the d@rd@nup times

Sept 19 Father Wayne’s Remembrance Walk for Alzheimer’s WA A Newsletter for the localities of Dardanup • Crooked Brook • Ferguson • Wellington Mill • Dardanup West • Waterloo • Paradise • Henty THE D@RD@NUP TIMES SEPTEMBER 2019 Free As some of you know, in June this year, my beautiful Dad died after a long, drawn-out journey with Alzheimer's. Although it was long anticipated and expected, his death has left a huge 'empty space' in the life of our family ... and a huge 'hole' in my own heart, too. On Sunday 15 September, it will be 100 days since Dad died. It just so happens that the two Churches in my parish are exactly 10 kilometres apart. So after Mass that Sunday, I’ll set off from Immac- ulate Conception Church in Dardanup and walk to St Louis' Church in Boyanup, for what I'm calling my ... "10k's for 100 Days” Walking for Dad and Alzheimer's WA. Alzheimer's is a thief. It robs people of their personality, history and relationships. It robs family members of so much of the person they once knew. It seems to be affecting more and more people every year, such that practically everyone knows someone who is living with the condition. Alzheimer's WA do wonderful work supporting both individuals and families impacted by this disease. So if you are able to, please dig deep and sponsor me, to help continue doing this important work. You can donate via my fundraising page: for-dad-and-alzheimers-wa … or just go to and search “Wayne Bendotti.” Alternatively, donation collection boxes on the front counter at the Dardanup Post Office and Our Lady of Lourdes School. Every donation is most gratefully appreciated … and no donation is too small! Oh … and if you’re driving along and see me pounding the pave- ment in preparation or doing the walk on the 15 th , feel free to give me a “toot” of encouragement! J Thank you everyone … and blessings to you all. Father Wayne Eds Note; lets get behind Father Wayne and assist with his efforts to raise funds for Alzheimers WA Dardanup Red Cross Celebrates their 80 th Birthday In September 2019 Dardanup Red Cross is celebrating their 80 th Anniversary since the inaugural meeting on September 1939. World War 2 had commenced and there was a need for assistance for our soldiers and those in need suffering consequences of war devastation in UK and other countries Dardanup Red Cross was formed and began various fundraising events such as a gymkhana for the district, garden parties, street stalls, dinners , cards and many other functions to raise funds. They were involved in knitting many pairs of socks, scarves , jumpers to aid the soldiers at the front. Children too were involved with knitting and goods, food parcels and clothes were gathered for those suffering in England. Members were also involved in gathering recycled items for sale and medical items which would have been sent to Darwin when the War threatened our shores to the north. Throughout the years Dardanup Red Cross continued the traditions, fundraising in various ways to assist those in our country, Fr Wayne with his Father Members of the Dardanup Red Cross at Anzac Day L to r Jenny Maslin, Gwen Wells, Gloria Maslin, Pam Harris and Ronnie Cawardine

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Sept 19

Father Wayne’s Remembrance Walk for Alzheimer’s WA

A Newsletter for the localities of Dardanup • Crooked Brook • Ferguson • Wellington Mill • Dardanup West • Waterloo • Paradise • Henty




As some of you know, in June this year, my beautiful Dad died after a long, drawn-out journey with Alzheimer's. Although it was long anticipated and expected, his death has left a huge 'empty space' in the life of our family ... and a huge 'hole' in my own heart, too. On Sunday 15 September, it will be 100 days since Dad died. It just so happens that the two Churches in my parish are exactly 10 kilometres apart. So after Mass that Sunday, I’ll set off from Immac-ulate Conception Church in Dardanup and walk to St Louis' Church in Boyanup, for what I'm calling my ... "10k's for 100 Days” – Walking for Dad and Alzheimer's WA. Alzheimer's is a thief. It robs people of their personality, history and relationships. It robs family members of so much of the person they once knew. It seems to be affecting more and more people every year, such that practically everyone knows someone who is living with the condition. Alzheimer's WA do wonderful work supporting both individuals and families impacted by this disease. So if you are able to, please dig deep and sponsor me, to help continue doing this important work. You can donate via my fundraising page:


… or just go to and search “Wayne Bendotti.”

Alternatively, donation collection boxes on the front counter at the Dardanup Post Office and Our Lady of Lourdes School. Every donation is most gratefully appreciated … and no donation is too small!

Oh … and if you’re driving along and see me pounding the pave-ment in preparation or doing the walk on the 15th, feel free to give me a “toot” of encouragement! J

Thank you everyone … and blessings to you all. Father Wayne

Eds Note; lets get behind Father Wayne and assist with his efforts to raise funds for Alzheimers WA

Dardanup Red Cross Celebrates their

80th Birthday

In September 2019 Dardanup Red Cross is

celebrating their 80 th Anniversary since the

inaugural meeting on September 1939. World

War 2 had commenced and there was a need for

assistance for our soldiers and those in need

suffering consequences of war devastation in

UK and other countries Dardanup Red Cross was

formed and began various fundraising events

such as a gymkhana for the district, garden

parties, street stalls, dinners , cards and

many other functions to raise funds. They were

involved in knitting many pairs of socks,

scarves , jumpers to aid the soldiers at the

front. Children too were involved with

knitting and goods, food parcels and clothes

were gathered for those suffering in England.

Members were also involved in gathering

recycled items for sale and medical items

which would have been sent to Darwin when the

War threatened our shores to the north.

