the democracy - sierra club · new york governor andrew cuomo placed public financing in his budget...


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Page 1: THE DEMOCRACY - Sierra Club · New York Governor Andrew Cuomo placed public financing in his budget in 2014, and the Democracy Initiative worked with the Fair Elections Coalition





Page 2: THE DEMOCRACY - Sierra Club · New York Governor Andrew Cuomo placed public financing in his budget in 2014, and the Democracy Initiative worked with the Fair Elections Coalition

A sHArED VIsIoN of A MorE DEMocrATIc AMErIcAThe Democracy Initiative is a dynamic network of activist organizations

with tens of millions of members working toward a vibrant future in which

all Americans participate fully and freely in the democratic process. We

believe that every voter must have a voice in public policy and that every

elected official must be accountable to the people and the public interest.

Our 51 endorsing organizations pursue a broad range of progressive

goals focused on civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, and climate

change, but we all know that success in any of these areas depends on

reforming our democratic process. Despite diverse missions, we are united

by a shared vision:

• To restore the core principle of one person, one vote by reducing the influence of big money in politics;

• To defend and expand voting access nationally and in every state; and

• To end the abuse of arcane rules—including the Senate filibuster—which promotes dysfunction and gridlock, and distance Americans from their government.

Launched in 2013, the

Initiative now includes five

convening organizations—the

Communications Workers of

America, Sierra Club, Common

Cause, Greenpeace, and the

NAACP—and 51 endorsing

organizations, representing more

than 35 million Americans.

THE sTrENgTH of MIllIoNs

Without the energy, experience, and

devotion to democratic values that

our endorsers have demonstrated

again and again over the past

year, the Democracy Initiative could not have accomplished so much in

so short a time. Our strength comes from our ability to catalyze millions

behind our democracy goals. In 2015 we must deepen the commitment of

our constituent organizations and engage members and activists across

the country as we mobilize for democracy, broaden the movement, and

support innovative projects to return power to the people.

MobIlIzINg for DEMocrAcyWe make it clear in our name: Democracy is what we care about. We

want the people’s voices to be heard and to determine the future of

America. The desire to expand democracy drives us to fight for voting

rights, monitor polls for fairness and access for all, campaign for the

Democracy for All Amendment, address big money in politics, and try to

mend the Senate’s broken confirmation process.


We worked tirelessly for voting rights reform in 2014. Drawing on the

activist base and expertise of the NAACP, many of our organizations helped

their members maintain pressure on lawmakers throughout the year.

In the spring, youth activists from southern historically black colleges

and universities joined more than 300 participants in the United States

Student Association’s National Grassroots Legislative Conference in

Washington, DC, to advocate for the Voting Rights Amendment Act

(VRAA) on Capitol Hill. Democracy Initiative organizations —including

“The Democracy Initiative is

creating a critically important

new space where those of us

fighting for political equality

can come together and

build a broad, cross-cutting

movement demanding a

government that is truly of, by,

and for the people.”

Michael brune

Executive Director, Sierra Club

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the NAACP, NAACP National Voter Fund, and CWA—continued efforts in

June to press members of the U.S. House and Senate for legislative action

on the VRAA.

The Democracy Initiative organized a patch-through call campaign

reaching out to more than 10,000 members of endorsing organizations,

asking them to urge Members of Congress to support and advance the

stalled legislation. Our campaign ultimately resulted in several Republican

Members supporting the VRAA. Although the legislation was blocked in

the House, the DI and our partners built a strong network of activists and

organizations committed to safeguarding the right to vote as a pillar of

our democracy.


In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision,

which invalidated key sections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, monitoring

polling places in communities with a history of discrimination has become

more essential than at any time in the past 50 years.

