the free citizen.(orangeburg, s.c.)...

HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To REMOVE paint splashod upon win¬ dow-panes, nae a hot solution of Boda and soft flannel. AFTER taking up a carpet, sprinkle tho floor with very dilute carbolic acid bofore sweeping. IF rou havo boen picking or handling fruits, and have stained your hands, wash thom in clear water ; wipe them lightly, and, while they are yet moist, striko a match and shut your hands around it BO QB to catch the Bmoke, and the stain will disappear. To STOP BLEEDING.-It is said that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may bo stopped nj a mixture of wheat Hour aud common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding bo profuBO, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It may bo left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. APPLE SNOW.-Roast eight tart ap¬ ples and pulp them through a soive ; take one-half pound of tho pulp, and, when cold, mix with it one-half pound of flnoly-sifted loaf sugar, and tho thin rind of a small lemon ; beat the whites of three eggs, whisk nil the ingredients together to a fine froth, and pile on a ghi?s dish. A little sponge cake soaked in fr int syrup and laid on the bottom of the dish is an improvement. CUARLOTTEROBSE.-Xiine aplain mold ?with sponge cake cut to fit exactly, brnsh over tho inside, very lightly, with tho white of au egg, and put it upon ice. Boat iq) ono pint of rich cream with ono ounce of isinglass (previously dissolved in sufficient water to cover it). Sweeten and flavor to suit tho taste. Pour this into tho mold, cover it with a poioe of «pongo cake cut exactly tho size. Icc it, and turn it out very carefully. ICED CAKE.-Mix thoroughly onedialf pound of flour, one-half pound ground rico, currants, ouc-quartor pound sugar, one quarter onnco mace and cloves, soma mixed peel, a few bitter almonds pounded, somo sweet almonds Bplit, ono teaspoonful of oirbonnte of soda, melt ono-hnlf pound fresh butter in pint of warm milk, and the yelks and whites of four eggo heaton separately ; put thiB by dogreoB on the dry ingredients, beat well ; put into a buttered mold, and bake. CHOCOLATE ' CHEAM. - Sorapo two rqunros of chocolate and put them into a stewpau with two ounces of sugar, ii pint of milk, and half a pint of cream ; lot it boil until a third of it is con¬ sumed, and when half cold beat up the yelks of bit eggs with it ; strain tho whole tin origil' a neivo, aud then put the small cupa or dishes iu which tho cream is to be sei ved into a pan con¬ taining enough boiling water to roach above half way up tho cream. Cover the pun, and lay fire on tho lid ; boil it till done, uud serve cold. ÖNIONU (TO PICKLE).-Choose Bunill button onions ; aa they aro peeled throw them into milk aud water, drain them from this when they are all done, put them into a jar and-pour a strong brine of salt and water and a small piece of alum (boiling hot) over them, covor oloaOj and sot them aside till the next day'; drain and dry on a' oloth, put them into cold distilled vinegar with a --Jew blade:) of., b>v.v.?.*>«* S"*8,,'r> "ovu^ wholer-ptiyp.or sisa a little mace, keep always covered with vinegar, cork the jar olose, iuid put in a diy,^cold place. REMEDY FOR CROUP^jjjf ' pirlta of "tor-. Smtine is a sovereign ix Âày for croup, atúrate a pie co of flannel with it, and place it on the throat /and cheat, and Bend for your family physician. If tho ease be very urgent, and the child in great distress, and the distance to the doe-tor's residence very great, drop three drops of the turpentine on a lump of sugar and give it internally. Or a good emetio of blood-root, or lobelia, or both combined, shonld be prven. Every family should kee?) a bottle of spirits of turpentine in the house. THE bloom, or glaze, or facing oA green and black tea is generally arti ficial. In the case of green tea it is or¬ dinarily a mixture of Prussian blue, tnmerio, aud sulphate of mime, or China clay ; and in that of black tea it is not unfreqúently a coating of black lead. The tea prepared for the English mar¬ ket is notoriously subject to these adul¬ terations ; and it seems that this arises entirely' from OUT own fsney, and not from any desire on the part of the Chinese to pursue snob, a praotiee. The adulteration^ is easily discovered by treating the tea with, cold water, and then straining through muslin, and al¬ lowing the fine powder to subside. To PRESERVE MILK.-Provide bottles, which must be perfectly clean, sweet and dry. Put the mille warm from the co" into these bottles, and, as they are ii ned, immediately cork them np and fasten tho cork with wit e. Then spread a little straw on the bottom of a boiler, on which place the bottles, with straw between them.. Fill it np with cold water. Heat the water, and as soon as it begins to boil draw the fire and let tho whole gradually cool. When quite cool take out the bottles, paok them away ia sawdust and put thom in a cool plube, but whero the milk will not freeze. Milk preserved in this way will keep perfectly sweet for years. To Cuvs rA m, [/.F. FLOWERS.-Construct some bankets of fancy form with plia¬ ble copper vrire, and wrap thom with gauze; into theso tie to tho bottom violets, fems, goraninm leaves-in fact, any flowers but full-blown roses-and sink them in a solution of alnm-one pound to a gallou of water-aftor the solution lias cooled. The colora will bo preserved in their original beauty faster than from a hot solution. Whon you have a light covering of crystals that completelyj cover the articles removo the basket careiully aud allow it to drip for twftlyo hours. These baskets make a bâàntlftd"parlor ornament, and for a long time preserve tho freshness of the flowers, ¿rn -,v ????? , HANorsö-BAskETs.-A oharming and 102?^25^ home «dominent may bo raifde rr/iwlDg a basket constructed in the manser given above or by procuring a email wire baoket and lining it with' cohered tissue-paper,' Of various colors nicely'fringed ; take a twe-pound oys¬ ter* ¿ari, pat a sweet potato in it, arid fill it with.'water ; place the can in the centur of tho banket, and procure from any florist some gay. southern maasTind place in the edge of the basket. In a . short time tho sweet-potato will 6«md out a number of viue-3, vd,¡oh may be guided by Btrings around picture frame«, twining through mautel orna¬ ments over tho cloak, adding beauty and cheerfulness to tho room. It can be placed in any part of the room, aa it is not necessary that the sim should shine on it. and the vine will grow all winter in water. QUITE FOB DBUNKENNESS.-There is a curious prescription in England for the cure of drunkenness, by which thou¬ sands aro said to have been assisted in recovering themselves. Tho recipe came into notoriety through the efforts of John Vine Hall, father of Rev. New¬ man Hall and Captain Vine Hall, com¬ mander of the Great Eastern steamship. He had fallen into such habitual drunk¬ enness that his utmost efforts to regain himself proved unavailing. At length ho sought tho advico of au eminent physician, -who gave him a prescription which ho followed faithfully for several months, and at the end of that time he lost all deBiro for liquors, although he bad for many years been led captive by a most debasing habit. Tho recipe, whioh he afterward published, and by which BO many have been assisted io reform, .ÍB as follows : " Sulphate of iron, 5' grains ; magnesia, 10 grains ; peppermint water, ll grainB ; spirit of nntmeg, one draohm-to be taken twice a day." Tliis preparation acts UH a tonic and stimulant, and so partly sup¬ plies the place of tbe accustomed liquor," and prevents that abeolute physical and moral prostration that follows a sudden breaking off from tho use of stimulating drinks. Arab Horse Maxims. Whoso raisoth and traineth a horse for the Lord is counted in tho number of thoso who ghc alms day and night, in private as well as public. Ho «ill hud his reward. All his sins will bo forgiven him, and never will any fear come over him and dishonor bia heart. Lot your colt bo domesticated and livo witli you from his tenderest ago, and when a horse ho will bo simple, docile, faithful and inured to hardship and fatigue. If you have your borso to servo you on tho day of trial, if you desiro him then to bo a horse of truth, mRke him Bober, accustomed to hard work and inaccessible to fear. Do not boat your borHes, nor apeak to them in a loud tone of voice ; do not bo angry with them, but kindly reprove their faults; they will do bettor there¬ after, for they understand the language of man and its meaning. If you have a long day'B journey bo- fore you, spare .vour horse at tho Btait ; let him frequently walk to recover hiB wind. Goulinuo this until he has sweated and dried three times, and you may aok him whatevor you please^ ho will not leave you in diilioulty. Uso your home nu you do your leath¬ ern bottle; if you open it goi tly and gradually you can easily control tbe water within, but if you open it sud¬ denly the wator escapes at once, and nothing remains to quench your thirst. Never lot your horse run up or down bill, if you can avoid it. On the con¬ trary, slacken your pace. "Whioh do you prefer," was asked of a horse, " as cent on decent?". "A. ourao ^o on t-boir- point of meeting I " waB the answer. Make your borso work and work again. Inaction and fat are tho g?eat perils of a horse, and tho main cause of all bia vices and disease. ? ..Observe your horse when he is driuk- ing at a brook. If in bringing down hia\head he remain square, without beading his limbs, he possesses sterling qualities and all parts of his body are built symmetrically. Four things he must have broad- front chest, loins and limbs; four thiiigs long-neok, breast, fore-arm and croup ; and four things short-pas¬ terns, back, ears and tail. A New Grass. The Savannah Advertiser says that after Sherman made his march to the sea, all in the wide track of waste and desolation that bo made with the tramp of his footman and the iron feet of his cavalry there sprang up a new and un- known grass from the soil, whioh the farmers called "Sherman clover." It would grow np in the most unexpected I places, and it is said would root ont JLSermnaa groat* ; aud, us a strange niii-i- larity, we now hear that after the Fran¬ co-Prussian war of 1870-71,¡in many dis- triot-j of France a new vegetation sprang up, evidently the jreeult of the invasion. It was believed that this vegetation would become acclimatized, bat very few of the species introduced in this way appear likely to continue to flour¬ ish. In the departments of Loir and Loiret-Ghor, of one hundred and sixty- three German species, at least one-half have already disappeared, and tho sur¬ viving species diminish in vigor each year. Scarcely five or six specif H ap¬ pear to manifest any tendency to be¬ come acclimatized. Gan any of onr naturalists account for it. -Old man Wheeler of Minnesota wants a divorce from his wife. She sent him down tho cellar one night last week after a bottle of yeast. Ho got it and was trudging along up ntairs, think¬ ing of nothing in particular, when the bottle exploded, scaring Wheeler so that he fell with ono groat whoop down in a soap barrel under tho stairs. When they pulled him out he pranced around yelling " Cuss a wife ; cass yoast ; cuss tho whole of ye 1" And tho lawyors say ho has got a good case. VINEOAB BiTTzns.