the five biggest mistakes stopping your weight loss success

The 5 biggest mistakes stopping your weight loss success

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

The 5 biggest mistakes stopping your

weight loss success

Page 2: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

Diets don’t work Most women start 3 diets per year

Each diet lasts only 19 days67% of diets are broken by the fifth day

Each diet costs about £161

Page 3: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

This leaves

you feelingConfused

& Misled

Page 4: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

The loop of failure ● The diet industry is worth an estimated £1billion in the UK alone

● Its primary job is to make money from you

● It sells you generic programmes, supplements and gym memberships that offer a lot and deliver little

● You are told weight loss is the key to looking great

● You are told you can get amazing results fast and easily

● You like this and buy into these false dreams

● One size fits all approaches rarely work and you never change

● You look for the next big idea to get you fast, amazing results

● The diet industry continues to make more money

● You continue to believe the lie’s and suffer the consequence’s of aggressive marketing and sales

Page 5: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

Brenda’s story“I always wanted to have a sculpted

body a flat belly and I wanted to be confident and wear sexy clothes

without having to struggle to maintain my physique. I’ve tried all the diets and

nothing really worked, I seemed to rebound and fall off the wagon a lot. When I spoke to Tony I realised I was

making some big mistakes”

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Mistake OneNo goals

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You need to knowSelf evaluation is the most important

part of the programme design. You need to identify a vision and align

yourself with it, your need to be prepared for the moments of potential

failure and be ready to overcome them and you need to understand

what will motivate when you feel like going back to your old ways

Page 8: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

Tony will fIx this mistake He WIll:

Uncover your real life passionsPrioritise your goals

Align your daily habits to your ultimate vision

Discover your limiting barriersIdentify your motivators

Create an action plan for moving forward

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Mistake twoNo measurements

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You need to knowMeasuring is the process of assessing your body, lifestyle, stress, mind and spirit. You need to create a profile of what your current status is so as to establish a starting point and an accurate basis for planning, if your measurements don’t identify your exact requirements then your plan

will never be right for you

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Tony will fIx this mistake He WIll MeAsUre YOUr:

Genetic profile: for ideal nutrition, incidence for risk factors and activity requirement for fat metabolism

fitness: for VO2 max, lactate thresholdstrength: for rep max in the 5 key strength movements

and core stabilisationPower: for explosive ability

Blood sample: for adrenal stress levelsBody Composition: for complete circumference

and fat measurementsfull body structural assessment: for imbalances and

weakness and energy pathway blockages

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Mistake Three No planning

Page 13: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

You need to knowPlanning is the process of taking all your

measurements and evaluations and constructing a plan that is ideally suited

to your individual requirements, that will work with your lifestyle and fit in with your obligations and demands. With no plan you have no structure and will be

destined to failure

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Tony will fIx this mistake He WIll:

Create a tailored nutrition and supplementation plan

Create a tailored physical activity planCreate a tailored rehabilitation plan

Create a tailored stress release and relaxation planCreate a tailored motivation plan

Identify facilities, equipment and support structure that will work best for you

Organise your diary to create sustainable lifestyle choices

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Mistake four No action

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You need to knowTaking action is the execution of your programme. It is the sum of your daily achievements and the everyday activities that contribute

to your goal attainment. Without the right mind set or plan you will always

find it impossible to fully commit

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Tony will fIx this mistake He WIll:

Get you committed to your planHold you accountable to daily tasks

Create a support network including friends, colleagues and family

Challenge your daily habits to align with your higher intention

set you deadlinesMentor you through the coaching

and learning elementsKeep you focused on the process of

achieving a sustainable lifestyle

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Mistake five No evaluation

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You need to knowEvaluating is the process of re-measurement and the point at

which you can assess the progress and the efficacy of your plan. At this

stage you should test and check your results and use this information

to determine your future. Without this element you will never know if your

efforts have been a success or a failure

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Tony will fIx this mistake He WIll:

re-assess you at regular intervalsCompare your results against previous

measurementsevaluate your progress

Identify weak and strong points of planAdapt the plan where necessary

show your progress through viewable measurements and questioning sheets

Gather information throughout the plan using meetings, phone calls, messages and e-mails

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I love training again and the results show. I won a

tri-atholon in Paris and I recently went on holiday to Miami and looked amazing

I now know how to train so that my body always

responds properly and I see change…oh and

don’t worry about gaining weight anymore.

I maintain my training with the sff Club which is really

social and friendly

eWA now

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My nutrition and training became part of my life and

this meant that I stopped struggling with my weightI feel I have more energy

during the day so I can work better and party longer

My confidence has went through the roof and I now wear the clothes I always wanted to without fear of


BreNDA now

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I am happy everyday being me. I make progress

consistently and I don’t fight against will power

My weight doesn’t fluctuate anymore and when I go on holiday I know how to eat for my optimum well being

I have control over my life and I don’t get hung up about the small things


AsTrID now

Page 24: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

I am Tony McCarthy a city based female physique transformation coach.

I work with busy professional women daily. I am known

for creating naturally sustainable lifestyles and

my clients leave me feeling confident and energised.

Page 25: The Five Biggest Mistakes Stopping Your Weight Loss Success

Breaking with tradition“Once you truly know yourself

you will never look back"

My team and I are experts in genetic testing, body composition, structural

assessment, mind and body relaxation, nutrition, training and motivation

You will learn the definitive requirements to create a long lasting transformation

that you will Iive with forever”

Tony McCarthyDirector Stronger Fitter Faster

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I have overcome the bulge without feeling deprived, I eat what I

want when I want and I maintain my body and

lifestyle with ease



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