the enumerations of chaos

7/31/2019 The Enumerations of Chaos 1/8  

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 Written By




Original Concept By

this Fan Supplement is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Game

 Workshop or Fantasy Flight Games 

Compiled by



 Influence of Slaanesh page 3 

 Influence of Nurgle page 4

 Influence of Khorne page 5

 Influence of Tzeentch page 7

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The Enumerations of Chaos 

"I disobey nothing, brother, but even you must recognize 

the symbolism of our number. Three times three, the 

pesedjet of ancient gods, the Occidental orders of angels 

and the nine cosmic spheres of the forgotten ages."  

- Magnus the Red, addressing Mortarion on Ullanor.

Each of the Ruinous Powers have a sacred number; an

ideological numeration that is embedded within the deep

mysteries of their warp cults. These sacred numbers are

found throughout the entirety of the galaxy across worlds

separated by the wild gulfs of the warp and eddies of real

space. Each has the power - and influence - to evoke the

powers of the gods.

When making d100 checks, a 66, 77, 88 or 99 prompts

a further 1d10. If you end up rolling three-of-a-kind, then

the fickle forces of chaos have taken an interest in the

action causing something wholly unexpected to occur.

When this occurs, roll an additional d100 and consult the

Influence of Chaos results below. 

Note: "Triggerer" refers to the individual Acolyte, Fated

NPC, or Corrupt NPC who rolled the sacred numbers (66

and 6, 88 and 8, etc, etc.). It is recommended that these

effects only come in to play within locations which are

appropriately disturbed by the Warp, unhallowed, or


 Influence of Slaanesh

"Long shall be your suffering. Joyous be your pain." 

Perverse Laughter 

Rolls: 1 – 6

Effect: Courage and Fear

Details: Despite the unnerving sound which apparently

has no origin, the Acolyte whose action called the

attention of Slaanesh feels emboldened. Suddenly things

don't seem so bad, and they gain Immunity from Fear and

Pinning for 6d6 turns, but must succeed a Willpower Test

or gain 1d6 Corruption points. All allies of the Acolyte in

question, though, feel nothing but disturbed, and must

perform a Shock Test.

Awash with Sweetness  Rolls: 7 – 40

Effect: Minor

Details: The triggerer suddenly feels really, really nice.

Quite pleasant indeed. It's a little unnerving, but ultimately

it can be shrugged off.

Drenched in Pleasure 

Rolls: 41 – 64

Effect: Corruption

Details: This feeling builds over a single round, forcing

the character to lose their turn. At the end of their turn,

they must successfully Test Willpower or end up reaching

sexual climax. On such a failure, pious characters take1d10 Corruption Points, while common characters take

only 1d5. Chem Gelded or physically neutered characters

are immune to the orgasmic portion, but still feel rather

pleasant, treating this Influence Effect as Awash with


Overly Friendly Foe 

Rolls: 65 – 82

Effect: Lust

Details: The triggerer will inexplicably and suddenly feel

a profound sense of allure to the closest target who they

were previously or currently in conflict with. In combat,

the triggerer must Test Willpower 1d6 times, with theeffect triggering after 6 Degrees of Failure total (Degrees

of Success do not combat this tally). If out of combat, the

triggerer is entitled to a single Willpower Test to ignore

this effect. If no enemies are nearby, the triggerer will feel

this way with all others in the immediate area. The

triggerer will make efforts to engage in intimate actions

(whether sexual or simply personal), with the target(s) of

their affection. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in combat, or half

a minute if out of combat.

Pariahs, also known as blacksouls,

psychic nulls and the soulless, are entities that

have no presence in the warp. Pariahs are the

antithesis of Chaos as their being does not have

any presence in the warp and indeed radiates a

sense of unnaturalness and unease that is

uncomfortable to living creatures and can be

painful or even lethal to psychically sensitive

beings such as Eldar or Psykers.

Similar to Pariahs are "Blanks", also

known as "Untouchables", who are able to block

out psychic effects within a certain area. This

"field" also projects a sense of fear or revulsion

towards the Blank on anyone close enough to be

affected. A Blank often may not be aware of their

own powers and may not be able to control them.

