the daily bulletin - university of hawaii · fir6 proof safes l.: having been appointed agent for...

9". ' jp " , r swuy-s jT ( T- iiy-ww- - - vwt vp f iginjrifcu nrf-B- y?g n m jgr1 ' wf iu 'JP. "iffWUHn WWN$ M m THE DAILY BULLETIN '4' No. 309. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, JANTJAEY 29, 1883. GO 0ENT8 auBsonip.TioN1 PER MONTH. f mlmJr ' ' I I r- - t nJ i r '. , n BP THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and clrcu-lalc- d throughout the town by carriers, nnd for win (led to tho other Islands by every oppnituulty. Subscription, - 50 cents por Month. 0. Cahson Kknyon, Editor. All business communications to be ml. iIii'smmI, Manager Dully Bulletin, l'ost Ollh-- Bo No. 14. Telephone 250. Ofllre, .... iucpii Wtrcot, OinioMlo WcMV Cnrrliige Factory. J. G. Ct.EVton, Manager FIRE I FIRE I FIRE I To Arrive por barkentino Discovory. IIAJLES Fir6 Proof Safes L . : Having been appointed Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands for Hall's Safe and Lock Co. 1 nm now pi enured to take- orders for Fire Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof, Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side-Boar- d Safes, Jewelry or Plate Choi's, Vault Fronts, Victor and Novelty Bank Locks, &c, &c. Mr. R. T. Polk, General Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Co., at present staying here on his way to Australia, will gladly furnish any information re- garding the above Safes, &e. SAMUEL SiOTT, .230 ly. JBcavcr Block. JuMt Arrived By thc'stiurCity of New York, DIRECT FROM AUSTRALIA, Ladies' Sl Gentlemen' SADDLES! Embroidered and plain scats. Bridles in Rnsset & Blk leather Riding Whips nnd Harness, The finest ever imported into these Is- lands; also, Solid Leather Portmanteaus, Carpet Bug-,- , Pouches, and Russet Leather Saddle Bag?, ONLY AT J. H. 300 No. 88 King street. W. FENNELL, Practical Mechanic. w Saddles andkIIahnkhs of nil kinds on hand or made to order. No millinery or dry goods for sale here. No steam plows or Qorham silver ware. No wines or spirits for wile. No imported Coronation stock hcic. No boots, shoos or Peter Funk jewelry; But if you wain satisfaction in my line call on mi) at 1) King nt. 303 The Ilent Turnout in Town. First-clas- s Express Carriages For lliic. Sober and careful di ivers. Telephone, 280. 303 C. BREWER & Co. , Oder to thc,publje a Hue of Imported from the East, nnd manufactured by celebrated makers expressly for this market. Very Stylish Cut-Und- er Carryall, made by Messrs. Kimball & Bro., Boston. BASKET PHAETONS Very neat and stylish, from Kimhall & '' and W. P Sargent & Go's. 1 Beach Wagon, BiowneH's iimko. Democrats Wagon. Side-Sprin- g Trotting Buggy. All the above will be told low. Fartici dmlring to purchase will do well to call ami unmine our btock before purchasing elfccwucrp. 21 lm 0. UBKWER & C0 B&, Gents' Silk a (somo-thin- g now) will be sold (luring tho Holi. dny'b nt the Honolulu Clothing Empori-ur- n of A, M. Meu.18, 104 Fori (street. 371 B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Keccived by every steamer WORT STREET LOOK OUT FOE A. M. MELLIS' NEW 'ton BliEAKIXG- - HOKSES IN OKMJINK STil.U. WALLACE JACKSON tlie tliorcniirh c)erienc- - jmmr ' cd hoiscbreikcr, wishes 7x3v.5 the public to know that --- )IC js fully nicimicdto take charge of stock, and guaiantccs to break them thoroughly on his Bunch, and attend carefully to feeding and .doctoring horses. Ho has now in his cnarge sucn celebrated siccus as jji.ick Thorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and has tho exclusive charge of all of 'Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables. 'or nt the mommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property at Kaplolanl Park, will meet with promptness. 205 ly Merchants & Storekeepers. THE YEAR IS CLOSING I de-sir- e AS to say thnt all mcrchnnls and storekeepers will And it to their interest to patronize mc if outside help is re- quired to adjust accounts, arrange books and general business matters for the now year. E2f" Commercial matters of cery des- cription attended to. J. E. WISEMAN, General Business Agent, 261 lm 27 Merchant street. To 3Ierc7iuitM, MASTER Mechanics, nnd Others. a live and reliable Collector of Bills has been engaged for the expiration of the pie-c- ut qu.uter nnd year. All accounts sent here lor collection will receive piompl attention. Commission moderate. Returns made daily. 285 Cvi:xaoii's Aoi;xcv. A. KRAFT, JEWELEIl,f OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Stoic In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-1- 1 lug, opposite the Bank. Chits. D. Cieinsch, Practical ) Watchmaker. 8ST Hotel Street, opposite the V2. Ilia International Hotel, -- a Artesian Ice Works ICK DELIVKHED to nil partt. of tho and sitbuibn. )nleis from tlie other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Olllce at W. K. FosTKit'ri, Saddler, Foit btieet. 150 Telephone 'o. 111. 2m ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to all parts of tho City. Shipping biipplled In quantities to Villi. Telephone, No. 58, Olllce at Wilder & Co.'s. IB Xhc IIn-vuliii- n Temperance Year Book, For 1883, THERE will be published hciu in 188:1, a year book, an In. terestlng and usnful oiimc with the above title. A handy book of icfcrimcu ns well as a valuable book foi the house- hold. It will be especially devoted to tho temperance cause, ami will be of much uso all tho year around, You w ill bo solicited to subscribe to this book, and can obtaiu full her information by calling upon D. M. CROWLEY, UM Honolulu, II. I. R G.'TiritOBKKTBON'. fSsBSaulauim Drayman b,cst teams town. ..TcU'imoue Jig. tis, jo ADVERTISEMENT. .' iiKnif ' i " j II S.TREGLOAN, TAILOH, 204 FORT ST. Itohcrt Lcwori-- , (!. J!. Cooke. "W E It S & COOKE, (suec(".sors to Lowers &, Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort ami Queen t.t-- ., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealcis in and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 & PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbeis, QasFitters nnd Copper- smiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' nnd Children's boots, shoes and slippers. CI BROWN & CO., Importers and in Ales, "Wines and Spirits, No. SI Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 ,xf -( Honolulu Iron Workc, engine'., sugar mill- -, boll-oi- -, cooler-- ; iion, ln.i-- s and lead cast- ings; machineiv of cvciy made loonier. Paiticular attention paid to -- hip's bl.ick-milhm- g. Job woik exe- cuted at shoit notice. 1 Wilson Brothers, r ENEltAL BLACKSMITHS. vJT Horo Shoeing a specialty A flrst.elassman being specially engaged for (hat work. Ship and Wagon "woik faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko P.u: Aixa," owned and edited by Kuwninui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of-lic-e, No. G Merchant ut. 1 THE EVILS OF FAINTING And their ltciiieriy. " It has been said with much truth, too, that houso painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, resume its rank as a liberal art." Painters Manual, Believing the above to be true, A. B KKKK has now reorganized hl system of working the business in Honolulu, In thu tlrst pluco ho lutn scoured the serv- ice-of that celelnated nrli-- t, Mr. Max Koiin, formerly of Sau Fianclsco, whose woik in the line of plain and dccoialive paper-hangin- fre.-coin-g, A-- in up to tlie pie-e- m tinio unsiiriiasseu, ami on the.-- u Islands has never been eipialled. Fur house iialntlng jobs llrot-clas- s only will bo employed. In future patrons can depend upon my till, ing every oider on tho moat scientillo basis known to thu trade. To Sigi( Palutnp aiHH.otlorillg de- partment y be poiiimiifcntly presided over by Mr. Gi:o, Sru.miEvat, (further coiiiment iinuccessary.) P.S. Send for designs of frescos for celling and cornices. Something now; and if you want any glass put lu cull ut "Tiger Paint Store, 217 ly 78 Kjng Street. UNION FHI'.l) OOM1UNY, A. W. Manager Seo adveitlsc-tueu- t on other page, ' 2S Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. II. R. Macfarlanc. O. W. MAOFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MEll- - CHANTS and Siifai' Factovs, Flic-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. achats for Tbc Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleela Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Httclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Slcam Plow and Port- able Tin m way Woik", Leeds, Mil lice, Watson & Co's Sugar Machlu cry, uiasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 T? S. PRATT & Oo. J- - Auctioneers nnd General Commission Mcrchnnls, r Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Special attention given to the Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property. Advances made on consignments. 210 Clans bi'rctki'ls. Wni. O. Irwlu. TIT G-- . Irwin & Company, TT Sugar Factors nnd Commissi Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHACKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. l AS. OLEOHORN & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaaliumauu bis., Hono lulu. 'iB II. A. r. Carter. . 1. C. Jonci,Jr. O Brewer & Company, Shipping and Commission Merchant, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 Theo. H. davies & Company, Importers and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British nnd Foreign Ins. Company, and Noithern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GONSALES, No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Importers nnd Dealeis in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c &c &e. JOHN T. WATERIIOUSE, Impniter and Dealer in General Meiehaudise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 TVr S. GRINBAUM & CO., -- L'-1- Iniportcid of General Mer-clnuidi- se and Commission Merchants Honolulu. j S. GRINBAUM & C O. , L1-- Commission Merchants, 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. j "P T. LENE II A N & C O ., Imporleis and Commission Mer-chant- Nuiianu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Custlc. J. II. Athcrtou. fJAfiTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Mer-eliant- Iniporteis and Dealers in Gen. eral Meiehaudise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. j w ING "VVO CHAN & Co., IlllllOl llil'ri mill nolini-i- l ll....l-- j In English. Amei lean and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con tract matting, all qualities and price-,- . BQr" No. 22 Nuuaim Street, oppolto Mr. Afoug's. si A. G. ELLIS, BHOKEll, will buy or sell Plantation Stock, Bonds, and Oilier Muiketable Secuuties, Atthelr market value for cash. 215 Otllco with E. P. Adams. Auet'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, . NO. 08 Mciclinnt Street, Honolulu, II. I,' Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone, nnd other Coipq-atli- m Stock, Bunds and Similar Scouiiticn Bought nnd Sold on Commission. Money loaned on Slock Securities. Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1883. 211 J0HNN0TT,, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gab Fitter, So. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and nietals; . House Furnishing Goods, 7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. A. S. CLEGHORN & Go, Have teeeived a lnrjjc f Boots & Shoes to suit all elasgca of purcha-cn- ;, 181 Professionals. SE. MANN, B. S., Tkaciiku op DnAwiNO, DllAfailTlNO AND THE SCIENCES. 287 No. 180 Fort street. lm SARAH E. PEIROE, M. D., and Children's Physician. Olllce and residence, No. 5 School street, (between Fort nnd Emma). Olllce hours 10:30 to ll:IJ0a. m. 1:110 to 3:80 p. ill. "" 210 Telephone, No. 201. DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, 104 Fort street (up stairs.) Charges lower than any other dentist in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed. 05 DR. EMERSON, Residence ami consultation rooms nt No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Foit. Telephone No. 140. . 59 2m TkR. G. TROUSSEAU. XJ begs to notlfyhls friends that he has resumed practlcu In Honolulu. Itesl. deneo and consulting rooms, No.' 7S Punchbowl st., opposite the makal gate of the Queen's Hospital. C6nultiiiff hours from 0 a. m. to 12. ' Telephone No. 193. i5G W AUSTIN WHITINO, ' ' ' AttoTncy nndiCoUnscllor, at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumnnu st., Honolulu. 20'J T M. MONSARRAT, ' '' ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW , . i AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any pail of the Kingdo bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Logid Documents Drawn. ' No. 27 Merchant st. (Gtucllc Block), 100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Q B. Dole, k-- 7 Lawyer and Notnrv PnMli. 11 No. 15 Kaaliiimanu st, JM. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law, " 24 Merchant street. Francis M. Hatch, '- -' Attorney at Law, 15 Kanhiimnuu st. John Russell, ' Attorney nt 'Law, Olllce, corner of Fort and Merchant st. ("l fairs') jig T17-1LLIA- O. 8MITH, j Attorney at Law, i J No. 30 Merchant street. 1 Richard f. Bickerton, A- - Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. hold- -. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for the Inland of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhunmnu st., Honolulu. , I Q O. BERGER, KAA1IUMANU STUUKT. General Agent for, ' ThcN. Y. Life Insurance Company, The Cily of London Fire In. Co(limit'd) Macneale & Uibnn Safes, The Celelnated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 Qharles t. gulick, NOTARY PUBLIC,' Agent to lake Acknowledgments tb Labor Contracts, ' ' AND GENBUAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, lnMakee's Block, comer Queen and Kaahuiuanu streets, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS & Cpf 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu, Portrait and' Landscape Xliotog'railibr'. 180 ly i VyiLLIAM AULI), Agent to TT take Acknowledgments to Con. tracts for Labor for Ihe Dlstilct of Kona Is and of Oahu, ut tho ollleo df the'Hono. lulu Water Works, fool or Nuuanu st. 189 tf i JOHN A. HA8SINGKH, Agent to tako Ackniiwledginciits to Contiaets for Labor. Interior 'Jfllee. Honolulu, . 7 ' C. AKANA, Chinese nnd Hawaiian Trans. latornnd Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations, of cither of the abovo languages made with accuracy and (lis patch, and on reasonable terms. ' 20Ii "IfTLBRUNS, Cooper anil Ganger, ) Water Tanks of any dimensions. Cooperage, No, 10 Foil sliccl, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron cou. 221 btautly on Jiuno iiud, for bale ly r J i 1 A ' 1 J!l