Throughout the years Dardanup Red Cross

continued the traditions, fundraising in

various ways to assist those in our country,

Fr Wayne with his Father

Members of the Dardanup Red Cross at Anzac Day

L to r Jenny Maslin, Gwen Wells, Gloria Maslin, Pam Harris and Ronnie Cawardine


Sept 19 Page 2 state and abroad either suffering through

droughts, fires ,floods or assisting the

homeless, youth, baby needs, blood banks and

Red Cross shops. Over the years those

benefited from Red Cross support have been


March Doorknock is a fundraiser that is

supported annually by this community.

We have been ever grateful to our District who

have supported us in any way.

At this present time as we celebrate our 80

th anniversary we are an Auxillary Unit which

means we have little to do with meetings and

fundraising but still collect any donations

received and send off to Red Cross Head

Quarters to be distributed where needed,

especially to those within our state.

We still March on Anzac Day at Dardanup to

honour our fallen soldiers and lay a wreath

and attend Red Cross Rallys of our Area

We would like to carry on as Dardanup Red

Cross but health and age is slowing down our

members and we look like having to close down

as only have 14 honorary members and 2

working members. Honorary members means that

each year in July we pay a membership of $10

per year alternately. & $18 for 2 yrs or $25

for 3 yrs. You are very welcome to become a

honorary member. Contact G Wells c/o post

office Dardanup. We send out a challenge to

anyone willing to step up and renew Red Cross

here in Dardanup.

As we celebrate our Anniversary in a fitting

manner we remember our past members who worked

so tireless for the good of our country and

for their generosity and humanitarian

activities shown when needed.


Gwen Wells

Pam Harris Liaison officers

Eds Note; Grateful thanks for all the work

Dardanup Red Cross has done over 80 years.

Would be wonderful to keep this wonderful

cause and Club going for another 80!

Cr Robinson Recognised With WALGA Merit Award

At the August WA Local Government Association Annual Convention, the Deputy Shire President, our Crooked Brook local, Cr Peter Robinson was presented with a “WALGA Merit award”. The citation reads as follows: Deputy Shire President Peter Robinson has served eight years with the Shire of Dardanup, and is highly regarded for his ethical, informed and balanced decisions and for actively representing his constituents on Council. Peter has served on many Council committees including the Corporate and Community Services Committee, the Bushfire Advisory Committee, the Australia Day Working Group and the Strategic Planning Committee. Peter is the Shire’s representative to Local Government State Conferences and the WALGA South West Zone. He is Chairman of the SW Regional Roads Group and a member of the Bunbury Geographe Economic Alliance. Eds Note; Not only a busy Councillor, Peter is the Joshua/

Crooked Brook FCO, past Sec of J/CB Bushfire Brigade,

Chairman of the Crooked Brook Forest Group for many years and

a great bloke. We are a better Shire for his work, well done Peter.

Dardanup Lions Club News

21 Lions and friends spent a memorable couple of hours having a tour of the RFDS Main Base and maintenance centre at Jandakot. We were shown over the operations, training and maintenance facilities and came away very impressed. Although the government pays for the tripage (they don’t charge the patients) money has to be found for equipping facilities and all the other extra costs. To this end they are indebted to Lotterywest, the odd mining company and the general public with their fund raising. They can evacuate patients from as far away as Cocos Islands or as near as Rotto. Phil Ottrey

Dardanup Lion Adrian Tyrrell visited the RFDS Base

Dardanup Environmental Group members and supporters received 368 honks last Thursday

See update next page


Sept 19 Page 3

Ferguson Valley based. Tours & Event Transport.

∗ Wine/Food/Activity Tours

∗ Event & Local Transport

∗ Corporate Functions – (larger numbers catered for)

∗ Seasonal Tours

∗ Xmas functions

∗ Special occasions

∗ Wedding Transport

Comfy, modern, fun bus 2-11 passengers Call for a chat or quote – 0400 865019

[email protected] #hinterlandescapes

Dardanup Environmental Action Group Update

The DEAG and supporters have organised a Honk The Corner in Dardanup every Thursday from 7.30am – 9.00am for the last month. Honks have steadily increased each week. Feel free to join us for as long as you like – banners provided. DEAG are waiting to hear about the 18 appeals submitted by DEAG and community members and the Shire of Dardanup to the EPA regards the EPAs refusal to conduct a full environmental impact assessment on the storing of the lithium tailings at the Cleanaway Landfill site. DEAG is also waiting for Cleanaway to submit the planning application to the Shire which will trigger the JDAP process and DEAG is waiting to hear from DWER with regards to the works application submitted by Cleanaway sometime ago to store the Lithium tailings at their site. This application has been held up due to all parties waiting on the EPA appeal process. The storing of the Lithium tailings wont be approved unless both the DWER Works application and the JDAP Planning application are approved. Approval of 1 of these is not enough for the project to be approved. If the DWER application is approved we have the right of appeal before a final decision is made by the Minister of the Environment. The DEAG have continued to meet weekly to plan and organise our protests and we have had regular meetings with the Shire as well as asking questions before Shire Council meetings.