Regardless, both Pariahs and Blanks

by their nature are resistant to the whims ofChaos. They are never subject to the attention of

the Ruinous Powers and thus never trigger

Influences of Chaos.


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Pain is Pleasure 

Rolls: 83 – 94

Effect: Corruption

Details: For 1d6 rounds, the triggerer feels pleasure

whenever they are harmed. They must make a Willpower

Test to resist this sensation. If they fail, they take 1d6

Corruption Points per Degree of Failure, and if they suffer

6 or more Degrees of Failure, they lose their next 1d6Turns as they “suffer” the throws of ecstasy.


Rolls: 95 – 100

Effect: Social

Details: The triggerer must Test Willpower (at -20 for a

Scum or otherwise greedy individual). On a failure, they

are overcome with a desire to gain possessions, money,

and/or power. For 6d6 rounds, or the next 1d6 minutes,

the character will actively seek to acquire anything and

everything that isn't nailed down . . . regardless of its

current owners.

 Influence of Nurgle

"The bolts from our guns shall be as thick as flies on a 

corpse, our followers shall be as numerous as maggots on 

rotting flesh and news of our victory will spread through 

the armies of our enemies like a plague." 

 Horrid Stench 

Rolls: 1 – 7

Effect: -5 to Perception

Details: The area suddenly fills with a terrible smell! It's

so horrific that even the most stalwart of Acolytes find

themselves distracted by the odor. All Perception rollsperformed in 1d7 meters are reduced by 5. Those

without a sense of smell, however, are immune to this

effect. The smell and effect last until the GM declares


Mirthful Fatalism 

Rolls: 8 – 20

Effect: Corruption and Insanity

Details: The triggerer suddenly feels an overwhelming

sense of mirthful fatalism: Everything is going to end,

nothing matters, and it's strangely pleasing. “It's the end

of the world, and I feel fine!” The character must Test

Willpower twice. On failures, the character takes 1d7

Insanity or 1d7 Corruption (one roll for each). Declare

which roll is which before rolling. The deranged mood

may last until the end of the encounter, at the discretion of

the GM, or (with permission from the GM) at the discretion

of the player.

 Swarm of Flies Rolls: 21 – 41

Effect: Minor

Details: Any regular conversation is swiftly blotted out

as the sounds of a great swarm of flies, locust, or other

insectoid pests fills the air. This can happen anywhere,

and even in places where insects wouldn't naturally

survive. After one round, the swarm will then appear and

buzz around. If outdoors, there is no additional effect,

and the bugs eventually fly away. If this takes place in a

confined environment, then visual and auditoryPerception Tests are at -5 until the confines can be

vented. If the insects are killed during this event, their

corpses will remain, as they are actual creatures of the


 Rusting Influence 

Rolls: 42 – 62

Effect: Weapon Damage

Details: A single metallic weapon or item which

contains metallic components that the triggerer is

currently holding or in possession of will suddenly begin

to rust in their hands. The weapon takes one half its

max hit points in damage if such housefuls are in effect,

potentially even getting destroyed on the spot. Benefits

such as Balanced and Reliable are lost. Further

negative effects may be determined by the GM as


Vomit of Maggots  Rolls: 63 – 79

Effect: Corruption and Insanity

Details: The triggerer will suddenly feel sick to the

stomach (assuming they have a standard digestive

tract), and must make a Toughness Test. Each day, for

1d7 days, the character must make another Toughness

Test after waking up. If the total Degrees of Failure

exceed the total Degrees of Success then the illness willculminate with the character spewing out a stream of

maggots or grubs. This event is rather terrifying for the

victim, and they must successfully Test a Willpower at -

20 or suffer 1d7 Insanity Points. Anyone observing this

event must also pass a Willpower +30 Test, or suffer 1d7

Insanity Points. Each Insanity Point earned this way

causes a -5 Penalty to Willpower for a follow-up 1d7

Corruption Test (which only must be performed by those

who failed the previous Willpower Test versus Insanity).