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · Fir6 Proof Safes L.: Having been appointed Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands for Hall's Safe and Lock Co. 1 nm now pi enured to take-orders

9".' jp " , r swuy-s jT ( T- iiy-ww-

- - vwt vp f iginjrifcu nrf-B- y?g n m jgr1 ' wf iu 'JP. "iffWUHn WWN$


'4' No. 309. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, JANTJAEY 29, 1883.GO 0ENT8

auBsonip.TioN1PER MONTH.


mlmJr' '





i r





WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and clrcu-lalc- d

throughout the town by carriers,nnd for win (led to tho other Islands byevery oppnituulty.Subscription, - 50 cents por Month.

0. Cahson Kknyon, Editor.All business communications to be ml.

iIii'smmI, Manager Dully Bulletin, l'ostOllh-- Bo No. 14. Telephone 250.

Ofllre, .... iucpii Wtrcot,OinioMlo WcMV Cnrrliige Factory.

J. G. Ct.EVton, Manager


To Arrive por barkentino Discovory.


Fir6 Proof SafesL . :

Having been appointed Agent for thoHawaiian Islands for

Hall's Safe and Lock Co.1 nm now pi enured to take- orders forFire Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side-Boar- d

Safes, Jewelry or Plate Choi's,Vault Fronts, Victor and Novelty BankLocks, &c, &c.

Mr. R. T. Polk, General Agent forHall's Safe and Lock Co., at presentstaying here on his way to Australia,will gladly furnish any information re-

garding the above Safes, &e.

SAMUEL SiOTT,.230 ly. JBcavcr Block.

JuMt ArrivedBy thc'stiurCity of New York,


Ladies' Sl Gentlemen'

SADDLES!Embroidered and plain scats.

Bridles in Rnsset & Blk leatherRiding Whips nnd Harness,

The finest ever imported into these Is-

lands; also,

Solid Leather Portmanteaus,Carpet Bug-,- , Pouches, and

Russet Leather Saddle Bag?,


J. H.300 No. 88 King street.

W. FENNELL,Practical Mechanic. wSaddles andkIIahnkhs

of nil kinds on hand ormade to order.

No millinery or dry goods for sale here.No steam plows or Qorham silver ware.No wines or spirits for wile.No imported Coronation stock hcic.No boots, shoos or Peter Funk jewelry;

But if you wain satisfaction in my linecall on mi) at 1) King nt. 303

The Ilent Turnout in Town.First-clas- s

Express CarriagesFor lliic.

Sober and careful di ivers.Telephone, 280. 303

C. BREWER & Co., Oder to thc,publje a Hue of

Imported from the East,

nnd manufactured by celebrated makersexpressly for this market.

Very Stylish Cut-Und- er

Carryall, made by Messrs. Kimball &Bro., Boston.

BASKET PHAETONSVery neat and stylish, from Kimhall &

'' and W. P Sargent & Go's.

1 Beach Wagon, BiowneH's iimko.Democrats Wagon.

Side-Sprin- g Trotting Buggy.All the above will be told low.

Fartici dmlring to purchase will do wellto call ami unmine our btock beforepurchasing elfccwucrp.21 lm 0. UBKWER & C0

B&, Gents' Silk a (somo-thin- g

now) will be sold (luring tho Holi.dny'b nt the Honolulu Clothing Empori-ur- n

of A, M. Meu.18, 104 Fori (street. 371

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Keccived by every steamer WORT STREET





WALLACE JACKSONtlie tliorcniirh c)erienc- -jmmr ' cd hoiscbreikcr, wishes

7x3v.5 the public to know that---

)IC js fully nicimicdtotake charge of stock, and guaiantccsto break them thoroughly on his Bunch,and attend carefully to feeding and

.doctoring horses. Ho has now in hiscnarge sucn celebrated siccus as jji.ickThorn nnd other thoroughbreds, and hastho exclusive charge of all of 'Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables.'or nt the mommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Kaplolanl Park,will meet with promptness. 205 ly

Merchants & Storekeepers.THE YEAR IS CLOSING I de-sir- eAS to say thnt all mcrchnnls and

storekeepers will And it to their interestto patronize mc if outside help is re-

quired to adjust accounts, arrange booksand general business matters for the nowyear.

