the first r@y of sun newsletter of the uss @^rushi · for permission while dismissing the officers....

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship Motto of the USS AARUSHI / NCC-1642 Sarek: The question you face is: which path will you choose? 1 THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS @^rushi USS Aarushi Charities Operation Paperback Pink Slipper Project Sub for Santa As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the tale of the Rise of the Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the CO with contributions by the crew.

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USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Motto of the USS AARUSHI / NCC-1642

Sarek: The question you face is: which

path will you choose?


THE FIRST R@Y OF SUN Newsletter of the USS @^rushi

USS Aarushi Charities

Operation Paperback

Pink Slipper Project

Sub for Santa

As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the tale of the Rise of the Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the CO with contributions by the crew.

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


Monthly Activities

February Pink Slipper Project

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Spot the ISS

Some Goings OnAs Editor of the newsletter, First Ray of Sun, I would like to take time to thank everyone

Chief of Engineering, Captain Jeffery Beckstrom, reported

that his dog, Floyd, became violently ill and may have been

intentionally poisoned. Evildoer out there.Jeffery also reports

the iPhone 6 might wait until fall to be released. It’s a rumor,

the rumor that is inconclusive.

From Capt. Jeffery Beckstrom, trivia. How old was the USS ENTERPRISE when Capt. James T.

Kirk became the CO?

Shadow, photo by Rachel

Turnbow Kieran

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Chief of Medical, Ensign Janice Roberts, reports that her DNA business is increasing now

that the weather is clearing in Ohio. With all the storms and snow the business, which

requires her to go to them, or them to come to her, was stalled. Janice has moved into a

townhouse and is still unpacking. She bought a BMW, not new so don’t be too jealous. She

has moved up to an iPhone and is now looking forward to an iPad. Sounds like things are

looking up for our friend.

Admiral Keira Russell-Strong, CO of the USS AARUSHI, is proud to announce that they

are getting a ceiling lift to aid in the transfer of Rob. She has had nose surgery for the third

time and she is hoping that it will be the last time. She just wants to be able to breath through

her nose and doesn’t think that is too much to ask for.


Bench, Laguna Beach, by Rachel.

Legacy Bridge at the U of U, by Rachel.

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Ensign Alyssa Clawson will be going to California to compete in cheer. She doesn’t do high

school cheer, this is competition cheer. On the same line, Janice’s granddaughter also does

cheer for her high school, and her school took first place.

Rachel Turnbow Kieran has

agreed to submit photos this

month. Rachel has been a

member of STARFLEET.

I’ve admired her work for years

and finally ask her to submit.


BYU Cougar, Jeffery Beckstrom

Puffer fish smiling face, Keira Strong

Cathedral of the Madeleine downtown SLC, Rachel

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


Cathedral of the Madeleine downtown

SLC, Rachel

Janice’s granddaughter at cheer competition, by Janice Roberts

USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Trivia! TOS USS ENTERPRISE was already twenty years old when Kirk became CO.


Cricket, by Jeffery Beckstrom

The Photo Scavenger Hunt continues. For March we will be looking for these items:

1. A dog 2. A church 3. A bridge 4. A very tall building 5. A park bench 6. A chicken 7. A fence 8. Another person taking a photo 9. The oldest car you can find 10.Three garden gnomes together Remember, this is for fun, to increase your ability to look and see, to be artistic. The suggestions are just jumping off points and not a requirement for the photo to be submitted.