DEAG have meetings scheduled with politicians Mick Murray, Adele Farina and Don Punch to update them on our concerns and opposition to storing the Lithium tailings at the Cleanaway Landfill site. This will be the 3rd meeting with Mick Murray who in previous meetings has been very supportive of our cause. We have emailed Albemarle on 4 occasions however as yet Albemarle have not agreed to meet with us which is very frustrating. So, we continue to make sure Albemarles name is at the forefront along with Cleanaway when we conduct our protests. Though we want to make it clear that we are not opposed to the Albemarle refinery and the jobs that this will bring to this region – we are strongly opposed to Dardanup being the location that Albemarle and Cleanaway want to dispose of the Lithium tailings. On our facebook page we have detailed why DEAG are opposed to the Lithium tailings being stored at Dardanup due to the chemical makeup of the Lithium tailings once they have been refined. DEAG has made this info available as a flyer in the Dardanup Times which tries to make this easy to follow and explain what the tailings are made up of, where they come from and how they are produced. If you have any queries about any of this don’t hesitate to contact us via our facebook page or email us at [email protected]

How you can help? Keep talking about this to your neighbours, family and friends- spread the word far beyond Dardanup, join the Honk the Corner, write to your local politician, speak to a Shire Councillor and follow us on facebook so you find out the latest.

Puppy Classes

Behavioural Classes

Agility & Obedience Clas-

1on1 Behaviour & Training Con-


Dog sitting

0428 301 484

[email protected]

Training every Monday from 29 April, 4 -7pm at the Dardanup Rec

Dardanup Senior Citizens News

The Dardanup Seniors had a very big gathering at their August AGM meeting, which was followed by a shared social soup luncheon as a fund raiser. All officers were re-elected in their current positions un-opposed. President : Karin Williams, Secretary: Gwen Well, Treasurer: Leona Della-Sale. We also discussed final arrangements for our Seniors Christmas Luncheon on the last Tuesday in November, which is sponsored by the Shire of Dardanup. All Dardanup Seniors are invited.

Our September Meeting will be on Tuesday – 17th. of September – Start 9.30 am at the Wells Recreation Park Clubrooms, Cnr Ferguson Rd and Recreation Road. Following general business, Maureen Ward will musically entertain us and at the conclusion of the meeting we will adjourn to the Crooked Brook Forest for a shared BBQ Luncheon and a guided tour by some of our knowledgeable members to enjoy the abundance of wildflowers. Please Join us. We always welcome new members. Karin Williams



The Dardanup Bull and Barrel Festival Committee has submitted an application with the Shire of Dardanup to

conduct a street/locality event in Ferguson Rd between Charlotte St. and Hayward St. and also Little St from

Doolan St to Ferguson Rd during the hours of 7.00am and 6.00pm on Saturday October 12th

The event is being conducted on behalf of the Dardanup Bull & Barrel Festival. The intention is to close Fergu-

son Rd between Charlotte St. and Hayward St. and also Little St from Doolan St to Ferguson Rd within the above

time frame. There will be officials in the vicinity to allow access in and out of properties when it is safe to do so.

For any queries contact Jill Cross 0418 281 201.

Dardanup Bull & Barrel Festival.


Sept 19 Page 4 SW Rose Society News

In August the South West Rose Society Inc. held their AGM. Elected members are: President: Faye Lewis Vice President: Kevin Molloy - Secretary & Treasurer : Margaret Addison. Following the AGM our guest speaker was Bob Longmore, delivering a most interesting presentation. We were made aware of the decline of insects worldwide, who pollinate anything we intend

to grow and showing us some ways to help their survival by building little hiding spots for them – just drilling small holes in little logs – easy if you know about it. The meeting was followed by a shared social casserole luncheon, enjoyed by all. There won’t be a Meeting in September, which is replaced by a bus-trip north. Our next Meeting will be in October. Keep smelling the Roses. Karin Williams

Matt Launches E- Waste Collection

I have been asked to explain why I have launched the collection service of E-Waste (electronic waste) and other recyclables that are not allowed to be put in any of the wheelie bins. I can tell you that it is not to make a quick dollar, although I have long term plans for a financial sustainable service with financial support from available grants. No, my idea for it is that it is too complicated for households to dispose of these items correctly. And I find it a waste that good reusable elements end up in landfill due to a poor setup for recyclables. Shires expect from people to drive all over the place with this waste without actually knowing where to bring what because it is so complicated. Our shire doesn’t even except E-waste at our local tip, but want you to drive your old tv to Stanley Road Waste Facility (source: As if that happens, that is almost a two hour round trip from my place… How good is

recycling if 200 people drive around burning fuel in their vehicles to drop off their items all over the place individually? So I thought to roll out an European setup here what is operational for over 30 years in Europe. A centrally located collection service at set times to makes sure items go the right way. We collect and sort it all and pass on recyclables to other organisations who do the right thing with them. Some reusable items we sell or donate as is, some we take apart and sell the elements of it, and most we pass on at no cost. Too much to explain in this publication, therefor we just launched the Facebook page “E-Recovery” to give more information in posts about several streams of recyclables. Please like this page to keep posted. Next collection will be Saturday the 7th of September in front of the Dardanup Town Hall. I am looking forward to see you there and then, Matt Meijer 04 9812 7941

Eds Note; Congratulations Matt on your wonderful initiative.

