the derain times - académie de versailles · this year, the pupils in the euopean section in 4eme...

The Derain Times Issue 1 – First quarter, 2014-2015 Specia l repor t: London! News School life Sports Music Films Video games Books Stars gossip Fashion Cooking TV news Horoscope Animals Crosswords photo from

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The Derain TimesIssue 1 – First quarter, 2014-2015

Special report: London!NewsSchool life




Video games


Stars gossip



TV news




photo from

Editorial - by Mr Tabin

Hi everyone,This year, the pupils in the Euopean Section in 4eme are proud to take up the Derain Times, the magazine of our middle school, written in English!We will publish one issue at the end of every quarter.In this first issue, the pupils have worked hard to give you interesting articles about what's happening in our school and in the world, with a special report on London! You will also find articles about films, music, TV shows, video games, books, stars, fashion. If you have a sweet tooth, you will love the cooking section! You will also find a documentary about animals and a horoscope. If you love sports, you will have plenty of information to read, and even crosswords! We hope you will have fun reading this magazine, and don't hesitate to tell us what you would like to find in the next issue!


- Editorial .................................. p. 2- News ...................................... p. 3- School life ......................... pp. 4-5- Books ................................ pp. 6-7- Films ...................................... p. 8- Music ..................................... p. 9- TV news ............................... p. 10- Stars gossip .......................... p. 11- Special report: London! ........................ pp. 12-13- Cooking ................................ p. 14- Fashion ................................ p. 15- Video games ................. pp. 16-17- Animals ......................... pp. 18-19- Horoscope ..................... pp. 20-21- Sports ............................ pp. 22-23- Sports Crosswords ............... p. 24

HELP:proud: fierto take up: reprendrean issue: un numéroa quarter: un trimestrea TV show: une émission TVfashion: la modeto have a sweet tooth: être gourmandcrosswords: mots croisésgossip: ragots


More than three days after the fire on the Norman Atlantic ferry-boat in the Adriatic Sea, 88 people are untraceable. There are 11 people injured and 2 seamen are dead. The government has opened an investigation and they thought they would find more people in the boat. 98 people have not been found. The fire was declared on the lower- deck next to a lot of trucks.


On the 1st of January, the North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un said that North Korea had no reason to refuse the “talks” proposals made by South Korea three days later.

Image from Google image

Image from Google image


News - by Guillaume

Fire on the Norman Atlantic ferry-boat

On Wednesday, January 7th, the offices of the newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris were attacked by three terrorists who claimed to avenge Allah. 12 people were killed, including 2 policemen, and the famous and talented cartoonists Cabu and Wolinski. This newspaper was attacked because it had published several caricatures of Allah or the Muslim prophet Muhammad. It had already been firebombed for the same reason in 2011. These journalists were killed because they refused to remain silent, but rather defended the freedom of expression. An international wave of emotion and indignation immediately started, with celebrities expressing their support, and thousands of people gathering in big cities in France and around the world. Thousands of people also expressed their support on Facebook or Twitter, by sharing cartoons or the expression "Je suis Charlie".

Charlie Hebdo attacked by terrorists

He declared in his “Happy New Year” speech that if the South Korean authorities want to improve the relations between the two countries with dialogue, then they could begin new negotiations.On Monday, South Korean Unification Minister Ryoo Kuhl Jae said that he was ready to meet North Korean politicians, in order to negotiate about the reunion of Korean Families divided by war, and also to discuss about the 70th anniversary of the country’s division, in 1945.Kim Jong-Un wants a climate of peace for these negotiations and sees no problem in the fact of discussing with South Korea if the Political situation between the two countries stays as it is today, and he doesn’t want new confrontations with the south.As a matter of fact, on October, border conflicts on the DMZ had prevented several political meetings between the North and the South.

Cartoon posted on Twitter by French illustrator Jean Jullien

School life - by Marine and Clémence


At school, the pupils who dream of learning how to do cartwheels or wearing a justaucorps will be able to apply for the gymnastics school team. The school team allows beginner pupils to practicebgymnastics every week on gymnastics apparatus : uneven bars, beam, floor, vault, horizontal bar, parallel bars and trampoline. The option will be for the more experienced. All gymnasts will participate in competitions, be trained judges and buy justaucorps. Last year, the boy's team was able to go to the France championships accompanied by one judge.


For those who like racket sports, badminton and its atmosphere is for you. The school has a badminton team and an option. Pupils can buy the school team's t-shirts and participate in competitions in pairs or teams. Last year, a team arrived in 6th position out of 24 teams.


