the funnel

The Funnel(-neck-) beaker culture The Funnel(-nec k-)beaker culture, short TRB or TBK  from (Ge rman ) Trichter(- rand-)becherkultur  (ca 4300 BC–ca 2800 BC) was an archaeological culture  in north-central uro!e" #t $e%el o!e $ as a tec hnologic al merger of local neolithic an$ mesolithic techno- com!le&es 'etween the lower  l'e an$ mi$$le istula ri%e rs, intro$ucing farming an$ hus'an$r as a ma*or source of foo$ to the !otter-using hunter-gatherers north of this line" +rece$e $ ' engel-influence$ tro.e-ornamente$ ware culture (T/) grou!s ate engel an$ Ba$en-Bole r1 in the sout hea st , ssen grou!s in the sou thwe st an$ the rte'5lle- ller'e. grou!s in the north, the TB techno-com!le& is $i%i$e$ into a northern grou! inc lu$i ng mo$ern nort hern east al'i ngia n German an$ sout hern ca n$ina%ia (TB-6, roughl the area that !re%iousl 'elonge$ to the rte'5lle-ller'e. com!le&), a western grou!  'etween  7ui$eree an$ lower  l'e, an east ern grou! cent ere$ on the istula catchment, roughl ranging from $er  to Bug, an$ south-central grou!s (TB-9, :ltmar.) aroun$ the mi$$le an$ u!!er l'e an$  aale" s!eciall in the southern an$ eastern grou!s, local se;uence s of %ariants emer ge$" #n the late 4th millennium BC, the Glo'ular :m!hora culture (/:/) re!lace$ most of the eastern an$ su'se;uentl also the southern TB grou!s, re$ucing the TB area to mo$ern northern German an$ southern can$ina%ia" The ounger TB in these areas was su!erse$e$ ' the ingle Gra%e culture (G/) at a'out 2800 BC" The north- central uro!ean  megaliths were 'uilt !rimaril $uring the TB era" Contents < ange 2 ettlements 3 eligion an$ gra%es 4 '*ects = thnicit an$ language

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The Funnel


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• > Genetics

• ? @ootnotes

• 8 ources


The TB ranges from the l'e catchment in German an$ Bohemia with a western e&tension

into the 6etherlan$s, to southern  can$ina%ia  (Aenmar.  u! to  !!lan$  in we$en  an$ the

slof*or$ in 6orwa) in the north an$ to the istula catchment in +olan$ in the east"

ariants of the @unnel' culture in or near the l'e catchment area inclu$e the Tiefstich

 !otter grou! in northern German as well as the cultures of the Baal'erge grou! (TB-9

## an$ ### 9 D 9ittelel'e-aale), the  almEn$e an$ Falternien'urg  an$  Bern'urg  (all

TB-9 #) whose centres were in a&on-:nhalt"


Fith the e&ce!tion of some inlan$ settlements such as :l%astra !ile-$welling, the settlements

are locate$ near those of the !re%ious rte'5lle culture on the coast" #t was characterise$ '

single-famil $au'e$ houses ca <2 m & > m" #t was $ominate$ ' animal hus'an$r of shee!,

cattle, !igs an$ goats, 'ut there was also hunting an$ fishing" +rimiti%e wheat an$ 'arle was

grown on small !atches that were fast $e!lete$, $ue to which the !o!ulation fre;uentl mo%e$

small $istances" There was also mining (e"g" in the 9alm region) an$ collection of flintstone,

which was tra$e$ into regions the stone, such as the can$ina%ian hinterlan$" The

culture im!orte$ co!!er  from Central uro!e, es!eciall $aggers an$ a&es"

Religion and graves

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Aolmen in anc.en-Granit, one of a'out <,000 !reser%e$ TB 'urial sites in 9ec.len'urg-


The houses were centere$ on a monumental gra%e, a sm'ol of social cohesion" Burial

 !ractices were %arie$, $e!en$ing on region an$ change$ o%er time" #nhumation seems to ha%e

 'een the rule" The ol$est gra%es consiste$ of woo$en cham'ere$ cairns insi$e long 'arrows,

 'ut were later ma$e in the form of  !assage gra%es  an$ $olmens" riginall, the structures

were !ro'a'l co%ere$ with a hea! of $irt an$ the entrance was 'loc.e$ ' a stone" The

@unnel' culture mar.s the a!!earance of megalithic tom's at the coasts of the Baltic an$

of the 6orth sea, an e&am!le of which are the ie'en teinhuser  in northern German" The

megalithic structures of #relan$, @rance an$ +ortugal are somewhat ol$er an$ ha%e 'een

connecte$ to earlier archeological cultures of those areas"