Deadline for the October Issue

of the Dardanup Times is 15 September

Send your news to [email protected]

Hatches, matches, despatches

and community news welcome

Locals Achieve 1st Aid Training

Recently 9 locals achieved their St Johns Senior 1ST Aid Certificate. Many thanks to Angela Hegney, Principal of Our Lady of Lourdes PS for allowing the community to use the school facilities for the 1st Aid Course and thanks to Mary Smith for coordinating the course on behalf of the Dardanup and Districts Residents Assoc. You would have noticed that there is a number of defibrillators located around Dardanup. They can be found outside the Dardanup

General Store, outside the Dardanup Central Fire Brigade building next to the Dardanup Hall, inside the Dardanup Hall, outside Dardanup Primary School and the defib that is currently inside the Wells Recreation Park Clubrooms is going to be relocated to an outside wall. The Dardanup Seniors and the Dardanup Lions Club members have all recently participated in workshops learning how to use the defibs. All very important when medical facilities are not located in the townsite and closest ambulance is located at Boyanup.


Marian Johnston- Marian was a past long time resident of Taunton Vale,

Dardanup and always very involved in community life.

Sincere sympathy to her family.


Sept 19 Page 5 Would you like to stand for Council?


If you would like to make a difference in your community

and have a say in local decision-making, stand for election as a local government Councillor.

The next Local Government Election is on October 19, 2019. Dardanup Shire Council will have 4 vacancies open.

There are many reasons why people stand for council. The sense of satisfaction from serving the community, increased knowledge about

the operation of government, improved confidence in public speaking and the chance to play an important role in the changes

occurring within your community.

Elections are held in October ever two years, with members elected for a 4 year term.

Information about becoming a Councillor is available of the Department for Local Government website. Click Here

If you would like to become a Candidate in the upcoming Local Government Election, you will need to complete mandatory online training prior to nominating. You can access the online training via

the Shire website. An Information Session for prospective candidates is also being

held on September 2, 2019. Or feel free to contact the Shire of Dardanup Chief Executive Officer on 9724 0000.

Nominations open on the 5 September and Close on the 12 September.

Providing a professional and friendly service throughout the South West

* All Glass replacement * Repairs, maintenance, service and spares

* Timber window restoration and replacement * Carpentry, Joinery, Structural Modifications

* Machinery windows

Phone Matt: 0427 957 101

PO Box 210, Dardanup 6236 Email: [email protected]

Over 25 years in the trade. Proper old fashioned service guaranteed

Annual General Meeting

Ferguson Valley Marketing Inc’s AGM will be held at the Ferguson Hall on Ferguson Road,

Ferguson Valley, Wednesday, 18 September 2019, commencing at 6pm. Business Networking Night will follow the AGM. Positions becoming vacant are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and some general Board positions. All current and perspective members are asked to attend and hear about what is happening in relation to Ferguson Valley Marketing Inc.

RSVP for catering- FVM Administration by emailing [email protected] or calling 0428 281 551. by 5pm

Wednesday, 11 September 2019.

We are always seeking new volunteers, we are also looking for an individual who has administration and marketing knowledge/skills and would be able to fill the role of Visitor Centre Co-ordinator. This position currently requires approximately 10 hours per week. Further details in relation to duties and remuneration can be obtained by contacting Fiona or Brigitte via the email addresses listed above.

Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre – Expressions of Interest for Visitor Centre Co-ordinator and Volunteers 5 Ferguson Road, Dardanup. 97281551

Passionate about where you live? Want to share your local knowledge with visitors to the area? Why not consider volunteering at the Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre located in the town of Dardanup. You will meet and greet visitors from near and far, helping them to get the most out of their visit to local services and attractions, the Ferguson Valley and surrounding areas. The Centre also houses a boutique retail area which showcases artisan talents and offers a wealth of historical information, so practical duties can range from re-stocking brochures to making sales of local products and even assisting with merchandising! We have visits to venues and attractions for familiarisation to the area and have monthly meetings/morning teas. The Visitor Centre already has a number of volunteers so you would soon become part of this friendly team. We are always seeking volunteers to assist at the centre - as little as half a day a month to a full day a month.

To register your interest please contact Fiona at the Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre

via [email protected] or Brigitte at [email protected]

or by phone as above.

Ferguson Valley based. Tours & Event Transport.

∗ Wine/Food/Activity Tours

∗ Event & Local Transport

∗ Corporate Functions – (larger numbers catered for)

∗ Seasonal Tours

∗ Xmas functions

∗ Special occasions

∗ Wedding Transport

Comfy, modern, fun bus 2-11 passengers Call for a chat or quote – 0400 865019

[email protected] #hinterlandescapes

Wholist Healing Hut Advertisement

My name is Laetitia Storey from Wholistic Healing Hut. I was living what you would call a "normal life", until in 2016, the birth of my second son. At two weeks old, he had severe eczema over his whole body. We soon realized that he had food intolerance, a leaky gut and environmental allergies. Instead of hiding the symptoms by using medicine, I decided to work on him from the inside and out and heal the causes of his health condition. I not only worked on our nutrition and emotions, but I also worked with Reiki and energy healing. In 2004, Reiki came into my life and I have been using it since. My son, has now smooth and beautiful skin due to our new lifestyle. In 2019, I decided it was time for me to put all the knowledge I have gained over the years, together with my passion for Reiki, to not only help my family but to help others. So I decided to open my new home business "Wholistic Healing Hut" for the wellbeing of the community of Dardanup and surroundings.

I am a passionate Reiki practitioner with an alternative approach, and I am dedicated to helping my clients move through a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual transitions in the most efficient and transformative way possible. My goal is to help as many people as possible like I helped my son and my family. The benefits of Reiki are: deep relaxation, a speeding up of the natural healing process, ease tension and stress, strengthens immune system, assist weight-loss and lots more. Additionally, I am an active member of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. This means that I can assure you that each treatment is done professionally and I am following the code of conduct, code of ethics and more. I have a print out of those codes at the hut for you to have a look if you wish too, just ask me for it. Feel free to contact me for more info at [email protected] See my Add on page 10


Sept 19 Page 6

Special thanks to our table sponsors,

prize sponsors and all the families from

OLOL who contributed towards the prizes.

