

out from my ‘Fiat’; therefore in each created thing one can see the mark of the Fiat.

Redemption came out from the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my dear Mama, pronounced in my

Volition and carrying the same power of my Creative ‘Fiat.’

Therefore, there is nothing in Redemption which does not contain the mark of the ‘Fiat

Mihi’ of my Mama. Even my very Humanity, my steps, words and works were marked

by Her ‘Fiat Mihi.’ My pains, my wounds, my thorns, my Cross, my Blood, had the mark

of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’, because things carry the mark of the origin from which they come.

My origin in time was the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Immaculate Mama; therefore all of my

works carry the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’. So, Her ‘Fiat Mihi’ is in each Sacramental Host;

if man rises again from sin, if the newborn is baptized, if Heaven opens to receive souls,

it is the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my Mama that marks everything, follows everything, and from It

everything proceeds. Oh, power of the Fiat! It rises every instant; It multiplies, and It

becomes life of all goods.

Now I want to tell you why I asked for your ‘Fiat’ - your ‘yes’ in my Volition. I want the

prayer which I taught – the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in terra’ - this prayer of

so many centuries, of so many generations - to have its fulfillment and completion. This

is why I wanted another ‘yes’ in my Volition - another ‘Fiat’ containing the creative

power. I want the ‘Fiat’ that rises every instant, and multiplies in everyone. I want, in one

soul, my own ‘Fiat’ which ascends to my throne and, by its creative power, brings upon

earth the life of the ‘Fiat on earth as It is in Heaven’.”

Surprised and annihilated in hearing this, I said: ‘Jesus, what are You saying? Yet, You

know how bad and incapable of anything I am.’ And He: “My daughter, it is my usual

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way to choose the most abject, unable, poor souls for my greatest works. Even my Mama

had nothing extraordinary in her exterior life; no miracles - not a sign that would

distinguish Her from other women. Her only distinction was perfect virtue, to which

almost no one paid attention. And if to other Saints I gave the distinction of miracles, and

I adorned others with my wounds, to my Mama, nothing - nothing.

Yet, She was the portent of portents, the miracle of miracles, the true and perfect

crucified - no one else like Her.

I usually act like a master who has two servants. One of them seems a herculean giant,

good at everything; the other one is short, unable, and seems to be good at nothing - not

an important service.

If the master keeps him, it is more for charity, and also for fun. Now, having to send a

million – a billion, to another town, what does he do? He calls the little and incapable

one, and entrusts the great sum to him, saying to himself: ‘If I give it to the giant, all will

fix their attention on him; thieves may attack him and rob him; and if he tries to defend

himself with his herculean strength, he may be wounded. I know that he is capable, but I

want to spare him; I do not want to expose him to the obvious danger. On the other hand,

no one will pay attention to this little one, knowing him to be incapable; no one would

think that I would entrust such an important sum to him; and so he will come back safe

and sound.’ The poor incapable one is surprised that the master would trust him, when he

could have used the giant, and all trembling and humble, he goes to deposit the great

sum, with no one deigning to give him even a glance. So, he returns safe and sound to his

master, more trembling and humble than before.

So I do: the greater the work I want to do, the more I choose abject, poor, ignorant souls,

with no outward appearance which may expose them. The abject state of the soul will

serve as safe custody for my work. The thieves of self-esteem and love of self will not

pay attention to her, knowing her inability. And she, humble and trembling, will carry out

the office entrusted by Me, knowing that she has done nothing by herself, but that I did

everything in her.”



The third Fiat will bring to completion the glory and the honor of the Fiat of Creation,

and will be confirmation and development of the fruits of the Fiat of Redemption.

These three Fiats will veil the Most Holy Trinity on earth.

I was feeling annihilated in thinking about this blessed Fiat, but my lovable Jesus wanted

to increase my confusion. It seems that He wants to make fun of me, proposing to me

astonishing and almost incredible things, taking pleasure in seeing me confused and more

annihilated. And what is worse, is that I am forced by obedience to write them, to my

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greater torment. So, while I was praying, my sweet Jesus leaned His head against mine,

sustaining His forehead with His hand; and a light coming from His forehead told me:

“My daughter, the first Fiat was pronounced in Creation with no intervention of creature.

The second Fiat was pronounced in Redemption; I wanted the intervention of the

creature, and I chose my Mama for the completion of the second Fiat. Now, for the

fulfillment of both, I want to pronounce the third Fiat, and I want to pronounce It through

you; I have chosen you for the fulfillment of the third Fiat. This third Fiat will bring to

completion the glory and the honor of the Fiat of Creation, and will be confirmation and

development of the fruits of the Fiat of Redemption. These three Fiats will veil the Most

Holy Trinity on earth, and I will have the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven.

These three Fiats will be inseparable - each one will be life of the other. They will be one

and triune, but distinct among themselves. My Love wants it, my Glory demands it:

having unleashed the first two Fiats from the womb of my creative power, It wants to

unleash the third Fiat, because my Love can no longer contain It – and this, in order to

complete the work which came from Me; otherwise, the works of Creation and of

Redemption would be incomplete.”

On hearing this, I was not only confused, but stunned, and I said to myself: ‘Is all this


There are so many. And if it is true that He has chosen me, it seems to me that this is one

of the usual follies of Jesus. And then, what could I do or say from within a bed, half

crippled and inept as I am?

Could I ever keep up with the multiplicity and infinity of the Fiat of Creation and of


Since my Fiat is similar to the other two Fiats, I must run together with them, multiply

myself with them, do the good which they do, braid myself with them. Jesus, think of

what You are doing! I am not for this much.’ But who can tell all the nonsense that I was


Now, my sweet Jesus came back and told me: “My daughter, calm yourself - I choose

whomever I please. However, know that I begin all of my works between Myself and one

creature; and then they are spread. In fact, who was the first spectator of the Fiat of my

Creation? Adam, and then Eve. It surely wasn’t a multitude of people. Only after years

and years did crowds and multitudes of people become spectators of It. In the second Fiat

my Mama was the only spectator; not even Saint Joseph knew anything, and my Mama

found herself more than in your condition: the greatness of the creative power of my

work which She felt within Herself was such that, confounded, She did not feel the

strength to mention it to anyone. And if, then, Saint Joseph knew it, it was because I

manifested it to him. So, this Fiat germinated like a seed within Her virginal womb; the

ear of grain was formed in order to multiply It, and then It came to the light of day. But

who were the spectators? Very few.

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In the room of Nazareth my dear Mama and Saint Joseph were the only spectators. Then,

when my Most Holy Humanity grew up, I went out and I made Myself known - but not to

all. Afterwards, It spread more, and It will still spread.

So will the third Fiat be. It will germinate within you; the ear of grain will be formed;

only the priest will have knowledge of It. Then, a few souls - and then, It will spread. It

will spread, and will follow the same path as Creation and Redemption. The more

crushed you feel, the more the ear of the third Fiat grows and is fecundated in you.

Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”

February 2, 1921

The third Fiat must run together with the other two Fiats. These three Fiats have the

same value and power, because they contain the creative power.

Continuing in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in the Divine Volition, and I said

to myself: ‘My Jesus, I want to love You, and I want so much love as to compensate for

the love of all generations which have been, and which will be. But who can give me so

much love as to be able to love for all? My Love, in your Will there is the creative power;

therefore in your Will I myself want to create so much love as to compensate for, and

surpass the love of all, and all that all creatures are obliged to give to God Our Creator.’

While I was doing this, I said: ‘How much nonsense I am saying.’ And my sweet Jesus,

moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, surely in my Will there is the creative

power. Billions and billions of stars came out from one single Fiat. Billions and billions

of acts of grace which communicate themselves to souls, come out from the Fiat Mihi of

my Mama, from which Redemption had Its origin. These acts of grace are more beautiful,

more shining, more varied than stars; and while the stars are fixed and do not multiply,

the acts of grace multiply to infinity; they run in every instant, attract the creatures,

delight them, strengthen them and give them life. Ah! if creatures could see the

supernatural order of grace, they would hear such harmonies, and see such an enchanting

scene as to believe that that’s their Paradise. Now, the third Fiat too must run together

with the other two Fiats. It must multiply to infinity, and in every instant It must give as

many acts for as many acts of grace as are unleashed from my womb; for as many stars,

for as many drops of water, and for as many created things as were unleashed by the Fiat

of Creation. It must blend with them and say: ‘As many acts as you are - so many I do.’

These three Fiats have the same value and power. You disappear – it is the Fiat that acts,

and therefore you too can say in my omnipotent Fiat: ‘I want to create so much love, so

many adorations, so many blessings, so much glory to my God as to compensate for

everyone and for everything.’

Your acts will fill Heaven and earth; they will multiply themselves with the acts of

Creation and of Redemption, and will become one.

All this will seem astonishing and incredible to some; in this case they would have to

doubt about my creative power. And besides, when it is I who want it, and who give this

power, every doubt ceases. Am I perhaps not free to do whatever I want, and to give to

whomever I want? You - be attentive; I will be with you, I will overshadow you with my

creative power, and I will accomplish what I want upon you.”

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February 8, 1921

While the world wants to cast Jesus away from the face of the earth, He is preparing

an Era of Love: the Era of His third Fiat.

This morning, after receiving Communion, I heard in my interior my always lovable

Jesus saying: “O iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away

from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations -

from everything. You are plotting how to demolish temples and altars, how to destroy my

Church and kill my ministers; while I am preparing for you an Era of Love - the Era of

my third Fiat. You will make your own way in order to banish Me, and I will confound

you by means of love. I will follow you from behind, and I will come toward you from

the front so as to confound you in love; and wherever you have banished Me, I will raise

my throne, and there I will reign more than before - but in a more astonishing way; so

much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of my throne, as though bound by the

power of my love.” Then He added: “Ah! my daughter, the creature rages more and more

in evil! How many machinations of ruin they are preparing. They will reach the point of

exhausting evil itself. But while they are occupied with following their own way, I will

be occupied with making the Fiat Voluntas Tua have Its completion and fulfillment, and

my Will reign upon the earth - but in a completely new way. I will be occupied with

preparing the Era of the third Fiat in which my love will show off in a marvelous and

unheard-of way. Ah! yes, I want to confound man completely in love. Therefore, be

attentive - I want you with Me, in preparing this Celestial and Divine Era of Love. We

will lend a hand to each other, and will work together.” Then He drew near my mouth,

and as He sent His omnipotent breath into it, I felt new life being infused in me; and He


February 16, 1921

In order to enter the Divine Will, the creature must do nothing but remove the little

stone of her will.

While I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus told me: “My

daughter, there are neither paths nor doors nor keys to enter my Will, because my Will is

everywhere. It flows under one’s feet, on the right, on the left, above one’s head -

everywhere. The creature must do nothing but remove the little stone of her own will,

which, though being in my Will, does not take part in, nor

does it enjoy Its effects, becoming like a stranger in my Volition. In fact, it is as if the

little stone of her will prevented the water from flowing from the shore so as to run

somewhere else - the stones are blocking it. But if the soul removes the little stone of her

will, at that very instant, she flows into Me, and I into her; she finds all my goods at her

disposal: strength, light, help - whatever she wants.

This is why there are no paths, no doors and no keys: it is enough for her to want it,

and all is done. My Will takes charge of everything, providing her with all that she lacks,

and making her wander within the interminable boundaries of my Will. It is completely

the opposite for the other virtues: how many efforts are needed, how many fights, how

many long paths! And while it seems that the virtue is smiling at her, one passion - a little

violent, one temptation, one unexpected encounter, push her back to the beginning of the


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February 22, 1921

The third Fiat will give such grace to the creature as to make him return almost to the

state of origin; then, God will take His perpetual rest in the last Fiat.

I was in my usual state, and my sweet Jesus was all silent. I said to Him: ‘My Love, why

are You not saying anything to me?’ And Jesus: “My daughter, it is my usual way to

remain silent after having spoken. I want to rest in my own word - that is, in the very

work that came out from Me.

I did this in the Creation: after I said, ‘Fiat Lux’, and light came to be - ‘Fiat’ to all the

other things, and things came to life - I wanted to rest, and my eternal light rested in the

light issued in time. My love rested in the love with which I invested the whole of

Creation; my beauty rested in the whole universe, which I molded after my own beauty.

My wisdom and my power rested as well, with which I ordered everything, with such

wisdom and power that, in looking, I Myself said: ‘How beautiful is the Work that came

out from Me - I want to rest in It.’ I do the same with souls: after I have spoken, I want to

rest and enjoy the effects of my word.”

After this, He added: “Let us say ‘Fiat’ together.” And everything - Heaven and earth -

was filled with adoration to the Supreme Majesty. Then, again, He repeated, ‘Fiat’, and

the Blood, the wounds and the pains of Jesus arose and multiplied to infinity. And then,

for the third time, “Fiat”, and this Fiat multiplied in all the wills of creatures to sanctify

them. Then, He said to me: “My daughter these three Fiats are the Creating, the

Redeeming, and the Sanctifying Fiat. In creating man, I endowed him with three powers -

intellect, memory and will; and with three Fiats will I accomplish the work

of the sanctification of man.

At the Creating Fiat, the intellect of man remains as though enraptured. How many things

he understands about Me and about my love for him, as I am hidden inside all created

things in order to make Myself known, and to give him love so as to be loved. In the Fiat

of Redemption, his memory remains as though enchanted by the excesses of my love in

suffering so much in order to help and save man in the state of sin. In the third Fiat, my

love wants to display even more. I want to assail the human will; I want to place my own

Will as support of his will, so that the human will may remain not only enraptured and

enchanted, but sustained by an Eternal Will. And as my Will becomes his support in

everything, man will almost be unable to escape It.

The generations will not end until my Will reigns upon earth. My Redeeming Fiat will

place Itself in the middle, between the Creating Fiat and the Sanctifying Fiat. They will

interweave, all three together, and will accomplish the sanctification of man. The third

Fiat will give such grace to the creature as to make him return almost to the state of

origin; and only then, when I see man just as he came out from Me, will my Work be

complete, and I will take my perpetual rest in the last Fiat. Only the life in my Volition

will give back to man his state of origin. Therefore, be attentive, and together

with Me, help Me to complete the sanctification of the creature.”

On hearing this, I said: ‘Jesus, my Love, I am not able to do as You do, nor as You teach

Me; and I am almost afraid of your reproaches if I don’t do well whatever You want from

me.’ And He, all goodness: “I too know that you cannot do perfectly what I tell you, but

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wherever you cannot reach, I will make up for you. However, it is necessary that I attract

you, and that you understand what you must do, so that, even if you cannot do

everything, you may do what you can. And as I speak to you, your will remains chained

with Mine; you would like to do what I tell you, and I consider this as if you did

everything.” And I: ‘How can this way of living in the Divine Will be spread and taught

to others - and who will be disposed?’ And Jesus: “My daughter, even if nobody had

been saved with my descent upon earth, the work of glorifying the Father would already

be complete. The same now: even if no one wanted to receive this gift - which will not be

- you alone will be enough, and you will give Me the complete glory which I want from

all creatures.”

August 9, 1921

Effects of the acts done in the Divine Will. Example of the machine.

Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself in the midst of a most

extensive sea.

I saw a machine, and as the engine moved, water would spurt out from all sides of this

machine. Rising up to Heaven, these waves of water spouted upon all Saints and Angels,

and reaching the Throne of the Eternal One, they poured mightily at His feet, and then

descended again into the depths of the same sea. I remained astonished in seeing this, and

I said to myself: ‘What can this machine be?’ And a light which came from that very sea

told me: "The sea is my Will, the machine is the soul who lives in my Volition, the

engine is the human will operating in the Divine Will. Every time the soul makes her own

special intentions in my Will, the engine puts the machine into motion; and since

my Will is life of the Blessed as well as of the machine, it is no wonder that my Will,

which springs out from this machine, enters into Heaven and glows with light and glory,

spouting upon all, up to my Throne, and then descends again into the sea of my Will on

earth, for the good of pilgrim souls.

My Will is everywhere, and the acts done in my Will run everywhere - both in Heaven

and on earth. They run to the past, because my Will existed; to the present, because my

Will has lost nothing of Its activity; to the future, because It will exist eternally. How

beautiful are the acts in my Will! And since my Will contains ever new contentments,

these acts are new contentments for the very Blessed; they substitute for the acts of the

Saints, which have not been done in my Will; they are new graces for all


Afterwards, I remained all afflicted because I had not seen my sweet Jesus; and He,

moving in my interior, clasped me in His arms, telling me: "My daughter, why are you so

afflicted? Am I not the sea itself?"

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October 29, 1921

Meaning and effects of the three hours of imprisonment of Jesus.

I spent last night in vigil, and my mind would often fly to my Jesus, who was bound in

prison. I wanted to cling to those knees which staggered for the painful and cruel position

in which the enemies had tied Him; I wanted to clean Him of the spit with which He was

smeared... But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, my Life, made Himself seen

as though within thick darkness, through which I could barely see His adorable Person;

and sobbing, He told me: "Daughter, the enemies left Me alone in prison, horribly bound

and in the dark. Everything around Me was thick darkness. Oh, how this darkness

afflicted Me! My clothes were wet from the filthy waters of the stream. I could

smell the stench of the prison and of the spit with which I was smeared. My hair was

disheveled, without a pitying hand to remove it from my eyes and from my mouth. My

hands were bound by chains, and the darkness did not allow Me to see my state - alas, too

painful and humiliating. Oh, how many things did my state, so painful, tell of in this


I remained in prison for three hours. With this I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of

the world: that of the law of nature, that of written law, and that of the law of grace. I

wanted to release all, reuniting them all together, and to give them freedom as children of

mine. By being there three hours I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of man:

childhood, youth and old age. I wanted to rehabilitate him when he sins out of passion,

out of his will, and out of obstinacy. Oh, how the obscurity I saw around Me made Me

feel the thick darkness which sin produces in man! Oh, how I cried over him, saying:

‘Oh! man, your sins have thrown Me into this thick darkness, and I suffer it to give you

light. It is your evils that have smeared Me like this, and their darkness is such as to

prevent Me even from seeing them. Look at Me - I am the image of your sins. If you

want to know them, look at them in Me!’

However, know that on the last hour I spent in prison the dawn broke, and a few

glimmers of light entered through the fissures. Oh, how my Heart breathed in being able

to see my painful state! This signified man when, tired from the night of sin, he receives

grace, which surrounds him like dawn, sending him glimmers of light to call him back.

So, my Heart heaved a sigh of relief; and in this dawn I saw you, my beloved prisoner,

whom my love was going to bind in this state, and you would not leave Me alone in the

darkness of the prison. Waiting for the dawn at my feet, and following my sighs,

you would cry with Me over the night of man. This relieved Me, and I offered my

imprisonment to give you the grace to follow Me.

But this prison and this darkness contained another meaning. This was my

long staying in the prison of the Tabernacles; the loneliness in which I am left, such that

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many times I have no one to whom to say a word, or send a gaze of love. Other times, I

feel in the Holy Host the impressions of unworthy touches, the stench of rotten and

muddy hands; and there is no one who touches Me with pure hands and perfumes Me

with his love. And how many times human ingratitude leaves Me in darkness, without

even the miserable light of a lamp. Therefore, my imprisonment continues, and will still

continue. And since both of us are prisoners - you, prisoner in bed, only for love of Me; I,

prisoner for you - with my love I want to bind all creatures with the chains that keep Me

bound. In this way, we will keep each other company, and you will help Me to extend the

chains in order to bind all hearts to my love."

After this, I thought to myself: ‘How few are the things that are known about Jesus, while

He has done so much! Why did they speak so little about all that my Jesus did and

suffered?’ And Jesus, coming back, added: "My daughter, everyone is stingy with Me,

even the good. How much stinginess they have toward Me, how many restrictions; how

many things they do not manifest, of that which I tell them and which they comprehend

about Me! And you, how many times are you not stingy with Me? Each time you either

do not write what I tell you, or do not manifest it, is an act of stinginess

toward Me, because each additional knowledge that one acquires about Me is one more

glory, one more love that I receive from creatures. Therefore, be attentive and more

generous with Me, and I will be more generous with you."

Volume 14 - February 4, 1922

Love, wandering and rejected, bursts into sobs of crying.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all panting - His

breath was fire; and clasping me to Himself, He told me: “My daughter, I want

refreshment for my flames; I want to pour my Love out, but my Love is rejected by

creatures. You must know that in creating man I released a quantity of Love from within

my Divinity which was to serve as primary life of creatures, so that they might be

enriched, sustained, strengthened, and helped in all of their needs.

But man rejected this Love, and my Love has been wandering from the time man was

created, and It keeps going round without ever stopping. Rejected by someone, It runs to

someone else in order to give Itself; and as It is rejected, It bursts into sobs of crying. So,

lack of correspondence causes the sobbing of Love.

Now, while my Love goes wandering and runs to give Itself, if It sees someone who is

weak or poor, It bursts into sobs and says to him: ‘Ah, if you did not make Me go

wandering; if you had given Me a place in your heart, you would have been strong, and

you would lack nothing!’ If It sees someone else who has fallen into sin, It bursts into

sobs: ‘Ah, if you had let Me enter into your heart, you would not have fallen!’ For

another whom It sees dragged by passions, muddied with earth, Love cries and, sobbing,

It repeats to him: ‘Ah, if you had taken my Love, passions would not have life

over you, the earth would not touch you, my Love would be enough for you in

everything.’ So, in each evil of man, small or big, Love has a sob of crying and continues

to go wandering in order to give Itself to man. And when in the Garden of Gethsemani all

sins presented themselves before my Humanity, each sin carried the sob of my Love. All

the pains of my Passion, each blow of the lash, each thorn, each wound, were

accompanied by the sob of my Love, because if man had loved, no evil could have come.

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Lack of love made all evils and even my very pains germinate. In creating man, I acted

like a king who, wanting to make his kingdom happy, takes a million and makes it

circulate, so that whoever wants it may take from it. However, as much as it circulates,

only a few take a few cents. Now, the king is anxious to know whether the peoples are

taking the good he wants to do for them, and he asks whether his million is finished so as

to put out more millions.

But he is answered: ‘Majesty, just a few cents.’ The king feels sorrow in hearing that his

people are not receiving his goods, nor do they appreciate them. So, going out into the

midst of his subjects, he begins to see some covered with rags, some infirm, some

starving, some shivering with cold, some homeless. In his sorrow, the king bursts into

sobs of crying, and says: ‘Ah, had they taken my money I would see none of them

dishonoring me, covered with rags, but rather, well dressed; nor would I see them infirm,

but healthy. I would see no one starving and almost dead of hunger, but full. Had

they taken my money, no one would be homeless; they could very well have built

themselves a room in which to take shelter.’ In sum, for each misfortune he sees in his

kingdom, he has a sorrow, a tear; and he grieves over his million which the ingratitude of

his people rejects. However, the goodness of this king is so great that, in spite of all this

ingratitude, he does not withdraw this million; he lets it continue to circulate, hoping that

other generations may take the good which the others have rejected, so that he may

receive the glory of the good which he has done for his kingdom.

So I do: I will not withdraw my Love which has been released - It will continue to go

wandering. Its sobbing will last still, until It finds souls who would take this Love of

Mine down to the last cent, so that my crying may cease, and I may receive the glory of

the dowry of Love which I issued for the good of creatures. But do you know who are the

fortunate ones who will make the sobbing of my

Love cease? The souls who will live in my Will - They will take all the Love rejected by

the other generations; by the power of my Creative Will, they will multiply It as much as

they want, and for as many creatures as have rejected It. Then will my sobbing cease, and

the sob of joy will take its place; and Love, satisfied, will give to these fortunate ones all

the goods and the happiness which the others did not want.”

February 9, 1922

The tortured body of Jesus is the true portrait of the man who commits sin. In the

scourging, Jesus let His flesh be torn to shreds, and He reduced all of Himself to a

wound in order to give life back to man once again.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was following the Hours of the Passion; and while I

was accompanying my sweet Jesus in the mystery of His painful scourging, He made

Himself seen with His flesh all torn up. His Body was stripped, not only of His garments,

but also of His flesh; His bones could be counted one by one. The sight of Him was not

only harrowing, but horrible to look at, such as to strike fear, fright, reverence, and love

at the same time. I felt mute before such a harrowing scene. I would have wanted to do,

who knows what, to relieve my Jesus, but I could do nothing - the sight of His pains gave

me death; and Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My beloved

daughter, look well at Me, that you may know my pains in depth. My Body is the true

portrait of the man who commits sin. Sin strips him of the garments of my grace; and I let

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Myself be stripped of my garments so as to give grace back to him once again. Sin

deforms him, and while he is the most beautiful creature that came out of my hands, he

becomes the ugliest one - disgusting and repugnant.

I was the most beautiful of men, and I can say that, in order to give beauty back to man,

my Humanity took on the ugliest form. Look at Me - how horrid I am. I let my skin be

torn off by dint of lashes, to the point that I could no longer recognize Myself. Not only

does sin take beauty away, but it forms deep wounds, rotten and gangrenous, which

corrode the most intimate parts; they consume his vital humors, so everything he does are

dead - skeletal works. They snatch from him the nobility of his origin, the light of his

reason - and he becomes blind. And I, in order to fill the depth of his wounds, let my

Flesh be torn to shreds; I reduced all of Myself to a wound, and by shedding my

Blood in rivers, I made the vital humors flow in his soul, so as to give life back to him

once again.

Ah! Had I not had the fount of the life of my Divinity within Me, which, since my

Humanity died at each pain they gave Me, substituted for my life - I would have died

from the very beginning of my Passion.

Now, my pains, my Blood, my Flesh which fell off in shreds, are

always in the act of giving life to man; but man rejects my Blood so as not to receive life;

he tramples upon my Flesh so as to remain wounded. Oh, how I feel the weight of

ingratitude!” And throwing Himself into my arms, Jesus burst into tears. I clasped Him to

my heart, but He was crying strongly. What torment, to see Jesus crying! I would have

wanted to suffer any pain so that He would not cry. So I compassionated Him, I kissed

His wounds, I dried His tears; and He, as though cheered, added: “Do you know how I


I act like a father who loves his son very much. This son is blind, deformed, crippled; and

his father who loves him to folly - what does he do? He plucks out his own eyes; he tears

off his own legs, tears his own skin off, and gives everything to his son, saying: ‘I am

happier to remain blind, crippled, deformed myself, as long as I see that you, my son, can

see, can walk, and are beautiful.’

Oh! how happy is that father, in seeing his son look with his eyes, walk with his legs, and

covered with his beauty. But what would the sorrow of the father be, if he saw his son,

ungrateful, throwing away his eyes, legs and skin, contenting himself with remaining

ugly as he is? So I am: I took care of everything, but men, ungrateful, form my most

bitter sorrow.”

Vol. 14 - February 24, 1922

The cross of one who lives in the Divine Will becomes similar to the Cross of Jesus.

As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus made Himself seen in the act of

taking up His Cross and placing It on His most holy shoulders; and He told me: “My

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daughter, when I received the Cross, I looked at It from top to bottom, to see the place

that each soul would take in my Cross.

Among so many of them, I looked with more love and I paid a more special attention to

those who would be resigned, and would live life in my Will. I looked at them, and I saw

their cross, long and large just as Mine, because my Will made up for all that their cross

lacked, making it longer and larger like Mine. Oh! how your long cross stood out; so very

long because of many years of bed – and suffered only to fulfill my Will. My Cross

existed only to fulfill the Will of my Celestial Father; and yours, to fulfill my Will. One

gave honor to the other, and since both of them had the same measure, they blended


Now, my Will has the virtue of softening hardness, of sweetening bitterness, of extending

and enlarging short things. So, when I felt the Cross upon my shoulders, I felt the

softness and the sweetness of the cross of the souls who would suffer in my Will. Ah!

My Heart heaved a sigh of relief, and the softness of the crosses of these souls made my

Cross adapt to my shoulders, sinking so much into it as to cause Me a deep wound; and

although it gave Me a sharp pain, I also felt the softness and the sweetness of the souls

who would suffer in my Will. And since my Will is eternal, their suffering, their

reparations, their acts, ran within each drop of my Blood, in each wound, in each

offense. My Will made them be as though present at the offenses of the past, from the

moment the first man sinned, at the present and at the future offenses. They were the ones

who returned the rights of my Will to Me; and for love of them, I decreed Redemption.

And if others enter into It, it is because of these souls that they partake in It. There is no

good I concede, either in Heaven or on earth, which is not because of them.”

Vol 14 – March 21, 1922

Our acts in the Passion produce the double seal

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking again about the Holy Divine Volition, and

my always adorable Jesus clasped me in His arms, and as He sighed intensely, I felt His

breath descend deep into my heart. Then He told me: “Daughter of my Will, my

omnipotent breath gives you the life of my Will. In fact, for one who does my Will, my

Will administers to her Its breath as life; and as It breathes upon her, It moves away from

her all that does not belong to Me, and she breathes nothing but the air of my Will. And

just as the air is inhaled and exhaled, the same for the soul: it is a continuous receiving of

Myself and giving of herself to Me at each breath. My Will hovers over all Creation -

there is nothing in which my Volition does not have Its seal. As I pronounced the Fiat in

creating things, my Will took dominion over them, and became life and preservation of

all things. Now, this Will of Mine wants all things to be enclosed within Itself in order

to receive the return for Its own noble and divine acts. It wants to see the air, the wind,

the fragrance, the light of Its Volition hover over all human acts, in such a way that, as Its

acts hover together with those of the creatures, they may fuse together and form one

single thing. This alone was the purpose of Creation - that the emanations of the wills

be continuous. I want it, I demand it, I expect it. This is why I am in such haste that

my Will, Its value and Its effects become known – so that, as the souls who live in my

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Will do their acts, through their continuous emanations in my Will, they will diffuse them

like air over everything, and their acts will multiply in all the human acts, investing and

covering everything, as acts of my Will. Then will I obtain the purpose of Creation; my

Will will rest in them and will form the new generation, and all things will have the

double seal of my Will: the Fiat of Creation, and the echo of my Fiat in the creatures

Vol. 14 - April 1, 1922

Reason for the sufferings of Luisa, which surpass those of Purgatory. The most

humiliating step of the Passion of Jesus was that of being clothed and treated as a


I am going through most bitter days because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. And if

He makes Himself seen, it is like lightening that flashes by. What pain! What torment!

My mind was darkened by the thought that my Life, my All, would never come back

again: ‘Ah, everything is over for me.

What shall I do to find Him again? To whom shall I turn? Ah, no one is moved to pity for


While I was thinking of this and other things, my lovable Jesus came and told me: “Poor

daughter of mine, poor daughter of mine, how much you suffer. Your painful state

surpasses even the state of purging souls. In fact, if these are without Me, it is because of

the sins with which they see themselves smeared, and which prevent them from seeing

Me; and they themselves do not dare to come before Me, because before my infinite

Sanctity there is not a tiny flaw that can stand before my presence. And if I allowed

them to be before Me, this would be the greatest torment for them, such as surpass the

very pains of hell. The greatest torture I could give to a soul would be to keep her,

stained, before Me. So, in order not to torture her more, first I let her be purged, and then

I admit her to my presence.

But between Me and the little daughter of my Will, it is not sins that prevent Me from

making Myself seen - it is my Justice that places Itself between Me and her. Therefore,

your pain of not seeing Me surpasses any other pain. Poor daughter, courage, you have

had my same lot. How terrible are the pains of Justice! And I can share them with one

who lives in my Will, because it takes a divine strength to bear them. But do not fear - I

will return soon, according to the usual way. Let the rays of Justice touch the creatures;

my Justice too must follow Its course, nor will you be able to sustain It all. Then I will be

with you as before. But in spite of this, I am not leaving you; I too know that you cannot

be without Me, therefore I will remain in the depth of your heart, and we will plead


Afterwards, I followed the Hours of the Passion, and I followed my sweet Jesus in the act

in which He was clothed and treated as a madman. My mind was wandering in this

mystery, and Jesus told me: “My daughter, the most humiliating step of my Passion was

precisely this: being clothed and treated as a madman. I became the amusement of the

Jews - their rag. Greater humiliation my infinite wisdom could not bear. Yet, it was

necessary that I, Son of God, suffer this pain. By sinning, man becomes mad - greater

madness there cannot be. And from the king he is, he becomes the slave and the

amusement of most vile passions which tyrannize him and, more than madman, chain

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him as they please, casting him into mud, and covering him with the most filthy things.

Oh, what great madness sin is! In this state, man could never be admitted before the

Supreme Majesty. Therefore I Myself wanted to bear this pain, so humiliating, in order to

plead for man that he might leave this state of madness, offering Myself to my Celestial

Father to bear the pains which the madness of man deserved. Each pain I suffered in my

Passion was nothing other than the echo of the pains which

creatures deserved. That echo boomed over Me, and subjected Me to pains, to scorns, to

derisions, to mockeries, and to all torments.”

Vol 14 - April 21, 1922

Effects of prayer in the Most Holy Will of God.

Everything that I have written and that I write is only to obey; and much more, for

fear that my Jesus, being displeased, may find a pretext to deprive me of Him. He alone

knows how much it costs me.

So, I spent one day without Jesus - just a few shadows of Him. Oh God, what pain! I was

saying to myself: ‘How soon He broke His promise of not leaving me! Oh Holy Eternal

Volition, bring me my Highest Good, my All!’ The pain I felt was such that I felt huffy

and fussy; but in this state, I tried to fuse myself in His Holy Volition. In the meantime

He came, showing Himself as crying bitterly and with His Heart cut into many pieces. In

seeing Him crying, I put my huffiness aside, and hugging Him

and drying His tears, I said to Him: ‘What is it, Jesus, why do you cry? Tell me, what

have they done to You?’ And He: “Ah, my daughter, they want to challenge Me. They

are preparing for Me an awful challenge - and it is from the leaders. My sorrow is such

that I feel my Heart being cut into pieces. Ah, how just it is that my Justice pour Itself out

against creatures! Therefore, come into my Will together with Me; let us rise between

Heaven and earth and adore together the Supreme Majesty. Let us bless It and give It

homage for all, so that Heaven and earth may be filled with adorations, homages and

blessings, and all may receive their effects.”

So I spent the morning praying together with Jesus in His Will; but - oh, surprise! - as we

prayed, one was the word, but the Divine Volition diffused it over all created things, and

its mark remained on all of them. It brought it into Heaven, and not only did all the

Blessed receive its mark, but it was cause of new beatitude for them. It descended down

below to the earth, and even into Purgatory, and all received its effects. But who can say

how it was to pray with Jesus, and all the effects that it produced?

Then, after we prayed together, He told me: “My daughter, have you seen what it means

to pray in my Will? Just as there is no point at which my Volition does not exist – It

circulates in everything and in everyone; It is life, actor and spectator of everything

- in the same way, the acts done in my Volition become life, actors and spectators of

everything, even of the very joy, beatitude and happiness of the Saints. Everywhere

they bring light, the balsamic and celestial air which unleashes joys and happiness.

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Therefore, never depart from my Will; Heaven and earth await you to receive new

joy and new splendor.”

Volume 14 - April 25, 1922

Thousands of Angels are the guardians and custodians of the acts done in the Divine


Continuing in my usual state, I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and my sweet

Jesus told me: “My daughter, just as the sun does not leave the plant, but caresses it with

its light, fecundates it with its heat until it produces fruits and flowers - and then, jealous,

it makes them mature, it keeps them with its light, and when the farmer picks it to make

of it his food, only then does it leave the fruit - the same for the acts done in my Will: my

love, my jealousy toward them is such that grace caresses them, my love conceives them,

fecundates them and matures them. I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one

single act done in my Will. In fact, since these acts done in my Will are seeds in order

that my Will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven, everyone is jealous of these acts.

Their dew is my breath; their shadow is my light. The Angels remain enraptured by them

and, reverent, they adore them, because in these acts they see the Eternal Will, which

deserves all their adoration.

Only when I find souls who, picking them as divine fruits make of them food for their

own souls, then are these acts left. Oh, fecundity and multiplicity of these acts! The

creature herself who does them cannot count them.”

Then I was thinking to myself: ‘How is it possible that these acts be so great, and why do

even Angels remain enraptured?’ And Jesus, clasping me more tightly in His arms,

added: “My daughter, these acts are so great that, as the soul keeps doing them, there is

nothing, either in Heaven or on earth, in which she does not take part. She remains in

communication with all created things. All the good, the effects, the value of the heavens,

of the sun, of the stars, of water, of fire, etc., are not only in continuous relations with her,

but they are her own things. She harmonizes with the whole Creation, and the whole of

Creation harmonizes in her.

Why, then? Because those who live in my Will are the depositories, the preservers, the

supporters, the defenders of my Will. They foresee what I want, and without my

commanding, they execute what I want; and comprehending the greatness, the Sanctity of

my Will, they keep It and defend It jealously. How could everyone not remain enraptured

in seeing these souls who form the support of their God, by virtue of the prodigy of my

Will? Who can ever defend my rights if not one who lives in my Will? Who can ever

really love Me, with a love of disinterest similar to my love, if not one who lives in my

Will? I feel stronger in these souls, but strong of my own strength. I am like a

king surrounded by faithful ministers, who feels stronger, more glorious, more sustained,

in the midst of his faithful ones than by himself alone. If he remains alone, he regrets not

having his ministers, because he has no one with whom to pour himself out, and to whom

to entrust the lot of his kingdom. So I am - and who could ever be more faithful to Me

than one who lives in my Will? I feel my Will being duplicated, therefore I feel more

glorious, I pour Myself out with them, and I trust them.”

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Volume 14 - April 29, 1922

One who lives in the Divine Will lives from an eternal heartbeat.

Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my soul and all of my interior - thoughts,

affections, heartbeats, tendencies - changed into as many threads of light, and these

extended and expanded so much, that coming out from within my interior, they

harmonized with the sun, rose higher, touched the heavens, and diffused over the whole

earth. While I was watching this, I saw my sweet Jesus, who was holding all those

threads of light in His hand, and with enchanting mastery, directed them, stretched them,

multiplied and enlarged them as much as He wanted. At the touch of that light, all

created things lowered down, harmonized together, and made feast. Then, my sweet Jesus

told me: “My daughter, have you seen with what love I amuse Myself and direct the acts

done in my Will?

My jealousy is such that I do not entrust them to anyone, not even to the soul herself. I

leave not a thought, not a fiber, without enclosing all the power of my Will in it. Each

one of these acts contains a Divine Life, therefore at the touch of these acts all created

things feel the Life of their Creator; they feel once again the strength of that omnipotent

Fiat from which they came into existence, and they make feast. Therefore, these acts are

new glory and new feast for them.

Now, as for this beautiful harmony, these threads of light that come out from your

interior - if your heart did not flow in my Will but in your own, or in another will, many

heartbeats of Divine Life would be missing in your heart, while many human heartbeats

would take over, for as many as those which are missing to the Divine; and so with the

fibers, with the affections…. And since what is human is not capable of forming light, but

darkness, many threads of darkness would be formed, and my Volition would remain

saddened, unable to carry out all the power of my Will within you.”

While He was saying this, I wanted to see whether there were these human heartbeats in

my soul, which would interrupt the life of the divine heartbeat; and as much as I looked, I

could not find any.

And Jesus: “For now there is nothing. I have told you this to make you be attentive, and

to let you know what it means to live in my Will: to live from an eternal and divine

heartbeat, to live with my omnipotent breath.”

Vol. 14 - May 27, 1922

The prevenient act and the actual act.

I was thinking to myself: “If one act done in His Will is so great, how many of them, alas,

do I let escape!’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter,

there is the prevenient act and the actual act. The prevenient act is when the soul, at

the first rising of the day, fixes her will in Mine, and decides and confirms that she wants

to live and operate only in my Volition. She anticipates all of her acts and makes them all

flow in my Will. With the prevenient will, my Sun rises, my Life remains duplicated in

all of her acts, as though in one single act; and this makes up for the actual act. However,

the prevenient act can be shaded - obscured by the human ways, by one’s own

will, by self-esteem, by negligence and other things, which are like clouds before the sun,

that render its light less vivid on the face of the earth. On the other hand, the actual act is

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not subject to clouds; on the contrary, it has the virtue of dispelling the clouds, if there are

any, and it makes many more suns rise, in which my Life is duplicated, with such

vividness of light and heat as to form as many new suns, one more beautiful than the

other. However, both of them are necessary: the prevenient act gives the hand, disposes

and forms the plane for the actual act; the actual act preserves and expands the plane

of the prevenient.”

Vol. 14 - June 6, 1922

By living in the Divine Will, cross and sanctity become similar to those of Jesus.

I was thinking to myself: ‘How is it that my good Jesus has changed with me? Before, He

would be all delighted in letting me suffer; everything was participation in nails and

cross. Now, everything has vanished. He no longer delights in letting me suffer; and if

sometimes I suffer, He looks at me with such indifference; He no longer shows that taste

of the past.’

Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, sighing, told

me: “My daughter, when there are superior tastes, minor tastes lose their delight, their

attractiveness, and therefore one looks at them with indifference. The cross binds grace;

but who nourishes it? Who makes it grow to the proper stature? My Will. My Will alone

completes everything and allows my highest designs to be accomplished in the soul. If it

wasn’t for my Will, even the cross, as much power and greatness as it contains, can cause

souls to remain half of the way. Oh, how many suffer, but since the continuous

nourishment of my Will is missing, they do not reach the destination – the undoing of the

human will. And the Divine Will cannot give the last blow, the final brush stroke of

Divine Sanctity.

See, you say that nails and cross have vanished. False, my daughter - false. Before, your

cross was small and incomplete; now my Will, raising you into my Will, makes your

cross become large, and each act you do in my Volition is a nail that your will receives.

And as you live in my Will, yours extends so much as to diffuse you in each creature, and

for each one of them it gives Me that life which I gave them, so as to render Me the

honor, the glory and the purpose for which I created her. See, your cross extends not only

for you, but for each creature; therefore I see your cross everywhere. Before, I saw it

only in you, now I see it everywhere. Your fusing yourself in my Will, with no personal

interest, but only to give Me that which all should give Me, and to give all the good

that my Will contains to everyone, is only of the Divine Life, not of the human. So, my

Will alone is that which forms this Divine Sanctity in the soul. On the other hand, your

previous crosses were human sanctity, and that which is human, as holy as it may be,

cannot do great things, but small ones; and even less can it elevate the soul to the sanctity

and to the fusion with the working of her Creator; she remains always within the

limitedness of creature. But my Will, destroying all human barriers, flings the creature

into the divine immensity, and everything becomes immense in her: cross, nails,

sanctity, love, reparation - everything. My goal in you was not human sanctity, although

it was necessary to first do the small things in you, and this is why I delighted so much.

Now, as I made you go beyond, and having to make you live in my Volition, in seeing

your littleness, your atom, embrace immensity in order to give Me love and glory for all

and for each one, to render Me all the rights of the whole Creation, I am so delighted that

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all other things give Me no taste any more. Therefore, your cross, your nails, will be my

Will which, keeping yours crucified, will complete the true crucifixion in you - not at

intervals, but perpetually, fully similar to Mine, as I was conceived

crucified and died crucified. My Cross was nourished by the Eternal Will alone, and

therefore I was crucified for all and for each one. My Cross marked everyone with Its


Vol. 14 - July 6, 1922

Blessing which Jesus gave to His Mama before the Passion. One who lives in the

Divine Will is the depository of the Sacramental Life of Jesus.

I was thinking of Jesus, and accompanying Him in the Hour of the Passion when He went

to His Divine Mama to ask for Her holy blessing; and my most sweet Jesus in my interior

told me: “My daughter, before my Passion, I wanted to bless my Mama and be blessed by

Her. However, I did not bless only my Mama, but all creatures, and not only those which

are animate, but also the inanimate. I saw the creatures weak, covered with wounds, poor;

my Heart had a throb of sorrow and of tender compassion, and I said: “Poor humanity,

how decayed you are! I want to bless you, so that you may

rise again from your decay. May my blessing impress in you the triple seal of the power,

the wisdom and the love of the Three Divine Persons, and may it restore your strength,

heal you and enrich you.

And in order to surround you with defense, I bless all things created by Me, that you may

receive them all blessed by Me. I bless for you the light, the air, the water, the fire, the

food, so that you may remain as though immersed and covered by my blessings. But

since you did not deserve this blessing, I wanted to bless my Mama, using Her as channel

through which my blessing might reach you. And just as my Mama requited Me with Her

blessings, I want creatures to requite Me with their blessings; but – alas, instead of

repaying Me with blessings, they repay Me with offenses and maledictions.

Therefore, my daughter, enter into my Will, and rising upon the wings of all created

things, seal all of them with the blessings that all should give Me, and bring the blessings

of all to my sorrowful and tender Heart.”

Then, after I did this, as though to repay me, He said to me: “My beloved daughter, I

bless you in a special way: I bless your heart, your mind, your motion, your word, your

breath - I bless all of you, and everything in you.”

After this, I continued with the other Hours of the Passion, and while I was following the

Eucharistic Supper, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and with the tip of His finger,

He knocked strongly within my interior, so much so, that I heard Him with my ears, and I

said to myself: ‘What may Jesus want, that He is knocking?’ And He, calling me, told

me: “It was not enough to knock for you to hear Me, but also to call you so as to be

listened to. Listen, my daughter: while I instituted the Eucharistic Supper, I called

everyone around Me, I looked at all generations, from the first to the last

man, in order to give my Sacramental Life to all - and not once, but as many times as

they need corporal food.

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I wanted to constitute Myself as food for the soul, and I felt very sad at seeing that my

Sacramental Life would be surrounded by scorns, by indifferences, and even by ruthless

death. I felt ill; I experienced all the grips of death of my Sacramental Life, so harrowing

and repeated. Then I looked more closely; I made use of the power of my Will, and I

called around Me the souls who would live in my Will. Oh, how happy I felt! I felt

surrounded by these souls, whom the power of my Will kept as though immersed, and for

whom my Will was the center of their lives. I saw my immensity in them, and I found

Myself well defended from all; and to them I entrusted my Sacramental Life. I deposited

It in them, so that they would not only take care of It, but repay Me for each consecrated

Host with one life of theirs. And this happens naturally, because my Sacramental Life is

animated by my Eternal Will, and the life of these souls has the life of my Will as its

center. Therefore, when my Sacramental Life is formed, my Volition, acting in Me, acts

also in them, and I feel their life in my Sacramental Life. They multiply with Me in each

Host, and I feel I am given life for life.

Oh, how I rejoiced in seeing you as the first one - you, whom I called in a special way to

form your life in my Will! I made in you the first deposit of all my Sacramental Lives,

and I entrusted you to the power and the immensity of the Supreme Volition, that they

might render you capable of receiving this deposit. From that time you were present to

Me, and I constituted you as depository of my Sacramental Life, and in you, all the other

souls who would live in my Will. I gave you primacy over everything - and with reason,

because my Will is subject to no one - even over the Apostles and the priests. In fact, if

they consecrate Me, they do not, however, remain as life together with Me - on the

contrary, they leave Me alone and forgotten, not caring about Me, while these souls

would be life within my own Life - inseparable from Me. This is why I love you so much

– it is my very Will that I love in you.”

Vol. 14 July 20, 1922

The living in my Will must graft in the soul all that the Divine Will did and made Jesus

suffer in His Humanity.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came and plunged me so deep into

His Will, that even if I wanted to go out, it would have been impossible for me. It

happened to me as to a person who has voluntarily allowed himself to be flung from his

little place into an interminable place; and in seeing the length of the way, of which he

knows not even the bounds, he gives up the thought of tracing his little place, but he is

happy with his lot. So, while I was swimming in the immense sea of the Divine Will, my

sweet Jesus told me: “Dearest daughter of my Will, I want to make of you a repeater of

my Life. The living in my Will must graft in the soul all that my Will did and made Me

suffer in my Humanity. My Will tolerates no dissimilarities. See, my Eternal Will

imposed on my Humanity to accept as many deaths for as many creatures as would have

life in the light of the day; and my Humanity accepted these deaths with love, so much

so, that the Eternal Volition made as many marks in my Humanity for as many deaths as I

was to suffer. Now, would you want Me to mark yours with as many marks as Mine

received, so that you may suffer as many deaths as I suffered?”

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I said: ‘Fiat.’ And Jesus, with both mastery and speed, marked mine with many marks of

death – as many as He had, telling me: “Be attentive and strong in suffering these deaths;

more so, since from

these deaths life will come out for as many other creatures.” Now, while He was saying

this, He touched me with His own creative hands; and as He touched me, He created

suffering - such as to make me feel mortal pains. He tore my heart, and wounded it in a

thousand ways - now with arrows of fire, now with arrows so ice-cold as to make me

numb; now He squeezed it so tightly that I remained immobile. But who can say

everything? He alone can say what He was doing.

I felt crushed, annihilated, and I almost feared I wouldn’t have enough strength; and He,

as though wanting to rest from the pains He had given me, continued: “What do you fear?

Perhaps that my Will may not have enough strength to sustain you in the pains I want to

give you? Or that you might go out of the bounds of my Will? This will never be. Don’t

you see how many immense seas my Will has extended around you, in such a way that

you yourself cannot find the way out? All the truths, the effects, the values, the

knowledges I have manifested to you have been as many seas by which you have been

surrounded; and yet more seas will I continue to extend. Courage, my daughter; all this is

necessary to the Sanctity of living in my Will - to generate likeness between Me and the

soul. So I did with my Mama: I did not tolerate even one little pain, or act or good which

I did, in which She would not participate. One was the Will that animated Us, and

therefore, when I suffered deaths and pains, or when I operated, She would die, suffer,

operate together with Me. In her soul She was to be my faithful copy, in such a way that,

in reflecting Myself in Her, I was to find another Me.

Now, that which I did with my Mama, I want to do with you – after Her, I place you. I

want the Most Holy Trinity to be reflected on earth: Myself, my Mama, and you. And

this is necessary, so that through a creature my Will may have Its operating life upon

earth. And how can It have this operating life if I do not give what my Will contains, and

what It made my Humanity suffer? My Will had true operating life in Me and in my

inseparable Mama; now I want It to have it in you. One creature is absolutely necessary

to Me – so my Will has established; the others will be conditioned.”

I felt all confused. I understood what Jesus was saying, and I felt my poor being more

annihilated and destroyed. I felt so unworthy that I thought to myself: ‘What a mistake

Jesus is making. There are so many good souls that He could have chosen.’ But while I

was thinking of this within myself, He added: “Poor daughter, your littleness dissolves

when it is near Me; but so I have decided. I had to take her from the human race; had I

not taken you, I would have taken another creature; but since you are the littlest one, I

reared you on my knees, I nourished you at my breast like a little baby. So, I feel my

own Life in you, and therefore I fixed my gaze on you; I looked at you over and over

again and, pleased, I called the Father and the Holy Spirit to look at you as well, and with

unanimous consensus, We chose you. Therefore, all that is left to you is to be faithful to

Me, and to embrace with love the life, the pains, the effects, and everything that Our Will


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Vol. 14 July 28, 1922

Likeness of the soul to Jesus, not only in the deaths of pain, but also in those of love.

I felt all immersed in His Most Holy Will, and my sweet Jesus, on coming, told me: “My

daughter, identify your intelligence with mine, so that yours may circulate in all the

intelligences of creatures, and receive the bond of each of their thoughts, in order to

substitute them with as many other thoughts done in my Will, and so that I may receive

the glory as if all thoughts were done in a divine manner. Expand your will in Mine -

nothing must escape you which is not caught in the net of my Will and of yours. My Will

in Me and my Will in you must fuse together and have the same endless boundaries; but I

need that your will be disposed to extend within Mine, and that nothing escape it of the

things created by Me, so that in all things I may hear the echo of the Divine Will in the

human will, and generate my likeness in it. See, my daughter, I suffered double deaths for

each creature - one of love and another of pain. In creating him, I created him as a

complex, all of love, so that nothing but love was to come out of him, so much so, that

my love and his were to be in continuous currents. However, not only did man not love

Me, but ungrateful, he offended Me, and so I was to repay my Divine Father for this lack

of love, accepting a death of love for each one, and another one

of pain for the offenses.”

But while he was saying this, I saw my sweet Jesus all in one flame which consumed

Him and gave Him death for each one; even more, I could see that each thought, word,

motion, work, step, etc., were as many flames which consumed Jesus and vivified Him.

Then Jesus added: “Would you not want my likeness? Would you not accept the deaths

of love, as you accepted the deaths of pain?”

And I: ‘Ah, my Jesus, I don’t know what happened to me. I still feel great repugnance for

having accepted those of pain; how could I accept those of love, which seem harder to

me? I tremble at the mere thought of it; my poor nature is annihilated more – it is undone.

Help me, give Me strength, for I feel I cannot go on any more.’

And Jesus, all goodness, but determined, added: “Poor daughter of mine, courage, do not

fear, and do not want to trouble yourself because of the repugnance you feel. Rather, in

order to reassure you, I tell you that this too is likeness to Me. You must know that also

my Humanity, as holy as It was, and immensely eager to suffer, felt this repugnance. But

it was not mine; it was all the repugnances that creatures would feel in doing good and in

accepting the pains which they deserved. And I had to suffer these pains which tortured

Me not a little, in order to give them the inclination to good, and to render their pains

sweeter; to the point that in the Garden I cried out to the Father: ‘If it be possible, let this

chalice pass from Me!’ Do you think it was I? Ah, no! - you deceive yourself. I

loved suffering to folly; I loved death to give life to my children. It was the cry of the

whole human family that echoed in my Humanity, and I, crying out together with them to

give them strength, repeated as many as three times: ‘If it be possible, let this chalice pass

from Me!’ I was speaking in the name of all, as if it were my own thing; but I felt


So, the repugnance that you feel is not yours - it is the echo of mine. If it were yours, I

would have withdrawn. Therefore, my daughter, since I want to generate from Myself

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another image of Myself, I want you to accept; and I Myself want to mark these, my

deaths of love in your will, expanded and consumed within Mine.” And as He was saying

this, He marked me with His holy hand, and disappeared. May everything be for the glory

of God.

Vol. 14 August 2, 1922

Likeness to Jesus in His greatest pain: the abandonment of the Divinity in His


Finding myself in my usual state, I saw myself as all confused and as though separated

from my sweet Jesus, to the point that, as He came, I said to Him: ‘My Love, how things

have changed for me.

Before, I used to feel so identified with You that I felt no division between You and me,

and in the very pains I suffered You were with me. Now, the complete opposite: if I

suffer, I feel separated from You, and if I see You before me or inside of me, it is in the

appearance of a judge who condemns me to the penalty - to death; and You no longer

take part in the pains that You Yourself give me. Yet, You tell me: “Rise more and more”

- while I am descending.’ And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, told me: “My daughter,

how you are deceiving yourself. This is happening because you accepted, and I marked in

you the deaths and the pains which I suffered for each creature. My Humanity too found

Itself in these painful conditions. It was inseparable from my Divinity; yet, since my

Divinity was untouchable by the pains, nor capable of suffering any shadow of pain, my

Humanity found Itself alone in suffering, while my Divinity was only the spectator of the

pains and deaths which I suffered. Even more, It was my inexorable judge, who wanted

to be paid the penalty of each pain of each creature. Oh! how my Humanity trembled. I

remained crushed before that Supreme Light and Majesty, in seeing Myself covered with

the sins of all, and with the pains and deaths that each one deserved! It was the greatest

pain of my Life – that while I was One with the Divinity and inseparable from It, in the

pains I remained alone, and as though apart.

So, since I have called you to my likeness, what is the wonder if, while you feel Me

within you, you see Me as the spectator of your pains which I Myself inflict upon you,

and you feel as though separated from Me? Yet, your pain is nothing but the shadow of

mine; and just as my Humanity was never separated from the Divinity, so I assure you

that you are never separated from Me. These are the effects that you feel; but then, more

than ever do I form one single thing with you. Therefore, courage, faithfulness, and do

not fear.”

Vol. 14 - August 6, 1922

The Will of God is balance and order.

I felt all immersed in the Holy Will of God, and my sweet Jesus, on coming, told me:

“My daughter, all things have equal weight for Me – the weight of Heaven is equal for

Me to that of the earth. My Will contains perfect balance. Balance brings order, regimen,

utility, harmony. All things harmonize together as if they were one single thing. Order

brings equality; equality brings likeness. This is why there is so much harmony, order and

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likeness in the Three Divine Persons, and all created things are in perfect harmony - one

is the support, the strength and the life of the other. If just one created thing

disharmonized, all the others would tumble and end up in ruin.

Only man moved away from Us, from the balance of Our Will. Oh, how man tumbled,

and from the highest place he fell into the deepest abyss! And in spite of my Redemption,

not all of the human family has returned to its original state. This means that the gravest

thing is to withdraw from the balance of Our Will; it means hurling oneself into chaos,

into disorder, into the abyss of all evils.

Now, my daughter, this is why I have called you in a special way into this balance of my

Will – so that, as you live in It, you may come to balance all the work of deranged

humanity. By living in my Will, you will balance yourself, you will be in order and in

perfect harmony with Us and with all things created by Us. So, since you harmonize

everything, We will feel you flowing in the sphere of Our Will, giving Us the order and

the harmony of all the intelligences, words, works and steps of all. We will constitute

your acts in Our Will as the rulers of all the others, and We will make up for the chaos

of unfortunate humanity. Each act of yours will be the mark of the order which We will

receive in the name of all the others. You have much to do in Our Will; you will be like a

Queen, and will bring Us all conquests and all harmonies. Our Will will administer to

you all that is necessary so that you may make up for all, and fill the void of balance of

the human will, which received so much harm in withdrawing from the balance of Our


August 12, 1922

Value and effects of sacrifice.

I felt oppressed and in pain, in such a way that only my sweet Jesus can know. He

scrutinizes each fiber of my poor heart and sees all the intensity of my torment. Having

compassion for me, on coming, He sustained me in His arms, telling me: “My daughter,

courage, I am here for You, what do you fear? Have I perhaps failed you? And if you do

not feel like moving the slightest from my Will at any cost, much less do I feel like not

being with you, as life of each act and pain of yours.

Now, you must know that my Will is most pure gold. And so that the thread of your will

may become most pure gold - in such a way that, as the thread of your will is braided

with Mine, that which is yours and that which is Mine may not be distinguished - it takes

only sacrifice and pains.

Consuming the thread of your human will, they substitute it with the golden divine thread

which, identifying itself with mine, forms one single thread, and braiding the whole of

the great wheel of Eternity, extends everywhere and finds itself in every place.

But if my Will is gold and yours is iron, you will remain behind, and Mine will not lower

Itself to be braided with yours. If you take two objects of gold, though each one may have

its own different shape, by melting them, you will be able to form one single object, and

would no longer be able to distinguish the gold of one from that of the other. But if one

object is of gold and the other of iron, one will not stick to the other, and it will be

impossible to form one single object. So, only sacrifice changes the nature of the human

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will. Sacrifice is burning fire that melts and consumes. Sacrifice is sacred, and has the

virtue of consecrating the Divine Will in the human. Sacrifice is grace, and with its

skillful brush it imprints the divine shape and features. Here is the reason for the

increasing of your sufferings: these are the final brush strokes which are needed in order

to produce the final extension and braiding of your will in Mine.”

And I: ‘Ah, my Jesus, all of my sufferings, as painful as they are, such that they seem to

annihilate me, do not oppress me; and if it pleases You, multiply them for me. But You

know which is the pain that tortures me; for that one alone I implore your compassion,

for it seems that I cannot go on any more. O please! - for pity’s sake, help me and free

me, if You please.” And Jesus: “My daughter, in this pain also I will be with you; I will

be your help, I will give you my strength in order to bear it. I could make you content, but

it would not be decorous for Me to do that. A work so high, a mission so sublime and

unique - calling you to live in my Will - would sound odd to Me if I did not make It pass

through the organ of my Church. Besides, it was through my Will and through the

intervention of obedience to a minister of mine, that you were placed in this state.

If he does not feel like continuing, he can give you the obedience, so that, as you would

do it to obey, there would still be perfect agreement between you and Me. In fact, if you

did it by yourself, of your own will, not only would we not remain in agreement, but you

would remain disfigured. However, they must know that the world is currently on a stake;

and if they want Me to raise its flames and burn everything to ashes, then let them do

what they want.” I remained terrified and more afflicted than before, but ready to do His

Most Holy Will, not mine.

Vol. 14 - August 19, 1922

The pains which the Divinity inflicted on Jesus in His interior. The pains of the

Passion were shadows and similes of the interior pains.

As I was in my usual state, sweet Jesus made me suffer part of His pains and of His

deaths, which He suffered for each creature. From my little pains I could comprehend

how atrocious and mortal the pains of Jesus had been. Then He told me: “My daughter,

my pains are incomprehensible to human nature, and the very pains of my Passion were

shadows or similes of my interior pains. My interior pains were inflicted on Me by an

Omnipotent God, and not one fiber could dodge His blow; those of my Passion were

inflicted on Me by men who, having neither Omnipotence nor All-seeingness,

were not able to do what they wanted, nor to penetrate into every single fiber of mine.

My interior pains were incarnate, and my very Humanity was transformed into nails, into

thorns, into scourges, into wounds, into martyrdom, so cruel as to give Me continuous

deaths; and these were inseparable from Me - they formed my very Life. On the other

hand, those of my Passion were extraneous to Me; they were thorns and nails which

could be driven inside, and eventually, they could also be removed; and the mere thought

that a pain can be removed is a relief. But my interior pains, which were formed of my

own flesh - there was no hope that they might be removed, or that the sharpness of a

thorn or the piercing of the nails might be lessened.

My interior pains were so great and so many that I could call the pains of my Passion

reliefs and kisses given to my interior pains; and uniting together, they gave the last proof

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of my great and excessive love for the salvation of souls. My external pains were voices

which called everyone to enter into the ocean of my interior pains, to make them

comprehend how much their salvation cost Me. And then, from your own interior pains,

communicated by Me, you can somehow comprehend the continuous intensity of mine.

Therefore, pluck up courage - it is love that pushes Me to this.”

August 23, 1922

The soul who lives in the Divine Will contains the fount of all martyrdoms, sorrows

and pains, but also that of all joys, contentments and graces.

I was feeling oppressed and in suffering, as if my interior were in continuous act of

undergoing new destructions and the annihilation of my poor being. So I prayed Jesus to

give Me strength, and He, on coming, took me in His arms to infuse new life in me; but

this new life was given to me as the occasion to receive a new death, to then be infused

with another new life. Then He told me: “My daughter, my Will embraces everything; It

holds tightly within Itself all the pains, all the martyrdoms, all the sorrows which exist in

the round of all centuries. This is why my Humanity embraced everything - each pain,

each martyrdom of creature: because my Life was nothing other than the Life

of the Divine Will. And this was convenient not only to accomplish the work of

Redemption, but also so that I might be constituted King, help and strength of all

martyrdoms, sorrows and pains. If I did not have the fount of all martyrdoms, sorrows

and pains within Me, how could I be called King of all and possess in Me the fount of all

helps, supports, strength and grace which are needed for each pain of creature? It is

necessary to possess in order to give.

This is why I told you many times that the mission of calling a soul to live in my Will

is the greatest one, the highest and the most sublime; there is no other that can

match it. The immensity of my Volition will make all the martyrdoms, pains and sorrows

reach her; my own Will will give her divine strength to sustain them, and will form in her

the fount of martyrdoms and sorrows. And my very Will will constitute her queen of all

martyrdoms, sorrows and pains. Do you see what it means to live in my Will? To suffer

not only one martyrdom, but all martyrdoms; not one pain and sorrow, but all pains and

all sorrows. This is why it is necessary that my Will be Life; otherwise, who would give

her strength in so much suffering? And if this were not the case, how could one say that

the soul who lives in my Will is the strength of the martyr? If she did not possess the

substance of that pain within herself, how could she be strength for someone else? It

would then be only a manner of speaking, an imaginary thing - not a reality.

I see that you are frightened in hearing this. No, do not fear. So many martyrdoms,

sorrows and pains will be repaid with innumerable joys, contentments and graces, of

which my own Volition will be the inexhaustible fount. This is right: if in the soul who

lives in It, my Will will form the fount of sorrows as help for the whole human family, it

is also right that It form the fount of joys and of graces. With this difference: that the

fount of sorrows will have an end, because the things of down here, as great as they may

be, are always limited; but the fount of joys is from up there – it is divine,

and so it is without end. Therefore, courage, in following the way in my Will.”

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Vol 14 - August 15, 1922

The acts of Jesus and those of the Most Holy Virgin in

the Divine Will.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was abandoning myself in the arms of the Most Holy

Will of God, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, in my Will you will find not

only all of the acts that my Humanity did, in which I braided all creatures together, but

you will also find all the acts that my dear Mama did which, braiding themselves with

mine, formed one single act.

As soon as I was conceived in Her womb, She began the braiding with my acts; and since

my Humanity had no other Life, no other food, and no other purpose but the Will of my

Father alone which, flowing in everything, made Me the act of each creature so as to give

back to the Father the rights of Creator on the part of creatures, and to give Myself as

Life to all creatures - in the same way, as She began Her braiding with Me, She too gave

back to the Father His rights of Creator in the name of all, and gave Herself to all

creatures. Therefore, all creatures received, together with my acts, the acts of my Mama

as Life.

Now in Heaven, She embraces all the glory of each creature; my Will gives Her such

glory on the part of each creature that there is no glory which She does not contain, and

no glory which does not descend from Her. And since She braided Her works, Her love,

Her pains, etc. with Me, now in Heaven She is circumfused with as much glory as were

the braidings She did in my Will: this is why She surpasses everything, embraces

everything and flows in everything. This is what it means to live in my Will. My beloved

Mama could never have received so much glory, if all of her acts had not run

in my Will; acts which constitute Her Queen and crown of all. Now I want you in my

Will, so that the braiding may not be between two, but among three; my Will

wants to expand in order to find all creatures together in one creature. Do you see the

great good that will come to you, how much glory you will give Me, and how much good

you will do to all?”

Vol. 14 - September 1, 1922

The pain of Jesus of feeling suffocated on the Cross.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all panting and

oppressed; but what oppressed Him the most were the flames of His love which, while

coming out of Him to be released, were forced by human ingratitude to be imprisoned

again. Oh! how His Most Holy Heart was suffocated by Its own flames, and asked for

refreshment. Then He told me: “My daughter, relieve Me, I cannot take any more; my

flames devour Me. Let Me enlarge your heart so as to place in it my rejected love, and the

sorrow of my own love. Ah! the pains of my love surpass all of my pains together.”

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Now, as He was saying this, He put His mouth at the place of my heart and breathed hard

into it, in such a way that I felt it swell. Then He touched it with His hands, as if He

wanted to make it larger, and He breathed into it again. I felt as if I were about to die, but

not paying attention to me, He would continue to breathe into it. After He breathed into it

thoroughly, He closed it with His hands, as if He were placing a seal, in such a way there

was no hope that I could receive relief; and He said to me: “Daughter of my Heart, I

wanted to close, with my seal, my love and my pain which I have placed in you, so as to

let you feel how terrible is the pain of constrained love, of rejected love

My daughter, patience. You will suffer very much - this is the hardest pain; but it is your

Jesus, your Life, who wants this relief from you.” Only Jesus knows what I felt and

suffered; therefore I believe it is better to do without putting it on paper.

After I spent a day feeling I was dying continuously, at night, as my sweet Jesus came

back, He wanted, again, to inflate more the place of my heart, and I said to Him: ‘Jesus, I

can take no more; I cannot contain what I have, and You want to add more?’ And He,

taking me in His arms to give me strength, told me: “My daughter, courage, let Me do it.

It is necessary, otherwise I would not give you so much pain. Evils have reached such a

point that there is all the necessity that you suffer my pains - vividly, as if I were living

on earth again. The earth is about to unleash flames to chastise the creatures.

My love which runs toward them to cover them with graces, being rejected, turns into

fire to strike them. Therefore humanity finds itself in between two fires - fire from

Heaven and fire from the earth. There are so many evils that these fires are about to join,

while the pains I make you suffer flow in between these two fires and prevent them from

uniting. If I did not do so, everything would be over for poor humanity. Therefore, let Me

do it; I will give you strength and I will be with you.”

Now, while He was saying this, He breathed into me again, and I, unable to take any

more, prayed Him to touch Me with His hands in order to sustain me and give me

strength. And Jesus touched me, yes, taking my heart in His hands and squeezing it so

tightly that He alone knows what He made me feel. But, not content with this, He clasped

my throat strongly with His hands, to the point that I felt the bones and the nerves of my

throat snap, so much so, as to feel suffocated. Then, after He left me in that position for

some time, all tenderness, He told me: “Courage, such is the state in which the present

generation finds itself – and in all classes. The passions that dominate it are such and so

many that the creatures are drowned by their own passions and by the ugliest vices. The

rot, the mud, is so much that it is about to submerge them. This is why I wanted to make

you suffer the pain of choking your throat: this is the pain of the extreme excesses; and

no longer able to bear the sight of humanity suffocated by its own evils, I wanted a

reparation from you. However, know that I too suffered this pain. When they crucified

Me, they stretched Me on the Cross so much as to tear all my nerves, to the point that I

felt them snap and twist. And those of my throat suffered a greater pain and tearing,

which was such that I felt suffocated. It was the cry of humanity submerged by passions

which, clasping my throat, drowned Me with pains. This pain of mine was terrible and

horrible – how I felt the nerves and the bones of my throat being stretched, to the point of

feeling all the nerves of my head, of my mouth, and even of my eyes, being snapped. The

tension was such that every small movement made Me feel mortal pains - now I would

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become motionless, now I would writhe so much as to batter against the Cross in a

horrible way, to the extent that even the enemies were terrorized. Therefore, I repeat to

you – courage, my Will will give you strength for everything.”

Vol 14 - October 3, 1922

Necessity that the Virgin be aware of the interior pains of Jesus.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt oppressed because blessed Jesus often allows that I

suffer while the confessor is present; and I lamented to Him, telling Him: ‘My Love, I

pray You, I implore You, do not again allow that I suffer in the presence of anyone. Let

everything pass between You and me, and that You alone be aware of my pains. O

please! make me content, give Me your word that You will not do it any more. Even

more, make me suffer twice as much; I am happy, as long as everything is hidden

between You and me.’

And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, told me: “My daughter, do not lose heart; when my

Will wants it, you too must surrender. Besides, this is nothing other than a step of my

Life. My very hidden Life, my interior pains and everything I did, always had at least one

or two spectators; and this, with reason, out of necessity, and in order to obtain the

purpose of my pains themselves. The first spectator was my Celestial Father, from whom

nothing could escape; since He Himself was the One who inflicted those pains upon Me,

He was actor and spectator. If my Father had seen and known nothing, how could I

satisfy Him, give Him glory, and bend Him to mercy for mankind at the sight of my

pains? Their purpose would have failed.

Secondly, my Mama was spectator of all my pains of my hidden Life, and this was

necessary. Having come from Heaven to earth to suffer, not for Myself, but for the good

of others, I had to have at least one creature in whom I was to place that good which my

pains contained, and therefore move my dear Mama to thank Me, to praise Me, to love

Me and to bless Me, letting Her admire the excess of my Goodness; so much so that,

captured, enraptured and moved at the sight of my pains, She prayed Me that in the face

of the great good which my pains brought to Her, I would not exempt Her from being

identified with my own pains in order to suffer them, to repay Me, and to be my perfect

imitator. If my Mama had seen nothing, I would not have had my first imitator - not a

‘thank you’, no praise. My pains and the good they contained would have remained

without effect because, since no one would have known them, I could not have made the

first prop, and the purpose of the great good which the creature was to receive would

have been lost. See how necessary it was that at least one creature be aware of my pains?

If for Me it was so, I want it to be so also for you. Even more, I tell you that I want the

confessor acting together with Me, as spectator and depository of the pains I make you

suffer, so that he too may share in their good; and having him with Me, I may excite him

more in the faith and infuse in him light and love, to make him comprehend the truths I

keep manifesting to you.”

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On hearing this I remained oppressed more than ever, and while I hoped for mercy, I

found justice and unshakeability on the part of Jesus. Oh, God, what pain! In seeing me

more afflicted, He added: “My daughter, is this the love you have for Me? Times are so

very sad, and the troubles which are coming are too horrifying, and when you are not able

to prevent the whole course of my justice by yourself, the two of you will be able to do it,

and you yourself should ask Me to make you suffer.

Therefore, resign yourself also in this and have patience - your Jesus wants it, and that’s


Vol 14 - November 11, 1922

Jesus gave life in the Divine Will to the acts of all creatures; He associated His Most

Holy Mother with this work, and now He is calling the soul to repeat it.

Upon coming, my always lovable Jesus drew me so very close to Himself, within an

immense light, and told me: “Little daughter of my Will, this immense light that you see

is my Supreme Will, from which nothing escapes. You must know that as I created the

heavens, the sun, the stars, etc., for all I fixed the limits, the place, the number, and they

can neither increase nor decrease. I hold all things as though in the palm of my hand. In

the same way, in creating man, at the same time I created all intelligences and each

thought, all words, works, steps, and all the rest of man, from the first to the last who will

exist. And this was as though natural in Me; more so, since I Myself was to be the actor

and spectator of even one thought. Since man would not be able to do it without Me, how

could I not know it, and know also their number? Therefore, all the works of the

creatures swim inside my Will, just as the fish swim inside a vast sea.

However, having created man, not a slave, but free - because it would not have been

decorous for Me, nor a work worthy to come out of my hands had I delivered this man

hampered, without freedom; nor could I have said, ‘Let Us make him in Our image and

likeness’, had I not made him free - I wanted to endow him with freedom. I was free -

free was he also to be. Besides, there is nothing that tortures a person more than to give a

forced love, which causes diffidences, suspicions, fears, and almost disgust in the one

who receives it.

Do you see where each act of creature, even one thought, has its origin? In the sanctity of

my Will. With this difference: that if man wants, he can do that very thought, word, etc.,

well or badly, in a holy way or wickedly. Now, my Will grieved in seeing the acts of

many, of which It was the actor, changed into deadly acts for Me and for them. Therefore

I wanted that my Will, becoming the double actor of each act, lay another divine act over

all, which was to repay Me with as many other divine acts, according to the sanctity of

my Will. However, someone was needed to do this: and here is my Humanity, Holy and

free as well, which, wanting no other life than the Divine Will, swimming in this

immense sea, went on redoubling each thought, word and work of creature, and laid an

act of Divine Will over all. This satisfied and glorified the Divine Father, in such a way

that He was able to look at man and open the doors of Heaven to him. And I bound the

human will more strongly, leaving it always free not to detach from the Will of its

Creator, since detaching from It had made it fall into many disasters.

But I was not content with this. I wanted my Mama, Holy as well, to follow Me in the

immense sea of the Supreme Volition, and to duplicate all human acts together with Me,

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placing the double seal, after my own, of the acts done in my Will, upon all the acts of

creatures. How sweet was for Me the company of my inseparable Mama in my Will!

Company in operating makes happiness, delight, love of tenderness, competition, accord

and heroism arise; isolation produces the opposite. Therefore, as we operated together,

Myself with my dear Mama, seas of happiness, of delight on both parts, and

seas of love arose which, competing with each other, dived into each other and produced

great heroism. These seas arose not only for Ourselves, but also for those who would

keep Us company in Our Will. Even more, I could say that these seas turned into many

voices which called man to live in Our Will, to give back to him the happiness, his

original nature, and all the goods he had lost by

withdrawing from Our Will.

Now I come to you. After my Celestial Mama, I called you, so that all human acts may

have the first seal done by Me, the second done by my Mama, and the third by one

creature of common stock. My eternal love would not be content, if I did not raise one of

common stock, who must open the doors to those who would dispose themselves to enter

these gates in order to live in Our Will. This is the reason for my many manifestations,

for the many values and effects which I made known to you about my Will. These will be

powerful magnets to draw you, and then others, to live in It. However, in

order to enter Our Will and follow the sublime flight of my acts and of those of my

inseparable Mama, being of common stock, you could not enter Our Will if you did not

have, or had at least been transformed into the nature which came out of my hands,

before man withdrew from Our Will. Here are, then, my many graces in order to restore

your nature, your soul, to that original state. As I kept giving you graces, I removed from

you the seeds, the tendencies, the passions of the rebellious nature, always leaving your

will free. Having to call you into the center of my Will to live a communal life

in It, and to make you cover all the acts done by Me, which are not yet known by

creatures, it was necessary to restore your nature to this happy state, for my decorum,

sanctity and dignity. Otherwise, you could not have run with Me in the endless acts of my

Will, nor be with Me with that familiarity which is needed in order to operate together.

The passions, the seeds of tendencies which are not good, would have been like many

bars of division between you and Me. At the most, you would have been at the

commands of my Will like many of my faithful ones, but you would have been very far

from doing what I did, and neither you nor I would have been happy; while living in my

Will is precisely this - to live fully happy on earth, to then move on to live more happy in


Therefore I tell you, true daughter of my Volition, first happy birth from my Will - be

attentive and faithful to Me; come into my Eternal Volition. My acts await you, wanting

the seal of yours; those of my Mama await you; the whole of Heaven awaits you, wanting

to see all of their acts glorified in my Will by a creature of their own stock. The present

and future generations await you, to be given back the lost happiness. Ah! no, no, the

generations will not end until man returns into my womb, beautiful, dominating, just as

he came out of my creative hands. I am not content with having redeemed him; even at

the cost of waiting I will still have patience, but he must return to Me as I made him, by

virtue of my Will. By doing his own will, he went down into the abyss and transformed

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himself into a brute; by doing my Will, he will rise and acquire the new transformation

into the nature created by Me. Then will I be able to say: ‘I have accomplished

everything; the order of the whole Creation has returned to Me, and I will rest in It.”

Vol. 14 - November 24, 1922

Jesus before Herod. Effects of the word and of the gaze of Jesus. Jesus reprimands

Luisa because she wants to keep these truths hidden.

I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus was presented to Herod, and I said to myself:

‘How is it possible that Jesus, who is so good, did not deign to say a word to him, or to

give him a glance?

Who knows whether that perfidious heart would have converted at the power of His

gaze?’ And Jesus, making Himself seen, told me: “My daughter, his perversity and the

lack of disposition of his soul were such that he did not deserve that I look at him or say a

word to him. And if I had done it, he would have rendered himself more guilty, because

each word or gaze of mine are additional bonds which are formed between Me and the

creature. Each word is one more union, one more closeness, and as the soul feels looked

upon, grace begins its crafting. If the gaze or word was sweet and benign, she says: ‘How

beautiful, penetrating, gentle, melodious it was! How not to love Him?’ If then it was a

majestic gaze or word, blazing with light, she says: ‘What majesty, what greatness, what

penetrating light! How small I feel; how miserable I am; how much darkness in me

before that light so blazing!’ If I wanted to tell you of the power, the grace, the good

which my word or gaze brings, how many books would I make you write.

See then, how many goods I have done to you in looking at you many times, in keeping

you with Me in intimate conversations - they have not been just words, but complete

discourses. From this you can comprehend that the unions between you and Me, the

relations, the bonds, the closenesses, are innumerable. I acted with you like a teacher who

says only a few words to the others who want some direction from him, but spends the

entire day with his own disciples, wanting to make of them as many teachers similar to

himself. He speaks at length, he is always over them, and now he develops one topic,

now he gives them a simile to make himself better understood; nor does he ever leave

them alone for fear that, getting distracted, they may waste his efforts; and if needed, he

subtracts hours from his own rest in order to instruct them. He spares nothing, neither

efforts, nor strains, nor sweat, in order to obtain the intent that his disciples become


So I did with you: I spared nothing. With others I had just words; with you, discourses,

long teachings, similes - at night, during the day, at all times. How many graces have I

not given you?

How much love, to the point of not being able to be without you? It is because of the

great design I have made upon you - this is why I gave you much. You, then, in all

gratitude, would want to keep what I have told and given you hidden within yourself, and

therefore deny Me the glory I would receive by manifesting it. What would you say of

that disciple who, after his teacher has reached the point of making of him a master

through many toils, would want to keep for himself the education he has received,

without imparting it to others? Would he not be ungrateful and a cause of grief for his

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teacher? What would you say of the sun, if after I gave it so much light and heat, it would

not want to let this light and heat descend upon the earth? Would you not say to the sun:

‘It is true that you make a good impression, but it is not good that you keep it for

yourself. The earth, the plants, the generations await your light and your heat; they want

them in order to receive life and fecundity.

Why do you want to deprive us of such a great good? More so, since in giving them to us,

you lose nothing; rather, you acquire more glory, and everyone will bless you.’

Such are you - and even more than sun. I have placed in you so much light of truth about

my Will that, more than sun, it would be enough to illuminate all, and to do more good

than the sun itself does to the earth. I Myself, and the generations, await that this light be

unleashed from you, while you think of how to hide it, and you almost afflict yourself if

authoritative people want to occupy themselves with putting it out. No, no - this is not


I felt I was dying in hearing my sweet Jesus; and I felt even more guilty because during

these days, since one of my writings had been withdrawn without achieving the purpose

for which it had been released - that is, to put it out - I had felt great satisfaction. Oh, how

bad I felt in being reproached so severely; and wholeheartedly I asked for His

forgiveness. And Jesus, to calm me down, blessed me, telling me: “I forgive you and I

bless you, but you will be more attentive and will not do it any more.”

D e o G r a t i a s. ___________________________

[1] Luisa’s third confessor, Fr. Gennaro di Gennaro.

Vol. 15 – February 16, 1923

The Cross which the Divine Will gave to Our Lord. In order to operate the perfect and

complete Redemption, Jesus had to do It in the sphere of Eternity.

