the evening star.(washington, dc) 1862-05-21 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 26. · win commenced as a letter...

wA^m^uiuxs UJLT i : WEDNESDAY WAY 31* 1869. tCr Heading rrsatier on every page- See ratI'd* for Interesting telegraphic and other Matter. Spirit at the Morali| Preae. The Inttlhgtncrr noticing the comment* of the New York Tribun* on tte late proclamation " of the Prealdent it profesaaa to anpport," aaya: 11 A. «» /»V, - w w * I. ik. »» ^hc iniciiigciicrr; i«» uv\ iuc pvnuv«i friend of the President In the same sense as the it would be quite superfluous to become the political enemy of a man whoae sorest distress must flnd expression In the cry, ' Save me from my friends '" The Republican argues that the " question of the legality of Gen. Hunter's order is the whole question of the right of the Commander-in-chief to liberate slaves as a military measure; and says: " We greatly fear that a practical resolution of that question in the negative, is found in the President's proclamation of Monday " The Rerubliean bints that Congress should legislate on the subject. Financial..New York papers of yesterday sav:.The vaene dlsDatche* received vesterdav » » m # «r in reference to the action with Fort Darling, on James river, and tbe rumors In regard to intervention by Prance, produced a beavy stock market tbla mcrnlng, with a decline on abareaof about ^ per cent. Tbe market for Government* waa weak, bat tbe demand was fair We quote: U. S. 6's, 1981, reglatered 104; coupons, 104 .K; 1J. ». «'*, l%g, 101X; T 30 Trewury notes. 11)4 Kentucky 6'a, (R; Illlnota war loan, 96^; Indiana 8'a, 94; Indian* .V*,94; Tenneasw G's, 5S\a59; Virginia 7"*,59; Missouri6'*, 52; American gold, ltJ0\. U71 We bave from D. Van Ncttrand, publisher, New York, through Hudson Taylor, 334 Pennsylvania avenue, a work entlUtd "The C. 8. A and the Battle of Bull Run," by J. 9. Barnard, Major of Engineers, U. S. A. The work win commenced as a letter to an Englirh friend, for the double purpose of vindicating the batt'e of Bull Run, and to reach the publl: ear of England. It Is an Interesting addition to the historical records of that long-to-be-remembered battl*. F.l«ct»d..Col. Iiham G. Haynle, juat elected by eighty-two plurality to succeed Gen. Logan la Congreaa, from Illinois, la a aUunch Union uemocrat.a man who goe* for prosecuting tbe war with due energy, to the end of conquering tbe restoration of tbe Union. His two competitors, S. S. Marshal and Josh. Allen, ran as peace (I.«. secesb) Democrats. Thk Diplomatic Cohrkspoxdincs with regard to tbe present condition of Mexico, published by order of Congress, appears in bandsome volume of 431 pages, and is v*ry interesting. U7 From Hudson Taylor, it Pennsylvania avenue, we have the London Quarterly Review for Aprtl, containing »mongst other interesting matter for AmerUu readers, an article apon the ''Merrlma^a^t the Monitor." 1 Alkxasdsia Itim*.From the (latetie of May I9lh: < Some few casea cf stnail-pox have lately occurred In this place The U. S authorities have ( erected a small hospital for small-pox patients, < at the rorth end of the town The V. ?. authorities have purchased two acres « of ground, adjoining the burial grounds near thl*. place, as a place of interment for such soldiers as may die in the service of the government In the town and neighborhood. 3 Col. Wm. H Payne, of Fauquier, heretofore v reporVd belne killed at th«» ,, ...«v «< »» luiaiui- burg, st the last accouats was not dead. lewai. however, nwrtly wounded la the chtek and « mouth. It was Richard Payoe, of lower Fauquier. not Richards Pa\a«, Jr., who was killed In < . tor same batUr. The number of "conwahands" from the neighboring counties la Virginia, Increase dally In this place They already occupy several he-uses, some *ft%en> are in destitute circumstances. ELEVEN MILKS FROM RICHMOND The Rallrstd aa4 Telegraph -R»hrl«(.a<ti> eria| Arsiid Vltir I'ayittl- Mt|roin'i Order ! Retreat.The army Wiiblo Day's March af RichmsuJ . Aii dtei j Well. [Correspondedce Philadelphia kaqnirer.J chickahominy kivia,Sunday Keening, Mav 18.Here we are, within about eleven mileaof j , Richmond Before ua ania few hundred yards 1 to our left are the ReV*i ^Jeheta, aittln^ quietly 1 by the fence lookup '->t Yankees We came ij down the railtca^, &nd and it In good order, with j but two exception*.stnsll bridge* (about twenty J faet) paying been burned. The one near the aev- r er.lsetl telle poat« aa burning aa we came up, hav- } in# been tred lan night . ; Qnly twenty-BTe feet of the bridge over the Cblckahomlny haa been burned The laat train pawed over it on Friday rooming, and in the ; evening the bridge was fcred by some infantry who were picketing The bridge wa» about thirty feet high npon thia tide where U leavfa a high bluff, but on the other aide l*a long low rnarah or bog, perhapa a quarter oi a mil - wide. The traael-work con*nme^(a&xcoa be replaced. > Bottom bridge haa ^t vet been tired, nor haa i the oriage upon th x old stage road to the rleht of tbe railroad »nr** lliree cnl«; both remain, as the enemy ha^? aot all crossed, iwUj'n^p-li1 of any account be. r,TeT «'"* k«*i the first, j i « ^'rom White House Point j n^«» .?«m. wttp- ton* 'n good condition, a i ^2 and waiehouse; a store beside* n£Jd v ~**a vacaWd and sll tbe goods remnrrTt- .ear the seventeen mile pest a bridge - ./enty-fiw fc«* wide was fired last night - (be Rebel cavalry, who were picketed Id a wood close bv, In tbe rear, and wbo fired their camp and left this morulng The dry leaves and rails of which It was constructed set the woods on fire and It has burned all day. At Fair Oaks lsa fine saw mill, \* 1th a hundred thousand feet of good oak car and bridge timber .i a. »> a# 4* « ! IaJ an«l nartln eaax/iri£.H TKa CQ() BUtt IUU91 VI II piiCU auu paitir ovsaviou. » mm-v tewi have been taken out of mill, and a good nart of the machinery removed, It will soon be running order. The meeting of the road* near Bottom1* Bridge la called Baltimore Croaa Road* It waa here the Rebels llred upon Col. Gregg's Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry yesterday, with seven different batterie* We lost no one killed or wounded. General Magruder passed over the road running croaa the railroad at Despatch station, on Friday and Saturday. He had near SO pieces of artillery, and some 20,GOO infantry and cavalry. He Intended to enter Richmond by the New Bridge, on the old stage road, five miles above here. His rmtrm^r hu kMn cnn^nrlMl In a ftnp and inut^flv manner, be keep* up the stragglers and baggage; none were found; the camp fires, wbere his rear guard were last night, and the tracks of hi* vldettes, are all we can find. A stray piece of pap ; flicked up, wa* found to be a general order, reedBg : In the Field, Eight Wing Corps d'Army nrar ) Baltimore Cross Kuads, May II, 1W2. J ' Commander* of Divisions, Brigade*, Regiment* and Companies, are required to impresa it strictly upon their command* not to ever march their men without their knapsack* and haversacks; every man must consider himself an independent; and no man must ever stop to reat, loiter on the road, or to get his baggage carelesslv left, nor Is It to br at anv timt* considered at ail certain that the same pMltlon will be occupied by the same troops two saccewlve days or that the same road will again be traversed. "By order of General Masxudkb. "A 8 Dickinson, A.A. 0. "Omclal . 8. 8 McIrtosh, A. 1) C. "Official.Wm. W Pscb, A. A. G." This i <t t tk. I. S m m a * w«> ttnvum upvu »uc uat» W IUC LI tenant Colonel Commanding Twenty-lrat Milslsslppl. The country along the Cblckabomlny Is similar to that along Bull Run. It will not do for u* to go plunging heedlessly.we must feel our way. Better alow and sure, than a ruth and a retreat. We c*n drive them from here whenever It la ordered, but we must have up tome artillery to shell them out of their drive them from the cover of the pine* and the oaks. Beyond this marsh and the hilly gorges Is an open sad clear country, where we csn give them a fair ght ir (bey want it. The railroad could be put in operation in one day, for thirteen ml lea, If we had rolling stock here. Where la Col. T. A. Scott, or hla aatlataata? The iron la a heary new rail, the chair* wrought into, the tifa large and laid in a bed of grmvel, and the track la fn excellent order, and ft tat heavy traina at rapid a peed. C7" Robert Marshall, residing four mllea Iron Wheeling, Vm , wu irmM on Saturday last on tho charge of uttering aedltlou* language and denouncing the guverameut. lie was relented on ®6U0 ball, but on hla return to his farm, conducted himself In aocb a violent manner, that he wu re-arrested and conloed In the Athenenm . Wkttltng hUtllx^enctr, May 19. fl~^The Democrata in Cincinnati are taking jpesaure* for tn eflclent organisation. J ~ UTS NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Ij HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM M'CLELUN'S J IRMY. ! .. i A Circa! Bailie Impending! Oar Whole Army Yesterday en the Hove. ! » flcClellan's Headqaarterg L»t Iflfht within a Short Distance of IkbniM. The Main Body of the Enemy encamp- j ed In front of that city. -.. i Exciting ilevi to be Expected at any 1 moment!! Tcnstall'h 5*t*tio5, Alar 20, (midnight.). j ,|,k- ...u wUVata ibam Arlwon sptaai bottom's * I MC CIIV1H J p>V*V»« »» v .v.. -*< - . Bridge yesterday by the troops advancing in that direction. ! The rebel* attempted to regain the poat by the 1 n»p of their artillery, but failed. Our batteries opened, abelllng the wooda on ( each aide of the bridge. The advance, under Gen. Stonemin, reached * New Bridge yesterday, within eight mllea of I Richmond. They fonnd no enemy in force on > tbla tide of the Chirkahomlny, which at that < point dwindle* down to a small creek. The couatry In that locality la in » good state of cultivation, with no more swamp than Is to be found on ordinary bottom land. Sii piecei of artillery were found posted upon the opposite bank ; but his purpote not being to bring on an engagement, he retired one mile from th« bridge, and encamped. During the day,while driving the enemy'* out- potts, he had one killed and three wounded. The whole armv moved thl« mornlntr. earlv. with the view of making a lengthy march. What roads they took, it is not necessary to atate; bnt the headquarters of Genpral McClellan to-night are within a abort distance of R Ichmond, in front of which city is supposed to be encamped i the main body of the rebel army. If they intend to give the Union army battle. j which almost universally acknowledged to be ] the case.the hour Is drawing near at hard when 1 they will have au opportunity. i U/RFP.K OF THF fiRIFNTil ! WW WW w w w I n«i( , 4 Brigadier General Sa\ton, and the rest of the Passengers and the < Crew, Saved. A Portion of the Cargo Lost* TlieWar Department this forenoon received } the following dispatch : c Fobtkkss Monkok. May 21..The Oriental, in * which Gen. Saxton [the newly appointed Military t Governor of South Carolina .Ed. StarJ sailed, wai wrecked on Friday night, May lGth, on j Body's Island, thirty-three miles north of Cape llaUeras. The passengers and crew were saved, and a portion of the cargo was lost. The remainder will be saved on the beach. \V. J. A. Fuller, esq., of New York, went slxtv-flve miles, in a storm. In a ranoe arrr.n thp Sound to Fort Hatteraa for assistance, which, bv bis energy, was obtained. i Lieut Hills, acting assistant qiartermaster, J came with the strainer George Peabody. Col. Hawkins, commander of Kcanoke Island, came a next day, and took possession of the Government t property, and placed a guard over it. Lieut. Ellis and Co!. Hawkins displayed the * most commendable zeal and judgment In preserving the Government property and generally 'i promoting the comfort of the ship's wrecked J passengers. Both dt serve the highest praise. Brie. Gen. Saxton arrived L*re this mornlnt'. Moat if the ptssengers will l»e in New Vork on { FriJay in the U. S. steamer tie«». Peabody. I LATEST FROM GENERAL HALLECK'S ARMY, j TilK CONFLICT APPROACHING. i HsT.tRk Coristh, May 20 .There Las been 1 skirmishing along the whole line to-day* the £ result of our feeling the enemy's strength and ' seeking more advantageous position*. Our losses t were small. The army is advancing slowly. c The story about several rtbel regiment* at- J tempting to mutiny and the sending of United States forces to their assistance, is false t It Las been raining all day. and there i8 a pros- * pert of a rainy nlgbt. r The N&sbvllle Union chronicles the constant j arrival of Tennesseeans in tl^at city, Kick of the I Southern Confederacy, and say* a thorough ' 1 * nlnn man must 1 »« ' - ' ' «/mivm u«au Miuav mc t uuicu 4i>i iuc a^JJruac'UlU^ | circuit election. FKOMFRKMOM'S < (OlMAND. * The Kepnlte at >lrIH\vell. J The \\ heeling Intelligencer, May 1Mb, aayi: t \\ e converted