-Dr. J. Walkor.a regular practicing physician of Cali¬ fornia, has conferred a pricoloss boon upon r -inkiud by tho introduction of a '?' B'ttcrs " oomponnded from herbs delusively, which may be truly said to be superset ing all others, and is becoming a bitter dole indeed for the charlatans and quacks, on account of its immenso sile and universal popu¬ larity. Not only are these Vinegar Bitters, as ho calls them, an invalu¬ able tonio-and «Iterative, bnt tbey are acknowledged as a standard Medicine, and the astonishing rapidity with whioh they eura disrases hitherto de¬ clared inonrable, seems almost incred¬ ible. After having been carefully tested, they are pfc on hand in thou¬ sands bi households, and used for any and every form of disease, mauy re¬ lying npon them in preference to the mont «wtat»rat«tl physicians; They hwo booomo a recognized " family remedy." and nroporly so. Don't Hack, Hack, Ceucli, CungH ! Cough ig a symptom by which various OÏB oanod conditioiiH of the throat, bronchial inbo¬ und lungs manifest themselves. But whether it arises from tho irritation produced in tho throat and larynx by taking cold, from an at¬ tack of bronchitis, from incipient, consump¬ tion, or from various othor catiBoa, nothing will allay it moro speedily or euro it moro per¬ manently than Dr. Piorco'B Golden Medical Discovery. It dooB not matter whether it bo a recent attach, or a Ungering cough, the Dis¬ covery ÍB in eithor caae equally well adapted for itB roliof and pormanoul cure. In fact, it will euro a cough in one-half tho limo IICCOH nary to euro it with any other medicine, and it dooB it, not by drying it up, but by removing tho causo, Biibduing tho irritation, and heal ing tho affected parts. No time Bhould bo lot-t in commencing tho uso of a proper raodicino for tho reliof of a cough, for unless thia course is pursued, eoriouB and dangorous dia- oaso of tho lungB ÍB hablo to roanlt. Goldon Medical Discovery is sold hy all dealers in medicines. '_ By negleetiug the precaution which common BOIIBO dictatos, many fall victims to their own imprudence. Wo havo BOOH the young and beautiful girl, tho hopo and prido of her parents-hor chook -fhieliod with an¬ ticipation, and hor oyes boamine with tho gay droams of lifo-wo have Boon all HUB changed for a shroud by noglocting a common cold which had settled upon hor lungs. It might have oaBily been cured if it had boon attended to in timo. Now, wlion your lunga aro liret diboasod with tho incipiont Btages of con¬ sumption, you Bhonld uso Allon's Lung Bal- 8am, which will roliovo them without fail. For salo by all medicino doalors. Premature loss of the hair, which is HO common now-a-daye, may bo ontiroly pre¬ vented by tho uso of Burnott'B Cocoa]no. It baa boon used in thousands of CSBCB wliero tho hair wan coming out in handfulH. and haH nov- or failed to arrest itB decay, and to promote a healthy and vigorotiB growth. It is at tho samo timo unrivalled aa a dressing for tho hair. THBRK are moro than ono thousand different kinds of pills in the United HlatcH. Some .of i hom aro worthless and injurious, othors aro good and beneficial. Old Dr. Par- soiiB invented tho host anti-biltouH pill we over saw or honni of. Thev are now sold under Ibo namo of rarBOUB' Purgative Pilli«. WK understand that the whooping- sough is quito prevalent in tho towns around IIB ; but that no eases havo proved fatal. Homo families uso nollung but Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Our Doctor, however. Bays a lilt lo inicac, to prodtico vomiting, would bo an ad¬ vantage. _ Go to Kivormdo Water Cnro. Hamilton, 111. Tint roiiNiimptlvrs or sufferer freni any pulmonary disease will find Tntt's Kxpccloriiiil Hie most general restorative ever offend an invalid. VEtiKTAHIiR rilliiriONAn V HAL- NAN! Most approved.reliable and well-known rem¬ edy for Couchs, Colds ti Consumption, (iel Ihr pen¬ nine. Price fl ; small BOe. CuTuin Bnns.fc ..Hoxtou M A R KET REPÖRTS. nashville. \ FLOUR-fluperfln».I 4 29 XXX. 6 W FamUy. 6 75 OOKH 51 KAt.. na on« N. 80 OATH . 75 WHEAT. 1 Wi MAX --Best. 'il IX) ORAN.2r. on rEANUT8. -75 BACON-Olear Hides.. HAMB -Bngar Cured. <Ai LARD. BOTTER...... EGOS. GINSENG..... i ay no WOOL-Un washed. Tub washed.-_ wrrxemT-Onnam..:...T. TV/GÊ/Jt )ft Robertson Uonnty., i 78 «sA« On Bourbon. 1 25 >.» W Lincoln Oonnty. 1 7B «jM*6'' H IOU WINES. 1 15 oft COTTON. 8 WÍ¿4~X Ordinary. StS^'li^ Good Ordinary..... lVißf Low Middling. H \; I>I I 15 SEEDB-Glover.".m~~~~ 8 00 t»T8 60 Timothy.". 8 ai BBS¿9° Orchard Grasa. a 40 n 'J 75 Bino Grass._.. 125 KU 50 TOBACCO. light Clari gaadpfl Common Inga.$ 0 on.rilo 00 $ 9 Good lugs..,.io roan to io 25 Common leaf.-.7.....12 50(313 CO Medium leaf.14 w<mr> 50 Good leaf.10 60330 fO Oholco leaf.21 00@23 00 WHE VT - lt >a and Amber.$ OS O ma-Sacked.Dd OATS. 61 BUTTER-Cholee. 20 HAY-Timothy. 18 00 GINSENG. 1 80 FRUIT-Apples. Green. 2 CO Lemons, per box... 8 00 Oranges.ll 00 PORK-Mess. 10 £0 LARD. ir.\ r. '. IC BACON-Clear Sid«. 11>Í# F ">í CHEESE-Oholco. 15»¿é J«M FLOUR-Superfine. 4 Ol 3 « Ml Extra family. 4 f 0 0 « 60 Fanoy. 6 75 0 Í 25 WOOL-Tub-washed....,. CO .... Unwashed._ 93 ia fi POTATOES-Irish, \1 bbl. 2 76 <& I 00 COTTON-rrlicul'iiü^,.,. ta 15 Good Ordinary . 14 9 .... New Orleans. FLOUR-Extra.$ 6 00 <* . XXX....',. 5 0 (ft 5 2% OORN.87 Ht 88 OATS. 71 OS ' 73 HAT. 24 00 m 2T tu PORK-Moss. 20 75 0 .... BACON. 12VÄ HAMS. 18 <<e l«)<r LARD. UV,* 16 ' SUGAR-Fair to Prime. 7?¿4 8 V WHISKY-Ix) ii lutana. 08 i4 0/' O Inc In nat i. 1 00 0 1 01 COTTON-Good Ordinary. ÜJí'é 13JÉ Lov/Middling. 14 « Hy; Cincinnati. trix)un- Family.f n ni ^ 5 to WHEAT. 1 07 ® 1 10 OORN.". C2tfi» «7 OATS." C9 0) PORK-Moss. 19 00 & .... HAMS-Sugar cured.., lOif B4.00N- Oioar sides." 10 <¡t 10«,' m ?.? Agenta. Chang Chang sells at Sight. Necessary aa soap. Gooda free, Chan« Chang »1 Tg Co . Boston. talent Novelties. Largest "tatloncry par knee In the world. Felton A Co . lin Nassau Bl., N. Y. 2 FNn for Illustrated Poultry circular, free. Ad¬ dress Or. C. Lewis, Marlboro, Stark Ko , Ohio 8 MO Per Day« UV pay Atenla, t-ttady Work. 8cnd tot term*. The. (höbe, 18 Liberty .ti.,N.V. Í* A DAY. Terms to agenta froe Address ;ï. ;,. Shepard k O i.Bost'u.N.York.Ohlo'go orSl.Louls. 01» I t\ to Q'Jti PER D\ Y-tend for "Chrofno" »lPXVJ oataiosue, J. H.B[urKOBO*»«ONH,Boston. ftK0^^!! I>er day at home. Terms free. Address OOHWCU (iKO.iSTTKaoN AGO.. Portlaid Maine tHj / ii \ » week te agents. Oi.ctilars frre. PnmrHc »V\ >\J 'JV;, o. CHADWICK A Co.. ft, lom«. Mo ft*7fi * VKKK. Agents wanted everywhore. For Qftflt25c gamut ds WALKXB, Dayton, Ohio. íR9nn month to agonis every where. Address ip/iuu KxcKunoa M'r'o Co.. Burhanati. H'lnh. ^1 he American Patron ft the moatpopu ar grange -and larm naper-|l.2"> a year. Specimen free Ad- pq dress J. K. BARND, Publisher. Flndtay. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED-Men and women. «»4 a week or |I00 rnrfelted. The irr.iet frrn. Wrbe at once lo ''OWEN A co.. 8th street. Now York I2Ö" Daily to A gc 111* A> now articles and ihe best Family I'Apcr lu Am«rica, .wt'ti '.wo f schioiuo-i. free. Am. M't'g lo.:«» Broadway, N.Y addreis K. R. t'ojhran. Middletown, Dela- v/ire, for freA c talozuo 01 rho'cc3t p acb trew, small fruits-, e-c. Bottom pr ces. ALL (One box of Carr's ïnctont Ink Powder \ wIllroake-aplDtor BK RT BLACK INK IB flT»rolnoU3. ? .lJ&p*rdl..ftl.»brmiU. IL QIO. CART, Zaneiriilf.C). jr A WCfit «nd K j poners to all.« u>'W, AtnplH u* fliiur. Sampln froi. O M. I. XI N<*TM N A Kt I.. N. V or < thleugo ÛOr PKlt DAY cnai mission or sao a week <do¿5D «alary. »nd expensen. Wenfn-r lt and will k*A V lt. Anolf ri»»*. U. Wetilisr ÄA)t?i Marlon Q GUNS. Cnialoguo Vre«. Kn- «loliill «to Cn , mir» N 6:li ed reel Ht. I."iii \ Mo. Contimit Bifptoumcnl.-At home.male or remain. lao »week warranted. No capital required. Pur tlcnlars and valuaide fample si-nt free. Address, with Sd. return stamp. C. UU--B, u illlHUisblirgh.N.^ . J7» A ll ttl KMT Peach In the world. Indorsed by Li bott fruit tuen lu Amerl n; Downing. Harry, '1 houuifi, Warder, Ilnsmnnn. Itcrckniuns, «se , «Vc. Send fijr circular. J c TBAS.'Caribage. Mo. ADV KKTIMI'.I'.H: eena is» co. to UKO. P. p.ow ?Ul « Co.. 41 Park now, K. V.. for their .Po«» pMtt ot IOU y<io». con tal u! D& Usia of (OOS news ..n"* . - A «.«ilTrivf*«, . h n w . ? . .-..» nf tv^vortkUt A MONTH.-AU F. ST« wanted every where. Business honorable mid llrst- cl .KM. Particulars sent free. Address WOKTJl .fc t:i».. Ht. Louis. Mo. Kor WH MARRIAGE lîOlBlî riSllIS paper la printed willi ink furnished by 1 ciiiiriis Ktieu Jolinao.i *t'n,Mi Ho. ltnh t-t Philadelphia und SSUilld ttr«et; Kew York, talo In lu and VS Di i nns by SOUTH 1-KN NK PA PKK ü> ION. Nashville. Tenn. t\ ii Init-ie-ung illus¬ trated work of '.'GO pages, contaluliig valuable In format lon ¡or lliose who are mar1 led or contemplate marriage. Price Itfiy cents by mall. Addres Du. BUTTS' DIS H I* NBA KY, 12 North F.lchtli «treef. "t. Lou's. Mn WANTH) v Kuv wu KKK.-The ... Ibo world- Importers' prices- largest company in A mrrica-staple article -pit uses everybody-trade Increasing-bert In ituceh>ent»- lon'i wattle lime-send for circular t i Robert '»'ells. 41 Vesey M A. Y ; P. O. Box l.hT. LEG AND ARMS. Blithest itwnnl exhibited. SatKlhclion gnni-- loitesl Improved I.WIS ti 0 wlîêrcv Úantccd,' NOI.miCEEN on lloví order. A pillV for blanks lo CHAS. M. KV A NS. Munni Tor, Vii W. Knurl h Stn et. Cl NCI N NATL 11., or S.W. Cor.4lh and Market St««., l.nCISVILLK. KY. THE FAVORITES. Vibe iltlet- K. Indicate FA MIL Y FA VORI ry. MAtfUFACTllHEIlS- FA VOR ITU. GENERAL FAVORIT* Jibe Uses Fur full Information re;peeling our nooda Agencies for same, iiddr »s W.KV DSKWI NO MA- CHINK COM PA NY m llartr« rd. Coiii.ecticul. or our Branch Ofllces In lea lng ci «les ADVERTISERS. Tho Anicrlcnn IVc.wK|in|icr Union numbert over l,iiOOTapor8, aopiralcd Into Keven BUbdlVlS* ions. For Bi-p»rato lists and cost ot advertising, address S. V. BAKIiOKX. Ill Mouroo St.. Chicago The Tribune Almanac .«ND Political Register for 1875. OLDEST, LARUKa , KS r. 118 1'AOliH. Tito Standard Political niel Statistical Annual. Price, postpaid. V.0 cents Seven tor*l.m Addrrau Till-: Titi HUNK, New York. SENT FREE A Hook expoHing tho mysteries of WATT 0 IT» and how any one may operate sue- lt nub ul. COsaftilly willi a capital ol *0)0 or S I min. Com Ulolo Inslinctlniia and lllustr .lions io any address 'rc PI lt ii 1 nt ; K «to CO. HANKKKM and BROK KUM, 2 Wall slreet. New York TBN~WIRE RINGS. Ill n»i II???>(. oe ninkn tho 11 UR'S Nose Hore. Tlnrdr.-nro Dealern nell them. nger.H.OO: Tin Ringn.per IOU. OOo.; Coppered Kings, (OOo.: Tongn. SI.RA; by mall, .pn.stp.iol. Circulara free. II. W ll 111 A Cn. Decalur.lll. SAI URDA V .IO UH- NAL, th" cune literary Weekly ol A mei len, for one your for Hie regular nuhccriptlon pries, t.'i, portage pani. YI y . Names entered Impartially nr. received, and |5o*sta neut at once loovcry tilth aulncrlner. Clubs of five int ij.'losrhi MMÍ.V rttant the IV Thin li mir J" ch lo n io" li CH-.II pre in ii ni of i¡> lo every Illili RlibsciHIT! 'I lu- ll. io nniue ts a DUfllcleill i II i .tm y of f .li niai a .1 In* li mem. r-eiiu money . KA ULK «t ADAMS, I. Nen Y DO YOUR $5 GASH »S " order or n-gi .le-o i lei li uiiilalio.K.fis \\ iill.un m OWN PRINTING! Ö¥ELTY PRINTING PRESS. Foi- I'» ol - loon I ¡lint A inn I eur I'elllt t-t-M, Si tu,el-. Not-let ten, Milln. ,il;i<-1 ure -, M err Inuits, uni) nlliirJ iii.« lilt! BEST i vcr invented. lll.OOO In list'. TJBII'styles, Prloca from $0.00 to £100.00 BEN J. O. WOODS & CO. MannCrs and L ..j c. I.,«,!,,». Mjiürhil, -rColaluguc.) 40 Federal Ht. Boston. YOUNG FOLKS' HISTORY UNITED STATES. By T. W. IllUolNsON. "It has a e'enr title to sunviorlty over any s ni- llar work "-hanlon Aiivtnlxtr. " A book wnere lhere ls et ervthlng to praise an notbln < to condemn "-AT, l" Tribune. ..Thenvi- of ihn ho >s ls admirable."-JV. Eventnp .' Mr. Hlgui M>II tva. well ciualirled lo-wrlte such n'atnry."-SprinpfitM Ur ubilernt. Hq lfhun.. u Uh over ino ilmstr-lions Price (IAO. ..-em p.».t p on ric. Ipi ot the price. LKK «t " ".I'A MI), ir SH K Boston. .l'HP. llniisT In (ho Wot ld- .1 (liv s Unlverssl .->iitlsfiic'lun. WtlMiKKPUli Kwinoaiy. 411 ll s more to bbl. Klour BAVW"* .MILK, KUUS, <fcO. One vein "s MI vim: will Imv a cow NO '1 O lt P. .»OUIC llltli' n. Whiter lighter, sweeter, ridler. KVi- lt YIIOOY l'rnlsis I». The liol es nieiill lu love« I I: lt SKLI.Sllkc HOT CAKKS n ni ouee fur circular lo (4K-.0. |.\ OK AN'TZ «fc Ct»., 170 Bun no Mi.. Kow Vmk. MAGIC LANTERNS applicatlo iu* A Hui er-, l' Ar topi toon. The niOM powi r ul Magic,lei n ev, r made; with a r.tilnnl nil Lamp- for Home, Munday r-.cliool and Lectures stpieOPtlc i s dsn. tildes at reduced nrl.