the following work, one file within the rogue river · dowever...

The following work, one file within the Rogue River National Forest – Historical Records Collection (RRNF-HRC), was loaned through the courtesy of Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest to Southern Oregon University Hannon Library for digitizing and inclusion in the Southern Oregon History Collection. You will view a digital reproduction of the material loaned by RR-SNF, starting with the next PDF page of this file. The original items within the RRNF-HRC are now held by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) at the NARA facility in Seattle, WA. For information about all of the items contained in the RRNF-HRC, please refer to the Final Guide to the Historical Records Collection of the Rogue River National Forest, copies of which are held at SOU Hannon Library. The guide may be accessed directly through the Southern Oregon Digital Archives at

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Page 1: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

The following work, one file within the Rogue River National Forest – Historical Records Collection (RRNF-HRC), was loaned through the courtesy of Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest to Southern Oregon University Hannon Library for digitizing and inclusion in the Southern Oregon History Collection. You will view a digital reproduction of the material loaned by RR-SNF, starting with the next PDF page of this file. The original items within the RRNF-HRC are now held by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) at the NARA facility in Seattle, WA. For information about all of the items contained in the RRNF-HRC, please refer to the Final Guide to the Historical Records Collection of the Rogue River National Forest, copies of which are held at SOU Hannon Library. The guide may be accessed directly through the Southern Oregon Digital Archives at

Page 2: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

. - "eve- .,.I __ .. . . I - , � , � k . �, - � � . . !� nt" Iw i_--e- e, e e " , ee . . .


Reprt on Adinletrati've E ix...miation.of

.rater iational ?orest.

( ;3. 1. 3*.anon.

Examination of this Forost was oomrnneeJ November 23,

ani oomipletel )eoeiiber 4, 1314.

Allotment and Disbursement Cards.

Allotment entries were oheokea &rainat DA 1.-ttera of

authorization. Following is 1 transoript of these efntries as they

appear on the Allotment Register.

General, Exenses, 4 17,425. 33 r

Improvemfent Fund, 3, 330.,)y

Agrioultural Lani Class. 20).z33

H. F. Planting. 15. OD}

Disbur emerte :re roerl> -entere 1 on t'ne V Uohe

Register anl distributed over the various aoot oarda,(form 21).

il1 entries on oost reoord o~rls are postod morithLy to the aub-

vllotrinrt aarda (form 19a).

The VfouoLer Register variea sligi.tly from the si'nplest

form. The Clerk has rulel off & narrow column for reference en-

tries alora r the following lines: The Tarioua seotion3 have seen

given alphabetioal 1esignationf, asuoh as A, for Statutory Salaries,

'Bto for Lump Fund 3alarles, 'I'C for 3)eration, et3. All individeal

project caras in eaoll 8e3tian are numberell. Ti-ua when , voucher

is enterel on the Voucher Register this referenoe column bears the

Page 3: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

7- - -_

Aesignation of the projeat o&rd on whioh 'he vouiher i3 entered,

l!O 1" or d'3 l etc., te the oaae may be. lhie entailc practioally

no extra work ani s ems to be wulte haniy.

Cost xoep tGriq and Iecords.

sinoe provislon has been mdLe, for Nonepen1,.bbl. ToolJ

and . ,uipm3nt, udrer Operation onlg, the alerk on t.§s Foreat hs

preunumed that suoi. purchases made 2rom Yiire'r or 'Imarovement"' moneyf

ailoul be oLr~el as Sudplioa Anl -itip ent agkinat the Projoet con-

oerned. The instruotions on page 35, "13t-ndard Olaaaiflqation of

?roce1dre anl ActivitiesJ", when considered in connection with Foreat

A1lotmnent3, are imnposslble to follow out. dowever I do not bel]1ve

that the systeon evol ved or tl.A a Poreat I a a' close tts i t mnight be.

The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National Forest vas

expl8ine1. The clerk i3 anxiou3 to ohorge the reaords on tiAs S'or-

eet to conforn ti.ereto, b.It this would meafi an imnense arnount of

work, so 3 h advisel t) _wv it instri ctions .tron the )lstrict

13ffae. I lo not believe a cL~nle advisable until the subjeat h4s

been further invorst¶ 1 c~ it.

Ex3et as inldcated above Al coa0t record3 on this 4?orest

are ',ect in aooordance with the approvei lnetho1.

