the eye - december issue

DECEMBRRR ISSUE () The Official Parkview Adventist Academy Student Newspaper

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Parkview Adventist Academy Student Newspaper 1997-1998 December 1997


Page 1: The Eye - December Issue



The Official Parkview Adventist Academy Student Newspaper

Page 2: The Eye - December Issue




Welcome to the Decembrm issue. So someone asked me how I start to write this paper. Well, I start by

asking myself one question-"How am I ever going to

fill 20 pages?" I apologize to my readers for not having a November issue. No excuses. I should have got one out, but that'~ in thP past now. I think this is my best issue

yet. Twenty pages of pure gold. Well, maybe that is pushing it a bit too far, but I think you will all enjoy it. I

have to especially thank Steven for his creative genius.

He is responsible for a lot of the gold in this paper. Also I would like to thank Salome for another great cover. Is she amazing or what? I want to say again that every­

one is welcome to write for my paper. I will print almost anything. Only try and keep it relevant to our

lives. This last month has been a great one for me. I have

had a lot of good times, and I hope that this paper will be a part of your great memories. In this issue you will find

another moral story to help you in life. We also have another young and vivacious bachelor for you this

month-Mr. December. Lorenzo "the Python" Fiorito

hacks through the urban jungle to bring you some answers. Mr. Agrey has another humorous joke. Lisa

Bell picks the best of this month. Klick Klack brings you a Hermit and Kermit story. The question, "Which is the

better paper on this campus?" is debated. These are just a

few of the stories we have for you, so tum the page and begin your journey through my paper.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the EYE.

7~YE Decembrrr Issue, 1997

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief ....... ..... . Kris Samraj

Assistant Editor .. .... ...... .... Lisa Bell

Photographer ....... .. .. ...... .. .. Lisa Bell

Reporters ... .... ........ Marie Bourdeau

Jarita Livadney

Contributors .. ......... Averil Edwards

Consultants ....... .. .... .. ... Steven Tetz

Sponsors ....... ........ .... Carolyn Hoyt

Lorraine Popik

Cover Art Credit Salome Robichaud

Printed by CopyShop

The Eye is a publication of

Parkview Adventist Academy.

The opionions expressed in this

paper are not necessarily the opin­

ions of Parkview Adventist Academy.

All unsigned articles are credited to

the Editor.

No part of this publication may

be reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic or

mechanical, including photocopying,

recording, or any information stor­

age or retrieval system without the

expressed written permission of the


Page 3: The Eye - December Issue


The first banquet of the year was put on by our brand new Student Asso­

ciation. The night was filled with activities ranging from a hoola-hoop contest,

to blowing bubble gum. Various people carne out to the fun-filled evening in

dress ranging from the 50's to the late 60's The atmosphere was very comfort­

able and laid back, especially with the waiters/waitresses taking our orders. The

karioke added to the atmosphere and provided some interesting and laughable

entertainment-not to mention some memorable performances. Overall, the

banquet was enjoyable and a good start to the 1997-98 social year.

-Lisa Bell


Page 4: The Eye - December Issue


H o, Ho, Ho, everyone.

'Tis the season once

again, of candy canes,

class Christmas parties,

eggnog (mmm . . . ), ultra-short

days, and snow!? What's with this

crazy Alberta weather? Maybe

you will all have a green (or

actually, brown) Christmas this

year. But some of you Seniors

w~n · t be here to experience it

because of another Christmas

tradition-the Holidays. What

refreshments were passed around.

Then after a few rounds the noise

level, particularly from one of our

sponsors, was quite high by now.

of these games, we stopped for the

most exciting activity of the night.

We all paired up and headed

outside for a game of Sardines.

The night was warm, but the

woods still looked threatening. A

huge expanse of dark and forbid­

ding wilderness. Mr.Ganson and

you truly love me won't you

please, please smile," was a huge

laugh. It was very interactive,

maybe a bit too interactive, as

people used whatever they could

to coax a smile out of their victim.

Anyway, on to the gift exchange.