E2f" Commercial matters of cery des-cription attended to.

J. E. WISEMAN,General Business Agent,

261 lm 27 Merchant street.

To 3Ierc7iuitM,MASTER Mechanics, nnd Others.

a live and reliableCollector of Bills has been engaged forthe expiration of the pie-c- ut qu.uternnd year. All accounts sent here lorcollection will receive piompl attention.Commission moderate. Returns madedaily.

285 Cvi:xaoii's Aoi;xcv.


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Stoic In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-1- 1

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chits. D. Cieinsch,

Practical ) Watchmaker.8ST Hotel Street, opposite the

V2. Ilia International Hotel, -- a

Artesian Ice Works

ICK DELIVKHED to nil partt. of thoand sitbuibn.

)nleis from tlie other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Olllce at W. K. FosTKit'ri, Saddler,Foit btieet.150 Telephone 'o. 111. 2m

ICE MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU to all parts of thoCity. Shipping biipplled In quantitiesto Villi. Telephone, No. 58, Olllce atWilder & Co.'s. IB

Xhc IIn-vuliii- n

Temperance Year Book,For 1883,

THERE will be published hciu in188:1, a year book, an In.

terestlng and usnful oiimc with theabove title. A handy book of icfcrimcuns well as a valuable book foi the house-hold. It will be especially devoted totho temperance cause, ami will be ofmuch uso all tho year around, You w illbo solicited to subscribe to this book,and can obtaiu full her information bycalling upon D. M. CROWLEY,

UM Honolulu, II. I.

R G.'TiritOBKKTBON'.fSsBSaulauim Drayman b,cst teams

town. ..TcU'imoue Jig. tis, jo


.' iiKnif 'i " j


204 FORT ST.

Itohcrt Lcwori--, (!. J!. Cooke."W E It S & COOKE,

(suec(".sors to Lowers &, Dickson,)Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort ami Queen t.t-- ., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealcis inand all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

& PHILLIPS, PracticalPlumbeis, QasFitters nnd Copper-

smiths, No. 71 King St., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

tCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' nnd Children's boots, shoes andslippers. CI

BROWN & CO., Importers andin Ales, "Wines and Spirits,

No. SI Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

,xf -( Honolulu Iron Workc,engine'., sugar mill- -, boll-oi- -,

cooler-- ; iion, ln.i-- s and lead cast-ings; machineiv of cvciymade loonier. Paiticular attention paidto -- hip's bl.ick-milhm- g. Job woik exe-cuted at shoit notice. 1

Wilson Brothers,

r ENEltAL BLACKSMITHS.vJT Horo Shoeing a specialtyA flrst.elassman being specially engaged

for (hat work.Ship and Wagon "woik faithfully

attended to.Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoP.u: Aixa," owned and

edited by Kuwninui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-lic-e,

No. G Merchant ut. 1

THE EVILS OF FAINTINGAnd their ltciiieriy.

" It has been said with much truth,too, that houso painting might, withstudy and acquirement of taste, resumeits rank as a liberal art." PaintersManual,

Believing the above to be true, A. BKKKK has now reorganized hl systemof working the business in Honolulu,In thu tlrst pluco ho lutn scoured the serv-

ice-of that celelnated nrli-- t, Mr. MaxKoiin, formerly of Sau Fianclsco, whosewoik in the line of plain and dccoialivepaper-hangin- fre.-coin-g, A-- in up totlie pie-e- m tinio unsiiriiasseu, ami onthe.-- u Islands has never been eipialled.Fur house iialntlng jobs llrot-clas- s

only will bo employed. Infuture patrons can depend upon my till,ing every oider on tho moat scientillobasis known to thu trade.

To Sigi( Palutnp aiHH.otlorillg de-partment y be poiiimiifcntly presidedover by Mr. Gi:o, Sru.miEvat, (furthercoiiiment iinuccessary.)

P.S. Send for designs of frescos forcelling and cornices. Something now;and if you want any glass put lu cull ut

"Tiger Paint Store,217 ly 78 Kjng Street.

UNION FHI'.l) OOM1UNY, A. W.Manager Seo adveitlsc-tueu- t

on other page, ' 2S

Commission Merchants.Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. II. R. Macfarlanc.


CHANTS andSiifai' Factovs,

Flic-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

achats forTbc Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleela Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Httclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Slcam Plow and Port-

able Tin m way Woik", Leeds,Mil lice, Watson & Co's Sugar Machlu

cry, uiasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


T? S. PRATT & Oo.J-- Auctioneers nnd General

Commission Mcrchnnls, rBeaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention given to the Sale of

Real Estate and Personal Property.Advances made on consignments. 210

Clans bi'rctki'ls. Wni. O. Irwlu.

TIT G-- . Irwin & Company,TT Sugar Factors nnd Commissi

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHACKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. l

AS. OLEOHORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaaliumauu bis., Honolulu. 'iB

II. A. r. Carter. . 1. C. Jonci,Jr.

O Brewer & Company,Shipping and Commission

Merchant, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

Theo. H. davies & Company,Importers and Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, British nndForeign Ins. Company, and NoithernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GONSALES,No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Importers nnd Dealeis in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c &c &e.

JOHN T. WATERIIOUSE,Impniter and Dealer in General

Meiehaudise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

TVr S. GRINBAUM & CO.,--L'-1- Iniportcid of General Mer-clnuidi- se

and Commission MerchantsHonolulu. j

S. GRINBAUM & C O. ,L1-- Commission Merchants, 124California street, San Francisco,Cal. j"P T. L E N E II A N & C O .,

Imporleis and Commission Mer-chant-

Nuiianu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Custlc. J. II. Athcrtou.

fJAfiTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Mer-eliant-

Iniporteis and Dealers in Gen.eral Meiehaudise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. j

wING "VVO CHAN & Co.,IlllllOl llil'ri mill nolini-i- l ll....l-- j

In English. Amei lean and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored contract matting, all qualities and price-,- .

BQr" No. 22 Nuuaim Street, oppoltoMr. Afoug's. si

A. G. ELLIS,BHOKEll, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock, Bonds, andOilier Muiketable Secuuties,

Atthelr market value for cash.215 Otllco with E. P. Adams. Auet'r.


NO. 08 Mciclinnt Street,Honolulu, II. I,'

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, nnd other Coipq-atli- m Stock,

Bunds and Similar Scouiiticn Boughtnnd Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Slock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1883. 211

J0HNN0TT,,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gab Fitter, So.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and nietals; .

House Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.


Have teeeived a lnrjjc f

Boots & Shoesto suit all elasgca of purcha-cn- ;, 181


SE. MANN, B. S.,Tkaciiku op DnAwiNO,

DllAfailTlNO AND THE SCIENCES.287 No. 180 Fort street. lm

SARAH E. PEIROE, M. D.,and Children's Physician.

Olllce and residence, No. 5 School street,(between Fort nnd Emma).

Olllce hours 10:30 to ll:IJ0a. m.1:110 to 3:80 p. ill. ""

210 Telephone, No. 201.


104 Fort street (up stairs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.


DR. EMERSON,Residence ami consultation rooms

nt No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Foit.Telephone No. 140. . 59 2m

TkR. G. TROUSSEAU.XJ begs to notlfyhls friends that hehas resumed practlcu In Honolulu. Itesl.deneo and consulting rooms, No.' 7SPunchbowl st., opposite the makal gateof the Queen's Hospital. C6nultiiiffhours from 0 a. m. to 12. '

Telephone No. 193. i5G

W AUSTIN WHITINO, ' ' 'AttoTncy nndiCoUnscllor, at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumnnu st., Honolulu. 20'J

T M. MONSARRAT, ' '' ' '


AND NOTARY PUBLIC.Real Estate in any pail of the Kingdo

bought, sold and leased, oncommission.

Loans negotiated,Logid Documents Drawn.

'No. 27 Merchant st. (Gtucllc Block),100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Q B. Dole,k-- 7 Lawyer and Notnrv PnMli.11 No. 15 Kaaliiimanu st,

JM. DAVIDSON,Attorney at Law," 24 Merchant street.

Francis M. Hatch,'-

-'Attorney at Law,

15 Kanhiimnuu st.

John Russell, 'Attorney nt 'Law,Olllce, corner of Fort and Merchant st.("l fairs') jigT17-1LLIA- O. 8MITH, j

Attorney at Law,i J No. 30 Merchant street.

