the fox project registered charity number: 1044928...about the doomsday prophecy. the 5000 year old...

©The Fox Project 2013 • Designed by Click Creative Design, • Printed by Yeomans, Registered Charity Number: 1044928 Southern Wildlife Ambulance Network The Fox Project APRIL 2013 They’re not going to win an Oscar, but we’re raising film stars this year. Amongst the first fox cubs of 2013 were two litters – The Piglets and The Bangers. Now, before anyone accuses us of insensitivity, there is absolutely no connection here between pigs and sausages. That’s just a coincidence. Although The Bangers’ name did, indeed, derive from sausages, it was because they slept tightly together, side by side, and looked uncannily like a packet of those particular comestibles. The Piglets, however, came from St Swithins Road, and the venerable St Swithin just happened to be known in his day as ‘The Pig Man’. Anyway, I’m sure you’re used to our tradition of naming the animals we admit into the hospital. Whilst amusing, it also serves a practical purpose in identifying casualties with something more memorable than a number. So what of our budding Hollywood stars? What’s that about? Well, this year we’re taking part in a research project with Bristol University. It’s designed to look at the natural development of dominance and subordination in family groups of cubs. That’s not easy to study in the wild prior to the point when cubs emerge above ground at four or five weeks of age. But in our essentially artificial system, groups like The Piglets can be observed, around-the-clock, with cameras set to catch every nuance of behaviour. Given what Professor Stephen Harris and his colleagues at Bristol Uni have done for foxes over the years – particularly in terms of showing science as reason enough to oppose bloodsports – we’re always happy to assist them with projects. The Piglets were found with their dying mother, whom we suspect had been hit by a car. Sadly, she had to be euthanased on the spot and the cubs taken into care, all of which must have been distressing for the dog fox, who witnessed the loss of his entire family from a safe distance. But we had no choice. The cubs were suckling infants, not even close to an age where the JEAN LUC AND TIGGER TOO No. 55 Newsletter

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Page 1: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans

©The Fox Project 2013 • Designed by Click Creative Design, • Printed by Yeomans,

Registered Charity Number: 1044928

Southern Wildlife Ambulance NetworkThe Fox Project

APRIL 2013

They’re not going to win an Oscar, but we’re raising film stars this year.

Amongst the first fox cubs of 2013 were two litters – The Piglets and The Bangers. Now, before anyone accuses us of insensitivity, there is absolutely no connection here between pigs and sausages. That’s just a coincidence.

Although The Bangers’ name did, indeed, derive from sausages, it was because they slept tightly together, side by side, and looked uncannily like a packet of those particular comestibles.

The Piglets, however,

came from St Swithins Road, and the venerable St Swithin just happened to be known in his day as ‘The Pig Man’.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re used to our tradition of naming the animals we admit into the hospital. Whilst amusing, it also serves a practical purpose in identifying casualties with something more memorable than a number.

So what of our budding Hollywood stars? What’s that about?

Well, this year we’re taking part in a research project with Bristol University. It’s

designed to look at the natural development of dominance and subordination in family groups of cubs.

That’s not easy to study in the wild prior to the point when cubs emerge above ground at four or five weeks of age. But in our essentially artificial system, groups like The Piglets can be observed, around-the-clock, with cameras set to catch every nuance of behaviour.

Given what Professor Stephen Harris and his colleagues at Bristol Uni have done for foxes over the years – particularly in

terms of showing science as reason enough to oppose bloodsports – we’re always happy to assist them with projects.

The Piglets were found with their dying mother, whom we suspect had been hit by a car. Sadly, she had to be euthanased on the spot and the cubs taken into care, all of which must have been distressing for the dog fox, who witnessed the loss of his entire family from a safe distance.

But we had no choice. The cubs were suckling infants, not even close to an age where the


No. 55


Page 2: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans

dog fox could take over feeding them with solids, and he could have done nothing for them.

The Bangers were abandoned and only saved when the occupants of an office broke through the ceiling to locate whatever was squeaking so desperately above their heads. They found five cold, hungry, scarcely more than new born male cubs, still with their umbilical cords attached. For the vixen, access to the void could only have been through a small hole in the eaves and while it was a shrewd place to have her cubs, one wonders if she was an inexperienced mother who had either left them too long or had failed to understand her responsibilities. It happens.