Everyone was happy with their

gift, except maybe Lalitha who

picked up a WCW action figure­

Harlem Heat. Those who were not

satisfied had the opportunity to


would we do without the two and

a half weeks we get off to spend

with family, friends, and all those

long term assignments teachers

like to collect RIGHT AFfER


In keeping with feverish

holiday spirit the Seniors held a

Christmas Bash, at the Pathfinder

Building, on the night of the

thirteenth. It was a cozy little get­

together, complete with a roaring

fire, hot chocolate, sweets, and

presents under the Christmas tree.

When people first came they

divided up into small groups and

played table games while the


Sheldon hid first. It was about 10

minutes before they were first

discovered, by Kris, Rachael, and

Steve (it did not hurt that they had

a huge flashlight). We went back

inside, but everyone wanted

another game. This time Averil

and Gloria hid. They sure did find

a good hiding place. Nobody had

found them after 20 minutes. (Kris

and Rachael decided to have a

little fun . They made scary masks,

and tried to scare the rest.) Finally

Averil and Gloria were found

much to the relief of everybody.

The last game, "Darling, if

trade with someone else. Some

were left bitter. Sandy's present

was the best of all. I'm sure this

Senior event will be just one of

the many great things to come. Let

us cherish this as a special senior

bonding time. To all seniors, enjoy

your holidays to the fullest-the

Christmas season only comes once

a year, but don't over indulge.

And keep Grad in mind; it is only

months away. Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year.

-Averil Edwards.

Note from the Editor "Thanks Av,

and have a great time in Jamaica."

Page 5: The Eye - December Issue



Sam Gallagher

Mr. Gallagher is our athlete of the month. He was chosen for several reasons. Sam is one of our very own star hockey players. H~ r"'ys for the CUC Moosemen and can be identified by the number 16 on his jersey.

He is also very talented at football, floor hockey, volleyball, and baseball. Sam is committed to his physical fitness and likes to be in tip-top shape. His routine of working out in the afternoons helps him maintain his body. Sam is a senior at PAA. His great sense of humour and charm will be greatly missed when he graduates.

We love you, Sam. - Marie Bourdeau

FLOOR HOCKEY ANTICIPATION Just a reminder that floor hockey tryouts are

starting for all classes. The first tournament is scheduled for January 17, 1998. Because of excellent skill and class spirit of all teams, the tournament is expected to be a very close one.

The Sophomore team has already proved itself to be more than worthy- having already won the previous tournament. The Junior team should be feared for their many skilled players. And although the Senior team has not done so well in previous years it should not be underestimated this year. The Seniors are counting on their vastly increased class spirit and several key new players that can bring the ruckus.

I'm looking forward to this tournament. The winners? Your guess is as good as mine.

-Marie Bourdeau

CATCH PANTHER PASSION The PAA Panthers started the year off with the

Alumni HockeyToumament. Of the three games we

played, we won none. But we all

still had a a lot of fun and gained

some much-needed game

experience. The Panthers went

to play the PAA alumni team

(CUC Moosemen) where they

were beaten 17-0-thanks to

Marie Bourdeau, Sheldon and

Bren Trenchuk, Sam Gallagher,

and Jaymi Nichols, who all

played exceptionally well that

night. The Panthers next compe­

tition was they closest game yet against the

Chuckers, where we did very well. Thanks to a spark

of new team spirit, some much needed coaching

from Mr. Zayachkowski, and from great fan support.

Although, our win-lose record isn't spectacular,

it was nice to have some great new talent and get

onto the ice to just have some fun .

The Panthers have had many practices where we

have seen some good leadership from Mr. Stickle

and our assistants. It is nice to have a lot of new faces

out there on the ice, one of which is defenseman, Jez

Nichols. We are all humoured by as well as terrified

of his hard-hitting action. We hope to have a great

year with many more great games to look forward to.

Admission is free, so come out and enjoy some

Panthers hockey.

-Drew Hetland


Page 6: The Eye - December Issue



0 nee there was a rich merchant called Naduk. As time went by, his business

became so bad that he not only

lost money, but got into debt.