 Flare Up 

Rolls: 80 – 93

Effect: Disease

Details: The triggerer must immediately Test

Toughness. On a failure, an old disease or ailment

which they had previously won out over suddenly returns

from dormancy (chosen by the GM, if multiple options

are available). The character must follow through the

rules of that disease as if they had just contracted it

(unless that particular disease has specific rules about

relapses). If the character has never suffered a previous

ailment, they should count themselves /especially/ lucky.

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The Rot  Rolls: 94 – 100

Effect: Loss of Appendage

Details: Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart. The

triggerer must then test Toughness, or the specified

organ/body part of the triggerer will go numb and die

suddenly. If the triggerer fails their Toughness Test, theGM must immediately make a secret Willpower Test for

the triggerer as well. On a failure, the appendage not only

dies, but becomes host to a malevolent or mischievous

force from the Immaterium. See Daemonhost rules, and

apply the Seemingly Normal “Unholy Change” (page 356

of Core Rulebook) to the affected appendage. The

numbness will never subside, but if possessed in this

manner the affected appendage will eventually start to

respond to the triggerer again. However, the appendage

will actually be under the control of the GM, who may

proceed to exert said control as subtly or overtly as they

please. If the appendage performs an action which is

contrary to the triggerer's intent, the GM rolls a Deceive

Test for the appendage against either the Logic or

Scrutiny of the triggerer. If the brain becomes infected in

this manner, the entire character effectively becomes a

Seemingly Normal Daemonhost.

Roll Appendage Roll Appendage1 Hair 41-44 Liver2 Ears 45-50 Stomach3 Eyes 51-53 Large Intestine4 Lips 54-58 Small Intestine5 Jaw 59-70 Heart6 Tongue 71 Kidney7 Nose 72 Both Kidneys8 Teeth 73-74 Spleen9 Brain 75-77 Ribs

10 Throat 78 Gonads11 One Finger(Right Arm)

79 Bladder

12 1d5 Fingers(Right Arm)

80 Entire LowerTorso

13 All Fingers(Right Arm)

81 One Toe (RightLeg)

14-15 Hand (RightArm)

82 1d5 Toes (RightLeg

16-17 Elbow (RightArm)

83 All Toes (RightLeg)

18-20 Shoulder(Right Arm)

84-85 Foot (Right Leg)

21 One Finger(Left Arm)

86-87 Knee (Right Leg)

22 1d5 Fingers(Left Arm)

88-90 Hip (Right Leg)

23 All Fingers(Left Arm)

91 One Toe (LeftLeg)

24-25 Hand (LeftArm)

92 1d5 Toes (LeftLeg

26-27 Elbow (LeftArm)

93 All Toes (Left Leg)

28-30 Shoulder(Left Arm)

94-95 Foot (Left Leg)

31-37 One Lung 96-97 Knee (Left Leg)38-40 Both Lungs 98-100 Hip (Left Leg)

Some of the above results may seem too comedic or dire

for the current campaign. GMs are encouraged to get

creative, or failing that, reroll until something more

appropriate occurs.

 Influences of Khorne

"I salute you! For though our path has been long and 

bloody, you have served our Lord with unflinching courage 

and the honor of true warriors. We have seen many fall 

today and must remember, even as we die, that our blood 

too is welcome..." 

 Blood Frenzy 

Rolls: 1 – 8

Effect: Frenzy or Combat

Details: Anyone currently engaged in Combat must

succeed a Willpower Test or become Frenzied. The

Frenzy lasts until blood is drawn (GM's discretion). If not

currently in Combat, only the one who triggered Khorne's

interest must Test Willpower +30. On a failure, theyinitiate combat with the closest target (friend or foe) and

become Frenzied as above. Anyone who is already

Frenzied or has the Frenzy Talent will not automatically

exit Frenzy when blood is drawn.

Axe of KhorneRolls: 9 – 16

Effect: Damage and Soul Rend 

Details: The triggerer immediately suffers 1d8 Rending

damage which Armor cannot resist, but Toughness does.

