the feast - june 10, 2012 issue

AT THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY June 10, 2012 LIFE is all about fulfilling promises. Life—and society as a whole—will start to malfunction if there are too many promises not fulfilled. Marriage is a promise. Family is a promise. Business is a promise. Ministry is a promise. When I got married, I made a promise to God and to my wife that we’ll be an ultra-exclusive three-member Club. No substitutes, visitors, or other members allowed in this triangle. Marriage is all about fulfilling promises. When I became a father, I held my baby in my arms and told him that I would try to be the best father he deserves. Family is all about fulfilling promises. When I became an Entrepreneur, I promised customers happiness and solutions to their problems. And my customers promised payment with a smile. Business is all about fulfilling promises. Thankfully, God never lies. He is Truth Himself. That is why life is beautiful. That is why we can relax. That is why we can celebrate. God has written some wonderful promises in His Word. And what He says, He will do. Today, we begin a mind-shifting, heart- shaping series titled Impossible: Three Things That God Cannot Do. Each week, we’ll tackle these three Impossible things… 1. God Cannot Lie 2. God Cannot Change 3. God Cannot Fail I assure you, it will be another exciting month. Have a glorious Feast today! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word So I would become More like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. RECEIVE INSPIRING MESSAGES FROM BRO. BO! BRO. Bo Sanchez is sending inspiring messages and announcements to Feast attendees via text or short messaging services (SMS) from his mobile phone and through email. Want to receive messages? Just text your mobile phone number and email address to these numbers... FOR GLOBE SUBSCRIBERS: 09178494444 FOR SMART SUBSCRIBERS: 09088949999 FOR SUN SUBSCRIBERS: 09228945555

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Page 1: The Feast - June 10, 2012 Issue


LIFE is all about fulfilling promises.Life—and society as a whole—will start to malfunction if there are too

many promises not fulfilled.Marriage is a promise. Family is a promise. Business is a promise.

Ministry is a promise.When I got married, I made a promise to God and to my wife that we’ll

be an ultra-exclusive three-member Club. No substitutes, visitors, or other members allowed in this triangle. Marriage is all about fulfilling promises.

When I became a father, I held my baby in my arms and told him that I would try to be the best father he deserves. Family is all about fulfilling promises.

When I became an Entrepreneur, I promised customers happiness and solutions to their problems. And my customers promised payment with a smile. Business is all about fulfilling promises.

Thankfully, God never lies. He is Truth Himself.

That is why life is beautiful. That is why we can relax. That is why we can celebrate.

God has written some wonderful promises in His Word.

And what He says, He will do.Today, we begin a mind-shifting, heart-

shaping series titled Impossible: Three Things That God Cannot Do. Each week, we’ll tackle these three Impossible things…

1. God Cannot Lie2. God Cannot Change3. God Cannot FailI assure you, it will be another

exciting month.Have a glorious Feast today! May your dreams come true,


Today, I receive all of God’s love for me.Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s WordSo I would becomeMore like Jesus every day.Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion.And because I am blessed,I am blessing the world.In Jesus’ name. Amen.


BRO. Bo Sanchez is sending inspiring messages and announcements to Feast attendees via text or short messaging services (SMS) from his mobile phone and through email.

Want to receive messages? Just text your mobile phone number and email address to these numbers...




Page 2: The Feast - June 10, 2012 Issue


LAST Sunday marked the Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity. Trinity Sunday, which is the first Sunday after Pentecost, celebrates the Christian dogma of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Titus Mananzan shared the significance of the Holy Trinity to our Catholic faith. Though the Trinity has always been too deep to understand, we do believe in its relevance and power. But why do we believe? Because Jesus said so and we believe in Him.

Fr. Titus said that though God has three personas, our ultimate relationship should be with the Father. Most Christians are close to Jesus because we can relate to Him, but Jesus was a sign of the Father’s great love. The Father created us to share in His divinity because of His unconditional love. God even sent His Son to save us and to show that He cares for us.

The Holy Spirit is the breath of life who has been present for us from the very beginning of time. During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, enabling them to be brave and to speak in various languages so that they may spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.

Fr. Titus pointed out that the greatest prayer to the Holy Trinity is the Sign of the Cross. When we say, “In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” we manifest that the Trinity is dwelling within us. – Bella Estrella

Father, Son, and Spirit

IN the last talk in our series LifeSavor, Bro. Bo Sanchez pointed out how much valuable we are to God. To demonstrate, Bro. Bo presented two ballpens he received as gifts—one costing P2,000, and another costing P20,000. What’s the difference between the two?

