the effort of will salas to defend time reflected...


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Page 1: THE EFFORT OF WILL SALAS TO DEFEND TIME REFLECTED · the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image”





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Page 2: THE EFFORT OF WILL SALAS TO DEFEND TIME REFLECTED · the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image”

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Page 3: THE EFFORT OF WILL SALAS TO DEFEND TIME REFLECTED · the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image”




Ening Pertiwi

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Consultant 1:

Drs. H. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum.

Consultant 2:

Nur Hidayat, S.Pd.






The research proposed to analyze how the effort to defend time reflected in In Time

movie 2011 by Individual Psychological Approach. There are two objectives: the first is to

analyze the movie in term of structural elements, and the second is to analyze the movie based on

the individual Psychological Perspective.

This study is a qualitative study, using Andrew Niccol’s In Time movie 2011 as of

structural elements, and the secondary data. The primary data source is In Time movie which is

directed by Andrew Niccol, and the secondary data are some articles, book of literary and

internet related to the subject. The method of collecting data in this research is library research

by watching the movie, reading some related books and articles, accessing internet, taking notes

of important part, arranging, and drawing conclusion the data. In analyzing the data, the writer

employs descriptive analysis.

The outcome of the study shows that the movie illustrates the effort to defend time. The

time here is used as money. The people work to get time, buy and pay everything use time. And it

shows that the rich people will be immortal, the poor people will die.

Keywords: Effort, In Time movie, An Individual Psychological Approach

Page 4: THE EFFORT OF WILL SALAS TO DEFEND TIME REFLECTED · the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image”

A. Introduction

1. Background of the Study

Effort is one of the things that give meaning to life. Effort means you care about

something that is important to you and you are willing to work for it. In Incremental

intelligence effort is what turns on people’s intelligence and allows them to use it to their

full advantage. It can foster a more collaborative atmosphere among students because

everyone can feel smart by applying their intellectual abilities to the problems they face.

(Carol Dwek – Growth Mindsets: 2011). From the explanation above the writer mean

effort is something which must be attempted, because it is important to life. For example

someone who lives in poverty works hard to get much money, and then he tries to

manage it well until his condition change, to be rich person.

In Time is a 2011 American dystopian science fiction action film starring Justin

Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer, Johnny

Galecki, and Vincent Kartheiser. The film, written, directed and produced by Andrew

Niccol, was released on October 28, 2011. In Time movie present a world where time

has become the ultimate currency. In a future society, people are genetically modified to

stop aging at twenty five and after that a clock is activated with one more year for each


There are some points that make this movie interesting to be analyzed. It is crucial

to be conducted due to the pedagogical element of empowerment in In Time.

Empowering students are vital factors that will build a better academic atmosphere,

because this movie gives the new horizon about effort, life and time. This story is very

interesting to analyze. Individual psychology in Will Salas suffering, inferiority felling,

and the influence by the meaningful environment around him. The psychology aspect is

very interesting to create the literary works. They depict the psychic condition of human

being through their literary works. Investigating the effort of Will Salas that can make

the reader know important of the time, the present writer will be a teacher later and this

project is necessary to be carried out to enlarge, insert more knowledge to her profession

as teacher.

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2. Literature Review

After the writer has looked for the literature review in many libraries especially in

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and in University in Central Java at least, she

has not found the research about In Time movie done by the other researcher. So that the

writer cannot compare this research with other research because this is the first study of

In Time movie. The writer uses Individual Psychological approach to analyze the data

and using In Time movie as an object. The writer analyzes “The Effort of Will Salas to

Defend Time Reflected in Andrew Niccol’s In Time Movie (2011) : An Individual

Psychological Approach”.

3. Problem Statement

Based on the research background above, the problem of the study is how the effort

of Will Salas to defend time is reflected in In Time movie (2011) viewed from individual

psychological approach.

4. Limitation of the Study

The writer will focus on the analysis of the major character of In Time movie (2011)

viewed from the aspect of an Individual Psychological Approach by Alfred Adler.