last evening with Lieut Henry H i Ticket, of iMuifleld, Ohio, who Is direct from ' Fremont* command, and who witnessed the * battle at McDowell on the Hth, between Mllroy'a , and Solienck'a forces and tne enemy under Jack- ( on. I Oar force* consiited of nine rei/im»nt« in »n i aix under Mllroy and three under S^-benck, nam- 1 bering not more than aeven thonsnnd m?n. { Thc»« under Milroy were 75tii. TJd, :«d and 25th I Ohio, and 2d and 3d Virginia Those under i Scfcenck were the fe*2d and .">5th Ohio and 5th Virginia. it appears that Mllrov's force had ad- i Tanccd from Monterey In t&e direction of Staun- j ton as far « McDowell, two regiment* ten mil"* j beyond and ou« aixtrea. J unt before noon on the Mli the pickets of th'a advanced raiment were driven in. and it fell back to the other two. They all fell back in good ord-r to within a mile and a quarter of McLHtwell, where they mide a aland. s>kirmlshlng continued until a quarter to six In the evening, when tb« main tight began. The enemy were posted along the top of a mountain which terminated abruptly on our left. Milroy's forces were disposed in front of the mountain nome dlstsr.ce along, with the butteries on elevated «round tn the rear. There were Ave of these Cspt. Hymen's, Capt De Heck's, Capt. Kwing's Capt. Johnson's, and another not remembered by our informant. Capt. Hymen's battery in particular did brilliant execution, being about upon a level with the enemy. His shells all burst at r the right time and in the right place, each one 0 clearing a space of about thirty feet in the ranks I of the rebels £ > & & a « a a a a* ^ adcui / ociocK in me evening <»en Schenck's p brigade came up, having left Franklin at half- I j.a-st ten In the morning. The tight raged furl- « ously, and lasted till 1) o'clock at night Shortly ' after dark, the Md and 9*id Ohio mede a brilliant bayonet charge up the mountain la the face of the enemy's lire, and drove them from their position, but much to their surprise found a heavy force In reserve on the other aide of the mountain. They fell back of coarse. Meanwhile, the enemy bad come around tbe * blufl termination of tbe mountain, and flanked J our force. Tbe '<J5lh Oblo was posted on the I exreme left, and tbe weight of this flank move- r ment fell upon them. They fought gallantly a and were considerably cut up Their imtaun tlcn gave out, and they stood upon the fleld ai d E waited 11 ke heroes till a fresh supply wu brought J them. Upon tbe discovery that tbe enemy were 3 greatly superior In numbers, our force fell back in gcod order about y o'clock, having given tbe ' rebels at least a Roland for their Oliver. Our * Ioh amounted to 37 killed and 100 wounded That of the enemv was believed to be much larger, from tbe fact that our men Mring up bill, we-e more accurate In their aim, and on account of tbe terrible execution of the shells thrown from our batteries. Deserters who came In after f tbe iigbt, declarednbat their loss was 40U killed, f besides tbe Wounded. a While tbe battle was going on, a couple of com- < panlea from tbe Virginia regiments left at Mon* « Urey to guard baggage and provisions, and wbo ! naa oiarti tonii uki, were siwrsea who sura luddeoDew that tuey bad to ikcdiddlc on tbe double quick, and leave everything.even their 1 own baggage, clothing, uniform*, etc., in tbair . truokj. Lieut. Weaver, of the 2d Virginia, left . behl nd a trunk containing valuable* to the amount i of *150. There was no lighting, aa they obeyed t the order to fall back aa kooa aa tbe picket* were I driven la: consequently nobody hurt there, but considerable loss of personal effrcti After tbe Igbt, our forces fell beck to Frank- iin, tbe capital of Pendleton county, and next day this side. The enemy 14,000 strong followed. There were two or three days' skirmishing.our batteries playing on them with shell and keeping them tack In spits of their superior force. They 2a me up and occupied our deserted csmp at one time; bat s wsU-posted battery soon made that too hot for them, and they " fell back." In tht* iklrmlahlng three of our pickets were killed, and «re killed six of their men in return. Heary relnforoemetiU from Fremont had arrtvk J i a . 1.4 a t .m wis m a uewie our lsiormiDiicn rruiuu. mencnri 'Bully Dutchman" were (here, eager for a Ight. Fbom Gew. Cox's Army.We learn from a gentleman who arrived yesterday from Sea. Sox's headauartera, Raleigh, tnat Col. Scammon, <rho bad advanced to Princeton, Mercer county, aad fallen back from that village to a stronger position, before vastly superior number of rebels, rhe roads from Ghnley to Raleigh, and from Raleigh to Princeton are In a mlaerablecondltlon. Forage Is exceedingly scarce, and It la with the rrettest difficulty that food ia found foe either minor beast..Wheeling Inttllieeneer, May 19. f£7~ The people are starving to death In Ireland, rhe fact has been formally announced In the British House of Commons. V«»THE UNCONDITIONAL UNION Votera I H . * « r*. i«t a » » - m. ^ ui mo nr«i Traru ire rr^awwa 10 sn6(]0 i meetinc to t>e held itf the Union Kncine Houie. »n THURSDAY KVKNINS, M»t ?2d, tomatt trrancemento for the ooming e lelection. m2 -vf y«»THP.RK will bk a mkp.ting op JJf unoondition»l Union men of the Seven.h Ward TO MORROW <'Ihurtda?)NlGHT at Polomaa Hall. Ail Union men. regardless of party, ire milled to attead. By order of the Presifent m 21-2t* Y^^NOTICE .A special meeting of the Jo jJJf neymen ftor.e Cutters Association will fTeTd atTemperance flail, on PRIDAY KV&NINe.theUd instant,at 7* o'clock. All members »l the Aseo<-ir-uoo are requested to bepressnt. as buaineaa oi importance must be attended to. m 21-3t* wm, m1ppleton, soc't. attention, second ward l,ni d I'nMlil I'lliMil iivkiv m rid^tl. i-» WillUll VUV0 Alio rejular weekly meetinjt of the Club will take plaoe oa THURSDAY KVKNINO. May 22d, a I the Medical Collete, on Fstreet. between 11thand 13th. at 8 o'clock. Bnii>eu of the utmost importance r?e jir»8 the prorcpt of every member. All other voters of the Ward favaricg the otj'cta nfthe Clubare n.vitcd to be preempt. m 21 2.* [V*r»LKCTURE .Jno 8. Rock. Ecq..(oolore<l) |__S a member of the Beaton lt»r. aid an able audinterestinic speaker, will lecture on THURSDAY EVENuNtf of this week, 2id instant, at the Fifteenth atreet Presbyterian Cnuroh, between l and K streets. 'Ihe friends of hutr.r uty and publ:o renerally. are invited, SubjectA peaf-rim Raoe " Tiokets 25, fjr sale at Post Office Ne*7j Stand, and city Book Stores. m 21-It* v^»T H E NATIONAL UNION DE U satee of the various Wards, opposed o ' epublic&nieni and Aboluionirm, will meet in oon. er.tion &t the Hall of th* Kmnk in Kire Compan*, an WKDNKSDAY EVENING, May 2Ut, 1862, it 8 o'olook, for the pnrpoie of oomtnatirg a oacdiiata for Mayor. rn 20-2t» THE UNION PRAYER MEETING Will JJ[ ba holden ever* day thia week in the LutherinCharoh, (Rev. J. ©. Butier'a,) at the corner of llth and H ctreeta, oommonoing at <K o'oiook 9- mM icd ooDtinned but oce boar. ia SO MESSRS. S. 8LKNM AND H. BLAND HAV- ing !eaaed the Norfolk opera House will < r imc m oommnnioation will permit) ope thufiru t ut Theater for ft ecmmer iea;on. Partiei ceiirmg engagement* will a Mrers the Manager*, at 186 loth itreet W»»hirgtoB, P. C. It* N HANDS LINK. OTICE TO CONSIGNEES.The steamer E. IJhamSeriin. from IMiilade'phia, has jt . irrivad. Cargo ready f»r delivery. HYDE Sl DAVIDSON, Agents, It Beorgetown. D C. IJ*OR SALE.For sioo, a ep'endid dark brown HORSE, Saddle and Bridle: drives fly v*11, and a perfect Deaaty under saddle. rhe owner ha» no further use lor him. To rV kPT pirt» wanting u showy a horse as this city ttTor.i*. thu la a rare oh&noe. lnquira oi J. H HEATH, Herndon Home, corner mnth acd F its. m 21 St* ^RRIVED THIS MORNING MRS RUSSKLISS RESTAURANT, SkVKNTH STRUT, Fine Freah SALMON, MACKEREL from tiia North, KLUK FISH, KLACK FISH, LOHSTER8, GREEN PEAS, S PR A WHERRIES, Ac Ac Ac. m 31 2> PATAPSCO HOTEL. ELLICOTT'S MILLS, MD. Is now open for the accommodation cl Boirderi md Viaiton. du-ie* ths A m. Communication dirrct with Waahing on daily,morning ar.d everirg. I Term* moderate. For further particular*, apply >r addreaa J AS IVlcttOW'AN, Patap*oo Hotel. m 21 1m* Kllioot^a Mi.Ip. Md. pitOPOSAL.3 FOR LEAD. I (hinanrf (Far Dipartrnrht, I I Washington, !Viay 20. )862 \ pmtpoial* wit! be reeeiyed by this Department intil > p in. on the s*eoinr. of the 4tn of June, for he <l*livery at the following Arieuala, aa aoon ai toeailile. of 5.0UU TONS OF I.KAD, aa foliowa At the Watervliet Arsanal, West Troy, New i <>rk. t 000 toca. At the N'w York Argaaal, Governor's lalard, Mew York, tona At the Allegheny Ar*eual, Pittsburgh, Peanaylfar\i> 1 flftft #.«» ' r », -v" kuua | At tne8t. Louis Arsenal, St. Louia, Miasouri, tons. 1 The lead mutt 1>« Galen* or other Amerifan, itathuri, or soft English, ol the molt approved >racda Proposals will le received for lotaofSM tone and ip wards Didders will state explicitly the tiraeand amount f each delivery. Failure to deliver at a specified time will sul>eot the oootraotor to a forfeiture ot the amount to >e delivered at that time. Partioe obtaining ooutriol* will be required to inter into bonds with proper securities for its aitufal performacoe. The Department rerervt'a to itself the rtjht to eject any bid proposals will ba addressed sh follows: Gen. I VV. KIPLEY.Chief of Ordnance vv&ihiufton, ). (7.. and should Le endorsed "Proposal for .ead." in 21 eotje4 fOMPLlMENXAKV IJKNKHT TO DICK Is PAKKKH RieKnrii Parker, Kfi. Dkau Sir : Wo, the un lersifiied, desire, from rcisoiis which we w>'l nention. to tender to roa a complimentary bentiiU /our lone oareer as an artist in your profession in hin city has rendered »ou popu &r beyond most erforiners who have «ited us. and jour quist. ;entiemanly deni»&coi k *3 tainsd for you fcoste of rienda and ad mirers. w..o would be pleased t > tesify to you In a suitab.e manner their appreciation >f Tour worth. Yonr eonduot in our city hta been a model to the neinbers of your profeision, and in any oapaoity lOuid not do Otherwise th«.n mtk> »<in hiHiti I" his connection, we oannotdo otherwise than exjre»B our app rroiation ol the exertions of Messrs. 'erciva1 and Co to afford ua & popular st«le of uiiuteuient, and to say that ia no other way oou'd 11 use enterprising mir.nor: have more entirely j lor.tulted our wUnes than in retaining you ia our nulct during their entire season With express ons of regard ard esteem beyond rhat we h«ve hitherto feii called upon to give to a mthio artist, ai d awiiting your deoision as to the ime of the benefit mentioned, wo temain your < rier.ds. Ostheiw Brothers, Hermann Meyer, , Kred M Hough>on, Meyer Wettieus, Sr, ' KSW L'uuuam, W K Ketccam, M Arnold, H, H Liohau, N Jones. P Franklin Jcnea, Join C Kay, W MoKeiwiy, J M Homis'ow, I GeoT Dickinson, Geo W MoKonny, W U Fnnok, E C George, Henry E M'rrioir, Peter L Ottman, W H Ottman. Byron a Gibsreen, Cyrus lira^ie, J B Proctor, K Tan I'M*. J II whim.. t< I<«m bhoYt, JoaephV Cozlnna. | , Washington, May 12,18C, j Wash ngtOH, May 16 1862. Messrs. Jcnts. Dickinsm, O tort 6, Ostheim, Id trick, T':\nty, Proctor, Dunham. MeKtnmy, ami thtrt: Your kind note, tendering in8 aoomiu netita y bn"eht. baa ooine to hud. 1 cave it to ileaara. Peroival & Co., aa the peraona oaat ab ® o give a daolaion in the caao. It afford a ma great >'e&«ure to be aMe to aay that the nianagera haa undly conaeated to rive me, forme purpoae of a oinpliinent^rr benefit, * auggeated by ron. the Canterbury Hall, Friday evening, May 23d, 18£2. | i oannot do otherwiae than expreaa to *ou my i ntire appreciation ofjanr unaoiicitad kicdaea*. I iave aver found, in thia cit». f. landa wcom 1 aha! 1 ] .ivraya remember with feellaga of tba profonndeat , [latitude Tou are rood eaourh, in your latter, i o allude to my conduct,< ataide of my proftaaion, i n terma of more than praiae 1 oan only ay that it haa been my » A poae to to conduct o>yie(f aa to be able to bid adien to m> friecda, when , ue time ootnea for me to leave yon, feel ing that 1 tare no oooaaion to regret anything that I, mvself, oay br v done aa a citizen of our eountr* *nrf u k love' « (ooU order , With iha profovcdeat frfttitode for your kindlet*.end that of the Mmim »*eroiYal k, Co., in rtivicc the in of their profitable hall ofuugx neat for niT benefit, I rtaua, while I live, yoor "°n8if""d' PICK HARKFR. 