the dcdb framework - · cassandra nosql database....

TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN Fakultät für Informatik Lehrstuhl für Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation THE DCDB FRAMEWORK A Scalable Approach for Measuring Energy Efficiency in HPC axel auweter Vollständiger Abdruck der von der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität München zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) genehmigten Dissertation. Vorsitzende(r): Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler Prüfer der Dissertation: 1. Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode 2. Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller Die Dissertation wurde am 23.10.2018 bei der Technischen Universität München eingereicht und durch die Fakultät für Informatik am 29.01.2019 angenommen.

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Page 1: The DCDB Framework - · Cassandra NoSQL database. Using an efficient way of storing time se-ries data using the Cassandra data model,

T E C H N I S C H E U N I V E R S I TÄT M Ü N C H E NFakultät für Informatik

Lehrstuhl für Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation


A Scalable Approach for Measuring Energy Efficiency in HPC

axel auweter

Vollständiger Abdruck der von der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen UniversitätMünchen zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines

Doktors der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)

genehmigten Dissertation.

Vorsitzende(r): Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler

Prüfer der Dissertation: 1. Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode

2. Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller

Die Dissertation wurde am 23.10.2018 bei der Technischen Universität München eingereichtund durch die Fakultät für Informatik am 29.01.2019 angenommen.

Page 2: The DCDB Framework - · Cassandra NoSQL database. Using an efficient way of storing time se-ries data using the Cassandra data model,

Axel Auweter

The DCDB FrameworkA Scalable Approach for Measuring Energy Efficiency in HPC

© May 2019

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Page 4: The DCDB Framework - · Cassandra NoSQL database. Using an efficient way of storing time se-ries data using the Cassandra data model,
Page 5: The DCDB Framework - · Cassandra NoSQL database. Using an efficient way of storing time se-ries data using the Cassandra data model,


During the past decades, numeric simulation has become an increas-ingly popular tool for scientists and engineers from a broad varietyof domains. In cases where the modeling of a problem requires largeamounts of compute or memory capacity, supercomputers come intoplay, which provide more than thousand times the compute and mem-ory capacity of regular desktop computers. One of the challengeswhen operating a supercomputer is power consumption, which ac-counts for a large fraction of the total cost of ownership. Since powerneeds to be delivered to the supercomputer and the generated heatneeds to be removed from the data center, the challenge of reducingthe power consumption of a supercomputer not only covers the ma-chine itself, but also the surrounding data center. Additionally, theselection of suited algorithms and configurable hardware parameterssuch as the processor frequency contribute to the power efficiency ofa supercomputer.

Key to reducing the overall power consumption of a supercom-puter and its surrounding data center infrastructure is the continuousassessment of the system’s state and the associated power consump-tion of individual system components: only with a detailed insightinto the system’s behavior, system operators and users can optimizethe system’s configuration and the application’s algorithms for re-duced power, increased performance, and thus improved energy effi-ciency. The system’s state comprises of physical parameters, such astemperatures, voltages, fan speeds, etc. as well as operating param-eters such as the application and its associated performance charac-teristics. Reduced costs for sensor equipment and higher temporalresolution cause more monitoring data to be generated and turn su-percomputer monitoring into a data processing challenge.

This thesis introduces DCDB, the Data Center DataBase. DCDB isa framework to collect, store, and analyze time series data capturedfrom the sensors in a supercomputer. DCDB builds on the distributedCassandra NoSQL database. Using an efficient way of storing time se-ries data using the Cassandra data model, DCDB installations scalealmost linearly in performance with the addition of more databaseservers. For an efficient analysis of derived metrics, DCDB providesa feature for defining virtual sensors that combine multiple physicalsensors as well as other virtual sensors using freely definable arith-metic expressions.

DCDB has been tested under real operating conditions on two pro-totype systems. On these systems, DCDB collected monitoring datausing both, traditional system monitoring mechanisms such as IPMI


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and SNMP, as well as mechanisms based on custom firmware, thatmade use of a new push approach to collecting data at high frequency.DCDB also integrated sensor data not only from the computer system,but also from the cooling infrastructure of the data center. On one ofthe two systems, DCDB was configured as a distributed installationwith 25 monitoring nodes. This way, DCDB could prove its scalabilityclaims: collecting monitoring data on all nodes in parallel was per-forming just as fast as the collection of 1/25 of the data on a singlenode.


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The work presented in this thesis has been performed as part of the Euro-pean research projects Mont-Blanc and DEEP. The two projects have receivedfunding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme[FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement numbers 288777 and 287530. Ideasand figures have appeared previously in the following project-related publi-cations:Auweter, A., Dózsa, G., Gelado, I., Puzovic, N., Rajovic, N. & Tafani, D. Mont-Blanc ProjectDeliverable 5.3: Preliminary Report on Porting and Tuning of System Software to ARM Architecturehttp : // montblanc - project . eu/ sites / default/ files / d5 . 3 _ preliminary_ report _ on _porting _system_software_to_arm_architecture_v1.pdf

Dózsa, G., Auweter, A., Tafani, D., Beltran, V., Servat, H., Judit, G., Nou, R. & Radojkovic, P.Mont-Blanc Project Deliverable 5.5: Intermediate Report on Porting and Tuning of System Software toARM Architecture

Tafani, D. & Auweter, A. Mont-Blanc Project Deliverable 5.8: Prototype demonstration of energymonitoring tools on a system with multiple ARM boards http : // montblanc - project . eu / sites /default/files/MB_D5.8_Prototype%20demonstration%20of%20energy%20monitoring...v1.0.pdf

Mantovani, F., Ruiz, D., Vilarrubi Barri, O., Martorel, X., Nieto, D., Auweter, A., Tafani, D.,Adeniyi-Jones, C., Gloaguen, H. & Utrera Iglesias, G. Mont-Blanc Project Deliverable 5.11: Finalreport on porting and tuning of system software to ARM architecture

Tafani, D. & Auweter, A. Mont-Blanc Project Deliverable 7.4: Concept for energy aware system mon-itoring and operation http://montblanc- project .eu/sites/default/files/D7 .4_Concept_for_energy_aware_system_monitoring_andoperation_v1_reduced.pdf

Meyer, N., Solbrig, S., Wettig, T., Auweter, A. & Huber, H. DEEP Project Deliverable 7.1: Datacentre infrastructure requirements

Meyer, N., Wettig, T., Solbrig, S., Auweter, A., Ott, M. & Tafani, D. DEEP Project Deliverable 7.2:Concepts for improving energy and cooling efficiency

Auweter, A. & Ott, M. DEEP Project Deliverable 7.3: Preparation of energy and cooling experimen-tation infrastructure

Auweter, A. & Ott, M. DEEP Project Deliverable 7.4: Intermediate Report on DEEP Energy Efficiency

Ott, M. & Auweter, A. DEEP Project Deliverable 7.5: Final Report on DEEP Energy Efficiency http:// www. deep - project . eu / SharedDocs / Downloads / DEEP - PROJECT / EN / Deliverables /deliverable-D7.5.pdf

Additionally, ideas and figures have appeared previously in the followingpublications:Auweter, A., Bode, A., Brehm, M., Huber, H. & Kranzlmüller, D. in Information and Communica-tion on Technology for the Fight against Global Warming (eds Kranzlmüller, D. & Tjoa, A. M.) 18–25

(Springer, 2011)

Wilde, T., Auweter, A. & Shoukourian, H. The 4 Pillar Framework for energy efficient HPC datacenters. Computer Science-Research and Development 29, 241–251 (2014)

Auweter, A., Bode, A., Brehm, M., Brochard, L., Hammer, N., Huber, H., Panda, R., Thomas, F.& Wilde, T. A case study of energy aware scheduling on SuperMUC in Supercomputing (eds Kunkel,J. M., Ludwig, T. & Meuer, H. W.) (2014), 394–409


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While the following thesis has been assembled solely by myself, manypeople have enabled and contributed to the research activities behindit. Therefore, I would like to highlight and thank a few of them in thefollowing paragraphs.

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincerest thanks tomy supervisor Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arndt Bode. I have met Prof. Bodeduring my first year in university attending his introductory class onComputer Architecture and Computer Engineering. Since then, Prof.Bode has provided me unprecedented support, guidance, and trustby employing me, first as student tutor, later as research associate. Hisexperience and remarkable skills in writing support letters have en-abled my acceptance into several study abroad, internship, and schol-arship programs. And despite being a full-time professor and headof the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy ofSciences and Humanities (LRZ) at the same time, he always foundthe time for a personal consultation.

Secondly, I would like to thank all my former colleagues and man-agers at LRZ as well as the staff members of Prof. Bode’s chair atTechnische Universität München (TUM). With no claim to complete-ness, I would like to thank in particular Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller,Dr. Victor Apostolescu, and Dr. Herbert Huber for providing me withthe necessary resources and guidance. Furthermore, I would like tothank Dr. Michael Ott, Dr. Torsten Wilde, Dr. Daniele Tafani, Dr. HaykShoukourian, Dr.-Ing. Carsten Trinitis, and Dr. Josef Weidendorfer fortheir valuable time during many discussions on how to make super-computers more energy efficient.

In addition, I would like to thank my managers and co-workers atMEGWARE Computer Vertrieb und Service GmbH, namely JürgenGretzschel, Steffen Eckerscham, André Singer, Sebastian Siegert, andKai Löhnig for their support during my finishing of this thesis.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for all their multi-facetedsupport along the way.


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1 introduction 1

1.1 The 4-Pillar Framework for Energy Efficient HPC DataCenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Optimized Data Center Building Infrastructures . . . . 4

1.2.1 Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.2 Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.3 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.3 Optimized HPC System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.4 Optimized HPC System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.5 Optimized HPC Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.6 Cross-Pillar Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 metrics for energy efficiency in hpc 15

2.1 Flops per Watt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2 Power Usage Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 Energy to Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.4 Other Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 the hpc system monitoring challenge 21

3.1 Existing Solutions for Standard System Monitoring . . 22

3.1.1 Nagios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.1.2 Icinga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1.3 Check_MK and Open Monitoring Distribution . 23

3.1.4 RRDTool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2 Performance Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.1 Score-P Based Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2.2 HPCToolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.3 ARM MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.4 Intel® VTune™ Amplifier and Trace Analyzer &Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3 Limitations of Existing Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.4 Addressing the Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.4.1 Integrated Monitoring with PowerDAM . . . . 29

3.4.2 Smart Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.4.3 Compressed Data Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.4.4 Distributed Data Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4 the dcdb framework 31

4.1 DCDB Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2 Apache Cassandra NoSQL Database . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.2.2 Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


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xii contents

4.2.3 User and Application Programming Interfaces . 35

4.3 Storing Time Series of Sensor Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.3.1 Mapping Time Series to the Cassandra Data Model 37

4.3.2 Data Types and Storage Conventions . . . . . . 38

4.3.3 Defining Sensor Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.3.4 Coping with Cassandra’s Wide Row Limits . . 40

4.4 MQ Telemetry Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.5 Collect Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.6 Sources for Sensor Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.6.1 IPMI Pusher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.6.2 SNMP Pusher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.6.3 sysfs Pusher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.6.4 File Pusher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.7 Sensor Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.7.1 Publishing Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.7.2 The DCDB Query Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.7.3 DCDB Unit Conversion Framework . . . . . . . 50

4.7.4 Integrable Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.7.5 Virtual Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5 test platforms 53

5.1 Mont-Blanc Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.1.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.1.2 DCDB Monitoring Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.2 DEEP Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.2.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.2.2 DCDB Monitoring Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6 tests & performance optimizations 65

6.1 Verifying the Mont-Blanc Power Measurement Setup . 65

6.2 Thermal Throttling on the DEEP System . . . . . . . . 67

6.3 Benchmarking DCDB’s Insert Performance . . . . . . . 70

6.4 Optimized Virtual Sensor Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . 72

7 conclusion & outlook 75

bibliography 77

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Figure 1 4-Pillar Framework for Energy Efficient HPCData Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Figure 2 Common Air Cooling Scheme in Data Centers 5

Figure 3 Overview of the sensor data acquisition andstorage process in the DCDB Framework. . . . 32

Figure 4 Example of a Cassandra column family storingthe examination results of students. . . . . . . 34

Figure 5 Example of the CQL approach on mapping SQL-like tables to the Bigtable data model. . . . . . 36

Figure 6 Structure of DCDB sensor IDs. . . . . . . . . . 39

Figure 7 Graphical overview of the Collect Agent tasksand data flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Figure 8 Definition of the 64-bit Device Location field inthe DCDB Sensor ID on the Mont-Blanc proto-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Figure 9 Definition of the 64-bit Device Location field inthe DCDB Sensor ID on the DEEP prototype . 63

Figure 10 Power consumption during execution of thepower cycle tests on the Mont-Blanc system . . 66

Figure 11 Time series of selected temperature sensors andCPU frequency during a HPL run on the DEEPprototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Figure 12 Analysis of the DCDB insert performance onthe DEEP Booster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


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Table 1 Comparison of Thermal Properties: Air vs. Water 6

Table 2 Power breakdown of a Intel® R1XXX server sys-tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Table 3 History of selected parameters in different Intel® serverprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Table 4 Out-of-band sensors on an Intel® S2600BP main-board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Table 5 Sensors of the Mont-Blanc prototype systemcollected by DCDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Table 6 Sensors of the DEEP prototype system’s BNCrelated sensors collected by DCDB . . . . . . . 60

Table 7 Sensors of the DEEP prototype system’s liquidcooling infrastructure collected by DCDB . . . 62

Table 8 Configuration of the Cassandra database ringstructure on the DEEP Booster . . . . . . . . . 64


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Listing 1 Creation of the sensor data table with CQL. . . 37

Listing 2 CQL statement for creating the configurationtable which holds all published sensors. . . . . 48

Listing 3 Definition of the DCDB unit conversion table. 50


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AC Alternate Current

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

BIC Booster Interface Card

BMC Baseboard Management Controller

BNC Booster Node Card

BSD Berkeley Software Distribution

CGI Common Gateway Interface

CMC Chassis Management Controller

CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner

DC Data Center

DCDB Data Center DataBase

DEEP Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform

DVFS Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling

EMB Ethernet Mother Board

FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array

HPC High-Performance Computing

HPL High Performance Linpack

I/O Input/Output

I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus

IC Integrated Circuit

IEC International Engineering Consortium

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library

ITU International Telecommunications Union

LAN Local Area Network

LRZ Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy ofSciences and Humanities


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acronyms xvii

MAC Media Access Control

MSR Machine Specific Register

OID SNMP Object Identifier

OS Operating System

PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express

RAPL Running Average Power Limit

RRD Round Robin Database

SDB Samsung Daughter Board

SMC System Management Controller

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SoC System on Chip

SPI Serial Peripheral Interface

TDP Thermal Design Power

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1I N T R O D U C T I O N

The use of computers has revolutionized the way for scientists to con-duct research today. Computers facilitate the acquisition and process-ing of large amounts of experimental data and facilitate the sharingand discussion of results among researchers from the same domainacross the globe. In addition, researchers in academia and industrycan rely on numeric simulation instead of conducting real-world ex-periments for the generation of new knowledge. The use of such vir-tual experiments is of particular interest when real experiments aretoo costly, too time consuming, too dangerous, or even simply im-possible to conduct. Replacing actual experiments with a computer-based simulation requires that the underlying physical principles areknown, proven, and modeled with sufficient accuracy. As of today,numerous scientific domains rely on numeric simulation: accordingto the usage statistics of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of theBavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (LRZ), LRZ’s comput-ers support researchers from various physics branches, meteorology,computational fluid dynamics, material sciences, life sciences, chem-istry, and many more [14].

High Performance Computing (HPC) or supercomputing comesinto play, when the computational or memory requirements for agiven numeric simulation exceed the capabilities of ordinary desktopcomputers. In recent years, the demand for HPC resources has beenconstantly increasing and according to market analysts like IDC [15]and Intersect360 [16], this trend will likely continue. In addition, thefact that the growth of supercomputer performance according to theTop500 List of Supercomputers [17] has outperformed Moore’s Law[18] for many years can be seen as another indicator for the rapidgrowth of the HPC market.

However, with the increase in supercomputer size and performancecomes an increasing demand for electrical energy. Today’s supercom-puters already consume power in the range of megawatts. As a con-sequence, increasing budgets have to be allocated for covering theelectricity costs. If this trend was to continue, power costs over thelifetime of a machine could – one day – outweigh hardware invest-ment costs. For economical and ecological reasons, it has thereforebecome necessary to seek for novel techniques and approaches in re-ducing supercomputer power consumption.

Besides the power consumption of the HPC systems themselves,the power consumption of other equipment in the data center hasattracted the attention of data center operators. Due to the principle


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2 introduction

Data Center Goal: Reduce Total Cost of Operation







y Pr



External Influences / Constraints

Building Infrastructure

Goal: Reduce Infrastructure Overhead

• Reduce power losses in the supply chain

• Improve cooling technologies

• Reuse waste heat from IT systems

• Verify actions taken by monitoring all relevant information

HPC System Hardware

Goal: Reduce Hardware Power Consumption

• Use newest semiconductor technologies

• Use of energy saving processor and memory technologies

• Consider using special hardware or accelerators designed for specific scientific problems

• Provide sensors for thorough power measurements

HPC System Software

Goal: Optimize Resource Usage, Tune System

• Provide workload management according to site goals

• Exploit the energy saving features of the platforms by tuning the systems with respect to the applications’ needs

• Shut down idle nodes • Monitor the energy

consumption of all components in the compute systems

HPC Applications

Goal: Optimize Application Performance

• Use the most efficient algorithms

• Use the best libraries (tuned and optimized for the system)

• Use most efficient programming paradigms

Figure 1: 4-Pillar Framework for Energy Efficient HPC Data Centers

of energy conservation, all electrical energy supplied to a supercom-puter is turned entirely into heat energy. At the expense of additionalelectrical energy, this excess heat has to be removed from the datacenter. Additionally, electrical losses in the power supply chain thatincur in transformers or uninterruptible power supply units also addto the final power bill.

1.1 the 4-pillar framework for energy efficient hpc data


To classify and structure all efforts related to energy efficiency in HPC,a framework is needed that encompasses all domains in which opti-mizations can be made to improve the overall energy efficiency whensolving scientific problems on a supercomputer. Not many attemptsfor this can be found in the literature.

Beloglazov et al. [19] have created a taxonomy of energy-efficientdata centers and cloud computing systems. According to their work,the contributing domains comprise of energy efficient applications,power-aware resource management systems, and energy efficient hard-ware. Although the data center and its infrastructure for power dis-tribution and cooling are briefly touched in their work as part of thehardware setup, the work of Beloglazov et al. has an IT-centric ap-proach, omitting the links between computing systems and the datacenter.

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1.1 the 4-pillar framework for energy efficient hpc data centers 3

Valentini et al. [20] created an overview on energy efficiency tech-niques in cluster computing systems. However, their publication onlysummarizes mechanisms for static and dynamic power managementand load balancing approaches. Although these have all been suc-cessfully implemented in order to reduce supercomputer power con-sumption, they omit the influence of the surrounding data center andthe HPC applications themselves on the overall energy efficiency.

At the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy ofSciences and Humanities, first ideas for an all-encompassing frame-work for energy efficient HPC data centers were expressed in 2011

[11]. In this work, three domains for energy efficiency in HPC werehighlighted: tools for energy monitoring and control, data center siteinfrastructure aspects, and system hardware and operation aspects.To incorporate the importance of HPC applications, this work wasrefined later into the 4-Pillar Framework for Energy Efficient HPCData Centers [12] and is shown in Figure 1. The four pillars in theframework are:

1. Building Infrastructure

2. HPC System Hardware

3. HPC System Software

4. HPC Applications

At first, the 4-Pillar Framework encourages for efficiency improve-ments within each of these four pillars with the goal of reducing thetotal cost of operation. It also gives some generic recommendationssuch as the need for thorough system instrumentation to assist in theanalysis of the system’s energy efficiency in the first place.