5. Objective of the Study

The objectives of this study are to analyze the structural elements in In Time movie

and to describe the effort of Will Salas to defend time based on Individual Psychological


6. Benefit of the Study

There are two benefits in this study, they are theoretical and practical benefit. In

theoretical benefit, the study is projected to give movie contribution and information to

the large body of knowledge particularly in the literary studies. Whereas, in practical

benefit, the study is expected to enrich the knowledge and experience of the writer, and

other students at UMS, and other Universities who have interested in literary study on

the movie from individual psychological approach.

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7. Underlying Theory

In this study, the writer uses individual psychological theory from Alfred Adler.

This part presents the underlying theory which consist of the notion of individual

psychology, the basic assumption of individual psychology, notion of effort, aspects of

effort, structural elements of the movie, and the theoretical application.

a. Notion of Individual Psychology

According to Adler as quoted by Ryckman (1985: 95) Individual psychology is

science that attempts to understand the experiences and behavior of each person as an

organized entity. They believes further that all action one guided by a person’s

fundamental attitudes toward lies. Another Adler’s statement (in Hjelle and Ziegler,

1992: 139) is the foremost challenge confronting individual psychology is to prove

this unity in each individual: in thinking, feeling, and acting, the so-called conscious

and unconscious, in every expression of personality. Adler’s Individual Psychology

depicts human being as single, indivisible, self-consistent and unified (Adler in Hjelle

and Ziegler, 1992: 139).

b. Major Principle of Individual Psychology

The basic assumption of individual psychology can be presented less than six

general heading: (1) inferiority feeling and compensation, (2) striving for superiority,

(3) fictional finalism, (4) style of life, (5) social interest, and (6) creative power.

1) Inferiority Feeling and Compensation

Inferiority means feeling week and unskilled in facing the task that needs to

be completed (Hall & Lindzey, 1985: 147). It is the shape on individual

consciousness toward a condition which is from inability or imperfection feeling.

Adler (in Hall & Lindzey, 1970: 163) states that inferiority and unmanliness are

equal. The feelings of inferiority arise from a sense of incompletion or

imperfection in any sphere are of life. Adler contends that inferiority feeling is not

a sign of abnormality. They are the case of all improvement in the human lot.

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2) Striving for Superiority

Striving for superiority means a condition that forces a man to gain a better

life to make him exist in the society (Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 123). It means that

a man is motivated to reach the superiority. According to Adler striving for

superiority is “innate of a man and his continuous efforts in gaining life which is

better than other, that is a man is motivated to reach his superiority with his own

wither is right or wrong” (Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 123).

3) Fictional Finalism

Fiction is “ideas that have no real existence, yet they influence people as if

they really exist (Feist, 1985: 65-66). Final goal may be a fiction that is an ideal,

which is impossible to realize, but which is nonetheless a very real motivation to

human’s striving and the important explanation of their conduct. It deals with

individual goal and life, which is unreal in nature or as a fiction.

4) Style of Life

According to Adler (in Hjelle & Ziegler, 1992: 144) the style of life

encompasses the unique pattern of traits, defines the flavor of a person’s existence

the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image” refers to the unique

way in which people pursue their goal (Ryckman, 1985: 98). That is to say, the

life style is “the principle that explains about the uniqueness of an individual”.

Man has different style of life although they may have the same goal; they

develop their own way to achieve their goal of life. Adler (in Hjelle and Ziegler,

1992:146) maintained four types of life attitude: the rule type, the getting type, the

avoiding type, the social useful type.

5) Social Interest

“Social interest is an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general, as well

as empathy for each member of the human race” (Adler in Feist,1985: 71). It

means that human beings consider their relationship to live cooperatively with

others for social importance rather than for personal importance.