1 2,500 BUSHELj^JACKSON WHiVK PO I For sal* in lots to «uit ... Al 10 oenU per bmahel, J. R. BAKft k CO., m8n»* 4WC 9th rtreeC r\ OKPICEK0 ATTFNTION! Ir*m/v«*nti *.». »* . * "* irrritiDKs i>i(n>inoii',iru tynriot can find A 1 all and oompletaset of EQUIPMENT* for self i .nd horse, ofthe vary baat atyla and make, by tn inut at ©royar*a Theatre. Ther wilt be sold iheap. the owner hafin* retired from the aerrioe. laa no farther aaa for them. mtt-tf IN Store 15l,«MWM^ST$?C!G ARB, at arioea anclnc from to #9 per tfioaaai d Aa oar gooda are all mane fa tha but matmtr, nth tood ttoik, our Cigars ara |uaraoteed aa re- reaanted, or the tnonav re'arned And aa wa kaaf i faotory steadily employed, wa thtak wa aaa offer t deal ara indaoamtnts aauai to any to be found inrwber* North. Sood Oermin Cigars at & Ki",taW ^r,'. w. .. OFFICIAL. AuiHiM Lincoln, Prea.deat of the United Slate* of Amerio*: To All Whom it May Concirn. Satisfactory evidence havinc been exhibited to ma that Chrutian Fkiidricr Mibivs liaa been Mpointed Cowml for the free Haoee City of Lu beck, at i8an Fraoeiaao. I do herafcy rooocnize him aa inch, and deolare him free to axeroia* mJ epjoy saoh fanotiona, powereand privileges Mare allowed to the Coneula of the most favoieu cationa in the United Statea. In testimony whereof I have oauaed theas letters to be made patent, and the aeal of the Umtod States to be hereunto amiea. Given under mr hand at thecityof Wash ington, the 17th day of Ma*. A. D. 1862, and [L. s ] of the independence of the United States ol Amerioa the eighty suth. aBRAHAM LINCOLN. Bj the P. esident: W. Hostib, Acting Secretary ol State. WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN IT RAILWAY COMPANY. Notice o f Opening o f Bool* of Subscription to Capital Stock. m In accordanoe with the 13th a-cHon of the acf of Congrets to moorpora'e the Waihinr'on and Georgetown Kailway Company, approved May 17, 1863, which provides as follows: " That vitbm live day* after tne pasra^e of this act the corporators named in the first section, or a rn»joiity of them, or if any refuse or negltc: to act, then a majority of the remainder,sha'l o^use books of sabscription to the capital stock of said ocmpacy to be o ened. and kept open, in sotn* convenient ajd accessible p »ce in the city of Wa8hl"Bton. from nine o'clock in tne lorenoon ail five o'cl< ok ib theaftemoej, for a period to he fixed by Mid oopo&to.s, no. *eu tnkn two daye; and said corporators *hall (ire public notioe, by advertisement in the <1eilv paper* published in t' e city of Wa jhington. of the time wh»n, and the pirce where, taid book* shall be opened, and the*»b- mbera uv>n said books to the capital atoak of th* company e ha l he held to be atooktnldera: P*otidtd, That every subscriber aluH pay, at the time of cubtoribicg. »per of ih" amount by him subscribed to t ie treasurer appointed by the oorporatora, or his sibcori"ion shall be nail and void. If, at the end of two < ays a larger air ount than the cam*, tonirnr »h» «' pacy shall ha»e been snbreribed, the books shall be closed, and the said corporator* named in the first aestion shall fonhwith prooeed to apportion sai(* capital stock ATiong the subscriber*. pro rrtn. and m&k" public proclaroMion of the number of sftares allotted to eaoh. which ahal. b* dene and oo;nslet-d on *he name oar that the books a e olca«d. Provided fvrtktr. That nothing shall be reoe ved in payment of the twenty five per o:ntuin at t > time of subscribing, except money, or oheoks, or certificates of deposit. indorsed "good" by the presi<1er>t or cashier or some good, solvent bank or tanks." Nottee is hereby given, that the books of subscription will be opened on Friday, the 23 J mutant, at the National Hotel, room No. 10, and will be kept open from 9 a. in., till 5 p. m , and not lesa than two day a. By order of the Corporators. v.. KINGMAN. m 19 5t (Intel.. Rep , and Times oop.) CJECON D WA R D-91RSTPKECINT.-Notioa is herbr given that, in conformity to tte provisions of the charter of the city of Washington, an e'eotion will be held on Mondif. tre m iinnf June next, at 419 Twelfth street, between New York avenue and I street, for Mayor, to serve two ;tvs. for one member of the Board of Aldermen, to serve two years, and lor three members of the Board of Common Counoi'.to serve one year. The tolls will be opened at 7 o'oloolr a m.. and close at 7 p. m. GEO. W.8TEWART. J AS. W. SPALDING. L. F. CLARK, m 19 Commissioner:SECOND WARD-SECOND PiiSCV Notice is hereby Riven that, in cor 'or ty . the provisions of the charter of tt>e city o'' a-a-hir .oc, an election will be ' e'.d on Monday, the 2d of J one next, at Ford's Drr * Store, corner of syiv&ria avenue and 11th street, for Mayor to RArVA tvn vA«ri for nn® 4 - ". j .. .w. vmw »*« iw vi mo ova vi Alderm*n to serve two jears.rnd for three members of tho Board of Common Council to eerve one year. 'Die polls will open at 7 o'clock- &. m.. and close at7 p.m. WM. P. 8HKDI), KDWD. C.DYER, SAM!,. LEWIS. tn 16 Commission er s. Third \va ki>- first ph sr/ivcr.-Notice is hereby given that, in conformity to the pro visions of the oharter of the citv of Washington, an eleotion will be held on Mo-day, the 2d day of June next, at the Wood Office of J. W. Smm*, south wecorcer of 9th and M streets, for Mayor, to serve two years, one men be' of the Hoard of Al-'ermen, to terve iwo rears, tlree members of the Beard of Common Counoil. to terve one year, and an Asaesaor, to serve two years, for said Warn. The polls will open at 7 o'c:r.clc a. rn. and close at 7p.m. J AS. JVl TOWERS, £. M. MARTIN. WM. POPE, rn 19 CommiaHonera. ichiro ward.secon i) prmcin . t - 1 a ' * liiHitn if UOrOUJ (1VC21< IDBl III OOniOT IJ IO the provisions of the oharter of the city of a«h ington, an eleotion will be he!d on Monday, the 2d day of June ne*t, at Mr. Drate's Carpenter Shop, north west corner of »tn street west and str et north,for Mayor to serve two years, one lueinl-e of the Heard of Alderman to serve two years, three nietiil>er« ot the Board of Common Council to serve one year, and an Assessor to serve two years, for said Ward, the polls will opea at 7 o'ol-ck a. in , ami close »t7o'olock- p. m. GEOKGK S Uli)KO>, «. A. HALL. B. E. WITTINGS. _ m 16 Commissioners. I^OUKTil WAR U-FJKST FKRCINCT.r Notice is hereby given that, in onnformi'r to the pruvisions of the charter ot the «it» Wuh. mfton. an election wii l>« held on Monday, the 2d day of Jone next, at Lylv*etsr'« Urue Htore, ittheporrer ol Sixth itree we*t au«l H tt.eet Dorth, for Mayor, to m> vo two yeart. ono memt-'r at the Board of A IderraeD, to terve two year*, th ee meint>era of the Board of Common Council, to terve ane year. The polls will open at 7 a m., acd o'am at ^ p. in. I-. A. kLUfFKK, J AS. ENGLISH, K. C. KCKLOFF. m 13 Comm-a«iuoor>. WATER CUOl.fc.Kf, REFRIGERATORS, PATENT ICE PITCHER!?. In Britannia and Fi&tert, CRXAM FRKE/.EKS. For aale at OGDKN 8 . New Housefu rtiuhuc Store. my> lw* SIH SeTenth street, ; ear Fa a v. BLACK SEEKS..% fi.e a«sortment of choioe grades, in all widths, extra cheap. Extra oheap Ulaok Silks. all widths. Gloss; iilaok Silk*, all wtdtlis. Medium Lustre Black Silia. Sombre Lustre Black Silks. All kinds of Bi&rk Silks. All widtha Ulaok Silks. Fancy **iiks. I'aucf Dross Goods. Oar Northern aui Eastern correspondents send us now supplier daily. One price only, the actual cash standard value marktd in plaia tic ares. PKRKY A. BRO.. in w et Pa av^rua a^d''Mntti *t Cheap Cash Store. 369 389 3U9 SEVENTH STREET. lillWUN I and K STRUTS. 1 J ust reoeivad and for sale at leu than tha market prioe. jo pieoM 4 4 Whits Contract MaTTING, at 32>j WUD9 fV» J WI Ul also, i Ihe beat COAL OIL, at 40 cents par gallon. al90, i 1-4 and G 4 OILCLOTH, at prioea ttat caa't tail to auit. Also, FURNITURE of all kiuda. CROCREKY. 6LA<*S WAKE. TIN anu WOODEN WAKE, At Wholesale and Retail. Call and examine our goods and pneea before purchasing elsewhere BONTZ k. GRIFFITH, m 3o 3C9 Sevect'i at. between I and k. TFOR FREDERICKSBURG. HE Fast schooner Telegrapb will have *n;ck liipiich for Be! 1 Plain, Potomao Creek. A,£> Hur lreight and passage atplr to the Ca»-^an tain on board, Kiiey'a wharf, foot of 11th**" itreet, or 4T9 9 h street, up stairs. in 19 st* U/A60N ROvtB, CARRIAGE KNOBS, CuKTAlN FRAMES. For sale by JOHN K. EL VANS. m '9 eo»t 300 Ha. avenue. Depot quartermaster's office. Comer afG andlttK Us. WasKmgtm, May 19,1S«2 W AifTiD, immediately,(600) Cavalrr dorses, to purohased in open market, and to r»o deivered it Washington oitv witnin ten daya from tins date The boraes to beflfi) fifteen aAisai«i h«.n,i» tilth, between five and eight yeir« of age» of cark I )o.ort, well broken to the *add.e. coji p*>tly buiit, 1 tod free from &ll defect*, and to be sufjeotel to a I riftd inspection. f Nn m&rAi will Ka .~^ No pnoe higher thmn (§llo) one hundred acl au lollas will be Mid for an* ols horse. j P* eons wufi ing to sell will apply to CAPT. J. I DANA, A. Q. M , oorner '22a and « streets, Washington, D. D. H. KUCKKK, m 19 lot Quartermaster and Col- ADC. j \fOUNTPLEASANT Lfl HOMKOPATH1C UOSP1TAL. This Hospital ia loo&tsd on 7th &nd Boundary treets, north, at th« he*d of 10th street, one and juekalf miles iirtttly north from the Bmith*oni%u Institution. For terms of admission appl* at the Hospital. MRS. L. M. PAYNE, m lT-lia* MMron, rkRKSS TRIMMINGS, MANTILLA AND U SACK TRIMMINGS, Just rtMiVd, Another supp.y,- is BUGLK8, ' I a Ira At a«n J -M a a * 1 " op. ainrr, uu liAue. ; aiao, <4UlLlilNU ' RIBBONS. URb»8 TRIM MINUS in evary va. riety kept on haod and ma^e to order at the Fringe ud Trimming MunAwtory. MRS. LOWE, , 29T Pa avenue, aouth side. < m 17-lw Between !)th and loth ata Black KNAM'JJ7i?LBD 1Y yard rolla) a inches at (80) i'xt* oenu per yard BLA''K KnaM'D/4USL,»N,45 incbea, at thirtyfive (3S) o»nu ier raid FANCY CaNVAS (all oolor« and ahadda of eo, ore)from SSotnte to 91 par ya-d. , JOHN R EL VANS. S09 Pa avenn*. ' m 10-e«3t £ »lax. Newa and ttaietta J , ^P» AMUSEMENTS FORD'S ATHIHBUN, Jm V. f o*d . Proprietor MtMfir Joan B. wntht Sk«(Mtut* Last Might the Wimltr mud Spriw S.*m THIS EVENING. L»»t Night of MK. NACKETT. Who will &pp«ar aa Col. Nlmkod Wair;»«, in the Coawdi of THE KENTUCK1AN IN 191S. ALd the Exiled OnmAL or N*pol»©*, In MONS. MALLET, orThiPoct Ortioi Miitaki Cooclndin* with MY WIFE^ SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL NOTICE-Tho Athenoaoi will r»opou in a lew days for SUMMER SEASON. Poem "SHAMUS O'BRIEN " By JOHN MeCLLLOUGH Admission. Dtm« Cirol® and Par«uette s>eents Reared mtu _ #1 oouy ><«»»' >1 Orohestm Seats il Private Hoxee (holding eight)._ fl® Family Circle > ootU E' Box Office open from t till o'olook. rs open at 7; oi'taln rises at t. It PHILIP WARREN. Trea»srer._ rpHK WASHINGTON ACADEMY or Ml SIC. * No. 8*9 Penn. aver.u«, tooth s>de. bttw»n 9th aod 10th streets. Kvery evening a FREE CONCERT of the best c a««'oei at d oaera muaiC.Mrfjrm*d by eminent artista in their finest style The concert rommenoea at 4 p.m. dai r The beat of rafreahmenta at moderate p-ioea. ofhoera always in attsiKiaacs for the preservation of order. m20 HKNRY ROSENTHAL. Propr'r. T VOCAL CONCERT H E Children of the Seoond r od part of the First District Primary Bcf ~ *ls take treat pleasa-e in anroanoiac to their frie .«i« and the pabiio that they will fivatheir ANNUAL MAY CONCERT, under the direction of their Mntio Teaoher, Prof. Damn., on THURSDAY EVENING. Od instant, at the Smithsonian Institution, commsncing at 1\ o'clook. The piano need on the occasion has >*een kindly furnished by Mr. Ellis and will be presided over by ^ro . Parkharst. tn 2f>-3t GROVER'S THEATRE. SONARD Grovrr . .Manner ^eoond and Laat Wc k, positively, of the EMINRlfT |R'»H CoHRDlaN AMD VocaLIST, JOHN COlLINS. R«ippearaco» nf the Fsvo-it»s of the b AM Kit COMEDY CONOHKSS. LOTTY HOUGH, JKNNV PARKKR, MRS. G- C- SERMON, TILTON, MELDRUM. PHILLIPS, WARD, BORE*. THIS EVENING And every eveaict during the week. Thi Most trtfs/ml Play the Age, Dion Bourciciult's thrilling and beautiful S-aet Irish Spectacn a Drama, wbteh has now been he,'ore h( public of this country aud of Eaioee for thiee years, and whicc has been played by Mr Collins for more than SX) nights in all the principal cities of the country, entitled COLLEKN BAWN, COLLEEN BARN, COLLEEN BAWN COLLEEN BAWN. COLLEEN BAWN, COf LfEN BAWN. n.. rr; u » y \jry j nr. i>tkies oj Kjarryowrn ! Or, The Brides of Garryow«n ! Or, The Brides of Garryowen ! New, Marnihcent and Accurate Soenery by C. 8. Gets. .Novels d Starting Meobamoal fctfeots by Foster, Proper tiea and Appointments by Oaborne. Wardrobe by Marahael. My lea Na Coppa'een. < N ylea of the Pouei,) M. ' Collins.hia great character. Danny Maun . Mr E L Tilton Ha'dreaa Cregan Mr R M Meldrum Eyrie Daiy Mr J M Ward Father Tom_ _ilr H B Phillips Co.-rigan.. . Mr W Bokee Hyiand Oe*gh .~ . M' D Walton Bsrty O'More Mr J 8 Edwarda Eity O'Connor he Col!een Bawn. or the fair, redgi.) Miaa Lotty Hough Anne Chute, (the Co! Rcuad. or the red haired g Mtaa Jenny Parker Mri Cregan.