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(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Kota

Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016)









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(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I

(Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education









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Afni Amalia. 1111014000046. The Effect of Peer-Assessment Method on

Students’ Writing of Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth

Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016). Skripsi of

the Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’

Training of State Islamic Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University, 2015.

Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Key words: Peer-Assessment, writing, recount text

The objective of this study was to know the empirical evidence about the

effect of peer-assessment method on students’ writing of recount text. The samples

of this research were the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang

Selatan. They were X.1 as the experimental class and X.3 as the controlled class.

X.1 has 41 students while X.3 has 39 students. The sampling technique used

convenience sampling. The method used in this study was a quantitative method.

In addition, the design used in this study was a quasi-experimental study and the

instrument of this research was written test. To gain the reliability of the test

instrument, the research used analytical scoring which was derived by Jacobs to

give score on the students’ writing pre-test and post-test. The finding of this

research was the result of mean score of both classes indicated that the mean

score of the experimental class was lower than the mean score of the controlled

class which was 68.11 < 69.58. There was decline of the score of the experimental

class in the post-test. Furthermore, the value of tcount was 1.27 and the value of

ttable in the degree of freedom (36) and the degree of significance 0.05 was 1.68, it

meant tcount < ttable or 1.27 < 1.68. It can be concluded that H0 was accepted and

H1 was rejected. It meant that peer-assessment method was not effective on

students’ writing of recount text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016.

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Afni Amalia. 1111014000046. The Effect of Peer-Assessment Method on

Students’ Writing of Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth

Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016). Skripsi

pada jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Kata kunci: Peer-Assessment, menulis, menulis recount.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bukti empiris dari penggunaan

“Peer-Assessment” terhadap keterampilan menulis siswa dalam teks yang

bergenre recount. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X di

SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan. Kemudian, peneliti mengambil 2 kelas

sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas X.1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan

X.3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Adapun masing-masing kelas memiliki jumlah siswa

yaitu 41 siswa dikelas X.1 dan 39 siswa dikelas X.3. Dalam pengambilan sampel,

teknik yang digunakan yaitu convenience sampling dengan metode penelitian

kuasi eksperimen. Instrument yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis. Untuk

memastikan reliabilitas dari instrumen tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analytical

scroring yang diadaptasi dari Jacobs untuk menilai hasil pre-test dan post-test

siswa. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, nilai rata-rata kedua kelas tidak

memiliki perbedaan yang terlalu signifikan. Perolehan nilai rata-rata kelas

eksperimen adalah lebih rendah dari kelas kontrol yaitu 68.11 < 69.58. Sedangkan

untuk hasil perhitungan hipotesis statistik ditemukan bahwa pada taraf

signifikansi 5%, thitung adalah 1.27, sedangkan ttabel adalah 1.68. hal ini

menandakan thitung < ttabel. Dari hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0

(Hipotesis Null) diterima dan H1 (Hipotesis Alternative) ditolak. Dengan kata lain,

penggunaaan metode peer-assessment terhadap keterampilan siswa dalam menulis

teks recount adalah tidak efektif untuk siswa kelas X di SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan pada tahun ajaran 2015/2016.

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praises be to Allah the Lord of the World for the strength, the kindness

and the guidance to the writer completing this Skripsi entitled by The Effect of

Peer-Assessment Method on Students’ Writing of Recount Text (A Quasi-

Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang

Selatan year 2015/2016). Peace and blessing are upon to Prophet Muhammad

SAW as always, his family and his followers.

It is a precious thing that the writer can accomplish this skripsi. In this

occasion, the writer would like to thanks to people who were contributed in this

skripsi as follow:

1. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of the Department of English Education and also as

the advisor I who always give the kindness and patience to guide and to

motivate completing this skripsi.

2. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of the Department of English Education

and also as the advisor II who was supporting and motivating the writer to

finish the skripsi ontime.

3. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

4. All lecturers of the Department of English Education who have given their

knowledge, experience and time to lecturing the students in this department.

5. Drs. Rodani, M.M., the Headmaster of SMA Negeri Tangerang Selatan who

had given permission to the writer to do the research in his school.

6. Dalilah Siskayanti, S.Pd., the English teacher of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang

Selatan who helped the writer by giving permission to join and to do research

in her class.

7. The writer’s beloved parents, Mr. Khozin, M.Pd.I. and Mrs. Khasanatul

Munawaroh who always give prayer, support, love and motivation for the

writers all the time.

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8. The writer’s older sisters, Mrs. Nely Fitriyah and Mrs. Ni’matun Mufarrokha,

S.ST.; the writer’s brother-in-law, Mr. Saeful Khanif, S.E. and Mr. Heri

Siswanto, S.Sos.I.

9. All beloved friends of “EED B 2011 Happy Family”, especially the writer’s

best friends; Ervi Nur Azizah, Lulu Walidaini, Siti Khafidoh, Melia

Noprianda, Kumala Dewi, and Dian Rahmaharani who have accompanied the

writer’s journey studying in this University.

10. All people who have contributed to this skripsi but cannot be mentioned one

by one.

The words are not enough to express my joyful of their kindness. May

Allah bless them all as always. The writer realizes that this skripsi is far from

perfect and it is pleasure to get critique and suggestions to make it better.

Jakarta, September 20th, 2015

The Writer

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Letter of Writing AuthenticityApproval Sheet Endorsement SheetAbstract…………………………………………………………………….……....iAbstrak…………………………………………………………………………….iiAcknowledgement………………………………………………………………..iiiTable of Content …………………………………………………………..…….. vList of Table…...................................................................................................... viiList of Appendix ………………………………………………………………..viiiCHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study..................................................................................... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ...................................................................... 3

C. The Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................... 3

D. The Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................ 3

E. The Objective of the Study ................................................................................. 4

F. The Significance of the Study............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................... 5

A. Writing Skill.......................................................................................................... 5

1. Definition of Writing................................................................................ 5

2. Purposes of Writing.................................................................................. 7

3. Writing Process ........................................................................................ 7

4. Text Types of Writing .............................................................................. 9

5. Teaching Writing.................................................................................... 10

B. Recount Text ....................................................................................................... 11

1. Definition of Recount Text..................................................................... 11

2. Generic Structures of Recount Text ....................................................... 11

3. Features of Recount Text ....................................................................... 12

4. Types of Recount Text ........................................................................... 12

C. Peer Assessment ................................................................................................. 13

1. Definition of Peer- Assessment .............................................................. 13

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2. The Advantages of Peer-Assessment ..................................................... 14

3. The steps of peer-assessment ................................................................. 15

4. The Challenges of Peer-Assessment ...................................................... 16

D. The Procedure of Teaching Recount Text through Peer Assessment ......... 16

E. Previous Studies ................................................................................................. 17

F. Thinking Framework ......................................................................................... 20

G. Research Hypotheses ......................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 22

A. Place and Time of the Study ................................................................................. 22

B. Method and Research Design ............................................................................... 23

C. Population and Sample.......................................................................................... 23

D. Instrument of the Research ................................................................................... 24

E. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................................... 24

1. Conceptual Definition ....................................................................................... 24

2. Operational Definition ...................................................................................... 24

F. Data Validity......................................................................................................... 25

G. Technique of Data Analysis.................................................................................. 26

H. Statistical Hypotheses ........................................................................................... 29

CHAPTER IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 30

A. Data Description ................................................................................................... 30

B. Data Analyzing ..................................................................................................... 33

C. Statistical Hypothesis Test .................................................................................... 38

D. Discussion ............................................................................................................. 43

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 45

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 45

B. Suggestion............................................................................................................. 45

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 47

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 50

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Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-Test and Post Test of

the Experimental Class ……………………………………….. 30

Table 4.2 The Score of Pre-Test and Post0Test of the

Controlled Class ……………………………………………… 32

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality of Pre-Test…………………………. 33

Table 4.4 The Result of Normality of Post-Test………………………... 34

Table 4.5 The Result of Homogeneity of Pre-Test……………………… 36

Table 4.6 The Result of Homogeneity of Post-Test…………………….. 37

Table 4.7 The Students’ Gain Score between Experimental Class

and Controlled Class …………………………………………. 38

Table 4.8 The Result of Statistical Hypothesis Testing…………………. 41

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Appendix 1. Lesson Planning of Experimental Class………………........... 50

Appendix 2. Lesson Planning of Controlled Class …………………........... 63

Appendix 3. Pre-Test Instrument …………………………………….,,,,,,.. 73

Appendix 4. Post-Test Instrument…………………………………………. 74

Appendix 5. Analytical Scoring…………………………………………… 75

Appendix 6. Writing Rubric of Peer-Assessment (Bahasa Version)………. 78

Appendix 7. Result of Pre-Test………………………………………......... 80

Appendix 8. Result of Post-Test………………………………………….... 90

Appendix 9. The t-table …………………………………………………… 91

Appendix 10. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi……………………………………... 92

Appendix 10. Surat Izin Penelitian ……………………………………......... 93

Appendix 11. Surat Keterangan Penelitian ………………………………..... 94

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This chapter consists of background of the study, identification of the

problem, limitation of the problem, research question, the objective of the study,

and the significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Writing is one of skills in English besides speaking, reading, and listening. It

becomes a challenging skill in any way, since not all of people can make it easily.