Naduk was unhappy. It was no use

staying in the city any longer, so

he decided to go on a long journey

to try his luck elsewhere. He had

to sell almost everything he had in

order to pay off his debts. All that

he was left with, which was of

some value, was a heavy iron


Before leaving, Naduk went

to see his good friend, Lakshman.

He was sorry to hear of Naduk's

misfortune and unhappy that he

was going away. "Is there any­

thing I can do for you, my

friend?" he asked.

"Well," replied Naduk, "I

have a very heavy iron beam

which I would like to leave with

you. Will you keep it for me till I


"Is that all?" said Lakshman.

"Of course, I'll keep it for you.


and pigs can fly?

You can be sure that the beam will

be quite safe with me. I shall give

it back to you whenever you want


Naduk thanked his friend and

went home. A few days later, he

left the city.

Many years passed. Naduk


Your lies will

always be

found out.

traveled far and wide, carrying on

his trade. He was lucky, for he did

good business and soon became

rich again. He then returned to his

home town with plenty of money.

He bought a new house and

started his business again in a big


After some time he went to

visit his friend Lakshman.

Lakshman was glad to see Naduk

and welcomed him warmly. They

talked of Naduk's travels abroad

and his business. Later, as he was

about to leave, Naduk said, "Now

that I am here, may I have my iron

beam back?"

Lakshman looked very

worried. He had no intention of

returning the beam because he

knew it would fetch a good price

if he were to sell it. So he said, "I

don't know how to tell you this.

Something bad has happened. I

put the beam safely in my store

room, but now I find that mice

have eaten it. I'm really very

sorry. Beams of that kind are

difficult to get or I would have

bought another for you."

"Please don't feel bad about

it," said Naduk. "It was not your

fault that the mice ate up my

beam. This just goes to show that

nothing lasts for ever."

Page 7: The Eye - December Issue

--------------------------------------------------7~~~ As he was leaving, he said,

"By the way, Lakshman, I have a

present for you which I bought

during my travels. Will you ask

your son, Ramu, to come home

with me? I'll send it back with


Lakshman felt very guilty.

Not only had he got away with his

lie, but also Naduk seemed to

believe him. At the same time, he

was anxious to see what his friend

had gotten for him. So, he called

Ramu and asked him to go along

with Naduk.

Naduk took the boy home.

He led him to the cellar of his

house, locked him in, and went

about his work.

When Ramu did not return

home by evening, his father got

worried. He went to Naduk and

asked him where the boy was.

"Something terrible hap­

pened when we were on our way

here," replied Naduk. "A hawk

swooped down and carried him

off before I could do anything."

"That's a lie!" shouted

Lakshman. "How can a bird carry

off a fifteen-year-old boy?"

A quarrel started between

Naduk and Lakshman. A big

crown gathered as the two men

shouted at each other. Finally, they

decided to go to court.

As soon as they entered the

magistrate's room, Lakshman

cried, "Your Honour, this man has

stolen my son. Please ask him to

give me back my boy."

The magistrate ordered

Naduk to do so.

Naduk said, "Sir, how can I,

when before my very eyes a hawk

carried off the boy? What could I


"You're a liar," shouted the

magistrate. "How can a bird fly

off with a boy?"

To this Naduk replied, "If the

mice at Lakshman's place can eat

up an iron beam, then, surely, a

hawk can carry off a boy!"

The magistrate wanted to

know what it was all about. Naduk

related the whole story. The

people in the courtroom had a

good laugh. The magistrate then

ordered Lakshman to return the

iron beam to Naduk, and Naduk to

return Lakshman's son.

-Stories from Panclwtantra

,---------------------, J: 0 ::::» 0 I-


z -I

en ~ 0 ~

Mother's Covers When you were small

And just a touch away,

I covered you with blankets

Against the cool night air.

But now that you are tall

And out of reach,

I fold my hands

And cover you with prayer. -Source Unknown

We're here for you!

'---------------------~ 7

Page 8: The Eye - December Issue




It was the final examination for an introductory

English course at the local university. Like any such

freshman courses, having over 700 students in the

class, it was designed to weed out new students.