I think we may be excused for doubting the recent media coverage of a child supposedly attacked by a fox.

After all, it’s not as if we haven’t been here before: three times in eleven years to be precise. And as

Perhaps a similar misfortune befell Mitch, who wandered into a carpet warehouse on London’s Old Kent Road, far from anywhere a fox might call home. And Katy and Jean Luc were also found trotting the urban streets alone.

That, so far, is this season’s compliment of cubs – although it’s still early days and there are a couple of hundred to come – plus hundreds more adult foxes! But what about 2012? How would we sum that up?

Putting aside the 650 foxes we cared for during the period and the many thousands of folk we helped or advised on a variety of fox related issues from health care, behaviour, law, humane deterrence etc., 2012 will

information received after the event rendered the previous incidents more questionable than some of our media would have us believe, the words “Cry Wolf!” come to mind.

For instance, on the first occasion, police,

best be remembered for the move to Broadwater Forest Wildlife Hospital, which has provided us with the most modern and efficient facility we’ve ever had.

We were also able to upgrade both our ageing wildlife ambulances, thanks in no small measure to Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust as well as to

attending doctor, social services, near neighbours and the local publican all believed it was the family dog, and that was also the view of some journalists. Certainly, the family’s German Shepherd was never seen again following the ‘attack’. Unfortunately, newspaper editors defending their BIG STORY weren’t interested in shaking the real apples out of the tree.

Likewise, in the second incident, a dog that had pride of place on the father’s Facebook page was suddenly unavailable for comment and its photo mysteriously disappeared.

This time around, the family’s story changed daily from ‘the baby was upstairs’ to ‘the baby was downstairs’ and from ‘the

the generous donations of supporters like you.

At last, after 21 years of getting by, The Fox Project has reached a point where long-term sustainability is finally a reality. It’s no longer make-do-and-mend! No more living on a shoestring! You did that!


fox came through the front door’ to ‘the fox came through the back door’.

On a freezing night, the obvious question that should have been posed was why an outside door was open. You might, for instance, need to leave it open to allow the family dog in and out… if you had a dog… But the family said the door was missing because they had been waiting for the council to fix it.

Now, one would suppose, with a vulnerable baby in the house in sub-zero conditions, the least one might do as a temporary measure would be to tack a piece of hardboard over the gap. What gap? When approached, the council produced confirmation the door had been fixed


continued from front page…

Page 3: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans

three weeks before the alleged incident!

Naturally, the cheap end of the press, led, unsurprisingly, by the Daily Mail, made the story headline news, unquestioningly printing the views of those who supported the story and either omitting to print or selectively editing alternative explanations. The Fox Project, for instance, took part in 90 interviews and was quoted fewer than ten times. Free press? Yes, free to ignore what doesn’t fit their agenda.

The Mail, of course, supports the pro-bloodsports lobby and takes every opportunity to blacken the name of the fox because, regardless of the urban nature of the stories, anti-fox sentiment from any quarter could increase support for repeal of the Hunting Act 2004.

Repeal is necessary, they say, because fox numbers have got out of control since hunting was banned. While that’s not remotely true, the claim falls easily on gullible ears. And the folk who own those ears seem not to have spotted these ‘fox attacks’ occurred in urban Hackney, Catford and Dartford where foxhunting hasn’t taken place since Charles Dickens was a boy!

Barely had the Catford incident hit the fan than a woman was reported bitten on her Ugg Boot by a fox she had inadvertently trapped on a stairwell.

And this was followed by photos in the papers of a fox approaching a pram with a toddler in it. It was both photographed and

filmed but, strangely, the moment of any actual or threatened attack was not captured and neither was any attempt made to unstrap the child and move it out of harm’s way.

That’s probably because the baby was never in harm’s way. Perhaps the supermarket carrier bag on the baby’s lap was what interested the fox – the smell of food, maybe? And given the lack of panic, we’d suggest the child’s parents were familiar enough with the animal to feel safe in its presence. Might the contents of that carrier bag be a clue?