1Richard f. Bickerton,A- - Attorney and Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free.hold- -. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law,Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-

knowledgments of Instruments for theInland of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhunmnu st.,Honolulu. , I


KAA1IUMANU STUUKT.General Agent for, '

ThcN. Y. Life Insurance Company,The Cily of London Fire In. Co(limit'd)Macneale & Uibnn Safes,The Celelnated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


Qharles t. gulick,NOTARY PUBLIC,'

Agent to lake Acknowledgments tbLabor Contracts, ' '

AND GENBUAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllce, lnMakee's Block, comer Queen

and Kaahuiuanu streets, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Cpf120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and' Landscape

Xliotog'railibr'.180 ly i

VyiLLIAM AULI), Agent toTT take Acknowledgments to Con.

tracts for Labor for Ihe Dlstilct of KonaIs and of Oahu, ut tho ollleo df the'Hono.lulu Water Works, fool or Nuuanu st.

189 tf i

JOHN A. HA8SINGKH,Agent to tako Ackniiwledginciits to

Contiaets for Labor. Interior 'Jfllee.Honolulu, . 7


Chinese nnd Hawaiian Trans.latornnd Interpreter,

No. 48 King street, Honolulu.Translations, of cither of the abovo

languages made with accuracy and (lispatch, and on reasonable terms. ' 20Ii

"IfTLBRUNS, Cooper anil Ganger,) Water Tanks of any dimensions.Cooperage, No, 10 Foil sliccl,

Honolulu.Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron cou.221 btautly on Jiuno iiud, for bale ly






' 1


Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · Fir6 Proof Safes L.: Having been appointed Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands for Hall's Safe and Lock Co. 1 nm now pi enured to take-orders



""Y ; t " J J tiljjf

$ $fla uUtBn,

MONDAY, JAN. 211, 1880.


Mr. Adams will sell at sales room

ul 12 noon, the schr. Kmmn.EVENING.

, Iuijnon.v Lodge, I.O.O.F. 7:30' '

, The Receptions.Saturday was a kind of gnlu day

al tlic J'alacc, lltcro being no less

limn ,tvro presentations in tlio onenfternoori. At about noon themounted cavaliy, escort of tlic Jap-c?- e

Kmlnmy, was seen rounding thecorner of Punchbowl and Kingsliecls. The escort consisted of twoatiimds, of about a dozen in each,preceding and following the two car-

riages, containing the Ambassadorand" suite and Col. C. P. Iaukca.

,tVe did not, however, notice the

pcrniiincnt representative of Japan" in this country in cither caniagc.

As the gate rolled open the Band,stationed in the Coronation pavilion,struck up a merry tune. Inside the

Palace the usual ceremony was gonethrough, credentials presented, &c.Afterwards tlic Embassy visited His

Majesty's sisters, tlic llciicss Ap-

parent, and II. 11. II. PiiuecssLikclikc.

At 1 l'.M. n qtiictcr corteye passedup King htrcet from the wharf, con-

taining about eight of the ofliecrs ofthe Lackawanna, and His Ex. 15. M.Daggett. The Ministry aired theirnew uniforms for the firbl time.

ARTESIAN WELLS.Jt seems as if our timely warning

on tlic decrease of our artesian wellwater supply had passed by unheed-

ed. "Wc have, as yet, heard of nofurther steps having been taken evenby a single well-owne- r. And yet thedecrease in the supply is constant."When the first well was opened, andindeed with others, it was found thatthe water would rise 12 feet 10

- inches above the sea level. Now

that capability of rising to a height, above tlic sea level is diminishing atthe rate of one inch per month.

It seems to us only wise and pon- -'

dent that immediate steps be taken' to regulate the use of what is al-

ready being taken, and to see thatno waste is being permitted.

Shipping Notes.The Iwalnni brought 2,288 pack-

ages of sugar for Irwin A Co.

The Mci-fo- biought j00 bags ofrice from Koohui.

, The bark Lily Grace will clear for' ,' Nanaimo to-da- Airy mail matter

i can be forwarded by her.The Mokolii brought 10C1 bags of

sugar.The Likeliko, Iwalnni, Lehua and

Mokolii will leave at 1

o'clock on their regular routes.' ' ' ' " KahuluFnotes".

The faclir Hosario, Capt. Swift," cleared on the 2(Jth for San Francis-- ;

co, 'with 181G bags sugar, weighing206.:J03 lbs, valued at ia,7i(5.oO.

Pabscngcr, T. Sharp,The bchoo'iicr Anna, Capt. Mac-(Julloc- k,

arrived'on the 27lh, fiom.Eureka, with n cargo of If. 11. ties

and posts for the II. H. C.

Local ,& general items.Tjik music for the 'bus horns is

. quite tool-too- t. See, eh?

Tiib "Wiiiinanalo was hauled up on

the Marine Railway after the launch-

ing of the Likclikc on Saturday.-- " . -.- -, -- .

Tin: Palace yard walls are now

decorated with bpiked btaffs for the

purpose of holding the illuminations

during the Coronation festivities.

Oxk of the New Ilcbridcans sentup to work on liana Plantation,Maui, murdered another through

jealousy, and then severely hackedthe native policeman who was sent

lo arrest him.

Ox Saturday about ." o'clock, a

Jmek was standing on the wharf near

Afoug's rice mill, whoa the China-

man in charge blew off the bleamwhich bo scared the horse that ho

jumped clear up into the air andover into itho water. It was dead

before it could be got out.

L.vir.i.Y it series of petty lai conies

have been cynimitled by boys whohave helping the dilvers of the ice-carl- s.

In most cases the propel lyhas been ivcoveied and restored loits owners. Some is still at- - the po-

lice station awaiting identification!

Ox Saturday a native went with

an old duplicate cill for$r00,upon the Bunk of California, ,to the,

Dank and asked for payment. He

.told several stories how it came inlohis possession, "but ultimately ac-

knowledged having picked it up.

Ox Friday afternoon' tlic cement

trough generously placed on Kingstreet, in front of "Ward's artesianwell, lo allow horses lo gel a drinkon the road, had the front of itbroken so as lo allow no water loremain in it, by a cart running into it.


Eaui.y on Saturday morning orlate Friday night a Chinaman wasfound casting off one of the ropeswhich fastened the "W. II. Meyer tothe wharf. On being asked by apoliceman his reasons for so doing,he stated that he was going to Clnliaand wanted to start quick.

At different places in Kau twowhite men and three Chinamen havebeen arrested for selling liquor with-

out a license. About fifty cases ofliquor have been seized. The twowhite men h.we been lined 100

each and two hours' imprisonment.The Chinamen have not yet beentried.


Ox Saturday morning at o o'clocktlic water was reached in the well

sunk in the Palace yard. No meanswere available to .stop or check theHow, and the whole grounds weresoon covered with water. Alakcaand Richard blrccls, from Kingstreet to the sea, were Hooded allday.

-- -Pitr.ciM'.i.v at 11 a.m. on Saturday

the cradle bearing the Likeliko be-

gan lo move, and in a few short mo-

ments had reached the end of theline, and the Likclikc was afloat.No sound, no crash was heard ; noeffort seemed to be made: every-

thing went binoothly. It seemed logo without motion, if such an ap-

parent contradiction can be under-


Two little dogs were lying on thefloor of the cradle when it began lomove, and so insensible was themotion that they did not observe ituntil the wave encroached ou theirfoot-hol- d more and more. They werefinally dragged into a boat. A rat,too, had left the Likclikc, and beingintercepted by the waters climbedup on the bow supporting block.From thence it finally swam ashoie.

SatuiidayS P. C.A. says : "Whenthe expected men-of-w- ar ariivr itwill tax the ingenuity of our efficientharbor-mast- er to move them in oursmall but safe harbor, at the sametime allowing sufficient spaco-fo- r theingress and egress of our inter-islan- d

vessels." Now, as there aichut six or so coming, .this will givebut a very poor idea to poisonsabroad of the capacity of our har-

bor. "Wo would have thought thatthere were some of the A deert iter J

staff who could recollect the dayswhen from 100 to 150 vessels easilyfound room Co stay here.

Auction Sales by E. P. Adams

This Day, Monday,Jantiniy 2Uh, at 12 noon, at Sulci Ttooin,

will lie sold for account of whommay concern,

THS SCHOONER EMMA,ii sho now llo on the Bunch,

At "Wniiwiuo, Ouliu,together with her Spin,, frills, Ringing,

Ac, iVe,

E. P. Ahams Auctioned.

Dv. Wo I'i-K'h- ,

Jmse Veterinary Physician,Stable oiiBcrctnnia st.

-- ii ti.n'liiliis near ThomasSuuare. Oiilei-- sent to 1'. O. Box 315will iccohoproiupl attention.

Dr. Di! Files having lilted up ologantaccommodations on tle l'liiins for thedoctoring and emu of animals, - fullypicp.ucd to render satisfaction. llniiImiu hirxo pasture hind aud will tukogeneinl good cue of hoiics and cattleleft in his charge. No'cuk up pay.

liO'Jly ,

CORTTIfcJIior Tin:


' , ix guAitcit of Tin:

HLcmiiHliip "Suez.'.'

