the evening star wated-relp. offices. 6=7n · the evening star branch offices. several important...

The Evening Star Branch Offices. Several important changes have re- ently been made in The Star branch offlices. ALL POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICES are branch offices of The Evening Star. One csnt a word for Rooms For Rent-Rooms and Board-Boarding- Wanted Help and Situations. If not convenient to call at main office with your advertisements leave them at the following places: NORTHWEST. One. ave. and L st.-Wood's Drug Store. Vermront are. and I t.-King's Drug Store. 34th at. and R. I. ave.-Huddleson's Drug Store. 15th and U sts.-Portner Drug Store. 14th at. and Welling Place-Eppley's Drag Store. 7tb and T sts.-Criswell's Drag Store. Woodward & Lothrop's-Pototal Telegraph Olice. S. Kann, Sons & Co.-Postal Telegraph Office 012 Pa. are.-Postal Telegraph Office. Gth and F sts.-Postal Telegrapif Offie. fth and B st%.-Postal Telegraph Offce, U. S. Capitol-Postal Telegraph Office. City Post Omfe-Postal Telegraph Office. Ebbitt House-Postal Telegraph Office. Riggs House-Postal Telegraph Office. New Willard's Hotel-Postal Telegraph Offce. National Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office. Regent Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office. The Barton Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office. The Gordon Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office. EAST WASHINGTON. Oth and East Cap. sts.-Haley's Drug Store. 7th and H sts. n.e.-Griftith's Drug Store. 3d at. &ad Pa. are. s.e.-Dtobyn's Drug Store. SOUTIWEST. Postal Te!egraph Office-foot 11th st. GEORGETOWN. 12d and 31 sts.-O'DonneIl'a Drug Store. i2d aud sts. -ODonnel's Drug Store. WANTED-EMTP. MALE. ANTEIo- Vi-:E YWii:i: - I' S TL E RS TO tack sigic. dlistriboute ci-ulars. samples, etc.; no canvaamdng; g-d pay. SUN ADVErTISING BU- REAl'. 4 isago It* ANTEI. V-N4; MEN TO LEARN THE ART of gatrment cutting: gocd po-sitiius open. For particula's call NAiONAL GARMENT c1 T- TIN# SCiHOOL. Odice, 15 Warder bldg.. 523 9th n.w. jal1-3t* WANTEI-A;ENTS-WE WA.NT AN AGENT IN every tocwn in the United States to sell our Ameriean and foreign wall papers on cotiits- sion to their frlends and neighbors. from onr sample books. showing over 74N1 new de.signs and colorings,. which we vIll furnish. together with lithographed cards and posters advertising the busini,-cs, all fr.- of chargc. to parties who will take an active interest In the business and fur- nish us g-d references. In the spring, when every ..oe I. palering. the business will pay you ffteen to twenty dcollars a day profit, as thou- sands of our agents will certify. We are the largest wall paper dealers in the world, and our line thIs year surpasses all others in beauty. quality and cheapness. BALILU-DICKSON CO., 80' Broadway. New York. jall-2t WANTED STENIM;RAI'HER AND T YP E- writer; one having experience in general office work desired. Adidress J. B. L.. Star offlce.1t WANTED-REGiSTEiEIA DRGGIAST TO MAN- age modern drug sto-re; small amount cash re- quired. PHAR3ACIST. Star office. it* WANTEI-INTEI.I t;FNr MEN 4)F GOO) Alt- dress at once. WOODI,. HARION & CO., 525 13th at- it WANTED-MAN 4)F ENER:GY TO ATTEND TG insurance uatt-rs. G. S. REES. 1oot G st. 1t* WANTFD SINO;ltS FliR SE.Lt'T CHOIR; tencor and bis,, voc-s: special inducement to ambitions singers. Address -'SELECT CHOIR.' Star ctfi-ce. it" WANTED-YUNG MAN WITH WHEEL 1-1Ot collecting; salary paid; steady place. Box W, Star otrle. It* WANTED-YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter; references relcired. Call letween 5 and 6 p.m. tM41 Yern-cn ave. jall-3t* WANTED-A MAN ON lAIRY FARM; WHITE, single and a good milker. I. Qt-ACKENBt'SI, Br.-ckland. Ic. C. Jall-3t* WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH A PRAC- tical knwledige (of pat-nt office drawing: -ne who can o-utline. 'all MASON, FENWICK & LAUREN'E. 032 F st. iw. jal1-At* WANTED-2 MEN COOKS FOR RAILROAD; $50 per month. Also butler. Inquire 135 11th at. D.w. It* WANTEc--FIR1ST-l.'AS ENGINEER AND PIPE fitter. to, take charge of the system of steam beating. engine.s pumps, etc., of an Institution; must Ie a man of gool habits and willing to teach a class of y,.ung men. as apprentices, uniltr his dlrectin. Address ENGINEER E.. Star oMce. inc-losing stamped envelope f.or reply. and state age, experience and general qualihications. jal-3t RANTED oYS. WHITE OR COIWDRED, TO carry mrning paper routes. Call, bet. 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.. -#29 K st. n.w. jal)-3t* WANTED-A MAN TO CLERK IN GROCERY and provisjion store and be generally useful; one that can cut meats and can give geod reference from last employer. I)x 210). Star offlc.jal0-4t* WANTED---A BoY TO WORK IN DRU14; STORE two nights a week and Sunday. Address Box 2os. Star office. Jalc-2t WANTED cI'MIPETENT PATENT OPFFICE draftsman. Call 25 Grant place. BAIDWIN, UAV II'S N & WIGHT. ja10k-2t WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS BIUTLER. APPLY with reference. 17=3 Mass. ave., after 7 p.m. ja9-3t WANTED--A GENTLEMAN TO Sq1iACIT BUSt- ness for an Al New York house. Addr-ss Box 230. Star otice.- ja9-3t* WANTED-- BOYS. WvITHt lItCYCLFS. FOR1 3MES-- senge-r service: can eaurn frcom $2'. to $c p5-r mnIth: $-3' crnaratett: vc-hoosl bcoy, or boys othe-rwcise ensmu. maytou imci eticploysincent from S to, t'::tl Ictim.. or 6 t o 10J:3i pIm. d-illy, a t : -ent s per night. MI T'AL. DISTRICT 31iESSENER: C'0.. 1401 F st. n.- jab-if WANTEl4-1tlY. ARi-.cT 1)'. T4 LEARN DRIUG bcusines-: on.e wsith a lit tle. exIs-rience prc-ferredc. Adlr-cc lis Z32.5 tar '.1t.ce. jau-3-t* WvANTFD1- tIkElLAIR ANDs SA91 i.E 1415-~ tribuntorsc. $5 per l..0c0: pay advanced; extcerice- unn-ces-sar-.; permanieur. MIAIIS'cN I lSTRflIi- ETING; C'O.. 5-1 West 24th st., New York city. jab-w.f~s3t' WANTED - CIGA R SAL.ESMEN: ENPERIENt E unnec-essary; g.xi salary and expenuses paid14. EMANUEL CE).. Station J. New York. ja4-s.+t* WANTE-:D- IlEADclRS IN l'"LLE4FTT-XT BOOKS on rational philosophy; the only defense agaInst fahles, and the mcyriad myths atnd evils ofl super- atitiona; $5 for 12 selected lessona. 912 et St. nL.. de21-s-4t* WANTED- AT ONC'E, MEN AND WOMENjT5 make $6 to $li8 a week in spare time-no can- vassing. The work is elevating and refining, any one who can read and write c-au do it and earn money from the start. Hi. A. GRtIPP. German Artist, Tyrone, Pa. Please write and send for work at once. de21.ja4,11,lt8-4t WANTED--SALESMAN FOR REAL ESTATE; KK- perience not neceasary; men with large ac-quaint- ace preferred; horse and buggy will be fur- abed; good pay to workers. FULTON R. GOR- DON, 70)4 14th at. n.w. fe17-aeta-tt FF.MALE. WANTFX -4IRL F-OR GENERtAL HOUSEWORK- private. family, adults. 15i 1ith st. u.w. It* ~ANTpSD--A GOODI C 'K; STAY NIGHTS; REF- eences required. Apply immediately 1312 4Con- seticut ave. 1t .'ANTED-WHITE E'4OK: AI,54 WH ITE. HOUSE- maid; 3 in famiiy. 1505 Itelmjont awe.; take Con Secticut are, c-ar. jall-2t* WANTEDSETTLIID WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Apply this ereninug lafter Sc, or to- morrow aftern.on, 1243 Kc-n.-,aw Sr. un.. it* WANTED-A WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; keep a man to assist; stay at place every other tuight; best of ref. required; good wages. Apply MU6I 15th at. mLw. 1t* WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND AS- sorters; permanent employment. Apply before 10 o'clock 3Monday, PALACE LAUNDRY, 2121 E st. L.' it WANTEI'-YOUNG LADY TO CLRK IN GRtO- cery stcore anud keep bcookls; one with experIence and can give reference. Address Y. L. C., Star oficee. It* 'NTElj-WHITE WOMAN FOR G;ENERAL sewovrk; must bce neat and goocd cook; g~cood w . Apply for two days. Address 3413 Hol- med. 'e.. Mt. Pleasant. it* WANTFD-FI1NED LADY, PAST 28, TO trave'l. lecture ocrasIonally and rganize. Ad- dress Box 2ac. Star etie-. 1t* WANTED-SERYANT TO WORK MORNINGS; small family. CamlI after 4 1729 T at. nw. 1t* WANTED-NIRSE FOR TWO CHILDREN; ALsiO a general honsewcorker to go to New York staie; most bring references. Mrs. MACKRILLE. Chevy Chase P. 4)- It* WANTED - GOOD. REIABLE WOMAN, FOR general housework: mast be goo~d eook; atay aights. Cail 1512 Park st.. Mount Pleasant. t* WANTED-CMPETENT L A D Y STENOGu1A- 3her and tylpewriter operator (REmington); wlU 0ve me' of offie ad macbiae for outside work; 4per eek guaranteed; offee hours, 15 a. to 0 p.m. Cail, 4:30 p.m., Room 16, s06 F St. WANTED - WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUS. werk is fane~of two; to stay aights: must he psd seek an laundress. Call, with reference., at 1811 Adams Mill read (a3*. eue. 18th at. and Caummab real.) ' a11-2t* WANTUS-41RL FOR GfEEAL. MOUSEWORK, - 5ia e sade g-ogsamase. Ingethe 1860 T at ew. -. It WANuin-uuumausa WOMAN 193 GENEBAL N 'L 3$30 36th at. anw. It WAMMb- PM 1TN1110, WNA- lean& sammna..at3e WATED-RELP. , FEMALE. WANTED SAIL ADY. APPLY VICTO'E L DESIO & CO., 1107 F mt. n.w. Ito WANTED-A GINTEE WOMAN,. BETWEEN 25 and 40, to neet invalids and strangeri. Address ENERGY M., Star onSe. It* WANTED-TWO GIRLS; ONE A GOOD COOK, the other a chambermaid and waitress; references required. 1356 Yale st. n.w. It* WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO WAIT ON STORE and make out bills; hours, 9 to 4:30; small wages to start. 525 10th St. a.w. it* WANTED-EXPERIENCED HANDS ON NECK- bands. wristband. and body Ironers; also sev- eral mangle hands. Apply YALE STEAM LAUNDRY. 43 G at. n.w. jail-St WANTED EDUCATED WOMAN OR YOUNG man at once; will be taught stenography, touch- typewriting and secretarial duties. 610 14th at., rooms 1 and 2. it* WANTED-SALES LADIES AT THE NEW FAIR, 81S 7th st. n.w. it* WANTED A GERMAN WOMAN THAT CAN sew as companion or to do light housework in small family. Address Mrs. E. L. B., Star office. It* WANTED A COMPETENT COLORED COOK. Apply 1337 Conn. ave. It* WANTED-A NUMBER OF COLORED COOKS general workers: go home or stay nights; good waged; briag references. 165 Valley St., George- town. it WANTED--A GIHL FOR GENERAL WORK; MUST understand cooking. 123S 18th n.w. Reference. 1 WANTED-A WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: must have best reference. Call 1813 Adams Mill road (18th and Columbia road), fore- noon Monday. it WANTED-STRONG. HEALTHY WOMAN, PREF- erably German, as working housekeeper. 1012 I st. n.w.; call after 6 p.m. jalO-2t WANTED-A COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. Address Box 219, Star offiee. ja3-26t WANTED--YOUNG COLORIED GIRL TO DO GEN- eral housework In apartment; city references re- quireid. Call at APARTMENT 8, 1321 M St. n.w. jao1-2t* WANTED-912 EAST CAPITOL ST.. WOMAN TO cook. wash. fror and do the general housework for two. who can take entire charge of and do all necessary work in good manner; go home nights: ref. required. Call after 4 p.mja9&I1,2t WANTED TO REMOVE WRINKLES FROM face of. elderly lady; treatment free; painless and permanent. For particulars address DERMA- TOIA)4;ir. Star office. ja9-3t* WANTED-A RELIABLE SCOTCH OR GERMAN woman to cook. wash and iron well for family of three; p-rmanent employment. Address Box 231. Star office. ja9-3t* WANTED A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE work: must be accurate, quick at figures and pleasing appcarance. Address Box 228. Star ottice. ja9-3t WANTED--AT ONCE. MEN AND WOMEN TO make $6 to $18 a week in spare time-no can- vasslng. The work is elevating and refining, any one who -an read and write can do it and earn money from the start. H. A. GRIPP, German Artist, Tyrone, Pa. Please write and send for work at once. de21,ja4,11,18-4t MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED-$15 TO $30 COMMISSIONS MADE weekly by fairly educated persons who can de- scribe something of sterling value and service In all homes and offices. For particulars ad- dress Box 42, Star office. It* WANTED-SINGERS FOR PROMINENT CITY choir; excellent chance for alto, tenor and bass. Address ENSElMBLE. Star office. It* WANTED SINGERS FOR CHOIR, FIFTY voices: excellent advantages to earnest workers. Address "CIORISTER." Star office. ja1O-2t* WANTED PROFITABLE WORK OFFERED agents in every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Even- ing Post. We want agents who will work thor- oughly and with business system to cover each section with our illustrated little booklets and cther advertising matter. and to look sharply after renewals from old subscribers. The pay is first-rate. and at the end of the season $2Coo will be giver. the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents have succeeded Is told in a little booklet we would like to send you-portraits of some of our best agents. with the story of how they made it pay. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING Co., PhlIe delphia. Pa. 021-78t WANTED-SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED-BY REGISTERED PHARMACIST, RE- lief work after 5 or 6 p.m.; also Sundays. SA- LOL. Star office, It* WANTE.D-ITUATION BY E X P E It IENCED bookkeeper; quick, accurate; strictly reliable. Address Box 202, Star office. It* WANTED-BY EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, PER- manent psoition or posting of books at any hours. AddressBox 204, Star otice. Jal1-s,tu,th,3t* WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, SITUATION IN grocery or provision store; understands cutting meat; will take half his wages out in trade. Ad- dress 1. E. F., Star office. It* WANTED-BY STUDENT, PLACE TO WAIT table for board; experienced. Address Box 196, Star office. It* WANTED-P 0 8 1 T I 0 N BY EXPERIENCED coachman, fireman, cook; also. place by house boy. driver, dishwasher; refs. each. Address IIENRY C.. Star office, it* WANTED-A PLACE AS PORTER, DRIVER OIl bell boy. Address 422 1 at. n.w. It* WANTED SITUATION BY BRIGHT YOUNG colored law student, to work until 5 p.m. every day. Address L. S. E.. Star office. 1.* WANTED-BY RESPECTAILE COLORED MAN place to work around store or driving for d14-c- tor. or stable work. Call, three days, at 914 2oth st. n.w. It* WANTED-SITUATION IN A COMMERCIAL OR other office by young Belgian, 29 years old; speaks French and German; best of references furnished. Address Box 82, Star office. it* WANTED BY COLORED MAN, PLACE AS butler; good ref. Write or call 1636 Superior st. jall-2t* WANTEII-SITUATION BY FIRST-CLASS ORDER -ook; highest references; or position as fireman. 332 II sw. It* WANTEDBY BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIEN--ED .1tlee manr, salestman. I"5sitteen; willing to go out of the c-iy. Address A. X. J., Star offlee. jal-stu.2t* WANTEID--I;Y YOUNG MAN. WORK IN PIl- rate family;staynights. 1624l,th t.jalo-2t' WANTED--A PLACE IN LIVERtY STABLEi. ORt working ariund house; private family. CHIAl;LIE BELL, 86 D-gan place n-w. ja10-2t* WANTED-BY MARRIED MAN, POSITION AS wratchmian or gentleman's place to care for and tn garden. "r any p-osition of trust; references if dlesired. Address GARENER, Star ofile.ja10-3' WANTED--BY EIUCATED MAN, POSITION, local or traveling salesman, clerk or other re- pnibepositIon. Address Box 233, Star offiee. WANTED- PI'tIVATE SEritETAlY. BY CULTUR- cd traveled man (21)i; educated in England and at army-diplomatic tutor's on the continent; lInguist IFre'nch, Ge'rman Spanish); bibliophile; classics; pianIst igold medalist,; at present employed, but de-sires a change; references here and abroad. E. HI. J., Box 671. New Haven, Coon.,7te FEMALE. WANTED--BY A REFINED LADY, WITH TWO yeamrs' hospital experience, posItIon as office nurse;: te-rms reasonable. Address L. E. B., 613 6th st. n.w. it' WANTED--BY A RIOIPECTABLE COLORED GIRL, a place as nurse or chambermaid in a private family. Address or call 406 L at. n.w. it* WANTED--FAM1ILY WASH AT HOME. 2422 1 st. n.w. 1t* WANTEI-BY A LADY OF EXPERIENCE, P0- alt ion as nurse, companion to Invalid or elderly lady: refs. Address 'NURSE," Star office. It* WANTEI-BY A WHITE WOMAN, PLACE TO cook, wash and Iron. Address 0. 