6) Creative Power

Creative power is also called creative self means “an integration between

inborn potential and environment influences, which leads to an action to solve any

Page 8: THE EFFORT OF WILL SALAS TO DEFEND TIME REFLECTED · the life of stile originally called “life plan” or “guiding image”

problem in his life” (Feist, 1985: 66). The concept of the creative self places the

responsibility for the individual’s personality into his own hands. In his creative

power, a man also has “Law of movement of an individual’s of solving problem”

(Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 127).

c. The Notion of Effort

Effort is one of the things that give meaning to life. Effort means you care

about something that is important to you and you are willing to work for it. In

Incremental intelligence effort is what turns on people’s intelligence and allows them

to use it to their full advantage. It can foster a more collaborative atmosphere among

students because everyone can feel smart by applying their intellectual abilities to the

problems they face.

According to Dr. Paul Martin, the theory of effort has often been defined in

various educational systems, even in physical training as being purely mechanical,

thus entailing solely an expense of physical energy, the main idea being to obtain a

conclusive result of the physical or psychological order. However, human effort does

not depend on strength alone it is the outcome of a vital state based on spontaneity

and immanency. In physical education the psychological importance of human effort

should not be overlooked on the plea that the aim to be reached is to realize


d. The Aspects of Effort

It probably has already occurred to the reader, that when the theory of the

sensational character of the consciousness of effort is analyzed, instead of being

merely thrown out at large: first the feeling that it deals common sense a blow in the

face disappears. If we state the foregoing analysis in objective, instead of in

psychical, terms, it just says that effort is the feeling of opposition existing between

end and means. Second, the kinesthetic image of qualitative nature (i.e., of color,

sound, contact) stands for the end, whether consciously desired, or as furnishing the

culmination of habit. Third, the "muscular" sensations represent the means, the

experiences to which value is not attached on their own account, but as intermediaries

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to an intrinsically valuable consciousness. Fourth, practically stated, this means that

effort is nothing more, and also nothing less, than tension between means and ends in

action, and that the sense of effort is the awareness of this conflict.

e. Structural Element of the Movie

The structural elements of the movie can be divided into two elements; there are

narrative and technical elements (Douglas and Harden, 1996: 3). Narrative elements

are the element which build the story of the film, consist of the character and

characterization, setting, plot, point of view and theme (Douglass and Harden, 1996:

3). While the technical elements deal with the elements that have close relationship

with the technique of producing movie. These consist of mise-en scene,

cinematography, sound and editing (Bordwell and Tompson, 1990:126).

1) Narrative Element

a) Characteristic and Characterization

Characters are “the participants of the story, which created by the

author” (Barnet, 1961: 19). Kennedy (Kennedy, 1983: 45) also suggested

“Characters is presumably an imagined person who inhabits a story”. There

are two classified of the characters according to Koesnosoebroto namely,

major character and minor character.

b) Setting

Setting is very essential in the literary work. According to Klarer,

(Klaler, 1999: 25) suggested, “setting denotes the location, historical period,

and social surroundings in which the action of a text develop”. Every author

sometimes uses different setting in his or her work. In a good story, setting

must be integrated with plot and character that readers are hardly aware of it

(Koesnosoebroto, 1988: 79).

Setting can be divided into two parts. Namely, setting of place and

setting of time. Setting of place is place where the story or the events in the

novel occur. Setting of time is the time when the stories in the movie happen.

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c) Point of View

Point of view deals with how the author tells the story of the literary

work. Klarer (1999: 21) suggested, “point of view is regarded as the way the

author telling the story”. There are two meanings of point of view. Firstly,

point of view refers to camera shot taken as if seen through the eyes of

character (Douglass and Harden, 1996: 31-32). Secondly, point of view refers

to the perspective of the story teller. This point of view is divided into three

categories: first person, second person and third person (not omniscient)

(Douglass and Harden, 1996: 31-35).

d) Plot

The plot structure first is exposition: the introduction of the problem or

conflict. Second is complication or the middle: a conflict which produces

suspense and eventually leads to a climax, crisis, or turning point. The third is

climax or the end: the highest emotional intensity and the last is resolution or

denouement: the out come or conclusion or the solving of the problem

(Kennedy, 1983: 84).