The steamer Kilauea IIou returnedyesterday afternoon. The follow-

ing is n copy of her log, kindly fur-

nished us by Captain Sears :

Left Honolulu on "Wednesdaymorning, .Ian. 21, 188D, at 1 o'clock

Searched along the weather sideof Molokai, Maui and Hawaii, work-

ing off and on from within 5 to 3d

miles off shore.Proceeded south as far-a-s hit. 20

and 10 in., as far oast' lot c 50 in.long., and then made a due northcourse lo long. l."i I ."0 in. and hit.22 I.") in., and then north-we- st lolong. 155 DO m, and hit. 22 150

m., and then woiking a zig zagcourse to Honolulu. ' '

Distance run during our absenceG08 miles.

Spoke the schooner Anna, offMaui. Had been nothing of tlicSuez.

The liist three days .strong east-

erly trades. The last day had lightsoutherly trades.

D. W. Suaks.flSP-lOO- yards of Quoohccj all wool

flannel, from 2octs. up, at Chas. .1.

Fibhel's Leading Millnury House..- l r

JiSyPlain Sateens all colors, atChas. .1. Fishcl's Leading MillineryHouse. ,2ilo

S5E. Zeahmdia, Gents fineTweed Suits, at Chas. J. Fishcl's.

12T The liir"e-- t -- election of I.adic-.- 'Fielmei and ColLuelto of the IatetPatterns :tic to lie had tit the llounluluClothing Djiipniiiim of A. M.,104 Fort Street 271

Ancient OMer of Forrcxlt'i'N.COUKT LUlSTALiriO, No. CC00. A

Electing of the aboveCpurt will beheld onTue-ihi- v ovening,the BOth instant, at 7:30, at lvnights ofPythias Hall, "when businc-- s of impoit-anc- e

will ho hi might liofoie the meeliiigAll viiiling brethren me cordially in-

vited to attend. Uv order ol the C. ';i at i. v. siNGi:n, Si-c'-

Wanted,DRUG C'MJDK orACOJIPKTKNT young man. Ai-pl- y

iinmediiitely to .1. A. I'Ai.-um- i & Co.,It:! Fort street. ."07

AVnntctl,TMMr.DTATF.LY, a neatly furnishedJL or piutly furnished Cottage, in uplciisiiiit ncihboiliood, for agenlleinanand his family. "Will p.iy a 'iliod lental.Appl;or addics-- , immediately lo .I.E.Wimi:v,n, Genera1 business Agents.

y JiQ.'j lw

Wanted,hnvinjr a copv of) J. W.

ICauwahlS "Foim llook"to u

of, w ill llnd a purchaer by sendingwoid lo::o: tf .T.AV. I(ohi:ui.iqn-- c..

AVnutod,TIDY fimr. orAltESPECTAUU: to lake eaie

of ehildieu and net as iiuie, and to ti.i-e- l

with Urn family in foieign lands.'vsuiiiiiiiuiiiii-- iiiiiuu uauieii mill s,uu- -

nine wages',Addiess or apply to J. E. WISEMAN,

General I)ulncsS Ageiit, No. 27 Mcr.chant street. itOil lw

Notice.JAMES IIANLON will nllend to lame

siuk horses. Call at hit. hopon


llctlicl street, on Urun's prumlcV. !i()7" .i ' i j



Plans and Estimated f urni-li- c f for worksof upuliucti(u. Civil Engineering, A;

Siirveyinu' Ollleo, l!l .mil 21 Ti'rolmid st,above J, W. Itobeitson & Co's..W P. O. Hov,' 101. " ly

NJnuv Ciinu For Sale,A FINE SHOW CASK, 8 feet long,

with packing c.isoj can lie seenfiom 10 to 13 o'clock, next Wilkinson'sE.Mircss onieo, Kln-- r ht. :10I) ;

For Sale,To arrjvo por barkcnllne " Eureka."

S00 bales Califdrnii Hay,200 Sacks Oats,200S.ickx lbaii,200 Sacks Coin,200 Sacks Giound Jl.iiley,200 Sacks llarley,200 Sacks Potatoes.

F. S. I'nATr it Co., Auelioneeii'.


S90 Allen &, JtohiiiNon.For Vrlmo Cornotl Jioef


Spiced JtoiiiidH of Jteef'Call or vour itlcti to the

HOTEL STHKKT MAU1CET.U07 Tclepliyilebu.



Jtibt leeched e. " Australia " nml ' Ella " fipin New Yoik and Kuuicikn, '

New hi Lamp Goods !pLCtiiri.igu I..unpi a large variety of the he-- l American make.

"Wile Gauze, Door Math, Cutting Nippeis,

Trowel", Saws, Ilcavcs and Shcnis.

Royal Cement, for



Ship Augeis, Dills, Door Dolts, Da Hoy's Planes, SpnrPhmcs,

Locks, ltulc.

rio-ws- , Whip Lashes, and Novelties-- !OflO

Reciprocity Relations Rather RevivifyingBetween the Hawaiian Islands and thcTJiiltcd State's, and "''

between the Hawaiian Islands and

. .5'.. 33. WISEMAN,Eoal Estate Broker, Employment Agent und General

Business Agent,Office, 27 Meiclmnl Micct, Hawaiian Gazette Block.

The only recognized Real Estate Broker in the Kingdom.Lit nil and propeily for sale in all parts of Honolulu and the various Islands.Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs..Booms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.

Honolulu Draymen's


Protective Union.In consequence of the continued high

prices for hay and grain, and also of thehigh rates of wages that prevail, we, theundcr.signed Draymen, arc compelled tomake a slight change in our range ofchargc-- i for callage.

On and after Februaiy M, 1883, thelollowlng iatci will he charged:Sugars and Biee, short hauling,

per ton of 2000 lt.s $0 25Sugais and Bice, fijnn Espla-nad- c

whaie-- i to Queen -- Ircclwharves, or vice veisa 50

Lime, corneal, molnsc- - or sl-ino-

to wit: 8 bill1- - lime, ."

bids cement, 7 bbls inol:i-e- s,

8 bids salmon, to constitute aload, from any point on Espla-nade to Queen st. wharves, orvice vitii, per load 50

Lime, cement, moliissc-- , andinon, sboit callage 37J

Mcichnndisc to Bond , per load. 50Merchandise fiom Bond, per Id

(detention ctra) .'... 75

Merchandise fiomall vesselsdisehnrging at any wharf to any point within thefollow ing llinilr., viz:3fnuunkca St., Bcictniiia, st. and

Alakca st. per ton, as per billof lading Iili

Any Pinglo load, less than 1 ton,as above 50

Merchandise to. island steamers,per load ., 50

(Detention of dray nt the rate of1 per hour.) ,

C6al, bagged, ton of 2210 lbs.,within limits :17

Coal, loose ,, carting and pllingj-nsiie-

r agreem'tBucks, within limits named

above, por'M , . .,. 1 00Bricks, piyshcd or lire, naine'd

above, peiM :.: 1 50lion aud inacliiiiery, within lim-

its, per load or Ion 50Extra heavy safes or machinery

as per agreementBlack or white sand as per agr'tItubbiidi or dirt, as per agr't.,,. .

Household furniture as per agr'tLumber per 1 M ft within Hints 50Posts per 100, within limits 50Shingles per 10 31 within limits 50Fire wood, on city front, cold. . ' 75Fiie wood, fiom city front lo

any point within Maiiuakca,King aud Punchbowl sts 1 00

Keio.sene, stoichoiis'o to the oilhouse, per case of oil 01

Fiom Iho oil house, per Jo.ul of25 can'- - cjr los 1 00Fiom tlic city fiout to any of the fol.

lowing points)To lCukui slieot 75To School street, bet. Einnia

si. and Walkahalulu Bridge. . 1 00To Waipluhi , 1 00To.liiddstieet , 1 50Tol'iiunul , 2 noTo "Wylio Micct , , . 2 00To ico works (Nuuaiiu) pci load

or ion...,..,.,, ,.. 2 50To J'auoa ,, 2 50To f.eleo , ,.,.. I 00ToOahiiPuspn. .,., ,...-- looTo Kohololoa, slaughter houses

or tannery, por load 1 50From slaughter liouses or tun- -

liny, per, 1 50To LilJIui and School si. comer.ffoJLlUlJo mid Khi ij bt. coruer, .' '1 00

mending crockery?