Formns 24-b were checkel i aln.t the vouaners, distriba-

tion notei &ni entrlez foliowel t;rol h tho louoher ge i r anA t-e

various project JrIs aomernel. Jne Seotion (Jporation) ,az cheok-

e. iiinutely, aros4 alded, totaled, 4nd oaincei ainat the iouiher

neoister. Jiatrib.tion Dan,] entri-a were ll found correct.

A11otsnent, Diabursoment nJ Coat zecords are a1l very

le.<i-)1e ani sutl'isieantly nekit; alt..oaurh 4reuent erreure.3 i~nlicata,

Page 4: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

haste in maltinp entrias. This will be considered fartnor under

?rooelure and Eiffloien3y.

All vouchers are entered on the rqoords before beinr

submitted for payiment.

Form Zt5, Servioe 1120rts.

iJuplioate diaries are all offiaers-on this

Forest, except the clerkr. All serviae re.)orta for the period from

3otober 1.913 to Jotober 1311 were Inspected an1 freluently checked

a^Jainst the iar1Ies. Distribution generally -was founA to be corre 3t,

although there seems to be a slight tendency to oharge more time to

'Headquarters" than instriotions Justify. ?or instance, "painting

rcnger station', anl 'putting new roof on cabin' and many similar

items were ohargel to Headimirters which would seem t ) be properly

oh. rgeable to 'Taintenince-Imorovements t" 'ieaduarter8 and "Un-

olassifiedi 7ork will averawre 564 to 10, in ;he summer and 25J to 30%

during the winter months. i le is ulau.lly re )ortei in zctual hours.

Formn 24-bW

These forms tre not anade in luplioat , e>,sept as in-

struotions re.,.are It for tranasortation reuueets and bills of lading.

)istribution is shown before sabmittin, to DIstriot 00fict4.

2hey are filed alphabetisally, v.nd separate from the

duilioate vouohers. JlerL finds oonaileieabie alvantage in this. The

voucher register ia used & a basis for .reopring statement of dis-


jertificate nun)ers ir iut on 24-b Just before they are

entere3 on the cards gni -submitteA for ).;font.

Page 5: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National


.ost vouohers *.re rade out from mnerohint's bills, out

~uito few are 'nale up by the paye8 dire tly on for fa. .han

.male frim mer3hdnt's bill the bill is alwaya atta3hiel to duplicate

voucher. Iouohers are filed nuterically by aertifioate numbers.

#ouohers are forwarled for ayment et no stated periols

but auffl3io3ntly freEuent. They are never allowed to aocumulnale.

Vouoher3 were found 0orrect In every instanoe where compared with

merchant's bill.

As in the case of the 3re-on 'iational Porest form J39o

is used as iuplioate voucher; form 5a beinr usele.s after it is

returnel by the Property Auditor.

Olerk unlerstbnls aivantage of rejuirino prompt sub-.X

mission of bills, espeoia2ly towarl the eni of the fioal year.

,deroaints 4re re,,ueste1 to sub-nit bills monthly, exaept 1 tring fi're

season when individual pur3hases are large.

iecel pt he3orlz.

lrazinx records are In ex3ellenln condition. All payouento

made and permits aroanptly iass.ed.

There ure ai fe8: special u3e case- that ahoull be closer

and removel from the aotive files. rhere is one lelinquent case,

"Ienry 'Wendt, 3table for -;ie in ojeratln? ztae line." fPayment i4

thlo case w:& due Tune 1, 1)14. oermittee was -written June 29 (letter

of transailttal hal of iourse been aent to thim before payment k;ia CLue)

anj a-, ln on J ober 1, bat no rerly hca 3oean reonivod. J)e uty

Supervisor wishes to make one more attemnt to ctet action before

taking steps to oanael oermit.

In the case of the Eoue }iver Valley Canal Com ianyt's

Page 6: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

. - I I I 11 "oo 4�

applications for various special use ernmits, no aotion has jeen

taken sln le 19122. Nor htire any permits been iaaue1, althoufh the

oomqpny h:s lone sufti.1ient construotion work to g-ie them some

semblanoe of ejuitey. 3ee report on this company Vnder timber settle-

me n t.