I was doing my usual adoration to the Crucified One and abandoning all of myself in His

lovable Will; but as I was doing this, I felt my beloved Jesus move in my interior, saying:

“My daughter, hurry, hurry, quickly, hasten - do your course in my Volition, keep going

through all that my Humanity did in the Supreme Will, so that you may unite your acts to

mine and to those of my Mama. It has been decreed that if a creature does not enter into

the Eternal Volition to render all our acts triple, this Supreme Volition will not descend

upon earth to carry out Its life in the human generations. It wants the cortege of the triple

acts in order to make Itself known. Therefore, hasten.”

Jesus kept silent, and I felt myself as though flung into the Holy Eternal Volition, but I

am unable to say what I was doing; I can only say that I found all the acts of Jesus, and I

placed my own. Then He continued to speak, saying: “My daughter, how many things

will my Will make known of what my Humanity operated in this Divine Will! In order to

operate the perfect and complete Redemption, my Humanity had to do It in the sphere of

Eternity. Here is the necessity of an Eternal Will. If my human will did not have an

Eternal Will with itself, all my acts would be limited and finite acts; but

with It, they are endless and infinite. Therefore, my pains, my Cross, had to be endless

and infinite, and the Divine Will made my Humanity find all these pains and crosses; so

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much so, that It laid Me over the whole human family, from the first to the last man, and I

absorbed all kinds of pains within Myself, and each creature formed my Cross. So, my

Cross was as long as all centuries are and will be, and as wide as the human generations.

It was not just the little cross of Calvary on which the Jews crucified Me; that one was

nothing but a simile of the long Cross on which the Supreme Will kept Me crucified. So,

each creature formed the length and the width of the Cross, and as they formed it, they

remained grafted in that same Cross; and the Divine Will, laying Me over It and

crucifying Me, made the Cross not only my own, but of all those who formed that Cross.

This is why I needed the sphere of Eternity to keep this Cross - the terrestrial space would

not be enough to contain It. Oh! how much will creatures love Me, when they come to

know what my Humanity did in the Divine Will, and what It made Me suffer for love of

them. My Cross was not of wood – no; It was made of souls. It was them that I felt

palpitating in the Cross on which the Divine Will laid Me - and It let

none of them escape Me, It gave a place to each one, and in order to give a place to all, It

stretched Me in such a harrowing way, and with pains so atrocious, that I could call the

pains of my Passion little, and reliefs. Therefore, hasten, so that my Will may make

known all that this Eternal Volition operated in my Humanity. This knowledge will win

so much love, that creatures will bend to let It reign in their midst.”

Now, as He was saying this, He showed so much tenderness and so much love that,

amazed, I said to Him: ‘My Love, why do You show so much love when You speak

about your Will - such that it seems as if You wanted to release another You from within

Yourself because of the great love that You feel; while if You speak about something

else, this excess of love does not show in You?’ And He: “My daughter, do you want to

know? When I speak about my Will to make It known to the creature, I want to infuse in

her my own Divinity, and therefore another Me; so, my whole love enters the field in

order to do this, and I love her as I love Myself. This is why you see that while I speak

about my Will, my love seems to overflow out of Its boundaries in order to form the

dwelling of my Will in the heart of the creature. On the other hand, when I speak about

something else, it is my virtues that I infuse, and according to the virtues that I keep

manifesting to her, I love her now as Creator, now as Father, now as Redeemer, now as

Teacher, now as Doctor, etc. Therefore, there is not that exuberance of love as when I

want to form another Me.”

Vol 15 - March 23, 1923

The sorrows of the Celestial Mama, and how the Divine Fiat acted in them.

I was thinking of the sorrows of my Celestial Mama, and my lovable Jesus, moving in my

interior, told me: “My daughter, I was the first King of sorrows, and being Man and God,

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I had to centralize everything within Me in order to have primacy over everything, even

over sorrows. Those of my Mama were nothing other than the reverberations of mine

which, being reflected in Her, made Her share in all my sorrows which, piercing Her,

filled Her with such bitterness and pain that She felt Herself dying at each reverberation

of my sorrows. But love sustained Her and gave Her life again.

Therefore, not only for honor, but also by right of justice, She was the first Queen of the

immense sea of Her sorrows.” While He was saying this, I seemed to see my Mama in

front of Jesus, and everything that Jesus contained, the sorrows and the piercings of that

Most Holy Heart, were reflected in the Heart of the sorrowful Queen.

At those reflections, many swords formed in the Heart of the pierced Mama; and these

swords were marked by a Fiat of light, in which She was circumfused, in the midst of so

many Fiats of most refulgent light which gave Her so much glory that there are no

words to narrate it.

Then, Jesus continued, saying: “It was not the sorrows that constituted my Mama as

Queen and made Her shine with so much glory, but it was my omnipotent Fiat, which

was braided to Her every act and sorrow, and constituted Itself life of each of Her

sorrows. So, my Fiat was the first act that formed the sword, giving Her the intensity of

pain It wanted. My Fiat could place all the sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart,

adding piercings upon piercings, pains upon pains, without a shadow of the slightest

resistance. On the contrary, She felt honored that my Fiat would constitute Itself life

of even a heartbeat of Hers; and my Fiat gave Her complete glory and constituted Her

true and legitimate Queen.

Now, who will be the souls in whom I can reflect the reverberations of my sorrows and of

my very Life? Those who will have my Fiat as life. This Fiat will make them absorb my

reflections, and I will be generous in sharing with them that which my Will operates in

Me. Therefore, in my Will do I await souls, to give them the true dominion and the

complete glory of each act and pain that they may suffer. The operating and suffering

outside of my Will I do not recognize; I could say: ‘I have nothing to give you; what is

the will that animated you in doing and suffering this? Get your reward from that one.’

Many times, doing good or suffering, if my Will is not present in them, can be miserable

slaveries which degenerate into passions, while it is my Will alone that gives true

dominion, true virtues, true glory, such as to transform the human into divine.”

Vol. 16 – November 28, 1923

The newborn of the Divine Will. The cross of the Divine Will was the largest and

longest for Jesus. How each act of the human will opposed to the Divine was a distinct

cross for Jesus.

I feel always sunken in the Holy Will of my Jesus, and I seemed to see my little soul like

a newborn baby, whom blessed Jesus was raising in His arms with the breath of His Will,

with such jealousy as to want that she look at nothing, hear nothing, touch nothing. And

so that nothing might distract her, He kept her enchanted with the sweet enchantment of

His teachings on His Most Holy Will. And the little newborn would grow and be

nourished with the breath of the Will of her Jesus. And not only this, but He covered me

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with many little crosses of light, in such a way that, in looking at myself, I could see a

cross of light impressed in each part of me. And Jesus amused Himself, now in

multiplying these crosses, now in wanting me to keep my gaze fixed on Him in order to

count all His words, which served me as food and means of growth.

Then, afterwards, my Jesus told me: “My little daughter, my newborn of the Divine Will,

my Volition conceived you, made you be born, and now raises you with all love. Don’t

you see with how much love I hold you in my arms, and do not permit that you take any

other food but the breath of my Will?

It is the most beautiful, the dearest, the most precious thing which has been issued in

Creation until now – the newborn of my Will. Therefore, I will keep you with such

jealousy as to let no one touch my newborn. My Will will be everything for you: It will

be life, food, garment, clothing and cross for you, because, since It is the greatest thing, it

would be unbefitting for your Jesus to mix It with other things which are not a birth from

Our Will. Therefore, forget everything, so that no other waters may surround you, inside

and out, but the immense sea of the Eternal Volition. I want in you the honor, the

nobility, the decorum, of the true newborn daughter of my Will.” On hearing this, instead

of rejoicing, I felt myself die of confusion, and I only had the courage to say: ‘Jesus, my

Love, I am little, it is true - I myself see it. But I am also a cattivella [bad, naughty] little

one; and yet, you are saying all this? How can it be? Maybe You want to make fun of

me? I know that many make You cry, and to be cheered from your crying, You want to

amuse Yourself with me by playing this joke on me. But even though I feel confusion

because of your jokes, go ahead and do it, and let it be the joke of your Will.’ And Jesus,

pressing me more tightly to Himself, continued: “No, no, your Jesus does not make fun of

you. I amuse Myself, yes, and the sure sign that what I tell you is true is the crosses of

light with which my Will has marked you.

Know, my daughter, that the largest, the longest cross for my Humanity, which never left

Me, was the Divine Will. Even more, each act of the human will opposed to the Divine

was a distinct cross which the Supreme Will impressed in my inmost Humanity. In fact,

when the human will moves from the earth in order to act, the Divine moves from

Heaven in order to encounter the human volition and make it one with Its own, so as to

make torrents of grace, of light, of sanctity flow in that act. But by not receiving the

encounter with the Divine, the human will puts itself as though at war against its

Creator, and rejects into the celestial regions the good, the light, the sanctity which He

was about to pour upon it. So, the Supreme Will, offended, wanted to be repaid by Me,

and in each act of the human will, It inflicted a cross upon Me; and even though, together

with the cross, I received all the good rejected by them, in order to keep it deposited

within Me for the time when the creature would dispose herself to receive into her acts

the encounter with the Divine Will - in spite of this, I could not exempt Myself from

feeling the intense pain of so many crosses. Look at Me, in my interior: how many

billions of crosses my Humanity contained.

Therefore, the crosses of my Will were

incalculable; Its pain was infinite, and I moaned under the weight of an infinite pain. This

infinite pain had such power as to give Me death at each instant, and to give Me a cross

for each act of the human will opposed to the Divine. The cross of my Will is not made of

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wood, which only makes one feel the weight and the pain; rather, it is a cross of light and

of fire, which burns and consumes, and impresses itself in such a way as to form one

single thing with one’s very nature. If I wanted to tell you of the cross which my Divine

Will gave Me, I should braid all the acts of creatures, make them

present to you, and let you touch with your own hand how my Will, demanding fair

satisfaction, inflicted on Me cross upon cross. Had it perhaps not been a human will that

offended the Divine and broke up with It? So was now a Divine Will to crucify and cause

pain to my human nature and will.

All the rest of man can be called superficial; the fount, the root, the substance of either

evil or good is in the depth of his will. Therefore, only the Divine Will could make Me

expiate the evil of so many human wills. This is why I want you all in my Will – to make

known what this Divine Will has done, what It made Me suffer, what It wants to do. And

this is why you are marked with many crosses of light – because your cross has been my

Will, which has changed everything into light in order to dispose you to be the true

newborn of my Will, to whom I will entrust the secrets, the joys and the sorrows of It as

to a faithful daughter, who, uniting herself to my acts, may open the Heavens to

make It descend upon earth, and to make It known, received and loved.”

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16 – January 4, 1924

The words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Through them

He established with His Celestial Father the contract for the Kingdom of the Divine

Will upon earth.

I was thinking about the words of Jesus in the Garden, when He said: “Father, if it be

possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat (not my will,

but Yours be done).” And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter,

do you think it was because of the chalice of my Passion that I said to the Father: ‘Father,

if it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me’? Not at all; it was the chalice of the human

will which contained such bitterness and fullness of vices, that my human will, united to

the Divine, felt such repugnance, terror and fright, as to cry out: ‘Father, if it be possible,

let this chalice pass from Me.’ How ugly is the human will without the

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Divine Will which, almost as within a chalice, enclosed Itself in each creature. There is

no evil in the generations, of which it is not the origin, the seed, the fount. And in seeing

Myself covered with all these evils produced by the human will, before the sanctity of my

Will I felt Myself dying - and indeed I would have died if the Divinity had not sustained

Me. But do you know why I added, and as many as three times: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed

Tua fiat (Not my will, but Yours be done)’? I felt upon Myself all the wills of creatures

united together, all of their evils, and in the name of all I cried out to the Father: ‘May the

human will be done on earth no more - but the Divine. May the human will be banished,

and may Yours reign.’ So, even from that time - and I wanted to do this at the very

beginning of my Passion, because the calling upon earth of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on

earth as It is in Heaven was the thing that interested Me the most and the most important

one - I Myself said in the name of all: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat.’ From that time I

constituted the era of the Fiat Voluntas Tua upon earth. And by saying it as many as three

times, in the first one I impetrated It, in the second I made It descend, in the third I

constituted It ruler and dominator. And in saying, ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’, I

intended to empty the creatures of their wills and to fill them with the Divine.

Before dying, since I had only a few hours left, I wanted to negotiate with my Celestial

Father my primary purpose for which I came upon earth – that the Divine Will might take

Its first place of honor in the creature. This had been the first act of man – to withdraw

from the Supreme Will – and therefore Our first offense; all his other evils are in the

secondary order. Therefore, first I had to accomplish the purpose of the Fiat Voluntas Tua

on earth as It is in Heaven, to then form the Redemption with my pains. In fact,

Redemption Itself is in the secondary order; it is always my Will that has primacy in all

things. And even though it was the effects of the fruits of Redemption that could be seen,

it was by virtue of this contract which I made with my Divine Father - that His Fiat

was to come to reign upon earth, realizing the true purpose of the creation of man and the

primary purpose for which I came upon earth - that man could receive the fruits of

Redemption. Otherwise, my wisdom would have lacked order. If the beginning of evil

was his will, it was this will that I was to order and restore, reuniting Divine Will and

human will. And even though the fruits of Redemption could be seen first, this says

nothing. My Will is like a King who, though He is first among all, arrives last, being

preceded, for his honor and decorum, by his peoples, armies, ministers, princes and the

whole royal court. So, the fruits of Redemption were needed first, so that the height of the

Majesty of my Will might find the royal court, the peoples, the armies, the ministers.

But do you know who was the first one to cry out together with Me: ‘Non mea voluntas,

sed Tua fiat’? It was my little newborn of my Will, my little daughter, who felt such

repugnance and fright at her will that, trembling, she clung to Me and cried out with Me:

‘Father, if it be possible, let this chalice of my will pass from me.’ And, crying, you

added with Me: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’. Ah! yes, you were together with Me in

that first contract with my Celestial Father, because at least one creature was needed in

order to validate this contract. Otherwise, to whom to give it? To whom to entrust it? And

in order to render the custody of the contract more secure, I gave you all the fruits of my

Passion as gift, lining them up around you like a formidable army which, while forming

the royal cortege of my Will, wages a fierce war against your will.

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Therefore, courage in the state you are in. Dismiss the thought that I may leave you; it

would be detrimental to my Will, since I keep the contract of my Will deposited in you.

So, remain at peace; it is my Will that tests you, wanting not only to purge you, but to

destroy even the shadow of your will. So, in all peace, continue your flight in my

Volition, and be concerned with nothing. Your Jesus will make it so that everything

which may happen inside and outside of you will make my Will stand out even more and

will expand within you the boundaries of my Will in your human will. I Myself will keep

the pace in your interior, that I may direct everything in you according to my Will. I

occupied Myself with nothing but the Will of my Father alone; and since all things are in

It, I occupied Myself with everything. And if I taught one prayer, it was no other than this

– that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven; but it was the prayer which

enclosed everything. So, I did not move if not around the Supreme Will; my words, my

pains, my works, my heartbeats, were filled with Celestial Will. So do I want you to do:

you must go around in It so much as to let yourself be burned by the eternal breath of the

fire of my Will, in such a way as to lose any other knowledge, and to know nothing else

but my Will, only and always.”

Vol. 16 - January 14, 1924

The Divine Will was everything for man, and with It he needed nothing. Before being

scourged, Jesus wanted to be stripped in order to give back to the creature the royal

garment of the Divine Will.

I was accompanying the mystery of the scourging, compassionating my sweet Jesus when

He saw Himself so confused in the midst of enemies - stripped of His garments, under a

storm of blows. And my lovable Jesus, coming out of my interior in the state He was in

when He was scourged, told me: “My daughter, do you want to know why I was stripped

when I was scourged? In each mystery of my Passion, first I occupied Myself with

joining the split between the human will and the Divine, and then with the offenses which

this split produced. When man, in Eden, broke the bonds of the union between the

Supreme Will and his will, he stripped himself of the royal garments of my Will, and

clothed himself with the miserable rags of his will – weak, inconstant, impotent to doing

anything good. My Will was a sweet enchantment for him, which kept him absorbed

within a most pure light, which made him know nothing but His God, from whom he had

come, and who gave him nothing but innumerable happinesses. And he was so absorbed

within the so much giving of his God to him, that he would give not a thought to himself.

Oh! how happy man was, and how the Divinity delighted in giving him so many particles

of His Being for as many as the creature can receive, in order to make him similar to

Himself. So, as soon as he broke the union of Our Will with his, he lost the royal

garment, he lost the enchantment, the light, the happiness. He looked at himself without

the light of my Will, and in looking at himself without the enchantment which kept him

absorbed, he came to know himself, he felt ashamed, he became afraid of God; so much

so, that his very nature felt the sad effects of this: he felt the cold and his nakedness, and

felt the vital need to cover himself. Just as Our Will kept him within the port of immense

happinesses, so did his will put him in the port of miseries. Our Will was everything for

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man, and in It he found everything. It was right that, having come out of Us and living in

Our Will as Our tender child, he would live of It; and this Will was to make up for

everything he needed. Therefore, as he wanted to live of his own will, he became needy

of everything, because the human will does not have the power to make up for all needs,

nor does it contain the fount of good within itself. So, he was forced to procure for

himself, with hardship, the necessary things of life. Do you see, then, what it means not

to be united with my Will? Oh! if all knew It, they would have one yearning alone: that

my Will come to reign upon earth. So, had Adam not withdrawn from the Divine Will,

his nature also would have had no need of clothing; he would not have felt ashamed of

his nakedness, nor would he have been subject to suffering cold, heat, hunger, weakness.

But these natural things were almost nothing; rather, they were symbols of the

great good which his soul had lost.

Therefore, my daughter, before being tied to the pillar to be scourged, I wanted to be

stripped in order to suffer and repair for the nakedness of man when he stripped himself

of the royal garment of my Will.

I felt such confusion and pain within Me in seeing Myself stripped in the midst of

enemies who were mocking Me, that I cried over the nakedness of man and I offered my

nakedness to my Celestial Father, so that man might be clothed once again with the royal

garment of my Will. And as ransom, so that this would not be denied to Me, I offered my

blood, my flesh torn to shreds, and I let Myself be stripped not only of my garments, but

also of my skin, to be able to pay the price and satisfy for the crime of this nakedness of

man. I poured out so much blood in this mystery, that in no other did I pour so much – so

much as to be enough to cover him with a second garment, a garment of blood, so as to

cover him again, and then warm him and wash him, to dispose him to receive the royal

garment of my Will.”

On hearing this, surprised, I said: ‘My beloved Jesus, how can it be possible that, because

he withdrew from your Will, man felt the need to clothe himself, was ashamed, was

afraid; but then, You always did the Will of the Celestial Father, You were One with

Him, your Mama never knew Her own will - yet, the two of You had need of clothing

and food, and You felt the cold and the heat?’

And Jesus added: “Yet, my daughter, it is precisely so. If man felt ashamed of his

nakedness and was subject to many natural miseries, it was precisely because he lost the

sweet enchantment of my Will; and even though it was his soul that did evil, not his

body, the body, however, indirectly was as though accomplice with the wicked will of

man, and so his nature remained as though profaned by the bad volition of man.

Therefore both the soul and the body had to feel the pain of the evil committed. As for

Me, indeed I always did the Supreme Will, but I did not come to find an innocent

man, a man before sin; rather, I came to find a sinful man and with all his miseries. And

so I had to associate Myself with men, taking upon Myself all of their evils, and

subjecting Myself to all the necessities of life, as if I were one of them. However, in Me

there was this prodigy: if I wanted, I would need nothing, either clothing, or food or

anything else. But I did not want to make use of it out of love for man. I wanted to

sacrifice Myself in everything, even in the most innocent things created by Me, in order

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to prove my ardent love to him. Even more, this served to impetrate from my Divine

Father that out of regard for Me and for my will completely sacrificed to Him, He would

give back to man the noble royal garment of Our Will.”

Vol. 16 - February 2, 1924

Abandonment in God is the wings in order to fly together with the Divine Will. What

Eternity is.

I felt very oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and because of other

reasons, which it is not necessary to put on paper. And my beloved Jesus, moving in my

interior and pressing me to Himself to give me strength, for I felt I was succumbing, told

me: “My daughter, my Will is life and motion of everything. But do you know who

follows Its motion and takes flight in my Eternal Volition, in such a way as to go around

as It does in the sphere of Eternity, be wherever It is, and do whatever It does?

The soul who is completely abandoned in my Holy Will. Abandonment is the wings in

order to fly together with my Will. As abandonment ceases, she loses the flight and the

wings are destroyed. So, everyone feels the motion, the life of my Will, because there is

no motion which does not come from Me, but they remain at the point in which they are.

Only one who has the wings of the abandonment in Me and follows the same course as

my Will, hovers over everything, both in Heaven and on earth, enters into the sphere of

eternity, goes around in the midst of the Three Divine Persons, penetrates into Their most

intimate hiding places, and is aware of Their secrets and of Their beatitudes. It happens

as to an engine which has the primary wheel in the center and many other small wheels

around it, which are fixed. As the primary wheel moves, all receive motion, but

they never arrive at touching the primary wheel, nor do they know anything of what it

does and of the goods it contains. But there is another small wheel, which is not fixed,

and by means of a mechanism, it goes around continuously across all the small wheels, to

then find itself in each motion of the primary wheel, and begin its round again. Now, this

itinerant little wheel knows what is there in the primary wheel and takes part in the goods

it contains. Now, the primary wheel is my Will, the small wheels which are fixed are

the souls who are abandoned to themselves, which renders them immobilized in good; the

itinerant little wheel is the soul who lives in my Will, and the mechanism is the complete

abandonment in Me. So, each lack of abandonment in Me is a round that you lose in the

sphere of Eternity. If you knew what it means to lose an eternal round!”

On hearing this, I said: ‘But, tell me, my Love, what does eternity mean, and what is this

eternal round?’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, eternity is an immense circle, such

that one cannot know either where It begins or where It ends. In this circle there is

God, without beginning and without end, and there He possesses infinite happiness,

beatitude, joys, riches, beauty, etc. At each divine motion, which never ceases, He issues

new happiness, new beauties, new beatitudes, etc., from this circle of eternity. But this

new act is an act that is never interrupted, though one is different from the other; distinct

among themselves, Our contentments are always new; Our beatitudes are such and so

many, that while We are enjoying one, another surprises Us. And it is always so, and they

never end - they are eternal, immense, just as We are; and what is eternal has the virtue of

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making ever new things arise. What is old, things that are repeated, do not exist in what is

eternal. But do you know who it is that, in Heaven, shares more in this newness which is

never exhausted? One who has practiced more good on earth.

This good will be like the seed which will bring her the knowledge of Our beatitudes,

joys, beauty, love, goodness, etc. And depending on the good which the soul has

practiced on earth, which is in some harmony with Our varied beatitudes, she will come

closer to Us, and will fill herself, in large gulps, with that beatitude whose seed she

contains, to the point of overflowing outside. She will share in everything that the circle

of eternity contains; she will be filled with it in place of the seeds acquired on earth. It

will happen as to one who has learned music, a job, or a science. When music is played,

many listen and enjoy; but who understands? Who feels all those notes of joy or of

sorrow penetrate into his intelligence and descend into his heart? Who feels as though

being filled, and seeing, in act, the scenes which that music expresses? One who has

studied, one who has worked hard to learn it. The others enjoy, but do not understand.

Their enjoyment is in what sounds to their hearing, but their whole interior remains


The same for one who has learned sciences: who enjoys more – one who has studied and

has worn out his intelligence over books, over many scientific things; or one who has

only looked at them? Indeed, the one who has studied can earn fair profits, can occupy

distinct positions; while the other one can only enjoy with his sight, if he sees things

related to sciences. The same with all other things. If this happens on earth, much more

so in Heaven, where justice weighs with the scales of love every little good act done by

the creature, and on that good act places an unending happiness, joy and beauty. Now,

what will it be for the soul who has lived in my Will, in which all her acts remain with an

eternal and divine seed? The circle of eternity will pour itself upon her to such an extent,

that the whole Celestial Jerusalem will remain stupefied, and will make new feasts, and

will receive new glory.”

Vol. 16 June 1, 1924

The great good produced by remembering everything that Jesus did, suffered and said

in His life.

This morning I found myself outside of myself, and I saw my last late confessor[2],

surrounded by many people who were all attentive and as though enraptured in listening

to him; and he spoke and spoke, and became so inflamed as to inflame the others. I drew

near to hear what he was saying, and to my surprise I heard that he was saying all that my

blessed Jesus had told me – His finesses of love, the many condescensions of Jesus

toward me. And when he spoke of the stratagems of love of Jesus toward me, he radiated

light, to the point of remaining transfused within that light; and not only himself, but also

those who were listening to him. I remained surprised, and I said to myself: ‘The

confessor has done this not only in life – telling the things of my soul to others – but he is

doing it also after his death, in the next life.’ And I was waiting for him to finish

speaking, so as to be able to approach him and tell him of some difficulty of mine; but he

would not finish, and I found myself inside myself.

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Then, according to my usual way, I followed my beloved Jesus in His Passion,

compassionating Him, repairing Him, and making His pains my own. And Jesus, moving

in my interior, told me: ‘My daughter, how much great good does the memory of Me and

of everything I did, suffered and said in my Life, procure for the soul. By

compassionating Me and making my intentions her own, and by remembering, one by

one, my pains, my works, my words, she calls them into herself and places them in neat

order within her soul, in such a way as to come to take the fruits of what I did, suffered

and said. This produces a sort of divine humidness within the soul, over which the sun of

my grace delights in rising and in forming celestial dew, by virtue of that humidity. And

not only does this dew embellish the soul in a marvelous way, but it has the virtue of

mitigating the rays of the burning sun of my divine justice when, finding souls burned by

the fire of sin, it is about to strike them, burn them and wither them more. Tempering its

rays, this divine dew uses them to form beneficial dew so that creatures may not be

struck, and it constitutes itself vital humidity so as not to let them wither. Oh! how this

symbolizes nature when, after a day of scorching sun, the plants are about to wither: a

humid night is enough and, rising again over that humidity, the sun forms its dew, and

instead of making them perish, its heat serves to fecundate them and to bring to

completion the maturation of their fruits.

The same happens, in a more marvelous way, in the supernatural order. The memory is

the beginning of a good. The memory forms many sips for the soul in order to give her

life. When some good - when things are forgotten, they lose the vital virtue for the soul,

they lose their attractiveness, the gratitude, the correspondence, the esteem, the love, the

value. And not only does this memory produce the origin of every good in life, but after

one’s death also it produces the origin of glory.

Have you not heard your late confessor – how he delighted in speaking about the graces I

have given you? This is because during his life he cared about hearing them, he

remembered them, and his interior remained filled with them to the point of overflowing

outside. And now, how much good did this not procure for him in the next life? It is for

him like a fount of good which overflows for the good of others. So, the more the soul

remembers what belongs to Me, my graces, the lessons I have given her, the more the

fount of my goods grows within her, to the point that, unable to contain them, they

overflow for the good of others.”

Vol - July 25, 1924

The Divine Will keeps searching for souls who would lose all their rights, so that It

may continue Its act of placing all souls in their arms, as It did with Jesus on the

Cross. Sanctity in the Divine Will is a continuous act, and contains the image of the

Sanctity of the Creator.

This morning my sweet Jesus made Himself seen in my interior in act of stretching His

arms in the shape of the cross, and I remained stretched together with Him. Then He said

to me: “My daughter, the last act of my Life was to lay Myself on the cross and to stay

there until I died, with my arms opened, unable to move or to oppose what they wanted to

do to Me. I was the true portrait, the living image, of one who lives, not of the human

will, but of the Divine. Being unable to move or oppose Myself, having lost every right

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over Myself, the horrible tension of my arms - how many things they said! And while I

was losing my rights, the others acquired my Life. The first right was of the Supreme

Will which, using Its immensity and all-seeingness, gathered all souls – innocent and

sinful, good and holy – and placed them in my outstretched arms, so that I might bring

them to Heaven. And I refused no one. So, the Divine Will gave a place to everyone in

my arms. Now, the Supreme Will is a continuous act, never interrupted, and what It does

once, It never ceases doing; and even though my Humanity is in Heaven and is not

subject to suffering, It keeps searching for souls who do not move in the human will, but

in the Divine, and who oppose nothing; souls who would lose all their rights, so that, the

right being wholly of my Will, It may continue Its act of placing all souls – sinners and

saints, innocent and wicked – in the arms of one who offers to lay herself in my Will, in

order to repeat and continue what my arms did, outstretched on the cross. This is why

I have laid Myself within you – so that the Supreme Will may continue Its act of bringing

everyone into my arms.

Sanctity is not formed of one single act, but of many acts united together. One act alone

forms neither sanctity nor perversity, because, since the continuation of the acts is

missing, the colors and the living shades of sanctity are missing; and because these are

missing, one cannot attribute a just weight and value either to sanctity or to perversity.

So, what makes sanctity shine and places the seal on it, are the continuous good acts. No

one can say he is rich because he possesses a coin, but those who possess extensive

properties, villas, palaces, etc. etc. So it is for sanctity; and if sanctity needs many good

acts, sacrifices, heroism, but can also be subject to gaps, to intervals, the Sanctity in my

Will is not subject to intermittent phases, but must associate Itself with that continuous

act of the Eternal Volition, which never - never ceases, but is always acting, always

operating, always triumphant; which always loves and never stops. So, the Sanctity in my

Will brings into the soul the mark of the operating of her Creator – that is, His continuous

love, the continuous preservation of all the things created by Him: He never changes, and

is immutable. One who is subject to changing belongs to the earth, not to Heaven.

Changing is of the human will, not of the Divine; interrupting good is of the creature, not

of the Creator. Therefore, all this would be unbefitting for the Sanctity of living in my

Will, because It contains the insignia, the image, of the Sanctity of her Creator.

Therefore, be attentive; leave all rights to the Supreme Will, and I will keep forming in

you the Sanctity of living in my Will.”

Vol. 17 December 24, 1924

The pain of death was the first pain which Jesus suffered at His Conception, and

which lasted for His whole life. In the Incarnation God placed Himself at the mercy of

His creatures.

My days are ever more sorrowful. I am under the hard press of the hard privation of my

sweet Jesus, which is upon me like a deadly iron, to kill me continuously. But as it is

about to arm the last blow in order to finish it, it leaves it suspended above my head; and

I await this last blow like a relief, to go to my Jesus – but I wait in vain! And I feel my

poor soul, and also my nature, being consumed and melted. Ah! my great sins do not

make me deserve to die! What pain! What a long agony! O please! my Jesus, have pity

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on me! You who are the only one who knows my harrowing state – do not abandon me,

do not leave me at the mercy of myself.

Now, while I was in this state, I felt I was outside of myself, within a most pure light; and

in this light I could see the Queen Mama and the little Baby Jesus inside Her virginal

womb. Oh! God, in what a sorrowful state was my lovable little Baby! His little

Humanity was immobilized; His little feet and hands were immobile, without the

slightest motion; there was no room, either to open His eyes, or to breathe freely. His

immobility was such that He seemed to be dead, while He was alive. I thought

to myself: ‘Who knows how much my Jesus suffers in this state! And how much His

beloved Mama suffers, in seeing Baby Jesus so immobilized within Her very womb!’

Now, while I was thinking of this, my tiny little Baby, sobbing, said to me: “My

daughter, the pains I suffered in this virginal womb of my Mama are incalculable to the

human mind. But do you know what the first pain was, which I suffered in the first act of

my Conception, and which lasted for my whole my life? The pain of death.

My Divinity descended from Heaven as fully happy, untouchable by any pain and by any

death. When I saw my little Humanity being subject to death and to pains for love of

creatures, I felt the pain of death so vividly, that I really would have died of sheer pain, if

the power of my Divinity had not sustained Me with a prodigy, making Me feel the pain

of death and the continuation of life. So, for Me it was always death: I felt the death of

sin, the death of good in the creatures, and also their natural death. What a cruel torment

this was for Me, during my whole life!

I, who contained life and was the absolute Lord of life itself, was to subject Myself to the

pain of death. Don’t you see my little Humanity immobile and dying in the womb of my

dear Mama? And don’t you yourself feel, within yourself, how hard and excruciating is

the pain of feeling oneself dying, without dying? My daughter, it is your living in my

Will that makes you share in the continuous death of my Humanity.”

So, I spent almost the whole morning close to my Jesus, inside the womb of my Mama;

and I saw that, as He was in the act of dying, He would regain life, to then abandon

Himself to dying again. What pain, to see Baby Jesus in that state!

Then, after this, at night, I was thinking about the act in which the sweet little Baby came

out of the maternal womb to be born into our midst. My poor mind wandered within a

mystery so profound and all love; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, stretched

out His little hands to embrace me, and said to me: “My daughter, the act of my birth was

the most solemn act of the whole Creation.

Heaven and earth felt plunged into the most profound adoration at the sight of my little

Humanity, which kept my Divinity as though enclosed within walls. So, in the act of my

birth, there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer: my Mama prayed,

and remained enraptured by the power of the prodigy which was coming out of Her;

Saint Joseph prayed; the Angels prayed; and all Creation felt the strength of the love of

my creative power being renewed upon them. All felt honored and received true honor,

because the One who had created them would make use of them for what was needed for

His Humanity. The sun felt honored, in having to give its light and heat to its Creator; it

recognized the One who had created it – its true Lord, and made feast for Him and paid

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Him honor by giving Him its light. The earth felt honored, when it felt Me lying in a

manger; it felt touched by my tender limbs, and exulted with joy with prodigious signs.

All Creation saw their true King and Lord in their midst; and feeling honored, each one

wanted to perform its office for Me: the water wanted to quench my thirst; the birds, with

their trills and warblings, wanted to cheer Me; the wind wanted to caress Me; the air

wanted to kiss Me – all wanted to pay Me their innocent tribute.

Only men, ungrateful, even though all felt something unusual within themselves - a joy, a

powerful strength – were reluctant; and suffocating everything, they did not move. And

even though I called them with tears, with moans and sobs, they did not move, except for

some few shepherds. Yet, it was for man that I was coming upon earth! I was coming to

give Myself to him, to save him, and to bring him back to my Celestial Fatherland.

Therefore, I was all eyes to see whether he would come before Me in order to receive the

great gift of my divine and human Life. So, the Incarnation was nothing less than placing

Myself at the mercy of the creature. In the Incarnation I placed Myself at the mercy

of my dear Mama; as I was born, Saint Joseph too was added, to whom I gave the gift of

my Life.

And since my works are eternal and not subject to ending, this Divinity, this Word who

descended from Heaven, never withdrew from the earth, so as to have the occasion to

give Himself continuously to all creatures. As long as I lived, I gave Myself in an

unveiled manner; then, a few hours before dying, I made the great prodigy of leaving

Myself in the Sacrament, so that, whoever wanted Me, could receive the great gift of my

Life. I paid no attention either to the offenses they would give Me, or to their refusals to

receive Me. I said to Myself: ‘I have given Myself - I do not want to withdraw, ever. Let

them do to Me whatever they want – I will always be theirs, and at their disposal’.

Daughter, this is the nature of true love – of the operating as God: firmness, and not to

withdraw at the cost of any sacrifice. This firmness in my works is my victory and the

greatest glory of mine; and this is the sign to know whether the creature operates for God:

firmness. The soul looks no one in the face - neither pains, nor herself, nor self-esteem,

nor creatures - even though it may cost her life; she looks only to God, for love of whom

she set herself to operate; and she feels victorious in offering the sacrifice of her life for

love of Him. Not being firm is of the human nature and of the human way of operating.

Not being firm is the operating of passions, and with passion. Mutability

is weakness, it is cowardice, and it is not of the nature of true love. Therefore, firmness

must be the guide in operating for Me. So, in my works I never change; whatever the

events might be, once it is done, it is done forever.”

Vol. 17 - May 10, 1925

Different ways of fusing oneself in the Divine Will. In the Divine Will there is the void

of the human acts which must be done in It.

I write only out of obedience, and I will make a mix of past things and present things.

Many times in my writings I say: ‘I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition’, and I

do not explain further.

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Now, forced by obedience, I will say what happens to me in fusing myself.

As I fuse myself, an immense void, all of light, becomes present before my mind, such

that one can find neither the extent of its height, nor of its depth, nor the boundaries on

the right or on the left, nor those on the front or on the back. In the midst of this

immensity, at a point extremely high, I seem to see the Divinity, or the Three Divine

Persons, waiting for me; but this, always mentally. And, I don’t know how, a little girl

comes out of me; but it is my own self - maybe it is my little soul. But it is moving to see

this little girl placing herself on the way within this immense empty space - all

alone, shy, walking on tiptoe, with her eyes always fixed on the place where she sees the

Three Divine Persons, because she fears that if she lowers her gaze in that immense void,

she wouldn’t know at which point she would end up. All her strength is in that gaze fixed

on high; in fact, as her gaze is corresponded by the gaze of the Supreme Height, she

draws strength along the way. Now, as she arrives before Them, she plunges herself with

her face into that void, to adore the Divine Majesty.

But one hand from the Divine Persons raises the little girl; and They say to her: “Our

daughter, the little daughter of Our Will – come into Our arms.” In hearing this, she

becomes festive, and makes the Three Divine Persons festive, as They await the carrying

out of her office, entrusted to her by Them. And with grace typical of a little girl, she

says: ‘I come to adore You, to bless You, to thank

You for all. I come to bind to your throne all human wills of all generations, from the first

to the last man, so that all may recognize your Supreme Will, adore It, love It, and give It

life within their souls.

Supreme Majesty, in this immense void there are all creatures, and I want to take them all

in order to place them in your Holy Will, so that all may return to the origin from which

they came – that is, your Will. This is why I have come into your paternal arms – to bring

You all your children and brothers of mine, and bind them all with your Will. And in the

name of all, and for all, I want to repair You and give You the homage and the glory as if

all done your Most Holy Will. But, O please!

I pray You, let there be no more separation between Divine Will and human will. It is a

little girl who asks this of You, and I know that You can deny nothing to the little ones.’

But who can say everything? I would be too long. In addition to the fact that I lack the

words to express what I say before the Supreme Height, it seems to me that, here in the

low world, we do not use the same language as in that immense void.

Other times, then, while I fuse myself in the Divine Volition and that immense void

comes before my mind, I go around through all created things and I impress on them an ‘I

love You’ for the Supreme Majesty, as though wanting to fill the whole atmosphere with

many ‘I love You’s’, in order to requite the Supreme Love for so much love toward the

creatures. Even more, I go around through each thought of creature, and I impress in

them my ‘I love You’; through each gaze, and I leave my ‘I love You’ within them;

through each mouth and each word, and I seal in them my ‘I love You’; through

each heartbeat, work and step, and I cover them with my ‘I love You’ to my God. I go

down deep, into the sea, into the depths of the ocean, and I want to fill each darting of the

fish, each drop of water, with my ‘I love You’. Then, after she has as though sowed my ‘I

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love You’ everywhere, the little girl brings herself before the Divine Majesty, and as

though wanting to give Him a surprise, she says: ‘My Creator and my Father, my Jesus

and my Eternal Love, look – all things, on the part of all creatures, tell You that they love

You. Everywhere there is an ‘I love You’ for You; Heaven and earth are filled with them.

And You – will You not concede to your tiny little one that your Will

descend into the midst of creatures, make Itself known, make peace with the human will;

and as It takes Its just dominion, Its place of honor, no creature may ever do her will

again, but always Yours?’

Other times, then, while I fuse myself in the Divine Volition, I want to feel sorrow for all

the offenses given to my God, and I resume my round within that immense void, in order

to find all the sorrow that Jesus felt for all sins. I make it my own, and I go around

everywhere, in the most hidden and secret places, in public places, over all evil human

acts, to feel sorrow for all the offenses and for each sin. I feel I would want to cry out, at

each motion of creature: ‘Sorrow! Forgiveness!’ And so that all may hear it, I impress it

on the rumbling of the thunder, so that sorrow for having offended my God may thunder

in all hearts; forgiveness, in the striking of lightening; sorrow, in the whistling of the

wind; sorrow, forgiveness, in the tinkling of the bells. In sum, sorrow and forgiveness in

everything. Then I bring to my God the sorrow of all, I implore forgiveness for all, and I

say: ‘Great God, let your Will descend upon earth, so that sin may take place no more. It

is the human will alone that produces so many offenses as to seem to be flooding the

earth with sins. Your Will will be the destroyer of all evils. Therefore, I pray You, make

the little daughter of your Will content, who wants nothing else but that your Will be

known and loved, and that It reign in all hearts.’

I remember that one day I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and I was

looking at the sky, as it was pouring with rain. I felt great pleasure in seeing water

pouring down over the earth; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, with

unspeakable love and tenderness, told me: “My daughter, in those drops of water which

you see descending from the heavens, there is my Will. My Will runs rapidly together

with the water; It departs in order to quench the thirst of creatures, to descend into the

human bowels, into their veins, in order to refresh them, to constitute Itself life of

the creatures, and to bring them my kiss, my love. It departs in order to water the earth, to

fecundate it, and to prepare the food for them; It departs for many other needs of

creatures. My Will wants to have life in all created things in order to give celestial and

natural life to all creatures. However, while It goes toward all as though in feast and full

of love, It does not receive the adequate requital, and It remains as though on an empty

stomach on the part of creatures .