To Keformntory Bcliool corner. 1 50To Alnpai's coiner , . . . 1 50ToWnHei'd, Kulihi.r. ...": J.'.."" ii 00To Pa wan 1 GO

To Artesian Ice Works, load1. . . 2 00ToPunahou , 3 ooTo Xamoiliili '. ..-'.-

3 00To Insane Asylum 2 50ToQuccn's Hospitairr.. .'..... 75To "Wuikiki, town side of ibridge., ?

near church .'..-..- ; 2'50To (own side of bridge at Park

entrance '....i. 800To'Park, as per agreement. ...- - 'To far as Piikoi

street :.'....."...' 1 00To Gov't Powder Mngaaino, per

loadilOOO lbs or less t..; "5 noFiom Gov't Powder Magazine

per load 1000 lis or less 3 00To or from Kaknako 00II. G. CiiAinu:, S. M. CaktekE. Pi:ck. G. II. RoiiEUTSOTAbiuxY & Co.,t y. F. Shauhat, 5

Mrs. O. P. W.uid, (per F.1 Hiistacc, '

30" lw Manager).

A BEAUTIFUL LOT OFPlushes, Silks, Satins, Surrahs,

Moires, Laces and Trimmings"Will bo opened this day by

a. :r. Mcihk,S08 10 i Fort Street.

TO. BENT, on KulaokalumPlains, couer of Kiniiu andI'cnsacola streets, one LARGE

COTJ'AUE, containing Parlor, DiningBoom, a .Bedrooms, Bath-roo- with allmodern conveniences; largo Pantry andKitchen, with latliccd vcrand roomattached ; also Stable, with two stalls, hayand cirriajfe rooms; and 2 rooms fo'rsonants. For further particulars applyto wj. AV. Hull. 300

KskATO LET a Cottage, contain- -

''.'JE.4t....f? Hnn... ...t.l. ttlllgl I 1IMJIID, Willi muuiuig UJHlevery convenience, situated on

the Plains, oo mile from town. Arte-sian well water. For particularHdpplyto A. FERNANDEZ,200 lm "tKi&.ULdlBonfr

j&gkJk STRANGE'ilS wdl ihul 'a

at IIS Nuunnu Avenue. Rooms furnish.eil single or suite, at modcrale cliargos.tiOli lint MRS. J. T.WHITE.

ToTLet, .i PLEASANT CO WAGE, qentrallyii. lociitcd, suitable for two gentle,

inen.t Iucpilro, at Buu.ijTiy Ofllce. 300

' George Cavenaj;li,)"TriIILE thanking tfic'piiblle for the.

IT very liberal patronngo necordedlo him in the agency business, wouldnrtw'state Hint ho has sold the good'willof bis Intelligence office business to M.11. Mcdhurt.

Referring to Iho above, I bog to statethat 1 au now in a position to supplyhelp of any desired nationality. By at-

tention to business I hope to uphold thereputation of tlio " Labor Agency" sosuccessfully established bv mv predecossor. IL MEDHURSU',W Hotel street.

The Hotel Strcot MarketIs now iu a position to supply their cus.

mors withPrime Mutton, Veal,

and everything fn tho mealillne.Sepd in your ciders. Piompt delivery,201 CavWiAuh it Co.

JTclephoiio NoT 23Q.

NO-TIO- Tlie Captain ortaC2i3. Ajfents of the Hermann

;will not be respousihlu forany debts contracted bv any

of tho ojllrcis or crow of said vessel.Wl lw F. A. SuiAEmt t'o.Agcut-- ,


Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · Fir6 Proof Safes L.: Having been appointed Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands for Hall's Safe and Lock Co. 1 nm now pi enured to take-orders







TELEPHON19.Dlinonil Head, Jan. 2D, G:30 a. in

Light SI WnvlmlfShip ten miles off.


Tern Dnkottffrota rtflHnkcloyJnilJS

.SimV'Jiehiin frotn wiltdwnrd ports.Stmr Mokolii from Maui & MolokniSlim' Kihuieu lion from cruiseSchr Kliukiii fioni Wnialtmticlir Uiliuuti from llanalei

('fsclii' Knajti fioin Koolau '

.Sclir'M'ile Mollis from Jau:uSehr Cuteiinu from llannloi.


J A Fulkitiliorg for Kiln Francisco.Sulir Nellie Merrill for LaluunaSolir Mnuuoknwiii for 'Watntiau

VESSELsTIaVING THIS DAYBk Lily, Qrncc for Naiiuimo

PASSENGtRS.From windward ports per Iwalani

Jan. 27 Judge J (5 lloupili, WllCornwell, W O Atwatcr, Mis. CMeineeke, Mhs Napoleon, II TTaylor, L II .Stoly and wife, andabout 50 deck.

From windward ports, per Lcliua,Jan 28 Mi&s Wilhclm, Sarah Daw-son, M Corricr, J Sttipplcbun, AnnMoannulifWH Rowcll, MissChrkjW rH Cununinga, F Autonc, MrsWard, Mary "Ward, G C Ward, Mrllancbcrg, Mr Johnstone. t

VESSELS IN PORT.US3 Lackawanna, WilsonAm bktne,Elln,Bglnc Morning StarEjjtncW 11 Meyer, HowoBk Lilly Grace, HughesBk llerinaimsBark II W Almy, FreemanBgtne, "WindingHaw brig Ninlto, CameronAm ship Hope,Ain tern D.itoka,

VESSELS EXPECTED.Hip Nnmc From DncGer S S Elircnstein, fin Bremen, MbStmrjSuezftrom 0,. F. . , Jan 17Am bk'Eincrald fin Pt Gamble, Ja 30Am tern M E Pt Gamble, Ja iiO

Am bk Amy Turner from Boston, Jan 28Gr, , Feb 7Bk C K Bishop, from Bremen, Feb 10

Jubilee from Newcastle. Feb 12Stmr Zc.ilnndia fin Sydney, Feb 11Stmr City of N. York from S. F. Feb 18,Br ship Ambassador, fin NewcastleBk Janet Court, fin Liverpool, MarchBkAbcr.Amiinifm Glasgow, Dec

VE88EL8 EXPEOTED AT KAHULUI.Bk F S Thompson fiom NunaimoBgtnc Hazard from Pt Townsciul

Dissolution of Partnership.

NOTICE is hereby gh en that the filmCo. it. this day

dissolved by mutual consent. A. W.fticliaidson wtiring.

All claims will be paid by C. Broglieand J. X. Spear, and all debts ill becollected by th'cin. '

The business will' conlinuo under thelinn name of Broglic & Spear.

Cn.fc. Bitoni.iK.John A. Sckaii.A. W. HiciiAniJi-ox- .

Honolulu, JuillU, 1B8'J. 20(i Im


rpiIE linn of Fai.mku & Kimmuiin isX this day dissolved by mutual con-sent. .

(Signed) nvrw KILBOURX'Honolulu, Jan. 5, 188U.


.1. A. PALMElt it ELMER II. Tilthis clny.foiiueil, a

under theHlrm na'mo of John A.Palmuk & Co.

J-- PALMER, ,. , ,l'SnC; E. H.,TIIAC1IER.

Honolulu, Jan. So, 1883. 307 lw

W. W. HALT, & CBOLTEM have been annoiutcd 'isslgiices of.1... 1- - 1...,. UI.Sl lJl,.i..

All persons having claims against thisEstate will please jncseat them, and allpersons indebted to this Estate willpIcascrsettlenccounts'liyTiaymciit to" -

0. IIOLTE., 4l II. Haokfejd &4CV.s,

HoiioluliiJun. 25th, 1888. a07 2w" 'Notice.

iHavlnp; purchased tho good.ivill of theHotel" Htieef Market, wo aie now pre-pared to ftiniplr old customerH and newone with tlio nctst (piality of Ilccf, Mut-to- n

Pork, Veal, Poultry and Eggs 11 1

market prices.Shinning supplied with live stock.

CAVENAOII & Co.Honolulu, January 8, 188:1. 202

IVotiuc.--A- T a meeting of tho Directors of Ka-- A

piolaui I'.uk Association held Jan.18th, 188'J, tlio following oillccrs eieelected for tho ensuing year, viz:

A. B. Cloghoin l'lCHldent.Dr. J. S. McGrcw. . . . Vice.l'ro.H, II. Maefailane Secretary.Cecil Brown ...'..'... .Trciirturcr.

Higned, II. R. MACFARLANE,;i02 lw Bee. K. P, A.

Xotlco.tho Annual Meeting oftheEastATMaui Plantation Co., held at Hono.

lulu, January 17th, 188.J, the followingoillccrs were elected for the eiibuiugyear:Col. W. F. AHpn ,rresidentJ. E. Hollhiann Vice PresidentP. C. Jones, Jr ..,...".... Sce'y and Tie.iW. F. Allen Auditor

niiiLcrouhjMc-s- r. V. F. Allen, A. G. Ellis, and

P. O, Jones, Ji.'MH : JICJOISKS, Jll., bw'y.

Oceanio Steamship Oomp'y,ius a lf- -r

yjw Iron Stoarnor SuoziuoDi) - CUMMAUUI)

Will leave Honolulu


For freluht or pacific, having siipeTloraccomodations, apply to J

ll!l Wm. G. luwi.v & Co., ARcntst

r?r.TAJIiriU MAlLSleain.J2Sj3iS ship Company.