However, for fully optimizing the energy efficiency in HPC, opti-mizing within each pillar might not be sufficient. For this reason andbesides stressing the need for optimizations within each pillar, the 4-Pillar model also explicitly encourages cross-pillar optimizations. Forexample, the selection of the most efficient algorithm in a HPC appli-cation might vary depending on the type of HPC system hardwarethat is being used. Such cross-pillar optimizations are not only re-stricted to the four pillars that are within the scope of the data centeritself but may even extend to external entities such as the electricalutility provider or neighboring buildings that may become users ofthe data center’s excess heat.

The following sections give an overview of the four pillars and theirrole in the attempt to globally optimize the energy efficiency of highperformance computing.

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4 introduction

1.2 optimized data center building infrastructures

Data centers are functional buildings with the purpose of providingan ideal environment for IT equipment. Data center building infras-tructures thus comprise of equipment to supply IT hardware reliablywith electrical energy, to remove excess heat from IT equipment, toprovide air-conditioning including (de-)humidification, and to ensuresafe operations through physical access management and fire preven-tion, detection, and extinguishing systems. The extent of the mea-sures and techniques in place in a data center varies with the priori-ties of the data center’s goals and operators have to find a trade off be-tween computational and application performance, reliability, safety,flexibility, and costs. Although deemed necessary for professional IToperations, data center building infrastructures consume energy ontop of the IT equipment’s energy usage, inevitably adding energyto the list of trade off items. Optimizing data center infrastructurestherefore aims at reducing this overhead within the possibilities ofthe data center’s operational goals.

1.2.1 Power Distribution

Due to their high demand, large data centers are supplied with elec-tricity from high voltage networks (e.g. 20 kV) and operate their owntransformers to reduce this to their lower working voltage (e.g. 400V).Voltage transformation is never lossless. Still, savings can be achievedby adding or removing of parallel transformers to ensure that trans-formers are operating within their most efficient load range.

In addition to transformers, data centers may operate uninterrupt-ible power supply units, which filter out voltage or phase irregulari-ties of the power grid or supply backup power in case of a power out-age. Similar to the operation of transformers, uninterruptible powersupply units consume power on their own, resulting in a loss of effi-ciency. This can be avoided when critically reviewing the availabilityneeds and service level agreements of each service. Particularly inhigh performance computing, it is often advisable to abstain fromusing uninterruptible power supply units. If full power outages arerare, the additional costs over a system’s lifetime from restarting thesupercomputing applications after a power outage are lower than theoverhead costs of providing fully uninterruptible power to the super-computer.

1.2.2 Cooling

When looking at the breakdown of power consumption in data cen-ter buildings, cooling typically takes the largest fraction after the ITequipment [21]. Following the second law of thermodynamics, excess

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1.2 optimized data center building infrastructures 5

“Real” Floor

“False” Floor

Computer Room Air

Conditioning (CRAC) Unit

Figure 2: Common Air Cooling Scheme in Data Centers

heat must be removed from the data center by bringing in a coolantat lower temperature than the equipment to be cooled. In data cen-ters with air cooled computing equipment, this process can be doneas depicted in Figure 2. The compute equipment is located in racksstanding on a "false" floor. Through openings in the false floor, coldair can exit from the area below. This cold air is then sucked in bythe fans mounted in the compute equipment in order to cool the com-puter chips, power supplies, etc. The heated air then exits the rack onthe other side and rises to the ceiling. From there, it is sucked intothe Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) unit which uses coldwater in a water-to-air heat exchanger in order to cool the air beforeblowing it back into the area below the false floor.

Production of cold water to supply the CRAC units happens eitherthrough compressor based chillers, or – if outside conditions permit –directly from outside air. The latter concept is often referred to as "freecooling" although electrical energy is still required to drive pumpsand cooling towers that emit the heat from the water to outside air.Thus, the term "chiller-less cooling" should be preferred.

The reason for using water as medium for heat transfer betweencooling towers, chillers, and CRAC units lies in its superior thermalcharacteristics. A comparison of the thermal characteristics of air andwater at 20°C is given in Table 1 [22]. The two major properties of in-terest are the thermal conductivity λ and the thermal capacity cp. Sincethermal capacity is defined as a unit relative to substance mass, itmakes sense to look at the volumetric heat capacity which takes thedensity ρ of the substance into account. For the technical characteriza-tion of a cooling medium, both thermal conductivity and volumetricheat capacity play a similar role. Thus, in engineering, the definition

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6 introduction

Unit Air Water Factor

Thermal Conductivity Wm·K 0.026 0.598 23 x

Thermal Capacity Jg·K 1.006 4.185 4 x

Volumetric Heat Capacity kJm3·K 1.196 4178 3493 x

Thermal Inertia Jm2·K·


5.563 1581 284 x

Table 1: Comparison of Thermal Properties: Air vs. Water

of thermal inertia I has become popular, which is an artificial propertydefined as I =


Optimizing the cooling infrastructure in data centers can be per-formed in two ways. One option is to try extending the time periodin a year during which chiller-less cooling is possible. This can bedone either by improving the cooling tower efficiency through theuse of evaporative cooling or by raising the temperature set point forthe cooling water. The second option is to shorten or entirely removeair from the heat transfer chain by using direct liquid cooling tech-nologies in which water is brought straight to the hot computer com-ponents. Also, the efficiency of compressor based chillers has beensubject to constant improvements in the past. Chillers are character-ized by their energy efficiency ratio (EER) defined as the ratio of heatenergy removed Eh to the electrical energy spent Ee: EER = Eh/Ee.Although the EER of a chiller also depends on external factors suchas the recooling temperature (which depends on the outside temper-ature), modern chillers should achieve an average EER of at least 5.

1.2.3 Monitoring

Depending on the data center size and its application-specific require-ments, building infrastructures for data centers can become extremelycomplex. This results in an increased likelihood for misconfigurationsor undetected defects that lead to reduced efficiency. The best way tocope with this complexity is a thorough monitoring infrastructure.Being able to quickly assess the status of the building infrastructurethrough a central infrastructure management system has become es-sential for data center operators.

Monitoring of electrical energy can be performed through the useof shunt resistors and Hall effect sensors. A shunt resistor is a resistorwith a small resistance (Rs) compared to the resistance of the electricalload. It is placed in series with the electrical load, so that the currentflow I over the shunt resistor and the load are equal. When the voltage

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1.2 optimized data center building infrastructures 7

dropUs over Rs is measured, the current I can be derived from Ohm’slaw as:

I =Us


In combination with the voltage U of the power supply, the instanta-neous power P can be derived as P = U · I and the electrical energy Eis defined as the integral of P over time: E =


Hall effect sensors make us of the Lorentz force that diverts elec-trons in a conductor to one side, if the conductor is surrounded by aperpendicular magnetic field. The diversion of electrons results in ameasurable electric potential UH:

UH = AHI ·Bd



• AH: material dependent hall coefficient

• I: electrical current

• B: magnetic flux density

• d: thickness of the conductor (parallel to B)

This means that for hall effect based sensors with constant AH, B, andd values, the measurement signal UH is proportional to the electricalcurrent I. Thus, power and energy can be derived in similar fashionto shunt resistor based measurements.

For the instrumentation of cooling loops, heat meters can be used.Heat meters calculate the amount of thermal energy transferred froma system based on the inlet and outlet temperatures, as well as theflow rate of the heat transfer medium. The instantaneous heat powerPH in a cooling loop can then be calculated as:

PH = V · ρ · cw · (tout − tin) (3)


• V : flow rate of the coolant

• ρ: density of the coolant

• cw: specific heat capacity of the coolant

• tout: outlet temperature

• tin: inlet temperature

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8 introduction

Component Details Power

CPU 2x Xeon® E5-2697v3 297W

Main board S2600WT2 64W

Memory 8x 8GB DDR4 RDIMM 26W

High speed interconnect FDR InfiniBand 9W

Others chassis fans, power supply, . . . 151W

Table 2: Power breakdown of a Intel® R1XXX server system

The amount of thermal energy removed via a cooling loop is the inte-gral of PH over time: E =


Similar to any other monitoring system, special care has to be takenbefore trusting the numbers provided by any sensor. All sensors ofthe infrastructure management system should be calibrated and vali-dated in regular intervals. Instead of manually checking the sensors,it has proven useful to provide redundant instrumentation within thedata center infrastructure. For example, when monitoring electricalenergy delivered to a computer, the amount of heat energy removedfrom that computer should be monitored as well. Due to the principleof energy conservation, the amount of electrical and thermal energywill be equal. In case the measured values differ by more than whatis expected due to the measurement’s tolerance, further investigationinto the involved sensors has to take place.

1.3 optimized hpc system hardware

According to the Intel® WCP Family Power Budget and Thermal Con-fig Tool, the power consumption in an Intel® server system which iscomparable to the hardware of a compute node in the SuperMUCPhase II supercomputer [23] can be estimated as outlined in Table 2.This means that energy efficiency in today’s supercomputers is mostlydetermined by the power consumption of the central processing units(CPUs).

Like all computer chips, the dynamic power consumption P of aCPU can be approximated as

P = CV2f (4)


• C: capacitance of the chip

• V : operating voltage

• f: operating frequency

For the design of the power delivery paths to the CPU and theCPU’s cooling infrastructure, CPU manufacturers define the Thermal

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1.3 optimized hpc system hardware 9

Processor Year Process Base Frequency Voltage Range TDP

Pentium® II Xeon®1994 250nm 400MHz 2.0V 18.6W

Xeon®1.4 2001 180nm 1.4GHz 1.75V 64W

Itanium®2 1600 2004 130nm 1.6GHz n/a 122W

Xeon®2.8 2004 90nm 2.8GHz 1.2875V-1.4125V 103W

Xeon®5030 2006 65nm 2.66GHz 1.075V-1.35V 95W

Itanium®2 9040 2007 90nm 1.6GHz 1.0875V-1.25V 104W

Xeon® E5405 2007 45nm 2.0GHz 0.85V-1.35V 80W

Xeon® W3670 2010 32nm 3.2GHz 0.8V-1.375V 130W

Xeon® E5-2680 2012 32nm 2.7GHz 0.6V-1.35V 130W

Xeon® E5-2697v3 2014 22nm 2.6GHz 0.65V-1.30V 145W

Xeon® Gold 6140 2017 14nm 2.3GHz n/a 140W

Table 3: History of selected parameters in different Intel® server processors.Source:

Design Power (TDP), which describes the maximum average powerunder full load. Table 3 shows a comparison of selected Intel® serverprocessors over time with respect to their power-consumption relatedproperties. As the table shows, chip manufacturers have managedto scale down their semiconductor manufacturing processes to allowfor smaller transistors. This reduces the chip’s capacitance and dueto the smaller gate sizes, lower operating voltages are sufficient toswitch the transistors at the same speed. According to Equation 4,both effects lead to a reduction of power consumption as semicon-ductors shrink. Despite these optimizations of the power consumedper transistor, the thermal design power of CPUs has increased overtime since CPU manufacturers have stuck to the exponential growthof the number of transistors per CPU according to Moore’s law.

To compensate for the increased TDPs, all processor manufactur-ers nowadays provide techniques that allow for adapting processorperformance according to demand using dynamic voltage and fre-quency scaling (DVFS). This means that a CPU can change its op-erating frequency and supply voltage dynamically according to theapplication’s needs. The power consumption of the chip thus variesaccordingly.

Finally, chip makers make extensive use of power and clock gatingwhich allows for shutting down entire functional units on a chip orat least skip the supply of the clock signal in order to prevent anylogic gates from switching. Through the use of these technologies,the power consumption of a CPU and subsequently of the entire com-puter can vary significantly between idle and full load: An idle nodeof the type mentioned in Table 2 consumes about 50W of power.

Also, with the ability to adjust DVFS, it becomes possible to tradein application performance for power consumption. It is therefore

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10 introduction

important to equip HPC systems with thorough and precise powermonitoring capabilities that keep track of power and energy usagealong with other relevant metrics (i.e. CPU frequency). With this in-formation at hand, HPC system users and operators may tune thesystem for individual applications.

1.4 optimized hpc system software

The goal of the HPC system software stack is to provide workloadmanagement and to configure the system according to given policiesusing the hardware tuning and monitoring capabilities. Many well-established software solutions exist that perform workload manage-ment for optimal resource utilization (e.g. PBS, LSF, Slurm. . . ). Also,many software solutions exist for monitoring the system’s state andfor analyzing the system’s performance, which will be discussed ingreater detail in Chapter 3. However, when it comes to energy aware-ness in system management software, existing solutions today onlyallow for reporting the energy consumed by an application and pro-vide features to restrict the power consumption of a supercomputerin order not to exceed a predefined maximum (power capping). As oftoday, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre is one of few HPC centersthat uses energy aware resource management software. On the Super-MUC supercomputer [23], LoadLeveler is used to adapt the processorfrequencies according to the applications’ needs [13].

The area of HPC system software has large potential for futuredevelopments in the field of energy efficient HPC. Only at the sys-tem management software level, a global view of the many parallelprocessing units of a supercomputer is available. Thus, proper orches-tration of a HPC system’s energy-related tunables can only happenhere.

Furthermore, future HPC system software can have links from andto the building infrastructure management software or even to theutility providers allowing to optimize globally across all pillars ofthe 4-pillar model. This facilitates building a supercomputing center,which increases its usage and power consumption whenever there issufficient power available in the grid (i.e. prices are low) while lower-ing usage and power consumption during times when less power isavailable and prices are high.

1.5 optimized hpc applications

Optimizing HPC applications for energy efficiency is a straightfor-ward task because, in almost all cases, optimizations for applicationperformance also yield optimizations in energy efficiency.

The theory behind this claim is as follows: energy is the integralof power over time and optimizing the application performance aims

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1.6 cross-pillar optimizations 11

at reducing the execution time of a program. Thus, reducing the ex-ecution time of a program automatically reduces the energy, unlessthe power consumption increases at the same time to the same extent.However, the power consumption of a computer has both, a lowerboundary (i.e. the power consumption when the system is idle) andan upper boundary (i.e. the maximum thermal design power of thesystem). Thus, for any HPC program that already causes the machineto run at or near its maximum power, the power consumption cannotincrease. Optimizing the runtime of such program will therefore re-sult in a reduction of its energy consumption.

As a consequence, energy aware application developers should crit-ically review their algorithms, avoid load imbalances in their parallelcodes, and rely on numerical libraries that are optimized for their sys-tems. Additional software development techniques that specificallytarget the reduction of the energy consumption of algorithms such assignificance based computing [24] are only emerging and beyond thescope of this thesis.

1.6 cross-pillar optimizations

Like other supercomputing centers, the Leibniz Supercomputing Cen-tre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities has an or-ganizational structure that resembles the 4-Pillar model in that thereare organizational units for the building infrastructure, hardware op-erations, system software, and application support. And, it is safeto assume that the techniques for optimizing the energy efficiencywithin their scope are well known within each team. However, be-sides these optimizations within each pillar, a global view or, ideally,a global optimization scheme is required that acts across all pillars. Ifdata center operators fail to do so, optimizations performed withinone pillar may have negative impacts on the energy efficiency withinanother pillar.

A prominent example for this effect is the common recommenda-tion to raise the computer room temperatures. At first, this approachmay sound promising since a higher computer room temperature re-sults in reduced chiller activity and longer periods in a year in whichchiller-less cooling is possible. However, although the new temper-ature in the room might still conform to the specifications of the ITequipment, servers, power supplies and other components with built-in fans might increase their fan speeds as a reaction to increased tem-peratures of their air inlets. Since the power consumption of a fan is acube function of the fan speed and airflow, increased fan speeds willcontribute measurably to the electricity bill.

Another example is related to the reuse of excess heat. At LRZ,heat produced by HPC systems is being used to heat the office build-ings in winter. As an attempt to make use of the heat during summer

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12 introduction

time, LRZ has deployed two prototypes (CooLMUC 1 & 2) that useadsorption refrigerators in which the excess heat drives a chiller pro-cess. As a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, energycan only be recovered from a warm medium during the process oftransferring the heat from the warm reservoir into a cold reservoir.The Carnot theorem defines an upper bound for the efficiency of thisprocess:

ηmax = 1−TCTH



• ηmax: maximum efficiency of the excess heat reuse process

• TC: temperature of the cold reservoir (in Kelvin)

• TH: temperature of the hot reservoir (in Kelvin)

The theorem shows that the efficiency of every process driven by ex-cess heat is bound by the difference between TC and TH. The onlyrecooling medium that is commonly available in unlimited form isoutside air. This means that TC is determined by the outside air tem-perature and as such beyond engineering control. The only way to in-crease the efficiency of the heat reuse process is to increase TH. In thecontext of supercomputer waste heat, this means that the outlet tem-perature of the computer cooling infrastructure has to be increased.Increasing the outlet temperature can be done by either increasingthe inlet temperature or by reducing the volume flow of the coolant.In both cases, the compute equipment that has to be cooled will runat higher temperatures. Equation 4 gave an approximation of the dy-namic power consumption of a processor, i.e. power that is spent totoggle the transistors within the chip. However, in addition to thatdynamic power, computer chips consume a static amount of power(leakage power) that mainly depends on the semiconductor manufac-turing process and the chip temperature: higher temperatures resultin higher leakage power. Joining the leakage power challenge and theefficiency challenge of the heat reuse process, one ends up with an op-timization problem: On one hand, higher temperatures will improvethe heat reuse process. On the other hand, higher temperatures comeat the cost of higher power consumption of the computer. The furtheranalysis if this problem on the CooLMUC 2 supercomputer can befound in [25].

Unfortunately, the extent to which the operating temperature in-fluences the leakage power of a computer is hard to predict upfrontas it is related to the semiconductor manufacturing process and thechip’s internal voltages among others [26]. Thus, the described opti-mization problem can only be solved through practical experimentswhich span building infrastructure components (heat reuse process),

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1.6 cross-pillar optimizations 13

HPC system hardware (leakage power characteristics), and systemsoftware (monitoring energy balance).

Both examples in this section show that a cross-pillar view is nec-essary for further optimizing the energy efficiency of HPC data cen-ters. This thesis covers a fundamental requirement of generating suchcross-pillar views: a scalable system monitoring infrastructure capa-ble of integrating sensor information from sources across all pillars.

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2M E T R I C S F O R E N E R G Y E F F I C I E N C Y I N H P C

The 4 Pillar Framework is a useful tool to map various activities inimproving the energy efficiency in HPC. It can be used to identifythe respective stakeholders and to manage cross-pillar interactions.However, it does not provide means of quantifying the success of theactions taken. For this purpose, different metrics have gained varyingpopularity.

2.1 flops per watt

When it comes to HPC, the Flops per Watt metric is still one of themost widely used approaches to describe the energy efficiency of aHPC system. As the name indicates, it puts into relation the achievedsustained number of floating point instructions per second (Flops)with the power consumption of the machine during the run. A widelyaccepted benchmark to use as a measurement for Flops is the HighPerformance Linpack (HPL) benchmark that is used for the Top500

list. The resulting Green500 list [27] ranks the systems listed in theTop500 list according to their Flops per Watt ratio. With 22 releasesto date (as of November 2017), the Green500 is a widely acceptedranking and energy efficiency in terms of Flops per Watt has becomea deciding criteria for many supercomputer procurements.

Criticism related to the metric centers around the use of HPL as un-derlying benchmark and the vague requirements regarding the mea-surement granularity and accuracy. HPL is a benchmark that solvesa large system of linear equations using LU decomposition. As such,it is easy to parallelize and mainly targets the performance of theCPUs while other factors influencing supercomputer performancesuch as network or I/O performance are not honored adequately.It also largely benefits from single instruction multiple data (SIMD)style architectures. While this has been seen as a typical referencecase for HPC applications years ago, modern HPC applications arefar more complex causing an increasing gap between system perfor-mance according to HPL and the performance of real-world applica-tion codes.