__ __Mra Moray Shelab . Mra GC German Duoie B ennerhaaaett Mia J 8 Kdwtrda Kath.een --- Miss Flora Lt« In the course of the Drama. Mr. CoLLnn will sing -I'M mourc tne nopes mat leave me," "Cruiskeen Lawn," and the "Boys of Kil'k»-nny.'Mies Lottt Hoggh will sing "The Pretty Girl Milking her Cow " Aoi I.The Lake ot Kills rney by Moonlight. Act tl.The Fearful Water Cave act 111.'The Bail Koom.or Light Through the Clouds. To enable parties from a di tince to reach home at a seasonable hour, no other piece will ke perlormea. Pricks or AcxtbsiosDress Cirele and Par*net Circle.....59 oents Family Cirele 25 oenta Orchestra Chairf __.75oente Private Ilexes . $6 Seats may be sccured at the Taeater during the day without extra charge. ra 19 lw f^ANTEKBURY HALL. v/ Louisiana a v.. near Sixth ?. Glorious Suooees of the MUSICAL CONVENTION OF ARTISTS. To night, THE SONS OF Si ALT A, THE SONS OF MALTA. Oh, a Ni«ht of wondsrs! W Inch has been sereral Week* In preparation, and wil be produoed in ail its original splendor. The ^...,1 k' * .i.;. Ir*_. i mm iu hub UMUIIIUI ana lucuy (l(M CO#t FOCR HUHDR1D DOLLAR?. The greatest projection of the age. Come one, oome aii.&td see the mystery solved. THAT HLaCK MALTESE CROSS. BE WATCHFUL! NO LEVITY! The S-mm-l Mail* requires the services o! up wards of Fifty Persons in its representation of the G rai d Midnight Procession, with banners and emblems of the Order. Come all of yoa that "can ride a horse in eare and safety;" "that have and have not departed;" "can swim;" can yon hold yoar oats ' you that know the use of a smait and bro d sword, pistct tir.d gen. good and bad toeth, good condition and bad condition, atd it. it l*e r?)orded. l,v»t week of Miss JULIA MoKTlMEB, the beautiful Songstress, the Washington Favorite. Last week positively of THK GiPSKY'S LAY! To, night, Mwra LEVY IS and CHRISTIE, the Danng 6ymnar.t*, e^ual iu every respeot to the Bauion brothers M13w MILLIE FOWLER. The Ame-ioan Cubas. MISS FRANK LA FOLLE. The Accomplished Danaeuae! Tun CoVh.Y or BraUTT, Alias Lilly Uraudon, iviiu Miies, Miaa Lilaie Francis, Mjsb I tauk Seoor a*J \) iss 1 silis D < »! « uu * niuuniuiiu« The leaatifui, row Ballet MASAN1ELLO, In which all the ladiee wilt aprra'. 1HCK PAKKKK, A.J TALKOTT, iiakky kick. workkll, Of the Cork Brigade. The eLtire ooinpany i" a new programme! 61BBLK UOBBl.fctJ, STOCKS* UP STOCKS DOWN, FOR K16N INT*.RVRNTION. New Songt, New Datcei, New Negro Acts, and a New Pieoe! Door* open at 73K ; per form* roe at 8)( o'clock, a imiMion U oenta; Oretoac tar Ckatra « oeau MaTiNbB Notio*. Hereafter there will be bat on* natine* a week, whioh will take place ererr Saturday. for La liet and Cbiidrea, when a number of raluable present# will be given away.a 925 Silver Cake Backet. Adnuasion. ladiaa 30 cent*; ohildren 10 oenta. L»aori open at 3 o'olook ; performance oommenoe it s o'olook. Mra. Melon, No. 483 west 6th street, received a iplendid $?5 Cake Baaketon Saturday, May 17. ml9 n AIKNT (IKPiOK PUB lllwlTl trm I- . IT Patents, Catalogue of Cariosities and Government Garden*, at tbe stand i Patent Ofltoe; Kara Antiquarian Books; ttore ^meit Books; Docaments furnished: Railroad Reports; Military III Crts; Burnt Patent Office Reports; Cheap Books rnished to Pedlars; Mi.itary Trials: Military Laws; Army Regulations; Panorama of the Coast shoving over 3,000 miles; many thousand Cheap Books. Reooheot cheap rant. Large, lav rices. Up stairs, over Bank of Washington, my l-lra* ALFRED HiNtF.R. [)Cn HORSE SHOES. ££>U REGS RU ttOfcN'S HuRSE 8HOES assorted S1Z3S 5,000 lb.. PU1NAM HOR8E£HOE NAILS 2lkU do aKIr FIN 8 do do In atcok and for wis by JOHN R. ELVANS. m 19-ee3t 309 Pa avenus. OCl ROPE. H. C9,L8 MANILLA ROPE, * in. diamater. 10 do do ». <io »- « do 6 do do 1 do 3 do do I* do 2 do do 13* do 3 do do lg do * do do IV do _ Mocwtm and for aaia by m 19 ao3t JOHN R.KL.VAN8. 309 Pa.aT. ^ P I E - U B P O E M. K*mily Pies! Family Pie»! ?ooh aa aloce J L. Dayton anppliaa. 1 ho** who don t om them are vary anwiaa; Rwry on* ia an eponre'a »ru». Preoioua is aubatanoaaad am pis in aisa: lasted them once stst bit*a i/uicr uian i/ayton's rare Family Pin ! Bakery.4 46 Kltrtntb street. m \6-lw between 8 and H etreeis. Leather BELTING. We have just received an assortment. CA.MPt.ELL ft SON, m 16 7t* 3*1 P»nc«ylvania ay. IfOR SALE.i.OW CEDAR and CHESTNUT 1 POSTS; alH> »jm CHESTNUr RAILS, kpply neat door to biead bakery, Louisiana av»noe, above the market. M ini* RODZER. BAB RICK k. CO. 1* . FISH.F18H.FISH ' 1 HE Corporation Fish Wharf le now looated at the foot of Eleventh street, (Riley»e Wharf.) vhere the pnblio can be supplied with Fiah and Salt darns th« .won. a»lt4w | AWES' SPR1N9 STYLES, I J OPKnlNO THIS PAY, In handsome Blaok Bilk Mantles, lonf and abort, Blaok Silk Saaka, Light Clou English Jaokeie, Black Laoe Points, Senate Shaw s and larce aiae aatl lai, all d«eided Wfan.» Back Stella and "J.W" as». kJ fESfTi.. B .. I AUCTION SALES. Tmis ATTBKNOUn » TO-MORROW By GREKN * WILLIAMS. Aa<*ioc*cra. UdUSEHOLU Fl KMTI'KK. ftr .ATAl'Ctl noil..Oi TBI'RHOA V MIIRMNtt.lMad it itMt. v*afca!l a*'l at »>ar Action K<*>ma. oord«- of rmatti »co D alt*, la * i»tm! taaortmast of Faraitar*. »>«i Wa<Mt Bofta, Oaair* and Tab!**. Walaat Ba-«a« »b1 WardrobM, Painted Cotta«* B*'a and Wwha.iii, Cap*. Wood awl otbw Chair*. Rafricvratan, Maitm*,Ot olith atd Mat*. BU', Bl»k aid Cotton t<* M*tlr****a. CtlMi Sim, and Crofl»WT War*. A ad mi? oliior artiolee uo ntMrou to Kia»erweeek. It QREEN ft WILLIAMS. Ajicts._ By J. C. MoSUIRK A CO.. Aootioneera. VALUABLE BUSINESS f*TAND FOR Wednesday a iternoon, Mb? tut. at AM o'olook. on tbe K*rciaea. » shall Ml) thBt TBlBBDIO bn«IDM« location tBBtO.1 Bt tCO northwest oomer oj F and Eleveith streets, inprove by b two story frame huiw*, oocupied m b tore and dweluuc boa**. Thia Is beiered to bo on* of the beet besiaets locations in the Sooocd Vvard.ofl tho arena*. to the sale of whioh Mrt'CclBr attention u invittu, as the sais will be wad* without r«*onre Ttrai: One third oash; the reuitinder in an and twelve noctha. with interact. secured by a <io«d of treat on tho prooiise*. m 15-d J C. MoQUfRK A . Auota II r WALLA BARNARD. Auctioneers. T| RUSTEK'S SALE OF BtlLPINU LOTS OH Fi»th artiit kitT at Avction..On WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, flet instant, at tc'c^ virtee ofa deed of trust dated tttn June, 1801 and duiy recorded imong the la^d re aordiof washinrton oountv. D. c..i will miiu Pablio ABBtion, in front of tke »renueee, Lot 6. in mill at, divide! into two Lota, each front inc n fwt IX inobee ob the BB«t »ioe of Kb «tre»t, botwtn ll and E street*. and running boot lu* leet TjNBM Ob* fonrth oBah; a portion of wLioh, efficient to pay tho expense* of aa:e, wilt be requir on the epot. or the propert? will immtdiately bo moM, and the baianoB in bib and » mouth*, bearing iBtersst, secured 07 deed of trBBt on the premiaos. A. BRENNER. Tmstae Bit |R*H WALL A BAKWARP, AioU. By J C. MoSUIRK A CO.. Aactioneers. WI HUNKS, LKJUOR**, AND SK6AR* AT ArQTiON.On TBIRrtDAY MUKMNU, May 22d oonmeocinc at 10 o'cock, we sl>a II ie: I at the Store of A. Kama', No. 307 K strset, tween IStfe and 13* street, hi* entire stock.suihr*£ ine ahnut. ty> Caift Claret*. Mfor>! brands and qualities, Preserved and Ursndied Frmu, A variet; *f Li|cor and W .ura, inotsks and t*ott.e«, Maocaroni and Vsnaaealli, Fancy Grooenet. aid {Wars, A c A small 4 uactitf of very fine Brandy, in wooi and A*'*©? which it to be sold withoat r«»erve. to oloM hi* hnsicess. Terms castl. r- 20 J. C. McGUIKE fc CO. AuoU By GREKN * WILLIAMS. Auot oaeers. LARbK FRAMK. HOL8K ANO SHFl) AT AucTiop..On THURSDAY. thelM instant, we shail cell, st 5 o'oock.oc the srrimeea. tt.e larje Frame storehouse an*1 Shed imi»*liate.r iu imiwvi iniutr uniroi. iroBlinf on Louniui avenae and C afreet. havu«: a (root of 39 feet on rtc). atreet. and aboat M f«et long;aiao, a Hh«d tfce whole leacth of the lot. Tbe iioaee liaa beer. »eoentl bailt. and the lattber ia ofa coed «u*.iiy; both the eeda and 11 tor are of tonfwed and groovrd North Carolina etiiff. The puronaaer to remove it or lot it remain on ground rent, aa it aaita hia cojnaiiata Term* oath. AT THI 8txi TIKI. \Ve will Mil aboat 50 ba,ej of Hay in the hoar*. m*y*T CMl' G8KKN ft WILMAME, Aucte. Br J. C. McttUIRE A CO.. Auctioneer* TKUSTKK'S 8AI.K OF FRAME HOUSE ajtd Lot m rna Fis»t waiti-OnTHl KSDAY, the 22d day of Mar, «tC o'clock p. ui . oti tbe prentisea, by virtue of a dwd of truat to tne aut>acribe dated Deoember&l. lg5S, and duly reoorded in Liber J. A.8., No 112. folio* 292, et eeq . one of the land reoorda for VV aahincton oucty, l». C., I ehall aeil the weat hall of Lot nnniberru L*e, in Square noinhered eighty four, frontinc 3>> feet on Near York avenue, bet ton 2(>?h and 21at atresia, and rutning lack 115 feet, together with tfce improv oonaiatinc of a e«s.*.'! ! >*" « «- HODM. Term* : One-third ouh; the remainder in 6 ar«i 12 month*, with intereu, *eoured bj a deed oi tra*l on the premuee. Ail oonveyanoint tt purchaser'* ooct CH AS A HKHT, Truatae. M 21 2»wAd* I.C. McGDIRK A CO . *n:U. FUTURE DAYS. Br J. C. McGLiKK A CO.. Anotioneera. Ft RMTI RK AND FFFKCTS OF A FAMILY DlCLlKlKG H< I JKKBBPIXo -*Otl MOMk « - m *. » « «. . .- is it i muiiixirttj. Wf . ti,M 1(1 o'clock, at the reaidenceofa lim iy on H atreet north, bat wee:. 17th and 18th etreeta, we iha.ii ae!l th» Furiatiira and fcflVcU,comprising. Sola, Arm. and Fasy Cbairs, Center, Sofa, and otner Tatlea. Ruth. Cane, and Wood f*e*t Chaire, Brune i, Th'ee piy and other Carpet*. Walnnt Whatnot, Fancy Table*, F.xtena.on Dinug Table, Bidehoard, China, 6>a*a, and Crocke'y»are, Caitora, Table cntlery, Wa term, Onolotb, Matting, Iron Hat tree. Cotta*e Chamber t*eie. Lounge*. Bedateada. Bureaus, Waabwia&ui, Mattrwiet, uolatera aid hii«« i, i.ooking Glatiea, Toilet fceit, Cooking and other Stove*, Together with many oth«r artiolea of KouishoJ and Kitchen Furniture. Term* cMh. MSI d J. C. MpGUIRK A CO.. Auo'a By green X W I li I AM?. Auctioneer. Household and kitchen furni mm. Poiiu, Cow*. r*tnuei, Wacom. OiMT. Plows, and other Far \ s Uts>» : < at Acctioh..On TL'KP1)a\, Ur Jlk irutau'. v< ahali Mil at 10 o'olock a. ut.. at the iormer rotirence of Beorge W. Taiburtt, hr«.. ahont onefourt of a mile from the Navy Yard Bridge,on the Pi(oateway Road,(tKe flag will designate the place.>a good aa«?rtmer>t of Furniture. visOne Mahogany Frame Piano t-orte, Hur«au4, ar. J Chairs. Fine Hrooatelie and White Window Curtain®, atd Cornice. Three-ply aod otheg. Carpets, Passage ana other Oilcloth, Spring Lounge, Bedsteads, Cookinr at.d other Stow. With a good lot of Kitoben Requisites. al*o. One exoellent Work Hone, k;o0. and gentle. One very superior Harness Hors<>. tatt a- d t tyliah. Three Cows,3Carriages, 1 Spung Mattel Wagon, 1 Cart, Plows,and other Fanning Utensils. Teruia All rums order J:u cut; over $10, a oreait of to and udaya. for notes uatisfsotoruy on dorscd. hear ins irtereat. m»t 6" GKKEN A WILLIAM*, Asa'*. C31 UKsllU rr*r1 *«;}m*5S' A »otioce»ri UiA llKsiRABLE HUll-UlVb LOTS XT fe«DAY. m52*. W* ahnll aali in front of the areiruset, at t o'e ook a. Lo'a Noa. 7,8 and s. m Sam; t- No tiiia aroa 1 M ,h® corner of Ka«t CtMjolaMlta atrr^ mb-oivided ;n o BiildiDK Lota, from 2 J to 29 Wt front Tha corncr Tinil f11^ T;u f00d Frw «ouae. iTlUni/R!" ii^n" carter oaac; b%iaxo*> 3,( 9, RS?i r pmofiwri to |irt rotas for the de.err^vi pa*mtm, bearinc internal from an uinit. \ OMd kit«b and a deed of traat liken. Tide perfect or no sal*. m 20 6t GKEKN A WILLIAM*. Auota. marshal'S fALK OP VI-SSKLS.-Bt viri*I tue of decreee of the District Court of the United Stalee for the Diatriot of Col.tntita, I will aal), at publ'C rale for the foot n( Sixth etreet wharf, on the P- tomw river, on F*RII)A\« the 23d cay of May inatant, 18(3. oomwier-oirn at 11 o'olook. a. m., the foliowinc-named Veeae a. their Tackle, and A»p»rel. vnSchooner "Muntarey." Do **Loc tout.* Do ** Sarah Ann." and the »ioof "Kf :Amr" WARD H. LAMOM, mll^l " - " ~ . .. . kj p. w»riii«i. u.L. By J. C. MoQUIRE & CO., Auctioneer*. npEUSTKB'S PALE OF CITY LOTS.-On 1 TUESDAY AKTKRMOON. Mm 2»th 1883, et bM o'oiook, on the premises, by virtu* ot twe d»«da of traat to thssaLacnber, one dated Jsr.u&rr ad, 1889, end reoord^d in Liber J. A 8 , No '0, folios M£, et see : the other dated J «'j l*th, 1«6o, end reoorded in Liber J. A. 8 , No.aof. fo leaMI, et eee , of the Lend recores for Washington ooanty D. Ch shall sell one endivided netlpert oi Lota numbered 1. 3, S. 4, 6, 6. end i. m Senare numbered »9,fronting on Ho*ih E street, between i3tb and 13th s'reets west <ialend.) Thm: On*-helf oath; the baleuoe in sis month*, with interest, aeeured by e deedoftrast on the premises. 11 ooBTeiueinj et the oo*t of ths pareheser. TWO. J "l»nKR, Trusts l>l»aeMi j.C HeOClEEftOO-Asets. OLOEIOUS MEWS! THE GREATEST VARIETY OF IprlBf and Summer C lothing, ruKiiiamna GOODS, JUBT ARRIVED. AND FOM BALM AT NORTHERN PB1CMS. At VI*. (M Ttfc Utr.U K lyli-lm J. H. »MITH, CfUlf. N«»"£2K-SS duly by !>imp. NEW CHKKf B. of W lt-tt' 4 40 IU lumt, mm P* » wy oW»M the C«MUUiiOB »biliv.E«rMt. »Say 11U>. » >t>lra. ^iLE AND LACE WRAPPINGS. S!^BS¥S(Ss& took aowory oompioU 10 a.i tk* i«diit| vtjlM imw No.48 Coatf Marfcot 8»»o» DH NOTICE. ft. W. H. COMB* MMtTBllr uferai tko oiiisana oi tho N*ry Yard and Tiotmty tktt M I*1 5f? srasEsra® tra