Writing is a developmental process; it is mainly giving information of what the

writer share on a piece of paper.1 Furthermore, writing is used by people in order

to communicate with others. Communicating with others needs encoding and

decoding process, it suits to the competence standard of writing in senior high

school, proposed by Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), which is to

utter meaning of some functional text in written form.2 So, it is becoming an

important skill that people have to master it.

Mastering writing skill means mastering each of partial which is support it,

such as vocabulary, grammar, and also the way to construct a written. To produce

a good written, the students is introduced with some text; such as narrative,

recount, descriptive, argumentative, expository, and so on. Each of texts has its

own purpose and characteristic.

Recount text that is taught at the tenth grade of senior high school is formally

categorized as a kind of narrative text, because it tells past event and uses past

tense. Recount text is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in

which they happened.3 Since this is a text which tells about past event, it should

be easily constructed or at least known by student while learn English.

1 Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996), p. 9.

2 Bambang Soehendro, Silabus Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, (Badan Standar NasionalPendidikan, 2006), p. X.

3 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra: MacmillanEducation Australia, 2003), p. 48.

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In fact, there are some students who get difficult in writing text, includes in

writing recount text. Based on the observation of students’ writing at the tenth

grade of SMA N 11 Kota Tangerang Selatan, their problems in writing texts are

vocabulary, grammar, and writing structurally. These problems also uttering by

twelfth grade students from Khadijah Islamic School, which mentioned

vocabulary and grammar as main problems faced in writing recount text. In

addition, translating word by word done by letting online translator to solve it, the

students have not any encouragement to do it by themselves. The understanding

of vocabulary and grammar is not far from the teacher’s role in guiding them to

gain those materials and also how the teacher pays attention in their progress

through assessment.

Assessment places crucial range in teaching process. It requires some aspects

and criteria to be evaluated in order to measure the progress of students.

Assessment is usually developed and done by the teacher in and/or outside the

class. The results of it were clearly explained but some of them were not. Its case

may appear as the unmatched between subject-assessed and the assessment-used.

In a long period, kinds of assessment are proposed due to help teacher or

stakeholders applying it. That must be concerned of assessment, it is meaningful

and manageable or not. A meaningful assessment explained clearly about the

purpose, the rubric or criteria and also the results. Whilst, a manageable

assessment stands out the structural organization from setting goal of learning till

the way of communicating the results by stakeholders.4 Thus, the problem of

assessment that appeared most is students’ involvement in doing the assessment.

It is belief as the way to help teacher in conducting a better assessment and also

the students can learn from the others’ work.

To overcome those problems, the writer proposes assessment technique,

which is peer-assessment. Peer-assessment is an assessment tool that involves

students in it. The activities of assessment prefer to take student a part in

evaluating their peer’ work rather than waiting to the teacher in giving feedback

4 David W. Johson and Roger T. Johnson, Meaningful Assessment: A Manageable andCooperative Process, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2002), pp. 12—15.

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for their own work.5 Using peer-assessment may give some benefits; one of them

is students can learn how to arrange a good writing while they are correcting their

friend’s work.

From those all the explanation above, this study tends to gain some data which

pointed out students’ problem mentioned above can be overcome by peer-

assessment. This study will be titled: “The Effect of Peer-assessment on

Students’ writing of Recount Text.” (A Quasi-experiment Research at the Tenth

Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Kota Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016)

B. The Identification of the Problem

The identification of the problem:

1. The students are not intently read any literature which can enrich their

vocabulary, so they are lack of vocabulary mastery

2. Finding of the inappropriate usage of verb past form, it because of the

students’ less of habitually usage of those verbs.

3. Less of practicing writing skill and depend on online translator, the students

confuse in constructing sentences by their own words.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study and the identification of the problem,

the problem of this research was limited on the effect of peer assessment on

students’ writing skill of recount text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri

11 Tangerang Selatan year 2014/2015.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

This study will be guided by the question below:

“Was there any effect after using peer-assessment on students’ writing skill of

recount text at the tenth grade students of SMA N 11 Kota Tangerang Selatan?”

5 J. Michael O’Malley & Lorraine Valdez Pierce, Authentic Assessment for EnglishLanguage Learners, (USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996), p. 156.

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E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study was to know empirical evidence about the

effect of peer assessment on students writing of recount text.

F. The Significance of the Study

The results of this research were hoped to give some significances not only

theoretically but also practicality go to:

- For Students

Theoretically, the students can understand about peer-assessment method and

how to involve in assessment. Also, through peer-assessment method, the

students are being helped in improving their writing skill of recount text. The

students are hoped to not only understand about the theory of peer-assessment,

but also understand about how to apply it into their work practicality.

- For Teachers

This study can help teachers in selecting assessment method towards students’

writing. Moreover, the teachers can get some useful theories of peer-

assessment in this study and then help them how to implement it in the right


- For Other Researchers

This study may contribute to the further researchers who will conduct an

experiment with a same topic. It may help them in getting some theories of

their experimental variables and the result can be as the considerable one for

choosing the next step in conducting the same field of the experiment.

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In conducting the research, researcher tried to collect some theory from

experts and other research which is in a same field. This chapter will elaborate the

variable of the research systematically. The variables are writing and peer-

assessment. Due to give some explanations clearly, the researcher will explain

from the definition of writing, the text types of writing, the purposes of writing,

the definition of recount text and its purposes, the structures of recount text and

peer assessment will be explain later.

A. Writing Skill

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is productive skill which is directly produced a written. It refers to

Hyland, which stated writing is a developmental process.1 It can be reviewed by

mentioning writing as the way of communicates that produce written language

and it needed a process due to share what the writer want to say. Writing is also

the way of learning. None of us can write intensively without thinking, probing,

observing, asking, experimenting even reading. It is not as easy as artist seems it

has to be, because it is like an art which is needed more focus.2

Writing gives people a chance to share their ideas without feeling anxiety to

give it because they can easily construct a written form which is represent their

thought. It refers to an opinion from Dumais, writing is to fill the gap between the

ability to reveal ideas, feelings, opinions, and thought and also it is one of skills in


1 Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996, p. 9.

2 James C. Raymond, Writing (Is an Unnatural Act), (New York: Harper & Row,Publishers, 1980), p. 2.

3 Fitri Purnama Sari et al., “An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Problem in WritingRecount Texts at Grade VIII of SMPN 29 Padang”, A Journal of English Language Teaching,Vol. 2 No. 1, Universitas Negeri Padang, (Padang: 2013), pp. 73—85.

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Writing is a continuous process of thinking and organizing rethinking, and

recognizing the power of individual own view through the topic or the idea.4 Next,

O’ Malley and Pierce opine that writing skill is a personal act in which writer

takes ideas and transform them into “self-initiative” topic.5 In the other term,

writing is an individual act in delivering some messages to others which is

involves some senses such as eye, hand, ear, and also brain in case of they think.

In a particular activity, communication is needed. Communication is a process

of encoding and decoding. Encoding is a process in giving some codes to others.

Meanwhile, decoding means translate the codes-given into a meaning. One of

those processes includes in writing. So, writing is a process of encoding which is

serving ideas in words.

In another term, Flynn and Stainthorp suggest writing as a process of human

information which has so many activities in it and demands on the cognitive

system.6 People need to create the way to communicate with others before they

delivered it. It is doing in case of making the connection between them is in stable

and readers can take the information fully. It called by a complex activity which

required a more effort by the limited processing capacity.7

Furthermore, writing requires writers to develop a cognitive consciousness of

the writing options available to them. Due to produce a written form, writers need

some other contributing ways such as style or ideas about what and whom they

want to write. It is not as easy as people can imagine, it needs more concentrate

than they are in speaking stage. In writing, they need to focus on their mind and

search the most important memory about which can deliver to others.

To sum up all statements above, the writer opines that writing is one of any

tools in communicating with others which is involving their cognitive system. It

requires people conscious condition, so the message will be delivered as full as

the writer means.

4 Ken Hyland, op.cit., pp. 8—9.5 O’ Malley, J. Michael and Lorraine Valdez Pierce, Authentic Assessment for English

Language Learners, (United States: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1996), p. 150.6 Naomi Flynn & Rhona Stainthorp, The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing,

(West Sussex: Whurr Publisher Limited, 2006), p. 54.7 Ibid., p. 61.