At school athletics is one of the three sports options proposed (the other possibilities are : badminton and gymnastics).Two years ago, we were about ten ; last year, we were twice as many ; and this year, we are about sixty. So, we had to divide the group into two parts. The first part is from 3:30pm to 4:45pm for benjamins1 and from 4:45pm to 6:00pm for juniors². Practices are on Fridays. Athletics gathers various disciplines like : shot put, javelin throw, long jump, high jump, triple jump, speed and hurdling. Some Wedneday competitions have leagues to compete against other middle schools.

Introduction to the Derain Times

The « Derain Times » is a magazine which is written English by students of the European class 4ème. There will be one issue per quarter.The magazine is composed of various sections, each one with a different theme.The articles are written by pupils who can form groups of two or possibly (rarely) three people, or single people. We (the writers of this article) are responsible for writing various articles about school life. Last year, the magazine was not very well-known but this year we want it to be known by more people.

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1 : from 11 to 12 years old2 : from 13 to 14 years old3 : here : perspective

Photo from



This year, the writer Flore Talamon, author of «The Buffon's Monkey», came in the class of 4e4 and had a writing workshop to teach them writing techniques.


This year, the school has several music clubs : choir, rock shop, vocal coach, and guitar accompaniement. The choir consists of 7 members and has a project «The Disney show». The rock shop allows musicians to play songs in a group (guitar, vocals, piano, bas, drums...) for a show at the end of the year (in June). The vocal coach has the aim to help singers to sing even better, and the guitar accompaniement is a class for all beginner and confirmed guitar players. Music is very present at school. Last year they did a concert, which you can see there :


This year, the middle school welcomed the CM2 for the cross. This is a highlight for the school because it's a sort of rally. That's why all the pupils must be there !!! The pupils who want to can go to the departmental cross. And for the first three, the licence is offered. The departemental cross is set for November 26th.


The class representatives are elected by all students in the class. A class council is held once a quarter where the class representatives must be. They defend the ideas of the students. And one of class representative is elected by other class representatives during a vote. For you I interviewed the « super délégué ». His name is Loïc G.-T. : « this role requires a lot of work, a good attention. And a great responsibility.» He also said : « I am going to change for this responsibility ».

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Art : this year in art the goal was to create a cinema setting in three dimensions . The most beautiful masterpieces are these :

By Manon G.

By Timothé B.

By Gabrielle F.5

The chocolate girls is a series of 6 books written by Cathy Cassidy, a British author. These books have been translated in French.

Cathy Cassidy was born on June 13th 1962, so she is now 52. She was born in Coventry, but now she lives in the Galloway hills in Scotland. Cathy is married with two children. She has written twenty-three books.

Photos from

The chocolate box girls


The first book of the chocolate box girls is “Cherry Crush”. It was written in 2010. The second book written in 2011 is called “Marshmallow Skye”.The third book is “Summer's Dream” and it was written in 2012. “Bittersweet” is between the third book and the fourth book because basically this book was not planned. It’s also why it was written in 2013 at the same time as the fourth book called “Coco Caramel”. The sixth book is “Sweet Honey”. That was written in 2014.For the moment, it’s not expected that there will be a seventh book.

The first book is about a teenager called Cherry Costello. Cherry lives with her father only because her mother died. Her father (called Paddy) decides to remarry Charlotte Tamberry, his former classmate. Charlotte has got 4 daughters and she is divorced. Cherry will meet Skye and Summer who are twins, Coco the younger sister and Honey the older sister. But when she arrives, she falls in love with Honey’s boyfriend, Shay Fletcher...

The second book is about Skye who likes old dresses, history... She is unhappy because she lives in the shadow of her sister. At the end of the book she will be happy and her worries will be solved (I didn’t say why but if you want to know read it!).

“Summer’s dream” talks about Summer who likes dancing. In this book, she will have a proposal that will change her life but she will be seriously ill...

“Bittersweet” is a book that talks about Shay Fletcher. He likes music and in this book, his dream will probably come true but his father doesn’t agree with him... Shay will also have some problems with his girlfriend...

The fourth book talks about the younger sister Coco. With Steve, a classmate, she will save some animals but it's illegal... The last book is about Honey. She will move to Australia to live with her father. Honey will have some problems with her family and her friends and she will finally discover the truth...