0. A., Star of- WANTED-BY YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN LADY, refined, cheerful and willing, work, where her thorough education in languages, musIc, liter. ature or housework can be of some use. Address Box 1918 Star onfice. * ja11-St* WA NTED - BY NEAT, EDUCATED COLORED girl, posItion as nurse or ladies' maid; best ref- erence. Call 1912 L st. it WANTED-BY A COIARED WOMAN, PLACE AS first-class cook; good references. 1441 MadIson at. it IIANTFI>-BY LADY OF EXPERIENCE, POSI- tion in real estate office; understands bookkeep- ing, l'rench advertising. etc.; swall salary at first. Address REAL ESTATE, 201 Pa. ave. P.e. it WANTED--BY RELIABLE WOMAN, PLACE TO nurse baby from four weeks to one year, or in- valid; willing t., make herself useful; terms rea- sonable; best references. Apply 1324 4th at. n-w- ja11-2t* WANTED--BY A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER, sewing out by the day. Call or address 2218% 11th at. n.w. i WANTED-LAUJNDRY WORK TO DO AT HOME; references. 1740 Mas. ave. n.w. it* 'M ANTED - BY RESPE1'ABLE WHITE GIRL, situation to do chamberwork or general house- work; willing to assist wIth childrefl. Call 1612 N. H. ave. n.w. it* WANTED-BY RESPECTUL WOMAN DAJ'S work or washing. Also sitation for acdsol gl. Apply SARAH WILLIAMB, 1017 V t. WANTED-BY REIaBLE COLORED WOMAN, wasig at bhome or day's work nut. Call or ad- dressARGARET -EUM, 0B Gst n.e. ja1-2t WANTEI-SITUATIONS NTOEAT, RUJ:.ra. ble women), enutes.-laaie; chambermaid --narse. Address RMMA CO. Star .e.e. -e .t WANTED-BY FIRST-CLASS WHITE COOK, A planee in a private faumily; adrstands--dinner Is; en furni beat of regeregee. Adrass WANTED-BT REINED AND' REupajltr seem; rmlssmees- 361 mat Catsi- it AN -. ya3N TO DO *E BOMEE. Please *' e edeses~ 13d 133 mt. amw. 1* WANTED-31 A U333, 1NP the day, te geo eg h6ge5 pt. U aa- ow- sa- WANTED-MTUATIONS, ENALsE. WANTED-WASHING TO DO AT HOME; FIRST- elars laundry. CAl 221 G t. .w. it* WANTED - BY FIRST-OLASS COLORED WO- man, place as chambermaid in eat-lass family or half day's work In fiat for every day. Call 12) 10th at. a.w. jal-2t* WANTED-A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE to address envelopes or copy letters in some office. Address Box 6O, Star office. It* WANT1|D-BY A COLORED WOMAN, PLACE AS- flrst-class laundress, take home ?r out. 382 M at. s.w. 1i* WANTED-BY YOUNG COLORED WIDOW. place clean gentleman's apartments or office work. Address L. C., Star office, jall-It WANTED-THE LADIES TO CALL AT THE MISSION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE for frat-class help. 1228 N at. It WANTED-BY GERMAN WOMAN PLACE AS general housework for small family. Box 1(02, Star office. Ito WANTED-LADIES THAT ARE IN NEED OF first-class white cooks. chambermaids, nurses and maids to call at 1106 10th. -Open evenings.* WANTED-WHITE GIRLS CAN GET FIRST- class positions by calling at 1106 10th. Open evenings. It* WANTED-FRENCH SHIRT WAISTS MADE BY Partsienne dressmaker; evening dresses made. Call Mine. MARIE, 582 20th at. n.w. jall-lw* WANTED-A PLACE AS NURSE. TO AN IN- valid or as companion to an elderly lady; I have much exprience as a nurse; best of reference. Address x 192, Star office. ja10-2t* WANTED-BY AN ELDERLY WHITE WOMhN, position as nurse to invalid or young infant; very best city references. Address H. D., Star office. ja-It WANTED-BY A RELIABLE GERMAN GIRL, position as infant's nurse or ladies' maid; can sew; best of references. Address Box 207, Star office. ja10-2t*- WANTED-PLACE BY NURSERY GOVERNEf, French-Swiss; well recommended from Europe; for children not under 6. Address C. A., 1707 G at. ja9,I1&13.3t* WANTED-BY REFINED, MIDDLE-AGED WO- man of experitnee, place as housekeeper and companion to an aged or invalid lady; will do plain sewing and mending; good references. Ad- dress HOUSEKEEPER. 1719 G st. n.w. ja9-3t* 4VANTED BY NEAT, CAPABLE GIRL, AS chambermaid or waitress. 938 22d at. n.w. ja9-3t* WANTED-SITUATION BY COMPETENT LA- dies' maid; beat references. Address A. G. RUSSELL, 1209 W at. n.w. jaS,9&11-3t* WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED-AGENTS. ALE OR FEMALE, TO sell our dustless floor brush; prevents dust, kills germs, improves floors, brightens carpets (the reservoir in the brush does iti; a good thing (pat- ented); replaces old style brooms and brushes. MILWAUKEE DUSTLESS BRUSH CO., Milwau- kee, Wis. It* WANTED-GOOD, LIVE AGENTS IN EVERY CITY of the U. S. to sell the Griggs telephone bracket for desk-stand telephones; the greatest -specialty on the market today. Address the GRIGGS MFG. CO., 79-81 5th ave., Chicago. 1t* WANTED AGENTS SELLING BOOKS, &c., should krow about our line. We offer big values and exceptional inducements. Write for partica- lars. ILIFF & CO., Chicago. It* WANTED-AGENTS, NE PLUS ULTRA CHARCOAL FLAT IRON, entirely new, different from all others; Irons without cooling. GEO. FINN, New- ark. N. J. It* WANTED-A GENERAL AGENT FOR OUR ACCI- dent and health insurance. Good contract and comrissions. Address MANAGER, 258 Broad- way, New York. ja1l-2t* WANTED-MAN IN EVERY CITY WHERE ARTI- ficial gas is used to sell our magic gas igniters. No more matches needed. Lasts forever. MAGIC GAS IGNITER CO., Indianapolis, Ind. it* WANTED-100 AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR REM- edles. It pays others to push them; why not you? Particulars for stamp. PROCTI'OR MFG. CO., 4716 Woodland ave., Philadelphia. it* WANTED-TO SELL HIGH-GRADEFLYSCREENS; good salary to right party; state experience. Ad- dress (confidentiali, M. SOLMSON & CO., 8 W. Lombard st., Baltimore, Md. jall-4t* WANTED CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTING circulars outside Washington. AMERICAN DIS- TRIBUTOR, Kansas City, Mo. jal-s,8t* WANTED-IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN $30 weekly it will pay you to get our plan for starting beginners in the mall order business; can be conducted by any one, anywhere, with small capital; thousands have made fortunes in the business; we have started others successfully and can do as much for you; costs nothing to in- vestigate; write today for our complete plan. Address CENTRAL SUPPLY CO., 1032 Grand ave., Kansas City, Mo. jal-a,2t* WANTED CHEAPEST OIL PORTRAIT AND frame made; valuable outfit free; send for our 140-page illustrated catalogue. W. W. FRIED- MAN & CO., Mfrs., Martinsburg, Mo. ja4-s,2t WANTE3-,SELF-TllREADING NEEDLES FOR weak sight; thread springs into eye; packet mail- ed. 10 cents. 4 for 25 cents; agents' catalog free. CHAS. MARSHALL, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y. oe26-sat-12t WANTED-ROOMS. WANTED-CONNECTING ROOMS, WITH OR without board, by gentleman and wife, who de- sire a quiet home In private family at West End or Washington Heights. Address S. B. A., Star office. It* WANTED-ROOM, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. in a private family n.w., by a young man of quiet d'sposition. Address S. E. H., Star office.' WANTED--YOUNG MARRIED ('OUPIE, NO CIII dren. desire 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, heat, bath and gas, for l.h.k.; near or on 7th at. car line 8.w.; must be moderate. Address Box 72, Star office. it* WANTED-FOR ABOUT SIX MONTHS, BY A single gentleman, a furnished room in a mod- ern house within ten minutes' walk of H and 15th sts.; first or second floor: must have bath room conveniently near, with porcelain tub. Ad- dress H. A. F., Star office. It* WANIED-BY MAN AND WIFE, THREE UN. furnished rooms for I. h. k., on second floor, by 1st; state particulars. Box 84, Star office. It* WANTED-BY MALE STENOGRAPHER. COM- fortable room in Georgetown in exchange for stenographic instruction; include proposition for board if instruction for two or ruore. Address Box 2046, Star office. ja10-2t* WANTED--3 UNFURINISIHED ROOMS FOR LIGHIT houisekeeping; heat and gas. Full particulars. Addiress LACURA, Star offiee. jaO-3t* WANTEDt-BY TWO LADIES IN OFFICE. RCOOMS and board, convenient to Conn. ave. cars. Price must be stated. Address SEC., Star fice. j9-3t* WANTED-THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, BY TWO adults, for light housekeeping; location n.w. Ad- dress Box 227, Star offle.- ja9-3t* WANTED-HOUSES. WANTED-TO RENT HOUSE IN CLEVELAND Park, either furnished for the summer or unfur- fished for a term of years. Must have 4 bed rooms ubesides servants' rooms); first-class plumb. lag; modern conveniences and good grounds. Ad- dress, with terms, Box 201, Star offiee. it' WANTED-FOR IMMEDIATE CASH PURCHASERN -three houses, SOUTH WEST, $2,500-to $4,500. Send particulars at once. ja11-5t ST'ONE & FAIRFAX, 806-SOS F n.w. WANTED-WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS TO BUY A HOME ON (3 OR H W1!ET 17TH, 18TH, 19TH, 20THr OR 2181\ SOUTH PA. AVE., $5,000 TO $6,500; WILL PAY GASH. SEND US A DESCRIPTION OF YOURPROP- ERTY IF. FOR SALE. It LIEBERMANN & HAWN, 1303 F ST. WANTED-FOR A CLIENT-A GOOD BRICK HOUSE; 8 TO 10 ROOMS; ANYWHERE IN THE LOCATION OF 12TH AND 0 N.W.- $5,000 TO $7,000; WILL PAY CASH. -It LIEBERIMANN & HAWN, 1303 F ST. WANTED-AT ONCE-HOUSES FROM $20 TO $75 A MONTH. WE WILL FURNISH GOOD. PROMPT-PAYING TENANTS FOR YOUR VACANT HOUSES. WE HAVE THE NAMES AND ADDRELSSES OF HUNDREDS WHO LOOK TO US FORt HOMES. PLACE YOUR HOUSER WITH US. STONE & FAIRFAX, ja11-St 806 & 808 F ST. N.W. WANTED-TO RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE IN N.W. section, with furnace heat and stable. Address T. L. L., 1201 4th at. n.w. ja11-2t* WANTED - NINE OR TEN-ROOM MODERN house, in good location n.w.; lot anot less than 18 ft. front; price not to exceed $6,000. I have an immediate buyer if the house and price are right. Send complete description to F. S. COLLINS, 703 12th at. n.w. (near G.) WANTED-A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 19 OR 20 ft. front, well situated n.w. or n.e., not exceed- ing $1,500 in cost. A quick sale will result by sending particulars of the lot you want to sell to _F. S. COLLINS. 703 12th at. n.w. (near (3.) WANTED - PROPERTY OWNERS TO KNOW that it will he to their interest to list their real estate with F. S. COLLINS, 706 12th at. n.w. (near G3.) Real estate sold. Rent, promptly collected. Ioans quIckly negotiated. insurance conscientiously placed. Constant applications from good tenants for desirable houses. F. S. 00LLINS, 706 12th at. n.w. (near G3.) jail-St- WANTED-ALL PERSONS DlEIRING HIGIH~ class tenant. for rooms cordially invited to call ANGLO)-AMERIOAN HOTEL BUREAU 610 1dth it. More demand. than can supply. Sken years' experience 1n Erope and America. it* WANTED-P~OnaE-PElRSONAL ATT'ENTION. TO all kinds of realty, insurance and loans. Spring demand will he a "humer." onut us early, ja9-3t* CLARK RO., l388 P. WANZED)-WE HAVE .TWB PURCHASERS ON4 hand for large boa.e.. One will pa80p,000 to $,000; must be emodern and have lrerooms, Teother party wants. a modemr om west of 16th 'ast., with 1st-Geor kitchen, and will pay $12,000 to $20,000. Besb wish to pay cash. Owners will please msand llelars ad'low. WAW~l D~aw~m OF THAT IROWXlii -W te -ae -s yamea tta andm a a er-, 400-emsattet dirsi5n WANTED-FB 1. O V0R S. 3Y NAVAE, eaicer's fam-1y, In the Dn.- hwith termts, etc., NAIY, Ut WANTWP-131 YOU I iitiIz WITH- outi ahidre, nI and bath; terms must r _uited. Address BaM Ito.11 WANTED-A. REB , ST. N.W., will pay the gents' and children and ahe and bats. Address a I" SKI w dal jall-27t* WANTED-HIGHS ie PRICE -PAID POR LADIES' AND Gtfl3EBEN'S CAST- OFF (LOTHING. ADDRESS POPIAL AND I WILL CAL& W. RICE, 131'I .M jaU-24t' - WANTED-VASH PAElTURE, -OAR- Vets, stoves and o2ceM o all kinds. Fir- biture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM, 012 Pa. ave, a.w. 'Phona 1254. jal-tf WANTED-A BH-LI OmiK Of UOMBINATION TA' ble in excellent condition, delcribe filly, state price. Address W. 0., Ctf*ier"N. 71, D..P.O. WANTED-PAWN TICKEFOR DIAMONDS AND jewelry; highest cash pridob for old gold, silver, dentist gold, platinum teeth. plates, etc. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, ja11-tf,5 438 9th St. n.w. WANTED-WILL TRADE' LADY'S REMINGTON bicycle and cash for low-frame ipaster-brake man's wheel. Write description to REMING- TON, 1304 R. L. ave.. it* WANTEI-THE ADDRSS 'OF THE PERSON in this city who prepares candidates for com- mission In the army; he coqched some candidates successfully last summer. Address Box 81, Star offiee. jal-2t* WANTED A GOOD SECOND-HAND JENNIE Lind table, slate or marble top; Apply Box 14, Star office. ja9-8t* WANTED-I WILL PAY YOU THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINQ SHOES AND HATS. ADDRESS A POSTAL I WILL CALL. R. TARSHES, 1308 7TH N.4p , jaS4t* WANTED-TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. THE only exclusive feather ~dealer in the city. E. MARKS. ja7-26t*-4 75 Myrtle st. WANTED-CASH PAID FOR ANY KIND OF MER- chandise, furniture; also sold on commission. H. ROSENBERG, Auct., 689 Ia. ave. n.w. ja6-tf WANTED-MECHANICS QUALIFIED FOR AD- vancement-Our free booklet, "Are Your Hands Tied ?" tells how thousands have doubled or large- ly Increased their earning tapacity through our spare time instruction by mail. Write to the IN- TERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Box 1630, Scranton, Pa., or call ;ay or evening, Washington office, 619 Pa. ave. nol9-tu&s-24t WANTED-LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GAi- ments. curtains, covers, carpets, blankets, veils, silks, &c., to clean or dye.. "Best dry cleaning In the ity." E. E. WHEATLEY, Dyer and Cleaner, 1068 Jefferson ave. n.w.; 'phone, West 117 Y. ja3-130t WANTED-USED PAN-AMURICAN STAMPS Ol all values. Also collections-of U. S. and foreign stamps. Highest prices paid at the old reliable stamp store, 1005 7th st. n.w. de3l-26t* WANTED-HIGHEST. CASH PRICE PAID FOR old gold and silver. After going to others, come to me. Pawn tickets bought no7-78t,4 0. W. IINES, 815 G st. n.w. FOR RENT-FLATS. FOR RENT-FINELY FINISHED APARTMENT OF 7 rooms and tiled bath, heated by hot water; south front; yard; P at. bet. 4th and 5th n.w. Will be vacant Feb. 1. $35 for winter, $30 sum- mer. W. F. NASH, 122 M n.w. ja11,1S&27,3t FOR RENT-ROOSEVELT FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND bath, newly papered; hot water heat. 1118 F St. n.e. i It* FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED ROOM IN FLAT 502, "Sherman." Itef. exchanged. It* FOR RENT-F. H1. SMITH CO., 1408 N. Y. AVE., RENTAL AGENTS, BOND BLDG. ARMY AND NAVY, 814 22d n.w., 3r. & b., steam heat, hul water, buffet kitchen... .$25, $30, $35 jal1-3t FOR RENT-C. W. B.,12141 MASS. AVE, ELE- gant 5 reoms, bath, ,2d-floor flat; steam heat; back poreh; store closet; $50. ja8-ot* FOR RENT-FOUR-ROOM-FLAT, UNFURNISHED; housekeeping permitted; no children taken; refs. exchanged. 