My daughter, your will also, fused in Mine, runs within that water that rains down from

the heavens; it runs together with It, wherever It goes. Never leave It alone, and give It

the requital of your love, and for all.” But as He

was saying this, my pupils remained enchanted; I could not move them from that pouring

water. My will was running with it, and in that water I could see the hands of my Jesus

multiplied into many, in order to bring water to all with His very hands. But who can say

what I felt within me? Only Jesus can say it – He, who is the author of it. And who can

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say the many ways of fusing myself in His Most Holy Volition? For now I have said

enough; if Jesus wants, He will give me the words and the grace to say more, and I will

resume my speaking.

In addition to this, I was saying to my Jesus: ‘Tell me, my Love, what is this void that

makes itself present before my mind when I fuse myself in your Most Holy Will? Who is

this little girl that comes out of me; and why does she feel an irresistible force to come to

your throne in order to place her little acts on the divine lap, almost to make a feast for

Him?’ And my sweet Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, the void is my Will,

placed at your disposal, which should be filled with so many acts for as many as the

creatures would have done, had they fulfilled Our Will. This immense void

that you see, which represents Our Will, came out from Our Divinity for the good of all

in Creation, in order to make everyone and everything happy. Therefore, as though

consequently, all creatures should have filled this void with the requital of their acts and

the offering of their wills to their Creator. But since they did not do so, giving Us the

greatest offense, We called you with a special mission to be compensated for and

requited with what the others owed to Us. And this is the reason why first We disposed

you with a long chain of graces, and then We asked you if you wanted to live in Our

Will. And you accepted with a ‘yes’, binding your will to Our throne, wanting to know it

never again, because human will and Divine Will do not combine, nor can they live

together. Now, that ‘yes’ – that is, your will - exists, bound tightly to Our throne; and this

is why your soul, like a little girl, is drawn before the Supreme Majesty - because there is

you will before Us that draws you like a magnet. And you, instead of looking at your

will, occupy yourself only with bringing onto Our lap everything you have been able to

do in Our Will, and you place Our very Will in Our bosom, as the greatest homage which

befits Us, and the requital most pleasing to Us. Your heedlessness of your will, and Our

Will which alone lives in you, make Us festive; your little acts done in Our Will bring

Us the joys of the whole Creation. So, it seems that everything smiles at Us and makes

feast for Us; and seeing that you descend from Our throne, without even looking at your

will, carrying Our Will with you, is the greatest joy for Us. This is why I always say to

you: ‘Be attentive in Our Will’ - because in It there is much to do; and the more you do,

the greater the feast you will make for Us, and Our Volition will pour out in torrents,

inside and outside of you.”

May 17, 1925

More ways to fuse oneself in the Divine Will, in order to give God, in the name of all,

the requital of love and glory for the works of Creation, Redemption and


After I had let the confessor hear what is written above, with the date of May 10th, he

was not satisfied, and imposed on me to continue writing about the way I fuse myself in

the Holy Divine Volition. So, only to obey, and for fear that my Jesus might be

disappointed even slightly, I resume my speaking. Now, I add that as that immense void

becomes present before my mind when I fuse myself in the Supreme Volition, the little

girl continues her round, and rising up high, she wants to requite her God for all the love

He had for all creatures in Creation. She wants to honor Him as the Creator of all things,

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and so she goes around through the stars, and in each twinkling of light she impresses my

‘I love You’ and ‘glory to my Creator’; in each atom of the light of the sun that descends

down below, ‘I love You’ and ‘glory’; in the whole expanse of the heavens, within the

distance between one step and another, my ‘I love You’ and ‘glory’; in the warbling of

the bird, in the beating of its wings, ‘love’ and ‘glory to my Creator’; in the blade of grass

which sprouts from the earth, in the flower that blooms, in the fragrance that ascends,

‘love’ and ‘glory’; on the height of the mountains and in the depth of the valleys, ‘love’

and ‘glory’. I go around through each heart of creature, as though wanting to enclose

myself within it, and cry out, inside each heart, my ‘I love You’ and ‘glory to my

Creator’. I would want that one be the cry, one the Will, one the harmony of all things:

‘Glory and love to my Creator’. And then, as though having gathered everything together,

in such a way that everything says requital of love and attestation of glory for all that God

has done in Creation, I bring myself to His throne, and I say to Him: ‘Supreme Majesty

and Creator of all things, this little girl comes into your arms to tell You that all Creation,

in the name of all creatures, gives You the requital, not only of love, but of the just glory

for the so many things created by You for love of us.

In your Will, in this immense void, I have wandered everywhere, so that all things may

glorify You, love You and bless You. And now that I have placed for You the love

between Creator and creature in their relationship, which the human will had broken, as

well as the glory that everyone owed You, let your Will descend upon earth, that It may

bind and strengthen all the relations between Creator and creature. All things will return

to the original order established by You. Therefore, hurry, delay no more - don’t You see

how the earth is full of evils? Your Will alone can stop this current, can place it in safety

– but your Will known and ruling.’

Then, after this, I feel that my office is not complete, therefore I descend down below

within that void, in order to requite Jesus for the work of Redemption. And as though

finding all that He did in act, I want to give Him my requital of all the acts which all

creatures should have done for Him, in awaiting Him and receiving Him upon earth.

Then, as though wanting to transform all of myself into love for Jesus, I go back to my

refrain, and I say: ‘I love You in your act of descending from Heaven; I impress my ‘I

love You’ in your act of being conceived; ‘I love You’ in the first drop of blood which

was formed in your Humanity; ‘I love You’ in the first beat of your Heart, so as to mark

all your heartbeats with my ‘I love You’. ‘I love You’ in your first breath; ‘I love You’ in

your first pains; ‘I love You’ in the first tears You shed in the maternal womb. I want to

requite your prayers, your reparations, your offerings, with my ‘I love You’; I want to

seal each instant of your life with my ‘I love You’. ‘I love You’ in your being born; ‘I

love You’ in the cold You suffered; ‘I love You’ in each drop of the milk You suckled

from your Mama. I intend to fill with my ‘I love You’s’ the clothes with which your

Mama swaddled You; I lay my ‘I love You’ upon that ground on which your dear Mother

laid You down gently in the manger, and your most tender limbs felt the hardness of the

hay – but more than of hay, the hardness of hearts. My ‘I love You’ in each of your

wailings, in all the tears and pains of your tender age. I make my ‘I love You’ flow within

all the relations and communications and love You had with your Mama. ‘I love You’ in

each word You spoke, in the food You took, in the steps You took, in the water You

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drank. ‘I love You’ in the work You did with your hands; ‘I love You’ in all the acts You

did during your hidden life. I seal my ‘I love You’ in each one of your interior acts and in

the pains You suffered; I lay my ‘I love You’ on the roads You covered, in the air You

breathed, in all the sermons You gave during your public life. My ‘I love You’ flows in

the power of the miracles You performed, in the Sacraments You instituted. In

everything, O my Jesus, even in the inmost fibers of your Heart, I impress my ‘I love

You’ for myself and for all. Your Will makes everything present to me, and nothing do I

want to leave out, in which my ‘I love You’ is not impressed. Your little daughter of your

Will feels the duty, if there is nothing else she can do for You, that You may have at least

a little ‘I love You’ for everything You have done for me and for all!

Therefore, my ‘I love You’ follows You in all the pains of your Passion, in all the spit,

scorns and insults that they gave You. My ‘I love You’ seals each drop of the blood You

shed, each blow You received, each wound that formed in your body, each thorn that

pierced your head, the bitter pains of the crucifixion, the words You pronounced on the

Cross. Up to your last breath,

I intend to impress my ‘I love You’. I want to close all your life, all your acts, with my ‘I

love You’. I want You to touch, see and feel my continuous ‘I love You’ everywhere. My

‘I love You’ will never leave You – your very Will is the life of my ‘I love You’.

But do You know what this little girl wants? That the Divine Volition which You so

much loved, and which You did during your whole life upon earth, make Itself known to

all creatures, so that all may love It, and may fulfill your Will on earth as It is in Heaven.

This little girl wants to conquer You in love, that You may give your Will to all creatures.

O please! make this poor little one happy, who wants nothing else but what You want:

that your Will be known and that It reign upon earth.’

Now I believe that obedience will be content in some way, though it is true that in many

things I had to make a few jumps, otherwise I would never end. Fusing myself in the

Supreme Volition is like a springing fount for me; and every little thing I hear or see, one

offense given to my Jesus, is an occasion for me for new ways and new fusions in His

Most Holy Will.

Now I continue by saying that my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, to what you have

said on fusing yourself in my Will, another appeal must be added – that of fusing yourself

in the order of grace, in everything that the Sanctifier – the Holy Spirit - has done and

will do for those who are to be sanctified. More so since, while We, the Three Divine

Persons, are always united in operating, if the Creation points to the Father, and

Redemption to the Son, the Fiat Voluntas Tua will point to the Holy Spirit. And it is

precisely in the Fiat Voluntas Tua that the Divine Spirit will make display of His work.

You do it when, on coming before the Supreme Majesty, you say: ‘I come to requite

You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I

come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the

requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the

oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace’. And as much as you can, you search

within Our Will for the acts of grace of the Spirit Sanctifier, so as to make His sorrow

your own, as well as His secret moans, His anguishing sighs in the depth of the hearts, in

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seeing Himself so unwelcome. And since the first act He does is to bring Our Will as the

complete act of their sanctification, in seeing Himself rejected, He moans with

inexpressible moans. And you, in your childlike simplicity, say to Him: ‘Spirit Sanctifier,

hurry, I implore You, I pray You again – make your Will known to all, so that, by

knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome your first act of their complete

sanctification – which is your Holy Will.’ My daughter, We, the Three Divine Persons,

are inseparable and distinct, and in this way do We want to manifest to the human

generations Our works for them - that while being united among Ourselves, each One of

Us wants to manifest individually His love and His work toward the creatures.”

Volume 17 – June 25, 1925

How pains and crosses open the doors to new manifestations, to more secret lessons, to

the greatest gifts. In order to live in the Divine Will the soul must sacrifice everything,

but everything is in understanding the great good that comes to her by doing the Divine

Will and living in It.

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus, all love and tenderness, came to my poor

soul. First He placed Himself near me and He fixed on me as if He wanted to tell me

many things; but He wanted to expand my intelligence, because it was incapable of

receiving and comprehending what He wanted to tell me. Then, He laid Himself over my

whole person, and He hid me under Himself; He covered my face with His, my hands and

my feet with His. It seemed to me that He was all attentive on covering me and hiding me

under Himself, so that nothing of myself might appear any more. Oh! how happy I felt,

all hidden and covered by Jesus! I could see nothing but Jesus – everything had

disappeared from me. The joys, the happiness of His lovable presence had all come back,

as if by magic, to live again in my poor heart. Pain had been banished from me, nor did I

remember His privation any more, which had cost me mortal pains. Oh! how easy it is to

forget everything while being with Jesus! Now, after He kept me all covered and hidden

within Himself for some time, to the point that I thought He would never leave me again,

I heard Him call the Angels, the Saints, to come and see what Jesus was doing with me,

and the way He kept me covered under His adorable person. Then, afterwards, He shared

His pains with me, and I let Him do everything. Even though I felt as though being

crushed by those pains, I felt happy and I experienced the joys which the Divine Will

contains when the soul abandons herself in It, even while suffering.

Then, after He made me suffer, He told me: “My daughter, my Will wants to give Itself

to you more and more; and in order to give Itself more, It wants to make Itself understood

more. And in order to render what It manifests to you more stable, safer, more estimable,

It gives you new pains so as to dispose you more, and to prepare in you the empty space

in which to place Its truths. It wants the noble cortege of pain in order to be sure about the

soul, and to be able to trust her. It is always pain and crosses that open the doors to new

manifestations, to more secret lessons, to the greatest gifts which I want to place in you.

In fact, if the soul bears my suffering and sorrowful Will, she will become capable of

receiving my delighting Will, and will acquire the hearing in order to understand the new

lessons of my Will. Pain will make her acquire the celestial language, in such a way that

she will be able to repeat the new lessons she has learned.”

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On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My Jesus and my Life, it seems to me that it takes

complete sacrifice in order to do your Will and live in It. At first sight, it seems nothing;

but then, in the practice, it seems difficult. Not having a single breath of one’s own will,

even in holy things, in good itself, seems to be too painful for the human nature.

Therefore, will souls never be able to come to living in your Will with the complete

sacrifice of everything?’

And Jesus added: “My daughter, everything is in understanding the great good that

comes to her by doing my Will, what this Will is which wants this sacrifice, and how this

Will does not adapt Itself to mixing and living with a low, small and finite will. It wants

to render the acts of the soul who wants to live in my Will eternal, infinite and divine.

And how can It do this, if she wants to put in the breath of her human will, be it even a

holy thing, as you say? It is always a finite will; and then the living in my Will would no

longer be a reality, but a way of speaking. On the other hand, the office of my Will is

total dominion, and it is right that the little atom of the human will be conquered, and that

it lose its field of action in my Will.

What would you say if a little lamp, a match, or a spark of fire, wanted to enter into the

sun to make its own way and form its field of light and of action in the center of the sun?

If the sun had reason, it would become indignant, and its light and heat would annihilate

that little lamp, that match, that spark; and you would be the first one to mock them,

condemning their boldness in wanting to form their own field of action within the light of

the sun. Such is the breath of the human will within Mine - even in good. Therefore, be

attentive, so that in nothing may your will have life. I covered you and hid you

completely within Myself, that you may have no eye but to look at my Will alone, to give

It free field of action in your soul. Rather, the difficulty will be in comprehending the

living in my Will – not in sacrificing oneself. In fact, once they have understood the great

good that comes to them – that, from poor, they will become rich; from slaves to vile

passions, they will become free and dominating; from servants, masters; from unhappy,

happy, even amid the pains of this poor life – and all the goods which are in my Will, the

total sacrifice of everything will be an honor for them; it will be desired, wanted, and

longed for.

This is why I push you so much to manifest what regards my Will – because everything

will be in comprehending It, knowing It and loving It.”

And I: ‘My Jesus, if You so much love and want that this Will of Yours be known, that It

may have Its field of divine action within souls, O please! You Yourself, manifest Its

truths to souls, the great good which your Will contains, and the great good which they

will receive. Your direct word contains a magic force, a powerful magnet, the virtue of

the creative power. Oh! how difficult it is not to surrender to the sweet enchantment of

your divine word! So, if things are said directly by You, all will surrender.’

And Jesus: “My daughter, it is my usual way, and the order of my eternal Wisdom, to

manifest my greatest works first to one soul alone, to centralize in her all the good that

my work contains, to deal with her one on one, as if no one else existed. When I have

done everything, in such a way as to be able to say that I have accomplished my work

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completely within her, so much so, that nothing must be lacking to her – then do I let it

flow, as though from a vast sea, for the good of the other creatures. So I did with my

Celestial Mama: first I dealt with Her, as though one on one, for the work of Redemption;

no other creature knew anything at all. She disposed Herself to all sacrifices, to all the

necessary preparations in order to make Me descend from Heaven to earth; I did

everything as if She were the only Redeemed One. But after She delivered Me

to the light, in such a way that all could see Me and take the goods of Redemption, I gave

Myself to all, provided that they wanted to receive Me. The same will happen with my

Will: once I have completed everything within you, in such a way that my Will will

triumph of you, and you of It, then, like water, will It flow for the good of all. But it is

necessary to form the first soul, in order to have the second ones.”

Vol. 18 October 10, 1925

Exchange of wills between the Celestial Father and the Most Holy Virgin, and Luisa.

The Most Holy Virgin repeats for the soul who lives in the Divine Will that which She

did for Her Son.

As I was in my usual state, my poor mind found itself within an extremely high

atmosphere. I seemed to see the Divinity, and upon one knee of the Celestial Father, the

Queen Mama, dead, as if She had no life. Surprised, I thought to myself: ‘My Mama is

dead; but what a happy death – to die on the knees of our Creator!’ But, looking more

closely, I saw Her will as though detached from Her body,

held in the hands of the Divine Father. Amazed, I looked, and I could not give myself a

reason for what I was seeing; but a voice coming from the divine throne said: “This is the

elect among all the elect; She is the all beautiful; She is the only creature who gave Us

Her will as gift, and left it, dead, upon Our knees, in Our hands. And We, in exchange,

gave Her the gift of Our Will. Greater gift We could not give Her, because by acquiring

this Supreme Will, She had the power to make the Word descend upon earth, and to have

the Redemption of mankind be formed. A human will would have no power nor

attraction over Us; but a Divine Will, given by Ourselves to this incomparable creature,

won over Us, conquered Us, enraptured Us; and unable to resist, We surrendered to Her

petitions to make the Word descend upon earth. Now We are waiting for you to come to

die upon Our other knee, giving Us your will; and We, in seeing it dead in Our hands, as

if it no longer existed for you, will give you the gift of Our Will, and through you – that

is, through this Will of Ours given to you – Our Fiat will return to live upon earth. These

two wills, dead upon Our knees, will be the ransom for many rebellious wills, and We

will keep them as a precious pledge, which will repay Us for all the evils of the other

creatures, because with Our Will they will be able to satisfy Us.”

The voice could no longer be heard, and I found myself on the other paternal knee, in the

act of breathing my last, and dying. But at that moment I found myself inside myself, but

I am unable to say what I felt within me; only, I prayed from the heart that my will might

never again enter into me, but only the Divine might have life in me. Ah! It alone is the

bearer of all goods and the repeater of Jesus within souls; and echoing the Fiat of

Creation, It embraces everything and everyone as though in one breath, and requites God

for the work of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification. The Divine Will operating in us

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can do anything; It is the true Queen who reigns and rules over everything. Then,

afterwards, I saw my Celestial Mama with Baby Jesus in Her arms, as She kissed Him

and placed Him to Her breast to give Him Her most pure milk; and I said to Her: ‘My

Mama, and what about me - don’t You give anything to me? O please! allow me at least

to place my ‘I love You’ between your mouth and that of Jesus while You kiss, so that

my little ‘I love You’ may run within everything You do. And She said to me: “My

daughter, please do, place your little ‘I love You’, not only in the mouth, but in all the

acts that pass between Me and my Son. You must know that everything I did toward my

Son, I intended to do toward those souls who were to live in the Divine Will, because,

being in It, they would be disposed to receive all the acts I did toward Jesus, and I would

find sufficient space in which to place them. So, if I kissed my Son, I kissed them,

because I found them together with Him in His Supreme Will. They were the first to be

as though lined up within Him, and my maternal love pushed Me to let them partake in

everything I did to my Son.

Great graces were needed for those who were to live in this Holy Will, and I placed all

my goods, my graces, my sorrows, at their disposal, as their help, as defense, as strength,

as support and as light; and I felt happy and honored with the greatest honors, to have, as

my children, the children of the Will of the Celestial Father, which I too possessed; and

therefore I looked at them also as births from Me. Even more, it can be said of them what

is said about my Son: that the first generations found salvation in the merits of the future

Redeemer. In the same way, these souls, these future daughters, by virtue of the Divine

Will operating in them, are the ones who incessantly implore salvation and graces for the

future generations. They are with Jesus, and Jesus is in them; and they repeat together

with Jesus that which Jesus contains. Therefore, if you want Me to repeat for you what I

did for my Son, let Me always find you in His Will, and I will be generous with my

favors toward you.”

Vol. 18 October 24, 1925

The Divine Will is one single act, immense and eternal, which contains, all together,

Creation, Redemption and Sanctification. One who lives in the Divine Will possesses

this single act and takes part in all Its works, forming one single act with her God.

As I was in my usual state, I felt my sweet Jesus move in my interior, in the act of laying

Himself within me, as if He were placing Himself in agony. I could hear His rattle of

agony, and I too felt I was agonizing together with Him. Then, after I had suffered for a

little while together with Jesus, He said to me: “My daughter, thinking about my Passion,

compassionating Me in my pains, is very pleasing to Me. I feel I am not alone in my

pains, but I have with Me the company of the creature, because of whom I suffer, and

whom I love so much; and as I have her with Me, my suffering becomes sweeter for Me.

How hard is isolation in suffering! When I see Myself alone, I have no one to whom to

entrust my pains, nor anyone to whom to give the fruit which my pains contain; and so

I remain as though drowned with pains and love. Therefore, as my love can endure no

more, I come to You, to suffer within you, and you with Me, the pains of my Passion, in

act, in order to repeat what I did and suffered in my Humanity. To repeat my Passion in

act in the creature is different from one who only thinks about and compassionates my

pains. The first is an act of my Life, which takes my place in order to repeat my pains,

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and I feel I am given back the effects and the value of a Divine Life. On the other hand,

when one thinks about my pains and compassionates Me, it is the mere company of the

creature that I feel. But do you know in whom I can repeat the pains of my Passion in

act? In one who has my Will as center of life.

My Will alone is one single act which has no succession of acts. This single act is as

though fixed to one point which never moves; and this point is Eternity. And while being

one single act, prime act, endless act, Its circumference is so immense that nothing can

escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with one single embrace, because

everything starts from that prime act, as one single act.

So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are one single act for the

Divinity; and only because it is one single act, it has the power to make all acts its own,

as if they were one alone. Now, one who lives in my Will possesses this single act, and it

is no wonder that she takes part in the pains of my Passion, as though in act. In this single

act she finds, as though in act, her Creator creating the Creation; and forming one single

act with her God, she creates together with Him, flowing as one single act in all created

things, and forming the glory of Creation for her Creator. Her love shines over all created

things; she enjoys and takes pleasure in them; she loves them as things belonging to

herself and to her God. In that single act she has a note that echoes the whole of the

divine operating; and in her emphasis of love, she says: ‘What is yours is mine, and what

is mine is yours. Be glory, honor and love to my Creator.’ In this single act she finds the

Redemption in act; she makes It all her own, she suffers my pains as if they were her

own, she flows within everything I did - in my prayers, in my pains, in my words - in

everything; she has a note of reparation, of compassion, of love and of substitution for

my Life. In this single act she finds everything; she makes everything her own, and

places her requital of love everywhere. This is why the living in my Will is the prodigy of

prodigies; it is the enchantment of God and of all Heaven, as they see the littleness of the

creature flow in all the things of their Creator. Like solar ray, bound to this single act, she

diffuses everywhere and in everyone. Therefore I recommend to you: even at the cost of

your life, never go out of this single act of my Will, that I may repeat in you, as though in

act, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification.

See, also nature contains the similes of this single act. In the atmosphere, the sun has one

single act; from the moment it was created by God, it always does one single act. Its light,

its heat, are so transfused together as to become inseparable from each other, and, from

up high, it remains always in the act of sending light and heat. And while, from up high,

it knows how to do but one single act, the circumference of its light which descends

down below is so great as to embrace all the earth, and with its embrace it produces

innumerable effects, constituting itself life and glory of all created things.

By virtue of this single act, it has the virtue of enclosing each plant within itself, and to

some it administers development, to some maturation of fruits, to some sweetness, to

some fragrance. It can be said that the whole earth begs life from the sun, and that each

plant, even the littlest blade of grass, from the sun beseeches its growth and each fruit it

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must produce. But the sun never changes its action; it glories in doing always one single


The human nature also contains the simile of one single act, and this is contained in the

beating of the heart. Human life begins with the heartbeat. The heartbeat does always one

single act - it can do nothing but beating; however, the virtue of this heartbeat, its effects

in the human life, are innumerable. As it palpitates, and at each heartbeat, it makes the

blood circulate in the members, up to the outermost parts. And as it palpitates, it gives

strength to the feet in order to walk, to the hands in order to work, to the mouth in order

to speak, to the mind in order to think; it administers warmth and strength to the whole

person. Everything depends on the heartbeat; so much so, that if the heartbeat is a little

labored, one loses energy and the will to operate; the intelligence becomes dim, one is

full of pains: a general ill-being. And if the heartbeat ceases, life ceases. The power of a

single act repeated continuously is great; much more so, for the single act of an Eternal

God, who has the virtue of doing everything with one single act. Therefore, neither past,

nor present, nor future exist in this act, and one who lives in my Will already finds herself

in this single act; and just as the heart does always a heartbeat in the human nature, which

constitutes itself life of it, so does my Will palpitate continuously in the depth of the soul

- but with one single heartbeat. And as It palpitates, It gives her beauty, sanctity, strength,

love, goodness, wisdom. This heartbeat encloses Heaven and earth; it is like blood

circulation; like circumference of light, it can be found in the highest points and in the

outermost parts. Wherever this single act, this heartbeat of the soul, has full vigor and

reigns completely, there is a continuous prodigy – the prodigy which only a God can do;

and therefore new heavens, new abysses of graces, surprising truths are discovered in her.

But if one asks: ‘Where does so much good come from?’, she would answer, united with

the sun, together with the human heartbeat, and with the single act of the Eternal God: ‘I

do only one thing - I do always the Will of God and I live in It. This is all my secret and

all my fortune.’ Having said this, He disappeared; but later I found myself outside of

myself, with little Baby Jesus in my arms. He was very pale, He was shivering all over,

His lips were blue, and He was cold and so emaciated as to arouse pity. It seemed to me

that He had taken refuge in my arms in order to be defended. I pressed Him to my heart

to warm Him; I took His little hands and feet in my hands, and I squeezed them so that

He would not shiver; I kissed Him and kissed Him, over and over again; I told Him that I

loved Him very, very much. And while I was doing this, the little Baby regained color,

He stopped shivering, He was all restored and He clung more tightly to me. But while I

thought that He would remain always with me, to my surprise I saw that, very gently, He

was going down from my knees. I cried out, pulling Him by one arm: ‘Jesus, where are

You going? How can this be - You leave me?’ And He: “I must go.” And I: ‘And when

are You coming back?’ And Jesus: “In three years from now”; and He took His way to

leave. But who can say my sorrow? I repeated to myself, among tears and convulsions: ‘I

will see Him again in three years from now – oh! God, how shall I go on?’

And the pain was so great that I fainted and could not understand anything any more. But

while I was languishing, faint, I just barely opened my eyes and I saw that He had turned

back and was coming up from my other knee, and, very gently, He crouched down on my

lap, and He caressed me with His little hands, He kissed me, and repeated to me: “Calm

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yourself, calm yourself, for I do not leave you.” And as He would say: “I do not leave

you”, I would feel myself come round and life given back to me. And I found myself

inside myself, but with such fear that I felt myself dying.

Vol 19 – June 20, 1926

“Ecce Homo”. Jesus felt as many deaths for as many as were those who cried out:

“Crucify Him!” One who lives in the Divine Will takes the fruit of the pains of Jesus.

The ideal of Jesus in Creation was the Kingdom of His Will in souls.

After going through most bitter days because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, I felt I

could take no more; I moaned under a press that crushed my soul and body, and I longed

for my Celestial Fatherland, in which not even for one instant would I be without the One

who is all my life and my highest and only Good. Then, when I reduced myself to the

extremes without Jesus, I felt myself being filled completely with Him, in such a way that

I remained like a veil that covered Him. And since I was thinking about the pains of His

Passion and accompanying Him, especially in the act in which Pilate showed Him to the

people, saying, ‘Ecce Homo’, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, as Pilate said ‘Ecce

Homo’, all cried out: ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him – we want Him dead!’

And so did my very Celestial Father and my inseparable and pierced Mama, and not only

those who were present, but all the absent and all generations, past and future. And if

someone did not say it with words, he said it with facts, because there was not a single

one who said he wanted Me alive, and to keep silent is confirmation of what others want.

This cry of death from all was so very painful for Me; I felt as many deaths for as many

as were the people who cried out: ‘Crucify Him!’ I felt as though drowned with pains and

with death; more so, since I could see that each death of mine would not bring life to each

one, and those who received life because of my death would not receive all the complete

fruit of my Passion and Death. My sorrow was so great, that my moaning Humanity was

about to succumb and breathe Its last; but while I was dying, with Its all-seeingness my

Supreme Will made present to my dying Humanity all those who would let the Eternal

Volition reign in them with absolute dominion, who would take the

complete fruit of my Passion and Death. Among them there was my dear Mother, as their

head. She took all the deposit of all my goods and of the fruits contained in my Life,

Passion and Death – not even one breath of mine did She allow to be lost, nor did She fail

to keep its precious fruit in Her custody. And from Her they were to be transmitted to the

little newborn of my Will and to all those in whom the Supreme Volition would have Its

Life and Its Kingdom.

When my extinguishing Humanity saw the complete fruit of my Life, Passion and Death

placed in safety and secured, It was able to resume and continue the course of Its

sorrowful Passion. So, it is my Will alone that brings all the fullness of my goods and the

complete fruit contained in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification. Wherever It reigns,

Our works are all full of life – nothing is halved or incomplete; while where It does not

reign, even if some virtues were present, everything is misery, everything incomplete,

and if they produce any fruit at all, it is unripe and without maturity. And if they take the

fruits of my Redemption, they take them with measure and without abundance, therefore

they grow as weak, sick and feverish; and if they do a little bit of good, they do it strained

and they feel crushed under the weight of that bit of good that they do. On the other hand,

my Will empties the human will and in that void It places the divine strength and the life

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of good. Therefore, one who lets It reign within herself does good without strain, and the

life she contains leads her to operate good with an irresistible strength. So, my Humanity

found life in my Passion and Death, and in those in whom my Will would reign; therefore

Creation and Redemption will always be incomplete until my Will has Its Kingdom in


After this, I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Volition, and my sweet Jesus,

coming out from within my interior, followed everything I did with His gaze. And since

He saw that all my acts identified with His, and by virtue of the Supreme Will, they

followed the same course as His acts, and repeated the same good and the same glory for

our Celestial Father, taken by emphasis of love He clasped me to His Heart and told me:

“My daughter, even though you are little and newly born in my Will, and you live in the

Kingdom of my Will, your littleness is my triumph; and when I see you

operate in It I find Myself in the Kingdom of my Will like a king who has fought a long

war. Since his ideal was victory, in seeing himself victorious he feels cheered of the

bloody battle, from the hardships suffered and from the wounds still impressed on his

person, and his triumph is formed as he sees himself surrounded by the conquests he has

made. The king wants to look at everything, his gaze wants to delight in the kingdom

conquered, and, triumphant, he smiles and makes feast.

So I am. My ideal in Creation was the Kingdom of my Will in the soul of the creature;

my primary purpose was to make of man the image of the Divine Trinity by virtue of the

fulfillment of my Will upon him. But as man withdrew from It, I lost my Kingdom in

him, and for as long as six thousand years I had to sustain a long battle. But, long as it has

been, I have not dismissed my ideal and my primary purpose, nor will I dismiss it; and if

I came in Redemption, I came to realize my ideal and my primary purpose – that is, the

Kingdom of my Will in souls. This is so true, that in order to come, I formed my first

Kingdom of the Supreme Volition in the Heart of my Immaculate Mama – outside of my

Kingdom I would never have come upon earth. Then I suffered hardships and pains, I

was wounded and killed at last, but the Kingdom of my Will was not realized; I laid the

foundations, I made some preparations, but the bloody battle between the human will and

the Divine has yet continued.

Now, my little daughter, when I see you operate in the Kingdom of my Will and, as you

operate, Its Kingdom is established more and more in you, I feel victorious in my long

battle and everything around Me takes the attitude of triumph and feast. My pains, the

hardships, the wounds, smile at Me, and my very death gives Me back the life of my Will

in you. So I feel victorious in Creation and in Redemption; even more, they serve to form

the long rounds for the newborn of my Will – her rapid flights, her endless strolls in the

Kingdom of my Will. And so I boast in triumph, and delighting, I follow with my gaze all

the steps and acts of my little daughter. See, all have their ideal, and when they realize it,

only then are they content. The little baby also has his ideal – to attach himself to the

breast of his mama – and while he cries and sobs, as soon as his mama opens her lap to

him, the baby stops crying, takes on a smile, and flinging himself, he attaches

himself to the breast of his mama and, victorious, he suckles and suckles until he is full;

and while he suckles, triumphant, he takes his sweet sleep. So I am. After long crying,

when I see the lap of a soul who opens the doors to Me, to give place to the Kingdom of

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my Will, my tears stop, and flinging Myself onto her lap, I attach Myself to her, and

suckling her love and the fruits of the Kingdom of my Will, I take my sweet sleep and I

rest victorious. Even the tiny little bird - its ideal is the seed, and when it sees it, it beats

its wings, it runs, hurls itself over the seed; victorious, it grabs it with its beak and,

triumphant, it continues its flight. So I am. I fly and fly, I go round and round to form the

Kingdom of my Will in the soul, that she may form for Me the seed to nourish Me,

because I use no other food but that which is formed in my Kingdom; and when I see this

celestial seed, more than little bird, I fly to make of it my food.

So, for each, everything is in realizing the ideal one has set for himself. This is why,

when I see you operate in the Kingdom of my Will, I see my ideal realized, and I feel

repaid for the work of Creation and Redemption, and the triumph of my Will established

in you. Therefore be attentive, and let the victory of your Jesus be permanent in you.”

Then after this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and, all tenderness, told me: “My

daughter, tell Me, what about your ideal, your purpose – what is it?” And I: ‘My love,

Jesus, my ideal is to fulfill your Will, and all my purpose is to reach the point at which no

thought, word, heartbeat and work of mine may ever go out of the Kingdom of your

Supreme Will; even more, in It may they be conceived, nourished, raised and form their

life, and if needed, also their death, though I know that in your Will no act dies, but once

it is born it lives eternally. So, it is the Kingdom of your Will in my poor soul that I long

for, and this is all my ideal and my primary and ultimate purpose.’ And Jesus, all love

and making feast, added: “My daughter, so, my ideal and yours are one, and therefore

one is our purpose. Brava, brava, the little daughter of my Will! And since your ideal and

mine are one, you too have sustained the battle of long years to conquer the Kingdom of

my Will. You had to endure pains, privations, and have been even a prisoner in your little

room, bound to your little bed, to conquer that Kingdom so much wanted and longed for

by Me and by you. It cost much to both of us, and now we are both triumphant and

conquerors. So, you too are the little queen in the Kingdom of my Will, and even though

little, you are always queen because you are the daughter of the great King - of our

Celestial Father. Therefore, as conqueror of a Kingdom so great, take possession of all

Creation, of all Redemption and of all Heaven – everything is yours, because your rights

of possession extend wherever my Will reigns as whole and permanent. All are waiting

for you to give you the honors that befit your victory.

You too are the little baby who has so much cried and longed for her Jesus. But as soon

as you have seen Me your tears have stopped, and flinging yourself onto my lap, you

have attached yourself to my breast and, victorious, you have suckled my Will and my

love. As though in triumph, you have taken rest in my very arms, and I rocked you so that

your sleep might be longer, and I might enjoy my newborn in my own arms; and,

triumphant, I extended the Kingdom of my Will in you. Also, you are the tiny little dove

that has gone around and around Me, and while I spoke to you about my Will,

manifesting to you the knowledges about It, Its goods, Its prodigies and even Its sorrow,

you beat your wings, and hurling yourself over the many seeds I placed before you, you

grabbed them with your beak and, triumphant, you continued your flight around Me,

waiting for more seeds of my Will which I would place before you. And, again, grabbing

them with your beak, you nourished yourself and, victorious, continued your flight,

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manifesting the Kingdom of my Will. So, my prerogatives are yours, my Kingdom and

yours are one; we have suffered together – it is right that together we enjoy

our conquests.”

I remained surprised on hearing this, and I thought to myself: ‘But, is it really true that in

my poor soul there is this Kingdom of the Supreme Will?’ I felt all confused, and if I

wrote this, I did it to obey. But, as I am writing, Jesus has surprised me, and coming out

from within my interior He has thrown His arms around my neck, squeezing me so very

tightly, to the point that I could not write any more because my poor head was no longer

in me. But immediately Jesus disappeared, and I continue writing….

So, while I was afraid, Jesus told me: “My daughter, my Celestial Mama was able to give

Me to others because She conceived Me within Herself, She raised Me and nourished

Me. No one can give something he does not have, and if She gave Me to the other

creatures it was because She possessed Me. Now, I would never have told you so much

about my Will had I not wanted to form Its Kingdom in you; nor would you have loved It

so much had It not been yours. The things that are not one’s own are kept reluctantly, and

cause bother and weight. Had you not had the springing fount of the Kingdom of my Will

within you, you would not have been able to repeat what I have told you, nor put it on

paper; lacking the possession, you would lack the light and the love to manifest it. So, if

the Sun shines in you, and with Its rays It feeds you the words, the knowledges, and how

It wants to reign, it is a sign that you possess It, and therefore your task is to make It

known, just as the task of the Sovereign Queen was to make Me known and to give Me

for the salvation of all.”

Volume 20 - October 22, 1926

The great good which the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will bring. How It will be the

preserver from all evils. Just as the Virgin, while She made no miracle, made the great

miracle of giving a God to creatures, so it will be for the one who must make the

Kingdom known: she will make the great miracle of giving a Divine Will.

I was thinking to myself about the Holy Divine Volition, and I said to myself: ‘But, what

will be the great good of this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat?’ And Jesus, interrupting my

thought, moved in my interior as though hurriedly, telling me: “My daughter, what will

be the great good?! What will be the great good?! The Kingdom of my Fiat will enclose

all goods, all miracles, the most sensational prodigies; even more, It will surpass them all

together. And if miracle means to give sight to a blind one, to straighten up a cripple, to

heal one who is sick, to raise a dead man, etc., the Kingdom of my Will will have the

preserving nourishment, and for whomever enters into It, there will be no danger that he

might become blind, crippled or sick. Death will no longer have power in the soul; and if

it will have it over the body, it will not be death, but transit. Without the nourishment of

sin and a degraded human will which produced corruption in the bodies, and with the

preserving nourishment of my Will, the bodies also will not be subject to decomposing

and becoming so horribly corrupted as to strike fear even into the strongest ones, as it

happens now; but they will remain composed in their sepulchers, waiting for the day of

the resurrection of all.

Do you think it is a greater miracle to give sight of a poor blind one, to straighten up a

cripple, to heal one who is sick, or to have a preserving means, so that the eye may never

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lose its sight, so that one may always walk straight, so that one may always be healthy? I

believe that the preserving miracle is greater than the miracle after a misfortune has

occurred. This is the great difference between the Kingdom of Redemption and the

Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat: in the first, the miracle was for the poor unfortunate, as it

is today, who lie, some in one misfortune, some in another; and this is why I gave the

example, also externally, of giving many different healings, which were the symbol of the

healings which I gave to the souls, and which easily return to their infirmity. The second

will be a preserving miracle, because my Will possesses the miraculous power that

whoever lets himself be dominated by It, will be subject to no evil. Therefore, It will have

no need to make miracles, because It will preserve them always healthy, holy and

beautiful – worthy of that beauty which came out of Our creative hands in creating the


The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will make the great miracle of banishing all evils, all

miseries, all fears, because It will not perform a miracle at time and circumstance, but

will keep the children of Its Kingdom with Itself with an act of continuous miracle, to

preserve them from any evil, and let them be distinguished as the children of Its

Kingdom. This, in the souls; but also in the body there will be many modifications,

because it is always sin that is the nourishment of all evils. Once sin is removed, there

will be no nourishment for evil; more so, since my Will and sin cannot exist together,

therefore the human nature also will have its beneficial effects.

Now, my daughter, having to prepare the great miracle of the Kingdom of the Supreme

Fiat, I am doing with you, firstborn daughter of my Will, just as I did with the Sovereign

Queen, my Mama, when I had to prepare the Kingdom of Redemption. I drew Her so

close to Myself, I kept Her so occupied in Her interior, as to be able to form together with

Her the miracle of Redemption, for which there was such great need. There were so many

things which, together, we were to do, to redo, to complete, that I had to hide from Her

outward appearance anything which might be called miracle, except for Her perfect

virtue. By this, I rendered Her more free, so as to let Her cross the endless sea of the

Eternal Fiat, that She might have access to the Divine Majesty in order to obtain

the Kingdom of Redemption. What would be greater: that the Celestial Queen had given

sight tothe blind and speech to the mute, and so forth, or the miracle of making the

Eternal Word descend upon earth? The first would have been accidental, passing and

individual miracles; the second, instead, is a permanent miracle – and it is for everyone,

as long as they want it. Therefore, the first would have been as though nothing compared

to the second. She was the true sun, who, eclipsing everything, eclipsed the very Word of

the Father within Herself, letting all the goods, all the effects and miracles which

Redemption produced, germinate from Her light. But, as sun, She produced goods and

miracles without letting Herself be seen or pointed at as the primary cause of everything.

In fact, all the good I did upon earth, I did because the Empress of Heaven reached the

point of holding Her empire in the Divinity; and by Her empire She drew Me from

Heaven, to give Me to creatures.