The second aspect that is often criticized concerning the Flops perWatt metric and the Green500 list is related to measurement quality.In the original power measurement tutorial published in 2007 [28],only few requirements were given regarding the measurement pro-cedure and quality. The underlying assumption at the time was thatsupercomputer power consumption is homogeneous across different


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16 metrics for energy efficiency in hpc

nodes and over time during the same workload. Thus, the originalrules allowed for measuring only a fraction of the system during arelatively small time interval of the HPL run.

With the increasing use of power measurement equipment in super-computers, it became evident that HPL power consumption variessignificantly over time. Therefore, the Energy Efficient High Perfor-mance Working Group (EE HPC WG) [29] initiated a discussion onimproving the measurement methodology. The resulting guidelines[30] address the weaknesses of the original measurement tutorialwhile still recognizing that supercomputing sites and systems featuredifferent types of measurement instrumentation with varying degreesof measurement quality. Thus, a key aspect of the new guidelines isthe definition of three levels of measurement quality ranging fromlevel 1 ("adequate") via level 2 ("moderate") to level 3 ("best") depend-ing on aspects such as the measurement granularity, machine fractioninstrumented, and the list of subsystems included in the measure-ment. The EE HPC WG methodology is under constant refinementusing a transparent change management process.

Despite the success of the EE HPC WG’s efforts in raising aware-ness in the field of accurate power measurement instrumentation,most systems in the Green500 provide a level 1 reading only. Thismay, at least partly, be due to the fact that level 1 measurementstypically yield better Flops per Watt results than level 2 or level 3

measurements [31].

2.2 power usage effectiveness

As opposed to the Flops per Watt metric, which targets the energy ef-ficiency of a supercomputer system, Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)[32] is a metric for entire data centers. It was introduced by The GreenGrid [33], an industry association promoting resource and energy effi-ciency in the information and communication technology sector. PUErelates the total energy consumption of a data center to the energyconsumption of the IT equipment:

PUE =Total Facility EnergyIT Equipment Energy


IT Equipment Energy is the amount of the energy spent on servers,storage and networking equipment. Total Facility Energy comprisesof the IT Equipment Energy and all other energy consumed in thedata center such as cooling equipment, power delivery equipment,lighting, heating, and many others. Due to this, the theoretical bestPUE for a data center is 1.0 indicating that there is no energy beingspent for the data center building infrastructures and all energy isbeing consumed by the IT equipment only.

At the time of introduction in 2006, many data centers would ex-hibit a PUE of more than 2. However, due to the strong promotion

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2.3 energy to solution 17

of PUE by The Green Grid, the necessity to lower the infrastructureoverhead in data centers is now widely known among data centeroperators and modern data centers can be designed for PUE valuesof 1.5 or better.

Although the definition of PUE is clear, PUE is challenging to mea-sure in practice, mostly due to a lack of availability of measurementpoints. While this may not be problematic for keeping track of im-provements within someone’s own data center, any attempt to com-pare the PUE values of different data centers is unlikely to withstanda closer examination.

Another common mistake related to PUE is to use it as an encom-passing metric for data center energy efficiency. This is wrong becausePUE makes no statement regarding the efficiency of the IT equipmentitself (e.g. Flops per Watt): putting an old supercomputer into a brandnew data center has the potential of a low PUE, yet the overall energyefficiency might have gotten even better by renewing the machineinstead of the data center.

Finally, optimizing solely for PUE might introduce inefficiencieselsewhere. Let’s reconsider the cross-pillar optimization example fromChapter 1: the computer room temperature was raised to save powerin the data center infrastructures, yet the increased fan speeds withinthe computer hardware caused an increase in IT power consumption.For the PUE value, this shift from cooling power to IT power is a clearbenefit, despite the uncertainty regarding the overall benefit from theapproach. To address this problem of PUE, Patterson et al. introducedTUE [34], which restricts the IT Equipment Energy part of the equa-tion to the components within the IT equipment that contribute tothe computation or storage (CPUs, memory. . . ). Unfortunately, thismakes TUE even harder to measure, because the detailed power in-strumentation required for such measurement can only be found insystems, which are specially designed for this purpose.

2.3 energy to solution

From a supercomputer operator’s perspective, neither Flops per Wattnor PUE are fully satisfactory. The goal for supercomputing centersis to maximize the scientific value of the computations while mini-mizing computation costs. This implies that the computing resourceshave to be used effectively, generating as many results with high im-pact for the HPC users in their respective research domain as possi-ble during a system’s lifetime. Unfortunately, none of the two metricsFlops/Watt and PUE, nor their combination satisfy this need. Thecosts for running supercomputing applications comprise mainly ofthe application development costs (typically beyond the scope of thesupercomputing center), personnel costs at the supercomputing site,machine write-off costs, and electricity costs. Assuming that the maxi-

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18 metrics for energy efficiency in hpc

mization of the scientific output is in the natural interest of the super-computing users and restricting the total costs to their energy relatedparts yields Energy To Solution: the amount of energy spent to executea given supercomputing application to deliver a scientific computa-tion’s result.

Energy to Solution is a metric that allows for comparison betweendifferent supercomputers and supercomputing centers and, thus, it isalso suited for rating the overall energy efficiency of a supercomput-ing center for a given application.

A challenge, however, is to accurately measure Energy to Solution.While a fraction of the total energy consumed by a supercomputingapplication is easy to measure (i.e. the sum of energy consumed by allcomputing nodes involved in the calculation), other components suchas background storage, or networking gear, as well as infrastructurecomponents such as chillers, cooling towers, or pumps can be sharedamong multiple systems. In these cases, a true measurement to deriveEnergy to Solution is impossible. One approach to mitigate this is tosplit up the energy consumed by such shared devices using approx-imative models that try to derive the fractional energy consumptionper supercomputing application. To attribute the networking energyconsumption to multiple programs running in parallel on the samesupercomputer over a shared network, one could, for example, usethe number of networking packets sent and received per applicationas a base metric from which the fraction of energy consumed in thenetworking equipment per program is derived.

The challenge of shared resources is likely the reason why all com-mercial solutions for monitoring per-job Energy to Solution in HPCsolely rely on node-level energy measurements and ignore sharedcomponents such as storage, networking, and the building infrastruc-tures.

2.4 other metrics

In addition to the aforementioned metrics, one may consider othermetrics as relevant for the assessment of energy efficiency in HPC:

energy reuse effectiveness (ERE) is an extension to PUE thatallows for subtracting any energy from the total facility energythat is being reused, e.g. for heating. Therefore, as opposed toPUE, ERE may take a value smaller than 1.0.

water usage effectiveness (WUE) is another metric developedat The Green Grid. It relates the use of water to the total facilityenergy. Considering that in some geographical locations, wateris a scarce resource, the approach to evaporate water in orderto increase cooling tower efficiency may be unfavorable. Andeven in regions with sufficient access to water, pre-treatment of

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2.4 other metrics 19

the water (e.g. de-hardening) before evaporation also requiresenergy.

data center workload power efficiency (DWPE) combinesPerformance per Watt for arbitrary workloads with a systemand data center specific PUE [35]. With this, DWPE is highlyencompassing and honors that depending on the type of work-load, certain computer architectures might be more efficientthan others and that the same system will behave differentlywhen being operated in another datacenter.

.An observation that holds for all metrics related to energy effi-

ciency in HPC is that the actual assessment of the metrics requiresa combination of multiple data sources, often over long time periods.Therefore, the following chapter analyzes the current state in systemmonitoring and performance analysis for capturing, storing, and pro-cessing information from system sensors that are necessary to deriveabove metrics.

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3T H E H P C S Y S T E M M O N I T O R I N G C H A L L E N G E

System monitoring for HPC imposes a multifaceted challenge. Whilefor some purposes the tools originating from the commercial serverdomain may be applicable to HPC systems, the size of HPC systemsand the stronger need for detailed insight into application perfor-mance often require special solutions for HPC. Traditionally, systemmonitoring activities can be divided into two parts:

live checking comprises of all means to periodically check theavailability of a system or its services.

time series monitoring consists of all activities related to col-lecting, analyzing, and storing information related to variousoperational metrics of the system over time.

Time series monitoring information for IT systems covers data in-dicating the physical conditions of the machine (i.e. temperatures,fan speeds, bit error rates. . . ), application performance data (cyclesper instruction, number of cache misses. . . ), and in many recent sys-tems also power consumption information. Means of access to systemmonitoring data for generating time series can be grouped into twocategories:

in-band access exposes sensor information to the system softwareand possibly also to the applications running on the computehardware. On the hardware level, data is transferred from thesensors to the CPU for in-band access via PCIe, I2C, SPI, orother busses. The OS kernel accesses these busses using mem-ory mapped I/O or machine specific registers (MSR) and ex-poses the data to the user via procfs, sysfs, or other interfaces.

out-of-band access relies on external monitoring systems andseparate read-out paths that do not interfere with the systemsoftware and compute hardware executing the workload. Forthis purpose, server systems provide baseboard managementcontrollers (BMCs) that operate independently from the maincompute hardware on a node. In most cases, dedicated monitor-ing servers access the BMCs through a distinct management net-work using special protocols like the Intelligent Platform Man-agement Interface (IPMI) to collect the sensor information.


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3.1 existing solutions for standard system monitoring

Standard System Monitoring consists of the activities and tools thatenable a system’s administrator to

• observe the physical operating conditions of an IT system,

• measure and analyze simple performance metrics over time,and

• be alerted in case of system hardware errors or unavailability ofservices.

This is a common requirement in the area of IT infrastructures andservices that operate 24/7. Thus, many software tools exist in thisdomain. Since the goal of these tools is only to provide the systemadministrator an overview over the general health condition of theirhardware and services, the spatial and temporal resolution of thesetools is coarse: monitored entities are restricted to the most relevantones and data is acquired in intervals of minutes. Only in case ofanomalies, it is expected that the system administrator performs acloser inspection of the affected entities to identify any potential is-sues.

This section introduces the most widely used tools for standardsystem monitoring today: Nagios, Icinga, and CheckMK.

3.1.1 Nagios

Nagios [36] is considered the de-facto standard for IT systems moni-toring. It is released as open-source software under the GPL v2 licensebacked with commercial support by Nagios Enterprises LLC [37].

In Nagios, the "Nagios Core" implements the basic functionalitysuch as an inventory of devices (servers, switches. . . ) to be moni-tored. Through a variety of publicly available "Nagios Plugins", theNagios Core can trigger live checks on network hosts (host check)or network services (service check) and collect time series data fromvarious sources. Due to its plugin based approach, users can easily ex-tend Nagios with their own plugins for customization. In addition tothese active checks (i.e. checks triggered by the Nagios Core), Nagiossupports passive checks in which external processes can implementand trigger host or service checks at their own discretion and submittheir result to the Nagios Core.

Although Nagios can run several checks in parallel by forking fromthe core process for each check, the centralized approach of the sin-gle Nagios core imposes a limit on scalability in large IT environ-ments. To mitigate this problem, Nagios implements a dependencylogic, which allows to model links between services and hosts. In ad-dition to performing checks at regular intervals, this logic can trigger

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3.1 existing solutions for standard system monitoring 23

checks on-demand whenever a host or service status changes. Systemadministrators may therefore configure Nagios to only check certainservices at regular intervals and have Nagios check the hosts associ-ated with a service only when the service status changes. In essence,this feature can be considered as a lightweight implementation of aCMDB1.

While reducing the load on the Nagios core through dependentchecking is possible and effective for live-checking applications, itcannot be used for collecting time series data in which all data pointsare to be kept for later analysis. Thus, the base Nagios feature set fordealing with time series data is limited, albeit various Nagios pluginsexist that store and visualize time series data through the help ofRRDTool (see Section 3.1.4).

3.1.2 Icinga

Icinga [39] originally started as a fork of Nagios. The Icinga projectintegrated a series of patches originating from the community andprovided a more modern graphical user interface than Nagios. Mean-while, Icinga 2 has been released. It has been written from scratch andaims at modernizing the monitoring core. A notable improvement inIcinga 2 is the support for distributed monitoring and high availabil-ity features. Still, Icinga 2 remains compatible with the Nagios pluginarchitecture for providing host and service checks and thus suffersfrom the same performance limitations as Nagios when it comes toexecuting these checks from a single monitoring node.

Similar to Nagios, storing and visualizing time series data is doneusing RRDtool.

3.1.3 Check_MK and Open Monitoring Distribution

The scalability challenge in Nagios and Icinga lies in the centralizedcore, which has to trigger all active checks. Even though the checksare forked out and may run as separate processes in parallel to thecore, the design results in a single server having to initiate manyconnections to perform the host and service checks.

The Check_MK [40] project started as a plugin to Nagios which im-proves the case in which the Nagios core has to check for multiple ser-vices on the same node. Instead of checking the node’s services oneafter another, Check_MK relies on a node-side script that performs allthe checks locally and generates a summarized report containing allnode status reports. This summarized report can then be transferred

1 CMDB: Configuration Management DataBase – according to IT infrastructure guide-lines such as ITIL® [38] or ISO 20000, a configuration management database modelsall configuration items (hardware, services, applications. . . ) and their relationships.

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in a single connection, thus freeing the Nagios core from the effort ofhaving to initiate at least one connection per service.

Assuming a properly crafted node-side script to generate the sum-marized report, Check_MK can automatically detect all services run-ning on a node and configure Nagios automatically. This featureproves very powerful in environments where nodes are re-provisionedfrequently and the need of adapting the Nagios configuration uponeach re-provisioning becomes superfluous.

The Check_MK team also develops Multisite, another web-basedgraphical user interface to Nagios. Multisite integrates seamlesslywith the Check_MK approach of auto-configuring service checks andmakes the monitoring setup including users, groups, roles, and accessrights configurable through the web browser interface.

Since a full setup of a monitoring server from scratch including Na-gios, Check_MK, and Multisite can become cumbersome due to thenumerous dependencies on external libraries and tools, the authorsof Check_MK combine all their tools including third party depen-dencies into a single distribution, the Open Monitoring Distribution(OMD). With OMD installed, administrators can set up entire Na-gios/Check_MK installations with a single command line operation.

Although Check_MK improves the scalability of Nagios further, itstill relies on the central Nagios core for collecting all monitoringinformation, implying that the number of monitored hosts can notbe extended indefinitely. Also, for storing and visualizing time seriesdata, Check_MK sticks to the use of RRDtool.

3.1.4 RRDTool

Due to its use in Nagios, Icinga, and many other applications, theRound Robin Database tool [41] is probably the most widely usedtool to store and visualize time series data. A few key features ofRRDtool explain its popularity for system monitoring:

the round robin storage scheme with pre-allocated data filescauses the RRDtool disk usage to stay constant ensuring thatthe monitoring servers do not run out of disk space.

automatic aggregation for older data allows for keeping aver-aged or otherwise aggregated values at lower temporal resolu-tion allowing to trade in resolution with storage duration underconstrained disk space.

a powerful graphing tool for generating time series graphs ofthe data stored in the round robin database files.

RRDtool is licensed under the GNU General Public License andships as a set of command line utilities. Support for the Common

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Gateway Interface (CGI) ensures seamless integration of up-to-datetime series graphs into web based graphical user interfaces.

RRDtool works entirely file based and thus relies on the underly-ing file system for implementation details related to concurrent accessand locking. While this simplifies the implementation of RRDtool sig-nificantly, it means that any use of RRDtool in a larger environmentwith shared file systems is automatically limited by the locking andmetadata performance of the file systems. Since all operations on theRRD databases require the execution of a command line program thatgoes through the cycle of opening, locking, writing or reading, andclosing the file, all RRDtool operations impose a significant overheadover other database management systems that run continuously asservice daemons allowing for caching data in memory until commit-ting a full batch of data to background storage in one single operation.This, in conjunction with the fact that RRDtool uses Unix epoch timestamps internally (with a temporal resolution of 1 second), makesRRDtool unsuited for storing high-frequency time series data.

3.2 performance analysis tools

In high performance computing, as the name implies, application per-formance plays an important role and is therefore subject to thoroughanalysis. For this purpose, processors are equipped with special regis-ters, called hardware performance counters. Processors can be config-ured to use the hardware performance counter registers to count theoccurrence of certain events such as retiring of instructions or cachemisses.

The combination of these hardware performance monitoring capa-bilities with other software performance analysis techniques, such assampling based call graph analysis or source code instrumentationallow for an in-depth analysis of the performance behavior of an ap-plication. Over the years, several tools have evolved that collect andvisualize application performance data to assist HPC application de-velopers in further optimizing their codes.

Since performance analysis tools aim at closely correlating the col-lected data with the execution of the application, performance anal-ysis tools traditionally collect performance data in-band. Thus, con-ducting application performance analysis always comes with a per-formance impact on the running application and developers of per-formance analysis tools strive to minimize that impact.

This section briefly introduces some of the most common tools forapplication performance analysis. Scalasca, Vampir, Periscope, and Tauare based on the common Score-P framework for collecting applicationperformance data. HPCToolkit, ARM MAP, and Intel® VTune™ AmplifierXE ship with their own implementation for application data collec-tion.

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3.2.1 Score-P Based Tools

Score-P ("Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Par-allel Codes") [42] is the underlying data acquisition layer for a varietyof performance analysis tools. It supports various HPC programmingparadigms ranging from traditional MPI and OpenMP to CUDA andOpenCL.

Score-P works by instrumenting the code at compile time with callsto a library that collects event trace data into trace files using theOTF2 (Open Trace Format 2) file format or call-path based profilingdata using the Cube 4 profiling data format. Writing the applicationperformance data to files using a standard file format allows for do-ing performance analysis of the exact same run using different tools,meaning that application developers do not need to re-run applica-tions multiple times under different performance analysis tools. Inaddition to writing application traces and application call-path pro-files to files, Score-P also provides an online interface over TCP/IP.

The following tools rely on Score-P for performance data acquisi-tion:

scalasca [43] [44] is a BSD licensed performance analysis tool, de-veloped at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Technische Uni-versität Darmstadt, and the German Research School for Sim-ulation Sciences. It is designed particularly for large-scale sys-tems breaking down the collected data along a 3-dimensionalperformance space: (M× P× S) where

M represents the set of performance metrics of interest

P represents the set of program locations (e.g. functions)

S represents a view of the system (e.g. set of nodes)

The Cube viewer (Scalasca’s graphical user interface) helps iden-tifying performance issues by implementing a colored schemethat quickly helps identifying the spots in the performance spacewith the largest room for improvement.

vampir [45] is a graphical performance analysis tool developed atTechnische Universität Dresden. It displays the collected appli-cation performance data either as time series or in statisticalsummary charts.

periscope [46] is a performance analysis and tuning framework de-veloped at Technische Universität München. Instead of doingpost-run analysis of the data sets generated by Score-P, it usesthe online interface of Score-P to adapt and refine the set of mon-itored properties during the application run. An Eclipse plugincan be used for visualizing the generated data.

tau (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) [47] [48] is a performance analy-sis toolkit developed at the University of Oregon. The profiling

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capabilities of TAU are comparable to other performance analy-sis tools, including various options for generating graphs fromthe performance data. In addition, however, TAU also providesa code analysis package that performs static code analysis.

3.2.2 HPCToolkit

HPCToolit [49] [50] is a BSD-licensed performance analysis packagedeveloped at Rice University. It uses statistical sampling to deriveits performance metrics and, thus, does not require applications tobe recompiled for profiling. Nevertheless, if required by the appli-cation developer, HPCToolkit provides an API to interface with thesampling process from within the application.

In addition to these profiling features, HPCToolkit supports theuser in correlating the application’s binaries with the original sourceto understand the optimizations performed by the compiler (functioninlining, loop unrolling, vectorization. . . ). This is particularly usefulin identifying code sections with degraded performance due to miss-ing optimizations of the compiler, despite the application developerswrongly assuming the compiler to be able to optimize the given sec-tion.

Besides providing standard metrics from hardware performancecounters and other common sources, HPCToolkit also allows for defin-ing "derived metrics" which allows the user to define arbitrary arith-metic expressions that combine existing metrics into new ones.