-es. A pr fi obie Ru*l»e*i for a m in irlth »mall cpi ut Caiulogue^ st nt on WM. \. .U',\l,l,l-i|,,K, li|i|ilie.iiio , wu.. . «S'AliUlSTaKi 1 114V ilieetmtt Ht rm-1, cu li mi el pu in, pn This new Truss Is worn with perfect com fon night and day. Admits itself to evety minion or. the body, retaining Rupture under the 1 Kniest exorcise or so¬ berest strain until uer- II innen Hy cured. Sold cheap by tl"» Elastic Truss Co., 083 m omi \i uv, New York Olly. Pent by mall i «it < rs-mi for clrcmar and he cured My annual calalngiie .,i Vegetable and Flower Seen lor IST5. will bs « frtr lo all who apply. ( oe oiuer.s ol last »..Still i-ei-il not write Tor il. In li A-'.II ho round Miver<tl vu} updo varieties cn now vegeta bini InttcMlticfd f. if, t li* :i, m tinto this Kcnsmi. having made new vi Retables a specialty for many years. Growing uvrr II mut flffy vnrlillff on my several inrms, I would pamcui«°rly Invite the patronage nf marMil ic «rdeners and all oilier.- who ere es recial ly di-Mi.-u tn have I heir seed pure and fri sh. and nf thc rerfl b'Kt ulrnln A ll seed sent nut from my esinblnbiin ut aro cove red by three warrants xrlven lu my catalogue. J AM KM J. il.URKGORY .Mai ol,-oenrl, Mass. WLLBOÄ'S C0MP0TJ1TD OF PURE COB LIVER OIL AND LIME. \V Hliur'« . od MVer OH e ml I.linc.-Pei sons who Imv. heen takiucCoi) Liver OH will be ple-.-ied lo learn Hist Dr. W Itwir asfu c:«» (lcd.(romdirec¬ tions ol'»evei al nro'i a«i gr-miemrn. In rom bining the pure oil.I lim -lu Mich a manner thal it ls pleasant io Hie i tste an I Its < ITicts lu lung complain s ar«) tril'y: teoudorfui. Vm-y tan'iy pcr- hotis who, e cate 4 wen p'otio-..nced hopeless and « ho hod t-ikf-n tho c .-li fora long lime with out nunki- «-irect. j ive- h-eil onlir-ly cured by using this preparation Ile sure and g.-t (he, iD«>. Manuln,- ii,o Dly Uv A B WILBOR . heralst, Boston Poid v nil druggists. «pKTtiJMWLiMi V., oi Sóiil ChaimlnifV' S ll,, ; ritllci a. ... -a. i,,,.:., «nul ral» HM IIIVS BIHI «fr. . M.-ii..: «ny |M-I ?? Hs , i le r-. InnUlilly, Tali «rt sit r, I..... ... j,. -, hy milli !'. ci nt»! t Hier «.¡iii « MsrrlsgfiOnld Yfi ..i e -1.... I.-, pt- !.--:-i I «-ll. ..Ar. l.iwn.wnn.lil. X .ut. -,'.. t-lll^.s "nilli',.* Vii., Pet |-|,ll»,lvll-l,lv Larpt Acciíent Iunraicc Co. IN THE WORLD. -XI-ITT; - TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT insurance Company -OF- HARTFORD, CONN. Accident Pollole« written,. U40,ooo 1.1 tr Policies written. 'iijimi Cn »ll A sods.Ç:»t!î.-»0,O(M) Surplus to Policy Holders,- l,uuu,uuu t'aiit »ti lim« nts to Policy Iloltlersi.a,ooo,ooo Hts.Wrlto lo TitK TBAVKI KU» INS«RAK;K COM; PASY. Hartford, conn , or apply ld" any Agent. Ilutes, blanks, eic . sent by mull. HOTELS, BAKERS, ^^FOR GROCERS, biXZÄ ^. ZV HOUSEKEEPERS, AIJJJ. BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. I buve an IMPR.OVKD MiiKii-r ><>r making a FU.1l'IC BAKING or Y RA ST I'OW DISH equal to thc beat i" I'1" market, with which 1 will end a book KlvtbK 40 mw nnd LXCKLlKM' M KT ll- OHS ;i«r USlnv it In cook In«. My I'akiiiK l*o» dor can bo nindc for Kirenia n pound. Why pay 50 or t;o oonls per pound when >i.u can cMiy nuiko your own l'or lu coins? I'riro ni my receipt fl 38 Il willi hOWcVer, bo rent upon receipt ol *l W hy MAIL, with dir<-clloi s (in KiiKll^h and (.ornum) ti r MAKIN« ¡ind truth ri ll the KA.MKOf the NKWHPA- i- - u ls given In which.this nilvcritM-menl is seen. Tho i-.iST or this KVCKIPT IS HAVKO IN KV KUY tllhXK rOUNlMJ nf I he powder made. Ingrédients kept by i rocera nnd di ngclida everywhere. Address O. w. BlilUO», Practical Druggist, Chicago, ill. FREE OF CHARG-E. SIM5CI M KN COPI ES ( 11-' 1 I i B ^aUftitít^cjioítct', A weekly I fi page nuntin, llnanciitl journal, («ml.lining hill II-|MII ls ol'««lien ¡il 1 ho New York Stock Exchange. The next nunilior » di ciiulaiii < alunliln infm-ina- lion icgunliu;: ll»- limul HU. <: .antill mut hod . <'. <>p 'i.tlin^ « ¡Ili STOCK PRIVILEGES, V Inil n.\plauaii?i-i will l»- givi-iinf I'ntu, Call i, Spi'« ¿mil Sli.iildl.a io wliii-li $10, $100, or $1.000 j {Jan lin Invested willi .i nuance ol iciiltxiui! etioi mono piolita. Tho Biiba« i ipi ion pi i< o ol lim Rnroin un is 61.00 ?> year. I^pccliiiin iitunliei*! will ho lualloil lite ol' ..lour:", liv add tossing Wall Strebt Publishing Co., I3*i 137 William Siir.-t, New Yoik. Burnett's Cocoaine PieVonta Hie Hair from Falling. Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes ita HealtU^ureTtrUi., Burnett's Cocoaine la not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subdues Refractory Huir. Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes tho Irritated Scalp-Skin. < Burnett's Cocoaine Affords tho Richest Luetro. Burnett's Cocoaine ls not an Alcoholic Wnsli. Burnett's Cocoaine Kilts Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives Now Lifo to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Remains Longost lu Effect. Prepared only by J08EPH BURNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. DR. WHITTIER, No. 617 St. Charloc Strcot, St. Lcale, Mo., conllouea lo treat »ll ea.ea of nt»iar>a lo marri**«, blood Impurities, avery aiim.-i.t or (lakatm whlih r.- .nit« fron. lr liol) or III ll 11 I, ll, .-. with Unparalleled KHCCCm Pr. W.'« cainbil,timmi rhart.-rnl hy lue Plato M vii» .our!, w.. f. un l.- .m h.. baca r» io mnr< .afc, certain »lui t'llabu- rrlli-f. Reluit » nra4uato »I ?errral mnllc.-il oollrcea, am] Inning .tic cxr.crlenct ol a lon» »ort auree.afnl Hr? In 1.1. aprrlaltlr. h>- baa urinated rrinr.llra lhal aro (iflVtOiiil in all th.-se cinc». Iii, i<atUii,ti arr t»-log treal-il hy mail rr c«|>ri-»-i .-irrjwhrro. Kt mullir »ho railed, call ur wrllc. Krom tho gr.- »t nnn> ber of aMtllewlleas he !.. nnnbkid lo keep bl* -.Imrn.» lor. ali pilgra, chin* full rv in lion«, fur mo alampa. MAirtKBÄC£ CUIDE, Ml'pagráj a imputar b-v.ii «hieb ¡thoutd bu rend bj -.-.prT N-lr- No married pair, or pcr«oua r..n-.-n.| aiw¡ unir. rl«K".r»n an..,.! |q .lo without lt. lt contain. Ihr ll ?"?tidal literatura on Iblt «iihjett. Iho rt-«ulbmf II.. W a »»« MPCrleoea;ni n inc brat Ihntigbla from Int* vr.u 'n Kuini i>.<t Amc.-l-a. Hrat aealed. |*l»l.pald for ttl Ct4. lill IBIil IMMHI IT - PIUM Habit Cured A cert II in and mire euro, without Inconvenience, and at limno. An antidota Hull stands purely oil Ks own merits, fiend for my quarterly magasine (li corto jyoti iiothlntj), tonialnlngeei tíllenles of hundreds Omi have been permanently cured. I claim to havo discovered und produced tho Fi mr. ORIGINAL AND ONLY tOUK GÜBS roil Ol-IVM EATI.v'l. DR. S. H. COLMIÏ9, La Porte, Ind. B. M. YVOOL.BY, Sole Agt. Southern States, _ _ A t In. H t it, Ga. HAHITtCURKD ot nomo. No elly. Torin» moderato, short, Vow year« of un- _i paralleledsneecMs DescribocttBn. .ltlO<f.»f/»o;i<o;..AddreasUr.y.E..Mnrali.(jnlncv.Mlcli. (KOAfi itiiii c x 111.11 " a tnonlli to agent«. AddrcM a»*UUA.I.hTülJI)AUl)1 Jonc.vlliu, Mich OPIUMS VINEGAR BITTERS Dr. J. Walkers California Vin«. Cgar 'Mitlers aro a purely Vegetable pre Hara; ion, made chiefly from tho na¬ tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor¬ nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost; daily asked. "What, is the, cause of tho unparalleled success of VINEGAR BIT¬ TERS?" Our answer is, that they remove tho causo of, and the patient re¬ covers his health. They arc the greats blood purifier and alifc-giyhig principle, a perfect Renovator ami Invigorator af thc system. Never before in tho history of tho world has a medicino hmin compounded possessing tho remarkable nunliiirs of VINKCAK Hrcriats in healing tho nick ol' oven disease man is heir to. They mt! a geiitlt i'urgativo as well aa a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol tilt) liiver and. Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Thc properties of Du. WALKER'S VIKKCAK ItiTTKKS aro Aperient, Dianhorctio, Carminative', Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic Sedativo, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera live, and A uti-Bilious. (írateful Thousands proclaim VIN¬ EGAR BITTERS tho most wonderful In- vi goran t that ever sustained tho sinking Kystom. No Person can take these Bilton? according to directions, and remain lon% unwell, provided thoir bones aro not de¬ stroyed hy mineral j^'ßon or othet means, and vital organs wasted boyond repair. il i Hons. Remittent and Inter* mitteilt Fevers, which aro so prcva- lent in. tho valleys of our groat rivera throughout tho United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan¬ sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro¬ anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea¬ sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied bycxtonsivode- angements of tho stomach and liver, ind other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, oxerting a powd¬ er fill influence upon these various or- guns, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINICGAU BITTERS* as they will speedily remove tho dark- colored viscid matter with which tho bowels nm loaded,-at -tho-same-tirao Blinutlatiiig the secretions of tho llverp^* and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestivo organs. Fortify tho body against disease by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head¬ ache, Jr*aip in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach", Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of tho Heart, Inflammation ot tho I.migs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid- noys, and a hundred other painful symp¬ toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise¬ ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nock, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A flections. Old Sores, Erbptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyos, atc. In these, us in all other must it ut ional Dis¬ eases, WALKER'S VIKROAR BITTKHS bave shown their great curativo powers in the most obstinnto and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. Gout, Bilious, Remit¬ tent and Intermittent Fovors, Diseasosol tho Blood, Liver, Kidnoys and H ladder, these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseñaos are caused by Vitiated Blood. , Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en¬ gaged in Paints and Minerals, suoh as l'hunbors, Typo-sottors, Gold-beaters, and Minors, ns they ad vaneo hi life, uro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard ngninst tlïis, tako a doso of WALKER'S VIN« HOAR BlTTKRS oeeasittiially. For SK i ii Diseases, Eruptions, Tet¬ ter, Salt-lthcuin, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Puntales, Boils,. Carbuncles, Ring-Avorms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itel), Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Kamora and Discuses of tho Skin of whatever namo or naturo, aro literally dug up and carried out jf the system in a short tiiuu by tho usa ol' those Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and remoVod. NP system of medicino, no vermifuges, no an- thchninitics will freo tho system from worms Uko these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo* manhood, or tho turn of lifo, theso Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence ¿bat improvement is soon pcrcoptihlo. Cleanse tho Vitiated Rlood when¬ ever you find its impurities bursting throngh tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Soies; clcanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; clcanso it when it ia foul; your feelings will tell you whom Keep tho blood pure, and tho health of tho system will follow. It. II. M. I)ON'AM) «fe CO., Druggists and Gen. Agis., San Francisco, California, toa cor. of Wnuhington nnd Charlton Sta.. N. Y. Hold «>v nil i>¡ -n;i;iHt- and Dealern* DR. C. A. B0HÂNNAN, NO. 610 North Fifi h Slrect, HI. Louis. Mn.. KSTAB- MS1IKD 1KI7. Cute* nil sn fl c rr in without Iba 1160 of - Mercury. Charcos reasonable fees. JW Dr. B.'B 'ÎTroit ito or» Special*. which fully oiplnins tho nature, cause», symptom*, and moana lo euro nil forms cf Nervous Debility, all Distaffs caused by tho " ICrrnrs ot Youth," and Mutable Informationen othor delicate subjects, sent men tn plain toolon envelope. WHEN writing to advertisers pinnae mention the name ot Hil* paper, yo. U ti. ¡M. IL RIFLES, SHQTHTJSS, risTOLnyy REVOLYCTS, . O'f anyanil orcrykla*. Semi Mntiip ^' "' ^HBMI nv* »>U.«1-nr-rba, «» Tr ».*»»»*» «s**, "rA.^"**