Of course, where you’re not safe is in the presence of a professional photographer who happens to work for both the pro-hunt Telegraph and Mail and who was fortunate enough to be on hand with a battery of photographic equipment just as the fox approached the baby/pram/carrier bag. It’s almost as if it was planned…

And they might have got away with it, too, if the photographer had only

remembered to hide his identity when the photos were published!

Another interesting fox ‘attack’, a year ago, involved a man whose bread was snatched from the carrier bag he was holding. So that’s three ‘attacks’ in just twelve months; one on an Ugg Boot, one on a French loaf and the other on a baby. We’re prepared to concede the first two might be true.

One supposes the Scottish postman who suffered severe injuries from a dog attack on the same day as the Catford incident

doesn’t mind that his story, and those of 200,000 other people hospitalised each year with domestic dog bites (including two or three fatalities - usually children) are ignored in favour of a devious political campaign to bring back

foxhunting on the basis of

one dubious incident.

The call for a fox ‘cull’

from London Mayor, Boris

Johnson, should be seen

for what it is – another in a

long line of empty, crowd-

pleasing platititudes.

Culls don’t work on self-

regulating species. Even if

they did, who would pay

for it? George Osbourne

would have a hard job

convincing nurses to

accept pay cuts while he

finds money for foxhunters.

Local authorities? Cash

strapped - and how would

they justify closing libraries

and crèches to support

a pest control operation

even pest controllers say

is pointless?

Because, for once, animal

welfare groups, scientists,

pest controllers and DEFRA

are all agreed. Culling

foxes doesn’t work. If it

did, then foxhunters would

have made themselves

redundant generations

ago and their repugnant

and unnatural behaviour

wouldn’t have needed

regulating. It would have

died out naturally.

Page 4: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans

Returning to the Daily Mail,

whose primary role seems

to be to make us scared

of our own shadows; the

paper led us towards the

New Year with warnings

about the Doomsday


The 5000 year old Mayan

calendar ended in

December 2012. This was

probably just down to the

Mayans running short off

papyrus, but it was taken

by certain end-of-the-

world enthusiasts to mean

this was it!

Depending on your

particular persuasion, we

were all going to die in a

vast solar storm; a black

hole would swallow us up;

or we’d meet our end by

comet or the eruption of a


The Mail was dismissive of

these notions, warning us

instead that the world’s

population would be

decimated by a deadly

plague carried by foxes.

To support this theory

they quoted scientist

Vivienne Parry, whom they

triumphantly lauded as “a

former presenter of TV’s

“Tomorrow’s World”. What

they omitted to tell us was

that Ms Parry’s career

takes a more lowly path

today in that she works for

the Mail on Sunday...

This newsletter is dedicated to the memory of

Brian Emmett.

Brian and his wife, Marilyn, were volunteers with

The Fox Project for a number of years, fostering

and releasing rehabbed cubs on to their West

Sussex farm and putting the lie to the hunt

fraternity’s assertion that wildlife is the natural

enemy of the farming community.

Marilyn says Brian was always going to be a

farmer, “He first drove a tractor when he was four

years old! But his father put a stop to that when

he found little Brian getting off to make some

adjustments to the machinery on

the back!”

A quiet, gentle man with a passion for sailing, Brian

died from motor neurone disease on the couple’s

42nd wedding anniversary. He was 66 years old

and Marilyn was at his side when he slipped away

whilst watching TV. He will be sadly missed and our

thoughts are with Marilyn, friends and family.


Brian Emmett

Ha Ha Ha! The Daily Mail

said what?

Page 5: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans

Order form overleaf

Natural Cotton Tote Bag

Fox Print Mirror

Zipper Pull (cream, blue, green or tan)

Unearthing the Urban Fox (by Trevor Williams and John Bryant)

COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELFThere are many ways to support The Fox Project. We carry a small range of constantly changing sales items and this time we’ve got mini-mirrors and foxy zipper pulls for your handbags, plus notelets, tote bags and t-shirts for all.