The examination was two hours long, and exam

booklets were provided. The professor was very strict

and told the class that any exam that was not on his

desk in exactly two hours would not be accepted and

the student would fail. Half an hour into the exam, a

student came rushing in and asked the professor for

an exam booklet.

"You're not going to have time to finish this,"

the professor stated sarcastically as he handed the

student a booklet.

"Yes, I will," replied the student. l:le then took a

seat and began writing. After two hours, the professor

called for the exams, and the students filed up and

handed them in, except for the late student, who

continued writing. A half hour later, the last student

came up to the professor who was sitting at his desk

preparing for his next class. He attempted to put his

exam on the stack of exam booklets already there.

"No, you don't. I'm not goingto accept that. It's


The student looked incredulous and angry. "Do

you know WHO I am?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't," replied the


professor with an air of sarcasm in his voice.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" the student

asked again.

"No, and I don't care," replied the professor

with an air of superiority.

"Good," replied the student, who quickly lifted

the stack of completed exams, stuffed his in the

middle, and walked out of the room.

( Mr. Agrey's Joke of the Month )

Three women-a blond, a brunette, and a red

head stumbled across the lamp of a genie. The genie

appeared and told them he could grant them one wish


The blond thought about it for a moment and

said, "I'd like to be 25% smarter."

"All right," said the genie and, poof, she became

a red head.

The red head thought for a moment and said,

"I'd like to be 50% smarter."

"All right," said the genie and, poof, she became

a brunette.

The brunette contemplated the situation and then

said, "I'd like to become 100% smarter."

The genie replied, "I'm sorry, I don't do sex


Page 9: The Eye - December Issue



T here once were two frogs named, Hermit and Kermit. These two frogs were the best of

friends. You see, everywhere Hermit went, Kermit also went. And everywhere Kermit went, Hermit also followed. They were absolutely inseparable; you could say that they were friends forever.

One day it was raining. However, it was also warm at the same time. It was a great day, so Hermit and Kermit decided to go out and play in the mud. It was soo warm, the mud was soo gooey, and they were having soo much fun that they forgot to watch were they were going. Without knowing it they got to the road.

Well, you see they were having so much fun hopping around that Kermit hopped right into a giant, deep rut in the road. Hermit, carefully now, stepped to the edge of the hole. He looked all the way to the bottom. He could hardly see Kermit at all.

"Are you all right, Kermit? Are you hurt?" called Hermit.

"I'm fine. A little scrape but that's it," called back Kermit. "I can see the top."

"Well, can you jump out?" said Hermit.

"I'll try." said Kermit. Well,

Kermit tried and tried. Sometimes he got so close to the top that his fingers touched the edge, but Hermit was too scared to grab them. So Kermit slid back down to the bottom of the hole.

After a while, Kermit, having expended all his energy, sat down. He prepared to meet his maker, for . it was only a matter of time before

He spent a sleep­less night dreaming of all the good times they had shared, knowing that they

would never see each other again.

a car would come along and crush him. He decided he must say goodbye to Hermit. With many tears, they painfully said their goodbyes-Kermit's fate to die an agonizing death, and Hermit's to go back to his daily life without his best friend.

Hermit spent a quiet night watching some television. Even his own wife could not bring him

out of his valley of loneliness. Finally, Hermit shuffled off to bed. It was the worst night of his life. He spent a sleepless night dreaming of all the good times he and Kermit had shared, knowing that they would never see each other again.

After breakfast Mrs. Hermit said, "Hermit, I need you to go into town today. I need some eggs and milk." Kermit had always gone to town with him. Hermit did not want to go, for it would remind him of his lost friend. But Mrs. Hermit really needed the food, so slowly Hermit hopped to town. He walked around the comer to the store. He looked up and his heart skipped a beat. Something came back into his life. A smile crept across his face. Happy days were here again. There was Kermit.

They were so happy to see each other again. They hugged each other and clapped their hands. Then they jumped into the biggest puddle they could find.

Finally, Hermit said to Kermit, "I thought you couldn 't get out of the hole."

"Well," said Kermit, "so did I, but then a big truck came along, and I had to."