The gra%es were !ro'a'l not inten$e$ for e%er mem'er of the settlement 'ut for onl an

elite" :t gra%es, the !eo!le sacrifice$ ceramic %essels that !ro'a'l containe$ foo$, an$ a&es

an$ other flint o'*ects"

:&es an$ %essels were also $e!ose$ in streams an$ near the farmlan$s, an$ %irtuall all

we$enHs <0,000 flint a&es that ha%e 'een foun$ from this culture were !ro'a'l sacrifice$ in


The also constructe$ large cult centres surroun$e$ ' !ales, earthwor.s an$ moats" The

largest one is foun$ at aru! on @n" #t com!rises 8=,000 m2 an$ is estimate$ to ha%e ta.en

8000 wor.$as" :nother cult centre at t%ie near un$ com!rises 30,000 m2"


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.ar!salling.arret, the cla !ot from .ar!salling, is from aroun$ 3200 BC" #t was

foun$ in <8I< on the u$ru! moor near .ar!salling in Jimmerlan$, Aenmar. "K<L

+otter from a $olmen in stergtlan$, we$en

+olgonal 'attle a&e, from Aalarna

tjocknackig yxa  (thic.-nec. a&e), from 6r.e, a flintstone a&e characteristic of 'oth

the @unnel' an$ the +itte$ Fare cultures

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tunnackig yxa (thin-nec. a&e), from .Mne

Aou'le-e$ge$ 'attle a&e from .Mne

The culture is name$ for its characteristic ceramics, 'ea.ers an$ am!horae with funnel-sha!e$

to!s, which were !ro'a'l use$ for $" ne fin$ assigne$ to the @unnel' culture is

the Bronocice !ot, which shows the ol$est .nown $e!iction of a wheele$ %ehicle (here, a 2-

a&le$, 4-wheele$ wagon)" The !ot $ates to a!!ro&imatel 3=00 BC"

The technolog was flint-'ase$, of which the $e!osits foun$ in Belgium an$ on the islan$ of 

Egen as well as $e!osits in the /ra.Nw area were im!ortant"

The culture use$ 'attle a&es which were stone %ersions of Central uro!eHs co!!er  a&es" The

earl %ersions were multi-angle$, an$ the later are calle$ double-edged , although one of the

e$ges is more roun$e$"

thnicit! and language

#n the conte&t of the /urgan h!othesis, the culture is seen as non-#n$o-uro!ean,

re!resenting the culture of what 9ari*a Gim'utas terme$ l$ uro!e, the !eo!les of which

were later to 'e go%erne$ ' the #n$o-uro!ean-language-s! !eo!les (see Oamna

culture) intru$ing from the east" The !olitical relation 'etween the a'original an$ intrusi%e

cultures resulte$ in ;uic. an$ smooth cultural mor!hosis into Cor$e$ Fare culture"

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Jetero$o&icall, one Autch !u'lication mentions mi&e$ 'urials an$ !ro!ose a ;uic. an$

smooth internal change to Cor$e$ Fare within two generations occurring a'out 2I00 BC in

Autch an$ Aanish TB territor, !ro'a'l !reclu$e$ ' economic, cultural an$ religious

changes in ast German, thus o!!osing the migrationist %iew of ste!!e intrusions

intro$ucing #n$o-uro!ean languagesK2L (at least in this !art of the worl$)"


#t has 'een suggeste$ that the @unnel' culture was the origin of the gene allowing a$ults

of 6orthern uro!ean $escent to $igest lactose" #t was claime$ that in the area formerl

inha'ite$ ' this culture, !re%alence of the gene is %irtuall uni%ersal"K3L : !a!er !u'lishe$ in

200? ' Burger et al"K4L  in$icate$ that the genetic %ariant that causes lactose !ersistence in

most uro!eans (-<3,I<0PT) was rare or a'sent in earl farmers from central uro!e" : stu$

 !u'lishe$ ' Ou%al #tan an$ colleagues in 20<0 K=L clearl shows this" : stu$ !u'lishe$ in

200I, also ' #tan et al",K>L  suggests that the inear +otter culture  (also .nown as

inear'an$.erami. or B/), which !rece$e$ the TB culture ' some <,=00 ears, was the

culture in which this trait starte$ to co-e%ol%e with the culture of $airing"

:ncient A6: e&tracte$ from three in$i%i$uals ascri'e$ to a TB horion in G.hem,we$en, were foun$ to !ossess mtA6: ha!logrou!s J, Q, an$ T"K?L