Photo from babelio. com

These books are very interesting because there are a lot of unexpected developments. In this series, for each book, at the end, we can find a moral (life in a stepfamily, adolescence, believing in your dreams, violence, the dangers of the Internet...). What I found the most original were the cooking recipes at the end of the books because each cooking recipe is about the character described in the book. This series is more for girls but if you are a boy you can always read them because you will learn things about girls! So if you haven't read them yet, read them now!!!

by Célia and Servane

Photos from


From the first page ,this book takes us into the story of a dyslexic orphan. The story take place in New York in the USA.The dead father was actually Poséidon, a god of the Antiquity, and Percy Jackson will learn how to fight against monsters and malicious gods with his friends: Annabeth, Athena's daughter, and Grover, the satyr. There are five books in the series. In the first book, Zeus, the king of gods, accuses Percy to have stolen his lightning, a very powerful weapon.In the second book Percy has to find the Golden fleece  ; it's an item which has the power to save the Nature. In the third book Percy has to save two half-bloods, Bianca and Nico, Hadès's children. In the fourth book Percy has to find Dédale, the Labyrinth 's creator. In the fifth book Percy and his friends get ready for the final battle  !!These books are about how it's difficult to be a teenager.There are also fantastic fights, love and humour.The autor of this series is Rick Riordan.A movie was made from the first and the second books. The director of this film is Chris Columbus, the director of Harry Potter!! There is also Logan Lerman who played the role of Percy Jackson.I love this series because I love the Antiquity and magic and there is a lot of action  !If you haven't read it already, just go to your favourite library as soon as possible  !!!

Percy Jackson, a fantastic series !

Photo from www.googleimages .com


This month at the school library, there are new books. I won't present all of them because it would be too long but I strongly encourage you to discover all of them. The first book I would like to present is «Mystic City» written by Theo Lawrence.

This book talks about Aria Rose who is the heiress of one of the most powerful families in Mystic City. Her engagement with Thomas Foster, the son of her parents' enemies will probably save the city of a threat. But Aria has got a problem... she doesn't love Thomas. Aria will meet Hunter who will help her to discover the truth...I recommend this book to anyone who loves adventure. For more information, thid book was inspired by «Romeo and Juliet».

The second book is «Optical illusions», in French «illusions d'optiques». This book is for the curious people who will discover the different optical illusions. In this book, you will easily learn why our eyes can't see the reality.So if you like science, look at this book !

Finally I would like to talk about «Seul». It's a comic strip written by Gazzoti Vehlmann. This comic talks about 5 children. These children are in a country where everybody has disappeared. So they must learn to handle things by themselves. This book is for people who like short books and action. Photos from's website

Help !Heiress : inheritorIs not expected : it is not anticipatedShadow : obscurityUnexpected developments : surprising developmentsWorries : problemshandle things : find a solutionMalicious : evilA satyr : a faunLightning: thunderboltFleece : a sheep's wool


The film we would like to talk about is « Hunger Games ». During this review, we're going to detail the nature of the document, and the main characters. We will then present the plot and the main themes. Finally, we're going to tell you our personal opinion on this movie.

« Hunger Games » is based on the best-seller by author Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games is a 2012 American science fiction and adventure film directed by Gary Ross and produced by Nina Jacobson, and Tom Kilik. Three movies have already been shot. Part 2 of the last movie « The Rebellion » is being shot. We will be able to watch it in 2015. This film was shot in North Carolina, one of the southern states of the United States. Hunger Games marks the begining of Jennifer Lawrence's career.

There are six main characters. Three of them are movie stars :- Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen, who is a great archer and

hunter in the movie .- Peeta Mellark is palyed by Joshua Hutcherson, who is Katniss's age and

they are from the same village.- Donald Sutherland is President Coriolanus, he organises the « Hunger

Games » in the movie.The other main characters are :- Gale who is Katniss's best friend.- Haymitch is Katniss's and Peeta's mentor in the Hunger Games.- Ceasar Flickerman interviews the « tributes ».

Hunger Games is a TV reality show where kids fight to the death. It takes place in the nation of Panem which is a post apocalyptic North America. This country consists of a rich region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Each year one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by a lottery to participate in the Hunger Games. Their names are « tributes ». the rules are very simple : the 24 players must kill each other and survive in the forest until only one remains. Katniss's young sister is selected to be the female representative of District 12. Katniss volunteers to take her sister's place. During a series of interviews, Peeta publicly expresses his love for Katniss.

The main themes are : - competition- sacrifice- hope- death- romance

This film made us think of « Divergent » because these two stories take place in post-apocalyptic worlds. What we found the most striking is that children have to fight and kill other children. We appreciated the whole story because it's an adventure and science fiction movie.

Shot : filmedWhich : thatFight : to hurt other peopleSurrounded : « all around »Poor : not richKill : to make someone die


You definitely should watch it now !

FILMS – by Paloma and Victoria



MUSIC by Adèle and Abigaelle

Band Aid is an English band that was created in 1984 by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise money for the poor* in Ethiopia . This band consisted of all the famous singers at the time like George Michael , David Bowie , Boy George, Paul McCartney ,Phil Collins , Duran Duran , Jody Watley, Bono and Sting . The song they sang was entitled* «  Do they know it's Chritmas Time at all ? » . The recording of the song only lasted one day , so they all had to be quick and about it .