FOUt SAN. VllAXUlSUO,The Splendid Steamship

Zealaudia,Webber, . Commander,

Will le.ivc Honolulu Tor San FiaiicKiooa or about Feb. 11.

FOR SVDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobbj - - - commander,

On or about Feb. 18,

For f eight or passage apply to thqulidcrignul agents,

Wo are now prepared to issue tickotsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Bound Trip.

II. IlACiU'IU.D & Co.


IThc clipper bgtnc

W. H. Meyer,IIo)c, Master,

Will quick forthe abooport, l'or fieiislit or apply to

C. ite Co., Agents.

Wj for sanfi?Ancisco.

S5gfr. The line clipper bgtncHesperian, '

Winding, - - blaster,Will have quick for the aboveport. For fi eight or passage apply to

F. A. Sen KFKlt & Co, Agents.


The clipper bark

H. "W. Almy,Ficeinan, - master,

iWill have quick dlspateli for'the abovepoit. For freight or pas.igu apply to

Castle &. Cooku, Agents.


sosisszst.' The, clipper bktno '"

Ella,Brown, Master,

Will hae quick dispatch for the aboveport. For fi eight or pas.ige apply to,

C. llimwr.u it Co., Agents.

S, Steamer Likelike,rjauj- -

King, blaster.Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday, at

4 p.m., touching at Lahnina, Maa-lae- a

Hay, Makena, Muhukoiia,Laupalioehoo and llilo.

ltetuniing, si touch at all thaalove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday 11.111. I

T. R. FOSTER & ,Cy.'.s

Line of Steamers-- PSE

The Iwalani,iiatk" Coinmamlci,

lluus.iegulaily to Koiinlind Kau, asper following time table:

Li:avj:- - Honolulu ji ! r.M. qnTuesday, Jan 1) Tiio-da- y, Feb 20Fi idayi Jan 10 Friday, March 2Tuesday, Jan :;o Tue-ifa- y, Match 13Friday, Feb I) Fild.iy, March 23

Ai:itIVJ'.ri AT IIONOLULUWcdnc.-da-v Jal7 Wcdiutday;Fo,28Saturdiiy, Ja 27'unlay, Mrt 10Wcdnc-da- y, Fe 7 Wednesday, Ma 21Saturday, J'c 17 Bntuiday, Ma 31

The C. R. Bishop,--CAMnnoK, ' ' Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat,.! p.m., for Niiwlliw ili, Koloa, Eleele,mid Walinea, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawillwili every Filday evening.

The Jame's Makee,mc'Uonai.u, . . .Commander,

Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at !i p.m, for Knpao andKila'uea. Reiurnlng leaves Kapnaevery Tuesday cycpln.


M Sohoonor Ehukaiwill run iegularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,ltetuniing on Thui.ilay, weather

pcrinlltiug.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, 01 to181 A. F. Cooki:, Agent,


Ofllce, corner Nuuniiuand Queen .sheets,Honolulu, 11. L,

Agent-fo- r the following Packots:Wallele, Waioli.AVaieliu, m. Waimahi,

Inlolo, Kalium,Maua, Julia,

Ka Mol, ami Elitikai.

Red Flag, with Whito Ball.181

rpWO t'FI'ICES TO LET, on theX oud iloor of the building occupied

by J, W, llobcvtepu & Co iW


Just Opening This Morning

Those Celebrated



. , lu White, Uiun.e,

Black and lhoac, and

r Embroidered.

Ladies will do well locallcaily, andthus hccuie a perfect ill.



Elegant Drses Suits





All these floods were made expressly

for litis Great Uccul.

M. MctNERNY.Honolulu, Jan. 13, 1883,, , - 200 lm


Furniture".o;c -

j n.sCompany

WARE-ROOM- Ko. M and 58




FURNITUREIn tho Kingdom,

which wlll'bc1,

' , . .' ... . - .

Sold at the' Lowest Rates,


, ,' LOUNGES, and


Muilc to older at hhoit notice.



Telephone No. W. :207

1 .

uV fov JL-o- t oiColonial Candies

Jusl llccelvedat... ' .

t813, A."g. Cleghoin A CV.'


1 H- -

5 B5H


0 rbSsu


Ladies' and' (Tent's

Gotd and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Every "Watch warranted asrepresented.

ixisnia cERTimiwiiKccijnipitna(as91,"T'.it.- -

haa0H9nDiiStmrDn4iQCl9 sXV Uv.MIHTASAY. fFacsimile of Silver Cages.

I JJgJrw


Actual weight.otGoldi,



Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Sandals, Ties, cfec.


THE FINEST SELECTION OP GENTS' SCARFS,One in a bo;, all ofwhlch'aio1 ' ' ''' 'Om

Eminently Suitable for tlie Present, Seasoiij277 A. W. lUOlIAltDfSON &, CIO. , q

CEO. F. WELLS, Manager ;

Telephone and Xighl Al.nin, No. J'il ;



i r






GOM. Mclnerny,

Aijent for this Kingdom,N. II. Howard of iniitn-tion- s,

nri I have discoveredseveral silver wnt cites hear-ing the of " WnlthnmWatches," which arc of SwissManufacture, and are Holdgenuine Wnlthnin watches.

&Wife rfLfcr' alj-- n

VSiitdxflB(CncliftYktIiflttIiotnBCJUttiicujiUhjPMrTiiAt)e MkA i tranranlcctl'


(513) rnciniills Cnus

lit .53

juEDWARD LYCAN, Funoral Director.

Ofllce lear Wells' Music Store.

m m mmu4





Meich.uit Sticets,

To-Da- y - o-Day !

Uoodn, ireelved e hteainer.ZealuUdl. a,

Honolulu Undertaking Association.

Wi: .mll rcpcctfully cull your .il'oniion to our SUPERIOR FACILITIEStor (loin;; ceilhui ojuf line. . , ,.

An Elegant and Expensive Hearse'Hart been unpolled direct fiom Yoil. Our Kinlulining and Care of the thuliauilnof a icliieil PhyJuiiiu ol large efci Sence, who will give his buttcn'oilttothK Scicntilli' blanch of the bii'slue. Evciylliing llial money co'nldbuy; cvui.Mliin;,' and scientillc hnoWleiljjc tould Miggcl, has bcecaicfully contideied. t "... 8 J.AVo aru Now l?cii('ly, and onv (Jhtirgos Avill be JIodoraJLe.

Trimmings, Flales, Jolus, SIit1k, ' " '1 )

And cvciylldiig appertaining to the buiine'coiislantlydii hand.Fiom 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone, 17ft. Xlaht Alaim Telephone, 294. "


-- AT-


to tlio

ok 'iiu:

of Foil and

To-Da- y !- - To-D- ay !

Aud a of





of Gold Mil

in of






75 FORT STREET;Xjibei'ul cli&CfoiiMfc 1:vsxclo.


Willi an EntlrcNew Stock of

Gents', Youth's and Boy's Clothing, FuniMiing10 iiioiv viiNc to iii-riv- u

iM'i" HiifK ami City of S ilnvy, k

Remeinbei, the pi ice iuailedou each arilcle, from which Ihcie ino deviation. To puiclucrrj to the amount of fj, or over, U pei


cent discount. (No book accounts Kept.l ' ,'Htoro ii'ii JVom O 11. 111. In s ji, in. KuturUity isvonliiKn UllO,

r S, W, LE0ERER, Manager. 1 (iKW) .L. ROSENBERG '


1 I

' ,




t v




"t J.."1' l'

Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · Fir6 Proof Safes L.: Having been appointed Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands for Hall's Safe and Lock Co. 1 nm now pi enured to take-orders






:wr m?mitffJfi& ''"W" '- - t - yfyw'jgyw-T-jftl--"fy'-- H ".wh.'j?i -- ;WiS.iwr. lwf wy jBt fp pni f.H.I&rM,.t

1 '. -

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1658.

IIakt linos., : : Proprietors

MEALSServed up in lhstelnss style nt nil hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hnud

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, i&c. Also,

Iced. Iriiil!75


The Beaver SaloonKon

Christmas GiftsFor Smokers:' Look at tlii- - list :

Tobacco nml Cigars finest brnusdTobacco pouches nml boxesMatch boxesG. 11. D. briar toot pipesMeerschaum pipesCigar antl OlgnieUo HoldersPipe stems from 2 to 21 incites longAmber mouth'-piccc- s

"Wood cigar and cigarette holdersAll these are quite new" and 'if (lie finestbrands.2?8 II. J. XOLTE.

If yoa.want to sec the

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

C!o to 42 (ticcn Htrcct.

If you want to eo

! The Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

n to 42 lticcn Street.

