the difference between pure awareness, eustillness and eufeeling

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The difference between Pure Awareness, EuStillness and EuFeeling.In the book, when nothing works try doing nothing.


The difference between Pure Awareness, EuStillness and EuFeeling Question Asked.... To Frank: The difference between Pure Awareness, EuStillness and EuFeeling on: October 10, 2014, 03:36:04 AM Alfred,I'm reading last Frank' book - When Nothing Works - and I'm puzzled with the difference between 3 concepts that seem to mean the same thing: Pure Awareness (PA) Nothing and now EuStillness. PA is the awareness of Nothing and EuStillness is the awareness of...stillness, but stillness is Nothing. So all are the same. Or not? If not what is the difference? A difference of degree?My confusion increases when Frank says PA experience is not the objective. But PA experience is the experience of Nothing, right?And the book is about Nothing.Maybe Frank is telling us that it is possible to go BEYOND Eufeeling to the deeper perception of EuStillness. Ok. But what is the difference between EuStillness and PA?===================================================="NOTHING IS PURE AWARENESS" ============================ "EuStillness IS THE QUIETNESS, THE RESTFULNESS THAT EXISTS AND CONNECTS EVERYTHING IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE''=============================EUFEELING ARE THE EUPHORIC EMOTIONS THAT BUBBLES UP WHEN YOU EXPERIENCE EuStillness " ============================THE 3 STATES ARE JUST DEEPER LEVELS OF THE SAME STATE, FROM EUFEELING TO EUSTILLNESS TO NOTHING OR PURE AWARENESS===================================================Dr Frank Kinslow answers....Re: To Alfred: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 03:44:08 AM Hi Edu-I can see how you can have some confusion between the three, pure awareness, EuStillness, and Eufeeling. You are asking about the most refined, second most refined, and third most refined perceptions we have. It's not at all like determining the difference between apples, oranges, and grapes. Let me see if I can't help unravel it for you.Pure awareness is unknowable. Our minds grasp only that which has boundaries, form and energy. Pure awareness has neither. Now let me remind you of the prism analogy. Pure awareness is the pure light, EuStillness is the first bending of pure light, and Eufeeling the initial colors. EuStillness is a little like the convection or heat waves produced when you look across the sands of a desert. When the air is cool you see through it without distortion. That is analogous to perceiving pure awareness. When it heats up you can "see" the air by the way it distorts the objects you are observing. This should help you understand the relationship between pure awareness and EuStillness. Pure awareness is transforming into a more solid form of itself. As EuStillness continues to warm further it creates greater distortion and you begin to see forms in the in the undulations of EuStillness. This would be analogous to mirages, objects that are seen but do not really exist as they are perceived. This should give you a more complete idea of the relationship between EuStillness and Eufeeling.The value of perceiving pure awareness, EuStillness, and Eufeeling is that of greater harmony, health, and joy in our lives. Until now, this technology was thought to be difficult, beyond the reach of all but the most dedicated spiritual aspirants. QE and EuStillness have proven that wrong. The fact that you are even asking this question shows a highly refined degree of perception. Well done EduLoggedQuantum EntrainmentHealing Through AwarenessFrank Administrator Full Member ***** Posts: 128 Quantum EntrainmentRe: To Frank: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #4 on: October 16, 2014, 04:03:24 AM Edu -- I see that I forgot to address your concern over "nothing". Nothing, as far as the mind is concerned is pure awareness. Certainly "nothing" could easily be synonymous with pure awareness. However, when it comes to teaching the perception of EuStillness (the EuStillness Technique), the concept of "nothing" is less functional and more confusing. So it boils down to a matter of language and how "nothing" is perceived. Although "nothing" and "stillness" are essentially the same they are perceived differently and so must be treated differently in the teaching of the EuStillness Technique. I guess to answer your question, intellectually treat "nothing" and "stillness" the same realizing that your brain perceives them differently.LoggedQuantum EntrainmentHealing Through AwarenessEdu Newbie * Posts: 46Re: To Frank: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #5 on: October 16, 2014, 09:22:33 AM Thank you, Frank. I undertsand and now practice will clarify