503 13th St. n.w. ja10-3t* FOR RENT-FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH, THE WINOLA, 1006 'Mass. ave. n.w.; all outside rooms; SECOND FLOOR; $50 till Sept. 30. 631 Q N.W., 3d-floor flat;.new plumbing; cen- tral location.; $20. j9-th,s,tu-tf MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 717 14th n.w. FOR RENT-INSPECT THE. FINE, LARGE housekeeping fats in tie Helena, Oregon or Ber- wyn, 1925, 1927, 192944th ot.; prices mdst rea- sonable. Apply to ja4-tf E.. C. PAU*,GRAS, 1410 G St. FOR RENT-IN THE '1LAFtEBTTE;' 1607 7TH at. n.w.; one of the best lla in the city for the money; 4 room and File.t Vath; porcelain tub; cabinet mantels; gas &b&, Yteam heat; hot wa- ter furnished to thq nq aks 'from the cel- lar; bieele -rnd in;- jaultor, etc. Open for lnspeclo -II Utt'iffIce "forfurther Narticulars. B. F. S#UL, 7thand L sts. npw. e21-ti FOR RENT-THE PORTNER, 15TH & U STS. N.W. Absolutely Fireproof.- Three-room non-housekeeping apartments; hard- wood polished floors; tiled baths; all modern con- ventiences; excellent cafe. del4-tf FOR RENT-APARTMENTS, 265 N ST. N.W., just completed; beautiful suites of 5 rooms and bath; handsomely decorated; large closets; porch- es; $32.75 to $35.75. de12-tf WEAVER BROS., 1416 F at. n.w. FOR 1tENT-APARTMENTS 1527 I St. n.w., 4 rooms and bath, 1st floor.$50.00 901 13th at. n.w., 4 rms.,non-housekeeping.$35-00 71% P at. n.e., 5 rooms and bath..........$17.80 dell-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-MODERN NEW APARTMENTS; five rooms and tiled bath; steam heat; line view; good neighborhood. On U at. between 30th and '31st sts. n.w. tent only $25. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., de2-tf REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. FOR RENT-"THE DRISCOLL," 1ST AND B STS. n.w.. has for rent handsomely furnished and un- furnIshed apartments of 3 to 5 rooms and bath, with or without housekeeping facilities; every appointment most modern; southern exposure; facing U. S. Capitol grounds; excellent cafe; i- tered wates; electric lights. no7-ti T. A. McKEE. Mgr. FOR RENT-MODERN FLATS, COR. EAST CAP- itol and 15th ata.; 6i rooms; tiled baths; cabinet mantels; hardwood finish; dumbwaiters; light roomns; $15 to $18. CHARLES V. MALLET. 330 4%, at. n.w. no25-tf FOR RENT - "OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS, CO- lumibia Heights; thoroughly fireproof; army and navy headquarters; five and seven rooms; all modern conveniences; moderate rates. nol1-ti - OSCAR W.' WHITE, 1116 F st. APARTMENTS TO LET. FOR RENT~--ROOM APARTMENT ON 6TH FLR. of The Iowa, ec. 18th and 0 a. w.; very desIr- able; present occupant obliged to leave city. Price, $60 per month. THE' McLACHLEN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN CO., cor. 10th and G n.w. ja11-6it FOR RENT- THE MONTGOMERY, on southeast corner of M and North Capitol streets, is ready for occupancy. Entirely new four-story brick building, with thirty-two light, bright, cheer- ful and, very conveniently arranged apart- ments, with kitchen, 4lng room, bed, room, parlor. b~ath room, reception hall each, with stola-e lockers In. bagelnent. Rents, $32.50 and $35.. Open for inspectIon. . .Call for dia- gram. B. I. 'WARNER CO., ja1-eod,5t -- 916 F at. n.w. FOR RENT-. IN THE SAVOY, 2804 14TH ST. N.W., a 4-room housekeeping apatment, furnished .or unfurnished. ExcellentcafeIn building.. de24-tt FOR RENT-THE C0LUI&hA, 14TH AND BIN- ney ats. (fire-proof building), overiooking the cIty; apartments of B-and 6 reoups and bath; southern exposuee; electric light'; 41tere4 water; laundry, etc.; open for Inspection.s nolS-ti JAMES A. CAHILL, 1308 F at. nw. THE SIEERMC' AtIFMENTS, Corner 15th an, Seven stories;. electric and gas lights; das .,Scbnelder, archi- tect; 1 suite ~ e~ pantry, bath and store room~ AppSy Agnt LOSTAgDROUND. LOST-RED SPANIEY )GWITH LONG TAIL. Suitable reward it rgiel.0to 2023 Q at. n.w. LOST-A BUNCH Old htRYS ATTACHED TO ring and chain. Suitable reward if left at 343 Pa. ave. n.w. 1e t* FOUND-LADIES' WAMIER~. DN L ST. BETWEEN Conn. ave. and 18th E4 Priday morning. Owner please apply 1628 K lt. n.'st it LOST - JANUARY 19. 01SONN. AVE., DE Sales or I sts. n.,~ sl small blue-en- ameled gold watch. 11UeE111 be rewarded by leavIng same at 142j$ P"W' it1 LOST--ON 'JAN. 8, AM inR GILT CARD) case. Liberal reward'If ledarned to No. 506, the SHERMAN, cor. 15th flndia tS- It* LOST1-JAN. 10 SCIYCCH E-RRIER ANSWERS to name of "dlie." -Libhral relia5i if returned to 1522 K St. n.w. - ja11-2t* UOST-CO(YRNR STE Hi~ STS.' N.lit,- THURS- day evening; Iark nebuiihlla reefer. Re- ward if left 'at U15'W Sn.e. -It S1TAYED-MONDAY, JA 6; BGO'r0H COLIE piupy,4black 1nges ne tee~iot white. Return --1840 Md. a*:-a. ine~ wu LOWIE+5-ANUARY 1% ,AMEW 60W 'ggMgg esse -a fbta1 se m FOR RENT-LaRGn BRIGHT ROOM ON tEMr ftor with private family. 2? K St. M.w. ja11-t FOR RENT - TWO SINGLE 001 UTUIG rooms, suitable for two geinseaa; bath as ame oor, near two lnes ot carm. Apl atIM H- st nW. jan-gs* FOR RENT-A BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOM, WEL frnished; In Ierington fate; ref. W. 1. IV* TO RENT-LARG WELL-FURNINM', SEC- obd-foor frout room; southern exposme; 4 wIn- .dow; well heated- convenient to OptolIJ- brary and all car hues; o ehildren. = St. n.e- it* FOR RENT-151o 18TH ST. N.W., TWO BRIGHT warm, communicating rooms; well furnIshed an lighted; an third floor. -. I FOR RZNT-2'FURNISHED ROOMS; L. H. K. permitted; private family. Apply 1412 8th at. .-w- lt* 1OR RENT-FURNISHED. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, or part-of house, including Art floor. 2310 20th at., Wash. Heights. jai.-3t FOR RENT-1114 L ST. N.W., LARGE, COM- fortably furnished, well-heated rooms, In private family. Jail-6t* FOR RENT-130 C ST. .K. LARGE, NICELY furnished rooms, well heated, in private family. ja11-4t* FOR REINT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; SAME floor as bath. 1427 N at. n.w. jall-2t FOR RENT-12K2 MASS. AVE. N.W., ONE LARGE, nicely fur. front room, on secobd floor; also one front room on third floor; suitable for gentlemen; a.m.l.: terms reasonable. la FOR RENT--157 I ST. N.W., PARLOR, 3 BED rooms, office and bath; second floor; southern ex- posure; just vacated. It* FOIL RENT-TO GENTLEMAN, FURNISHED front room; second story; references exchanged. Apply 3112. 0 St. n.w. it FOIL RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH PR- vate family; references exchanged. 921 R at. n.w. it* FOR RENT--3 NICE, FURNISHED ROOMS. 207 Pa. ave. n.w. jall-2t* FOR RENT-TO GENTLEMAN, HANDSOMELY furnished room, adjoining bath. HILLER'S, 606 13th st. n.w. jall-3t* - FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board. 820 6th n.w. ja1l-3t* FOR RENT LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED) front room. 1010 H Rt. n.w. jl1-3t* FOR RENT -NICELY FURNISHED 2D-STORY room: mahogany folding bed; to lady or gentle- men; $10 per month; hall room, to gentleman only, $5; new house; modern bath room; no chil- dren. 223 Indiana ave. n.w. it* FOR RENT-NEWLY AND WELL FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite. 1120 13th at. n.w. Gentlemen preferred; references. jall-St" FOR RENT-WASHINGTON ROOM-RENTING CO., 6W7 13th, near F at. Information and carriages free. Rooms Inspected; no cards; no publicity. Wanted 60 select furnished rooms. ja1l-6t* FOR RENT-BY REFINED FAMILY ADULTS, one very nicely furnished room. 220 East Capitol St. It FOR RENT-LARGE FURNISHED FRONT AND back rooms, with use of kitchen. 815 5th St. n.w. it* FOR RENT-317 EAST CAP. ST., A NICE FUR- nished room, southern exposure. lae FOR RENT-JAN. 24. SIX LARGE. BRIGlT rooms, furnished for housekeeping; 3 floors; fine location; near Capitol. 206 5th s.e.; $25. in- quire 110 5th n.e. It FOR RENT-TWO LARGE 3D-FLOOR ROOMS, one front; hot water beat; tiled bath on same floor; private family; gentlemen only. 1347 L St. n.w. jal1-2t* FOIL RENT-FOUR DESIRABLE ROOMS ON 1ST, 2d and 3d fhoor; good locality; few doors from 9th st. cars. 921 8 st. n.w. 18' FOR RENT-A WELL FURNISHED FRONT HALL room; good heat and light; private family; price. $6. 2823 14th st. 1t* FOR RENT-A LARGE, WELL FURNISHED SEC- on-l-story front room; southern exposure; gentle- men only. 1215 M st. n.w. jall-2t* FOR RENT-1012 I ST. N.W.. FRONT PARLOR room, large communicating bed room; suitable for doctor's office; handsomely furnisheld; $32. Large, sunny so'th room. $11; for two, $12. jaI0-2t FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED FiONT ROOM on main floor, with private bath. Gentlemen only. (00 6th St. n.w. jal0-3t* FOIL RENT--1008 H Sr. N.W., TWO LARGE rooms, southern exposure; well heated. ja1o-2a* FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH- front room; hot-water heat. Apply 905 N St. n.w. jall-lt* FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS IN COR- ner house; one square from Capitol. Library and cars; southern exposure. 101 2d n.e. jal1-2t* FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED PARIOR AND bedl room, with bath, on first floor; southern ex- posure; reasonable. 417 Q St. n.w. ja9-3t* FOIL RENT-BY REFINF) FAMILY OF ADULTS, two fur. front. sunny rooms, to. gentlemen. Ap- ply 1104 13th at. n.w. ja9-4t* FOIL RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISHED, WELL- heated south rooms, second and third floors. 1004 M at. n.w. Gentlemen preferred. References. ja9-3a* FOR RENT-NICELY FUR. 2D-FLOOR ROOMS, single or en suite; porcelain baths. Apply 1322 L at. nw.,s,3t* FOR RENT-2 FURNISHED ROOMS ON SECOND floor; a.m.i.; private family. 1739 13th st. n.w. je8-4t* FOIL RENT-815 14TH ST. N.W., ONE ROOM ON Second floor; gentlemen only. ja7-6t* FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS, STRICTLY first-class; hot-water beat; boarding. 414 6th et. n.w. ja4-6t* FOR RENT-1017 CONN. AVE., THREE LARGE communicating rooms, with private bath. ja2-12* FOR RENT-OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL, 815 Vermont ave., handsome suite of three rooms, with private bath; for gentlemen only. deS-tf UNFURNISHED. FOIL RENT-3 LARGE, BRIGHT ROOMS ON 2D floor; modern conveniences. 27 M n.w. jall-3t* FOR ENT--TWO UNFUR. ROOMS; HEAT, GAS Sand bath; no children. Apply 508 5th at. n.w.1t* FOR RENT-TWO BEAUTIFUL UNFURNISHIED rooms on 2d floor and thiree on 3d; will rent sep- arately; modern Improvements; furnace heat; tiled bath and fireplaces; cars and herdies pass door. 2148 F t. n.w. it* FOIL RENT-THIRD FLOOR OF WELL-KEPT house; no children; refs. 332 E n.e. 1t* FOR RENT-FUR. AND UNFUR, ROOMS IN CElN- ter of city; near all depts.; heat; gas; hot water, all times; gas for cooking. 309 14th st. n.w. it* FOR RENT-1534 15TH ST. N.W., PLEASANT 'om. rooms: a.m.i.; small private family, it* FOIL RENT-THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. second door; convenient to cars and market. 27 7th st. a.e. ja10-2c FOR RENT - TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms, second floor; also one on third floor; heat, bath, gas. 920 8tn at. n.w. ja10-2t* FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED - FOUR NICE rooms on 2d floor; locality Dupont Circle, half block from cars. 1619 19th at. n.w. .ja1-12t* FURNISHED OR UNFUIRNIWNHED. FOR RENT-BACHELOR TO SHARE 4-ROOM apartment with gentleman; large, airy' rooms, centrally located; steam beat; reasonable.- Ad- dress "GAMMA," Star offiee. it* FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO KiTCH- en, with ample cupbbards and closets; range. Centrally located. Suitahl* for light housekeep- ing; steam; no children. Address "RHO.," Star office, 1 FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHU)D ROOM, 2D floor, and two beautiful unfurniahed rooms, south front, 3d floor; steam heat; with quiet family; Sreferences exchanged. 1133Yale t. n.w. ja1-3t* FOR RENT-FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms on second and third floors. At 828 13th at. nw. ja11-3t* FOR RENT-FURNISHEm AND UNFURNISH]!D Srooms and office;refa. 122615thst.n.w.ja1-t* FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, second-floor south-front room; heat, gas; near Capitol and LUbrary. 314 B at. n.e. 1t* FOR RENT-1726 15TH ST., DESIRABLE 2D- story front room; also 3d-story front; gentlemen preferred; referencesexchanged.. - 1t' FOR RENT-IN NEW FLAT, 3 ROOMS, FURNISH- Dd or ply fuornished; slingle or ensuite. Apply THE STANTON, 128 C at. n.e. ja10-2e* FOR RENT-OFFICES. FOR RENT--DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS IN THU Lenman bldg., 1425 New York- ave.; elevator; steam heat; moderate rent. ja11-3t A. T. COUMBE, 1425 ew York ave. FOIl~ RENT-OFFICE ROOMS IN NO. 6137 F RJ!. n.wv., near patent office; newly papered andmpaint- ed; $8 to $15. it A. F. FOX CO. (Inc.), _920 F at. n.w. FOR RESNT--DESK ROOM; -CENTRAILY 10- cated; 1st floor.;. ateam heat; electric lights; free telepone; $10 per mo. Apply to B. F. 3D- WAI1), 1201 G st. n~w. ja10.30t FOR RENT-.OFFICE.IN BOND RLDG., 14TH AND N. Y. ave., elegantly furnished and kpor en- furnished; heated and weR lighted. e orry or permanently. Cheap. Addresa A. A. 1.Sa offee. jad4t* FOR REFJW-CORNER ROOM ON THE 1I3TH floor of our build! about 23 ft. a 90 ft.; ex- septionally well hIted; passenger and freight elevator servicel Steam heal; electrie lights; sult- able for offie or jighf manufacturing purposes. For terms and farther prina Iiquire doltt BARBER A ROW 1teaseG etin. a.. YOU BAY YOU MU SUS TI)OhUAL AGASNT WeR, thit-is met saaad - - e e7g onsvb ~ gFyn i alm Sar messw aooms ms ~m, MAM -HRyinED ROM 14OR o 4OOO bow tabl; ams oqigiW sAm 6=7n 2W3o St,.... usIt WAN'EED-RMI GENTANI AND WIFR as boarders- vage samiy- tearm Msainain; tit- Ademe.. rOdd lBstar siee. 1702 P ST-LAROR, FURX m) .pKOU.T ron; Well bsted; amedket Odft hard; eablf only. it* ROOMs. WITH O WITHOUT SOARD. US R- ate tamly. man d wIfe .r e.e .Im.; bm. comforts. -111d th at. a.w. jai1-3t* NEATLY FURNRnnD ROOM AND 400D board, S; very large fast room, w-t board ftr two, $4; towd locatioe. 2Sn Now Jersey a"e. 9.e- it* LABGE, WARM, BRIGHT ROOM. NORTH AND south emposret; rst-eless board; resasabe rates; referenees. 1117 I St. m.W. It* FUR. ROOM, WiTH EXwR1AA&'T TABLE boar, near Capit ibrasy and all car lines; reasonable rates. lot st. ame. jai141t* COMFORTABLY FURNISHE) ROOMS, WE rH excellent table board; hose well kept and warm. 1716 F'at. n.w. jall-3t* 1302 R ST. N.W.. CORNUME HOUSE; HOT-WATER heat; desirable furnished rooms; frst-class board; refs. jal1-st* FOR RENT-215 E. CAP. ST.. VERY NEAR CA*- itol, 2d-loor suites or single moms; special rates; grate fres If desired; ex. table; water from new reservoir. jaIl-2t* FOR RENT-WITH BOARD, LARGE, HAND- somely furnished room, with aleove: 2i-foor front; small private family. 1719 15th at. FOR EilNT-HANDiOME FRONT ROOM, WITH board- $35 for two. Apply at 474 0 st. a.w. Mrs. NOLk ja1l-6t* AT 1502 VERMONT AVE.. DELIGHTFUL FRONT rooms, for. or unfur., with board. it* CHOICE OF LARGE, WELL-PURNISHED FRONT- rooif on second foor, with excellent board; boen cooking; small family; house and location first- class; transients accommodated; terms reason- able. Apply 1.437 11th at. n.w. jal1-s.m.w3t 217 EAST CAPITOL--BEAUTIFUL ROOMS; EN suite or single: one block from Library; two from Capitol; house first-class; table excellent; terms low, It* LARGE IEATED ROOM. WITH LARGE CLOSEr: southern exposure; 2d floor; board for 2, $45. 1224 13th. It* FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED SECONi- story front room; bay window; other rooms; with excellent board. 