If you want to

Buy Leather at the LowestPrices in the Kingdom,

o to 42 qticcn Street

If you wnnt to Buy the

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

4o to 42 queen Street.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

Go to 42 Queen St.M. W.McCHESNEY & SON.

230 tf

To the Iiiulics !


taken and lessons given inChenille, Silks, and Crewel Em-

broidery. Work to be seen every daylrom 10 it. m. toa p.m., nt lai j?on siicct(next door to.VprJJtodiu). .212;Sni


CHAMPAGNE CIDER!Made froni the purest materials,

Is the bestdrink on the Islands !

" It will tlioioughly refre-.I- i the jaded,inind and weaiied body."

J. FiMhcr, IS liililin Street.B3? Town orders may be left at Mrs.

Wcik's, King street. 252

LUCAS, JU.Contractor

and Bnllilcr,d88l&1Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures 'nil kinds of Mouldings,

Bracket", Window Frames, Blinds,Hashes. Doors, mid all kinds of Wood-work lliilsh. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing. Morticing and Tenanting.

(Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from the other (s

solicited ' 21



i 'At $18 per Cord.

, Apply to

A. F. Cooke,SIS am Foot of Nuunnu struct.


--A-t IMCarlcet IfcateHApply to


187 P. M. 8, S. "Wharf.

ticorge uvciiiikIi,ACCOUNTANT. IntricateEXPERT accounts adjusted.

Illuminated wiitlng,Engrossing, ike., Ac,

done to order. Will picpaiu Deeds.,, and Mortgages, in legal foun.

Book-keepin- g in eveiy form,Bills) Collected. Making up mechanics'

accouuts ami books a specialty.239 Aorfluyi es Kiug bt,i Honolulu.

O. WEST,Carriage (g Builder,

Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmilliing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.


A Large Assortmentor thi:


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


ttgk. Call andjexauiiuc. 147

fc2ARTISTIC-s- a

WALL PAPERS,Ceiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied nssoilucnt




Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Cooler.s,Clarificis,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Mulnl, i

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steel- -,

Hoes, Pickaxes,Cane Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand and Smith Hammers,Shovels, Axes,

Jacks-crews- , Vices,Steam-pip- e Brushes,

Patent Steam pipe Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails,Sugar and Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

For sale by

II. IIACKFELD & Co.Oct. lOlli


OWNERS who arc in possession oflarge quantities ol

GUAVAsSand wish to dispose of them, arc respect-fully requested to communicate, citherpcreonally or by letter, to

r. iiuuiM,Pioneer Steam Candy'Factorv & Bakery288 Hotel Street, Honolulu. lm

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from fi to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsopower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Bailey, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

50 LAINK Co,, 31 Fort st.

Water Notice.Office Sun't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 1), 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegeso notified that their AVatcr Rates

are payable semi-annuall- in advance,at the otllcu of tic Superintendent ofWater Woiks, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st (lav of January and July ofeach year, OlIAS.U. WiLSON.

Bup't yutur Works.B. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204

Just Rocclvcd, thoso Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable hats' for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. S. lcKlirii & Co,

LOUIS ADLER,1!) Nuunnu street,

Huh JttwL KeoeivetlEx stmr " Suez,"

A large invoice of nil the latent styles of

BOOTS Is- - SHOESincluding a lino assorlmcni from the'well known manufacture!!, Buck- -

iiighiim & Heckct, who have noequal on the Pacific Coast.

S FINE OALFCongic-'- s Button and Buckle Shoes.

Ladies' Sandals, Tics, &c.

Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes,

Gent's Splendid Call Boots.

Also, a flue assortment of

3Rnller O-oocli- s

which will be offered at a bargain.277 Om


Foot-we- ar of all kinds,and to suit every purse.

F. OERTZHas just opened and is now selling a

Splendid Stock

of Boots and Shoesof the best workmanship and neatest


Embroidered Christmas Slippers

Gentlemen's Fine Wear inEnglish Walking Shoes,

Congress Gaiters, &c , &c.

Tho " Stronghold" English Walking Gaitars

that never lip.

French Calfskin Diess Boots,Riding Boots, Plantation Boots.

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoesin the latest fashions. ,

S2PA large stock of Ficncli Dieting.P. GERTZ,

111 Fort Slvvi9201 ly Opposite Panl boon Stables

RE AT ADDITIONS to our formera stock, ex Suez, Kahikaua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax canvas, llax sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, osu 8 to 24 ft ; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and thiinlilc,Club Mocks, Miatch blocks, row-lock- s,

Iron strap blocks, mast heads, shievo,Mctuliuc and patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Bright and black varnishes, wire riggingMaiiinc, seizing houscline, ratlin,Spunynrn,;caulkiug irons-copp- tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links,Marliu spikci-- , caulking mallets,Mast hoops, hand bplke.s( pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds and colors;Pacillo Rubbcr,Palnf, anew lot, includ.

all the various colors;Brushes Paint, varnish, pencil, white,

wash, paste, artist, shoe, scrub, andsash n jjood.nsbortpicnt of each;

Axes and hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s the Regu-

lation article.Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of Hue groceries, in.

eluding sonic choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pic fruits, jams and jellic's, a newarticle, put up by a new llrm, andwc can highly recommend them asbeing something really niccj

A new lot of Teas, Including some supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugat Bclincd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curried fowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits inaekciel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, oheese, Oxfoid sausag, in tins;Raisins, in f, and J boe;Raisins, in tins; currants in 1 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., y, gal,, q, & r, gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, diied apples, prunes, plums,

peaches and pears.FLOUR AND BREAD.

Golden Gato extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Giuliani, oat and corn mealMedium bread, assorted crackers,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot bread,Soda blftcuits, rlco and coffee,Whale and sperm oil,Sperm caudles, 4s aud Qi,

All of the above will be sold ut thejscst Market J(iilen -

Buyers are most jesncctfully Invited tocall mid oJiuiwno our stock,


J. M. OAT, Jr., fc CO.Stationers and We-wn- J Dealers,

Have Just Received, c.v Suez,



Base Balls and Bats Diaries for 1883.Now Is the time to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 1J83.

J3$"AU orders will be filled prompt1y.Jg9

253 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street, 3m

Hilver. Silver. Silver.In consequence of

34 Cases of Holiday Goods 34Have been received by

Clias. J. FISHEL, of the Lending Millinery Store, -

Corner Fort and Hotel streets, consisting of

21 pes of flue Ultcridan S. P. Castors,21 pes of silver plated cake baskets,24 pes of. sliver plated butterdishes,20 pes of silver piclke dishes,3(1 pes of silver goblet",80 pes of silver spoon holders,21 pes of silver card receivers,DO pes of silver vases,48 pes of silver cups,lfi dozen napkin rings,80 dozen dessert spoons and folks,

Nos. 19 and 21

Assortment of glove and hnndk'f boxes;" 'Writing desks,

Work Boxes, -

Ladies' toilet sets, ,nl.Albums,

B3f"Bargalns can be expected as I am determined to sell these goods,,Bring what, they bring on account of want of room,

CHAW. .J. FISIIEL, JLeruliuf? Millinery Store.

Established 1850.

TravelingLeather card cases, An- - I

Steel ii 'I'jtrChromos, . "t

Picture frames,fcc, &c, &c.

i&Merchant street,

J. W. ROBEETSON & CO.,(successors to n. m. wiiitnet.)

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,


Printers and



The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal and Trial Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes; ,

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones. -Mucilage in all sizes, especially ndapled to this climate;

Draw ing Paper and Pencils,Tracing Paper and Cloth. .,,'Transit Books, Field mid Level Hooks, adapted for the use

of Surveyors and Engineers ;Memorandum and Pass Books,

Silver and Peiforated Card Boaid,Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,

Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

Ami numerous other articles in our line to befound in a zocll kept stock

MUSIC! MUSIC!We have made such arrangements with our Music Agcmts, ns will enable us

horeaftcr to keep on hand a full assortment, aud also to receive the latest pieces asthey are published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt nttcn-tip- n.

. 182

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Nos.113 and 115 Fort Street, j : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid, Gold and Pl&fed Jewelry,Elcuant Gold and Silver Watches.

Sllvcr.l'lHted Ware, &c, &c. jgo

J, W. & Go's

Subscription DepartmentWE arc prepared to celve further ciders for any Pupcror Magazine publish

cd in California, tho Laslcrn Slates, Canada, and Europe,' inc-e- nt tlinu yo icceivc by every mail over one hundred and fiftydifferent Papeis and 3Iaga.ines, published in the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,

As our subscription Hht is large, we aio enabled to furnish the Papers nndMagazines at a low rate of bubseilption. jgo


BltUCK CAimVMOHT, .... rnorniETOR.

Feed CompanyOABR1ES THE

Largest and Best Stock






AND FEEDOf All description, mid guarantees to koop a full supply

constantly on hand.

. -w SarSwid orders to A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.