· -Klick Klack


Page 10: The Eye - December Issue



Page 11: The Eye - December Issue



Height: Weight: Nickname: Grade:

EYE: Well, you are welcome. Now ...... ·· well; however, others might not. . you a few questions to let our reader explore Tetz: Shoot. By the way, I love attention.

EYE: Let us start with something simple. What's your favorite color(s)? Tetz: I am partial to yellow and blue.

EYE: What about television? Do you watch a lot? And if so, what are your favorite shows?

Tetz: Do birds fly? I love Seinfeld, Third Rock from the Sun, the Simpsons, and Small Talk.

EYJ!:: W,hat do you like to do with your free time? ' J just love music . I also love playing pool, or

· quality activities. Oh, I also enjoy dancing­dancing, ofsourse.

:i-0.: .. i:

y friends need to

...... , . . plans for the future? . . . an to have my doctorate in music by 26, get

married young, and achieve fame.

EYE: One final question. Do you have a life philoso­phy? Tetz: Yes. Just that you should take time to do what you want.

EYE: Well, after this interview I hope that all of you find Steve just as fascinating as I do . Ciao.


Page 12: The Eye - December Issue


1. What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas? 2. Who would you most like to bump into under the mistletoe? 3. What celebrity would you send a Christmas present to, and

what would it be? 4. New Year's resolution? 5. What is your favorite Christmas Carol? 6.1f you could give the World a gift, what would it be?

La lith a Ramalingam - Senior Class President 1. Some Serious R&R. 2. Derek Maxson. 3. Keanu Reeves-acting lessons. 4. Keep motivated in my academic career. 5. Twelve days of Christmas.

Justin Jeffery - Senior Pastor. I. A Girlfriend. 2. The Spice Girls-all of them.

0 6. A sense of humor. 3. Elle Macpherson-myself, here I come baby.

4. Buy a Speedo. 5. Let it snow. 6. A giant monster cookie with extra M&Ms.

Glen Leavitt - Sophomore Pastor 1. A real monkey. 2. Any 95-lb East Indian. 3. Will Smith- me. 4. I have no resolutions. I'm perfect. 5. Joy to the world. 6. The gift of love!

Drew Hetland -Captain of the Panthers I . My four front teeth . 2. Heidi . 3. Jenny McCarthy- Kri s Samraj. 4 . Visit the park more often. 5. Silver Bells. 6. Statue of my unclad body.


Linda Tym - Junior. 1. A sense of humour. 2. Paps. 3. Mr.Bean-myself. 4 . Try to curb my appetite for men. 5. Winter Wonderland. 6. My body for the advancement of science.

Page 13: The Eye - December Issue


Darin Ratzlaff - PAA Alumni 1. Jenelle Trenchuk. 2. Karin McCalla. 3. Sean Penn-kick in the head for U-turn. 4. Find a young East Indian for my younger

sister. 5. I love women!---ooooo yeah! 6. My gift of harmony!

Sam Gallagher - Senior. l . A blow-up doll. 2. Jenelle Trenchuk. 3. Hope Taylor- myself. 4. To get rid of my gut by Grad. 5. Silent Night. 6. Peace.

Soo-Young Song - Senior. I . Korean Barbie. 2. Kris Samraj . 3. Superman- myself. 4. To become Queen of Korea.

' 5. Jingle Bell Rock. 6. I would give love to all .

Rachael Hanoski - Student Association V.P. l. Rob Clark. 2. Leonardo. 3. Leonardo DiCaprio- some Calvin Klein underwear. 4. To be the best I can be. 5. Jingle Bells. 6. The gift of Peace.

Myla Ferrer - Student Missionary 1. Kris Samraj, do I miss you! 2. Kris, come here baby! Arrrrrrrr! 3. Brown Sugar-myself. 4. To spend all the tme I can drinking Hot Chocolate! 5. If Kris is singing it then I Jove it. 6. Love, Sweet, Love. Note from the Editor Someone has their priorities straight.