Bro. Bo said the difference is each pen’s manufacturer, who decided how much was the worth of their pen. He pointed out that God is like the manufacturer of the pen worth P20, 000. God decided we are worth a high price because just as the manufacturer made the pen with the finest materials, God made us out of His finest: His unconditional love for us.

Bro. Bo revealed three truths about God’s love:

1) The Manufacturer sets the price. And what does God, our manufacturer, thinks we’re worth? We are worthier than the stars, the planets, and all the treasures of the Earth combined. And yes, because He says so. He says we are worth His everlasting love.

2) Protect What Is Valuable. You are expensive. So do not allow anyone to abuse you and take advantage of you. Set your boundaries! Know how to treasure and protect yourself.

3) You come with a lifetime guarantee. The 20,000-peso pen comes with a lifetime guarantee. Anytime

BRO. Pio Espanol, longtime elder of the Light of Jesus and District Feast Builder of the Rizal province, graced the Feast last Sunday as guest preacher and to launch his long-awaited book, Jesus at Home (see page 8).

In his inspiring talk, Bro. Pio shared his spiritual journey and faithful service to God. He related that he studied in a seminary but after three years, he left to go to college and then later, he pursued a career as a corporate man. He drifted away from his spiritual journey, even as he found Bebot, who became his wife and steadfast supporter. Even so, he was unfaithful to her. Then one day, he said he looked at the mirror and saw an unhappy man.

JUVER and Joyce Tan have been attending the Feast for a year now and they attest that God has blessed them immensely.

Joyce suffered two miscarriages and thus couldn’t have a child. Spending so much on Joyce’s medical needs, the couple went broke—which led to more problems in


10% for a Dream Housetheir business and worse, in their relationship as a couple.

Then, at the Feast they heard the talk series titled Overload which, in a gist, presented God’s formula for abundant blessings: give through tithing, and you’ll receive more than a hundredfold of what you give.

Juver and Joyce decided to give tithing a try. At first, they said, it was difficult to tithe regularly, since they have had financial

problems. “But to our surprise,” Joyce said, “we began to receive more than what we were giving. For one, clients began calling me up, so my business began to perk up.”

Juver, on the other hand, received a substantial salary increase. He said, “I have just been giving 10% but God has been giving me more than 100%.”

With their avalanche of blessings, the couple is now building their dream house.

it malfunctions, you may go to the manufacturer and have it repaired or replaced. God gave us a lifetime guarantee. Let’s go back to Jesus and He’ll repair us and our life together with Him.

You Are Insured-- from Conception to Resurrection

It happened that at the time, his boss was Eugenio Sanchez Sr., father of Bro. Bo. Tito Gene as he was called in the LOJ Family, invited Bro. Pio to join LOJ. Bro. Pio attended LOJ prayer gatherings and, after an intense spiritual renewal, he left his high-paying job to serve in LOJ as preacher and administrator. Today, Bro. Pio and his wife minister to couples and families. They have built growing Feasts in Cebu, Davao, Vancouver, Canada, and Singapore, and now they are building Feasts in the Rizal province.

Bro. Pio said Yes to God and since then, God has taken good care of him and his family. He said, “With God, you are insured from conception to resurrection.”

– Kristine MutucPhotos by Edmundo L. Santiago

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TODAYTalk 1: God Cannot LieNumbers 23:19God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

2 Kings 2:9When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.

2 Kings 13:21Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet.

Personal Reflection and Group Discussion:What are your favorite promises from God? Can you share an experience that showed God’s faithfulness to His promise to you?_____________________________________________________






















BreakFeast, from top: Bro. Rolly and Sis. Donna Espana lead anointing of attendees; Sis. Marowe, wife of Bro. Bo Sanchez, and son Francis receive anointing oil.

Feast PICC Year 2, Part 2, row 1: Bro. Bo Sanchez checks out Feast Media Ministry photo exhibit on the happiest place on Earth; row 2: Revelers try out Photo-Op with life-size pic of Bro. Bo while Creatives and Events Group members offer memorabilia; row 3: Bro. Rey Ortega with volunteers show off T-shirts designed by children of Tahanan ng Pagmamahal, an orphanage, which is a partner beneficiary of the Feast.

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I AM a general pediatrician with a private practice in the past 17 years. Yes! I am a doctor of kids and teenagers, ages 0-18. I’ve had a successful career for almost two decades because I did not just acquire material wealth but also gained wonderful friendships and worthwhile relationships with families of my patients.

On November 2011, however, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to take an emergency leave from my work to focus on my treatment. Ironically, now, the doctor becomes the patient. In the past six months, I had to go through surgery and chemotherapy-- and I will have to undergo hormonal therapy in the next five years.