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Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1862-05-21 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 26. · win commenced as a letter to an Englirhfriend, for the doublepurpose of vindicatingthebatt'e of Bull Run,andto

wA^m^uiuxs UJLTi :WEDNESDAY WAY 31* 1869.

tCr Heading rrsatier on every page- See ratI'd*for Interesting telegraphic and other Matter.

Spirit at the Morali| Preae.The Inttlhgtncrr noticing the comment* of the

New York Tribun* on tte late proclamation" of the Prealdent it profesaaa to anpport," aaya:11 A. «» /»V, - w w * I. ik.

»» ^hc iniciiigciicrr; i«» uv\ iuc pvnuv«ifriend of the President In the same sense as the

it would be quite superfluous to becomethe political enemy of a man whoae sorest distressmust flnd expression In the cry, ' Save me frommy friends '"

The Republican argues that the " question ofthe legality of Gen. Hunter's order is the wholequestion of the right of the Commander-in-chiefto liberate slaves as a military measure; and says:" We greatly fear that a practical resolution ofthat question in the negative, is found in thePresident's proclamation of Monday " The Rerublieanbints that Congress should legislate onthe subject.Financial..New York papers of yesterday

sav:.The vaene dlsDatche* received vesterdav» » m # «r

in reference to the action with Fort Darling, onJames river, and tbe rumors In regard to interventionby Prance, produced a beavy stock markettbla mcrnlng, with a decline on abareaofabout ^ per cent. Tbe market for Government*waa weak, bat tbe demand was fair We quote:U. S. 6's, 1981, reglatered 104; coupons, 104 .K; 1J.». «'*, l%g, 101X; T 30 Trewury notes. 11)4Kentucky 6'a, (R; Illlnota war loan, 96^; Indiana8'a, 94; Indian* .V*,94; Tenneasw G's, 5S\a59;Virginia 7"*,59; Missouri6'*, 52; American gold,ltJ0\.U71 We bave from D. Van Ncttrand, publisher,New York, through Hudson Taylor, 334

Pennsylvania avenue, a work entlUtd "The C.8. A and the Battle of Bull Run," by J. 9. Barnard,Major of Engineers, U. S. A. The workwin commenced as a letter to an Englirh friend,for the double purpose of vindicating the batt'eof Bull Run, and to reach the publl: ear of England.It Is an Interesting addition to the historicalrecords of that long-to-be-rememberedbattl*.

F.l«ct»d..Col. Iiham G. Haynle, juat electedby eighty-two plurality to succeed Gen. Loganla Congreaa, from Illinois, la a aUunch Unionuemocrat.a man who goe* for prosecuting tbewar with due energy, to the end of conqueringtbe restoration of tbe Union. His two competitors,S. S. Marshal and Josh. Allen, ran as peace(I.«. secesb) Democrats.

Thk Diplomatic Cohrkspoxdincs with regardto tbe present condition of Mexico, publishedby order of Congress, appears in bandsomevolume of 431 pages, and is v*ry interesting.U7 From Hudson Taylor, it Pennsylvania

avenue, we have the London Quarterly Reviewfor Aprtl, containing »mongst other interestingmatter for AmerUu readers, an article apon the''Merrlma^a^t the Monitor." 1

Alkxasdsia Itim*.From the (latetie of MayI9lh:<

Some few casea cf stnail-pox have lately occurredIn this place The U. S authorities have (erected a small hospital for small-pox patients, <at the rorth end of the townThe V. ?. authorities have purchased two acres «of ground, adjoining the burial grounds near thl*.place, as a place of interment for such soldiers as

may die in the service of the government In thetown and neighborhood. 3Col. Wm. H Payne, of Fauquier, heretofore vreporVd a« belne killed at th«» *»,, ...«v «< »» luiaiui-burg, st the last accouats was not dead. lewai.however, nwrtly wounded la the chtek and «mouth. It was Richard Payoe, of lower Fauquier.not Richards Pa\a«, Jr., who was killed In <

.tor same batUr.The number of "conwahands" from the neighboringcounties la Virginia, Increase dally In thisplace They already occupy several he-uses,some *ft%en> are in destitute circumstances.ELEVEN MILKS FROM RICHMOND

The Rallrstd aa4 Telegraph -R»hrl«(.a<ti>eria| Arsiid Vltir I'ayittl- Mt|roin'iOrder ! Retreat.The army WiibloDay's March af RichmsuJ . Aii dtei jWell.[Correspondedce Philadelphia kaqnirer.J

chickahominy kivia,Sunday Keening, Mav18.Here we are, within about eleven mileaof j ,Richmond Before ua ania few hundred yards 1to our left are the ReV*i ^Jeheta, aittln^ quietly 1by the fence lookup '->t Yankees We came ijdown the railtca^, &nd and it In good order, with jbut two exception*.stnsll bridge* (about twenty Jfaet) paying been burned. The one near the aev- rer.lsetl telle poat« aa burning aa we came up, hav- }in# been tred lan night . ;Qnly twenty-BTe feet of the bridge over theCblckahomlny haa been burned The laat trainpawed over it on Friday rooming, and in the ;evening the bridge was fcred by some infantrywho were picketing The bridge wa» aboutthirty feet high npon thia tide where U leavfa ahigh bluff, but on the other aide l*a long lowrnarah or bog, perhapa a quarter oi a mil - wide.The traael-work con*nme^(a&xcoa be replaced. >

Bottom bridge haa ^t vet been tired, nor haa ithe oriage upon th x old stage road to the rleht oftbe railroad »nr** lliree cnl«; both remain, as theenemy ha^? aot all crossed,iwUj'n^p-li1 of any account be.

r,TeT «'"* k«*i the first, ji «^'rom White House Point jn^«» .?«m. wttp- ton* 'n good condition, a i

^2 and waiehouse; a store beside*n£Jd v ~**a vacaWd and sll tbe goods remnrrTt-.ear the seventeen mile pest a bridge,»

- ./enty-fiw fc«* wide was fired last night- (be Rebel cavalry, who were picketed Id a

wood close bv, In tbe rear, and wbo fired theircamp and left this morulng The dry leaves andrails of which It was constructed set the woodson fire and It has burned all day.At Fair Oaks lsa fine saw mill, \* 1th a hundred

thousand feet of good oak car and bridge timber.i a. »> a# 4* « !IaJ an«l nartln eaax/iri£.H TKa

CQ() BUtt IUU91 VI II piiCU auu paitir ovsaviou. » mm-v

tewi have been taken out of mill, and a goodnart of the machinery removed, It will soon be

running order.The meeting of the road* near Bottom1* Bridge

la called Baltimore Croaa Road* It waa here theRebels llred upon Col. Gregg's Eighth PennsylvaniaCavalry yesterday, with seven differentbatterie* We lost no one killed or wounded.

General Magruder passed over the road runningcroaa the railroad at Despatch station, on Fridayand Saturday. He had near SO pieces of artillery,and some 20,GOO infantry and cavalry. He Intendedto enter Richmond by the New Bridge,on the old stage road, five miles above here. Hisrmtrm^r hu kMn cnn^nrlMl In a ftnp and inut^flvmanner, be keep* up the stragglers and baggage;none were found; the camp fires, wbere his rear

guard were last night, and the tracks of hi* vldettes,are all we can find. A stray piece of pap ;

flicked up, wa* found to be a general order, reedBg:In the Field, Eight Wing Corps d'Army nrar )

Baltimore Cross Kuads, May II, 1W2. J' Commander* of Divisions, Brigade*, Regiment*and Companies, are required to impresa it

strictly upon their command* not to ever marchtheir men without their knapsack* and haversacks;every man must consider himself an independent;and no man must ever stop to reat,loiter on the road, or to get his baggage carelesslvleft, nor Is It to br at anv timt* considered atail certain that the same pMltlon will be occupiedby the same troops two saccewlve days orthat the same road will again be traversed.

"By order of General Masxudkb."A 8 Dickinson, A.A. 0.

"Omclal .8. 8 McIrtosh, A. 1) C."Official.Wm. W Pscb, A. A. G."This i <t t tk. I. S m ma * w«> ttnvum upvu »uc uat» W IUC LI

tenant Colonel Commanding Twenty-lrat Milslsslppl.The country along the Cblckabomlny Is similarto that along Bull Run. It will not do for

u* to go plunging heedlessly.we must feel ourway. Better alow and sure, than a ruth and aretreat. We c*n drive them from here wheneverIt la ordered, but we must have up tome artilleryto shell them out of their drive themfrom the cover of the pine* and the oaks. Beyondthis marsh and the hilly gorges Is an opensad clear country, where we csn give them a fairght ir (bey want it.The railroad could be put in operation in one

day, for thirteen mllea, If we had rolling stockhere. Where la Col. T. A. Scott, or hla aatlataata?The iron la a heary new rail, the chair*wrought into, the tifa large and laid in a bed ofgrmvel, and the track la fn excellent order, andft tat heavy traina at rapid apeed.C7" Robert Marshall, residing four mllea Iron

Wheeling, Vm , wu irmM on Saturday last ontho charge of uttering aedltlou* language anddenouncing the guverameut. lie was relentedon ®6U0 ball, but on hla return to his farm, conductedhimself In aocb a violent manner, that hewu re-arrested and conloed In the Athenenm .Wkttltng hUtllx^enctr, May 19.

fl~^The Democrata in Cincinnati are takingjpesaure* for tn eflclent organisation.



IRMY. !.. i

A Circa! Bailie Impending!Oar Whole Army Yesterday en the

Hove. !»

flcClellan's Headqaarterg L»t Iflfhtwithin a Short Distance of


The Main Body of the Enemy encamp- jed In front of that city.

-.. i

Exciting ilevi to be Expected at any 1


Tcnstall'h 5*t*tio5, Alar 20, (midnight.). j,|,k- ...u wUVata ibam Arlwon sptaai bottom's *

I MC CIIV1HJ p>V*V»« »» v» v .v.. -*< - .

Bridge yesterday by the troops advancing in that

direction. !The rebel* attempted to regain the poat by the 1

n»p of their artillery, but failed.Our batteries opened, abelllng the wooda on

(each aide of the bridge.The advance, under Gen. Stonemin, reached *

New Bridge yesterday, within eight mllea of IRichmond. They fonnd no enemy in force on >

tbla tide of the Chirkahomlny, which at that <

point dwindle* down to a small creek.The couatry In that locality la in » good state

of cultivation, with no more swamp than Is to befound on ordinary bottom land.Sii piecei of artillery were found posted upon

the opposite bank ; but his purpote not being to

bring on an engagement, he retired one milefrom th« bridge, and encamped.

During the day,while driving the enemy'* out-

potts, he had one killed and three wounded.The whole armv moved thl« mornlntr. earlv.

with the view of making a lengthy march.What roads they took, it is not necessary to

atate; bnt the headquarters of Genpral McClellanto-night are within a abort distance of R Ichmond,in front of which city is supposed to be encamped i

the main body of the rebel army.If they intend to give the Union army battle. j

which i« almost universally acknowledged to be ]the case.the hour Is drawing near at hard when 1

they will have au opportunity.i

U/RFP.K OF THF fiRIFNTil !WW WW w w w I n«i(

, 4

Brigadier General Sa\ton, and therest of the Passengers and the <

Crew, Saved.

A Portion of the Cargo Lost*

TlieWar Department this forenoon received }the following dispatch : cFobtkkss Monkok. May 21..The Oriental, in *

which Gen. Saxton [the newly appointed Military tGovernor of South Carolina .Ed. StarJ sailed,wai wrecked on Friday night, May lGth, on j

Body's Island, thirty-three miles north of CapellaUeras. The passengers and crew were saved,and a portion of the cargo was lost. The remainderwill be saved on the beach.

\V. J. A. Fuller, esq., of New York, wentslxtv-flve miles, in a storm. In a ranoe arrr.n thpSound to Fort Hatteraa for assistance, which, bvbis energy, was obtained. i

Lieut Hills, acting assistant qiartermaster, Jcame with the strainer George Peabody. Col.Hawkins, commander of Kcanoke Island, came anext day, and took possession of the Government tproperty, and placed a guard over it.

Lieut. Ellis and Co!. Hawkins displayed the *

most commendable zeal and judgment In preservingthe Government property and generally 'ipromoting the comfort of the ship's wrecked Jpassengers. Both dt serve the highest praise.Brie. Gen. Saxton arrived L*re this mornlnt'.Moat if the ptssengers will l»e in New Vork on {FriJay in the U. S. steamer tie«». Peabody. I


HsT.tRk Coristh, May 20 .There Las been 1

skirmishing along the whole line to-day* the £result of our feeling the enemy's strength and 'seeking more advantageous position*. Our losses twere small.The army is advancing slowly. c

The story about several rtbel regiment* at- Jtempting to mutiny and the sending of UnitedStates forces to their assistance, is false t

It Las been raining all day. and there i8 a pros- *pert of a rainy nlgbt. rThe N&sbvllle Union chronicles the constant jarrival of Tennesseeans in tl^at city, Kick of the I

Southern Confederacy, and say* a thorough '1 * nlnn man must 1 »« ' - ' '«/mivm u«au Miuav mc t uuicu 4i>i iuc a^JJruac'UlU^ |circuit election.