e) Style

“Style refers to the individual trait or characteristics of a piece of

writing; to writer’s particular ways of managing words that we come to

recognize as habitual or customary”(Kennedy, 1983: 75). Koesnosoebroto

also suggested that “style is usually confined to element of language: words,

syntax, punctuation, and so on, everything from the simple mechanics to the

rhetoric that may reflect an author’s originality in writing” (Koesnosoebroto,

1988: 124)

f) Theme

Theme is “the center, the moving force, the principle of unity”

(Kennedy, 1983: 104). We can take a moral message of the story by knowing

theme (Kennedy, 1983: 103).

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2) Technical Element

a) Mise - en - Scene and Design

Mise - en - scene means staging action, and it was first applied to the

practice of directing plays (Bordwell and Thompson, 1990:169). Mise - en -

scene refers to all elements of set, set dressing, props, costumes, make up,

lighting, and even physical posture that are arranged and placed before the

camera lens (Douglass, 1996: 119).

1. Set Dressing and Props

According to Douglass (1996: 131), set dressings are the items in

the scene such as furniture, picture on the wall, curtain, knick knacks on

the tables, lamps, rugs, and anything that dresses the bare walls on the

floor of a set. Our primary concern is usually composing the main subject

within the frame (Douglass, 1996: 132). Prop are the objects that actors or

people used in the film (Douglass, 1996: 134).

2. Costume

A costume is one of the integral parts of play production, which

suffers most on the high school stage. Stage costume should express the

personality of the character, revealing his social status, taste, and

idiosyncrasies. It should aid the audience understanding of the actor

relationship to the other characters and to the plays itself (Ommaney,


3. Make - Up

Make-up in film art is not only for beautifying actor’s faces, but

also creates the actor’s face to be older, younger, shaper, etc (Bordwell

and Thompson, 1990: 133).

4. Lighting

Klarer (1999: 61) argues that lighting is indirectly connecting the

film stock for certain light conditions have to be fulfilled according to the

sensitive of the film. For the purpose, lighting divides into four major

features. There are quality, direction, source and color.

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5. Sound

Sound can impart to a scene with enormous force. According to

Douglass (1996: 86) building mood in a scene with sound is done

principally through the music and sound effect tracks rather than in the

sync soundtrack. Moreover, sound can contribute to the realism of a scene

by providing the ambient background that our audience would expect to

hear in the location. Sound effect can powerfully influence our perception

(Douglass, 1996: 87).

6. Symbol

Symbolism can be found in the works of our greatest and most

imaginative directors, the power of moving images as a mean of symbolic

expression as a form of language has been a subject of fascination and

serious thought for almost as long as film has been made (Douglass,


7. Casting

Casting is “a vital pre-production process for selecting a case of

actors, dancers, singers, models and other talent for a live or recorded

performance. Casting sometimes involves a series of auditions before a

casting panel, composed of individuals such as a producer, director and/or


8. Cinematography

Cinematography is manipulation of the film by the camera in the

shooting phrase and by laboratory in the developing phase (Bordwell and

Thompson, 1990: 408). This consist of control over three features photo-

graphical qualities of the shot, framing of the shot, and duration of the shot

(Bordwell and Thompson, 1990: 156).

9. Editing

Klarer (1999: 63) stated that “editing is one of the major cinematic

techniques which have contributed to the flexibility of medium”. Bordwell

and Thompson (1990: 207) state that editing in movie production is “the

task of selection and joining camera takes. It may be thought of as the

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coordination of one shot with the next”. The inherent discontinuity of the

editing process can be developed into several parts: axis- of- action,

establishing shot, a reserve shot, reestablishing, match-on-action, cross


B. Research Method

In analyzing In Time movie, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research for her

research on Andrew Niccol’s In Time movie (2011). The types of data of this study are the

images and the text in In Time movie (2011). The data sources are books or any information

related to the plight of being black that support the Individual Psychological approach. The

object of the study is In Time movie by Andrew Niccol and was first premiered in 2011 by

Regency Enterprises. The writer uses note-taking and image-capturing as the method of

collecting data in this research. In analyzing the data, the writer applies a descriptive

approach. The steps taken by the writer in analyzing the data are as follows: the first is

analyzing the data based on its structural elements. The second step is analyzing the data

based on Individual Psychological perspective.