HPCToolkit also provides a graphical user interface that helps invisualizing performance metrics either based on code and call tree oras time series.

3.2.3 ARM MAP

ARM MAP [51] (Allinea MAP in days preceding the acquisition ofAllinea by ARM Ltd.) is a commercial profiling tool that is part of theARM Forge tool suite. Similar to HPCToolkit, it performs applicationprofiling by statistically sampling the running application. Therefore,it also does not require the application to be recompiled or otherwiseannotated.

A recent feature in ARM MAP is the ability to correlate applica-tion performance with power consumption. For this, ARM MAP sup-ports various sources for power or energy measurements, such as theIntel® RAPL interface.

3.2.4 Intel® VTune™ Amplifier and Trace Analyzer & Collector

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier [52] in conjunction with the Intel® Trace An-alyzer & Collector form another set of commercial profiling tools.

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Data acquisition is performed using statistical sampling similarly toHPCToolkit and ARM MAP. VTune™ Amplifier covers node-level anal-ysis including OpenMP parallel codes, whereas the Trace Analyzerhook into the MPI layer to profile MPI communication.

Similar to ARM MAP, these tools now also support the correlationof application performance with power consumption data.

3.3 limitations of existing solutions

As shown in this chapter, a multitude of tools exists for system andperformance monitoring and analysis. Regarding the requirementsfor calculating metrics described in Chapter 2 such as Energy to So-lution, however, limitations of these tools become apparent. All afore-mentioned tools suffer from a limitation in scope in that they donot natively support the integration of information from the build-ing infrastructure domain. Additionally, while the system monitor-ing tools can be configured to monitor multiple supercomputing sys-tems, meaning that they can have a global system view, they do nothave an understanding of the temporal allocation of supercomputerresources to applications or users. On the other hand, performanceanalysis tools work on a per-application and per-user basis, but lacka more global view across applications or even systems.

While in theory, application performance data captured by Score-P or other performance analysis tools could be fed into the systemmonitoring solutions, the limited scalability of the Nagios Core orRRDTool would render such an attempt impractical. Additionally, theperformance impact of an always-on performance monitoring infras-tructure would reduce throughput and increase operational costs be-yond feasibility.

3.4 addressing the limitations

Due to the limitations of existing system and performance monitoringsolutions, research at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre has yieldedapproaches to address these limitations. The basic goal of these effortsis to remove the spatial and temporal restrictions of existing tools

• by integrating IT and building infrastructure monitoring data,

• by accessing more information sources and sensors, and

• by researching ways of efficiently organizing data for improvedscalability.

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3.4 addressing the limitations 29

3.4.1 Integrated Monitoring with PowerDAM

PowerDAM [53] is LRZ’s software for integrating conventional su-percomputing system monitoring with building infrastructure mon-itoring and resource management. It collects sensor data from vari-ous sources spanning multiple HPC systems and LRZ’s building in-frastructure management systems for cooling and power distribution.Data is collected from all sources once per minute and stored in aMySQL database.

With the integration of building infrastructure data, PowerDAMis capable of providing live PUE information for SuperMUC, LRZ’sTier-0 supercomputing system. In addition, the connection to LRZ’sresource management tools LoadLeveler and Slurm, enables Energyto Solution measurements for each application or summarized energyconsumption reports per user. For shared resources such as coolingand networking, PowerDAM can split the energy consumed of theshared resource according to configurable parameters.

PowerDAM has large potential in addressing the limitations of tra-ditional system monitoring solutions when it comes to assessing thesupercomputing center’s energy efficiency. However, relying on a sin-gle, centralized database introduces inherent scalability limitationseffectively limiting the further scale of PowerDAM to include moresystems or increase sampling frequency for sensor data.

A tool similar in functionality to PowerDAM is DataHeap [54] de-veloped at Technische Universität Dresden.

3.4.2 Smart Data Acquisition

Tackling the scalability challenge for systems collecting vast amountof data can be done in various ways. One of the smartest concepts isto avoid the storing of unnecessary data.

The PerSyst tool [55] developed at LRZ provides always-on per-formance monitoring for all applications running on LRZ’s super-computers. To minimize its overhead, PerSyst acquires performancemonitoring data every 10 minutes for a 30 second period as researchhas shown that this interval is sufficient for a general overview ofthe performance behavior of an application. To additionally limit theamount of storage space required for the collected data, PerSyst fea-tures a smart data acquisition scheme. This scheme causes PerSystto start with monitoring only high-level performance properties ( cache misses). In case one of the monitored properties exceedsa configurable threshold, PerSyst automatically refines the measure-ment to include additional properties (e.g. level 1 and level 2 cachemisses). Through this concept, data is only stored when it is relevantdue to an excursion over the predefined threshold. For fully opti-mized applications, only a minimal set of data is stored at all whereas

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for applications with performance problems, all relevant propertiesare kept for later analysis.

3.4.3 Compressed Data Storage

In addition to only store relevant data, PerSyst also implements acompression scheme for its data. Instead of storing the raw values foreach property on each node, PerSyst collects the per-property datafrom all nodes, sorts the values in ascending order and only storesthe values of the deciles across the resulting distribution. Within thePerSyst database, the deciles are associated with the accounting in-formation of the running application. Since key aspects of the appli-cation’s behavior are directly visible from the distribution function,the stored data is still sufficient to generate meaningful reports forapplication developers despite the "lossy compression" employed onthe performance monitoring data.

3.4.4 Distributed Data Storage

Unfortunately, the concepts of PerSyst are only partially applicable toPowerDAM. As opposed to CPU performance counter data, powermonitoring and other system monitoring data (voltages, tempera-tures, fan speeds. . . ) is often requested in its full time series per sen-sor. Also, omitting data at the time of acquisition requires upfrontknowledge on the expected values and dependencies between differ-ent data sources. Since data center wide integrated monitoring forenergy efficiency is a relatively new field of research, little is knownabout the dependencies and interactions. It therefore makes sense tocollect as much data as possible for later analysis.

With the centralized database being the bottleneck in PowerDAM,the best approach to solving the scalability problem is to move to adistributed database. Of particular interest in this context are NoSQLdatabase systems that give up on the traditional atomicity, consis-tency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties of traditional rela-tional database management systems as the loosening of these proper-ties allows for distributed database systems that exhibit performancescaling almost linear to the number of database nodes.

The following chapter introduces Data Center DataBase (DCDB), aframework that builds on the distributed Cassandra NoSQL databasefor scalable collection of system monitoring data.

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4T H E D C D B F R A M E W O R K

The Data Center DataBase (DCDB) framework is a concept and sup-porting software toolset for building highly scalable time series mon-itoring infrastructures. DCDB can integrate an almost arbitrary num-ber of sensors from a multitude of different sources with a temporalresolution of up to 1 nanosecond. In the design of DCDB, scalabilityhas always been first priority. The following aspects of DCDB con-tribute to its scalability:

the apache cassandra nosql database has a very restrictivedata model and loosens ACID compliance resulting in a data-base management system that exhibits nearly linear scalabilitywhen increasing the number of database servers.

a push model based on the lightweight MQ Telemetry Transport(MQTT) protocol is used instead of the traditional pull modelsfor acquisition of sensor data. This eliminates the need for acentral server that initiates sensor readings at regular intervalsand allows for a change of value approach for updating sensorvalues in addition to classical periodic updates.

local storage – global analysis means that DCDB promotessetups in which the time series data is kept relatively close to itssource. E.g. supercomputers could operate one database nodeper rack that stores this particular rack’s sensor data, avoid-ing the congestion of networks with high frequency monitoringdata. Due to the distributed nature of the database, analyzingthe data across multiple database nodes, however, is no differ-ent from analyzing data from a single database node. In appli-cations such as system monitoring, where the number of data-base inserts often outweighs the number of reads, this approachsignificantly lowers the amount of monitoring related networktraffic.

4.1 dcdb overview

Figure 3 provides a high level overview of the DCDB data acquisitionand storage process.

Sensor data originating from a variety of sources is sent into DCDBvia the MQTT protocol. A Collect Agent receives each sensor readingand, if not already done at the data source, associates a time stamp


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32 the dcdb framework

Distributed Apache Cassandra


Collect Agent Collect Agent …

Custom Monitoring (e.g. custom firmware)

Standard Server Monitoring

IPMI Pusher

In-band System Monitoring

Network Device Monitoring

SysFS Pusher


SNMP Pusher BACNet PusherMQTT


IPMI over Ethernet

In-band SysFs reads

SNMP over Ethernet

BACNet over Ethernet

Figure 3: Overview of the sensor data acquisition and storage process in theDCDB Framework.1

to it. The Collect Agent then stores the data in one of the Cassandradatabase nodes.

Whenever needed, additional instances of Collect Agents and da-tabase nodes can be configured to distribute the load of incomingdata.

To avoid any loss of information that may result from early modi-fication of sensor data (e.g. scaling, averaging. . . ), users of DCDB areencouraged to push sensor data into DCDB in its raw form. DCDBfacilitates the handling of data in raw formats by providing built-inmeans of scaling the data and converting units. Through the defi-nition of virtual sensors, users can create additional data series thatcombine data from multiple sensor sources.

For retrieving the stored data, DCDB provides the dcdbquery com-mand line utility. Using the dcdbplot utility, this data can be turnedinto time series graphs. All DCDB command line utilities rely on theshared dcdblib library which may also be used to develop customapplications that work with the data stored in DCDB. All functionsprovided by dcdblib will be referred to as DCDB API.

4.2 apache cassandra nosql database

Apache Cassandra [56] is a cross-platform, distributed database man-agement system. It is written in Java and licensed under the ApacheLicense. Cassandra development is managed by DataStax, Inc. [57],a Santa Clara based company that also provides commercial releaseswith additional features and commercial Cassandra support.

1 The image of Tux, the official Linux mascot used in this figure is artwork by LarryEwing and The GIMP.

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4.2 apache cassandra nosql database 33

4.2.1 History

The Cassandra data model was initially proposed by Google, Inc.under the name Bigtable [58]. In 2006, Google, Inc. published theBigtable concept and described its use in powering various Googleservices. Despite giving a clear description on the data model, Googledid not release its Bigtable software to the public.

Lacking a publicly available implementation of the Bigtable con-cept, Cassandra development was started at Facebook, Inc. One of thecore developers, Avinash Lakshman, had previously worked for Ama-zon’s DynamoDB NoSQL database. Probably for this reason, Cassan-dra also provides features originally found in DynamoDB such as thedata replication model.

In 2008, Facebook, Inc. released Cassandra as open-source software.Shortly after the release, Cassandra got accepted into the Apache Soft-ware Foundation’s incubator program. In 2010, Cassandra graduatedinto the list of top-level projects of the Apache Software Foundation.

Another attempt of reimplementing the Bigtable concept is madein the HBase [59] project. HBase is also part of the Apache softwarefoundation and has a stronger focus on Bigtable compatibility thanCassandra. Meanwhile, Google has also made their own Bigtable im-plementation available to customers of their cloud services with anHBase compliant API.

4.2.2 Data Model

In comparison to traditional relational database management systems,the Cassandra data model is very restrictive. For example, Cassandradoes not support joins on different data sources. In return, all op-erations within Cassandra are inherently scalable and performanceincreases nearly linearly with the number of database nodes.

The fundamental concept of Cassandra’s data model is to store datain rows with a unique row key. All data operations on the databaserequire the row key to be specified. For each row, Cassandra keepsa list of columns consisting of a column name and value. Columnsare automatically sorted in ascending order according to their namewhich enables Cassandra to perform range queries on column names.

Similar to the concept of tables in a relational database, multiplerows and their columns are officially called a "column family" in Cas-sandra terms. Yet, the term "table" is used synonymously with theterm "column family" in Cassandra’s syntax and documentation. Forseparating different applications, Cassandra supports grouping mul-tiple column families in keyspaces.

In addition to column name and value, each column also containsa timestamp of when the data was written and, if needed, also a timeto live entry for automatically retiring data after a predefined period.

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34 the dcdb framework


Calculus I Discrete Mathematics

Statistical Analysis I

B A A-


Calculus I Calculus II Discrete Mathematics

Programming Course

A B+ A- B-

Columns (Exam, Grade)

Row Keys (Student ID)

Figure 4: Example of a Cassandra column family storing the examinationresults of students.

As opposed to the table model in relational databases, column namesdo not need to be identical across rows.

Figure 4 provides an example of modeling the examination resultsof students as a Cassandra column family. The unique student IDsare used as row keys, the course names act as column names. Columnvalues contain the grades. It shows that column names do not need tobe identical across rows as well as the automatic ordering of columnsby name.

Since all data operations require the row key to be specified, datacan be split according to their row key onto different database servers.Using a hash function that evaluates in constant time, each row keycan be mapped onto a binary value of 128 bits. This hash functionfor row keys is called a partitioner since it defines the partitioning ofrows onto multiple database servers. Subsequently, the term "parti-tion key" is used synonymously with the term "row key". For the par-titioning, each server is assigned a certain interval in the 128 bit valuespace of the hash function. In the default configuration of Cassandra,a partitioner is used that results in a relatively random distributionfor various types of data. This setup is meant for cases where a set ofdatabase servers shares the total load and the partitioning providesincreased storage space and throughput. Alternatively, Cassandra im-plements a byte-ordered partitioner that does not implement a hashfunction, thus, mapping unsigned integer values of row keys directlyonto the configured database server partitions. Only with the byte-ordered partitioner, Cassandra supports range queries on row keysin addition to range queries on column names. In return, use of thebyte-ordered partitioner requires Cassandra users to take special careof the load balancing through data distribution within their applica-tion logic.

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Besides distributing data over multiple servers, Cassandra also pro-vides means for data replication. Replication yields increased perfor-mance in a distributed setup since multiple servers can serve the samedata in parallel. In addition, replication is an obvious approach forincreased data availability. Cassandra allows the configuration of areplication factor for each keyspace and then automatically handlesthe copying of data onto multiple nodes. Since replication does nothappen synchronously, conflicting inserts into the database can be re-solved by comparing the time stamps associated with each column.For retrieving data, users can configure a quorum that has to be metfrom multiple database nodes before column data is returned to theuser.

4.2.3 User and Application Programming Interfaces

For interfacing with external applications, Cassandra provides mul-tiple interfaces. Until Cassandra version 0.8, the only method for in-teracting with Cassandra were remote procedure calls (RPC) over aThrift-generated interface. Apache Thrift [60] is a software that gen-erates RPC interface bindings for different programming languagesfrom a common interface definition file. Through the use of Thrift,Cassandra databases could be used in applications written in C++,Java, Python, PHP, and many others. The Thrift API for Cassandrawas based on the direct manipulation of low level database objects.As such, programmers had to deal with implementation details suchas the internal timestamps that Cassandra uses to resolve concurrentconflicting inserts into the database.

To overcome the complexity of the Thrift API, Cassandra 0.8 in-troduced the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) [61]. CQL has simi-larities to the Structured Query Language (SQL) used by traditionalrelational database management systems. However, CQL only pro-vides a subset of the SQL syntax, restricting the syntax to functional-ities that are available within the limits of the underlying Cassandradata model. Still, CQL facilitates the practice of mapping SQL-liketable schemas onto the schema-less Bigtable data model using com-pound row and column names as illustrated in Figure 5. Along withthe introduction of CQL, the Cassandra developers added a new net-working protocol for interfacing with Cassandra databases using theCQL language. Due to the open-source nature of Cassandra, bindingsfor many programming languages (C++, Java, Python, PHP. . . ) havebeen developed that expose the new CQL-based interface to applica-tion programmers. Following contiguous improvements of CQL, theThrift interface has been removed in Cassandra version 3.

Besides the application programming interfaces, Cassandra shipswith a set of command line tools for administration and data ma-nipulation. The cqlsh tool provides a CQL shell for the immediate

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Eva 33 Sarah 38








John 36 Ellen 31 Chris 39

University StudentID Name Credits

LMU 2883020 Eva 33

LMU 2883026 Sarah 38

TUM 1043292 John 36

TUM 1043293 Ellen 31

TUM 1043294 Chris 39

CQL table representation CREATE TABLE students ( University text, StudentID int, Name text, Credits int, PRIMARY KEY (University, StudentID) )

Bigtable representation

Figure 5: Example of the CQL approach on mapping SQL-like tables to theBigtable data model.

execution of CQL queries. The nodetool command provides adminis-trative functions for Cassandra clusters such as database repairs andload monitoring.

4.3 storing time series of sensor data

Cassandra provides extreme scalability at the cost of a significantlyreduced data model. Thus, the concept of using Cassandra for storingsensor data promises to be successful if a method is found to describethe problem of handling time series of sensor data within the Cassan-dra data model. The following section describes such a method andthe presumptions leading to it.

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4.3 storing time series of sensor data 37

4.3.1 Mapping Time Series to the Cassandra Data Model

For the storing of time series containing sensor data, one can makethe following assumptions on the usage pattern:

• Each sensor has a unique identifier S.

• Each entry in the database is a triplet (S, T ,V) with T being thetime of the reading, and V being the sensor’s value at time T .

• A full (S, T ,V) triplet is provided for every valid insert (i.e. thereare no inserts consisting just of S and T without V).

• For a given sensor S at a given time T , there must be no morethan one value V .

• Queries into the database have the form (S, [T0, T1]) → (T ,V)∗

with S being the sensor’s identifier and [T0, T1] being the timeinterval of interest between start time T0 and end time T1. Thequery result (T ,V)∗ is a list of timestamp-value pairs (T ,V) forthe sensor S in the requested time interval.

The assumption that sensor identifiers S are unique fulfills a neces-sary constraint for using S as row keys in Cassandra. Additionally,according to the usage pattern described above, S is always knownfor both, inserts and queries. This is a sufficient requirement for usingS as row keys. With the intrinsic ordering of columns in Cassandraand the resulting support for range queries on column names, thecolumn name fields provide the best location to store timestamps T .This leaves the column’s value field for the sensor’s value V .

To achieve this mapping of S to row keys, T to column names, andV to column values, DCDB uses the following CQL statement forcreating the sensor data table:

Listing 1: Creation of the sensor data table with CQL.



This CQL statement creates a new table named sensordata withthree fields:

• The sensor identifier S (sid)

• The time stamp T (ts)

• The sensor value V (value)

Through the PRIMARY KEY (sid, ts) statement, Cassandra will auto-matically use the values of the sid field as row keys and the valuesof the ts field as column names.

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The COMPACT STORAGE directive in the statement is an optimizationflag that reduces the disk space required for the table. In return, CQLtables created with COMPACT STORAGE directive can only contain onefield besides the primary key fields and altering the table definitionafter its creation is not allowed.

4.3.2 Data Types and Storage Conventions

The CREATE TABLE statement from Listing 1 also defines the datatypes used for storing sensor data within DCDB.

In DCDB, the sensor identifier S stored in the sid field is repre-sented as a binary structure of 128 bits. Unfortunately, Cassandraonly provides data types for storing integer numbers of up to 64 bits.It does, however, provide the BLOB data type that represents a con-tainer for binary data of arbitrary size. Thus, in DCDB, the sid fielduses the BLOB data type and DCDB’s application logic ensures that allvalues are exactly 128 bits wide. In conjunction with the byte-orderedpartitioner, the value in this field then also enables control over thestorage location of a sensor’s data row.

The time stamp T stored in the ts field is defined as data of typeBIGINT. The BIGINT data type in Cassandra holds signed integer val-ues with 64 bits precision. In computing, processing time informationusing integer values is common practice as it allows for faster oper-ations on time data than processing time represented as characterstrings. For example, UNIX timestamps are defined as integer valuesrepresenting the elapsed time in seconds since the UNIX epoch (Jan-uary 1, 1970). To facilitate interfacing with other applications usingUNIX timestamps while, at the same time, increasing the temporalresolution, DCDB uses nanoseconds since UNIX epoch within the ts

database field. Similar to UNIX timestamps, DCDB timestamps repre-sent time in UTC. This ensures that the DCDB timestamp function ismonotonic rising which avoids possible issues related to time zonesand daylight savings time.