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To REMOVE paint splashod upon win¬dow-panes, nae a hot solution of Bodaand soft flannel.AFTER taking up a carpet, sprinkle

tho floor with very dilute carbolic acidbofore sweeping.IF rou havo boen picking or handling fruits, and have stained your hands,wash thom in clear water ; wipe themlightly, and, while they are yet moist,striko a match and shut your handsaround it BO QB to catch the Bmoke, andthe stain will disappear.To STOP BLEEDING.-It is said that

bleeding from a wound on man or beastmay bo stopped nj a mixture of wheatHour aud common salt, in equal parts,bound on with a cloth. If the bleedingbo profuBO, use a large quantity, sayfrom one to three pints. It may bo lefton for hours, or even days, if necessary.APPLE SNOW.-Roast eight tart ap¬

ples and pulp them through a soive ;take one-half pound of tho pulp, and,when cold, mix with it one-half poundof flnoly-sifted loaf sugar, and tho thinrind of a small lemon ; beat the whitesof three eggs, whisk nil the ingredientstogether to a fine froth, and pile on a

ghi?s dish. A little sponge cake soakedin frint syrup and laid on the bottom ofthe dish is an improvement.CUARLOTTEROBSE.-Xiine aplain mold

?with sponge cake cut to fit exactly, brnshover tho inside, very lightly, with thowhite of au egg, and put it upon ice.Boat iq) ono pint of rich cream with onoounce of isinglass (previously dissolvedin sufficient water to cover it). Sweetenand flavor to suit tho taste. Pour thisinto tho mold, cover it with a poioe of«pongo cake cut exactly tho size. Iccit, and turn it out very carefully.ICED CAKE.-Mix thoroughly onedialf

pound of flour, one-half pound groundrico, currants, ouc-quartor pound sugar,one quarter onnco mace and cloves,soma mixed peel, a few bitter almondspounded, somo sweet almonds Bplit,ono teaspoonful of oirbonnte of soda,melt ono-hnlf pound fresh butter in pintof warm milk, and the yelks and whitesof four eggo heaton separately ; put thiBby dogreoB on the dry ingredients, beatwell ; put into a buttered mold, andbake.