Prior to my ailment, my life centered on my private practice. I was on call 24 hours a day. I did not mind my health. I woke up early to go to work and slept late as I had to attend to patients because I took emergency calls. I thought being a physician, taking care of people, I would be spared their agony.

But since I got sick, in the past six months, I have focused on regaining my health based on four principles: Faith in God, Trust in my doctors, Regular Exercise and Good Nutrition. I believe that the miracle of healing is possible through G-MEN ---God, Medicine, Exercise, and Nutrition. It works for all types of sickness.

The song that plays again and again in my mind today is based on Philippians

fruit juices. Instead, I now drink only water and fresh fruit juices. I’ve been able to cope with the changes in my taste buds and able to keep the food down and gain the ideal weight for my frame.

I’ve just broken through cancer in A.S.A.Ps. -- I’ve gone through various emotions ranging from Anger, Sorrow, Acceptance, and Peace and have relied on Praying to the Lord, the Greatest Healer of all. I’ve also finally realized the two other important P’s in my life, which are Purpose and Power.

The Purpose: I’ve discovered that I need to reach out to all those who suffered and are still suffering from any illness.

The Power. One can beat one’s illness through Christ who strengthens and heals!

Through the words of the Holy Bible, the Greatest Book ever written in the world, you will find the answer to your greatest need, the miracle of healing to beat your illness.

I am inspired by 1 Corinthians 2:1-5: “When I came to you, brothers, proclaiming the mystery of God, I did not come with sublimity of words or of wisdom. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear and much trembling, and my message and my proclamation were not with persuasive [words] of wisdom, but with a demonstration of

spirit and power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.”

So now, I share lessons I’ve learned from my trials:

First, Adopt a Positive Attitude in Life.

From the gospel of Matthew 6:22-27,34: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?... Do not worry


Savor Life and Be Healed!By JOSEPHINE HOLGADO Illustrations by JANELLA IBAY

4:13: “I can do all things through Christ! I can move a mountain if You are the strength of my life. I can do all things through Christ! If You are the strength of my life.”

I’ve been able to overcome the side effects of my chemotherapy with the belief that the big C in me is not Cancer. It is Christ in me! With the treatment regimen suggested by my very capable surgeon, I’m now a cancer survivor. Through yoga which has been my regular exercise, I have more strength to go on each day. And lastly, I have shifted to a semi-vegetarian diet—that is, no pork, no beef but only fish and chicken with fruits and vegetables. I also stopped drinking soda and powdered

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Some illnesses are not that easy to detect. It is recommended that you find a physician or team of physicians whom you can trust to help you from diagnosis to treatment. Early detection and proper management are the keys to your healing and recovery.

Third, Act Through Regular ExerciseFrom 1 Corinthians 9:25-27:

“...Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we are an imperishable one. Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it.”

Physical inactivity may contribute to an increase in the incidence of various

diseases, including cancer. Some findings suggest that starting an exercise program during adolescence may delay the onset of breast cancer for women who may carry abnormal genes associated with an increased risk for the disease, but it doesn’t prevent the disease from developing.

About 3 - 5 hours per week or at least 20 - 30 minutes 5x a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity ranging from brisk walking to jogging, hiking, swimming, cycling or other activities that get you moving would reduce the risk of having breast cancer, especially among women who had a positive family history. To prevent cancer recurrence, you must exercise for 30-45 minutes at least 5 days each week as recommended by the American Cancer Society. All these should be coupled with a healthy lifestyle, too.

Regular exercise also improves mood, raises your self-esteem, and gives you a better body image because it improves muscle tone, strength, and endurance. It also protects you by lowering your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Lastly, Absorb Healthy FoodFrom Daniel 1:12-16: “Please

test your servants for 10 days. Give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then see how we look in comparison with the

Attending the Feast PICC regularly after my chemotherapy has also helped in my healing. I especially learned so much from the recently concluded LifeSavor series. I’ve learned to relax in God’s love and have faith that I can recover from my illness. I’ve also learned to get rid of my toxic shame. I’ve resolved to take care of myself by getting adequate rest, following my dream of becoming an author, being true to myself, learning to save, invest, and tithe, and loving others as much as I love myself. I’ve also decided to set limits to what I can give instead of bending over backwards to my own detriment because I wanted to please everyone.

Yes, now, I savor life!

about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Look at your illness as a gift or a blessing. My illness was an eye-opener. I realized I had led a life with no purpose—just worrying about paying the bills, wondering what to wear...

If you’re like the old me, now is the time to savor the tranquillity of your surroundings, smell the flowers, walk the dog, and spend more time with your family.