DCDB also uses the BIGINT data type for representing the sensorvalues V in the value field. This is a debatable choice, since sensordata often originates from analog sensors measuring temperatures,voltages, etc. for which floating point data might seem more appropri-ate. However, in current computing equipment, the conversion fromthe analog measurement to a digital value is done in tiny microcon-trollers that do not support the processing of floating point values inhardware. To work around this hardware limitation, microcontrollerdevelopers could implement floating point support in software whichcomes with a significant performance penalty. Therefore, the use ofintegers representing multiples of the actual base unit (e.g. millivoltsinstead of volts, tenths of °C instead of °C, . . . ) is used instead.

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With the goal of collecting data directly from as many sources aspossible and with respect to the missing floating point capabilitiesof most microcontrollers, DCDB uses integers for storing sensor data.Since this yields to DCDB storing data in a variety of different units,DCDB supports transparent conversion of units when reading datafrom the database. The DCDB unit conversion framework will be ex-plained in Section 4.7.3.

4.3.3 Defining Sensor Identifiers

128 bit

DCDB Sensor ID

64 bit 32 bit 16 bit 16 bit

Device Location Device Identifier RSVD Sensor Number

Figure 6: Structure of DCDB sensor IDs.

As explained in the previous section, DCDB sensor identifiers are128 bits wide to match with Cassandra’s internal representation forrow keys. DCDB assumes that sensors are contained in devices (e.g.compute nodes, network switches. . . ). It also assumes that devices arecharacterized by their physical location and a unique device identifierthat persists even when the device is relocated to a different physicalposition.

Figure 6 shows, how DCDB sensor identifiers are composed to re-flect this model:

device location describes the (unique) physical location of thedevice. Users of DCDB are free to assign their own scheme ofencoding a physical location into this 64 bit wide field. However,since this field makes up for the most significant bits of thesensor identifier, it directly influences how Cassandra will splitsensor data onto different database nodes. Users must thereforebe careful in modeling device locations in a way that allowsmapping this data to nearby Cassandra database nodes.

device identifier holds an identifier that is unique to a devicewhich is independent from its position, i.e. it persists even whenthe device is moved to a different location. For example, deviceidentifiers can be derived from a device’s MAC address or se-

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rial number. Being able to track devices independent from theirphysical location is key to an efficient analysis of data center op-erations: for example, when tracking down issues of insufficientcooling, it is important to know whether the problem is withinthe device (i.e. broken fan) or from the device’s location (i.e. hotspot due to turbulences in the room’s cooling air distribution).

rsvd is a reserved field. It will be described in the next paragraph.

sensor number is an identifier of the sensor within a device. Thisnumber can be assigned arbitrarily by DCDB users, although itis recommendable to use the same sensor numbering schemesacross similar devices.

4.3.4 Coping with Cassandra’s Wide Row Limits

Cassandra encourages the use of wide rows, that is rows with manypairs of column name and value per row key. However, Cassandraalso carries a design limitation that the number of cells per row maynot exceed 2 billion. When running DCDB for a long time or whenincorporating sensors with a high read-out frequency, this limit couldbe reached. In order to work around this limitation of Cassandra,DCDB transparently inserts a time based hash into the sensor ID. Thishash, also referred to as week stamp is calculated for every insert asthe number of weeks since the UNIX epoch for the given timestampT . The week stamp is then imprinted into the sensor ID’s 16-bit wideRSVD field. With this concept, the identifier S stored in the sid field fora given sensor will change every week. Thus, the Cassandra limitationof cells per row no longer imposes a global limit on the number ofdata points per sensor. Instead, DCDB’s limitation is now 2 billiondata points per week per sensor, which is reasonably large.

Calculating the week stamp transparently upon every insertion ofa data point only consists of one division and the bit arithmetic toinsert the week stamp into the sensor ID. More work has to be done,however, for honoring the week stamp during queries into the sensordata store since a query may span multiple weeks and the sensor’stime series has to be assembled from multiple rows within Cassandra.However, DCDB has all the necessary functionality implemented tohandle inserts and queries without the need for DCDB users to beaware of the week stamp concept.

4.4 mq telemetry transport

To collect sensor data from various sources, DCDB relies on the MQTelemetry Transport (MQTT) messaging protocol [62]. MQTT was in-vented in 1999 and originated from a collaboration between IBM andEurotech. In 2015, MQTT has been adopted as an OASIS standard

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4.5 collect agent 41

[63] and in 2016, MQTT has been adopted by the ISO/IEC technicalcommittee on information technology2.

The MQTT protocol is designed to be lightweight and simple touse. Also, the small size of the reference implementation allows forusing it even on tiny microcontrollers.

In its original form, MQTT uses a publish-subscribe model in whichMQTT clients connect to a broker. A client then either publishes mes-sages to the broker or subscribes to the broker with a list of topicsof interest. It is then the broker’s responsibility to forward all mes-sages that it receives according to the clients’ subscriptions. In thecurrent implementation of DCDB, however, the intermediate use ofa broker and explicit subscriptions to topics does not take place. In-stead, any MQTT message sent into DCDB will result in an insertionof the sensor data contained within the message into the database.Yet, by sticking to the MQTT message format, DCDB can be extendedto interact with other MQTT-capable tools without problems in thefuture.

Each MQTT message consists of a message topic and a messagebody. Within the DCDB framework, the message topic is a characterstring, representing the 128 bit sensor ID in hexadecimal notation.For increased readability (e.g. to separate the device location, deviceidentifier, and sensor number fields), the number may be split usingforward-slash characters. The RSVD field in which DCDB will placethe week stamp can contain arbitrary data as it will be overwritten byDCDB.

For the message body, DCDB supports two different formats, de-pending on whether the device sending the message has the capabil-ity to provide time stamp information or not. In case the message orig-inates from a data source that has no access to accurate real time clockinformation, the message body solely consists of a 64 bit number rep-resenting the sensor’s current reading. Upon receiving the message,DCDB will assign the current time to the reading and insert it intothe database. If the message originated from a data source that hasthe ability to provide real time clock information, DCDB also acceptsa list of timestamp-value pairs within the message body. The list ofvalues will then be inserted into the database with the provided times-tamps. The latter message format also allows for transferring multi-ple data points within the same message, thus reducing the protocoloverhead per data point and increasing the data insertion bandwidth.

4.5 collect agent

The previous sections explained how DCDB stores time series datausing the Cassandra database and how the MQTT protocol is usedto transmit sensor data. This section introduces Collect Agent, which

2 ISO/IEC 20922:2016

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Collect Agent

Simple MQTT Server

Accept Threads

Listen for new incoming MQTT connections

Message Threads

Receive MQTT messages from multiple connections

Message Decoder

Cassandra Backend

Issuing a series of insert commands into the database using DCDBlib library routines

MQTT Clients

connects to Collect Agent

via TCP/IP

Accept thread hands over the established connection to the next

available message thread or spawns a new message thread

new client





MQTT clients push sensor data at their discretion towards the Collect

Agent’s simple MQTT server

Decoding of MQTT message topic string to 128-bit Sensor ID

Decoding of MQTT message body into timestamp-value pairs


Topic ID: 0000 0000 0000 0000


Topic T

x x x x


x x x x

insert (ID, T, V) insert (ID, T, V) insert (ID, T, V) insert (ID, T, V) insert (ID, T, V) insert (ID, T, V)

The series of insert commands is processed by

the Cassandra database

Figure 7: Graphical overview of the Collect Agent tasks and data flow

is the software component of DCDB that receives sensor data fromMQTT messages and writes it into the Cassandra database.

Collect Agent is a C++ program designed to run as a server dae-mon. During the startup, Collect Agent uses the DCDB API to con-nect to the Cassandra database. Once connected, it ensures that allkeyspaces and column families are present and creates them, if nec-essary. It then starts its internal MQTT server. The MQTT server ofCollect Agent implements a subset of MQTT commands sufficient toreceive MQTT messages with sensor data. Upon receiving of a MQTTmessage, Collect Agent tries to decode the message topic string intoa 128 bit sensor ID by stripping any forward-slash characters. Oncesuccessful, Collect Agent checks the message payload to determinewhether the message consist of just a value, a timestamp value pair,or a series of timestamp value pairs. It then uses its existing connec-tion to the Cassandra database to insert the data into the sensordata

column family. Figure 7 visualizes the Collect Agent’s componentsand the associated data flow.

For increased performance, Collect Agent implements a threadeddesign. Each socket on which Collect Agent listens for incoming con-nections runs in its own thread. Once a client connects to the MQTTserver, the connection is being handed over to one of multiple con-nection handling threads. In oder to optimize thread usage, each con-nection handling thread is capable of working multiple concurrentconnections. Both Collect Agent and the underlying libraries for ac-cessing Cassandra are implemented in a thread-safe fashion so that

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4.6 sources for sensor data 43

the insertion of data up until the actual database operation can beperformed in parallel.

Large DCDB installations will run multiple Cassandra databasenodes as well as multiple instances of the Collect Agent. A reason-able approach is to run Collect Agent and its associated Cassandraservice on the same server. However, for increased performance, thetwo can also be run on separate servers.

4.6 sources for sensor data

Recent years have seen a contiguous decline in cost, size, and powerconsumption in sensor technology and associated measurement elec-tronics. This trend has enabled market growth for cyber-physical sys-tems and is accompanied with marketing labels such as the Internetof Things (IoT) and Smart Sensors. DCDB was designed for such en-vironments and the deliberate choice for MQTT as the protocol fortransferring sensor data was made due to the popularity of MQTT inthe IoT scene and its generally wide support.

In an ideal DCDB monitoring setup, one would rely solely onsmart sensors that contain a microcontroller capable of establishingIP-based connections to the Collect Agent. The sensor would then beassigned a Sensor ID and, once it is powered up and connected tothe network, push its information autonomously towards the CollectAgent.

On today’s high performance computers, however, any monitoringsystem has to work with existing protocols and data paths for theacquisition of sensor data. Widely used protocols are IPMI and SNMPfor accessing out-of-band data. As an example to demonstrate theamount of information from a single compute node, Table 4 lists allsensors on a current popular HPC platform that are available out-of-band via IPMI. In-band data is often available from the Linux sysfsand proc pseudo file systems.

To cope with these existing infrastructures, a set of Pushers hasbeen developed. The Pushers are software components within DCDB,which interface between the existing methods for data acquisition andthe DCDB scheme of pushing data via MQTT messages.

4.6.1 IPMI Pusher

The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is an industrystandard for server management [64]. The IPMI standard is adminis-tered by Intel®. Meanwhile, more than 200 companies have adoptedor contributed to the IPMI standard or are registered otherwise asindustry promoters [65].

The documents describing the IPMI standard are publicly avail-able. They describe the hardware configuration and internal commu-

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Sensor Value Sensor Value Sensor ValueBB Inlet Temp 27 degrees C P1 Therm Margin -58 degrees C System Event Log 0x00

BB BMC Temp 33 degrees C P2 Therm Margin -61 degrees C System Event 0x00

BB CPU1 VR Temp 34 degrees C P1 Therm Ctrl % 0 percent Button 0x00

BB CPU2 VR Temp 32 degrees C P2 Therm Ctrl % 0 percent BMC Watchdog 0x00

BB MISC VR Temp 36 degrees C P1 DTS Therm Mgn -48 degrees C VR Watchdog 0x00

BB Outlet Temp 34 degrees C P2 DTS Therm Mgn -51 degrees C SSB Therm Trip 0x00

System Airflow 24 CFM P1 DIMM Thrm 1 -42 degrees C BMC FW Health 0x00

LSI3008 Temp 29 degrees C P1 DIMM Thrm 2 -53 degrees C NM Capabilities 0x00

SSB Temp 35 degrees C P2 DIMM Thrm 1 -44 degrees C Auto Shutdown 0x00

HSBP PSOC 27 degrees C P2 DIMM Thrm 2 -54 degrees C PS1 Status 0x00

Exit Air Temp 34 degrees C Agg Therm Mrgn 1 -26 degrees C PS2 Status 0x00

LAN NIC Temp 38 degrees C Agg Therm Mrgn 2 -33 degrees C P1 Status 0x00

Sys Fan 1A 13410 RPM HSBP Temp 24 degrees C P2 Status 0x00

Sys Fan 1B 13950 RPM Riser 1 Temp 29 degrees C CPU ERR2 0x00

Sys Fan 2A 13320 RPM Riser 2 Temp 26 degrees C CPU Missing 0x00

Sys Fan 2B 13857 RPM BB +12.0V 12.10 Volts VRD Hot 0x00

MTT CPU1 0 percent BB +3.3V Vbat 3.02 Volts PS1 Fan1 Fail 0x00

Sys Fan 3A 12870 RPM Mem 1 VRD Temp 32 degrees C PS1 Fan2 Fail 0x00

MTT CPU2 0 percent Mem 2 VRD Temp 27 degrees C PS2 Fan1 Fail 0x00

Sys Fan 3B 14043 RPM EV CPU1VR Temp 31 degrees C PS2 Fan2 Fail 0x00

PS1 Input Power 299 Watts Pwr Unit Status 0x00 Mem P1 Thrm Trip 0x00

PS2 Input Power 13 Watts Pwr Unit Redund 0x00 Mem P2 Thrm Trip 0x00

PS1 Curr Out % 10 percent IPMI Watchdog 0x00 Voltage Fault 0x00

PS2 Curr Out % 0 percent Physical Scrty 0x00 HDD 0 Status 0x00

PS1 Temperature 27 degrees C FP NMI Diag Int 0x00 HDD 1 Status 0x00

PS2 Temperature 27 degrees C SMI Timeout 0x00 HDD 2 Status 0x00

Table 4: Out-of-band sensors on an Intel® S2600BP mainboard

nication paths of IPMI compliant computer systems as well as theinterface and protocol for out-of-band communication with outsidemonitoring and management systems.

The central element in any implementation of the IPMI standard isthe baseboard management controller (BMC). The BMC is a system-on-chip device running a full multi-tasking operating system. It isconnected to many of the server’s internal system management bussesand emulates common input/output devices such as a video screenand keyboard to forward screen contents and keyboard input be-tween the server and remote management clients. Using this, systemadministrators can remotely see screen content and send commandsto the server already during the system’s early initialization phases,even before regular networking to the server has been configured.

Multiple software development kits for developing IPMI firmwarefor BMCs are available and various open-source software librariesexist to interact with IPMI compliant BMCs over a system-internalconnection as well as remotely over a serial connection or LAN. IPMInetwork connections make use of the user datagram protocol (UDP),and thus require additional error handling means in the applicationlogic.

For the DCDB framework and its monitoring purposes, only theIPMI subsystem that provides access to system sensors is relevant.IPMI Pusher is a C++ application that accesses the IPMI sensors us-

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ing the routines provided by the OpenIPMI library [66]. It featuresthe ability to connect to multiple BMCs at once using a threaded de-sign with one thread per connection. A configuration file contains thehostnames and login credentials of all BMCs. It also contains a list ofsensors to be queried as well as the desired sensor readout frequency.A central thread maintains a priority queue that contains all sensorsto be queried as well as the time of the next reading. Once the nextreading is due, the due entry is taken from the priority queue andthe thread handling the respective BMC is notified to initiate a readsensor request. After this, the time of the next reading is calculatedbased on the configured readout interval of the sensor and the sensoris re-inserted into the priority queue.

Since BMC requests are performed asynchronously, response mes-sages from the BMCs can arrive at any time. Whenever a successfulsensor reading arrives at one of the BMC connection managementthreads, the thread assigns a timestamp to the reading and initiatesthe creation of a MQTT message containing the sensor ID and thevalue. The MQTT message is then sent to the Collect Agent.

4.6.2 SNMP Pusher

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an industrystandard communication protocol for managing IT devices over anetwork. In contrast to IPMI, which is designed explicitly for re-mote server management, SNMP features a simpler and more genericdesign. With the exception of special SNMP trap messages, SNMPimplements a simple master-slave communications approach. In theSNMP terminology, the master (i.e. a management server) is calledmanager whereas the slaves (i.e. a SNMP capable network switch) arecalled agents.

The manager communicates to the agents using get and set com-mands to read or change values in the device. Values accessible viaSNMP can be configuration options, sensor readings, or general in-formation such as the vendor, device type and firmware version ofa device. To access a given value, the manager needs to specify thevalue’s object identifier (OID) in the request. For this, SNMP relieson a global unique OID space as established jointly by the Interna-tional Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Orga-nization for Standardization’s International Engineering Consortium(ISO/IEC).

The interest in supporting SNMP within the DCDB frameworkis twofold: first, many IT components (such as network switches,routers, or storage appliances) provide built-in support for monitor-ing via SNMP. Secondly, a variety of devices exist to bridge other,less-common protocols to SNMP. An example for such a bridge de-

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vice is explained in Chapter 5, where the DCDB based monitoringsystem collects data from the data center’s cooling system controller.

Similar to IPMI Pusher, SNMP Pusher is a C++ application that actsas SNMP manager to query SNMP agents and forwards the collectedinformation via MQTT messages into DCDB. To access SNMP agents,SNMP Pusher relies on the functions provided by the Net-SNMP li-brary. The Net-SNMP software suite is BSD-licensed and contains alibrary and accompanying tools implementing the SNMP protocol[67]. Similar to IPMI, SNMP communicates via UDP and additionalefforts have to be spent in the application logic to deal with the han-dling of packet errors.

The rest of SNMP Pusher works identically to IPMI Pusher with apriority queue to determine the next sensor and OID to be queriedvia SNMP.

4.6.3 sysfs Pusher

The Linux sysfs pseudo file system is one of multiple interfaces be-tween the Linux Kernel along with its device drivers and user spaceapplications. In modern Linux distributions, sysfs provides a direc-tory structure under the /sys mount point. Obtaining informationand changing settings is performed by reading from or writing tofiles in this directory structure.

An example for a driver that is accessible via sysfs is the cpufreqdriver. Intel® processors since the Pentium M series can adjust theirprocessor frequency during runtime to reduce the processor’s speedand power consumption during periods in which the computationalload is low. Other processor designs, in particular in the embeddedfield provide similar features. The cpufreq driver interacts with theprocessor’s clock generation subsystem to control the behavior of theCPU-internal clock selection mechanism. For this, cpufreq accepts val-ues for minimum and maximum processor frequencies through sysfsand allows for selecting a so called governor which controls how thefrequency is adapted based on the current workload. For system mon-itoring, the cpufreq sysfs interface also provides information aboutthe actual frequency as selected by either the governor or the proces-sor itself.

In the context of DCDB and system monitoring for energy effi-ciency, it is also noteworthy that system integrators such as IBM,Lenovo, Cray, and Megware provide additional hardware for fine-grained energy monitoring. All mentioned companies provide Linuxdrivers that make the values of the energy counters available throughsysfs.

DCDB’s sysfs Pusher follows the ideas of the IPMI and SNMP Push-ers by forwarding data obtained through the sysfs pseudo file systemto Collect Agent via MQTT messages. The sysfs Pusher is a C++ ap-

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plication that runs as a daemon on each compute node. In regular,configurable intervals, it reads a set of configured values from sysfs,packs them as MQTT message and sends it to the Collect Agent.

4.6.4 File Pusher

As the name suggests, File Pusher is a program that reads the con-tents of arbitrary files, and after interpretation, forwards the file con-tents to the Collect Agent via MQTT. Its main purpose is to serve astest application for the development of DCDB. It behaves almost iden-tical to the sysfs Pusher which also obtains its data by simply issuingread commands on local files. The only extra feature of File Pusherover the sysfs Pusher is the ability to use the Linux inotify API to gen-erate a new MQTT message whenever the contents of a file change.Since the inotify API does not work on pseudo file systems such assysfs, this feature is missing from sysfs Pusher.