February donation to a women’s shelter in Kaysville, Utah, five pair

of slippers, five washcloths, rubber band bracelets, and hair


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


As the USS Aarushi has now arrived with a crew and assignments, the story is no longer “Rise of Aarushi”. (Individuals and their characters: Rear Admiral Janet Shepherd is played by Rear Admiral/Captain Tessa, Q in disguise, Admiral Keira Russell-Strong, Admiral T’Peira Robbie Lawrence played by Quentin, a former Q, in Command line Robert Strong played by Trebor Gnorts, Engineering Doug Halladay is Halladay, Computers, History, and Jack of All Trades Stephanie Christensen is played by Zuthura, Medical Connie Smith, Medical Steve Smith, Computer Operations Capt. Jeffery Beckstrom, Engineering and Security Alyssa Clawson, Security Janice Roberts, Medical, character Zipharia Matthew Keener as Colonel Ian Ral, Security Judy Boone is Judy Jennie Newell is Jenni Vashi is a fictional character, Vulcan/Romulan Josephus Carlton is J’Ron a Vulcan serving in Engineering)

H^llid^y w^s poring over his computer ^s w^s Steve Smith. Together they were se^rching the d^t^ b^se for possible ‘finds’ rel^ted to the st^rg^te. @s the S^konn^'s computers were b^sic^lly wiped when it went p^ssed through the gr^vity well cre^ted by the equipment on Hitti's sister pl^net, Nibiru, finding the st^rg^te ^nd other objects were being done by rese^rch, memory ^nd luck.

There were pl^nets in st^r systems th^t h^dn't been discovered by ST@RFLEET yet, ^nd there w^s ^ mor^l dilemm^ ^s to going into those systems to retrieve items. ST@RFLEET w^nted ^s m^ny items rel^ted to the st^rg^te ^s the @^rushi ^nd her crew could retrieve. It w^s decided by the comm^nd st^ff of the @^rushi th^t they would only work within the known systems of this time period. @ttr^cting the ^ttention of other species th^t, in the future, were enemies of the Feder^tion, didn't seem to be ^ he^lthy ide^.



USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

H^llid^y ^nd Steve sounded the chime outside the C^pt^in's re^dy room.

"Enter." She could tell by the expression on their f^ces th^t they were ple^sed with the loc^tion of the next destin^tion.

"If our memories ^re correct," Lt. Cmdr Steve Smith spoke ^s H^llid^y stood by his side, "^n ^rcheologic^l dig w^s ^dvised but never c^rried out on Ch^ron, moon of Pluto, Sol System. The ^rcheologists ^t the time thought th^t the Jr. te^m member didn't h^ve enough v^lid inform^tion to go on to m^ke this ^ vi^ble dig. @s we ^re close ^nd our job is to find wh^t we c^n, we thought we would put forw^rd this loc^tion."

H^llid^y interjected, "Oh, ^nd ^ctu^lly, the Jr. te^m member w^s killed in ^ c^ve-in on ^nother pl^net ^nd never h^d the ch^nce to retrieve further d^t^ for the Ch^ron sight."

@dm. T'Peir^ s^t behind her dest looking over the notes from Steve's d^t^ p^d. H^llid^y w^s like ^ kid in ^ c^ndy store living in the time period he spent so much time studying behind ^ computer termin^l. He w^s ^lmost ^lw^ys smiling while presenting his findings. Even if it w^s Steve doing the t^lking H^llid^y ^lw^ys h^d some f^cts to ^dd, ^nd they were interesting f^cts.

“I’ll sign off on this one. @fter the recovery of the st^rg^te the crew could use ^n e^sy ^ssignment.”

@lthough she w^s not on the pl^net when the st^rg^te w^s retrieved, she w^s well ^w^re of the d^ngers from the men ^nd women de^ling in ^ntiquities th^t surrounded the st^rg^te. It would be left up to the Feder^tion to figure out if the st^rg^te w^s being used to retrieve ^ny of those relics. For now the st^rg^te rem^ined onbo^rd the @@RUSHI which should, in theory, help them find other items ^ssoci^ted with the st^rg^te.

T’Peir^ h^nded b^ck the d^t^ p^d ^nd turned to her computer screen to cont^ct ST@RFLEET for permission while dismissing the officers. She h^d re^lly hoped th^t the @@RUSHI would be ^ssigned to Medic^l, but ^rcheology w^s Science, ^nother of her p^ssions.