Thank you, also, to Flight Centre,

Dardanup Post Office,

Scentsy Products,

Southern City Bathrooms,

Dardanup Bakery, Grand Cinemas.

Thank you to all our community members who

a%ended and supported our school Quiz Night.

We look forward to celebra)ng 100 years next

February, and funds raised will go towards the

crea)on of a memorial garden. Past students,

families and staff are invited to purchase a brick

with their name to be included in the garden.

Please call the school office

for details. Ph 9728 1054


Sept 19 Page 7

Page 7

H A I R & B E A U T Y B Y


Helen Banks

Hairdressing, Tanning

and Beauty

0419 049 620

1137 Boyanup Picton Rd Dardanup WA 6236

EFTPOS facilities available

Gutter Cleaning Flue Cleaning Plumbing Painting

Mowing Brushcutting Garden Care Chainsawing

and much more.....


Services and Trade

Mobile 0417 752 541 - Paul PO Box 27 BOYANUP WA 6237

Email [email protected] Warburton Rd Crooked Brook

Local Handyman


Sept 19 Page 8 Page 8

5th Element Pottery & Art Glass 5th Element Pottery & Art Glass 5th Element Pottery & Art Glass 5th Element Pottery & Art Glass Studio/GalleryStudio/GalleryStudio/GalleryStudio/Gallery

Come & visit Award winning Potter & Glass Artist Christine Elstons Gallery. There is a unique display of fused Art Glass,

Jewellery & many other gift items at reasonable prices. Open most days, please phone to confirm times.

Enquire about glass fusing classes.

40 Gavins Gully Crt

Dardanup West 6236

9728 0292 Mob 0488 292 299

[email protected]

Superannuation *Retirement Planning * Portfolio Management * Superannuation *Retirement Planning * Portfolio Management * Superannuation *Retirement Planning * Portfolio Management * Superannuation *Retirement Planning * Portfolio Management *

Financial Planning * Life Insurance * EquitiesFinancial Planning * Life Insurance * EquitiesFinancial Planning * Life Insurance * EquitiesFinancial Planning * Life Insurance * Equities

21 Spencer Street Bunbury WA 6230, PO Box 2031 Bunbury WA 6231

Ph: 9792 5113

Magnetic North Group Pty Ltd AFSL 463703

[email protected]

Andrew & Hayley DELLAAndrew & Hayley DELLAAndrew & Hayley DELLAAndrew & Hayley DELLA----SALESALESALESALE

Your Local Professional Advisers


Opening hours: Fri to Sun – 10am to 4pm

Where Flavour, families and friendly service come first. Gourmet American Italian style pizzas and other foods accompanied with

our enjoyable range of wines, cheeses, coffee and ice cream . We're the perfect venue for lunch, morning & afternoon tea all

served with a delicious view.

172 Pile Road, Ferguson

08 9728 1616

Tuition in Mathematics. Experienced teacher.

Years 1 to 12.

Wayne Webster B.App.Sc, Dip.Ed, M.Ed, M.Ed Res

0400 5353 06

[email protected]


754 FERGUSON RD, DARDANUP, 6236 | 08 9728 3007 | [email protected]


Sept 19 Page 9


Peter Edmonds 0417 986 634Peter Edmonds 0417 986 634Peter Edmonds 0417 986 634Peter Edmonds 0417 986 634

[email protected]@[email protected]

Sand pads- Leach drains- Septic tanks

- Tank pads

Clean ups – Trenching – Driveways

– Cross overs

No job too small. Ferguson Valley and surrounding areas.

Landscape Design and Creation

Irrigation Installs and Repairs

Garden Makeovers

Dave Dobrich

0411 030 620

[email protected]

Mon – Fri 7:30am – 5:30pm | Sat & Sun 8am – 3pm | Ph 9728 1011 | [email protected] |

Kirk and Emma would like to thank the valued clients of Dardanup Rural Supplies for their unwavering

support of the business during their transi.on to ownership. We look forward to con.nuing to

provide our clients with the outstanding service and advice for which Dardanup Rural is known.

Spring Pasture OfferSpring Pasture OfferSpring Pasture OfferSpring Pasture Offer

CSBPs Spring Pasture Offer is out now!

If you want to cut silage or hay this

season it is a fantas.c .me to take

advantage of cheaper prices; you can

pay now and collect later.

We can provide you with the right

advice for your enterprise. Speak to us

about your fer.liser requirements


Stock Feeds

Dardanup Rural stock a comprehensive range of

stock feeds and supplements. From chooks to

alpacas, horses to pigs we have them all covered.

Call in-store to see our range today!

Summer Crops

Summer crops are a great way to provide

green feed through the summer months.

Good agronomy is for success. Kirk and Les can

give you the low down on what op.ons are available

for your property.


Sept 19 Page 10

Boyanup District Pharmacy 1/72 Bridge St, Boyanup WA 6237

Phone 9731 5000

Monday - Friday 9AM - 5.30PM

Scripts Ready Service Keep your scripts on file at the pharmacy

Enjoy quicker service by being able to call ahead and have them prepared in advance.