1132 10th St. n.w. It* FOR GENTLEMEN. 2D-FLOOR FRONT ROOM and rooms third foor; also table hoard: cook noted for bread and coffee. 1507 Vermont ave. n.w. it* PLAIN LIVING, HIGH THINKING; -ONGENIAL, sociological, co-operative residence club; near Library. Address BROOK FARM, Star oilce. It* LARG'E, WARM ROOM; GOOD BOAlWD; PRIVATE family; price moderate; gentlemen only. 1317 11th at. n.w. It* 201 E. CAP. ST., FACING CAPITOL AND Li- brary; well-furnished rooms; excellent table; mod- erate rates; nepr all car lines; transient and table boarders a specialty. Ja10-26t MORE ROOMS THAN WANTED BY MAN AND wife; modern house; southern exposure; every- thing neat and clean; gentlemen only; near de- partments. 1911 G at. n.w. ja10-2t* IN FRENCH FAMILY. ROOM AND BOARD; also table board; refs. required. 532 20th St. n.w. ja10-t* 1528 COICIORAN ST.-SECOND-FLOOR. SUNNY, bright, large room, bow window, cabinet mantel. steam heat, for two gentlemen or couple. with excellent board. jaIO-4t* FOR RENT-1616 K ST., PLEASANT ROOMS and good board; references. 1000 K at. jalo-7t' DNIIlABLE HOME; PRIVATE FAMILY; ROOMS with board; home comforts; reasonable rates; location central; car lines one square. 1423 8:h at. n.w. ja1O-3t* FOR RENT-DESI RABLE 21D-STORY FRONT room, with board; also smaller rooms; hot and cold water; largc closets: furnace heat; conven- tent to cars. 1449 N at. n.w. jal0-2t* FOR RENT-BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOMS, WITH private family: so. exposure; four doors frotm electric cars. 1347 Q st. ja9-t* FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD; suitable for two. 235 13th at. s.w. jag-3t* 1313 N N.W., LAtGE 2D-FLOR, SOUTH-FRONT room, with or without board; reasonable to gen- tleman; transients accommodated. ja9-3t FOt GENTLEMAN OR LADY. COIFORTABLE rooam. r uthern exposure; home-cooked board. 11122 I st. n.w. ja9-3t* LARGE SECOND STORY. BY JANUAIIY 15. WITH table board. Apply 1017 12th at. n.w.* ONE LARGE, U4NE SMALL ROOM, WITH OAtU. 1358 Yale at.. Columbia Heights. ja7--t* FOR RERT-STORES, FOR ItENT-F. II. SMITH 00., 1408 N. Y. AVE., RENTAL AGENTS, BOND BLIIG. 1537 14th n.w., store and 7r. and b $..........$;0.00 711 H n.e., store and Or. and b., stable.... 27.50 jal1-3t FOR RENT-CFNTRALLY 1iOCATED STORE, '0. 730 11th dt. n.w., with work rooms in rear; steam heat; $10. It A. F' FOX CO. (Inc.), 920 F at. n.w. FOR RENT-1007 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.. SUIT- able for <octor, dentist or any light businets, bright rooms, hall, back entrance; fne business location. Apply 1322 G n.w. ja9-t* FOR RENT-1328 0 ST. N.W., 'STORE, OFFICE and workroom; iard, back entrance; best busi- ness location. 1ent. $30. Apply 1322 G nw. ja9-3t* FOR RENT-618 PENNA. AVE. N.W.; LARGE 6- story brick store, running through block, contain- Ing 15,000 square feet of flooring and 2 elevators. and may be converted into two stores, with car line on each front; $4,200 per annum. Possession March 1. TH(OMAS E. WAGGAMAN, ja4-s,m.w,12t 917 F St. n.w. BUSINESS CHANCES. JORDAN WHITE SULPHUR SPItNGS FOR SALE. Situated in Frederick county, Virginia, about 90 miles from Washington, on the line of the Balto. and Ohio railroad. Hotel, with modern improvements-baths, electric bells and gas--and cottages furnishing more than 100 rooms ready for occupancy. Grounds of 100 acres. attra- tively improved. Springs of sulphur and Iron water. For further Information apply at Win- chesater,'Virginia, to W. ROY STEPHENSON, Trustee. R. GRAY W1ILLIAMS, Special Commissioner. ja11-stf FOR SALE-BOA~tDING HOUSE. FORTY-ONE rooma, filled with good-paying boarders; fine loca- tion; nicely furnished; price, $2,800; part cash, balance on time. Address "GOOD) HNCE," Star offie-. ja11-2t* A PARTY CONDUCPING A PAYIlNG AND) RAP- idly growing business in the northwest wiahes to meet a business man who will buy the property now occupied and enlnarge it to suit the busIness requirements, giving a lease for a term of years. Very beat references, and open to fullest investi- gation. A good investment. Address PROGRESS, Star offie- 1 i* WANTED - A PARTNER TO ATTEND TO claims; ability more than means desired. Ad- dress CLAIMS, Star oedice. it* FOR SALE- A Decided Bargain to Settle an Estate. 10 acres land, only 16 squares from U. S. Capi- tol bldg. fronting 660 feet on lride ave., peblic park 4)d1 two streets; all atreet improvwements made: ean be soid &t, a large -isat'- meart ground sold lately at O0e. a foot. Price only Se, .foot. 'Thrm. to sit. Apply G. J. BUND), F st.ja11-s,t,th-6t* WANTED-A PARTY WHO CAN FURNISH $5,000 or $6,000 ready cash as patesilent if preferred, to engage in a gosafe business, where large profits areasurd.Address fBi 105, Star office. It* ARIZONA GOLD AND COPPER STOCK, $2 PERL share; new automatic snamnplng plant just corn- pletedpronunced the finest in Arianna. C. A. SWANN, Atlantic buIlding, 930 F t. .w. ja1-3* PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDrO ON PA. AVE. FORL sale. -For particulars address Bex 197, Star SPLENDID CHIANCE-42,000 CASH, BALANCE ON time, will buy bgsiness andi residential property worth $7,600; tenanted and resting for $54 per month. Address Boa 220, Star o~ee. ja11.6t* FOR RENT--FINE S-STORY '(6 ROOMS* BRICK- stone dwelling and -bakery; No. 206 7th at. a.w.; moderate rental. Apply to THE ABUTNGTON SINS. O., 105 Pa. ave. .w. -a11-6t FOR SALER-IGH-CLASS -CAFE AND IMNCH room; beautifully fltted: in center of city; doing a good cash businaess; Lous, B to d;. no Sunday businesa; owner contractor; can't give peresna.i attention; price, $600 eash. Address Box 154, Star offie,- it' FOR SALE-CHEAP-CAFE IN FIRRT-CLAill apartment house; moderate rent. .pnyJ. C. WEEDON & CO., 224 E. (kin. St- a1-3t $3,000 AT ONCE WILL SECURE HALF INT~t- eat in modern-oquipped laundry that will sara on investment $45 weekly; investigate quick; party ieiring. Addresa Box 50, Star oemec. 1t* WANTED-PARTY, GENTLEMAN OR LADY, TO join advertiser in' purchasing smalreae best section northwest,- for homnes, near dteara* greatest bargain in Diatrict today. BRe T Star ALL MANNER OF WH1TUWAING, KArta- OUR SUPERINWBNDENT'S LAST REI"ORT shows -that we have- p5,05 irti qf copper are issight, and should havsteam dril at erne. To raise .nedeat fonda Emontdat.Ig, we. sIg sail F0 shares of our stuck at a special paes.m' SCall at snce. sams 25 and 20,.5181 at. s2-18t,6 FOR Saym-.ONE O5 -HY WB'iT-,fsm and whoesomae tquer atoas- in atket sesse 19th ad Iaal,. sw.; ewrn ha twon am.; esa Satte n tom. only.ApplY-st-S ew-Tsstage.- agulrd l of -s setps e m- iegn FOB RENT---UNUM7AL1. WNVgmag thmee haarishm; 9 4C bath; feroSre and 3 - aa ecal rang abe a . FJ ca = teamat. A 11jau t FO RENT - HANe11M0E teems; eralag Thuman Comet; m m 04 2 baths; aaten; metg mml I if skd 1.600 par V~a. i rorn RENT-BARGAINS IN 1100lt 1 in 1th It., Sr.. Gme atlretta, . . I near et, F 11CLARtK RROL., 13111 F. FOR RENT-FI'RNliE --A 2-MMY RaEM house; bath, butler's paatry; atable; 9B- geted and palata; frmeety ep by M. 4. Als - boom. OW. 14 a St. M.. j11-Ste FOR RNT-14ESMRANJC PUNlSEED 1 8 e.. and bath; t. Od. ; e..,.ra, delghtfully bested; =teswa ewellnt; trms moderate. Apply at 1714 16th at. amw. ja09-at FOR RENT-MObLBBN 10-OM BOV ; PER. fat ceadition; completely funished. tI-ladlng bedding and table ware; near Capitol and IA. brary; $ft In advance; teferenceg eaebagea. Address B. U. W.. Ntar oelre. jam-st* F"It RENT--FtUREIAHED -w E, M uF. N.W. handsoame 3-atuq rick; 14 reams; el mod. I In frt-clasP order; $125 Per Rie. A. T. MAN. 1321 F St. n.w. 302-I nOB RENT--BY DAVIS & WT~TEVANT. 101 0 at. D.w.-1430 Staaghtom at. The begae be brick. 3 storiee. 8 room, and lth; Is cnanpletly ftr- washed, and can be rested for tea mnths. Mrr- thing is in perfect condition. .01u-*t YOu RENT--iug 111 ST. N.W. Beautifully furnamhed; 11 roomis; modemr baths. MOST FAIHIONABIE IA)CAION. lnapecties by penmit only. H. CLAY bTEWART & SON. 617 14th at. a.w. ja7-4t FOR RENT-F'RNISHED. FOR SIX MONTHS at $115. or 11.20 per annum; worth W000 er year; 16th at.; fashlnable section. INKPLL & McLKAN, 108 F at. D.w. Ja-et FOR RENT-TEN ROOMS. WIL FtURNESHItU; hair mattressea; sime plann; beautiful leoattoa- windows all aidea. Address or ew U. T. JANNSE at CartiS School. 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. 8031-t FUISHKD OR t-F4IRINSKED. FOR RIENT-Y THOS. 3. FIBHER & CO.. INCORPORATED. 1414 F ST. N.W. lilConnaTo-.isr$30.W 14th above Fla ave. 1531 N H av, 15r..208.31 lor ..............0.60 Io6 15th no, 11r 20P.00 1215 K Capitol. 10r.4I.00 13 Vt ST. Mr...:175.00,1739 8 w. Or..... .50.0 1812 H. 15r .......1'003404 Morgan aw.lor..42.10 343 P aw, 17r.. .125.00 1313 Q ow. 9r......36.00 1101 F, 17r...... 100.00 32 Me av nw. 10r. .30.79 901 16th nw. 15r. .100.00 1234 29th nw. Ir.. .30.00 1833 Jeff pl aw.14r. 100.00 Lota Noa.34-25aTS8..2.0 1328 19th aw. l5r. .100. 1373 H De. br......14.0 601 18th am. 13r...110.00 214-218-2392-r2 lat 1632 K aw. lr. ...4.331 aw. Or. each......12.59 1431 R I av nwIlr.83.33 235 lot aw. Sr..... 1.00 1720 Q nw.........75.00 6 DaMuin's row. 5r.8.40 130M 20th nw. 10r..75.0092319 maamplaine ave. 100 B ne. 13r...... 75.00 m 2r............4.00 905 E mw. 12r...... A0 16 Watkins pl. Oevy 1SM Clue ar nw.10r.65.00I Chase, 2r....... 6M W02 E at. 11r.... . Lot 1. eq 65. Dm1 1305 Yale, 12r...::. a* & C aw.......Oggr 1300 L nw. 10r.... .55.1 Lots 19-3,5 q 679 1515 Kemesaw, 11r. .U.*' bet Mas & Lm aws 183 Vernu av. 13r.5Io.00 & F mape, a'am.1.200 FTRNISRED-PER ANNUM. 19th bet I and R..8.0u0i Maw av bt 2 &23d.1.00 16th bet & K w..6.000 R near 18th mw... ..809 17th and H ow.....6,000 Woodley lane........900 15th bet H &I 1w.5,400 8 bet 16tb&lTth nw.1.600 IzwIeside 18th at & Phelpa pI ...1.0 ~wai4 av......3.600 1 bet 2OthL21st aw. 1.500 Man bet l7tb&l8th.3.00 Q bet 17tb&Ibth m .1.500 16th bet 0 & P nw.3.600 Yale bet 13th&L4th.1.500 Coma av bet H & 1..3,300 19th ur Ilupont cir..1.60W 16th bet Q & It nw.3.000 15th het () & P om.1.50&1 20th bet 1 & Q uw.3.t1N0 Anaderland place.. .1.310 Vt av bet K & L... 2.7001 bet 2otb&2lat ow.1.200 20th bet N &0 nw.2.700 Banernft 1 mw.....1.200 I bet 18th&l9th nw.2.520 11 bet 12th & L3th..1.600 Mass av or 15th nw.2.400 12th bet U & Vw .. .900 Iowa circle w.....2.400 Cincin aw. Wash Hgto.960 Conn av bet t & ..2,000 Kirk at. Chevy Chase.U0' 13th bet L & M... .200 Corcoran &ear 18th...900 The Maury.No.33.4r.$40 The Maury, No. 32, 4r.$40 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED AND UNFURtNMU1- ED APARTMENTS IN "'EIE POR1LAND." OFFICES. BuildIng 8th & D.$250.00 1114 F. desirable e0ees 212-14 1, 2d door..1.(kAK 620 F, desirable ofces 502 E. lir........ 0.00 640-7 7th, desirable ofiles 1421 F, 3d 6 front..25.00 "Century bidg." 0 e m 512-14 F. 2r........15.09 bldg. all Ihps, aMo SE cor 12th&F nw. denalt. rooms from $12 to able olices, from $12.50 me. Entire Soers, to $50.00. 1 15 per - 1423 F. desirable ofeen . -MIcRES. BoUdIng t!&D..$250.00 623 E nw (ba&e9... .25.60 1210 D nw....25. 0 12925 M at.........31.00 487 Pa av w ..75.00 STABLES. 1407 Mass av frearp$40.00 1723 R I av nw ferrl.15.0 1416 1 ow (rear) ....31.5. 1708 15th n (reari.10.00 1717 I nw (rear.... .2.00:1218 9th aw (tear.. .6.00 1012 14th ow 4rear18S.00j CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT- DNG AN) COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM AIL CLASSEM OF PROPER17ES. Fotr full lat of furnished and unfurnished housm flatr. olcea, storis and stables apply at o11c1. jall-tf FOR RENT-STONE & PAIBFAX. 986-S8 F N.W. $150...Iowa cirle. i5r.h $a;.tere .1th & K MW $125......... 719 6th nw $30..StoeeL. 7th &M aw .80 7th ma. storea$3... 1624 7th ow, ate .33. .2110 0 nw. 12r.b $25.50. . .648 Q amw. r.b -.-.-.-.-....153 . fat $356....2010 1 Om, Sat 1.75..911 H aw. 11r.b £5.50..2001 Gth nw,7r.b ...o.513 9th w, store =i.A .... .320 T aw. r.b .75.1300Kenesaw.Or.b $25.50..1430 8th ar. br.b .65...917 R mw, lor.b 25.50.1608 15th na.Tr.b $50.50.1311 Colm rd.llr.b .50.2102 17th nw,6r,b $50..Warehome. N J ave $2L.-k.Tahoma Park. br.b ....1332 tR . 12r.b $=5... .04 Pa av aw, 2r .30.1618 15th nw.10r.b $24. .512 Spruce ar, fat 550 ...1516 8 nw, 9r.b $.50.... .147 C ne. 7r.b 2.50...2034 1 ow. 9r.b M.50.50& Fla at ow..b .50.1372 larvard.1r.b $22.50... .513 10th me, or $40.50.12l5Prince'n.lor,b .50.2210 14th, sto. ata $40.0....3044 14th. 10r.b .5... .2208 F ow. 6r.b 40.50..1309 9th nw, br.b $=...514 Spruce iaw. Get $40.50..1325 T nw, 10r.b 93K50...... 54 0 De. Or.b .50. .2120 1st nw. or,b $20.50..210-12 B aw,r.b 40.50..1300 W nw, ler.b,$2o.50. .. 1102 K n. Gr,b 40.50. .1009 8th ow, 'r 0....y ttaille. Md $37.50.....1811 18th. 1or 17.W0... 7th me. 6r.b - 3539 Morganar.9r.b $14.5...408 Albiny ne, Sr .0. ..2145 P nw. br.b $15.30.. .1506 12th me. Or .50.32 Q nw. Dr.b $13.30.21 o me. Gr.b .50..2110 1st mw, 9r.b 1L2.&1.1503 ltloedale,or.b $32.50.....80 R nw. 8r.b 12.50..51 M aw. Sr. ate .50. . 1.14 9 nw.-r,b 1.5.1005 N J aV e.6, 9.50. .423 10th ne, 8r b $1.30o.129 4Golden am. 4r 34.50...1201 U nw, 7r.b'$.30..918 St l'aul'a ct. 3r ~n.50....z30 8 mm. 8r.b1 FUJRNISHWl. ~ 000. .F nr 18th. 14r.2lb 9125..Q nr 22d, l6r ,000. .16th mm, 20r. 2bi $100. .Coluambia read, 1er 1,800.. .0 near 21st, l2r $100. .. .Conm at & 8. lOr 91,5010.M1 mm or Thos cir 110.... mm. 1Cr. b $1,000. .18th ow, lot. :'b 100... .Q nr 17th, 14r. b r20..owa circle, 15r. 3b.. .. .13tb neat 8. 7r.b 150... .R I as, 16r. 2h6 0...1t nm near $120. .20th nr Dupont cir $50..... near 16t it FORL RENT-BY Rt. 0. HOLTZMAN. REAL !EATU and Inastumace Broker, 10th and F eta. nm.. Chamberlin's and 141h L, 1218 12th mm, Sr.. .42.50 38rt, lb, per an. .95,060 1208 T7. Or........3.0 22 Laf e,. 20r. lb. 727 6th mm. 1t. .. .33.60 etc.., per annum. .4.00927 Rt K av. Sr....30.0 1527 NH av.20r,2b.2.500 460 Fla at mm. Er. .22.0 Martini Hall. 914 E.200.00 1111 F mm r...St .2.00 309 13th mm. 21r. . .83.33 116 10th mm 7r. .22.60 1861 Mintw'd p.1Sr.75.00 692 ErIe at. 6m.2.* 812 Comm at. ...5.00 300 13th mm. Sr... .12.60 911 K mm.5tsa.W6 227 Q am, Sata..1.6 1321 U, Or apta... .5.00 'K neer 17 5rl~... RI Bla at leth,,54.J Mas at A 4h 2r3U 16th amr 3.1Sr... .1 N H av Mr...3.00E arU l5r.. 1..l60 Conn av ,ar d1th:500 ~mlzat. 1Sr. 2b.160 Iowa crl.15r.. 2824e019th meer0 Sr....13 20h*a 1St.. .J0nesar 17t. ..16* "Atlantje heat Edne i639 F am...5 to 59 b~s"from 80 to 25~ 470 Ema at.. IO 133 1111 aw.m Sd 12. .35.001 88 7th am....1.09 22? Q n.m.......... ..................1.19~e 13? R I at (rear).9120 1)60 Pa av e (sma4) 0 .1......r...... ...6.00 1 FOR RET .8 . . 7th am, ates . 5.1911 Termsat at. St 89.427Pa avw.8iSm.The Me &S ~.34. .25set me~tar.11 ....-..u21 ai., S 6.916 F am. baemaet .58Th. emaa, .---n.ata. llt$.8.. ...487 1th mSt ....2 1 Q t, 1*1e . 4..1 13th am & .0...911H am. 1i ... .gU1 Pg a, .80... l00 226 mm. & ..817 Saah nw. .67..221 Cap t. 1t ....The Milte. ..1225niv am.1% 94.60.4413 Kaae== av*k .........1614 ti am. 1le .5I.7 F Gat. & ------...86 II aw. eme03 .8...420 .. a, St ..a2 9th mm apr ee 8 .4M Anth.t pa. ?T 70... .1923 aw, 1l1~ .. ~ tS 50....1012?aw, e........6151 nma. eee .50..106 aw M18.39. .171* 17th mm. Sr 65... .220? K am, 1e 1.0g...,.gg 8 mm, S .... .917 B am, 11.68 F am. AS -.......4 - -k at. 1 ::::.. a ..;..m. ,... .179a.m .... .... ...6.th5. 0 O...l8 19t am. ----66E*se Rd0..612 Mth-a. ------6363*, St .610....325 T a m,s - . La e t's t .17l5Osse' aw ---E w ja11 t 3. H. WAiE W-. MS F n-m- yea RET-TB .V.AUL. B3 anl in. . SthEa.ateedmg 96.990K as,4 aa. ...