Timber S.les jn1 settlements

A few &P licatlons for sales thbt were never consumnna'e3

and 3everJl oasea upon whioh final re )ort anl full payment have b3en

made still remain in the active filed; theee shoull be alodel anl

trunsferred. I.- other res eots the timber sale re)oris are in very

goo' shbe; payments rtnJ luttirl reportd up to late.

In the timber settlement cases of tce Foothills Irrigation

Company and the Rogue River Valley Oanal Company no action had been

taken sin.e 131', for which the Serviae is ai)parently reaponsible.

No payments have been made by either aoipany, neither has any 3-uttinr

been lone, which is of sourse )roper, sin-e no contraot has been

ap rove}. Deputy > lpervisor is of the o))inion th. t the oom)anlea

3onoernel hzve not ireaael the 3ajea owin- to flnano1 61 4e1re)je on.

s is lso of the op inon that th.ey are a~tin- in 7o)d faith, .it-

no intent to control the )roject altes for speculatIve purposes.

No water )ower Qodes are h. nt'leil on this lorest.

FollowJn4 Is a lit tf ro erty lost on thi3 .4'oreat, ;.s

shown by forms 8F8, sin3e Janry 1, 1J13, showinln how soal losses

'.,ere adJ Ate1. 'I4i3 liSt aloo shows recel ,ts from this uouroe;

Artigle :Iow aju tel. Paid. Value.

1 Joint, ball ani socket, Raliovewe. 2.531 jad'e, .t. Char.gel * 4

1 Zountain pen 1.8)C. C. Zaws, Relieved) 13. b

1 ?ros tr~tr

Page 7: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

. - . " _I'll 1�,I


Ar AtiLwle low adjusted. 2aid. Value

Key Relieved .11Tally !iegister 1.79Oadge, F.S.Abney Level, t' 7.95Hammer, Oarpenter .85Timber Saribe, .54Ney, F. 3. Chargei .11Pliera, 8" Relievel 1.c0Diamneter Tale, 53)' " 4.503algse, F*. .23

t tF.23

Pliers, 8 . 1.3Badge, 3.. .2 )

Total 2. 11 35.39

I do not beiieve tnis los3 to be e 3eesive .

Property Reoorde.

These reeor~s cheok up 3om)Iete to the early prLxt of

last fire season; ainoe that tfine no tr.unafers hlIve been reoordle,

owtr; to exoesaive lerieoal work. Por tha reason a satisfaotory

check of preperty reoorls 3coul not be male, althourh e.very 3ar<

wa; lookel over and an attenft male to check ki ) valuable property

on hand. To ;o throuri al1 transfers between field men, oro ert^;

cuatolian, ani ?roo)ertv A;ill1itor woald take at 1 a8t a week. Tht

few iteneo& coul, be oaeckelwere found alriiwht, and I ar confilent

that vh t few errors, if any, might be brou-ht out by a thor'u.h

oheok would not bo sufficient to justify the time reiulred. TP. e

)eputy 3uVerviaor says the ilerk Is, areful anI coneoientio-os. It

ij not at a 1 )robablo that she Is "hol1inr out' anythtn- or the

Fro erty Aulitor to proteot herself.

Valuable projerty is kept unlr look vnl key. It ies not

in bj orderly a oonlition t faali ties farrant, oat s8-U -work Is

left ertlrely to the -lerk,wko state- thj.t zurrent 'ork is so great


Page 8: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

F - ; �- . . I I I'll I.. I'll I I - - u m�.

that she has oeen unable t) find ttnme to put thin.s in the ahape

she woul li're.

No forale has oeen paro'.azd fiaoal year on this

sorest, ex ept for Governmexit owneA atook.

Aut3 ,HlleAte.

There are three autno'oiles in use on thir 2oreat, owned

by foret offieors. No Bpeoiti 3 allotment has been made to any of

them, 3ut nil ai 1 arue1l. 2ollawiri' is a statement of

Mile ge pi I, ehowin3 lmale Of ma3hiflGe, a ownrers:Jffi;i3al Amt.

3 wner. Kakek. .lje.frav'd. Rate ?ail.

id. >Kerby, A. p.R. £ord, 12073 3/ 64.2)

leo. ,eot, .R. .axwe I 874 7/ 61.18

3.E.Ibffmana, :.. 3uick 270 8!

The files wore Insaeotea t*;_riughly and no errors founi.