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2. Purposes of Writing

Writing in many ways has its own purposes. It can be looked by the contents

and the view of the writer. There are four main purposes in writing based on the

types of writing in English language learning, which are8:

a. Informative

It is kind of informative writing. It contains of some ideas, opinions,

describing events or experience, give directions or etc. as the purpose is to share

the knowledge or information which is important considerable for readers.

b. Expressive or Narrative

This kind is to share the expressive writing which contains of such pleasure

story from the writer. It is usually used to give some narrative story to the readers

and mostly use to amuse the readers.

c. Satirize

Satirize is also a form of humor but in a serious purpose as it is used to reform

something. It is a reality which is brought by the writer based on his or her view to

give knowledge about the fact surrounding the reader. It requires one or more the

fact in the writing as the way the writer avoids deliberately misinterpret the

purpose of the writing.

d. Persuasive

It is called persuasive writing which is purposed to persuade the readers to do

something or to follow the instructions. It is mainly appear in an advertisement, in

promoting product, controversial issue, in evaluation of book, and etc.

3. Writing Process

Writing will carry a successful process if they attempt whole steps exactly.

There are three steps in writing process, such as prewriting or planning9, writing

and revising10. Those are important to make the writing better and systematic.

a. Prewriting or Planning

It is the first step in writing. Before write, the writer should have connected

their brain in totally focused on what will be written. It also called warming up

activity. There are several ways in warm up, such as;

8 Martha Heasley Cox, Writing: Form, Process and Purpose, (California: ChandlerPublishing Company, 1962), pp. 261—330.

9 Fletcher Flynn and Thomas G. McGuire, Design: Rhetoric and Anthology for CollegeEnglish, (California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1982), pp. 32—34.

10 Ibid., pp. 60—62.

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1. Brainstorming

This way is lead us to list some ideas in a blank of paper that related to the

topic we decided before.

2. Clustering

In clustering, we visualize the ideas through the line and the circles which are

connected one to another. The topic is usually put on the center of the paper.

b. WritingThe next step is writing process. After we run out our ideas while doing

brainstorming or clustering, then we start to write sentences into a paragraph. Use

the ideas that we had generated in the prewriting. Here some tips while we are on

our writing process:

1. Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, include several

sentences that support the main idea.

2. Stick the topic does not include information that does not directly support the

main idea.

3. Arrange the sentences so that the other ideas make sense.

4. Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in your

paragraph are connected.11

c. RevisingThe last step is revising. It is important to do in order to make our writing

be better. In this step, we will analyze all of our writing, start from the ideas, the

connecting word, the coherence or cohesion, the grammar used and the accuracy

of our sentence.

Some steps in revising are:

1. Add new ideas to support the topic.

2. Cross out sentences that do not support the topic.

3. Change the order of the sentences.

4. Using the following checklist to revise your paragraph.

11 Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, (New York: Pearson Education,Inc., 2003), 3rd Ed, p. 45.

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a. Make sure you have a topic sentence.

b. Cross out sentences that do not relate to the main idea.

c. Check to see if the sentences are in the right order

d. Add new ideas if they support the topic sentences

e. Make sure you have included signal words to help guide the reader.

f. Check the punctuations, spelling and grammar.12

4. Text Types of WritingIn education field, students are oftentimes asked to write a different topic or

text for each occasion, it is because the teacher has a different objective in giving

the instruction. Traditionally, writing has been divided into four main patterns, its

division based on the purpose,13 these are;

a. Description

Description is a verbal picture of a person, place, or thing. When you describe

someone or something, you give your readers a picture in words. The main

purpose of a descriptive is to make readers see – or hear, taste, smell, or fell—what you are writing about. Vivid details is the key of descriptive text, it will give

the readers can picture to what we describe.

b. Narration

Narration is story of something that is happening in the past. Moreover,

narration is termed by storytelling, whether it is relating to a single story or

several related ones. Through narration, the writer make a statement clear relates

to the something that happened in the past.

The main purpose of narrative text is to make appoint to the readers about a

story that the writer want to tell. Colorful details and interesting events that build

up to a point of some kind make narrative enjoyable for readers and writers alike.

c. Exposition

Exposition provides information about and explains a particular subject.

Patterns of development within exposition include giving examples, detailing a

process of doing or making something, analyzing causes and effects, comparing

and contrasting, defining a term or concept, and dividing something into parts or

classifying it into categories.

12 Ibid., p. 28.13 Langan, John., College Writing Skills; sixth edition, (New York: McGrawHill, 2005),

pp. 48—78.

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The main purpose of exposition is to inform the readers about story which is

supporting by the examples, the comparison, the definition and etc. as mentioned


d. Argumentation

Argumentation is a text which explains of individual or groups’ opinion. Awriter attempts to support a controversial point or to defend a position on which

there is a difference of opinion. While the purpose of argumentative is to convince

readers of particular view or opinion on an actual issue and also to persuade the

audience to take some sort of action.

5. Teaching Writing

Some people say that teaching writing is a simple business. The students are

often giving a title and asking to write on a piece of paper. This assumption may

lead a negative effect toward the teacher while they are teaching writing in the

classroom. The teacher often gives pressure to the students to write. Some

students may think that they cannot or do not want to write in a current time. This

may because they lack of confidence and think that they have “nothing to say”.14

It is helpful to differ teaching writing by writing-for-learning and writing-

for-writing. Writing-for-learning means that writing is used as the tool to practice

and work with the language that they have been learning. Whereas writing-for-

writing means writing is deliberately doing to develop the students’ skill aswriters.15 As for the writing-for-learning, there is considerably four main stages

process of writing:

a. Familiarization is a process which requires the students are being taught

grammar and vocabulary.

b. Controlled Writing is a process when the students are asked to manipulate

fixed pattern into any sentences.16

c. Guided Writing means the students are imitating the model texts. In this

process, the students are not allowed to make any serious error in their


14 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English New Edition, (Essex: Pearson EducationLimited, 2007), p. 113.

15 Ibid., p. 112.16 Ken Hyland, op.cit., pp. 3—4.17 Lois Robinson, Guided Writing and Free Writing: A Text in Composition for English

as a Second Language, (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1967), p. 2.

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d. Free Writing means the students are pleased to write any letter, text or essay

by using patterns that they have learned before. In this process, the students

may think in English first and then write what they thought.18

B. Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

People have their own real story in their life, whether it is good or bad. But

they often want to share it with others due to amuse and entertain them. Their

story written then, called recount text. Recount text is written to retell a story or

event in order to entertain readers. Anderson mentioned that recount is a piece of

text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened.19 Since

this text is retelling past events, so it requires past tense as the tense-used. The

more attention in conducting this text is in verb-form, in this case in participle


Furthermore, recount is a text type of narrating genre, but it is not complicated

as narrative text should be. There are no complication between the subject and the

event, it just tell the structurally event from one by one of the subject’s story. In

conclusion, recount text is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in order

to retell the past activities to other people which are about experience, event and

real past activities in order to entertain the readers.

2. Generic Structures of Recount Text

The schematic structure of recount text as below:

a. Orientation is an introduction paragraph which is contain of who, what,

where and when of the story.

b. Events is a sequence of events that elaborate more in this part

c. Re-orientation (optional) tells about a conclusion of the whole story.20

3. Features of Recount Text

Some features of recount text are served by Evans are:

a. It is written in the past tense

18 Ibid., p. 23.19 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra:

Macmillan Education Australia, 2003), p. 48.20 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson., Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra:

Macmillan Education Australia, 2003), p. 25.

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b. It contains some time connectives, such as ‘after a while’, ‘then’, and ’later’.c. It tells some kind of story with a beginning, middle and the end.

Moreover, other features proposed by Anderson, such as:

a. The use of nouns and pronouns is to identify people, animals or things.

b. The use of action verbs is to show some activities which is doing by noun or


c. The use of past tense is to relate the writer’s story in an exactly time

d. The use of time conjunctions is to connect the sequence of events

e. The use of adverbs and adverbs phrase

f. The use of adjectives is to define nouns21

4. Types of Recount Text

There are three types of recount:

1. Personal recount; it is retelling an activity in the past which the writer

personally involved in it.

2. Factual recount; it is a story about an accident. It is usually write by the

police, the historian, news report and etc.

3. Imaginative recount: it is written by the writer with put himself in imaginary


4. Procedural recount; it means recording the steps in an investigation or

experiment and thereby providing the basis for reported results or findings.

5. Literary recount is to retell a series of events for the purpose of entertaining.22

Here the example of recount text:

21 Mark Anderson., Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra: Macmillan EducationAustralia, 2003), p. 50.

22 None. Engaging in and Exploring Recount Writing, Government of South Australia: AJournal of Numeracy + Literacy: 2011, pp. 1—5.

Orientation Last week, I visited my grandmother who lives inBumiayu, a small village in Brebes. It is not far fromTegalwhere I live. Though it is small, I like it because of thequiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Event 1

Event 2

When my grandmother saw me, she ran towards meand kissed me. She said that she really missed me. Lasttime I visited her was six months before

Then, she led me to the dining room. She said thatshe had already cooked special food that I like. We spent

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C. Peer Assessment

1. Definition of Peer- Assessment

Assessment is an ongoing process of measure students’ progress inlearning. As state by Brown, Assessment is an ongoing process that covers a

wider aspect.23 Whenever students give comment, answer the question, so at that

time the teacher make an assessment of it.