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Page 1: The Evening Star WATED-RELP. Offices. 6=7n · The Evening Star Branch Offices. Several important changes have re- ently been made in The Star branch offlices. ALLPOSTALTELEGRAPH OFFICES

The Evening StarBranch Offices.

Several important changes have re-

ently been made in The Star branch

offlices. ALL POSTAL TELEGRAPHOFFICES are branch offices of The

Evening Star.One csnt a word for Rooms For

Rent-Rooms and Board-Boarding-Wanted Help and Situations.If not convenient to call at main

office with your advertisements leavethem at the following places:

NORTHWEST.One. ave. and L st.-Wood's Drug Store.Vermront are. and I t.-King's Drug Store.34th at. and R. I. ave.-Huddleson's Drug Store.15th and U sts.-Portner Drug Store.14th at. and Welling Place-Eppley's Drag Store.7tb and T sts.-Criswell's Drag Store.Woodward & Lothrop's-Pototal Telegraph Olice.S. Kann, Sons & Co.-Postal Telegraph Office012 Pa. are.-Postal Telegraph Office.Gth and F sts.-Postal Telegrapif Offie.fth and B st%.-Postal Telegraph Offce,U. S. Capitol-Postal Telegraph Office.City Post Omfe-Postal Telegraph Office.Ebbitt House-Postal Telegraph Office.Riggs House-Postal Telegraph Office.New Willard's Hotel-Postal Telegraph Offce.National Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office.Regent Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office.The Barton Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office.The Gordon Hotel-Postal Telegraph Office.

EAST WASHINGTON.Oth and East Cap. sts.-Haley's Drug Store.7th and H sts. n.e.-Griftith's Drug Store.3d at. &ad Pa. are. s.e.-Dtobyn's Drug Store.

SOUTIWEST.Postal Te!egraph Office-foot 11th st.

GEORGETOWN.12d and 31 sts.-O'DonneIl'a Drug Store.i2d aud sts.-ODonnel's Drug Store.


ANTEIo- Vi-:E YWii:i: - I'S T L E RS TOtack sigic. dlistriboute ci-ulars. samples, etc.; nocanvaamdng; g-d pay. SUN ADVErTISING BU-REAl'. 4 isago It*ANTEI. V-N4; MEN TO LEARN THE ARTof gatrment cutting: gocd po-sitiius open. Forparticula's call NAiONAL GARMENT c1 T-TIN# SCiHOOL. Odice, 15 Warder bldg.. 5239th n.w. jal1-3t*WANTEI-A;ENTS-WE WA.NT AN AGENT INevery tocwn in the United States to sell ourAmeriean and foreign wall papers on cotiits-sion to their frlends and neighbors. from onrsample books. showing over 74N1 new de.signs andcolorings,. which we vIll furnish. together withlithographed cards and posters advertising thebusini,-cs, all fr.- of chargc. to parties who willtake an active interest In the business and fur-nish us g-d references. In the spring, whenevery ..oe I. palering. the business will pay youffteen to twenty dcollars a day profit, as thou-sands of our agents will certify. We are thelargest wall paper dealers in the world, and ourline thIs year surpasses all others in beauty.quality and cheapness. BALILU-DICKSON CO.,80' Broadway. New York. jall-2t

WANTED STENIM;RAI'HER AND T Y P E-writer; one having experience in general officework desired. Adidress J. B. L.. Star offlce.1t

WANTED-REGiSTEiEIA DRGGIAST TO MAN-age modern drug sto-re; small amount cash re-quired. PHAR3ACIST. Star office. it*

WANTEI-INTEI.I t;FNr MEN 4)F GOO) Alt-dress at once. WOODI,. HARION & CO., 52513th at- it

WANTED-MAN 4)F ENER:GY TO ATTEND TGinsurance uatt-rs. G. S. REES. 1oot G st. 1t*

WANTFD SINO;ltS FliR SE.Lt'T CHOIR;tencor and bis,, voc-s: special inducement toambitions singers. Address -'SELECT CHOIR.'Star ctfi-ce. it"

WANTED-YUNG MAN WITH WHEEL 1-1Otcollecting; salary paid; steady place. Box W,Star otrle. It*

WANTED-YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER ANDtypewriter; references relcired. Call letween 5and 6 p.m. tM41 Yern-cn ave. jall-3t*

WANTED-A MAN ON lAIRY FARM; WHITE,single and a good milker. I. Qt-ACKENBt'SI,Br.-ckland. Ic. C. Jall-3t*

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH A PRAC-tical knwledige (of pat-nt office drawing: -newho can o-utline. 'all MASON, FENWICK &LAUREN'E. 032 F st. iw. jal1-At*WANTED-2 MEN COOKS FOR RAILROAD; $50per month. Also butler. Inquire 135 11th at.D.w. It*

WANTEc--FIR1ST-l.'AS ENGINEER AND PIPEfitter. to, take charge of the system of steambeating. engine.s pumps, etc., of an Institution;must Ie a man of gool habits and willing toteach a class of y,.ung men. as apprentices, uniltrhis dlrectin. Address ENGINEER E.. StaroMce. inc-losing stamped envelope f.or reply. andstate age, experience and general qualihications.jal-3t

RANTED oYS. WHITE OR COIWDRED, TOcarry mrning paper routes. Call, bet. 9 a.m.and 2 p.m.. -#29 K st. n.w. jal)-3t*

WANTED-A MAN TO CLERK IN GROCERYand provisjion store and be generally useful; onethat can cut meats and can give geod referencefrom last employer. I)x 210). Star offlc.jal0-4t*

WANTED---A BoY TO WORK IN DRU14; STOREtwo nights a week and Sunday. Address Box2os. Star office. Jalc-2t

WANTED cI'MIPETENT PATENT OPFFICEdraftsman. Call 25 Grant place. BAIDWIN,UAV II'S N & WIGHT. ja10k-2tWANTED -A FIRST-CLASS BIUTLER. APPLYwith reference. 17=3 Mass. ave., after 7 p.m.ja9-3tWANTED--A GENTLEMAN TO Sq1iACIT BUSt-ness for an Al New York house. Addr-ss Box230. Star otice.- ja9-3t*WANTED-- BOYS. WvITHt lItCYCLFS. FOR1 3MES--senge-r service: can eaurn frcom $2'. to $c p5-r

mnIth: $-3' crnaratett: vc-hoosl bcoy, or boysothe-rwcise ensmu. maytou imci eticploysincent from Sto, t'::tl Ictim.. or 6 to 10J:3i pIm. d-illy, at : -entsper night. MI T'AL. DISTRICT 31iESSENER:C'0.. 1401 F st. n.- jab-if

WANTEl4-1tlY. ARi-.cT 1)'. T4 LEARN DRIUGbcusines-: on.e wsith a lit tle. exIs-rience prc-ferredc.Adlr-cc lis Z32.5 tar '.1t.ce. jau-3-t*WvANTFD1- tIkElLAIR ANDs SA91 i.E 1415-~

tribuntorsc. $5 per l..0c0: pay advanced; extcerice-unn-ces-sar-.; permanieur. MIAIIS'cN I lSTRflIi-ETING; C'O.. 5-1 West 24th st., New York city.jab-w.f~s3t'WANTED - CIGAR SAL.ESMEN: ENPERIENtEunnec-essary; g.xi salary and expenuses paid14.EMANUEL CE)..StationJ.New York. ja4-s.+t*WANTE-:D- IlEADclRS IN l'"LLE4FTT-XT BOOKSon rational philosophy; the only defense agaInstfahles, and the mcyriad myths atnd evils ofl super-atitiona; $5 for 12 selected lessona. 912et St. nL..de21-s-4t*

WANTED- AT ONC'E, MEN AND WOMENjT5make $6 to $li8 a week in spare time-no can-vassing. The work is elevating and refining, anyone who can read and write c-au do it and earnmoney from the start. Hi. A. GRtIPP. GermanArtist, Tyrone, Pa. Please write and send forwork at once. de21.ja4,11,lt8-4t

WANTED--SALESMAN FOR REAL ESTATE; KK-perience not neceasary; men with large ac-quaint-ace preferred; horse and buggy will be fur-abed; good pay to workers. FULTON R. GOR-DON, 70)4 14th at. n.w. fe17-aeta-tt

FF.MALE.WANTFX -4IRL F-OR GENERtAL,adults. 15i 1ith st. u.w. It*

~ANTpSD--A GOODI C 'K; STAY NIGHTS; REF-eences required. Apply immediately 1312 4Con-seticut ave. 1t.'ANTED-WHITE E'4OK: AI,54 WHITE. HOUSE-maid; 3 in famiiy. 1505 Itelmjont awe.; take ConSecticut are, c-ar. jall-2t*WANTEDSETTLIID WOMAN FOR GENERALhousework. Apply this ereninug lafter Sc, or to-morrow aftern.on, 1243 Kc-n.-,aw Sr. un.. it*

WANTED-A WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERALhousework; keep a man to assist; stay at placeevery other tuight; best of ref. required; goodwages. Apply MU6I 15th at. mLw. 1t*

WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND AS-sorters; permanent employment. Apply before 10o'clock 3Monday, PALACE LAUNDRY, 2121 E st.L.' it

WANTEI'-YOUNG LADY TO CLRK IN GRtO-cery stcore anud keep bcookls; one with experIenceand can give reference. Address Y. L. C., Staroficee. It*'NTElj-WHITE WOMAN FOR G;ENERALsewovrk; must bce neat and goocd cook; g~coodw. Apply for two days. Address 3413 Hol-med. 'e.. Mt. Pleasant. it*

WANTFD-FI1NED LADY, PAST 28, TOtrave'l. lecture ocrasIonally and rganize. Ad-dress Box 2ac. Star etie-. 1t*WANTED-SERYANT TO WORK MORNINGS;small family. CamlI after 4 1729 T at. nw. 1t*WANTED-NIRSE FOR TWO CHILDREN; ALsiOa general honsewcorker to go to New York staie;most bring references. Mrs. MACKRILLE.Chevy Chase P. 4)- It*WANTED - GOOD. REIABLE WOMAN, FORgeneral housework: mast be goo~d eook; atayaights.Cail 1512Parkst..MountPleasant. t*WANTED-CMPETENT LA D Y STENOGu1A-3her and tylpewriter operator (REmington); wlU

0ve me' of offie ad macbiae for outside work;4per eek guaranteed; offee hours, 15 0 p.m. Cail, 4:30 p.m., Room 16, s06 F St.

WANTED - WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUS.werk is fane~of two; to stay aights: must hepsd seek an laundress. Call, with reference.,at 1811 Adams Mill read (a3*. eue. 18th at. andCaummab real.) ' a11-2t*

WANTUS-41RL FOR GfEEAL. MOUSEWORK,-5iae sade g-ogsamase. Ingethe 1860 Tat ew. -. ItWANuin-uuumausa WOMAN 193 GENEBAL

N'L 3$30 36th at. anw. ItWAMMb- PM 1TN1110, WNA-





WANTED-A GINTEE WOMAN,. BETWEEN 25and 40, to neet invalids and strangeri. AddressENERGY M., Star onSe. It*

WANTED-TWO GIRLS; ONE A GOOD COOK,the other a chambermaid and waitress; referencesrequired. 1356 Yale st. n.w. It*

WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO WAIT ON STOREand make out bills; hours, 9 to 4:30; small wagesto start. 525 10th St. a.w. it*WANTED-EXPERIENCED HANDS ON NECK-bands. wristband. and body Ironers; also sev-eral mangle hands. Apply YALE STEAMLAUNDRY. 43 G at. n.w. jail-St

WANTED EDUCATED WOMAN OR YOUNGman at once; will be taught stenography, touch-typewriting and secretarial duties. 610 14th at.,rooms 1 and 2. it*

WANTED-SALES LADIES AT THE NEW FAIR,81S 7th st. n.w. it*WANTED A GERMAN WOMAN THAT CANsew as companion or to do light housework insmall family. Address Mrs. E. L. B., Staroffice. It*


WANTED-A NUMBER OF COLORED COOKSgeneral workers: go home or stay nights; goodwaged; briag references. 165 Valley St., George-town. it

WANTED--A GIHL FOR GENERAL WORK; MUSTunderstand cooking. 123S 18th n.w. Reference. 1WANTED-A WHITE GIRL FOR GENERALhousework: must have best reference. Call 1813Adams Mill road (18th and Columbia road), fore-noon Monday. it

WANTED-STRONG. HEALTHY WOMAN, PREF-erably German, as working housekeeper. 1012I st. n.w.; call after 6 p.m. jalO-2t

WANTED-A COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER.Address Box 219, Star offiee. ja3-26t

WANTED--YOUNG COLORIED GIRL TO DO GEN-eral housework In apartment; city references re-quireid. Call at APARTMENT 8, 1321 M St. n.w.jao1-2t*

WANTED-912 EAST CAPITOL ST.. WOMAN TOcook. wash. fror and do the general houseworkfor two. who can take entire charge of and doall necessary work in good manner; go homenights: ref. required. Call after 4 p.mja9&I1,2t

WANTED TO REMOVE WRINKLES FROMface of. elderly lady; treatment free; painlessand permanent. For particulars address DERMA-TOIA)4;ir. Star office. ja9-3t*WANTED-A RELIABLE SCOTCH OR GERMANwoman to cook. wash and iron well for familyof three; p-rmanent employment. Address Box231. Star office. ja9-3t*

WANTED A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICEwork: must be accurate, quick at figures andpleasing appcarance. Address Box 228. Starottice. ja9-3t

WANTED--AT ONCE. MEN AND WOMEN TOmake $6 to $18 a week in spare time-no can-vasslng. The work is elevating and refining, anyone who -an read and write can do it and earnmoney from the start. H. A. GRIPP, GermanArtist, Tyrone, Pa. Please write and send forwork at once. de21,ja4,11,18-4t


WANTED-$15 TO $30 COMMISSIONS MADEweekly by fairly educated persons who can de-scribe something of sterling value and serviceIn all homes and offices. For particulars ad-dress Box 42, Star office. It*

WANTED-SINGERS FOR PROMINENT CITYchoir; excellent chance for alto, tenor and bass.Address ENSElMBLE. Star office. It*

WANTED SINGERS FOR CHOIR, FIFTYvoices: excellent advantages to earnest workers.Address "CIORISTER." Star office. ja1O-2t*

WANTED PROFITABLE WORK OFFEREDagents in every town to secure subscriptions tothe Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Even-ing Post. We want agents who will work thor-oughly and with business system to cover eachsection with our illustrated little booklets andcther advertising matter. and to look sharplyafter renewals from old subscribers. The payis first-rate. and at the end of the season $2Coowill be giver. the best workers as extra prizesfor good work. How well some of our agentshave succeeded Is told in a little booklet wewould like to send you-portraits of some of ourbest agents. with the story of how they made itpay. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING Co., PhlIedelphia. Pa. 021-78t


WANTED-BY REGISTERED PHARMACIST, RE-lief work after 5 or 6 p.m.; also Sundays. SA-LOL. Star office, It*WANTE.D-ITUATION BY E X P E It IENCEDbookkeeper; quick, accurate; strictly reliable.Address Box 202, Star office. It*WANTED-BY EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, PER-manent psoition or posting of books at any hours.AddressBox 204, Star otice. Jal1-s,tu,th,3t*WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, SITUATION INgrocery or provision store; understands cuttingmeat; will take half his wages out in trade. Ad-dress 1. E. F., Star office. It*WANTED-BY STUDENT, PLACE TO WAITtable for board; experienced. Address Box 196,Star office. It*WANTED-P 0 8 1 T I 0 N BY EXPERIENCEDcoachman, fireman, cook; also. place by houseboy. driver, dishwasher; refs. each. AddressIIENRY C.. Star office, it*

WANTED-A PLACE AS PORTER, DRIVER OIlbell boy. Address 422 1 at. n.w. It*WANTED SITUATION BY BRIGHT YOUNGcolored law student, to work until 5 p.m. everyday. Address L. S. E.. Star office. 1.*WANTED-BY RESPECTAILE COLORED MANplace to work around store or driving for d14-c-tor. or stable work. Call, three days, at 9142oth st. n.w. It*WANTED-SITUATION IN A COMMERCIAL ORother office by young Belgian, 29 years old;speaks French and German; best of referencesfurnished. Address Box 82, Star office. it*WANTED BY COLORED MAN, PLACE ASbutler; good ref. Write or call 1636 Superior st.jall-2t*WANTEII-SITUATION BY FIRST-CLASS ORDER

-ook; highest references; or position as fireman.332 II sw. It*WANTEDBY BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIEN--ED.1tlee manr, salestman. I"5sitteen; willing to go outof the c-iy. Address A. X. J., Star offlee.jal-stu.2t*

WANTEID--I;Y YOUNG MAN. WORK IN PIl-ratefamily;staynights. 1624l,th t.jalo-2t'

WANTED--A PLACE IN LIVERtY STABLEi. ORtworking ariund house; private family. CHIAl;LIEBELL, 86 D-gan place n-w. ja10-2t*WANTED-BY MARRIED MAN, POSITION ASwratchmian or gentleman's place to care for andtn garden. "r any p-osition of trust; references ifdlesired. AddressGARENER,Starofile.ja10-3'

WANTED--BY EIUCATED MAN, POSITION,local or traveling salesman, clerk or other re-pnibepositIon. Address Box 233, Star offiee.