The Kepnlte at >lrIH\vell. JThe \\ heeling Intelligencer, May 1Mb, aayi: t\\ e converted last evening with Lieut Henry H iTicket, of iMuifleld, Ohio, who Is direct from 'Fremont* command, and who witnessed the *battle at McDowell on the Hth, between Mllroy'a ,and Solienck'a forces and tne enemy under Jack- (on. IOar force* consiited of nine rei/im»nt« in »n i

aix under Mllroy and three under S^-benck, nam- 1bering not more than aeven thonsnnd m?n. {Thc»« under Milroy were 75tii. TJd, :«d and 25th IOhio, and 2d and 3d Virginia Those under iScfcenck were the fe*2d and .">5th Ohio and 5th appears that Mllrov's force had ad- iTanccd from Monterey In t&e direction of Staun- jton as far « McDowell, two regiment* ten mil"* jbeyond and ou« aixtrea. J unt before noon on theMli the pickets of th'a advanced raiment weredriven in. and it fell back to the other two. Theyall fell back in good ord-r to within a mile anda quarter of McLHtwell, where they mide a aland.

s>kirmlshlng continued until a quarter to sixIn the evening, when tb« main tight began. Theenemy were posted along the top of a mountainwhich terminated abruptly on our left. Milroy'sforces were disposed in front of the mountainnome dlstsr.ce along, with the butteries on elevated«round tn the rear. There were Ave of theseCspt. Hymen's, Capt De Heck's, Capt. Kwing'sCapt. Johnson's, and another not remembered byour informant. Capt. Hymen's battery in particulardid brilliant execution, being about upona level with the enemy. His shells all burst at rthe right time and in the right place, each one 0

clearing a space of about thirty feet in the ranks Iof the rebels £

> & & a « a a a a* ^

adcui / ociocK in me evening <»en Schenck's pbrigade came up, having left Franklin at half- Ij.a-st ten In the morning. The tight raged furl- «

ously, and lasted till 1) o'clock at night Shortly '

after dark, the Md and 9*id Ohio mede a brilliantbayonet charge up the mountain la the face of theenemy's lire, and drove them from their position,but much to their surprise found a heavy force Inreserve on the other aide of the mountain. Theyfell back of coarse.Meanwhile, the enemy bad come around tbe *

blufl termination of tbe mountain, and flanked Jour force. Tbe '<J5lh Oblo was posted on the Iexreme left, and tbe weight of this flank move- rment fell upon them. They fought gallantly aand were considerably cut up Their imtauntlcn gave out, and they stood upon the fleld ai d Ewaited 11 ke heroes till a fresh supply wu brought Jthem. Upon tbe discovery that tbe enemy were 3greatly superior In numbers, our force fell backin gcod order about y o'clock, having given tbe '

rebels at least a Roland for their Oliver. Our *

Ioh amounted to 37 killed and 100 woundedThat of the enemv was believed to be muchlarger, from tbe fact that our men Mring up bill,we-e more accurate In their aim, and on accountof tbe terrible execution of the shells thrownfrom our batteries. Deserters who came In after ftbe iigbt, declarednbat their loss was 40U killed, fbesides tbe Wounded. aWhile tbe battle was going on, a couple of com- <

panlea from tbe Virginia regiments left at Mon* «

Urey to guard baggage and provisions, and wbo !naa oiarti tonii uki, were siwrsea who suraluddeoDew that tuey bad to ikcdiddlc on tbedouble quick, and leave everything.even their 1own baggage, clothing, uniform*, etc., in tbair .

truokj. Lieut. Weaver, of the 2d Virginia, left .

behl nd a trunk containing valuable* to the amount iof *150. There was no lighting, aa they obeyed tthe order to fall back aa kooa aa tbe picket* were Idriven la: consequently nobody hurt there, butconsiderable loss of personal effrcti

After tbe Igbt, our forces fell beck to Frank-

iin, tbe capital of Pendleton county, and next daythis side. The enemy 14,000 strong followed.There were two or three days' skirmishing.ourbatteries playing on them with shell and keepingthem tack In spits of their superior force. They2ame up and occupied our deserted csmp at onetime; bat s wsU-posted battery soon made thattoo hot for them, and they " fell back." In tht*iklrmlahlng three of our pickets were killed, and«re killed six of their men in return.Heary relnforoemetiU from Fremont had arrtvkJ i a . 1.4 a t .m r» wis ma uewie our lsiormiDiicn rruiuu. mencnri'Bully Dutchman" were (here, eager for a Ight.Fbom Gew. Cox's Army.We learn from a

gentleman who arrived yesterday from Sea.Sox's headauartera, Raleigh, tnat Col. Scammon,<rho bad advanced to Princeton, Mercer county,aad fallen back from that village to a strongerposition, before vastly superior number of rebels,rhe roads from Ghnley to Raleigh, and fromRaleigh to Princeton are In a mlaerablecondltlon.Forage Is exceedingly scarce, and It la with therrettest difficulty that food ia found foe eitherminor beast..Wheeling Inttllieeneer, May 19.

f£7~ The people are starving to death In Ireland,rhe fact has been formally announced In theBritish House of Commons.

V«»THE UNCONDITIONAL UNION VoteraI H . * « r*. i«t a » » -m. ^ ui mo nr«i Traru ire rr^awwa 10 sn6(]0i meetinc to t>e held itf the Union Kncine Houie.»n THURSDAY KVKNINS, M»t ?2d, tomatttrrancemento for the ooming e lelection. m2 -vfy«»THP.RK will bk a mkp.ting opJJf unoondition»l Union men of the Seven.hWard TO MORROW <'Ihurtda?)NlGHT at PolomaaHall. Ail Union men. regardless of party,ire milled to attead. By order of the Presifentm 21-2t*Y^^NOTICE .A special meeting of the JojJJfneymen ftor.e Cutters Association will j«fTeTd atTemperance flail, on PRIDAY KV&NINe.theUdinstant,at 7* o'clock. All members»l the Aseo<-ir-uoo are requested to bepressnt. asbuaineaa oi importance must be attended to.m 21-3t* wm, m1ppleton, soc't.

attention, second ward l,nid I'nMlil I'lliMil iivkiv m rid^tl.i-» WillUll VUV0 Alio

rejular weekly meetinjt of the Club will take plaoeoa THURSDAY KVKNINO. May 22d, aI theMedical Collete, on Fstreet. between 11thand 8 o'clock. Bnii>eu of the utmost importancer?e jir»8 the prorcpt of every member.All other voters of the Ward favaricg the otj'ctanfthe Clubare n.vitcd to be preempt. m 21 2.*[V*r»LKCTURE .Jno 8. Rock. Ecq..(oolore<l)|__S a member of the Beaton lt»r. aid an ableaudinterestinic speaker, will lecture on THURSDAYEVENuNtf of this week, 2id instant, at theFifteenth atreet Presbyterian Cnuroh, between land K streets. 'Ihe friends of hutr.r uty and publ:orenerally. are invited, SubjectA peaf-rimRaoe " Tiokets 25, fjr sale at Post Office Ne*7jStand, and city Book Stores. m 21-It*

v^»T H E NATIONAL UNION DEU satee of the various Wards, opposed o

' epublic&nieni and Aboluionirm, will meet in &t the Hall of th* Kmnk in Kire Compan*,an WKDNKSDAY EVENING, May 2Ut, 1862,it 8 o'olook, for the pnrpoie of oomtnatirg a oacdiiatafor Mayor. rn 20-2t»

THE UNION PRAYER MEETING WillJJ[ ba holden ever* day thia week in the LutherinCharoh,(Rev. J. ©. Butier'a,) at the corner ofllth and H ctreeta, oommonoing at <K o'oiook 9- mMicd ooDtinned but oce boar. ia SO

MESSRS. S. 8LKNM AND H. BLAND HAV-ing !eaaed the Norfolk opera House will < r

imc m oommnnioation will permit) ope thufirut ut Theater for ft ecmmer iea;on. Partiei ceiirmgengagement* will a Mrers the Manager*, at186 loth itreet W»»hirgtoB, P. C. It*


IJhamSeriin. from IMiilade'phia, has jt.irrivad.Cargo ready f»r delivery.HYDE Sl DAVIDSON, Agents,

It Beorgetown. D C.

IJ*OR SALE.For sioo, a ep'endid dark brownHORSE, Saddle and Bridle: drives flyv*11, and a perfect Deaaty under saddle.

rhe owner ha» no further use lor him. To rVkPT pirt» wanting u showy a horse as this cityttTor.i*. thu la a rare oh&noe. lnquira oi J. HHEATH, Herndon Home, corner mnth acd F

its. m 21 St*



PATAPSCO HOTEL.ELLICOTT'S MILLS, MD.Is now open for the accommodation cl Boirderimd Viaiton. du-ie* ths A m.Communication dirrct with Waahingon daily,morning ar.d everirg. ITerm* moderate. For further particular*, apply>r addreaa JAS IVlcttOW'AN,

Patap*oo Hotel.m 21 1m* Kllioot^a Mi.Ip. Md.

pitOPOSAL.3 FOR LEAD. I(hinanrf (Far Dipartrnrht, I I

Washington, !Viay 20. )862 \pmtpoial* wit! be reeeiyed by this Departmentintil > p in. on the s*eoinr. of the 4tn of June, forhe <l*livery at the following Arieuala, aa aoon aitoeailile. of5.0UU TONS OF I.KAD, aa foliowa

At the Watervliet Arsanal, West Troy, Newi <>rk. t 000 toca.At the N'w York Argaaal, Governor's lalard,Mew York, tonaAt the Allegheny Ar*eual, Pittsburgh, Peanaylfar\i>1 flftft #.«» '

r », -v" kuua |At tne8t. Louis Arsenal, St. Louia, Miasouri,.« <» tons. 1

The lead mutt 1>« Galen* or other Amerifan,itathuri, or soft English, ol the molt approved>racdaProposals will le received for lotaofSM tone and

ip wardsDidders will state explicitly the tiraeand amountf each delivery.Failure to deliver at a specified time will sul>eotthe oootraotor to a forfeiture ot the amount to

>e delivered at that time.Partioe obtaining ooutriol* will be required to

inter into bonds with proper securities for itsaitufal performacoe.The Department rerervt'a to itself the rtjht toeject any bidproposals will ba addressed sh follows: Gen.I VV. KIPLEY.Chief of Ordnance vv&ihiufton,). (7.. and should Le endorsed "Proposal for.ead." in 21 eotje4fOMPLlMENXAKV IJKNKHT TO DICKIs PAKKKHRieKnrii Parker, Kfi. Dkau Sir : Wo, the unlersifiied, desire, from rcisoiis which we w>'lnention. to tender to roa a complimentary bentiiU/our lone oareer as an artist in your profession inhin city has rendered »ou popu &r beyond mosterforiners who have «ited us. and jour quist.;entiemanly deni»&coi k *3 tainsd for you fcoste ofrienda and ad mirers. w..o would be pleased t > tesifyto you In a suitab.e manner their appreciation>f Tour worth.Yonr eonduot in our city hta been a model to theneinbers of your profeision, and in any oapaoitylOuid not do Otherwise th«.n mtk> »<in hiHiti I"

his connection, we oannotdo otherwise than exjre»Bour app rroiation ol the exertions of Messrs.'erciva1 and Co to afford ua & popular st«le ofuiiuteuient, and to say that ia no other way oou'd11use enterprising mir.nor: have more entirely jlor.tulted our wUnes than in retaining you ia ournulct during their entire seasonWith express ons of regard ard esteem beyondrhat we h«ve hitherto feii called upon to give to amthio artist, ai d awiiting your deoision as to theime of the benefit mentioned, wo temain your <rier.ds.

Ostheiw Brothers, Hermann Meyer, ,Kred M Hough>on, Meyer Wettieus, Sr, 'KSW L'uuuam, W K Ketccam,M Arnold, H,H Liohau, N Jones.P Franklin Jcnea, Join C Kay,W MoKeiwiy, J M Homis'ow, IGeoT Dickinson, Geo W MoKonny,W U Fnnok, E C George,Henry E M'rrioir, Peter L Ottman,W H Ottman. Byron a Gibsreen,Cyrus lira^ie, J B Proctor,K Tan I'M*. J II whim..t<I<«m bhoYt, JoaephV Cozlnna. | ,Washington, May 12,18C, j

Wash ngtOH, May 16 1862.Messrs. Jcnts. Dickinsm, Otort 6, Ostheim, Id trick,T':\nty, Proctor, Dunham. MeKtnmy, amithtrt: Your kind note, tendering in8 aoomiunetita y bn"eht. baa ooine to hud. 1 cave it toileaara. Peroival & Co., aa the peraona oaat ab ®o give a daolaion in the caao. It afforda ma great>'e&«ure to be aMe to aay that the nianagera haaundly conaeated to rive me, forme purpoae of aoinpliinent^rr benefit, * auggeated by ron. theCanterbury Hall, Friday evening, May 23d, 18£2. |i oannot do otherwiae than expreaa to *ou my intire appreciation ofjanr unaoiicitad kicdaea*. Iiave aver found, in thia cit». f. landa wcom 1 aha! 1 ].ivraya remember with feellaga of tba profonndeat ,[latitude Tou are rood eaourh, in your latter, io allude to my conduct,< ataide of my proftaaion, in terma of more than praiae 1 oan onlyay that it haa been my » A poae to to conduct o>yie(faa to be able to bid adien to m> friecda, when ,ue time ootnea for me to leave yon, feel ing that 1tare no oooaaion to regret anything that I, mvself,oay br v done aa a citizen of our eountr* *nrf uk love' « (ooU order

,With iha profovcdeat frfttitode for your kindlet*.endthat of the Mmim »*eroiYal k, Co., inrtivicc the in of their profitable hall ofuugxneat for niT benefit, I rtaua, while I live, yoor"°n8if""d' PICK HARKFR. 12,500 BUSHELj^JACKSON WHiVK PO I

For sal* in lots to «uit...Al 10 oenU per bmahel,J. R. BAKft k CO.,m8n»* 4WC 9th rtreeC

r\ OKPICEK0 ATTFNTION!Ir*m/v«*nti *.». »* . * "*

irrritiDKs i>i(n>inoii',iru tynriot can find A 1all and oompletaset of EQUIPMENT* for self i.nd horse, ofthe vary baat atyla and make, by tninutat ©royar*a Theatre. Ther wilt be soldiheap. the owner hafin* retired from the aerrioe.

laa no farther aaa for them. mtt-tf

IN Store 15l,«MWM^ST$?C!GARB, at arioeaanclnc from t» to #9 per tfioaaai dAa oar gooda are all mane fa tha but matmtr,nth tood ttoik, our Cigars ara |uaraoteed aa re-reaanted, or the tnonav re'arned And aa wa kaafi faotory steadily employed, wa thtak wa aaa offert dealara indaoamtnts aauai to any to be foundinrwber* North. Sood Oermin Cigars at &Ki",taW ^r,'. w.


OFFICIAL.AuiHiM Lincoln, Prea.deat of the United Slate*

of Amerio*:To All Whom it May Concirn.

Satisfactory evidence havinc been exhibited toma that Chrutian Fkiidricr Mibivs liaa beenMpointed Cowml for the free Haoee City of Lubeck, at i8an Fraoeiaao. I do herafcy rooocnizehim aa inch, and deolare him free to axeroia* mJepjoy saoh fanotiona, powereand privileges Mareallowed to the Coneula of the most favoieucationa in the United Statea.In testimony whereof I have oauaed theas letters

to be made patent, and the aeal of the UmtodStates to be hereunto amiea.Given under mr hand at thecityof Washington, the 17th day of Ma*. A. D. 1862, and[L. s ] of the independence of the United States olAmerioa the eighty suth.

aBRAHAM LINCOLN.Bj the P. esident:W. Hostib, Acting Secretary ol State.

WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWNIT RAILWAY COMPANY.Notice of Opening ofBool* of Subscriptionto Capital Stock. mIn accordanoe with the 13th a-cHon of the acf ofCongrets to moorpora'e the Waihinr'on andGeorgetown Kailway Company, approved May 17,1863, which provides as follows: " That vitbm liveday* after tne pasra^e of this act the corporatorsnamed in the first section, or a rn»joiity of them,or if any refuse or negltc: to act, then a majority ofthe remainder,sha'l o^use books of sabscription tothe capital stock of said ocmpacy to be o ened.and kept open, in sotn* convenient ajd accessible

p »ce in the city of Wa8hl"Bton. from nine o'clockin tne lorenoon ail five o'cl< ok ib theaftemoej, fora period to he fixed by Mid oopo&to.s, no. *eutnkn two daye; and said corporators *hall (irepublic notioe, by advertisement in the <1eilvpaper* published in t' e city of Wa jhington. of thetime wh»n, and the pirce where, taid book* shallbe opened, and the*»b- mbera uv>n said books tothe capital atoak of th* company eha l he held to beatooktnldera: P*otidtd, That every subscriberaluH pay, at the time of cubtoribicg. »per ofih" amount by him subscribed to t ie treasurer appointedby the oorporatora, or his sibcori"ionshall be nail and void. If, at the end of two < ays alarger air ount than the cam*, tonirnr »h» «'pacy shall ha»e been snbreribed, the books shall beclosed, and the said corporator* named in the firstaestion shall fonhwith prooeed to apportion sai(*capital stock ATiong the subscriber*. pro rrtn. andm&k" public proclaroMion of the number of sftaresallotted to eaoh. which ahal. b* dene and oo;nslet-don *he name oar that the books a e olca«d. Providedfvrtktr. That nothing shall be reoe ved inpayment of the twenty five per o:ntuin at t > timeof subscribing, except money, or oheoks, or certificatesof deposit. indorsed "good" by the presi<1er>tor cashier or some good, solvent bank or tanks."Nottee is hereby given, that the books of subscriptionwill be opened on Friday, the 23 J mutant,at the National Hotel, room No. 10, and will bekept open from 9 a. in., till 5 p. m , and not lesathan two day a.By order of the Corporators.

v.. KINGMAN.m 19 5t (Intel.. Rep , and Times oop.)

CJECOND WAR D-91RSTPKECINT.-Notioais herbr given that, in conformity to tte provisionsof the charter of the city of Washington, ane'eotion will be held on Mondif. tre m iinnfJune next, at 419 Twelfth street, between NewYork avenue and I street, for Mayor, to serve two;tvs. for one member of the Board of Aldermen,to serve two years, and lor three members of theBoard of Common Counoi'.to serve one year.The tolls will be opened at 7 o'oloolr a m.. andclose at 7 p. m. GEO. W.8TEWART.J AS. W. SPALDING.L. F. CLARK,m 19 Commissioner:SECONDWARD-SECOND PiiSCVNotice is hereby Riven that, in cor 'or ty .

the provisions of the charter of tt>e city o'' a-a-hir.oc, an election will be ' e'.d on Monday, the 2dof J one next, at Ford's Drr * Store, corner ofsyiv&ria avenue and 11th street, for Mayor to

RArVA tvn vA«ri for nn® 4- " . j .. w« .w. vmw »*« iw vi mo ova i» viAlderm*n to serve two jears.rnd for three membersof tho Board of Common Council to eerve one

year.'Die polls will open at 7 o'clock- &. m.. and closeat7 p.m. WM. P. 8HKDI),KDWD. C.DYER,SAM!,. LEWIS.

tn 16Commission ers.

Third \va ki>-first ph sr/ivcr.-Noticeis hereby given that, in conformity to the provisions of the oharter of the citv of Washington,an eleotion will be held on Mo-day, the 2d dayofJune next, at the Wood Office of J. W. Smm*,south wecorcer of 9th and M streets, for Mayor,to serve two years, one men be' of the Hoard ofAl-'ermen, to terve iwo rears, tlree members ofthe Beard of Common Counoil. to terve one year,and an Asaesaor, to serve two years, for saidWarn.

The polls will open at 7 o'c:r.clc a. rn. and close at7p.m. J AS. JVl TOWERS,£. M. MARTIN.WM. POPE,rn 19CommiaHonera.

ichiro ward.seconi) prmcin .t - 1 a ' *

liiHitn if UOrOUJ (1VC21< IDBl III OOniOT IJ IOthe provisions of the oharter of the city of a«hington, an eleotion will be he!d on Monday, the 2dday of June ne*t, at Mr. Drate's Carpenter Shop,north west corner of »tn street west and str etnorth,for Mayor to serve two years, one lueinl-eof the Heard of Alderman to serve two years, threenietiil>er« ot the Board ofCommon Council to serveone year, and an Assessor to serve two years, forsaid Ward,the polls will opea at 7 o'ol-ck a. in , ami close»t7o'olock- p. m. GEOKGK S Uli)KO>,«. A. HALL.


m 16Commissioners.I^OUKTil WARU-FJKST FKRCINCT.rNotice is hereby given that, in onnformi'r tothe pruvisions of the charter ot the «it» Wuh.mfton. an election wii l>« held on Monday,the 2d day of Jone next, at Lylv*etsr'« Urue Htore,ittheporrer ol Sixth itree we*t au«l H tt.eetDorth, for Mayor, to m> vo two yeart. ono memt-'rat the Board of A IderraeD, to terve two year*, th eemeint>era of the Board of Common Council, to terveane year.The polls will open at 7 a m., acd o'am at ^ p. in.

I-. A. kLUfFKK,J AS. ENGLISH,K. C. KCKLOFF.m 13Comm-a«iuoor>.


For aale at OGDKN 8. New Housefu rtiuhuc> lw* SIH SeTenth street, ; ear Fa av.

BLACK SEEKS..% fi.e a«sortment of choioegrades, in all widths, extra cheap.Extra oheap Ulaok Silks. all widths.Gloss; iilaok Silk*, all wtdtlis.Medium Lustre Black Silia.Sombre Lustre Black Silks.All kinds of Bi&rk Silks.All widtha Ulaok Silks.Fancy **iiks.I'aucf Dross Goods.Oar Northern aui Eastern correspondents send

us now supplier daily.One price only, the actual cash standard valuemarktd in plaia tic ares.PKRKY A. BRO..

in w et Pa av^rua a^d''Mntti *t

Cheap Cash Store.369 389 3U9


J ust reoeivad and for sale at leu than tha pieoM 4 4 Whits Contract MaTTING, at 32>j

WUD9 fV» J WI Ul

also, iIhe beat COAL OIL, at 40 cents par gallon.al90, i

1-4 and G 4 OILCLOTH, at prioea ttat caa't tailto auit.

Also,FURNITURE of all kiuda.CROCREKY. 6LA<*S WAKE.TIN anu WOODEN WAKE,At Wholesale and Retail.

Call and examine our goods and pneea beforepurchasing elsewhere

BONTZ k. GRIFFITH,m 3o 3C9 Sevect'i at. between I and k.TFOR FREDERICKSBURG.HE Fast schooner Telegrapb will have *n;ckliipiich for Be! 1 Plain, Potomao Creek. A,£>Hur lreight and passage atplr to the Ca»-^antain on board, Kiiey'a wharf, foot of 11th**"itreet, or 4T9 9 h street, up stairs. in 19 st*


CuKTAlN FRAMES.For sale by JOHN K. ELVANS.m '9 eo»t 300 Ha. avenue.

Depot quartermaster's office.Comer afG andlttK Us. WasKmgtm,May 19,1S«2W AifTiD, immediately,(600) Cavalrr dorses, to

x» purohased in open market, and to r»o deiveredit Washington oitv witnin ten daya from tins dateThe boraes to beflfi) fifteen aAisai«i h«.n,i»tilth, between five and eight yeir« of age» of cark I)o.ort, well broken to the *add.e. coji p*>tly buiit, 1tod free from &ll defect*, and to be sufjeotel to a Iriftd inspection. fNn m&rAi will Ka .~^

No pnoe higher thmn (§llo) one hundred acl aulollas will be Mid for an* ols horse. jP* eons wufi ing to sell will apply to CAPT. J.I DANA, A. Q. M , oorner '22a and « streets,Washington, D. D. H. KUCKKK,m 19 lot Quartermaster and Col- ADC. j\fOUNTPLEASANTLfl HOMKOPATH1C UOSP1TAL.This Hospital ia loo&tsd on 7th &nd Boundarytreets, north, at th« he*d of 10th street, one andjuekalf miles iirtttly north from the Bmith*oni%uInstitution. For terms of admission appl* at theHospital. MRS. L. M. PAYNE,m lT-lia* MMron,rkRKSS TRIMMINGS, MANTILLA ANDU SACK TRIMMINGS,Just rtMiVd, Another supp.y,- is BUGLK8, '

I a Ira At a«n J -M a a * 1 "

op. ainrr, uu liAue. ; aiao, <4UlLlilNU '

RIBBONS. URb»8 TRIM MINUS in evary va.riety kept on haod and ma^e to order at the Fringeud Trimming MunAwtory.MRS. LOWE, ,29T Pa avenue, aouth side. <

m17-lw Between !)th and loth ata

Black KNAM'JJ7i?LBD 1Y yard rolla) ainches at (80) i'xt* oenu per yardBLA''K KnaM'D/4USL,»N,45 incbea, at thirtyfive(3S) o»nu ier raidFANCY CaNVAS (all oolor« and ahadda of eo,ore)from SSotnte to 91 par ya-d. ,JOHN R ELVANS. S09 Pa avenn*. 'm 10-e«3t £ »lax. Newa and ttaietta J ,



Jm V. f o*d . Proprietor MtMfirJoan B. wntht Sk«(Mtut*

Last Might the Wimltr mud Spriw S.*mTHIS EVENING.

L»»t Night of MK. NACKETT.Who will &pp«ar aa Col. Nlmkod Wair;»«, in

the Coawdi ofTHE KENTUCK1AN IN 191S.

ALd the Exiled OnmAL or N*pol»©*,In

MONS. MALLET, orThiPoct Ortioi MiitakiCooclndin* with

MY WIFE^ SECOND FLOORSPECIAL NOTICE-Tho Athenoaoi will r»opouin a lew days for SUMMER SEASON.



Dtm« Cirol® and Par«uette s>eentsReared mtu _ #1b» oouy ><«»»' >1Orohestm Seats ilPrivate Hoxee (holding eight)._ fl®Family Circle > ootU

E' Box Office open from t till o' open at 7; oi'taln rises at t.ItPHILIP WARREN. Trea»srer._rpHK WASHINGTON ACADEMY or Ml SIC.* No. 8*9 Penn. aver.u«, tooth s>de. bttw»n9th aod 10th streets. Kvery evening a FREE CONCERTof the best c a««'oei at d oaera muaiC.Mrfjrm*dby eminent artista in their finest style Theconcert rommenoea at 4 p.m. dai r The beat ofrafreahmenta at moderate p-ioea. ofhoera alwaysin attsiKiaacs for the preservation of order.m20 2« HKNRY ROSENTHAL. Propr'r.T VOCAL CONCERT

H E Children of the Seoond r od part of theFirst District Primary Bcf ~ *ls take treat pleasa-ein anroanoiac to their frie .«i« and the pabiio thatthey will fivatheir ANNUAL MAY CONCERT,under the direction of their Mntio Teaoher, Prof.Damn., on

THURSDAY EVENING. Od instant,at the Smithsonian Institution, commsncing at 1\o'clook.The piano need on the occasion has >*een kindlyfurnished by Mr. Ellis and will be presided over by^ro . Parkharst. tn 2f>-3t


^eoond and Laat Wc k, positively, of theEMINRlfT |R'»H CoHRDlaN AMD VocaLIST,JOHN COlLINS.


THIS EVENINGAnd every eveaict during the week.Thi Most S» trtfs/ml Play the Age,Dion Bourciciult's thrilling and beautiful S-aet

Irish Spectacn a Drama, wbteh has now beenhe,'ore h( public of this country aud of Eaioeefor thiee years, and whicc has been played byMr Collins for more than SX) nights in all theprincipal cities of the country, entitled

COLLEKN BAWN,COLLEEN BARN,COLLEEN BAWN COLLEEN BAWN.COLLEEN BAWN,COf LfEN BAWN.n.. rr; u » y\jry j nr. i>tkies oj Kjarryowrn !Or, The Brides of Garryow«n !Or, The Brides of Garryowen !

New, Marnihcent and Accurate Soenery by C. 8.Gets. .Novels d Starting Meobamoal fctfeots

by Foster, Proper tiea and Appointmentsby Oaborne. Wardrobeby Marahael.

My lea Na Coppa'een. < N ylea of the Pouei,) M. '

Collins.hia great character.Danny Maun . Mr E L TiltonHa'dreaa Cregan Mr R M MeldrumEyrie Daiy Mr J M WardFather Tom_ _ilr H B PhillipsCo.-rigan... Mr W BokeeHyiand Oe*gh .~. M' D WaltonBsrty O'More Mr J 8 EdwardaEity O'Connor he Col!een Bawn.

or the fair, redgi.) Miaa Lotty HoughAnne Chute, (the Co! Rcuad.or the red haired g Mtaa Jenny Parker

Mri Cregan.__ __Mra MorayShelab . Mra G C GermanDuoie B ennerhaaaett Mia J 8 KdwtrdaKath.een --- Miss Flora Lt«In the course of the Drama. Mr. CoLLnn will

sing -I'M mourc tne nopes mat leave me," "CruiskeenLawn," and the "Boys of Kil'k»-nny.'MiesLottt Hoggh will sing "The Pretty GirlMilking her Cow "

Aoi I.The Lake ot Kills rney by Moonlight.Act tl.The Fearful Water Caveact 111.'The Bail Koom.or Light Through theClouds.To enable parties from a di tince to reach home

at a seasonable hour, no other piece will ke perlormea.Pricks or AcxtbsiosDressCirele and Par*net Circle.....59 oentsFamily Cirele 25 oenta

Orchestra Chairf __.75oentePrivate Ilexes . $6Seats may be sccured at the Taeater during theday without extra charge. ra 19 lw

f^ANTEKBURY HALL.v/ Louisiana a v.. near Sixth ?.


To night,THE SONS OF SiALTA,THE SONS OF MALTA.Oh, a Ni«ht of wondsrs!W Inch has been sereral Week* In preparation, andwil be produoed in ail its original splendor. The^...,1 k' * .i.;. Ir*_. imm iu hub UMUIIIUI ana lucuy (l(MCO#t FOCR HUHDR1D DOLLAR?.

The greatest projection of the age. Come one,oome aii.&td see the mystery solved.THAT HLaCK MALTESE CROSS.BE WATCHFUL! NO LEVITY!The S-mm-l Mail* requires the services o! upwards of Fifty Persons in its representation of theG rai d Midnight Procession, with banners and emblemsof the Order. Come all of yoa that "can ride

a horse in eare and safety;" "that have and havenot departed;" "can swim;" can yon hold yoaroats ' you that know the use of a smait and bro dsword, pistct tir.d gen. good and bad toeth, goodcondition and bad condition, atd it. it l*e r?)orded.l,v»t week of Miss JULIA MoKTlMEB, thebeautiful Songstress, the Washington Favorite.Last week positively of

THK GiPSKY'S LAY!To, night, Mwra LEVY IS and CHRISTIE, theDanng 6ymnar.t*, e^ual iu every respeot to theBauion brothers

M13w MILLIE FOWLER.The Ame-ioan Cubas.MISS FRANK LA FOLLE.The Accomplished Danaeuae!Tun CoVh.Y or BraUTT,Alias Lilly Uraudon, iviiu Miies, Miaa LilaieFrancis, Mjsb I tauk Seoor a*J\) iss 1 silis D< »! « uu * niuuniuiiu«The leaatifui, row Ballet MASAN1ELLO,In which all the ladiee wilt aprra'.1HCK PAKKKK, A.J TALKOTT,iiakky kick. workkll,Of the Cork Brigade.The eLtire ooinpany i" a new programme!61BBLK UOBBl.fctJ, STOCKS* UP STOCKSDOWN, FOR K16N INT*.RVRNTION.New Songt, New Datcei, New Negro Acts, and aNew Pieoe!