This year Band Aid 30 is another band that was created to raise money against the horrible sickness called Ebola . The charity single, organised once again by Bob Geldof, has shifted over 312,000 copies to make it 2014’s fastest selling single. The money that the song raises* goes towards the fight against Ebola in West Africa, The main surge in sales came after its premiere on the X Factor .

The band Aid single raised more than one million pounds in only five minutes after its official release on the 16th of November 2014,The band this year is singing the same song but the band consists of all the famous singers nowadays. There is One Direction , Ellie Goulding , Ed Sheeran , Grace Chatto , Angelique Kidjo, Sam Smith , Chris Martin ,Guy Garvey Seal , Olly Murs ,Bono , Sinead O'Connor , Jesie Ware, Dan Smith ,Zoe Sugg ( Zoella) Paloma Faith,Rita Ora , Emily Sande and the band Bastille.From « Official Charts Company and Mirror »

What is Ebola ? The Ebola virus is a human disease caused by ebola viruses. Signs and symptoms usually start between two days and three weeks after the virus fever (when your body temperature is too high ), sore throat, muscle aches, headaches. Then, vomiting, diarrhea and rash ( skin sickness) usually follow, with the function of the liver and kidneys decreased. The disease has a high risk of death, killing between 25 and 90 percent of people infected with the virus, with an average* of 50 percent. The virus spreads by direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids of an infected human or other animal.From «  20 minutes Actu »

ACT NOW ! Do you want to help all the people that have got Ebola ? Do you want to save them ? You can't cure them , but you can help doctors to find a cure against it .You can buy the Band Aid CD and the money will be donated to help save the poor Africans who have Ebola.

Band Aid 30Do they know it's Christmas ?

From « Google images »

From « »

From « i100 »

Help !

*Poor = without money* entitled = called*Raises = collects*Sickness for example : cancer*average = about


Docteur Who

Watch BBC Entretainement Every Sunday.A very British series with millions of fans overseas!Doctor Who is the story of an alien doctor who looks like a human and travels on board the Tardis,

TV NEWS - by Corentin and Clément Under the Dome Watch M6 on Monday Evenings

Under the Dome tells the story of the residents of the small town of Chester's Mill, where a massive, transparent, indestructible dome suddenly cuts them off from the rest of the world. With no internet access , no mobile signals and limited radio communication , the people trapped inside must find their own ways to survive with diminishing resources and rising tension. While military forces ,the government and the media positioned outside of this surrounding barrier attempt to break it down, a small group of people inside attempt to figure out what the dome is, where it came from, and when(and if) it will go away.

Image from the wikia website

Watch W9 every Saturday evening to enjoy this crazy family in new and old chapters!!!There is always a lot of energy, humor, parody and unpredictable adventures around Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.

Image from the Gizmodo website

Rising Star VS The VoiceRising Star VS The Voice

The two TV Shows are Singing competitons. Rising Star is broadcasting on M6 and The Voice on TF1. The presenters of Rising Star are Faustine Bollaert and Guillaume Pley. The presenters of The Voice are Nikos Alliagas and Karine Ferri. For both of them, there are 4 coaches : Jennifer ,Garou,Florent Pagny and Mika for The Voice and Cali, Cathy Guetta, David Halliday and Morgan Serreino for Rising Star.


NRJ Music Awards

The NRJ Music Awards (abbreviated as NMA) is a award ceremony presented by the French radio NRJ to reward the best artist. The ceremonny was broadcast on TF1 on Saturday, November 13th 2014. the ceremony took place in « Le Palais des Festival ». Artists sang and received some NRJ Music Awards. The public voted for the best artists in each category like Internationnal song of the year , Internationnal Male Artist of the Year , Internationnal Female Artist of the Year. The ceremony was presented by Nikos Alliagas


Laurent, the winner of KOH LANTA received 100 000 €. The finalists were Laurent and Martin.Laurent wasn't the best adventurer but he was the funnier explorer and he deserved his prize.

Photo from the Wikipedia website

Photo from the Wikipedia website

Images from Wikipedia website

Help :Deserved:mériterBroadcasting:diffuser

Photo from the Wikipedia website

a blue box that enables him to travel in space and time. He fights against the villains (the dalek, the crying angels ,

Cassandra , the last human ,the Cybermen...)... and most of the time in good hands...


Royal family:

Kate Middleton is pregnant1! Prince George is to have a new brother or sister for 2015 ! Prince William and his wife are expecting a baby for the second time . A rumor says that kate is expecting twins. Poor Kate ,she is very sick,she's got an hyperemesis gravidarum , a disease2 caused by the pregnancies .