Start to live for the moment rather than worry about tomorrow.

Second, Accept the Doctor’s Role.From Sirach 38:1-4,9,13-14: “Hold

the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession. From God, the doctor has his wisdom... when you are ill, delay not, but pray to God, who will heal you;...Then give the doctor his place, lest he leave, for you need him too...and he too beseeches God That his diagnosis may be correct and his treatment bring about a cure.”

other young men who eat from the royal table, and treat your servants according to what you see.” ...after ten days they looked healthier and better fed than any of the young men who are from the royal table. So the steward continued to take away the food and wine they were to receive, and gave them vegetables.

In Awaken the Healer in You, our Feast founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, best-selling author and leader of the Light of Jesus Family, gave three prescriptions to eat healthy, namely: 1) eat plants, 2) eat clean, and (3) eat other “food”. He cited biblical references as well as scientific explanations for his recommendations. He said to eat local fruits for breakfast every day or whatever fruit is in season. For lunch and dinner, he suggested eating raw vegetables or at least slightly steamed but thoroughly washed. It is best to eat organic, too.

When everything has been said and done, is there a short cut to healthy living? The most common mistake some people commit is going back to their old practices after being healed from illness. Since all is well, they slacken their faith in God, or they no longer follow the doctor’s advice. Sometimes, they find an excuse to skip regular exercise especially when they are tired or sleepy. The worse is bingeing like eating high glycemic foods such as desserts and candies and drinking carbonated sodas and alcohol.

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Learning To Be a Prayer WarriorBy BELLA ESTRELLA


AS THE FEAST PICC continues to witness the people phenomenon -- hundreds filling up the Plenary Hall Sunday after Sunday -- and already, we look forward to having a fourth session, the Prayer Cluster also gears itself to give able support by increasing its members (intercessors and counsellors) from 89 to 500 in 2015. The 196 Feasters who signed up during the Ministry Fair on May 6 and 13, 2012, brought to 285 the prospective regular members of the Cluster.

On May 20, 2012, one week after the Ministry Fair, the Prayer Cluster immediately conducted an orientation for those who signed up. A total 72 attended in two batches in Room D-216of the PICC Delegation Building. Orientation will be held continuously.

Marc Sto. Tomas, head of the Prayer Cluster, said, “Prayer is our weapon. Our core values are spirituality, integrity, excellence, competence, innovation and creativity, solidarity and teamwork. By 2015, we aim to have 500 men and women of the Feast PICC bringing Jesus to others through prayer.”

He explained the functions of the Cluster which has been divided into two ministries, Intercessory and Counselling, both of which do pray-over. He also laid down the Cluster’s formation plans to enhance the spirituality and skills of the members.

He added, “Praying does not end with answered prayers. We ourselves should be vehicles of healing to others.”

Bro. Marc Sto. Tomas (above) facilitates the orientation. Seminar

highlights, 1st row: attendees enjoying

ice breaker exercise; listening to the talk; 2nd

row: getting to know each other; and the

prayer warriors, from left: Karl Zafra, Jacque Densing, Celine Gano, Corney Aldana, Vicky Fernandez, Bro. Marc

Sto Tomas, Mhean Liwag, Lei Caraan, Melissa Abion and

Violeta Parom.

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Together, Forever…Come What MayBy LUCY ARESCO

THEY ARE a merry mix of singles, single parents, and married couples. For three years now, rain or shine, they meet at the KFC Telus Building, in Cubao, Quezon City, every Wednesday, from 7-10 in the evening.

The Caring Group has 15 regular members. During their weekly meetings, the members discuss the teachings of our Lord Jesus as presented in practical ways by Bro. Bo Sanchez. They bring their copy of The Feast, and answer questions in the talk outline on Page 3 of the bulletin.

Sis. Cynda Pacaña, a committed member of the Ushers Ministry, and facilitator in the Jesus Encounter, a spiritual renewal seminar conducted by Feast PICC, serves as the group’s leader. Cynda is a longtime member of the Light of Jesus Family. Recently, she suffered difficulty in breathing, but her group members prayed for her unceasingly and she’s been healed.

Discussions on Bro. Bo’s talks lead to sharings. They talk about problems and blessings. They pray for their dreams. They exchange tips on how to invest their money and make it grow. They talk about current events, expressing opinions on the sizzling issues. They also plan visits to the Feast Mercy beneficiaries.

Sharing food and stories, clockwise from left: Mae Lubgusan, Nori Cequiña, Cynda Pacaña, Nilda Barba, Glen Cadag, Tintin Boquiren, Lovey Barcenas, Laarni Azores, Dr. Ferdie Decina, and his wife, Dra. May.

They celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. And most of the time, the lead singer in these parties is Mae Lubgusan who is blessed with a beautiful voice.

Each member has an edifying story of blessings and victory over tribulations.

Carol Peregrin once had to deal with heavy debts. She wrote her dream to be freed from her debts on her copy of the Novena to God’s Love, and asked her CG members to pray for the fulfillment of her dream. Now, she’s debt-free.

Tintin Boquiren once was a shy person. Encouraged by her CG members, she now serves at the Feast Council Caring Groups Secretariat. “Attending the Feast is really a life-changing experience for me,” says Tintin.

Tintin relates that she once borrowed money from an uncle, who was also her boss. She paid the loan on installment basis, but of late, she could not pay the P20, 000 balance.

Then, during the recent Grand Easter Feast held at the SMX Convention Center, Bro. Bo Sanchez in his talk titled Bounce! preached that as Jesus Christ triumphed over His Good Friday suffering and rose from death on Easter Sunday, every faithful Christian can also bounce and rise from life’s trials.

Inspired by Bro. Bo’s teaching, Tintin expressed her faith in God by putting all the cash in her wallet in the Love Offering basket, except P40 for her fare. Three days later, her uncle wrote off the P20, 000 balance of her loan.

Julius Ruedera was only 17 years old when he first attended the Feast on October 1997, then still being held at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City. He was then a member of the youth group.

Today he attends the Feast together with his beautiful wife, Tina. They were married last December 2011. The Feast talks plus prayers, and encouragement from their CG members, have helped them put order into their family life. They have also received blessings after blessings. Julius found a job here, so he doesn’t have to work abroad. Tina recently got a job promotion.

Dr. Ferdie Decena, and his wife May, also a physician, first discovered the happiest place on Earth in 2009, as the Feast has been featured regularly on Kerygma TV. Since then, they have been regular attendees of the Feast.

“In the Feast, we are being nourished spiritually and we are learning valuable lessons on everyday life,” the lovely couple declares. They say that they like the community members because “they are not judgmental.”

Dr. Ferdie adds, “We see people caring about other people.”

And they are faithful prayer warriors, too. Once, Dr. May’s uncle suffered from stroke. Her CG members prayed hard for him, and miraculously, he was healed.

Dr. Ferdie attests, “Being in a Caring Group makes our spiritual journey easier because we have friends along the way whom we can trust. They strengthen and inspire us whenever we need a redirection in our life.”

And so, for this faithful Caring Group, there is no quitting, no giving up—for, as they have well experienced, whatever tomorrow brings, God will always make a way for each one of them.

THE FEAST June 10, 2012 7

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BE RENEWED.A priest will hear

your confession at the second floor lobby,

Reception Hall side.

LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.

The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 PM p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].










Let Jesus Reign in Your Home!By RHODA OSALVO Photos by APPLE CHICO

FOR couples who have been together for a long while and are looking for ways to make their marriage sweeter, for those who just got married and want to be assured of a strong bond together, and for those who want a super relationship not just with their spouse, but also with their children, here’s a book for you: Jesus at Home.

Authored by Bro. Pio Espaňol, longtime elder of the Light of Jesus Family, and District Feast Builder of the Rizal province, Jesus at Home clarifies marital and family issues and assuages the fears and worries of every father or mother, husband or wife.

Bro. Pio’s first book ever is culled from a Kerygma magazine column of the same title where he and his wife, Sister Bebot, used to dispense pieces of advice on a wide range of pressing marriage and family concerns like money and budgeting, how to best communicate with your spouse, even dealing with a mother-in-law, child bullying, training your kids and more.

You can say that this book is brimming with wisdom, brought about by this seasoned and well-traveled preacher’s own long experience as a husband and a father. His powerful pieces of advice are not only tried and tested right in his own home but it is also backed by Bible verses. You not only get effective counsel from his own point of view with insights from his wife, but it is also supported by God’s Word.

Bro. Pio says he is not a perfect husband nor is his wife or family perfect, but still, as one family they strive to keep Jesus to reign in their heart and in their home. And his prayer is that you, too, may enjoy this peace and harmony in your home through the practical steps that he shares in this paperback. So, go grab your copy now and let Jesus reign in your home!

With foreword by Bro. Bo Sanchez, Jesus at Home is released by

Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc.For details, call 725-9999 or log on


Family matters, clockwise from far left: Bro.

Pio Espanol chats with early buyers after he signed their book; cover of Jesus at Home; Bro. Bo Sanchez endorsing the book at last Sunday’s Feast.

8 THE FEAST June 10, 2012