And if you want to get directly involved, how about booking a Day Out? £50 will buy you the co-driver seat for a day in one of our ambulances although, for insurance purposes, you need to be over 16 years of age. The day starts at 9.00am sharp and you’ll go where the ambulance goes and get involved as much as you wish with whatever your driver does. That could involve working in the hospital unit, assisting with treatments, bottle-feeding cubs, helping out with rescues, etc.

Every day is an adventure at The Fox Project and what happens, happens! Little ever goes to plan

because the telephone dictates everything and every day is dependent on circumstance! If you want to get involved, be quick! The scheme only operates until the end of June, after which we avoid unnecessary human contact with cubs in order to maximise the chances of getting them back to the wild – as properly wild animals.

If all that sounds a bit strenuous or stressful, take out a Cub Adoption instead. That way you can sit back in your comfy chair and watch your adopted animals grow and develop at a distance. For £20, you – or a friend, should you choose to give an adoption as a gift – will receive four personalised certificates covered with photos and detailing the progress of three designated cubs and an adult casualty for the period between admission and re-release back into the wild.

If speeding ambulances or easy chairs don’t satisfy your soul, then maybe heading down to East Sussex to bop ‘til you drop is more your style?

We’ve been running “Rock with the Foxes” for several years and each event is bigger and better than the last. This year it’s on Saturday 20 July near Herstmonceux, East Sussex and will feature The Ian Shawcross Band in the evening, acoustic acts during the afternoon and a through-the-night disco for those with sufficient stamina. An excellent vegan barbecue comes as part of the £18 advance ticket price – call 01323 833519 to book – and other edible and drinkable goodies are available along with sales stalls, overnight camping and parking facilities, plus a fry-up breakfast for the terminally bleary!

Pack of 5 Notelets (inc matching


Fox Project T-Shirt (S, M, L, XL, XXL)

Page 6: The Fox Project Registered Charity Number: 1044928...about the Doomsday Prophecy. The 5000 year old Mayan calendar ended in December 2012. This was probably just down to the Mayans



______________________________________________________ Post Code: ____________

Telephone number:________________________ Email: __________________________________

I enclose a cheque to value £ ____________ or my Credit/Debit card details are as follows

No: Expiry Date: /

Security No: (last three digits on reverse of card)

Please fill in the above form and return by post to: The Fox Project, The Lodge, Kings Toll Road, Pembury, Kent TN2 4BE

Telephone: 01892 824111 Email: [email protected] Website:

Sales, Adoptions And Donations

Standing Order AuthorityName of your Bank:_______________________________________ Branch Title:__________________________________

Address of your Bank: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Your Account No: _____________________________________________________ Sort Code: ______________________

“Please pay the sum of £__________ from the above account on the ____________ day of each month/year

commencing ________________ to Natwest plc, 130 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1DE for the credit of

Southern Wildlife Ambulance Network/The Fox Project, Account No. 81996950 Sort Code: 60-21-28”

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


____________________________________________________Telephone Number: ________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________________________ Dated: ________________________

Gift Aid Declaration

Please sign this declaration only if you are a UK taxpayer and wish The Fox Project to benefit by Gift Aid. This will not cost

you a penny nor involve you in paperwork, but we are only able to claim if you pay an amount of income tax/capital

gains tax at least equal to the tax we claim on your donations in the relevant tax year.

“I wish The Fox Project (charity no. 1044928) to treat the above as a Gift Aid donation, to treat donations made since

April 2012 and any future donations as Gift Aid until further notification.”

Name:______________________________ Signed:____________________________ Dated: _____________

Please send Adoption Certificate to:Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________Postcode: ___________________

Please say it came from me (enter name you wish to be known by if you are giving this adoption as a gift.)


Price Item Qty Total £9.00 Fox Project T-Shirt - state size S, M, L, XL or XXL X £4.75 Natural Cotton Tote Bag X X £4.95 Pack of Five Notelets X X £2.95 Zipper Pulls (cream, blue, green or tan) X

Sales items

Adoptions @ £20.00

Day Out @ £50.00



Size Colour

£7.95 Unearthing the Urban Fox (by Trevor Williams and John Bryant) X X £3.50 Fox Print Mini-Mirror X X