C. Research Finding and Discussion

In this research finding, the researcher determines some points to analyze In Time

movie (2011) as follows:

1. Structural Elements Analysis of In Time movie

a. Narrative Elements

1) Character and Characterization

a) Major Characters

1. Will Salas

Will : “Excuse me!”

“You have to go.”

“Someone will rob your clock.”

Henry : “Yes”

Will : “That is gonna rob you.You'll kill your self.

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You can not have long and to live and you flaunt it.”

Henry : “Yes”

Will : “I do not think understand. You can not search


( IT. 06:34 )

Physically, Will Salas is handsome. He has pointed nose and blue

eyes. His body is much muscled. Socially, he is a friendly human being. He

always respect to the other people. Morally, he is a wise man. He always

learns anything he met in his life. Mentality, he was a brave man. Bold in

every way although sometimes have to endanger their own. Will Salas is a

man who is optimistic and smart enough to solve his problems. It can be seen,

when Will need time to alive, he kidnaps Sylvia because she has so many time

in her hand.

2. Sylvia Weis

Will : “We are not died.”

Sylvia : “But we have not lived much.

Where my time is gone?”

(IT. 47

Sylvia Weis was the daughter of a wealthy

businessman whose life is almost immortal because he had plenty of time.

Wherever she went, she always escorted by her bodyguard. Sylvia met Will

when Will Salas was playing cards with Silvia's father. She invites Will to

come to Sylvia’s party. In that party she started close to him. Physically, she

is beautiful. She has short straight brown hair. She has beautiful eyes.

Mentaly, she is coward because she never had bad experience which can be

life threatening, because she has so many time in her hand. She always

escorted by her bodyguard that make her safety. Morality was brave when he

knows that her father did not care about her. Sociality, she cares with other

after Sylvia together with Will Salas.

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b) Minor Character

1. Rachael Salas

Will : “Congratulation for 50 years mom!”

Rachael : “Thank you. I hope in this age I would have had



Rachael Salas is Will’s mother. At her age fifty years old she hopes

that she has had grandchild. Physically, she is beautiful and sexy. Mentality,

she is hard worker.

2. Raymond Leon

Leon : “I am the timekeeper. I'm not interested injustice. I am

interested only things we can measure: seconds, minutes and


(IT. 42.16)

Raymond Leon is timekeeper who keeps the balance of time and

combating crime. He was not fair and did not carry out their duties properly.

a) Fortis

Fortis : “You know I’m looking for? I'm looking for the one

who gave this man a month. I will clean the clocks until I hear

from someone, something that I want to hear. I can’t hear


(IT. 01:21:17)

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Fortis is an old man. He is criminal. Morality, Fortis is wicked because

he and his friends always robs time from other people.

b) Henry Hamilton

Henry : “We want to die. We need too”

Will : “That’s your problem? You can life too long?”

Henry : “Because only a few to be immortal and many must


(IT. 12:36)

Henry Hamilton is a rich person. He has so much times in his hand. He

can live forever and he can buy anything that he wants. Mentality, he wants to

die because he was tired of living. He had lived too long. He thinks that all

people have to die, nothing lasting in the world.

c) Philippe Weis

Sylvia : “Father”

Philippe : “Sylvia”

Sylvia : “Father, you can disparage a second, father? I was


(IT. 01:03:17)

Philippe Weis is Sylvia’s father. He is rich person in New Greenwich.

He has many banks. Moraly, he is a stingy; because he didn’t want to give

ransom for his daughter and he gave high interest to those who borrow money

in his bank. Mentaly, he is arrogant. He was always proud of the treasure he

had and he likes to disparage others.