CHOCOLATE ' CHEAM. - Sorapo tworqunros of chocolate and put them intoa stewpau with two ounces of sugar, ii

pint of milk, and half a pint of cream ;lot it boil until a third of it is con¬sumed, and when half cold beat up theyelks of bit eggs with it ; strain thowhole tin origil' a neivo, aud then putthe small cupa or dishes iu which thocream is to be sei ved into a pan con¬taining enough boiling water to roachabove half way up tho cream. Coverthe pun, and lay fire on tho lid ; boil ittill done, uud serve cold.

ÖNIONU (TO PICKLE).-Choose Bunillbutton onions ; aa they aro peeled throwthem into milk aud water, drain themfrom this when they are all done, putthem into a jar and-pour a strong brineof salt and water and a small piece ofalum (boiling hot) over them, covoroloaOj and sot them aside till the nextday'; drain and dry on a' oloth, putthem into cold distilled vinegar with a

--Jew blade:) of., b>v.v.?.*>«* S"*8,,'r> "ovu^wholer-ptiyp.or sisa a little mace, keepalways covered with vinegar, cork thejar olose, iuid put in a diy,^cold place.REMEDY FOR CROUP^jjjf ' pirlta of "tor-.

Smtine is a sovereign ix Âày for croup,atúrate a pie co of flannel with it, and

place it on the throat /and cheat, andBend for your family physician. If thoease be very urgent, and the child ingreat distress, and the distance to thedoe-tor's residence very great, drop threedrops of the turpentine on a lump ofsugar and give it internally. Or a goodemetio of blood-root, or lobelia, or bothcombined, shonld be prven. Everyfamily should kee?) a bottle of spirits ofturpentine in the house.THE bloom, or glaze, or facing oA

green and black tea is generally artificial. In the case of green tea it is or¬dinarily a mixture of Prussian blue,tnmerio, aud sulphate of mime, or Chinaclay ; and in that of black tea it is notunfreqúently a coating of black lead.The tea prepared for the English mar¬ket is notoriously subject to these adul¬terations ; and it seems that this arisesentirely' from OUT own fsney, and notfrom any desire on the part of theChinese to pursue snob, a praotiee. Theadulteration^ is easily discovered bytreating the tea with, cold water, andthen straining through muslin, and al¬lowing the fine powder to subside.To PRESERVE MILK.-Provide bottles,which must be perfectly clean, sweet

and dry. Put the mille warm from theco" into these bottles, and, as they areiined, immediately cork them np andfasten tho cork with wit e. Then spreada little straw on the bottom of a boiler,on which place the bottles, with strawbetween them.. Fill it np with coldwater. Heat the water, and as soon asit begins to boil draw the fire and lettho whole gradually cool. When quitecool take out the bottles, paok themaway ia sawdust and put thom in a coolplube, but whero the milk will notfreeze. Milk preserved in this way willkeep perfectly sweet for years.To Cuvs rA m, [/.F. FLOWERS.-Construct

some bankets of fancy form with plia¬ble copper vrire, and wrap thom withgauze; into theso tie to tho bottomviolets, fems, goraninm leaves-in fact,any flowers but full-blown roses-andsink them in a solution of alnm-onepound to a gallou of water-aftor thesolution lias cooled. The colora will bopreserved in their original beauty fasterthan from a hot solution. Whon youhave a light covering of crystals thatcompletelyj cover the articles removothe basket careiully aud allow it to dripfor twftlyo hours. These baskets makea bâàntlftd"parlor ornament, and for along time preserve tho freshness of theflowers, ¿rn -,v ????? ,

HANorsö-BAskETs.-A oharming and102?^25^ home «dominent may boraifde rr/iwlDg a basket constructed inthe manser given above or by procuringa email wire baoket and lining it with'cohered tissue-paper,' Of various colorsnicely'fringed ; take a twe-pound oys¬ter*¿ari, pat a sweet potato in it, arid fillit with.'water ; place the can in thecentur of tho banket, and procure fromany florist some gay. southern maasTindplace in the edge of the basket. In a

. short time tho sweet-potato will 6«mdout a number of viue-3, vd,¡oh may be

guided by Btrings around pictureframe«, twining through mautel orna¬ments over tho cloak, adding beautyand cheerfulness to tho room. It can beplaced in any part of the room, aa it isnot necessary that the sim should shineon it. and the vine will grow all winter inwater.

QUITE FOB DBUNKENNESS.-There is acurious prescription in England for thecure of drunkenness, by which thou¬sands aro said to have been assisted inrecovering themselves. Tho recipecame into notoriety through the effortsof John Vine Hall, father of Rev. New¬man Hall and Captain Vine Hall, com¬mander of the Great Eastern steamship.He had fallen into such habitual drunk¬enness that his utmost efforts to regainhimself proved unavailing. At lengthho sought tho advico of au eminentphysician, -who gave him a prescriptionwhich ho followed faithfully for severalmonths, and at the end of that time helost all deBiro for liquors, although hebad for many years been led captive bya most debasing habit. Tho recipe,whioh he afterward published, and bywhich BO many have been assisted ioreform, .ÍB as follows : " Sulphate ofiron, 5' grains ; magnesia, 10 grains ;peppermint water, ll grainB ; spirit ofnntmeg, one draohm-to be taken twicea day." Tliis preparation acts UH atonic and stimulant, and so partly sup¬plies the place of tbe accustomed liquor,"and prevents that abeolute physical andmoral prostration that follows a suddenbreaking off from tho use of stimulatingdrinks.

Arab Horse Maxims.Whoso raisoth and traineth a horse

for the Lord is counted in tho numberof thoso who ghc alms day and night,in private as well as public. Ho «illhud his reward. All his sins will boforgiven him, and never will any fearcome over him and dishonor bia heart.Lot your colt bo domesticated and

livo witli you from his tenderest ago,and when a horse ho will bo simple,docile, faithful and inured to hardshipand fatigue.If you have your borso to servo you

on tho day of trial, if you desiro himthen to bo a horse of truth, mRke himBober, accustomed to hard work andinaccessible to fear.Do not boat your borHes, nor apeak to

them in a loud tone of voice ; do not boangry with them, but kindly reprovetheir faults; they will do bettor there¬after, for they understand the languageof man and its meaning.If you have a long day'B journey bo-fore you, spare .vour horse at tho Btait ;let him frequently walk to recover hiBwind. Goulinuo this until he hassweated and dried three times, and youmay aok him whatevor you please^ howill not leave you in diilioulty.Uso your home nu you do your leath¬ern bottle; if you open it goi tly andgradually you can easily control tbewater within, but if you open it sud¬denly the wator escapes at once, andnothing remains to quench your thirst.Never lot your horse run up or down

bill, if you can avoid it. On the con¬trary, slacken your pace. "Whioh doyou prefer," was asked of a horse, " ascent on decent?". "A. ourao ^o on t-boir-point of meeting I " waB the answer.Make your borso work and work

again. Inaction and fat are tho g?eatperils of a horse, and tho main causeof all bia vices and disease.? ..Observe your horse when he is driuk-ing at a brook. If in bringing downhia\head he remain square, withoutbeading his limbs, he possesses sterlingqualities and all parts of his body arebuilt symmetrically.Four things he must have broad-front chest, loins and limbs; fourthiiigs long-neok, breast, fore-armand croup ; and four things short-pas¬terns, back, ears and tail.

A New Grass.The Savannah Advertiser says that

after Sherman made his march to thesea, all in the wide track of waste anddesolation that bo made with the trampof his footman and the iron feet of hiscavalry there sprang up a new and un-known grass from the soil, whioh thefarmers called "Sherman clover." Itwould grow np in the most unexpectedI places, and it is said would root ontJLSermnaa groat* ; aud, us a strange niii-i-larity, we now hear that after the Fran¬co-Prussian war of 1870-71,¡in many dis-triot-j of France a new vegetation sprangup, evidently the jreeult of the invasion.It was believed that this vegetationwould become acclimatized, bat veryfew of the species introduced in thisway appear likely to continue to flour¬ish. In the departments of Loir andLoiret-Ghor, of one hundred and sixty-three German species, at least one-halfhave already disappeared, and tho sur¬viving species diminish in vigor eachyear. Scarcely five or six specif H ap¬pear to manifest any tendency to be¬come acclimatized. Gan any of onrnaturalists account for it.

-Old man Wheeler of Minnesotawants a divorce from his wife. Shesent him down tho cellar one night lastweek after a bottle of yeast. Ho got itand was trudging along up ntairs, think¬ing of nothing in particular, when thebottle exploded, scaringWheeler so thathe fell with ono groat whoop down in asoap barrel under tho stairs. Whenthey pulled him out he pranced aroundyelling " Cuss a wife ; cass yoast ; cusstho whole of ye 1" And tho lawyorssay ho has got a good case.