Now, I am doing the same with you in order to prepare the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.

I keep you with Me, I make you cross Its endless sea to give you access to the Celestial

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Father, that you may pray Him, conquer Him, have empire over Him, to obtain the Fiat of

my Kingdom. And in order to fulfill and consummate in you all the miraculous power

which is needed to form a Kingdom so holy, I keep you continuously occupied in your

interior with the work of my Kingdom; I make you go around continuously in order to

redo - to complete everything that is needed, and that all should do, in order to form the

great miracle of my Kingdom. Externally, I let nothing miraculous appear in you,

except for the light of my Will.

Some might say: ‘How can this be? Blessed Jesus manifests so many portents to this

creature about this Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and the goods It will bring will surpass

Creation and Redemption - even more, It will be the crown of both one and the other; but

in spite of so much good, nothing miraculous can be seen in her, externally, as

confirmation of the great good of this Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat; while the other saints,

without the portent of this great good, have made miracles at each step.’ But if they turn

back to consider my dear Mama, the holiest of all creatures, and the great good which

She enclosed within Herself and which She brought to creatures, there is no one who can

compare to Her, as She made the great miracle of conceiving the Divine Word within

Herself, and the portent of giving a God to each creature. And in the face of this great

prodigy, never before seen or heard, of being able to give the Eternal Word to creatures,

all other miracles together are like tiny little flames before the sun. Now, one who must

do the greatest has no need to do the lesser. In the same way, in the face of the miracle of

the Kingdom of my Will restored in the midst of creatures, all other miracles will be tiny

little flames before the great Sun of my Will. Each saying, truth and manifestation about

It, is a miracle which has come out of my Will as preserver from all evils; it is like

binding the creatures to an infinite good, to a greater glory, and to a new beauty – fully


Each truth about my Eternal Fiat contains more power and prodigious virtue than if a

dead man were resurrected, a leper were healed, a blind one could see, or a mute could

speak. In fact, my words on the sanctity and power of my Fiat will resurrect the souls to

their origin; they will heal them from the leprosy produced by the human will. They will

give them the sight to be able to see the goods of the Kingdom of my Will, because until

now they have been like blind. They will give speech to many mute who, while they were

able to say many other things, only for my Will were like many mute without speech; and

then, the great miracle of being able to give to each creature a Divine Will which

contains all goods. What will It not give them when It will be in possession of the

children of Its Kingdom? This is why I keep you all occupied with the work of this

Kingdom of Mine - and there is much to do in order to prepare the great miracle that the

Kingdom of the Fiat be known and possessed. Therefore, be attentive in crossing the

endless sea of my Will, so that the order between Creator and creature may be

established; in this way, through you, I will be able to make the great

miracle that man return to Me – into the origin from which he came.”

Then, I was thinking of what is written above, especially that each word and

manifestation on the Supreme Will is a miracle come out of It. And Jesus, to confirm in

me what He had told me, added: “My daughter, what do you think a greater miracle was

when I came upon earth: my word, the Gospel I announced, or the fact that I gave life to

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the dead, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, etc.? Ah! my daughter, my word, my

Gospel, was a greater miracle; more so, since the very miracles came out of my word.

The foundation, the substance of all miracles came out of my creative word.

The Sacraments, Creation Itself, a permanent miracle, had life from my word; and my

very Church has my word, my Gospel, as regime and foundation. So, my word, my

Gospel, was a miracle greater than the miracles themselves, which, if they had life, it was

because of my miraculous word.

Therefore, be sure that the word of your Jesus is the greatest miracle. My word is like

mighty wind that runs, pounds on the hearing, enters into the hearts, warms, purifies,

illuminates, goes round and round from nation to nation; it covers the whole world, it

wanders throughout all centuries. Who could ever give death and bury one word of mine?

No one. And if sometimes it seems that my word is silent and is as though hidden, it

never loses its life. When least expected, it comes out and goes around everywhere.

Centuries will pass in which everything - men and things - will be overwhelmed and

disappear, but my word will never pass away, because it contains Life – the miraculous

power of the One who issued it. Therefore, I confirm that each word and manifestation I

make to you about my Eternal Fiat is the greatest miracle, which will serve the Kingdom

of my Will. And this is why I push you so much, and I care so much that not a word of

mine be not manifested and written by you – because I see a miracle of mine coming

back to Me, which will bring so much good to the children of the Kingdom of the

Supreme Fiat.”

November 2, 1926

Hiding one’s acts in the acts of the Celestial Mama, and how they stand in for Her.

How Redemption will serve no longer as food for the sick, but as food for the healthy.

I continued my living in the Divine Fiat, and while doing my acts in It, I absorbed light;

and as it formed its reflections, as many threads of light come out, which formed a net of

light that extended over the earth in order to catch the creatures. And Jesus, moving in my

interior, told me: “My daughter, every time you go around in my Will, you take more

light in order to form the net with which to catch the creatures. And do you know what

this net is? It is my knowledges. The more knowledges I manifest to you about the

Eternal Fiat, the more I dispose and expand the net in order to catch the souls who must

live in my Kingdom; and this disposes the Lord to give them to you.

When you go around in Our Will, by virtue of It, your acts become light, and extend so

much as to touch the Divinity and draw more light of truth into the midst of creatures.”

Then, while I continued my round in everything that has been done in the Supreme Will,

I arrived at everything that my Celestial Mama had done in It, and I said to Her:

‘Sovereign Queen, I come to hide my little love in the great sea of your love, my

adoration toward God in the immense ocean of yours. I hide my thanksgivings in the sea

of yours; I hide my supplications, my sighs, my tears and pains in the sea of yours, so that

my sea of love and yours may be one, my adoration and yours may be one, my

thanksgivings may acquire the vastness of your own expanses; my supplications, tears

and pains may become one single sea with yours, so that I too may have my seas of love,

of adoration, etc. And just as your Sovereign Height impetrated with this the longed for

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Redeemer, so I too may present myself before the Divine Majesty with all these seas, in

order to ask, to beseech – to implore the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. My Queen

Mama, I must use your very life, your very seas of love and of graces, to conquer It to

make It concede Its Kingdom upon earth, just as You conquered It to let the Eternal

Word descend. Don’t You want to help your little daughter by giving me your seas,

so that I may obtain that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat come soon upon earth?’

Now, while I was doing and saying this, I thought to myself: ‘My Celestial Mama did not

occupy Herself, nor did She have great interest in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, that

It might come soon to reign upon earth. She had interest in the longed for Redeemer, and

She obtained Him. As for the Divine Fiat, which was more necessary, and which was to

put perfect order between Creator and creature, She did not occupy Herself with It; while

it was up to Her, as Queen and Mother, to reconcile the human will and the Divine, so

that the Divine might reign with Its full triumph.’ At that moment, my always lovable

Jesus came out from within my interior and, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, the

mission of my inseparable Mama was for the longed for Redeemer, and She fulfilled it

perfectly. However, you must know that everything that both She and I did - its

substance, its source and primary cause - was the Kingdom of my Will. But since

Redemption was necessary in order for this to come, though the Kingdom of the Fiat was

inside our acts, on the outside we were all intent and occupied with the Kingdom of

Redemption. On the other hand, your mission is exclusively for the Kingdom of the

Supreme Will, and everything that the Sovereign Queen and I did, is at your disposal, to

help you, to stand in for you, to give you access to the Divine Majesty in order to

impetrate and ask, incessantly, for the coming of the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat. In

order for you to receive the good of the longed for Redeemer, you should have done your

part; but since at that time you were not there, my Mama stood in for you. Now you must

stand in for Her, in Her part, for the Kingdom of my Will. So, the Mama stood in for the

daughter, and the daughter stands in for the Mama. More so, since the Queen of Heaven

was the first daughter of my Will, and because She always lived within Our expanse, She

formed Her own seas of love, of graces, of adoration, of light.

Now, since you are the second daughter of my Will, what is hers is yours, because your

Mama keeps you as a birth from Herself, and She enjoys that Her daughter be inside Her

own seas in order to impetrate the so longed for Kingdom of the Divine Fiat upon earth.

Therefore, see how abundantly your Mama makes up for you, giving you all that is hers;

even more, She feels honored that Her immense seas serve you, in order to impetrate a

Kingdom so holy.”

Then, after this, I was following, in the Divine Will, what Jesus has done in Redemption;

and my sweet Jesus, coming back, added: “My daughter, my Redemption came as

remedy for man, and therefore It serves as remedy, as medicine, as food, for the sick, for

the blind, for the mute, and for all kinds of maladies. And because they are sick, they do

not enjoy nor receive all the strength which all the remedies that I came to bring them for

their good contain. The Eucharistic Sacrament which I left as food in order to give them

perfect health - many eat It over and over again, but they appear always sick. Poor food

of my very Life, hidden under the veils of the accidents of the bread – how many

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corrupted palates, how many undigesting stomachs, which prevent creatures from

enjoying the taste of my food, and from digesting all the strength of my Sacramental Life.

And so they remain infirm; and because they are members feverish in evil, they take it

with no appetite. This is why I long so much for the coming of the Kingdom of the

Supreme Fiat – because, then, everything I did in coming upon earth will serve as food

for those who enjoy perfect health. What is not the difference between a sick person who

takes the same food, and someone else who enjoys perfect health? The infirm one takes it

without appetite, without taste, and it serves him in order to sustain himself and

not die. The healthy one takes it with appetite, and because he enjoys it, he takes more,

and preserves himself strong and healthy. So, what will not be my contentment in seeing

that, in the Kingdom of my Will, everything I did will serve no longer as food for the

sick, but as food for the children of my Kingdom, who will be all full of vigor and in

perfect health? Even more, by possessing my Will, they will possess my permanent Life

within them, just as the Blessed in Heaven possess It.

So, my Will will be the veil that will hide my Life in them. And just as the Blessed

possess Me within themselves as their own life, because true happiness has its origin

inside the soul, and so the happiness which they receive continuously from the Divinity

holds hands and exchanges the kiss with the happiness which they possess inside, and

this is why they are fully happy; in the same way, the soul who possesses my Will will

have my perennial Life within her, which will serve her as continuous food – not once a

day, like the food of my Sacramental Life. In fact, my Will will make greater display, nor

will It be content with giving Itself once a day, but It will give Itself continuously,

because It knows that these have pure palates and strong stomachs to be able to enjoy and

digest, in every moment, the strength, the light, the Divine Life. And the Sacraments, my

Sacramental Life, will serve as food, as delight, as new happiness for the Life of the

Supreme Fiat which they will possess.

The Kingdom of my Will will be the true echo of the Celestial Fatherland, in which,

while the Blessed possess their God as their own life, they receive Him into themselves

also from the outside. So, inside and outside of themselves, Divine Life they possess, and

Divine Life they receive. What will not be my happiness in giving Myself sacramentally

to the children of the Eternal Fiat, and in finding my own Life in them? Then will my

Sacramental Life have Its complete fruit; and as the species are consumed, I will no

longer have the sorrow of leaving my children without the food of my continuous

Life, because my Will, more than sacramental accidents, will maintain Its Divine Life

always with Its full possession. In the Kingdom of my Will there will be neither foods

nor communions that are interrupted – but perennial; and everything I did in Redemption

will serve no longer as remedy, but as delight, as joy, as happiness, and as beauty ever

growing. So, the triumph of the Supreme Fiat will give complete fruit to the Kingdom of

Redemption.” (Student can take the ECHO course also)

November 4, 1926

How the Most Holy Virgin was the faithful copy of Her Creator and of all Creation.

How the Divine Will has the virtue of changing drops of water into sea. The Divine

Will veiled within created things.

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I was in my continuous state in the Supreme Will, praying my Queen Mama to help me to

impetrate this Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior,

told me: “My daughter, the most perfect copy of the children of the Kingdom of my Will

was my Celestial Mama; and because It had Its first daughter in It, Redemption could

come; otherwise, had We not had the first daughter of Our Will, I, the Eternal Word,

would never have descended from Heaven. In order to descend upon earth, I would never

have made use of, nor trusted, children who were extraneous to Our Will.

So, you see, a daughter of Our Will was needed for the coming of the

Kingdom of Redemption; and because She was daughter of the Kingdom of the Eternal

Fiat, She was the faithful copy of Her Creator and the perfect copy of all Creation. She

was to enclose all the acts that the Supreme Will exercises in all created things; and

because She had supremacy and sovereignty over all Creation, She was to enclose within

Herself the heavens, the stars, the sun and everything, so that the copy of the heavens, of

the sun, of the sea and also of the earth, all flowery, might be found in Her Sovereignty.

So, in looking at my Mama, one could see in Her portents never before seen. One could

see heavens; one could see most refulgent sun; one could see crystal clear sea, in which

We reflected Ourselves in order to see Our daughter. One could see earth at springtime,

always flowery, which attracted the Celestial Maker to take His strolls on it. Oh! how

beautiful was the Celestial Sovereign, as We saw in Her not only Our copy, but all of Our

works enclosed in Her. And this, because She enclosed Our Will within Herself.

Now, for the coming of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, another daughter of Our Will

was needed, because if she were not Its daughter, Our Will could entrust to her neither Its

secrets, nor Its sorrows, nor Its knowledges, Its prodigies, Its sanctity, Its dominions. Just

as a father and a mother enjoy making their goods known to their children and making

their children possess them – even more, they would like to possess more in order to

make them more rich and happy – so does my Will enjoy making Its goods known to Its

children, to make them rich and happy, of a happiness without end.

Now, in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, We will have the copies of the Sovereign

Queen. So, She too longs for and awaits this Divine Kingdom on earth, in order to have

Her copies. What a beautiful Kingdom It will be – a Kingdom of light, of infinite riches,

a Kingdom of perfect sanctity and of dominion. Our children of this Kingdom will all be

kings and queens; they will all be members of the divine and royal family. They will

enclose all Creation within themselves; they will have the resemblance, the physiognomy

of Our Celestial Father, and therefore will be the fulfillment of Our glory and the crown

of Our head.”

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Then, I remained thinking about what Jesus had told me, and I thought to myself: ‘Before

She knew that She was to be the Mother of the Word, my Mama had no pain or sorrow;

more so, since by living within the expanses of the Supreme Will, She was happy.

Therefore, among the many seas She possessed, She lacked the sea of pains. Yet, without

this sea of sorrow, She impetrated the longed for Redeemer.’ And Jesus, resuming His

speaking, added: “My daughter, even before knowing that She was to be my Mother, my

dear Mama had Her sea of sorrow, and this sea was the pain because of the offenses

given to Her Creator. Oh! how She grieved. And then, this pain of Hers was animated by

a Divine Will, which She possessed, and which contains the virtue of a fount: It has the

virtue of changing everything that is done in It – the littlest things, the drops of water -

into unending sea. My Will does not know how to do small things, but all great. And this

is so true, that it was enough for Us to open Our mouth to say ‘Fiat’ in order to extend a

heaven whose boundaries cannot be seen; one ‘Fiat’ to form a sun that fills the whole

earth with light; and many other things. This says in clear notes that if my Will operates

or invests an atom, a little act, that atom, that little act, becomes sea; and if It bends down

to do small things, It makes up for them with Its regenerative virtue, making of them such

a great number that man cannot arrive at counting them all. Who can arrive at counting

how many fish and how many species are in the sea? How many birds, how many plants

fill the earth?

Therefore, the little ‘I love You’ in my Will becomes sea of love; the little prayer turns

into sea of prayer, the ‘I adore You’ into sea of adoration, the little pains into sea of

pains. And if the soul repeats her ‘I love You’, her adoration, her prayers in my Volition,

and suffers in It, my Will rises, forming gigantic waves of love, of prayers and of pains,

which go to unload themselves into the unending sea of the Eternal One, in such a way as

to place the love of God and that of the creature in common, because one is the Will of

both One and the other. Therefore, one who lets herself be dominated by my Will

possesses as many seas for as many acts as she does in It; and while she does little, she

has much. She has a Divine Volition which delights in making of the little act of the

creature a sea; and only with these seas can she impetrate the longed for Kingdom of the

Divine Fiat.

This is why Our newborn, the little daughter of my Will, was needed, so that, turning her

little pains, her ‘I love You’ and everything she does into seas that communicate with the

sea of the Eternal One, she can have ascendancy to impetrate the Kingdom of my Will.”

After this, I was thinking to myself: ‘When my sweet Jesus speaks about His Will, He

always touches upon Creation, for the most part. How is it?’ And Jesus, moving again,

told me: “My daughter, one who must live in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, must

have, as her beginning, her origin and everything that my Will has done and is doing for

love of her. In fact, my Will is not loved because It is not known. Now, Creation is the

speaking life of my Will. In all created things my Will is hidden like a noble Queen who,

in order to go out, wants to be known. Knowledge will tear the veil that hides It, so as to

go out and reign in the midst of Its children. And who can make known what my

Will does for love of creatures better than Creation, which is looked at and touched by

everyone, with an act ever present?

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My daughter, look at the passionate love of this noble Queen. She reaches the point of

veiling Herself with earth in order to render it firm, so that man may walk safely upon it.

And as he walks over the veil of earth which hides Her, She takes the soles of his feet in

Her noble and royal little hands, so that man may not stagger, in order to give him firm

step. And while holding, through mother earth, the soles of man tightly to Her noble

breast, She would want to go out, unveiling Herself of the veil of earth that covers Her,

but man walks over Her without even paying attention to see who is sustaining his step -

who maintains that great mass of earth so firmly for him, so that he may not stagger. And

the noble Queen continues to remain veiled with earth, and with unspeakable patience,

which only a Divine Will can possess, It waits to be recognized in order to be loved and

to narrate Her long story - what She has done for love of man, veiled by this earth. And

Her love is so great, that many times She feels the necessity to tear that veil of earth

which covers Her; and making use of Her dominion, She shakes the earth and, with Her

empire, hides cities and peoples into Her bosom, so that man may know that inside that

earth, under his feet, there is a Will ruling and dominating, which loves and is not loved,

and which, sorrowful, shakes Itself to make Itself known. In the Gospel, one can read

with wonder of when, prostrated at the feet of my Apostles, I washed their feet; and I did

not skip even the perfidious Judas. This act, which the Church remembers, was certainly

very humble and of unspeakable tenderness, but I did this act only once.

But my Will descends even lower; It places Itself under their feet with a continuous act,

in order to sustain them, to render the earth firm, so that they may not fall into the abyss.

Yet, no attention.

This noble Queen is waiting with invincible patience, veiled for so many centuries in

all created things, for Her Will to be known. And when It becomes known, She will tear

the many veils that hide Her, and will make known what She has done for so many

centuries, for love of man. She will say unheard-of things, excesses of love, which no one

has ever thought of. This is why, in speaking to you about my

Will, I often speak about Creation – because my Will is life of all created things, and

through them It gives life to all; and this life wants to be known so that the Kingdom of

the Eternal Fiat may come.

Everywhere is my Will veiled. It is veiled in the wind, and from within those veils, It

brings man Its refrigerating freshness, as though caressing him, and Its regenerative

breath in order to regenerate him continuously to new life ever growing in grace. But the

noble Queen, veiled in the wind, feels Her caresses being rejected into offenses, Her

freshness into ardors of human passions, and Her regenerative breath being requited with

a deadly breath against Her grace. And She shakes Her veils, and the wind turns into

fury; and with its might, it sweeps away peoples, cities and regions as if they were

feathers, making known the power of the noble Queen hidden in the wind. There is not

one created thing in which my Will is not veiled, and therefore all of them are waiting for

It to become known, and for the coming of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat and of Its

full triumph. (Student can take the course on the veil)

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December 10, 1926

How the Divine Will is a continuous act which never ceases. How the Virgin let

Herself be dominated by this act, and formed Its life within Herself. How, in Heaven,

in the Feasts of the Virgin they celebrate the Divine Will.

My poor mind was swimming in the unending sea of the Eternal Volition, and my

adorable Jesus showed, as the greatest prodigy, how His Most Holy Will, while being so

immense, would restrict Itself within the creature, though remaining immense, in order to

dominate her and form Its life in her.

The creature who would remain immersed under a continuous act of this Divine Will was

the miracle of miracles, and the prodigy never before seen. And lovable Jesus, all

goodness, told me: “Dearest daughter of my Will, you must know that only my Volition

possesses a continuous act that never ceases. This act is full of life, and therefore it gives

life to everything, it preserves everything, and it maintains balance within itself and in all

things. It alone can boast about possessing this continuous act of always giving life, of

loving always – always, without ceasing for one instant. My Humanity Itself, if It

possesses this continuous act, it is because in It flowed this continuous act of the Supreme

Fiat. How long did the life of my Humanity last upon earth? It was extremely short. As

soon as I fulfilled what was necessary for the Redemption, I departed for my Celestial

Fatherland, though my acts remained. But these remained because they were animated by

the continuous act of my Will.

On the other hand, my Will never departs; It is always at Its place, preexisting, without

ever interrupting Its act of life over everything that came out of It. Oh! if my Will

departed from earth and from all created things, all things would lose their life and would

resolve into nothing. Because my Will created all things from nothing, if It withdrew,

they would all lose their existence.

Now, do you want to know who is the One who let Herself be dominated by this

continuous act of my Supreme Will, and, never giving life to Her own, received this

continuous act of life of Divine Will, in such a way as to form within Herself a life fully

divine and in the likeness of Her Creator?

It was the Celestial and Sovereign Queen. From the very first instant of Her Immaculate

Conception, She received this act of life of Divine Will, to then receive it continuously

during all of Her life. This was the greatest prodigy, the miracle never before seen: the

life of the Divine Will in the Empress of Heaven. In fact, one single act of life of this Fiat

can issue heavens, suns, seas, stars, and everything It wants; so, all the human acts placed

before a single act of life of this Will of Mine, are like many drops of water which

dissolve within the ocean, like tiny little flames before the sun, like atoms in the great

space of the universe. Imagine, yourself, what the height of the Immaculate Queen

possesses, with this life of continuous act of Divine Will, formed in Her. This was the

true miracle, the prodigy never before seen - that the littleness of the Celestial Sovereign

enclosed within Herself a Divine Life, a Will, immense and eternal, which possesses all

possible imaginable goods.

Therefore, in all the Feasts with which the Church honors my Mama, all Heaven

celebrates, glorifies, praises and thanks the Supreme Will, because they see Its life in Her

– the primary cause by which She obtained the longed for Redeemer; and therefore,

because this Fiat had life, which dominated and reigned in Her, they find themselves in

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possession of the Celestial Jerusalem. It was precisely the Divine Will that formed Its life

in this Excelling Creature, who opened Heaven, which had been closed by the human

will. Therefore, with justice, while they celebrate the Queen, they celebrate the

Supreme Fiat which made Her Queen, reigned in Her, formed Its life, and is the primary

cause of their eternal happiness. So, a creature who lets my Will dominate and gives It

free field in order to form Its life in her, is the greatest of prodigies. She can move

Heaven and earth, even God Himself, as if she were doing nothing, while she does

everything, and she alone can win the most important things,

destroy all obstacles, face anything, because a Divine Will reigns in her. And just as all

the Power of the Fiat dwelling in the creature was needed in order to impetrate

Redemption, and my Humanity, which possessed that Power, was needed in order to

form It, in the same way, in order to impetrate the coming of the Kingdom of my Fiat

Itself, another creature is needed, who would let It dwell within herself, and give It free

field in order to form Its life, so that my Will Itself, through her, may accomplish the one

and most important prodigy – Its coming to reign on earth as It does in Heaven.

And because this is the greatest thing, which will place divine balance in the human

family, I do great things in you. I centralize in you everything which it is necessary and

decorous to know about this Kingdom of Mine: the great good It wants to give, the

happiness of those who will live in It, Its long story, Its long sorrow - and of many

centuries, because while It wants to come to reign in the midst of creatures to make them

happy, they do not open the doors to It, they do not long for It, they do not invite It; and

while It is present in their midst, they do not know It. Only a Divine Will could bear with

such invincible patience being in their midst, giving them life, and being not even known.

My Will is great, endless and infinite, and wherever It reigns, It wants to do things

worthy of Its greatness, of Its Sanctity and of the Power It contains. Therefore, be

attentive, my daughter – this is not about just any thing, or about forming a sanctity, but it

is about forming a Kingdom for my adorable and Divine Will.”

December 12, 1926

Lament of Jesus in His Passion, in seeing His garments being divided, and lots drawn

for His tunic. How Adam, before sinning, was clothed with light, and as he sinned, he

felt the need to cover himself.

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Fiat, and my adored Jesus came out from

within my interior and told me: “My daughter, in my Passion there is a lament of mine

which came out with immense sorrow from the depth of my tormented Heart: ‘They

divided my garments and drew lots for my tunic.’ How painful it was for Me to see my

garments being divided among my very executioners, and my tunic being gambled away.

It was the only object I possessed, given to Me, with so much love, by my sorrowful

Mama; and now, they not only stripped Me of it, but they made of it a game.

But do you know who pierced Me the most? In those garments, Adam became present to

Me, clothed with the garment of innocence and covered with the indivisible tunic of my

Supreme Will. In creating him, the uncreated Wisdom acted as more than a most loving

mother; more than with a tunic, It clothed him with the unending light of my Will – a

garment which is not subject to being either disarranged, or divided, or consumed; a

garment which was to serve man in order to preserve the image of his Creator and the

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gifts received from Him, and which was to render him admirable and holy in all his

things. Not only this, but It covered him with the overgarment of innocence. And

Adam, in Eden, with his passions divided the garments of innocence, and he gambled

away the tunic of my Will – a garment which is incomparable and of radiant light.

What Adam did in Eden was repeated under my eyes on Mount Calvary. In seeing my

garments being divided and my tunic gambled away – symbol of the royal garment given

to man, my sorrow was so intense that I made of it a lament. It became present to Me

when creatures, in doing their own will, make a game of Mine, and the so many times in

which they divide the garment of innocence with their passions. All goods are enclosed in

man by virtue of this royal garment of the Divine Will; once this is gambled away, he

remains uncovered, he loses all goods, because he lacks the garment which kept them

enclosed within himself. So, among the many evils that creatures do by doing their own

will, they add the irreparable evil of gambling away the royal garment of my Will – a

garment which cannot be substituted with any other garment.”

After this, my sweet Jesus showed me Himself placing my little soul inside a sun, and

with His holy hands He held me still within that light, which was such that, as it covered

me completely, inside and out, I could not see, nor was I able to see anything but light.

And my adored Good added: “My daughter, in creating man, the Divinity placed him

inside the Sun of the Divine Will, and all creatures in him. This Sun served as garment

not only for his soul, but its rays were such as to cover also his body, in such a way as to

serve as more than a garment for him, rendering him so adorned and beautiful that neither

kings nor emperors have ever appeared so adorned as Adam appeared, with this

garment of most refulgent light. Those who say that, before sinning, Adam went naked

are wrong.

False, false. If all things created by Us are all adorned and clothed, he who was Our

jewel, the purpose for which all things were created – was he not to have the most

beautiful garment and the most beautiful ornament of all? So, to him befitted the

beautiful garment of the light of the Sun of Our Will; and since he possessed this garment

of light, he had no need of material garments in order to cover himself. As he withdrew

from the Divine Fiat, so did light withdraw from his soul and from his body; he lost his

beautiful garment, and in seeing himself no longer surrounded with light, he felt

naked. Feeling ashamed in seeing that he was the only one to be naked in the midst of all

created things, he felt the need to cover himself, and he made use of superfluous things,

created things, to cover his nakedness. This is so true, that after my highest sorrow of

seeing my garments divided and my tunic gambled away, as my Humanity rose again I

took no other garments, but I clothed Myself with the most refulgent garment of the Sun

of my Supreme Will. That was the same garment as the one which Adam possessed when

he was created, because in order to open Heaven, my Humanity was to wear the garment

of the light of the Sun of my Supreme Will – a royal garment; and as it gave Me the

insignia of King and dominion into my hands, I opened Heaven to all the redeemed ones;

and presenting Myself before my Celestial Father, I offered Him the garments of His

Will, whole and beautiful, with which my Humanity was covered, so as to make Him

recognize all the redeemed ones as Our children. So, while It is life, at the same time my

Will is the true garment of the creation of the creature, and therefore It holds all rights

over her. But how much do they not do to escape from within this light? Therefore, be

still in this Sun of the Eternal Fiat, and I will help you to maintain yourself in this light.”

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On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My Jesus and my All, how is this? If Adam in the state of

innocence had no need of garments because the light of your Will was more than

garment, the Sovereign Queen, however, possessed your Will as whole, and You

Yourself were your Will Itself; yet, neither the Celestial Mama nor Yourself wore the

garments of light, and both of You made use of material garments to cover Yourselves.

How is this?’ And Jesus continued, saying: “My daughter, both my Mama and I came to

set fraternal bonds with creatures; We came to raise decayed humanity, and therefore to

take up the miseries and humiliations into which it had fallen, in order to expiate for them

at the cost of Our lives. Had they seen Us clothed with light, who would have dared to

approach Us and to deal with Us? And in the course of my Passion, who would have

dared to touch Me? The light of the Sun of my Will would have blinded them and

crushed them to the ground. Therefore, I had to make a greater miracle, hiding this light

within the veil of my Humanity, and appearing as one of them, because It represented,

not Adam innocent, but Adam fallen, and so I was to subject Myself to all of his evils,

taking them upon Myself as if they were my own, in order to expiate for them before

Divine Justice. But when I rose again from death, representing Adam innocent, the new

Adam, I ceased the miracle of keeping the garments of the refulgent Sun of my Will

hidden within the veil of my Humanity, and I remained clothed with most pure light; and

with this royal and dazzling garment I made my entrance into my Fatherland, leaving the

doors open which had remained closed up to that point, so as to let all of those who had

followed Me enter.

Therefore, by not doing Our Will, there is no good which one does not lose, and there is

no evil which one does not acquire.”

January 16, 1927

How in the Kingdom of the Fiat all things are complete, up to the shades of all colors.

One who lives in It takes everything as though in one blow.

I continue to plunge myself into the Supreme Volition, and my sweet Jesus made Himself

seen leaning His head upon mine; and since I was suffering, I said to Him: ‘My Love,

see, I am in your lovable Will, and since I want to come to Heaven with You, it is your

very Will – not I, that asks You to take me with You. Therefore, make your own Will

content, which, being everywhere, prays You everywhere – in the heavens, in the sun, in

the sea, that You no longer keep Its little daughter in the exile, far away from You, but

that after so many hardships and privations of You, You let her land in your Celestial

Fatherland. O please! have compassion on me and on your Will that prays You.’

And Jesus, all compassionating me, told me: “Poor daughter, you are right – I know how

much your exile costs you; and to persuade Me, you make Me be prayed by my own

Will. More powerful device you could not find. But know, daughter, that the Supreme

Fiat wants something else from you – It wants that, on your part, all the beauties, all the

varieties of multicolored colors, all of their shades, be formed in Its Kingdom.

The beauties are there, the colors in all their varieties are there in order, but all the shades

are missing, and I want nothing to be missing on your part, for the decorum and the

beauty of my Kingdom. If you knew how one more shade stands out more - how

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embellishing it is…. And do you know how these shades can be formed? One additional

saying of mine can be one more shade in the varieties of colors; one little round of yours

in my Will, one little pain of yours, one offering, one prayer in the Fiat, are as many other

shades which you will add, and which my Volition will delight in administering to you.

In It, things are all complete, nor would It tolerate that Its first daughter would not take

all of Its complete acts, as much as it is possible for creature, in order to form Its Divine


After this, I continued my flight in the Supreme Volition, and my sweet Jesus, moving in

my interior, told me: “My daughter, one who lives in the Divine Will takes everything

together, as though in one blow. In fact, since my Will is everywhere, there is nothing

that can escape It, Its life is eternal, Its immensity knows no limits, nor circumferences,

therefore the soul who lives in It takes the Eternal God, all the heavens, the sun,

everything that exists, the Virgin, the Angels, the Saints – in sum, everything.

And as she prays, palpitates, breathes, loves, her act becomes common to all; so, all

palpitate from her heartbeat, all breathe with her breath, all love with her love, because

wherever my Will extends, It moves all to do the act of one who lives in It. From this, it

happens that since the Sovereign Queen has the first place in the Divine Fiat, She feels

the little daughter who lives in It close to Herself; and associating Herself with her, She

repeats what she does together with her, and places Her seas of grace, of light, of love, in

common, because one is the Will of the Mama and of the little daughter. Even more, the

height of the Sovereign of Heaven feels honored in her, with acts of a Divine Will; She

feels that this little daughter enters into Her seas, and stirring them with her acts, she

makes them swell, to double them and expand them. But to do what? To let her Creator

receive doubled divine glory, and love from Her very seas of love; and to place the seas

of her Celestial Mama as though in a bank, so that She may receive doubled glory.

Therefore, though little, this creature moves everything, she imposes herself on

everything; all let her do; all feel the power of the good that she wants to give to all. So,

she is little and strong; she is little and she is present everywhere; she is little and her

prerogative is littleness, therefore she possesses nothing – not even her will, because,

voluntarily, she has given it to the One who had right over it.

And the Divine Will gives her everything – there is nothing which It does

not entrust to her.

Therefore, the prodigies of the living in my Will are indescribable and innumerable. Oh!

if all knew what it means to live in my Will, and the good they receive – even more, there

is no good which they do not take, there is no good which they cannot do – they would all

compete and yearn to live in my holy and adorable Volition.”


January 28, 1927

How Our Lord will have three Kingdoms. The Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will be the

echo of Creation.

I was all abandoned in the Supreme Fiat, following Its acts in the Creation, and my sweet

Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, look at how beautiful

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is the order of the heavens. In the same way, when the Kingdom of the Divine Will will

have Its dominion on earth in the midst of creatures, also on earth there will be perfect

and beautiful order.

Then I will have three Kingdoms – one in the Celestial Fatherland, another in the

Creation, and the third among creatures – and each one will be the echo of the other, each

one the reflection of the other. All created things have their place of honor, and while

they are all ordered and in harmony among themselves, one has no need of the other,

because each one of them not only abounds, but over abounds in the goods with which

God endowed it in creating it. In fact, having been created by a Being who is happy and

immensely rich, and whose riches never decrease by giving them, all created things carry

the mark of happiness and the abundance of goods of their Creator. Just as all created

things, so will all the children of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat have their place of

honor, of decorum and of dominion; and while possessing the order of heaven and, more

than celestial spheres, being in perfect harmony among themselves, the abundance of

goods which each one will possess will be such and so great, that one will never have

need of the other – each one will have within himself the source of the goods of his

Creator and of His perennial happiness. Therefore, poverty, unhappiness, needs and evils

will be banished from the children of my Will. It would not be decorous for my Will, so

immensely rich and happy, to have children who would lack something, and would not

enjoy all the opulence of Its goods which arise continuously.

What would you say if you saw the sun poor in light, barely sending a few glimmers to

the earth?

And if you saw a hem of heaven at one point, with just a few stars, and all the rest

without the enchantment of the azure heavens? Would you not say: ‘The One who

created the sun does not possess the immensity of the light that arises, and therefore He

has the earth lighted by just a few glimmers. He does not possess the power to extend a

heaven everywhere, and therefore He has laid just a hem of it above our heads’? So, you

would make for yourself the idea that God is poor in light, and that He does not have the

power to extend everywhere the works of His creative hands. But, instead, by seeing that

the sun abounds so much with light, and that the heavens extend everywhere, you are

persuaded that God is rich and possesses the source of light, and therefore He has lost

none of His light by endowing the sun with so much light, nor has His Power decreased

by extending the heavens everywhere.

In the same way, if the children of my Will will not abound with everything, one could

say that my Will is poor and does not have the Power to make the children of Its

Kingdom happy – which will never be. On the contrary, because It will be the image of

the Kingdom which my Will has in the Creation, just as the heavens extend everywhere

and abound with stars, and the sun abounds with light, the air with birds, the sea with

fish, the earth with plants and flowers, in the same way, since the Kingdom of the

Supreme Fiat echoes the Creation, the children of my Kingdom will be happy and

will abound with everything. Therefore, each one will possess the fullness of goods and

full happiness in the place in which the Supreme Will has placed him; whatever the

condition and the office they will occupy, all will be happy of their destiny.

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And since the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will be the perfect echo of the Kingdom

which my Will possesses in the Creation, one sun will be seen up high, and another sun

down below in the midst of the creatures who will possess this Kingdom. The echo

of the heavens will be seen in these fortunate children, which they will populate with

stars with their acts. Even more, each one of them will be a heaven and a distinct sun,

because wherever my Will is present, It cannot be without heaven and without sun;

rather, as It takes possession of each of Its children, It will form Its heaven and Its sun,

because it is Its nature that wherever It has Its stable possession, Its sanctity, Its endless

light, it is like heaven and sun that It forms and multiplies everywhere.

But this is not yet all. The Creation, echo of the Celestial Fatherland, contains music, the

royal march, the spheres, the heavens, the sun, the sea, and all possess order and perfect

harmony among themselves, and they go around continuously. This order, this harmony

and this going around, without ever stopping, form such admirable symphony and music,

that it could be said to be like the breath of the Supreme Fiat blowing into all created

things like many musical instruments, and forming the most beautiful of all melodies,

such that, if creatures could hear it, they would remain ecstatic.

Now, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will have the echo of the music of the Celestial

Fatherland and the echo of the music of Creation. The order, the harmony and their

continuous going around their Creator will be such and so great, that each one of their

acts, words and steps will be a distinct melody, like many different musical instruments

which will receive the breath of the Divine Volition, in such a way that everything they

do will be as many distinct musical concerts which will form the joy and the continuous

feast of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. For your Jesus there will no longer

be difference between remaining in the Celestial Fatherland and descending to stay in the

midst of creatures in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat upon earth. Then Our work of

Creation will sing victory and full triumph, and We will have three Kingdoms in one –

symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity, because all Our works carry the mark of the One who

created them.”

After this, I was thinking to myself: ‘Though the true children of the Supreme Fiat will be

happy and will abound with everything, yet, my Queen Mama and Jesus Himself, who

was the very Divine Will, were poor on this low earth; they suffered the pains and the

hardships of poverty.’ And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, true poverty is when a

creature is in need – one wants to take, but has nothing to take, and is forced to ask others

for a bare means of living. This poverty is of necessity, and almost forced; instead, both

in Me and in the Celestial Mama, in whom there was all the fullness of the Eternal Fiat, it

was not poverty of necessity, and even less forced, but it was voluntary poverty,

spontaneous poverty, squeezed by the press of Divine Love. Everything was our own; at

one wish of ours, sumptuous palaces would have been raised, and banquets prepared with

foods never before seen and tasted.

And in fact, when it was needed, at a little wish of ours, even the birds served Us,

bringing Us fruits, fish and other things in their beaks, making feast because they were

serving their Creator and their Queen. With their trilling, singing and warbling, they

played for Us the most beautiful melodies; so much so, that in order not to attract the

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attention of creatures with our uniqueness, We had to command them to depart, to

continue their flight under the vault of the heavens where our Will was waiting for them;

and, obedient, they would withdraw. Therefore, our poverty was of love – it was poverty

of example, to teach creatures detachment from the low things of the earth. It was not

poverty of necessity, nor could it be so, in an absolute way, because wherever the

fullness, the life of my Will reigns, all evils end as though under one single blow, and

they lose life.”

Then, since most reverend Father Di Francia had heard that I was with a fever, he let me

know that, if I were in need, I could take whatever I needed from the money he had left

with me for one of his works. And my lovable Jesus, on coming, almost smiling, said to

me: “My daughter, let father know, in my name, that I thank him and I will reward the

goodness of his heart for the care he has for you.

However, let him know that the daughter of my Will has no need of anything, for my

Will makes her abound with everything; even more, It is jealous that others might offer

something to her, because It alone wants to give everything to Its daughter. In fact,

wherever my Divine Will reigns, there is no fear that natural means and abundance of

goods might do harm; on the contrary, the more means she has and the more abundance

she enjoys, the more she looks at the Power, the Goodness, the richness of the Supreme

Fiat in them, and she converts everything into most pure gold of Divine Will.

So, the more my Will gives to her, the more It feels glorified in carrying out Its life in the

creature, in offering Its own things to the one who lets It dominate and reign. It would be

absurd if a very rich father had poor children - such a father would deserve to be

condemned. And besides, what would be the purpose of his riches if the birth that came

from his own body – his very children – conducted a life of hardships and miseries?

Would it not be a dishonor for this father, and an unbearable bitterness for these children,

to know that, while the father is extremely rich, they lack everything and

can hardly satisfy their hunger?

