the glass menagerie - winthrop universitythe glass menagerie by tennessee williams director the...


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Page 1: The Glass Menagerie - Winthrop UniversityThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Director The Glass Menagerie is presented by special arrangement w ith Dramatist s Play Service,
Page 2: The Glass Menagerie - Winthrop UniversityThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Director The Glass Menagerie is presented by special arrangement w ith Dramatist s Play Service,

The Glass Menager ie By Tennessee William s

The Glass Menager ie is present ed by special ar rangem ent w it h

Dram at ist s Play Service, Inc. on behalf of The

Universit y of t he Sout h, Sew anee, Tennessee


Am anda Wingf ield Julia Benf ield*

Tom Wingf ield Jonat han Hoskins

Laura Wingf ield Bet h Byouk

Gent lem an Caller Brandon Byron

Scene: A f ire escape landing and an apar t m ent in

St . Louis

Tim e: The present and t he past

Par t 1: Preparat ion f or a Gent lem an Caller

—- 10 Minut e Int er m ission —

Par t II: The Gent lem an Calls

In com p liance w it h Wint hrop Universit y p o licy, w e ask sm okers t o use t he d esignat ed

area across t he d r ivew ay f rom t he f ront o f Johnson Hall.

* Denot es m em b ersh ip in Alpha Psi Om ega, t he Nat ional Honorary Theat re Societ y

Art ist ic St af f

Direct or Russell Luke

Scenic Designer Anna Sar t in

Light ing Designer Cait lin Brow n*

Cost um e Designer Janet Gray

Cost um e St udio Supervisor Am y Turner Thom son

Sound Designer Elizabet h Brodie

Technical Direct or Bif f Edge

Assist ant Technical Direct or St ef ano Lance

Assist ant Props Designer Jessie Cole

Wint hrop Universit y Depar t m ent of Theat re and Dance

Degrees Of f ered:

B.A. in Theat re, w it h concent rat ions in

Per f orm ance

Design/Technical Em phasis

Musical Theat re

B.A. in Theat re w it h Teacher Cer t if icat ion (K-12)

B.A. in Dance

B.A. in Dance w it h Teacher Cer t if icat ion (K-12)

Wint hrop Universit y is accredit ed by

The Nat ional Associat ion of Schools of Theat re


The Nat ional Associat ion of Schools of Dance

The vid eot ap ing or o t her video or aud io record ing o f t h is p rod uct ion is

st r ict ly p roh ib it ed .

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