The use of peer-assessment is widely used with self-assessment. As in the

work of Sadler , the use of self-assessment was applied unsuccessfully at the first

time. Then, Sadler use peer assessment as a complement for the self-assessment.

In the other word, the use of peer-assessment can be used as an important

complement in any chance.24 Thus, learning to assess students’ peers is invaluablein the process of learning interpersonal skills.25 In short, peer-assessment is a

medium of the process students’ reflection on their work by looking at their peer’swork.

According to Brown, peer-assessment is simply one arm of a plethora of

tasks and procedures within the domain of learner-centered and collaborative

education.26 Peer assessment appeals to similar principles, the most of obvious of

which is cooperative learning. Students may go through the education from

kindergarten to graduate degree but they still did not appreciate a value of

cooperative learning.

Peer-assessment is usually doing by students in evaluating the other

friends’ work or performance. O’Malley stated peer-assessment is an evaluation

which is involves students in evaluating their friends’ writing27. Student is doing

his right to give some comment onto their friends’ work. Furthermore, Boud and

23 H. Douglas Brown., Language Assessment: principles and classroom practices, (NewYork: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004), p. 4.

24 Paul Balck et al., Assessment for Learning: Putting It into Practice,(New York: OpenUniversity Press, 2003), pp. 49—50.

25 Julie Cotton, The Complete Guide to Learning and Assessment – Assessment, (NewDelhi: Crest Publishing House, 2004), p. 137.

26 H. Douglas Brown, op. cit., p. 270.27 O’ Malley and Pierce, op.cit., p. 156.

the whole day having a talk. We talked about many thingslike my school, my childhood and my grandmother’syouth.

Re-orientation It was an impressive visit. I will always miss mygrandmother.

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Falchikov opine that peer-assessment is assessment which is involve students in

case of give a grade or comment to their friends’ work or performance based on

the criteria that decided by them before doing assessment or by teacher’sguidance.28

Moreover, peer assessment can be used summative and collect it as the

overall assessment picture during a semester. Student peer-assessment can be

anonymous, with assessors randomly chosen by teacher so the friendship factor is

likely less intrude the result.29 The criteria alike of self-assessment make it easy to

be taken by the student onto their hand to grading or giving some comments.

As the statement above, it can be conclude that peer assessment is one of

authentic assessment which involves student in assessing other students’ workbased on the criteria-given by the teacher in order to help they are increase their

understanding in some materials. As Matsuno’s opinion, peer-assessments tend to

being more stable, although they seem to be more tolerance than assessments

made by teachers30.

2. The Advantages of Peer-Assessment

Peer-assessment has given some evidentially positive effect on the

students’ achievement in learning. As the utterance of some experts, there were

some valuable benefits while applied peer-assessment in the classroom. As peer

assessment has served a writing scale instrument, it allows the students to see,

analyze and rate their peer’s work. It helps the students to learn throughperformance criteria. It also gives the students a comparison substance to his or

her work and also it leads the students to discuss with their friends about their

peer’s work.31

Furthermore, there are several reason of peer-assessment applied in the

classroom. First, peer-assessment will improve the motivation of the students to

work carefully. It is believed that any comments or scoring from other students

may give the chance to discuss about their work and they often try to give the best

for the next task. Second, the students will take the criticism of their peers more

28 Boud, D. & Falchikov, N. Rethinking assessment in higher education. (London: KoganPage, 2007), p. 52.

29 Phill Race. Assessment Series no. 9. (LTSN Generic Centre, 2011), p. 4.30 Glenn Fulcher, Practical Language Testing, (Great Britain: Hodder Education, 2010),

p. 71.31 Peter W. Airasian, Assessment in the Classroom: A Concise Approach, (Sydney:

McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2000), 2nd Edition, p. 169.

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seriously rather than if it is from the teacher. Next, it helps the better

communication between the students and the teacher. In any condition, it is more

effective to complain about the difficulties of any subject by group voice rather

than by individually. Also, peer-assessment helps the teacher to observe of what is

going on while the students are busy involved in the peer-assessment.32

Tricia Hedge states the advantages of peer-assessment are:

a. The editing which is immediately after the writing make it meaningful and

useful to the writer,

b. Help students to recognize errors in theirs,

c. Students understanding about writing is redefined and clarified,

d. They tend to think carefully about clarify and acceptability in writing.33

In other hand, Spiller mentioned some advantages of peer-assessment are:

a. Peer-assessment can encourage collaborative learning through interchange

about what constitutes good work

b. Students can help each other to make sense of the gaps in their learning and


c. The conversation around the assessment process is enhanced.

d. Student is being more participative in learning process

e. Peer-assessment help students and teacher to make a link between them

f. Peer assessment can help the student to promote their development in learning

g. The immediate assessment make the formative learning can be enhanced.34

3. The steps of peer-assessment

There are some steps in conducting peer assessment, which are:

a. Guide the student in understanding of how they will do peer assessment

b. Manage the confidence of student and make sure that they are comfort to

make an assessment of their friend’s workc. Elaborate to the students what is the objective of peer assessment

d. Prepare the score or grade of assessment as a guidance for the student

e. Make sure that the student in a same perspective of how they have to do in

assessment process

32 Paul Black, loc. cit., p. 50.33 Tricia Hedge, Writing, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 158—159.34 Dorothy Spiller, Assessment Matters: Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment, (The

University of Waikato, 2012), p. 10.

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f. Exchange the students’ work randomly to avoid some friendship factors that

will be intrude the result

g. Monitor the students’ work in giving score or comment

4. The Challenges of Peer-Assessment

In the applying of any method in learning process, there will be found

some challenges to make it applied successfully. Such in applying peer-

assessment in the students’ learning process due to accomplish a benefit result fortheir understanding and improvement. Several challenges may appear during

implement peer-assessment. First, the students may undervalue the assessment

because it is not contribute to their summative grade. The students lead to do the

best to make their summative grade become higher and may avoid doing the task

that has not involved into it. So, they may avoid doing seriously. Second, some

students may think that they are not expert in giving mark or comment to their

peer and the “expert” opinion may be valuable for their peer’s work. Third, peerstend to give higher score for their friends rather than give comment and do tutor.

Next, the students may be confused of being assessor because of unclear mark

design or assessment criteria. It often makes the students give mark based on the

race, and the friendship. In other words, instead it is carefully design, but the

problems appear unavoidably.35

D. The Procedure of Teaching Recount Text through Peer Assessment

To attain the result what have planned before, the researcher is also take a

part in giving the material until the process of conducting the experiment include

giving the pre- test, the treatment and posttest. Here the procedures of teaching

recount text through peer assessment, briefly:

In the first meeting, the researcher will explain the material of recount text,

such as the definition, the purpose, the generic structures, and language features

for 2 classes which contain of experimental group and control group. Next, the

students will asked to write a recount text in minimum of three paragraphs, which

have to represent each part of generic structures. The theme of the recount text is

“Experience” in a paper; the pre-test is ongoing for an hour. Those papers will be

collected in the end of meeting.

35 Louise Lutze-Mann,”Students Peer Assessment: Assessment Toolkit”. An Article ofUNSW Australia, 2015. Download from:

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In the second meeting, the researcher will give a treatment to the

experimental group. The treatment is giving a concept about peer assessment and

also how to apply it. The researcher will ensure the understanding of the student

by giving an example of recount text and asked them to analyze it. It is expecting

take 15 minutes. After that they will be asked to do the same in their friends’paper. The researcher gives a command to the students to pay their attention in

giving mark, and ensure that they understand why they put that mark. The

students will not be confused of how to give mark or comment, because the

researcher will give a guidance mark scheme. It is expecting take an hour. Differ

with the experiment group; the control group will get the score directly from the

teacher without explanation more.

In the third meeting, the researcher will ask both of groups to make a

recount text contains of three paragraphs. This meeting called post-test. The theme

is “The most memorable event”. It will take an hour. After that, the researcher willevaluate the papers by her own self and see whether the result point a different

score or not.

E. Previous Studies

In conducting this research, the researcher is guided by some previous

studies in order to make it aimed. Some studies that relevant to this research are

explain later as follow:

1. A skripsi “The Effectiveness of Peer Assessment Method on Students’Narrative Writing Achievement at SMAN 11Tangerang Selatan” by ZeinZarkasih36.

The objective of the study was to know the scientific evidences of peer

assessment on students’ narrative writing achievement. The sample was 64 takenfrom the second grade of SMAN 11 Tangerang Selatan which had divided into

two groups, 32 from XI IPA 1 as the controlled group and the last 32 students

from XI IPA 3 as the experimental group.