WANTED- PI'tIVATE SEritETAlY. BY CULTUR-cd traveled man (21)i; educated in England and atarmy-diplomatic tutor's on the continent; lInguistIFre'nch, Ge'rman Spanish); bibliophile; classics;pianIst igold medalist,; at present employed, butde-sires a change; references here and abroad.E. HI. J., Box 671. New Haven,,7te

FEMALE.WANTED--BY A REFINED LADY, WITH TWOyeamrs' hospital experience, posItIon as officenurse;: te-rms reasonable. Address L. E. B., 6136th st. n.w. it'

WANTED--BY A RIOIPECTABLE COLORED GIRL,a place as nurse or chambermaid in a privatefamily. Address or call 406 L at. n.w. it*

WANTED--FAM1ILY WASH AT HOME. 2422 1st. n.w. 1t*

WANTEI-BY A LADY OF EXPERIENCE, P0-alt ion as nurse, companion to Invalid or elderlylady: refs. Address 'NURSE," Star office. It*WANTEI-BY A WHITE WOMAN, PLACE TOcook, wash and Iron. Address 0. 0. A., Star of-

WANTED-BY YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN LADY,refined, cheerful and willing, work, where herthorough education in languages, musIc, liter.ature or housework can be of some use. AddressBox 1918 Star onfice. * ja11-St*WANTED - BY NEAT, EDUCATED COLOREDgirl, posItion as nurse or ladies' maid; best ref-erence. Call 1912 L st. it

WANTED-BY A COIARED WOMAN, PLACE ASfirst-class cook; good references. 1441 MadIsonat. it

IIANTFI>-BY LADY OF EXPERIENCE, POSI-tion in real estate office; understands bookkeep-ing, l'rench advertising. etc.; swall salary atfirst. Address REAL ESTATE, 201 Pa. ave.P.e. it

WANTED--BY RELIABLE WOMAN, PLACE TOnurse baby from four weeks to one year, or in-valid; willing t., make herself useful; terms rea-sonable; best references. Apply 1324 4th at.n-w- ja11-2t*

WANTED--BY A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER,sewing out by the day. Call or address 2218%11th at. n.w. iWANTED-LAUJNDRY WORK TO DO AT HOME;references. 1740 Mas. ave. n.w. it*

'M ANTED - BY RESPE1'ABLE WHITE GIRL,situation to do chamberwork or general house-work; willing to assist wIth childrefl. Call 1612N. H. ave. n.w. it*

WANTED-BY RESPECTUL WOMAN DAJ'Swork or washing. Also sitation for acdsol gl.ApplySARAHWILLIAMB,1017V

WANTED-BY REIaBLE COLORED WOMAN,wasig at bhome or day's work nut. Call or ad-dressARGARET-EUM, 0BGstn.e.ja1-2tWANTEI-SITUATIONS NTOEAT, RUJ:.ra.ble women), enutes.-laaie; chambermaid--narse. Address RMMA CO. Star .e.e. -e.tWANTED-BY FIRST-CLASS WHITE COOK, A

planee in a private faumily; adrstands--dinnerIs; enfurni beat of regeregee. AdrassWANTED-BT REINED AND' REupajltrseem; rmlssmees- 361 matCatsi- it

AN -. ya3N TO DO *E BOMEE.Please*'e edeses~13d133mt.amw.1*WANTED-31 A U333, 1NPthe day, te geo egh6ge5 pt.U aa- ow- sa-


WANTED-WASHING TO DO AT HOME; FIRST-elars laundry. CAl 221 G t. .w. it*

WANTED - BY FIRST-OLASS COLORED WO-man, place as chambermaid in eat-lass familyor half day's work In fiat for every day. Call12) 10th at. a.w. jal-2t*

WANTED-A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE toaddress envelopes or copy letters in some office.Address Box 6O, Star office. It*

WANT1|D-BY A COLORED WOMAN, PLACE AS-flrst-class laundress, take home ?r out. 382 Mat. s.w. 1i*

WANTED-BY YOUNG COLORED clean gentleman's apartments or officework. Address L. C., Star office, jall-It


WANTED-BY GERMAN WOMAN PLACE ASgeneral housework for small family. Box 1(02,Star office. Ito

WANTED-LADIES THAT ARE IN NEED OFfirst-class white cooks. chambermaids, nursesand maids to call at 1106 10th. -Open evenings.*

WANTED-WHITE GIRLS CAN GET FIRST-class positions by calling at 1106 10th. Openevenings. It*

WANTED-FRENCH SHIRT WAISTS MADE BYPartsienne dressmaker; evening dresses made.Call Mine. MARIE, 582 20th at. n.w. jall-lw*WANTED-A PLACE AS NURSE. TO AN IN-valid or as companion to an elderly lady; I havemuch exprience as a nurse; best of reference.Address x 192, Star office. ja10-2t*

WANTED-BY AN ELDERLY WHITE WOMhN,position as nurse to invalid or young infant;very best city references. Address H. D., Staroffice. ja-It

WANTED-BY A RELIABLE GERMAN GIRL,position as infant's nurse or ladies' maid; cansew; best of references. Address Box 207, Staroffice. ja10-2t*-WANTED-PLACE BY NURSERY GOVERNEf,French-Swiss; well recommended from Europe;for children not under 6. Address C. A., 1707G at. ja9,I1&13.3t*

WANTED-BY REFINED, MIDDLE-AGED WO-man of experitnee, place as housekeeper andcompanion to an aged or invalid lady; will doplain sewing and mending; good references. Ad-dress HOUSEKEEPER. 1719 G st. n.w. ja9-3t*

4VANTED BY NEAT, CAPABLE GIRL, ASchambermaid or waitress. 938 22d at. n.w.ja9-3t*

WANTED-SITUATION BY COMPETENT LA-dies' maid; beat references. Address A. G.RUSSELL, 1209 W at. n.w. jaS,9&11-3t*

WANTED-AGENTS.WANTED-AGENTS. ALE OR FEMALE, TOsell our dustless floor brush; prevents dust, killsgerms, improves floors, brightens carpets (thereservoir in the brush does iti; a good thing (pat-ented); replaces old style brooms and brushes.MILWAUKEE DUSTLESS BRUSH CO., Milwau-kee, Wis. It*

WANTED-GOOD, LIVE AGENTS IN EVERY CITYof the U. S. to sell the Griggs telephone bracketfor desk-stand telephones; the greatest -specialtyon the market today. Address the GRIGGS MFG.CO., 79-81 5th ave., Chicago. 1t*

WANTED AGENTS SELLING BOOKS, &c.,should krow about our line. We offer big valuesand exceptional inducements. Write for partica-lars. ILIFF & CO., Chicago. It*

WANTED-AGENTS, NE PLUS ULTRA CHARCOALFLAT IRON, entirely new, different from allothers; Irons without cooling. GEO. FINN, New-ark. N. J. It*

WANTED-A GENERAL AGENT FOR OUR ACCI-dent and health insurance. Good contract andcomrissions. Address MANAGER, 258 Broad-way, New York. ja1l-2t*

WANTED-MAN IN EVERY CITY WHERE ARTI-ficial gas is used to sell our magic gas igniters.No more matches needed. Lasts forever. MAGICGAS IGNITER CO., Indianapolis, Ind. it*

WANTED-100 AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR REM-edles. It pays others to push them; why notyou? Particulars for stamp. PROCTI'OR MFG.CO., 4716 Woodland ave., Philadelphia. it*WANTED-TO SELL HIGH-GRADEFLYSCREENS;good salary to right party; state experience. Ad-dress (confidentiali, M. SOLMSON & CO., 8 W.Lombard st., Baltimore, Md. jall-4t*WANTED CASH PAID FOR DISTRIBUTINGcirculars outside Washington. AMERICAN DIS-TRIBUTOR, Kansas City, Mo. jal-s,8t*

WANTED-IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN$30 weekly it will pay you to get our plan forstarting beginners in the mall order business;can be conducted by any one, anywhere, withsmall capital; thousands have made fortunes inthe business; we have started others successfullyand can do as much for you; costs nothing to in-vestigate; write today for our complete plan.Address CENTRAL SUPPLY CO., 1032 Grandave., Kansas City, Mo. jal-a,2t*WANTED CHEAPEST OIL PORTRAIT ANDframe made; valuable outfit free; send for our140-page illustrated catalogue. W. W. FRIED-MAN & CO., Mfrs., Martinsburg, Mo. ja4-s,2t

WANTE3-,SELF-TllREADING NEEDLES FORweak sight; thread springs into eye; packet mail-ed. 10 cents. 4 for 25 cents; agents' catalog free.CHAS. MARSHALL, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y.oe26-sat-12t


without board, by gentleman and wife, who de-sire a quiet home In private family at West Endor Washington Heights. Address S. B. A., Staroffice. It*

WANTED-ROOM, WITH OR WITHOUT a private family n.w., by a young man ofquiet d'sposition. Address S. E. H., Star office.'

WANTED--YOUNG MARRIED ('OUPIE, NO CIIIdren. desire 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, heat, bathand gas, for l.h.k.; near or on 7th at. car line8.w.; must be moderate. Address Box 72, Staroffice. it*WANTED-FOR ABOUT SIX MONTHS, BY Asingle gentleman, a furnished room in a mod-ern house within ten minutes' walk of H and15th sts.; first or second floor: must have bathroom conveniently near, with porcelain tub. Ad-dress H. A. F., Star office. It*

WANIED-BY MAN AND WIFE, THREE UN.furnished rooms for I. h. k., on second floor, by1st; state particulars. Box 84, Star office. It*WANTED-BY MALE STENOGRAPHER. COM-fortable room in Georgetown in exchange forstenographic instruction; include proposition forboard if instruction for two or ruore. AddressBox 2046, Star office. ja10-2t*

WANTED--3 UNFURINISIHED ROOMS FOR LIGHIThouisekeeping; heat and gas. Full particulars.Addiress LACURA, Star offiee. jaO-3t*WANTEDt-BY TWO LADIES IN OFFICE. RCOOMSand board, convenient to Conn. ave. cars. Pricemustbestated.AddressSEC.,Star fice. j9-3t*WANTED-THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, BY TWOadults, for light housekeeping; location n.w. Ad-dress Box 227, Star offle.- ja9-3t*

WANTED-HOUSES.WANTED-TO RENT HOUSE IN CLEVELANDPark, either furnished for the summer or unfur-fished for a term of years. Must have 4 bedrooms ubesides servants' rooms); first-class plumb.lag; modern conveniences and good grounds. Ad-dress, with terms, Box 201, Star offiee. it'

WANTED-FOR IMMEDIATE CASH PURCHASERN-three houses, SOUTH WEST, $2,500-to $4,500.Send particulars at once.ja11-5t ST'ONE & FAIRFAX, 806-SOS F n.w.WANTED-WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS




-It LIEBERIMANN & HAWN, 1303 F ST.WANTED-AT ONCE-HOUSES FROM $20 TO$75 A MONTH. WE WILL FURNISH GOOD.PROMPT-PAYING TENANTS FOR YOURVACANT HOUSES. WE HAVE THE NAMESAND ADDRELSSES OF HUNDREDS WHO LOOKTO US FORt HOMES. PLACE YOUR HOUSERWITH US. STONE & FAIRFAX,ja11-St 806 & 808 F ST. N.W.WANTED-TO RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE IN N.W.section, with furnace heat and stable. AddressT. L. L., 1201 4th at. n.w. ja11-2t*WANTED - NINE OR TEN-ROOM MODERNhouse, in good location n.w.; lot anot less than18 ft. front; price not to exceed $6,000. I havean immediate buyer if the house and price areright. Send complete description to

F. S. COLLINS, 703 12th at. n.w. (near G.)WANTED-A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 19 OR 20ft. front, well situated n.w. or n.e., not exceed-ing $1,500 in cost. A quick sale will result bysending particulars of the lot you want to sell to

_F. S. COLLINS. 703 12th at. n.w. (near (3.)WANTED - PROPERTY OWNERS TO KNOWthat it will he to their interest to list their realestate withF. S. COLLINS, 706 12th at. n.w. (near G3.)Real estate sold.Rent, promptly collected.Ioans quIckly conscientiously placed.Constant applications from good tenants for

desirable houses.F. S. 00LLINS, 706 12th at. n.w. (near G3.)jail-St-

WANTED-ALL PERSONS DlEIRING HIGIH~class tenant. for rooms cordially invited to callANGLO)-AMERIOAN HOTEL BUREAU 610 1dthit. More demand. than can supply. Sken years'experience 1n Erope and America. it*WANTED-P~OnaE-PElRSONAL ATT'ENTION. TOall kinds of realty, insurance and loans. Springdemand will he a "humer." onut us early,ja9-3t* CLARK RO., l388 P.

WANZED)-WE HAVE .TWB PURCHASERS ON4hand for large boa.e.. One will pa80p,000 to$,000; must be emodern and have lrerooms,Teother party wants. a modemr om west of

16th 'ast., with 1st-Geor kitchen, and will pay$12,000 to $20,000. Besb wish to pay cash.Owners will please msand llelars ad'low.


-W te-ae-s yameatta andm aa er-,

400-emsattet dirsi5n

WANTED-FB 1. O V0R S. 3Y NAVAE,eaicer's fam-1y, In theDn.- hwithtermts, etc., NAIY, Ut

WANTWP-131 YOUI iitiIz WITH-outi ahidre,nI andbath; terms must r

_uited. Address BaM Ito.11

WANTED-A. REB , ST. N.W.,will pay thegents' and children and aheand bats. Address a I" SKI w daljall-27t*WANTED-HIGHS ie PRICE -PAID PORLADIES' AND Gtfl3EBEN'S CAST- OFF(LOTHING. ADDRESS POPIAL AND I WILLCAL& W. RICE, 131'I .M jaU-24t' -

WANTED-VASH PAElTURE, -OAR-Vets, stoves and o2ceM o all kinds. Fir-biture stored, packed and shipped. AddressBAUM, 012 Pa. ave, a.w. 'Phona 1254. jal-tf

WANTED-A BH-LI OmiKOf UOMBINATION TA'ble in excellent condition, delcribe filly, stateprice. Address W. 0., Ctf*ier"N. 71, D..P.O.

WANTED-PAWN TICKEFOR DIAMONDS ANDjewelry; highest cash pridob for old gold, silver,dentist gold, platinum teeth. plates, etc.

LOUIS ABRAHAMS,ja11-tf,5 438 9th St. n.w.

WANTED-WILL TRADE' LADY'S REMINGTONbicycle and cash for low-frame ipaster-brakeman's wheel. Write description to REMING-TON, 1304 R. L. ave.. it*

WANTEI-THE ADDRSS 'OF THE PERSONin this city who prepares candidates for com-mission In the army; he coqched some candidatessuccessfully last summer. Address Box 81, Staroffiee. jal-2t*


WANTED-TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. THEonly exclusive feather ~dealer in the city.

E. MARKS.ja7-26t*-4 75 Myrtle st.WANTED-CASH PAID FOR ANY KIND OF MER-chandise, furniture; also sold on commission. H.ROSENBERG, Auct., 689 Ia. ave. n.w. ja6-tf

WANTED-MECHANICS QUALIFIED FOR AD-vancement-Our free booklet, "Are Your HandsTied ?" tells how thousands have doubled or large-ly Increased their earning tapacity through ourspare time instruction by mail. Write to the IN-TERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS,Box 1630, Scranton, Pa., or call ;ay or evening,Washington office, 619 Pa. ave. nol9-tu&s-24t

WANTED-LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GAi-ments. curtains, covers, carpets, blankets, veils,silks, &c., to clean or dye.. "Best dry cleaning Inthe ity." E. E. WHEATLEY, Dyer and Cleaner,1068 Jefferson ave. n.w.; 'phone, West 117 Y.ja3-130t

WANTED-USED PAN-AMURICAN STAMPS Olall values. Also collections-of U. S. and foreignstamps. Highest prices paid at the old reliablestamp store, 1005 7th st. n.w. de3l-26t*WANTED-HIGHEST. CASH PRICE PAID FORold gold and silver. After going to others, cometo me. Pawn tickets boughtno7-78t,4 0. W. IINES, 815 G st. n.w.

FOR RENT-FLATS.FOR RENT-FINELY FINISHED APARTMENT OF7 rooms and tiled bath, heated by hot water;south front; yard; P at. bet. 4th and 5th n.w.Will be vacant Feb. 1. $35 for winter, $30 sum-mer. W. F. NASH, 122 M n.w. ja11,1S&27,3t

FOR RENT-ROOSEVELT FLAT, 5 ROOMS ANDbath, newly papered; hot water heat. 1118 FSt. n.e. iIt*

FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED ROOM IN FLAT502, "Sherman." Itef. exchanged. It*

FOR RENT-F. H1. SMITH CO., 1408 N. Y. AVE.,RENTAL AGENTS, BOND BLDG.ARMY AND NAVY, 814 22d n.w., 3r. & b., steamheat, hul water, buffet kitchen... .$25, $30, $35jal1-3t

FOR RENT-C. W. B.,12141 MASS. AVE, ELE-gant 5 reoms, bath, ,2d-floor flat; steam heat;back poreh; store closet; $50. ja8-ot*

FOR RENT-FOUR-ROOM-FLAT, UNFURNISHED;housekeeping permitted; no children taken; refs.exchanged. 503 13th St. n.w. ja10-3t*

FOR RENT-FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH, THEWINOLA, 1006 'Mass. ave. n.w.; all outsiderooms; SECOND FLOOR; $50 till Sept. 30.631Q N.W., 3d-floor flat;.new plumbing; cen-

tral location.; $20.j9-th,s,tu-tf MOORE &HILL (Inc.), 71714th n.w.FOR RENT-INSPECT THE. FINE, LARGEhousekeeping fats in tie Helena, Oregon or Ber-wyn, 1925, 1927, 192944th ot.; prices mdst rea-sonable. Apply toja4-tf E.. C. PAU*,GRAS, 1410 G St.

FOR RENT-IN THE '1LAFtEBTTE;' 1607 7THat. n.w.; one of the best lla in the city for themoney; 4 room and File.t Vath; porcelain tub;cabinet mantels; gas &b&, Yteam heat; hot wa-ter furnished to thq nq aks 'from the cel-lar; bieele -rnd in;- jaultor, etc.Open for lnspeclo -II Utt'iffIce "forfurtherNarticulars. B. F. S#UL, 7thand L sts. npw.e21-ti

FOR RENT-THE PORTNER, 15TH & U STS. N.W.Absolutely Fireproof.-

Three-room non-housekeeping apartments; hard-wood polished floors; tiled baths; all modern con-ventiences; excellent cafe. del4-tfFOR RENT-APARTMENTS, 265 N ST. N.W.,just completed; beautiful suites of 5 rooms andbath; handsomely decorated; large closets; porch-es; $32.75 to $35.75.de12-tf WEAVER BROS., 1416 F at. n.w.

FOR 1tENT-APARTMENTS1527 I St. n.w., 4 rooms and bath, 1st floor.$50.00901 13th at. n.w., 4 rms.,non-housekeeping.$35-0071% P at. n.e., 5 rooms and bath..........$17.80dell-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. n.w.

FOR RENT-MODERN NEW APARTMENTS;five rooms and tiled bath; steam heat; line view;good neighborhood.