ALL about Taylor Swift

Many of you asked us to write an article about Taylor Swift.Taylor swift is a young famous actress ,singer  and musician.She was born in a comfortable family in Pennsylvania.At the age of 10, she began composing music.when she was a student, she released her first single entitled « Red ». In 2008 and 2009, she released two albums which made her stardom.In 2012, she played in the Lorax Now at the age of 24, she just finished her last album called 1989 in reference to her birth year. 1989 is a world wide success. It's the best of all !You can buy a ticket for her show at

You can follow Taylor on the net at Smith You want an article about Sam Smith, Here it is ! The singer embarked on a tour between 2014 and 2015, two more dates in Paris on November 20, 2014 and June 18, 2015. In an interview he declared that his last album talks about his feelings3, his life because for him, telling his sensations has got a therapeutic value4. His first solo album illustrated by "stay with me" will come out soon but in the meantime another song entitled "Nirvana  " should be unveiled5 soon. Follow him at @samsmithworld on twitter.

Taylor Swift

Brad Pitt


Kate MiddletonSam Smithautre

Vocabulary :

Pregnant1 : disease2 : sickness feelings3 : emotions. Value4 : unveiled5 :

The favorite star at school is Taylor Swift

Stars news● The famous pole-vaulter Renaud Lavillenie was elected sportman of the

year.● The humorist Gad Elmaleh has written a new show !● Jean Dujardin henceforth replaces Georges Clooney in the famous

commercial for the Nespresso coffee.

Worth:for example « how much is your car value »

Shown forThe first time

Photo from www,brandandcelebrities,com's web


Photo from www,npr,org's website

Photo from www,starpremier,com's website


Survey on stars

Monaco newsCharlene and Albert just had twin babies, named Jacques and Gabriella ! 11

In this column, I will talk about a famous city : LONDON.London is in England, in the United Kingdom. It is the capital of England. It is in the South-East of England. London has 8,416,535 inhabitants.


If you go to London , you can go there by Eurostar. The ticket costs 88 euros. The journey takes 2h15.

You should go to Trafalgar Square. In this place you will see Nelson's column built in 1843. Nelson's column is guarded by four huge bronze lions.

Nelson's column

Huge bronze lions

Photo from www.frenchlanguageassistant's


Photo from www.camerasnaps's website

Photo fromwww.tripadvisor's website

VocaColumn: (here) section Huge : enormousWax : cire


You can also get in the famous London Eye opposite Big Ben. The ticket is about 25,50 euro. It's very exciting and very beautiful because you can see the whole city from the top !

London Eye

Photo from

www.traveloutthere's website

You should go to Madame Tussaud's museum. It is world famous for its wax statues. The ticket is about 30 euros. You can take a picture with many celebrities like Kate and William, or Rhianna.

Wax statuesPhoto from www.madammetussaud's website

Finally, you should walk along St James's Park. You will see many squirrels  !

St James's Park

Photo from www.londonpass's website

London is a wonderful city  ! ENJOY YOUR TRIP  !!!




250 g of butter200g of good-quality dark chocolate(70% cocoa,broken up)80g of cocoa powder65g of plain flour1 teaspoon of baking powder360g of brown sugar4 large eggsMETHOD

Preheat your oven at 180°C. Line a 24 cm square baking tin with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl over some simmering water, melt the butter and the chocolate and mix until smooth.

In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and sugar, then add this to the chocolate. Stir together well. Beat the eggs and mix in until you have a silky consistency.

Pour your brownie mix into the baking tray, and place in the oven for around 25 minutes. The brownies should be slightly springy on the outside but still gooey in the middle.

Allow to cool in the tray, then carefully tranfer to a large plate.

These make a fantastic dessert served with whipped cream if you like it!

Recipe of chocolate chip cookies - by ClaireINGREDIENTS

For 24 cookies . Preparation:20 minutes . Cooking:10 minutes

225g softened butter200g sugar225g dark brown soft sugar2 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla extract375g plain flour1 teaspoon baking powder1teaspoon hot water1 teaspoon salt350g dark chocolate chips125g chopped walnuts

Recipe of brownies - by Capucine


1.Preheat oven to 175 °C ;2.Cream together the butter,white sugar and brown sugar until smooth. Put in the eggs one at a time ,then stir in the vanilla. Dissolve baking powder in hot water. Add to batter along with salt . Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased bans.3. Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.


until: beforesoftened: liquidspoonful: the quantity in one spoonsoft sugar: maleable sugarstir: agiterwalnuts: drop: verser

You will learn how to cook delicious brownies.They are easy to cook and taste very good !Before you cook them,you have to buy those ingredients:

Photo from :

Photo from : Wikipé

Photo from :


Fashion - by Romane and Chloé

SneakersThe shoes which are the most popular this fall are the sneakers. Sportswear, chic or luxury, there are some for all tastes and prices.The most famous brand for sportswear shoes is Nike.