Sand • Gravel • Garden Supplies Blue Metal • Limestone • Fertiliser Cartage

House Pads • Blocks Cleared/Filled • Driveways Tree Stump Removal • Truck, Loader and Bobcat Hire

Over 30 Years Experience

BARRY 0438 280018 97280019

[email protected]


Need water? Call Aquatech Drilling the water bore specialists for a

FREE quote on a bore P|0490 282 023| 0400 053 648 E|[email protected]



Heal your mind body & spirit with the peaceful energy of Reiki

Wholistic Healing HutWholistic Healing HutWholistic Healing HutWholistic Healing Hut

Dardanup West 0448 007 868

[email protected]



Sept 19 Page 11

Lyndendale Art and AntiquesLyndendale Art and AntiquesLyndendale Art and AntiquesLyndendale Art and Antiques What’s Coming up?What’s Coming up?What’s Coming up?What’s Coming up?

August - yes the 10% off everything sale has finished. However, should you mention that you read this item in the ‘Dardanup Times’ we will extend the 10% discount till the end of September. There are new items and furniture and art and accessories nearly every day so always something new to see. October 19th and 20th - Ferguson Valley Open Gardens - Lyndendale is part of this for the first time and supporting Solaris CancerCare. We are busy making sure that everything is just right. Weeds beware! In addition to our garden we’ll have magnificent hand-cooked morning and afternoon teas and a lunch-time sausage sizzle (I’m sure it will be pretty special too)

We’ll also have vintage and antique tools at Scraptoe and Co’s place, vintage garden ornaments, pre-loved garden books and other garden-

themed ideas that are still being organised. And, of course, we’ll have all our vintage and antique items for you to peruse in Lyndendale Art and Antiques. Prepare to be surprised by the range. We’ll look forward to welcoming you. November 30th - the annual SolarisCancerCare Christmas Bazaar. Those who have been before know this is a not-to-be-missed event. Our courtyard becomes a Christmas shopping fest place. It’s a wonderful time to do your Christmas shopping for unique and well-priced gifts. There’ll be food, there’ll be live music, there’ll be wonderful raffles. And the gallery will be open too and supporting Solaris as well. Put it in your diary. Watch our Facebook page for further details and updates. Denise Gillies

Rural Fencing.

Specialising in galvanised steel fencing and yard construction. - Fire proof - Termite proof - Rot proof - Chemical free

- Strainer posts encased in concrete below ground level to avoid rust. Other services include tree felling and rigging.

Max Kerr. 0429692013

[email protected]

Shire of Dardanup Workshops

in Dardanup and Burekup During September

Dardanup Knits and Knots 18+ Dardanup Library Tues 3rd & 17th (1:00pm - 3:00pm) If you enjoy knitting or crocheting and you’re looking for new ways to meet people, look no further than our Knits and Knots group.

Chair Yoga for Seniors 65+ Dardanup Hall Tues 10th & 24th (1:00pm – 2:00pm) Learn this gentle form of yoga that is practised sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support.

Fabric Collage Hangings* 18+ Dardanup Library

Thurs 25th (10:00am - 12:00pm) Use different fabrics to create a beautiful and intricate collage wall hanging.

Sustainable Living: Summer Vegetable Garden* 18+

Dardanup Hall Thurs 8th (10:00am - 11:30am) We will explore ways that you can enlist the help of birds, bees and other beneficial insects in your garden.


Imagination Village *


Burekup Hall Sun 22nd (11:00am - 12:30pm) Create cubby villages, dress ups and potion making in the great out-doors.

A Muddy Experience*


Burekup Hall Sun 22nd (1:00pm - 2:00pm) Make, mix and decorate with hands on tactile play using natural clay and ochre face paints.

*Bookings are essential. Please visit or call 9724 0392.

Isabel Cody

Programs Officer


Ferguson Hall News

Sundowners on the first Friday of the month at 6pm are a great way to catch up with the local news so remember to come along.

Dates for your diary :- Pantomime “The Secrets of Snow White” is being held at the Hall on Saturday 19th October at 3pm details out soon.

Quiz Night Saturday 9th November get your tables together

Sue Cornwell

Congratulations toCongratulations toCongratulations toCongratulations to

Linda Skrolys and Russell Sheridan on the success of their recent art exhibition at the Gallows Gallery in Perth.

Our Lady of Lourdes P.S. and P&F on the very successful and enjoyable Quiz Night rasing approx. $6000.00 for their centennial celebrations in 2020.


Sept 19 Page 12

At Dardanup Primary School, we have an amazing P&C who work hard to support our staff to provide opportunities and experiences for our student body. Some of the great things our P&C have done for us include funding our Nature Playground, running the Food For Thought canteen, running Discos, staffing a stall and the parking at the Bull and Barrel festival and catering for community events. They have supported the purchase of library books and furniture, STEM resources,

playground shade and the School Dance Program. Thank you Dardanup Primary School P&C. Your work makes a positive difference to our school.

I enjoy watching my children grow and develop through each life stage. Being their parent I want to contribute and watch each of these phases to the best of my ability. Volunteering gives me a great sense of enjoyment and my children also enjoy and appreciate us as parents being there. I feel children also lead by example and would like to show my children how contributing back to community is an important part of existing within your own community, being that school, sport or even work.


When my daughter started kindy last year, I always said I wouldn't get involved in school "stuff" (P&C) until her brother was at school and they were a bit older. But I honestly just couldn't resist! We are so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful school & it has been so nice getting to know & be a part of our little community.