On U at. between 30th and '31st sts. n.w.tent only $25.


FOR RENT-"THE DRISCOLL," 1ST AND B STS.n.w.. has for rent handsomely furnished and un-furnIshed apartments of 3 to 5 rooms and bath,with or without housekeeping facilities; everyappointment most modern; southern exposure;facing U. S. Capitol grounds; excellent cafe; i-tered wates; electric lights.no7-ti T. A. McKEE. Mgr.

FOR RENT-MODERN FLATS, COR. EAST CAP-itol and 15th ata.; 6i rooms; tiled baths; cabinetmantels; hardwood finish; dumbwaiters; lightroomns; $15 to $18. CHARLES V. MALLET. 3304%, at. n.w. no25-tf

FOR RENT - "OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS, CO-lumibia Heights; thoroughly fireproof; army andnavy headquarters; five and seven rooms; allmodern conveniences; moderate rates.nol1-ti - OSCAR W.' WHITE, 1116 F st.

APARTMENTS TO LET.FOR RENT~--ROOM APARTMENT ON 6TH FLR.of The Iowa, ec. 18th and 0 a. w.; very desIr-able; present occupant obliged to leave city.Price, $60 per month. THE' McLACHLEN REALESTATE AND LOAN CO., cor. 10th and G n.w.ja11-6it

FOR RENT-THE MONTGOMERY, on southeast corner

of M and North Capitol streets, is ready foroccupancy. Entirely new four-story brickbuilding, with thirty-two light, bright, cheer-ful and, very conveniently arranged apart-ments, with kitchen, 4lng room, bed, room,parlor. b~ath room, reception hall each, withstola-e lockers In. bagelnent. Rents, $32.50and $35.. Open for inspectIon. . .Call for dia-gram. B. I. 'WARNER CO.,

ja1-eod,5t -- 916 F at. n.w.


a 4-room housekeeping apatment, furnished .orunfurnished. ExcellentcafeInbuilding.. de24-ttFOR RENT-THE C0LUI&hA, 14TH AND BIN-ney ats. (fire-proof building), overiooking the cIty;apartments of B-and 6 reoups and bath; southernexposuee; electric light'; 41tere4 water; laundry,etc.; open for Inspection.snolS-ti JAMES A. CAHILL, 1308 F at. nw.

THE SIEERMC' AtIFMENTS,Corner 15th an,Seven stories;. electric and

gas lights; das .,Scbnelder, archi-tect; 1 suite ~ e~pantry, bathand store room~

AppSy Agnt

LOSTAgDROUND.LOST-RED SPANIEY )GWITH LONG TAIL.Suitable reward it rgiel.0to 2023 Q at. n.w.

LOST-A BUNCH Old htRYS ATTACHED TOring and chain. Suitable reward if left at 343Pa. ave. n.w. 1et*

FOUND-LADIES' WAMIER~. DN L ST. BETWEENConn. ave. and 18th E4 Priday morning. Ownerplease apply 1628 K lt. n.'st it

LOST - JANUARY 19. 01SONN. AVE., DESales or I sts. n.,~

sl small blue-en-ameled gold watch. 11UeE111 be rewarded byleavIng same at 142j$ P"W' it1

LOST--ON 'JAN. 8, AM inR GILT CARD)case. Liberal reward'If ledarned to No. 506, theSHERMAN, cor. 15th flndia tS- It*

LOST1-JAN. 10 SCIYCCH E-RRIER ANSWERSto name of "dlie." -Libhral relia5i if returnedto 1522 K St. n.w. - ja11-2t*

UOST-CO(YRNR STEHi~ STS.' N.lit,- THURS-day evening; Iark nebuiihlla reefer. Re-ward if left 'at U15'W Sn.e. -It

S1TAYED-MONDAY, JA 6; BGO'r0H COLIEpiupy,4black 1nges ne tee~iot white. Return

--1840 Md. a*:-a. ine~wuLOWIE+5-ANUARY 1% ,AMEW 60W 'ggMggesse -a fbta1 se m

FOR RENT-LaRGn BRIGHT ROOM ON tEMrftor with private family. 2? K St. M.w. ja11-tFOR RENT - TWO SINGLE 001 UTUIGrooms, suitable for two geinseaa; bath as ameoor, near two lnes ot carm. AplatIM H-

st nW. jan-gs*FOR RENT-A BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOM, WELfrnished; In Ierington fate; ref. W. 1. IV*TO RENT-LARG WELL-FURNINM', SEC-obd-foor frout room; southern exposme; 4 wIn-.dow; well heated- convenient to OptolIJ-brary and all car hues; o ehildren. = St.n.e- it*FOR RENT-151o 18TH ST. N.W., TWO BRIGHTwarm, communicating rooms; well furnIshed anlighted; an third floor. -. IFOR RZNT-2'FURNISHED ROOMS; L. H. K.permitted; private family. Apply 1412 8th at..-w- lt*1OR RENT-FURNISHED. 4 ROOMS AND BATH,or part-of house, including Art floor. 2310 20th

at., Wash. Heights. jai.-3tFOR RENT-1114 L ST. N.W., LARGE, COM-fortably furnished, well-heated rooms, In privatefamily. Jail-6t*FOR RENT-130 C ST. .K. LARGE, NICELYfurnished rooms, well heated, in private family.ja11-4t*FOR REINT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; SAMEfloor as bath. 1427 N at. n.w. jall-2tFOR RENT-12K2 MASS. AVE. N.W., ONE LARGE,nicely fur. front room, on secobd floor; also one

front room on third floor; suitable for gentlemen;a.m.l.: terms reasonable. laFOR RENT--157 I ST. N.W., PARLOR, 3 BEDrooms, office and bath; second floor; southern ex-posure; just vacated. It*

FOIL RENT-TO GENTLEMAN, FURNISHEDfront room; second story; references exchanged.Apply 3112. 0 St. n.w. it

FOIL RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH PR-vate family; references exchanged. 921 R at.n.w. it*

FOR RENT--3 NICE, FURNISHED ROOMS. 207Pa. ave. n.w. jall-2t*

FOR RENT-TO GENTLEMAN, HANDSOMELYfurnished room, adjoining bath. HILLER'S, 60613th st. n.w. jall-3t* -

FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITHor without board. 820 6th n.w. ja1l-3t*

FOR RENT LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED)front room. 1010 H Rt. n.w. jl1-3t*

FOR RENT -NICELY FURNISHED 2D-STORYroom: mahogany folding bed; to lady or gentle-men; $10 per month; hall room, to gentlemanonly, $5; new house; modern bath room; no chil-dren. 223 Indiana ave. n.w. it*

FOR RENT-NEWLY AND WELL FURNISHEDrooms, single or en suite. 1120 13th at. n.w.Gentlemen preferred; references. jall-St"

FOR RENT-WASHINGTON ROOM-RENTING CO.,6W7 13th, near F at. Information and carriagesfree. Rooms Inspected; no cards; no publicity.Wanted 60 select furnished rooms. ja1l-6t*

FOR RENT-BY REFINED FAMILY ADULTS,one very nicely furnished room. 220 East CapitolSt. It

FOR RENT-LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ANDback rooms, with use of kitchen. 815 5th St.n.w. it*

FOR RENT-317 EAST CAP. ST., A NICE FUR-nished room, southern exposure. lae

FOR RENT-JAN. 24. SIX LARGE. BRIGlTrooms, furnished for housekeeping; 3 floors; finelocation; near Capitol. 206 5th s.e.; $25. in-quire 110 5th n.e. It

FOR RENT-TWO LARGE 3D-FLOOR ROOMS,one front; hot water beat; tiled bath on samefloor; private family; gentlemen only. 1347 LSt. n.w. jal1-2t*

FOIL RENT-FOUR DESIRABLE ROOMS ON 1ST,2d and 3d fhoor; good locality; few doors from9th st. cars. 921 8 st. n.w. 18'

FOR RENT-A WELL FURNISHED FRONT HALLroom; good heat and light; private family;price. $6. 2823 14th st. 1t*

FOR RENT-A LARGE, WELL FURNISHED SEC-on-l-story front room; southern exposure; gentle-men only. 1215 M st. n.w. jall-2t*

FOR RENT-1012 I ST. N.W.. FRONT PARLORroom, large communicating bed room; suitable fordoctor's office; handsomely furnisheld; $32. Large,sunny so'th room. $11; for two, $12. jaI0-2t

FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED FiONT ROOMon main floor, with private bath. Gentlemenonly. (00 6th St. n.w. jal0-3t*

FOIL RENT--1008 H Sr. N.W., TWO LARGErooms, southern exposure; well heated. ja1o-2a*

FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH-front room; hot-water heat. Apply 905 N St.n.w. jall-lt*

FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS IN COR-ner house; one square from Capitol. Library andcars; southern exposure. 101 2d n.e. jal1-2t*

FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED PARIOR ANDbedl room, with bath, on first floor; southern ex-posure; reasonable. 417 Q St. n.w. ja9-3t*

FOIL RENT-BY REFINF) FAMILY OF ADULTS,two fur. front. sunny rooms, to. gentlemen. Ap-ply 1104 13th at. n.w. ja9-4t*

FOIL RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISHED, WELL-heated south rooms, second and third floors. 1004M at. n.w. Gentlemen preferred. References.ja9-3a*

FOR RENT-NICELY FUR. 2D-FLOOR ROOMS,single or en suite; porcelain baths. Apply 1322L at. nw.,s,3t*

FOR RENT-2 FURNISHED ROOMS ON SECONDfloor; a.m.i.; private family. 1739 13th st. n.w.je8-4t*

FOIL RENT-815 14TH ST. N.W., ONE ROOM ONSecond floor; gentlemen only. ja7-6t*

FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS, STRICTLYfirst-class; hot-water beat; boarding. 414 6th et.n.w. ja4-6t*

FOR RENT-1017 CONN. AVE., THREE LARGEcommunicating rooms, with private bath. ja2-12*FOR RENT-OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL, 815Vermont ave., handsome suite of three rooms,with private bath; for gentlemen only. deS-tf


FOIL RENT-3 LARGE, BRIGHT ROOMS ON 2Dfloor; modern conveniences. 27 M n.w. jall-3t*FOR ENT--TWO UNFUR. ROOMS; HEAT, GASSand bath; nochildren. Apply5085that. n.w.1t*FOR RENT-TWO BEAUTIFUL UNFURNISHIEDrooms on 2d floor and thiree on 3d; will rent sep-arately; modern Improvements; furnace heat;tiled bath and fireplaces; cars and herdies passdoor. 2148 F t. n.w. it*

FOIL RENT-THIRD FLOOR OF WELL-KEPThouse; no children; refs. 332 E n.e. 1t*

FOR RENT-FUR. AND UNFUR, ROOMS IN CElN-ter of city; near all depts.; heat; gas; hot water,all times; gas for cooking. 309 14th st. n.w. it*

FOR RENT-1534 15TH ST. N.W., PLEASANT'om. rooms: a.m.i.; small private family, it*FOIL RENT-THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS.second door; convenient to cars and market. 277th st. a.e. ja10-2c

FOR RENT - TWO LARGE UNFURNISHEDrooms, second floor; also one on third floor; heat,bath, gas. 920 8tn at. n.w. ja10-2t*

FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED - FOUR NICErooms on 2d floor; locality Dupont Circle, halfblock from cars. 1619 19th at. n.w. .ja1-12t*FURNISHED OR UNFUIRNIWNHED.

FOR RENT-BACHELOR TO SHARE 4-ROOMapartment with gentleman; large, airy' rooms,centrally located; steam beat; reasonable.- Ad-dress "GAMMA," Star offiee. it*

FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO KiTCH-en, with ample cupbbards and closets; range.Centrally located. Suitahl* for light housekeep-ing; steam; no children. Address "RHO.," Staroffice, 1

FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHU)D ROOM, 2Dfloor, and two beautiful unfurniahed rooms, southfront, 3d floor; steam heat; with quiet family;Sreferencesexchanged.1133Yale t.n.w. ja1-3t*

FOR RENT-FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEDrooms on second and third floors. At 828 13th at.nw. ja11-3t*


second-floor south-front room; heat, gas; nearCapitol and LUbrary. 314 B at. n.e. 1t*

FOR RENT-1726 15TH ST., DESIRABLE 2D-story front room; also 3d-story front; gentlemenpreferred;referencesexchanged.. - 1t'

FOR RENT-IN NEW FLAT, 3 ROOMS, FURNISH-Dd or ply fuornished; slingle or ensuite. ApplyTHE STANTON, 128 C at. n.e. ja10-2e*

FOR RENT-OFFICES.FOR RENT--DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS IN THULenman bldg., 1425 New York- ave.; elevator;steam heat; moderate rent.

ja11-3t A.T.COUMBE, 1425 ewYorkave.FOIl~RENT-OFFICE ROOMS IN NO. 6137 F RJ!.n.wv., near patent office; newly papered andmpaint-ed; $8 to $ A. F. FOX CO. (Inc.), _920 F at. n.w.

FOR RESNT--DESK ROOM; -CENTRAILY 10-cated; 1st floor.;. ateam heat; electric lights; freetelepone; $10 per mo. Apply to B. F. 3D-WAI1), 1201 G st. n~w. ja10.30t

FOR RENT-.OFFICE.IN BOND RLDG., 14TH ANDN. Y. ave., elegantly furnished and kpor en-furnished; heated and weR lighted. e orryor permanently. Cheap. Addresa A. A. 1.Saoffee. jad4t*

FOR REFJW-CORNER ROOM ON THE 1I3THfloor of our build! about 23 ft. a 90 ft.; ex-septionally well hIted; passenger and freightelevator servicel Steam heal; electrie lights; sult-able for offie or jighf manufacturing purposes.For terms and farther prina Iiquiredoltt BARBER A ROW 1teaseG etin.a..

YOU BAY YOU MU SUS TI)OhUAL AGASNTWeR, thit-is met saaad - - e e7gonsvb ~ gFyn i alm Sar messw

aooms ms ~m,MAM -HRyinED ROM 14OR o 4OOObow tabl; ams oqigiW sAm 6=7n 2W3oSt,.... usItWAN'EED-RMI GENTANI AND WIFRas boarders- vage samiy- tearm Msainain; tit-Ademe.. rOdd lBstar siee.

1702 P ST-LAROR, FURX m) .pKOU.Tron; Well bsted; amedket Odft hard; eablfonly. it*

ROOMs. WITH O WITHOUT SOARD. US R-ate tamly. man d wIfe .r e.e .Im.; bm.

comforts. -111d th at. a.w. jai1-3t*NEATLY FURNRnnD ROOM AND 400Dboard, S; very large fast room, w-t board ftrtwo, $4; towd locatioe. 2Sn Now Jersey a"e.9.e- it*

LABGE, WARM, BRIGHT ROOM. NORTH ANDsouth emposret; rst-eless board; resasaberates; referenees. 1117 I St. m.W. It*

FUR. ROOM, WiTH EXwR1AA&'T TABLEboar, near Capit ibrasy and all car lines;reasonable rates. lot st. ame. jai141t*

COMFORTABLY FURNISHE) ROOMS, WE rHexcellent table board; hose well kept and warm.1716 F'at. n.w. jall-3t*

1302 R ST. N.W.. CORNUME HOUSE; HOT-WATERheat; desirable furnished rooms; frst-class board;refs. jal1-st*FOR RENT-215 E. CAP. ST.. VERY NEAR CA*-itol, 2d-loor suites or single moms; special rates;grate fres If desired; ex. table; water from newreservoir. jaIl-2t*

FOR RENT-WITH BOARD, LARGE, HAND-somely furnished room, with aleove: 2i-foorfront; small private family. 1719 15th at.

FOR EilNT-HANDiOME FRONT ROOM, WITHboard- $35 for two. Apply at 474 0 st. a.w.Mrs. NOLk ja1l-6t*AT 1502 VERMONT AVE.. DELIGHTFUL FRONTrooms, for. or unfur., with board. it*

CHOICE OF LARGE, WELL-PURNISHED FRONT-rooif on second foor, with excellent board; boencooking; small family; house and location first-class; transients accommodated; terms reason-able. Apply 1.437 11th at. n.w. jal1-s.m.w3t

217 EAST CAPITOL--BEAUTIFUL ROOMS; ENsuite or single: one block from Library; twofrom Capitol; house first-class; table excellent;terms low, It*

LARGE IEATED ROOM. WITH LARGE CLOSEr:southern exposure; 2d floor; board for 2, $45.1224 13th. It*

FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED SECONi-story front room; bay window; other rooms; withexcellent board. 1132 10th St. n.w. It*

FOR GENTLEMEN. 2D-FLOOR FRONT ROOMand rooms third foor; also table hoard: cooknoted for bread and coffee. 1507 Vermont ave.n.w. it*

PLAIN LIVING, HIGH THINKING; -ONGENIAL,sociological, co-operative residence club; nearLibrary. Address BROOK FARM, Star oilce. It*

LARG'E, WARM ROOM; GOOD BOAlWD; PRIVATEfamily; price moderate; gentlemen only. 131711th at. n.w. It*

201 E. CAP. ST., FACING CAPITOL AND Li-brary; well-furnished rooms; excellent table; mod-erate rates; nepr all car lines; transient andtable boarders a specialty. Ja10-26t

MORE ROOMS THAN WANTED BY MAN ANDwife; modern house; southern exposure; every-thing neat and clean; gentlemen only; near de-partments. 1911 G at. n.w. ja10-2t*

IN FRENCH FAMILY. ROOM AND BOARD;also table board; refs. required. 532 20th St. n.w.ja10-t*

1528 COICIORAN ST.-SECOND-FLOOR. SUNNY,bright, large room, bow window, cabinet mantel.steam heat, for two gentlemen or couple. withexcellent board. jaIO-4t*

FOR RENT-1616 K ST., PLEASANT ROOMSand good board; references. 1000 Kat. jalo-7t'

DNIIlABLE HOME; PRIVATE FAMILY; ROOMSwith board; home comforts; reasonable rates;location central; car lines one square. 1423 8:hat. n.w. ja1O-3t*

FOR RENT-DESI RABLE 21D-STORY FRONTroom, with board; also smaller rooms; hot andcold water; largc closets: furnace heat; conven-tent to cars. 1449 N at. n.w. jal0-2t*

FOR RENT-BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOMS, WITHprivate family: so. exposure; four doors frotmelectric cars. 1347 Q st. ja9-t*

FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD;suitable for two. 235 13th at. s.w. jag-3t*1313 N N.W., LAtGE 2D-FLOR, SOUTH-FRONTroom, with or without board; reasonable to gen-tleman; transients accommodated. ja9-3t

FOt GENTLEMAN OR LADY. COIFORTABLErooam. r uthern exposure; home-cooked board.11122 I st. n.w. ja9-3t*

LARGE SECOND STORY. BY JANUAIIY 15. WITHtable board. Apply 1017 12th at.*

ONE LARGE, U4NE SMALL ROOM, WITH OAtU.1358 Yale at.. Columbia Heights. ja7--t*

FOR RERT-STORES,FOR ItENT-F. II. SMITH 00., 1408 N. Y. AVE.,RENTAL AGENTS, BOND BLIIG.1537 14th n.w., store and 7r. and b $..........$;0.00711 H n.e., store and Or. and b., stable.... 27.50jal1-3t

FOR RENT-CFNTRALLY 1iOCATED STORE, '0.730 11th dt. n.w., with work rooms in rear; steamheat; $10.It A. F' FOX CO. (Inc.), 920 F at. n.w.