Squared shirtButtoned up to the neck, tied around the waist, worn opened on a white t-shirt... The squared shirt plays on all styles from the most classic to most grunge. Red, blue, green or black squares, the squared shirt is a must-have to be worn all autumn long … And winter too.

Kendall JennerKendall Jenner is a very famous American fashion model of 19 years old. She started her carreer at the age of 14 years old. She appeared in “Teen Vogue” in 2010. She also did a parade at the fashion week for Marc Jacobs with another famous model: Cara Delevigne. She also paraded for Givenchy and Chanel in March 2014.

Psych rock (by YSL)Saint Laurent's Psych rock collection is a unisex collection and will be part of the visual element of his new look and exhibition “Sonic”. The new project is set to be exhibited at the foundation “Bergé-Yves Saint-Laurent” for september 2014. The colours are mostly dark and the clothes are made with luxury tissues.

Vocab'Sneakers : tennis shoesSquared shirt : shirt with square patterns.Sportswear : sports lookParade: fashion showWaist : la taille Fashion week : Famous parade in the USA.Luxury : very expensive things.

Photos from « »'s website.

Photo from «»'s website.

Photo from « »'s website.

Photo from «»'s website.


This year the Paris Games Week was from Oct 29th to Nov 2nd. It was very nice. It's a convention about video games and new technologies. There were a lot of youtubers like : Squeezie, Cyprien, Codjordan23, Maxime Muscat, Wartek…

There were a lot of booths too : Playstation, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Call Of Duty, Xbox, Asus,Game One,, CyprienGaming...

CyprienGaming stand

On these booths we played video games (Farcry 4, Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare, Assassin's Creed Unity, The Crew, Drive Club, Dead Island 2, Forza 5, Fifa 15, Battelfield Hardline...) There were a lot of shops with exclusive products. The Paris games week is like the E3 in Los Angeles and the Gamescom in Germany.


Dead Island 2 is a zombie game. In this game we have to kill zombies to survive.

Assassin's Creed Unity

VIDEO GAMES - By Clara et Vincent

Grand theft auto V came out on the 18th of November 2014 on PS4 and xbox one. The firt person view was added in the game. It's a open world where you can do everything you want like killing people or driving cars very fast.


Alien Isolation :

Alien isolation is a first-person survival horror stealth game.

The game was released on Oct 7th , 2014. It was developed by The CreativeAssembly and published by Sega.

You play Amanda, the daugther of Ellen Ripley (the hero of the « Alien » saga), who is invastigating the disappearance of her mother. The game is set in 2137, 15 years after the events of « Alien ». You are transferred to the space station Sevastopol, to find the flight record of the Nostromo, Ellen's spacecraft. But something goes wrong and you have to contact the Torrent, Amanda's spacecraft. But soon, you realize that you're not alone...

The game was meant to be more Ridley Scott's way : there is only 1 Alien and it can't be killed... You have a motion tracker and a headlight, but they make noise, so you must use them carefully. There is a craft system : you can collect batteries, pieces of metal, etc, and then you can make bombs, smoke grenades, medikits...

Also, there are androids : some of them are friendly and the others will try to attack you !

The game is avaible on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.


Motion tracker : it's a tool that can detect an objcet in movement.

Stealth : it's a type of game where you have to be hidden.

Photo from :

I recommend you to buy the game on PC, because the graphics and the playability are the best !


The Cat : by Eline H. 4 legs, 1 head,

1 tail... They look like little

lions !

There are different species and these are

the most known :

- The Maine Coon :This cat loves cuddles and is very quiet. He is nice with children, but not very much with other animals.

- The Carthusian* :It's almost the perfect cat : he is independent, likes playing and cuddles, he's robust, very good-tempered,...Ideal for you if it's your first cat.

- The Siamese :This cat meows a lot, and it isn't quiete at all. But despite this, it is very affectionate, independent and nice' with kids.

- The Persian :This cat is very original because he has a « funny » nose. Also, he is nice with animals and children, he is quiet and he has a very long fur.

Cats are animals like these:

Many people love cats but some of them are allergic.


Photos are from :-

In some countries like China , the cat is cooked and eaten!

Other species of cats :

The sphynx

The sacred Burma The Abyssinian

American curl

In the world, there are 400 million cats, 70

million in the U.S.A., 9,6 million in France and 1,5

million in Belgium !

Norwegian 18

The dogby Agathe

Its characteristics

The dog is a pet or a wild animal. It's a predator. It's a mammal*. It belongs to the Canide family.The human has got 224 bones in his body. The dog has more bones than the human. It has got 300 bones in its body.Its hearing and its sense of smell are very developped. The wild animal is a scavenger*. The pet is a carnivore (ancarnivore eats meat) and an omnivore (an omnivore eats weed, fruit).