all. Frank, it's great to have you sharing your wisdom on the forum!! I have a question along this vein, the answer to or pondering on which might lead to clarity or further insights: I've been carrying the assumption that LIFE, BEING, and PURE AWARENESS are different names for and perspectives on the same fundamental state of non-existence. Is that the idea? I won't use the term "consciousness", because it falls outside the clear definitions within the Kinslow System, and there are too many preconceptions about what it means. If we understand that all of Creation issues from its source of Pure Awareness, which is absent of time, space, mass, location, perspective, or perception (and therefore limitless), then the idea of "nothing" (i.e. mind perceiving no object, therefore a assuming a void) is just how the mind categorizes PA. Rather than being synonymous with PA, "nothing" is a description of the mind's blind spot for anything that does not have form and location.I notice a sense of feeling more "alive" when I am aware of Eufeeling and Eustillness, and I reflect on what seems to happen when I'm aware of pure awareness as dis-identifying from form. Does that make sense? Everything seems to have disappeared in that moment of perceiving into the gap between objects of perception (thoughts or sensations), or into the source beyond them, and when I am able to reflect, I have this sense of DEEP RELIEF AN FULFILLMENT, like "Oh yeah, I must have temporarily forgotten that ALL IS WELL. Ahh! :)." I'm not so much wondering whether my experience is "right" or "wrong": I know it simply IS. It's this underlying assumption or insight that I'm led to that PA is INDIVISIBLE LIFE and BEING --nothing more or less-- that I'm wondering about. Is that consistent with your understanding? If that is so, then could one way to think of Eustillness be as the first perception of the first reflection of PA in Creation: the initial stillness from which all movement issues? I seem to perceive eufeelings as facets of our uncomplicated, natural state when we are grounded in our source while engaged in (at some level) but detached from the phenomenal world. By "detached from", I mean, not attached by insecurity.Boy, this is not easy to write about! So glad you have it down so well and in a way that allows us to eventually connect the dots from experience when we do the techniques!I am so looking forward to taking time out to reconnect with you and other QE lovers in person, sharing QE and going deeper into these experiences with your guidance!Blessings,Alfred Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 11:29:18 AM by Alfred LoggedQE Practice Group Webinars:1st Wed, 8-9:30pm GMT+1. Quantum EntrainmentRe: To Frank: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 04:50:34 AM Please don't be concerned about any confusion you might have over the difference between Eufeeling, EuStillness, and pure awareness. In essence, they can only be grasped by the mind in the most abstract way. It is our habit, since we live in the sensory world of objects and ideas that we try to define, and therefore control these abstractions. We can only truly know them through our perception, or more accurately our lack of perception of them. They defy intellectual scrutiny. That said, let's sally forth brandishing not our intellects but rather a playful sense of exploration. In other words guys let's have a little fun. Our intellects will catch up in due course.The whole idea of nothing (pure awareness) becoming something will never make sense but that will be our working hypothesis. All major religions seem to feel the same, "in the beginning was the void", And so on. The closest physics comes to this idea is the vacuum state or zero point where the potential for creation exists but has not yet been expressed, the lowest possible point of energy. I think it is the point in a simple sine wave where the wave is no longer going up but has not yet started down. At any rate, there is still some semblance of form and energy in zero point so it cannot be pure awareness. Pure awareness has no energy and no form.I like Alfreds phrasing that nothing is the minds blind spot for the formless. However, I think we can use nothing as a synonym for pure awareness and get away with it. As I mentioned before, when form completely dissolves nothing is the result. When energy completely dissipates EuStillness (absolute stillness) is the result. So lets consider all three, pure awareness, nothing, and EuStillness, as the same thing and start from there. And while Im thinking about it, the Mirage analogy, while accurate on one level may not be the best way to understand the relationship between pure awareness, EuStillness and Eufeeling. I have been looking for a way to teach this concept for several decades but I am