the deep dark secret of internet success

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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  • 1. THE DEEP DARK SECRET OF INTERNET SUCCESS never ever told in publicbefore...Alternative TitleNo More Buts!

2. But First Lets Go Back in TimeBack in the 1990s before Twitter, Facebook, Bebo, Google Plus, Instagram, iPhones, iPads and all the other things that blink on your screen there was...... Well here wasnt much to waste your time online then.People didnt walk around clutching their phones waiting for them to ring and check their email every 5 minutes (most didnt have it except in the office) 3. But...... we tried damm hard to findsomething...but those who were on the Internet did find some things. They were called news groups... These were online forums like the more polished ones today where people spent time talking about a wide variety of topics.I used to live on these forums (cough cough I was an expert in Xemacs so there) 4. But...... Yes most of these slides willbegin with but..... The people on these forums / knewgroups actuallywhat they weretalking about wrotereams of helpful information andcreated rich sources ofinformation that people usedagain and again... These people were heroes andloved by one and all 5. But... Fast forward to today.The Internet is full to the brim of....... Emmmm... EmmmmmHORSESHIT 6. ButThere are gems of informationand useful sites out there thatwhen people find them theygrab onto them likea lifebuoy and hug themand revisit them and spendmoney with them if they areselling things and they go backand use them again and again.So here is how you can become such an internet phenomenon. 7. But Here is The 5 point plan1. Get up early in the morning2. Work on your idea. No dont open Twitter, Facebook, Email or that app that makes birds angry3. When in doubt go back to 14. Become an expert in your area. Read, research. Then when you have done this read, research.5. Publish this online, share it show the world. 8. But( Yes Back to Buts )But How Will I make money???People will come if they know that you are the best.You arent the best? GO BACK TO THE 5 POINT PLANFor no extra cost here is the Gold 3 Point Plan on next slide 9. Gold 3 Point Plan1. When 5.30 comes and others go home to watch Fair City, Tweet with their friends repeat the 5 point plan in the evenings.2. Share the knoweldge at regular intervals (no not like on Twitter every 5 seconds but 2-3 times per week)3. Return to the 5 point plan and polish your product, ideas and output. 10. ButIs that it?Yes. No more Buts 11. Finally Always End with a WiseQuote if at first you dont succeed tryand try againSource: Me When Today 12. AboutKieran Daly is a website designer andInternet Expert Learner He spends25 hours per day on the Internet andthe rest of the time is trying to follow a5 point plan. He likes the Gold plan [email protected] Web Design