Door* open at 73K ; perform*roe at 8)( o'clock,a imiMion U oenta; Oretoactar Ckatra « oeauMaTiNbB Notio*.Hereafter there will be bat on*

natine* a week, whioh will take place ererr Saturday.for La liet and Cbiidrea, when a number ofraluable present# will be given away.a 925 SilverCake Backet.Adnuasion. ladiaa 30 cent*; ohildren 10 oenta.L»aori open at 3 o'olook ; performance oommenoeit s o'olook.Mra. Melon, No. 483 west 6th street, received aiplendid $?5 Cake Baaketon Saturday, May 17. ml9nAIKNT (IKPiOK PUB lllwlTl trm I- .

IT Patents, Catalogue of Cariosities and GovernmentGarden*, at tbe stand i Patent Ofltoe; KaraAntiquarian Books; ttore ^meit Books; Docamentsfurnished: Railroad Reports; Military IIICrts; Burnt Patent Office Reports; Cheap Booksrnished to Pedlars; Mi.itary Trials: MilitaryLaws; Army Regulations; Panorama of the Coastshoving over 3,000 miles; many thousand CheapBooks. Reooheot cheap rant. Large, lavrices. Up stairs, over Bank of Washington,my l-lra* ALFRED HiNtF.R.[)Cn HORSE SHOES.££>U REGS RU ttOfcN'S HuRSE 8HOES assortedS1Z3S5,000 lb.. PU1NAM HOR8E£HOE NAILS2lkU do aKIr FIN 8 do doIn atcok and for wis byJOHN R. ELVANS.m 19-ee3t 309 Pa avenus.

OCl ROPE.H. C9,L8 MANILLA ROPE, * in. diamater.10 do do ». <io1®d» »- « do6 do do 1 do3 do do I* do2 do do 13* do3 do do lg do* do do IV do_Mocwtm and for aaia by

m 19 ao3t JOHN R.KL.VAN8. 309 Pa.aT.^ P I E - U B P O E M.K*mily Pies! Family Pie»!?ooh aa aloce J L. Dayton anppliaa.1 ho** who don t om them are vary anwiaa;Rwry on* ia an eponre'a »ru».Preoioua is aubatanoaaad am pis in aisa:lasted them once stst bit*ai/uicr uian i/ayton's rare Family Pin !Bakery.4 46 Kltrtntb street.m\6-lw between 8 and H etreeis.LeatherBELTING.We have just received an assortment.

CA.MPt.ELL ft SON,m 16 7t* 3*1 P»nc«ylvania ay.

IfOR SALE.i.OW CEDAR and CHESTNUT1 POSTS; alH> »jm CHESTNUr RAILS,kpply neat door to biead bakery, Louisiana av»noe,above the market.a» M ini* RODZER. BAB RICK k. CO.1* . FISH.F18H.FISH '1 HE Corporation Fish Wharf le now looated atthe foot of Eleventh street, (Riley»e Wharf.)vherethe pnblio can be supplied with Fiah and Salt darnsth« .won. a»lt4w| AWES' SPR1N9 STYLES,I J OPKnlNO THIS PAY,In handsome Blaok Bilk Mantles, lonf and abort,Blaok Silk Saaka, Light Clou English Jaokeie,Black Laoe Points, Senate Shaw s and larce aiaeaatl lai, all d«eided Wfan.» Back Stella and"J.W"as».kJfESfTi..B

.. I


UdUSEHOLU Fl KMTI'KK. ftr .ATAl'Ctlnoil..Oi TBI'RHOA V MIIRMNtt.lMadit itMt. v*afca!l a*'l at »>ar Action K<*>ma. oord«-of rmatti »co D alt*, la * i»tm! taaortmastof Faraitar*. »>«iWa<Mt Bofta, Oaair* and Tab!**.Walaat Ba-«a« »b1 WardrobM,Painted Cotta«* B*'a and Wwha.iii,Cap*. Wood awl otbw Chair*.Rafricvratan, Maitm*,Ot olith atd Mat*.BU', Bl»k aid Cotton t<* M*tlr****a.CtlMi Sim, and Crofl»WT War*.Aad mi? oliior artiolee uo ntMrou to Kia»erweeek.

It QREEN ft WILLIAMS. Ajicts._By J. C. MoSUIRK A CO.. Aootioneera.

VALUABLE BUSINESS f*TAND Wednesday aiternoon,Mb? tut. atAM o'olook. on tbe K*rciaea. » shallMl) thBt TBlBBDIO bn«IDM« location tBBtO.1 Bt tCOnorthwest oomer oj F and Eleveith streets, inprovedby b two story frame huiw*, oocupied m btore and dweluuc boa**.Thia Is beiered to bo on* of the beet besiaets

locations in the Sooocd Vvard.ofl tho arena*. tothe sale of whioh Mrt'CclBr attention u invittu,as the sais will be wad* without r«*onreTtrai: One third oash; the reuitinder in an and

twelve noctha. with interact. secured by a <io«dof treat on tho prooiise*.m 15-d J C. MoQUfRK A Q» . Auota

II r WALLA BARNARD. Auctioneers.

T|RUSTEK'S SALE OF BtlLPINU LOTSOH Fi»th artiit kitT at Avction..OnWEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, flet instant, attc'c^ virtee ofa deed of trust dated tttn

June, 1801 and duiy recorded imong the la^d reaordiof washinrton oountv. D. c..i will miiuPablio ABBtion, in front of tke »renueee, Lot 6. inmill at, divide! into two Lota, each front incn fwt IX inobee ob the BB«t »ioe of Kb «tre»t, botwtnll and E street*. and running boot lu* leet

TjNBM Ob* fonrth oBah; a portion of wLioh,efficient to pay tho expense* of aa:e, wilt be requiredon the epot. or the propert? will immtdiatelybo moM, and the baianoB in bib and (» »mouth*, bearing iBtersst, secured 07 deed of trBBton the premiaos.

A. BRENNER. TmstaeBit |R*H WALL A BAKWARP, AioU.By J C. MoSUIRK A CO.. Aactioneers.

WIHUNKS, LKJUOR**, AND SK6AR* ATArQTiON.On TBIRrtDAY MUKMNU,May 22d oonmeocinc at 10 o'cock, we sl>a II ie: Iat the Store of A. Kama', No. 307 K strset,tween IStfe and 13* street, hi* entire stock.suihr*£ine ahnut.ty> Caift Claret*. Mfor>! brands and qualities,Preserved and Ursndied Frmu,A variet; *f Li|cor and W .ura, inotsks and t*ott.e«,Maocaroni and Vsnaaealli, Fancy Grooenet. aid{Wars, A cA small 4 uactitf of very fine Brandy, in wooi andA*'*©? which it to be sold withoat r«»erve. tooloM hi* hnsicess.Terms castl.r- 20 J. C. McGUIKE fc CO. AuoUBy GREKN * WILLIAMS. Auot oaeers.LARbK FRAMK. HOL8K ANO SHFl) ATAucTiop..On THURSDAY. thelM instant,we shail cell, st 5 o'oock.oc the srrimeea. tt.elarje Frame storehouse an*1 Shed imi»*liate.r iu

imiwvi iniutr uniroi. iroBlinf on Louniuiavenae and C afreet. havu«: a (root of 39 feet onrtc). atreet. and aboat M f«et long;aiao, a Hh«d tfcewhole leacth of the lot. Tbe iioaee liaa beer. »eoentlybailt. and the lattber ia ofa coed «u*.iiy;both the eeda and 11 tor are of tonfwed and groovrdNorth Carolina etiiff. The puronaaer to removeit or lot it remain on ground rent, aa it aaita hiacojnaiiataTerm* oath.AT THI 8txi TIKI.\Ve will Mil aboat 50 ba,ej of Hay in the hoar*.

m*y*T CMl'G8KKN ft WILMAME, Aucte.

Br J. C. McttUIRE A CO.. Auctioneer*TKUSTKK'S 8AI.K OF FRAME HOUSEajtd Lot m rna Fis»t waiti-OnTHl KSDAY,the 22d day of Mar, «tC o'clock p. ui . oti tbeprentisea, by virtue of a dwd of truat to tne aut>acriber,dated Deoember&l. lg5S, and duly reoordedin Liber J. A.8., No 112. folio* 292, et eeq . one ofthe land reoorda for VV aahincton oucty, l». C.,I ehall aeil the weat hall of Lot nnniberru L*e, inSquare noinhered eighty four, frontinc 3>> feet onNear York avenue, betton 2(>?h and 21at atresia,and rutning lack 115 feet, together with tfce improvementa.oonaiatinc of a e«s.*.'! !>*" « «-

HODM.Term* : One-third ouh; the remainder in 6 ar«i12 month*, with intereu, *eoured bj a deed oi tra*lon the premuee.Ail oonveyanoint tt purchaser'* ooct

CH AS A HKHT, Truatae.M 21 2»wAd* I.C. McGDIRK A CO . *n:U.

FUTURE DAYS.Br J. C. McGLiKK A CO.. Anotioneera.


is it i muiiixirttj. Wf . ti,M 1(1 o'clock, at thereaidenceofa lim iy on H atreet north, batwee:.17th and 18th etreeta, we iha.ii ae!l th» Furiatiiraand fcflVcU,comprising.Sola, Arm. and Fasy Cbairs,Center, Sofa, and otner Tatlea.Ruth. Cane, and Wood f*e*t Chaire,Brune i, Th'ee piy and other Carpet*.Walnnt Whatnot, Fancy Table*,F.xtena.on Dinug Table, Bidehoard,China, 6>a*a, and Crocke'y»are,Caitora, Table cntlery, Wa term,Onolotb, Matting, Iron Hat tree.Cotta*e Chamber t*eie. Lounge*.Bedateada. Bureaus, Waabwia&ui,Mattrwiet, uolatera aid hii«« i,i.ooking Glatiea, Toilet fceit,Cooking and other Stove*,Together with many oth«r artiolea of KouishoJand Kitchen Furniture.Term* cMh.MSI d J. C. MpGUIRK A CO.. Auo'aBy green X W I li I AM?. Auctioneer.

Household and kitchen furnimm. Poiiu, Cow*. r*tnuei, Wacom.OiMT. Plows, and other Far \ s Uts>» : <at Acctioh..On TL'KP1)a\, Ur Jlk irutau'.v< ahali Mil at 10 o'olock a. ut.. at the iormer rotirenceof Beorge W. Taiburtt, hr«.. ahont onefourthof a mile from the Navy Yard Bridge,onthe Pi(oateway Road,(tKe flag will designate theplace.>a good aa«?rtmer>t of Furniture. visOneMahogany Frame Piano t-orte, Hur«au4, ar. JChairs.Fine Hrooatelie and White Window Curtain®, atdCornice.Three-ply aod otheg. Carpets, Passage ana otherOilcloth,Spring Lounge, Bedsteads, Cookinr at.d otherStow.With a good lot of Kitoben Requisites.

al*o.One exoellent Work Hone, k;o0. and gentle.One very superior Harness Hors<>. tatt a- d t tyliah.Three Cows,3Carriages, 1 Spung Mattel Wagon,1 Cart,Plows,and other Fanning Utensils.Teruia All rums order J:u cut; over $10, aoreait ofto and udaya. for notes uatisfsotoruy ondorscd. hearins irtereat.m»t 6" GKKEN A WILLIAM*, Asa'*.

C31 UKsllU rr*r1 *«;}m*5S' A »otioce»riUiA llKsiRABLE HUll-UlVb LOTS XTfe«DAY. m52*. W*ahnll aali in front of the areiruset, at t o'e ook a.

Lo'a Noa. 7,8 and s. m Sam; t- No tiiia aroa1 M ,h® corner of Ka«tCtMjolaMlta atrr^ mb-oivided ;n oBiildiDK Lota, from 2 J to 29 Wt front Tha corncrTinil f11^ T;u f00d Frw «ouae.iTlUni/R!" ii^n" carter oaac; b%iaxo*> 3,( 9,RS?i r pmofiwri to |irt rotas forthe de.err^vi pa*mtm, bearinc internal from an

uinit. \ OMd kit«b and a deed of traat liken.Tide perfect or no sal*.m 20 6t GKEKN A WILLIAM*. Auota.marshal'S fALK OP VI-SSKLS.-Bt viri*Itue of decreee of the District Court of theUnited Stalee for the Diatriot of Col.tntita, I willaal), at publ'C rale for the foot n( Sixthetreet wharf, on the P- tomw river, on F*RII)A\«the 23d cay of May inatant, 18(3. oomwier-oirn at11 o'olook. a. m., the foliowinc-named Veeae a.their Tackle, and A»p»rel. vnSchooner"Muntarey."

Do **Loc tout.*Do **Sarah Ann." and the»ioof "Kf :Amr"

WARD H. LAMOM,mll^l " - " ~. .. .kj p. w»riii«i. u.L.

By J. C. MoQUIRE & CO., Auctioneer*.npEUSTKB'S PALE OF CITY LOTS.-On1 TUESDAY AKTKRMOON. Mm 2»th 1883,et bM o'oiook, on the premises, by virtu* ot twed»«da of traat to thssaLacnber, one dated Jsr.u&rrad, 1889, end reoord^d in Liber J. A 8 , No '0,folios M£, et see : the other dated J «'j l*th, 1«6o,end reoorded in Liber J. A. 8 , No.aof. fo leaMI,et eee , of the Lend recores for Washingtonooanty D. Ch w» shall sell one endivided netlpertoi Lota numbered 1. 3, S. 4, 6, 6. end i. mSenare numbered »9,fronting on Ho*ih E street,between i3tb and 13th s'reets west <ialend.)Thm: On*-helf oath; the baleuoe in sismonth*, with interest, aeeured by e deedoftraston the premises.11 ooBTeiueinj et the oo*t of ths pareheser.TWO. J "l»nKR, Trustsl>l»aeMi j.C HeOClEEftOO-Asets.


IprlBf and Summer C lothing,ruKiiiamna GOODS,


At VI*. (M Ttfc Utr.U Klyli-lm J. H. »MITH, CfUlf.

N«»"£2K-SSduly by !>imp. NEW CHKKfB. of

W lt-tt' 440 IU lumt, mm P* »

wyoW»M the C«MUUiiOB »biliv.E«rMt.»Say 11U>. » >t>lra.


S!^BS¥S(Ss&took aowory oompioU 10 a.i tk* i«diit| vtjlM

imw No.48 Coatf Marfcot 8»»o»DH NOTICE.ft. W. H. COMB* MMtTBllr uferai tkooiiisana oi tho N*ry Yard and Tiotmty tktt M I*15f?srasEsra®tra