almost convinced that our minds just cannot grasp this simple concept. Nothing, pure awareness, takes form and yet remains formless. Here is how I presented it in chapter 14, How to Not-Know, in Beyond Happiness some years backWhy would Nothing want to appear as something, as the phenomenal world? Because It could. If Nothing could appear as something but did not do so then it would not be living up to Its potential. Nothing would be incomplete. It would be partially empty and we already know that Nothing is not empty. On the other hand, if it really became something it would no longer be Nothing. What a quandary for Nothing. How could It be something and still be empty? Or, how could it not be something and not be empty? So how did Nothing avoid the oblivion of emptiness and still not become something? It appeared to be something it wasnt. This is how the master Magician has pulled the wool over our eyes for all these many millennia. Few have seen through the illusion. For the rest of us this simple trick has withstood the test of time. (Pun intended.)Our perception and our understanding are at odds with reality. Reality in this case being pure awareness. They are forms and pure awareness is formless and nary the twain shall meet. At least that is how it appears to both the classical physicist and the quantum mechanical physicist. But there is the third interpretation introduced in the quote above, completely nonsensical and beyond common experience. That will be the starting point for my attempt to explain and unite the three; pure awareness, EuStillness, and Eufeeling.When pure light strikes a prism its pure light vibration is altered at first a little and then much more to form the seven basic colors. When pure awareness creates, it first becomes a primal vibration and then the infinite vibration/forms of phenomenal creation. Of course, all forms are nothing but pure awareness. We normally do not perceive a rock as pure awareness. We see the form and we label it and stick it away somewhere in the back of our mind as rock: been there done that. But if we could look absolutely into the infinity of the rock we would find pure awareness. Thats what the EuStillness Technique cultures in our awareness.The nothing technique would eventually do the same thing but would take much, much longer to realize pure awareness in the things and thoughts of the phenomenal world. Perception of EuStillness quickly cultures the realization that pure awareness is all-permeating. It really is quite amazing.Now back to our prism analogy. Pure awareness is of course analogous to the pure light. Pure awareness (and here comes the incomprehensible part) is also the first movement or bending of itself before it takes on the more recognizable form of Eufeeling, which is also pure awareness. Even though EuStillness is also pure awareness I also identify this first bending of pure awareness as EuStillness simply as a matter of convention, a teaching tool. That first movement is somehow a link between non-movement and the more concrete form and movement of the rest of creation. When we perceive that first movement, EuStillness, we readily recognize the non-movement of pure awareness within the objects of perception.So in a nutshell, pure awareness, nothing, and EuStillness are all the same but I also use EuStillness to refer to the first subtle warming up of pure awareness before it solidifies into thought and corporeal form. This is helpful for the student as it forms a perceptual bridge between non--knowable pure awareness and the world he is familiar with. Eufeeling, of course, is the first manifestations of EuStillness, the colors of our inner essence, still universal but on their way to becoming individual expressions of you and me.Gads, I had a one paragraph answer in mind when I started this Anyway I hope this doesnt scare off the right-brainers out there but this sure has been fun.good to hear from you Alfred...K sends her howdy.LoggedQuantum EntrainmentHealing Through AwarenessRose Hero Member ***** Posts: 1746 Certified Quantum Entrainment Practitioner A Touch of LifeRe: To Frank: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #10 on: November 14, 2014, 08:46:37 PM It is so nice to have the Kinslow's Korner where we can directly hear from Frank. I have been too busy with my Japanese group that I wasn't even aware that Frank started up this Korner. Thank you, Frank and Triangulation.After attending the Art of Stillness workshops in Japan, it is a general consensus that many of the Japanese QEers were already doing the Stillness techniques naturally. It also seems easier for them to accept the 'nothing' concept without much discussion and the progression of everything that comes out of that nothing, and how this nothing is permeating through everything.To me, the prism