The different breeds*

There are four main families of dogs :

- Molossoid: the dog's muzzle* is long or short and its head is round.

- Braccoid: the dog's muzzle* is long and he has dropping ears.

- Graioid: the dog has got a thin body and a long head.

- Lupoid: the dog looks like a wolf.

In the world, there are 335 breeds of dogs. There are for example :

-the Labrador-the Beagle-the Cocker

They are Braccoids.

Its nutrition

The dog eats vegetables, meat, dog biscuits and it drinks water. Chocolate is very bad for the dog because it can be fatal for the dog.

Vocabulary :

-mammal :A dog, a cat or a human are mammals.-scavenger :An animal scavenger eats carcasses.-breed :A breed means a race for an animal.-muzzle :A muzzle is a dog's nose.'s website's website

Molossoid's website's website

Braccoid's website's website

Graioid Lupoid

I like playing and walking.'s website's website


Aries : 21st March – 19th AprilNumber : 39Animal : lionCelebrities: Victoria Beckham or Kristen Stewart A good beginning of the year for everything you do. But don't forget to work ! Be inspired and creative ! And be carreful with everybody who needs some help !

Taurus : 20th April – 21st MayNumber : 40Animal : spiderCelebrities: George Clooney or Chris BrownIf you think you've made mistakes, don't hesitate ! Seek forgiveness now ! Don't forget to be attentive with the other people !

Gemini : 22nd May – 21st JuneNumber : 24Animal : hummingbirdCelebrities: Courteney Cox or Angelina JolieYou ask lots of questions ? No problem, it's normal ! You think that you can't do something ? That's wrong ! You can if you're okay with yourself so trust yourself and be happy !

Cancer : 22nd June – 22nd JulyNumber : 39Animal : owl Celebrities: Tom Cruise or Tom HanksYou will be angry so keep calm and be careful to your work because that can create some problems ! You can do big things if you work so be hardworking and it will be okay !

Leo : 23rd July – 22nd AugustNumber: 66Animal : salmonCelebrities: Jennifer Lawrence or Daniel RadcliffeYou will do beautiful things so don't hesitate and show your creativity ! Be nice with everybody and you will have a really good month !

Virgo : 23rd August – 22nd SeptemberNumber : 57Animal : crab Celebrities: Beyoncé or Michael JacksonDon't stay in your corner ! You can do a lot of things so do it ! You have to laugh and smile ! That's not easy all the time but be happy !

HOROSCOPEHOROSCOPEBy Inès A. & Lucie D.By Inès A. & Lucie D.

Photos from Inès...20

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd )Number : 44Animal : Cat

Venus and Saturn will block your emotions. The presence of Neptune will make you productive and develop your imagination. You will be in perfect communication with friends and family. You have the same sign as Marion Cotillard and Monica Bellucci.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd )Number : 9Animal : Swallow

Your anxieties will eventually disappear and serenity will return. Venus and Mercury will help you with communication either with friends or with your family. Saturn will have you stay focused on your work. You have the same sign as Frank Dubosc and Scarlett Johansson.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st )Number : 14Animal : PhoenixJupiter will give you boldness and courage in any area. The few tensions that may exist will be quickly forgotten. You will need to be calm and available to resolve problems with family and friends. You have the same sign as Matthieu Chedid and Brad Pitt.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th )Number : 48Animal : CowWith the help of the Moon you will take care of yourself. You will succeed in finding the answers to the questions you ask. Jupiter and Mercury will come to settle your friend and family problems.You have the same sign as Michelle Obama and Bradley Cooper.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 19th )Number : 17Animal : MagpieYou will be in perfect serenity with your friends and family with Venus. You will succeed in finding the solution to a problem that has lasted for too long. Your thoughts are running through your head because of Mercury that will wave your thoughts. Remember to remain calm! You have the same sign as Paco Rabanne and Paris Hilton.

Pisces (February 20th – March 20th )Number : 0Animal : Ermine You will succeed in almost all areas. Saturn makes you want to evolve and improve your results. With Venus you'll enjoy your friends but Mercury may provoke some tensions in your family. You think too much, pay attention to insomnia ! You have the same sign as Sébastien Loeb and Eva Longoria.

Photo from L'Express Culture

Photo from Closer

Photo from

Photo from GeekNation

Photo from Wikipédia

Photo from Le Télégramme

Vocabulary : Hummingbird : un oiseau-mouche, Owl : un hibou, Swallow : une hirondelle, Magpie : une pie 21

The national game in England is cricket. Cricket is a bat and ball game played between two teams of 11 players each on a field at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes its turn to bat, attempting to score runs, while the other team fields.Each turn is known as an inning.

