the french revolution - Ça ira! - university of warwick · 2014-11-04 · the french revolution it...

The French Revolution - Ça ira! Ça ira! (Edith Piaf) Ça ira, ça ira! Les aristocrates à la lanterne! Song dates from the Revolution itself.

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Page 1: The French Revolution - Ça ira! - University of Warwick · 2014-11-04 · The French Revolution It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Charles Dickens, A Tale of

The French Revolution - Ça ira!

• Ça ira! (Edith Piaf)

– Ça ira, ça ira! Les aristocrates à la lanterne!

– Song dates from the Revolution itself.

Page 2: The French Revolution - Ça ira! - University of Warwick · 2014-11-04 · The French Revolution It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Charles Dickens, A Tale of

Making of the Modern World

The French Revolution

Page 3: The French Revolution - Ça ira! - University of Warwick · 2014-11-04 · The French Revolution It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Charles Dickens, A Tale of

The French Revolution

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

The French Revolution is a movement of God. It is a pure gift to progress. - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

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Enduring Reference Point for Social and Political Change

• ‘It will be like the French Revolution… It will take years.’

• Hatim Tallima of the Revolutionary Socialists in Cairo, 2013 (Arab Spring)

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Watershed moment of modernity

• Overturned

– Divine-right, absolutist monarchy

– Privilege (as opposed to equality before the law)

– Nobility

– Guilds, corporations

– The Church’s wealth and moral preeminence

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• Inaugurated (sometimes in ‘proto’ form): – Liberalism – Republicanism – Socialism – Conservatism – Free-market capitalism – Feminism – Nationalism – Imperialism (an ideologically driven form of it) – Liberal authoritarianism (contradiction in terms?) – Totalitarianism (Cold War term: from Rousseau, to

Robespierre, to Stalin?) – Secular universalism

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Burke (anti) vs. Paine (pro)

• Kings will be tyrants by policy when subjects are rebels by principle.

– Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)

• The circumstances of the world are continually changing and the opinions of man also; and as government is for the living, and not for the dead, it is the living only that has any right in it.

– Paine, Rights of Man (1791)

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• Origins – Circumstances (financial, political) – Class – Enlightenment ideas – Public Opinion

• Course – Was radicalisation inevitable? – Why the Terror (1793-94, the Year II)? – Why did republicanism give way to Bonapartism?

• Legacies – Did the French Revolution pave the way to liberalism and

human rights, social democracy or pathological forms of democracy?

Historical debates

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Thesis of circumstances

• Financial breakdown – France helped finance the American War for Independence

from Britain (1770s-1780s) – More than half of annual tax revenues used up to pay interest

on the debt (1786) – No central bank, regime borrowed at high interest rates – Refusal to pay more taxes

• Political juggernaut

– Parlements and Notables (represent ‘the nation’) vs. – Monarchy

• Bad harvests, high bread prices

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Class Interpretation (prevalent in mid-20th century)

• Three Estates

– Clergy

– Nobles

– Third Estate

• High bourgeoisie: all the wealth and productive power but no political power

• Abbé Sieyès, What is the Third Estate? (1789)

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Enlightenment Origins: Ideas?

• Faute à Rousseau?

– Collective sovereignty

– Moral regeneration and virtue

– Utopian principles lead to authoritarianism?

• Faute à Voltaire and aux philosophes?

– Desacralisation of throne and altar

– Critical reason trumps ethics, morality

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Enlightenment Origins: Public Opinion

– A more literate and critical public

• Content of print and conversations – Critical of monarchy (debauched, arbitrary, corrupt)

– Irreverence for sacred power: throne and altar

• The rise of a critical public, thinking for oneself – People, bombarded with print (some of it produced by

politically interested sources like the monarchy) learn to be skeptical

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Course of Revolution

• Liberal Phase – 1789-1792 (constitutional monarchy)

• Radical Phase – 1792-1794 (republic)

– Year II, the Terror (1793-94)

• Thermidor – 1794-1795 (republic)

• Directory – 1795-1799 (republic, but increasingly authoritarian)

• Consulate, Empire – 1799-1814 (Napoleon)

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Meeting of the Estates General May 1789

• Prior failure to persuade hand-picked assemblies of notables (1787 and 1788) to agree to more taxes

• Parlement (sovereign judicial courts) refuses to agree to more taxes

• Only remaining solution is an Estates General: a meeting of the clergy, nobles and third estate. First time since 1614 (absolutism had suppressed most representative bodies).

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1789 – La Révolution

• June 17 - Third Estate, impatient and suspicious of clergy and nobles, declares itself to be ‘the nation’. Asserts its sovereign authority over taxation and swears to uphold the debt

• Also creates a committee to investigate bread crisis and propose solutions.

• Late June – Louis XVI eventually concedes but plots military repression.

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June 20 – Tennis Court Oath (indoor, see below) New National Assembly takes an oath to refuse to disband until Constitution is completed June 27 – Louis XVI concedes but plots military repression

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• July 14 – The Storming of the Bastille – Parisians, in search of arms to protect themselves from monarchy’s

repression, attack this fortress and prison on the edge of Paris for arms; few prisoners being held there at the time. Governor fires on crowds, who storm the prison and put his head on a pike.

• August 4 – Abolition of Privilege (end of the Old Regime, since privilege was at the very heart of it)

• End of August: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

• October 5-6 – Women’s Bread March to Versailles – Brings King, Queen and National Assembly to Paris, where they were

more vulnerable to popular pressures

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Storming of the Bastille, July 14 Was torn down, stone by stone

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Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen note resemblance to Ten Commandments: a modern, secular religion?

