the feminisation of the conservative parliamentary party: party members' attitudes

The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes SARAH CHILDS, PAUL WEBB AND SALLY MARTHALER Feminisation is a process that has two dimensions: ®rst, the integration of women into formal political institutions, such as parties, legislatures and execu- tives often referred to as the `descriptive' representation of women); and second, the integration of women's concerns and perspectives into political debate, policy and legislation the `substantive' repre- sentation of women). 1 The observed fem- inisation of British politics over the last decade or so has, at least in respect of the ®rst dimension, been largely party-spe- ci®cÐin the post-1997 parliamentary Labour party, women have constituted no less than 23 per cent; in the Conserva- tive parliamentary party the percentage of women is ¯at-lining at around 8±9 per cent; whilst women on the Liberal Demo- crat benches constituted 7, 11 and 16 per cent in 1997, 2001 and 2005, respectively, albeit on low numbers. 2 Yet consider David Cameron's leader- ship acceptance speech in the autumn of 2005: just two minutes into this, Cameron announced that he would act to `change the scandalous under-representation of women in the Conservative party'. Since then he has introduced three dierent sets of reforms to the party's parliamen- tary selection procedures in an eort to rectify this perceived anomaly. Though we cannot yet be sure about the outcomes of these initiatives, we can begin to assess the response of the party membership to them. Is pursuit of descriptive selection of women in Parliament welcomed by the membership and regarded as consistent with the party's ideological and organ- izational traditions? We seek to shed some light on this by reporting the results of recently conducted focus group research. Feminisation of the Conservative party It might be tempting to date feminisation from the moment of Cameron's leader- ship and to see it as a top-down leader- ship eort. Indeed, Cameron opened the door, when others might perhaps not have done, and he is widely considered to be `onside' by gender equality activists and personally committed to gender equality. It looks, too, like Cameron recognised the opportunities that femini- sation oered him following the party's third general election defeat. Feminisa- tion, or at least, the rhetoric of feminisa- tion, symbolises that his is a new and not a `nasty' Conservative partyÐone that can attract those voters who have sup- ported New Labour since 1997. Yet to see everything stemming from Cameron would be both to overlook the way in which he himself bene®ted from a gen- dering of the party leadership election in 2005 and to deny the role of gender equality activists in the party prior to his leadership. For them, the 2005 general election was a watershed. 3 The Conserva- tive Women's Organization CWO) fringe meeting at Conservative Conference that year heard calls for positive discrimina- # The Authors 2009. Journal compilation # The Political Quarterly Publishing Co. Ltd. 2009 Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA 204 The Political Quarterly, Vol. 80, No. 2, April±June 2009

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Page 1: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 2: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 3: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 4: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 5: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 6: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 7: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 8: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 9: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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Page 10: The Feminisation of the Conservative Parliamentary Party: Party Members' Attitudes

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