If this would be absurd and a dishonor for a father in the natural order, much more so in

the supernatural order of the Supreme Fiat. The Supreme Fiat is more than father, for It

contains the fount of all goods, and therefore, wherever It is present, happiness reigns and

It makes one abound with everything. More so since, with the soul who has the

possession of the Divine Will, It administers, to soul and body, a sharp and penetrating

sight, in such a way that she penetrates into the natural things, which hide It as a veil; and

tearing these veils, in the natural things she finds the noble queen of the Divine Will

reigning and dominating within her. So, natural things disappear for her, and in all things

she finds that adorable Will which she possesses; she kisses It, she adores It, and

everything becomes Divine Will for the soul. Therefore, each additional natural thing is

one new act of Divine Will for her, which she possesses. So, natural things are means for

one who is child of my Will, in order to make known more what my Will does, can do,

and possesses, and to what excessive point It loves the creature. Do you want to know,

then, why creatures lack natural means, and many times these are snatched away from

them, and they reduce themselves to the most squalid misery?

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First, because they do not possess the fullness of the Supreme Fiat; second, because they

confuse natural things, and put nature in the place of God; nor do they look at the

Supreme Will in the natural things, but, greedy, they become attached to them to form a

vain glory for themselves, an esteem that blinds them, an idol for their hearts. Given this,

it is necessary that natural means be lacking in order to put their souls in safety. But for

one who is child of my Will all these dangers do not exist, and therefore I want them to

abound with everything, and to lack nothing.”

Volume 22 June 29, 1927

How God keeps His gaze fixed on our interior. For one who lives in the Divine Will

everything becomes Will of God.

I was thinking of how I do nothing great to glorify my beloved Jesus, and He, moving in

my interior, told me:

“My daughter, I do not look at what you do externally, but I look at whether the fount of

your interior is full of my love alone - and so much as to overflow outside in your

external acts, in such a way that your external acts too remain all beaded, as though by

celestial dew, by the fount of my love which you contain inside. So, my gaze is always

fixed on your interior, and if my love, united with my Divine Will, murmurs always

within you, you are always beautiful in my eyes beautiful if you pray, beautiful if you

work and suffer, beautiful if you take food, if you speak, if you sleep; you are always

beautiful to Me. In each act of yours, whatever it may be, you receive a new shade of

beauty from my Will, such as to make you appear more beautiful in my eyes, and my

love grows in the fount of your soul, in such a way that your external acts breathe my

love, more than air, and emit exhalations so very pleasing to Me, which bring Me so

much pleasure as to make Me delight in you.”

Then I continued to think about the Divine Will, and to abandon all of myself in It. And

my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, for one who lives in my Divine Will all things

become my Will; in everything she does, touches and sees, she touches, sees and does my

Will. If she thinks and lives in my Will, she will feel the sanctity of the intelligence of the

Divine Life invest her and flow within her mind. If she speaks, she will feel the sanctity

of the Fiat within her word - that Fiat which, if It speaks, creates. If she operates and

walks, she will feel the sanctity of the divine works and the steps of the Eternal Fiat flow

within her works and steps. If she sleeps also, she will feel within herself the eternal rest

of her Creator, and all will compete to bring her my Will: the sun with its light, the wind

with its freshness, the fire with its heat, the water with its refreshments, the flower with

its fragrance, the bird with its singing and warbling, the food with its flavors, the fruit

with its sweetness; in sum, one thing will not wait for another, bringing all the acts that

my Will does in each created thing, in such a way that the soul will be like a queen,

receiving all the innumerable acts that the Divine Will does in all Creation.

That Divine Will which lives and reigns in her will draw all of Its acts, which It exercises

in all things; a sweet enchantment will form in the pupil of her eye, in such a way as to

discover in all things that Divine Will which runs in so many different ways toward her,

to make her become all Will of God.”

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After this, I was thinking to myself: ‘How is it that while I am doing or completing my

round in the whole Creation to follow the acts of the Supreme Will, I feel a light come

out of me, and even if I do not see my beloved Jesus, it always tells me some truths

regarding the Divine Fiat.’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:

“My daughter, it happens within you as when a container is full of water or of another

liquid: if one puts a piece of bread into it, the water overflows outside and wets the place

that surrounds it. Or, it happens as to the sea: the wind makes the waters rise and forms

the waves, as if it wanted to make everyone see the waters of the sea. The same happens

to you: your entering into the acts of my Will, your going around in It, is more than bread

plunged into the contained full of water, and more than wind that makes the light of my

Will rise, which, in rising, overflows outside of you, and in speaking to you with its

language of light, it speaks to you of that very light with which you are filled, wanting to

make itself known with its waves of light - who it is, what it can do, and what it wants to

do. As you place the wind of your acts into my Will, Its light moves, forms its waves of

light to the point of overflowing outside of you, to make known, not only to you, but also

to others, its waves of light - that is, its truths.

“Everything I have manifested to you about my Will was also told to the Sovereign

Queen of Heaven, because She would do nothing but make It rise continuously in order

to draw Its manifestations, to know them, love them and possess them as more than Her

own life. But they would not overflow outside of Her - they would remain inside of Her,

because She did not have the mandate to make my Divine Will known; it was not Her

mission, and so She kept them in Her Heart even the littlest truths, just as the greatest - as

precious relics, as sacred deposits, waiting for you who were to have a mission all

special, so as to administer to you Her wind also, that you might make the waves of the

light of the Divine Will rise, so that, as they would overflow outside of you, She might

have Her part in making my Will known.”

Volume 22 - September 8, 1927

How all Creation is fixed in God and is the relater of the Supreme Being. The sorrow

suffered in a divine way in Jesus and in Mary. Meaning of the forty days in the desert.

I continue my flight in the Supreme Volition, which keeps all Creation as though in the

palm of Its hand, and I am forced to hover from one created thing to another, to trace all

that glory which I can give to my Creator through them, and to requite Him with my love

for everything He has done for love of me and of all. Now, while I was doing this, my

beloved Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, when Our Divinity

created the whole Creation, It left It all bound within Itself.

So, it can be said that the heavens keep their relation with God, are fixed in God, and

from within God they spread their immensity. The stars are bound in God, and from

within God they adorn with gold the vault of the firmament. In God is the sun bound, and

from the divine bosom it spreads its light which invests the whole earth. There is not one

created thing which does not have its links in God; and while they come out, they do not

separate from God. God is jealous of His acts, and He loves them so much, that He does

not permit that they be separated from Him. Therefore, He keeps them all fixed within

Himself as perennial glory of His own acts, as relaters of His Being to creatures, which,

with mute voice, speak with facts of the One who created them, and tell, with facts, that

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He is most pure and endless light, love that is never extinguished, eye that sees

everything, hears and penetrates everything. The sun says this. Created things also say:

‘Look at us, and, with facts, we will tell you. This is why we do not speak -because facts

are greater than words. He is power which can do anything, He is immensity which

envelops everything, He is wisdom which orders everything,

He is beauty which enraptures everything.’ The Creation is the continuous narration of

the Supreme Being, from whom It receives continuous life. And as you go around from

one thing to another, you remain bound through them to your Creator, and receive the

relations of light, of love, of power, etc., which each of them possesses.”

On hearing this, I said: ‘My Love, the created things do not have reason - how can they

give me their relations and give You so much glory?’

And Jesus added:

“My daughter, created things are in relationship with Me and are bound to Me like the

members to the head, and they act like members which receive life from the head. See,

you have hands and feet; these do not have reason, nor do they speak, but because they

receive life from the head, the hands operate, the feet walk, remaining at the disposal of

what the head wants, and forming its greatest glory. Only if hands and feet are severed

from the body - then would they have neither works nor steps, because they would lose

the life which the head communicated to them. So it is with the whole Creation: even

though created things have neither reason nor speech, because they are united with

God like the members to the body, they receive life from their Creator, and therefore all

created things are operating, their acts are incessant, and are at Our disposal more than

are your members at the disposal of your head. And just as your hands have the virtue of

communicating your works to other creatures, so do created things have the virtue of

communicating the good they possess to creatures, and to one who lives in my Divine

Will. Because the Will that animates them is one with that of this soul, they feel that she

belongs to the body of the whole Creation, and therefore they communicate to her all the

relations which they have with the Head, and with great love they bind her to themselves.

Therefore, be constant in living in my Divine Will, if you want to live communal life

with your Jesus and with all Creation, and give Me all the glory which all my works give

Me incessantly.”

After this, I was following the Holy Divine Volition in the act in which my sweet Jesus

separated from the Sovereign Queen to go into the desert; and while compassionating

both one and the other, I thought to myself: ‘How could the Sovereign Queen separate

from Her dear Son for as many as forty days? She who loved Him so much - how could

She endure being without Him? I, who do not have Her love, suffer so much for a few

days that He deprives me of Himself, what must it have been for my Mama?’

Now, while I was thinking this, my adored Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My

daughter, We both suffered in separating from each other, but Our sorrow was suffered in

a divine way, not in a human way, and therefore it did not separate either from happiness

or from imperturbable peace. Happy, I departed for the desert - happy, the height of my

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Celestial Mama stayed. In fact, the sorrow suffered in a divine way has no virtue of

shading even slightly the divine happiness, which contains endless seas of joys and of

peace. Sorrows suffered in a divine way are like little drops of water in the immense sea,

the power of whose waves has the virtue of changing them into happiness. The sorrow

suffered in a human way has the virtue of breaking true happiness and of disturbing the

peace; the divine way - never. More so, since my Queen Mama possessed the Sun of my

Will by grace, and I possessed It by nature. So, the Sun remained in Her and remained in

Me, but Its rays did not separate, because light is indivisible; therefore, in that same light

She remained in Me and followed my acts, and I remained in Her as Her center of life.

So, the separation, while true, was apparent; in substance We were fused together and

inseparable, because the light of the Divine Will placed Our acts in common as if they

were one alone.

And besides, I went to the desert to call back that same Divine Will of Mine which, for

forty centuries, creatures had deserted from their midst; and I, for forty days, wanted to

remain alone, to repair for the forty centuries of human will during which Mine had

not possessed Its Kingdom in the midst of the human family; and with my very

Divine Will I wanted to call It back again into their midst, so that It might reign.

Upon returning from the desert, I deposited It in my Mama, with all those acts of Divine

Will which creatures had rejected and had kept as though in a desert, so that She might be

the faithful depository, the repairer and the empress of the Kingdom of my Will.

Only the Sovereign Lady could possess this deposit so great because She possessed

within Herself the very Divine Will which could contain the Will deserted by creatures.

How could We occupy Ourselves with Our sorrow of being separated for forty days, when it was about reintegrating - about calling back Our Divine Will to reign in the midst

of creatures? In Our sorrow We were more than happy, because We wanted to place the

Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat in safety, and the Celestial Queen was waiting with

yearnings for my return, in order to receive the deposit of the new Sun, so as to requite

with Her love all of Its acts, which the human ingratitude had rejected. She acted as true

Mama to my Divine Will, acting as true Mother also for creatures, impetrating the life,

the happiness, the joy of possessing the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat for all.

“My daughter, the number forty is symbolic and significant in my life down here. When I

was born, for forty days I wanted to remain in the grotto of Bethlehem - symbol of my

Divine Will which, while being present in the midst of creatures, was as though hidden

and outside of the city of their souls.

And I, in order to repair for the forty centuries of human will, wanted to remain outside

of the city for forty days, in a miserable hut, crying, moaning and praying, to call back

my Divine Will into the city of souls, so as to give It Its dominion. And after forty days

I went out to present Myself to the temple, and reveal Myself to the old Simeon. He was

the first city I was calling to the knowledge of my Kingdom; and his joy was so great that

he closed his eyes to the earth to open them to eternity.

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Forty days I spent in the desert, and then, immediately, I did my public life, to give them

the remedies and the means in order to reach the Kingdom of my Will. For forty days I

wanted to remain on earth after my Resurrection, to confirm the Kingdom of the Divine

Fiat and Its forty centuries of Kingdom which It was to possess. So, in everything I did

down here, the first act was the restoration of the Kingdom; all other things entered into

the secondary order, but the first link of connection between Me and creatures was the

Kingdom of my Will. Therefore, when it is about my Will, I hold nothing back, neither

light nor sacrifices, nor manifestations, nor happiness - it is seas that I release from

Myself so as to make It known, to make It reign, and to make It loved.”

Volume 23 - September 17, 1927

Sufferings are like the iron beaten by the hammer that casts sparks. Difference

between the cross of the humanity of Our Lord and that of the Divine Will, and how

it holds its incessant act.

My Jesus, Life of my poor heart, come to sustain my weakness, I am yet a little baby and

I feel the extreme need that you hold me in your arms, that you feed me the words, that

you give me your thoughts, your light, your love and your Volition itself, and if you don't

do this, I will remain as a most little baby without doing anything. And if you love so

much as to make your Most Holy Volition known, the first to the sacrifice will be you, I

will enter in (the) secondary order, therefore my Love transform me in you, take away

from me the torpor that I feel, that I can endure no more, and I will continue to complete

your Eternal Volition even at the cost of my life.

Whence continuing my abandonment in the Divine Will, I felt under the nightmare of the

sufferings, and my beloved Jesus squeezing me to himself in order to give me strength

said to me: “My daughter, sufferings are as the iron beaten by the

hammer, that makes sparks of light and enflames it so much as

to transmute itself into fire, and under the blows that it receives

it loses the hardness, to soften itself in a way that one can give it

the form that one wants. Such is the soul under the blows of

sorrow, she loses the hardness, sparks light, transforms herself

into my love and becomes fire and I the Divine Craftsman finding

her soft give her the form that I want. Oh! how it delights me to

make her beautiful, I am a jealous Craftsman and I want the

boast that no one is able and knows how to make my statues, my

vases, as much in form as in beauty and much more in the

finesse, and in the light that sparks it converts all into truth. So

that every blow that I give her I prepare a truth to manifest,

because every blow is a spark that the soul puts forth from

herself, and I don't lose them as the blacksmith loses them in

beating the iron, but I make use of them as to invest those

sparks of light with surprising truth, in a way that the soul makes

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use of them as the most beautiful attire, and they administer to

her the food of the Divine Life.”

After this I followed my sweet Jesus, but he was so very afflicted and suffering that it

made one pity, and I: tell me my Love, what is it? why do you suffer so much? And Jesus

added: “My daughter, I suffer for the great sorrow of my Will, my Humanity suffered, it

had its cross, but its life was brief on earth, instead my Will's life in the midst of

creatures is long, it is already six thousand years and will last yet, and do you know who

is the continuous cross of Him? The human will its every act opposite to his, and every

act of mine that it doesn't receive, it is a cross that forms to my Eternal Volition, hence

the crosses of Him are innumerable, if you look at all the Creation you will find it full of

crosses formed by the human volition. Look at the Sun, my Divine Volition carries his

light to creatures, and they take his light and don't recognize who brings this light to them

and my Volition receives in the Sun so many crosses for how many don't recognize it,

and while they enjoy it and make use of the light itself to offend that Divine Volition that

illuminates them. Oh!, how hard and sorrowful it is to do some good and to not be

recognized. The wind is full of crosses, its every billow is a good that it carries to

creatures, they take and they enjoy that good, but they don't recognize who is He that in

the wind caresses them, refreshes them, purifies the air, and therefore he feels nails of

ingratitude and crosses thrust in every wind that he exhales. The water, the sea, and the

earth, they are full of crosses, formed by the human volition, who doesn't make use of

water, of the sea and of the earth? Everyone, and yet my Volition that conserves

everything and is the primary life of all created things, He is not recognized and is only in

them in order to receive crosses from human ingratitude, therefore the crosses of my

Volition are without number and more sorrowful than that of my Humanity; much more

so that to this there didn't lack good souls that have understood his sorrow, his torments,

the sufferings that they made me suffer and even death, to sympathize (with) me and to

repair that which I suffered in my mortal life. Instead that of my Divine Fiat are crosses

that they don't know, and hence they are without pity and without reparation. And

therefore so much is the sorrow that my Divine Volition feels in all the Creation that he

makes burst now the earth, now the sea, now the wind, and in his sorrow he unloads

scourges of destruction. It is the extreme sorrow of Him, that not being able to endure it

anymore he strikes those people that don't recognize him.

Behold therefore why I call you so very often to turn in all the Creation, in order to make

you know that which my Volition does in It, the sorrow and the crosses that he receives

from creatures, so that you recognize him in every created thing, love him, adore him,

thank him and be his first repairer and consoler of a Volition so Holy. Because only who

lives in Him can penetrate into his acts and recognize his sorrows, and with his own

Power make herself defender and consoler of my Will, that has lived for so many

centuries isolated and crucified in the midst of the human family.”

Now while Jesus said this, I looked at the Creation and saw it all flooded with crosses,

that they could not be counted, they were such a great deal, and the Divine Volition as he

put forth his acts out of himself in order to give them to creatures, the human volition put

forth its cross in order to crucify those divine acts. What sorrow! what suffering! And my

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beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, my Eternal Fiat had an incessant act from which he

created all the Creation toward creatures, but these acts of his, because (there) lacked in

them the ruling Will, they were not received by them, and therefore they remained

suspended in all the Creation in my Divine Volition himself.

Now in coming upon the earth my first interest was to re-take in myself the incessant act

of Him, it remained suspended in himself, because in the creature he had not been able to

take his place. And my Humanity united to the Word, first had to give place to this his

incessant act, to give satisfaction for it, and this was my unknown and longer and more

sorrowful, and then I occupied myself with the Redemption. The first act in the creature

is the will, all the other acts be they bad or good enter into the secondary order, and

therefore I had to have (the) interest of putting in myself in safety all the acts

of my Divine Will, to descend in the base of the human acts, in order to reunite the

human and the Other together, so that seeing his acts put in safety, he might be able to

reconcile it with creatures.

Now today I invite you to take back in yourself these acts rejected by creatures, because

my Volition continues his incessant act, and remains with the sorrow of seeing it

suspended in himself, because he doesn't find one who receives them, nor one who wants

them, nor one who knows them, therefore be attentive to work and to suffer together with

me, for the triumph of the kingdom of my Divine Will.”

Vol. 24 April 12, 1928

Analogy between Eden and Calvary. A kingdom cannot be formed with one act alone.

Necessity of the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

I was doing my round in the Divine Fiat and I accompanied my sweet Jesus in the pains

of His Passion, following Him to Calvary. My poor mind paused to think about the

harrowing pains of Jesus on the Cross; and He moving in my interior told me: “My

daughter Calvary is the new Eden in which mankind was given back that which it lost

by withdrawing from my Will. Analogy between Calvary and Eden: in Eden man lost

grace, on Calvary he acquires it; in Eden, Heaven was closed to him, he lost his

happiness and rendered himself the slave of the infernal enemy; here in the new Eden,

Heaven was opened once again to him, he reacquires the lost peace and happiness, the

devil is chained, while man is freed from his slavery.

In Eden, the Sun of the Divine Fiat darkened and it became always nighttime for man -

symbol of the Sun which withdrew from the face of the earth during the three hours of

my terrible agony on the Cross. Unable to sustain the torment of His Creator -caused by

the human will which, with great perfidy, had reduced my Humanity to that state -

horrified, the Sun withdrew, and as I breathed my last, it reappeared once again and

continued its course of light. In the same way, the Sun of my Fiat, my pains, my death,

called back the Sun of my Will to reign in the midst of creatures.

Therefore, Calvary formed the dawn which called the Sun of my eternal Will to shine

once again in the midst of creatures. Dawn means certainty that the Sun will come out; in

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the same way, the dawn which I formed on Calvary assures, even though some two

thousand years have passed, that it will call the Sun of my Will to reign once again in the

midst of creatures. In Eden, my Love was defeated by them; here instead, It triumphs and

conquers the creature. In the first Eden man receives the condemnation to death of soul

and body; while in the second Eden he is released from his condemnation, and the

resurrection of the body is reconfirmed through the resurrection of my Humanity.

There are many relations between Eden and Calvary - that which man lost there, he

reacquires here. In the kingdom of my pains everything is given back, and the honor and

the glory of the poor creature is reconfirmed by means of my pains and of my death.

By withdrawing from my Will, man formed the kingdom of his evils, of his weaknesses,

passions and miseries; and I wanted to come upon earth, I wanted to suffer greatly, I

permitted that my Humanity be lacerated, Its flesh torn to pieces, all full of wounds. And

I wanted even to die in order to form, by means of my many pains and of my death, the

kingdom opposite to the many evils that the creature had formed for herself. A kingdom

cannot be formed with one act alone, but with many upon many acts; and the more the

acts, the greater and more glorious the kingdom becomes. Therefore, my death was

necessary to my Love; with my death I was to give the kiss of life to creatures, and from

my many wounds I was to let all goods out, in order to form the kingdom of goods for


So, my wounds are springs which gush with goods, and my death is spring from which

life for all gushes forth.

And just as my death was necessary, so was my Resurrection necessary to my Love,

because by doing his will, man lost the life of my Will, and I wanted to rise again to form

not only the resurrection of the body, but the resurrection of the life of my Will in it. Had

I not risen again, the creature could not have risen once again in my Fiat; she would have

lacked the virtue - the bond of her resurrection in Mine, and my Love would have felt

incomplete. It would have felt It could do something more but It was not doing it, and so

I would have remained with the harsh martyrdom of a love that is not complete. If then

ungrateful man does not make use of all I have done, the evil is all his own, but my Love

possesses and enjoys Its full triumph.”

April 26, 1928

What one gives to God with the ‘I love You’. The prodigious secret: how it forms many

divine births. How nothing of what Our Lord did escaped the Most Holy Virgin. How

the Divine Will is the breath of the soul.

I was doing my round in the Divine Fiat, and according to my usual way, I was investing

all of Creation with my refrain: ‘I love You, I adore You, I bless You…’. And while

doing this, I thought to myself: ‘What am I giving to my God with this long story of “I

love You’s”? And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, a pure,

holy and upright love is a divine birth.

It comes from God and has the virtue of rising and entering into God so as to multiply

these births from Him, and to bring God Himself to each creature who yearns to love

Him. Therefore, when the soul is invested by this love and receives this birth, she can

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form other births for as many times as she says her ‘I love You’; in such a way that her ‘I

love You’ flies before God; and the Supreme Being, looking inside the ‘I love You’ sent

by the creature finds all of Itself in that little ‘I love You’, and feels It is being given all of

Itself by her. That little ‘I love You’ contains a prodigious secret; in its littleness it

contains the infinite, the immense, the power, so much so, that it can say: ‘I give God to

God’. In that little ‘I love You’ of the creature, the infinite Being feels all of Its divine

qualities being sweetly touched, because since it is a birth from It, It finds all of Itself

within it. This is what you give Me with your many ‘I love You’s’: you give Me Myself

as many times. There is nothing more beautiful, greater and more pleasing you could give

Me than to give Me all of Myself. My Fiat, which forms the life of your ‘I love You’ for

Me in you, delights in forming many births from Us; so It keeps the rhythm of the ‘I love

You’ in you, yearning always to mint the divine coin of your ‘I love You’ for each created


Then It looks to see whether all the things created by Us are beaded with the prodigious

secret of your ‘I love You’. My daughter, We do not look at whether what the creature

does is great or small; rather, We look at whether there is the prodigy of Our secret -

whether her tiniest acts, thoughts and sighs are invested with the power of Our Will. This

is all, and it is all for Us.

After this, I was continuing my round in the Fiat, to accompany all that Jesus had done in

the Redemption; and I thought to myself: ‘How I wish I had done all that the Sovereign

Mama did when She was with Jesus - certainly She followed all of His acts, and let

nothing escape Her.’ But as I was thinking of this and other things, my always lovable

Jesus added: “My daughter, indeed nothing escaped my Mama, because everything I did

and suffered resounded like a deep echo in the depth of Her soul. And She was so

attentive in waiting for the echo of my acts that the echo, together with everything I did

and suffered, would remain imprinted in Her.

And the Sovereign Queen emitted Her echo within Mine, and made it resound in the

depth of my interior, in such a way that torrents would run between Me and Her - seas of

light and of love which unloaded themselves into each other; and I made the deposit of all

my acts in Her maternal Heart. I would not have been content, had I not had Her always

with Me - had I not felt Her continuous echo which, resounding in Mine, drew even my

heartbeats and breaths to be deposited in Her. Likewise, I would not be content if, from

that time, I did not have you, who were to follow all of my acts in my Divine Will. In

fact, from that time I made their deposit in you, moving the echo of my Mama into the

depth of your soul. And through the length of the centuries I looked at the echo of my

Mama in you in order to realize the Kingdom of my Divine Will. This is why you feel as

though drawn to follow all of my acts - it is Her maternal echo that resounds in you; and I

take the occasion to make its deposit in the depth of your interior, to give you the grace of

making my eternal Fiat reign in you.”

Then, I felt my poor mind as though immersed in the sea of the Divine Fiat. Its light

invested all of me, and I could see neither the height nor the depth of Its boundaries. I felt

It as more than life in me, which flew everywhere within me; and my beloved Jesus,

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moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, my Will is life, It is air, It is breath of the

creature. It is not like the other virtues which are neither continuous life nor breath of the

creature, and therefore they are exercised in time and circumstance. Patience is not

always exercised, because many times there is no one who allows it to be exercised, and

so the virtue of patience remains idle, without giving its continuous life to the creature.

Nor does obedience or charity form their life, because the one who has the continuous act

of commanding, or the one for whom charity could be exercised, may not be there.

Therefore, the virtues can form the ornament of the soul, but not the life. On the other

hand, my Will is the prime act of all the acts of the creature; so, if she thinks, if she

speaks, if she breathes, it is my Will that forms the thought and the word; and giving her

the breath, It maintains the circulation, the heartbeat, the warmth. And just as no one can

live without breathing, so no one can live without my Divine Will. There is always need

of It in order to continue living; yet, while all receive Its continuous breath, it is not

recognized. My Will is so necessary that one cannot do without It even for one instant,

because It is the bearer, not only of all human acts, but also of all created things.

My Fiat is prime act of the Sun, and makes creatures breathe light; It is prime act of the

air, of water, of fire, of the wind, and creatures breathe my Divine Will in the air they

breathe, in the water they drink, in the fire that warms them, in the wind that purifies

them - there is not one thing in which they do not breathe my Will. Therefore, in all

things, be they small or great even in the breath the creature can always do my Will; and

by not doing It, it is an act of life of Divine Will that she loses - it is her breath that she

suffocates continuously. She receives Its life, Its breath - but to convert it into human

rather than to be, herself, transformed into my Divine Will.”

May 13, 1928

One who lives in the Divine Will has everything in her power; she is the new repeater

of the acts of the Virgin, of the Saints and of Our Lord.

I was praying, and I felt I didn’t know how to pray, to love and to thank Jesus. So I said

to myself: ‘How I would like to have in my power the love and the prayers of

the Sovereign Lady and of all the Saints, to be able to love and pray to Jesus

with Her love and with Her prayers, and with those of the whole of Heaven.’ And my blessed Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, when the soul lives

in my Divine Will, she has everything in her power, because my Will is the depository

and the preserver of all that my Mama and all the Saints did. It is enough for her to want

it, and to want to take what they did, that love runs to her, the prayers invest her, the

virtues place themselves in order, waiting for the ones who have the honor of being called

to give them the life of their acts, and to form their beautiful and refulgent crown. So, the

Queen of Heaven feels Her love and Her prayers being repeated, the Saints their virtues,

by the creature on earth, and - oh, how they enjoy seeing their acts being repeated once

again! There is no greater glory that can be given to the celestial inhabitants than to

repeat their love, their prayers, their virtues; and I feel once again as if my Mama were

there loving Me and praying Me. Their echo resounds in you, and as you repeat it, you

make your echo resound in Heaven, and all recognize their acts in your acts. Would you

not feel honored if someone else repeated your acts and modeled his works on the model

of yours? With what love would you not look at him?

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If you knew how much I enjoy it when I hear you say: ‘I want to unite myself with the

thoughts of Jesus, with His words, with His works and steps, so as to position myself

together with His thoughts, words, etc., over each thought, word, work and steps of

creatures, in order to repeat along with Him, for all and for each one, that which Jesus did

with His thoughts, words... and everything else He did.

There is nothing You did which I do not want to do as well, so as to repeat the love and

all the good that Jesus did.’ I feel Myself upon earth, I feel my acts being repeated by you

and I keep waiting for the repetition of my acts with so much love, that I Myself become

actor and spectator in you, to enjoy them and take the glory of my own life. Therefore,

the creature who lives and operates in my Will is recognized by the whole of Heaven as

bearer of divine joys for all of Heaven; and keeping Heaven opened, she makes the

celestial dew of graces, of light, of love descend upon earth over all creatures.”

May 20, 1928

Divine messengers. The celestial circular. The acts done in the Divine Will form the

ecstasy of the Creator. Necessity of the continuation of acts; how they form many

hours to call for the dawn. The Virgin, Dawn of Redemption.

I was concerned because of a circular I received from the house of the Divine Will, so

much wanted by venerable Father Di Francia, and so longed for by him, who did not have

the consolation of seeing it completed and opened for the purpose wanted by him. And

now, finally, according to what the circular said, the day of its completion, probably near,

was arising. So I thought to myself: ‘Is it really true that it is Will of God for me to go

there? And will the members of this house be the true little daughters of the Divine Will?

Will they be the beginning of the rising of the divine era of the Kingdom of the Supreme

Fiat upon earth?’ But while I was thinking of these and other things, my sweet Jesus

moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, each saying, work and sacrifice done in

my Will is to obtain Its divine Kingdom. They are many messengers sent to the celestial

fatherland, which carry the divine circular and make it circulate through all the Saints, the

Angels, the Sovereign Queen and the Creator Himself, giving to each one the task to

prepare the different things that are needed for a Kingdom so holy, so that everything

may be done with decorum, with decency and with divine nobility. So, all the inhabitants

of the divine fatherland, with this celestial circular in their hands, all get down to work to

fulfill their task, and prepare each thing entrusted to them.

So, the circular from earth echoes the celestial circular, and Heaven and earth move,

occupying themselves only with the purpose of the Kingdom of my Divine Will - the

earth, with all that is needed in the natural order; the celestial Court, with all that pertains

to the supernatural order. It seems that Heaven and earth hold hands and compete with

each other, to see who hastens more to prepare a Kingdom so holy. If you knew what

value one act done in my Will contains; how it can move Heaven and earth; how it can

open its way everywhere... It places itself in communication with everyone, and obtains

everything that was not obtained through all other acts together, and for centuries. These

acts are not one Sun, but as many Suns for as many acts as are performed, which form

the refulgent and radiant day of the Kingdom of my Will upon earth. The acts done in It

are spurs to the Supreme Being; they are magnets that attract It; they are sweet chains that

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bind It; they are raptures in which the creature has the power to form the ecstasy of her

Creator who, enraptured as though in a sweet sleep by the ecstasy formed by His beloved

creature, concedes that which He wanted to give from many centuries, but He had not

found the one who, sending Him into raptures with His own divine power, would be the

capturer of the Kingdom of His Divine Will. As the creature moves in my Fiat and forms

her act, God feels enraptured; and in His sweet drowsiness, He feels disarmed and

conquered, and the creature becomes the winner over her Creator.

With these preparations it happens as to a groom who, having to marry, prepares the

house, the bedroom, and all the objects which are needed so that nothing may be lacking

to him. Then he goes on with the attire for the wedding, and the invitations are sent out.

All this makes the groom decide to carry out what he himself wanted. But if nothing is

prepared, the groom takes time and never makes up his mind; and he himself feels

embarrassed, and says to himself: ‘I must marry, and I don’t have a house, I don’t have

the bed in which to sleep, I don’t have the attire to appear as a groom - what impression

will I make?’ And by necessity he gives up any thought of becoming a spouse. In

the same way, these preparations, the acts done in my Will, the circulars are spurs which

move my Will to come and reign in the midst of creatures; and my knowledges are like

the groom who comes to marry the creatures with new bonds, just as they came out of

Our creative hands.”

Afterwards, I was feeling tired - exhausted from the privations of my sweet Jesus. I felt

that my poor and little soul could take no more without the One in whom I had centered

all my hopes and my whole life. Without Him, everything I did, which was taught to me

by Jesus, seemed to be a game - prayers from the imagination, not of glory for God; and

so I felt such listlessness in doing my round, that I could barely go on. But while,

exhausted, I continued my round, I felt Jesus sustaining me and pushing me from behind,

telling me: “My daughter, continue on - do not want to stop. You must know that

everything has been determined by the Supreme Being -prayers, acts, pains, sighs, which

the creature must do in order to obtain that which We Ourselves want to give her, and

which she longs to receive. So, if these are not performed, the longed for Sun does not

rise from Us in the midst of the long night of the human will, to form the day of the

Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. This is why many times it happens that many acts and

prayers are done, and nothing is obtained; but then, because of another little sigh and

prayer, one obtains what he so much longed for. Was it perhaps the last act to obtain the

deed of grace? Ah, no! It was the continuation of all the acts and prayers; and if one sees

that he obtains through that last act, it is because that one was needed to complete the

number established by Us.

So, if you want to receive the Kingdom of the Divine Will, do not stop, otherwise, since

the long chain of acts that reaches the throne of God would be missing, you will not

obtain that which you want, and which We want to give. The acts are like the hours that

form the day or the night: each hour has its place; some hours form the evening, others

the deep night, others the dawn, others the rising of the Sun, others the full day. And if it

is the midnight hour, in vain would one expect to see the sunrise. It is necessary that at

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least the dawn come to court the nearing day, to be able to see the majesty of the Sun

which dispels the darkness with its empire of light, and putting an end to the night,

beads all of nature and makes it rise again in its light and heat, molding everything with

its beneficial effects. Now, is it perhaps the dawn that has all the honor for making the

Sun rise? Ah, no! The dawn has been the last hour, but if the other hours had not

preceded it, the dawn could never have said: ‘I am she who calls for the day’. Such are

the acts and prayers to obtain the rising of the day of the Kingdom of my Divine Will.

They are like many hours, and each one has its place of honor; and they hold hands in

calling the radiant Sun of my Divine Will. The final act can be like the dawn; and if it is

not done, the dawn will be missing, and it is useless to hope that its day of light may soon

arise upon the earth, which, molding and warming everything, more than Sun, will make

its beneficial effects and its divine regime felt - a regime of light of love and of sanctity.

The same happened in Redemption. Redemption did not come for many centuries,

because the patriarchs and the prophets found themselves with their acts in the night

hours, and longed for the day from afar. As the Queen Virgin came, She formed the

dawn, and embracing all the night hours together, She made the day of the Word arise

upon earth - and Redemption was accomplished.

Therefore, do not stop; the series of acts is so necessary, that there is the risk that, if not

all of them are performed, the desired good cannot be obtained.” (Sun Course also)

June 16, 1928

Example of a spouse who separates in court, as God did from the beginning of the fall

of man. The new engagement for the marriage was done on the Cross. The fulfillment

of the Divine Will.

I was thinking about what is written above, and blessed Jesus continued telling me: “My

daughter, it is really true that the Supreme Being established Its marriage with humanity

at the beginning of Creation; and it happened as when a groom is induced to separate in

court by his wicked bride. But in spite of this, the groom keeps an affection in his heart,

and he thinks and yearns that, if his chosen one should change, who knows... he may

once again be able to unite and bind himself with her with the bond of marriage. So, he

often lets news reach her ear through messengers that he loves her. So God did: even

though the marriage with humanity was unbound in the divine court, He kept an affection

for her and, though far away, he longed for the new bond of marriage with humanity; so

much so, that He did not destroy the palace which He had formed with so much

sumptuousness and magnificence, nor did He take away from her the good of the Sun that

formed the day, but He left everything, so that the one who had offended Him might

make use of it. Even more, He maintained the correspondence by choosing, from the

beginning of the world, now one of the good, now another, who were like messengers.

And like many postmen, some brought little letters, some telegrams, some phone calls

from Heaven in which it was announced that the far away spouse had not forgotten her,

that he loved her and that he wanted the return of the ungrateful spouse.

So, in the Old Testament, the more I multiplied the good, the patriarchs and the prophets,

the more pressing were the invitations and the mail that ran between Heaven and earth,

with the news sent by God that He desired the new union. This is so true that, unable to

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contain the ardor of His love any longer, and since decayed humanity was not yet

disposed, He made an exception, espousing the Virgin Queen and the humanity of the

Word with bond of true marriage, so that, by virtue of them, decayed humanity might be

lifted up again and He might form His marriage with the entire humanity.

Then, my Humanity formed the new engagement with her on the Cross, and everything I

did and suffered, up to dying on the Cross, were all preparations to carry out the desired

marriage in the Kingdom of my Divine Will. Now, after the engagement, there are

pledges and gifts left to be exchanged, and these are the knowledges about my Divine

Fiat. Through them, humanity is given back the great gift which man rejected in Eden the

eternal, infinite and interminable gift of my Will.

This gift will attract so much decayed humanity, that she will give Us the return of the

gift of her poor will, which will be the confirmation and the seal of the union of the

spouses, after such a long chain of correspondence, of faithfulness on the part of God,

and of inconstancy, ingratitude and coldness on the part of creatures.

My daughter, man degraded himself and lost all goods because he went out of my Divine

Will. In order to ennoble himself, to reacquire everything and receive the rehabilitation of

the marriage with his Creator, he must enter once again the Divine Fiat from which he

came. There are no ways in the middle; not even my Redemption is enough to make man

return to the beginning of the happy era of his creation. Redemption is means, way, light,

help - but not the end. The end is my Will, because my Will was the beginning, and by

justice, one who is the beginning must also be the end. Therefore, humanity must be

enclosed in my Divine Will to be given back her noble origin, her happiness, and to put

the marriage with her Creator in force once again. This is why the great good that my

Redemption did to man is not enough for Our Love, but It yearns for more. True Love is

never content; only then is It content, when It can say: ‘I have nothing else to give him.’

And knowing that man can return to be happy, victorious and glorious in the noble state

in which he was created by God - and this, by means of my Will reigning in their midst -

this is why all the divine yearnings, the sighs, the manifestations are directed toward

making Our Will known to make It reign, so as to be able to say to Our Love: ‘Calm

Yourself, for Our beloved child has reached his destiny. He is now in possession of Our

inheritance that was given to him in Creation, which is Our Fiat! And while he possesses

what is Ours we possess him. Therefore the marriage is established once again, the

spouses have returned to their place of honor; there is nothing left but to celebrate and

enjoy a good so great, after such a long sorrow’.”

June 25, 1928

Everything that is done in the Fiat acquires the continuous unceasing act. Example of

the Sun. The purpose of Jesus going into the desert. The pains of isolation.

I was praying, and feeling my extreme misery I prayed my Celestial Mama to give me

Her love to make up for my meager love. But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus,

moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, my Mama did Her first love and Her first

act in the Divine Will, and since it was done in It, it possesses continuity as if it were

always in act, loving and operating. Her love never ends; Her works are the continuous

repeaters, in such a way that whoever wants to take Her love finds it always in act, while

it is the effect of the first love that is repeated, and repeated always. Such is one who

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operates in my Will. Her acts acquire the continuity - they are always repeated without

ever ceasing. They are the true Sun which, from the moment It was created by God, has

given Its first act of light - but so great, as to fill Heaven and earth with one single act.

And It repeats this act always, without ever ceasing, in such a way that all can take Its act

of light, though one was the act that constituted itself act of perennial light for all. If the

Sun could repeat Its act of light, one would see as many Suns for as many acts as It could

repeat; but since the act of light that It did is one, one sees only one Sun and no more.

But what the Sun did not do the Sovereign Queen did, and one who operates in my Will

does also: as many Suns for as many acts, and these Suns are fused together, though

distinct among them in beauty, in light, in the glory that they give to their Creator, and in

the universal good that they make descend upon all creatures.

These acts have a divine power; by virtue of these acts the Most Holy Virgin could

obtain the coming of the Word upon earth, and by virtue of these acts my Kingdom will

come upon earth. One act repeated incessantly in my Fiat has a conquering, enrapturing

and enchanting virtue before Our Divinity. That continuous repetition in the Divine

Volition is the strength of the soul, the invincible weapon that debilitates her Creator and

conquers Him with weapons of love, and He feels honored to let Himself be conquered

by the creature.”

After this, I continued my round in the Divine Fiat, and in following my Jesus on the way

to the desert, I thought to myself: ‘Why did Jesus take the way of the desert? There were

no souls to be converted there, but profound solitude, while it was souls that He was

looking for.’ But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told

me: “My daughter, company breaks the pain and diminishes it, while isolation

concentrates it, doubles it and makes it more harsh. I wanted to go into the desert to feel

in my Humanity all the harshness of the isolation that my Divine Will had suffered for

many centuries on the part of creatures. My Humanity had to rise to the divine order and

descend into the human order to be able to enclose the pains of both one and the other,

and taking upon Myself entirely the painful part that divided man and God, have men

cling once again to the embrace and to the kiss of their Creator. But the purpose of my

going into the desert was not only this. You must know that Our adorable Majesty, in

forming the Creation, established that every place was to be populated by inhabitants, and

that the earth was to be extremely fertile and rich with many plants, in such a way that all

would have in abundance. As man sinned, he attracted the indignation of divine justice,

and the earth remained deserted, infertile, and in many places depopulated – image of

those sterile families in which there is no laughter, no feast, no harmony, because they are

without children, and so there is no one who breaks the monotony of the two spouses and

the nightmare of isolation weighs on their hearts leading them to sadness. Such was the

human family. On the other hand, where there are children, there is always something to

do, something to say, and occasions to celebrate. Look at the sky - how populated with

stars it is; the earth was to be the echo of the sky, crammed with inhabitants, and it was to

produce so much and to render everyone rich and happy. As man withdrew from my

Will, his lot changed; and I wanted to go into the desert in order to call back the blessings

of my Celestial Father and, by calling my Will to reign, restore the earth, populate it

everywhere and fecundate it, in such a way that the earth will produce more seeds, and

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more beautiful ones, such as to increase it a hundredfold, rendering it more fecund and of

radiant beauty.