The method of the study was using a quantitative method which is

specifically used quasi experimental design. As the experiment session, the

researcher was doing the activity of peer assessment by dividing the students into

36 Zein Zarkasih,”The Effectiveness of Peer-Assessment Method on Students’ NarrativeWriting Achievement, (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Second Grade Senior High School ofSMAN 11 Tangerang Selatan)”. A Thesis of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta,2014.

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several groups. Each group has 4 or 5 students. This peer assessment had done in

by work together in group.

The result of the study points out evidence that peer assessment method

give the positive result toward students’ narrative writing achievement. As thestatistical calculation done by the researcher, the value indicated that t-test (t0) > t-

table (tt) or 7.158 > 2.388. It concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. So, this study showed peer

assessment method was effective to increase the students’ narrative writingachievement.

As this previous study was slightly similar to this study, whether the

school and the research design but this study prefer to find the evidence of the

effectiveness of peer assessment towards students’ writing of recount text thattaught in the first grade or the tenth grade of SMA N 11 Tangerang Selatan. So it

differed from the previous study in the taking sample for the study and also the

material-given in the experiment.

2. A skripsi “Improving the Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text by UsingPeer Assessment at MTs Darunnajah Tanggunggunun” by Meiliana Hidayati.

The aim of the study was to improve the students’ score in writing recounttext. The sample was taken from the eight year students of MTs Darunnajah

Tanggungunung year 2011/2012. The sample consists of 23 students.

The research design used was classroom action research which was

adapted from Kennis and Mc. Taggart Model that included two cycles, i.e.

planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The researcher was conducting

two cycles for her research which each of cycle is done by four meetings. In

collecting the data, the students asked to write recount text which the theme was

given before. During peer assessment session, the students can talk and discuss

with their own peer.

The result of the study indicated that using peer assessment can improve

students’ ability in writing recount text and also make students to be more activein the class. In brief, the researcher mentioned that the criterion of success

whether the students improved in their writing or not was 8,7% of the students

could pass the test, and in the cycle II, the research was success because 95,6% of

students could pass the test.37

37 Meiliana Hidayati,” Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text byUsing Peer Assessment (An Action Research at eight year students of MTs Darunnajah

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The differentiation of the study with this previous study, the writer prefer

to take the sample from the tenth grade student and use quasi experiment as the

research design, because the writer thought that the tenth grade students was more

eligible to be studied rather than the junior high students and also using quasi

experiment was more simple than using classroom action research which is

needed more intention to gain the standard of the successful range.

3. A journal “The Impact of Using Peer Assessment to Improve Students’writing in One AS-level Lesson with Eight Students” by Gillian Boocock.

The objective of this research was to examine the impact of using peer

assessment to improve students’ writing in one AS-level lesson with eight

students. This research was took sample at BSix which was consist of eight

students AS Sociology students. Those sample used to be studied after they

claimed that they pleasantly to take part in the research.

This research used case study for the research method. Actually this

journal was a pilot study that will be used as guidance for the next research. Peer

assessment has been used as an ongoing learning tool in the class for about five

months. This research was doing as collaboration between the class teacher and

the BSix research-in-residence. As for giving mark, the students will be guided by

the mark scheme of the researcher.

In collecting the data, the researcher asked the students to write a brief

explanation of two problems of using official statistics in the study of suicide.

They had 8 minutes for answering that question. The data also got from the

questionnaire that is given before and after doing peer assessment.

The result of this study was the students’ score improved after they did

peer-assessment. As brief, seven of the eight students improved their final score

and felt peer assessment had helped them improved. The maximum score for the

exercise was 14 marks.38

Another article which have done an experiment and focused on how

Swedish lower secondary-level students can improve their writing ability by

acting as peer reviewers found that the peer reviewers increased their awareness

Tanggunggunung year 2011/2012)”. A Thesis of State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) ofTulungagung, 2012, unpublished.

38 Gillian Boocock, The Impact of Using Peer Assessment to Improve Students’ Writingin one AS-level lesson (A case study of peer assessment at BSix), A Journal of research-in-residence, 2009, pp. 1—16.

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of audience and genre; the revision acceptance affect their writing.39 In

conclusion, some previous research has point out some result that indicate the

positive effect of using peer assessment in improving students writing skill of

recount text and point out that there are some advantages of peer assessment in

enhancing students interest and motivation in writing recount text. The previous

studies used case study and action research methods which mean that the studies

are kind of qualitative method. For this research, the researcher is going to study

by using quantitative method and with the design is quasi-experimental study.

F. Thinking Framework

There are two variables in this study; they are “Peer-Assessment” as theindependent variable and “Students’ writing of Recount Text” as the dependentvariable. This study will be focused on the significant different result in using peer

assessment toward students writing recount text and whether use peer assessment

give a contribution of lifting the knowledge to the students on how to construct a

good writing by their own words or not.

Writing skill is become more interesting for the researchers in conducting an

experiment since writing as a way to communicate with others besides speaking

or oral. Although writing skill is learned from the very beginning stage of

learning, but the students still cannot make it easily as they speak. Even in writing

their own experiences, it is called recount text in English subject. In contrast, this

text is seemed easily to construct because they just need to call back their

memories and write it down on the paper.

Assessment is a main concerning in learning because it is a way of how to

know the students’ progress. Moreover in assessing writing, the educator or

Teacher need more focus in order to giving a right mark for students’ progress.Then for this study, the researcher use peer assessment in reason of the problem

that found in the population pointed out the ineffectively assessment-used in

writing. The traditional assessment seemed just give meaningless score for the

students while they still have in their stuck knowledge. In the researcher’s belief,the assessment should give more valuable meaning for the students, at least they

39 Jessica Berggren, Learning from giving feedback: a Study of Secondary-level Students,Volume 69/1 January 2015. A Journal Published by Oxford University Press: 2014. Downloadedfrom at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta University on August 14,2015, pp. 58—70.

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can learn from the assessment process so it is increasing their understanding about

a material.

Peer assessment assumed giving more meaningful learning for the students

because it serves a direct assessment after the students passed their material.

Direct assessment means the students take a part in assessing their paper. Then, it

also gives more chance for the students to ask if they face some difficulties in

certain materials. The emotional between students help this process because of

they will not get shame in asking what they do not understand yet. In brief, peer

assessment gives more time to the students in recall their understanding while

they are assessing their friends’ work. So if peer assessment is used in assessingthe students’ writing recount text, it will give a better effect for students.

G. Research Hypotheses

The Hypotheses of this research are:

H0 (Null Hypothesis) : There is no effect of peer-assessment towards

students’ writing of recount text.Ha (Alternative Hypothesis): There is an effect of peer-assessment towards

students’ writing recount text.

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In order to determine the effect of peer assessment towards students’

writing skill of recount text, the researcher deemed the tenth grade of senior high

school to be studied. This chapter outlines this research, including the place and

time of the research, research design, the sample and the instrument, the data

collection, and data analysis

A. Place and Time of the Study

To gain the data for this study included giving pre-test, material or treatment

and post-test; the researcher took time for a month from on August, 2015 at the

tenth grade students of SMA N 11 kota Tangerang Selatan year 2014/2015 which

is located in Jl. Sumatra I Gang Alpukat Rt. 002/06 Rawa Lele, Jombang, Ciputat,

Tangerang Selatan.

B. Method and Research Design

This study was a quantitative research. The method of this study was

experimental research. According to Fraenkel and Wallen, experimental research

is an experiment which has at least one variable in its study and it gives chance to

the researcher to make a hypothesis due to predict the result.1 Moreover, the

researcher can manipulate the independent variable in order to gain the result that

was predicted before do some treatments. In this study, quasi-experiment would

be used as the true method.

Quasi-experiment was an experimental design which has two subjects of

experiment termed as experimental and control group and also requires pre- and

post-test.2 Its main characteristic was no random assignments of subject, so it

meant the researcher try to manipulate the subject effectively. In this design, the

1 Fraenkel, Jack R. and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate ResearchEducation; Fifth Edition, (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies,. 2003), p. 268.

2 David Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning, (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press., 1992), p. 41.

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researcher needed at least two classes or groups to be experimented. One group

was as control group and another was as experimental group. The picture below is

illustrated the research design of the study adapted by Creswell:

Group A O ---------------------- X -------------------- O

Group B O ---------------------------------------------- O


A : Experimental group

B : Control Group

O : Pre-test and post-test

X : Treatment

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMA N 11

South Tangerang in academic year 2015/2016. The tenth grade students of SMA

Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan are divided into 7 classes.