Lisa Bell - PAA Choir President. 1. A watch. 2. Anthony Berdan! 3. Alicia Silverstone- a bag of dung

wrapped in a pretty bow. 4. Add more brown sugar to my diet. 5. Silver Bells. 6. Happiness and Laughter!!!


Page 14: The Eye - December Issue


religious intolerance and with every display,

it sets the human race a giant leap backward

A number of bombs

explode in Egypt,

killing or injuring

dozens of people. An

Alabama judge refuses to allow

prayers to be said in his court

unless they are by a Christian

Reverend or Jewish Rabbi. The

same judge refuses to temporarily

remove a Ten Commandments

plaque, which was offensive to

persons of other religions appear­

ing in that court from the court­

house wall .

Hindus and Muslims engage

in conflicts during holiday parades

in India.and in Ireland Catholics

and Protestants throw bricks and

Molotov cocktails at each other.

A Canadian political figure

advises her constituents to vote for

Christians because it would be

basically impossible to have their

interests represented well any

other way. What is the common

thread among all these stories?

Religious intolerance.

When we, as Christians, think

of religious intolerance, the first

image that springs to mind is the


Islamic fundamentalist stere­

otype- the man who has five

wives and beats them all and

wants to kill all Christians and

Americans. And yes, there is a

narrow-mindedness displayed by

certain factions of the Islamic

community, where we see wom­

en's most basic rights trampled

and militancy against Christianity

or secularism encouraged. But in

our own backyard, attitudes like

this keep surfacing as well .

When the Christian religion

ruled Europe, during the time we

know as the Dark Ages, many a

"Christian" Crusader 's sword was

stained by the blood of Muslims

and vice versa. Entire advanced

civilizations were destroyed in

Central and South America-the

Inca, Maya, and Aztecs-by

priestly fanatics who deemed all

the technology and art of the

indigenous peoples to be the work

of the devil. (Naturally enough,

anything made of gold was not so

devilish that it had to be de­

stroyed-<>nly melted down and

sent back to Spain.)

Only a few remnants of these

civilizations remain. From what is

left, it becomes obvious that much

valuable knowledge was de­

stroyed in the name of Jesus and


In the United States, we can

see intolerance again demon­

strated in the so-called "family

values" movement. They claim to

be for the preservation of the

family, yet their beliefs place

women on an inferior level to

men-undoing a century and a

half of progress in this area. And

reports of violence against pro­

abortionists seem to force their

way into our media periodically,

even in Canada. Interesting, how

somewhere along the line, the

right to life-which must be given

to all unborn children-stops with

people who don't believe the same

way. Sexism, hatred and violence

are not family values.

It is a hallmark of conserva­

tism to say that the integrity of our

nation is going to the dogs

because we are abandoning God.

And yet amid all the hot air about

Page 15: The Eye - December Issue

-------------------------------------------------7~~~ these dangerous liberals, eroding

personal morals and destroying

the nation, it is also interesting to

note the behaviour of certain high­

profile family values types.

power of families ." Or maybe it

just undermines the power of

people who are opposed to

anything that doesn't include their


The issues at stake for the

radical religious right are not

really about religion. They are all

about political power. This is

shown throughout history. An

African proverb says that "when

the white man came we had the

land and he had the Bible." Then

keep a Ten Commandments

plaque on a wall in the Cobb State

Court Building! Need I say


Religion, by its very nature,

appeals to the spiritual side of

human beings. It is supposed to

lead individuals to be at peace

with one another. There is no

religion in existence which

advocates a confrontational spirit

toward others. Yet in spite of this,

some believers of every faith and

Newt Gingrich-the great

champion of family values

himself-divorced his wife, who

had terminal cancer. Not only that,

he told her he was divorcing her

while she was on life support,

fully conscious but unable to

respond! Yes, Newt is a true man

of God indeed. he taught us to pray by closing our · creed have found a way to side-

It is a hallmark of conservatism to say that the integrity of our nation is going to the dogs

because we are abandoning God.