@dmir^l George w^s in ch^rge of ^ll missions @^rushi ^nd reviewed the m^teri^l, but w^s more skeptic^l th^n T'Peir^ ^nd her st^ff. The f^ce on the computer screen looked solemn. T'Peir^ w^s f^irly sure he w^sn't h^ppy ^bout being the li^ison between HQ ^nd the @^rushi. Still, he looked up ^nd g^ve the go ^he^d, but not without pointing out th^t Ch^ron w^s ^ sm^ll piece of rubble th^t h^d been sc^nned ^ges ^go ^nd nothing of signific^nce w^s found. He w^s either h^ving computer problems or w^s in ^ hurry ^s his f^ce dis^ppe^red ^nd the Feder^tion logo w^s now showing. He most likely w^s in ^ hurry.

"Yeom^n, ple^se set up ^ meeting of the comm^nd st^ff." T'Peir^ h^d touched the controls on her desk. "We'll meet ^g^in in the conference room in, s^y, 15.”


"Gentlemen, ple^se present your findings." T'Peir^ ^nd the comm^nd st^ff s^t ^round ^ t^ble in the conference room.

The tri^ngul^r view screen in the middle of the t^ble g^ve everyone ^ visu^l displ^y of the Sol system, which, ^s they w^tched, n^rrowed down to Pluto, ^nd then to Ch^ron.

"@s you c^n see," H^llid^y smiled, "Ch^ron is ^bout h^lf the size of Pluto, ^nd there were times when they were refereed to ^s ^ double dw^rf pl^net system. It w^s discovered in 1978, the temper^ture is -236 C, it w^s photogr^phed by N@S@'s LORRI in 2013. Pluto ^nd Ch^ron were ignored ^s h^ving little to offer scientific^lly." H^llid^y p^used ^nd Steve continued.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

"We don't believe this w^s recorded in 'F@T' records. (Future @ltern^te Timeline) @s ordered, we’re keeping our se^rch within the bound^ries of the current Feder^tion sectors." Steve looked ^t the tri^ngul^r screen ^s it shifted to ^ document. "Ple^se t^ke ^ look ^t this inform^tion on Ch^ron. You'll see th^t the LORRI photos showed wh^t ^ppe^red to be ^n ^re^ of disturb^nce, which only one Jr ^ssist^nt found interesting. He died before he could uncover ^ny further d^t^." The tri^ngul^r screen ch^nged ^g^in. "@ flyby im^ge g^thered sometime l^ter showed th^t the ^re^ could be ^ m^nm^de disturb^nce. It's uncle^r wh^t we m^y find, but it's close, ^nd never explored."

The "never explored" w^s the hook. H^llid^y ^nd Steve knew the st^ff would bight. @nd they did.

"C^pt Beckstrom, re^dy engineering, Zip^ri^h, we'll hope this is uneventful, but you never know, so re^dy medic^l. Both of you choose ^ member to join the ^w^y te^m ^nd be re^dy to be^m down in 30. Full environment^l suits, ^nd," she p^used to let it sink in, "Tess^ ^nd I ^re going." T'Peir^ stood ^s ^ sign^l the meeting w^s over.


The circles on the slightly r^ised pl^tform ^nd the tr^nsporter chief st^nding behind his console were now ^ f^mili^r site to Zip^ri^h, ^s w^s the tingle of the tr^nsport.

J'Ron, who w^s new to Engineering, ^nd Zip^ri^h met with Tess^ ^nd T'Peir^ in the tr^nsporter room. Zip^ri^h ^nd J'Ron were becoming ^n item so it w^s to be expected she would choose herself for the ^w^y te^m.

The te^m held helmets in h^nd, stepped onto the pl^tform, ^nd, with the ^ssist^nce of four engineers who stood with them, m^de sure the helmets se^led.



The sp^rkle of the tr^nsporter set the four members of the ^w^y te^m on the side of Ch^ron th^t w^s considered d^ylight, but they still needed to switch on their lights to follow Tess^ ^. The tricorder beeped ^nd Tess^ w^lked; beeps weren't necess^ry, but Tess^ enjoyed the distr^ction.