2. Sample and Sampling Technique

The strategy in deciding the sample was non-probability sampling, namely

convenience sampling. Non-probability sampling allowed the researcher to select

individuals which are available and convenient.3 In addition, individuals-selected

represented to what they are being tested. Furthermore, the researcher also

considered it based on the recommendation from the English teacher on this


The sample of this research was two classes, which were X.1 as the

experimental class and X.3 as the controlled class. The class of X.1 has its

member for about 41 students and the class of X.3 has 39 students. Since some of

the criteria of this study which are mentioned in the instrument, the researcher has

just taken 19 students’ work from each class as the sample of this study.

3 John W. Cresswell, Educational Research, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2008), p.155.

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D. Instrument of the Research

Instruments which were used by the writer were pre-test and post-test. The

pre-test is given due to knowing the background of knowledge of the students in

arranging recount text. Whereas post-test is used to know the effect of peer-

assessment towards students’ writing recount text. The pre-test and post-test

contained of same instruction in guiding the students to construct a writing of

recount text. The instrument of this study can be seen in the appendix 3 and 4.

E. Technique of Data Collection

Due to clarifying the variable in this study, the researcher tries to explain more

about the variable X as the dependent variable which is writing recount text. Here

the explanation of it based on the conceptual definition and defines more based on

the view of the researcher:

1. Conceptual Definition

Based on the explanation of experts, writing recount text is an activity of

writing a text in which look at the writer’s view of their past. In any occasion, the

people are emphasized on how to retell share their past stories in writing form in

order to entertain, to inform and to amuse the others.

2. Operational Definition

To make the explanation more meaningful and understandable for the readers,

the researcher give her own view about writing recount text in this study. The

sample of this study is administered to take a part in giving their contribution

through writing their own past experience in a paper. Writing in this case is about

delivering their own idea about their past into a structurally story. The story that

needed to be written is about the true/real story; it can be taken from their own

experience or from another person. Moreover, the criteria of giving score will be

seen by seeing several aspects of writing, such as the content, organization of the

text, vocabulary, language use (tenses, punctuation, and subject-verb agreement),

and mechanics (capitalization). Those criteria are hoped can help the researcher in

analyzing the ability of the students in writing.

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Then, in this study, the student would ask to write a recount text twice in the

pre- and posttest which the theme will be given first. In the pre-test, the theme-

given is “Experience” and “The Most Memorable Event” in the posttest

For experimental class, the treatment of peer-assessment was given. In the

peer-assessment activity, the teacher would play a role as a facilitator and

instructor. Those meant the teacher will give some instruction how to do peer-

assessment and monitoring the students’ work. In doing peer-assessment, the

experimental students will be guided by the rubric of peer-assessment below due

to help them in giving mark in their friends’ work:

The data of this research is collected from 38 students from two classes.

For the explanation of the data, the researcher would use quantitative data

technique, where the data will be range in number or score. Since the data was in

writing form, it will be scored first. The score would follow the rubric of scale

scoring categories of oral proficiency test developed by Jacobs. It called by

Analytic scoring, it can be seen in appendix 5. In the Analytic scoring, scripts are

rated on several aspects of writing and the criteria are given rather than in a single

score. It is suggest a separate score for each of the element in writing test, include

of scoring of the content, organization, and mechanics and so on. Moreover, its

schemes provide more detailed information about a test taker’s performance in

different aspects of writing.4 Although it was for an oral proficiency test but it also

can be used for the writing test.

3. Data Validity

Every test should represent to what the test want to measure. It called validity.

It also implement in this research. Validity can be defined as the degree to which a

test measures what it supposed to measure. Grondlund, as cited by Brown

explains that validity of a test is the extent to which inferences made from

assessment results are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose

4 Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002), pp. 114—115.

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of the assessment.5 A test aimed at providing true measurement of the particular

skill that is intended to measure.

Validity was a complex concept; it is reminding the teacher on how to make a

good test. The researcher would use face validity in order to gain the validity.

Mousavi suggested that “Face validity refers to the degree to which a test looks

right and appears to measure knowledge or ability it claims to measure.”6 This

validity cannot be empirically tested by the teacher or even a testing expert. It

purely see by the “eye of beholder” or in another word by the test-takers and test-

giver in which they can intuitively understand the instrument. It meant that the

validity depended on the view of both test takers and test-giver by looking at its

surface, appeal and perceived, for example the instruction of the test.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

Before the test is given to the students in the pre and posttest, it will be

tested in. After make an instrument, it will be tried out. The result from tryout-test

will be analyzed first by the test of normality and test of homogeneity. After

doing pre-test, students would do peer assessment; they will correct their peer’s

writing. This process is expected to give a different result in the posttest. Then, the

students did a posttest and it will be analyzed by the researcher. The data will be

analyzed by assumption testing and hypothesis testing. The kind of assumption

testing was normality test and homogeneous test. It is calculated due to know the

next step of analyzing the data which whether using parametric test or non-

parametric test.

1. Normality Test

Normality test is used to know whether the data come from the normal

distribution or not. In this study, the researcher tends to use SPSS version 22

to find out the normality of the data by followed these steps:

5 Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice, (New York:Pearson Education Inc., 2004), p. 22.

6 Ibid., pp. 26—27.

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a. Open SPSS Program

b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write

down X as score of pre-test or post-test score and Y as the kind of class

c. Click Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Explore

d. Drag the X to the Dependent List and Y to the Factor list

e. Click Plot >> checklist Normality plots with test >> ok

The criteria of determining the normality of the data was:

a. If tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue < t table), it meant that H0 was accepted

and H1 was rejected

b. If tvalue greater than ttable (talue > ttable), it meant that H0 was rejected and H1

was accepted.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data come from the

homogeneous variance or not. To calculate the data, the researcher use SPSS

version 22 as follows:

a. Open the SPSS program

b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write down X

as score of pre-test or post-test score and Y as the kind of class

c. Click Analyze >> Compare means >> One-way ANOVA

d. Drag the X the Dependent List and Y to the Factor list

e. Click Option >> checklist Homogeneity of Variance Test >> Ok

The criteria of determining the homogeneous of the data was:

c. If tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue < t table), it meant that H0 was accepted and

H1 was rejected

d. If tvalue greater than ttable (talue > ttable), it meant that H0 was rejected and H1 was


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After calculated the data and found that both the data were in normal

distribution and from homogeneous variance, the next calculation uses t-test. it is

to test the hypothesis. Here, some tests which are used to analyze the score:

1. Mean. This test means to know the average of the score in each of the groups.

Mx =∑

My =∑

2. Standard Deviation. This test means “a sort of average of the differences of all

scores from the mean”7.

SDx =∑

SDy =∑

3. Determine the Standard Error Mean of Variable X and Variable YSEM SD√n1 1SEM √ 2 1

4. Degree of Freedom is used to know the t-table on the significance 0.05d n1 n2 25. T-test. This test is used to know the significant difference score from both

groups which is taken from gain score from both groups. It is preferred used if

the result if post-test of both groups showed the different mean score8.

The formula is;

7 James Dean Brown, Testing in Language Programs: A Comprehensive Guide to English

Language Assessment, (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005), pp. 102—104.8 Lei Bao, Theoretical Comparisons of Average Normalized Gain Calculations, A journal

from Physics Education Research of Department of Physics, The Ohio State University: 2006, p.917.

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Mx : The mean score of gain’s score of experimental class

My : The mean score of gain’s score of experimental class

∑x : The total score of experimental class gain’s score

∑y : The total score of controlled class gain’s score

∑x2 : The total score of the calculation the score minus mean score of

experimental class

∑y2 : The total score of the calculation the score minus mean score of

controlled class

SDx : The standard deviation of gain’s score of experimental class

SDy : The standard deviation of gain’s score of controlled class

1 : The mean score of post-test in the experimental class

2 : The mean score of post-test in the controlled class

SEMx : Standard error mean of the experimental class

SEMy : Standard Error mean of controlled class

n1 : Total Students of the experimental class

n2 : Total Students of the controlled class

5. Statistical Hypotheses

The statistical hypotheses of this research are:

- H0 = X1 < X2 (The mean score of the experimental class post-test is smaller

than the mean score of the control class post-test)

- Ha = X1 > X2 (The mean score of the experimental class post-test is greater

than the mean score of the control class post-test)

The formulation of the statistical hypothesis is as follows:

H0 : tcount < ttable

H1 : tcount > ttable

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This chapter consists of the score of pre-test and post-test of the

experimental class and the controlled class, the statistical analysis of the data and

also followed by the discussion of the research findings.

A. Data Description

In the following explanation, it will be presented the findings based on the

pre- test and post test score of the experimental class and the controlled class. The

data was collected from 19 students in the experimental class and 19 students in

the controlled class.