How many great things will do the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat! So much so, that all the

elements are all in waiting the Sun, the wind, the sea, the earth and the whole Creation -

to deliver from their womb all the goods and effects which they contain. In fact, since the

Divine Will that dominates them does not reign in the midst of creatures, they do not put

out all the goods which they enclose within them, giving them only what they have to as

alms, and as to servants. So, the earth has not produced all the seeds; the Sun, not finding

all the seeds, does not produce all the effects and goods It contains; and so with all the

rest. This is why all await the Kingdom of the Fiat - to show creatures how rich they are,

and how many admirable things the Creator has placed in them for love of the ones who

were to be the children of His Will.”

June 29, 1928

The ‘I love You’ forms the heat, the Divine Will the light, in order to form the Sun. The

long progeny formed by one who lives in the Fiat. Its three Kingdoms, three Suns and

three crowns. How Faith will no longer be shaded.

I was doing my usual acts in the Divine Fiat, and for each created thing I repeated my

long singsong of my ‘I love You’; but while doing this, I thought to myself: ‘I have

become so used to it, that it seems I cannot do without saying, “I love You, I love

You...”.’ Now, at that moment, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, telling me: “My

daughter, this continuous ‘I love You’ of yours is nothing other than the continuity of the

first ‘I love You’ said in my Divine Will which, pronounced one time, has the virtue of

repeating, with facts, that which was said once. The ‘I love You’ forms the heat, and my

Divine Will forms the light which, invading the ‘I love You’, forms the Sun, one more

radiant than the other. How beautiful is the life of the soul in my Divine Will! She

acquires a long progeny - almost interminable. In fact, if she thinks, she delivers her

thoughts within the divine mind, forming the long generation of her children in the mind

of her Celestial Father; if she speaks, she delivers her words within the word of God,

forming the long generation of the children of her word; if she operates, if she walks, if

she palpitates, she delivers her works within the hands of her Creator, her steps within the

divine feet, her heartbeats within the paternal Heart, forming the long generation of the

children of her works, of her steps and of her heartbeats. What an endless generation one

who lives in my Will forms for her Creator! She is the populator and the fecund mother

that keeps the One who created Her always in feast, because each child is a feast that God

feels being delivered within His womb by one who lives in His Will.”

And, all moved, He repeated: “How beautiful she is! How beautiful is the newborn of my

Will! In her littleness she would want to engage in a competition with her Creator; she

would want to give Him the occasion always to smile, and with childlike surprises

capture His gaze, always fixed upon her, to show Him the long generation of her


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As though fainting with love, He kept silent; but a little later He added: “My daughter,

the creature has three kingdoms in her soul, which are her three powers. These can

be called the capitals of these three kingdoms, while all the rest of the creature - words,

eyes, works, steps... - are cities, villages, rivers, seas and territories that form these

kingdoms. The heart itself cannot be called a capital, but the most important city of

communication for the others. Now, in a war, if the capital is conquered, the war ends,

because all other cities are defeated along with the capital. If my Will arrives at taking

over the three capitals of these kingdoms, raising Its throne in them, all of the other cities

will be conquered and dominated by the Supreme Fiat. How much glory these kingdoms

will acquire! They will be the happiest the richest and most populated ones because the

One who rules them and dominates them is the invincible, the strong, the powerful One.

No one will dare to molest and disturb their order; everything will be peace, joy and

perennial feast. So, those who live in my Divine Fiat will possess three Suns, one more

beautiful than the other - three peaceful kingdoms, enriched with all the joys, harmonies

and happinesses; and they will be crowned with three crowns. But do you know who will

crown the forehead of the children of my Will? The Sacrosanct Trinity.

Enraptured by their likeness to Us which We infused in them in creating them, seeing that

Our Fiat has raised them and formed them as We wanted, and wounded at the sight of

Our own features in them, the ardor of Our love will be so great, that each of the Three

Divine Persons will place Its own crown, as the special distinctive sign that they are

children of Our Divine Will.”

Then, I was feeling so immersed in the Supreme Fiat, that I felt like a sponge soaked with

Its light.

It seemed to me that all created things were bringing me the kiss of the Divine Volition,

and in that kiss I could feel the lips of my Creator impressing it upon me. It seemed to me

that the Fiat was carrying the Three Divine Persons with Itself. Now, while I was feeling

my mind dissolved in the light of the Fiat, my sweet Jesus came out from within my

interior and told me: “My daughter, when my Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls

live in It, Faith will have no more shadows, no more enigmas, but everything will be

clarity and certainty. The light of my Will will bring in the very created things the clear

vision of their Creator; creatures will touch Him with their own hands in everything He

has done for love of them. The human will is now a shadow to Faith; passions are clouds

that obscure the clear light of it, and it happens as to the Sun, when thick clouds form in

the lower air: even though the Sun is there, the clouds advance against the light, and it

seems it is dark as if it were nighttime; and if one had never seen the Sun, he would find

it hard to believe that the Sun is there. But if an impetuous wind dispelled the clouds,

who would dare to say that the Sun does not exist, as they would touch Its radiant light

with their own hands? Such is the condition in which Faith finds Itself because my Will

does not reign. They are almost like blind people that must rely on others to believe that a

God exists. But when my Divine Fiat reigns, Its light will make them touch the existence

of their Creator with their own hands; therefore, it will no longer be necessary for others

to say it - the shadows and the clouds will exist no more.”

And while He was saying this, Jesus made a wave of joy and of light come out of His

Heart, which will give more life to creatures; and with an emphasis of love, He added:

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“How I long for the Kingdom of my Will! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures

and to Our sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our feasts and theirs will

reacquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a veil over everything, so

that the feasts may never again be interrupted.”

July 19, 1928

How three acts from God concurred in the Creation, and how three wills, sacrificed for

the Kingdom of the Divine Will, are needed. One who lives in It is celebrated by all and

is the feast of all.

I was doing my usual round in the Divine Volition, and as I arrived at the point when the

Celestial Queen was conceived, had the use of reason and made the heroic sacrifice of

offering Her will to Her God without ever wanting to know it, to live only of the Will of

God - I thought to myself: ‘How I wish that my Celestial Mama would take my will,

unite it with Her own and give it as gift to the Supreme Majesty so that I too would not

even know my will to live only of the Will of God.’

While I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and with a light

more than lightning, told me: “My daughter, three acts from the Trinity concurred in the

Creation, which were Power, Wisdom and Love. All of Our works are always

accompanied by these three acts, because since Our working is perfect, they are executed

with highest Power, with infinite Wisdom and with perfect Love, communicating three

immense goods to the work We are doing, as indeed We gave the great good of the

intellect, memory and will to man. Now, in order for the Kingdom of my Divine

Will to come, three wills sacrificed as holocaust to the Divinity are needed, which,

having no life of their own, would give place to Mine to let It reign and dominate freely,

so that It may take Its royal place in all of the human acts, the place that befits It; because

so it was established by Us from the beginning of the creation of man who, ungrateful,

gave the place to his human will, and this made him lose Mine. There is no greater

sacrifice before Us than a human will which, while having life, does not exercise it, to

give free life to my Fiat. This, however, to great profit for the soul, because she gives a

human will and receives a Divine one; she gives a finite and limited will and receives an

infinite and limitless one.”

Now, while Jesus was saying this, I thought to myself: ‘The first one was certainly the

Queen of Heaven, who made the heroic sacrifice of not giving life to Her will; and the

other two wills – who are they?’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, what about Me - do

you want to put Me aside? Don’t you know that I had a human will which had not even

one breath of life, surrendering the place to my Divine Will in everything? So, I had it to

keep it sacrificed, so that the Divine Will might extend the whole expanse of Its Kingdom

in my human volition. And have you forgotten that you keep your human will sacrificed

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so that it may never have life, and that my Divine Will keeps it as a footstool at Its feet,

so that I may extend my Kingdom over it? Now, you must know that between the will of

the Celestial Mother and yours there is my human will, which is first and sustains both,

so that they might be constant in the sacrifice of never giving life to the human volition,

and so that the Kingdom of my Divine Will might extend over these three wills to have

the triple glory of Our Power, Wisdom and Love, and the triple reparation of the three

powers of man, which all concurred in withdrawing from the great good of Our Divine

Will. And if the Sovereign Queen of Heaven was engraced by virtue of the merits of the

future Redeemer, you were engraced by virtue of the Redeemer already come; and since

millennia are like one single point for Me, from that time I thought about everything,

and I sustained the three wills over which my eternal Will was to triumph. This is why I

always tell you: be attentive and know that you have two wills sustaining yours - that of

the Celestial Mama and that of your Jesus, which fortify the weakness of your volition, so

that it may endure remaining sacrificed for a cause so holy, and for the triumph of the

Kingdom of my Fiat.”

Then, while my mind was making itself present at the conception of the Sovereign Lady,

I said to myself: ‘Immaculate Queen, this little daughter of the Divine Will comes to

prostrate herself at your feet, to celebrate your conception and to give You the honors of

Queen. And together with me, I call the whole Creation to surround You like a crown -

the Angels, the Saints, the heavens, the stars, the Sun and everyone, to recognize You as

our Queen, to honor and love your height, and to declare ourselves your subjects. Don’t

You see, O Celestial Mother and Queen, how all created things run to be around You to

say to You: “We hail You, Our Queen! Finally, after so many centuries, we have been

given our Empress.” The Sun hails You as Queen of light, the heavens as Queen of

immensity and of the stars, the wind as Queen of empire, the sea as Queen of purity,

strength and justice, the earth hails You as Queen of flowers. All hail You, in chorus:

“You are welcome, Our Queen -You will be our smile, our glory, our happiness! From

now on we will all hang on your wishes”.’ But while I was saying this, I was thinking to

myself (of course, some of my usual nonsense): ‘I am celebrating my Celestial Mama,

and She does not give a thought to celebrating the little daughter of the Divine Will? I

would like nothing but the feast of Her keeping me on Her lap like a little child, to feed

me the air, the breath, the food, the life of the Divine Will.’

But while I was thinking of this and of other things, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior

and told me: “Little daughter of my Will, one who lives in my Divine Fiat is celebrated

by all and is the feast of all. Do you want to know why you celebrate, from Her very

conception, the state of Queen of my Mama? Because She began Her life in the Divine

Will, and the Divine Will makes present to you Her glorious state of Queen, and It makes

celebrated at Her conception. The feasts begun in the Fiat are perennial - they never end;

and one who lives in It finds them present and celebrates along. And even though the

little Queen of Heaven perceived from Her very conception that all revered Her, smiled at

Her, longed for Her, and that She was welcome by all, yet, She did not know from the

beginning the mystery that She was to become my Mother - the Mother of the One whom

She Herself longed for, for She knew it when the Angel announced it to Her - however,

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She knew that Her royalty, Her empire and the many shows of obsequies came to Her

because in Her reigned my Divine Will.

Now, you must know that as you celebrate the Mama and Her Sovereignty, the Mama

celebrates the daughter, the newborn of that Fiat which She loved so much as to keep It

as Her life; and in you She celebrates that which you yourself do not know for now, but

will know later. Don’t you know that She longs for the little queens, which are the little

daughters of my Will, to make the feast that She receives for them?

July 29, 1928

Meaning of the blessing and of the sign of the Cross.

My days become more bitter and long because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. The

hours are centuries, the days never end; and while I do my usual rounds in the Creation, I

want and invite everyone to cry for the One who, flying away from me, leaves me alone

and abandoned in my hard martyrdom of living as if I had no life, because the One who

formed my true life is no longer with me.

So, in my bitterness, I call the Sun to cry tears of light to move Jesus to compassion, so

that He would come back to His little exiled one. I call the wind to make tears of moans

and of screams, and to deafen the hearing of Jesus with its mighty empire, so as to bend

Him to come. I call the sea to my help, so that it would convert all of its waters into tears,

and murmuring tears and tumulting with its waves, it may make a tumult deep within His

divine Heart, so that He may quickly resolve to give me back His life, my All. But who

can say all of my nonsense?

I sought help from all, so that they would make Jesus come back to me. But He would not

come; and I would continue my round in His adorable Will, and following all the acts He

did when He was on this earth, I stopped when Jesus was blessing the children, blessing

His Celestial Mama, blessing the crowds and other things, and I prayed Jesus to bless this

little daughter of His, who so much needed it. And He, moving in my interior and raising

His arm in the act of blessing me, told me: “My daughter, I bless you from the Heart in

your soul and body - may my blessing be the confirmation of Our likeness in you. My

blessing confirms in you what the Divinity did in the creation of man – that is, Our

likeness. You must know that during the course of my mortal life, in everything I did, I

always blessed. It was the first act of Creation that I called back over the creatures, and in

order to confirm it, in blessing I invoked the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. The

very Sacraments are animated by these blessings and invocations. So, while calling the

likeness to the Creator within souls, my blessing calls also the life of My Divine Will,

that It may return as in the beginning of Creation to reign in souls, because my Will alone

has the virtue of painting in them, vividly, the likeness of the One who created them, of

making it known and of preserving it with its divine live colors.

See then, what blessing means: confirmation of Our creative work, because the work We

do once is so filled with wisdom, with sublimity and with beauty, that We love to repeat

it always. And if Our blessing is nothing other than the sigh of Our Heart to see Our

image restored in the creatures, as well as the repetition of Our confirmation of what We

want to do, the sign of the Cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other

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than impetrating Our likeness on the part of creatures; and so, echoing Our blessing, they

repeat: ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’

Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful harmonize with the eternal

Creator, and all want the same thing: God, by blessing and pronouncing the words,

‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, wants to give His likeness; the creatures impetrate it by

making the sign of the Cross, pronouncing the same words.”

Vol. 33 January 14, 1934

Sweet, enchantment, on both parts of God and of the creature. How she acquires the

power to make hers the Divine Will. The sufferings smile before the glory, the

triumphs, the conquests. Jesus hidden by the sufferings.

I am under the rain of the Divine Fiat, that bathing all of me, inside and outside and

penetrating even in the marrow of the bones, it says to all my poor being, Fiat, Fiat, Fiat.

I feel between his arms and as I call him with my incessant saying that he might form his

life in my acts, his heartbeat in my heart, his breath in mine, his thought in my mind, thus

a flash of light emitted itself from me and would have wanted to tie the Holy Divine

Volition in order to make him all mine, so that (he) himself might have been in my

power, to form his life in me, all of Divine Will. Whence I felt worried by my this way of

doing and my Highest Good Jesus repeating his brief little visit said to me:

“My little daughter of my Volition, you should know that as the creature invokes, calls

my Fiat, imploring his Life in order to form it in hers, thus she emits light and forms there

the enchantment to God that enraptures his Divine pupil, which enraptured, looks at the

creature and forms there the exchange of his sweet enchantment and the void in the act of

the creature, in order to be able to give and enclose in her act the Divine Will, which

while he forms it, he develops his life, the happy creature acquires the power to make it

hers, and since it is hers, she loves it powerfully more than her own life.

My daughter, even to such that my Will is not kept as (one’s) own life, exclusively hers,

that no one can take away, in spite that she knows that it is a gift received by God, but in

spite that it is already received she is fortunate and victorious to hold the possession of it,

never can she love as is appropriate (to) my Divine Will, nor feel the need of his life, nor

can He fully develop with all liberty his Divine life in the creature. Therefore calling him

disposes you, making him yours makes him known and you will feel the great good of

possessing his life and you will love him as he merits to be loved, and you will be jealous

to guard him with such attention, as to not lose even a breath of Him.”

Whence finding myself suffering a little more than usual, I thought to myself: oh, how I

would love that my sufferings might form wings in order to make me fly to my Celestial

Country, and instead of afflicting me my little sufferings would make for me a feast, and

I felt worried by this, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, do not marvel,

sufferings before the glory smile, they feel triumphant in seeing the conquests that they

have acquired, the sufferings confirm and establish the greater or lesser glory in the

creature, and according to the sufferings, thus one feels painted the most beautiful and

varied shades of beauty, and seeing themselves transformed into the rarest beauty, they

celebrate. So that the sufferings in earth cry, at the doors of Heaven they commence their

eternal smile, that doesn’t end anymore; the sufferings in earth are bearers of humiliation,

at the eternal doors they are bearers of glory. In earth they make the poor creature

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unhappy, but with the miraculous secret that they possess, they work in the most intimate

fibers, and in the whole human being, the eternal kingdom, in a way that every suffering

takes its distinct office, some make themselves chisel, some hammer, some files, some

brush, some color, and then they leave the creature entrusted to them, when every

suffering has completed its work and triumphant they conduct her to Heaven, and then

they leave when they see exchanged every suffering into distinct joys, and into perennial

happiness, however provided that the creature receives them with love and they feel and

receive in every suffering the kiss, the embraces and the strong holds of my Divine Will

the sufferings then possess this miraculous virtue. Otherwise they become as if they

might not have proper tools in order to complete their work.

But do you want to know who the suffering is? The suffering am I, that hiding me inside

of it in order to form the dark/deep works for my Celestial Country and exchange to

usury the brief abode that they have given me upon the earth. I am imprisoned in the poor

jail of the creature in order to continue my life of sufferings down here, it is just that this

life of mine receives its joys, its happinesses, its exchange of glory in the Celestial

Region, therefore cease your wondering in feeling that your sufferings smile before the

victories, the triumphs and the conquests.”

Vol. 34 December 8, 1936

How the Queen of Heaven in her Conception (was) conceived in the merits, in the life,

in the love and sufferings of the future Redeemer, in order to be able to then conceive

the Divine Word in Her in order to come to save creatures.

My poor mind immersing itself in the

Divine Fiat found in act the Conception of the Immaculate Queen. He was all in feast and

called everyone around himself, Angels, Saints in order to make seen the unheard of

prodigy, the graces, the love with which he called from the nothing this sublime Creature,

so that everyone might know and might extol her as their Queen and Mother of everyone.

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But while I remained surprised, and I would have remained there who knows how long, if

my sweet Jesus might not have called me with saying to me:

“I want to honor my Celestial Mother, I want to narrate the story of her Immaculate

Conception, only I can speak of it because Author of a prodigy so great. Now my

daughter, the first act of this conception was one Fiat of ours pronounced with such

solemnity and with such fullness of graces as to enclose everything and everyone, we

centralized everything in this conception of the Virgin in our Divine Fiat, what doesn’t

exist past and future, the incarnation of the Word held present, and made her conceived

and incarnated in the same incarnation of me, future Redeemer, my Blood that was in act,

as if I myself was scattering it, watered her, embellished her, confirmed her, strengthened

her continually in a Divine way.

“But it was not enough to my love, all her acts, words and steps were first conceived in

my acts, words and steps and then they had life. My Humanity was the refuge, the

hideaway, the incorporation of this Celestial Creature. So that if she loved us, her love

was incarnated and conceived in my love, and oh, how her love loved us, it enclosed

everything and everyone, I can say that she loved as a God knows how to love, she had

our same follies of love for us, and for all creatures and that loving one time, she loves,

loves always, without ever ceasing, her prayer was conceived in my prayer and therefore

it had an immense value, a power over our Supreme Being, and who could deny her

anything? Her sufferings, her sorrows, her martyrdoms, that were so many, first they

were conceived in my Humanity and then she felt in herself the life of the sufferings and

the excruciating martyrdoms, all animated by Divine strength. Whence one can say she

was conceived in me, from me went forth her life, all that which I did and suffered lined

up around this Holy creature in order to court her and to pour myself continually over Her

and to be able to say to her: you are the Life of my Life, you are all beautiful, you are the

first redeemed, my Divine Fiat has molded you, has breathed you forth and has made you

conceived in my works, in my Humanity itself.

“Now my daughter conceiving this Celestial creature in the Word Incarnate, was done by

us with highest Wisdom, with unreachable power, with inexhaustible love, and with

decorum that is appropriate to our works. Having I(,) Word of the Father, to descend

from Heaven in order to incarnate myself in the bosom of a Virgin, it was not sufficient

to the sanctity of my Divinity only the Virginity, and to have made her exempt from the

stain of original sin, therefore it was necessary to our love and to our sanctity, that this

Virgin first be conceived in me, with all those prerogatives, virtues and beauties that the

life of the Word Incarnate should possess, and therefore then [I] could be conceived, in

who had been in me conceived, and I found in Her my Heaven, the sanctity of my life,

my same blood, that had generated and watered her so many times, I found my same

Will, that communicating his Divine fecundity to her formed the Life of hers and of the

Son of God. My Divine Fiat, in order to make her worthy of being able to conceive me,

held her invested and under his continuous empire, that possesses all acts, as if it might

be one act alone, in order to give her everything, he called in act my anticipated merits,

all my life and poured it continually within her beautiful soul.

“Therefore I alone can tell the true story of the Immaculate Conception and all her life,

because I conceived her in me and am to light of everything, and if the Holy Church

speaks of the Celestial Queen, they can say only the first letters of the alphabet of her

sanctity, greatness and gifts with which she was enriched. If you might know the

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contentment that I experience when I speak of my Celestial Mother, who knows how

many demands you would make me, in order to give me the joy of making speak of

whom I love so much and (who) has loved me.”

Vol. 35 - April 20, 1938

How the “sitio” of Jesus upon the cross still continues to cry out to every heart "I

thirst". How the true Resurrection is in arising in the Divine Volition. How (for) one

who lives in him nothing becomes denied her.

My flight continues in the Divine Volition and I feel the need to make mine all that which

he has done, to put there my little love, my affectionate kisses, my profound adorations,

my thanks for all that which he has done and suffered for me and for everything; and

having come to the point when my dear Jesus was crucified and raised on the cross

between atrocious spasms and unheard of pains, with a tender and compassionate accent,

that one felt the heart break, he said to me: “My good daughter! The pain that transfixed

me more upon the cross was my ardent thirst; I felt myself burn alive, all the vital humors

had gone out from my wounds, which burned like so many mouths and they felt an ardent

thirst that wanted to quench itself, so much so that not being able to contain myself I

cried out: ‘Sitio!’ This ‘sitio’ remained and is always in (the) act of saying: ‘I thirst!’; I

never cease to say it; with my open wounds and with my burnt mouth I always say: ‘I

burn, I thirst! Oh! Give me a little drop of your love, in order to give me a little

refreshment to my ardent thirst!’ So that in all that which the creature does I always

repeat to them with my open and burnt mouth: ‘Give me to drink, I thirst ardently.’ And

since my dislocated, wounded humanity, had only one cry: ‘I thirst!’, therefore as the

creature walks I cry out to his footsteps, with my burnt mouth, ‘Give your footsteps done

for my love in order to quench me’; if she works I ask her work of her, done only for my

love, for refreshment of my ardent thirst; if she speaks I ask her words of her; if she

thinks I ask her thoughts of her, as so many little drops of love for relief of my ardent

thirst; it was not only my mouth that burned, but all my most holy humanity felt the

extreme need of a bath of refreshment to the ardent fire of love that burned me, and since

it was for creatures that I burned in the midst of agonizing pains, therefore they alone

were able, with their love, to extinguish my ardent thirst and give me the bath of

refreshment to my humanity. Now this cry: ‘Sitio!’, I left it in my Will and he took the

pledge to make it felt in every instant in the ears of creatures, in order to move them to

compassion for my ardent thirst, in order to give them my bath of love and to receive,

their bath of love, although they might be little drops, for relief of the thirst that devours

me; but who listens to me? Who has compassion on me? Only one who lives in my Will;

all the others are deaf and perhaps increase my thirst with their ingratitude, that it renders

me restless without hope of relief. “And not only my ‘sitio’, but all that which I did and I

said in my Will, is always in act of saying to my sorrowful Mama: ‘Mother, here are your

children’, and I put her at their side for help, for guide, in order to have her loved by

children, and she in every instant felt herself put from her Child, to the side of her

children; and, oh, how she loves them as Mama and she gives her maternity to them, in

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order to make me loved as she loves me! Not only (this), but with giving her maternity,

she also puts the perfect one amongst creatures, so that they might love each other with

maternal love, that is love of sacrifice, of unselfishness and constant. But who receives all

this good? One who lives in our Fiat feels the maternity of the Queen; she, one can say,

puts in (the) mouth of her children her maternal Heart, so that they suck and receive the

maternity of her love, her sweetness and all her dowries with which her maternal Heart is

enriched. “My daughter, one who wants to find us, one who wants to receive all our

goods and my Mother herself, must enter into our Will, and must there remain within. He

is not only life to us but forms around us, with his immensity, our residence, in which he

maintains all our acts, words and all that which we are, always in act; our things don’t go

out from our Will; who wants them must be content to have life together with him, and

then everything is hers, nothing is denied her; and if we want to give to her, and she

doesn’t live in our Volition, she won’t appreciate them, she won’t love them, she

won’t feel the right of making them hers, and when the things are not owned, love

doesn’t arise and it dies.”

After this I continued my round in all that which Our Lord did upon the earth and I

stopped in the act of the Resurrection; what triumph, what glory; heaven poured itself

upon the earth in order to be spectator of a glory so great, and my beloved Jesus resumed

his speech: “My daughter, in my Resurrection, the right became established (for) all

creatures to arise in me to new life; it was the confirmation, the seal of all my life, of my

works, of my words, and that if I came on earth it was in order to give myself to everyone

and each one, as life that it might belong to them.

My Resurrection was the triumph of everyone and the new conquest that everyone got

from him whom had died for everyone, in order to give life to them and to make them

arise in my own Resurrection.

“But do you want to know where the true resurrection of the creature consists? But not in

the end of the days, but while still alive upon the earth; one who lives in my Will arises to

the light, and can say: ‘My night is finished’; she arises in the love of her Creator in a way

that the cold, the snows don’t exist for her anymore, but she feels the smile of the

celestial spring; arises the sanctity, which puts to precipitous flight the weaknesses, the

miseries, the passions; she arises to all that which is heaven and if she looks at the earth,

the sky, the sun, she looks at it in order to find the works of her Creator, in order to have

occasions to narrate to him his glory and his long story of love.

“Therefore one who lives in my Volition, can say as the angel might say, to the pious

they went to the sepulcher: ‘He is risen, he is here no more’; one who lives in my the

same: ‘My will is with me no more, it is risen in the Fiat’; and if the circumstances of

life, the occasions, the sufferings surround the creature, as seeking her will, she can

respond: ‘My will is risen, I don’t have it anymore in my power, I hold in exchange the

Divine Will, and with his light I want to invest all that which surrounds me,

circumstances, sufferings, in order to form so many divine conquests of them.’

“One who lives in ours Volition finds life in the acts of her Jesus and she always races, in

him, our working, conquering, and triumphant Will, and she gives us such glory that

heaven can not contain it. Hence live always in our Volition, never go out of him, if you

want to be our triumph and our glory.”

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Vol. 36 June 30, 1938

How true love wants to find oneself in the loved person. How Our Lord formed so

many ways in order to make himself found. Who is our field. How the knowledge opens

all the doors between God and the creature.

My poor mind feels itself under the empire/rule of the Fiat, which drawing it to himself,

makes it follow that which he has done for love of the creature, and while I followed the

acts of the redemption, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, all goodness said to me:

“Daughter of my Will, my love feels the need to relieve itself with one who loves me and

to entrust my most intimate secrets to her; true love holds this virtue of breaking

whatever secret, because it wants to find in the loved person that which itself possesses,

its joys, its sorrows, all its same prerogatives; love wants to find itself in the beloved


“Now, know, my daughter, that as I came upon the earth, my love gave me no rest; as

soon as I was conceived, I began to form so many ways that should serve creatures in

order to come to me; these ways, while I formed them, I stretched them, but I didn’t

detach them from myself; I remained the center from where all the ways departed. So that

every act, word, thought, step, were ways of light, of sanctity, of love, of virtue, of

heroism, that I formed; hence every act that the creature does, finds my way in order to

come to me.

“At the head of these ways, that are innumerable I put as queen my Will, and I put myself

to wait, at the head of every way, in order to receive them in my arms; many times I wait

in vain, and my love, giving me neither peace, nor rest, puts me en route in order to meet

them at least halfway on the walk, and if I find them, I invest the act of the creature, in a

way that I make myself act and way of it, and with an exuberant love I cover them, I hide

them in my own love, I cover them with my own acts, but so many as to find myself in

them, and I carry them in order to hold them secure in the arms of my Will. Therefore,

every thought of the creature holds the way of my thoughts, every word holds the way of

my words, every work holds the way of my work, of my steps; if she suffers she holds the

way and the life of my sufferings, and if she wants to love me she holds the way of my

love. I have surrounded creatures with so many (of) my ways, in a way as not to be able

to escape me; and if someone escapes me, I give into delirium, I race, I fly, in order to

track her down; and then I stop, when I have found her, and I close her in my ways, in

order to not let her go out anymore.

“Therefore my coming upon the earth was none other than relieving my repressed love

from so many centuries, through which I arrived to excesses, formed the new creation,

indeed I exceeded it in the multiplicity of the works, and in the intensity of my love; but

my love is still repressed, and as I vent I want to give my Will as life, in order to give

them the greatest good that I can give, and receive the great glory of having his children

in our kingdom.

“As the creature enters into our Volition, our contentment is so much, that it gives us the

field of repeating in her all that which we have done in the creation and redemption; our

love wants to see in act, as if then we were doing it, the extended sky, the sun refulgent

with light, the winds that blow continually billows of thanks and of love in one who lives

in our Volition, seas that murmur love, glory, adoration to my Creator; in repeated act the

descent of the Word; my Will is the repeater of that which my humanity did in the

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creature. So that we are always in (the) act of working in her; we never stop, because

nothing should be missing in one who lives in our Volition; our own acts will be

our throne, our cortege and the life itself of the creature.

“Therefore our love for her gives of the incredible; we are all eyes upon her, in order to

see if she does not enclose everything; and how many times, because we love her too

much, we repeat our working act, we put forth new beauty, new sanctity to our

masterpieces that we have done in her.

It pleases us always to give to her, and to keep her occupied under the rain of our

working acts, in order to give occasions to her of loving her and of making us loved

more. So, live always in our Volition, and you will feel the continuous vent of our love,

our working act, that will not only repeat our works in act, but will add on new things to

astonish heaven and earth.”

After this he added: “My daughter, everyone lives in my Volition; and if they didn’t live

(in him) they would not find the space where to be able to live; but who feels our divine

life? Who feels themselves involved by our sanctity? Who experiences the contentment

of feeling touched by our creative hands in order to feel embellished with our beauty?

Who feels themselves drown in our love?

“One who wants to live in our Volition; not one who finds themselves though necessity

of creation, because our immensity involves everything and everyone; these remain

without knowing us, as true usurpers of our goods, as disloyal and ungrateful children,

degenerates of their Father; and since they don’t know us, nor love us, we don’t find the

place in them where to put our sanctity, our love; their souls are incapable of receiving

our always growing beauty; they give us nothing, not even the rights of Creator; and

while they live together in our divine sea, they remain as far away from us; with not

knowing us, they have put (up) the bars, they have closed the doors and broken the

communications between them and us.

“Knowledge is the first ring of conjunction between them and us; it is the wanting to live

in our Volition that removes the bars and opens all the doors, in order to let them come

into our arms and to delight themselves with us; it is loving us that makes us pour out in

torrents our love, our graces, even to cover them with our divine qualities; if there is no

knowledge, we can give nothing, nor they receive.

“Instead one who lives in our Volition knows us; as she enters into him, thus she gives

her kiss to her Father, she embraces him, she puts around us her little love, and we give

her our seas of love; she kisses with all heaven; we can say that the feasts are opened

between her and us between heaven and earth. We ourselves call her blessed, and we say

to her: ‘You are the most happy and fortunate creature, because you live in our Volition,

you live and know us, you live and love us, and we hold you hidden in our love, covered

by our arms, beneath the rain of our graces.’”

Vol. 36 – September 5, 1938

The human will cross of the divine; and the divine cross of the human. How in the

Divine Volition things change themselves, dissimilarities don’t exist. How Jesus makes

up for all that which can be missing to one who lives in his Volition.

I feel the life of the divine Fiat in my soul, which wants to be my motion, my breath and

heartbeat; he wants such union with the human will, that in nothing must one be opposed

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to that which he wants to do, otherwise he laments, is displeased and feels put on (the)

cross by the human volition. And my beloved, repeating his brief little visit with me said

to me: “My blessed daughter, how much my Will suffers in the creature! It is enough to

say to you, each time that one does ones will it puts mine on (the) cross. So that the cross

of my Will is the human volition; but not with three nails, as I was crucified upon the

cross, but with so many nails for how many times one is opposed to mine, how many

times he is not recognized; and while he wants to do good, he becomes rejected with the

nails of ingratitude. How excruciating is this crucifixion of my Will in the creature; how

many times he feels the nails put forth to his breath, heartbeat and motion, because not

being known that he is life of the breath, heartbeat and motion, the human breath, motion

and heartbeat, serve as nails that impede him from developing in them the good that (is)

needed. Oh, how he feels (on the) cross in the human volition! He with his divine motion

wants to make sprout the day in the human motion, and the creature puts the divine

motion (on the) cross and with her motion she makes sprout the night and she puts (on

the) cross the light; how my light sorrows in seeing itself repressed, crucified, put in the

state of inability by the human volition!

“With his breath he wants to make his breathed in order to give her the life of his

sanctity, of his fortitude; and the creature, by not receiving it, puts forth the nails of sin,

of her passions and weaknesses; my poor Will, in what (a) state of sorrow and of

continuous crucifixion he finds himself in the human volition! She does none other than

to put (on the) cross our love and all the goods that we want to give her are filled by her


“Only one who lives in mine doesn’t put (on the) cross my Will; rather, I can say that I

form her cross, but her cross is well different. With mine my Volition knows how to put

forth nails of light, of sanctity, of love, in order to make her strong with our own divine

fortitude, which doesn’t give sorrows, rather, he renders her happy, beautiful with an

enchanting beauty, and they are carriers of great conquests, and one who has tried it so

much is the happiness that she feels, that she prays us, begs us that we hold her always

(on the) cross with our divine nails. “From here she can not escaped; if two wills, human

and divine, are not united, hers will form our cross and ours hers; rather, so much is our

love and jealousy that we don’t leave her free not even a breath without our nail of light

and of love, in order to always have her with us, in order to be able to say: ‘That which

we do she does, and she wants that which we want.’ “Rather, you must know that as the

creature enters into our Volition, all is transformed, the darknesses are changed into light,

weakness into fortitude, poverty into riches, passions into virtue; such mutation happens

that one is not recognized anymore from that of before; her state is no more of the most

vile slave, but of noble queen, our divine being loves her so much that it races into her

acts in order to do that which she does; and since our motion is continuous, we move and

we love her, we move and we embrace her; our motion moves itself and kisses her,

makes her more beautiful, sanctifies her more; in every motion we give her of ours; and

in the emphasis of our love, we speak to her of our supreme being, we make ourselves

known who we are and how much we love her.

Such identification passes between her and us, being one our Will with hers, that we feel

her in our divine motion, and hers doing that which is ours, she loves us with our love,

she gives our inaccessible light to us, in order to glorify our sanctity, in order to extol us

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and say to us: ‘Holy, holy, three times holy you are; you enclose everything, you are

everything.’ “How beautiful it is to see the human littleness in our Volition, that holds in

her power our divine being in order to re-give it to us, in order to love us and to glorify us

as we want and we justly merit; in our Volition the parts make themselves equal, the

dissimilarities disappear, our unity unites everything and everyone and makes it one

single act of everyone, in order to make itself act of everyone.”

In hearing this I understood the sanctity, the beauty, the greatness, of living in the Divine

Volition, and I thought to myself: It seems difficult to me living in him; how ever can the

creature arrive to so much? Human weakness, the circumstances of life, many times too

painful, the unexpected meetings, the so many difficulties that one doesn’t even know

what to do, divert the poor creature from a living so holy and that wants (from) us a

highest attention? And my sweet Jesus resuming his speech, with

an inexpressible tenderness as to feel my heart burst, added: “My little daughter of my

Volition, so much is my interest, my continuous yearning that I want that the creature live

in my Volition, that when we have taken the accord, I and she, with firm decision that she

must live in my Fiat, being my Will, I am the first to make the sacrifice. In order to obtain

the intent that she can live in him, I put myself at her disposition, I give her all the graces,

light, love, knowledge of my own Will, in a way that she herself must feel the need of

living in him; when I want a thing, and she with promptness accepts to do that which I

want, it is I that think to everything; and when (she doesn’t do it) from weakness, from

circumstance, not from will, from carelessness, I arrive to supply for and do that which

she owed, and I cede to her that which I have done as if she might have done it. My

daughter, the living in my Volition is life that I must form it is not virtue, and life

has need of motion and continuous acts; if this were not so it would not be life anymore,

it could be at the most work that doesn’t have need of continuous acts but not life. Hence

when for involuntary indisposition, for weakness (she doesn’t do it), I don’t break the

life, I continue it, and perhaps in those same indispositions there is yet that my Will

permits those weaknesses; hence the will of the creature already races in mine.

“And then (above) everything I look at the accord taken together, the firm decision made,

of which there has been no other decision (to the) contrary, and in view of this follows

the pledge of supplying for her in that which she lacks. Rather, I double the graces,

surround her anew with love, with new stratagems of love in order to have her be more

attentive, I arouse in her heart an extreme need of living in my Will this need serves her

as she feels the weaknesses thus she throws herself into the arms of my Will and prays

him to hold her so very tight, so that she might be able to always live together with him.”

September 18, 1938

How Jesus in our sufferings feels his repeated. How he is not ever moved in his works

and in loving us. Example of the flower, one who doesn’t live in the Divine Volition.

I am in the sea of the Divine Volition between immense bitternesses and humiliations of

the most humiliating and as a poor condemned one [August 31st 1938 the Holy Office

emanated the decree of condemnation and put on the index of prohibited books the three

books of Luisa up to then published.], and if it were not that my Jesus made himself my

support, strength and help, I don’t know how I could live, and my sweet Jesus, taking part

in my sufferings, suffered together with me, and in the vent of his sorrow and love, said

to me:

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“My dear daughter, if you might know how much I suffer, if I might let you see, you

would die of pain; I am constrained to hide everything, all the straights, the rawness of

the pain that I feel in order not to torment you more. Know that it is not you that they

have condemned, but me together with you; I feel my condemnation again; when one

condemns the good it is to condemn myself; you however unite yourself in my Volition

yours and my condemnation to that which I underwent when I was crucified, and I will

give you the merit of my condemnation and all the goods that it produces

to you: it made me die, called to life my resurrection, in which everyone should find life

and the resurrection of all goods.

“With their condemnation they believe to have made die that which I have said on my

Divine Will, instead I will permit such scourges, sad incidents, then I will make my truths

re-arise more beautiful, more majestic in the midst of people. Therefore on my part and

yours we won’t move anything, we continue to do that which we have done, although

everyone put themselves against (us); this is my divine way, that for how many evils

creatures do, I never move/shift my works, I always conserve them with my power and

creative virtue, for love of whom offends me; I always love them, without ever ceasing.

With never moving ourselves our works are completed, they always remain beautiful,

they do good to everyone; if we moved ourselves, all things would go into ruin, not one

good of it would come to finish. Hence also in this I want you together with me; always

firm and without ever moving yourself from inside my Will, doing that which you have

done up to now; attentive to listen to me and to be the narrator of my Will.

“My daughter, that which doesn’t serve today will serve tomorrow, that which now

seems darkness because it finds blind minds, tomorrow for others that have eyes it will be

changed into sun, and how much good they will do. Whence we continue that which we

have done, we do on our part that which is wanted (of) us, so that nothing lacks of help,

of light, of goods, of surprising truths, so that my Will and kingdoms be known. I will

make use of all means, of love, of graces, of chastisements, I will touch all the sides of

creatures in order to make my Will reign, and when it will seem as if true good might

have had to die, it will re-arise more beautiful and majestic.”

But while he said this he made me see a sea of fire in which the whole world remained to

be enwrapped, I remained shaken by it; and my amiable Jesus, drawing me to himself,

said to me: “My blessed daughter, courage, do not be afraid, come into my Divine Will,

so that his light takes away from you the sad sight in which the world races, and speaking

to you of my Volition we soothe the pains that unfortunately we both suffer.