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d) Borel

Will : “Where is borel?”

Gheta : “He is died 52.03”

Will : “Died? Why?”

Gheta : “You’ve given him a decade. He got drunk until he

died. He had nine years on the clock.”

(IT. 52:03)

Borel is Will’s friend. He likes to drink very much. Mentaly, he is

good friend. He always supports Will.

e) Gheta

Gheta is Borel’s wife. She is very happy because

after she had been waiting for twenty five years, now

she has child. She was angry to Will when her

husband died because of Will gave much time to him.

2) Setting

a) Setting of Time

This movie sets the condition of technology era in future.

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b) Setting of Place

Will’s Apartment, The Factory, In The Bar, The Empty Building, New

Greewich City, The Hotel, Sylvia’s House, Philippe’s Office, Weis

Timelenders, The Hotel in Ghetto, The Biggest Bank.

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3) Plot

a) The Beginning or Exposition

It begins with narrative about what the time is in this movie. At that time

Will Salas had time less than one day, he thought that to defend his life he had

to work and he wanted to bring mother went to New Greenwich as a gift of his

mother’s birthday. He worked in factory to collect much time.

b) The Middle

The climaxes happen when Will was playing card and he met Philipe

Weis. As his enemy Philipe introduced Sylvia to Will. Sylvia invited Will to

come to her party. When Will was enjoying party, timekeeper Leon came to

look for Will. Much of Will’s times were taken by Leon. Finally Will

kidnapped Sylvia so he could defend his life, because Sylvia had much time.

c) The End

Finally, Will and Sylvia decided to collapse the Weis’ bank one by one

and they can defend of life and can give the time to other peoples who needed.

They thought that all people need to die. One by one the bank was collapsed,

and the situations were uncontrolled. Many people were rich, many people

move to New Greenwich, and the system was collapse.

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4) Point of View

This film uses first person as the narrator. In this movie, Will Salas as

narrator and he is a major character in In Time movie. The point of view of Will

Salas can be seen when he rob the Weis’ Bank and dispense to all of people in

Ghetto. The point of view of group in this story is mostly people guess that family

is the important thing in the world.

5) Theme

The theme in In Time movie is “everyone must manage the time as well as

they can, because without unconsciously that time can influence our life.”

b. Technical Elements

1. Mise-en-Scene and Design

a) Set Dressing

There are bed room, tables, refrigerator, chairs, kitchen and all the

tools in Will’s apartment. There are tables, chairs and lamps in bar, chairs in

empty building. There are chairs, tables, beautiful lamps, glasses, plates,

flowers in every side in Sylvia’s house, and also there are tables, chairs,

lamps and LCD in Philippe’s office.

b) Props

A gown and hand cover Coat and bowtie

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Black Coat Deposite of Time

c) Costume and Make-Up

Michelle Vittone and Mc Neil as make- up department head in In

Time has big role in making the actors’ face looks different. She uses soft

color in order to look natural for all actor and actresses.

Make up for woman

d) Lighting

The quality of this scene is hard

intensity. The direction is side lighting.

The source is from lamps and the color of

this image is yellow.

The quality of figure 36 is soft

intensity. The source of this figure is from

sun and support by key light as the

primary lighting and fill lighting to control

the softness of shadow. The color is white.

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2. Sound

The researcher fines that the movie uses sound affect that are appropriate

with each scene. It is also found as repetitive usage of music background. For

example the use of hip hop music to show the situation in bar and used music

instrument to accompany Will and Sylvia when they were dancing.

3. Cinematography

a) Photographic Qualities of the Shot

In Time movie has color film with standard sensitive. The color of the

movie is appropriate to the reality. It has good unity of dark and bright

color. In short, In Time movie has good quality.

dark color bright color

b) Framing of the Shot

straigh-on-angle scene high angle scene

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low angle scene Extreme long shot

Long shot Medium long shot

Medium shot frame Medium close up

Close up Extreme close up

c) The Duration of Shot

The duration of In Time movie is in 110 minutes (approx).