VINEOAB BiTTzns.-Dr. J. Walkor.aregular practicing physician of Cali¬fornia, has conferred a pricoloss boonupon r -inkiud by tho introduction ofa '?' B'ttcrs " oomponnded from herbsdelusively, which may be truly saidto be superset ing all others, and isbecoming a bitter dole indeed for thecharlatans and quacks, on account ofits immenso sile and universal popu¬larity. Not only are these VinegarBitters, as ho calls them, an invalu¬able tonio-and «Iterative, bnt tbey areacknowledged as a standard Medicine,and the astonishing rapidity withwhioh they eura disrases hitherto de¬clared inonrable, seems almost incred¬ible. After having been carefullytested, they are k» pfc on hand in thou¬sands bi households, and used for anyand every form of disease, mauy re¬lying npon them in preference to themont «wtat»rat«tl physicians; They

hwo booomo a recognized " familyremedy." and nroporly so.

Don't Hack, Hack, Ceucli, CungH !Cough ig a symptom by which various OÏB

oanod conditioiiH of the throat, bronchial inbo¬und lungs manifest themselves. But whetherit arises from tho irritation produced in thothroat and larynx by taking cold, from an at¬tack of bronchitis, from incipient, consump¬tion, or from various othor catiBoa, nothingwill allay it moro speedily or euro it moro per¬manently than Dr. Piorco'B Golden MedicalDiscovery. It dooB not matter whether it boa recent attach, or a Ungering cough, the Dis¬covery ÍB in eithor caae equally well adaptedfor itB roliof and pormanoul cure. In fact, itwill euro a cough in one-half tho limo IICCOHnary to euro it with any other medicine, and itdooB it, not by drying it up, but by removingtho causo, Biibduing tho irritation, and healing tho affected parts. No time Bhould bo lot-tin commencing tho uso of a proper raodicinofor tho reliof of a cough, for unless thiacourse is pursued, eoriouB and dangorous dia-oaso of tho lungB ÍB hablo to roanlt. GoldonMedical Discovery is sold hy all dealers inmedicines. '_By negleetiug the precaution which

common BOIIBO dictatos, many fall victims totheir own imprudence. Wo havo BOOH theyoung and beautiful girl, tho hopo and pridoof her parents-hor chook -fhieliod with an¬ticipation, and hor oyes boamine with tho gaydroams of lifo-wo have Boon all HUB changedfor a shroud by noglocting a common coldwhich had settled upon hor lungs. It mighthave oaBily been cured if it had boon attendedto in timo. Now, wlion your lunga aro liretdiboasod with tho incipiont Btages of con¬sumption, you Bhonld uso Allon's Lung Bal-8am, which will roliovo them without fail.For salo by all medicino doalors.

Premature loss of the hair, which isHO common now-a-daye, may bo ontiroly pre¬vented by tho uso of Burnott'B Cocoa]no. Itbaa boon used in thousands of CSBCB wliero thohair wan coming out in handfulH. and haH nov-or failed to arrest itB decay, and to promote ahealthy and vigorotiB growth. It is at thosamo timo unrivalled aa a dressing for tho hair.

THBRK are moro than ono thousanddifferent kinds of pills in the United HlatcH.Some .of i hom aro worthless and injurious,othors aro good and beneficial. Old Dr. Par-soiiB invented tho host anti-biltouH pill we oversaw or honni of. Thev are now sold underIbo namo of rarBOUB' Purgative Pilli«.

WK understand that the whooping-sough is quito prevalent in tho towns aroundIIB ; but that no eases havo proved fatal. Homofamilies uso nollung but Johnson's AnodyneLiniment. Our Doctor, however. Bays a lilt loinicac, to prodtico vomiting, would bo an ad¬vantage.


Go to Kivormdo Water Cnro. Hamilton, 111.Tint roiiNiimptlvrs or sufferer freni any

pulmonary disease will find Tntt's Kxpccloriiiil Hiemost general restorative ever offend an invalid.VEtiKTAHIiR rilliiriONAn V HAL-NAN! Most approved.reliable and well-known rem¬edy for Couchs, Colds ti Consumption, (iel Ihr pen¬nine. Price fl ; small BOe. CuTuin Bnns.fc ..Hoxtou

MARKET REPÖRTS.nashville. \FLOUR-fluperfln».I 4 29

XXX. 6 WFamUy. 6 75

OOKH 51KAt.. naon«N. 80OATH . 75WHEAT. 1 WiMAX --Best. 'il IX)ORAN.2r. onrEANUT8. -75BACON-Olear Hides..HAMB -Bngar Cured. <AiLARD.BOTTER......EGOS.GINSENG..... i ay noWOOL-Unwashed.

Tub washed.-_wrrxemT-Onnam..:...T. TV/GÊ/Jt )ftRobertson Uonnty., i 78 «sA« OnBourbon. 1 25 OÍ >.» WLincoln Oonnty. 1 7B «jM*6''H IOUWINES. 1 15 oftCOTTON. 8 WÍ¿4~XOrdinary. StS^'li^Good Ordinary..... lVißfLow Middling. H \; I>I I 15

SEEDB-Glover.".m~~~~ 8 00 t»T8 60Timothy.". 8 ai BBS¿9°Orchard Grasa. a 40 n 'J 75Bino Grass._.. 125 KU 50

TOBACCO. light Clarigaadpfl

Common Inga.$ 0 on.rilo 00 $ 9Good lugs..,.io roan to io 25Common leaf.-.7.....12 50(313 COMedium leaf.14 w<mr> 50Goodleaf.10 60330 fOOholcoleaf.21 00@23 00

WHE VT - lt >a and Amber.$ OSO ma-Sacked.DdOATS. 61BUTTER-Cholee. 20HAY-Timothy. 18 00GINSENG. 1 80FRUIT-Apples. Green. 2 CO

Lemons, perbox... 8 00Oranges.ll 00

PORK-Mess. 10 £0LARD. ir.\ r. '. ICBACON-Clear Sid«. 11>Í# F ">íCHEESE-Oholco. 15»¿é J«MFLOUR-Superfine. 4 Ol 3 « MlExtra family. 4 f0 0 « 60Fanoy. 6 75 0 Í 25WOOL-Tub-washed....,. CO ....Unwashed._ 93 ia fiPOTATOES-Irish, \1bbl. 2 76 <& I 00COTTON-rrlicul'iiü^,.,. ta 15Good Ordinary . 14 9 ....New Orleans.FLOUR-Extra.$ 6 00 <* .XXX....',. 5 0 (ft 5 2%OORN.87 Ht 88OATS. 71 OS

' 73HAT. 24 00 m 2T tuPORK-Moss. 20 75 0 ....BACON. 12VÄHAMS. 18 <<e l«)<rLARD. UV,* 16'

SUGAR-Fair to Prime. 7?¿4 8VWHISKY-Ix) iilutana. 08 i4 0/'O Inc In nati. 1 00 0 1 01COTTON-Good Ordinary. ÜJí'é 13JÉLov/Middling. 14 « Hy;Cincinnati.trix)un-Family.f n ni ^ 5 toWHEAT. 1 07 ® 1 10OORN.". C2tfi» «7OATS." C9 <£ 0)PORK-Moss. 19 00 & ....HAMS-Sugarcured.., W» lOifB4.00N-Oioar sides." 10 <¡t 10«,'m ?.?Agenta. Chang Chang sells at Sight. Necessary aasoap. Gooda free, Chan« Chang »1Tg Co . Boston.

talent Novelties. Largest "tatloncry par knee Inthe world. Felton A Co . lin Nassau Bl., N. Y.2 FNn for Illustrated Poultry circular, free. Ad¬dress Or. C. Lewis, Marlboro, Stark Ko , Ohio8

MO Per Day« UVpay Atenla, t-ttady Work.8cnd tot term*. The. (höbe, 18 Liberty .ti.,N.V.

Í* A DAY. Terms to agenta froe Address ;ï. ;,.Shepard k O i.Bost'u.N.York.Ohlo'go orSl.Louls.01» I t\ to Q'Jti PER D\ Y-tend for "Chrofno"»lPXVJ oataiosue, J. H.B[urKOBO*»«ONH,Boston.ftK0^^!! I>er day at home. Terms free. AddressOOHWCU (iKO.iSTTKaoN AGO.. Portlaid MainetHj / ii \ » week te agents. Oi.ctilars frre. PnmrHc»V\ >\J 'JV;, o. CHADWICK A Co.. ft, lom«. Moft*7fi * VKKK. Agents wanted everywhore. ForQftflt25c gamut ds WALKXB, Dayton, Ohio.íR9nn month to agonis every where. Addressip/iuu KxcKunoa M'r'o Co.. Burhanati. H'lnh.

^1 he American Patron ft the moatpopu ar grange-and larm naper-|l.2"> a year. Specimen free Ad-pq dress J. K. BARND, Publisher. Flndtay. Ohio.

AGENTS WANTED-Men and women. «»4 aweek or |I00 rnrfelted. The irr.iet frrn. Wrbeat once lo ''OWEN A co.. 8th street. Now York

I2Ö"Daily to A gc 111* A> now articles and ihebest Family I'Apcr lu Am«rica, .wt'ti '.wof schioiuo-i. free. Am. M't'g lo.:«» Broadway, N.Yaddreis K. R. t'ojhran. Middletown, Dela-v/ire, for freA c talozuo 01 rho'cc3t p acbtrew, small fruits-, e-c. Bottom pr ces.ALL

(One box of Carr's ïnctont Ink Powder \wIllroake-aplDtor BKRT BLACK INK IB flT»rolnoU3. ?.lJ&p*rdl..ftl.»brmiU. IL QIO. CART, Zaneiriilf.C). jrA WCfit «nd K j poners to all.«u>'W, AtnplH u* fliiur. Sampln froi. O M.I. XI N<*TMN A 1» Kt I.. N. V or < thleugo

ÛOr PKlt DAY cnaimission or sao a week<do¿5D «alary. »nd expensen. Wenfn-r lt and willk*AV lt. Anolf ri»»*. U. Wetilisr ÄA)t?i Marlon Q

GUNS. Cnialoguo Vre«. Kn-«loliill «to Cn , mir» N6:li ed reel Ht. I."iii \ Mo.

Contimit Bifptoumcnl.-At home.male or remain.lao »week warranted. No capital required. Purtlcnlars and valuaide fample si-nt free. Address,with Sd. return stamp. C. UU--B, u illlHUisblirgh.N.^ .

J7» A ll ttlKMT Peach In the world. Indorsed byLi bott fruit tuen lu Amerl n; Downing. Harry,'1 houuifi, Warder, Ilnsmnnn. Itcrckniuns, «se , «Vc.Send fijr circular. J c TBAS.'Caribage. Mo.