In response to this new challenge, a few weeks before the mid-term election,

the Democracy Initiative hosted an innovative Tele-Town Hall meeting with

more than 13,000 members of DI organizations in order to recruit citizen

poll monitors. Hundreds of volunteers from our endorsing organizations

signed on. Careful coordination with Common Cause, the NAACP, the State

Voices network, and the Election Protection coalition ensured that our

partners’ volunteers were connected to efforts on the ground on Election

Day, focusing on communities especially vulnerable to discriminatory voting

laws and practices.

In 2015 we must expand the network of volunteers defending and

expanding voting rights across the country.


Democracy Initiative partners—led by Common Cause, Free Speech for

People, People for the American Way, and Public Citizen—organized

rallies, in-district meetings with Members of Congress, and editorial and

letter-writing campaigns nationwide to awaken public interest in the

need for an amendment to end the power of big money in elections. By

networking with each other through their DI connections, our partners

were able to extend their messages across a broader constituency and

educate and mobilize many more people.

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DEMocrAcy for All AMENDMENT2014 cAMPAIgN


Millions of Americans signed petitions in support of changing the

Consitution to enable regulation of money in politics. People For the

American Way coordinated collection and petition delivery.

15,000+ PHoNE cAlls To sENATors

CWA donated a toll-free number, and members of DI endorsing

organizations generated more than 15,000 calls to Senate offices in the

week leading up to the vote—an average of 300 calls per office.


Public Citizen coordinated the organization of in-district events at Senators’

offices, and members of several DI organizations attended, which attracted

media attention. Five Democrats who had not sponsored the amendment all

committed to vote for it as a result.


Diverse and nontraditional voices were raised in support of reform through

a large-scale op-ed campaign. Leaders of DI organizations in 10 states,

including Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico,

Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, contributed opinion pieces.


In 2013, the Democracy Initiative’s Fix the Senate Now campaign brought

together policy communities and membership organizations that had

previously worked independently on the broken nominations process,

including consumer groups mobilizing for the Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau nominee Richard Cordray, civil rights groups and

labor unions advocating for Secretary of Labor Tom Perez and National

Labor Relations Board nominees; and environmental groups supporting

confirmation of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina

McCarthy. Under the overarching message of Senate gridlock, we made a

million contacts, changed Senate rules, and urged legislators to move on

hundreds of pending nominations.

Our strategy worked: The Senate rule change allowed a simple majority

to determine whether a vote could happen for any administrative

or judicial nominee, with the

exception of Supreme Court

nominees. The stalemate was

broken and 79 judges were

confirmed. The Hill newspaper

hailed our campaign as the #3

Legislative Victory of 2013, and

The New Organizing Institute

selected our campaign as one

of the best of the year. The

American Federation of Judges

has acknowledged that without the

Democracy Initiative’s backing and

influence, the confirmation process

would have remained thoroughly


In 2014 we continued to beat

the drum for reform, but a small

handful of Senators insisted on

obstructing nominations and

legislation. As 2014 comes to

an end, there are still more than

150 pending nominations to

judgeships, ambassadorships,

and executive offices protecting

“What do Richard Boulware,

a federal judge in Nevada;

Nina Pillard, a judge on the

U.S. Court of Appeals for

the D.C. Circuit; and Melvin

Watt, director of the Federal

Housing Finance Agency,

have in common?

All are highly qualified

for their jobs. All bring to

their work outstanding

backgrounds in public

service. And none of them

would have been able to

serve the American people

in their current jobs if not

for last year’s reform of

Senate rules.”

Nan Aron

President, Alliance for Justice

Page 5: THE DEMOCRACY - Sierra Club · New York Governor Andrew Cuomo placed public financing in his budget in 2014, and the Democracy Initiative worked with the Fair Elections Coalition

NATIoNAl NETWork for DEMocrAcy

Page 6: THE DEMOCRACY - Sierra Club · New York Governor Andrew Cuomo placed public financing in his budget in 2014, and the Democracy Initiative worked with the Fair Elections Coalition

Americans’ health, safety, and the environment. These are not

insignificant matters. When executive posts are vacant, essential

functions of government are threatened. When courts are understaffed,

justice for citizens across the country is delayed.