James Dobson has publicly eyes and when we opened them,

attacked the resolutions adopted he had the land and we had the

by the United Nations Convention Bible!"

on the Rights of the Child. The Oh, and remember that judge

resolutions include measures to in Alabama? The county (Cobb

reduce child labour, help prevent County, Alabama) where his

child abuse, and so on. (I e-mailed courthouse was located and which

Focus on the Family asking why

Dobson is opposed to such a gain

to humanity. The reply read, "In

our opinion, the United Nations

Convention on the Rights of the

Child is a deceitful mix of good

and bad .. . . It undermines the

supported him in his legal battle

eliminated the paltry $123,000 it

spent annually to "subsidize"

various artistic endeavors, but

then turned around and spent

almost $150,000, and possibly

more fighting Federal courts to

step the ideas set out by their

religion about tolerance and

goodwill and promote an agenda

of hate and even violence. Intoler­

ance gives religion a bad name.

And with every display it sets the

human race a giant leap backward.

- Lorenzo Fiorito


Page 16: The Eye - December Issue



Let's face it, being an editor of one of the newspapers on this campus gives us editors a huge amount of power. Whatever we print you, the reader basically believes. So which editor uses this power more affectively, which is the better paper? I am sure that every student has wondered about this for a while, so I decided to take this question to you, the students. I conducted my research through a fair and impartial method. What I found was not surprising. It seems an overwhelming majority would choose the EYE over the Moosemen Chronicles. The Chronicles is run by Roman and Scott. The EYE is run by yours truly-Kris Samraj. The EYE was chosen in an amazing 7: I ratio over the Chronicles in a comprehensive survey of 300 college and high school students. I realize that some of you may not believe me so here are the comments of a few college and high school students.




The Chronicles don't even compare to the level of quality of the EYE. I'd be embarrassed to be associated with any of the Chronicle staff.

GREGARMSON All I've got to say is that Kris knows how to

bring the rucus!


PAA hired a genius to run

the EYE.

SCHAEFFER HAITSMA I just love the Moosemen.

IRWIN M. FLETCHER I just love the EYE. I find

that those handy tips are wonderful. What more can I say? The Chronicles doesn't even com­pare.

I thought it (the EYE) was a masterpiece. It was really good stuff. In

fact, I don't know when I've ever seen a school

publication of this magni-

JUWAN ISAAC The Chronicle is the

best paper I've seen.

tude. I really can't say enough good things about it.



Page 17: The Eye - December Issue

- -7'£YE

Dear Marie Every time you look

at me with those blazing brown

eyes, my heart is filled with

passion. Every time I hear your

sweet laugh, my body shivers. If

you were mine, I'd be singing My

Girl all the time.

enjoy working at Foothills. I am Sweet goddess Lalitha Words

very attractive. Seeking SWF- 5'8- cannot describe your incredible

5'9, 120lbs-130lbs, dirty blond, beauty. Your hair is an avalanche of

shoulder length hair. Should be dark curls that cascade around your

-Skinny Pirate

My sweet Sylvia I first saw you at

the pool, or as I call it-your ocean

of love. As I gazed across the

crowded pool, I began to drown in

a sea of desire. Won't you save me

from drowning?



face when you laugh. Your smile

lights up my entire universe, and

when you sing I just melt away. 1

know you're drinking some Ice Tea

right now, but I got some Hot

Chocolate that will warm your

soul. Call me.

- Hot Chocolate

Anthony I hope you realize that I

am going to miss you like crazy

over this vacation. Will you miss

me? Like you have a choice. Just

thought I'd let you know. I know

how you like these public displays

of affection.


SWM-6' 1 ", 155 lbs, dirty blond athletic, a lifeguard, Foothills

hair, PAA Alumni. I like farming, worker, and appreciate a good

Dakotas, skating, wrestling. I am laugh. (If you are this woman,

very athletic, and intelligent. I also contact the Editor.) - White Chocolate

~ I{]" ·. n . u

of the Month One day while talking to Lisa, she told me about

some of her favorite things. I found this extremely interesting, so I said to her; "Why don't you write an article on your picks of the month." So here it is.