ADV KKTIMI'.I'.H: eena is» co. to UKO. P. p.ow?Ul « Co.. 41 Park now, K. V.. for their .Po«»

pMtt ot IOU y<io». con tal u! D& Usia of (OOS news..n"* . - A «.«ilTrivf*«, . hnw . ? . .-..» nf tv^vortkUt

A MONTH.-AU F. ST« wanted everywhere. Business honorable mid llrst-cl .KM. Particulars sent free. Address

WOKTJl .fc t:i».. Ht. Louis. Mo.



riSllIS paper la printed willi ink furnished by1 ciiiiriis Ktieu Jolinao.i *t'n,Mi Ho. ltnh t-tPhiladelphia und SSUilld ttr«et; Kew York,talo In lu and VS Di i nns by SOUTH 1-KN NKPA PKK ü> ION. Nashville. Tenn.

t\ ii Init-ie-ung illus¬trated work of '.'GOpages, contaluliig

valuable In format lon ¡or lliose who are mar1 led orcontemplate marriage. Price Itfiy cents by mall.Addres Du. BUTTS' DISH I* NBAKY, 12 NorthF.lchtli «treef. "t. Lou's. Mn

WANTH) v Kuvwu KKK.-The... Ibo world- Importers' prices-

largest company in A mrrica-staple article-pit uses everybody-trade Increasing-bert Inituceh>ent»- lon'i wattle lime-send for circular t iRobert '»'ells. 41 Vesey M A. Y ; P. O. Box l.hT.

LEG AND ARMS. Blithest itwnnlexhibited. SatKlhclion gnni--loitesl Improved I.WIS ti

0 wlîêrcv

Úantccd,'NOI.miCEEN on lloví order. A pillV forblanks lo CHAS. M. KVANS. MunniTor,

Vii W. Knurl h Stn et. Cl NCI NNATL 11., orS.W. Cor.4lh and Market St««., l.nCISVILLK. KY.

THE FAVORITES.Vibe iltlet-

K. IndicateFA MIL Y FA VORI ry.MAtfUFACTllHEIlS- FA VORITU.GENERAL FAVORIT* Jibe UsesFur full Information re;peeling our nooda

Agencies for same, iiddr »s W.KV DSKWI NO MA-CHINK COM PANY m llartr« rd. Coiii.ecticul. orour Branch Ofllces In lea lng ci «les

ADVERTISERS.Tho Anicrlcnn IVc.wK|in|icr Union numbert

over l,iiOOTapor8, aopiralcd Into Keven BUbdlVlS*ions. For Bi-p»rato lists and cost ot advertising,address S. V. BAKIiOKX. Ill Mouroo St.. Chicago

The Tribune Almanac.«ND

Political Register for 1875.OLDEST, LARUKa , KS r. 118 1'AOliH.

Tito Standard Political niel Statistical Annual.Price, postpaid. V.0 cents Seven tor*l.m Addrrau

Till-: Titi HUNK, New York.

SENT FREEA Hook expoHing tho mysteries of WATT 0 IT»and how any one may operate sue- lt nub ul.COsaftilly willi a capital ol *0)0 or S I min. ComUlolo Inslinctlniia and lllustr .lions io any address'rc PI lt ii 1 nt ; K «to CO. HANKKKM and BROK KUM,2 Wall slreet. New York

TBN~WIRE RINGS.Ill n»i II???>(. oe ninkn tho11 UR'S Nose Hore.Tlnrdr.-nro Dealern nell them.1« nger.H.OO: Tin Ringn.perIOU. OOo.; Coppered Kings,(OOo.: Tongn. SI.RA; by mall,.pn.stp.iol. Circulara free.II. W ll 111 A Cn. Decalur.lll.

SAI URDA V .IOUH-NAL, th" cune literary Weekly ol

A mei len, for one your for Hie regular nuhccriptlonpries, t.'i, portage pani.YI y . Names entered Impartially nr. received, and|5o*sta neut at once loovcry tilth aulncrlner.Clubs of five int ij.'losrhi MMÍ.V rttant the IV Thinli mir J" ch lo n io" li CH-.II pre in ii ni of i¡> lo everyIllili RlibsciHIT! 'I lu- ll. io nniue ts a DUfllcleilli II i .tm y of f .li niai a .1 In* li mem. r-eiiu money

. KA ULK «t ADAMS,I. Nen Y


$5 GASH »S "

order or n-gi .le-o i lei liuiiilalio.K.fis \\ iill.un


Foi- I'» ol - loon I ¡lint A inn I eurI'elllt t-t-M, Si tu,el-. Not-let ten, Milln.,il;i<-1 ure -, M err Inuits, uni) nlliirJ iii.«lilt! BEST i vcr invented. lll.OOO In list'.TJBII'styles, Prloca from $0.00 to £100.00BENJ. O. WOODS & CO. MannCrs L ..j c. I.,«,!,,». Mjiürhil,-rColaluguc.) 40 Federal Ht. Boston.


By T. W. IllUolNsON."It has a e'enr title to sunviorlty over any s ni-llar work "-hanlon Aiivtnlxtr." A book wnere lhere ls et ervthlng to praise annotbln < to condemn "-AT, l" Tribune...Thenvi- of ihn ho >s ls admirable."-JV.Eventnp' Mr. Hlgui M>II tva. well ciualirled lo-wrlte suchn'atnry."-SprinpfitM Ur ubilernt.Hq lfhun.. u Uh over ino ilmstr-lions Price (IAO...-em p.».t p on ric. Ipi ot the price. LKK «t" ".I'A MI), irSH K Boston.

.l'HP. llniisT In (ho Wot ld-.1 (liv s Unlverssl .->iitlsfiic'lun.WtlMiKKPUli Kwinoaiy.411 ll s more to bbl. KlourBAVW"* .MILK, KUUS, <fcO.One vein "s MI vim: will Imv a cowNO '1 O lt P. .»OUIC llltli' n.Whiter lighter, sweeter, ridler.KVi- lt YIIOOY l'rnlsis I».The liol es nieiill lu love« I I: ltSKLI.Sllkc HOT CAKKSn ni ouee fur circular lo(4K-.0. |.\ OK AN'TZ «fc Ct».,170 Bunno Mi.. Kow Vmk.



iu*AHui er-, l' Artopitoon.The niOM powi r ul Magic,lei n ev, rmade; with a r.tilnnl nil Lamp- forHome, Munday r-.cliool and LecturesstpieOPtlc i s dsn. tildes at reducednrl.-es. A pr fi obie Ru*l»e*i for a m inirlth »mall cpi ut Caiulogue^ st nt onWM. \. .U',\l,l,l-i|,,K,li|i|ilie.iiio , wu.. . «S'AliUlSTaKi1 114V ilieetmtt Ht rm-1, cu li mi el pu in, pnThis new Truss Is wornwith perfect com fonnight and day. Admitsitself to evety minionor. the body, retainingRupture under the1 Kniest exorcise or so¬berest strain until uer-II innen Hy cured. Soldcheap by tl"»

Elastic Truss Co.,083 m omi \i uv, New York Olly.Pentby mall i «it < rs-mi forclrcmar and hecured

My annual calalngiie .,i Vegetable and FlowerSeen lor IST5. will bs « frtr lo all who apply.( oe oiuer.s ol last »..Still i-ei-il not write Tor il. Inli A-'.II ho round Miver<tl vu} updo varieties cn nowvegeta bini InttcMlticfd f. if, t li* :i, m tinto this Kcnsmi.having made new vi Retables a specialty for manyyears. Growing uvrr II mut flffy vnrlillffon my several inrms, I would pamcui«°rly Invitethe patronage nf marMil ic «rdeners and all oilier.-who ere es recial ly di-Mi.-u tn have I heir seed pureand fri sh. and nf thc rerfl b'Kt ulrnln A ll seed sentnut from my esinblnbiin ut aro cove red by threewarrants a» xrlven lu my catalogue. J AM KM .Mai ol,-oenrl, Mass.


\V Hliur'« . od MVer OH e ml I.linc.-Peisonswho Imv. heen takiucCoi) Liver OH will be ple-.-iedlo learn Hist Dr. W Itwir asfu c:«» (lcd.(romdirec¬tions ol'»evei al nro'i a«i gr-miemrn. In rombining the pure oil.I lim -lu Mich a manner thalit ls pleasant io Hie i tste an I Its < ITicts lu lungcomplain s ar«) tril'y: teoudorfui. Vm-y tan'iy pcr-hotis who, e cate 4 wen p'otio-..nced hopeless and« ho hod t-ikf-n tho c .-li fora long lime without nunki- «-irect. j ive- h-eil onlir-ly cured byusing this preparation Ile sure and g.-t (he,iD«>. Manuln,- ii,o Dly Uv A B WILBOR. heralst, Boston Poid v nil druggists.

«pKTtiJMWLiMi V., oi Sóiil ChaimlnifV'S ll,, ; ritllci ' » a. ... -a. i,,,.:., «nul ral» HM IIIVS BIHI«fr. . M.-ii..: «ny |M-I ?? Hs , i le r-. InnUlilly, Tali «rt sit r,I..... ... j,. -, hy milli !'. ci nt»! t Hier «.¡iii « MsrrlsgfiOnldYfi ..i e -1.... I.-, pt- !.--:-i I «-ll. ..Ar. l.iwn.wnn.lil. X.ut. -,'.. t-lll^.s "nilli',.* Vii., Pet |-|,ll»,lvll-l,lv

Larpt Acciíent Iunraicc Co.IN THE WORLD.



insurance Company-OF-

HARTFORD, CONN.Accident Pollole« written,. U40,ooo1.1 tr Policies written. 'iijimiCn »ll A sods.Ç:»t!î.-»0,O(M)Surplus to Policy Holders,- l,uuu,uuut'aiit »ti lim« nts to PolicyIloltlersi.a,ooo,ooo

Hts.Wrlto lo TitK TBAVKI KU» INS«RAK;K COM;PASY. Hartford, conn , or apply ld" any Agent.Ilutes, blanks, eic . sent by mull.


I buve an IMPR.OVKD MiiKii-r ><>r makinga FU.1l'ICBAKING or YRAST I'OW DISH equal tothc beat i" I'1" market, with which 1 will end abook KlvtbK 40 mw nnd LXCKLlKM' M KT ll-OHS ;i«r USlnv it In cook In«. My I'akiiiK l*o» dorcan bo nindc for Kirenia n pound. Why pay 50 ort;o oonls per pound when >i.u can cMiy nuikoyour own l'or lu coins? I'riro ni my receipt fl 38Il willi hOWcVer, bo rent upon receipt ol *l W hyMAIL, with dir<-clloi s (in KiiKll^h and (.ornum) ti rMAKIN« ¡ind truth ri ll the KA.MKOf the NKWHPA-i- - u ls given In which.this nilvcritM-menl is seen.Tho i-.iST or this KVCKIPT IS HAVKO IN KV KUYtllhXK rOUNlMJ nf Ihe powder made. Ingrédientskept by i rocera nnd di ngclida everywhere. AddressO. w. BlilUO», Practical Druggist, Chicago, ill.