Cricket was first played in southern England in the 16th century. By the end of the 18th century, it had developed to be the national Sport of England. The game is most popular in Australia, England, the Indian subcontinent, the West Indies and Southern Africa.

In professional cricket the length of a game ranges from 90 minutes to 5 days! The rules of Cricket are maintained by the International Cricket Council (ICC) and the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)

The bowler delivers the ball to the batsman who is waiting to hit the ball with his bat away from the fielders so he can run to the other end of the pitch and score. They continue batting until he is out. The batting team continues batting until ten batsmen are out, at which point the teams switch roles and the fielding team comes in to bat.

Photo from «'s » website

Photo from «'s » website

Photo from «'s » website

SPORTS – by Benjamin,Nicolas and Guerlin

In England, they also play football a lot. It is appreciated by all the English.

The first club in the Barclays Premier League is Chelsea who is the favorite. Manchester city and Southampton are just behind, Manchester United is also a favorite but they are the fourth of the Barclays Premier League.



Photofrom «'s» website

Help : Field: Obstructing the field is one of the ten methods of dismissing a batsman in the sport of cricket .


A crazy sport : Bo-taoshi

I would like to talk about a crazy sport called «Bo-taoshi» it could be translated by «pole bring-down».This sport is a « capture-the-flag » game, played on sports days at schools in Japan by cadets. The game is famous because there are many players. 150 individuals compete to control a single large pole. Each team is split into two groups of 75 attackers and 75 defenders.The defenders begin in a defensive orientation to protect their own pole as much as they can. Then, the attackers go in scuffle to bring down the pole to a forty-five degree angle. On the top of the pole,there is a defender called « the ninja », his role is to bring down some opponents who want to go on the top of the pole to facilitate the pole's fall.

To attack , there are 3 positions :-scrum : I already explained this position-pole attackers : in charge of taking the ninja down.-And the general support : They do anything to make it hard for the defense.

There are some positions for the defenders :

-pole support : their role is to hold the pole.-barriers : their job is to project the pole.-interference: they must interrupt attacks that get within the barrier.-scrum disablers : scrum is the offensive strategy in which the attackers use their teammates to pull themselves over the barrier. The scrum disablers do whatever they can to eliminate this attack.-And the last position is the ninja which I explained.

Photo from « »

If I chose that sport, it is for you to discover a very original sport. I hope you liked it.I like this sport because there are many players and action. This sport looks a little bit like rubgy in Europe. This sport is very interesting and fun to watch on Youtube. I recommend you to watch it at least once.

Help !Compete = teams will compete for the championshipPole = long stickScuffle = fightwithin = inside

The 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup was the 17th edition of the FIBA Basketball World Cup, the tournament previously known as the FIBA World Championship. Hosted by Spain, it was the last tournament to be held on the then-current four-year cycle. The next FIBA World Cup will be held five years later, in 2019 , to reset the four-year-cycle on a different year than the FIFA World Cup (football)The United States automatically qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro , Brazil with their 129–92 win over Serbia in the Gold Medal game.

FIBA World Cup :



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Photo from

Photo from université


Across2. A sport or martial

art in which you try to throw your opponent to the ground. It's based on jujitsu. This sport was created in Japan.

6. Group of sports in which people run, jump, etc. in a stadium.

7. A sport we practice on the sea on a special board and where we ride a wave.

8. A game played on a rectangular court by players with rackets.

12. An aviator gave his name to this famous tennis stadium in Paris.

15. A sport where people walk a lot with big shoes, in the mountains or in the forest..

18. physical exercises that develop suppleness, flexibility and the ability to move easily. Such exercises are performed mostly on special equipment.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.

11. It's an ancestral and traditional war cry and dance which is performed by the New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, before its matches.

13. A famous Brazilian football player who plays for the FC Barcelona club.

14. A game in which two opposing teams of eleven players each defend goals and try to throw a ball into the other teams's goals, with their feet.

16. a famous football stadium in Rio de Janeiro.17. He is a famous Jamaican sprinter, known as the fastest man in

the world.

This is a game for sports lovers! To do the crosswords, please don't write on this page: if there is a bank grid near you, you can take one. If there isn't any, ask Miss Renoux to give you a copy of it. (the numbers must be written in letters and the spaces must be suppressed). You can get help from the sports pages (pages 22-23). (NB: the answers are at the bottom of the page).

4. The International Federation of Association Football which organizes the World Cup.

5. a ball game played by two opposing teams of five players. Points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal metal hoop.

9. The act, art or profession of fighting someone else with protective gloves.

10. A sport where you move your body and feet to music.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.

Down1. A game where two teams use an

oval ball. A movie called « Invictus » talks about this sport.

3. A modern international sporting competition traditionally held every four years but after 1992 with Summer Games and Winter Games alterning every two years.