"There's nothing re^ding out, no, w^it, yes. Just ^bout one click th^t-^-w^y." Tess^ w^s st^ying true to here word, this time, th^t she wouldn't use her "Q" powers, ^nd they hiked the dist^nce r^ther th^n "winking" it.

"Should be right ^bout, here!" Tess^ g^ve ^ w^ve to J'Ron.

T'Peir^ looked on ^s J'Ron set up the drilling equipment on the sight the ^rcheology student h^d suggested ^nd th^t the tricorder h^d indic^ted. The @dmir^l w^s ^ student of ^rcheology ^s ^ hobby ^nd from experience knew this might be ^ worthless dig, ^s so m^ny were, or ^ find of ^ lifetime.

This w^s the find of ^ lifetime.

The tomb w^s filled with toothsome bits of the finest fruits from e^rth, sun disks m^de of gold, but only the s^rcoph^gus ^nd mummy were found, not the extr^v^g^nt tomb-like conditions th^t followed his son through history. Tricorders where so^king up ^s much d^t^ ^s they could ^s f^st ^s they could. @s they explored they re^lized ^ll of Ch^ron w^s the tomb. @n ^rtifici^l body cre^ted by the ^ncients with the technology to h^ve rem^ined hidden for thous^nds of ye^rs, even from the best technology of ^ll the members of the Feder^tion. This tiny little sp^ce


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

rock w^s the tomb of King @khen^ten, the f^ther of King Tut^nkh^men, better known ^s King Tut. @khen^ten's mummy h^d never been found, till now.

The l^nding p^rty st^red in ^we. Zip^ri^h te^red up ^t the f^ce of ^ f^mily member she remember from the h^ll of records, one of the ^ncients th^t left Hitti when they thought their pl^net would be destroyed. She felt ^we, ^nd s^dness, ^s this w^s not just ^ Hitti, but one th^t ^b^ndoned her world. @s ^ Vulc^n with emp^thic ^bilities J'Ron could sense Zip^ri^h's emotions. He didn't step closer to her, he h^d to tend to his duties.

T'Peir^ ^nd J'Ron discussed the possible w^ys @khen^ten's tomb ^rrived here. The ^nswer w^s over their he^ds. Liter^lly over their he^ds were unmist^k^ble m^n m^de fe^tures. This is ^ st^rg^te surrounded by the m^n m^de tomb. The st^rg^te w^s set ^s close to the gr^vity pull ^s possible of Pluto, gr^vity being necess^ry for the st^rg^te to work. The s^rcoph^gus with the mummy ^nd it's tre^sures were be^med through the st^rg^te ^nd ^n ^rtifici^l body w^s formed ^round them.

"I c^n ^ppreci^te th^t @khen^ten didn't w^nt his mummified body to be found in Egypt. The Priests ^nd followers of more th^n one god were outr^ged by his ^ction ^nd the mummy would likely h^ve been destroyed, which is wh^t m^ny ^rcheologist h^ve believed ^ll these ye^rs." J'Ron continued. " @s the Hitti people developed ^ st^rg^te like object to tr^nsfer them to E^rth, ^nd supposedly other pl^nets, it m^y not h^ve been impossible for his mummy ^nd effects to h^ve been sent here the s^me w^y, where he would be s^fe for the eternities."

From the h^ll of records on Hitti, it w^s cle^r th^t the ^ncients didn't invent ^ st^rg^te, it w^s recorded th^t they h^d t^ken ^dv^nt^ge of technology much, much older, reverse engineered it, ^nd sent their ships to different time lines of e^rth. They felt it would overwhelm the species indigenous on the pl^net, (hum^ns) if they ^ll ^rrived ^t once. J'Ron nodded ^t the inform^tion presented.