^aUftitít^cjioítct',A weekly I fi page nuntin, llnanciitl journal,

(«ml.lining hill II-|MII ls ol'««lien ¡il 1 ho

New York Stock Exchange.The next nunilior » di ciiulaiii < alunliln infm-ina-

lion icgunliu;: ll»- limul HU. <: .antill muthod. <'. <>p 'i.tlin^ « ¡Ili

STOCK PRIVILEGES,V Inil n.\plauaii?i-i will l»- givi-iinf I'ntu, Call i,

Spi'« ¿mil Sli.iildl.a io wliii-li

$10, $100, or $1.000 j{Jan lin Invested willi .i nuance ol iciiltxiui!

etioi mono piolita. Tho Biiba« i ipi ion pi i< o ol limRnroin un is 61.00 ?> year. I^pccliiiin iitunliei*!will ho lualloil lite ol' ..lour:", liv addtossing

Wall Strebt Publishing Co.,I3*i 137 William Siir.-t, New Yoik.

Burnett's CocoainePieVonta Hie Hair from Falling.

Burnett's CocoainePromotes ita HealtU^ureTtrUi.,

Burnett's Cocoainela not Greasy nor Sticky.

Burnett's CocoaineLeaves no Disagreeable Odor.

Burnett's CocoaineSubdues Refractory Huir.

Burnett's CocoaineSoothes tho Irritated Scalp-Skin. <

Burnett's CocoaineAffords tho Richest Luetro.

Burnett's Cocoainels not an Alcoholic Wnsli.

Burnett's CocoaineKilts Dandruff.

Burnett's CocoaineGives Now Lifo to the Hair.

Burnett's CocoaineRemains Longost lu Effect.

Prepared only byJ08EPH BURNETT & CO.

27 Central Street, Boston.And Sold Everywhere.

DR. WHITTIER,No. 617 St. Charloc Strcot, St. Lcale, Mo.,conllouea lo treat »ll ea.ea of nt»iar>a lo marri**«, bloodImpurities, avery aiim.-i.t or (lakatm whlih r.- .nit« liol) or III ll 11 I, ll, .-. with Unparalleled KHCCCmPr. W.'« cainbil,timmi I« rhart.-rnl hy lue Plato M vii».our!, w.. f. un l.- .m h.. baca r» io mnr<.afc, certain »lui t'llabu- rrlli-f. Reluit » nra4uato »I?errral mnllc.-il oollrcea, am] Inning .tic cxr.crlenct ol alon» »ort auree.afnl Hr? In 1.1. aprrlaltlr. h>- baa urinatedrrinr.llra lhal aro (iflVtOiiil in all th.-se cinc». Iii, i<atUii,tiarr t»-log treal-il hy mail rr c«|>ri-»-i .-irrjwhrro. Ktmullir »ho railed, call ur wrllc. Krom tho gr.- »t nnn>ber of aMtllewlleas he !.. nnnbkid lo keep bl* -.Imrn.»lor. ali pilgra, chin* full rv in lion«, fur mo alampa.MAirtKBÄC£ CUIDE,Ml'pagráj a imputar b-v.ii «hieb ¡thoutd bu rend bj -.-.prTN-lr- No married pair, or pcr«oua r..n-.-n.| aiw¡ unir.rl«K".r»n an..,.! |q .lo without lt. lt contain. Ihr ll?"?tidal literatura on Iblt «iihjett. Iho rt-«ulbmf II.. W a»»« MPCrleoea;ni n inc brat Ihntigbla from Int* vr.u'n Kuini i>.<t Amc.-l-a. Hrat aealed. |*l»l.pald for ttl Ct4.

lill IBIil IMMHI IT-

PIUMHabit CuredA cert II in and mire euro, without Inconvenience,and at limno. An antidota Hull stands purely oil Ksown merits, fiend for my quarterly magasine (licorto jyoti iiothlntj), tonialnlngeei tíllenles of hundredsOmi have been permanently cured. I claim to havodiscovered und produced tho Fi mr. ORIGINAL ANDONLY tOUK GÜBS roil Ol-IVM EATI.v'l.DR. S. H. COLMIÏ9, La Porte, Ind.B.M.YVOOL.BY, Sole Agt. Southern States,


A t In. H t it, Ga.HAHITtCURKD ot nomo. No

elly. Torin» moderato,short, Vow year« of un-

_i paralleledsneecMs DescribocttBn..ltlO<f.»f/»o;i<o;..AddreasUr.y.E..Mnrali.(jnlncv.Mlcli.(KOAfi itiiii c x 111.11 " a tnonlli to agent«. AddrcMa»*UUA.I.hTülJI)AUl)1 Jonc.vlliu, Mich


VINEGAR BITTERSDr. J. Walkers California Vin«.

Cgar 'Mitlers aro a purely Vegetablepre Hara; ion, made chiefly from tho na¬tive herbs found on tho lower ranges oftho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor¬nia, tho medicinal properties of whicharo extracted therefrom without tho usoof Alcohol. Tho question is almost;daily asked. "What, is the, cause of thounparalleled success of VINEGAR BIT¬TERS?" Our answer is, that they removetho causo of, and the patient re¬covers his health. They arc the greatsblood purifier and alifc-giyhig principle,a perfect Renovator ami Invigoratoraf thc system. Never before in thohistory of tho world has a medicino hmincompounded possessing tho remarkablenunliiirs of VINKCAK Hrcriats in healing thonick ol' oven disease man is heir to. Theymt! a geiitlt i'urgativo as well aa a Tonic,relieving Congestion or Inflammation oltilt) liiver and. Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases.Thc properties of Du. WALKER'S

VIKKCAK ItiTTKKS aro Aperient, Dianhorctio,Carminative', Nutritious, Laxative, DiureticSedativo, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alteralive, and A uti-Bilious.(írateful Thousands proclaim VIN¬

EGAR BITTERS tho most wonderful In-vi goran t that ever sustained tho sinkingKystom.No Person can take these Bilton?

according to directions, and remain lon%unwell, provided thoir bones aro not de¬stroyed hy mineral j^'ßon or othetmeans, and vital organs wasted boyondrepair.

il iHons. Remittent and Inter*mitteilt Fevers, which aro so prcva-lent in. tho valleys of our groat riverathroughout tho United States, especiallythose of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan¬sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande.Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro¬anoke, James, and many others, withtheir vast tributaries, throughout ourentire country during tho Summer andAutumn, and remarkably so during sea¬sons of unusual heat and dryness, areinvariably accompanied bycxtonsivode-angements of tho stomach and liver,ind other abdominal viscera. In theirtreatment, a purgative, oxerting a powd¬er fill influence upon these various or-guns, is essentially necessary. Thereis no cathartic for tho purpose equal toDR. J. WALKER'S VINICGAU BITTERS*as they will speedily remove tho dark-colored viscid matter with which thobowels nm loaded,-at -tho-same-tiraoBlinutlatiiig the secretions of tho llverp^*and generally restoring tho healthyfunctions of tho digestivo organs.Fortify tho body against diseaseby purifying all its fluids with VINEGARBITTERS. No epidemic can tako holdof a system thus fore-armed.Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head¬

ache, Jr*aip in the Shoulders, Coughs,Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, SourEructations of tho Stomach", Bad Tastein tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita-tation of tho Heart, Inflammation ot thoI.migs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid-noys, and a hundred other painful symp¬toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia.One bottle will provo a better guaranteeof its merits than a lengthy advertise¬ment.Scrofula, or King's Evil, White

Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nock,Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, IndolentInflammations, Mercurial A flections. OldSores, Erbptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyos, atc.In these, us in all other must it ut ional Dis¬eases, WALKER'S VIKROAR BITTKHS baveshown their great curativo powers in themost obstinnto and intractable cases.For Inflammatory and ChronicRheumatism. Gout, Bilious, Remit¬

tent and Intermittent Fovors, Diseasosoltho Blood, Liver, Kidnoys and H ladder,these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseñaosare caused by Vitiated Blood. ,Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en¬gaged in Paints and Minerals, suoh asl'hunbors, Typo-sottors, Gold-beaters, andMinors, ns they ad vaneo hi life, uro subjectto paralysis of tho Bowels. To guardngninst tlïis, tako a doso of WALKER'S VIN«HOAR BlTTKRS oeeasittiially.ForSK i ii Diseases, Eruptions, Tet¬ter, Salt-lthcuin, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,Puntales, Boils,. Carbuncles, Ring-Avorms,Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itel),Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Kamoraand Discuses of tho Skin of whatever namoor naturo, aro literally dug up and carriedout jf the system in a short tiiuu by tho usaol' those Bitters.Pin, Tape, and other Worms,lurking in tho system of so many thousands,aro effectually destroyed and remoVod. NP

system of medicino, no vermifuges, no an-thchninitics will freo tho system from wormsUko these Bitters.For Female Complaints, in young

or old, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo*manhood, or tho turn of lifo, theso TonioBitters display so decided an influence ¿batimprovement is soon pcrcoptihlo.Cleanse tho Vitiated Rlood when¬ever you find its impurities bursting thronghtho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Soies;clcanso it when you find it obstructed andsluggish in tho veins; clcanso it when it iafoul; your feelings will tell you whom Keeptho blood pure, and tho health of tho systemwill follow.

It. II. M. I)ON'AM) «fe CO.,Druggists and Gen. Agis., San Francisco, California,toa cor. of Wnuhington nnd Charlton Sta.. N. Y.

Hold «>v nil i>¡ -n;i;iHt- and Dealern*

DR. C. A. B0HÂNNAN,NO. 610 North Fifi h Slrect, HI. Louis. Mn.. KSTAB-

MS1IKD 1KI7. Cute* nil sn fl c rr in without Iba 1160 of -

Mercury. Charcos reasonable fees.JW Dr. B.'B 'ÎTroit ito or» Special*. whichfully oiplnins tho nature, cause», symptom*, and moana

lo euro nil forms cf Nervous Debility, all Distaffs causedby tho " ICrrnrs ot Youth," and Mutable Informationenothor delicate subjects, sent men tn plain toolonenvelope.

WHEN writing to advertisers pinnae mentionthe name ot Hil* paper, yo. U ti. ¡M. IL


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