It ia an enforoe, rub in this offl ;e tht only 'he alerk shall do

the filir>; any imatter taken frorn the filea ia returned to the file

basket unl1 left for the Alerl to file. Jt the files xre 6 trifle

rauel ind everytUnirf tnli3atos haste rt:.thar than extre-qe neatneaz

in filir~s. ~Previoua years oorresponolenve i fMel inn -toa reu-

lation vertl3al trarsfer files ani fo lows the orler of the aat ¢ ve

files, ex~ept L-Settlemnent anA Tinber ?ala aoces, Nhhh are file1l

In the -.mall pasteboarl filea. This methol of handling L. PlM t.

oases is uneatisfaotory. The olerk has s '.p.lgy of regulation fil-

1n, Oases on han4 and intends to trknafer these foldhes tiereto as

soon as tiie prmii'.a.7.

Page 9: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

R__ I . I -�k�-�-x- ,

?ftin3 Is not done regularly as oler' jives preferen e

to current work, however, it is not allowed to aoaumulate lor. ̂ at

a time; never over a week.

All oorrespondence with the '3ervioe as well as Aith the

public is anowirel with recasvrable promnptness. Style oLf aorrespon-

den3e is3 neat and let ers ar! mnaver lonier >aul1 a'per necessary

to cover the subjeit.

A111 letters pertaining to Ten-r 1 adninistrative mnattore

are lict4tel; everything In connection with aa30nts and 3roperty

is preparedl direotly by the o.Lerk for 3 Qpervisor' signeiture; re-

ports, 4esariptions, et3. )rearel in rouJ~h oopy.

,)casion for the use of a torn style of letter ariaes

80 8eliS o that it is imnra& jtioable. Jse of thin zhite paper for

ret rn with answer thereon where answer can oe maisyea9or'no" is

seldom lone.

All inoo-ruin mnail is hannlel by the ilerk, who stmps

itrreaeived.' ani t rns lt I l over to the 3u3ervIsor, exaek)t sa oh

matters portainin, to ao eounts or )ro ~erty au reuire ar

3ffice S*aipUent.

Zffi3e e.,uipment is complete ail in go.Ad condition,

except ffr a Seitz Xqo Fllirr Case, Whiohl is not in u.e arI is

falln,' tapart, lue )re ~umably to use of unseasonol lumber in con-

struoti n. Reoornmeni this be Lent someplace where it s n be usel

ar.1 taken aare'of.

There are two Jnlerwol typewriters in this offiwe. ;ne

is new, the other is still a gooi maahine, Out It Ia sally in nea-1

of a general overhaulin-5. The letters Bae oa-t of Al.1rnment arnl

8 .

Page 10: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

both the tyde anl line papar are erratio.

Therd ja one 3urroulxhs addn1 majhine here. It is in

good oonlition, keyt olean,and mui3h neelel.


There is suffilient room In tfie ?'o.ent juarter,;, out

in ever. :taer reapeat they are unsatisfJf tery. However, bils

hlve been reuestel for ojnstruot. 1n of a leleral bulllinz, and

though it S .pears that alejuate provial n has not been nale 4or

this offi 3e a ohnge would be unadvist-le untill the matter has

been more definitely settlol.

Prooedure and Efflioienoy.

'ieneral alminiati-ative work la handle .by the 3u)er-

visor, Deputy :'uparviaor, or aoting 9i evisor. ToT3hn iol nen

are zenerully oalled upon to aot In the abaen3e of both iuo)ar-

visor zni1 DeJ)uty, althou tt frequentl: fa1s to tre olerk.

All toe3hnioai work and a pe ial nat era aro Hnale1 by the iozeit

. All routine anl steno ,rephi3 worJT. is done by tU.e Jlorc.