1. The Pre-Test Score and The Post Test Score of Experimental Class

Pre-test score was collected before the researcher giving any treatment of

peer-assessment to the experimental class. Post-test was given after all of the

treatments had been applied. Here the score getting from the experimental class:

Table 4.1

The Pre-Test and the Post Test of Experimental Class



Score Post-TestGainscore

1 A 84 65 -19

2 B 64 60 -4

3 C 72 68 -4

4 D 63 46 -17

5 E 65 55 -10

6 F 64 82 18

7 G 32 64 32

8 H 69 70 1

9 I 70 78 8

10 J 64 68 4

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No. Students’








11 K 66 75 9

12 L 57 53 -4

13 M 91 93 2

14 N 66 64 -2

15 O 75 74 -1

16 P 72 66 -6

17 Q 76 82 6

18 R 76 71 -5

19 S 67 60 -7

Total Score 1293 1294 1

Mean Score 68.05 68.10 0.05

Based on the table above, the tests which were given to the experimental class

pointed the pre-test mean score ( ) of students was 68.05. Moreover, the student’s

lowest score in the pre-test was 32 while the highest score was 91. After being

treated by peer-assessment, the mean score ( )) of the post test was 68.10. The

result of the post-test which has the lowest score was 46 and the highest score was

93. The finding pointed out that the mean score of both pre-test and post-test was

not quite increasing. It was just about 0.05 of the score gained. On the other hand,

the gain score between pre-test and post-test in the experimental class was pointed

out that the lowest gain score was -19 and the highest was 32.

2. The Pre-Test Score and The Post Test Score of Controlled Class

The controlled class was administered at X.3 of SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan which consisted of 39 students but only 19 of the students’

paper of it which were qualified to be evaluated. Here, the result of the students’


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Table 4.2

The Pre-Test and Post Test of Controlled Class

No. Student’sCode


Post- Test Score’sGain

1 A 70 68 -2

2 B 94 95 1

3 C 70 82 12

4 D 61 66 5

5 E 62 63 1

6 F 70 54 -16

7 G 95 63 -32

8 H 71 61 -10

9 I 72 67 -5

10 J 70 70 0

11 K 69 70 1

12 L 64 70 6

13 M 61 70 9

14 N 61 70 9

15 O 72 74 2

16 P 83 66 -17

17 Q 74 65 -9

18 R 76 74 -2

19 S 69 74 -5

The total Score 1364 1322 -52

Mean Score 71.79 69.57 -2.73

Based on the table above, the total score of the students’ pre-test score was

1364. The result of the students’ mean score ( ) in the pre-test was 71.79. While

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the lowest score of the students was 61 and the highest score was 95. Otherwise,

the total score of the post-test score was 1322 which was giving the mean score

( ) of the post-test score was 69.57. It has the lowest score of 54 and the highest

score of 95. In addition, the lowest students’ gain score in the controlled class was

-32 which was taken from the student who got the highest score in the pre-test. On

the other hand, the highest students’ gain score achieved 12.

B. Data Analyzing

Data Analyzing consists of normality test of pre-test, normality test of post-

test, homogeneity test of pre-test, homogeneity test of post-test and also the t-test

of the data.

1. Normality Test

a. Normality Test of Pre-Test

The normality of pre-test was used to know the normality data was in

normal distribution or not. To gain the result of the normality of distribution data,

the research used Lilliefors as the medium. As the Lilliefors theory, the

examination of normal distribution come from the proportional accumulation

equaled by the function of distribution on the distribution of normal probability. 1

Here is the result of SPSS output:

Table 4.3

The Result of Homogeneity of Pre-Test

No. Source Experimental Controlled1. N 19 192. Mean 68.05 71.793. Variance 139.27 95.284. Standard Deviation 11.80 9.7615. Minimal Score 32 616. Maximal Score 91 957. T count 0.01 0.018. T table 0.309. Conclusion Normal Distribution

1 Budi Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama,2010), p. 148.

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The normality of pre-test above used lilliefors Test. The researcher

assumed that:

H0 : the data was in normal distribution,

Ha : the data was not in normal distribution

The criteria were H0 accepted if Tcount < 0.301 and rejected if Tcount > 0.301 with

the significance degree was 5%

Table 4.3 showed that the result of the Tcount experimental class gained

0.01 which was smaller than Ttabel, Tcount < Ttabel <=> 0.01 < 0.30. Moreover, the

Tcount of the controlled class gained 0.01, or Tcount < Ttabel <=> 0.01 < 0.30. Both of

the data pointed out the score that smaller than Ttabel. So, it meant that both of

classes were in normal distribution.

b. Normality Test of Post-Test

The normality of post-test used to know whether the data was in normal

distribution or not. To know the distribution of the data, the researcher used

lilliefors as the medium of calculating the data. Here the result:

Table 4.4

The Result of Normality of Post-test

No. Source Experimental Controlled1. N 19 192. Mean 68.11 69.583. Variance 125.87 73.254. Standard Deviation 11.22 8.555. Minimal Score 46 546. Maximal Score 93 957. T count 0.20 0.198. T table 0.309. Conclusion Normal Distribution

The normality of post-test above used lilliefors Test. The researcher assumed that:

H0 : the data was in normal distribution,

Ha : the data was not in normal distribution

The criteria were H0 accepted if Tcount < 0.301 and rejected if Tcount > 0.301 with

the significance degree was 5%

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Based on the table 4.4, the result showed that the Tcount of experimental

class reached 0.20 and the controlled class reached 0.19. Moreover, both of the

results of Tcount were smaller than Ttabel, (Tcount < Ttabel, 0.20 < 0.30 and 0.19 <

0.30). It calculated with the degree of significance 0.05. It meant Null Hypothesis

(H0) was accepted that indicated both of the data were in normal distribution.

2. Homogeneity Test

a. Homogeneity Test of Pre-Test

The homogeneity test was used to know whether the group sample of the

population was homogeneous or not. It was calculated based on the formula


Variance of Pre-Test of experimental Class:S ∑ Xn ∑ S 9049919 129319

= 4763.10 – 4631.16

= 139.27

Variance of Pre-Test of Controlled class:

S ∑ yn ∑S 9963619 136419

= 5244 – 5153.72

= 95.28

Homogeneity Test of Pre-TestF

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F ..= 1.46Table 4.5

The Result of Homogeneity Pre -Test

No. Class Variance N Fcount Ftable Criteria

1 Experimental 139.27 191.46 2.27 Homogeneous

2 Controlled 95.28 19

The assumption of the homogeneity value was:

H0 : the data was in a homogeneous variance, F(1-α)(n1-1) < F < F count

H1 : the data was not in a homogeneous variance, F ≥ Fcount

Based on the table 4.5, it showed that Fcount was smaller than Ftable with

degree of significance 0.05 which was Fcount < F table (1.46 < 2.27). It meant H0 was

accepted, or in another word the data of pre-test of both sample was homogenous.

b. Homogeneity Test of Post-Test

The homogeneity test was used to find out whether the sample comes from

the homogeneous variance or not. The data will be calculated by the formula


The variance of the experimental class’ post-test:S ∑ Xn ∑ S 9039419 129419

= 4757.57 – 4638.32

= 125.87

The variance of the controlled class’ post-test:

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S ∑ yn ∑S 9330219 132219

= 4910.63 – 4841.22

= 73.25

Homogeneity Test of Post-TestFcount F ..= 1.71Table 4.6

The Result of Homogeneity Test of Post-Test

No. Class Variance N Fcount Ftable Criteria

1 Experimental 125.87 191.71 2.27


us2 Controlled 73.25 19

The assumption was:

H0 : the data was in a homogeneous variance, F(1-α)(n1-1) < F < F count

H1 : the data was not in a homogeneous variance, F ≥ Fcount

Based on the table 4.6, it pointed out that the variance (S2) of the

experimental class was 125.87, while the variance (S2) of the controlled class was

73.25. In addition, the Fcount of both samples was 1.71 while the Ftable was 2.27

which was gained from the table of F table. The result of the statistic calculation

was Fcount < Ftable, => 1.71 < 2.27. So, it concluded that both of the data, the

experimental class and the controlled class, was from homogeneous variance.

Moreover, since the data were from the normal distribution and the

homogeneous variance, so the next calculation was using statistical parametric

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test. Statistical parametric test was a method of test with particular requirement

about the parameter of the population of the study.2 The requirements were the

data were in normal distribution and also have homogeneous variance. The further

test was used t-test Students.