4.7 sensor management

The previous sections of this chapter have covered the means bywhich DCDB collects, forwards, and stores sensor data for systemmonitoring. When rolling out a DCDB installation for a high perfor-mance computing system, careful planning is required that ensures awell-performing setup:

• Which devices shall be included in the monitoring setup?

• What are the best locations in the network topology to run theCollect Agents and Cassandra servers?

• What is the scheme for assigning sensor IDs?

Unfortunately, manual planning of the DCDB setup around thesequestions is unavoidable since every system is different and the fea-tures of DCDB’s distributed data acquisition and storage approachare only exploitable when knowledge of the system and knowledgeabout DCDB’s internal structures are well aligned. However, once thedata acquisition infrastructure is in place, DCDB makes accessing thestored data comfortable and easy.

4.7.1 Publishing Sensors

For performance reasons, DCDB stores all incoming sensor data inraw 64-bit integer values in the sensordata column family. In partic-ular, DCDB stores no meta information except for the sensor ID andthe timestamp along with the raw sensor data. Within DCDB, thetime series of raw data are treated as internal data without the needfor direct user access.

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In order to make data accessible, DCDB provides the concept ofpublishing sensors. The publishing of a sensor is done for two reasons.First, a published sensor carries additional meta data such as a freelyassignable name and the physical unit that the raw values represent.Second, under the assigned public name, the sensor does not onlyrepresent a single internal 128-bit sensor ID. Instead, it is associatedwith a pattern which is matched against all internal sensor ids. Asexplained in Section 4.3.3, the internal 128-bit sensor ID is composedof a device location, a device identifier, and a sensor number. DCDBassumes that, in most cases, users would want to query sensor dataeither by the device’s location or by the device’s unique identifier. Forexample, a user would like to know the CPU temperature of the topmost compute node in a given rack. In this case, the device identifier(e.g. serial number of the compute node) would not matter and thequery should return the requested data independent from the actualdevice operating in the location.

In return, when trying to track a faulty device across different lo-cations, a user would want to access sensor data originating from thedevice independent from the location of the device at a given time.Due to the ability of DCDB to match against multiple internal 128-bitsensor IDs, queries of the aforementioned type become possible.

In practice, when creating a public sensor, the user specifies a pat-tern which consists of a raw sensor ID and allows for a wildcard (*)character. Whenever a public sensor’s purpose is to represent a sen-sor from a device at a given location, the device ID field would bereplaced with the wildcard. Similarly, when a public sensor’s pur-pose is to represent a sensor from a specific device independent fromthe device’s location, the device location part of the sensor ID wouldbe replaced with the wildcard.

For the publishing of sensors, DCDB provides a command line util-ity: dcdbconfig. Internally, DCDB maintains a column family calledpublishedsensors and any invocation of the dcdbconfig utility willoperate on this column family.

Listing 2: CQL statement for creating the configuration table which holdsall published sensors.

CREATE TABLE publishedsensors (

name VARCHAR, /* Public name */

virtual BOOLEAN, /* Whether it is a published physical sensor

or a virtual sensor */

pattern VARCHAR, /* For physical sensors: pattern for SIDs

that this will match */

scaling_factor DOUBLE, /* Optional scaling factor that will be

applied upon readout */

unit VARCHAR, /* Unit of the sensor (e.g. W for Watts) */

integrable BOOLEAN, /* Indicates whether the sensor is integrable

over time */

expression VARCHAR, /* For virtual sensors: arithmetic expression

for the sensor */

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vsensorid VARCHAR, /* For virtual sensors: sensorId in the

virtualsensors table */

tzero BIGINT, /* For virtual sensors: time of the first

reading */

frequency BIGINT, /* For virtual sensors: readout frequency for

the virtual sensor */


WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CACHING = all; /* Enable compact storage

and maximum caching */

While the name and pattern fields have been subject to this section,the additional fields in this column family will be explained in thefollowing sections.

4.7.2 The DCDB Query Tool

Publishing a sensor by assigning a name and sensor ID pattern isthe minimum prerequisite for receiving data stored within DCDB.Once published, time series of sensor data can be retrieved with thedcdbquery command line utility. In its simplest invocation, dcdbqueryrequires a public sensor name, a value for the start time and a valuefor the end time of the time series. dcdbquery will then use the DCDBAPI to connect to Cassandra, retrieve the data and output the data ascomma separated value (CSV) list.

For convenience, dcdbquery supports querying multiple sensors atonce. In addition, dcdbquery provides flexible means to specify thestart and end time for the query. Supported time formats are:

• Absolute time according to ISO 8601 [68]Example: 2017-01-31 23:59:59.000

• Absolute time using POSIX timePOSIX time counts the number of seconds elapsed since theUnix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00).For increased granularity, DCDB also accepts milliseconds, mi-croseconds and nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.Example: 1485907199

• Relative time to current timeUsing the keyword now, users can specify any point in time priorto the current time by specifying an offset of days (d), hours (h),minutes (m), or seconds (s).Example: now-1h

To retrieve the time series data from Cassandra, DCDB performsmultiple steps. First, the specified sensor name is looked up in thepublishedsensors table to get the sensor ID pattern string. Due toDCDB’s Cassandra database schema, queries into the database haveto specify an exact 128-bit sensor ID. While a single 128 bit sensor IDconstitutes a valid pattern, the pattern might also contain a wildcard

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50 the dcdb framework

character. Hence, patterns containing a wildcard need to be expandedinto a matching list of existing sensor IDs first. As explained in Sec-tion 4.3.4, the sensor IDs also contain a week stamp to cope with Cas-sandra’s wide row limits. Therefore, the list of sensor IDs needs to befurther expanded to contain one sensor ID per weekstamp per phys-ical sensor. Finally, with the resulting set of sensor IDs, DCDB canquery the sensor data for each sensor ID in the set in the given rangeto generate the resulting data set. Due to the ordering of columnsin Cassandra, the result will automatically be ordered ascending bytimestamp.

4.7.3 DCDB Unit Conversion Framework

A benefit of the concept of publishing sensors lies in the ability to aug-ment a public sensor with additional information such as the physicalunit that the raw data represents. DCDB has a basic understandingof physical units and is able to perform linear conversions betweenunits. For this, DCDB maintains a table of physical units.

Listing 3: Definition of the DCDB unit conversion table.

ConversionTableEntry conversionTable[] = {

/* Unit Name Symbol Base Unit Scaling Offset */

/* 0 */ { Unit_None, "none", Unit_None, 1, 0 },

/* 1 */ { Unit_Meter, "m", Unit_Meter, 1, 0 },

/* 2 */ { Unit_CentiMeter, "cm", Unit_Meter, -100, 0 },

/* 3 */ { Unit_MilliMeter, "mm", Unit_Meter, -1000, 0 },

/* 4 */ { Unit_MicroMeter, "um", Unit_Meter, -1000000, 0 },

/* 5 */ { Unit_Second, "s", Unit_Second, 1, 0 },

/* 6 */ { Unit_MilliSecond, "ms", Unit_Second, -1000, 0 },

/* 7 */ { Unit_MicroSecond, "us", Unit_Second, -1000000, 0 },

/* 8 */ { Unit_Ampere, "A", Unit_Ampere, 1, 0 },

/* 9 */ { Unit_MilliAmpere, "mA", Unit_Ampere, -1000, 0 },

/* 10 */ { Unit_MicroAmpere, "uA", Unit_Ampere, -1000000, 0 },

/* 11 */ { Unit_Kelvin, "K", Unit_Kelvin, 1, 0 },

/* 12 */ { Unit_MilliKelvin, "mK", Unit_Kelvin, -1000, 0 },

/* 13 */ { Unit_MicroKelvin, "uK", Unit_Kelvin, -1000000, 0 },

/* 14 */ { Unit_Watt, "W", Unit_Watt, 1, 0 },

/* 15 */ { Unit_MilliWatt, "mW", Unit_Watt, -1000, 0 },

/* 16 */ { Unit_MicroWatt, "uW", Unit_Watt, -1000000, 0 },

/* 17 */ { Unit_KiloWatt, "kW", Unit_Watt, 1000, 0 },

/* 18 */ { Unit_MegaWatt, "MW", Unit_Watt, 1000000, 0 },

/* 19 */ { Unit_Volt, "V", Unit_Volt, 1, 0 },

/* 20 */ { Unit_MilliVolt, "mV", Unit_Volt, -1000, 0 },

/* 21 */ { Unit_MicroVolt, "uV", Unit_Volt, -1000000, 0 },

/* 22 */ { Unit_Celsius, "C", Unit_MilliKelvin, 1000, 273150 },

/* 23 */ { Unit_DeciCelsius, "dC", Unit_Celsius, -10, 273150 },

/* 24 */ { Unit_CentiCelsius, "cC", Unit_Celsius, -100, 0 },

/* 25 */ { Unit_MilliCelsius, "mC", Unit_Celsius, -1000, 0 },

/* 26 */ { Unit_MicroCelsius, "uC", Unit_Celsius, -1000000, 0 },

/* 27 */ { Unit_Fahrenheit, "F", Unit_MilliKelvin, 555, 255116 },

/* 28 */ { Unit_Hertz, "Hz", Unit_Hertz, 1, 0 },

/* 29 */ { Unit_KiloHertz, "kHz", Unit_Hertz, 1000, 0 },

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/* 30 */ { Unit_MegaHertz, "MHz", Unit_Hertz, 1000000, 0 },

/* 31 */ { Unit_GigaHertz, "GHz", Unit_Hertz, 1000000000, 0 },


The unit conversion table describes a undirected graph. Each conver-sion step consists of a scaling factor and a linear offset that will beapplied to the original value. By using a depth-first search approach,DCDB can determine a path through this graph that describes howto convert values between various units. The search also takes intoaccount that a conversion step might be applied backwards.

Access to DCDB’s unit conversion has been built into dcdbquery.To invoke unit conversion in dcdbquery, users can specify a publicsensor name followed by a forward slash character and the targetunit. For example the command

dcdbquery node001_cpu0_temp/K now-1h now

will retrieve all values from the last hour of the node001_cpu0_temp

sensor in Kelvin.An alternate and simpler approach for value scaling besides the

unit conversion framework is the field scaling_factor in the columnfamily publishedsensors. Whenever this field contains a value, it willbe multiplied with the raw sensor value upon readout.

4.7.4 Integrable Sensors

The publishedsensors column family also contains a Boolean fieldintegrable. With this field, users can specify whether the sensor’sdata can be integrated over time. The common usage for this fea-ture within DCDB is to integrate sampled values of a power sensormeasured in Watts into energy measured in Joules. For published sen-sors with this flag set, DCDB provides the dcdbquerysum commandline utility. Instead of returning the entire time series for a sensor,dcdbquerysum integrates the sensor’s values over time in seconds andoutputs the result as a single number.

4.7.5 Virtual Sensors

DCDB supports the creation of virtual sensors. A virtual sensor is aspecial type of published sensor defined by an arithmetic expressionthat consists of one or more published sensors.

Exemplary use cases for virtual sensors in the context of energyefficient high performance computing are:

• Calculating the total electric power used by the high perfor-mance computer by summing up the values of individual powermeters.

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52 the dcdb framework

• Deriving the average temperature of a compute node from mul-tiple temperature sensors within the node.

• Computing the efficiency of a switched mode power supply asthe fraction of AC power input and DC power output.

From a user’s perspective, a virtual sensor behaves just like anynon-virtual published sensor. Since virtual sensors are published sen-sors, the creation of a virtual sensor is done similarly to any publishedsensor by adding an entry to the publishedsensors column fam-ily. The publishedsensors column family provides a Boolean fieldvirtual, which will be set to true for virtual sensors and whichremains unset or is set to false for regular published sensors. Forall virtual sensors, the expression field in the publishedsensors col-umn family holds a string describing the arithmetic expression to beevaluated for calculating the virtual sensor’s value. As of now, thegrammar for arithmetic expression supports the four basic arithmeticoperations (+, -, *, /), round brackets for operation precedence, andnumeric constants. Also, the grammar supports the use of any pub-lished sensor’s name (virtual or non-virtual) as variable in the arith-metic expression.

For physical sensors, DCDB follows a push approach, meaningthat it is at the sensor source’s discretion when to send the nextdata point. Therefore, DCDB has no influence on the time and fre-quency of incoming sensor data for physical sensors. When readingthe data, DCDB simply retrieves all data points in the given timeframe. For virtual sensors, however, DCDB needs to be configured inorder to know at which time stamps the virtual sensor is supposedto return data during a query. For simplicity, DCDB assumes thata virtual sensor provides data at strict, regular intervals. Hence, thepublishedsensors column family features two columns: frequencyand tzero. The frequency field contains the time between two read-ings of the virtual sensor in nanoseconds. With the frequency beingdefined, DCDB also needs information on the phase in order to fullydefine the time series for a virtual sensor. Thus, the tzero field holdsthe exact time stamp for one of the virtual sensor’s readings.

Evaluating the arithmetic expression for a virtual sensor at a giventime is trivial, when all inputs into the expression are either numericconstants or are physical sensors for which a reading exists at theexact same time stamp. Unfortunately, however, with DCDB’s tempo-ral granularity of one nanosecond, this is rarely the case. Therefore,whenever DCDB evaluates a virtual sensor’s value at a given time, alinear interpolation between the neighboring data points on the phys-ical sensors is performed.

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In September 2010, the European Commission opened call FP7-2011-ICT-7 under its 7

th Framework Programme for Research, Technolog-ical Development and Demonstration Activities. This call includedthe specific topic ICT-2011.9.13 ("Exa-scale computing, software andsimulation") which requested for project proposals developing "ad-vanced computing platforms with potential for extreme performance(100 petaflop/s in 2014 with potential for exascale by 2020)" [69]. Afterevaluation, the European Commission decided to fund three projects.Two of the three projects, namely DEEP and Mont-Blanc, had a stronghardware focus and delivered fully operational prototype systems.The third project (CRESTA) focused more on application code mod-ernization for Exascale.

Under the assumption that scalability in the system monitoringframework will be essential for future generations of high perfor-mance computers, the DEEP and Mont-Blanc projects were consid-ered ideal candidates for installing and evaluating DCDB in practice.This chapter will introduce the two projects, their prototype systemsand explain the use of DCDB within the systems.

5.1 mont-blanc prototype

The Mont-Blanc Project was driven by the idea to leverage technolo-gies originating from the mobile and embedded domains for high per-formance computing. The rationale behind this approach is that chipsfor mobile and embedded devices provide high power efficiency atrelatively low cost.

To prove the concept, the Mont-Blanc project started its work in2011 and delivered a fully working prototype in 2015. In addition tothe hardware developments, the Mont-Blanc project released a fullHPC software stack for the ARM architecture including debuggersand performance analysis tools. Finally, a total of 11 scientific appli-cations covering a wide range of scientific domains were ported andevaluated on the machine.

5.1.1 System Overview

The Mont-Blanc prototype consists of 1080 compute nodes in the formof a pluggable edge card [70]. Each of these so called Samsung Daugh-ter Board (SDB) cards is powered by a Samsung Exynos 5 Dual 5250

System-on-Chip (SoC). The Exynos 5 SoC integrates two ARM Cortex-


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54 test platforms

A15 general purpose compute cores at 1.7GHz and a ARM Mali T-604 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Local memory on each SDB isprovided by four onboard 1 GB LPDDR4 RAM modules. Since theExynos 5 SoC does not include on-chip support for external network-ing, the SDBs also contain a USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet controller.A microSD card on the SDB contains the system’s boot image andprovides temporary scratch storage.

For physical integration, the Mont-Blanc prototype provides a bladearchitecture. Each blade consists of a so called Ethernet Mother Board(EMB) which is a circuit board with connectors for up to 15 SDBs.The EMB has an on-board Gigabit Ethernet / 10-Gigabit Ethernetswitch to provide Gigabit network connectivity among the SDBs aswell as two 10-Gigabit up-links to the system’s central networkingswitches. Besides, the EMB provides electrical power to the SDBs andimplements a detailed power monitoring system capable of capturinghigh-frequency information of the power delivered to each SDB. Tohandle the stream of data originating from the high frequency powermeters, a FPGA collects and averages the data before forwarding itto the board management controller on the EMB. In addition to theEMB, the blade contains actively managed fans for air cooling and abackplane connector for receiving power from the chassis.

The Mont-Blanc chassis is a container for up to 9 Mont-Blanc blades.Each chassis provides a central AC/DC power conversion for its con-tained blades. It also contains a chassis management controller (CMC)for remote power on/off and an Ethernet switch for the managementnetwork that connects the BMCs and the chassis management con-troller to the central cluster management servers.

Including two additional storage nodes and the central switchesfor the compute and management networks, the entire Mont-Blancsystem fits into two standard 19" 42U cabinets.

5.1.2 DCDB Monitoring Setup

This section summarizes the sensors covered by DCDB on the Mont-Blanc prototype system. A more detailed technical description of thesetup is given in [3] and [4].

The DCDB installation on the Mont-Blanc prototype system collectsinformation at SDB, EMB, and chassis levels. Table 5 lists all sensorsthat are collected by DCDB.

Collection of sensors at chassis and EMB level is straightforwardsince the CMC and the BMC export their sensors as regular IPMIsensors. As such, the IPMI Pusher can be used to collect the data andforward it into DCDB. On the SDB level, the collection of the data gen-erated by the temperature sensor within the Samsung Exynos 5 SoCis also straightforward since the temperature is exported to sysfs. For

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5.1 mont-blanc prototype 55

Scope Sensor Name Readout Path DescriptionSDB PWR Out-of-Band (via BMC, Mont-Blanc Pusher) SDB Power Consumption (mW)

SDB TMP In-Band (File Pusher) SDB SoC Temperature (°C)

EMB PWR Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) EMB Power Consumption (W)

EMB TMP Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) EMB Temperature (°C)

EMB PQIITMP Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) PQII Temperature (°C)

EMB FAN1A_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 1A Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN1B_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 1B Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN2A_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 2A Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN2B_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 2B Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN3A_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 3A Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN3B_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 3B Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN4A_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 4A Speed (rpm)

EMB FAN4B_BMC Out-of-Band (via BMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 4B Speed (rpm)

Chassis DRAWERPOWER Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Total Chassis Power Consumption (W)

Chassis CMBTEMP Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Chassis Management Board Temperature (°C)

Chassis FPTEMP Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Front Panel Temperature (°C)

Chassis FAN1A_CMC Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 1A Speed (rpm)

Chassis FAN1B_CMC Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 1B Speed (rpm)

Chassis FAN2A_CMC Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 2A Speed (rpm)

Chassis FAN2B_CMC Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Fan 2B Speed (rpm)

Chassis PSU1_VIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 Voltage In (V)

Chassis PSU2_VIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 Voltage In (V)

Chassis PSU3_VIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 Voltage In (V)

Chassis PSU4_VIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 Voltage In (V)

Chassis PSU1_IIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 Current In (A)

Chassis PSU2_IIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 Current In (A)

Chassis PSU3_IIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 Current In (A)

Chassis PSU4_IIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 Current In (A)

Chassis PSU1_PWRIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 Power In (W)

Chassis PSU2_PWRIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 Power In (W)

Chassis PSU3_PWRIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 Power In (W)

Chassis PSU4_PWRIN Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 Power In (W)

Chassis PSU1_12VOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 12V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU2_12VOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 12V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU3_12VOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 12V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU4_12VOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 12V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU1_3v3OUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 3.3V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU2_3v3OUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 3.3V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU3_3v3OUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 3.3V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU4_3v3OUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 3.3V Voltage Out (V)

Chassis PSU1_12IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 12V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU2_12IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 12V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU3_12IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 12V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU4_12IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 12V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU1_3v3IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 1 3.3V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU2_3v3IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 2 3.3V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU3_3v3IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 3 3.3V Current Out (A)

Chassis PSU4_3v3IOUT Out-of-Band (via CMC, IPMI Pusher) Power Supply 4 3.3V Current Out (A)

Table 5: Sensors of the Mont-Blanc prototype system collected by DCDB

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historic reasons, the respective sysfs entry is read by the File Pusherinstead of the sysfs Pusher.