If you want to join this remarkable group of people, you are more than welcome. Meetings are held on the third and seventh Mondays of term at school commencing at 7:00 pm.

I really enjoy watching kids learn and the way different activities help different kids. I love helping kids in any way to learn, play and achieve their potential. Being involved in the P&C facilitates this.


Sept 19

Ferguson Valley Open Garden Trail Showcases Crooked Brook in 2019.

Saturday 19 October – Sunday 20 October10 – 4pm daily. $5/person entry

General Information

A full catalogue available for printing off the web site by 1 September. E: [email protected]. Kim 0447266885/Lisa 0428 969868

Trail order can vary from particular points of entry. Your choice. Cash Only. Net proceeds to various charities. No Dogs.

Mobiles unreliable for GPS. Take a map with you of the local area -avail via above web sites. All venues have maps and catalogues. Buses and groups welcome. Further queries re disability access,

general access and garden features - contact venues direct.

1. Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre – 97281551

5 Ferguson Rd, Dardanup. 6236

FVOG Catalogue and Ferguson Valley touring map here.

2. Ruby's Garden

Skrolys/Sheridan Galleries – 0437281297

39 Twomey Road, Crooked Brook. 6236

3. Stoneridge

Jill and Tom Cross – 0418281201

513 Crooked Brook Road, Crooked Brook. 6236

4. Lyndendale Art and Antiques

Denise and Lynton Gillies – 97283038

828 Crooked Brook Rd, Crooked Brook. 6236

5. Cricklewood Farm

Danielle and Murray Hall – 0419913455

2 Marri Retreat, Crooked Brook (off Kessell Rd)… 6236

6. Crooked Brook Tranquil Gardens

Dianne and Wayne Webster – 0457300309

116 Warburton Road (off Joshua Creek Rd), Crooked Brook. 6236

7. Caringal in the Valley Jonine and Jeff Duncombe – 0429434307

370 Joshua Creek Road, Crooked Brook. 6236

Kim Wesley- Coordinator FVOG

Page 13

Shire of Dardanup Community Grants

“Shire of Dardanup Community Grants”

now open. For more information please

contact Melanie Serra on 9724 0354 or

[email protected]

Boyanup Markets Report

Our July market was a beautiful winters day with the sun shining. A very busy morning for our stall holders. We had Camp Quality Wescarpade Lambulance with their wood raffle, fundraising for a great cause. Most months we have a stall fund raising for a charity, club or school.

Our lucky very excited raffle winner was Pat Fox of Farmer John’s Produce, purchase your ticket at our next market day near the sausage sizzle to be in with a chance to win such a wonderful prize donated by our stall holders. When you are at the market visit one of our regular stallholders TizzBeez Pure Honey who produce and sell raw packaged honey, pollen, honeycomb, creamed honey and beeswax products

Our market day is on 4th Sunday of each month and you can follow our facebook,

instagram or web page for more information.


Sept 19 Page 14

What's on In Dardanup

28 August – 25 September INTRO TO YOGA with Gyani at Wells Park Clubrooms,

3.30 pm-4.30pm.

5 September – nomina)ons for Shire Council open

7 September – E-Waste collec)on at the Dardanup Hall, see poster this edi)on

7 – 21 September – Colour in All Its Glory at Donnybrook, see ar)cle this edi)on

8 September – Wespine Community grants close, forms on the Wespine website.

12 September – nomina)ons for Shire Council close

15 September – Fr Waynes fundraising Walk for Alzheimer, see ar)cle this edi)on

17 September – Dardanup Seniors mee)ng at the Wells Recrea)on Park Clubrooms, 9.30am

18 September – Ferguson Valley Marke)ng AGM, 6pm at the Ferguson Hall, see poster this edi)on

22 September – 8am Boyanup Farmers market

22 September - Spanish Cooking Class 11.15 - 2.15 @ Green Door Bookings through Cellar Door 9728 0907 or Food with Passion SW Facebook page.

30 September – 11 October – Free Puppet making workshops @ the Dardanup Hall, 0418281201, see poster this edi)on

7 – 11 October, kerbside collec)on of bulk green waste in Dardanup townsite

10/11 October – Fes)val set up, 9am – 5pm, ph Fes)val Volunteer Coordinator Maxine, 0409 966 878

12 October- Dardanup Bull and Barrel Fes)val

13 October – Fes)val Cleanup, you know where that is.

19 October – Shire of Dardanup elec)ons

19 October – Ferguson Hall Commi%ee presents the pantomime ‘The Secrets of Snow White’ at the Ferguson Hall

19/20 October – Ferguson Valley Open Gardens, see poster this edi)on

9 November – Quiz Night organised by the Ferguson Hall Commi%ee at the Ferguson Hall

17 November – Buy It Back Fair @ the Eaton Foreshore, see poster this edi)on

30 November - annual SolarisCancerCare Christmas Bazaar @ Lyndendale

14/15 February 2020 – OLOL 100th

birthday celebra)ons

If you have an event to add please email

[email protected]


Dardanup Social Dance – 1st Saturday of each month, Dardanup Hall, 8pm, $12 ea, supper to share. Ferguson Hall Sundowners –1st Friday of the month @ 6.00pm, BYO drinks and nibbles. Ferguson Hall Committee– 1st Mon of the month @ 5pm prior to Sundowner. Hall bookings - Sue 0419989431 or Merlene 0497120955. Wellington Mill Sundowners – last Friday of the month, 6 – 8pm @ the Fireshed