analogy is very clear and most useful in explaining this progression. How there is a progression, yet what permeates through all of them is PA.I also experienced that it is easier to perceive EuStillness with your eyes open at times than your eyes closed. Mind you, when I do EuMed, I have my eyes closed. But when your eyes are open, why, you become aware of EuStillness EVERYWHERE!As in Nothing Technique, you become aware of EuStillness between your thoughts, objects, spaces, and throughout them all.Then, there is no need for explanation. You already experienced them all.Thank you, Frank, again for bringing this difficult to explain subject, to a very practical level of experiencing. ;)Love and appreciation,Miri Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 06:33:20 PM by Rose LoggedTo laugh at what's funny & yourself, even when you are not THAT funny!Frank Administrator Full Member ***** Posts: 128 Quantum EntrainmentRe: To Frank: the difference between Pure Awareness, Nothing and EuStillness Reply #11 on: November 21, 2014, 09:49:08 AM Hi Alfred,It was good to be with you again in Kirchzarten. Thanks for giving us a hand. I wonder if what I taught during the Eufeeling Intensive workshop will answer your question about EuStillness being the first perception of the first reflection of pure awareness in creation? You are right to think in this way, seeing EuStillness as the first reflection of pure awareness, but EuStillness is also just plain ol pure awareness. have brought up indivisible life, being, and pure awareness, and I might add nothing as well. All are synonyms for pure awareness. But to our minds, and this is very important to realize, the nonexistence of pure awareness has no value so our minds keep looking for some value, something to hold onto in an effort to understand something that cant be understood. There is always going to be confusion because our minds want to make pure awareness (indivisible life, being, nothing, Eufeeling, EuStillness, etc.) a thing to be manipulated, to be grasped and wielded like a hammer against the head of a nail. This just aint agonna happen!EuStillness is both unbounded, pure awareness and its first manifestation in our minds. Remember the analogy of the prism. When light strikes the prism it bends before it breaks into the colors of the rainbow. EuStillness is the pure light and its first bending before it becomes the expressions (peace, joy, love, bliss) of Eufeeling.How can EuStillness be both pure awareness and its first manifestation? That is because EVERYTHING is pure awareness in essence. A rock, a rock star, and a rocket are all pure awareness in essence. It doesnt matter how many names we attach to pure awareness we will never understand it. In fact the more things we call pure awareness the more muddied our perception of it can become.You may boo me off the forum for what I am about to say but our minds cannot really know anything in its entirety. Of course on the absolute level that is because it cannot know pure awareness from which everything is made. But even on the level of the object itself we are not able to know anything completely. When you look at a rock you might think you know it, be able to classify it and stick it away with other rocks in the back of your mind but there is more to a rock than our senses, and even our scientific or psychic investigation can reveal. Of course a rock has its outer appearance but it also has its molecular structure, its atomic structure, subatomic structure, wave structure and its infant actions and reactions with every other created thing on every other level of creation. Complete knowledge is an illusion. That is why Nisargatta so strongly confirmed that, Knowledge is ignorance. Somewhere along the path you just have to let go of the idea that anything can be understood in its entirety and pure awareness, or any of its synonyms can not be understood in any way. This is the final realization by such philosophical systems as advaita vedanta.The value of Eufeeling or EuStillness or pure awareness is not in our understanding of it but indeed our perception (or lack thereof) of it. This is why QE works so incredibly fast. We leave behind all of the philosophical bindings, emotional shackles, physical labors, beliefs, hopes, and varied other trappings, in favor of pure perception. There is a certain peace, or should I say certain peace when one surrenders to the reality that our minds ego driven minds cannot provide the ultimate experience.I hope this helps Alfred By the way thanks for your gracious review of When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing on Amazon. Let me invite you all to share your insights and impressions about your readings of When Nothing Works Try Doing Nothing .LoggedQuantum EntrainmentHealing Through Awareness