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1790 • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

– State seizes church lands (10-12% of all land), which will be auctioned off (to pay for the national debt)

– Closure of monasteries and convents (seen as un-useful institutions in an age of Enlightenment utility)

– Requires religious clerics to swear an oath to uphold the new Constitution

• Left/Right splits in National Assembly

– Arch-Royalists sit on right; Progressives (Jacobins and their allies) on the left

• Spread of Jacobin clubs throughout France

– Who were Jacobins? • Initially a group of legislators who met to strategize • Eventually, became a nationwide network of clubs in favour of a constitution,

rights and legal equality • Often pressured local officials to carry out new laws

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• June: Flight of the King to Varennes – Intended to return with counterrevolutionary

troops to put down the Revolution (Marie-Antoinette’s brother, Joseph, was emperor of the Habsburg Empire)

– Louis XVI was recognized at border by a postman, sent back to Paris

• July: Radicals call for a Republic – authorities fire on them: Massacre on the Champs de Mars

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• Constitution (September)

• Legislative Assembly replaces Constituent Assembly

• Abolition of guilds, corporations and all government regulation bodies

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1792 • Tensions increase

– Religious Counterrevolutionary propaganda proliferates Resistance to clerical oath and anger about new constitutional priests imposed on parishes -- Social and economic Disruptions in the world of labour; popular discontent infiltrates political clubs and sections -- Political King is essentially a prisoner in Paris, plotting in hopes of a foreign invasion to put down revolution Divisions among revolutionaries radicals vs. moderates (Jacobins / Girondins)

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• April: War declared against Austria. Soon, France is at war with most of its neighbours, who fear the spread of revolution.

• August 10: The monarchy falls in violent insurrection

• September 2-7: Prison massacres of priests and nobles in Paris by radical ‘sans-culotte’ forces

• September 21: First Republic declared

– Constitution won’t be promulgated until June of 1793 – Operating in a state of exception… all executive decisions easily

denounced as arbitrary… no constitutional guidelines.. Sharp tensions between a free-market and regulated economy

– Pressure for political justice

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• January 21: Louis XVI is guillotined • March: counterrevolutionary revolts in Vendée • Terror gears up

– Creation of the Committee of Public Safety (executive) – Committee of General Security (police committee) – Revolutionary Tribunals (which condemn ‘enemies’ of the

revolution to the guillotine

• June: Jacobins, pushed by sans-culottes in Paris, purge the Girondins from National Convention.

• Summer: Federalist Revolts against Paris and sans-culotte movement (provinces resent purge)

• Autumn: Marie-Antoinette and Girondins guillotined

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• Slavery in French colonies abolished (Feb)

• Terror escalates (spring) – Purge of Dantonistes (who wanted to end the Terror) – Purge of Hébertistes (sans-culottes who wanted to push the

Terror further)

• High Terror (June/July): thousands executed in Paris • 27 July (9 Thermidor): Robespierre and other members of

the Committee of Public Safety are arrested and guillotined

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• The Directory

– Executive-heavy Republic, with 5 directors

– Difficult to pursue a middle path between radicalism and royalism

– 1797: elections are nullified; repression increases

– Revolution exported; the republican generals gain in reputation and power

• 18 Brumaire (Nov 9, 1799): Coup brings Napoleon to power

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• Consulate and First Empire: – Napoleon conquers much of Europe

– overturns old regimes across Europe

– Fleeces conquered countries but imposes new ideology and administrative structures… creating new political and administrative structures that will help bring about the rise of ‘nation states’ across the 19th century

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Key terms and concepts

• Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) • Jacobinism (centralising state, fiercely secular, touch of

social justice) • Sans-culottes (for economic regulations and punishment of

‘enemies’ of the nation) • Vendée (civil war) • Levée en masse – universal draft, largest army in Europe

almost overnight (1793---) • Terror • Guillotine (pain and torture is no longer the point of judicial

punishment. Equality and prompt, painless elimination of enemies from the nation)

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The Terror in perspective

• Struck at all ‘suspects’ of the new regime.

• Deaths from revolutionary strife

– 17,000 executions by revolutionary tribunals

– 15,000-17,000 die in prison

• Deaths in civil and foreign wars (1792-1815) – roughly 4 million across Europe

– 250,000 to 400,000 in the civil war of the Vendée

– Most deaths occur during Napoleon’s wars

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A new culture

• Time, weights and measure - rationality – Metric system created – more rational than inches, feet, etc. – Revolutionary Calendar based on nature. 10 day weeks

• Brumaire (Nov-Dec): ‘brume’ means fog • Ventôse (March-Apr): ‘vent’ means wind

• Revolutionary Festivals – Festival of the Supreme Being (June 1794)

• Deism • Notre Dame cathedral converted into the Temple of Reason

• Some public schools and museums founded

• Cult of the Nation –

– Pantheon: where France’s ‘great’ heroes were buried • Voltaire, Rousseau, radical murdered journalist Marat, etc.

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Revolutionary Calendar

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Sample of a ‘meter’ for public to use as guide, during Revolution

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A Temple of Reason (conversion of church, 1794)

Reads: The French people recognise the Supreme Being and the immortality of the spirit

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Festival of the Supreme Being

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Guillotine Execution of Louis XVI (Jan 21, 1793)

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• Revolutionary Europe (19th Century) – Notably in 1848

• Nationalism, rise of nation states (19th/20th centuries)

• Democratic revolutions across the world (20th century)

• Literature and Philosophy – Fires imaginations for more than two centuries

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Founding Interpretations

• Edmund Burke (Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790) – Modern conservatism

– Need for tradition and reverence

• Alexis de Tocqueville (The Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1857) – Abstract literary politics (Enlightenment) combines

with state centralisation to form new, modern forms of political oppression

• Marx/Jaurès (mid 19th, turn-of-20th) – Revolution as class war