In 2015, the Democracy Initiative will fight against obstruction of the

nomination and confirmation process.

BROADENING THE MOVEMENTThe Initiative is dedicated to nurturing grassroots, local, and state efforts

to return government to the people, so from the start we have allied with

and supported organizations and strategies outside Washington, DC.

In New York and Delaware, for example, we supported critical battles

against big money and in favor of ordinary voters.


In 2013, as a fledgling organization, we joined the New York Fair Elections

Coalition to pass public financing legislation: Greenpeace activated

its email list; the Sierra Club mobilized members and encouraged 14

environmental organizations in the state to prioritize the bill; the NAACP

hosted forums in New York City, linking public finance to improvements in

fair housing; and CWA mobilized members to participate in calls, rallies,

and lobbying days. Although the bill did not pass, the steady stream of

pressure on elected officials in Albany contributed to the creation of the

Moreland Commission on Public

Corruption—a vital first step.

New York Governor Andrew

Cuomo placed public financing

in his budget in 2014, and the

Democracy Initiative worked with

the Fair Elections Coalition on

the ground to keep the cause in

the headlines. We supported the

leadership work of Citizen Action

New York, the Working Families

Party, and other key supporters

of the reform. We hosted a series

of calls and emails on the status

of the Fair Elections campaign,

galvanizing national organizations

“The Democracy Initiative has

broadened the scope of the

money in politics movement,

bringing together allies

and activists from different

corners fighting to limit the

influence of money in the

political process and raise the

voices of everyday people.”

Nick Nyhart

President & CEO,

Public Campaign

and spurring emails to more than 250,000 activists. These emails

prompted calls to Governor Cuomo, including personal calls from Richard

Trumka of AFL-CIO, Bob King of UAW, and Larry Cohen of CWA.


In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and

McCutcheon v. FEC, which eroded long-standing laws regulating money

in politics, the Democracy Initiative is building a nationwide network of

activists who understand these complex issues and can work together

toward solutions. Democracy Initiative organizations, along with the

American Federation of Teachers, CWA, Demos, Greenpeace, Main Street

Alliance, NAACP,, People for the American Way Foundation,

Sierra Club, and U.S. PIRG joined together to present an amicus

brief to the Court in the McCutcheon case. We were able to mount a

strong amicus argument for limits on political contributions, and the

Page 7: THE DEMOCRACY - Sierra Club · New York Governor Andrew Cuomo placed public financing in his budget in 2014, and the Democracy Initiative worked with the Fair Elections Coalition

to rallies and events, and sent a

letter signed by 22 organizations

urging Delaware officials to

expand voting rights to its

residents. In addition, Democracy

Initiative organizations urged

their local members to call their

state representatives to support

same day registration, resulting

in hundreds of calls and a strong

show of support. Although this

bill did not pass, the campaign

will resume in full force next year

when Delaware’s House and Senate

return for the 2015 legislative

session. We will build on our 2014

successes, which include:

• Mobilizing hundreds of citizens

to call state representatives

to advocate for same-day registration. The Center for Popular

Democracy’s phone bank was particularly effective, logging 616 calls

in favor of the bill in the final days of the legislative session.

• Supporting carefully targeted drive-time radio ads that reached

thousands of listeners.

• Supporting our Center for Popular Democracy and NAACP partners’

events with clergy and African-American leaders.

EMbrAcINg INNoVATIVE ProjEcTsAlthough many of our partners are seasoned veterans of campaigns for

justice, equality, and democracy across organizations and issues, we

all can learn from each other. Many are teeming with young, forward-

thinking activists who will embrace new technologies and innovative

projects to accomplish our goals.


This year the Democracy Initiative created a Strategic Intervention

Fund designed as a rapid response mechanism to improve agility at the

grassroots level. The Fund has supported nonpartisan voter education,

nonpartisan election monitoring, and other activities that ensure all

organizations involved used the brief as an opportunity to educate their

members about the topic and the case.