If the effect only deals Light Wound Damage then there is

no visual cue. If the effect deals Heavy Wound Damage,

then lacerations appear over the triggerer's skin. If theeffect deals Critical Wounds, then consult Critical Damage

Chart, and apply the damage to the body. Additionally,

the character's presence in the Immaterium is cut off for

1d8 rounds. A non-Psychically inclined character merely

becomes “invisible” to those which perceive through the

Warp. A Psyker, Witch, Sorcerer, or similarly Warp-

dependent character loses their Psychic Powers for the

duration of the effect, and must test Willpower or suffer

1d8 Insanity Points from the stress of being cut off.

Crimson Haze 

Rolls: 17 – 40

Effect: Minor

Details: The triggerer suddenly sees red, literally.

Aside from this, there is no effect to most. However,

if the character has the Bloodlust Malignancy, they

must Test Willpower. On a failure they make an

attack on the closest target, friend or foe.

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Corrupt Fury 

Rolls: 41 – 58

Effect: Corruption and Bonus Damage

Details: The triggerer earns the ability to trigger Corrupt

Fury for the duration of the Encounter. If outside of

combat, the duration is until the end of the first combat in

the next 1d8 minutes. Corrupt Fury functions likeRighteous Fury, but instead triggers on a damage roll of 8.

Corrupt Fury must be confirmed for the first roll, but not for

any subsequent rolls in the same series. Corrupt Fury

does not prevent someone from also earning Righteous

Fury in the same attack if multiple damage dice are rolled.

Both Corrupt and Righteous Fury share their confirmation

in a single attack. Any time which Corrupt Fury is

triggered, the attacker must test Willpower or earn 1d8

Corruption Points. Each subsequent Corrupt Fury roll in

the same series of damage rolls incurs a cumulative -10 to

said Willpower Tests.

 Blood Rain  

Rolls: 59 – 76Effect: Warp Instability

Details: For 1d8 rounds an area 8d8 meters extending

from the triggerer will be filled with howling wind and blood

raining from the sky or ceiling. Any Psychic Powers used

in this area immediately trigger Perils of the Warp.

 Binding Honor 

Rolls: 77 – 84

Effect: Blood Oath

Details: The triggerer feels compelled to make an oath or

promise on the spot, usually involving violence,

aggression, combat, or (especially) revenge. The

character is entitled to a Willpower Test at -20 to avoid

making the Oath, but they will suffer -10 to all tests until

the end of the encounter if they succeed. If the Oath is

ever broken, the character suffers -30 for the duration of

the encounter in which they broke the Oath due to feelings

of guilt and self-loathing. Once broken or fulfilled, the

Oath is satisfied. The GM and player should work

together to first come up with a short-hand version of the

Oath, and then flesh it out after the encounter is finished,

to help streamline game play.

Live to Fight. Fight to Live 

Rolls: 85 – 92

Effect: Combat Bonus

Details: The triggerer is 'blessed' by Khorne. From the

next 1d8 days, the character will deal an additional 1d8

Melee Damage, and any time they successfully strike a

target in melee combat they are given a +1 Agility Bonus

for 1d8 Rounds (this bonus is only applied once, and the

duration is refreshed instead of stacking), remove a

number of points of Fatigue equal to ¼ the damage they

inflicted before Toughness and Armor (minimum of 0), and

heal a number of Light Wounds equal to ¼ the damage

they inflicted after Toughness and Armor (minimum of 0).

Keep a running tally of every attack or aggressive action

the character makes in those 1d8 days, and make a

Willpower roll at the end of each day which the character

is 'blessed.' Each failure results in Corruption Points

equal to the number of aggressive actions and attacks

which the character performed in the day associated with

that Willpower roll.

Cursed Organ  Rolls: 93 – 100

Effect: Loss of Limb (or internal organ)

Details: Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart. The

specified organ/body part of the triggerer will now

become cursed, and will be violently removed sometime

in the near future. The character is unaware of this

curse (unless they possess divine knowledge or Psyker

powers). Although, they will suffer occasional pains in

that organ, or have nightmares or visions involving it. If

that character suffers any Critical Damage in a hit

location which contains the cursed organ, the GM may

immediately opt to cause the curse to manifest.