FOR RENT-1007 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.. SUIT-able for <octor, dentist or any light businets,bright rooms, hall, back entrance; fne businesslocation. Apply 1322 G n.w. ja9-t*

FOR RENT-1328 0 ST. N.W., 'STORE, OFFICEand workroom; iard, back entrance; best busi-ness location. 1ent. $30. Apply 1322 G nw.ja9-3t*

FOR RENT-618 PENNA. AVE. N.W.; LARGE 6-story brick store, running through block, contain-Ing 15,000 square feet of flooring and 2 elevators.and may be converted into two stores, with carline on each front; $4,200 per annum. PossessionMarch 1. TH(OMAS E. WAGGAMAN,ja4-s,m.w,12t 917 F St. n.w.


Situated in Frederick county, Virginia, about90 miles from Washington, on the line of theBalto. and Ohio railroad. Hotel, with modernimprovements-baths, electric bells and gas--andcottages furnishing more than 100 rooms readyfor occupancy. Grounds of 100 acres. attra-tively improved. Springs of sulphur and Ironwater. For further Information apply at Win-chesater,'Virginia, to

W. ROY STEPHENSON, Trustee.R. GRAY W1ILLIAMS, Special Commissioner.ja11-stf

FOR SALE-BOA~tDING HOUSE. FORTY-ONErooma, filled with good-paying boarders; fine loca-tion; nicely furnished; price, $2,800; part cash,balance on time. Address "GOOD) HNCE,"Star offie-. ja11-2t*

A PARTY CONDUCPING A PAYIlNG AND) RAP-idly growing business in the northwest wiahes tomeet a business man who will buy the propertynow occupied and enlnarge it to suit the busInessrequirements, giving a lease for a term of years.Very beat references, and open to fullest investi-gation. A good investment. Address PROGRESS,Star offie- 1i*

WANTED - A PARTNER TO ATTEND TOclaims; ability more than means desired. Ad-dress CLAIMS, Star oedice. it*

FOR SALE-A Decided Bargain to Settle an Estate.

10 acres land, only 16 squares from U. S. Capi-tol bldg. fronting 660 feet on lride ave., peblicpark 4)d1 two streets; all atreet improvwementsmade: ean be soid &t, a large -isat'- meartground sold lately at O0e. a foot. Price only Se,

.foot. 'Thrm. to sit. Apply G. J. BUND),F st.ja11-s,t,th-6t*

WANTED-A PARTY WHO CAN FURNISH$5,000 or $6,000 ready cash as patesilent ifpreferred, to engage in a gosafe business,where large profits areasurd.Address fBi105, Star office. It*


share; new automatic snamnplng plant just corn-pletedpronunced the finest in Arianna. C. A.SWANN,AtlanticbuIlding,930F t. .w.ja1-3*


sale. -For particulars address Bex 197, Star


time, will buy bgsiness andi residential propertyworth $7,600; tenanted and resting for $54 permonth. Address Boa 220, Star o~ee. ja11.6t*


stone dwelling and -bakery; No. 206 7th at. a.w.;moderate rental. Apply to THE ABUTNGTONSINS. O.,105Pa.ave. .w. -a11-6t


room; beautifully fltted: in center of city; doinga good cash businaess; Lous, B to d;. no Sundaybusinesa; owner contractor; can't give peresna.iattention; price, $600 eash. Address Box 154,Star offie,- it'FOR SALE-CHEAP-CAFE IN FIRRT-CLAillapartment house; moderate rent. .pnyJ. C.WEEDON & CO., 224 E. (kin. St- a1-3t

$3,000 AT ONCE WILL SECURE HALF INT~t-eat in modern-oquipped laundry that will sara oninvestment $45 weekly; investigate quick; partyieiring. Addresa Box 50, Star oemec. 1t*WANTED-PARTY, GENTLEMAN OR LADY, TOjoin advertiser in' purchasing smalreae bestsection northwest,- for homnes, near dteara*greatest bargain in Diatrict today. BRe T Star


OUR SUPERINWBNDENT'S LAST REI"ORTshows -that we have- p5,05 irti qf copper areissight, and should havsteam dril at erne.To raise .nedeat fonda Emontdat.Ig, we. sIgsail F0 shares of our stuck at a special paes.m'SCall at snce. sams 25 and 20,.5181 at.s2-18t,6

FOR Saym-.ONE O5 -HY WB'iT-,fsm

and whoesomae tquer atoas- in atket sesse19th ad Iaal,. sw.; ewrn ha twon am.; esaSatte ntom. only.ApplY-st-S ew-Tsstage.-agulrd l of -s setps e m-


FOB RENT---UNUM7AL1. WNVgmagthmee haarishm; 9 4Cbath; feroSre and 3 -aa ecal rang abe

a .FJ ca =teamat. A 11jautFO RENT - HANe11M0Eteems; eralag Thuman Comet; m m 042 baths; aaten; metg mml Iifskd 1.600 par V~a. i

rorn RENT-BARGAINS IN 1100lt 1 in1th It., Sr.. Gme atlretta, . .I near et,F

11CLARtK RROL., 13111 F.FOR RENT-FI'RNliE --A 2-MMY RaEMhouse; bath, butler's paatry; atable; 9B-

geted and palata; frmeety ep by M. 4.Als - boom. OW. 14 a St. M..j11-Ste

FOR RNT-14ESMRANJC PUNlSEED 18 e.. and bath; t. Od. ; e..,.ra,delghtfully bested; =teswa ewellnt; trmsmoderate. Apply at 1714 16th at. amw. ja09-atFOR RENT-MObLBBN 10-OM BOV ; PER.fat ceadition; completely funished. tI-ladlngbedding and table ware; near Capitol and IA.brary; $ft In advance; teferenceg eaebagea.Address B. U. W.. Ntar oelre. jam-st*


handsoame 3-atuq rick; 14 reams; el mod. IIn frt-clasP order; $125 Per Rie. A. T.MAN. 1321 F St. n.w. 302-I

nOB RENT--BY DAVIS & WT~TEVANT. 101 0at. D.w.-1430 Staaghtom at. The begae be brick.3 storiee. 8 room, and lth; Is cnanpletly ftr-washed, and can be rested for tea mnths. Mrr-thing is in perfect condition. .01u-*t

YOu RENT--iug 111 ST. N.W.Beautifully furnamhed; 11 roomis; modemr baths.MOST FAIHIONABIE IA)CAION.lnapecties by penmit only.H. CLAY bTEWART & SON. 617 14th at. a.w.ja7-4t

FOR RENT-F'RNISHED. FOR SIX MONTHSat $115. or 11.20 per annum; worth W000 eryear; 16th at.; fashlnable section. INKPLL& McLKAN, 108 F at. D.w. Ja-etFOR RENT-TEN ROOMS. WIL FtURNESHItU;hair mattressea; sime plann; beautiful leoattoa-windows all aidea. Address or ew U. T. JANNSEat CartiS School. 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. 8031-tFUISHKD OR t-F4IRINSKED.


lilConnaTo-.isr$30.W 14th above Fla ave.1531 N H av, 15r..208.31 lor ..............0.60Io6 15th no, 11r 20P.00 1215 K Capitol. 10r.4I.0013 Vt ST. Mr...:175.00,1739 8 w. Or......50.01812 H. 15r .......1'003404 Morgan aw.lor..42.10

343 P aw, 17r.. .125.00 1313 Q ow. 9r......36.001101 F, 17r...... 100.00 32 Me av nw. 10r. .30.79901 16th nw. 15r. .100.00 1234 29th nw. Ir.. .30.001833 Jeff pl aw.14r. 100.00 Lota Noa.34-25aTS8..2.01328 19th aw. l5r. .100. 1373 H De. br......14.0601 18th am. 13r...110.00 214-218-2392-r2 lat1632 K aw. lr. ...4.331 aw. Or. each......12.591431 R I av nwIlr.83.33 235 lot aw. Sr.....1.00

1720 Q nw.........75.00 6 DaMuin's row. 5r.8.40130M 20th nw. 10r..75.0092319 maamplaine ave.100 B ne. 13r...... 75.00 m 2r............4.00905 E mw. 12r...... A0 16 Watkins pl. Oevy1SM Clue ar nw.10r.65.00I Chase, 2r....... 6MW02 E at. 11r.... . Lot 1. eq 65. Dm1

1305 Yale, 12r...::. a* & C aw.......Oggr1300 L nw. 10r.... .55.1 Lots 19-3,5 q 6791515 Kemesaw, 11r. .U.*' bet Mas & Lm aws183 Vernu av. 13r.5Io.00 & F mape, a'am.1.200FTRNISRED-PER ANNUM.19th bet I and R..8.0u0i Maw av bt 2 &23d.1.0016th bet & K w..6.000 R near 18th mw... ..80917th and H ow.....6,000 Woodley lane........90015th bet H & I 1w.5,400 8 bet 16tb&lTth nw.1.600IzwIeside 18th at & Phelpa pI ...1.0

~wai4 av......3.600 1 bet 2OthL21st aw. 1.500Man bet l7tb&l8th.3.00 Q bet 17tb&Ibth m .1.50016th bet 0 & P nw.3.600 Yale bet 13th&L4th.1.500Coma av bet H & 1..3,300 19th ur Ilupont cir..1.60W16th bet Q & It nw.3.000 15th het () & P om.1.50&120th bet 1 & Q uw.3.t1N0 Anaderland place.. .1.310Vt av bet K & L...2.7001 bet 2otb&2lat ow.1.20020th bet N & 0 nw.2.700 Banernft 1 mw.....1.200I bet 18th&l9th nw.2.520 11 bet 12th & L3th..1.600Mass av or 15th nw.2.400 12th bet U & Vw .. .900Iowa circle w.....2.400 Cincin aw. Wash Hgto.960Conn av bet t & ..2,000 Kirk at. Chevy Chase.U0'13th bet L & M... .200 Corcoran &ear 18th...900The Maury.No.33.4r.$40 The Maury, No. 32, 4r.$40HANDSOMELY FURNISHED AND UNFURtNMU1-ED APARTMENTS IN "'EIEPOR1LAND."

OFFICES.BuildIng 8th & D.$250.00 1114 F. desirable e0ees212-14 1, 2d door..1.(kAK 620 F, desirable ofces502 E. lir........ 0.00 640-7 7th, desirable ofiles1421 F, 3d 6 front..25.00 "Century bidg." 0 e m512-14 F. 2r........15.09 bldg. all Ihps, aMoSE cor 12th&F nw. denalt. rooms from $12 toable olices, from $12.50 me. Entire Soers,to $50.00. 1 15 per -

1423 F. desirable ofeen .-MIcRES.

BoUdIng t!&D..$250.00 623 E nw (ba&e9... .25.601210 D nw....25. 0 12925 M at.........31.00487 Pa av w ..75.00

STABLES.1407 Mass av frearp$40.00 1723 R I av nw ferrl.15.01416 1 ow (rear) ....31.5. 1708 15th n (reari.10.001717 I nw (rear.... .2.00:1218 9th aw (tear.. .6.001012 14th ow 4rear18S.00jCAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT-DNG AN) COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM AILCLASSEM OF PROPER17ES.Fotr full lat of furnished and unfurnished housm

flatr. olcea, storis and stables apply at o11c1.jall-tfFOR RENT-STONE & PAIBFAX. 986-S8 F N.W.$150...Iowa cirle. i5r.h $a;.tere .1th & K MW$125......... 719 6th nw $30..StoeeL. 7th &M aw

.80 7th ma. storea$3... 1624 7th ow, ate.33. .2110 0 nw. 12r.b $25.50. . .648 Q amw. r.b-.-.-.-.-....153 . fat $356....2010 1 Om, Sat1.75..911 H aw. 11r.b £5.50..2001 Gth nw,7r.b

...o.513 9th w, store =i.A .... .320 T aw.r.b.75.1300Kenesaw.Or.b $25.50..1430 8th ar. br.b.65...917 R mw, lor.b 25.50.1608 15th na.Tr.b$50.50.1311 Colm rd.llr.b .50.2102 17th nw,6r,b$50..Warehome. N J ave $2L.-k.Tahoma Park. br.b....1332 tR . 12r.b $=5... .04 Pa av aw, 2r.30.1618 15th nw.10r.b $24. .512 Spruce ar, fat550 ...1516 8 nw, 9r.b $.50.... .147 C ne. 7r.b

2.50...2034 1 ow. 9r.b M.50.50& Fla at ow..b.50.1372 larvard.1r.b $22.50... .513 10th me, or$40.50.12l5Prince'n.lor,b .50.2210 14th, sto. ata$40.0....3044 14th. 10r.b .5... .2208 F ow. 6r.b40.50..1309 9th nw, br.b $=...514 Spruce iaw. Get$40.50..1325 T nw, 10r.b 93K50......54 0 De. Or.b.50. .2120 1st nw. or,b $20.50..210-12 B aw,r.b40.50..1300 W nw, ler.b,$2o.50. .. 1102 K n. Gr,b40.50. .1009 8th ow, 'r 0....y ttaille. Md

$37.50.....1811 18th. 1or 17.W0... 7th me. 6r.b- 3539 Morganar.9r.b $14.5...408 Albiny ne, Sr

.0. ..2145 P nw. br.b $15.30.. .1506 12th me. Or

.50.32 Q nw. Dr.b $13.30.21 o me.Gr.b

.50..2110 1st mw, 9r.b 1L2.&1.1503 ltloedale,or.b$32.50.....80 R nw. 8r.b 12.50..51 M aw. Sr. ate

.50. . 1.14 9 nw.-r,b 1.5.1005 N J aV e.6,9.50. .423 10th ne, 8r b $1.30o.129 4Golden am. 4r34.50...1201 U nw, 7r.b'$.30..918 St l'aul'a ct. 3r~n.50....z30 8 mm. 8r.b1

FUJRNISHWl.~ 000. .F nr 18th. 14r.2lb 9125..Q nr 22d, l6r,000. .16th mm, 20r. 2bi$100. .Coluambia read, 1er1,800.. .0 near 21st, l2r $100. .. .Conm at & 8. lOr91,5010.M1 mm or Thos cir 110.... mm. 1Cr. b

$1,000. .18th ow, lot. :'b 100... .Q nr 17th, 14r. br20..owa circle, 15r. 3b.. .. .13tb neat 8. 7r.b150... .R I as, 16r. 2h6 0...1t nm near$120. .20th nr Dupont cir $50..... near 16tit

FORL RENT-BY Rt. 0. HOLTZMAN. REAL !EATUand Inastumace Broker, 10th and F eta. nm..Chamberlin's and 141h L, 1218 12th mm, Sr.. .42.5038rt, lb, per an. .95,060 1208 T7. Or........3.022 Laf e,. 20r. lb. 727 6th mm. 1t. .. .33.60etc.., per annum. .4.00927 Rt K av. Sr....30.01527 NH av.20r,2b.2.500 460 Fla at mm. Er. .22.0Martini Hall. 914 E.200.00 1111 F mm r...St .2.00309 13th mm. 21r. . .83.33 116 10th mm 7r. .22.601861 Mintw'd p.1Sr.75.00 692 ErIe at. 6m.2.*

812 Comm at. ...5.00 300 13th mm. Sr... .12.60911 K mm.5tsa.W6 227 Q am, Sata..1.61321 U, Or apta... .5.00'K neer 17 5rl~... RI Bla at leth,,54.J

Mas at A 4h 2r3U 16th amr 3.1Sr... .1N H av Mr...3.00E arU l5r.. 1..l60Conn av ,ar d1th:500 ~mlzat. 1Sr. 2b.160Iowa crl.15r.. 2824e019th meer0 Sr....13

20h*a 1St...J0nesar 17t. ..16*"Atlantje heat Edne i639 F am...5 to 59b~s"from 80 to 25~ 470 Ema at.. IO 1331111 aw.m Sd 12. .35.001 88 7th am....1.0922? Q n.m.......... ..................1.19~e13? R I at (rear).9120 1)60Pa av e (sma4) 0

.1......r...... ...6.001

FOR RET.8 . . 7th am, ates . 5.1911 Termsat at. St89.427Pa avw.8iSm.The Me &S

~.34. .25set me~tar.11 ....-..u21 ai., S6.916 F am. baemaet .58Th. emaa,

.---n.ata. llt$.8.. ...487 1th mSt....2 1 Q t, 1*1e . 4..1 13th am &.0...911H am. 1i ... .gU1 Pg a,.80... l00 226 mm. & ..817 Saah nw..67..221 Cap t. 1t ....The Milte...1225niv am.1% 94.60.4413 Kaae== av*k.........1614 ti am. 1le .5I.7 F Gat. &

------...86 II aw. eme03 .8...420 .. a, St

..a2 9th mm apr ee 8 .4M Anth.t pa. ?T70... .1923 aw, 1l1~ .. ~ tS50....1012?aw, e........6151 nma. eee.50..106 aw M18.39. .171* 17th mm. Sr65... .220? K am, 1e 1.0g...,.gg 8 mm, S

.... .917 B am, 11.68 F am.AS

-.......4 - -k at. 1 ::::..a ..;..m.

,... .179a.m .... .... ...6.th5.0O...l8 19t am. ----66E*se

Rd0..612 Mth-a. ------6363*, St

.610....325 T a m,s - . La e t'st

.17l5Osse' aw ---E w

ja11 t 3. H. WAiE W-. MS F n-m-yea RET-TB .V.AUL. B3 anl in..SthEa.ateedmg 96.990K as,4

aa. ...