In April, when the Court struck down limits on aggregate contributions

to candidates, the Democracy Initiative helped spearhead and coordinate

media coverage of many of the more than 150 rallies in 41 states

organized to protest the Court’s tacit endorsement of pay-to-play

politics. In Washington, DC, the Initiative and many of its closest partners

joined Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), Representative Keith Ellison (MN),

and Representative Ted Deutsch (FL) on the steps of the Supreme Court

to voice outrage at the McCutcheon decision.


In 2014, Demos and the Center for Popular Democracy aided local

organizations in attempting to expand voting rights in Delaware with a

push for same-day voter registration throughout the state.

Bringing together its allies and partners, the Democracy Initiative

organized lobby visits to Delaware elected officials, brought supporters

“The Democracy Initiative is

fighting for millions of people

who rightly want a say in our

nation’s democracy. Voting

rights for African Americans

and people of color are under

attack. We are proud to stand

with the Democracy Initiative

as we jointly work to ensure

elections are free, fair and

accessible for ALL people.”

Penda Hair


Advancement Project

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Our Big Money Political System Undermines Our Democracy and Our

Economy. The gathering featured an advance briefing on the report for

Democracy Initiative member organizations and integrated the issues of

voting rights and money in politics. It united participants under broad

democracy themes. The roundtable provided valuable feedback on the

draft report and informed the Democracy Initiative’s effort to build a

more diverse, inclusive movement.

succEss THrougH coNVErgENcE AND coMMuNITyThe Democracy Initiative is building a new and powerful convergence

of activists for democracy. We are building bridges among national

organizations that will strengthen the base of support for a variety of

state and federal efforts. In the long term, we will measure our success

by building a movement of 50 million Americans with lasting, passionate

support for restoring and sustaining democracy.

voters are able to cast ballots on Election Day. For example:

• In Connecticut, we supported expanding voting opportunities beyond

the in-person Election Day voting mandated (with limited exceptions)

by the state constitution.

• In Maine, we supported the citizens’ fight to defend and improve their

unique Maine Clean Election Act, which was endangered by recent

Supreme Court decisions favoring privately funded candidates.


In response to the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling in Shelby County v.

Holder, the Democracy Initiative organized three groundbreaking

TeleTown Halls. The first, “From Outrage to Action,” was hosted by the

NAACP and gathered 18,000 activists nationwide, including leaders from

CWA, Greenpeace, the National Council of La Raza, the National Gay

and Lesbian Task Force, SEIU, and the Sierra Club. In 2014 the Initiative

sponsored “From Outrage to Action…to Mobilization,” educating 23,000

participants on the relevance of voting rights to the environmental, labor,

LGBT, youth, business, and voting rights communities, and spurring them

to reach out to elected officials to act to protect voting rights. And in

October we hosted a pre-election TeleTown Hall to engage organizations

in citizen poll monitoring for the upcoming election.

Another innovative program initiated in 2014 was the virtual teach-

in hosted by, Demos, and DI to educate thousands of

Americans about the Supreme

Court’s Citizens United decision on

its fourth anniversary.

buIlDINg coNVErgENcE

This year, the Democracy Initiative

made major strides in efforts to

broaden our message and expand

our audience for democracy. In

June, Demos and the Democracy

Initiative convened leaders from

African-American, Latino, and

Asian Pacific Islander communities

for a special pre-release discussion

of a new Demos report, Stacked

Deck: How the Racial Bias in

“The Democracy Initiative

is a movement that has

the potential to mobilize

millions of people around

the principle of political

equality. We need to

empower voters with the

message that the right to

vote is fundamental and our

democracy is not for sale.”

cornell William brooks

President & CEO, NAACP

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The Democracy Initiative | 50 F Street NW, 8th Floor | Washington, DC | [email protected] | (202) 495-3027