“You feel how beautiful it is to live in my Volition, that which I do, she does; how she

feels that I say to her: ‘I love you’; immediately she repeats to me: ‘I love you.’ And I in

feeling myself loved transform her so much into me, that with one voice alone we say:

‘We love everyone, we do good to everyone, we give life to everyone.’ If I bless, we

bless together, we adore, we glorify together, we race together in help of everyone, and if

they offend me we suffer together; and oh, how content I am in seeing that a creature

doesn’t leave me alone ever! How beautiful is the company of one who wants that which

I want and does that which I do! The union makes rise the happiness, the heroism in

doing good, the tolerance in supporting (it), much more so that it is a human creature that

belongs to the human family, that doesn’t do other than send me nails, thorns and pains;

and I finding in this my hideaway and my desired company, knowing that she would be

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displeased if I punished them as they merit, in order not to displease her, I abstain (from)

punishing them as they merit. Therefore, do not ever leave me alone, solitude is one of

the hardest and most intimate sufferings of my Heart; not having one to whom to say a

word to, as much in the sufferings as in the joys, it makes me give into such manias of

sorrow and of love that if you might be able to experience them you would die of pure

sorrow. “And it is really this not living in my Will, leaving me alone!

The human volition removes the creature from her Creator, and as she removes herself

peace flees, and disturbances takes (the) place that torment her, the strength is weakened,

the beauty is discolored, the good dies and evil rises, passions keep her company, poor

creature without my Will, in what abyss of miseries and of darkness she casts herself! It

happens like to the flower that is not watered, it feels itself lose life, it loses color

declines upon its stem in order to await death, and if the sun invests it, not finding it

watered, it burns it and finishes to dry it. Such is the soul without my Will, it is as a soul

without water; my own truths that are more splendid than the sun, not finding water from

the life of my Will, burn it more, they blind it and render it incapable of understanding

them and of receiving the good, the life that they possess; and they arrive to such

excesses that the good, my own truths, bearers of life to creatures, wage war.

Therefore I want you always in my Will, so that neither you nor I suffer the hard pain of


September 27, 1938

Symbol of the sea the Divine Will. How next to the sufferings of Jesus flow seas of joys.

Power of innocent sufferings. The truths manifested new creation.

I am always in the sea of the Divine Volition and my sufferings and inexpressible

bitternesses I make flow in him, so that they remain invested by his divine light and

change into light for me and for everyone. And my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, all

goodness said to me: “My blessed daughter, as the sea gives the place to all the things

that there immerse themselves within, so much so that it gives (a) place to the fishes and

holds them sunk in its waters, giving them all that which is needed in order to keep them

alive; the fishes are the most fortunate the richest that they lack nothing, because they

always live in the sea; oh, if the fishes might go out from the sea life would finish! The

sea receives everything, lends itself to everyone, bathes everything and everyone and

hides everyone in its waters. If the sailor wants to cross the sea and to go into different

regions, the water of the sea receives the ship, makes itself way, accompanies him, never

leaves him until he arrives to (the) destination; everyone can find (a) place in the sea.

“Such is my Will, everyone can find their place and with inexpressible love he makes

himself life of each one, way in order to conduct them, light in order to disperse the

darkness of life, strength in order to sustain them; he never leaves them alone, that which

they do he wants to do it together. Oh, how distressed he is when he sees his creatures

outside of his sea! Because he sees them ugly dirty so very dissimilar that they make one

disgust them. Hence the most fortunate are those that live in my Volition, they are carried

in the womb of his waves and provided that they live in him, he will think to all that

which is needed for their good.”

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After this I followed my sweet Jesus in his sufferings, and I united mine to his in order to

receive the strength from his sufferings in order to sustain mine, because I felt as crushed,

and my dear Jesus added with inexpressible tenderness:

“My blessed daughter, I suffered unheard of pains, but next to these pains of mine,

flowed seas of joys, of happiness without end, I saw the good that they should produce I

saw enclosed in them the souls that should be saved; and my pains, since they were pains

of love, with the heat they matured the most beautiful sanctities, the most difficult

conversions, the most surprising graces. And I felt in my most bitter sorrowful pains that

they gave me the most merciless and cruel death, and seas of joys that sustained me and

gave me life. If I was not sustained by the joys that my pains contained I would have died

at the first pain that I suffered so much was the torment, nor would I have been able to

prolong life.

“Now your pains not only are similar to mine, but I can say that your pains are mine; and

if you might know how much I suffer from it? I feel the harshness, the torment that

embitters me even in the depths of the Heart; but even in these pains come to flow the

seas of joy, that will make rise my beautiful and majestic Will in the midst of creatures,

you don’t know what is an innocent pain suffered for my cause, such is its power that the

heavens remain astonished by it and everyone wants the satisfaction, the good of an

innocent pain suffered; it can form with its power seas of graces, of light, of love, to (the)

good of everyone; if it were not for these innocent sufferings that sustain my justice

I would send in ruin the whole entire world. Therefore courage do not batter yourself my

daughter, trust in me and I will think to everything, and defend the rights of my Will in

order to make him reign. “All that which I have said on my Will, I can say that it is a new

creation, more beautiful more manifold more majestic than the creation itself that

everyone sees; rather, oh, how the rest remains behind! And as it is impossible (for) man

to destroy it, to suffocate the light of the sun, to impede the impetuosity of the wind, the

air that everyone breathes, and with all things to make a heap of it; thus they can not

suffocate, much less destroy, that which I have said on my Will with so much love,

because that which I have said is a new speaking creation, and every truth carries the

imprint, the seal of our divine life; hence in the truths that I have manifested to you there

are the speaking suns, the winds that speak and sweep away in my Volition even to be

able to besiege the creature with the empire of his power; there are in these truths my

various beauties that will enrapture creatures, the seas of love which will be continuous

and inundating, that with their sweet murmur they will conquer hearts to love me; in

these truths I have put all the possible and imaginable goods, love that conquers, that

enraptures(,) that sweetens, that shakes, lacking nothing, in order to dominate the creature

and in order to make my Will descend, with decorum and majesty together with the army

of my truths to reign in the midst of them. And it won’t be given to the creature to

conceal this my new creation, I will know well (how) to look (after) it and to defend it;

and then, my daughter, this new creation cost me the work not of six days, but for well

fifty years and more, how can I ever permit that it will be repressed, that it doesn’t have

its life and doesn’t go forth to the light? This would be not to have enough power, this

can not be, I will know how to look after it, nor can they touch and destroy a single word

of mine, it cost me too much, and when things cost a great deal one uses all the means, all

the arts, one pledges even one’s own life in order to obtain the intent. Therefore let me

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complete the work of this new creation, nor give thought of that which they say and do,

they are the usual human inconstancies, that to one puff of wind they become black to

another puff they are taking away the bandage and become white, hence I will know how

to sweep away everyone and to make go forth my truths like (an) army trained to

dominate the creature; patience is needed on my part and on your part, and without

dirtying ourselves we go forward.”

October 2, 1938

How the Kingdom of the Divine Will is decreed that it must come upon the earth. How

it must sweep. The earth(,) the Queen of Heaven cries and prays. The Divine Will is

like the sap to the plants.

I am always in the Divine Volition although between inexpressible bitternesses, as if they

might want to render turbid his sea itself, but this sea of the Fiat forms its waves, covers

me, hides me within, sweetens the bitternesses for me, re-gives me strength, and makes

me continue the way in his Will; his power is so much that it reduces into nothing my

bitternesses and makes me re-arise from within them his life full of sweetness, all

beautiful and majestic; and I adore him, thank him, pray him that he never leave me alone

and abandoned. Whence my sweet Jesus, repeating his little visit with me,

said to me: “My daughter, good, courage, if you batter yourself you will lose the strength

to always live in my Volition, nor give thought of that which they say and do, all our

victory is that they can not impede us from doing that which we want; hence I can speak

to you of my Divine Volition and you can listen to me, not any power can impede it. That

which I say to you on my Volition, is none other than the carrying out of our decree done

ab eterno in the consistory of our Sacrosanct Trinity, that he must hold his Kingdom

upon the earth; and our decrees are infallible, no one can impede us who is not effected.

As was decreed the creation, the redemption, thus is decreed our Kingdom of our Will

upon the earth. Hence, in order to complete this decree of ours I must manifest the goods

that there are in him, his qualities, his beauties and marvels; behold the necessity that I

had to speak to you so much, in order to be able to complete this decree.

“Daughter, in order to arrive to this I wanted to conquer man by way of love, but human

perfidy impedes it from me; therefore, I will use justice, I will sweep the earth, I will take

away all the harmful creatures, that like poisonous plants poison the innocent plants;

when I will have purified everything, my truths will find the way in order to give life to

the survivors, the balm, the peace that they contain and everyone will receive it they will

give the kiss of peace to them, to the confusion of whom has not believed him, indeed

condemned, he will reign, and I will have my Kingdom upon the earth, that my Will be

done as in heaven so on earth.

“Therefore, I repeat to you, we don’t move ourselves in anything, we make our way and

we will sing victory, and they make their way in which they will find confusion and

shame of themselves. It will happen to them like to the blind ones that don’t believe the

light of the sun because they don’t see it, they will remain in their blindness and those

that see it and believe will enjoy, will show off in the goods of the light with their

highest contentment.”

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Jesus became silent, and my poor mind remained devastated by the so many gruesome

evils of which he invested and will invest the earth. In this while he made the Sovereign

Queen seen with red eyes and as blood stained by the so much weeping that she had

done, but what straights to the heart in seeing my Celestial Mama cry, and with her

maternal accent, with an inexpressible tenderness, crying, she said to me:

“My dearest daughter pray together with me, how my Heart aches in seeing the scourges

in which the entire humanity will be enwrapped, the inconstancy of the heads, today they

say and tomorrow they unsay it, it will cast the peoples in a sea of sorrows, and also of

blood; my poor children! Pray, my daughter, do not leave me alone in my sorrow, that it

all occurs for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

Whence I followed the Divine Will in his acts, all abandoning myself in his arms, and my

sweet Jesus resumed to say: “My daughter, as the creature enters into our Will in order to

make him hers, she makes hers ours and we make ours hers, and in all that which she

does, if she loves, if she adores, if she works, if she suffers, if she prays, our Volition

forms the divine germ/seed in her acts; and oh, how she grows beautiful, fresh, holy! Our

Will is like the sap to the plants, if there is the sap the plants grow beautiful, are green,

thick with leaves and produce mature, fat and tasty fruits; if instead it begins to

lack the sap, the poor plant loses the green, the leaves fall, nor does it have the virtue of

producing its beautiful fruits and it finishes with drying out; because the sap is like the

soul of the plant, like the vital humors that sustain it and make the plant bloom. Such is

the soul without my Will, she loses the beginning, the life, the soul of good, she loses the

vegetation, the freshness, the vigor, she becomes faded, ugly, grows weak, and finishes

with losing the seed of good.

“If you might know how much it makes me compassionate a soul that lives without my

Will? I could call it my sorrowful scenes of creation, I who have created all things with

such beauty and harmony, I am constrained by human ingratitude to see my most

beautiful creatures that I created, poor, weak, covered with wounds as to make (one) pity.

And yet my Will is at (the) disposition of everyone, he doesn’t deny himself to anyone;

only who rejects him, who ungrateful doesn’t want to know him, voluntarily deprive

themselves of him with our highest sorrow.”

December 8, 1938

How the humanity of Our Lord served to veil his divinity, and the prodigies of the

Divine Volition. How all created things and the creature herself are veils that hide the

divinity. The Immaculate Conception, rebirth of everyone.

The flight in the Divine Volition continues, it seems to me that in all natural and spiritual

things he makes himself found and with an indescribable love says: I am here, we are

together, not to be alone; without me you would not know how to do as I do and I would

remain with sorrow to have been put aside, and you would remain with sorrow of not

having in your acts the value of one single act of a Divine Will. While I thought this, my

sweet Jesus, repeating his brief little visit to me, all goodness said to me:

“My blessed daughter, my most holy humanity was the depositary of my Divine Will,

there was no act little and great, even the breath, the motion, that my humanity making

itself veil didn’t hide in all my divine Fiat; rather, I would not have known how to

breathe, nor to move, if it might not have enclosed it in me. So that my humanity, served

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me as veil in order to hide my divinity, and the great prodigy of the work of my Volition

in all my acts. “If this was not so no one would have been able to draw near me, my

majesty, the glaring light of my divinity, would have eclipsed and knocked them down,

and everyone would run away from me. Who would ever have dared to give me the

littlest suffering? But I loved the creature, and I didn’t come on earth in order to make

display of my divinity, but of my love, and therefore I wanted to hide myself

within the veil of my humanity in order to unite myself with man, to do that which he

himself did, even to make him give me unheard of pains and death itself.

“Now one who unites with my humanity in all her acts, in her sufferings, with wanting to

find my Will in order to make him hers breaks the veil of my humanity and finds in my

acts the fruit, the life, the prodigies that he did in me, and receives as her life that which I

did in myself; and my humanity will serve her for help, for guide, it will do for her as (a)

teacher (for) how to live in him; in a way that I will hold myself on earth, which will

continue to make me (the) veil in order to hide that which my Will wants to do. Instead if

they will search (for) me without my Volition they will find only my veil, but they won’t

find the life of my Volition, which can not produce the prodigies that he worked in

the hideaway of my humanity. It is always my Will that knows how to hide in the

creature the greatest prodigies, the most radiant suns, the wonders not ever seen, how

many of my living humanities I would have held on earth, but alas, I search (for) them

and I don’t find them because there is not one who searches with all firmness my Will.”

Dear Jesus became silent and I remained to think of that which he had said to me, and

touched with (my) hand all that which Jesus had done, said and suffered, they were

carriers of the Divine Volition, and resuming his speaking he added:

“My good daughter, not only (did) my humanity in a very special way hide my divinity

and Will but all created things, and the creature itself is (a) veil that hides our divinity and

adorable Will; the sky is (a) veil that hides our immense divinity, firmness and

immutability; and the multiplicity of the stars, the manifold effects that our immensity,

firmness and immutability possesses. Oh, if man under that azure vault might be able to

see our disclosed divinity, without the veils of that azure that covers us and hides us!

From our majesty he would remain crushed (in) his littleness and would walk trembling

feeling (on) himself the continuous watch of a God pure, holy, strong and powerful; but

since we love man we veil ourselves lending ourselves to that which he needs, but as

hidden. “The sun is (a) veil that hides our inaccessible light, our glaring majesty; indeed

we must make a miracle in order to restrain our uncreated light in order not to arouse

fright in him, and veiled by this light created by us, we approach each other, we kiss him,

we warm him; we extend this veil of light even under his steps to the right to left, beneath

his head; we arrive to fill his eye with light, who knows the delicacy of his pupil

recognizes us; not at all, in vain! He takes the veil of light that hides us and we remain the

unknown God in the midst of creatures. What sorrow!

“So that the wind is (a) veil that hides our empire, the air is (a) veil that hides our

continuous life that we give to creatures, the sea is (a) veil that hides our purity, our

refreshments and divine freshness; its murmur hides our continuous love, and when we

see that she doesn’t listen to us, we arrive to form the highest waves as to riot, so that

they recognize us and because we want to be loved, whatever good man receives, there is

veiled within our life that offers (it to him).

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“Our divinity, that loves man so much arrives to veil itself even with earth in order to

make it firm and stable beneath his steps in order not to let him stagger; even in the bird

that sings, in the flowering meadows, in the various sweetnesses of the fruits our divinity

veils itself in order to offer him our joys and let him taste the innocent delights of our

divine being. And then what to say to you of how many prodigies of love, are we veiled

and hidden in man? We veil ourselves in the breath, in the heartbeat, in the motion, in the

memory, intellect and will; we veil ourselves in his pupil, in his word, in his love.

And oh, how it hurts us not to be recognized, nor loved! We can say: ‘We live in him, we

carry him and make ourselves carried by him, nor could he do anything without us, and

yet we live together without knowing us!’ What sorrow! If he might know us the life of

the man should be the greatest prodigy of our love and omnipotence, from within their

veils they should not do other than to offer him our sanctity, our love, to cover him with

our beauty, to have him enjoy our delights; but since he doesn’t recognize us, he holds us

as the God far away from him; if we are not recognized we can not give, it would be like

to give to the blind ones our goods. And he is constrained to live under the nightmare of

his miseries and passions; poor man who doesn’t know us, neither in the veils that hide us

in him, nor in the veils of all created things; he doesn’t do other than to escape from our

life and from the purpose for which he was created. And many times not being able to

support his ingratitude the goods that contain our veils change for him into chastisement.

“Therefore recognize in yourself that you are not other than a veil that hides your Creator,

so that, you receive and we can administer to you in all your acts our divine life;

recognize him in the veils of all created things so that everyone helps you to receive such

a good.”

After this I was making my round in the acts of the Divine Volition. How many surprises

in this Volition so holy! And what is more, he awaits the creature in order to keep her to

light of his works, in order to make her know how much he loves her and in order to

make a gift of that which he does; he feels the mania of always giving without ever

ceasing, and is content, for exchange, with the little I love you of the creature. Whence, I

arrived to the Conception of my Queen Mama, how many wonders! And my sweet Jesus,

resuming his speech, said to me: “My blessed daughter today is the feast of the

Immaculate Conception, it is the most beautiful feast, more great for us and for heaven

and earth. We, in the act of calling from the nothing this celestial creature, worked such

prodigies and wonders that heavens and earth remained filled by it; we called everyone,

no one was put aside so that everyone might remain reborn together with her. So that it

was the rebirth of everyone and all of ours. (The) divine being overflowed so much from

us, that we put at her disposition, in the act of conceiving, seas of love, of sanctity, of

light with which she could love everyone, make everyone holy, and give light to

everyone; the celestial tiny one felt reborn in her little Heart an innumerable people.

“And our paternal goodness, what did it do? First we make (a) gift to ourselves, so that

we might enjoy and might court her, and she might enjoy and court us, and then we made

(a) gift to every single creature. Oh, how she loved us and loved everyone with such

intensity and fullness that there is no point that she didn’t make her love arise! All the

creation, the sun, the wind, the sea, is full of love of this holy creature, because it felt also

reborn with her to new glory; more so that they had the great glory of possessing their

queen; so much so that when she prays to us for the good of her people, she, with a love

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which is not given to resist, says to us: ‘Adorable majesty, remember what you gave me,

already I am yours and I am theirs, hence with right you must grant it to me.” (IHS also has a course on veils)

Volume 28 - March 12, 1930

How God does not count the time, but the acts that we do. Example of Noah. The

good that a prolonged and continuous sacrifice possesses. How each act of creature

possesses its distinct seed.

My flight in the Divine Fiat continues, nor can my poor mind be without going around in

Its innumerable acts; I feel that a supreme force keeps it as though fixed in the works of

my Creator, and it goes round and round, always, without ever tiring; and – oh! how

many beautiful surprises it finds, now in Creation, now in Redemption, as blessed Jesus

makes Himself the narrator of how, in what surprises me, there is nothing other than a

greater invention of His Love. So, while I was going around in Eden and in the times

before His coming upon earth, I was thinking to myself: ‘And why did Jesus take so

much time to come to redeem the human kind?’ And Jesus, moving in my interior, told

me: “My daughter, Our infinite Wisdom, when It must give a good to the creature,

does not count the time, but the acts of the creatures, because before the Divinity

there exist no days and years, but one single perennial day, and therefore We do not

measure the time, but the acts that they have done are counted by Us. Therefore, in

that time which to you seems so long, the acts wanted by Us in order to come to redeem

man had not been done. And only the acts determine the coming of a good - not the time.

More so, since they were forcing Our Justice to exterminate them from the face of the

earth, as it happened in the Flood; and only Noah, by obeying Our Will and through the

lengthiness of his long sacrifice of building the ark, deserved to be saved with his family,

and to find in his acts the continuation of the long generation in which the promised

Messiah was to come.

A prolonged and continuous sacrifice possesses such attraction and enrapturing force

before the Supreme Being, as to make Him decide to give great goods and continuation

of life to the human kind. If Noah had not obeyed and had not sacrificed himself in

carrying out a work so long, he himself would have been swept away in the Flood, and

since he would not have saved himself, the world, the new generation, would have ended.

See what a prolonged and continuous sacrifice means; it is so great that one places

oneself in safety, and makes the new life arise in others, as well as the good that We have

established to give. This is why, for the Kingdom of my Divine Will, I wanted your long

and continuous sacrifice of many years of bed. Your long sacrifice placed you in safety,

more than ark in the Kingdom of my Divine Will, and it inclines my Goodness to give a

good so great, of making It reign in the midst of creatures.”

After this, I continued my round in the Divine Fiat, to bring all the acts of creatures as

homage to my Creator; and I thought to myself: ‘If I can gather everything that they have

done, and enclose everything in the Divine Volition, will they not change into acts of

Divine Will?’ And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, in all the acts of creatures,

each of them possesses its seed according to how it has been done: if it has not been

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done in my Divine Fiat, it does not possess Its seed, therefore it can never be act of my

Will, because in the act of doing it, Its seed of light was missing, which has the virtue of

changing it into sun, since Its seed of light would be present as prime act in the act of the

creature. In the acts of creatures it happens that, if a person has the seed of flowers, by

sowing it, he will have flowers; and if he sows the seed of fruits, he will have fruits; and

neither will the seed of flowers give fruits, nor will that of fruits give flowers, but each

one will give according to the nature of its seed. The same with the acts of creatures: if

in the act there was a good intent, a holy purpose, to please Me, to love Me, in each act

one will see the seed of goodness, in another the seed of sanctity, the seed of pleasing

Me, the seed of loving Me. These seeds are not light, but they symbolize, some the

flower, some the fruit, some a little plant, and some a precious gem; and I feel the

homage of the flower, of the fruit, and so forth – but not the homage of a sun. And as all

these acts are gathered, to enclose them in my Fiat, they remain as they are – each one

with the nature that the seed gave it; and they appear as acts that the creature can do, not

as acts that my Divine Will can do with Its seed of light in the acts of creatures. The seed

of Divine Will is not given by It, if not when the creature lives in It, and gives It the first

place of honor in her acts.”

December 28, 1938

How one forms the echo between the Creator and the creature. How one act in the

Divine Volition is found everywhere. The King and the army. The Maternity of the

Queen of Heaven.

My poor mind for how much it finds itself under the nightmare of excruciating pains,

even to feel myself die, I do how much I can to follow to the acts of the Supreme

Volition, although difficult, but I search him as my refuge and in order to draw strength

in the painful state in which I find myself.

And my beloved Jesus, having compassion for me, all tenderness said to me:

“Daughter of my Will, courage, do not batter yourself too much, depression makes (one)

lose strength and makes feel distant he who lives in you and loves you so much.

“You must know that as the creature enters into our Volition in order to depose hers and

to take ours, thus it commences in her our divine echo, which echoes in our divine being;

and we; only to hear it we say: ‘Who is it that holds so much virtue that she arrives even

to have the echo felt of her love, of her breath, of her heartbeat in our supreme being?

Ah! It is a creature that having recognized our Will has entered to live in him; be our

welcomed one! We in order to reciprocate will make her feel ours in her, in a way that we

will breathe with one breathe alone, we will love with one love alone, we will palpitate

with one heartbeat alone, and we will feel that the creature has life in us; we won’t feel

alone, and she will feel that we have life in her in company with her Creator who never

leaves her alone.’

“You must know that every act done in our Volition never finishes, it becomes repeated

continually; and since my Will is found everywhere, thus the act becomes repeated in

heaven, in created things and in everyone. Therefore an act in our Will surpasses

everything, fills heaven and earth, and gives us such love and glory, that all other works

remain like so many drops before the sea, because (it is) we ourselves who glorify and

love ourselves (in the) creature that is covered with her Creator, and works together with


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“Therefore for how many beautiful things it seems that they do outside of our Volition,

they can never please us, because they don’t give of us, they can not be diffused

everywhere, the love is so little that it hardly, if even, covers the act that she has done.

“Now, you must know that we love the creature a great deal, but in spite that we love her

we don’t tolerate that she be together with us indecent, dirty, without beauty, nude, or

else covered with miserable rags, it would not be worthy of our Supreme Majesty to

have children that don’t resemble us and that in some way are dressed well, with the regal

attire of our Fiat. It would be like a king that holds his army and his subjects poorly

dressed, covered with filth to make one disgust to look at them, some blind, some lame,

some deformed; would it not be (a) dishonor to this king to be surrounded by an army of

miserable ones to make one pity? Would not one condemn the king who did not take care

to form an army worthy of him, in a way that everyone should admire not only to look at

the majesty of the king, but also the order, the beauty of the army, the flowering of the

young people, the way how they are dressed? Would it not be (an) honor of the king to be

surrounded by ministers, by (an) army that one takes pleasure in looking at them?

“Now our invincible love, with infinite wisdom, wanting to deal with the creature face to

face, has disposed to give my Will to her, so that with his light he embellishes them, with

his love he dresses them, with his sanctity he sanctifies them. You see, therefore, how

necessary it is that our Will reign in the creature, because he alone holds (the) power of

purifying her and embellishing her, in a way as to form our divine army; and we will feel

honored in living with them, and in them; they will be our children who surround us

dressed with our regal attire, embellished with our likeness.

“Therefore our Will first purifies, sanctifies, embellishes and then he admits them into

our Volition to have life together with us. More so that, as the creature enters into our

Volition so much is our love, that our divine being rains on her his rain of love, and in

seeing her so very loved by us everyone races around her: angels, saints, in order to love

her. The creation itself exults with joy in seeing our Will triumphant in that creature and

rains love on her. And oh, how beautiful it is to see, that everyone loves her! And she

feels so thankful in seeing herself loved by everyone, that she loves everyone.”

After this I followed my round in the Divine Volition and arrived to the point of the birth

of the little Jesus, who trembled with cold and cried and sobbed bitterly, and with his

eyes swollen with tears he looked at me asking my help and between hiccups and groans

said to me: “My good daughter, the lack of love of creatures makes me cry bitterly. As I

don’t see myself loved thus I feel wounded and it gives me such sorrow that it makes me

give into hiccups; my love races over every single creature, covers her, hides her, and

constitutes me life of love for them, whom, ungrateful, don’t even say to me an I love

you, how should I not cry? Therefore, love me, if you want to quiet me (of) the weeping.

“Now, my daughter, listen to me and pay attention to me; I want to tell you a great

surprise of our love and I want that you don’t let anything escape you; I want to make

you know where arrived the maternity of my Celestial Mother, what she did and how

much it cost her and still costs. Now, you should know that the great Queen, not only

made (herself) Mother of me with conceiving me, with giving me to the light, with

feeding me with her milk, with lending all the possible cares that there needed to my

infancy; this was not sufficient, neither to her maternal love, nor to my love of Son.

“Therefore her maternal love raced in my mind, and if afflicting thoughts tormented me,

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she extended her maternity in every thought of mine hid them in her love, kissed them, so

that I felt my mind hidden under the maternal wing that didn’t ever leave me alone; every

thought of mine my Mama loved me and lent me all her maternal cares.

“Her maternity extended itself in my every breath, in my every heartbeat, and if my

breath and heartbeat were suffocated by the love and from the sorrow, she raced with her

maternity in order not to have me suffocated by the love and to put the balm to my

transfixed Heart. If I looked, if I spoke, if I worked, if I walked, she raced in order to

receive in her maternal love my looks, my words, my works, my steps, she invested them

with her maternal love, hid them in her Heart and did for me as Mama. Even in the food

that she prepared for me she made her maternal love flow, so that eating it I felt her

maternity that loved me. And then, what to tell you of how much display of maternity she

did in my sufferings?

There was no suffering nor drop of blood that I poured forth that my dear Mama didn’t

feel; after she did for me as Mama, she took my sufferings, my blood, she hid them in her

maternal Heart, in order to love them and to continue her maternity. “Who can tell you

how much she loves me and how much I love her? My love was so much, that I didn’t

know how to be in all that which I did without feeling her maternity together with me. I

can say that she raced in order to never leave me, even in the breath; and I called her, her

maternity was for me a need, a relief, a support to my life down here. “Now, my

daughter, listen to another surprise of love of your Jesus and of our Celestial Mama,

because all that which was done between me and my Mama the love didn’t find (an)

obstacle, the love of the one raced in the love of the other in order to form one life alone.

Now, wanting to do it with creatures, how many obstacles, rejections and ingratitudes,

but my love is never stopped. “Now, you must know that as my inseparable Mama

extended her maternity inside and outside of my humanity, thus I constituted her and

confirmed her Mother of every single thought of the creature, of every breath, of every

heartbeat, of every word, and I made her maternity extend in the works, in the steps, in all

their sufferings. Her maternity races everywhere; in the perils of falling into sin, she

races, covers them with her maternity, so that they don’t fall, and if they have fallen, she

leaves her maternity as help and defense in order to have them rise again; her maternity

races and extends itself over the souls that want to be good and holy as if she might find

her Jesus in them, she does as Mother to their intelligence, she guides their words, covers

and hides them in her maternal love in order to raise so many other Jesus’s. Her maternity

makes (a) display over the beds of the dying, and making use of the rights of authority of

Mother from me she gives (to) them, she says to me with (an) accent so tender that I can

not deny her: ‘My Son, I am Mother, and they are my children, I must

put them into safety, if you don’t concede this to me my maternity goes (swept) under/(is

undermined) by it’; and while she says this, she covers them with her love, hides them in

her maternity in order to put them into safety. “My love was so much that I said to her:

‘My mother, I want that you be the Mother of everyone, and that which you have done

for me you will do to all creatures; let your maternity be extended in all their acts, in a

way that all I will see is covered and hidden in your maternal love.’ My Mama accepted

and remained confirmed that not only should she be Mother of everyone, but to invest

every act of theirs with her maternal love. This was one of greatest graces that I did to all

the human generations, but how many sorrows doesn’t my Mama receive? They arrive to

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not want to receive her maternity, to refuse to acknowledge her; and therefore all heaven

prays(,) awaits with anxiety that the Divine Will be known and reigns; and then the great

Queen, will do to the children of my Volition that which she did to her Jesus, her

maternity will have life in her children. “I will surrender my place to one who lives in my

Volition in her maternal Heart. She will raise them in me, will guide their steps, will hide

them in her maternity and sanctity; one will see impressed in all their acts her maternal

love and her sanctity; they will be her true children, that will resemble me in everything.

And oh, how she would love that everyone might know that one who wants to live in my

Volition has a Queen and powerful Mother that will make up for that which they lack,

she will raise them in her maternal womb, in all that which they will do she will be

together with them in order to model their acts to hers, so much so that they will know

that they are children raised, guarded, educated by the love of the maternity of my Mama!

And these will be (those) that will render her content(ment), her glory and her honor.”



find it in the writings from the Book of Heaven, put the

date so you can find it later. I left many blank so you

would work.

Cross absorbs the Divinity into the soul (June 14, 1900) Cross is nourishment of humility (June 24, 1900) Cross forms the incarnation in the womb of souls and the incarnation of the soul in God (December 22, 1903) Cross is the seed of virtue (June 28, 1905) Cross support for the week, strength of the strong and seed in the custody of virginity (March 5, 1905) Cross proves your love of God and the Church (February 8, 1905) Cross (passion) serves as a garment for man (May 30, 1904) Cross destroys 3 evil kingdoms (world, devil and flesh) and constitutes 3 good Kingdoms in the soul (Spiritual, Divinity and Eternal Kingdom (June 3, 1904) Cross is source for a soul to find Jesus as Teacher, Father, Doctor, Defender, Judge, Friend, Spouse, Advocate, Priest, etc. (December 15, 1905) Cross is like a beaten, heated iron that reflects Jesus (august 14, 1904) Cross nails Jesus and us to the Will of the Father (February 23, 1906) Cross to Jesus was the dowry for souls (July 27, 1906) Cross binds in marriage the soul to Christ (July 27, 1906) Cross is a treasure and kept in the soul by patience (August 11, 1906) Cross is like the rein to a horse, it keeps us on the right path (October 8, 1906) Cross grafts Divinity to humanity (October 14, 1908) Cross is the way, the door, the room the secret, the light to find Jesus (October 4, 1907) Cross continues redemption in the world (October 4, 1907)

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Cross helps soul find life and riches in his soul, it saves us from our misery (October 4, 1907) Cross is alone which makes one know whether he loves the Lord (February 16, 1908) Cross can be muddy or full of light. It is the view (November 20, 1909) Cross helps one to die to all and live for all (June 9, 1912 Cross needs resignation to the Divine Will to be sanctified (November 18, 1913) Cross is suffered by Jesus and frees us from slavery of the devil Cross espouses us to Jesus Cross is light and reveals what is eternal Cross is fecund and gives birth to Grace Cross is fire, reduces to ashes all not of God Cross is coin of inestimable value Cross make your know yourself and gives knowledge of God Cross is noble pulpit and the uncreated wisdom that teaches the highest, the finest, and most sublime doctrine. Cross reveals hidden mysteries, secret things, perfect perfections. Cross is light, beneficent waters that purifies the soul. Cross is nourishment of Hope Cross is the beacon of operating faith Cross is like dry wood, which dispels and puts to flight the smoke of pride, vainglory, producing the humble violet of humility. Cross is most powerful weapon that offends Demons and defends one from their claws. Cross in heaven is of delights on earth suffering Cross is pure gold chain that connects soul to God Cross gives delights of life to all celestial garden. Cross as virtues disposing the soul to grace. Hours of Passion are the very prayer of Jesus (September 6, 1913) Hours of Passion are the most precious of all. Hours of the Passion satisfies Jesus Hours of Passion allows souls to make the life of Jesus her own Three mortal wounds of Jesus (January 27, 1919) Pains suffered by loving souls Ingratitude Obstinacy Cross is a mirror that compares its soul to God Cross beautifies the soul (May 1, 1900) Cross food of humility (January 24, 1900) Cross expands and extends the boundaries of the Reign of the Kingdom Passion forms a spring and it widens the more you meditate on the Passion and the larger it becomes.

Christ has died, Christ has Risen, Christ will come again

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Volume 3 - December 2, 1899

Tell Me something.” And I: ‘You know that all my contentment is in being with You, and

in having You, I have everything. So, in possessing You, it seems I have nothing else to

desire, or to say.’ And Jesus: “Let Me hear your voice that cheers my hearing. Let us

converse together a little; I have spoken to you many times about the Cross; today, let

Me hear you speak of the Cross.” I felt all confused; I did not know what to say. But as

He sent me a ray of intellectual light, to make Him content I began to say: ‘My Beloved,

who can say to You what the Cross is? Your mouth alone can speak worthily of the

sublimity of the Cross; but since You want me to speak, I will do it.

The Cross, suffered by You, freed me from the slavery of the devil, and espoused me to

the Divinity with an indissoluble bond. The Cross is fecund and gives birth to Grace in

me. The Cross is Light, It disillusions me of what is temporal, and reveals to me what is

eternal. The Cross is fire, and reduces to ashes all that is not of God, to the point of

emptying my heart of the tiniest blade of grass that might be in it. The Cross is coin of

inestimable value, and if I have, O Holy Spouse, the fortune of possessing it, I will be

enriched with eternal coins, to the point of becoming the richest in Paradise, because the

currency that circulates in Heaven is the Cross suffered on earth. The Cross, then, makes

me know myself; not only this, but It gives me the knowledge of God. The Cross grafts

all virtues into me. The Cross is the noble pulpit of the uncreated Wisdom, that teaches

me the highest, the finest and most sublime doctrines. So, only the Cross will reveal to

me the most hidden mysteries, the most secret things, the most perfect perfection, hidden

to the most erudite and learned of the world. The Cross is like beneficent water that

purifies me; not only this, but It administers to me the nourishment for the virtues, It

makes them grow, and only then does It leave me, when It brings me back to Eternal

Life. The Cross is like celestial dew, which preserves and embellishes for me the

beautiful lily of purity. The Cross is the nourishment of Hope. The Cross is the beacon

of operating Faith. The Cross is like hard wood, which preserves the fire of Charity,

keeping it always lit. The Cross is like dry wood, which dispels and puts to flight all the

smokes of pride and of vainglory, producing the humble violet of humility in the soul.

The Cross is the most powerful weapon that offends the demons, and defends me from

all of their claws. Therefore, the soul who possesses the Cross is the envy and admiration

of the very Angels and Saints, and the rage and indignation of the demons. The Cross is

my Paradise on earth, in such a way that if the Paradise of the Blessed up there, is of

delights, the Paradise down here is of sufferings. The Cross is the chain of most pure

gold that connects me to You, my Highest Good, and forms the most intimate union

which can possibly be given, to the point of making my being disappear. And It

transforms me in You, my Beloved, to the point that I feel lost within You, and I live

from your very Life.’

After I said this (I don’t know whether it is nonsense), my lovable Jesus was all delighted

in listening to me, and taken by enthusiasm of love, kissed me all over, and said to me:

“Brava, brava, my beloved - you spoke well! My Love is fire, but not like the terrestrial

fire which, wherever it penetrates, renders things sterile and reduces everything to ashes.

My fire is fecund, and it renders sterile only that which is not virtue. To all the rest it

gives life, it makes beautiful flowers bloom, it makes the most delicious fruits mature,

and forms the most delightful celestial garden.

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The Cross is so powerful, and I communicated so much grace to It, as to render It more

effective than the very Sacraments; and this, because in receiving the Sacrament of my

Body, the dispositions and free concourse of the soul are needed in order to receive my

graces, and many times these may be lacking; while the Cross has the virtue of disposing

the soul to grace.”

Researcher Note: The translations are from various sources. Jesus said that the

writings of Luisa are “Letters of Gold . You should acquire the official translations

from the Church to replace these as they become available. The knowledge of the

Divine Will is in the spirit also of these works. The grace is the knowledge and the

knowledge is the grace. Grow, pray and make your rounds in the transtemporal of

Eternity in the rosary, the Hours of the Passion and how God, the Holy Spirit leads


THE NIGHT OF THE HUMAN WILL TO OUR LADY. . Consecrate your life to

her and the Divine Will. She is the Victorious Queen and ask her to show her power

now. If you are studying these works you are part of the Cohort that brings Jesus

back and ends the reign of the human will on earth. This is your mission.

More light for your soul and your work in Eternity can be found in key words in the Book

of Heaven. IHS has works on the “Sun” “Food”, Veil, Mirror, Echo, Time and

Eternity, Motion, Attentive, constancy and the virtues. Also many practical courses

for everyday living such as discernment, spiritual warfare, priesthood, etc.

Pray to the Harvest Master to lead you to the souls you are to harvest!

Pope Benedict XVI Good Friday Services March 2008

"Is it possible to remain indifferent before the death of the Lord, of the Son of

God?" the Holy Father asked. "For us, for our salvation he became man, so as to be

able to suffer and die.

"Let us pause to contemplate his cross. The cross, fount of life and school of justice

and peace, is the universal patrimony of pardon and mercy. It is permanent proof of

a self-emptying and infinite love that brought God to become man, vulnerable like

us, unto dying crucified."

"Unfortunately, we do not always manage to perceive the depth of this limitless love

that God has for us. For him, there is no distinction of race or culture. Jesus Christ

died to liberate the humanity of old of their ignorance of God, of the circle of hate

and violence, of the slavery to sin. The cross makes us brothers and sisters."

The Pope challenged the faithful to examine their response to this friendship.

"But let us ask ourselves in this moment," he said, "what have we done with this

gift, what have we done with the revelation of the face of God in Christ, with the

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revelation of the love of God that conquers hate. Many, in our age as well, do not

know God and cannot encounter him in Christ crucified. Many are in search of a

love or a liberty that excludes God. Many believe they have no need of God."

"Let us this night allow his sacrifice on the cross to question us. Let us permit him

to challenge our human certainties," the Holy Father urged. "Let us open our

hearts. Jesus is the truth that makes us free to love. Let us not be afraid: Upon

dying, the Lord destroyed sin and saved sinners, that is, all of us.

"This is the truth of Good Friday: On the cross, the Redeemer has made us adoptive

sons of God who he created in his image and likeness. Let us remain, then, in

adoration before the cross.

"Christ, give us the peace we seek, the happiness we desire, the love the fills our

heart thirsty for the infinite. This is our prayer for this night, Jesus, Son of God,

who died for us on the cross and was resurrected on the third day."

Additional Study Material:

You can go on line and obtain material of the Divine Will exemplars: Just type in their name in the

web research and you should be able to obtain material. If not, contact JMJ.

Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947), Venerable Conchita de Armida (1862-1937), St. Hannibal di Francia

(1851-1927), Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906), St. Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941), Saint

Padre Pio de Pietrelcina (1887-1969), Blessed Dina Belanger ( 1897-1929), Servant of God,

Archbishop Luis Martinez (1881-1956), St. Faustina Kowlaska (19905-1938); Vera Grita (1923-1969).

Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (1901-1942) Servant of God, Marthe Robin (1902-1981), Rev. Walter

Ciszek (1904-1984). Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) Servant of God Michael Sopocko


We also suggest you use the web site for updates and you can ask to be on the list for

the JMJ Newsletter.

Make notes as you study these Divine Insights into allow you to be a mirror of Jesus. Be a light to the

world by your life and occasionally by what you say.