C. Statistical Hypothesis Test

The ttest formula was to test the hypothesis of the study. It was calculated due

to know the effect of peer-assessment towards students writing of recount text at

the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan. Due to make it

easier, the classes were symbolized by “X” for the experimental class and “Y” for

the controlled class. The calculation of ttest used students’ gain score from both

classes. Here, the calculation:

Table 4.7

The Students’ Gain Score between Students’ Experimental class

and Controlled Class


x = X - y = Y - x2 y2


1. -19 -2 -19.5 0.73 -380.25 0.53

2. -4 1 -4.05 3.73 -16.40 13.91

3. -4 12 -4.05 9.27 -16.04 85.93

4. -17 5 -17.05 7.73 -17.05 59.75

5. -10 1 -10.5 3.73 -110.25 13.91

6. 18 -16 17.95 -13.27 322.20 -176.09

7. 32 -32 31.95 -29.27 1020.80 -856.73

8. 1 -10 0.95 -7.27 0.90 -52.85

9. 8 -5 7.95 -2.27 63.20 -5.15

10. 4 0 3.95 2.73 15.60 7.45

11. 9 1 8.95 3.73 80.10 13.91

2 Edi Riadi, Metode Statistika Parametrik & Nonparametrik, (Tangerang: PT PustakaMandiri, 2014), Second Edition, p. 93.

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No. X Y x = X - y = Y - x2 y2

12. -4 6 -4.05 8.73 -16.40 76.21

13. 2 9 1.95 11.73 3.80 137.59

14. -2 9 -2.05 11.73 -4.20 137.59

15. -1 2 -1.05 4.73 -1.10 22.37

16. -6 -17 -6.05 -14.27 -36.60 -203.63

17. 6 -9 5.95 -6.27 35.40 -39.31

18. -5 -2 -5.05 0.73 -25.50 0.53

19. -7 -5 -7.05 -2.27 -49.70 -5.15

∑ 1 -52 -0.85 -5.59 868.51 -769.23 0.05 -2.73 -0.04 -0.29 45.71 -40.48

Based on the table 4.7, the statistical calculation was counted by the

formula below:

a. Determine the Mean of Variable XM ∑ Xn1M 1190.05

b. Determine the Mean of Variable YM ∑ yn2M 5219 2.73c. Determine the Standard Deviation Score of Variable X

S ∑xn1S 868.5119

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√45.716.76d. Determine the Standard Deviation Score of Variable Y

S ∑yn2S 769.2319√ 40.486.36

e. Determine the Standard Error Mean of Variable XSEM SD√n1 1SEM 6.76√19 1SEM 6.764.241.59f. Determine the Standard Error Mean of Variable YSEM √ 2 1SEM 6.36√19 1SEM 6.364.24 1.5

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g. Determine the Standard Error of Different Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y

SEM SEM SEM SEM 1.59 1.5 √2.52 2.252.18

h. Determine t0 (t count) 0.05 2.732.18 2.782.18 1.27i. Determine the degree of freedom (df)d n1 n2 2d 19 19 2d 36

Table 4.8

The Result of Statistical Hypothesis of Gain’s Score of the Experimental

Class and Controlled Class

Statistics Experimental Class Controlled Class

Mean ( 0.05 -2.73

Variance (S2) 136.83 113.31

tcount 1.27

ttable 1.68

Conclusion The tcount was smaller than ttable, while the mean

score of experimental gain score was greater

than controlled gain score.

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From the calculation above, it showed that the mean score of experimental

class was higher than the mean score of the controlled class, which was 0.05 > -

2.73. In addition, the variance (S2) of the experimental class which reached 136.83

was also higher than the controlled class which gained 113.31. Next, to know

more about the final hypothesis test result, it should be considered based on the

criteria of hypothesis testing, which were mentioned;

1. If the result of tcount is higher than ttable in the significance degree 0.05, t0 >

ttable, so H0 (Null Hypothesis) is rejected and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) is

accepted. It means peer-assessment is effective on students’ writing of

recount text.

2. If the result of tcount is smaller than ttable in the significance degree 0.05, t0 >

ttable, so H0 (Null Hypothesis) is accepted and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) is

rejected. It means peer-assessment is not effective on students’ writing of

recount text for the tenth grade students of SMA N 11 Tangerang Selatan.

The hypotheses of the study were proposed:

H0 : Peer-assessment is not effective on student’ writing of

recount text for the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan.

H1 : Peer-assessment is effective on student’ writing of

recount text for the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan.

In conclusion, since the value of tcount was 1.27 and the value of ttable in the

degree of freedom (36) and the degree of significance 0.05 was 1.688, it meant

tcount < ttable or 1.27 < 1.688. Furthermore, the result of mean score of both classes

indicated that the mean score of experimental class was lower than the mean score

of the controlled class, which was 68.11 < 69.58. It can be concluded that H0 was

accepted that peer-assessment is not effective on students’ writing of recount text.

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D. Discussion

The research finding of this research had followed some rules and

calculation that was used by the previous researchers while conducting the same

field in education. The used of some statistical formula has been helping the

research to gain the logic and accurate result. Peer-assessment which was used as

the method in this study due to know the effect of it had implemented in the

experiment class while the class gave the pre-test first. The pre-test had given to

the controlled too in a similar time to the experimental class. Then, to know

whether peer-assessment had any effect to the experimental class, the researcher

gave the treatments using peer-assessment to the experimental class twice while in

the controlled class were not getting any treatments.

In the previous studies which were mentioned in the chapter 2, whether in

the classroom action research or in the quasi experimental study, showed the

result of the effectiveness peer-assessment used in improving students’ writing

achievement. The positive effect also mentioned in both studies which were about

the improvement of student activate in the classroom and their relationship to the

other students in discussing about their work.

In contrast, the implementation of peer –assessment in SMA Negeri 11

Tangerang Selatan which was showed the result of the post-test score of both

classes showed that the mean of experimental class perform was lower than

controlled class, 68.11 < 69.58. Thus, it indicated that the controlled class worked

better than experimental class. The standard deviation of experimental class in

post-test result was higher than the controlled group, which were 11.22 > 8.55.

The results of hypothesis testing using ttest gained tcount < ttable (1.27 < 1.68) with

the significance value on 5% and the degree of freedom was 36 indicated that H0

was accepted and H1 was rejected. It meant there was no effect of peer assessment

towards students’ writing of recount text.

Since it was not giving a positive effect towards students’ writing of

recount text, there were some factors to be considered as the intervention of this

study. Based on the view of the researcher during the experiment, the students’

condition may affect their performance in writing. In the first meeting, when the

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students got the instruction to write in the pre-test section, they have seen the

enthusiasm to do it. Most of them wrote their story based on their experience and

the result was quite good. Then, it showed a different situation while they were in

post-test section and they complained about the same instruction to write such

story based on their past. Next, some students admitted that they were prefer

pleased to write an imaginary story, narrative text, rather than a true story, recount

text, because they have some difficulties to find the best story to be written. These

conditions were affected students’ motivation and enthusiasm in writing recount

text. In the other hand, some of the challenges in implementing peer-assessment

that have written in chapter II seemed happen during the treatments of doing peer-

assessment. The challenges that might affect the study being not effective are

some students’ undervalue peer-assessment method because they thought that it

would not give any contribution to their summative score. Moreover, the

friendship factors also contributed to the score-given, it made the peer-assessment

was not valuable enough since they were giving the score subjectively.

Furthermore, the main problem might be come from the time of treatments-given.

The researcher has just given the treatments twice. Even the researcher

continually explained the peer-assessment method in each meetings but it seemed

still need more time to explain it to the students since the peer-assessment was a

new method for them at that time. In another hand, that could not be avoid by the

researcher, some students thought that they were not expert in giving comment or

in assessing their friends’ work so they asked an “expert” friend to do peer-

assessment. It should be the researcher’s fault which could not manage the class

effectively. Thus, those factors must be considered as the factors which were

influence the result of the study even the implementation of peer-assessment was

structurally implemented as in the previous studies.

In conclusion, this study statistically showed that the use of peer-

assessment method on students’ writing of recount text was not as effective as the

result of the previous studies.

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This chapter presents the conclusion of the research and several

suggestions for the readers, the teachers and the further researchers.

A. Conclusion

This study is a kind of quasi experimental study which has an objective to

find out the effect of peer-assessment towards students’ writing of recount text at

the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 11 Tangerang Selatan year 2015/2016.

Based on the statistic calculation and the hypothesis testing in chapter IV, it is

showed that tcount is 1,27 with the level of significance 5%, the ttable is 1.68. Thus,

H0 (Null Hypothesis) is accepted and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) is rejected. In

the other words, the use of peer-assessment has no positive effect towards

students’ writing of recount text.

B. Suggestion

There are some suggestions from this research for people who have

interested in doing the experiment in the same field. Here the suggestions as


1. For teachers

a. The teachers should have considered implementing such assessment which

will improve the students’ achievement in any subjects and for this case is

in writing English. As in this study, the implementation of peer-assessment

may give a view how to implement it in the right way.

b. Peer-assessment in the other way helps the teacher to enrich their method

due to gain the goal of teaching English in writing part.

c. This study may help teachers to enlarge the knowledge of using any

assessments in educational field.

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d. For readers

This study may have not showed the positive effect after using peer-

assessment, but the theory that explained in it may give the best new

knowledge for us who cares with the development of the education field,

especially in English teaching learning.

e. For further researchers

This research needs to be completed by the further researcher due to gain

the positive result or the objective of the study. The further researcher may use

another method of the study and takes other theories of experts in different

perspective. In addition, the further researcher perhaps combines peer-

assessment with the other method of teaching to gain the better result.

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