Roll Appendage Roll Appendage1 Hair 41-44 Liver2 Ears 45-50 Stomach3 Eyes 51-53 Large Intestine4 Lips 54-58 Small Intestine5 Jaw 59-70 Heart6 Tongue 71 Kidney7 Nose 72 Both Kidneys8 Teeth 73-74 Spleen9 Brain 75-77 Ribs10 Throat 78 Gonads11 One Finger

(Right Arm)79 Bladder

12 1d5 Fingers(Right Arm)

80 Entire LowerTorso

13 All Fingers(Right Arm)

81 One Toe (RightLeg)

14-15 Hand (RightArm)

82 1d5 Toes(Right Leg

16-17 Elbow(Right Arm)

83 All Toes (RightLeg)

18-20 Shoulder(Right Arm)

84-85 Foot (RightLeg)

21 One Finger(Left Arm)

86-87 Knee (RightLeg)

22 1d5 Fingers(Left Arm)

88-90 Hip (Right Leg)

23 All Fingers(Left Arm)

91 One Toe (LeftLeg)

24-25 Hand (LeftArm) 92 1d5 Toes (LeftLeg26-27 Elbow (Left

Arm)93 All Toes (Left

Leg)28-30 Shoulder

(Left Arm)94-95 Foot (Left Leg)

31-37 One Lung 96-97 Knee (Left Leg)38-40 Both Lungs 98-100 Hip (Left Leg)

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Otherwise, the GM may make plans to draw out the

curse, and potentially even associate the event with a

side-quest. The curse can only be broken if the proper

pious sacrifice be made to undo Khorne's wrathful ire.

Losing a critical organ may cause instant death, but

burning Fate should still allow the player character to

survive as normal (be sure to come up with a story-

appropriate situation to explain it).

 Influences of Tzeentch

"Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not 

ask which creature screams in the night, Do not question 

who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes 

you in the night, And my body that crouches in the 

shadow. I am Tzeentch and you are the puppet that 

dances to my tune." 

Murder of Ravens  Rolls: 1 – 9

Effect: Insanity

Details: The natural sounds seem to shift and become

distorted until it sounds as though a murder of ravens is

screeching through the air. This can happen anywhere,

and even to people who don't know what ravens are. If

the environment is completely silent, then the sound

slowly fills the air. After 1d3 rounds, the flock will then

appear from the unlikeliest of places, and fly in a random

direction (though some may claim to see the 'logic' behind

their flight path). If outdoors, everyone in range must

perform a Shock Test, but if it takes place somewhere that

ravens are not usually found, then the Shock Test is

modified with -20 to Willpower. The birds will immediately

attempt to flee the scene, and may need to return the way

they came to escape confined spaces. Even after theravens are gone, their sound will remain, as if they were

still in the immediate area. The sound will eventually fade

away, but not the memory. Any ravens killed during this

event will mysteriously leave no bodies.

Touch of Tzeentch 

Rolls: 10 – 18

Effect: Minor Mutation

Details: A random living entity in 1d99 meters manifests

one random Minor Mutation. Roll 2d10 and consult

scatter diagram, the first roll represents half the distance,

while the second roll represents the other half. It is

possible for the power to effect the triggerer if both scatter

rolls oppose one another. If no character (NPC or player-

character) is in the effected destination area, rule that a

small wild creature or by-stander manifests the mutation.

If in an environment where there are no suitable targets,

automatically effect the closest NPC or player-character.

The mutation does not need to manifest instantly, but the

target should feel the change coming as soon as the rolls

are determined.

Chained Lightning 

Rolls: 19 – 27

Effect: Damage

Details: The triggerer will suddenly fire Warp Lightning in

the direction they are facing. The lightning will hit 1d9

targets, in order of physical proximity, dealing 1d9-

(number of jumps) along the way. Only Power Armoroffers protection, but Power Field Weapons, Force

Weapons, and Holy Weapons may be used to Parry the

lightning. Once Parried, the lightning effect ends. The

triggerer may be struck from a chain jump. No targets

may be hit more than once, even if there are insufficient

bodies for the lightning to reach its full number of jumps.