In contrast to the standard implementation of the chassis and EMBsensors via IPMI, the per-SDB power measurement in the Mont-Blancprototype is a custom development for the project. It features highsampling rates to detect even short spikes in the power trace. In ad-dition, it provides synchronized measurements for better analysis ofparallel applications.

To achieve this, the EMB carries one power measurement IC withan I2C interface per SDB slot. Through this I2C interface, it is possibleto acquire one power reading every 70ms. Yet, such a power readingis the result of averaging over 128 individual voltage and currentsamples performed by the IC.

For generating synchronized readings, the I2C links of the powermeasurement ICs are all routed into a FPGA which ensures that theI2C commands to trigger the power readings and the processing ofthe results are performed in parallel. Since the resulting stream ofdata is too much for the BMC to handle, the FPGA averages the re-sults of 16 consecutive readings per SDB. The FPGA then implementsa FIFO buffer which is read periodically by the BMC. The BMC itselfuses a 4MB FIFO buffer in its DRAM to store the data received fromthe FPGA until the data is read by the user using custom IPMI com-mands. Since the transfers from the FPGA to the BMC and from theBMC to the user happen in larger packets, the throughput of thissetup is significantly higher compared to reading single values usingstandard IPMI sensor commands. The BMCs have a real-time clockthat is synchronized via the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Therefore,the data delivered by the BMC also includes the time of the readingin addition to the power measurement data.

To capture the data blocks containing the power readings from theBMCs via IPMI custom commands, a special pusher had to be de-veloped: the Mont-Blanc Pusher. The Mont-Blanc Pusher connects tothe BMCs via IPMI and issues all commands required to start thepower measurement process and to read the blocks with SDB powerdata back. Using the time and sensor data from those data blocks,the Mont-Blanc Pusher then forwards all the readings to the CollectAgent in the form of MQTT messages.

Field Width 8 bit 8 bit 16 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit

Content Data Center ID Cluster ID Rack ID Sub-Rack

ID BMC ID SDB ID Sensor Type

Figure 8: Definition of the 64-bit Device Location field in the DCDB SensorID on the Mont-Blanc prototype

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5.2 deep prototype 57

Despite the fact that more than 2800 different sensors are moni-tored with DCDB on the Mont-Blanc prototype, it is still possible torun DCDB with a single Collect Agent and a single Cassandra in-stance only. Both components are being run on an external x86-basedmanagement server. Yet, the DCDB setup on the Mont-Blanc systemalready uses an internal sensor naming scheme that allows for scal-ing up the number of Cassandra instances at any time. For this, thelocation field of the Sensor IDs used in Mont-Blanc is used as shownin Figure 8. Through this hierarchical splitting among clusters, racks,sub-racks (i.e. chassis), etc. it becomes possible to split the sensor dataonto different Cassandra instances based on the sensor’s location. Forexample, one could configure a setup with one Cassandra instanceper rack. Also, splitting among groups of racks would be possiblesince the split onto different Cassandra instances can be done at arbi-trary locations in the 128-bit keyspace.

5.2 deep prototype

The Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform (DEEP) Project was moti-vated by the assumption that many scientific applications consist ofmultiple parts with different characteristics. On one side, many appli-cations have code parts with reduced scalability. Those parts benefitfrom superscalar processors with a high single-thread performanceand a flexible network topology. On the other side, application partswith high scalability can benefit from high core counts and oftenexhibit simpler communication patterns. For this reason, the DEEPproject introduced the Cluster-Booster concept [71]. The idea behindthe Cluster-Booster concept is that a high performance computer con-sists of two parts. A cluster part for the codes parts with low andmedium scalability and a booster part for the highly scalable codeparts. As opposed to the traditional approach of a cluster with accel-erators, the Cluster-Booster allows for a flexible allocation of clusterand booster resources for each application.

In addition to a standard 128-node computer cluster, the DEEPproject delivered three prototype systems:

the aurora booster is the largest of the three systems and alsothe actual testbed for DCDB. It is powered by 384 Intel® XeonPhi™

7120X many core compute accelerators. The cards are con-nected via an EXTOLL 3D torus network implemented on Al-tera Stratix V FPGAs. While the Xeon Phi 7120 was originallydesigned as a PCIe based co-processor accelerator card, theDEEP project developed a solution to have the Xeon Phi actautonomously similar to a regular compute node.

the greenice booster is a smaller system comprising of 32 Intel®

Xeon Phi™ 7120D cards. In this system, the EXTOLL implemen-

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58 test platforms

tation is provided by EXTOLL’s "Tourmalet" ASIC for improvednetworking performance.

the energy efficiency evaluator is a miniature replica of theDEEP Cluster and Aurora Booster. It consists of 4 cluster nodesand 16 booster nodes and it’s main purpose was to conductexperiments in the field of direct liquid cooling.

Similar to the Mont-Blanc project, the DEEP project brought alongsix scientific applications to test the new platform in practice. Also,the project delivered a full system software stack including softwareto boot the Xeon Phi cards over the EXTOLL network and a softwarerouter to route MPI data transparently between the InfiniBand basedcluster and the EXTOLL based booster parts. In addition, the projectconducted research in the field of programming models and perfor-mance analysis and prediction tools.

5.2.1 System Overview

The DEEP Aurora Booster is fully integrated system hosting all its384 nodes in a single 21" rack. The Xeon Phi™ 7210X Coprocessor is a61-core CPU operating at a base frequency of 1.24 GHz. In addition tothe processor, the PCIe based accelerator card contains 16GB of mainmemory and a system management controller (SMC) for out-of-bandmanagement.

The usage scenario foreseen by Intel for the Xeon Phi™ x100 familyof coprocessors is to mount the PCIe cards into a standard serverand to use it in parallel to the host’s CPU. In such a setup, the hostprocessor provides a PCIe root complex and the coprocessor acts asa slave on the PCIe bus. Through memory mapped I/O, the hostprocessor can supply the boot image to the coprocessor and initiatethe boot process. Even after booting, the accelerator card remains aslave device in the system that is managed by the host.

In the DEEP Aurora Booster, the PCIe lanes of the Xeon Phi™ cardare connected to an FPGA implementing the PCIe root complex andan EXTOLL interface. This allows for transferring PCIe packets overthe EXTOLL network to the accelerator card. Using this PCIe overEXTOLL setup, the boot image for the coprocessor is transferred andthe boot process is initiated. During booting, however, the coproces-sor loads a driver for the EXTOLL network. On the PCIe level, theFPGA remains the root complex and the coprocessor remains a PCIedevice. Yet, the coprocessor can now send and receive packets on theEXTOLL network as if it was an autonomous compute node.

For physical integration, a single PCB with two FPGAs connectsto two Xeon Phi™ cards. This assembly is called a Booster Node Card(BNC). In addition to the FPGAs and the coprocessor cards, the BNCcarries a board-management controller for remote management as

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5.2 deep prototype 59

well as temperature and power sensors. The BNC plugs into a back-plane that delivers power, EXTOLL networking, and Ethernet net-working for the BMCs. Each backplane can host up to eight BNCs.With two backplanes per chassis, a 21" DEEP chassis contains 16

BNCs with a total of 32 booster nodes. The entire Aurora Boosteris built as a rack with six chassis on each side for a total of 12 chassis.Since all components of the Aurora Booster are liquid cooling usingaluminum cold plates, the chassis also features a cooling liquid dis-tribution bar with quick disconnect couplings for the cooling water.The mechanics of the chassis ensure that a BNC be hot-plugged withthe cooling water couplings and the electrical backplane connectorsconnecting at the same time.

For bridging between the Booster’s EXTOLL fabric and the Clus-ter’s InfiniBand fabric, each chassis also contains two Booster InterfaceCards (BIC). The BICs are powered by an Intel® Xeon™ E3 CPU. Us-ing a PCIe switch, the CPU is connected to an InfiniBand host fabricadapter and an FPGA implementing the EXTOLL fabric. Being con-nected to both networking fabrics, the BICs’ task is to route the net-working traffic between the Cluster and the Booster. The second taskof the BICs is to take the role of the host processor in booting of theBooster nodes using PCIe over Extoll.

5.2.2 DCDB Monitoring Setup

The DEEP Aurora Booster is a useful test environment for DCDB formultiple reasons:

• Central components such as the BNC have been under the con-trol of the project. This includes in particular the firmware forthe BMCs on the BNCs. Thus, in DEEP it was possible to imple-ment an actual push model for high frequency power measure-ment data that sends MQTT messages directly to the CollectAgent. This means that capturing data from certain sensors nolonger requires a pusher application as a workaround.

• Being a liquid cooled system, the DEEP Aurora Booster inte-grates facility side sensors that were installed solely for theproject. The integration of those sensors in the DCDB setup isa good proof of concept for a HPC system monitoring solutionthat integrates both, HPC hardware and facility side sensor in-formation.

• For a true distributed DCDB setup, the 24 BICs in the systemare an ideal candidate to run multiple instances of Cassandraon them. For this reason, the BICs were equipped with localsolid state drives to store the sensor database.

A thorough description of the DCDB setup on the DEEP AuroraBooster is given in [9] and [10].

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60 test platforms

Sensor Name Readout Path Descriptionknc[0,1]-curcore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Processor Core current (mA)

knc[0,1]-curmem In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Memory current (mA)

knc[0,1]-curuncore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Un-core current (mA)

knc[0,1]-pwrc2x3 In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Power delivered via 2x3 12V connector (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrc2x4 In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Power delivered via 2x4 12V connector (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrcore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Core power (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrimax In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Maximum total instantaneous power monitored (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrinst In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Total instantaneous power (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrmem In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Memory power (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrpcie In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Power delivered via PCIe 12 V lines (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrtot0 In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Total power (averaged using window 0) (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwrtot1 In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Total power (averaged using window 1) (mW)

knc[0,1]-pwruncore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Un-core power (mW)

knc[0,1]-tempboard In-Band (sysfs Pusher) PCB temperature (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempdie In-Band (sysfs Pusher) CPU die temperature (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempgddr In-Band (sysfs Pusher) Temperature close to memory (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempinlet In-Band (sysfs Pusher) PCB temperature, left (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempoutlet In-Band (sysfs Pusher) PCB temperature, right (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempvrcore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) VR core temperature (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempvrmem In-Band (sysfs Pusher) VR memory temperature (°C)

knc[0,1]-tempvruncore In-Band (sysfs Pusher) VR un-core temperature(°C)

knc[0,1]-freq In-Band (sysfs Pusher) CPU clock frequency (Hz)

pwr Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Power consumption of EXTOLL FPGAs and BMC

pwr0 Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Power consumption of KNC0 (mW)

pwr1 Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Power consumption of KNC1 (mW)

tmp0 Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Temperature on KNC0 side of FPGA board (°C)

tmp1 Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Temperature on KNC1 side of FPGA board (°C)

hum Out-of-Band (Push from BMC) Humidity of ambient air at FPGA board (rel. %)

Table 6: Sensors of the DEEP prototype system’s BNC related sensors col-lected by DCDB

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5.2 deep prototype 61

As explained in the previous section, at the heart of the DEEPAurora Booster is the Booster Node Card. The two Xeon Phi™ cardswithin the BNC already provide a large selection of temperature andpower sensors. In addition, the board hosting the two EXTOLL FP-GAs and the BMC has been equipped with additional temperatureand power sensors as well as a humidity sensor. Table 6 provides anoverview of all sensors within the BNC that are covered by DCDB.

The Xeon Phi™ x100 series of co-processor cards was codenamed"Knight’s Corner" (KNC). Thus, the sensors have been prefixed withknc0- or knc1-, depending on which of the two cards inside a BNCthey cover. Since the Xeon Phi™ cards are not connected with an out-of-band link for system monitoring, sensors on the cards are capturedin-band by the sysfs pusher running on the Xeon Phi™ processor. Thepusher uses EXTOLL’s IP-over-EXTOLL implementation to establishan MQTT connection to the nearest broker. Unfortunately, this solu-tion implies that the system monitoring infrastructure and the userapplication running on the DEEP Booster compete for bandwidth onthe EXTOLL link. Also, the sysfs pusher uses CPU cycles on the XeonPhi™ processor that are not available for the user application. In or-der to mitigate this effect, the sysfs pusher on the DEEP Booster isconfigured to provide data only at low frequency (<1 Hz).

For the temperature sensors on the Xeon Phi™ cards, low readoutfrequencies are deemed sufficient as temperature changes do not oc-cur too quickly. Regarding the power sensors, however, higher fre-quencies might be desirable. Thus, the decision was made to imple-ment additional power sensors with out-of-band access. The addi-tional sensors are mounted on the FPGA-board in the BNC at the12V supply rail to each Xeon Phi™ card. The sensors consist of Halleffect based current meters and a separate voltage measurement cir-cuitry connected the BMC of the BNC. After calibration of the currentsensors, the BMC provides accurate, high-frequency power measure-ments on a per-Xeon Phi™ basis.

For the DEEP project, a special firmware was developed to run onthe BMC of the BNC. This firmware controls the power-up sequenceof the BNC including the calibration of the zero-offset for the Halleffect based current sensors at a time when the Xeon Phi™ cards arenot powered up. Also, the firmware provides means for updatingthe bit file of the EXTOLL FPGAs for convenient in-field upgrades ofthe EXTOLL networking infrastructure. Most importantly, however,the firmware implements a full MQTT pusher to send power data tothe nearest Collect Agent. For this, a separate process on the BMCsamples the current from the Hall effect sensor as well as the voltageon the 12V rail at high frequency (~100 Hz). The BMC then constructsthe appropriate MQTT message for DCDB and sends it to the CollectAgent. The power measurement in the BMC happens completely out-

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62 test platforms

Sensor Name Readout Path DescriptionInfra_Aussentemperatur Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Outside air temperature (1/10°C)

Infra_Druck_Booster_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water pressure booster sec. loop

Infra_Druck_Cluster_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water pressure cluster sec. loop

Infra_Status_Booster_Pumpe Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Booster loop pump error state

Infra_Status_Cluster_Pumpe Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster loop pump error state

Infra_Status_Dampfbefeuchter Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Room air humidifier operational state

Infra_Status_Klimaschrank_Filter Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Room air filter error state

Infra_Status_Trockenkuehler Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Dry-cooler error state

Infra_Stellsignal_Cluster_Pumpe Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Enable signal for Cluster loop pump

Infra_Stellsignal_Klimaschrank Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Enable signal for CRAC unit

Infra_Stellsignal_Trockenkuehler_Pumpe Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Enable signal for dry cooler loop pump

Infra_Temp_Booster_Austritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Booster outlet temp pri. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Booster_Eintritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Booster inlet temp pri. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Booster_Ruecklauf_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Booster outlet temp sec. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Booster_Vorlauf_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Booster inlet temp sec. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Austritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet temp pri. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Eintritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster inlet temp pri. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Ruecklauf_1 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet temp sec. loop 1 (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Ruecklauf_2 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet temp sec. loop 2 (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Ruecklauf_3 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet temp sec. loop 3 (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Ruecklauf_4 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet temp sec. loop 4 (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Ruecklauf_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster outlet (mix) temp sec. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Cluster_Vorlauf_Sekundaer Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Cluster inlet temp sec. loop (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Installationsraum Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Computer room ambient air temp (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Klimaschrank_Ruecklauf Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) CRAC air outlet temperature (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Klimaschrank_Vorlauf Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) CRAC air inlet temperature (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Trockenkuehler_Austritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Dry-cooler water outlet temp (1/10°C)

Infra_Temp_Trockenkuehler_Eintritt Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Dry-cooler water inlet temp (1/10°C)

Infra_Volumenstrom_Cluster_1 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water flow rate cluster sec. loop 1

Infra_Volumenstrom_Cluster_2 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water flow rate cluster sec. loop 2

Infra_Volumenstrom_Cluster_3 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water flow rate cluster sec. loop 3

Infra_Volumenstrom_Cluster_4 Out-of-Band (SNMP Pusher) Water flow rate cluster sec. loop 4

Table 7: Sensors of the DEEP prototype system’s liquid cooling infrastruc-ture collected by DCDB

of-band over the separate management Ethernet network. Thus, itdoes not interfere with the user application on the Booster at all.

Besides the custom monitoring on the Booster, DCDB also mon-itors the sensors for the liquid cooling infrastructure on the DEEPprototype system. The liquid cooling infrastructure consists of an out-side dry-cooler and an associated water loop. Since the outside loopsneed to contain anti-freeze additives, a heat-exchanger separates theoutside loop from the inner loops for Cluster and Booster. The innerloops consist of separate loops for the Cluster and Booster parts ofthe system. The Cluster loop is further divided into four legs con-nected to individual inlets in the Cluster rack. For extended tests, thesystem is also connected to the computer center’s central cold-waterdistribution system as an additional option for recooling besides thedry-cooler. In addition to the water cooling loops, the room is alsoequipped with a Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) that coolsthe computer room’s air. A distinct humidifier in the room can in-crease the room air’s humidity if necessary. Control of pumps andmonitoring of temperatures, water flow rates, and water pressure is

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5.2 deep prototype 63

performed by a Sauter Modu525 automation station. The automationstation is an embedded computer system with sufficient I/O portsto connect to all sensors and actors. For configuration and monitor-ing, the automation station provides an Ethernet port with a web-based graphical user interface. Integration into larger monitoring se-tups and building automation systems can be performed with theincluded BACnet/IP interface.

BACnet is an ASHRAE/ANSI/ISO standard for building automa-tion and control networks [72]. Initially, BACnet was designed tooperate on dedicated RS-232 or RS-485 based networking hardware.Therefore, the protocol does not implement additional security mea-sures and anyone with access to the BACnet physical network infras-tructure can read and write data from and to BACnet devices. Thelater adoption of the BACnet/IP standard for transmitting BACnetmessages over Ethernet or other IP based networks also did not addany security layer. It is therefore common practice to operate separatenetworks for building automation to prevent unauthorized access toBACnet devices over the network.

For these security reasons, the automation station in the DEEP sys-tem is not connected to DCDB via its Ethernet port directly. Instead,a BACnet/IP to SNMP gateway device has been configured that pro-vides two network interfaces and exposes the sensor data capturedon the BACnet interface to SNMP clients on the second network in-terface. With this setup, the cooling infrastructure related monitoringdata becomes available for DCDB using the SNMP Pusher. Table 7

has the list of all infrastructure related sensors that are available toDCDB.

Field Width 8 bit 8 bit 16 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit

Content Data Center ID Cluster ID Rack ID Chassis


Figure 9: Definition of the 64-bit Device Location field in the DCDB SensorID on the DEEP prototype

Besides the custom BMC firmware supporting the direct push ofsensor data and the integration of cooling infrastructure sensors, theDEEP prototype system also serves as an excellent testbed for thedistributed nature of DCDB. Due to the high data rate of the powersensors on the BNCs, a single central monitoring server is unlikely tobe sufficient. The DCDB setup on the DEEP Aurora Booster thereforeuses the BICs for storing the sensor data. As in the Mont-Blanc pro-totype, the organization of sensors follows a hierarchical approachwithin the device location field in the internal sensor IDs. In DEEP,the sensor IDs are defined as shown in Figure 9. For configuring a

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64 test platforms

Hostname Chassis ID BIC ID Sensor ID range

bic001 0 0

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


bic002 0 1

00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000


bic003 1 0

00000000 01000000 00000000 00000000


bic004 1 1

00000000 01010000 00000000 00000000


bic005 2 0

00000000 02000000 00000000 00000000

- 00000000 0200FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF...



bic023 11 0

00000000 0B000000 00000000 00000000


bic024 11 1

00000000 0B010000 00000000 00000000


deepm n/a n/a00000000 0C000000 00000000 00000000


Table 8: Configuration of the Cassandra database ring structure on theDEEP Booster

distributed Cassandra setup for DCDB, the partition key ranges foreach Cassandra instance need to be defined. This leads to the spec-ification of partition key ranges resulting from the device locationscheme as shown in Table 8. Upon closer inspection it becomes clearthat the ranges are not equal in size. For example, the range coveredby bic002 is larger than the range covered by bic001. This is due tothe fact that the configuration ring must specify a storage location foreach possible partition key. In the case of the DEEP definition of thesensor location field, this means that BIC ID for a sensor can go ashigh as 255 and all of the sensors would be mapped the Cassandra in-stance of the BIC with ID 1. In principal, this is not a problem becausethe partition key ranges can be split at any time with the insertion ofadditional monitoring nodes. Even without additional nodes, the sys-tem would continue to work as long as the influx of sensor data perCassandra node can still be handled by the underlying hardware. Atthe rear end of the partition key mapping, the deepm managementand login server takes all sensors that are not mapped to any of theBICs, including those of the cooling infrastructure.