Wellington Mills Community Association- 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30 pm, Wellington Mills Fireshed. Dardanup Lions Club – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, 7.00pm @ the Dardanup Tavern

Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre Volunteers – 2nd Tuesday of each month @ the Visitors Centre, 9:45 for 10am start Dardanup Playgroup – every Wednesday of school term, 9.30am – 11.30am @ Dardanup Community Centre

Dardanup Senior Citizens – 3rd Tues of the month @ Wells Rec Park Clubrooms, 9.30am – 11.30am. Ferguson Valley Marketing and Promotions Inc –2nd Tuesday of every month, 6pm@ the Visitors Centre. Dardanup Shire meetings – every 3 weeks on Wednesday @ Eaton. ph 97240000. Dardanup Sporting and Community Clubs – 7.00pm, 3rd Wednesday of every 2nd month at the Dard Rec Clubrooms. Dardanup Tennis Club – 9am every Saturday summer only

St Mary’s Anglican Church – Services in recess. SW Veteran Car Club- SW Veteran Car Club meeting 1st Tuesday of the month 7:30 pm @ the Wells Rec Park Clubrooms

Edible Gardening Group – every other Saturday morning 10am. Please contact Lisa Ferris 0428969868

St Aidan`s Church - an Anglican service every third Sunday in the month, 9 a.m, all denominations welcome. Bull and Barrel Festival – 7.30pm, every 2nd Wed of the month @ the Wells Rec Park Clubrooms. Henty Riding Club - Third Wednesday of each month 7pm for further information,

Joshua/ Crooked Brook Sundowners – 2nd Friday of the month, 7.00pm, @ the Fireshed BYO drinks and nibbles.

Dardanup Equestrian Centre, First Wednesday of each month 7.30pm for further information

Waterloo Uniting Church, Railway Rd, Waterloo – 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month, 8.45am, ph Kingsley 0409 848 460

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If you wish to contact Wespine please call us on

9725 5777.


Sept 19 Page 15

Thomas Little Hall Walls Returned To Original Render

The Thomas Little Memorial Hall restoration work is progressing well. We have now decided to remove the render from the upper walls due to the fact that the lower wall area came off easily and without causing damage to the bricks face. The render which was carried out in approx 1979 after cyclone Alby was a cement render which caused a retention of moisture in the very porous bricks. The original mortar was a lime mortar and the original render was also a lime render. We will then replace all the wall render with a lime render and a lime wash. This will allow the brick walls to breathe. The sample looks very beautiful. The old toilets at the rear of the TLMH are being completely renovated including a disabled toilet, metal roof and the walls will be rendered to match the TLMH. The "kitchen" is also being renovated inside and with a weather board finish outside as was the original finish. Danny Harris

Ferguson Valley Visitor Centre Sells

Vast Array of Locally Made Gifts

THE FERGUSON VALLEY VISITOR CENTRE in Dardanup has been undergoing quite a facelift this year. The team of volunteers have worked tirelessly to turn this heritage school building not only into a more vibrant tourist information centre, but to also provide locals with an up to date Whats On Information Board so you don’t miss out on all the good things happening nearby. We have also sourced new gift items of jewellery, fashion accessories, soaps, glass, woodwork, metalwork and much more. Local artists and creative individuals are excited about the changes and are keen to help us extend our range of hand made and unique gifts. So, Dardy residents now have a handy Gift Shop – last minute presents for any special occasion on display and waiting to be discovered. Pop in any day between 9.30am and 3.30pm and have a look – you may even be inspired to become our newest Volunteer! Fiona Moriarty – Coordinator for FVVC

Thomas Little Hall with Half of the Render Removed

Dardanup Playgroup Thrilled With New Cubby

Last year, Dardanup Community Playgroup received a grant from Shire of Dardanup to improve our small playgroup centre providing much needed new play equipment for our kids. The main project was to replace the old cubby house, after discussing with our local builder David Wells, it was agreed replacing this would be cheaper than fixing! So together with David’s help and some playgroup parents, Ben Welsh & Aliesha Normington, they pulled down the old one and built the new cubby house all within a few hours!! So a massive thank you to those three for putting in their own time. In order to get the cubby house to start with we also need to thank Dardanup Lion’s Club for their generous cash donation, Garry & Sharon Utterson of Coastmac Trailers for donating their truck & driver (Mark) to pick up the materials & deliver to our centre and another big help from a playgroup dad, Tim Rowley, in assisting with getting the materials off the truck……. A big thank you to you all. We fitted our cubby house out with new furniture (put together by our playgroup committee members) & pretend play items which the kids are thoroughly enjoying. Other equipment purchased was ride-on cars/bikes, lawnmowers, sand pit toys, prams, dolls & accessories, play mats for inside, soft play foam pieces, building blocks, blackboard flowers, new children chairs and shelving for our back shed to store all our new equipment on. We are so excited to see our little playgroup grow with lots of new members this year and we can’t thank the Dardanup Shire enough in helping us to achieve this goal, we look forward to working with them in the future. Dardanup is a thriving little town full of lots of new families and we hope for more families to join us. 9.30am to 11.30am every Wednesday school terms @ the Dardanup Community Centre, Little Street. Leila Cooper, President, Dardanup Community Playgroup


Sept 19 Page 16

The Dardanup Times thanks our generous sponsors