Best RA: Allan Gray

Best Song: Return of the Mack

Best Outreach Group: Joyful Voices

Best Couple: Lisa and Anthony

Best Teacher: Carolyn Hoyt

Best Smiler: Candace Collier

Best Movie: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Best Student (Senior): Soo-Young Song

Best Student (Junior): Michael Quines

Best Student (Sophomore): Marie Bourdeau

Best Dressed: Nahid Abba

Best Laugh: Lindsay Kindopp


Page 18: The Eye - December Issue


Samraj's View Point

Well , this is my newspaper so

I figure that I can write my

opinions. I have decided to share

my view points on anything that

comes into my mind at the

moment. Besides, I have another

page to fill and this was the only

way to do it.

First of all. Nerds. Now

they may be very smart, but really

what future do they have? I'm not

saying I don't like them; I am

saying that in order to make it in

this life you have be an all-around

person. Intelligence is a must, but

you also must have other skills :

how to dress, how to talk to

people, and street smarts (or

common sense, as my dad calls it.)

By the way, I have no street

smarts . And what gets me upset

are geeks that aren't smart. I mean

if you have no life, at least study

and get good grades. I honestly

believe that in a situation where

people with talent are against

people with heart, the people with

the will will always win.


I have to give credit to the

person who came up with the idea

of decorating our respective class

showcases. Brilliant idea, Lalitha. Once again the Senior

Class has led the way in making

our school more beautiful. The

Junior Class following soon after,

decorated their showcase. How­

ever, I am giving first place to the

Senior Class. Silver goes to the

Juniors. Bronze, to the Student

Association. I encourage all the

Classes and SA to decorate their

respective booths. I think it really

spices up the school.

How about that big metal gate by PAA? Who

thought up that idea? I miss the

days when you could just drive up

and park close to the dorm or

music building. It was great for

emergencies when you were in a

great rush. I realize that those cars

must have been an inconvience for

Plant Services, and it was prohib­

ited to park up there anyway.

Couldn't they have just increased

the fines or rigorously enforced

the rule a little more? This big

gate is simply an encumbrance,

and an eyesore. I'm sure all the

drivers love unlocking and

locking that thing every time they

go up and down that road. A little

stricter enforcement would have

cured this problem.

Now how about those

crushes? We all get them, and one

is always wondering, "Oh, do they

like me too . .. ?" I say, "Just tell

them." What have you got to lose?

Blurt it out. If they feel the

same- great. If they don't-so

what. At least you know where

you stand. This could apply to all

of life.

Honesty. Now there are times

when pure honesty isn't such a good thing. If honesty is going to hurt a person

for no real reason, then hold your

toungue. For example, someone

walks into the room with a new

haircut, and it looks pretty bad.

You don't say to them, "Hey, you

Page 19: The Eye - December Issue

--------------------------------------------------7~~~ look brutal." See, there is no

reason for that. Know when to

draw the line. Otherwise, just say

what you're feeling.

Rats. Snitches. Tattletales.

Whatever you call them, they're

all the same. Who really likes a rat? No one. What I

don' t like is that this school

promotes the existence of these

undesirable creatures. However, I

pay them money? That just

encourages the problem. The

problem of someone ripping the

classroom labels off the walls has

been a problem at our school.

Instead of offering $50.00 to a

person who knows who did it,

threaten the unknown offender. If

we find out who it is without you

coming forward, you will be

expelled. Well, maybe that won't

know that sometimes a rat is the solve the problem. Now a little

only way to solve a case. But why note to the rats- "Come on, show

a little loyalty to your peers."

I appreciate the teachers we have at our

school. What I like about them is

that most of them crack jokes.

Now, some of the jokes are pretty

bad, but it shows they are trying. I

have got to say that my three years

at this school have been some of

the best times of my life. Keep up the good work.

~--------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALESWOMAN 1 I I I The Editor is in dire need of a saleswoman. I I I : Job Description: Chiefly solicit local businesses for advertisements :

I ~~~L I 1 No prior experience needed. 1 1 Applicants must be cooperative and enthusiastic. 1 I I I This position has many perks which will be discussed with you personally. I I If you would like to be part of this great newspaper, contact the Editor. I I I I I

~------------------------------··' 19

Page 20: The Eye - December Issue

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