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6T E S T S & P E R F O R M A N C E O P T I M I Z AT I O N S

As it has been explained in the previous chapter, the Mont-Blanc andDEEP projects are the first test environments for the DCDB frame-work. Yet, even before the DCDB installation on the two systems hadstarted, simple tests using artificial monitoring data (e.g. script gener-ated series of values containing data from sine or rectangle functions)have been performed to validate its basic functionality. Once mostinternals of DCDB were considered stable enough, the software wasdeployed on the prototype systems. On both systems, the next stepconsisted of functional tests of the system specific monitoring compo-nents. In particular, efforts have been spent on verifying the sensorsfor power measurement on the two systems.

This chapter highlights some of the tests that were carried out onthe two machines in which DCDB played a prominent role. It alsosummarizes the tests that were performed to demonstrate DCDB’sperformance. Whenever it is appropriate, an outlook on possible fu-ture work will be given in this chapter.

6.1 verifying the mont-blanc power measurement setup

As explained in the previous chapter, the Mont-Blanc system per-forms power measurements using digital power metering ICs on theEMB. Sensors such as these power metering ICs, just like any otherelectronic component, are subject to production errors and failure.Thus, the sensors had to be tested before the power monitoring datacollected by DCDB could be made publicly available. Two special as-pects of the Mont-Blanc monitoring setup were also taken into ac-count. First, the use of a custom data format to transfer multiplepower measurement data points at once increases the likelihood ofimplementation errors (e.g. power data being attributed to the wrongSDB). Second, the BMC on the EMB provides time stamps of the mea-surement points making it necessary to synchronize the BMC’s clockaccordingly.

To verify the entire measurement workflow, a small test applicationwas written that was executed on all SDBs, one after another. The testprogram’s purpose was to perform CPU-intensive calculations for 30

seconds, followed by a 30 second period of no activity. This duty-idlepower cycle was repeated five times. With the power consumptionbeing high during the duty periods and low in the idle periods, thetime series graph of the power meter will resemble a square wavepattern. The rationale behind this approach is that the pattern will be


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66 tests & performance optimizations

(a) Expected power consumption pattern during test execu-tion

(b) Reduced power consumption due to thermal throttling

(c) Defective measurement sensor

Figure 10: Power consumption during execution of the power cycle tests onthe Mont-Blanc system

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6.2 thermal throttling on the deep system 67

prominently visible, even when looking at a longer time series graph.Repeating the cycle five times is done to avoid confusion with otherduty-idle periods that could also originate from the execution of anordinary application.

After the program has run on all SDBs, the start and end times ofeach job were obtained from the Slurm resource management system.Feeding these into dcdbquery returned the power trace for the appli-cation run. The graphs of the power traces for each of the 1080 SDBswas then manually inspected. This inspection revealed some BMCsfor which NTP time synchronization had not been configured. Aftercorrecting the NTP configuration on the BMCs and documenting thefaulty measurement IC, all graphs showed the square wave pattern.

Most of the graphs showed a regular pattern for the power con-sumption of the nodes as shown in Figure 10a. On some nodes, how-ever, the power draw during some or all of the duty cycles was sig-nificantly lower than on other nodes. An example of this behavior isshown in Figure 10b. Further investigation revealed that the affectedSDBs were running hotter than others resulting in a throttling of theCPU. Following a change in the fan control policy of the chassis, allSDBs were sufficiently cooled and a repetition of the test on all nodesshowed the expected behavior with no more anomalies except forone: one defective power measurement IC delivered a near constantreading despite the benchmark being executed without anomalies onthe node (Figure 10c). This node was subsequently removed from thequeuing system during power consumption related benchmarks.

The issues found during the power cycle tests emphasize the impor-tance of thoroughly testing any measuring setup before use insteadof trusting the measurement equipment blindly. Also, tracking downthe oddities in the power consumption to a thermal root cause is agood argument for integrated setups which combine monitoring in-formation from IT and infrastructure into one monitoring system.

Outlook and ideasfor future work

In this series of tests, evaluation of the power consumption graphs wasperformed manually through human visual inspection. Since this will nolonger be feasible for systems that are significantly larger in size, futureresearch could explore possibilities in automating this task. For simple testcases such as the above power cycle application, algorithms from the signalprocessing domain could yield acceptable results. In case of more complextests with multiple sensors, machine learning technologies could be usedinstead.

6.2 thermal throttling on the deep system

One part of the evaluation tests on the DEEP system was dedicated tothe machine’s liquid cooling infrastructure. According to the Amer-ican Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engi-neers (ASHRAE) [73], liquid cooled computers can be categorized

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68 tests & performance optimizations

(a) Properly cooled node — no thermal throttling

(b) Node with reduced cooling — CPU enters thermal throttling

Figure 11: Time series of selected temperature sensors and CPU frequencyduring a HPL run on the DEEP prototype

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6.2 thermal throttling on the deep system 69

with respect to their operating temperatures into five different groups(W1 to W5). A system certified for ASHRAE W4 operations can berun with water inlet temperatures of up to 45 °C and is therefore qual-ified for year-round chiller-less cooling almost anywhere on earth.Systems certified for ASHRAE W5 operation operate at temperaturesgreater than 45 °C and re-use the excess heat in the central buildingheating system or for other purposes. The goal for the DEEP systemwas to at least comply with the W4 standard. Since no upper temper-ature is defined for systems complying with W5, the tests were alsotrying to determine the consequences of operating beyond 45 °C.

For this test, a subset of 4 BNCs (8 nodes) was running single-node versions of the high performance Linpack (HPL) benchmarkto generate CPU load. The water inlet temperature was then set tovalues from 20 °C to 50 °C in steps of 5 K. Starting from 40 °C, one ofthe eight nodes started to show longer runtimes for each iteration ofthe benchmark and at 45 °C and 50 °C, two nodes of the eight nodesexhibited longer benchmark runtimes than the other nodes.

With DCDB at hand, tracking down the cause for this behaviorwas easy. In the background, DCDB had collected all informationincluding temperatures and CPU frequency. Figure 11 shows the timeseries of the CPU frequency (scaled by 1/100), die temperature, andtwo additional temperature sensors on the board during the HPLrun. The trace shows the behavior of the HPL benchmark which wasconfigured to perform multiple iterations on data sets of increasingsize. While the CPU frequency remains constant on the unaffectednode independent from the problem size (Figure 11a), the slow nodecould avoid thermal throttling only in the first iterations (Figure 11b).The overall temperature level on the affected node is approximately 5-10 °C higher in idle. Under load, the die temperature of the throttlednode exceeds 130 °C whereas the unaffected node’s die temperaturenever exceeds 100 °C. This clearly indicated that the cooling of theaffected node needed reworking (i.e. re-mounting of the cold plate).Yet, in general, the BNCs were well suited for operating at coolingwater temperatures of even 50 °C.

The conclusion from these tests for the DEEP project was that thesystem works well within the specifications of ASHRAE W4 and pos-sibly W5. It is also good to see that the CPU does a good job at pro-tecting itself from overheating. The conclusion from a system moni-toring perspective was that being able to monitor as many parame-ters as possible makes analysis and evaluation of high performancecomputing systems very effective. Without DCDB, additional time-consuming iterations of the tests would have been necessary to ana-lyze the behavior. Thanks to the scalability of DCDB, however, moni-toring all parameters at a high temporal resolution was possible andthe entire analysis of the situation was possible retrospectively.

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70 tests & performance optimizations

6.3 benchmarking dcdb’s insert performance

The design goal for DCDB was to achieve a high insert performancein order to being able to capture and store as much sensor data aspossible. Cassandra as the underlying database promises scalabilityand the data model for storing the sensor data in DCDB can fulfilthis promise in theory. Since the entire process of inserting data intoDCDB not only concerns Cassandra but also the Collect Agent, itwas sensible to test the behavior of DCDB’s performance scalabilityin practice.

The DEEP Aurora Booster with its Cassandra setup spanning the 24

BICs and the deepm management server is a good hardware platformfor this test. On the software side, the test setup consists of the stan-dard DCDB installation on the DEEP Aurora Booster and a specialbenchmark application. This benchmark application mimics a pusherapplication that sends MQTT messages with sensor data as fast aspossible. The benchmark was configured to send data for 24 simu-lated sensors. For each of the 24 simulated sensors, the benchmarkapplication sends 100,000 MQTT messages. The benchmark waits un-til each MQTT message is delivered before sending the next message.This means that any bottleneck at the Collect Agent or Cassandrawill propagate back to the benchmark application and no data willbe lost. Since the Collect Agent and Cassandra operate with multiplethreads, the benchmark application is also written to send messagesin parallel with a configurable number of threads. For this evaluation,repeated tests were performed with 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 threads in thebenchmark application. The performance evaluation will look at thetotal number of inserts per second into DCDB per node. To avoidnoise in the test setup, the Booster Nodes were shut down duringthe benchmarks and the benchmark application was started on theCassandra nodes themselves.

The first test’s goal was to create a baseline for the measurements.Therefore, the benchmark was started on each node exclusively, i.e.all nodes except for the node running the benchmark were not han-dling any sensor data. The results of this test are shown in Figure 12a.The chart shows that all nodes can achieve an insert performance ofover 20,000 inserts per second. It also shows that the performanceincreases with the number of MQTT message threads. While this isonly a confirmation of the expected behavior, it confirms that pusherapplications handling data from multiple data sources should featurea threaded design.

To prove the scalability of the entire solution, the benchmark appli-cation was run again. This time, however, it was executed on all nodesin parallel. Given the promise of linear scalability of the entire solu-tion, the expected performance should be similar to the performanceobserved when running the benchmark node by node. The results in

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6.3 benchmarking dcdb’s insert performance 71







































(a) Performance of single node inserts







































(b) Performance of all node parallel inserts







































(c) Performance of all node parallel inserts on neighboring nodes

Figure 12: Analysis of the DCDB insert performance on the DEEP Booster.

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72 tests & performance optimizations

Figure 12b show that the performance is indeed similar. This resultproves that a DCDB installation scales linearly with the number ofDCDB nodes running a Cassandra instance and the Collect Agent.As a consequence, apart from the limits imposed by the 64 bits of asensor’s location identifier, DCDB will be capable of monitoring sys-tems of arbitrary size. Should the performance of DCDB saturate ( pushing too many sensors or by pushing at too high frequencies),the situation can always be relaxed by adding more DCDB nodes.

For maximum performance, it is required to insert data into Cas-sandra on the Cassandra node that will store the data according toCassandra’s configuration. As explained previously, careful planningduring the installation phase of DCDB is required to ensure that thisrequirement is fulfilled. Cassandra is kind enough, however, to copydata onto the correct node if an insert is performed on a wrong node.Obviously, such copying of data in the background impacts the over-all performance of Cassandra by creating additional networking traf-fic. To estimate the maximum impact of this effect, a third experi-ment was conducted. Again, the insertion benchmark was run on allnodes in parallel using the smallest possible MQTT messages with asingle sensor value. This time, however, the sensor IDs used by thebenchmark were not sensor IDs that resulted in Cassandra storingthe data on the current node. Instead, each benchmark applicationcreated data for sensor IDs that was supposed to be stored on thenext node in the Cassandra configuration. For example, the bench-mark running on bic001 created data that was stored on bic002 andso forth. The results are shown in Figure 12c. As expected, the over-head created through the additional Cassandra-internal transfer ofdata is significant as the insert performance shrinks to less than halfthe performance of the optimal setup.

Outlook and ideasfor future work

Since wrongly configuring a DCDB installation can have such signifi-cant impact on the overall performance, future research could work out ideasfor facilitating the installation of DCDB for new users. Possible approachescould involve the design of a proper user interface for installing and configur-ing DCDB as well as network based auto-discovery mechanisms for sensorsand pusher applications to assign suitable sensor IDs and to find the nearestCassandra node.

6.4 optimized virtual sensor evaluation

DCDB’s virtual sensor feature provides a powerful mechanism to con-solidate the data of many physical sensors into aggregated values.With the right physical sensors available inside DCDB, a virtual sen-sor could even calculate a single data center wide metric, for examplePUE. Yet, the evaluation of virtual sensors can encounter scalabilitylimits.

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6.4 optimized virtual sensor evaluation 73

Section 4.7.5 explained that DCDB supports a simple grammar de-scribing the arithmetic for evaluating the virtual sensor at a giventimestamp. Whenever the evaluation of a virtual sensor is requested,DCDB creates an abstract syntax tree for the expression. DCDB thenrecursively processes the syntax tree for each timestamp at which thevirtual sensor’s value is needed. Once the processing of the syntaxtree requires the input of a physical sensor s at time t, DCDB looksup the time series of s to determine the reading (t1, v1) prior to t andthe reading (t2, v2) following t. The value v(t) of the physical sensorat time t is then approximated using linear interpolation:

v(t) =v2 − v1t2 − t1

∗ t+ t2v1 − t1v2t2 − t1


Determining the readings (t1, v1) and (t2, v2) can be done efficientlywith Cassandra and DCDB’s database scheme. Yet, the above schemerequires 2n readings of physical sensor values when evaluating avirtual sensor which depends on n physical sensors as inputs. Forvirtual sensors whose reporting frequency is similar or greater thanthe reporting frequency of its underlying physical sensors, the aboveapproach can also lead to repetitive readings of the same value fromthe data store.

To improve the performance of virtual sensor evaluation, DCDB im-plements a scheme of sensor data caches. After DCDB has built theabstract syntax tree for a virtual sensor expression, it determines a listof all physical sensors which are needed for evaluation of the virtualsensor. The determination of the physical sensors is performed recur-sively, taking into account also the cases in which a virtual sensorexpression refers to other virtual sensors, which in turn may refer tomore virtual or physical sensors. Once the list of physical sensors hasbeen determined, DCDB allocates a sensor data cache for each physi-cal sensor. Requests for physical sensor values as well as the seekingfor data points preceding and following a certain timestamp can nowbe done using the sensor data cache. Whenever a request to the sensordata cache is made, the implementation checks whether the requestedvalue has previously been loaded from the database. If not, the sensordata cache attempts to fetch a certain number of readings prior andafter the requested reading form the database and stores the valuesin memory. The number of readings that are speculatively loaded bythe sensor data cache is configurable to allow for application specifictradeoffs between lowering the number of requests to Cassandra andthe memory consumption of the sensor data caches.

Outlook and ideasfor future work

The virtual sensors feature offers a variety of options for optimization andfuture research. One idea that has not yet been implemented is a value cachefor virtual sensor values. DCDB is built with the assumption that sufficientspace for storing all data is available. Thus, one could conclude that it isbetter to store all calculated virtual sensor values back to the sensor datastore so that they do not need to be recalculated when they get queried again.

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74 tests & performance optimizations

Obviously, care needs to be taken to delete the values from the data store whenthe definition of a virtual sensor is changed. Additionally, DCDB would needto address situations, in which a physical sensor reading is inserted after avirtual sensor has been evaluated that would have been based on the physicalsensor’s reading.

Further research could also address the parallel and distributed evalua-tion of virtual sensors. For this, the underlying abstract syntax tree of avirtual sensor expression could be reordered with the goal to distribute theevaluation onto the database nodes while increasing data locality at the sametime. For example, the calculation of a global sum of power sensors could beperformed locally on each Cassandra node for all its local sensors before thepartial sums are sent to the requesting node where the final sum is calculated.Reshaping the syntax tree using the commutative and distributive propertiesof the supported basic arithmetic functions could be used to further optimizesuch distributed approach.

Finally, the grammar of the expressions for virtual sensors could be im-proved to implement new features. Possible features could include derivativecalculation, helper functions (e.g. to return the number of available sensorsmatching a given name pattern), or even if-then-else constructs that controlthe evaluation of each single data point.

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7C O N C L U S I O N & O U T L O O K

In a study performed by Hyperion Research, the market for high per-formance computing systems is projected to grow from 11.2 billionUS Dollars in 2016 to over 14.8 billion Dollars in 2021 [74]. Consider-ing that the ratio of cost per computational capacity has been decreas-ing throughout the history of computing, one can conclude that theuse of supercomputers will continue to grow as a valuable tool forscientists and engineers across a multitude of domains. At the sametime, lowering the total cost of operation in high performance com-puting will remain a means of supercomputing providers and usersto further increase their capabilities and to outperform their competi-tion. Similar to commercial data center applications, electricity costsmake up for the largest fraction of operational costs in supercomput-ers and the electricity costs do not only incur in the computer equip-ment itself, but also in the surrounding data center infrastructure.

While all of this has been well understood and models, criteria, andmetrics for the evaluation of energy efficiency in high performancecomputing have been defined, practical application of these modelsand the actual determination of the associated metrics remained achallenge. Several reasons for this can be named:

insufficient or improper instrumentation causes a lack ofdata required for full evaluation or the desired metrics. How-ever, decreasing costs for sensors and measuring equipmentalongside a continuous renewal process in the data centers willhelp overcome these issues with time.

lack of integration of monitoring systems, in particular the sep-aration of IT monitoring and building infrastructure monitoringsystems, make calculating side-wide energy efficiency metrics atedious task. None of the existing IT monitoring solutions pre-sented in this thesis is ready to connect to building infrastruc-ture management systems.

limited scalability of monitoring systems is another hurdle forany integrated monitoring approach. If the IT monitoring solu-tion of a large system can barely handle the IT related data, op-erators will not dare to add the building infrastructure relateddata to it and vice versa.

This thesis set out to address, at the very low technical level, theshortcomings of today’s system monitoring solutions to overcomethese limitations. With the Data Center DataBase (DCDB) framework,


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76 conclusion & outlook

a scalable approach has been presented for collecting, storing, pro-cessing, and reporting time series of sensor data. The scalability ofDCDB allows for improving the spatial and temporal resolution of to-day’s data center monitoring solutions to an arbitrary extent. Throughthe use of simple, lightweight, and standardized interfaces, it is easyto make DCDB the host for all monitoring data in high performancecomputing data centers, no matter whether it is server monitoringdata, building infrastructure data, or application performance moni-toring data. With the flexibility and configurability introduced by theimplementation of a virtual sensor concept, DCDB can be configuredto directly generate any energy efficiency related metric. For exam-ple, this means that DCDB can be used to calculate the Power UsageEffectiveness over an entire year of operation, while at the same timeproviding near real-time data on particular subsystems which can beused by the system management software to (auto-)tune certain hard-ware parameters for optimized energy efficiency.

DCDB has proved its capability to deliver on these promises in theEuropean DEEP and Mont-Blanc projects. Yet, the use in both projectshas also shown that more work is needed to turn DCDB from itsproof-of-concept state into a truly valuable tool for high performancecomputer operators and users. From its current state, DCDB could ei-ther be used to replace the data collection and processing infrastruc-tures in existing monitoring tools, or it could be further developedinto its own fully integrated monitoring solution.

To encourage the use of DCDB and to allow for a broader com-munity to determine the future of the project, DCDB has been putunder the GNU General Public License (GPL v2 for the commandline programs and LGPL v2.1 for the DCDB library).

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