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4. Editing

Axis-of-Action Establishing Shot

Reserve shot 1 Reserve shot 2

Reestablishing 1 Reestablishing 2

Match-on-Action 1 Match-on-Action 2

Match-on-Action 3 Cross Cutting 1

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Cross Cutting 2

5. Casting

The following is the cast of In Time movie : Justin Timberlake as Will

Salas, Amanda Seyfried as Sylvia Weis, Olivia Wilde as Rachael Salas, Matt

Bomer as Henry Hamilton, Cillian Murphy as Timekeeper Leon, Alex Pettyfer

as Fortis, Johnny Galecki as Borel, Vincent Kartheiser as Philippe Weis, Yaya

DaCosta as Greta, Bella Heathcote as Michele Weis.

2. Individual Psychological Analysis

A. Basic Concept of Individual Psychology

1) Inferiority Feeling and Compensation

Inferiority occurs when Will Salas loosed his mother. His mother died

when Will had much time on his hand and Will wanted to celebrate his

mother’s birthday by took his mother to New Greenwich. Will was so sad and

depressed. After that Will wanted to go to New Greenwich and took all of

time of the people in New Greenwich.

2) Striving for Superiority

Striving for superiority can be seen when Will and Sylvia were trapped

and robbed by Fortis. They only had a few time on their hands. Will thought

to sell Sylvia’s earrings and asked redemption money to Sylvia’s father, but

Sylvia’s father didn’t give it. Finally, Will and Sylvia decided to collapse the

Weis’ bank one by one. So they can defend of life and can give the time to

other peoples who needed.

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3) Fictional Finalism

Fiction finalism in this movie can be seen in Will’s character. Will

Salas has a goal in his life. He wants to help the poor people, so they will not

die. He thinks that there is no immortal person in this world. He needs a

million years to help everyone. Sylvia helps Will, and they plan to give up.

Then they try to stolen a million years of Sylvia’s father.

4) Style of Life

Style of life of Will Salas is socially useful, because he is becoming

attractive personality. He had an effort to defend time. Will wants to help

poor people to survive their life. Will gets their time by working, kidnaps

Sylvia to survive his life, selling Sylvia’s earrings and ask time to Sylvia’s

father and also robbed Weis bank.

5) Social Interest

The social interest of Will Salas is when Will want to work, in the way

he was met with the girl. She asks time to Will because she wants to pay a

claim. Whereas Will just had a day and the girl had a year, but Will still gave

his time for the girl to help her. Its shows that Will have a good social


On other situation, when Will would like to buy coffee, he met Borel.

There he saw that Borel could not pay the coffee, so Will helped him to pay

it. Whereas, Will just had a few minutes not more a day.

6) Creative Power

Creative power can be seen, when Will try to make sure Sylvia that her

father is cruel and what Will do, it is for helping other and for getting the


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D. Conclusion

Referring to the problem statement and the analysis in the previous chapter, the writer

finally takes some conclusions. In this world, time has a value. It can be the goal of life. Will

Salas effort to defend time to survive his life. He struggle this, not only for himself, but also

for help other people.

Based on the analysis the researcher did draw if everyone has a goal in their live.

Moreover, in Andrew Niccol’s In Time movie the researcher finds that the major character’s

personality has the ways to get the goal in her life, to defend time . Will does some ways to

get it, such as Will had to work to get time and when Will and Sylvia were trapped and

robbed by Fortis. They decided to collapse the Weis’ bank one by one. So they can defend

of life and can give the time to other peoples who needed. Therefore, it includes the

individual psychological phenomena.

E. Suggestion

The writer has chosen individual psychological approach, basic concept of Individual

Psychology to deal with this film. This study can still be improved. It is widely possible for

other writers to apply different approach such as Sociological Approach to analyze the social

and economic aspects of Will Salas. This approach toward the same film will bring new

perspective in gaining more understanding about the film and ideas beyond it.

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