The triggerer takes 1d9 Corruption, and each target must

Test Willpower and Test Toughness. A failed Willpower

Roll results in 1d9 Corruption, and a failed Toughness Roll

results in the target being Stunned for 1 Round.


Rolls: 28 – 41

Effect: Roll Result ChangeDetails: The next Test roll the triggerer performs will

count as reverse. I.e.: a 27 would instead be a 72.

 Shift  Rolls: 42 – 59

Effect: Minor

Details: No game effect occurs. There is just an uneasy

feeling as either the wind suddenly changes directions, or

a blinking light suddenly changes its rhythm. There's a

sense that the veil between the Materium and Immaterium

is particularly weak in this area . . . but nothing truly



Rolls: 60 – 73

Effect: Movement

Details: The triggerer suddenly moves 1d9 meters in a

random direction (consult scatter diagram). Anyone

observing the character when this event takes place will

not witness the Blink occurring, and the character effected

will (as far as onlookers are concerned) have frozen in

place. Should a reflection have been present, however, it

 /will/ vanish without a trace and the reflection of the

effected character's position will appear simultaneously. A

Willpower Test must be made if the triggerer's Intelligence

is above 30, and a failure results in 1d9 Insanity points

(Blessed is the mind too small for doubt). It is notrecommended that the GM allows the triggerer to teleport

inside solid matter or another entity, and should instead

'fudge' the distance to accommodate a 'safe landing.'

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 Flesh of Tzeentch 

Rolls: 74 – 82

Effect: Random Armor Points

Details: For 1d9 rounds, the entity who caused this

Influence to trigger has the Flesh of Tzeentch Trait. Roll

1d9 to determine which type of 'living flesh' the Acolyte

now has. The character will revert to their original state ofbeing when the duration expires. Worn Armor is

unmodified by these changes, but may take damage

(such as from Magma Flesh).

Roll Result1 Wood:  This material is especially susceptible

to flame, and the customary Agility roll to avoidbeing set on fire is revoked. Additionally,Toughness can no longer reduce Flamedamage sustained.

2 Glass:  Impact damage is doubled against thismaterial, but Dodge rolls versus Laser attacksare increased by +30.

3 Sand:  Impact and Rending damage types areignored by this material. Flame or Energy

damage which exceeds 1/2 the target's totalCurrent Wounds will cause the Target toswitch to Glass.

4 Flesh:  This is the standard material whichliving creatures are made of.

5 Iron:  Natural Armor of Toughness Bonus x3,and many Psychic Powers no longer effect thetarget (GM's discretion).

6 Ice:  Unarmed attacks gain +5 damage andare Cold Energy/Impact in type. Toughnessno longer reduces Energy Type damagesustained.

7 Magma:  Unarmed attacks gain +5 damageand gain the Flame property with the Energytype. Melee Attacks sustained deal5+Strength Bonus damage to the attacker.

8 Diamond:  Natural Armor of Toughness Bonusx9, and Dodge rolls versus Laser attacks areincreased by +70.

9 Warp:  Any Psychic Power which targets thecharacter automatically cause Perils of theWarp. All other attacks against target maytrigger Influence of Chaos. Roll 1d10, on 6consult Slaanesh Influences, on 7 consultNurgle Influences, on 8 consult KhorneInfluences, on 9 consult Tzeentch Influence.Influences effect the attacker.

Addled Mind 

Rolls: 83 – 91

Effect: Characteristic Penalty

Details: A tiny portion of unfathomable schemes of

Tzeentch is temporarily revealed to the character, causing

them to become terribly confused and distracted. The

triggerer's Perception and Intelligence are temporarily

reduced by 1d9 each for 1d9 rounds.


Rolls: 92 – 100

Effect: Insanity

Details: As if from nowhere, the triggerer's mind is

suddenly filled with an impossible paradox. The

character gains (Intelligence Bonus-2)d9 Insanity Points

(a character with 29 or less Intelligence is just brieflybaffled, but not truly effected).

* Any situation which calls for a die size that is not the 

standard d10 may be crudely synthesized by rolling a 

d10 and simply rerolling when the result is higher than 

the proposed die size.