It is obvious thUt there ia too m;.ah work on thia eores.t

for one ilerk. iEveryone in the ofL-ie .opeaks in the hlnieat terkns

of 4i18 ajo 's e f ifiency. Sihe puts in 3onaiierable overtime, Coones

early 1ni goes late ever, day, a I1 turn- 3ot an enormnouj. mount of

wor:, tt id untbie to keep even the filei anI pro )ert', u , to the

deairel JtAnitxrd of neatnes; anl order. Jf arurae the 8wlak a3eazon

is oornln- in now, btgt In alition to the Ulerk's pnnuJ. pro )erty

report ani aooaunt st;4teientz, the -jeput,, 3-.perviaor st..tea th~t

there ere enou-h reports 3ominrr cp ani work in 3onneation with iata

ratherol Tlrin- the summenr by the fiell mnen that will fall to he


Page 11: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

. I - -_ - . �, - -t Q �

eliark to keep her busy onstantly, without oonflierinS h~r own

work. There is a general apearanoe of alight dI3orler about the

office wihAh night be imnproved by most anyone, but in the ubeena3

of a Janitor everyone naturullyyleaves it to the clerk. Tsiii office

employs a janitor, but he Is Juat a boy who -omes fn1 and sweepa

out arni bullis the fires every morninz. Nothin-r is ever lusted or

the winiows washed. Ue clerk hal an a< i1stant darinr the su-nier

who wad leiiedly unsatisfator:. This assistant 1id nothing but

the cz3t-ji4l stenogrzphi3 work, nd the jeputy st tea th'>t even this to be watched very alosely, for if' he d&i3tated "road" ;ite was

as apt to transcribe It 11role 4 or ItovAI as anythinz else. Tids

expression 14 probabiy a trifle overdrawrn,the general foeling of

disatisfaction, however, i3 so markel tk.:t ahe wsa doubtiek.s of

very, t1tle nel p.

ingerB do not report in advInoe monthly pian4 of wor'c.

This offiae recently wrote aeveral letters to the Distriot

Jiffie, pon reue.3t of tue committee composed of Shitley 3uc , Jr.

Zinger and Ar. J;ouains, whioh coveredI the mintter of reporting non-

expenIable pro erty, anl formns 33)A &nI 33)3. The methol of report-

inz )ro )erty wa,~ fully ooverei in thie re)ort on the ireron Jationtl

soreet. =41ris 33)A nd e36) are imrn raticable. To compile them

properly woii:l. ne*essit4te keepin h 30ost reoori card (form Al) for

ea3h &n every proje~t on the Torest, !or ever-, project roe iive

saee attention everv year; this Is not beine lone.

A- aeal .ne )U .

Jurin , tweIs examination deputy Supervisor Jasaniels was

in 3harge of the offi 'e, a tending to ;oneral tAminiatrttive muatters,

Page 12: The following work, one file within the Rogue River · dowever I do not bel]1ve ... The ayAtem Jeaoribed in the reoort on 'he 3reson National

. - - -_ , , I � -, - -- a ��I _"' , , , MQW t� �

and workin3 on a control map. Ar. ioster wae working on Lan1

Claseifiea&ion reoorts. Ir. Oraig was working on lt. Scott Timber

Reoonnbissanoe reort and maps. Ar. White is attendin--, to local

timber ^;ales, workin, up Iata or, aessesel li ation of t1imber in

the 0ounties inr this *-or-at, brnl plzneteble data in 33nneatior with

fire control map. ar. doffmi n Is workin; up data necessary to

apply Chief 2orester 3rave's 3l sgestlons for .9Ltlonal Sorest ail

in Aevelopin' roals et,. 2 ore t .wrgxr Weat ls workln3 on 6tatki3

PRe orta. hi a Oooe ij doing genaral 3lerial work. There seem.

to )e an abandsnae of work on hnli.

.4anner of treatln, the pu.l13 i8 ozirtc3ous aAn aonsinlerate.

xoxess buyin-r from one firm Is avoiled. P' raaaaes are

distributel as evenly as )oasiole consistent with econoiiy ant service.

As far as possible to asoert in all material w3a ose4 in

the same fiso4al year as purchased, an! for the purpose mentioned at

time of )urohaae.

Regulation leavOe slalt are useel by all offiaers on this

7orest. -These were e Ikel a~'alnst the record, anl founl aorret.

There is an &,Ie,.uate snU),Oly of forms an l atztlnery on

hand, This is kript in a large cabinet with drawers partitionel off

to fit the various Vormli. This Grrangemfe-t is very neat anI handy

uid keep,, fornms in order an': free froi Iust. There is no a parent

waute of atationery or forin.

,&ny 1etails of routine an I lAmni..etratIve work ,ere

iondi ierel, an fi..,ol regulitiorn lnterl )reed nore fully. NIo

reooirnendations are fuaie frther than those mentioned Iove, ea-

aeot to emphasize the nreel of alditionJ1 jleriwal help.
