the current state of search

Where it is and where it’s going... The Current State of Search @joerega

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Where it is and where it’s going...

The Current State of Search


SEO Is Like A Broken Escalator

Search Engine Optimization was a lot less involved in the early days. A lot has changed over the years but that doesn’t mean that SEO is dead.

● SEO still works and is necessary for a businesses online success

● It’s not easy but that makes the results more accurate and trustworthy

● Like a staircase, small steps will eventually get you to where you need to be

Easy Doesn’t Always Mean Good

SEO was a lot less involved as it is today.

● Link building schemes made rankings easy to manipulate

● The internet ran rife with duplicate content

● Keyword meta tag abuse

So What Can We Do That Works?

Clients, all too often, come to me saying that their last SEO person told them this works. They would have been right, if this were 2004.

● Build an online persona

● Create helpful content, don’t always be the salesmen

● Is the design easy to navigate?

o Create an easy-to-spot CTA

● What are the competition doing?

What The Internet Was

The internet was a series of documents linking to one another. A websites popularity was determined by the amount of inbound links it had pointing to it.

● Largely text based

● 10 blue links in the SERPs

● Poor navigation on many sites

What The Internet Is Now

Universal search debuted May 16, 2007 and changed search results forever. The 10 blue links remained but were supported by the following

● Images

● Video

● News articles

● Maps

Where Is The Internet Going?

With the debut of the hummingbird update in 2013 natural speech started to play a role in how we search. My theory is that this will continue to evolve especially with the amount of internet connected wearable tech we’re seeing. ● Wearable tech is growing in numbers

● Will augmented reality come into play?

● Will search engines require more personal info to display better results?