T'Peir^ spoke into the helmet communic^tor thinking out loud. "Gr^vity, gr^vity fluctu^tes. Mount Nev^do Hu^sc^rán in Peru h^s the lowest gr^vit^tion^l ^cceler^tion, while the highest is ^t the surf^ce of the @rctic Oce^n. We'll need to crunch some numbers when we get b^ck to the @@RUSHI ^nd see if we c^n find times when ^nd where gr^vity ^nd the st^rg^tes on E^rth were ^ctive."

"You've h^d ^ctive st^rg^tes," Zip^ri^h w^s shocked to he^r this.

"Ploutonion were ^ people th^t myth s^ys c^me through ^ mount^in g^tew^y ^nd g^ve civiliz^tion to the P^quime, or m^y h^ve been the P^quime, which dis^ppe^red ^bout the sixteenth century. The descend^nts ^llegedly ^re the T̂ r^hum^r^. They tell stories of the three brothers @y^r th^t c^me through the mount^in ^nd in honor of them the T̂ r^hum^r^ built the "Temple of three windows" to represent the g^tew^y in the mount^in. In @ncient Greece there w^s Pluto's door, ^nd the doorw^y of @m^ru Mur^ in southern Peru. They're sc^ttered ^ll over e^rth. Some were s^id to be ^ctive even underw^ter. None were know to work when discovered, but, s^y, if they ^lso needed the m^gnetic polls ^t ^ cert^in ^lignment, then they m^y be re^l st^rg^tes, not myth." She took ^ deep bre^th. "We'll rese^rch the d^t^ from the Hitti ^nd see if we c^n find something corresponding." T'Peir^ fin^lly quietened.

J'Ron spoke, "If we could replic^te the m^gnetism ne^r the st^rg^tes, if th^t were the key, we could open them, but would th^t be wise>"

There w^s so much to do. Tess^ prob^bly knew ^ll the inform^tion they needed of tr^vel in time ^nd sp^ce ^nd dimensions, or m^ybe she just knew how to t^ke ^dv^nt^ge of the ^bilities without re^lly knowing how it works. Like flying ^ shuttle, which m^ny people c^n do, but few h^ve the full knowledge of how they worked.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship

Zip^ri^h w^lked over to J'Ron ^nd slightly bowed her he^d. Much more w^sn't p^rticul^rly possible with helmet on, but he s^w ^nd he knew.

"I believe we h^ve ^ll th^t we need ^t this point to report b^ck to ST@RFLEET." J'Ron st^rted g^thering his equipment.

Tess^ w^lked over ^nd shut her tricorder.

They h^d recorded enough to keep ST@RFLEET ^rcheologist h^ppily for m^ny ye^rs to come. Fortun^tely, there were l^ws in pl^ce to le^ve the mummy where they found it. There w^s no need to move ^ny of the objects. @ be^con would be pl^ced to m^rk this site ^s off bounds to ^ll future explorers so th^t it could rem^in untouched. They no longer needed to dig up gr^ves.

Zip^ri^h w^s ple^sed th^t her ^ncestor would rem^in in pe^ce where he h^d been tr^nsported preventing gr^ve robbers of the p^st, ^nd now the future. Oh, perh^ps some ^rcheologic^l expeditions, just bec^use it w^s import^nt for them to SEE just ^s it is for most objects of ^ntiquity. @khen^ten would rem^in here.


Perh^ps the USS @@RUSHI could t^ke some time to ^ssist in the medic^l emergency th^t w^s unfolding ne^r the neutr^l zone.


USS-1642, STARFLEET, INC. 2014 FEBRUARY Edition Correspondence Ship


2 0 1 4 F E B R U A R Y theUSS AARUSHI


The content of this newsletter is the sole property of the editor, or the individual that submitted the photo or article, or the owner of the materials or photos or artwork downloaded from the internet. The editor and the USS AARUSHI hold no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by CBS Studios nor Paramount Pictures. All content from Star Trek including still images and character names is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and CBS Studios, Inc. and no infringement is intended. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any way or form without the written consent of the editor. Keira Russell-Strong, Editor